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Sex Roles [sers] pp884-sers-466836 July 16, 2003 11:57 Style file version June 3rd, 2002

Sex Roles, Vol. 49, Nos. 3/4, August 2003 (°

C 2003)

Gender Identity and Adjustment in Middle Childhood

Priscilla R. Carver,1,2 Jennifer L. Yunger,1 and David G. Perry1,3

This article has two purposes. The first is to present a brief (and speculative) account of the
developmental origins of the several components of gender identity featured in the multidi-
mensional model of gender identity proposed by Egan and Perry (2001). The second is to offer
additional empirical support for the construct and discriminant validity of the various gender
identity dimensions. Children (M age = 11.5 years) were assessed for 4 components of gender
identity: (a) felt gender typicality, (b) contentment with gender assignment, (c) felt pressure
for gender conformity, and (d) intergroup bias (the sentiment that one’s own sex is superior).
Gender typicality, gender contentedness, and felt pressure (but not intergroup bias) related
to indexes of psychosocial adjustment in specific and theoretically meaningful ways. The case
for a multidimensional approach to gender identity is strengthened.

KEY WORDS: gender identity; gender typing; gender roles.

Gender identity is a central construct in many construct and to define gender identity as the col-
accounts of psychosocial development (e.g., Harris, lection of thoughts and feelings one has about one’s
1995; Maccoby, 1998), yet it has been defined in di- gender category and one’s membership in it. A re-
verse ways. Kohlberg (1966) and Zucker et al. (1993) cent study by Egan and Perry (2001) was built on this
viewed gender identity as knowing that one is a mem- premise. Egan and Perry proposed that gender iden-
ber of one sex rather than the other; Kagan (1964) tity is composed of five major components: (a) mem-
regarded gender identity as the degree to which one bership knowledge (knowledge of membership in a
perceives the self as conforming to cultural stereo- gender category); (b) gender typicality (the degree to
types for one’s gender; Bem (1981) saw gender iden- which one feels one is a typical member of one’s gen-
tity as the degree to which one internalizes societal der category); (c) gender contentedness (the degree
pressures for gender conformity; Green (1974) and to which one is happy with one’s gender assignment);
Spence (1985) viewed gender identity as a fundamen- (d) felt pressure for gender conformity (the degree
tal sense of acceptance of, and of belonging to, one’s to which one feels pressure from parents, peers, and
gender. self for conformity to gender stereotypes); and (e) in-
It is conceivable that all of the foregoing (and tergroup bias (the extent to which one believes one’s
still other) conceptualizations of gender identity have own sex is superior to the other).
merit but that different varieties or facets of gender Egan and Perry (2001) measured the last four
identity serve different psychological functions or af- of these components of gender identity in preadoles-
fect adjustment in different ways. Thus, it may be fruit- cent children and found the components to be rela-
ful to regard gender identity as a multidimensional tively independent, to be fairly stable over a school
year, and to relate to adjustment (i.e., self-esteem and
1 Department of Psychology, Florida Atlantic University, Boca peer acceptance) in different ways. Gender typicality
Raton, Florida. and gender contentedness were favorably related to
2 Present address: Department of Psychology, The Pennsylvania
adjustment, whereas felt pressure and intergroup bias
State University, Pennsylvania.
3 To whom correspondence should be addressed at Department were negatively associated with adjustment. Links be-
of Psychology, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida tween the gender identity constructs and the adjust-
33431; e-mail: perrydg@fau.edu. ment indexes remained significant when children’s

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C 2003 Plenum Publishing Corporation
Sex Roles [sers] pp884-sers-466836 July 16, 2003 11:57 Style file version June 3rd, 2002

96 Carver, Yunger, and Perry

perceptions of self-efficacy for a wide variety of group, a number of identity validation processes come
sex-typed activities were statistically controlled. This into play. These include attraction to the in-group,
suggests that the gender identity constructs carry im- preferential treatment of the in-group, and devalua-
plications for adjustment beyond self-perceptions of tion and homogenization of the out-group (Tajfel &
specific sex-linked competencies. Turner, 1979). The sex segregation that derives from
The purposes of the present report are twofold. these intergroup processes is important, largely be-
The first is to offer a brief, and somewhat specula- cause boys’ and girls’ groups socialize different be-
tive, account of the development of the various gender haviors and social rules (Maccoby, 1998).
identity components. The second purpose is empirical Preschool children’s basic knowledge of their
and represents an attempt to substantiate the valid- gender and the intergroup processes it inspires prob-
ity of the gender identity constructs by demonstrat- ably provide the roots for development of three of
ing theoretically meaningful links between measures the gender identity components proposed by Egan
of the constructs and multiple indexes of psychoso- and Perry (2001)—intergroup bias, felt pressure, and
cial functioning in preadolescent children. Note that gender contentedness. Individual differences in these
although the developmental account provided in the components may be slight at first. During preschool,
first part of the article deals with development across intergroup bias may be a normative, natural con-
a rather broad age span (i.e., the preschool years sequence of intergroup processes. However, with
through early adolescence), the empirical part of the advancing age and socialization, strong same-sex
article is based on data collected only from preadoles- favoritism is likely to become increasingly imma-
cent children. Thus, the empirical part is not intended ture, inappropriate, and socially problematic (Egan &
as a test of the developmental model presented in the Perry, 2001; Powlishta, 1995). Strong felt pressure
first part. We begin with the developmental account for gender conformity also is normative for young
and then turn to the present study. children, who tend to regard gender stereotypes as
moral imperatives. This early sense of pressure is dif-
GENDER IDENTITY IN ficult to trace to specific social learning experiences
DEVELOPMENTAL CONTEXT (Maccoby, 1998). As children make the transition into
elementary school, they relax their rigidly held gender
It is likely that the earliest emerging of the gender rules, gender conformity is seen more as a matter of
identity components is membership knowledge. This choice, and felt pressure for gender conformity sub-
aspect of gender identity develops in a sequence of sides. However, for some older children felt pressure
steps (Slaby & Frey, 1975). By the age of 2.5 or 3 years, remains strong. Post-preschool felt pressure may be
most children evidence basic membership knowledge due to developmental delay, but additional factors,
by correctly answering the question “Are you a boy such as introjection of socially imposed values, prob-
or a girl?”, but it is not until several years later that ably also contribute (Bem, 1993; Bussey & Bandura,
children attain gender constancy, or understand that 1999). Gender contentedness also begins during the
their sex remains invariant across time and changes preschool period. For most children, contentment
in surface appearance (e.g., hair length). By age 6 with one’s gender is high, probably because of inter-
or 7, nearly all children attain full gender constancy, group cognitions and the gratifying same-sex affilia-
thereby eliminating within-sex variability on this facet tions they promote. However, some preschoolers are
of gender identity. Thus, beyond this age, membership gender dysphoric. In extreme cases, such children may
knowledge cannot account for within-sex individual be diagnosed with gender identity disorder, especially
differences in other variables, such as psychosocial ad- if they also exhibit strong cross-gender-typed behav-
justment. This aspect of gender identity, then, is not a ior (Bradley & Zucker, 1990; Green, 1987; Rekers,
focus of the present study. 1985). Early gender dissatisfaction may continue for
Although full gender constancy is not attained many years. In addition, some children may develop
until age 6 or 7, the basic membership knowledge gender discontentment at a later age, perhaps if they
usually achieved by age 3 may be sufficient to set find a strongly desired activity to be off limits because
in motion a number of “intergroup processes” that it is deemed gender inappropriate.
prompt preschoolers to interact predominantly in As children move into the elementary school
same-sex groups, a phenomenon known as sex segre- years, the same-sex peer group continues to be a
gation (Maccoby, 1998). It appears that when children major context for social interaction and socialization,
(or adults) believe that they share membership in a but advances in cognitive development—improved
Sex Roles [sers] pp884-sers-466836 July 16, 2003 11:57 Style file version June 3rd, 2002

