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Calibre Creators

Management Consulting <> Human Resource Consulting <> Education and Training <> Management Research
Volume 3, Issue 01 - September 2014
LEARNING LETTER For Free and Private Circulation Only



Weve enjoyed bringing this to you and also enjoyed every bit of the journey so far.
We aspire to live to your expectations and maintain this chain for many more years to come!
Contd. on page 6
support, sharing and helpfulness
that took place in these groups
was unforgettable. Find others
like youdevoted to becoming the
best in the world at their craft.
And create an alliance.
#12. Keep a journal. Writing in a
journal each morning or every
night is a superb way to build
expertise. It allows for you to
reflect deeply on what youre
doing rightand celebrate those
winsand what areas of
performance you can most
#13. Remember that expertise
is a process, not an event.
#14. Reward your successes.
Staying passionate with your field
of expertise and your lofty goals is
absolutely essential to getting
your through the inevitable
failures/plateaus and obstacles on
the path to Mastery. By setting up
a clear reward structure, youll
fuel your energy and stay amped
to win.
#15. Read Talent is Overrated
by Geoffrey Colvin. Superb
#16. Stick with the new move
for 66 days. According to
research at The University College
of London, it takes 66 days of
practice to wire in a new habit. So
as you work on a new element
within your field of expertise, do
it for 66 days until the neural
highway in your brain has been
installed. The new move will then
become automatic.
#17. Raise your standards. Our
behavior reflects what weve
settled for. All experts are
obsessed with becoming the best
there ever was. And so their
performance matches that
#18. Know that becoming an
expert isnt easy (otherwise
everyone would be doing it).
But itll be truly worth it. That I
promise you.
#19. Clear your mind. A messy
mind causes messy results. Make
all efforts to have fewer goals,
see steady gains in your
performance standards.
#4. Become mono maniacally
focused on knowing all there
is to know about one or two
things. The secret to Mastery is
concentration of attention.
#5. Read. Its something too few
people do on a daily basis.
Reading collapses learning time
and allows the brilliance of the
best to rub off on your thinking.
#6. Get a mentor. Ive had a
number of key mentors in my life
and watching them show up at
peak was a game-changer. You
just cant reach your personal
Everest without some help.
#7. Practice insane amounts of
hours. Anders Ericsson is the
worlds pre-eminent researcher
on exceptional performance. His
research (popularized by
Malcolm Gladwell) showed that it
takes 10,000 hours of deliberate
practice to make an expert. Put in
the time and out will come the
#8. Go to your edges. Elite
athletes, violinists, writers and
chess players all do the same
thing: every day they have
specific times that they push
their skills to the edge. And by
relentlessly pushing their talents
past whats comfortable, their
talents quickly expand.
#9. Play to win versus playing
to avoid failing. Experts have a
tendency to pursue their
idealized image of excellence
while average performers behave
in a way designed to avoid
making mistakes. Big difference.
#10. Remember that things you
once found hard you now find
easy. You are built to grow, to
flourish and to adapt to new
#11. Set up a support team. At
our annual self-mastery event
The 48 Hour Transformation I
encouraged the hundreds of
participants to form Navy Seal
Teams. The level of connection,
Average performers work hard to
fit in. Ultra Performers work
really, really hard to stand out.
True, the global economy remains
a mess (and I predict it will get a
lot worse). But for those aiming
for iconic and settling for nothing
but their absolute best, economic
volatility is irrelevant.
Why? Because they are so
exceptional at what they do and
the value they produce that
theyve created their own personal
They are playing at such a high-
level, so original and indispensable
to their companies and customers
that theyve become famous.
Its a pretty awesome goal for you
to aspire to
Becoming famous for how good
you are at what you do.
Famous for your Mastery.
Famous for your Acumen.
Famous for your Expertise.
Famous for how superbly your
work serves the world.
And the truth is that theres just
not much competition up in rare-
So to assist you in claiming your
fameso that masses of people
beat a path to your doorIve listed
the 27 best ways that I know of
to become an expert
Here you go:
#1. Model the mindsets, habits
and behaviors of the people
performing at the level you
want to play at. Surround
yourself with as many world-class
experts in your field as you can
possibly network with.
#2. Teach your craft. As you
share what youre learning about
in your area of expertise, it
deepens your understanding. And
heightens your awareness.
Teacher learns the most is a
smart motto.
#3. Fail as quickly as you can.
Each time you stumble, study the
data, recalibrate and iterate your
next move. Do this daily and youll
Any Answers?
Can a cemetery raise its
prices and blame it on the
cost of living?
Can atheists get insurance
for an act of God?
Why do they lock the lid on
a coffin?
Why is there a light in the
fridge and not in the
Inside this issue:

