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1515/hf-20130080 Hotzforschung 2014; 68(2): 223- 227

Short Note
Guanyun Peng*, Zehui Jiang, Xing'e Liu*, Benhua Fei, Shumin Yang, Daochun Qin, Haiqing
Ren, Yan Yu and Honglan Xie
Detection of complex vascular system in bamboo
node by X-ray CT imaging technique
Abstract: Bamboo is one of the world's fastest growing
plants. They reach a final height of 15-40 m during a period
of 40-120 days. The full height is reached by intercalary
growth of each node. However, it is very difficult to detect
the complex vascular system in a bamboo node using tra-
ditional methods. X-ray computed microtomography (.CT)
is a noninvasive novel approach to the three-dimensional
(3D) visualization and quantification of biological struc-
tures. In the present article, CT has been applied to pro-
vide insights into the internal structure of bamboo node,
where three branches are connected. The picture obtained
could hardly be obtained by any other means. The bamboo
nodal characteristics of three transverse and axial sections
are presented. The complex 3D network of vascular bun-
dles has been directly obtained for the first time.
Keywords: 3D network of vascular systems, bamboo node,
vascular system, X-ray computed microtomography (CT)
*Corresponding authors: Guanyun Peng, Shanghai Institute of
Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201204,
China; and International Center for Bamboo and Rattan, Beijing
100102, China, e-mail: pengguanyun@sinap.ac.cn; and Xing'e Liu,
International Center for Bamboo and Rattan, Beijing 100102, China,
e-mail: tiuxe@icbr.ac.cn
Zehui Jiang, Benhua Fei, Shum in Yang, Daochun Qin and Yan Yu:
International Center for Bamboo and Rattan, Beijing 100102, China
Haiqing Ren: Research Institute of Wood Industry, Chinese Academy
of Forestry, Beijing 100091, China
Honglan Xie: Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese
Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201204, China
Bamboo is one of the most important forest resources
(Peng et al. 2013). Bamboos belong to the subfamily
Bambusoideae of the family Gramineae. More than 1250
species, under 75 genera, are known worldwide, which are
mainly distributed in the tropical and subtropical zones
and partly in the temperate and frigid zones. Bamboo is
the fastest-growing woody plant and matures in 4- 8 years
(Jiang 2007). Since the 1980s, the significance of bamboo
cultivation and utilization is increasingly being rec-
ognized, mainly due to the rapid reduction of tropical
forests especially in China, India, and some of the South-
east Asian countries. Recent research papers show the
increased and permanent interest on bamboo concerning
its chemical composition and utilization (Kim et al. 2008;
Lee et al. 2011; Sun et al. 2011; Qu et al. 2012; Vena et al.
2013; Wu et al. 2013), its fungal degradation (Kim et al.
2011; Schmidt et al. 2011), the mechanical properties of
single bamboo fibers (Yang et al. 2009; Yu et al. 2011), and
its physical properties (Tsubaki and Nakano 2010).
The anatomy of bamboo is the scientific basis for
understanding its properties and its optimal economic
utilization. Thus, there are also plenty of reports on the
anatomy of bamboo, which focused mainly on the mor-
phological and physiological characteristics of bamboo
culm, which comprises internodes and nodes (Liese
1998). The anatomical structure of the internodes is better
investigated than that of the nodes.
Nodes belong to the basic anatomical character-
istics of the Gramineae family. The bamboo nodes are
very unique, which distinguish them from other plants;
moreover, the nodes are species specific. One node of a
bamboo culm usually consists of a sheath scar, a nodal
ridge, a diaphragm, and the intranode between the nodal
ridge and the sheath scar. Bamboo nodes play a key role
in its rapid growth. From the technical application point
of view, the nodes are important for the liquid movement
during drying and preservation as well as for the physical
and mechanical properties of culm. The function of the
bamboo node and their structure received more attention
in the last decades (Shao et al. 2010; Xing et al. 2012). Ding
and Liese (1995) recorded SEM images from serial sections
of the bamboo node and reconstructed the three-dimen-
sional (3D) image of the bamboo nodal region. However,
serial sectioning is not only time-consuming but also can
lead to artifacts due to the irregular thickness of the serial
sections and manual stacking of the series of images.
