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-: www.expresshare.com :-
-: Instructions :-
Installation instructions:
Option 1 (You have not yet installed your ESET product):
1. Run ESET PureFix and click enable.
2. Install your ESET product.
3. Optionally - Reboot.
Option 2 (You have already installed your ESET product):
1. Restart your computer in 'Safe Mode' either by clicking the 'Reboot in Sa
fe Mode' button or following the intructions here - http://www.pchell.com/suppor
2. Run ESET PureFix and click enable.
3. Reboot.
Removal instructions:
Option 1 (You are removing your ESET product completely):
1. Run ESET PureFix and click disable.
2. Uninstall your ESET product.
Option 2 (You only want to remove PureFix):
1. Restart your computer in 'Safe Mode' (you can use the safe mode option in
the extras tab, or follow intructions here - http://www.pchell.com/support/safe
2. Run ESET PureFix and click disable.
3. Reboot.
-: Troubleshooting :-
Some users are having issues with the Web Protection in ESET v5 (Mainly Windows
7 x64)
You can try the following installation method to overcome this:
1. Uninstall ESET 5 + Reboot (Only if ESET is installed)
2. Install ESET 5
3. Activate trial license(using any made up email address)
4. Force a manual update - this will come through at around 15mb
5. Reboot in safe mode and run PureFix
6. Restart into normal mode and run and update again - this will come throug
h at around 35-40mb
-: Changelog :-
Changes in v2.02
*Icons updated
*Fixed minor compatibility issue with ESET 4

Changes in v2.01
*Added ESET 5 compatibility
*Major re-write of the entire fix
*Added 'Extras' menu
*New feature to force boot into safe mode
*New feature to clear old ESET registry entries

Changes in v1.52
*Bug fixed which was causing PureFix to falsely report 'failed' on non-english
*Removal of 'Upgrade to full version' watermark from the Update tab.
*Greying out of 'Upgrade to full version' under Advanced settings > Update.
-: Thanks/Credits :-
Thanks to PurplebeanZ(PurplebeanZ@gmx.co.uk) for creating this fix (and the inst
-: End :-

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