Calibre Creators
Management Consulting <> Human Resource Consulting <> Education and Training <> Management Research
Volume 3, Issue 01 - September 2014
LEARNING LETTER For Free and Private Circulation Only
How to Become Famous - By Robin Sharma
Leadership Quotes 3
Humour 4
Improve Your Child's
Concentration at Home
Do you have the Guts? 4
Help Your Teen Understand
the Basics about Emotions
Active Scholarships 5
Live Kids Alone 5
Advice for People in their
18 Things Mentally Strong
People Do
Caliberisms !
A good teacher is like a candle
that consumes itself to light the
way for others.
The teacher who is indeed wise
does not bid you to enter the
house of his wisdom, but rather
leads you to the threshold of your
A single conversation with a wise
man is better than ten years of
A minute of success pays for
years of failure.
Vision is the art of seeing things
yet not visible.

Page 3 Calibre Creators
leaders raise the bar for others; great leaders
inspire others to raise their own bar." Orrin
"Don't blow off another's candle for it won't make
yours shine brighter." Jaachynma N.E. Agu
"Whenever you see a successful business, someone
once made a courageous decision." Peter F.
"When you put together deep knowledge about a
subject that intensely matters to you, charisma
happens. You gain courage to share your passion,
and when you do that, folks follow." Jerry Porras
"A good leader leads the people from above them. A
great leader leads the people from within
them." M.D. Arnold
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he
stands in moments of comfort, but where he
stands at times of challenge and
controversy." Martin Luther King, Jr.
"The very essence of leadership is that you have to
have vision. You can't blow an uncertain
trumpet." Father Theodore M. Hesburgh
"It is absolutely necessary...for me to have persons
that can think for me, as well as execute
orders." George Washington
"A leader takes people where they would never go on
their own." Hans Finzel
"You don't lead by pointing and telling people some
place to go. You lead by going to that place and
making a case." Ken Kesey
"A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn
his back on the crowd." Max Lucado
Become the kind of leader that people would follow
voluntarily; even if you had no title or
position. Brian Tracy
I start with the premise that the function of
leadership is to produce more leaders, not more
followers. Ralph Nader
Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is
calm. Publilius Syrus
A great person attracts great people and knows how
to hold them together. Johann Wolfgang Von
"My job is not to be easy on people. My job is to take
these great people we have and to push them and
make them even better." Steve Jobs
People buy into the leader before they buy into the
vision. John Maxwell
To have long-term success as a coach or in any
position of leadership, you have to be obsessed in
some way. Pat Riley
A good leader is a person who takes a little more
than his share of the blame and a little less than
his share of the credit. John Maxwell
A good plan violently executed now is better than a
perfect plan executed next week. George Patton
Earn your leadership every day. Michael Jordan
Success at the highest level comes down to one
question: Can you make the choice that your
happiness can come from someone else's success?
No one has qualities like courage, vision,
charisma, adaptability, and decisiveness in equal
measure. But every great leader does make the
same decision--and so can you. Jeff Haden
"I don't see myself being special; I just see myself
having more responsibilities than the next man.
People look to me to do things for them, to have
answers." Tupac Shakur
"If you would convince a man that he does wrong, do
right. But do not care to convince him. Men will
believe what they see. Let them see." Henry David
"I cannot trust a man to control others who cannot
control himself." Robert E. Lee
"The day the soldiers stop bringing you their
problems is the day you stopped leading them.
They have either lost confidence that you can
help them or concluded that you do not care.
Either case is a failure of leadership." Colin Powell
"Consensus: The process of abandoning all beliefs,
principles, values, and policies in search of
something in which no one believes, but to which
no one objects; the process of avoiding the very
issues that have to be solved, merely because you
cannot get agreement on the way ahead. What
great cause would have been fought and won
under the banner: 'I stand for consensus?'