Gender Identity and Adjustment 97

social comparison skills, the ability to infer stable aspects of self-perceived gender typing are likely to be
traits in the self, and the ability to imagine what the influential for many children (e.g., a typical or atypical
collective other is thinking about the self—set the sexual orientation may contribute strongly to most
stage for emergence of the fifth component of gender early adolescents’ sense of gender typicality). Impor-
identity—an estimate of one’s gender typicality. Judg- tantly, the fact that multiple gender-typed attributes
ments of gender typicality are of great importance to contribute to children’s sense of gender typicality pro-
preadolescents (Kagan, 1964; Kohlberg, 1969; Spence vides some flexibility to children in how a sense of
& Buckner, 1995), despite the fact that felt pressure gender typicality can be achieved. Furthermore, the
for gender conformity is subsiding at this age. In mid- cognitive skills that come with the advent of Piage-
dle childhood, children have a strong intrinsic desire tian concrete operations (e.g., compensation and con-
to “join in,” to feel they belong, and to see themselves servation) allow children to engage in compensatory
as not terribly different from same-sex others. identity “repair work.” For example, a boy who ques-
Despite the importance that children attach to fit- tions his gender typicality because of poor athletic
ting in with their same-sex peers, within each sex there ability might restore his sense of typicality by succeed-
is ample room for children to reach different con- ing in an alternate male-typed arena, such as math or
clusions about their gender typicality (Kagan, 1964; science (Spence & Buckner, 1995). Nonetheless, some
Spence, 1985). Although children’s groups remain children will be unable to perceive in themselves a
strongly segregated by sex throughout childhood, salient and valued same-gender-typed attribute that
within each sex children vary greatly with respect imparts a sense of gender typicality, or will perceive
to how much they exhibit prototypical gender-typed in themselves a salient cross-gender-typed attribute
behaviors (Harris, 1995; Maccoby, 1998). Such within- that undermines a sense of gender typicality. These
sex variations in gender typing provide the raw ma- children may be prone to a persistent sense of gender
terial on which children cognitively operate to es- atypicality that lasts perhaps many years.
timate their gender typicality. Presumably, children This brief synopsis of the development of the
reach a summary judgment of their typicality by in- components of gender identity suggests that the pe-
tegrating several kinds of information, including self- riod of middle childhood presents important chal-
observation of salient gender-typed attributes, social lenges to children on the gender identity develop-
comparison, and appraisals communicated by signif- ment front. During this period, it is normative and
icant others. Thus, a sense of gender typicality is expected that children relinquish or suppress certain
cognitively constructed. once-cherished but now developmentally immature
It is important to note that a child’s sense of components of gender identity, namely, intergroup
overall gender typicality cannot be assumed to be bias and felt pressure for gender conformity. At the
isomorphic with the child’s self-perception of any same time, children are struggling to achieve and con-
specific gender-typed attribute (e.g., agentic or com- solidate a new kind of gender identity—a sense of
munal traits). The degree to which children exhibit gender typicality. For some children, this will not be
attributes typical of their gender is only modestly easy, because, as noted, processes of within-group dif-
correlated across different domains of gender typing ferentiation and social comparison present children
(e.g., personality traits, toy and activity preferences, with ample opportunity to question their typicality
relationship partner preferences, academic pursuits, on gender-prototypical dimensions, and not all chil-
occupational preferences, fantasy life, and nonverbal dren will succeed in the compensatory identity repair
characteristics such as styles of speech, gesture, and work needed to achieve a stable and confident sense
dress; Huston, 1983; Ruble & Martin, 1998). There- of gender typicality. Moreover, for some children, the
fore, self-perceived gender typing in any single do- same factors that undermine a sense of gender typ-
main cannot be taken as a stand-in for overall felt gen- icality are likely also to threaten a sense of gender
der typicality. A child’s estimate of his or her overall contentedness.
gender typicality represents an idiosyncratic weight-
ing and integrating of self-perceptions of diverse
gender-typed attributes (Egan & Perry, 2001; Spence, THE PRESENT STUDY
1993; Spence & Buckner, 1995). The specific gender-
typed attributes that contribute most strongly to one’s The present research was designed to garner fur-
overall sense of gender typicality will vary from child ther support for Egan and Perry’s multidimensional
to child, though at some points in development certain model of gender identity (Egan & Perry, 2001).
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98 Carver, Yunger, and Perry

