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Escola Bsica e Secundria de Vila Franca do Campo

English Written Test

11th Form Level 7
ame! """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" um#er! """ Class! "" $ate! """%"""%"""
&ar'! """"""""""""""""""""""""""" Teacher! """"""""""""""""" E(E! """"""""""
$o )ou spend *or the sa'e o* spending+ ,s )our -ardro#e *ull o* clothes )ou never
-ear+ $o )ou splash out on things )ou can.t a**ord+ ,* the ans-er.s )es/ then #e
a-are0 1ou could #e -ell on the -a) to #ecoming a shopaholic( ,t.s a pro#lem that.s
alread) recogni2ed and treated in 3merica 4 ,s it time -e did the same here+
When was the last time you bought something you didnt
really need? The shoes that didnt quite fit, the T- shirt
which didnt look so good out of the shop, the kitchen gadget
which has sat in the cupboard ever since?
For most of us these are occasional, if epensive,
mis!udgements, but for some they can be the epression of a
deeper and darker distress" For some people shopping can
become a compulsion, an addiction as powerful as any drug"
#r #amon, a therapist of $hopaholic %nonymous, says& 'the shopaholic is driven by the need to
overcome depression and aniety" The individuals feel a lack in their life which they try to fill by
shopping ( !ust as others use alcohol or drugs" %t the time of spending they feel a rush of
ecitement but it soon wears off" )ts replaced by a sense of guilt about overspending and getting
deeper into debt" This aniety drives the shopaholic to go out on another binge in order to relieve
that depression" $o they become trapped in a downward spiral of debt and despair and desperately
need help"*
%lthough shopping, especially routine household buying, can be a chore, most of us find aspects
of it pleasurable" $hopping plays a big part in our leisure activities"
+articularly when women buy clothes, there is a strong pleasurable fantasy element,
reminiscent of childhood dressing-up games when we pretended to be someone new, different and
eciting" ,ften when we buy clothes we are buying dreams, a welcome escape from our everyday
lives" ,ur confidence gets a boost as we try out our new personas in front of the mirror, to
murmur of approval from the shop assistant who knows how to eploit our vulnerability"
%dvertisers, too, eploit these escapist fantasies when they advertise their products in eotic
-ost important of all, spending money, even money we may not have, gives us a brief feeling of
power, the power of choice, the power to command service and attention" This illusion can be
addictive !ust like the high that people get from drugs"
Woman maga.ine /adapted0
Group I Reading Comprehension
3 5ead the te6t and decide i* the statements are true or *alse+ Find evidence in
the te6t to 7usti*) )our ans-er( 896:;<:=
True False
1" $ome people spend money on unnecessary things"
3" For some people shopping is an addiction"
4" $hopaholics are people who dont like going shopping"
5" #epression and aniety can be overcome by going shopping"
6" There are people who find shopping a routine, a chore"
7" When we buy clothes we often feel depressed"
B &atch the -ords *rom the te6t -ith its s)non)m or e6planation on the right(
1. for the sake of /l" 10 2222 a0 boring task
2. splash out /l" 30 2222 b0 an increase
3. gadget /l" 80 2222 c0 for no particular reason
4. distress /l" 110 2222 d0 substituted
5. compulsion /l" 130 2222 e) spend a lot of money
6. replaced /l" 170 2222 f0 /cause of0 great pain, sorrow, etc"
7. chore /l" 390 2222 g0 machine or tool
8. boost /l" 360 2222
h0 a strong and unreasonable desire that is difficult to
9. escapist /l" 380 2222 i0 causing dependence
19" addictive /l" 410 2222 !0 that help us to evade reality
C Complete the sentences according to the in*ormation given in the te6t( 8:6?;<>=
1" $pending !ust for the sake of spending 222222222222222222222222222222222222
3" $hopping can become as 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222
4" For women, buying clothes 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222
5" :scapist fantasies 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222
$ 3ns-er the *ollo-ing @uestions( 8?69;A>=
1" )s shopping a therapy for you? Why; Why not?
3" What do shopaholics feel after spending a lot of money buying things?
4" :plain the meaning of the following sentence taken from the tet& when we buy
clothes, we are buying dreams"
5" #o you agree that compulsive shopping is harmful? <ustify your opinion"
6" #oes shopping play a big part in your leisure activities? :plain"
