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Back-Lit Conveyors

m k N orth Am erica, Inc.

better products. better solutions
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m k N orth A m erica, Inc.
better products. better solutions.

m k N orth Am erica, Inc. is a leading m anufacturer of high quality profile conveyors. W hether you
need a basic belt conveyor or a com prehensive conveyor system , put the m k N orth A m erica team to
w ork for you. You w ill experience first-hand the benefits of our innovative design, com petitive
pricing, exceptional custom er service and top quality - all com m itted to im proving the efficiency of
your m aterial flow .

The m k A dvantages

O ur m odular approach reduces engineering and lead tim e, and offers enorm ous flexibility and
design freedom
Robust construction and the use of high quality com ponents reduces dow n-tim e and operating
expenses w hile increasing productivity
O ur product line is continually updated in order to adapt the dem ands of an ever-changing
m arketplace
Trained field sales and technical application assistance
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24 hour Q uote Turnaround

-paced business w orld, w hen
you need a quote, you need it fast. W e
pride ourselves on turning quotes around to
our custom ers w ithin 24 hours of receiving
the application param eters.

w w w .m kN orthA m erica.com
O ur new custom er-focused w ebsite m akes
it easier and faster to find the conveyor you
are looking for. You w ill find extensive
inform ation on all products that m k N orth
Am erica has available.

Custom Solutions

m k Custom Conveyors is an especially innovative
and custom er-oriented product group. 40 years
of experience in the design and m anufacture of
conveyor system s for various industries enables us
to give you com petent advice specifically tailored
to your specific application. Please contact us
w ith your individual needs.

O nline Belt Conveyor Configurator
O ur new and easy to use configurator allow s you
to build and price your standard flat belt conveyor
online w ithin m inutes. Every configurable
conveyor ships w ithin 5 days. For back-lit
conveyors please contact our sales departm ent at
- Phone: (860) 769-5500
- sales@ m knortham erica.com
O ur Conveyors

W ith over 20 different conveying system s, all of w hich are com patible to each other, m k offers a product
variety w hich is unsurpassed in the m arketplace and includes flat belt conveyor, m odular plastic conveyor,
flat top chain conveyor, pallet conveyor, tim ing belt conveyor and roller conveyor. O ur broad offering,
and m ore than 40 years experience in m aterial handling, allow s us to offer robust solutions w ith long life
and reliable operation, w hile m aintaining all the advantages of m odular design and expandability.
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m k conveyors, better products. better solutions.

m k offers a w ide range of back-lit conveyors in various w idths and custom lengths. The sm ooth,
continuous surface of a conveyor belt is ideal for m any product handling applications. The follow ing are just
a selection of the features and benefits of all m k belt conveyors.

- Q uick 5 m inute belt change - Sealed, high-quality ball bearings
- Strong, box fram e construction - Stainless steel slider beds and crow ned
- End drive and center drive m odels` pulleys reduce belt w ear

bring light into the dark

Back-Lit conveyors are used to provide a greater contrast betw een the product and the conveyor belt.
They are ideal for vision inspection applications - both m anual and m achine controlled. A light panel is
integrated w ithin the fram e of our standard GU F-P 2000 series conveyor and em its light through a
translucent belt.

A static-dissipative polycarbonate cover protects the light source w hile dram atically reducing the
am ount of static em itted.
Fluorescent and LED light panels available.
O n/O ff sw itch w ith 115V pow er supply

putting it in perspective

The color quality of light is frequently described by its color tem perature. Light com ing from a norm al
incandescent lam p is usually about 2700 Kelvin, w hile a daylight source m ight have a color tem perature of
around 5500 -6000 Kelvin. This is w hy m k features prim arily 5400 Kelvin illum ination sources.
Back-Lit Conveyors
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Illum ination w ithout ultraviolet light
Preferred for sensitive parts
Low heat developm ent
Low failure rate
Low pow er consum ption
N o tim e lag
H igh safety (low voltage)
Long life
N o m ercury or heavy m etals
H igh light efficiency
Low -price
H igh range of perform ance types

Because our LED and Fluorescent light pads are
m aintenance-free, they can be integrated entirely
w ithin our standard GU F-P 2000
belt conveyor fram es.