Relations between the gender identity constructs such inferences. Our objective was more modest—
and a broad array of adjustment indexes were simply to see whether sufficient evidence exists for
examined. Egan and Perry found predictable associa- the construct and discriminant validity of the gender
tions between the gender identity components and identity components to make subsequent longitudinal
two indexes of adjustment—self-esteem and peer investigation a sensible investment.
acceptance—but the inferences that could be drawn In this study, the primary measures of adjust-
from using only these two measures of adjustment ment were peer reports of five dimensions of so-
were limited. The self-esteem assessment was limit- cial behavior and adaptation: internalizing problems,
ing because the gender identity and self-esteem mea- victimization by peers, externalizing problems, agen-
sures were all self-reported, and shared method vari- tic traits, and communal traits. For comparison with
ance may have contributed to associations between the peer-reported internalizing problems measure, we
them. The peer acceptance assessment was also lim- also included two self-reported measures of internal-
ited because children may be liked or disliked by peers ized distress: global self-worth and self-perceived peer
for many different reasons. For example, children are social competence. Global self-worth is very highly
about as likely to be rejected by peers for exhibit- correlated (negatively) with self-report measures of
ing externalizing problems (e.g., aggression) as they depression (Harter, 1998); self-perceived peer social
are for displaying internalizing symptoms (e.g., so- competence captures children’s sense that they are
cial withdrawal; Hodges & Perry, 1999). Because an liked by peers, have friends, and are otherwise faring
omnibus index of peer acceptance imparts no infor- well in the peer group. Hypotheses for each gender
mation about the social behaviors exhibited by chil- identity measure follow.
dren, using such an index precludes testing hypothe-
ses about links between the various components of Gender Typicality
gender identity and specific behaviors (e.g., high felt
pressure for gender conformity might predict high ag- Numerous theorists have suggested that chil-
gression and low communal behavior for boys but the dren evaluate themselves on a dimension of gender
opposite pattern for girls). typicality and suffer discomfort, even despair, when
Ultimately, the validity of a conceptual model they come up wanting. Various bases for the expected
that specifies that gender identity is composed of mul- link between gender typicality and psychological
tiple components, each with unique effects on ad- well-being have been suggested. Children who
justment or behavior, requires supportive longitudi- appraise themselves to be gender atypical may fear
nal evidence. However, before expensive longitudinal ostracism, denial of privileges, or a loss of protection
work is undertaken, it would be advisable to have ev- by the group (Bugental & Goodnow, 1998; Caporael
idence that the various gender identity components & Brewer, 1991). They may also experience a loss
relate concurrently to a more informative set of cri- of self-esteem (Tajfel, 1982), negative self-sanctions
terion adjustment variables than that used by Egan (Bussey & Bandura, 1999), or simply a sense of being
and Perry (2001). Gathering such evidence was the inadequate as group members (Kohlberg, 1969).
purpose of the present study. Our strategy was to Thus, children with a low sense of gender typicality
see whether the gender identity dimensions relate should be prone to anxiety, sadness, social withdrawal,
in specific ways to indexes of adjustment within the self-deprecation, and other signs of internalized dis-
peer group. Social adaptation among one’s peers has tress. Furthermore, because children who display
been suggested by numerous theorists to be affected these characteristics are seen as easy prey by aggres-
by gender identity (e.g., Bugental & Goodnow, 1998; sive children (Egan & Perry, 1998; Hodges, Malone,
Bussey & Bandura, 1999; Harris, 1995; Pollack, 1998; & Perry, 1997), those who feel gender atypical should
Sroufe, Bennett, Englund, Urban, & Shulman, 1993), be more likely than other children to be victimized by
and thus peer adaptation seemed a reasonable con- peers.
text for assessing the putative effects of gender iden- It is likely that some children are more prone
tity. It should be stressed that although our hypothe- to the ill effects of felt gender atypicality than oth-
ses were derived from causal models that specify that ers. In particular, low gender typicality should be
gender identity influences (or, in some cases, is influ- more disturbing for children who feel strong pres-
enced by) peer adaptation, it was not the purpose of sure for gender conformity than for children who feel
this study to provide evidence for causal influence; in- no mandate to conform to gender stereotypes. That
deed, the concurrent correlational design precluded is, children who believe it is important to be gender
Sex Roles [sers] pp884-sers-466836 July 16, 2003 11:57 Style file version June 3rd, 2002

Gender Identity and Adjustment 99

conforming yet appraise themselves as atypical should they perceive their social environment to be telling
be maximally distressed. them that they cannot be whom they wish to be.
A final prediction for the gender typicality con-
struct is based on the idea that estimates of gen-
der typicality are, at least in part, reflections of Felt Pressure
self-perceptions of salient gender-linked characteris-
tics. As pointed out, a sense of gender typicality is In addition to serving as a moderator of the de-
not based exclusively on self-perceived gender typ- gree to which low gender typicality or low gender
ing in any single domain (e.g., personality traits) but contentedness contributes to internalized distress, felt
rather is a more abstracted, integrated assessment pressure should be a negative influence on psycholog-
about the self reached by synthesizing diverse infor- ical well-being in its own right. As emphasized by Bem
mation about one’s gender typing. Despite the fact (1981) and by Bussey and Bandura (1999), children
that gender identity is multiply determined, there are who feel strong pressure for gender typing should be
reasons for thinking that self-perceptions of agen- less likely to explore a wide range of options when de-
tic and communal traits assume importance during ciding what interests to pursue or talents to cultivate,
middle childhood in many children’s assessment of and therefore they should be less likely to settle on op-
their male typicality or female typicality. Maccoby tions that are maximally fulfilling. This straightjacket-
(1998) pointed out that preadolescent boys, espe- ing of self should result in less satisfaction with the self.
cially when interacting in same-sex groups, tend to Thus, children who are experiencing high felt pres-
exhibit agentic traits such as competitiveness, dar- sure for gender conformity should show more signs
ing, and assertion, whereas preadolescent girls tend of internalized distress than children who are freer of
to exhibit communal behaviors such as intimate ex- gender stereotypes.
change, cooperation, and efforts to maintain social The measures used in the present study also per-
harmony. Maccoby stressed that although peer in- mitted evaluation of the possibility that felt pressure is
teraction remains strongly segregated by sex dur- associated with specific gender-typed social behaviors.
ing this age period, there exist considerable within- Bem (1993) proposed that internalized societal pres-
sex differences in children’s tendencies to exhibit the sure for gender conformity disposes men and boys to
traits typical of their sex. Thus, gender-typed person- use power to achieve dominance and disposes women
ality traits may be one, although certainly not the and girls to subordinate their own needs, desires, and
only, determinant of felt gender typicality in middle interests to those of others. In a similar vein, in his
childhood. treatise on “real boys,” Pollack (1998) argued that
felt pressure disposes boys to suppress communal be-
Gender Contentedness haviors and to hide feelings of weakness, sadness,
fear, and tenderness. These considerations suggest
Young children who are dissatisfied with their the hypothesis that felt pressure causes children not
gender to the point of being diagnosed with gender only to take on negative components of same-gender
identity disorder are decidedly unhappy and socially stereotypes (e.g., antisocial tendencies for boys, sub-
maladjusted, in part because of the negative social servience for girls) but also to shun positive compo-
reactions they incur (Ruble & Martin, 1998). Older nents of other-gender stereotypes (e.g., communal be-
children under treatment at clinics for strong gender havior for boys, agentic traits for girls).
dissatisfaction also tend to be distressed (Zucker &
Bradley, 1995; Zucker, Owen, Bradley, & Ameeriar,
2002). Even among nonclinic samples, variations in Intergroup Bias
gender contentment exist and are likely to affect ad-
justment. The feeling of being at home or not at home As suggested by Powlishta (1995), intergroup
in one’s body is almost certain to affect satisfaction bias may cause preadolescents to experience difficulty
with the self. Furthermore, the internalizing problems with peer interaction. Children who espouse negative
of children with low gender contentedness should be attitudes toward the other sex at a time when hetero-
greatest for children who experience strong felt pres- sexual contacts are becoming more accepted and nor-
sure for gender conformity. That is, children who wish mative may be perceived by peers as high in hostility
they were the other sex or who desire to engage in (i.e., externalizing problems) or as low in communal
cross-sex activities should be distressed mainly when tendencies.
Sex Roles [sers] pp884-sers-466836 July 16, 2003 11:57 Style file version June 3rd, 2002

100 Carver, Yunger, and Perry

METHOD Items 13–46 of the questionnaire were items de-

veloped by Egan and Perry (2001) to assess gender
Participants typicality (6 items), gender contentedness (6 items),
felt pressure (14 items), and intergroup bias (8 items).
All children in the third through eighth grades The items of these scales were randomly interspersed.
of a state university laboratory school were invited to The Cronbach α coefficients for the four scales, re-
participate. Of the 336 children in these grades, 206 spectively, were .70, .70, .83, and .70. The gender typ-
(61%; 93 boys and 113 girls) received written parental icality scale assessed the degree to which children
consent for participation; the children also signed an think that their interests, personalities, and competen-
assent form. The admissions procedures of the school cies are typical of their gender. Here is a sample item
are designed to ensure that the demographic compo- from the gender typicality scale (all sample items from
sition of the student body reflects that of the state the gender identity scales are from the girls’ form):
of Florida as a whole (68% European American,
18% African American, 13% Hispanic, and 1% Asian Some girls don’t BUT Other girls do feel
American, with annual household income distributed feel they’re just they’re just like
as follows: 6% $0–$17,499; 12% $17,500–$32,499; like all the other all the other girls
22% $32,500–$52,499; and 60% $52,500 or more). Ap- girls their age their age
proximately equal numbers of children came from
each grade (31, 42, 40, 30, 28, and 35 third through Very true Sort of true Sort of true Very true
eighth graders, respectively). Children averaged 11 for me for me for me for me
years 6 months of age.4

