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Read and study the alphabeth
Please observe the images and consult the dictionary and write down the
meaning of each body part, and also repeat 3 times each word in English and
Spanish .
To do the listening part you guys can used the dictionaries like for eample the
!merican language dictionary, and the oford dictionary please pay attention
to the pronunciation of each word. and be ready for a test of of the human
body parts and their meaning.
Por favor observe las im"genes y consulte el diccionario y escriba el
signi#cado de cada parte del cuerpo, y tambi$n rep%tala 3 veces cada palabra
en ingles y en espa&ol.
Para hacer la parte de escuchar, ustedes pueden los diccionarios como por
e'emplo el diccionario de la lengua americana, y el diccionario (ford por
favor pongan atenci)n a la pronunciaci)n de cada palabra. y est$n listos para
un eamen de las partes del cuerpo y sus signi#cados.
*rite the pronouns with the verb to be assing to each sentence using the
vocabulary +
,urse -octor ../. 0edpan
Prescription drugs /alium hospital ..1.2.
!mbulance needle patient sick
3eadache heartburn sore throat 3.../.
English Conversation Print - 01
First, welcome to English Conversation classes. My name is Doctor llan !utherland. I
am "rom !cotland. In this class you will study English conversation through role #lay. $ou
will %e wor&ing in grou#s to study and im#rove your English s#ea&ing s&ills. $ou will study
English conversation through the role #lay o" scenes "rom a "ilm. 'he more you try to act
out the role #lay situations, the more en(oya%le the study will %e. 'he more that you act
out the role #lay situations, the more you will learn.
'he #ur#ose o" s#ea&ing English is to tal& and communicate with #eo#le. 'he
conversation in this class is a%out communicating with #eo#le. 'he conversation in this
class is not a test o" English grammar. 'he conversation study in this class is a%out
s#ea&ing English. I" you try to s#ea& in English this will %e noticed and you will %e
credited. $ou should not %e a"raid o" ma&ing mista&es when s#ea&ing in English. $ou will
%e given credit even i" you ma&e mista&es when s#ea&ing. Ma&ing mista&es are not so
im#ortant. )hat is im#ortant is that you s#ea& in English. In li"e, most native English
s#ea&ers are #atient and will try to understand non-native English s#ea&ers who are
trying to s#ea& to them in English. I will %e #atient i" you try to s#ea& to me in English.
'his class will %e taught only in English. )hen you enter this classroom you will %e
entering an English s#ea&ing world. 'his will give you the %est o##ortunity to im#rove
your English s&ills. I" you listen care"ully and study in this class, you will learn a very
use"ul s&ill. $ou will learn to understand s#o&en English and to s#ea& in English.
Class *earning +utcomes
'he main learning outcomes "or this class are,
1. 'o im#rove your a%ility to s#ea& in English.
-. 'o im#rove your #ronunciation in English.
.. 'o e/#and your English voca%ulary.
0. 'o increase your &nowledge o" English language culture and customs.
1. 'o give you increased con"idence in using English "or your #ersonal and educational
2. 'o have "un studying English conversation.
Class )or&
'his will %e an active conversation class. 'he study o" conversation will %e through
acting and #racticing role #lay situations. )e will use the television medical drama E.3.
4Emergency 3oom5 to study English. )e will use that drama to study everyday and
medical conversations. )e will use that medical drama to study medical language and
medical situations in English. !tudy will %e through #racticing active role #lay scri#ts
#rovided in class. !tudy will also %e through writing and actively acting role #lay situation.
!tudy will %e through maintaining a #ersonal dictionary.
)hen you study conversation, it is %etter "or you to #ractice again and again and again
and again. 'he more you #ractice %y re#eating e/ercises, the more you learn. *earning to
s#ea& English is the same as learning to #lay a s#ort, or a musical instrument. 'o %ecome
very good at these, you need to #ractice again and again and again. 'o %ecome a good
tennis or %ase%all or &endo or (udo or soccer #layer re6uires a lot o" re#eat #ractice. 'o
%ecome good at singing or #laying a musical instrument you need to #ractice again and
again and again. It is necessary to #ractice the same #iece o" music, or the same scale,
or the same techni6ue, or the same #attern o" notes again and again and again sim#ly to
%ecome good at singing or #laying an instrument. $ou learn that the more you #ractice
the easier it %ecome good at singing or at #laying an instrument. 'he same &ind and
amount o" #ractice is necessary to learn to s#ea& in English. 'he more o"ten you #ractice,
the easier it %ecomes to s#ea& with good #ronunciation and easy, com"orta%le
'his will %e an active conversation class. $ou will s#end most o" your time s#ea&ing
and #ractising English in grou#s. $ou will %e learning and #racticing English through role
#lay. $ou will %e given role #lay scri#ts as handouts. $ou will %e shown "ilm cli#s o" these
role #lay conversations. $ou will learn "rom acting the conversation as you see these in
the "ilm. !ometimes you will need to shout, sometimes you will need to s#ea& so"tly,
sometimes you will need to s#ea& with anger, sometimes you will need to s#ea& with
laughter, and sometimes you will need to s#ea& sadly, or "eign tears. 'he more that you
act out the conversations, the more that you can learn "rom them. 'he more that you act
out the conversations, the more en(oya%le the study will %e, and the more you will learn.
$ou will also study %y writing and acting out new conversations. 7ew grou#
conversations will %e written using the role #lay situations studied in class. 'hese written
role #lay conversations will %e #er"ormed %y a grou# o" students. $ou will need to thin&
a%out and #lan the conversation. 'hus, you will need to thin& a%out the conversation and
how #eo#le might #er"orm them in real li"e. 'he more the conversations are acted, the
more you will learn "rom these conversations. 'he more the conversations are acted out,
the more en(oya%le they will %e.
Maintaining a #ersonal dictionary will also %e #art o" the study. )hen you encounter
words that are new "or you, then it is use"ul to write these down in a #ersonal dictionary.
