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ADVISOR-II A S!a!u!or" Bo#" of Go$!. of I%#&a '" Par(&ame%! A)! *+,- ./01,
F.No.FD/PSSC/Clarif./2003/1 Date : 10.9.2003
Se)re!ar&es Te)h%&)a( E#u)a!&o%,
A(( S!a!e Go$er%me%!s2U%&o% Terr&!or&es
Sub : Clarification on certain issues pertaining to Pay Scales an Ser!ice Conitions for
teac"ers of Degree/Diplo#a le!el $ec"nical %nstitutions.
From !&me !o !&me !he AICTE re)e&$es 3uer&es see4&%5 )(ar&f&)a!&o% o% #&ffere%! &ssues 6er!a&%&%5
!o Pa" S)a(es a%# Ser$&)e Co%#&!&o%s for !ea)hers of De5ree2D&6(oma (e$e( Te)h%&)a( I%s!&!u!&o%s.
The AICTE has )o%s!&!u!e# E76er! Comm&!!ee !o 5&$e !he )a(r&f&)a!&o% 2 a%oma(&es 6er!a&%&%5 !o
Pa" S)a(es a%# Ser$&)e Co%#&!&o%s of Tea)hers of De5ree2D&6(oma Le$e( Te)h%&)a( I%s!&!u!&o%s. The
#e)&s&o% of !he E76er! Comm&!!ee o% !hese &ssues &s e%)(ose# A%%e7ure-., for &%forma!&o% a%#
%e)essar" a)!&o%- &f a%".
Th&s &s &ssue# 8&!h !he a66ro$a( of !he Com6e!e%! Au!hor&!".
&ours fait"fully
().*.Nares" +u#ar,
-!isor (FD,
.ncl : -s abo!e
Copy to :
.. A(( !he D&re)!ors of Te)h%&)a( E#u)a!&o% of A(( S!a!e Go$!s.2U%&o% Terr&!or&es 9 for )&r)u(a!&o%
amo%5s! a(( D&re)!ors2 Pr&%)&6a(s of #e5ree2#&6(oma (e$e( Te)h%&)a( I%s!&!u!&o%s.
+. Pr&%)&6a(s of a(( %a!&o%a( I%s!&!u!es of Te)h%o(o5&es
:. A(( V&)e-Cha%)e((ors of U%&$ers&!&es2Deeme# U%&$ers&!&es.
;. Se)re!ar"2A##&!&o%a( Se)re!ar"2U%&o% Pu'(&) Ser$&)e Comm&ss&o% UPSC,
*. A(( Ce%!ra((" fu%#e# Te)h%&)a( I%s!&!u!&o%s
<. A(( Re5&o%a( Off&)ers of AICTE a! Ko(4a!a- =um'a&- Ka%6ur- Che%%a&- Cha%#&5arh- Bho6a( a%#
1. The De6u!" Se)re!ar" T,- De6!.of Se)o%#ar" a%# H&5her E#u)a!&o%- =&%&s!r" of HRD Go$!.of
I%#&a- Shas!r& Bha8a%- Ne8 De(h&.
I%#&ra Ga%#h& S6or!s Com6(e7- I.P.Es!a!e- Ne8 De(h& 9 ..> >>+
Pho%e D&re)!, ? >..-+::/+*.1-+::/+*0.-+::/+*<+ EPAB@, +::/+*<:-<*21:-1*
Te(efa7 9 >..-+::/+*<+-+::/+**; E-ma&( ? %areshA5o8#aB$s%(.%e!
- . -
%te# No.1 : .ligibility for t"e Post of 0ecturer in Co#puter Science 1 .ngg. 2 rela/ation in t"e
re3uire#ent of 1
%te# No.2 : -no#aly in t"e -%C$. prescribe eligibility criteria for t"e post of 0ecturer in
Co#puter Science 1 .ngg.
Decision ta4en :
The Comm&!!ee a5ree# !o !he #e)&s&o% of AIB 9 IT &.e. B.E.2 &% a%" E%5&%eer&%5 #&s)&6(&%e or =.S).- &%
=a!hema!&)s2Ph"s&)s2 E(e)!ro%&)s2Com6u!er S)&e%)e a%# a((&e# su'Ce)!s a%# F&rs! C(ass =.Te)h.2=.E.
#e5ree &% Com6u!er S)&e%)e2 I%forma!&o% Te)h%o(o5".
%te# No.3 : Clarification in respect of t"e 3ualification prescribe for appoint#ent as 0ecturer
in 5C- course.
Decision ta4en :
Ba)he(orDs #e5rees &% a%" #&s)&6(&%e or =.S).- &% a%" 'ra%)h a(o%5 8&!h F&rs! C(ass =CA #e5ree are
e(&5&'(e for a66o&%!me%! as (e)!urer &% =CA )ourse.