Other sample items from the gender typicality scale

Measures are “Some girls’ don’t feel that their personality is
similar to most girls’ personalities BUT other girls
Two instruments, a Self-Concept Questionnaire do feel . . .” and “Some girls feel that the kinds of
and a Peer Nomination Inventory, were administered. things they’re good at are similar to what most girls
These are described next. Both instruments may be are good at BUT Other girls’ don’t feel . . .” The gen-
obtained from the authors. der contentedness scale measured the extent to which
children are happy with their gender and rarely wish
Self-Concept Questionnaire to participate in cross-sex activities. Sample items are
“Some girls like being a girl BUT Other girls don’t . . .”
This 46-item questionnaire contained six scales. and “Some girls sometimes think it might be more
All items of this questionnaire (as well as all items fun to be a boy BUT Other girls never think . . .” The
on all remaining questionnaires, except for the PNI) felt pressure scale captured the degree to which chil-
were written in the format developed by Harter (1985) dren feel pressure from their parents, their peers, and
to minimize the influence of response biases (see ex- themselves for gender conformity.5 Sample items are
ample item below). Scale scores were computed by “Some girls think their parents would be upset if they
averaging across items and could range from 1 to 4. wanted to play with boys’ toys BUT Other girls don’t
The first 12 items of the questionnaire were items think . . .” and “Some girls think it would be OK for
developed by Harter (1985) to measure global self- them to participate in boys’ activities BUT Other girls
worth (6 items) and self-perceived peer social compe- think it would be wrong to . . .” The intergroup bias
tence (6 items). The Cronbach α coefficients for these scale assessed the degree to which children are more
scales were .81 and .79, respectively. likely to attribute positive qualities, and less likely to
attribute negative qualities, to their own sex than to
4 This project was conducted 2 years after the Egan and Perry (2001) the other. Sample items are “Some girls don’t think
study but was conducted at the same school. Thus, there is some
overlap in the participants of the two studies. This overlap should 5 Egan and Perry’s felt pressure scale contained 10 items (Egan &
not pose a problem, because the present project was not designed Perry, 2001). We added 4 items to improve the scale’s reliability
as a replication of the Egan and Perry study but rather was in- and to include more items assessing felt pressure from the self for
tended simply to identify additional adjustment correlates of gen- gender conformity. The 14-item scale contained 5 items assessing
der identity. Nonetheless, it should be acknowledged that the two felt pressure from parents, 5 items assessing felt pressure from
samples are not entirely independent. peers, and 4 items assessing felt pressure from self.
Sex Roles [sers] pp884-sers-466836 July 16, 2003 11:57 Style file version June 3rd, 2002

Gender Identity and Adjustment 101

that girls are more truthful than boys BUT other girls Table I. Means and Standard Deviations of Measures
do think . . .” and “Some girls think that boys are more Boys Girls
annoying than girls BUT other girls don’t think . . .”
Measure M SD M SD
Gender identity measure
Peer Nomination Inventory Gender typicality 3.02 0.63 2.81 0.62
Gender contentedness 3.23 0.46 2.70 0.61
Peer-reported social behavior and adjustment Felt pressure 2.45 0.43 1.71 0.39
Intergroup bias 2.25 0.52 2.52 0.57
were assessed with a modification of Wiggins and Adjustment measure
Winder’s Peer Nomination Inventory (Wiggins & Internalizing problems 0.20 0.18 0.15 0.15
Winder, 1961). The Inventory contained 53 items Externalizing problems 0.25 0.17 0.19 0.16
and included items that tap the following aspects of Agentic traits 0.53 0.22 0.47 0.19
social behavior: (a) internalizing problems (8 items); Communal traits 0.40 0.20 0.47 0.20
Global self-worth 3.30 0.58 3.33 0.58
(b) victimization (10 items); externalizing problems Self-perceived peer social competence 2.92 0.67 3.05 0.71
(13 items); agentic traits (5 items); and communal
traits (5 items). The remaining 12 items were positive
fillers (e.g., “He is a fast runner.”). Children checked questionnaires relevant to a project on attachment
off the names of same-sex classmates who fit the were also administered. All instruments except
behavioral description in each item (unlimited the Peer Nomination Inventory were administered
nominations); owing to the length of the inventory, individually to children in two 45-min testing ses-
children were not asked to nominate other-sex peers sions by one of several adult females who read the
for the items. A score for each item was calculated as items to the child. The Peer Nomination Inventory
the percentage of same-sex classmates who checked was group-administered to children in their class-
the children’s name for the item. An initial factor rooms in a 30-min session.
analysis on the 41 items of interest yielded four
easily interpretable factors that closely conform to
the original assignment of items to constructs, except RESULTS
that items that assess internalizing problems loaded
along with victimization items on a single factor. In Results are presented in three sections. First,
addition, three items cross-loaded. A second analysis sex and age differences in the measures are summa-
without these three items was run, and it yielded rized. Second, intercorrelations among the measures
four pure factors: internalizing problems (this scale are presented. The third section reports tests of hy-
included victimization items and was composed of potheses about relations between gender identity and
18 items; e.g., from the boys’ form: “He says bad adjustment.
things about himself.”; “He gets picked on by other
kids.”); externalizing problems (12 items ; e.g., “He
always has to have his own way.”; “He hits and pushes Sex and Age Differences in Measures
others around.”); agentic traits (3 items; e.g., “He tries
hard to win games and contests.”; “He is brave.”); and Means and standard deviations of the measures
communal traits (5 items; e.g., “He tries to get along are given in Table I, separately by child sex. To discern
with everyone.”; “When a kid is sad, he tries to make significant sex and age differences, each measure was
him feel better.”). A score on each scale was calcu- treated as a dependent variable in a multiple regres-
lated for each child by averaging the scores the child sion analysis with sex and age entered as simultaneous
received on the items of the scale. The Cronbach α predictors. With age controlled, the effect of sex was
coefficients were .96, .93, .79, and .89 for the inter- significant for eight measures at p < .05 or better.6
nalizing, externalizing, agentic, and communal scales, With respect to gender identity, boys scored higher
respectively. than girls on gender typicality, gender contentedness,
and felt pressure, but boys scored lower than girls on
Procedure intergroup bias. As for the adjustment indexes, boys
scored higher than girls on internalizing problems,
The two instruments were administered to
children in the spring of the school year. Other 6 All p values in this article are two-tailed unless otherwise noted.
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102 Carver, Yunger, and Perry

