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A History of Bioresonance

Bioresonance is the feld of energetic medicine that detects and works with
electromagnetic frequency information generated by the body. Bio refers to a
living organism and resonance means 'to vibrate in harmony with'.
In his book It's Only atural! "r. #. $. %oesnecker wrote&
'( )ince the beginning of man's e*istence on earth! he has +ondered the nature
of life itself. $ven with all our great scientifc advances! there is still no
,O)$)-) on the basic nature of the life within us and other animate beings.
.he most generally acce+ted theories are based on the chemical and/or
stimulative0inhibitive theory of e*istence. .he most we can get from most
authorities is that it may be of some value to regard life as the sum total of the
+ro+erties and activities of a highly organi1ed aggregate of various chemical
com+ounds that we call +roto+lasm.
Among these +ro+erties they have called attention to irritability as a diagnostic
+ro+erty of a living body. -+on this Herbert )+encer based his classic defnition&
'2ife is the continuous ad3ustment of internal relations to e*ternal relations.4
Observation teaches us that this ad3ustment to environmental changes is
+ossible only within narrow +hysiologic limits. 5or e*am+le! the human body can
ad3ust itself to changes in e*ternal tem+erature only when these changes are
very moderate. 6iewed from this angle! they hold that life is the inter+lay
between the organism and its environment by which the organism either ad3usts
itself to the environment or ad3usts the environment to itself.
)uch a defnition tells only what life does7 it doesn't tell what life is.
-nfortunately! such an attitude has frequently been the nature of science since
its ince+tion. 8hen a scientist is inca+able of e*+laining something! he describes
what he sees! makes u+ a few 2atin or #reek names for the rest to im+ress us
and then goes on to something else. .his is +articularly true in medicine! where
most of the tongue0twisting disease names have nothing whatsoever to do with
the cause or true nature of the disease but are only the descri+tion of its most
obvious sym+toms in 2atin or #reek.
)ome researchers haven't been satisfed with such smug descri+tions of the
nature of life. )ome have listened to the voice of their conscience when
contem+lating the usual theories on the nature of life and have been able to see
through the usual inane double talk couched in 2atin and #reek! which all too
often +asses for scientifc thought. .hey reali1e that much of the +henomena we
encounter in living can9t be e*+lained readily by the stimulus/res+onse theory of
life as +ut forth by their orthodo* colleagues.
)ur+risingly! many of these researchers have develo+ed conce+ts similar to each
other! even though their work has been accom+lished without knowledge of their
fellow investigators. All these studies have gone beyond the chemical or
mechanical basis of life and have been carried into the molecular and atomic
structure of matter. 5rom this e:ort frst develo+ed an electrical! then an
electronic! and fnally a vibratory! or wave conce+t! of life and the activities
carried out by the living sub3ect.
)ome of the most well0known researchers in this feld were "r. #eorges
2akhovsky! %rofessor ;acques d9Arsonval <the discoverer of the meter movement
that goes under his name=! "r. #eorge 8. ,rile! "r. Albert Abrams! icola .esla
and Ivan #. >c"aniel <who advanced this theory into the +sychological! mental!
and s+iritual s+heres of human activity=( '
In ?@AB #eorges 2akhovsky! a Cussian scientist! +ublished a book called .he
)ecret of 2ife in which he identifed that every living cell emitted radiation
<electro0magnetic signals= and that a cell's nucleus acts as an electrical
oscillating circuit similar to a radio transmitter and receiver. 2akhovsky was
knowledgeable in both engineering and biology. It was the meshing of these two
sciences that hel+ed him +rove his theories.
It had already been established by the ?@AD9s that invisible radiations were
constantly bombarding the earth. 2akhovsky believed that these ultra short
waves <sometimes called +enetrating waves! at the time= were what gave us life.
