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Influence of Storage Temperature on Fruit Ripening and Olive Oil

Jose M. Garc a,* Franci sca Guti errez, Jose M. Castel l ano, Sal ud Perdi guero, Ana Mori l l a, and
Mi guel A. Al bi
I nsti tuto de l a Grasa y sus Deri vados (CSI C), Aveni da Padre Garc a Tejero 4, 41012 Sevi l l a, Spai n
Ol i ves (Olea europaea cv. Pi cual ) used for oi l producti on were stored for 60 days at three di fferent
temperatures (ambi ent, 5 C, and 8 C) i n contai ners used for frui t storage, each wi th a capaci ty for
64 kg of ol i ves. The qual i ty of both the frui ts and the oi l s extracted from these frui ts was anal yzed.
Frui t storage at 5 C mai ntai ned the i ni ti al sensori al and chemi cal qual i ti es of the oi l for 45 days,
but at 8 C, these qual i ti es were mai ntai ned for onl y 15 days. At room temperature, these qual i ti es
deteri orated just after 7 days of storage.
Keywords: Olea europaea; postharvest; refrigeration; cold storage
Spani sh ol i ve producti on (3 10
Tm) exceeds the
processi ng capaci ty of the mi l l s, maki ng i t necessary to
store the frui t for peri ods that may range from weeks
to months (Ki ri tsaki s and Markaki s, 1991). The frui t
i s normal l y pi l ed i n the open ai r i n great heaps and
deteri orates rapi dl y as a resul t of the joi nt acti on of
pathogeni c mi croorgani sms and the i nternal processes
of senescence. Both of these processes are accel erated
by the rai sed temperature that i s caused by fermenta-
ti on of the frui t, and by the consi derabl e mechani cal
damage that the frui t suffers as a consequence of
compressi on. The degradati on seen i n the frui t begi ns
as a l oss of fl esh texture and browni ng of the ski n and
ends wi th the compl ete decomposi ti on of the ol i ve. The
oi l s extracted from these frui ts usual l y have hi gh
aci di ty, l ow stabi l i ty, and a characteri sti c musty smel l .
For these reasons, these oi l s need to be refi ned before
consumpti on, wi th the consequent i ncrease i n cost and
l oss of commerci al val ue.
Studi es carri ed out wi th tabl e ol i ves demonstrated
that ol i ve vari eti es vary i n thei r sensi ti vi ty to chi l l i ng
i njury and responses to storage atmosphere (Maxi e,
1964; Woskow and Maxi e, 1965; Kader, 1985; Kader et
al ., 1990). However, al l the vari eti es exhi bi ted severe
i nci dence of chi l l i ng i njury when were stored at tem-
peratures e2.2 C. On a l aboratory scal e, usi ng boxes
capabl e of hol di ng onl y 2 or 4 kg of ol i ves and refri ger-
ati ng at 5 C i n an ai r atmosphere i s effecti ve for
mai ntai ni ng frui t and oi l qual i ty (Garc a and Strei f,
1991; Guti errez et al ., 1992; Castel l ano et al ., 1993).
Neverthel ess, from an i ndustri al poi nt of vi ew, these
smal l contai ners cannot be empl oyed i n practi ce because
the cost of frui t storage i ncreases as the capaci ty of the
storage contai ners decreases. However, the negati ve
effects of softeni ng or fermentati on i nduced by frui t
compressi on are di rect consequences of the i ncrease of
frui t accumul ati on i n l arge contai ners and are respon-
si bl e for the bad qual i ty of the oi l s obtai ned. To know
i f storage of ol i ves at temperatures hi gher than 5 C
woul d al so be effecti ve for mai ntai ni ng frui t and oi l
qual i ty woul d be of economi c i nterest because the energy
requi red for reduci ng the storage temperature by onl y
1 C i s consi derabl e on the i ndustri al scal e. The present
study was undertaken to determi ne the effects of three
di fferent temperatures on the storage of Pi cual vari ety
ol i ves, the vari ety most wi del y cul ti vated i n Spai n, i n
pl asti c contai ners commonl y used i n frui t handl i ng.