Table II. Correlations Among Gender Identity Measures Table III. Correlations Among Adjustment Measures (Peer-
Report and Self-Esteem Measures)
Gender identity measure 1 2 3 4
1. Gender typicality — .25∗∗ .00 .20
measure 1 2 3 4 5 6
2. Gender contentedness .31∗∗ — .17 .06
3. Felt pressure −.01 .16 — .16 1. Internalizing — .16 −.65∗∗ −.35∗∗ −.13 −.29∗∗
4. Intergroup bias .04 .19∗ .41∗∗ — problems
2. Externalizing .48∗∗ — .10 −.68∗∗ −.29∗∗ .05
Note. Correlations for boys are above the diagonal; those for girls
are below the diagonal. Entries are partial correlations with age
3. Agentic −.40∗∗ −.01 — .22∗ −.08 .20∗
∗p < .05. ∗∗p < .01. traits
4. Communal −.36∗∗ −.67∗∗ .25∗∗ — .17 .04
externalizing problems, and agentic traits, but lower 5. Global −.08 −.20∗ .00 .22∗ — .39∗∗
than girls on communal traits.
6. Self-perceived −.33∗∗ −.07 .25∗∗ .15 .45∗∗ —
With sex controlled, the effect of age was sig- peer social
nificant for six measures at p < .05 or better. With competence
increasing age, children reported greater gender typ-
Note. Correlations for boys are above the diagonal; those for girls
icality and greater gender contentedness but reduced are below the diagonal. Entries are partial correlations with age
felt pressure and reduced intergroup bias. Of the ad- controlled.
∗p < .05. ∗∗p < .01.
justment measures, only two showed an association
with age: older children reported higher global self-
worth and higher self-perceived peer social compe- ations are significant and several are strong, it will be
tence than younger children. Because of these sundry seen that significant associations between the gender
effects of age, we controlled for age in subsequent identity measures and the adjustment measures are
analyses. mostly quite specific and theoretically meaningful.

Intercorrelations of Measures Relations of Gender Identity to Peer-Reported

Adjustment and to Self-Esteem
This section reports the intercorrelations among
the gender identity variables and among the adjust- The relation of each gender identity mea-
ment indexes. Relations between the gender identity sure to each adjustment index was evaluated in a
and adjustment measures are given in a later section. separate multiple regression analysis (4 gender iden-
tity measures × 6 adjustment indexes = 24 analyses).
Correlations Among Gender Identity Variables In each analysis, one of the adjustment indexes served
as the dependent variable. Sex and age were entered
Relations among the gender identity variables as first-step predictors; a gender identity measure was
are given for each sex in Table II. Most associations entered on the second step; the 3 two-way interactions
are low, but some are significant. For both sexes, gen- (age × sex, age × gender identity, and sex × gen-
der typicality and gender contentedness are positively der identity) were tested on the third step; the three-
correlated, but it will be seen that the two measures way interaction was examined on the fourth step. In
relate to adjustment in different ways. It is interesting no analysis was the three-way interaction significant.
that the two “immature” forms of gender identity— However, because sex differences in certain relations
felt pressure and intergroup bias—are correlated for of gender identity to adjustment had been predicted,
girls but not for boys, although reasons for this are not and because several interactions of sex with gender
clear. identity measure were indeed significant or nearly so
(sex moderated the relation between gender typical-
ity and agentic traits, p < .05; the relation between
Correlations Among Adjustment Measures felt pressure and externalizing problems, p < .05; and
(Peer-Report and Self-Esteem Measures) the relation between felt pressure and global self-
worth, p < .09), the relations of gender identity to
Relations among the adjustment indexes are adjustment were examined separately for each sex.
given for each sex in Table III. Although many associ- These relations are given in Table IV. The entries in
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Gender Identity and Adjustment 103

Table IV. Relations of Gender Identity to Peer-Reported Adjustment (and to Self-Esteem)

Gender identity measure
Gender typicality Gender contentedness Felt pressure Intergroup bias
Adjustment index Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls
Internalizing problems −.35∗∗∗ −.36∗∗∗ .02 −.14 .04 −.02 −.01 −.03
Externalizing problems −.07 −.09 −.04 −.20∗ .16 −.12 .11 −.03
Agentic traits .33∗∗∗ .05 −.09 −.12 −.03 −.22∗ .18 −.08
Communal traits .14 .21∗ −.11 .06 −.21∗ −.11 −.14 −.03
Global self-worth .13 .26∗∗ .24∗ .36∗∗∗ .05 −.20∗ .06 .05
Self-perceived peer social competence .44∗∗∗ .48∗∗∗ .22∗ .23∗ −.07 −.21∗ −.03 .07
Note. Entries are partial correlations with age controlled.
∗p < .05. ∗∗ p < .01. ∗∗∗ p < .001.

Table IV are partial correlations that control for age entered on the first step; on the second step, gen-
and thus indicate, for each sex, the significance of the der typicality and felt pressure were entered; on the
relation of the gender identity measure to the adjust- third step, the 3 two-way interactions of sex × gen-
ment measure with age controlled. The significance of der typicality, sex × felt pressure, and gender typical-
the partial correlation is identical to the significance ity × felt pressure were evaluated; on the fourth step,
that would be obtained on the second step of a multi- the three-way interaction of sex × gender typical-
ple regression analysis (conducted on either the boys’ ity × felt pressure was tested. Interactions involving
data alone or the girls’ data alone) in which the ad- age were not included, because including them would
justment index is treated as the dependent variable, have resulted in testing more terms than warranted by
age is entered as a first-step predictor, and the gender the N.
identity variable is tested on the second step. Results Of particular interest was the significance of the
concerning the relations between gender identity and gender typicality × felt pressure interaction when
adjustment are summarized next, with each gender tested on the third step. This was significant ( p < .01)
identity measure considered in turn.7 only in the analysis on internalizing problems (in no
analysis was the three-way interaction significant).
Gender Typicality We explored the nature of the two-way interaction
of felt pressure and gender typicality using the pro-
As may be seen in the first two columns of cedures recommended by Aiken and West (1991).
Table IV, both boys and girls who perceive themselves Results confirmed that the size of the negative as-
to be different from others of their sex are distressed. sociation between gender typicality and internaliz-
Not only do their peers perceive them to possess in- ing problems was a direct function of the degree to
ternalizing problems, but the children themselves re- which children reported pressure for gender confor-
port distress, especially dissatisfaction with their so- mity. As the level of felt pressure moved from low
cial lives. (−1 SD) to medium (0 SD) to high (+1 SD), gender
It was hypothesized that the internalized distress typicality became increasingly associated (negatively)
of children who feel gender atypical would be great- with internalizing problems, respective Bs = −.24,
est if the children also felt strong pressure for gender p < .05; −.47, p < .001; and −.69, p < .001. Thus, as
conformity. To test this hypothesis, three regression felt pressure increased, self-perceived gender atypi-
analyses were run—one for each measure of distress cality became increasingly paired with internalizing
(internalizing problems, global self-worth, and self- problems.
perceived peer social competence). Sex and age were It was hypothesized that during middle childhood
self-perceptions of agentic traits and of communal
7 Significantinteractions involving participant age were few, did traits contribute, respectively, to a sense of male typ-
not qualify the major findings of the study, and conformed to no icality or female typicality. Consistent with this ex-
particular pattern. That is, certain effects described ahead were pectation, the relation of agentic traits to gender typ-
somewhat stronger for younger children, whereas other effects
were somewhat stronger for older children. Because we did not
icality was indeed significant only for boys, whereas
advance predictions about moderator effects of age, and to save communal traits was significantly related to gender
space, interactions involving age are not described in this report. typicality only for girls (Table IV).
Sex Roles [sers] pp884-sers-466836 July 16, 2003 11:57 Style file version June 3rd, 2002

