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Terms and Conditions
The Publisher has strived to be as aurate and om"lete as "ossible
in the reation o# this re"ort$ not%ithstandin& the #at that he does
not %arrant or re"resent at an' time that the ontents %ithin are
aurate due to the ra"idl' han&in& nature o# the Internet(
)hile all attem"ts have been made to veri#' in#ormation "rovided in
this "ubliation$ the Publisher assumes no res"onsibilit' #or errors$
omissions$ or ontrar' inter"retation o# the sub*et matter herein(
An' "ereived sli&hts o# s"ei#i "ersons$ "eo"les$ or or&ani+ations
are unintentional(
In "ratial advie boo,s$ li,e an'thin& else in li#e$ there are no
&uarantees o# inome made( -eaders are autioned to re"l' on their
o%n *ud&ment about their individual irumstanes to at
This boo, is not intended #or use as a soure o# le&al$ business$
aountin& or #inanial advie( All readers are advised to see, servies
o# om"etent "ro#essionals in le&al$ business$ aountin& and #inane
.ou are enoura&ed to "rint this boo, #or eas' readin&(
- / -
Table O# Contents
Cha"ter 11
A##iliate 2asis
Cha"ter 21
Antii"ate The Needs O# .our 3ar,et
Cha"ter /1
4u""l' 5el"#ul In#o About A##iliate Produts .ou
Cha"ter 61
2e Truth#ul )ith .our Customers And 4ubsribers
Cha"ter 71
-esearh O##ers And Test Them0irst
Cha"ter 81
Learn 5o%To 2e Patient
)ra""in& 9"
- 6 -
- 7 -
Cli, 5ere1
- 8 -
- = -
A##iliate "ro&rams are no% ver' muh "art and "arel o# an' online
business endeavors( )ith almost ever' om"an' o##erin& some #orm
o# a##iliates one %ould be able to understand *ust ho% muh it an
"ositivel' ontribute to the added revenue element o# the endeavor(
Get all the in#o 'ou need here(
- > -
A##iliate -evenue Avalanhe
The 4erets 2ehind A ?4no%load@ O# A##iliate Cash
Cha"ter 11
A##iliate 2asis
As there are several t'"es o# a##iliates the individual should ta,e the
time to understand the bene#its o# the various t'"es be#ore and
in#ormed deision is made(
- A -
- 1B -
The 2asis
There are three main t'"es o# a##iliate mar,eters and these %ould
inlude the #ull time mar,eter$ the "art-time mar,eter and the side-
line mar,eter(
The #ull time mar,eter %ould "robabl' de"end heavil' on the sole
"romotion o# other businesses %ith revenue &ained throu&h the
"artii"ation eCerise(
The "art-time mar,eter %ould em"lo' a##iliate "ro&rams as a ma*or
"art o# the business entit' %hih in turn %ould reate a si&ni#iant
"erenta&e o# their umulated earnin&s( The side-line mar,eter %ould
ideall' onl' "artii"ate in "romotin& a ver' small number o#
This an var' but it %ould "o"ularl' be about t%o to three om"anies
onl'( This in most ases %ould mean the "romotion o# their o%n %eb
host to enable their ost to be adeDuatel' overed(
The time #rame reDuired to im"lement the res"etive a##iliates %ould
be rather minimal in om"arison to other more om"leC internet
tools but the results %ould be ver' im"ressive indeed(
Commonl' "laed on eCistin& %ebsites and most "ro&rams that have
as o"ies$ ima&es and tra,in& lin,s the a##iliates are reall' Duite eas'
to lin, to(
The most notable reason #or addin& a##iliate to an' online business
endeavor lies in the revenue "ossibilities that ould be ver'
- 11 -
enoura&in& and lurative(
The #ollo%in& are some "o"ular a##iliate net%or,s1
E A##iliate0uel F these re"resent the ma*or industries$ %ith