2akhovsky believed that each of our cells was a minute resonating circuit and
when these circuits were oscillating correctly we or any living organism were
healthy. 8hen an outside source caused our cells to oscillate at a di:erent rate
then disease set in. In his book '.he )ecret of 2ife4 2akhovsky wrote! '8hat is
lifeE It is the dynamic equilibrium of all cells! the harmony of multi+le radiations
that react u+on one another. 8hat is diseaseE It is the oscillatory disequilibrium
of cells! originating from eternal causes. It is! more es+ecially! the struggle
between microbic radiation and cellular radiation.4 He believed it was these
radiations that ke+t our bodies oscillating correctly but too much or a distorted
radiation would cause them to oscillate incorrectly.
)etting out to +rove his theories! 2akhovsky felt that he could generate a
+ractical a++lication to enable the adversely e:ected cells to regain their full
vitality by reinstating their +ro+er oscillatory rate. .hus he invented the >ulti+le
8ave Oscillator <originally called Cadio0cellulo0oscillator=. He felt that by giving
the cells a large range of oscillating waves that the cells would fnd their +ro+er
frequency and therefore become strong enough to fght o: the im+ro+er
oscillations of microbes or be strong enough to fght back from such damage as
that caused by smoking.
He initially +roved his theory using +lants. In "ecember! ?@AF! he inoculated ?D
germanium +lants with a '+lant cancer4 that +roduced tumors. After GD days!
tumors had develo+ed in all of the +lants. He took one of the ?D infected +lants
and sim+ly fashioned a heavy co++er wire in a one loo+! o+en0ended coil about
GD cm <?AH= in diameter around the center of the +lant! and held it in +lace with
an ebonite stake . .he co++er coil acted as an antennae or a tuning coil!
collecting and concentrating oscillation energy from e*tremely high frequency
cosmic rays. .he diameter of the coo+er loo+ determined which range of
frequencies would be ca+tured. He found that the GD cm loo+ ca+tured
frequencies that fell within the resonant frequency range of the +lant's cells. .his
ca+tured energy reinforced the resonant oscillations naturally +roduced by the
nucleus of the germanium's cells. .his allowed the +lant to overwhelm the
oscillations of the cancer cells and destroy the cancer. .he tumors fell o: in less
than G weeks and by A months! the +lant was thriving. All of the other cancer0
inoculated +lants0without the antennae coil0 died within GD days. In his book!
2akhovsky shows +ictures of the recovered +lant after A months! I months! and ?
year. .hree years later! with the original coil left in +lace! the +lant grew into a
very robust s+ecimen. He tried this G di:erent times and all three e*+eriments
+roduced the same results.
)ince 2akhovsky9s belief was that living cells were tiny oscillators that were given
life from +enetrating radiation and the oscillation of these cells +ut o: their own
radiation! he +roceeded with an e*+eriment to fnd out if indeed the +enetrating
radiation was what caused the cells to oscillate or if some other stimuli such as
chemical energy was res+onsible for sustaining this oscillation.
"r. #eorge ,rile! in his book A Bi+olar .heory of 2iving %rocesses! <,rile! #eorge
8.& A Bi+olar .heory of 2iving %rocesses. ew Jork! >ac >illan! ?@AI.=
a++roached this sub3ect from yet another +oint of view. .he similarity between
his conclusions and those of the other researchers in this feld! however! is
startling. 5or instance! ,rile wrote! 'It is clear that cellular radiation +roduces the
electric current which o+erates ada+tively the organism as a whole! +roducing
memory! reason! imagination! emotion! s+ecial senses! secretions! muscular
action! res+onse to infection! normal growth and the growth of benign tumors
and cancers0all of which are governed ada+tively by the electrical charges that
are generated by the short wave or ioni1ing radiation in the +roto+lasm.4
.he human cell! as all matter in the universe! is com+osed of oscillating
com+onents known as atoms! which in turn are com+osed of +articles called
+rotons! electrons! neutrons! and +ositrons! among others. All these +articles are
in constant movement. .he movement of the electron is es+ecially great! as it
ra+idly circles this central mass of the atom in various bands! or orbits. .he
atomic structure is analogous to our own solar system! in which the sun
re+resents the central nuclear mass and the various +lanets the encircling
In 2am+ of the )oul! <>c"aniel! Ivan #.& .he 2am+ of the )oul. Kuakertown! %a.!