%te# No. 6 : Counting of past ser!ices an pay protection at t"e ti#e of recruit#ent by a Central
*o!t. organi7ation in respect of a person co#ing fro# P!t..ngg. College.
Decision ta4en :
I! 8as o'ser$e# '" !he e76er! )omm&!!ee !ha! !he UGC has frame# 5u&#e(&%es for !he )ou%!&%5 of 6as!
ser$&)e E 6a" 6ro!e)!&o% e!). He%)e &! 8as #e)&#e# !ha! &% !he a'o$e ma!!er- UGC 5u&#e(&%es ma" 'e
%te# No. 8 : Consieration for inclusion of 5.Sc.9 ()io'C"e#istry, an 5.$ec". ()io'
$ec"nology, as t"e basic #ini#u# 3ualifications for !arious le!els of posts of
teac"ers in t"e P"ar#acy iscipline in egree le!el tec"nical institutions.
Decision ta4en :
The &%)(us&o% of =.S).- B&o-Chem&s!r", or =.Te)h. B&o-Te)h., as !he 'as&) m&%&mum 3ua(&f&)a!&o%s
for $ar&ous 6os!s of fa)u(!" &% Pharma)" ma" 'e referre# !o !he )o%)er%e# Boar# of Go$er%ors BOG,2
Se(e)!&o% Comm&!!ee &% or#er !o !a4e a66ro6r&a!e #e)&s&o%.
%te# No. : : 5oification of t"e eligibility Criteria for t"e post of 0ecturer in t"e iscipline of
Co#p. Sc. 1 .ngg.an/or 5C-
Decision ta4en :
Same as I!em No.. E + a'o$e.
%te# No. ; : Clarification on certain issues pertaining to Career -!ance#ent sc"e#e (C-S, for
teac"ers of Degree le!el $ec"nical %nstitutions.
Decision ta4en :
As 6er !he re$&se# CAS 6ro6ose# '" FD Bureau- 6(a)e# a! A66e%#&7-..
%te# No. < : Superannuating benefits on accounting of "a!ing P".D. before entering ser!ice.
Decision ta4en :
The )omm&!!ee has #&s)usse# !he &ssue a%# &! 8as #e)&#e# !o refer !he ma!!er !o BOG &% or#er !o !a4e
a66ro6r&a!e #e)&s&o%
%te# No. 9: %ssue of eciing t"e nature of refres"er courses being i#parte by =*C an/or
ot"er tec"nical institutions for t"e purpose of being consiere uner t"e Career
-!ance#ent Sc"e#e (C-S, of -%C$..
- + -
Decision ta4en :
The )omm&!!ee has #&s)usse# !he &ssue of %a!ure of refresher )ourses for CAS a%# &! 8as #e)&#e# as
fo((o8s ?
&, Issue of re)o5%&!&o% of refresher )ourses &s as 6er !he #&s)re!&o% of !he se(e)!&o%
)omm&!!ee for CAS.
&&, I% 5e%era( !he a#$a%)e# )ourse )o%#u)!e# '" FIP AICTE, UGC-ISTE- U%&$ers&!&es
a%# o!her re)o5%&Ge# &%s!&!u!&o%s e!) sha(( 'e )o%s&#ere# for CAS.
%te# No.10 : -no#aly in -%C$. reco##ene pay scales for teac"ers of iplo#a le!el tec"nical
institutions (polytec"nics,
Decision ta4en :
The )omm&!!ee ha# #&s)usse# !he &ssue a! (e%5!h a%# &! 8as #e)&#e# !ha! !he !ea)hers 8ho ha$e 'ee%
re)ru&!e# 6r&or !o .....//<- shou(# 'e 5o$er%e# '" !he e7&s!&%5 Re)ru&!me%! Ru(es RRDs,. So- !he
)omm&!!ee re)omme%#s re(a7a!&o% of 3ua(&f&)a!&o% for su)h !ea)hers !o )o%s&#er !hem for CAS &% !he
5ra#e of Le)!urer &.e.- from Le)!urer !o se%&or 5ra#e E from se%&or 5ra#e !o se(e)!&o% 5ra#e, a%# a(so
for !hose 8ho 8ere 6romo!e# 'efore !he &m6(eme%!a!&o% of re$&se# AICTE 6a" s)a(es E ser$&)e
)o%#&!&o%s. From !he #a!e of AICTE %o!&f&)a!&o% !o !he #a!e of &m6(eme%!a!&o% of !he same '" !he
)o%)er%e# S!a!e Go$!.2 U%&o% Terr&!or",.
%te# no.11: Consieration of t"e 3ualification of 5.$ec".9 (%nustrial 5etallurgy, as eligible for
pro#otion to t"e post of assistant professor in t"e ept.of 5ec"anical .ngg.