Ol i ve frui ts (Olea europaea cv. Pi cual ) were handpi cked, a
method of harvesti ng tradi ti onal l y used i n ol i ve-produci ng
countri es to mi ni mi ze frui t deteri orati on, and di stri buted
randoml y i n 60 40 40-cm pl asti c contai ners, each wi th a
capaci ty for 64 kg of ol i ves. Three di fferent storage condi ti ons
were tested: two i n refri gerated rooms [5 and 8 C wi th a
rel ati ve humi di ty (RH) of 95%] and a thi rd at ambi ent
condi ti ons (12 ( 4 C; RH, 70%). Three contai ners were used
for each treatment at each sampl i ng. Sampl es were taken at
0, 7, 14, 30, 45, and 60 days of storage. The percentage of
rotten frui ts was quanti fi ed (frui ts wi th vi si bl e mycel i al
growth). Tri pl i cate sampl es of 100 ol i ves were exami ned per
treatment. Each repl i cate was taken randoml y from a di ffer-
ent contai ner. Resi stance of the fl esh to penetrati on was
determi ned i n the same ol i ves wi th Zwi ck 3300 densi meter
(Zwi ck Gmbh & Company, Ul m, Germany) wi th a 5-mm
di ameter di sk (force requi red to depress the di sk 2.4 mm i nto
the frui ts), and the resul ts are expressed i n N/cm
The ri peni ng i ndex of frui ts was cal cul ated wi th a subjecti ve
eval uati on of the col or of the ol i ve ski n and fl esh (Uceda and
Fr as, 1975). Thi s system i s routi nel y used by the oi l i ndustry
to characteri ze the degree of ri peness of ol i ves arri vi ng at the
mi l l . The procedure consi sts of di stri buti ng 100 frui ts i n ei ght
groups, accordi ng to the fol l owi ng characteri sti cs: group 0,
bri ght green ski n; group 1, green-yel l owi sh ski n; group 2, green
ski n wi th reddi sh spots; group 3, reddi sh-brown ski n; group
4, bl ack ski n wi th whi te fl esh; group 5, bl ack ski n wi th <50%
purpl e fl esh; group 6, bl ack ski n wi th g50% purpl e fl esh; and
group 7, bl ack ski n wi th 100%purpl e fl esh. The ri peness i ndex
i s determi ned by the fol l owi ng equati on: ri peness i ndex )
(ini)/100, where i i s the number of the group and ni, the
number of ol i ves i n i t. The eval uati on was performed i n
tri pl i cate.
The oi l from the three contai ners of each treatment was
extracted separatel y at each sampl i ng date wi th an Abencor
anal yzer (Comerci al Abengoa S.A., Sevi l l a, Spai n). Thi s uni t
consi sts of three basi c el ements: they are a mi l l , a thermo-
beater, and a pul p centri fuge (Mart nez et al ., 1975).
The ti tratabl e aci di ty was cal cul ated accordi ng to the
fol l owi ng procedure. An oi l sampl e (20 g) from each of the
three repl i cates of each treatment was pl aced i n an Erl en-
meyer fl ask. Then, 125 mL of a previ ousl y neutral i zed sol vent
mi xture was added. The mi xture consi sted of equal parts by
vol ume of ethanol and di ethyl ether and a phenol phthal ei n
i ndi cator (1%i n ethanol ) i n the rati o 2 to 125 mL of the sol vent
mi xture. When the sampl e was compl etel y di ssol ved, i t was
264 J. Agric. Food Chem. 1996, 44, 264267
0021-8561/96/1444-0264$12.00/0 1996 American Chemical Society
ti trated wi th 0.1 N KOH to the fi rst permanent pi nk col or of
the same i ntensi ty as that of the neutral i zed sol vent before i t
was added to the sampl e. The resul ts are expressed as percent
of free ol ei c aci d present i n the oi l .
