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Using Computer or Laboratory for Simulation of Structural Behavior

Hamoon Fathi

Civil engineering from Kurdistan University, Kurdistan

Abstract: Simulation is one of the ways to examine and predict the behavior of structures which by it self can
be done using computers or laboratories. Laboratorial simulation in structural engineering is exercised
through modeling structures to a small scale and under controlled loading resulting in the examination of
structural behavior. One of the ways for improving and gaining appropriate strength is to examine the
structural failure mechanisms. With using special spaghettis instead of metal in controlled loading, we found
new ways for modeling the structural behavior in the failure. By transferring the measured data of
deflections of spaghettis to the computer program we have got near results to the fact. More than 70
percents of computer simulation results with laboratorial behavior up to the failure point were the same.

Key words: Simulation; laboratory; spaghetti; seismic load; computer

Simulating the structural behaviors in laboratory are
too expensive. For great structures, simulations in real
dimension are impassible and small laboratorial
simulation is needed to clear the process. Better results
have been found in computer simulation and special
Structural simulation is one of the most important
goals of engineers. Designing and reconstructing
structures and recognizing the materials used in
assimilation as well as in reality, is essential in finding
out about them.

1 Laboratorial simulation:
This laboratorial simulation has some differences in
the modeling with real structure:
1- The most difference is using the spaghetti
sticks instead of metal materials. However
spaghetti is a brittle material but buckling in
the press like steel.

2- Differences in the kind of connections. Those
simulation connections have been improvably
an appropriate alternative for different kinds of
glues. On account of the exerted connection in
simulations, the existing design can be
effective in rigid and halfrigid connections.
3- The ability to accept wieldy-distributed
loading in the simulated structure is one of the
most prominent features in these simulated
structures compared to other laboratorial
simulated states.
4- For simulation of workable forces in the
bridge, the imposed force is constant with the
flow of water.
5- These graphs show properties such as
tenderness, high length resistance. Compared
to the compressive resistance in spaghetti
1.1 Joints:
In this simulation we used spaghetti, glue, wood and
plastic. J oint simulations are very important like switch
For different designing the fallowing possibilities have
been considered for simulation:
1- In designing rigid connection, a type of glue with
higher rigidity than spaghetti is recommended.
(D16 twin glue type)
2- In designing half-rigid joint, heat plastic glues
should be used because they are softer and have a
E-mail: hamoon.fathi@gmail.com;

Tel: 0098-871-6661170
smaller role in transferring the moment. We
should consider that the existing members in the
joint for assimilation are completely connection to
transfer the axial forces appropriately.
3- In loading point, the imposed forces are exerted
on the connected rigid joint but in half-rigid joint
the imposed force is exerted on some part of
plastic and members.
4- In distributed loading, some parts of plastic
surfaces are connected to set of joints and plastic
like conditions can be used not to impose
stretching and compressive forces on the members.
5- In some various supports on the mounted of
bridge for simulation we used glass glues.
6- In simulations of isolators and dumpers in
structures, round ball and hat rubber glues can be
used in some joints.
7- In the mixed state, one spaghetti stick is placed in
side the other. The size of the ball should be the
same as the outer diameter of the spaghetti and
should a hone to lead the spaghetti stick through.

Fig. 1 spaghetti resistant label

In the second step of elastic table we saw some
changes between elasticity modules of presses and
tensions. This inharmonic in the table is because of
increasing the ductility of external surface in the plastic
glue. Because of that we have more concentration force
in the middle point of plastic globe.
Plastic glue with decreasing the angle of tangent
between rigid bade and surface load on press, the E
modules saving on the uniform way.

Fig. 2

1-2 Assumptions:
1- Plastic connections between to members are
symmetry like a circle.
2- Thin ness of element in the measurements is
equal to the minimum of thinness of those two
members in the connection.
3- Plastic connection design for survey of moment,
twist and tension between the members and
press force translate with equilibrium low.
4- We decrease radius of connection for safety in
accounts. This quantity will be equal to the
thinnest member of that connection.
5- Minimum prime for radius of connection must
be more than resistance of plastic globe in that

1.3 Forces:
If the imposed compressive force is in the direction of
the axis, the spaghetti sticks show acceptable resistance
but cannot be applied while designing.
Because of the imposed force on the sticks, they will
buckle and break on account of their tenderness.
D =diameter, Le =length, E =elasticity
Permissible compressive buckling force =

This difference because of existing shear forces in the
bucking spaghetti.
To design spaghetti members appropriately and to
prevent them form buckling, the
Imposed forces have been exerted in the direction of
the axis.
1.4 Seismic load simulation:
In this simulation, seismic load is similar to sinus
wave but with two differences:
The first one is the type of direction. The horizontal
direction which is a period of time and vertical is load
direction, in the vertical direction. Loading has sinus
shape with (4/3) of coefficient in each period of time.

Fig. 3
In simulation of old structures, loading is stable and
time has (3/4) coefficient. In this modeling to find
critical members, we compare the deflections of
members. Seismic load increases or decreases the
deflection in some directions. Propose is find the
maximum and at the end to find true direction to fix the

2 Computer test:
Whit simulation the building structures by computer
simulation at first and comparing them with
laboratorial results we found new ways for simulation
of building in the failing time. This computer
simulation show how structures fail and which
members are important in the failing time.
1- For find true results we input the new
materials properties to ETABS program.
2- The results of analyze of the structures with
ETABS are suitable to transport to other
3- For find the steps of failure we defined plastic
hinges in the ETABS program.
4- Plastic hinges translate some part of moment
in simulation.

Fig. 4

Fig. 4 in the simulated structure, we contacted two beams
with 30` angles from the first frame to the second frame
because, the probability of failure in the structure is the
result of the low resistance of the first frame.
5- Plastic hinges set on the zeros shear point in
the all members.
6- Critical members are marked with plastic
hinges in this proses and supported with other
program for simulation if deflections are
7- With changing the cross section or fixing the
deflections of critical members, building
become more stable than the first time.

Fig. 5 for stable or decrease the movement of critical
structures, we had to contact a beam from out of the
building to the middle of critical columns.
3 Conclusions:
Final ability for manual connection with three
members and half-rigid joint on both simulation of
seismic load show the quantity of absorb energy.
This differences shows us the old and fatigue
structures in the simulation of failing time have
different behaviors in connection and half-rigid joints
have more stability than the members in impact loads.
In design of truss, moment is very important because
when the bridge is failing and members have
displacements then axel forces are changed into out of
axel forces in the members.

Fig. 6
Finding critical members for fixing or changing the
truss shape and managing internal forces are suitable
ways for having more stable structures. When some
members are going to fail in the truss, internal forces
are change and members have low or high stress than
the first time.
For example:
With adding four members to truss and equalization
press forces and moments between three parts of truss
frames and Structures resistant increased 14%.
similar truss like the first one, whit finding directions
of displacements of critical members, by computers
simulation and fixing that (fixed middle of six
members to each other just by two beams ) actually
structure resistant increased 20% than the first time.

[1] Ballio G. and Castigilion C.A (1994) seismic
behavior of steel section. J ournal of
constructional steel research.
[2] ECCS(1985) recommended testing procedure
for assessing the behavior of structural steel
element under cyclic load, committee TWG1.3
[3] Revised Annex J of ENV1993-1-1(J anuary
1997). Steel joints in building frames.
[4] Manual of ETABS version 8.2.7, analysis
[5] Results of simulation materials behavior in
Kurdistan University laboratory (Nov-
[6] Materials behavior in seismic load, Kurdistan
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[7] Perk, Y-J , and Ang, A, H-S, (1985)
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