104 Carver, Yunger, and Perry

Gender Contentedness related to both global self-worth and self-perceived

peer social competence, but this was true only for girls
Gender contentedness was positively associated (Table IV).8
with the two self-reported measures of self-esteem In addition, the hypothesis that felt pressure
for both boys and girls (Table IV). It might ap- leads children to shun positive cross-sex attributes re-
pear from Table IV that gender contentedness is ceived support. Girls high in felt pressure were low in
unrelated to peer-reported internalizing problems, agentic traits, and boys high in felt pressure were low
but it will be recalled that the relation of gender in communal traits (Table IV).
contentedness to internalized distress was expected Although the interaction of felt pressure and sex
mainly for children who experience strong pressure was significant when predicting externalizing prob-
for gender conformity (because felt pressure should lems, for neither sex alone was the association be-
cause gender-dysphoric children the most distress). tween felt pressure and externalizing problems signif-
To examine this hypothesis, three regression analyses icant. Nonetheless, the pattern shown in Table IV (felt
(one for each of the three measures of internalized pressure and externalizing problems are positively
distress) were run (the regression analysis was similar correlated for boys but negatively correlated for girls)
in form to that used to test the hypothesis that felt is consistent with the possibility that felt pressure
pressure and gender typicality interactively influence contributes to the commonly found sex difference in
distress). externalizing conduct.9
The interaction of gender contentedness and felt
pressure was indeed significant for all three depen-
dent variables (internalizing problems, p < .01; global Intergroup Bias
self-worth, p < .005; and self-perceived peer social
competence, p < .01), and this interaction did not de- There were no significant associations between
pend on child sex (because in no analysis was the intergroup bias and the adjustment indexes (see
three-way interaction of sex × gender contented- Table IV).
ness × felt pressure significant). Results from follow-
up tests using Aiken and West’s procedures (Aiken
and West, 1991) confirmed that the degree to which Summary and Supplementary Analyses
low gender contentedness was associated with signs
of distress was a direct function of the degree of felt Each of three components of gender identity
pressure. As felt pressure moved from low (−1 SD) to (gender typicality, gender contentedness, and felt
medium (0 SD) to high (+1 SD), low gender content- pressure) was associated with at least one peer-
edness became increasingly associated with distress: reported index of adjustment for one or both sexes.
for internalizing problems, respective Bs = −.05, ns;
−.33, p < .01; and −.61, p < .01; for global self-worth, 8 It will be recalled that the omnibus multiple regression analysis
respective Bs = .31, p < .01; .58, p < .001; and .85, predicting global self-worth from felt pressure (and sex and age)
p < .001; and for self-perceived peer social compe- yielded a nearly significant ( p < .09) interaction of felt pressure ×
tence, respective Bs = .19, p < .05; .48, p < .001; and sex. This interaction contributed to our decision to examine rela-
.78, p < .001. tions between the gender identity measures and the adjustment
variables separately for each sex. However, there is another way
An unexpected finding was that gender content- to examine the interactive influence of felt pressure and sex on
edness was significantly related to externalizing prob- global self-worth. This is to test the significance of the sex differ-
lems for girls (but not for boys). That is, gender- ence in global self-worth at each of several levels (e.g., −1 SD,
dysphoric girls were perceived by peers as more ag- 0 SD, and +1 SD) of felt pressure. When this is done, there is a
gressive, disruptive, and antisocial than other girls. significant ( p < .05) sex difference in global self-worth, with boys
scoring higher than girls, only when felt pressure is high. This find-
ing may be important. It is known that in early adolescence girls
begin to score lower on global self-worth than boys (Harter, 1998).
Felt Pressure The present result raises the possibility that it is predominantly
children who feel strong pressure for gender conformity who are
As noted, felt pressure was a powerful modera- contributing to the sex difference in self-esteem.
9 Indeed, when the significance of the sex difference in externalizing
tor of the association between internalized distress problems is tested at each of three levels (−1 SD, 0 SD, and +1
and gender contentedness (and gender typicality). SD ) of felt pressure, a significant sex difference, with boys scoring
Felt pressure also was, as a main effect, negatively higher than girls, is found only when felt pressure is high ( p < .05).
Sex Roles [sers] pp884-sers-466836 July 16, 2003 11:57 Style file version June 3rd, 2002

Gender Identity and Adjustment 105

Moreover, for each sex, any given peer-reported ad- conceptually meaningful relations with one or more
justment index was associated with no more than one of the indexes of psychosocial adjustment. Because
gender identity measure. For boys, internalizing prob- gender identity was self-reported and social behav-
lems were associated only with low gender typicality; ior was peer-reported, these associations cannot be
externalizing problems were not associated with any attributed to shared method variance. These results
gender identity measure; agentic traits were linked strengthen the construct and discriminant validity of
only with high gender typicality; and communal traits the gender identity constructs (and scales) and indi-
were tied only to high felt pressure. For girls, internal- cate that longitudinal work designed to reveal likely
izing problems were associated only with low gender directions of causal influence would be a worthwhile
typicality; externalizing problems, only with low gen- next research step. Below we briefly highlight the sig-
der contentedness; agentic traits, only with high felt nificance of the main findings for each gender identity
pressure; and communal traits, only with high gender construct.
typicality. Most of these findings were predicted (all
except the link for girls between externalizing conduct
and gender contentedness). Gender Typicality
Associations between the gender identity mea-
sures and the self-reported adjustment indexes, how- The hypothesis that perceiving the self to be a
ever, were more numerous (see Table IV). Because typical member of the same-sex peer group is im-
certain of the gender identity measures were corre- portant to the psychological well-being of preadoles-
lated with one another (Table II), for each sex a mul- cent children was strongly supported. Children who
tiple regression analysis was run on each self-esteem reported feeling different from same-sex peers not
measure in which all four gender identity measures only voiced distress over their peer relations but in-
were entered as simultaneous predictors (with age deed were perceived by peers as depressed, anxious,
controlled). This strategy permits assessing the sig- self-deprecating, and victimized. The association be-
nificance of each gender identity variable with the ef- tween low gender typicality and internalized distress
fects of the other three controlled. For boys, global was magnified when children reported strong pres-
self-worth was significantly predicted only by gender sure for gender conformity, but it was still evident for
contentedness (pr = .21, p < .05), and self-perceived children who reported relatively little felt pressure.
peer social competence was predicted only by gen- These results challenge the view that it is harmful
der typicality (pr = .43, p < .001). For girls, however, for children to view themselves as strongly gender-
two gender identity measures made independent con- typical. The belief that a perception of the self as
tributions to each measure of self-esteem: gender con- strongly gender-typical is harmful is probably rooted
tentedness and felt pressure were both independent in the mistaken assumption that a perception of the
predictors of global self-worth (pr = .34, p < .001 and self as gender-typical necessarily reflects strong inter-
pr = −.29, p < .002, respectively), and gender typi- nalized, self-limiting social pressure for gender con-
cality and felt pressure both independently predicted formity (Bem, 1981). The present data (as well as
self-perceived peer social competence (pr = .45, p < the data of Egan & Perry, 2001) indicate not only
.001 and pr = −.30, p < .002, respectively). Collec- that gender typicality and felt pressure are uncorre-
tively, then, the gender identity variables accounted lated but also that these two components of gender
for considerably more of the variance in the self- identity relate to adjustment in opposite ways; high
esteem measures for girls than for boys. gender typicality is associated with favorable adjust-
ment, and high felt pressure is associated with nega-
tive outcomes.
DISCUSSION Consistent with expectation, gender typicality
was positively associated with agentic traits for boys
The results go beyond the findings of Egan and and with communal traits for girls. Although this pat-
Perry (2001) by demonstrating that expected rela- tern supports the view that a sense of gender typi-
tionships exist between the gender identity measures cality rests in part on the self-perception of salient
and specific social behaviors exhibited in peer interac- gender-linked attributes, longitudinal work is needed
tion. Three of the four gender identity measures (gen- to determine whether gender-linked personality traits
der typicality, gender contentedness, and felt pres- actually help shape feelings of gender typicality over
sure for gender conformity) bore discriminated and time.
Sex Roles [sers] pp884-sers-466836 July 16, 2003 11:57 Style file version June 3rd, 2002