The peroxi de val ue was cal cul ated accordi ng to the fol l owi ng
procedure. An oi l sampl e (5 g) from each of the three repl i cates
of each treatment was pl aced i n a 250-mL Erl enmeyer fl ask,
and the sampl e was di ssol ved i n 30 mL of a 3:2 aceti c aci d:
chl oroform sol uti on. Subsequentl y, 0.5 mL of saturated KI
sol uti on was added, and the mi xture was al l owed to stand for
1 mi n i n darkness. Then, 30 mL of di sti l l ed water and 0.5
mL of fresh prepared 0.5% starch i ndi cator sol uti on were
added. Fi nal l y, the mi xture was ti trated wi th 0.1 N sodi um
thi osul fate unti l the bl ue col or just di sappears. The resul ts
are expressed as mi l l i equi val ents of oxygen per ki l ogram of
oi l .
The coeffi ci ents of speci fi c exti ncti on at 232 and 270 nm (K232
and K270) were measured accordi ng to the fol l owi ng procedure.
An oi l sampl e (0.25 g) from each of the three repl i cates of each
treatment was pl aced i n a 25-mL graduated fl ask and di l uted
to 25 mL wi th spectrophotometri cal l y pure cycl ohexane. The
sampl e was then homogeni zed, and the resul ti ng sol uti on was
used to fi l l a cuvette. Absorbance i n a spectrophotometer at
232 and 270 nm was determi ned, usi ng the same sol vent as a
Stabi l i ty was measured i n tri pl i cate by the Ranci mat
method (Laubl i and Bruttel , 1986; Guti errez, 1989). Eval u-
ati on of bi tterness was carri ed out i n tri pl i cate, usi ng the
coeffi ci ent of speci fi c exti ncti on of the oi l s at 225 nm, accordi ng
to the method of Guti errez et al . (1992). Sensori al qual i ty was
eval uated i n tri pl i cate by a 12-member anal yti cal panel of the
I nsti tuto de l a Grasa, accordi ng to the method descri bed i n
Annex XI I of the European Economi c Communi ty Rul es (2568/
91). Each oi l was graded accordi ng to a scal e of ni ne poi nts,
one bei ng the val ue for very poor qual i ty and ni ne for opti mum
qual i ty.
Anal ysi s of vari ance was carri ed out on al l data. A 5%l evel
of l east si gni fi cant di fference (l sd), cal cul ated by Duncans
mul ti pl e range test, was empl oyed to establ i sh di fferences
between the means obtai ned for the treatments.
The percentage of decayed frui t di ffered si gni fi cantl y
(p e 0.05) accordi ng to storage temperature (Fi gure 1).
The hi gher the storage temperature, the greater the
amount of rotten frui ts. More than 25% of the ol i ves
stored at ambi ent temperature showed rotti ng after 7
days of storage and 100% after 30 days. The percent-
ages of decay i n frui t stored at 8 and 5 C were
si gni fi cantl y di fferent (p e 0.05) starti ng at 15 days of
storage, when 20% of those stored at 8 C and 10% of
those stored at 5 C showed decay. I nfecti on devel oped
preferenti al l y i n those frui ts wi th physi ol ogi cal di sorders
or mechanical damage. Therefore, the harvesting method
l argel y determi nes the prol i ferati on of mi crobi al i nfec-
ti on duri ng frui t storage.
Storage temperature al so determi ned the speed of
frui t softeni ng (Fi gure 2). Frui ts stored at 5 C mai n-
tai ned the i ni ti al val ue of fi rmness for at l east 45 days.
I n contrast, the frui t texture fel l rapi dl y at ambi ent
temperature, l osi ng al most 50% of fi rmness at 30 days.
At 8 C, a moderate, but stati sti cal l y si gni fi cant (p e
0.05) decrease was recorded. Low temperatures del ay
both softeni ng caused by the endogenous acti vi ty of the
enzymes i nvol ved i n frui t ri peni ng and that caused by
the exogenous acti on of the pathogens.