" Margaret Thatcher
"A leader takes people where they want to go. A
great leader takes people where they don't
necessarily want to go, but ought to be." Rosalynn
"There is a difference between being a leader and
being a boss. Both are based on authority. A boss
demands blind obedience; a leader earns his
authority through understanding and
trust." Klaus Balkenhol
"You get in life what you have the courage to ask
for." Nancy D. Solomon
"In the end, it is important to remember that we
cannot become what we need to be by remaining
what we are." Max De Pree
"We're here for a reason. I believe a bit of the reason
is to throw little torches out to lead people
through the dark." Whoopi Goldberg
"A leader isn't someone who forces others to make
him stronger; a leader is someone willing to give
his strength to others so that they may have the
strength to stand on their own." Beth Revis
"Always remember, Son, the best boss is the one who
bosses the least. Whether it's cattle, or horses, or
men; the least government is the best govern-
ment." Ralph Moody
"If you really want the key to success, start by doing
the opposite of what everyone else is doing." Brad
"The art of leadership is saying no, not yes. It is very
easy to say yes." Tony Blair
"Wisdom equals knowledge plus courage. You have
to not only know what to do and when to do it,
but you have to also be brave enough to follow
through." Jarod Kintz
"Remember teamwork begins by building trust. And
the only way to do that is to overcome our need
for invulnerability." Patrick Lencioni
"No guts, no story." Chris Brady
"Leadership is an action, not a position." Donald
"Surround yourself with great people; delegate
authority; get out of the way." Ronald Reagan
"I cannot give you a formula for success, but I can
give you the formula for failure, which is: try to
please everybody." Herbert Bayard Swope
"Show me the man you honor and I will know what
kind of man you are." Thomas John Carlisle
"The challenge of leadership is to be strong but not
rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not a
bully; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but
not arrogant; have humor, but without folly." Jim
"A man always has two reasons for doing anything: a
good reason and the real reason." J.P. Morgan
"If you spend your life trying to be good at
everything, you will never be great at any-
thing." Tom Rath
"Average leaders raise the bar on themselves; good
Leadership is lonely. No matter how big your team,
sometimes it's just you--which means you sometimes
need to look inside yourself for motivation and
Or you can find personal inspiration from someone
who has been there, done that...and done it well.
Here are some of leadership quotes. use them to help
you become an even better leader than you already
"To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others,
use your heart." Eleanor Roosevelt
"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher
explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The
great teacher inspires." William Arthur Ward
"It's hard to lead a cavalry charge if you think you
look funny on a horse." Adlai E. Stevenson II
"Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be
what we know we could be. "Ralph Waldo
"Keep your fears to yourself, but share your courage
with others." Robert Louis Stevenson
"The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who
does the greatest things. He is the one that gets
the people to do the greatest things." Ronald
"Power isn't control at all--power is strength, and
giving that strength to others. A leader isn't
someone who forces others to make him stronger;
a leader is someone willing to give his strength to
others that they may have the strength to stand
on their own." Beth Revis
"Don't tell people how to do things, tell them what
to do and let them surprise you with their
results." George S. Patton Jr.
"I have three precious things which I hold fast and
prize. The first is gentleness; the second is
frugality; the third is humility, which keeps me
from putting myself before others. Be gentle and
you can be bold; be frugal and you can be liberal;
avoid putting yourself before others and you can
become a leader among men." Lao Tzu
"Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do
something you want done because he wants to do
it." Dwight D. Eisenhower
"Victory has a hundred fathers and defeat is an
orphan. John F. Kennedy
"Management is doing things right; leadership is
doing the right things." Peter F. Drucker
"You are not here merely to make a living. You are