224 G. Peng et al.: Detection of complex vascular system in bamboo node DE GRUYTER
X-ray computed microtomography (CT) has a high
application potential in plant science as a noninva-
sive approach for 3D visualization, including the leaf
(Kaminuma et al. 2008), stem (Stuppy et al. 2003), flowers
(Stuppy et al. 2003; Dhondt et al. 2010), seed (Cloetens
et al. 2006), fruitage (Mendoza et al. 2007), just to mention
a few. In t C T fixing, sectioning, and staining are not neces-
sary to produce a 3D digital map of a specimen; thus, arbi-
trarily oriented sections can easily be visualized. During
the past decade, there is a growing number of studies
on nondestructive investigations using CT, including
anatomical details (Steppe et al. 2004; Trtik et al. 2007;
Mannes et al. 2010; Mayo et al. 2010), wood shrinkage
(Taylor et al. 2013), wood decay (Fuhr et al. 2012), defor-
mations of wood (Forsberg et al. 2008), particle board
panels (Sackey and Smith 2010), etc. For example, Steppe
et al. (2004) presented the CT-derived 3D image of beech
wood (Fagus sylvatica) and oak (Quercus robur), which
clearly illustrated their complex internal vessel network.
In the present work, CT with phase-contrast imaging
techniques will be used for imaging two-dimensional (2D)
transverse and axial sections and the 3D microstructure
of a bamboo node. Phase-contrast imaging techniques
have two key advantages: first, light elements (showing
poor contrast in absorption radiography) can be easily
detected; second, this method helps to reduce the radia-
tion dose deposited on the object under investigation. The
aim of this study is to contribute further to the knowledge
of bamboo node anatomy and to establish CT as routine
methodology, which could contribute a lot for the rapid
observation and classification of the complex structure of
nodes in the versatile realm of bamboos.
Materials and methods
Bamboo, Pleioblastus gozadakensis Nakai, was sampled from Chi-
nese Anji Bamboo Species Garden (Zhejiang Province, China). This
bamboo species are mainly distributed at Southeast China, such as
Zhejiang, Jiangxi, and Fujian provinces. Its diameter at breast height
(DBH) is approximately 1 cm; height, 3-4 m; age, 3 years. The nodal
area, including 20 mm below and above a sheath scar, was cut from
the middle of a mature culm. A sample size of 7 mm diameter was
used, and the sample was prepared by air-drying.
X-ray computed microtomography
This study was performed at Xradia lnc.'s Demo Laboratory in Con-
cord, CA, USA. The instrument used was MicroXCT-200, which is a
high-resolution, non-destructive 3D X-ray imaging system. The lens
detectors provide superior contrast even for low absorption materi-
als. The following parameters were used: 40 kV, 8 W, 100 s per image;
scan interval, 0- 359 in 0.5 scan steps; view field, 9.3 mm; each pix
el represents a linear resolution of 6 m. The sample is fixed on the
sample stage while running a tomography. Because of the area of the
bamboo samples, the detector and source are placed at a consider
able distance to allow a full 360 rotation, which li mi ts the maximum
view field. A 9.3-mm vertical span \vas imaged, and the maximum
field of view for a 2x objective was 12 mm. The high-resolution mode
was applied. Automatic single- and multiple-point tomographies
were made \Vith the Xradia software Recipes; references and tomo-
graphies are recorded automatically for each point, and 20 and 3D
images were generated.
