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DNA chips in active substance research

In the garden
of molecules


Active substance
analysts Dr. Edda
Koopmann and
Dr. Peter Eckes
with citrus fruits
susceptible to
Active genes:
a test substance
is sprayed onto
thale cress.

Applications for DNA chips

To investigate principles of action

This is the most important task. It involves
comparing the reaction of model organisms to
active substance candidates with their reac-
tion to substances with known principles of
action. This gives an early indication of how
the substance candidate works. If the reaction
does not match any known pattern, bio-
informaticians use the gene activity profile
to search for clues to the metabolic paths in-
volved. This makes it much easier to under- 11
Crop protection products are be- blueprint of a living organism opened stand the biochemical principle of action than

Bayer research 17
coming increasingly effective up unimagined possibilities. Thanks to would otherwise be the case.
and specific. To ensure that this the growing body of genetic informa-
remains the case in the future, tion, which now includes the complete To investigate resistance
scientists at Bayer CropScience or almost complete genomes of other Comparing the gene chip pattern of a resist-
searching for suitable sub- plants, some insects and fungi, sophis- ant organism to that of a normal organism
stances distinguish promising ticated biotechnical methods now al- provides vital information as to the causes of
new candidates from those low scientists to deliberately search for resistance.
which work by well-known me- further principles of action in the fight
chanisms, and thus are of little against pests of every kind. To search for pro-drugs
interest, as early as possible in This is because if a new substance As DNA chips react in the same way as entire,
their development work. The works according to a previously un- healthy pest organisms, they are also sensitive
scientists rely on an extremely known biochemical principle, it is very to pro-drugs, substances which remain inac-
useful tool to do this: DNA likely to be effective in controlling tive until they reach the desired site of action
chips, which provide a fungi, insects and weeds that have be- where they transform into an active form,
molecular snapshot of a plant come resistant to traditional products. usually because an enzyme in the organism
or pest. Furthermore, understanding molecular changes them.
processes in detail also allows scien-
U.S. President Bill Clinton hit the head- tists to assess very accurately whether To conduct in vitro / in vitro comparisons
lines in February 2001 when he ap- a potential substance will meet the Sometimes trial substances are outstandingly
peared with the molecular biologists strict environmental and safety re- effective on the isolated target enzyme in bio-
Craig Venter and Francis Collins to quirements imposed on modern crop chemical tests in vitro, but fail when confront-
present the first version of the human protection products. ed with the entire organism. Comparing the
genome. The “Book of Human Life” Bayer’s scientists were quick to pick gene activity profile of the ineffective candi-
had been opened, and a new era in up on the new opportunities. “Once date with that of an effective substance can
medicine was about to begin. the Arabidopsis genome had been de- help clarify why this is the case.
For scientists working in crop protec- coded, we thought that now it might
tion, the event of the century had al- make sense to conduct detailed inves- To conduct gene function analysis
ready happened two months before. In tigations into changes in genetic ac- Many parts of the genome have no function,
March 2000, an international research tivity triggered by the action of crop and only a few genes are essential to life.
team had presented the complete protection products,” remembers Dr. DNA chips help us find these vital genes and
genome of Drosophila melanogaster, Peter Eckes, a bioinformatician work- so focus on potential sites of action.
the most popular model organism ing in Bayer’s herbicide research facili-
for insects. The publication of the ge- ties in Frankfurt am Main. He and his To investigate toxicology
nome of the thale cress (Arabidopsis colleagues in Bayer’s crop protection DNA chips can often be used to ascertain at a
thaliana), an unassuming plant which research therefore started to plan and very early stage whether a potential substance
is nonetheless a key botanical model conduct the first experiments with DNA is likely to cause unwanted side effects.
organism of great scientific interest, chips representing Arabidopsis genes.
followed in December. Here again, the These diagnostic marvels, although
complete sequencing of the hereditary scarcely bigger than a thumbnail, reg-
RNA molecule from the organism
with luminescent material (yellow)

Gene fragment captor

RNA molecule binds specifically

Gene in the organism is active

Section of a DNA chip Computer evaluation

ister a snapshot of all the genes that der investigation probably blocks that Novel substances can be identi-

