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= advanced communication tool

CARE? : connect, awareness, respect, empathy

= interaction with industry
Describe the significance of the pharmaceutical industry (size, profitability, c
ontributions, sales and marketing)
Recognize potential conflicts of interests that physicians may have with industr
Know the basic precepts to the UMMSM (UMMG) Policy on Interactions with Health I
ndustry Entities
= vaccines
unsuccessful attempts at vaccine? : yellow fever and malaria
successful attempts at vaccine? : small pox and polio
diphtheria transmission and clinical presentation? : via respiratory droplets, c
linical presentation = tonsilar = pseudomembrane laryngotracheitis and fatal obs
truction; -- you basically suffocate to death
Clostridium tetani transmission and clinical presentation? : bacteria transmitte
d through tissue injury, clinical presentation = tetanus --> muscle spasms and
respiratory paralysis
measles transmission and clinical presentation? : respiratory droplets, cafe-le-
7yo with fever, conjunctivitis and cafe-le-spots? : measles
8 year old with neck swelling could be? : mumps
mumps is transmitted by? : direct contact and secretions
complications of mump? : orchitis --> sterility, epididymitis, pancreatitis, myo
carditis and deafness
congenital cataracts can be a clue for? : congenital rubella
congenital rubella classical presentation? : blueberry muffin baby and congenita
l cataracts
push in brain could be caused by? : haemophilus influenza transmitted by respira
tory droplets
what type of bacteria is haemophilus influenza? : gram-negative aerobic
neisseria meningitis is what type of bacteria? : aerobic gram-negative bacteria
Clinical Scenario of 6yo with persistent cough and post- tussive emesis? : a who
oping cough -- highly contagious respiratory infection caused by bordatella pert
otitus media common causes? : strep pneumonia and H. influenza
types of vaccine for strep? : 13 valent vaccine for kids and 23 valent vaccine f
or adults
5 year old with pruritic rash? : chicken pox
how contagious is chicken pox? : you are contagious for 21 days before you get i
HPV causes? : genital warts
HPV vaccine? : 4 valent against 6, 11, 16, and 18, bivalent vaccine protects aga
inst 2 types (16 and 18)
does condom prevent HPV? : no, because there's the skin around the penis
transmission of hepatitis B? : via blood, body fluids and vertically (from mothe
r to infant at birth)
DTP vaccine? : diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis
seven steps for goals of care? : Create the right setting (Set-up), Determine wh
at patient/family know (Perception), Explore expectations and hopes (Invitation)
, Suggest realistic goals (knowledge given), Respond with empathy (Emotions & Em
pathy), Make a plan and follow-through (Strategy & Summary) + Review and revise
= death and dying
UDDA? : uniform determination of death act = irreversible cessation of circulato
ry and respiratory functions, aka "cardio respiratory criteria" OR irreversible
cessation of all function of the entire brain including the brain stem aka "neur
ological criteria" ; BUT it was never passed
Define intimate partner violence (IPV)? : any kind of violence between a partner
or spouse
Identify those who are at risk for IPV? : younger women, less educated, between
20 - 24. one in four. pregnant women too.
Understand the role of health care providers in screening and caring for patient
with IPV
Understand the presentation and clinical signs of IPV? : as long as theres suspicio
n we should screen
Recognize the public health impact of IPV, and efforts to reduce and prevent IPV
? : ok
= screening
difference between screening and diagnostic? : screening = in asymptomatic
= pelm review
brain dead vs persistent vegetative state? : brain dead involves loss of entire
brain function including brain stem; persistent vegetative state = person can st
ill breath and still has some function
what to do if surrogate disagree with what the patient would have wanted? : cons
ider ethics committee
how much pain killer can we give? : we dont have to worry about how much opioids to
give even if it kills patients as long as purpose was to treat pain
difference between withdraw and withold? : withold = never intubate someone; wit
hdraw = pulling the plug
ethical and moral difference between withdrawl and withold? : they are the same
*** cases we read about in medical ethics where we establish the right to die
= assessing maltreatment
call child services
any injury that lasting at least 24 hours should be reported as suspicious

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