115 V
N ote:
The custom er can freely specify
the light-panel location. Please
see page 7 for details.
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Light Source
Light A rea
W x L [m m ]
Part #
Lum inance
Lam p Life
N otes
95 x 95 LD -1 5,500 D aylight 70,000 a
153 x 153 LD -5 5,500 D aylight 70,000 a
210 x 297 LD -7 5,500 D aylight 70,000 b
305 x 305 LD -8 5,500 D aylight 70,000 b
457 x 610 LD -11 5,500 D aylight 70,000 b
610 x 457 LD -12 5,500 D aylight 70,000 b
610 x 915 LD -13 5,500 D aylight 70,000 b
Light Source
Light A rea
W x L [m m ]
Part #
Lum inance
Lam p Tone
Lam p Life
N otes
Lam p
127 x 100 FL-7 5,000 D aylight 10,000 c, d
120 x 172 FL-6 5,400 D aylight 20,000 e
195 x 247 FL-5 5,400 D aylight 20,000 e
280 x 408 FL-3a 5,400 D aylight 10,000 e
408 x 280 FL-3b 5,400 D aylight 10,000 e, f
N otes:
a) LED s on 4 edges c) can also operate on 6xA A A batteries
b) LED s on 2 edges d) O n/O ff sw itch on unit
e) O n/O ff sw itch on cable f) Color-corrected fluorescent
Light Specifications
M aintenance-free
Pow er Supply
O n-O ff Sw itch
Fluorescent Lam p
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M in O AL: M inim um conveyor length w ithout stands. A dd 125 m m per stand.
M in LP: For Center D rive conveyors, m inim um LP dim ension is LP
at both ends.
D im ensions
LED Fluorescent
BB Part #
M in O A L
M in

M in

D ischarge
BB Part #
M in O A L
M in

M in

D ischarge
D rive
D rive
D rive
D rive
100 LD -1 535 640 160 285 200 FL-7 520 640 135 290
200 LD -5 530 640 130 250 200 FL-6 560 640 140 245
250 LD -7 665 675 130 245 250 FL-5 725 975 180 300
400 LD -8 675 685 130 245 300 FL-5 655 705 140 270
500 LD -11 980 990 130 250 400 FL-3a 840 885 155 280
700 LD -12 860 840 130 250 500 FL-3b 770 1013 200 300
700 LD -13 1290 1300 130 250
N ote:
The table above show s the m axim um size
for the light-panel by a given BB. Sm aller
light-panels can also be integrated.
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GU F-P 2000 Head Drive
D im ensions Technical D ata Rem arks
Conveyor Length, O A L 535 10,000 m m A ny increm ent possible
Conveyor W idth, BB
100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500,
600, 700, 800 m m
See light panel dim ensions
for applicable w idths
Belt W idth BB-10 m m Belt types see page 11
D rive Location Left or Right, relative to travel direction Left show n
Infeed Tail 01, 09, 11, 13 01 Standard Tail show n
Speed to 50 m /m in Constant or Variable
Load to 35 kg
Voltage O ptions 115V 1 ph/ 230V 1 or 3 ph/ 460V 3 ph

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GU F-P 2000 Cent er Drive
D im ensions Technical D ata Rem arks
Conveyor Length, O A L 640 10,000 m m A ny increm ent possible
Conveyor W idth, BB
100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500,
600, 700, 800 m m
See light panel dim ensions
for applicable w idths
Belt W idth BB-10 m m Belt types see page 11
D rive Location Left or Right, relative to travel direction Specify L2, left show n
Infeed, D ischarge Tail 01, 09, 11, 13 01 Standard Tail show n
Speed to 50 m /m in Constant or Variable
Load to 35 kg
Voltage O ptions 115V 1 ph/ 230V 1 or 3 ph 460V 3 ph

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catalog page 48/49
Infeed/ D ischarge O ptions
GU F-P 2000 Inf eed/ Discharge Opt ions

Tail 09 Standard

Sealed bearings
Belt tension and tracking using
alignm ent blocks
Plastic or alum inum roll holders
D 1 = BB + 20 m m

Tail 09 Com pact

Sealed bearings
Belt tension using roll holders
Belt tension and tracking using set
screw s from end
D 1 = BB + 10 m m

Tail 11 Flush M ount
52m m crow ned roll
Sealed bearings
Belt tension using roll holders.
Belt tension and tracking using roll
D 1 = BB + 2 m m

Tail 13 Rolling N ose Bar
Rolling knife edge.

