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How individuals understand themselves in the city?
How they engage with the city?
How they engage with others?
Where is housing in the equation? -Shapes an individual understanding.
What are housings potentials?(why is this important?) -Can provoke +/- action. (reaction)

How the nature of work has evolved through time? (tech, assembly) ----- TIME
How individuals reacted to the changes? (feelings, themselves, city, future)

Understand city,
What is the current condition of city? How it got to this condition?
What cities are all about? (come together, do things together, connect, communicate, cooperate)

Autonomy and coop, competition and coop,
Developmental issues: children development of distinctive self. (4-6 years)coop is needed for balance. (coop and autonomy: unsettling
Competition: coop is a critical part of competition. cooperate to set rules of the competition. (operation and evaluation)

Human inclination,
Social animal, genetics, evolution,

Social Architecture: (requires skills, requires exchange, requires modes of expression, adsress and understanding
to the other)
coop is working with others to do what you cant do by yourself.
Social relations a product of homo Faber. (social and material practices, making things well, making relations well, make city well)

Challenges: Magnifies in communities made up of different races, ethnicity, income, orientation,

Encountering differences (coop indifference): this is true coop, and can lead to growth.
those we dont understand, strangers, those we dislike. (it is easy with those alike)

Wrong Definition: Giving away is not cooperation. (giving away is a means of dominance.)


Political Sphere: is constantly challenged by coop.
Response with enforcing majority. Choice between conformity vs autonomy.
-edges borders and boundaries ------- negotiation of the condition.

Civil Society: highly influential and malleable. Cooperation is a skill
Children: learning early is critical, late introduction to others is stressful and damaging, (antisocial children become antisocial adults)
Neighbors: preventing interaction removes expectations, seeds autonomy, results in indifference, (antisocial adults raise antisocial

Social skills: skills are learned at home, in the community, at school

Dialectic vs dialogic interchange, conclusion closure (thesis, antithesis, synthesis) vs. reaching a common ground
(haggle) dialectics: power relation, dislocation of dominance, interplay between thesis and antithesis, communicate across barriers
rather than yes, no, become something new. Reach closure (COMMUNICATIVE INTERACTION)
(Bakhtin) Dialogic: listening skill, the intent beneath the word, language beyond face value and bounded, intentions, lack of words, fear
of expression, responsive to covert rather than overt. NO RESOLUTION, NO MOMNET WHERE THE HIDDDEN CAN BE RESOLVED WITH
THE OTHER. Dealing with difficult (interdisciplinary communication) help in problem finding.
Problem finding vs problem solving (CRAFTSMAN)

Declarative vs subjunctive expression. I believe X vs. withdraw from Grammatical formulation
Declarative: debate, clear, persuasive (channeling aggression) (male fetish of assertion, express will, domination)
Subjunctive: speaking like a brit. Opening a space of ambiguity. Ambiguity over clarity. (attempt to withdraw form dominatiom, leaving
a space free) application of minimum force.

Identifying others in sympathy vs empathy. HOT emotions vs COOL emotions How we recognize the other
Sympathy: (adam smith, moral sentiment.) feel the struggle of that in need to extend help.
Power: nothing is foreign to me, there is nothing you cant relate to, react to , understand.(arrent)
Empathy: Curiosity and wonder: apply to pain you dont understand, stay, wonder, and engage. (not about magic)

Professional skills: braverman to bob riche

Skill society: Clich (tom Friedman)
Development of skill in one realm deskills people in another realm.
Skilling and disliking are inseparable. Adding one skill removes one some other place

Technological skilling.. human deskilling. (masdar city) vs (flex technology)
Removes interpreting subject: removes exposure to differences, strangeness, need for inquirty , engagement
All that is required to navigate ambiguity.

Physical Aspect of Architecture (edge condition) (experience of the edge, enable both pracity and resistance)

Facilitates: porosity and resistance.

Balance: coop and autonomy coop and competition (trading skill reduces tension between the unlike.)

Ambiguity: Promote and nature ambiguity. Facilitate interaction. (shifts between active and passive.) (membrane rather than wall)
Sheer openness is not a sign of interaction.

Mobilize Wonder: Incremental exposure. Fluid and responsive boundaries.

Protection: mark space rather than enclose space. (active protection, and not isolation.)

Openness: promote negotiation and exchange.


Minimum force: (material, resource, labor, operation)

Constant input: remind the inhabitance of the coexistence. Stimulate innovation, receive intuition.

Cooperation and the City (critique: border dominates, impeding space where cooperation is learned, people are
Borders and boundaries:
Boundary: is a form of aggression. Where interaction ends. animal markings interaction diminishes. (easy to build)
Forms of relative death, social death.
Resists exchange, projects dominance. Deskills people (by preventing practice of dialogic interaction.)
Border: Interaction increases. biological activity is greater. (requires skill)
Requires negotiation of difference and exchange.
Modern programming: Moline

Preventing people from developing skills that allows them to interact, learn, make mistakes, innovate, evolve.
Compare to a capillary city. Where people are provoked to interact.

