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(thistoorly uncoded)

Namele Tribe foundation
These Minutes
are Confidential and Private Documents.
They are not released for any Statutory and/or non-Statutory Individual, Organiation,
!overnment, andor any "ntity #ithout the e$%ressed #ritten consentaneous a%%roval &y the
'oard of Trustees of the aforesaid Pure Trust.
In Rem Juris Et De Jure
Nunc Dimittus Nunc Pro Tunc

(Article III, 3a, PTp)
Namele Tribe foundation
Special Meeting of the Board of Trustee(s) [BoT]
Baning Minuets and !esolution
(thistoorly uncoded)
1. A special meeting of the Board of Trustee(s) (BoT) of amele Tri!e foundation (Tf)
"as on (name)#### county, on the (day num!er) day of the $e%enth month of the &ear
T"o Thousand and T"el%e. At the meeting it "as discussed that the Pure Trust pro%isions
of the Tf states that the BoT of Tf may dehisce accounts in !an'ing and financial
institutions of their choice. The account(s) are to !e opened in the Pure Trust(s proper
name, )amele Tri!e foundation* for conducting !usiness. If pri%ate commercial loans
are necessary for securing Pure Trust, land and+or assets, fidelity !onds, "ill not !e
re,uired !y the Trustee(s) "ho perform these and all other types of !usiness transactions.
If the !an' has their o"n trusts and do not allo" pri%ate trusts opening accounts, the BoT
may dehisce a !an' trust account !y one Trustee as its manager.
-. .pon motion made, seconded and carried, it "as resol%ed electing, /ord 0ean 1arl,
2olden, Trustee3 By4 0ean 1arl, Trustee, .5c 16-78+379, .5c 36:7-, to !e the Trustee to
open as "ell !e on the !an' account.
3. .pon recei%ing the original !an' trust document and confirming their amendment clause,
the Pure Trust can !e added as an amendment in the minutes and+or as a contract rider.
That procedure "ill secure proper legal language "hilst the !an' trust "ill ha%e a high
pro!a!ility of !eing an inferior statutory trust during certain social eras. If the !an'(s trust
pro%isions do not ha%e an amendment clause, the Trustee may in,uire a!out the error and
suggest an addendum "ith a proper resolution motion minute in "riting. If the !an'
demurrers, the Pure Trust pro%isions (PTp) can !e added as a pri%ate measure. The !an'
has no pri%ilege of impairing the o!ligation of contract (Art. ;I<, 3i=, Ao5 >Articles of
5onfederation ?generic@A, Art. I, 1!, PTp, Art. II, -!, c/5) and any good contract,
chapter, constitution, pro%isions, agreements, etc., "ill ha%e an amendment clause. If not
incon%enient, perhaps researching into another !an' position "ould !e prefera!le.
Bhere!y, if not possi!le and a cause of action "ere resulting as of the addendum !y the
Pure Trust Trustee(s) !ecoming a defendant, a counterclaim may !e pursued and+or a
)Plea in Bar (Art. II, C!c, PTp) issued !y the BoT. The !an' action may result upon
perusal of the addendum Pure Trust and circumstances leading to"ards that action is not
unethical !ut necessary "hen statutory go%ernment "ill not ac,uiesce unto proper
common /a" PTp. The PTp are prepotent and illimita!le "hilst all other trust pro%isions
are inferior, =ures et de =ure.

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