106 Carver, Yunger, and Perry

Felt Pressure group, such as rejection or victimization by peers, may

cause children to search for ways to fit in; some chil-
As pointed out above, the present results rein- dren may conclude that adhering more stringently to
force the conclusion of Egan and Perry (2001) that gender roles is the answer.
the real culprit where gender identity is concerned
is not the sense that one is similar to same-sex oth-
Gender Contentedness
ers but rather the sense that one must avoid cross-
gender-typed activities. Harmful effects of felt pres-
Two findings with the gender contentedness vari-
sure for gender conformity were evident in three ways.
able are worth note. First, gender contentedness was
First, for both sexes, strong felt pressure appeared to
a robust predictor of global self-worth (when all four
pathologize a low sense of gender typicality (and a low
gender identity measures were entered as simulta-
sense of gender contentedness), because the associa-
neous predictors). A sense of not being at home in
tion between low gender typicality (and low gender
one’s body or a strong wish to engage in the activi-
contentedness) and internalizing problems was con-
ties, interpersonal roles, or even the nonverbal stylistic
siderably stronger for children who reported high felt
behaviors (e.g., modes of speech, gesture, and dress)
pressure than for children who placed less emphasis
associated with the other sex apparently is uniquely
on gender conformity. Second, felt pressure bore a
depressing to children (and especially so if they feel
direct negative relation with self-esteem, at least for
strong pressure for gender conformity).
girls. It is likely that felt pressure causes girls to veer
A second noteworthy finding concerning gender
away from masculine-typed activities and behaviors
contentedness was that gender-dysphoric girls were
(e.g., assertion, risk-taking) that bring prestige, excite-
named by peers as more aggressive, disruptive, and ar-
ment, and self-efficacy for coping with challenge and
gumentative (i.e., as having more externalizing prob-
stress (Bussey & Bandura, 1999). Third, and consis-
lems) than other girls. It is unclear whether the girls’
tent with the foregoing point, felt pressure was as-
aggression is a reaction to dissatisfaction with being a
sociated with reduced agentic behavior for girls and
girl or whether gender discontentment is a rational-
with reduced communal behavior for boys. These re-
ization by aggressive girls (“If only I were a boy, it
sults suggest that felt pressure for gender conformity
would be okay for me to act like this.”). If this finding
is potentially a damaging force in children’s (espe-
replicates in subsequent research, it will be important
cially girls’) lives, at least in largely European Amer-
to untangle the direction of causality.
ican and middle-class populations of the sort stud-
ied here. Longitudinal work designed to corroborate
that felt pressure predicts deterioration in selected Intergroup Bias
aspects of children’s adjustment over time is clearly
warranted. Intergroup bias was unrelated to any adjustment
Another crucial task for future research is to index. Egan and Perry (2001) found signs of poorer
identify the determinants of felt pressure for gender adjustment (i.e., lower self-perceived peer social com-
conformity. Several possibilities come to mind. First, petence and less acceptance by male peers) for chil-
general developmental delay may cause some chil- dren who expressed the belief that their sex was su-
dren to be slow to outgrow the strong felt pressure that perior to the other, but there was no evidence in
is normative during the preschool years. Second, so- the present study that ingroup favoritism was dis-
cializing agents (e.g., parents) may place pressure for advantageous to adjustment. Although ingroup fa-
gender typing on some children, which causes them voritism may not be reliably linked directly with
to introject the sanctions. However, it is important to the indexes of adjustment studied here, it may serve
appreciate that the felt pressure measure is a unifacto- as an important moderator of the effects of certain
rial scale that taps felt pressure from diverse sources contextual cues on children’s functioning. For ex-
(parents, peers, and self; Egan & Perry, 2001). This ample, children with strong intergroup bias may be
suggests that felt pressure does not necessarily mir- less likely to cooperate, or more likely to compete,
ror specific social learning experiences but rather is with other-sex peers, or they may have more diffi-
a cognitive construction “that goes beyond the data” culty resolving conflicts or forming intimate relations
to take the form of a widely generalized rule about with other-sex persons (Bigler, 1995; Powlishta, 1995).
the inappropriateness of engaging in cross-gender- These possibilities might be explored in subsequent
typed behavior. Third, adverse experiences in the peer research.
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Gender Identity and Adjustment 107