here in order to enable the world to live more
amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of
hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the
world, and you impoverish yourself if you forget
the errand." Woodrow Wilson
"Leaders must be close enough to relate to others,
but far enough ahead to motivate them." John C.
"Leadership is not about titles, positions, or
flowcharts. It is about one life influencing
another." John C. Maxwell
"You have to be burning with an idea, or a problem,
or a wrong that you want to right. If you're not
passionate enough from the start, you'll never
stick it out." Steve Jobs
"A leader... is like a shepherd. He stays behind the
flock, letting the most nimble go out ahead,
whereupon the others follow, not realizing that
all along they are being directed from
behind." Nelson Mandela
"Do you know that one of the great problems of our
age is that we are governed by people who care
more about feelings than they do about thoughts
and ideas." Margaret Thatcher
"A leader is a dealer in hope." Napoleon
"The best executive is the one who has sense enough
to pick good men to do what he wants done, and
self-restraint to keep from meddling with them
while they do it."Theodore Roosevelt
Volume 2, Issue 11
Page 4
"What would life be if we had no courage to
attempt anything?" - Vincent van Gogh
re you stuck in place and afraid to act
because you are afraid you might fail?
If so, you arent alone!
Most of us at some time find ourselves
immobilized by the fear of failure, especially when the
possibility of failure is strong or the consequences of
failing are severe. It takes strength and will power to
move forward. We might fail, but if we take no action,
we cant succeed.
Here are some tools to help overcome a fear of failure,
so you can move toward success.
Belief Makes a Difference
Inventor Thomas Edison didnt call himself a failure
when the 100 attempt to create a light bulb failed, or
when the 1000 attempt failed. Lets face it, many of us
would have chucked the idea after a few dozen
failures! How did Edison keep going? He didnt view
each attempt as a failure; he saw it as feedback that
showed him what wouldnt work.
Here are some other famous people who didnt take
failure to heart and went on to succeed:
J. K. Rowlings Harry Potter and the Sorcerers
Stone was rejected 12 times before a publisher
picked it up.
Henry Ford went broke five times before founding
Ford Motor Company.
Actor Harrison Ford was told he would never make
it as an actor.
Vincent Van Gogh completed more than 800 known
works in his lifetime and sold only oneto a friend.
Each of these people believed in their abilities and
talent and refused to stop despite what some would
have labeled as failure. Imagine what our world would
be like if they had stopped trying.
Learn to Reframe
Stop seeing failure if you don't succeed and refuse to
consider the situation unbeatable. Instead, reframe it.
When you reframe, you take a different perspective on
the situation. When you change the frame around a
painting, it changes how you view the painting. Ask
yourself what this situation can teach you. Maybe you
need to make a course correction, try something
different, get help, and so on.
Do a Risk Assessment
What is the worse case scenario if you dont succeed?
Be objective! Dont exaggerate. Perform some real due
diligence and research to uncover the worst result that
might happen. Now, assess the likelihood of this
happening, decide what steps you can take to mitigate
or even eliminate this likelihood, and take action.
What do you think went through the mind of NASA
employees when JFK charged them to land a man on
the moon by the end of the decade? There were risks
galore, including the loss of life. Risks can be
controlled, and when you recognize and face them, you
can perform what initially seems like a miracle.
Success does not come by avoiding failure. It comes
from looking failure in the face and facing it down! It
only becomes failure when it stops you and keeps
you stuck in place.
"Every strike brings me closer to the next
home run." - Babe Ruth
o accomplish any task you need to be able to
concentrate your attention for a time. It is a re-
quirement for learning. Kids not only need to be
able to focus on tasks but to stay in the one place
long enough so they can listen to and follow instructions.
Most kids, from time to time, will experience some concen-
tration or focusing difficulties. This is particularly true when
they are over-tired, over-stimulated or over-loaded. However