riteria that are ver' muh striter than ommission *untion(
E Cli, ban, F "rimaril' di&ital "roduts %hih inlude
do%nloadin& eboo,s(
E Commission Guntion F overs ever' ma*or industr' #rom travel
to retail to man' others(
- 12 -
Cha"ter 21
Antii"ate The Needs O# .our 3ar,et
In order to be able to ta,e advanta&e o# an a##iliate "ro&ram one
needs to understand the varied needs o# the mar,et at the time the
"ro&ram is earmar,ed to be launhed( These needs %ill "la' a "ivotal
role in deidin& the orres"ondin& a##iliate that is most suited to be
- 1/ -
)hat Ho The' Need
Cate&ori+in& a##iliates into se&ments %ill allo% the easier
identi#iation o# %hat t'"e o# a##iliates most suited to their needs( The
ate&ori+in& eCerise ould be based on the "rimar' "romotional
"lat#orm used and its subseDuent ado"tive st'le(
9sin& vouhers as an eCam"le the a##iliated ode ta&&ed to this
se&ment %ould be lassi#ies as one se"arate t'"e %hen om"arisons
are made to "erha"s "riin& ate&ories(
Thus #or the vouher ode sites the visitor ma'be loo,in& #or disount
deals and li,in& on the s"ei#i ode %ill lead them to the
in#ormation sou&ht( Alternativel' is the visitor %as loo,in& #or better
#reebie deals then another ode %ould be used to aess these(
Hi##erent a""roahes should also be eC"lored %hen deidin& on the
suitable a##iliates( I# the a##iliates reDuire ontent to be the "rime
reason #or their searh then the orres"ondin& result %ill o##er *ust
A##iliates are usuall' ate&ori+ed b' the "romotional st'le ontent
%ithin the desi&n o# the site thus #irst understandin& the siteIs
ontents %ill allo% the hoie o# suitable a##iliates to be made(
4ometimes usin& in#luential and established soures to reate
- 16 -
material endorsin& somethin& and then usin& that material as "art o#
the a##iliate ate&or' ma' also be use#ul(
It should be noted that "resentl' there is a lot o# irumstanes %here
there is a &reat deal o# rossovers bet%een "romotional e##orts and
the s'stem or attration element used %ithin this "romotion to
&enerate the tra##i to the sites thus the a##iliates used %ill have both
these #eatures intert%ined(
- 17 -
Cha"ter /1
4u""l' 5el"#ul In#o About A##iliate Produts .ou Promote
In order to be able to su""l' hel"#ul in#ormation on the a##iliate
"ro&rams one is "romotin& one must #irst be able to ,ee" the
in#ormation o# %hat is bein& o##ered onise and to the "oint(
- 18 -
2e 5el"#ul
O##erin& this in#ormation based on mathin& the "ros"etsI needs to
%hat an be "rovided should ideall' be the start o# the %hole eCerise(
Hesi&nin& sim"le 'et desri"tive bits o# in#ormation to be used to
tantali+in& the "ros"et into ma,in& a ommitment %ill be the
suess#ul %a' o# reatin& hel"#ul in#ormation(
2ein& able to antii"ate i# the in#ormation %ill be hel"#ul is also
another onsideration that should be onsidered as i# the in#ormation
is deemed suitable it %ill be %ell ae"ted u"on the reommendation(
The hel"#ul in#ormation should ideall' inlude the #ollo%in& "oints1
E 3onitorin& the sales data in terms o# hel"#ul in#ormation based
on the bu'in& and sellin& trends o# the om"an' and then
introduin& a##iliates that desribe in detail$ "ro&rams that %ill
hel" enhane the urrent situation should be %ell reeived(
E Providin& in#ormation o# a##iliates that %ill enhane the ed&e
over the om"etition %ill also be another "lat#orm to ta" into( I#