Conclusions age period studied, intergroup bias and felt pres-

sure for gender conformity—normative components
This study yielded a rich set of theoretically of gender identity in earlier years—decreased with
meaningful and discriminated relations between age, whereas gender typicality and gender contented-
the components of gender identity and multiple ness increased with age. Most of these components of
indexes of personal and social adjustment within gender identity (all except intergroup bias) were dif-
the peer group. Many of the relations suggest the ferentially associated in theoretically expected ways
operation of causal processes that, if confirmed in not only with self-esteem but also with peer re-
subsequent longitudinal research, are of consider- ports of specific modes of adaptation within the peer
able social significance. The potentially deleterious group.
effects of felt pressure for gender conformity on For the past quarter century, theory and research
preadolescent girls’ self-esteem and agentic compe- that link gender identity to adjustment have been
tencies is especially a matter for concern. However, dominated by androgyny theory, or the notion that
until the necessary longitudinal work is conducted, mental health is promoted by a perception of the
it is important not to assume the operation of any self as both masculine and feminine (e.g., Bem, 1981).
specific causal process. The results of the present Conceptual and methodological problems have char-
investigation indicate only that longitudinal work on acterized this approach, however. These problems
causal processes is warranted, not that the putative have been reviewed extensively by Egan and Perry
causal processes are indeed responsible for the (2001) and by Spence (1985, 1993; Spence & Buckner,
associations. 1995) and will not be reiterated here. Nonetheless,
Below we briefly restate the value of a multi- it is worthwhile to underscore briefly several cen-
dimensional model of gender identity and tell how tral differences between the androgyny approach and
the results support such a model. We then com- the present one. First, the androgyny perspective re-
ment on how the present multidimensional per- gards an overall sense of same-gender typicality as
spective fits with other influential perspectives on orthogonal to an overall sense of other-gender typi-
gender. cality. For reasons discussed by Egan and Perry (2001,
A multidimensional approach to gender iden- pp. 460–461), it is unlikely that the two summary
tity is valuable because it draws attention to the fact senses of same- and other-gender typicality are or-
that gender identity development does not reduce to thogonal dimensions; it is more likely that they func-
the unfolding of a single entity but rather involves tion as opposite ends of a single continuum (e.g., with
the development of several component entities. Some a strong sense of other-gender typicality implying re-
of these components are more normative at certain duced same-gender typicality). It is for this reason
developmental periods than at others. As early as that Egan and Perry developed only a single, uni-
middle childhood, healthy gender identity develop- dimensional measure of gender typicality. Second,
ment entails a rebalancing act—letting go of develop- androgyny researchers believe that it is possible to
mentally immature forms of gender identity (i.e., felt infer an individual’s overall senses of same- and other-
pressure for gender conformity and intergroup bias), gender typicality (e.g., a boy’s felt “masculinity” and
consolidating one’s contentment with one’s gender “femininity”) from self-perceptions in a single do-
assignment, and grappling successfully with the chal- main of sex typing, namely, personality traits. That is,
lenges posed by the newly emerging ability and urge self-perceived agentic traits presumably index one’s
to compare oneself with same-sex others on gender- overall felt masculinity, and self-perceptions of com-
typical attributes (i.e., perceiving sufficient gender- munal traits presumably index one’s overall felt femi-
typed qualities in the self to feel comfortably gen- ninity. In contrast, in the present approach, children’s
der typical). Moreover, how certain gender identity self-perceived overall gender typicality reflects an id-
components are configured relative to one another in iosyncratic integration of diverse information about
the child’s psyche carries important implications for one’s gender typing in multiple domains (e.g., one
mental health; the combination of high felt pressure child may assign great weight to self-perceived non-
and low felt gender typicality (or low gender content- verbal stylistic qualities but only little weight to self-
edness) is particularly problematic for children’s psy- perceived agentic or communal traits, whereas an-
chological well-being. other child may employ a different calculus). Thus, in
The data of the present study support key points the present approach, gender typicality is assessed in a
of the foregoing analysis. During the preadolescent global summary sense, not in terms of self-perception
Sex Roles [sers] pp884-sers-466836 July 16, 2003 11:57 Style file version June 3rd, 2002

108 Carver, Yunger, and Perry

of any specific aspect of gender typing.10 Third, in the view that feeling gender typical is salutary rather than
androgyny approach, felt pressure for gender confor- harmful, at least among children of the ages studied
mity is believed to be inferable from the degree of bal- here.
ance between one’s overall felt masculinity and one’s In recent years, a trend in the study of gender ef-
overall felt femininity, and therefore there is no need fects in social cognition and social behavior has been
to measure felt pressure independently of felt gender a focus on contextual influences (Deaux & LaFrance,
typicality. In other words, it is assumed that people 1998; Deaux & Major, 1987; Maccoby, 1998). For ex-
who perceive themselves as highly same-sex typical ample, the sex of one’s interaction partner(s), such as
(and as low other-sex typical) are the way they are the ratio of boys to girls in a play group or the ratio of
because they are experiencing high felt pressure. Be- men to women in a work place, is a major influence
cause of this reasoning, androgyny researchers predict on gender-relevant cognitions and action tendencies.
that persons high in gender typicality will be disadvan- The study of context effects is sometimes presented
taged in development—they presumably are experi- as an approach to researching gender that is alter-
encing the high felt pressure for gender conformity native to an approach that rests on the appreciation
that straightjackets healthy development of self. In of individual differences in gender identity. However,
the present perspective, there is no necessary rela- advances in understanding gender are likely to derive
tion between self-perceived gender typicality and felt from researching contextual and identity factors con-
pressure for gender conformity, and thus it is clearly jointly rather than separately. There are various ways
important to assess felt pressure and gender typicality that context and identity might work together to af-
using different measures. Moreover, gender typicality fect behavior. Gender identity might affect the con-
and felt pressure are believed to have opposite effects texts that children choose or create for themselves.
on mental health. Gender identity might also mediate or, more likely,
Despite their profound differences in concep- moderate contextual influences on children’s behav-
tual assumptions and research methodologies, both ior. For example, gender typicality might moderate
the androgyny perspective and the present one share children’s tendencies to imitate, or to infer their self-
an important prediction—that felt pressure for gen- efficacy from, models of a particular sex; gender con-
der conformity is harmful, especially for girls. This tentedness or felt pressure might govern children’s
hypothesis has now received preliminary (concurrent willingness to perform rewarding cross-gender op-
correlational) support from two studies that have used tions when pitted against lower-paying same-gender
a separate direct measure of felt pressure—the Egan options; intergroup bias might predict the degree
and Perry (2001) study and the present one. However, to which children engage in uncooperative or hos-
confirmation of the hypothesis that felt pressure pro- tile interactions with other-sex persons or groups. It
motes maladjustment—a hypothesis that originated is also possible that combinations of gender iden-
with androgyny theory—does not imply confirma- tity components govern reactions to contextual cues.
tion of the androgyny theorists’ companion hypothe- For example, boys and men who experience high
sis that perceiving the self to be strongly gender typi- felt pressure for gender conformity along with high
cal is also harmful. Results of the Egan and Perry and intergroup bias might be especially prone to have
present studies in fact are more consistent with the hostile reactions to ambiguous provocations by girls
and women, thereby encouraging abuse of female
interaction partners (Capaldi, Dishion, Stoolmiller,
10 The fact that self-perceived agentic traits are relatively uncorre- & Yoerger, 2001). Thus, the study of context and
lated with self-perceived communal traits encouraged androgyny the study of gender identity should proceed hand in
researchers to view overall same-sex typicality and overall other- hand.
sex typicality as orthogonal dimensions. However, for many do-
mains of gender typing other than personality traits, male-typical
behavior and female-typical behavior may be strongly negatively
correlated rather than orthogonal. For example, among adults a ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
preference for female sex partners (male-typical sexual orienta-
tion) and a preference for male sex partners (female-typical sex- We thank the teachers and students of the A. D.
ual orientation) tend to be strongly negatively correlated rather
Henderson University School for their generous co-
than uncorrelated. In any case, for reasons summarized by Egan
and Perry (2001), self-perceptions of overall same-gender typi- operation with this project. This research was sup-
cality and of overall other-gender typicality are more likely to be ported by Grant 1RO1HD38280 from the National
negatively related than to be orthogonal. Institute of Child Health and Human Development.
Sex Roles [sers] pp884-sers-466836 July 16, 2003 11:57 Style file version June 3rd, 2002

Gender Identity and Adjustment 109

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