are switched on, and therefore active path. The fact that the plant is trying fied at an early stage
in the production of proteins, within a to counter this by upregulation of the
cell at a given time. metabolic pathway genes is an impor- “Good contacts with the biologists are
tant key to the substance’s mode of the most important thing,” explains
Chip analysis supports research action. But that’s not all: “Gene chips Catherine Sirven, who works in Lyons.
into resistance are a very promising option in resolv- The onus is very much on the compu-
ing a number of problems, for instance ter experts’ communication skills: they
Once the biologists know which genes when we look into the causes of re- have to clearly understand the prob-
are active, they can investigate what sistance,” says Dr. Edda Koopmann, lems facing the researchers if they are
nutrients, enzymes or receptors the cell head of the bioinformatics laboratory to find the right solutions. Adds Sirven,
at Bayer CropScience in Monheim. A “In Lyons we carry out research on
fungus that is resistant to a particular fungi. These organisms are particularly
fungicide often activates genes for pro- difficult to investigate because they are
teins that break down the substance so varied, and each one goes through
into harmless components or remove different stages in its lifetime.” She and
it from the cell. In insects that toler- her colleagues discuss the findings for
ate a crop protection agent, a specially new potential fungicides whose princi-
developed DNA chip could be used as ples of action are unknown: “Genetic
a diagnostic tool to help elucidate this chips of the rice blast fungus and ad-
resistance. ditional biochemical experiments al-
This is why the bioinformaticians who, low us to see what changes the new
along with molecular biologists, devise substance causes in the fungi and to
and assess the DNA chip experiments, compare the results with the response
see themselves as providing a serv- of these fungi to existing substances.”
ice to the CropScience biologists and If the team finds out that the candidate
chemists in their attempts to solve works in much the same way as an ex-
tricky problems. “We evaluate the chip isting substance, then further research
experiments, a statistically demanding would be pointless. If not, things can
task, provide additional information get interesting: “If the mode of action
and consult closely with the research is one that was previously unknown,
scientists,” says Dr. Koopmann. That is the substance could be successful,”
why bioinformaticians are on hand at explains Sirven.
Dipl. Ing. Catherine urgently needs at that time. These are all Bayer CropScience research sites: A single chip contains up to 500,000
Sirven uses com- highly significant details: for example, in Monheim, where work is concen- snippets of genes which wait like
plicated statistical
methods for gene if genes for several enzymes involved trated on insecticides but also certain fish-hooks for pieces of genes which
analysis. in a particular metabolic path are ac- aspects of fungicides, in Frankfurt am match them. To give an example, the
tivated following the application of a Main, the center of herbicidal activity, gene snippets on an Arabidopsis chip
crop protection product, the obvious and in Lyons, which is the main site for are made up of defined pieces of
conclusion is that the herbicide un- fungicidal research. the plant’s genome, which comprises
How a gene chip works
A DNA chip contains up to 500,000
gene fragments arranged in grids.
These capture RNA molecules formed
in a cell by active genes. After an
experiment in which an organism is
treated with a crop protection product,
the RNA is isolated from the organism,
prepared and treated with luminescent
material. This marked RNA is dripped
onto the DNA chip and each RNA
molecule binds to the place on the
chip where its gene fragment captor
is located. An assessment of the chip’s
light pattern then determines which
genes in the organism were active. The
chip has multiple binding sites for each
gene in order to prevent errors and
assess the intensity of gene activity.

around 24,000 genes. The scientists Weidler, who together with Dr. Peter whose mode of action is still not under- Chip evaluation:

Bayer research 17
Active genes
then extract the ‘messenger RNA’ mol- Eckes laid the foundations for today’s stood. Our task over the next few years become glowing
ecules from a plant cell; the type and statistical evaluation of the chip experi- will be to analyze them.” dots in the com-
number of these molecules reflect the ments, is well aware, “The experiments puter analysis
level of gene activity. These are also contain so much information that you www.affymetrix.com
fragmented and applied to the DNA could easily be swamped by it.” But The website of the world’s larg-
chip after being treated with lumines- this does have advantages: “We opted est DNA chip manufacturer offers a
cent material. for gene chips because, firstly, they give wealth of information on all aspects
us the opportunity to have an overview of this new technology.
A complete overview of what of changes in the organism and, sec-
happens in the cell ondly, as with a high-resolution satel-
lite image, they allow us to get down
The scientists note which fish-hooks to the fine detail at the right points
light up because they have caught a quickly.”
piece of RNA. This shows them which Considerable experience and standard-
genes in their probe were active. One ized operating processes are needed to
single chip is not that helpful, however. work with gene chips, which are highly
“What really makes the experiment sensitive as a result of their complex-
exciting is the comparison,” says Dr. ity. “After a while you can even tell
Koopmann. “Gene chips are critical which colleague carried out the tests,”
if we want to investigate differences says Dr. Koopmann. “It’s a task that
DNA chip reveals mode of action of a new substance
between two situations.” In another requires great sensitivity and good,
experiment she compares probes from self-checking software to interpret the A test substance was sprayed onto four plants. In-
several fungi cultures treated with test data correctly.” The bioinformaticians creased activity of the six genes shown here relative
to the four control plants was then determined.
substances. These substances have in Frankfurt, Lyons and Monheim are As these genes are related to the plant growth
proven to be effective in biochemical old hands at this by now: they select substance auxin, it can be concluded that the test
tests, but are inactive in the fungal different types of chips from different substance imitates the effect of auxin.
culture for unknown reasons. “These manufacturers according to the task at
comparisons show us how well in vitro hand and have developed their own Gene activity Gene activity
experiments transfer to natural, in vitro Bayer-specific work processes for a 104 104
situations,” she explains. whole range of different issues. 103 103
Real bioinformatics work is therefore And they have been successful. For
102 102
not actually required with DNA chips example, they have built up a compre-
until the results are available in the hensive compendium for insecticides 10 10
form of a gene activity pattern. Reduc- and herbicides, used to rapidly allo- 1 1
ing vast quantities of data, so complex cate each new potential substance to 0.1 0.1
as to be almost chaotic, to the key in- a specific principle of action - or not, 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
formation is a task requiring complex as the case may be. “And that’s when
Four experiments with- Four experiments with
statistical evaluation, fast computers things really take off,” says Dr. Eckes. out the test substance the test substance
and higher mathematics. As Dr. Marcus “We have a whole range of substances

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