%hiloso+hical %ublishing ,o.?@FA.= Ivan #. >c"aniel s+eaks of biologic wave
systems that are vibratory interconnecting systems! that tend to hold a +art or
organ together for a s+ecifc functioning +ur+ose. All this is based on the +rinci+le
that the cell is an electromagnetic radiating entity. ,oncerning life on earth
>c"aniel says! '8e may therefore +icture life on earth as beginning with sim+le
s+ores! or cells! which were built u+ by organi1ing wave systems when earth's
conditions were suitable for life to e*+ress in that manner. As conditions changed!
the fertili1ed genes were incor+orated into the cells! bringing +hysical and mental
growth. 8hen a new gene and its corres+onding wave system is introduced into
an organism! we would e*+ect to fnd the new biological wave com+eting with
the older wave for the same cell material! and this may e*+lain the +eculiar
combination of +lant and animal sometimes found in the earlier s+ecies. .he
balance of the activating hormone between the old and the new biological wave
systems may Low back and forth until one gains control and eliminates the e:ect
of the other by absorbing all the vitality.4
In ?@MDs! #erman bio+hysicist 5rit1 Albert %o++! %h.".! investigated the
relationshi+ between coherence and the bio+hoton energy in our cells. %o++ used
highly sensitive light0measuring equi+ment to monitor the light emitted by living
cells. He was able to confrm that living cells emit small bursts of light. He
determined that cells do not 3ust radiate light! they also absorb light. In fact! the
storage time is relative to the quality of the cell. .herefore! a healthy cell will
store light the longest! while an unhealthy cell will give o: the light in a shorter
time. He also discovered that the dying +rocess of a cell is identical to that of a
star. )hortly before its death! it will change into a su+ernova! whereby its
radiation increases a thousand0fold! He further discovered that a healthy cell
radiates coherent light! while a diseased cell radiates chaotic light.
According to %o++! every cell in our body receives coherent light! stores coherent
light! and emits coherent light. .he most basic sub0molecular com+onent of our
body is made u+ of +articles of light called bio+hotons. .hese bio+hotons!
traveling at the s+eed of light! make u+ the electromagnetic frequency +atterns
that are found in every living organism. .his matri* or feld of frequency
oscillations or resonance s+ecifcity +rovides the energetic switchboarding behind
every cellular function! including "A/CA messengering. ,ell membranes scan
and convert signals into electromagnetic events as +roteins within the cell's bi0
layer change sha+e to vibrations of s+ecifc resonant frequencies.A $very
biochemical reaction is +roceeded by an electromagnetic signal. ,ells
communicate both electromagnetically and chemically and create biochemical
+athways that interconnect with all functions of the body.
"r. Nikuo ,hishima! %rofessor of the agoya ,ommercial -niversity! ;a+an! and
author of a nine volume collection of his research and scientifc studies called
HCevolution of Biology and >edicine& A ew .heory on the 2ife )cience and Its
%ractical A++lication to Health O "isease!H is best known for his studies
demonstrating that the origin of red blood cor+uscles is not the bone marrow but
the intestinal villus! and that red blood cor+uscles di:erentiate into all kinds of
somatic cells and germ cells in accordance with their cellular resonant
environmental conditions.
"r. Nikuo ,hishima theori1ed that the intestinal villi act like small antennae that
absorb both nutrients as well as energetic or frequency information from the food
we eat. .hese red blood cells or erythrocytes res+ond to s+ecifc bio+hoton
oscillations and aggregate! fuse! synthesi1e "A and di:erentiate into
lym+hocyte or mesenchymal cells. "r. ,hishima's work o:ers some insight into
current day quantum +hysics theories that remind us that at the sub0atomic level
matter does not e*ist. .here is only energy7 bits of +hotons with lots of em+ty
s+ace around them. "A has been thought to be the center of the defnition of
life. At closer ins+ection we fnd that "A is made u+ of molecules! which are
made u+ of sub0atomic +articles and we end u+ back at the level of bio+hotons

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