some children due to either their physiology or psychology
have greater difficulty focusing on tasks and on people than
Either they find settling into or starting a task a problem or
they lose focus easily and leave tasks half done.
There are many things you can do at home to impact on
children' concentration levels. Like any skill, concentration
can be enhanced and made automatic. The trick to effective
concentration is to know what to concentrate on and what to
filter out.
Here are five ideas you can use to help kids to concentrate
1. Attend to their physiological needs: Most children and
teenagers concentrate best after nine hours sleep so make
sure they get sufficient sleep. Reduce sugar intake and
increase protein levels with lean meat, almonds and eggs.
This stimulates their dopamine levels which make concentra-
tion easier, particularly for lethargic kids. Frequent breaks for
exercise have a similar effect.
2. Remove distractions at home: List the distractions at
home that may prevent your child from concentrating. These
include; noise, people, lighting, fighting, fatigue and hunger.
List ways to eliminate or reduce, and work at them system-
3. Create the mood for concentration: Calming back-
ground music, placing a fish tank (with fish) in a place of
work and removal of fluorescent lights are some simple ways
to make the environment more amenable for concentration.
These strategies have been used successfully in overcoming
concentration problems in many 'boy-friendly' schools.
4. Introduce sequencing and organisation activities: The
link between sequencing and concentration is a strong one.
Following recipes, setting the table and putting things in
alphabetical order are great activities for kids who have
concentration difficulties. Board and card games promote
children's ability to focus on tasks as well.
5. Figure out what activities your child focuses on best:
Some kids concentrate better when they are involved in
hands-on activities, while others focus better when there are
plenty of visual cues to help them. That's why teachers use
hand signals such as 'hands on heads', and 'fingers on lips'
to indicate quiet. Look for activities that your child gets lost
in; and those activities that they can spend literally spend
hours in. These activities enhance children's concentration
Like any skill, concentration can be improved and made
automatic. Anyone who has learned to drive a car will have
had the experience of thinking, "How will I concentrate on all
these things?" Extensive practice allows for the pathways of
It helps before you begin to assist kids to concentrate better
if you pay close attention to their pattern of concentration
and see if there are links between diet, their energy pattern,
sleep and your own behaviour.
A new manager spends a week at his new office with
the manager he is replacing. On the last day, the
departing manager tells him, I have left three
numbered envelopes in the desk drawer. Open an
envelope if you encounter a crisis you cant solve.
Three months down the road there is major drama
in the office and the manager feels very threatened
by it all. He remembers the parting words of his
predecessor and opens the first envelope. The
message inside says Blame your predecessor! He
does this and gets off the hook.
About half a year later, the company is experiencing
a dip in sales, combined with serious product
problems. The manager quickly opens the second
envelope. The message read, Reorganize! He
starts to reorganize and the company quickly
Three months later, at his next crisis, he opens the
third envelope. The message inside says Prepare
three envelopes.
Teacher: The first of September, first lesson. Please
sit quietly, if you want to ask something raise your
Peter immediately raises his hand.
You want to ask something?
No. Just checking how the system works.
Johnny, why are you late again?
But you only have said that it's never too late to
Interview with a successful businessman: Tell me,
how many people work in your company?
Hmm... Approximately half.
Manager for his subordinate: What are you doing
Subordinate: Executing your command.
Manager: But I haven't told you anything.
Subordinate: So and I do nothing.
Customer to Shopkeeper: Yesterday I have bought
an energy saving bulb in your shop, returned home,
but it does not work.
Shopkeeper: `It should not, it saves energy.
Interviewer: Why did you leave your last job?
Candidate: Company relocated and didn't tell
me where
Respect your parents - they did high school without
using Google or Wikipedia.