)hat $ou 7eed "or the Class,
'here is no class te/t %oo&, %ut you will need to have the "ollowing items "or the class,
1. Collins Co%uild 7ew !tudent8s Dictionary.
-. 9a#anese-English:English-9a#anese Dictionary, ; It is also a good idea to have a
small 9a#anese ; English dictionary, %ecause you will %e as&ed to write new
conversations. <aving a 9a#anese-English:English-9a#anese dictionary will hel# you to
write these 4an electronic dictionary is #er"ect5.
.. Personal Dictionary, ; $ou will need to ma&e your own #ersonal dictionary,
Maintaining a #ersonal dictionary will also %e #art o" the study. 'o ma&e your #ersonal
dictionary you must uses a loose-lea" note%oo& with -2 #ages, as shown %elow.
Each #age has one letter o" the al#ha%et written on the "ront, to# right corner, "rom
to =.
Each letter must have its own #age, with the letter on the to# right corner o" the "ront. 4Do
not #ut one letter on the "ront o" the #age and another letter on the %ac& o" the same
In this #ersonal dictionary you will write down any new word that you "ind in the
conversation e/ercises, on the #age mar&ed with its letter. 7e/t to the word you need to
write three things,
5 'he meaning o" the word in English>
?5 'he meaning o" the word in 9a#anese>
C5 sam#le sentence in English using that word. 4Do not co#y this sentence "rom a
dictionary. $ou need to write your own sentence. $ou need to write a new sentence.5
For e/am#le, i" we use the word nose the word will %e written in your #ersonal dictionary
, 'he #art o" your "ace that stic&s out a%ove your mouth. $ou use your nose "or smelling
and %reathing..
?, <anna
C, ?ecause she had a %ad cold she could not %reath through her nose and she could not
smell the %eauti"ul "lowers.
'o write the sam#le sentence, "irst, thin& a%out what the word means. !econd, thin&
a%out how that meaning might %e "ound in your everyday li"e. 'hird, write a sentence "rom
your #ersonal e/#erience using that word. ?y doing this you will thin& a%out the word,
thin& a%out what it means and thin& how to ma&e use o" it in a sentence. ?y doing this
you will understand and remem%er the word %etter.
0. good note%oo&.
'here will %e no "inal test "or this class. @rade will %e given as continuous assessment.
@rades will %e given "or written and acted role #lay #er"ormances 421A o" the "inal
grade5. grade will %e given "or your #ersonal dictionary 4.1A o" the "inal grade5. For
each o" these e""ort will %e very im#ortant. !tudents who #ut e""ort and energy into their
conversation role #lay will easily %e o%tain high grades. Mista&es are less im#ortant in the
conversation e/ercises than ma&ing e""ort and trying to s#ea& in English. 'here is one
other way to %oost your grades. 'his is %y attendance o" lectures, active wor& in class,
and as&ing 6uestions in English.
4?onus #oints o" u# to 1A can %e added to your grade "or regular attendance and active
class wor&. !omeone who gets a grade o" B1A can have this increased to C0A sim#ly i"
they have regularly attended and actively wor&ed in the class. !tudents who ma&e
e/ce#tional e""orts can %e given more. 'hese students will %e e/ce#tional %y the
standards o" most #eo#le in the class.5
'hus, students will %e assessed and given grades "or.
1. )riting and acting role #lay conversations in class. 421A5
-. Personal dictionary. 4.1A5
.. ttendance and active role #lay class wor&. 4'his can add u# to 1A onto your "inal
grade. It is #ossi%le to get more i" your e""orts are e/ce#tional %y the standard o" the
Every student can get a grade o" C1 ; D1EA, sim#ly i" they try. 'he wor& will not %e
%eyond anyone, i" you try you will #ass. I" you ma&e more e""ort you will o%tain very good
grades. *ast year all o" the students who attended and who made some e""ort o%tained
grades o" %etween C1 and D1EA. +nly the students who did not wor& in class, and who
did not try did not get high grades.
Class <ome#age +""ice 7um%er
'he class has its own home#age,
ll o" the class materials will %e "ound on this home#age. <ere you will "ind all o" the
handouts "or the class. $ou will also "ind sound "iles o" the conversations, and #ictures,
etc., on this home#age. Please visit the #age using the university com#uters.
My o""ice num%er is .01, on the third "loor.
My o""ice hours "or student consultation are Monday .,.0 ; 2,00#m> 'uesday 1,10 ;
2,00#m> )ednesday D,00am ; 1-,.0#m> 'hursday .,.0 ; 2,00#m. $ou can visit my
o""ice to as& 6uestion, or su%mit re#orts at these times.
My email address, )rite to me
'he %est way to learn English s#ea&ing s&ills is sim#ly %y trying to s#ea& English.
Every time you try to s#ea& in English you will get %etter at s#ea&ing English. I" you ma&e
a mista&e in s#ea&ing English, that is not im#ortant. )hat is im#ortant is that you try to
s#ea& in English and to learn "rom any mista&es. 'rying to s#ea& in English is what is
most im#ortant. !tudents who #artici#ate in the class will get a much %etter grade than
students who do not #artici#ate in the class.
'he study o" conversation will %e through acting and #racticing role #lay situations. )e
will use the television medical drama E.3. 4Emergency 3oom5 to study English. )e will
use that drama to study everyday and medical conversations. )e will use that medical
drama to study medical language and medical situations in English. English conversation
will %e studied in class through active role #lay. 'he class will involve active student study
o" English conversation. !tress will %e on learning %y #racticing and s#ea&ing English.
Credit will %e given "or all e""orts in trying to s#ea& in English. !tudy in class will %e
through active role #lay o" conversation situations. 'his role #lay involves s#o&en
and non-s#o&en communication. 7on-s#o&en communication is im#ortant "or meaning
and understanding o" conversation 'he class will also involve the writing and active role
#lay o" conversation situations %y students. English will also %e studied through ma&ing
and maintaining a #ersonal dictionary. @rades will %e given "or student8s written and
#er"ormed role #lay conversations, "or the #ersonal dictionary and "or e""ort in class.
'here will %e no "inal test, %ut grades will %e given as continuous assessment.
Please actively #artici#ate in the study and en(oy the study.
)in& Ger% to %e in the #resent sim#le tense