Maturati on devel opment of frui ts was si gni fi cantl y (p
e 0.05) del ayed by refri gerati on at 5 or 8 C from the
very begi nni ng of storage (Fi gure 3). To reach the l evel
of maturi ty correspondi ng to a reddi sh-brown ski n col or
(number 3 i n the maturi ty i ndex), the frui ts stored at
ambi ent temperature took 15 days, the ones stored at
8 C took 30 days, and the frui ts stored at 5 C reached
thi s l evel onl y after 45 days. Low temperatures del ay
the destructi on of the chl orophyl l pi gments and thei r
substi tuti on by anthocyani ns i n the cel l s of the ol i ve
ski n duri ng frui t maturati on.
The i ncrease i n ti tratabl e aci di ty of the oi l s i s the
mai n effect of frui t decay. I n general , the fi rst acti on
of a parasi ti c mi croorgani sm i n an oi l -ri ch ti ssue i s the
devel opment of hydrol yti c acti vi ty of l i pases. These
l i pases rel ease fatty aci ds from the tri acyl gl ycerol
mol ecul es of the oi l . Free fatty aci ds are easy metabo-
l i zed. As a consequence, after thei r extracti on, the oi l s
showed a ti tratabl e aci di ty val ue i n di rect proporti on
wi th the percentage of decay of the frui ts from whi ch
they were extracted. For thi s reason, the changes i n
ti tratabl e aci di ty (Fi gure 4) and the changes i n decay
duri ng frui t storage showed a si mi l ar profi l e (Fi gure 1).
Frui t storage at 5 C al l owed the ti tratabl e aci di ty of
the oi l to be mai ntai ned at e1%for up to 45 days. Thi s
Figure1. Changes i n the i nci dence of decay (% rotted frui ts)
of ol i ves stored at di fferent temperatures. Verti cal bar repre-
sents l east si gni fi cant di fference at p e 0.05.
Figure 2. Changes i n the fi rmness (N/cm
) of ol i ves stored
at di fferent temperatures. Verti cal bar represents l east si g-
ni fi cant di fference at p e 0.05.
Figure3. Changes i n the maturi ty i ndex on a subjecti ve scal e
accordi ng to the ski n col or of the frui t (0, bri ght green ski n; 1,
green-yel l owi sh ski n; 2, green ski n wi th reddi sh spots; 3,
reddi sh-brown ski n; 4, bl ack ski n wi th whi te fl esh; 5, bl ack
ski n wi th < 50%purpl e fl esh; 6, bl ack ski n wi th g 50%purpl e
fl esh; and 7, bl ack ski n wi th 100%purpl e fl esh) of ol i ves stored
at di fferent temperatures. Verti cal bar represents l east si g-
ni fi cant di fference at p e 0.05.
Effects of Storage Temperature on Olive Oil Quality J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 44, No. 1, 1996 265
val ue i s the l i mi t accepted for the ti tratabl e aci di ty of
the best commerci al qual i ty ol i ve oi l (extra i n the
European market). The temperature of 8 C was not
effecti ve enough to stop or sl ow down the hydrol yti c
changes for l onger than 3 weeks, and the qual i ty extra
was mai ntai ned duri ng that peri od. The frui ts mai n-
tai ned at ambi ent condi ti ons produced extra oi l s for
onl y a few days of storage.
The peroxi de val ues of the oi l s obtai ned from frui ts
stored at di fferent treatments fol l owed si mi l ar trends
(Fi gure 5). After remai ni ng practi cal l y constant for 1
week, there was a sharp ri se i n the peroxi de val ue up
to 30 days i n the sampl es stored at ambi ent temperature
and at 8 C. Thi s trend was fol l owed by a decrease unti l
60 days. The oi l s obtai ned from frui ts stored at 5 C
had the l owest l evel s of peroxi des duri ng the peri od
studi ed. I ni ti al l y, these l evel s showed a gradual ri se
unti l 45 days and fi nal l y a decrease unti l 60 days. The
decrease observed i n the sampl es was probabl y due to
the breakdown of the peroxi des formed, whi ch woul d
fol l ow the pathway of fatty aci d oxi dati on. The l i mi ti ng
val ue accepted for extra qual i ty ol i ve oi l (20 mequi v
of oxygen/kg of oi l ) was not exceeded i n any of the
sampl es anal yzed.