Decision ta4en :
Hes- &f !he )a%#&#a!e has 'as&) #e5ree &% =e)ha%&)a( E%55. &.e. B.E.2B.Te)h. &% =e)h.
%te# No.12: .ffecti!e ate of applicability for unifor# i#ple#entation of Career -!ance#ent
Sc"e#e (C-S, for faculty #e#bers of tec"nical institutions.
Decision ta4en :
The )omm&!!ee ha# #&s)usse# !he &ssue a%# &! 8as #e)&#e# !ha! &% !he a'o$e ma!!er UGC 5u&#e(&%es
shou(# 'e fo((o8e# as #e)&#e# &% ;;
%te# No.13:>e3uire#ent for fra#ing of Pay Scale an Ser!ice Conitions for ?or4s"op
%nstructors for iplo#a le!el tec"nical institutions.
Decision ta4en :
A(( !hese &!ems 6er!a&%s !o Po("!e)h%&)s2D&6(oma (e$e( !e)h%&)a( &%s!&!u!&o%s 8hose a66ro$a( a%# o!her
)o%!ro(s ha$e 'ee% fu((" #e(e5a!e# '" !he AICTE !o !he )o%)er%e# S!a!e Go$!.2 U%&o% Terr&!or". He%)e-
&! 8as fe(! #es&ra'(e '" !he E76er! Comm&!!ee !ha! a(( !hese ma!!ers2 &ssues )a% 'e referre# !o !he
)o%)er%e# S!a!e Go$!.2 U%&o% Terr&!or" for !he&r )o%s&#era!&o% a%#2or se!!(eme%! of !he&r )ases.
%te# No.16 : Consieration of t"e s"ort ter# courses uner t"e @%P for t"e purpose of Career
-!ance#ent of $eac"ers of P"ar#acy isciplines in respect of egree le!el
tec"nical institutions.
Decision ta4en :
Same as &!em %o./
%te# No.18 : >e3uest for a#ening t"e eligibility criteria for t"e post of 0ecturer in t"e iscipline
of Co#puter Science 1 .ngg. in egree le!el tec"nical institutions.
Decision ta4en :
Hes- &f !he =as!er of S)&e%)e #e5ree &% Pharma)eu!&)a( from Lo%#o% &s e3u&$a(e%! !o =.Pharm as 6er
%te# No.1<: %nclusion of t"e 3ualification of 5aster of %nfor#ation $ec"nology (5%$,/ 5C- for
teac"ing post in t"e iscipline of Co#puter Science 1 .ngg.
- : -
Decision ta4en :
Same as 6er I!em . E + a'o$e.
%te# No.19:Fra#ing of Career -!ance#ent Sc"e#e for 0ibraries an P"ysical .ucation
%nstructors (P.%s, in egree le!el tec"nical institutions.
Decision ta4en :
I! 8as o'ser$e# '" !he E76er! Comm&!!ee !ha! !he 3ua(&f&)a!&o% re3u&reme%! for !he 6os! of L&'rar&a%s
a%# Ph"s&)a( E#u)a!&o% I%s!ru)!ors PEIs, for !e)h%&)a( &%s!&!u!&o%s 8ere #e)&#e# '" !he AICTE as 6er
!he 3ua(&f&)a!&o%s (a&# #o8% '" !he UGC for !he same 6os!s.
He%)e &! 8as #e)&#e# !ha! &% !he a'o$e ma!!ers !he re3u&reme%!s of !he 3ua(&f&)a!&o%s (a&# #o8% '" !he
UGC for !hese 6os!s %ee# !o 'e fo((o8e#.
%te# No.20 :%ssue of recognition of FelloA 5e#bers"ip 3ualification of t"e %nstitute of Co#pany
Secretaries of %nia for appoint#ent as Director/Professor/ >eaer in -%C$.
appro!e #anage#ent %nstitutions.
Decision ta4en :
The )omm&!!ee has re)omme%#e# !he 3ua(&f&)a!&o% of I%s!&!u!e of Com6a%" Se)re!ar" for !he 6ur6ose of
re)ru&!me%! as D&re)!or2 Professor2 Rea#er &% AICTE a66ro$e# &%s!&!u!&o%s.
%te# No.21:Consieration of t"e 3ualification of 5.Sc. egree in electronic science as e3ui!alent
to ).$ec"./ )...egree for t"e purpose faculty recruit#ent in tec"nical institutions.
Decision ta4en :
Hes- &f =.S).- #e5ree &% E(e)!ro%&) S)&e%)e &s e3u&$a(e%! !o B.E.2 B.Te)h. as 6er AIU.