20 images of the node
The nodal area is presented in Figure la. The tomographic
images were reconstructed by enlarging 721 X-ray micro-
graphs. The images of the cross section in the area of
the three branches are shown in Figure lb and c, which
reveal the anatomical details. In Figure lb, many vascular
bundles are visible with axial connection, whereas a few
of them have transverse connections. The arrows repre-
sent transverse vascular bundles. From the peripheral to
the inner zone of the stem, the area of the fibers around
the vascular bundles gradually decreases, whereas the
opposite is true for the vascular bundles. All vascular
bundles in the internodes are axial and parallel and do
not have any across vascular elements. Cross-connections
are present in the area without pith cavity. Figure le
shows the absence across vascular bundles in the stem or
in branch I, whereas both dispose of pith cavities. A few
cross-vascular bundles in branch III are without a pith
The bamboo nodal axial section is depicted in
Figure ld. Here, there are many across vascular bundles
with different characters. For example, between the nodal
ridge and the upper edge of the diaphragm, there are
more fibers around the vascular bundles than on the dia-
phragm. This observation is consistent with that of Ding
and Liese (1995).
30 network of vascular bundles
A 3D image was obtained by adjusting the opacity and
color scheme. Sections of the bamboo were cropped
and adjusted to show the dispersion of the vascular
DE GRUYTER G. Peng et al.: Detection of complex vascular syst em in bamboo node 225
Figure 1 The scanning area of the bamboo node and its 20 images. (a) The scanning bamboo node. (b, c) Cross-section images of the
bamboo node: (b) the stem and the t hree branches connected to each other and containing many vascular bundles with axial connection
and a few with transverse connection (arrows); (c) there are no across vascular bundles in the stem or in branch I, both having pith cavities,
whereas a few cross-vascular bundles present in branch Il l are without a pith cavity. (d) Longitudi nal section i mage of bamboo node: the
nodal ridge and t he upper edge of diaphragm around the vascular bundles have more fibers t han the diaphragm. l=area imaged; 2=sheath
scar; 3=diaphragm; 4=nodal ridge; 5=vascular bundle; 6=fibers; ?=vascular bundle; 8=fibers; 9=sheath scar; lO=across vascular bundles;
l l=diaphragm; 12=upper edge of the diaphragm; 13=nodal ridge; 14=fibers.
bundles in the 3D images (Figure 2). In Figure 2a, the
light areas indicate fibers, and the dark ones represent
vascular bundles. After inversion of Figure 2a, Figure 2b
was obtained, where the light areas represent the vas
cular bundles. The main vascular bundles pass directly
tllrough the node, and at the same time, a number of
201)0 IJJll
Fi gure 2 30 images of the fine structure of the bamboo node obtained by CT. (a) The light areas indicate fibers. (b) Inverted 30 vol ume
dispersion of vascular bundles of bamboo node; i nverted volume represents non inverted vol ume of (a); light areas represent vascular
bundles; dark areas represent fibers. As shown i n the image, t he vascular bundles pass directly t hrough the node, and at the same time, a
number of small vascular bundles turn horizontally and t wist repeat edly i n t he upper edge of the diaphragm.
226 G. Peng et al.: Detection of complex vascular system in bamboo node DE GRUYTER
small vascular bundles turn horizontally and twist
repeatedly in the upper edge of the diaphragm in Figure
2b. The axial and horizontal vascular bundles form a
complex network structure.
Discussion and conclusions
The complex structure of a bamboo node is readily visible
on the CT images. The depicted vascular bundles con-
tribute to tangential and axial transportation. The twist-
ing contributes a lot to the mechanical properties such
as high strength, which is especially effective against
cleavage. This special structure of the vascular tissue of
the nodes is essential for long- and thin-shaped bamboos,
which tend to split. The easily accessible 30 images of the
vascular bundles are excellent examples for biomimetic
The rapid CT methodology has significant advan-
tages compared with other methods of vascular system
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It is the first time that the complex vascular system of a
bamboo node is imaged with high resolution. The high
potential of CT is obvious for the routine analysis and
classification of bamboo nodes.
Acknowledgments: The authors wish to thank the State
Forestry Administration, People's Republic of China, for
the Special Funding Projects of Forestry Nonprofit Indus-
try Research (grant no. 201304513) and the financial
support of the National Key Technology R&D Program
in the 11th Five-Year Plan of China (2008BADA9B03 and
2006BAD19B01). The authors also gratefully acknowledge
Gary Pan, You Dong, Beixue Xu, Tiffany Fong, and the
Xradia Inc. for their technology support.
Received May 8, 2013; accept ed July 12, 2013; previously published
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