Belt tension and tracking using roll
D 1 = BB + 20 m m

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Show n above is a selection of our standard belt options. O ther specifications m ay be possible.
Type Technical inform ation
B1, W hite
Thickness = 0.9 +/- 0.1 m m

Topside and underside are
urethane im pregnated

A llow ed Tem perature
Range from -30 to 100
Lint-free edges
H igh abrasion
A ntistatic
B2. Transparent
Thickness = 0.6 +/- 0.1 m m

Topside and underside are
urethane im pregnated

A llow ed Tem perature
Range from -30 to 100
H igh degree of
Food suitability
B3. Green
Thickness = 0.6 +/- 0.1 m m

Topside and underside are
urethane im pregnated

A llow ed Tem perature
Range from -30 to 100
Lint-free edges
H igh abrasion
Food suitability
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Stands and M ounting O ptions
Show n above is a selection of our standard stands and m ounting options. O ther specifications m ay be possible.
Fixed Adjustable

Stand System 55.1

H eight to top of belt:
500 to 1200 m m

Standard W idth:
BB = 100 to 1200 m m

Range of Leveling
Pads: 5 m m

Stand System 53.1

H eight to top of belt:
325 25 m m
400 50 m m
550 100 m m
1000 200 m m

Standard W idth:
BB = 200 to 1200 m m

For Casters add
130 m m to height.
M ounting O ptions
Casters Floor M ounting

S0 1

S0 2

S0 3
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Show n above is a selection of our accessories and standard rail options. Further specifications and options are show n
in our catalogs.
Side Rails and Accessories
T-N ut:
M 4, M 5, M 6, M 8
Steel Zn
Slot N ut:
M 5, M 6, M 8
Steel Zn or stainless
Square nut:
M 4, M 5, M 6, M 8
Steel Zn or stainless
Side Rails
Fixed Adjustable
Sizes in m m :
V = [25, 50, 75] m m
Side rail m aterial is alum inum
Sizes in m m :
H = [50, 75, 100] m m
V = [75, 100, 150, 200] m m
A lum inum backed U H M W

N uts

N ote:
N uts can be preinstalled
in conveyor fram e or
shipped loose. T-N uts
and Slot N uts can be
integrated every tim e.
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m k Resources and Literature

w w w .m knortham erica.com

O ur new w ebsite m akes it easier and faster to find the solution you are looking for. You w ill
find extensive inform ation on all products that m k N orth Am erica has to offer.
Electronic quote request form s
CAD dow nloads
Electronic catalogs
O nline belt conveyor configurator

m k Q uick D esigner Softw are

-of-the-art and stand-alone for pricing, plan-
m ats.

Conveyor System s Catalog

W e offer 20 different conveying szstem s, all of w ich are com pletely com patible w ith the m k
Alum inum Fram ings. This spectrum of offerings and m ore than 40 years of experience in m ate-
rial handling, allow s us to offer robust solutions that feature long life and reliable operations.
20 different conveyor styles
Custom solutions
Engineering support
Q uick delivery

A lum inum Fram ing System Catalog

The largest offering on the m arket is at your disposal to build just about anything you can
im agine. Sim ple fram es for m inim um available space can be m anufactured as readily as load
bearing constructions for heavy-duty m achinery
4 Profile Series (25m m , 40m m , 50m m , 60m m )
O ver 200 extrusion shapes
H igh quality, easy-to-use com ponents
Large inventory, sam e-day shipm ents

G uarding System s & Factory Equipm ent Catalog

Perim eter guards, m achine guards, safety enclosures, clean room s, w ork platform s and indus-
trial w orkstations can be built in a cost-effective w ay using the m k A lum inum Fram ing System .
Flexible and econom ical solutions
Turn-key, pre-assem bled or kit-form
Custom solutions
D esign softw are

Linear M otion Catalog

Glides, positions, roller guides and linear carriages designed as a stand-alone or add-on for han-
dling applications requiring high repeatable and precision.
Tracks available for all m k Profile Series
Add-on principle
H igh precision and repeatability
Application support
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FAX com pleted form to (860)769-5505 or EM A IL to Sales@ m kN orthAm erica.com
Q uote Request Form
Contact Inform ation
Conveyor (pages 08-09)
Stands (pages 12)
Rails and A ccessories (page 13)
Light Panel (pages 06-07)
N am e D ate
Com pany Fax
Phone Em ail
M aterial U nit w eight
D escription Total w eight
Tem perature
Part # Location LP

Length O A L Fram e W idth BB
Type H ead D rive Center D rive D rive Location Left Right
Infeed Tail D ischarge Tail Center D rive location
Belt Type
Speed fpm m pm Speed is constant variable Products w ill w ill not accum ulate
A vailable pow er VAC Ph H z
O ther
Type N one Fixed Adjustable H eight
O ptions N one SO 1 SO 2 SO 3
O ther
Type N one Fixed Adjustable D im ensions V: H :
A ccessories
O ther
U nusual am bient conditions

Environm ent
m k N orth Am erica, Inc.

105 H ighland Park D rive
Bloom field, CT 06002
Phone: (860) 769-5500
Fax: (860) 769-5505
w w w .m knortham erica.com
sales@ m knortham erica.com

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