1. Com#lete the sentences with am, is, or are.
a5 I HHHHHHHHHHHH a student.
%5 My #arents HHHHHHHHHHH great #eo#le.
c5 My sister HHHHHHHHHHHH very #retty.
d5 <er cousins HHHHHHHHHHH musicians.
e5 <is uncle HHHHHHHHHHHH at the movies.
"5 My sister and I HHHHHHHHHHH %est "riends.
g5 Iara HHHHHHHHHHH IellyJs sister-in-law.
h5 My cat HHHHHHHHHHH laKy.
i5 +ur aunt HHHHHHHHHHHH a French teacher.
(5 $ou HHHHHHHHHHH really tallL

-. Com#lete the ta%le.
I am I am not am IM
$ou $ou are not youM
<e is <e is heM
!he !he is not sheM
It is It is not itM
)e )e are weM
$ou $ou are not youM
'hey are 'hey theyM

*ink /erb to be in the present simple tense

4. 1omplete the sentences with am, is, or are.
a5 . 666666666666 a student.
b5 7y parents 66666666666 great people.
c5 7y sister 666666666666 very pretty.
d5 3er cousins 66666666666 musicians.
e5 3is uncle 666666666666 at the movies.
f5 7y sister and . 66666666666 best friends.
g5 8ara 66666666666 8elly9s sister:in:law.
h5 7y cat 66666666666 la;y.
i5 (ur aunt 666666666666 a <rench teacher.
'5 =ou 66666666666 really tall>

?. 1omplete the table.
. am . am not am .A
=ou =ou are not youA
3e is 3e is heA
She She is not sheA
.t is .t is not itA
*e *e are weA
=ou =ou are not youA
They are They theyA

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