The oi l s obtai ned from ol i ves stored at di fferent
temperatures showed si mi l ar K
val ues for 30 days of
frui t storage. Subsequentl y, the sampl es di ffered si g-
ni fi cantl y (p e 0.05) accordi ng to the temperature at
whi ch frui t was stored (Fi gure 6). The l owest val ues
were found i n the oi l s obtai ned from ol i ves stored at 5
C, whi ch mai ntai ned thei r i ni ti al l evel s of conjugated
fatty aci ds. The l i mi ti ng val ue of 2.40 for extra ol i ve
oi l s was not exceeded by the oi l s, i rrespecti ve of the
frui ts from whi ch they were extracted. The mai ntai ni ng
of the i ni ti al content of conjugated di unsaturated fatty
aci ds i n the oi l s i s rel ated wi th the l ow l evel observed
for the peroxi de val ue because the conjugati on of doubl e
bonds i n the fatty aci ds occurs pri or to thei r peroxi da-
ti on.
Temperature of frui t storage si gni fi cantl y affects (p
e 0.05) the content of carbonyl i c compounds (al dehydes
and ketones), measured by thei r K
val ues, of the oi l s
obtai ned from stored ol i ves (Fi gure 7). The oi l s ex-
tracted from frui ts stored at ambi ent condi ti ons al ways
showed the hi ghest val ues of K
, whi ch were si gni fi -
cantl y hi gher (p e 0.05) after 15 days of storage. On
the other hand, the oi l s extracted from frui ts stored at
5 C had the l owest val ues for thi s parameter duri ng
storage, becomi ng si gni fi cantl y (p e 0.05) l ower than
the sampl es from frui t stored at 8 C after 30 days. From
the commerci al poi nt of vi ew, the l i mi ti ng l evel accepted
for extra qual i ty oi l (0.20) was onl y mai ntai ned duri ng
storage i n the sampl es extracted from frui ts refri gerated
at 5 C. Thi s l evel deteri orated after 15 days and after
30 days i n oi l s obtai ned from ol i ves stored at ambi ent
temperature and at 8 C, respecti vel y. The i ncrease of
observed after 30 days of storage expl ai ns the
decrease observed i n peroxi des at the same ti me. These
mol ecul es are qui ckl y hydrol yzed and oxi di zed and are
transformed i nto fatty aci d deri vati ves wi th shorter
carbon chai ns.
The oi l s obtai ned from ol i ves stored at 5 C had l ost
35% of thei r i ni ti al stabi l i ty after 60 days of frui t
storage, but the l osses for those stored at 8 C and
ambi ent temperature were 70 and 93%, respecti vel y
(Fi gure 8). Thi s temperature-dependent l oss of stabi l i ty
i s due to thermocatal yzed hydrol yti c and oxi dati ve
processes, whi ch act on the oi l contai ned i n the ol i ves
duri ng thei r ri peni ng, ei ther as a consequence of thei r
own metabol i sm or as a resul t of pathogeni c acti vi ty.
Figure 4. Changes i n the ti tratabl e aci di ty (% ol ei c aci d) of
oi l s obtai ned from ol i ves stored at di fferent temperatures.
Verti cal bar represents l east si gni fi cant di fference at pe 0.05.
Figure5. Changes i n the peroxi de val ue (mequi v of oxygen/
kg of oi l ) of oi l s obtai ned from ol i ves stored at di fferent
temperatures. Verti cal bar represents l east si gni fi cant di ffer-
ence at p e 0.05.
Figure 6. Changes i n the content of conjugated fatty aci ds
measured by the speci fi c exti ncti on coeffi ci ent at 232 nm (K232)
of oi l s obtai ned from ol i ves stored at di fferent temperatures.
