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Every day different careers and professional opportunities are emerging.


No matter how many options one has, we need prioritize and choose the best option for us.
Apr 10, 201! "#$% Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan has as&ed all '( schools to appoint career
counselors, who would conduct class surveys to &now the career choices of students.
As per a decision ta&en '() *oard of +overnors, one education counselor will be appointed for
secondary and senior secondary classes in each '(, who will be available during school hours in the
campus. As per the circular issued by '(), the counselors nature of wor& involves dealing with low
achieving, under achieving and high achieving students besides, dealing with topics such as facing
e,aminations without fear, stress management for students, develoing study ha!its, study
s&ills and techni-ues in students, help them with time management and communication s&ills.
./onducting class surveys to &now the career choice of students and providing career guidance to
students based on the results of an aptitude test and interest inventory is another ma0or wor& that
has been assigned to the counselor. "hey would also have to help students to prepare monographs
on their career choice., said a '( school principal.
$n the words of 1enry /. 2in& . the truth about ma&ing a plan% $t never wor&s 3not in the way you
plan it, that is4. $f, however, you do ma&e a plan, the chances of getting what you want
significantly increase..
"ut one thing is #uite definite that only those of you $ho $ill $or% hard to$ards your
studies& a'#uire ne$ s%ills as you move along in life& involve yourself in 'ultural(sorts
a'tivities and attemt to lan your life $ill !e su''essful.
Career Counselling at Career )ra'%
/hoosing the right career option or the appropriate course to your aptitude
$dentifying your values, aspirations and goals
)cope of a course or a career that you are pursuing or planning to pursue in $ndia or
Let your imagination soar and lan your 'areer su'h that it integrates your strengths&
values and your ho!!ies. Su''ess 'an !e smoother in life for those eole to $hom $or%
is not a 'hore !ut a *oy.

Dear Sir,
As per our discussion yesterday regarding Campus drives, we had a meeting with our University
Placement Team, please find below the tentative schedule of Campus drives to be held.
S.o Date Status!Company "ranch
# $%!#&!#' (pen
$ $)!#&!#' Clic*labs CS!+T!,C,!-CA
. $/!#&!#' (pen for (ptimus
' .&!#&!#' Code "rue CS,!+T
0 .#!#&!#' 1ibsys
2 #!##!#' (pen
% .!##!#' TU All branches
) '!##!#' ,3ecutive Shipping -,
/ 0!##!#' (pen
4indly forward the direct company mail having 5D with confirm!tentative dates. 6e will initiate
the process at University level after the final approval from the authorities n revert you the same .

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