%te# No. 22 : Consieration of t"e 3ualification of 5.Sc. (P"ysics, an 5.$ec". (instru#entation,
for t"e post of 0ecturer in %nstru#entation .ngg. in tec"nical %nstitutions.
Decision ta4en :
The )omm&!!ee has re)omme%#e# !he same as &! )o$ere# u%#er !he e7&s!&%5 Re)ru&!me%! Ru(es RRs,
%te# No.23:Consieration of t"e career a!ance#ent sc"e#e of -%C$. an con!ersion of
0ecturer (selection grae, to -ssistant Professor after attaining t"e P".D. egree.
Decision ta4en :
The )omm&!!ee re)omme%#s )o%s&#er&%5 !he e76er&e%)e of se(e)!&o% 5ra#e Le)!urers as e3u&$a(e%! !o
Ass&s!a%! Professor af!er a)3u&r&%5 !he Ph.D.
%te# No. 26 : %ssue regaring ano#aly in t"e career a!ance#ent sc"e#e for teac"ers uner t"e
=*C sc"e#e an t"at uner -%C$. sc"e#e 2 re#o!al of iscrepancies.
Decision ta4en : Sa#e as %te# No. ;.
%te# No. 28 : >ela/ation of -%C$. prescribe eligibility re3uire#ent for t"e post of 0ibrarians
in engineering an 5anage#ent Colleges.
Decision ta4en :
As 6er !he #e)&s&o% of ;.
EC- !he NET )a% 'e re(a7e# for )a%#&#a!es ha$&%5 F&rs! C(ass =as!er of
L&'rar" S)&e%)e =.L&'.,
%te# No.2::Consieration for rela/ing t"e re3uire#ent of Class fro# t"e point of !ieA of
Co#bine *rae Point -!erage (C*P-, for t"e post of lecturers in t"e iscipline of
Co#puter Science in egree le!el tec"nical institutions ue to aoption of ifferent
cut off #ar4s by !arious institutions.
Decision ta4en :
The )omm&!!ee has %o! re)omme%#e# !he re(a7a!&o%. The e7&s!&%5 Re)ru&!me%! Ru(es RRs, are )(ear.
- ; -
%te# No. 2;:Consieration of fi/ing eligibility re3uire#ents for !arious teac"ing posts in egree
le!el tec"nical institutions in !arious interisciplinary an neAly e#erging areas of
. 1 $ suc" as .n!iron#ental .ngg.
Decision ta4en :
The )omm&!!ee has re)omme%#e# !ha! a 6erso% 8&!h =.Te)h. E%$&ro%me%!a(, 8&!h Ph.D. &%
E%$&ro%me%!a( S!u#&es2 E%55. 8ou(# 'e e(&5&'(e for !he 6os! of Ass&s!a%! Professor &% C&$&( E%55.
%te# No.2<(a,:Consieration of t"e teac"ing e/perience at t"e le!el of -ssistant Professor as
e3ui!alent to t"e le!el of 0ecturer (selection grae, for t"e purpose of recruit#ent of
professors in egree le!el tec"nical institutions.
Decision ta4en :
Same as 6er I!em No. +: a'o$e
%te# No.2<(b,:Consieration of a#en#ent in t"e -%C$. prescribe #ini#u# 3ualifications
an e/perience for t"e post of Professors in egree le!el tec"nical institutions.
Decision ta4en :
I% )ase of )a%#&#a!es ha$&%5 o%(" Ba)he(ors #e5ree &% E%55.2Te)h. a%# )om6(e!e# Ph.D.- !he m&%&mum
3ua(&f&)a!&o%s E e76er&e%)e for !he 6os! of Professors &% #e5ree (e$e( !e)h%&)a( I%s!&!u!&o%s shou(# 'e as
fo((o8s ?
IPh.D. 8&!h F&rs! C(ass Ba)he(ors #e5ree &% !he a66ro6r&a!e 'ra%)h of E%55.2 Te)h. 8&!h
.> "ears e76er&e%)e &% !ea)h&%5 &%#us!r"2 resear)h ou! of 8h&)h * "ears shou(# 'e a! !he
(e$e( of Ass&s!a%! Professor a%# 2 or e3u&$a(e%!.D
%te# No. 29 : %ssue of recognition of !arious training progra##es being i#parte by ifferent
organi7ation as e3ui!alent to progra##es appro!e by -%C$. for t"e purpose of
incluing t"e sa#e in t"e Career -!ance#ent Sc"e#e (C-S,.
Decision ta4en :
Same as I!em No. /.
%te# No. 30 : Fi/ing of pay scales an ser!ice conitions for Aor4s"op instructors for iplo#a
le!el tec"nical institutions.
Decision ta4en :
P(ease refer I!em No. .:.