Verti cal bar represents l east si gni fi cant di fference at pe 0.05.
Figure 7. Changes i n the content on carbonyl i c compounds
measured by the speci fi c exti ncti on coeffi ci ent at 270 nm (K270)
of oi l s obtai ned from ol i ves stored at di fferent temperatures.
Verti cal bar represents l east si gni fi cant di fference at pe 0.05.
266 J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 44, No. 1, 1996 Garc a et al.
Bi tterness of the extracted oi l s (measured by K
decreased sharpl y i n those oi l s obtai ned from frui t
stored at ambi ent condi ti ons or at 8 C and sl owl y i n
the oi l s extracted from frui t stored at 5 C (Fi gure 9).
The K
val ues of the sampl es seemed to heat towards
an asymptoti c val ue of 0.12, i n whi ch al l the treatments
coi nci ded after 45 days of storage. Excess bi tterness i s
a tradi ti onal probl em for the marketi ng of oi l s obtai ned
from the ol i ves, especi al l y those of the Pi cual vari ety.
Frui t storage at 8 C for 15 days al l owed oi l s to be
obtai ned wi th a si gni fi cant (p e 0.05) reducti on of thei r
i ni ti al content of compounds responsi bl e for the bi tter
Al though, i n general , the sensori al qual i ty decreases
wi th storage ti me, the extent and rate of thi s decrease
depends on the condi ti ons under whi ch the ol i ves have
been kept (Fi gure 10). I n the oi l from ol i ves stored at
ambi ent temperature, the l oss of qual i ty i s sharp after
the fi rst week, l osi ng the qual i ty of extra (g6.5) after
10 days and reachi ng a very poor score of 1.5 after 30
days [a score of 1.5 corresponds to oi l s that cannot be
used for human consumpti on wi thout previ ous refi ni ng
(l ampant qual i ty)]. I n the oi l s from ol i ves stored at 8
C, the decrease i s l ess sharp and begi ns at 15 days.
These oi l s were no l onger extra at 30 days, and became
l ampant (e3) at 60 days. I n contrast, the oi l s from
ol i ves stored at 5 C, al though thei r scores decrease
sl i ghtl y throughout storage, remai n extra unti l 45
Accordi ng to the resul ts obtai ned, refri gerati on at 5
C was the most sui tabl e treatment assayed for obtai n-
i ng the best oi l qual i ty after prol onged frui t storage.
However, i f the del ay expected before the oi l extracti on
were onl y 15 days, 8 C storage temperatures may al so
be used. Temperatures >8 C must be avoi ded for frui t
We thank M. C. Mart nez and A. Caracuel for techni -
cal assi stance.
Castel l ano, J. M.; Garc a, J. M.; Mori l l a, A.; Perdi guero, S.;
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Recei ved for revi ew June 29, 1995. Accepted October 17,
We express our si ncere grati tude to CI CYT for sup-
porti ng thi s research project, ALI 92-0393.
Abstract publ i shed i n AdvanceACS Abstracts, De-
cember 15, 1995.
Figure8. Changes i n the stabi l i ty to oxi dati on (hours) of oi l s
obtai ned from ol i ves stored at di fferent temperatures. Verti cal
bar represents l east si gni fi cant di fference at p e 0.05.
Figure 9. Changes i n the content on bi tterness compounds
objecti vel y measured by the speci fi c exti ncti on coeffi ci ent at
225 nm (K225) of oi l s obtai ned from ol i ves stored at di fferent
temperatures. Verti cal bar represents l east si gni fi cant di ffer-
ence at p e 0.05.
Figure 10. Changes i n the sensori al eval uati on (overal l
gradi ng on a subjecti ve scal e where 9 means the best and 1
the worst) of oi l s obtai ned from ol i ves stored at di fferent
temperatures. Verti cal bar represents l east si gni fi cant di ffer-
ence at p e 0.05.
Effects of Storage Temperature on Olive Oil Quality J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 44, No. 1, 1996 267

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