the in#ormation on the a##iliate is #ound to be hel"#ul to the
"ros"et then the ommitted "artii"ation is established(
E I# the a##iliate is "redominantl' "romotin& events suh as trade
sho%s on an international level then the relevant su""ortin&
data should be "rovided #or the "ros"et to "eruse( In#ormation
- 1= -
that is om"limentar' in #ashion %hile sho%in& the "ast
eC"osure at suh events and the a##iliates advanta&es should be
learl' outlined to ensure the a##iliate "ro&rams is om"lete and
E 4ome a##iliate "ro&rams "rovide in#ormation on %hat is urrent
and i# this is an instrumental advanta&e #or the "ros"et then
the "ro&ram should be eC"lained and "romoted to them(
Clearl' outlinin& the bene#its %ill hel" the "ros"et ma,e an
in#ormed hoie o# the a##iliate "ro&ram o##ered(
- 1> -
Cha"ter 61
2e Truth#ul )ith .our Customers And 4ubsribers
The #irst thin& that I need to tell 'ou ri&ht no%$ "rior to us even
loo,in& at these tehniDues is to ma,e 1BBJ ertain that the
individuals si&nin& u" %ith 'ou ,no% %hat the' are &ettin&
themselves into(
0or instane$ ho% man' e-+ines or ne%sletters have 'ou ever
- 1A -
subsribed to merel' to #ind out that the'Ire not in realit' e-+ines and
ne%sletters$ sim"l' ad lists K%hih to be truth#ul arenIt all that bad in
ertain situationsL(
- 2B -
The deision 'ou arrive at no% %ill sha"e 'our business #ar in to
the #uture$ ho%ever more si&ni#iantl' %hatever 'ou tell 'our
bu'ers and subsribers the' %ill be reeivin& %ill sha"e 'our
res"onse rate substantiall'$ and that is "lainl' somethin& %e %ill
%ish to ta,e into aount #rom the ver' be&innin&(
4o there %e have it( Prini"le number one$ never tell 'our bu'ers
the' are &ettin& somethin& then re#use them that$ or send them
thin&s that the' have not alled #or or didnIt ,no% about$ as not
onl' %ill that &et 'ou into trouble$ but it %ill as %ell a##et the
lo'alt' and trust these bu'ers and subsribers have %ith 'ou$
%hih is so ruial(
)hat %e are aimin& to establish here is a tar&eted and e##etive list
that has res"onse rates throu&h the roo# de"endin& u"on %hat 'ou
are "romotin&(
Ho not #or&et this li,e%ise inludes a##iliates$ and mi&ht #orm a bi&
"art o# 'our a##iliate base(
.ou ou&ht to be truth#ul to 'our bu'ers and be reall' are#ul %ith
their "ersonal details and not divul&e it to an' other /rd "art' and
'ou should li,e%ise have re&ular ommuniation %ith 'our
- 21 -
Gettin& an autores"onder %hih %ill li,e%ise ,ee" 'ou out o# the
anti - s"am #ilter %ill li,e%ise hel" 'ou a lot(
Amon& the most ruial thin&s that 'ou should do is to &et
"ersonal( .ou should address 'our subsribers b' their name and
,ee" 'our e-mails short and eCat(
Althou&h 'ou ma' #eel that 'ou need to desribe 'our "roduts in
detail$ 'ou ou&ht to resist that tem"tation and not bore 'our
bu'ers %ith len&th' e-mails and ,ee" it as short as "ossible
nevertheless onve'in& ever'thin& 'ou %anted to in the #irst "lae(
3a,e it sim"le and in#orm 'our subsribers about the advanta&es
that the' &et out o# it(
- 22 -
Cha"ter 71
-esearh O##ers And Test Them0irst
There are several "ositive reasons %h' a "rodut or business should
be researhed and tested #or its redibilit' and im"at be#ore it
reahes the sta&e %here it is read' to be eC"osed to the ustomer or
- 2/ -
Che, It Out
These advanta&es ma' inlude interation bet%een the "roduts
and mar,et %ill be better addressed( This is es"eiall'