Source: Unknown
Do You Have the Guts? Improve your childs
concentration at home
Like any skill, concentration can be improved and made automatic.
Page 5 Calibre Creators
In times of peer pressure and competition, we tell
you how to raise chirpy, tantrum free children

one are the days when life as a 10-year-
old was all play and no work. Times are
more competitive and peer pressure has
found a different meaning altogether.
You may not realise, but in a world where people are
leading virtual lives, kids are facing the brunt. They
worry about making more friends on social-
networking sites, succeeding at school and sports,
and try to fit in with their peers. But a childs natural
state is supposed to be chirpy and curious. Here is
how to raise a happy kid.
Unstructured playtime is essential for kids to build
their imagination, relieve stress and simply be. How-
ever, kids these days seem to be busier than their
parents. They hardly have time to eat, let alone free
time for play. Pushy parents, cut out unnecessary
activity classes. Instead, invite the kids who live
around you over and provide them with simple toys
like blocks and dolls that allow for creative play.
If you constantly feed your little one with comfort
foods like burgers, colas and pizzas, it can cause a
serious mental health imbalance. Research shows, a
diet rich in processed-food causes increased mood
swings and even depression among children. This is
because a large chunk of serotonin, which is in-
volved in mood control, depression and aggression,
is found in the intestines, not the brain. Therefore,
even if it takes time, cook them a nice meal and steer
clear of junk options. But more importantly, get
them to eat on time. If a child goes too long without
eating, it may lead to fluctuations in blood sugar
levels, causing irritability. Children need to refuel
their growing bodies on a regular schedule, so keep
your childs meal times consistent.
No matter how many toys you buy or PlayStations
you gift them, children crave nothing, but uncondi-
tional and selfless love, and they need it consistently.
If your child makes a mistake, dont reprimand him/
her, let them know you are still around for love and
support. Research show, kids who are constantly
compared to their peers by their parents, grow up to
be resentful adults.
The next time your kid throws a tantrum, dont
reach out for the stick. Instead, let him vent. Chil-
dren need to cry, scream, stomp their feet and run
around with excitement. This is how they express
their emotions, which doctors say is healthy for
emotional development and will prevent a life-time
of internalising negative emotions.
The next time you surf the Internet and simultane-
ously hear your child out, be mindful. Kids are quick
to gauge when youre paying attention to them, and
when you are not. So, when you are spending time
with them, be mentally present too.
Too little sleep not only makes kids grouchy and
causes mood swings, it also negatively impacts their
behaviour and attention. Studies suggest, children
between five and 10 years need at least 10-11 hours of
sleep a night for optimal mood and health. To help
your child get a good nights sleep, keep the TV,
computer, video games and tablets away from your
childs bedroom. Make sure they are off to bed by 9
Happy parents make happy children. If youre con-
stantly stressed and angry, your child will sense this
and turn anxious. Likewise, if you keep grumbling
about your situation, the child will learn to do the
same. You are your childs first role model, so set an
example, and no matter how hard life gets, or how
many challenges it throws up, sail through with a
Source: The Times of India
Corner :
Contd. on page 6
Help Your Teen Understand
the Basics about Emotions
Sometimes teens struggle to identify and
understand how they're feeling. Frequent
mood shifts and an inability to cope with those
rapidly changing emotions make it a
tumultuous time for many teens. Teaching your
teen to identify and understand her feeling has
many advantages.
The Difference between Thoughts, Feelings and
Teens can benefit from learning the distinct
difference between thoughts, feelings and
behavior. Many teens struggle to understand
the difference. Often, when I ask a teen how
hes feeling, hell say something like, I think I
shouldnt have to go to math class. Instead of
saying how hes feeling, hell tell me what he
thinks. Sometimes, teens struggle to label a
feeling word that describes their emotions and
they can benefit from learning that their
thoughts, feelings and behavior are separate
Here is an example:
Feeling Angry
Thought I dont like it when people ignore
Behavior Pounding a fist on the table.
Help your teen understand that just because he
feels angry, it doesnt give him a right to
behave in an aggressive manner. Teach your
teen that he can learn how to be in control of
his behavior, no matter what hes feeling.
Also, help your teen identify thoughts that
influence how he feels. A teen who thinks
constantly about an upsetting incident is likely
to continue to feel angry. If he can refocus his
thoughts on something else or change the way
he looks at the situation he may feel better.
Although it sounds like a fairly simple concept,
most teens I meet need help understanding the
difference. Ask your teen how hes feeling
about specific situations or circumstances.
Then, help him label a feeling word that
describes his emotion. With practice, hell
become more used to describing how hes
feeling, not just what hes thinking and it will
empower him to take control over his behavior.
Understanding Emotions Helps Establish Coping
When teens don't know how they're feeling or
don't understand how emotions work, coping
with those feelings in a healthy way becomes
very difficult. Teens need to know how to deal
with uncomfortable feeling like anxiety,
sadness and anger. Once teens have a better
understanding that emotions are acceptable
and its okay to feel them, they can learn
healthy ways to deal with them.
Teens may need help finding healthy coping
skills to deal with their emotions while talking
to a friend may relieve anxiety for one person,
drawing may be the best strategy for another
teen. Help your teen identify coping strategies
that will help him tolerate the discomfort he
experiences when he has strong emotions.
Leave Kids Alone
(Courtesy: Association of Muslim Professionals)
Brief Eligibility Availability - Submission
Students who have passed Std. X and have
secured/applied for admission this year in
Government or recognised polytechnics for
Diploma courses.
Preference will be given to girl students,
children from lower income group families,
disabled children and children of armed forces
Mr. Ali Ahmed Khan
Maulana Azad Education Foundation
Social Justice Service Centre, Chelmsford Road,
Opposite New Delhi Railway Reservation Centre
New Delhi 110055
Contact No. +91-11-23583788/23583789
Fax No. +91-11-23561945
Email: secy-maef@nic.in
Website: www.maef.nic.in
IndianOil Educational Scholarship
IndianOil Merit Scholarships Scheme FOR
IndianOil Scholarships Scheme FOR