%te# No. 31 : %ssues regaring aoption of pay scales for t"e post of Principals9 A"ic" is ifferent
fro# -%C$. prescribe pay scales in t"e institute run by *o!t. $ool >oo# an
$raining Centre9 )angalore.
Decision ta4en :
The Comm&!!ee #&s)usse# !he &ssue a%# f&%a(&se# !ha! #e$&a!&o% from e7&s!&%5 RRs &s %o! 6erm&ss&'(e.
No s)heme &s a$a&(a'(e a! 6rese%! for f&%a%)&a( ass&s!a%)e.
%te# No. 32 : Consieration for inclusion of t"e 3ualification of 5.Sc. (Foo Processing,/ 5.Sc.
(Foo Science 1 $ec".,/ 5S (Foo $ec".,/ 5.Sc. (Foo an -llie Sciences, etc. for
!arious teac"ing posts in t"e iscipline of Foo $ec". in t"e egree le!el tec"nical
Decision ta4en :
As &! &s %o! me%!&o%e# &% AICTE %o!&f&)a!&o%. I! &s u6 !o !he se(e)!&o% )omm&!!ee !o #e)&#e !he )ase.
%te# No.33:%ssue regaring re!ieAing of recruit#ent 3ualifications in t"e iscipline of
-rc"./Planning in egree le!el tec"nical institutions in case of caniates "a!ing P*
Planning Ait" egree in .cono#ics.
- * -
Decision ta4en :
The )omm&!!ee has #e)&#e# !ha! &! &s u6 !o !he se(e)!&o% )omm&!!ee2 Go$er%&%5 Bo#" !o #e)&#e !he &ssue.
%te# No. 36 : %ssue regaring 3ualifications for t"e post of principal in iplo#a le!el tec"nical
institutions fro# P"ar#acy iscipline.
Decision ta4en :
As 6er AICTE A)! 9 ./01 !he Pharma)" #&s)&6(&%e fa((s u%#er !he 6ur$&e8 of Te)h%&)a( E#u)a!&o%.
He%)e- !he )a%#&#a!es from Pharma)" #&s)&6(&%e shou(# a(so 'e )o%s&#ere# for !he 6os! of Pr&%)&6a( of
6o("!e)h%&)s 6ro$&#e# &f su)h &%s!&!u!&o% has a De6ar!me%! of Pharma)".
%te# No.38: Consieration on t"e issue regaring rela/ation of t"e conition of 8 years
e/perience at t"e le!el of -ssistant Professor to 10 y ears teac"ing e/perience for
pro#otion to t"e post of Professor in a =ni!ersity Depart#ents/ $ec"nological
Decision ta4en :
As !he !ea)hers &% U%&$ers&!&es2 U%&$ers&!" De6ar!me%!s of S)&e%)e2 Huma%&!&es are Go$er%e# '" UGC-
8here as &% !he same u%&$ers&!" E%5&%eer&%5 fa)u(!" &s 5o$er%e# '" AICTE. S&%)e !he #&ffere%!
e76er&e%)e )r&!er&a 8ere f&7e# '" UGC E AICTE- E%55. fa)u(!" &% U%&$ers&!"2 U%&$ers&!" De6ar!me%!s
are fa)&%5 (o! of har#sh&6.
I% (&eu of !he a'o$e !he )omm&!!ee re)omme%#s !o !rea! E%55. fa)u(!" &% 6ar 8&!h S)&e%)e2 Huma%&!&es
&% !erms of e76er&e%)e as 6er UGC. Bu! a! !he same !&me !o a66(" AICTE 3ua(&f&)a!&o%s for !he
)o%)er%e# 6os!s.
%te# No.3::Consieration of t"e case for e/e#ption fro# N.$ 3ualification in case of P".D.
egree "olers in t"e iscipline of basic sciences an "u#anities for t"e post of
0ecturers in egree le!el tec"nical institutions.
Decision ta4en :
Hes- !he Ph.D. ho(#ers &% !he #&s)&6(&%e of Bas&) S)&e%)e E Huma%&!&es ma" 'e e7em6!e# from NET
3ua(&f&)a!&o% for !he 6os! of Le)!urer &% #e5ree (e$e( !e)h%&)a( &%s!&!u!&o%s.
%te# No. 3; : %ssue regaring rela/ation of t"e 3ualification to !arious categories of teac"ers in
egree le!el tec"nical institutions to t"e pro#otion effecte in betAeen t"e perio of
-%C$. notification on re!ise pay scales an ser!ice conitions an orers of
respecti!e state go!t.
Decision ta4en :
Same as 6er I!em No. .>.
%te# No.3<:%ssue regaring consieration of DB-CC C)D le!el 3ualification as e3ui!alent to
5C- egree for t"e purpose of recruit#ent of 0ecturers for 5C- course in egree
le!el tec"nical institutions.