reommended i# om"arisons needs to be made %ith alread' %ell
established mar,et entities(
Throu&h the #ous on the "rodut and its ree"tion #rom those it
has been introdued to$ some idea o# its ae"tabilit' an be
&au&ed and the neessar' han&es i# an' an be adeDuatel'
addressed and made(
2' the reations and res"onse attrated throu&h the %hole
eCerise$ other om"limentin& eCerises an then be im"lemented
and arried out(
These ma' inlude advertisin& am"ai&ns that an be desi&ned to
suit the main a&enda$ assistin& so#t%are an be soured #or the
various business monitorin& "lat#orms to be established$ resoures
that ma' be needed #or the intention o# &ainin& reo&nition #or the
entit' ma' be identi#ies and a host o# other onnetive elements
ma'be is deided u"on(
O##ers that seem to reeive la, luster attention an then be altered
or redesi&ned to brin& #orth the best o# the "rodut #or the
- 26 -
"ros"ets to be #avorabl' attrated to them( The ost #ator in
doin& all this im"ortant testin& at the ver' onset o# the business
launhin& eCerise %ill lead to a lot o# eventual savin&s %hen the
ri&ht "ath has been identi#ied #or the am"ai&ns hosen(
)ell desi&ned evaluations that address all the "ossible onerns
#or both "arties %ill 'ield results that an be instrumental is #ollo%
u" deision and eventual "ere"tion o# the entities involved(
Ideall' the researh and tests done should inlude various levels
%ithin the desi&n "haseM "romotional ideas that are intended to
brin& the "rodut to the "ros"ets attention$ "riin& and an' value
added elements that are &oin& to be ta&&ed on(
- 27 -
- 28 -
Cha"ter 81
Learn 5o%To 2e Patient
Timin& is o#ten an element that an "rove to be sur"risin&l' im"at#ul
o# an' as"et o# a business endeavor( Timin& is ever'thin& #or
somethin& and im"ortant #or most individuals intendin& to venture
into the realm o# unertainl' %hen it omes to &oin& into business(
- 2= -
Great In#o
There#ore eCerisin& some level o# "atiene %ould be ver' bene#iial
indeed and the #ollo%in& "oints should reate the understandin& that
onstitutes this train o# thou&ht1
E 9nderstandin& that an' business venture %ill ta,e time to
&arner the desired revenue im"at or results is im"ortant(
EC"etin& results to be #orthomin& almost immediatel' an not
onl' ause stress and onern it an also lead to a &ood st'le not
bein& &iven the hane to "rove itsel# be#ore unneessar'
han&es are made( )hen there are too man' han&es too soon$
the resultin& e##ets %ill be on#usin& and #rustratin& to all
E 2ein& "atient also means bein& ativel' involved in the eCerise
o# onsisten'( 4ittin& ba, and sim"l' allo%in& thin&s to
ha""en %ill also not be "ositivel' bene#iial( 4ta'in& onsistent
until all "ossibilities are eChausted or until "ositive results are
evident should be the tried and true methodolo&' to #ollo% #rom
the ver' onset o# an' endeavor(
E 4ta'in& ative does not in an' %a' mean blindl' doin& thin&s
%ithout an' "ro"er &oal or dream #irml' in "lae( It is ver'
im"ortant to %or, to%ards a &oal and brea,in& do%n the main
- 2> -
&oal into smaller and less dauntin& se&ments is reommended(
This %ill hel" on the *ourne' to%ard ,ee"in& "atient and
strivin& to%ards the main end &oal( This %ill ta,e time and
"atiene but is %ell %orth the e##ort$ ener&' and entered #ous(
E Patiene is also &oin& to be the in&redient that ,ee"s the
