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... through Bertha Dudde

The raging of natural forces ....
Total changes of living conditions ....
It is imossi!le to ma"e eole !elieve that their earthl# life $ill
comletel# change during the forthcoming time. The# count on
an end to their time of suffering% follo$ed !# economic
develoment and flourishing and imroved living conditions% and
on a time of tran&uillit# and eace $hich $ill relace the time of
uheavals and suffering.
The# don't $ant to !elieve that a far more difficult time is still
ahead of them% that the# cannot e(ect an# imrovement !ut
$ill still have to endure indescri!a!le suffering and miser#. )nd
the# dismiss an# reference to this as fallac# or imagination.
It is therefore ver# difficult to ma"e them change their lifest#le%
to encourage them to conduct themselves in a $a# $hich is
leasing to God and to consciousl# $or" at imroving their souls.
For onl# faith in this $ould ma"e them seriousl# strive to attain
God's leasure. Instead% the# ta"e no notice of it and ignore
God's ever# admonition% although *e sea"s to them through
adversit# and sorro$.
This lac" of !elief e(acer!ates the siritual dar"ness+ there is no
$a# to enlighten them !ecause the light itself $ill !e
e(tinguished if it is "indled in order to illuminate them .... God
*imself ta"es it# uon these eole and tries to enlighten their
sirits% !ut the# close themselves to it and can never attain the
Onl# the truth can save them% #et the# don't $ant to hear it
!ecause it comletel# contradicts their future lans% !ecause it
derives them of their hoe for earthl# imrovement and an end
of their state of suffering and e(ects of them a transformation
of their souls and a change of their resent $a# of thin"ing.
The# don't $ant to !elieve% conse&uentl#% there is no other
means to ma"e them !elieve !ut through steadil# $orsening
earthl# lights .... for onl# through these $ill the# sto !eing so
e(tremel# earthl# minded. )nd this increased earthl# suffering
$ill come a!out through an event $hich $ill d$arf ever#thing
$hich came !efore it% !ecause eole $ill !e left at the merc# of
the raging of natural forces $hich human $ill cannot control.
For onl# $hen the# recognise a higher ,o$er $ill the# !o$ do$n
to this )uthorit# and hum!l# as" for hel. Thousands of eole
$ill certainl# !e severel# affected and the suffering should !e
enough to ma"e them realise their o$n hellessness and romt
them to sincerel# call uon God for hel ....
*o$ever% for as long as eole are the creators of great adversit#
it $ill result in increased hatred and often greater ungodliness%
!ecause in their immense adversit# the# are no longer a!le to
recognise the God of love.
But as soon as the# are faced !# a ,o$er Which the# $ill have to
ac"no$ledge !ecause It visi!l# e(resses Itself% the ossi!ilit#
also e(ists that the# $ill !o$ do$n to this ,o$er and aeal to It
for merc#. Then God can helfull# intervene.
)lthough it is indeed an e(tremel# ainful means of education% it
must nevertheless !e used if at least a small art of humanit# is
still to !e saved% that is% if in the last hour the# $ill still recognise
God in the raging of natural forces and esta!lish contact $ith
*im% $ithout $hich there $ill !e no salvation.
)nd thus the most o$erful event lies ahead of humanit#% $hich
it $ill !e una!le to escae !ut $hich cannot !e averted !# God
!ecause humanit# does not heed *is admonitions and $arnings
nor does it change its conduct% !ut continues to go on living
thoughtlessl# $ithout a#ing attention to *im.
The slightest God-inclined will would prevent this event
from happening and prompt God to show mercy and
forbearance, #et eole distance themselves increasingl#
further from God and act in oosition to *is $ill.
)nd since God foresa$ this $ill from the ver# !eginning *e has
also "no$n for an infinitel# long time the effect of eole's $rong
$ill and uses the final means in order to $in those eole over
for *imself $ho are as #et not entirel# oosed to *im .... *e $ill
ma"e the -arth trem!le and there!# instil fear and terror in
eole .... *e $ill sea" to them through the elements of nature%
*e $ill let the forces of nature erut and e(ress *imself loudl#
and clearl# through these ....
)nd this event $ill entail immense changes+ it $ill cause a
comlete turnaround in ever# individual erson's lifest#le% and
the conse&uences of the natural disaster $ill !e so ver#
significant that ever#one $ill have to a# attention to it% thus no.
one $ill remain unaffected !# it.
)nd !lessed is he $ho $ill still change his thoughts+ !lessed is he
$ho $ill still !e a!le to recognise the hand of God in ever#thing
that $ill still !e imosed on humanit# in the coming time+
blessed is he who will still find his way back to God, who
strives to fulfil His will and establishes the right
relationship with Him .... *e $ill !e heled !# God in his
adversit# and the difficult time $ill not !e in vain for him if it
ulls his soul !ac" from the a!#ss !efore it is too late ....
,u!lished !# friends of ne$ revelations of God / Information%
do$nload of all translated revelations% theme.!oo"lets at0


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