Decision ta4en :
No- !he e3u&$a(e%)" has 'ee% 5&$e% for !he 6ur6ose of 6rofess&o%a( em6(o"me%! a%# %o! for !he 6ur6ose
of fa)u(!" re)ru&!me%! &% !e)h%&)a( &%s!&!u!&o%.
- < -
>e!ise Career -!ance#ent Sc"e#es for $eac"ers of Degree 0e!el $ec"nical %nstitutions.
1.1 *eneral
....> =&%&mum (e%5!h of ser$&)e for e(&5&'&(&!" !o mo$e &%!o !he 5ra#e of Le)!urer Se%&or
S)a(e, 8ou(# 'e four "ears for !hose 8&!h Ph.D.- f&$e "ears for !hose 8&!h =.Ph&(.-
=.Te)h.- a%# s&7 "ears for o!hers a! !he (e$e( of Le)!urer- a%# for e(&5&'&(&!" !o mo$e
&%!o !he 5ra#e of Le)!urer Se(e)!&o% Gra#e,2 Ass&s!a%! Professor- !he m&%&mum (e%5!h
of ser$&)e as Le)!urer Se%&or S)a(e, sha(( 'e u%&form(" f&$e "ears.
..... For mo$eme%! &%!o 5ra#es of Professor- !he m&%&mum e(&5&'&(&!" )r&!er&o% 8ou(# 'e
Ph.D. Those 8&!hou! Ph.D. )a% 5o u6 !o !he (e$e( of Le)!urer Se(e)!&o% Gra#e,2
Ass&s!a%! Professor.
....+ A% Ass&s!a%! Professor 8&!h a m&%&mum of e&5h! "ears of ser$&)e &% !ha! 5ra#e 8&(( 'e
e(&5&'(e !o 'e )o%s&#ere# for a66o&%!me%! as a Professor.
....: The Se(e)!&o% Comm&!!ees for Career A#$a%)eme%! sha(( 'e !he same as !hose for
D&re)! Re)ru&!me%! for ea)h )a!e5or".
1.2 0ecturer (Senior Scale, :
A Le)!urer 8&(( 'e e(&5&'(e for 6(a)eme%! &% a se%&or s)a(e !hrou5h a 6ro)e#ure of se(e)!&o% &f
she2he has ?
&, Com6(e!e# < "ears of ser$&)e af!er re5u(ar a66o&%!me%! 8&!h re(a7a!&o% of o%e
"ear a%# !8o "ears res6e)!&$e("- for !hose 8&!h =.Ph&(.- =.E.2 =.Te)h. a%# Ph.D.
&&, Par!&)&6a!e# &% summer2 8&%!er s)hoo(s of !o!a( #ura!&o% of ; 8ee4s- or e%5a5e#
&% o!her a66ro6r&a!e )o%!&%u&%5 e#u)a!&o% 6ro5ramme of )om6ara'(e 3ua(&!" as
ma" 'e s6e)&f&e# or a66ro$e# '" !he A(( I%#&a Cou%)&( for Te)h%&)a( E#u)a!&o%
&&&, Co%s&s!e%!(" sa!&sfa)!or" 6erforma%)e a66ra&sa( re6or!s.
1.3 0ecturer (Selection *rae, :
Le)!urers &% !he Se%&or S)a(e 8ho #o %o ha$e =as!erDs #e5ree or e3u&$a(e%! 6u'(&she# 8or4- a%#
8ho #o %o! mee! !he s)ho(arsh&6 a%# resear)h s!a%#ar#s- 'u! fu(f&(s !he o!her )r&!er&a 5&$e% 'e(o8
for !he 6os! of Ass&s!a%! Professor- a%# ha$e a 5oo# re)or# &% !ea)h&%5 a%#- 6refera'("- ha$e
)o%!r&'u!e# &% $ar&ous 8a"s su)h as !o !he )or6ora!e (&fe of !he &%s!&!u!&o%- e7am&%a!&o% 8or4- or
!hrou5h Resear)h E e7!e%s&o% a)!&$&!&es- 8&(( 'e 6(a)e# &% !he Se(e)!&o% Gra#e- su'Ce)! !o !he
re)omme%#a!&o%s of !he Se(e)!&o% Comm&!!ee 8h&)h &s !he same as for 6romo!&o% !o !he 6os! of
Ass&s!a%! Professor. The" 8&(( 'e #es&5%a!e# as Le)!urers &% !he Se(e)!&o% Gra#e. The" )ou(#
offer !hemse($es for fresh assessme%! af!er o'!a&%&%5 =as!erDs #e5ree a%#2or fu(f&((&%5 o!her
re3u&reme%!s for 6romo!&o% as Ass&s!a%! Professor a%# &f fou%# su&!a'(e- )ou(# 'e 5&$e% !he
#es&5%a!&o% of Ass&s!a%! Professor.
