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4,000 Brazilians evacuated as dike

bursts after heavy rains
2 4,000 Brazilians evacuated as dike bursts after heavy rains

Textos Mastigados Tecla SAP www.teclasap.com.br

4,000 Brazilians
evacuated as dike bursts
after heavy rains
4,000 Brazilians evacuated as dike bursts after heavy rains ............................................. 2
4,000 Brazilians evacuated as dike bursts after heavy rains (in English)..................... 3
4,000 Brazilians evacuated as dike bursts after heavy rains ......................................... 4
Leitura complementar ....................................................................................................... 6

3 4,000 Brazilians evacuated as dike bursts after heavy rains

Textos Mastigados Tecla SAP www.teclasap.com.br
4,000 Brazilians evacuated as dike bursts
after heavy rains (in English)
Shasta Darlington, CNN

razilian authorities on Thursday said they were evacuating 4,000 people
in the state of Rio de Janeiro after days of heavy rains burst a river dike.
According to the Municipal Civil Defense, floodwaters opened up a 20-
meter-wide crater in the highway outside of Campos dos Goytacazes, which is
about 275 kilometers (170 miles) northeast of the coastal city of Rio de
Heavy rains across southern and central Brazil have also wreaked havoc in the
state of Minas Gerais, an inland state to the southeast of the nation's capital
of Brasilia.
This wet weather spurred mudslides and flooding that earlier killed eight
people and forced another 10,000 to leave their homes. This state has
declared a state of emergency in 71 towns.
January is usually a month with heavy rains. A year ago, more than 800 people
died due to floods in the state of Rio de Janeiro.

4 4,000 Brazilians evacuated as dike bursts after heavy rains

Textos Mastigados Tecla SAP www.teclasap.com.br
4,000 Brazilians evacuated as dike bursts
after heavy rains
Shasta Darlington, CNN

razilian authorities [As autoridades brasileiras] on Thursday said
[afirmaram] they were evacuating 4,000 people in the state of Rio de
Janeiro after days of heavy rains burst a river dike [depois de dias de
fortes chuvas terem causado o rompimento de um dique em um rio].
Cf. Gramtica: Letras Maisculas
Cf. Ortografia: Vrgula
Cf. Como traduzir PEOPLE?
Cf. Grias: Sapato
According to [Segundo a] the Municipal Civil Defense [a Defesa Civil
Municipal], floodwaters [as guas da chuva; as guas da enchente (lit.)]
opened up [abriram] a 20-meter-wide crater [uma cratera de 20 metros de
largura] in the highway [na estrada] outside of [prxima a; nos arredores de]
Campos dos Goytacazes, which is about [que fica a] 275 kilometers (170
miles) northeast of the coastal city of Rio de Janeiro [a nordeste da cidade
litornea do Rio de Janeiro].
Cf. Gramtica: Adjetivos Numricos
Cf. Falsas Gmeas: CITY x TOWN
Heavy rains [Fortes chuvas] across southern and central Brazil [nas regies
sul e central do Brasil] have also wreaked havoc [tambm causaram
5 4,000 Brazilians evacuated as dike bursts after heavy rains

Textos Mastigados Tecla SAP www.teclasap.com.br
destruio] in the state of Minas Gerais, an inland state [um estado sem
acesso ao mar] to the southeast of [localizado a sudeste] the nation's capital
of Brasilia.
Cf. Pronncia: Do Sul
Cf. Falsas Gmeas: CAPITAL x CAPITOL
This wet weather [Esse clima chuvoso] spurred [causou] mudslides
[deslizamentos] and flooding [e enchentes] that earlier killed eight people
[que j haviam causado a morte de oito pessoas] and forced another 10,000
to leave their homes [e deixado outras 10 mil desabrigadas]. This state has
declared a state of emergency [declarou estado de emergncia] in 71 towns.
Cf. Vocabulrio: Tempo
Cf. Qual a diferena entre HOUSE e HOME?
January is usually a month with heavy rains [Janeiro costuma ser um ms
com muitas chuvas]. A year ago [H um ano], more than 800 people died
[morreram] due to [em razo de] floods [enchentes] in the state of Rio de
Cf. Pronncia: THEM x THEN x THAN
Cf. Qual a diferena entre DEAD, DIED e DEATH?
Cf. Falsos Cognatos: ESTATE

6 4,000 Brazilians evacuated as dike bursts after heavy rains

Textos Mastigados Tecla SAP www.teclasap.com.br
Leitura complementar

:: Phrasal Verbs: Parar / Diminuir (chuva)
:: Expresses Idiomticas: TAKE A RAIN CHECK
:: Mountain falls onto Brazil resort; 22 killed
:: Falsas gmeas: WAIT x HOPE x EXPECT
:: Medo
:: Por falar em chuva
:: O que RAINMAKER significa?
:: Como se diz evitar em ingls: PREVENT ou AVOID?

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