Students pursuing full time/regular courses
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these streams & studying in Schools /
Colleges / Institutions recognized by MCI /
AICTE / State Education Boards/State Technical
Education Boards / ICSE / ISC / CBSE shall be
eligible to apply for the different streams
Sify Technologies Limited,
Plot No B 7, Sector-132,
Noida-201301 (Uttar Pradesh)
e-Mail : iocless@sifyitest.com
Help Desk can be contacted only over phone no.
9810421827 / 9810422305
For students of 10+, ITI, Engineering, MBBS &
MBA Course
Preference will be given to girl students,
children from lower income group families,
disabled children and children of armed forces
The Trustee, Sitaram Jindal Foundation,
Jindal Nagar, Tumkur Road, Bangalore 560 073
Voice: 080 23717777
E-mail: scholarship.blr@
Website: www.sitaramjindalfoundation.org
Applications are open year around

Page 6 Calibre Creators
priorities and responsibilities so your mind
becomes incredibly centered on the dominant
focus of your professional life: the one field
you are committed to mastering.
#20. Go first-class. If youre really serious
about world-class performance then have the
guts to invest in world-class training tools,
world-class coaching, world-class instruments,
world-class conference, world-class nutrition
and a totally world-class environment to
support your rise to the top.
#21. Watch the uber-inspiring documentary
of expertise Jiro Dreams of Sushi.
#22. Sleep less to achieve more. Yes, sleep is
essential for peak results. I get it. But too many
people sleep too much. Most of the ultra
acheivers I work with sleep very little. Theyd
rather use that time to practice, study, produce
awesome work, grow their fortunes, build their
families and contribute beautifully to the
#23. Understand that mastery loves the
#24. Keep the self-promises you make to
yourself. Its a fantastic way to increase self-
#25. Keep a written daily schedule. The
things that get scheduled are the things that
get done. Expertise comes from clear and
structured effort. A written schedule of your
practice times, study times, coaching times as
well as a listing of your other essential life
commitments will ensure youre on track.
#26. Show up when you dont feel like it.
Experts dont show up to do the work only
when they feel strong, energized and excited.
They show up when theyre tired, discouraged
and exhausted. Thats what it takes to be the
#27. Do it for yourself as much as for the
world. Becoming an expert is one of the finest
methods I know of to move toward self-
mastery. The process of expressing your
greatest talents and potential develops your
character. You teach yourself patience,
perseverance and toughen your faith. Yes,
youll help/inspire/create value for so many
people via your inevitable expertise. But dont
just do it for that. Choose it for what this
uncommon journey will make of you as a
Advice for People in Their
Twenties by Johnny Webber
1. Find three hobbies you love: one to
make you money, one to keep you in
shape, and one to be creative.
2. Getting a degree matters, but getting the right
degree matters even more.
3. Leave every job you have on good terms. Do not
burn your bridges.
4. See the world while you still dont have a ton of
5. Dont live on the Internet. Go out and experience
real life.
6. Dont give up what you want most for what you
want now.
7. Read. A lot.
8. Dress to impress.
9. Never pinch pennies on brakes or tires.
10. Never stop learning
11. Marry someone you consider your best friend.
12. All adventures in life start by just showing up.
13. Drama is never worth putting up with.
14. Value experiences over possess-ions.
15. Drive slow in bad weather.
16. Money comes and goes. Time just goes.
17. Dont judge yourself on your intentions but your
18. Always make new mistakes.
19. Dont rely on other people to make you happy.
20.Bite less; chew more.
How to become Famous
Contd. from page 1