1.6 -ssistant Professor :
1.6.1. A Le)!urer &% !he se%&or s)a(e 8&(( 'e e(&5&'(e for 6romo!&o% !o !he 6os! of Ass&s!a%!
Professor &f he2she has ?
&, Le)!urers &% !he Se%&or S)a(e ha$&%5 Ph.D. #e5ree 8&!h : "ears of e76er&e%)e &%
!ea)h&%52&%#us!r"2resear)h a! !he (e$e( of Le)!urer &%)(u#&%5 !he 6er&o# 6asse# &%
!he 5ra#e of Le)!urer Se%&or S)a(e, or e3u&$a(e%!.
Le)!urer &% !he Se%&or S)a(e ha$&%5 =as!erDs #e5ree 8&!h * "ears of e76er&e%)e &%
!ea)h&%52&%#us!r"2 resear)h a! !he (e$e( of (e)!urer &%)(u#&%5 !he 6er&o# 6asse# &%
!he 5ra#e of Le)!urer Se%&or S)a(e, or e3u&$a(e%!. Su)h )a%#&#a!es 8&(( 'e re3u&re#
!o o'!a&% Ph.D. #e5ree 8&!h&% a 6er&o# of 1 "ears from !he #a!e of h&s2her
6romo!&o% !o !he 6os! of Ass&s!a%! Professor.
- 1 -
&&, =a#e some mar4 &% !he areas of S)ho(arsh&6 a%# Resear)hJ as e$&#e%)e# e.5. se(f
assessme%!- re6or! of referees- 3ua(&!" of 6u'(&)a!&o%- )o%!r&'u!&o% !o
e#u)a!&o%2&%%o$a!&o%- #e$e(o6me%! of %e8 )ourses a%# )urr&)u(a a%# e7!e%s&o%
&&&, Af!er 6(a)eme%! &% !he se%&or s)a(e 6ar!&)&6a!e# &% 8&%!er2summer s)hoo(s shor!-
!erm )ourses, of !o!a( #ura!&o% of ; 8ee4s- or e%5a5e# &% o!her a66ro6r&a!e
)o%!&%u&%5 e#u)a!&o% 6ro5rammes of )om6ara'(e 3ua(&!" as ma" 'e
s6e)&f&e#2a66ro$e# '" !he AICTE.
&$, Possesses )o%s&s!e%!(" 5oo# 6erforma%)e a66ra&sa( re6or!s.
1.6.2 Promo!&o% !o !he 6os! of Ass&s!a%! Professor 8&(( 'e !hrou5h a 6ro)ess of se(e)!&o% '" a
se(e)!&o% )omm&!!ee !o 'e se! u6 u%#er !he s!a!ues2or#&%a%)es of !he )o%)er%e#
&%s!&!u!e2u%&$ers&!" or o!her s&m&(ar )omm&!!ees se! u6 '" !he a66o&%!&%5 au!hor&!&es.
1.8 Professor :
..*.. I% a##&!&o% !o !he sa%)!&o%e# 6os&!&o% of Professors 8h&)h mus! 'e f&((e# u6 !hrou5h
#&re)! re)ru&!me%! !hrou5h a(( I%#&a a#$er!&seme%! 6romo!&o% ma" 'e ma#e from !he
6os! of Ass&s!a%! Professor af!er 0 "ears of ser$&)e as Ass&s!a%! Professor.
..*.+ The se(e)!&o% )omm&!!ee for 6romo!&o% !o !he 6os! of Professors shou(# 'e !he same as
!ha! for #&re)! re)ru&!me%! for !he 6romo!&o% from Ass&s!a%! Professor !o Professor !he
fo((o8&%5 me!ho#s of 6romo!&o% ma" 'e fo((o8e#.
The )a%#&#a!e shou(# 6rese%! her2h&mse(f 'efore !he se(e)!&o% )omm&!!ee 8&!h some of !he
fo((o8&%5 ?
a, Se(f-a66ra&sa( re6or! re3u&re#,
', Resear)h Co%!r&'u!&o% 9 'oo4s- ar!&)(es- e!) 6u'(&she# a! (eas! ; 6a6ers &% Kour%a(s
re3u&re#,. The 'es! !hree 8r&!!e% )o%!r&'u!&o% of !he !ea)her as #ef&%e# '" her2h&m,
ma" 'e se%! &% a#$a%)e !o !he e76er!s for re$&e8e# 'efore )om&%5 for !he se(e)!&o%
)omm&!!ee &%!er$&e8. The )a%#&#a!e shou(# su'm&! &% !hree se!s 8&!h !he a66(&)a!&o%s.