E 5ead the te6t and complete it -ith the -ords in the #o6( 81>6<;<>=
comple6 stud) disorder
li*e #u)ing shopping
addiction destructive compulsive
=ompulsive 222222222222222 /10, also known as compulsive buying 22222222222222 /30,
can be !ust as addictive and as 2222222222222222 /40 as alcohol or drugs, says #r
<ames -itchell, chairman of the 2222222222222222222 /50 of neuroscience at the
>niversity of ?orth #akota $chool of -edicine and @ealth $ciences and lead author of a
22222222222222 /60 on cognitive behavior therapy for compulsive 22222222222222 /70
)t is far more 222222222222222 /80 than financial disorgani.ation or irresponsibility"
222222222222222222 /A0 buying disorder is a little-studied 2222222222222222 /B0
that consumes the persons 22222222222222222222 /190
Group II grammar
3 Complete the sentences using the present per*ect or the present per*ect
continuous o* the ver#s in #rac'ets( 8B6<;19=
1" %rent you tired yet? We 22222222222222222222222 /browse0 around clothes
shops for hours"
3" Cets go to the pool" ) 222222222222222222222222 /not;have0 a swim for weeks"
4" )ts getting really cold" >nfortunately, we 222222222222222222222 /leave0 our
coats at home"
5" Thats a really nice watch you have, +eter" @ow long 2222222222222222222222
/you; have0 it?
6" <ohn 2222222222222222222222 /phone0 all morning" @e really needs to speak to
7" This strategy seems to be good" $ales of our products 222222222222222222222
/increase0 for some time"
8" $he 22222222222222222222 /try0 to convince him for 39 minutes but she
222222222222222222222 /not manage0 to yet"
B 5e-rite the sentences starting as suggested( 8?6?;<?=
1" $ome people are into deep debt but they still purchase huge sport utilities"
:ven though 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222
3" ) dont intend to buy unnecessary goods"
) have no intention of222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222
4" -ary didnt spend money, she left the shop instead"
)nstead of 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222
5" That shop assistant is tired but she cant stop working"
%lthough 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222
6" Theresa had money but she didnt buy the coat"
)n spite of 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222
Group III Writing
Choose onl) one o* the *ollo-ing topics( 8:? points=
1( @ow can we manage compulsive shopping and spending addiction?
Write about 169 words on how we can fight against compulsive shopping"
<( Write about 169 words to comment on the following statement& ') am what ) have*"
Good Work!
Your English Teacher
Goreti Ponte
Droup ,
1" True 'When was the last time you bought something you really didnt need? The shoes that didnt
fit /E0*
3" True 'For some people shopping can become a compulsion, an addiction as powerful as any drug"*
4" False '%t the time of spending they feel a rush of ecitement /E"0*"
5" True 'Ethe shopaholic is driven by the need to overcome depression and aniety" The individuals
feel a lack in their life which they try to fill by shoppingE0
6" True '%lthough shopping, especially routine household buying, can be a chore E*
7" False 'E when women buy clothes, there is a strong pleasurable fantasy element E*
1" c0 3" e0 4" g0 5" f0 6" h0 7" d0 8" a0 A" b0 B" !0 19" i0
1" indicates that you can be on the way to become a shopaholic" or can be the first step to
become a shopaholic"
3" addictive as drugs or alcohol"
4" is buying dreams and escaping from everyday life"
5" are used by advertisers when they advertise their products"
1" +ersonal answer"
3" They feel a rush of ecitement followed by a sense of guilt"
4" When we buy clothes, we imagine many beautiful things even if only for some moments"
5" Fes, ) do" We should only buy things when we have money" We should be responsible for our acts
and not governed by irrational compulsions that can get us into serious health and financial
6" +ersonal answer"
1" shopping 3" disorder 4" destructive 5" department 6" study
7" buying 8" comple A" compulsive B" addiction 19" life
Droup ,,
1" have been browsing 3" havent had 4" have left 5" have you had 6" has been phoning
7" have been increasing 8" has been trying A" hasnt managed
1" :ven though some people are into deep debt, they still purchase huge sport utilities"
3" ) have no intention of buying unnecessary goods"
4" )nstead of spending money, -ary left the shop"
5" %lthough that shop assistant is tired, she cant stop working"
6" )n spite of having money, Theresa didnt buy the coat"

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