Ethics and agency (as till describes)

The fountainhead:
architects call it the greatest book ever written.
Defence scene: served only himself; conquest of nature vs conquest of man; common action is common slavery; the individual against
the collective; my ideas are my property; I AM AN ARCHITECT
RAND: work presented as the power of the individual and arch manifesto.
ARCHITECTS RELATING TO: Deeply political tract. Architecture as a vehicle to deliver a set of libertarian views. Architect as the individual
being liberated from the hold of ..
How could you deny the political messages and see the architecture hero?
As soon as architecture becomes a discipline detached from the political social life form. Coded, named, set of patters, generic forms
and autonomous languages, will allow forgetting the political context.
History of architecture is told through general coding. Student told are told that architecture developed as a parallel tract to the
history of the world. Violent intersection. Discreet moments of autonomous development. Plaudio, (colon row, VILLA
MARCHANTENTO< VILA SCHTINE>) history of arch-----history of autonomous object. Architect here is allowed to exist.

Zaha table=zaha building, realm of pure from. Not progressive patern of autonomous form development.

You cannot detach architecture from the socio political realm.

Solidified detachment,,,, buildings exist separate form political social special world. Agreeable shapes in order to sell buildings.
Position yourself within the juxtaposition.

Market crashes are alarm bells.--------- LOOK AT CONDITIONS OF PRODUCTION.

Systems of special production.

To assume an ethical stance means to assume responsibility for the other. ZB

Selling architecture to the marketguilding of a rotton carces----wrap life in an ENVELOP-----avoid involvement in spatial production.

Social, spatial, economic production.

Research tool website.

Anthony Giddesns: agency presumes the capability to act otherwise.
Counter to all professional values and market position. To act otherwise would suggest doubt. Suggest that things could be done
otherwise. Challenge the authority of the architect.

----Professional role to become much more mediated and interesting.

Rather than landing a building on a specific context,, with spurious methophorical rubbish.

Be open modest humble and bring skills and spatial understanding.

Professional ethics are not social ethics.


The search for a new ethical practice. Professional ethics are not social ethics. Undermining professional values.
Wanting to resist political regiems.
Education, other ways of doing architecture through education. Radical education. Architecture education is highly conservative, but is
not seen as such as the product look different, fun, groovy. The underline way of reaching the product is deeply conservative.
Studios,miniheroes, set of rules to follow. AA-WORKSHOPS storm troopers of parametric design.
To work with others, responsibility, sharing your knowledge.
Global issues, environmental, economic.


Spatial (social) judgment: design with judgment as to the way society interacts.
Mutual knowledge: rather than knowledge as a paradigm of enlightenment. Everyones knowledge is different. Knowledge can be
exchanged. You have to find ways to engage with others.
Critical Awareness: Aware of the results of your action.

MUTUAL KNOWLEDGE: in relation to professional value systems

Threat of the others: anything that can somehow stain architectural autonomy and sanctity.
Avoiding the innate skills, to not see them as someone with capacity but with hindrance. Rather than trying to make sense.

Threat of time: Others bring stories, bring future, bring potential for change, architects live in the terror of time. Time brings change,
time muddies, time brings whether, brings user which muck of your buildings.
Why architecture is portrait as a set of instant moments of gratification before time has had a chance to stain the perfection of
architecture. Architects will do everything to extract time. Chapter 5 out of time.

Aesthetics: Great moments of participatory architecture are untactful. They dot accord to the autonomous form.

Politics: others bring politics to the table. Personal lives, personal politics. Left, right .

Loss of control: exposure to other ways of doing things, loosing professional control. Finger pointing.

ARCHITECTURES DEPENDANCT, architecture depends on lots and lots of things. Attempt to assert authonomous authority The more you
deny these the more they comeback to hunt you.. Not a treat, but reality and indeed opportunity.

Architectures yearning is overwritten by its actuality. Highly filtered and highly exclusive reality.


Other--------opportunity: (DONT LOOK AT WHY THEY ARE SICK_____CREATE MACHINES TO MAKE THEM BETTER, problem-solving as a
paradigm of rational thought. Architects create the problems themselves and they are the only one who can solve it.)

Problem is a negative word. Sense making: the world as a set of context to make sense of.

time--------opportunity: of designing the unfinished. Accept the notion of time. Allow the other to do what they want. Time as a primary
context in which architecture is conceived.

Acknowledgement of the unfinished: Dweller takes control after the architect. Design an intelligent background. Log run will have
more resonance.

Aesthetics,--------object to fact to object of concern (Bruno letore): the fact of the aesthetic or the fact of the technique------ buildings as
an object of concern.

Politics ----- negotiation of hope: get away from forced participation. Architect as a negotiator of hope.

Loss of control ---- expert citizen/citizen expert: to remember your humanity, not to think that you are an expert. Maintain and manage
control. (student go in as humans and come out as architects. Ritual of school ritualizes a behaviour patterns, which then go on to
establish a certain external behaviour.)

Piers Taylor workshop.
Mitchell taylor workshop.

Less is more, less is a bore, mess is the law
The thinner the pen, the better degree of classification you got.

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