(contd. from left column)
Reduces Behavior Problems
Teens who understand their feelings are able to
use their words rather than their actions to
express themselves. For example, a teen who
understands he's feeling angry may be able to
talk about those feelings or address the
problem. A teen who lacks understanding of
anger may blame others for his angry feelings
and not accept responsibility for damaging
property when he's upset.
As your teen begins to develop a better
understanding of his feelings hell be able to
find positive ways to cope with his emotions
before things get out of control. A teen who
recognizes warning signs that hes getting very
upset, will look for strategies to solve the
problem or cope with his emotions, rather than
allowing his behavior to get out of control.
1. They Move on. They dont waste time
feeling sorry for themselves.
2. They keep control. They dont give away
their power.
3. They embrace change. They welcome
4. They stay happy. They dont complain. They
dont waste energy on things they cant
5. They are kind, fair, and unafraid to speak
up. They dont worry about pleasing about
other people.
6. They are willing to take calculated risks.
They weigh the risks and benefits before
taking action.
7. They invest their energy in the present.
They dont dwell on the past.
8. They accept full responsibility for their
past behaviour. They dont make the same
mistake over and over.
9. They celebrate other peoples success.
They dont resent that success.
10. They are willing to fail. They dont give
up after failing. They see every failure as a
change to improve.
11. They enjoy their time along. They dont
fear being alone.
12. They are prepared to work and succeed
on their own merits. They dont feel the
world owes them anything.
13. They have staying power. They dont
expect immediate results.
14. They evaluate their core beliefsand
modify as needed.
15. They expend their mental energy wisely.
They dont spend time on unproductive
16. They think productively. They replace
negative thoughts with productive thoughts.
17. They tolerate discomfort. They accept their
feelings without being controlled by them.
18. They reflect on their progress. They
continuously monitor the milestones,
hurdles, opportunities and work on them.
18 Things Mentally Strong
People Do
Why Its Important to Teach
Teens About Emotions
(contd. from page 5)
Improves Social Skills
A teen who is more in-tune with his feelings will
exhibit better social skills compared to a teen
who doesn't understand his emotions. For
example, a teen who is feeling anxious because
his friends don't seem to be including him in
their conversation may exhibit attention-seeking
behavior, such as making strange noises or lying
to get attention. A teen who understands his
emotions may be able to be assertive and say,
I'm feeling left out.
Teens are likely to experience better
relationships and less conflict when they
understand the emotions they're experiencing.
Help your teen think about how other people
may feel in certain situations. This can help him
empathize with his friends and understand how
his behavior influences how others feel. An
emotionally intelligent teen is more likely to
think about other peoples feelings in social
situations and can be more accepting of other

1 No point using limited life to chase unlimited money.

2 No point earning so much money you cannot live to
spend it.

3 Money is not yours until you spend it.

4 When you are young, you use your health to chase
your wealth; when you are old, you use your wealth
to buy back your health. Difference is that, it is too

5 How happy a man is, is not how much he has but
how little he needs.

6 No point working so hard to provide for the people
you have no time to spend with.
Editor: Mr. Sarfaraz Lakhani
Asst. Editor: Ms. Aparna Makhija
Do write to us to share your feedback and
contribute articles:
E/002, Green Park, Near Shantivan
(MHADA), Off. Link Road, Andheri (W),
Mumbai - 400 053, Maharashtra, India
Phone: +91 9820 530 995
E-mail: sarfaraz.calibrecreators@gmail.com
Try this Tongue Twister
Three free throws to
throw them through
Calibre Creators : Our Guiding Philosophy
Calibre Creators believes in building Life-Long
Relationships with the participants of its training
programmes, especially the students. We expect
to become their mentors and be able to provide
them effective solutions till the time they are well
established in their careers.
Our Business Focus: We aim to provide training and life-changing
interventions in these principle areas:
Personal and Corporate Training and Development
Academic : Programs that would enable Management, Teachers and students to enhance their abilities / attitude for future education oriented endeavours.
Career / Corporates: Programs that would help individuals enhance their attitude, ambition, personality, skill profiles to improve their journey in their chosen
vocations or professions
Life :Programs that would equip individuals of all ages and profiles with essential skills or outlook to further enhance their routine life experiences with the
objective of building a better society.
Community: Programs that would enable individuals or groups of individuals to improve their relationships within / with their immediate environment and
those touching their lives.

Have Faith : Whatever Happens, happens for Good
Once upon a time there was an old man called Sthira, who lived alone in
a village. He would go about his business alone, even in his old age. He
was a nice, friendly man who was liked by all the people in the village.
They would often come over to the old mans house and express their
sympathy that his only son had gone so far away to study. They
wondered aloud if his son would ever return. To all their concern, Sthira
would always thank them and say, "Whatever happens, happens for the
One day, the old mans son returned to the village. The entire village
was very happy for Sthira, and streams of villagers came over to
congratulate him. Like always, the old man was polite. He thanked all of
them for coming over and said, "Whatever happens, happens for the

Barely a few days had passed, when one day, Sthiras son fell off a horses
back and broke his leg. Once again the entire village came over to Sthiras
house to express their concern. And once again the old man thanked them
for their sympathy and said, "Whatever happens, happens for the good."
Some of the villagers were surprised to hear this and wondered what good
could there possibly be in a broken leg.
A few days later, a small army of the local king came to the village and
recruited all able-bodied young men into the army. When they came to
Sthiras house they found his son with a broken leg. So they left him behind.
Once again, all the villagers came to the old mans house to congratulate
him for his good luck. And like always, the old man thanked them for their
concern and said, "Whatever happens, happens for the good."

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