individual #rom &ivin& u" %hen the &oin& &ets tou&h( )hen the
element o# "atiene is "revalent then the ne&ativit' o# "ani
settin& in an be e##etivel' avoided(
- 2A -
)ra""in& 9"
2ein& able to use tools that an "rovide added revenue earnin&
"ossibilities %ill hel" enormousl' in an' business( This an be
eC"lored throu&h the man' a##iliates that are urrentl' available #or
use( These o#ten lurative %a's o# &ainin& added revenue an also
ontribute to the hei&htened a%areness o# the servie$ "rodut or
business bein& lin,ed to the eCerise o# usin& the a##iliates
Ideall' a &ood a##iliate mar,eter %ould be able to earn sales
ommissions eah time li,s or "urhases are made online( This o#
ourse has a "henomenall' unbound amount o# "ossibilities i# the
hosen a##iliate is %ell mana&ed and bene#iial to the st'le o# the site
it is ta&&ed to( Earnin&s an be made throu&h subsidies in the #orm o#
a &uarantee sale at the individual o%n #eatured site or #rom an
a##iliated merhantIs site %henever there is an on&oin& ation o#
"urhases o# "roduts$ servies$ membershi" drives or "ro&rams on
other %ebsites too(
The latest and "ur"ortedl' a hi&hl' suess#ul %a' o# &ainin& revenue
throu&h the a##iliates are in the ustomer rei"roation a##iliate( This
is touted to be a om"etitive and #ast &ro%in& %a' o# earnin& revenue
throu&h ustomer aDuisition eCerises( There are also a %hole host o#
other &ood a##iliates that ontribute handsomel' to the revenue
- /B -
earnin& o# those %isel' utili+in& this method o# subsidi+ed inome(
A##iliate mar,etin& is solel' based on #inanial motivation to drive
sales %hile other t'"es ma' rel' on other elements to om"liment the
business entit'(
Individuals onsiderin& online businesses should also onsider
inludin& a##iliate mar,etin& into the eDuation as in most ases it uses
a "a' #or "er#ormane st'le %hereb' the individual does not
neessaril' inur an' mar,etin& eC"enses unless results are arued(
5o%ever thou&h muh enoura&ed it should be noted that a##iliate
o##ers are o#ten not eas' to selet and mana&e %ithout the
orres"ondin& tools o# the trade available(
- /1 -
-eommended -esoures
Cli, 5ere1 htt"1::&uideri&ht&rou"(om:Godadd'
Cli, 5ere1 htt"1::&uideri&ht&rou"(om:5ost&ator
Cli, 5ere1 htt"1::&uideri&ht&rou"(om:NameChea"
Cli, 5ere1 htt"1::&uideri&ht&rou"(om:4oialAdr
- /2 -
Cli, 5ere1 htt"1::&uideri&ht&rou"(om:Tra##i)ave
Cli, 5ere1 htt"1::&uideri&ht&rou"(om:Imnia3ail
- // -
Cli, 5ere1 htt"1::&uideri&ht&rou"(om:Na++le2a,To4hool4tore
Cli, 5ere1 htt"1::&uideri&ht&rou"(om:Na++leCard4ha"es4tore
Cli, 5ere1 htt"1::&uideri&ht&rou"(om:Na++leCreateCustomTshirts4tore
- /6 -
Cli, 5ere1 htt"1::&uideri&ht&rou"(om:Na++leCustomi+eItAll4tore
Cli, 5ere1 htt"1::&uideri&ht&rou"(om:Na++leHisne's0ro+en4tore
Cli, 5ere1 htt"1::&uideri&ht&rou"(om:Na++leGraduationInvitations4tore
Cli, 5ere1 htt"1::&uideri&ht&rou"(om:Na++leInternational4tores
Cli, 5ere1 htt"1::&uideri&ht&rou"(om:Na++leiPhone8CasesPreorder4tore
Cli, 5ere1 htt"1::&uideri&ht&rou"(om:Na++le4aveTheHate4tore
Cli, 5ere1 htt"1::&uideri&ht&rou"(om:Na++le4aveTheHate3a&nets4tore
- /7 -
Cli, 5ere1 htt"1::&uideri&ht&rou"(om:Na++le)ra""edCanvas4tore
Cli, 5ere1 htt"1::&uideri&ht&rou"(om:Na++leGi#tCenter4tore
Cli, 5ere1 htt"1::&uideri&ht&rou"(om:Na++le4ho"AndCreateIn94A
- /8 -
Cli, 5ere1 htt"1::&uideri&ht&rou"(om:a##ilorama
- /= -
Cli, 5ere1

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