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Relationship Expert Says "Like Yourself - Like Your

Speaks on Self Worth While Releasing Second Book.
Mora, MN (USA), October 22, 2014 -- Lisa Cassman, a licensed
counselor, author, ordained minister and speaker, says men and
omen need to learn ho to like themsel!es" She says liking yourself
makes all the di#erence in any relationship, especially marriage" She
recently rote her second relationship $ook, %&he Light in Your Eyes,'
pu$lished $y (alo )u$lishing *nternational" *t+s a poetic ,ourney ith
her hus$and"
%-hen you learn ho you are, you can learn to like yourself, then you
can gi!e more in a relationship instead of taking all the time,' says
Cassman" %-hen $oth a hus$and and spouse can learn to do this
successfully they can ha!e a happier marriage"'
Research shos that self esteem is a huge issue glo$ally, especially in
omen" .ne study / http011"do!e"us1Social-Mission1Self-Esteem-
Statistics"aspx 2 shos only 34 of omen think of themsel!es as
$eautiful, hile 564 of omen agree that e!ery oman has something
a$out her that is $eautiful $ut do not see their on $eauty"
Cassman says these stats are a product of hat+s really going on inside
of oman 7 her self orth" She knos $ecause she also struggled
groing up ith lo self-esteem and self orth" &hat+s hy she speaks
and rites from her on experience through sexual a$use, and a
struggling marriage that ended in di!orce" &hrough her faith and
learning to like herself, she recei!ed healing" 8o she+s married to the
man of her dreams"
*n her self-orth seminars, Cassman gi!es keys to help others 9nd out
hat causes lo self-orth and a!enues toard solutions, hile also
encouraging attendees to dra on their faith for healing"
%Lisa+s seminars and $ooks ea!e a dynamic story of $rokenness to
holeness, hich helps others to do the same in their personal li!es
and marriages,' says (alo )u$lisher Lisa M" :mina"
%&he Road Less &ra!eled""" < =uide to a )ositi!e Marriage,' as
inspired hile on a road trip ith her hus$and in his semi-truck
tra!eling along the -est Coast" >rom her professional experience, she
pours her inspirational insight and her on personal understanding of
relationships into her ork and guiding others through marriage" You
can purchase it for ?@A"BC -
%&he Light in Your Eyes,' ritten across the last H6 years, documents
Cassman+s ,ourney into hat lo!e means, as her hus$and, Ste!e,
shoed her, starting hen they ere hopeful teens" You can purchase
it for ?@@"BC"- http011"halopu$lishing"com1$ookstore1&he-Light-in-
You can $ook Cassman as a speaker or edding oIciant $y !isiting
< Minnesota nati!e, Lisa Cassman has more than A6 years experience
counseling children and families in the church, as ell as orking ith
sexual a$use and domestic !iolence !ictims at a crisis center" She has
a $achelor+s degree in Christian Counseling from the )astoral
Counseling Center, hich is accredited through the 8ational Christian
Counseling <ssociation /8CC<2, and is also certi9ed to administer the
<rno )ro9le System /<")"S"2 report, hich is a personal
identi9cation1in!entory" She and her hus$and ha!e four children
together and six grandchildren" She en,oys speaking at omen+s
conferences and tra!eling to oIciate eddings"
Press Me!ia "o#tact:
Lisa M" :mina, )u$lisher
(alo )u$lishing *nternational
@@66 8- Loop 3@6, Suite J66-@JK,
San <ntonio, &L J5A@H - :S<

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