), Sem&%ars2)o%fere%)es28or4sho6s a!!e%#e# 8h&)h shou(# 'e a! (eas! ; sem&%ars2
)o%fere%)es2 8or4sho6s a! !he %a!&o%a(2 &%!er%a!&o%a( (e$e( or mus! ha$e a!!e%#e#
summer28&%!er s)hoo(s shor! !erm )ourse, of !o!a( #ura!&o% of ; 8ee4s.
#, S&5%&f&)a%! )o%!r&'u!&o% !o8ar#s !ea)h&%52 a)a#em&) e%$&ro%me%!2 &%s!&!u!&o%a(
)or6ora!e (&fe.
e, A#e3ua!e e7!e%s&o% a%# f&e(# resear)h a)!&$&!".
f, De$e(o6me%! of )ourse2(e)!urer ma!er&a(2mo%o5ra6hs- CDs2mo#er% !ea)h&%5 !oo(s
&%)(u#&%5 E-(ear%&%5 !oo(s.
5, Par!&)&6a!&o% &% )o%!&%u&%5 e#u)a!&o% 6ro5ramme.
h, A%" o!her a)a#em&) )o%!r&'u!&o%.
..< The re3u&reme%! of )o%s&s!e%! sa!&sfa)!or" 6erforma%)e a66ra&sa( re6or! sha(( 'e !he ma%#a!or"
re3u&reme%! for Career A#$a%)eme%! from Le)!urer !o Le)!urer Se%&or S)a(e, a%# from Le)!urer
Se%&or S)a(e, !o Le)!urer Se(e)!&o% Gra#e,2 Ass&s!a%! Professor.
For re3u&reme%! of )om6(e!&%5 !he )ourses 8ou(# 'e as fo((o8s ?
&, For Le)!urer !o Le)!urer Se%&or S)a(e,- summer28&%!er s)hoo( )ourses of !o!a( #ura!&o% ;
8ee4s 8ou(# 'e )om6u(sor"
&&, For Le)!urer Se%&or S)a(e, !o Le)!urer Se(e)!&o% Gra#e,2 Ass&s!a%! Professor- summer2
8&%!er s)hoo( )ourses of !o!a( #ura!&o% of ; 8ee4s 8ou(# 'e )om6u(sor".
&&&, The se%&or !ea)hers (&4e Ass&s!a%! Professor2Le)!urer Se(e)!&o% Gra#e, a%# Professors
ma" o6! !o a!!e%# ; sem&%ars2)o%fere%)es28or4sho6s Na!&o%a( or I%!er%a!&o%a( Le$e(,
&% !he&r su'Ce)! area a%# 6rese%! 6a6ers o% !hose areas or a!!e%# AICTE a66ro$e#
summer28&%!er s)hoo( )ourses !o 'e offere# '" $ar&ous a66ro$e# &%s!&!u!&o%s.
No!e ? O!her !erms a%# )o%#&!&o%s of Career A#$a%)eme%! S)heme CAS, 8&(( rema&% same as
6er !he a##e%#um &ssue# $&#e Le!!er F.No..-<*2NEC2/0-// #a!e# Ku(" :.
- 0 -
Prof.).*.Nares" +u#ar -00 %ND%- CB=NC%0 FB> $.CEN%C-0 .D=C-$%BN
-DF%SB>'%% A S!a!u!or" Bo#" of Go$!. of I%#&a '" Par(&ame%! A)! *+,- ./01,
F.No.FD/PSSC/Clarif./2003/1 Date : 10.9.2003
Se)re!ar&es Te)h%&)a( E#u)a!&o%,
A(( S!a!e Go$er%me%!s2U%&o% Terr&!or&es
Sub : Clarification on certain issues pertaining to Career -!ance#ent Sc"e#e (C-S, for
teac"ers of Degree 0e!el $ec"nical %nstitutions.
From !&me !o !&me !he AICTE re)e&$es 3uer&es see4&%5 )(ar&f&)a!&o% o% #&ffere%! &ssues 6er!a&%&%5
!o Career A#$a%)eme%! S)heme CAS, for !ea)hers of De5ree Le$e( Te)h%&)a( I%s!&!u!&o%s.
The E7e)u!&$e Comm&!!ee of AICTE has !a4e% !he fo((o8&%5 #e)&s&o% &% !h&s re5ar# I!em
&, Issue of se%&or&!" of CAS 6romo!ees $&s-a-$&s D&re)! Re)ru&!ees.
I! 8as #e)&#e# !ha! D&re)! Re)ru&!ees 8&(( 'e )o%s&#ere# se%&or !o CAS Promo!ees.
&&, I%)e%!&$es for h&5her 3ua(&f&)a!&o%s &% Career A#$a%)eme%! S)heme CAS,
&&&, C(ar&f&)a!&o%s re5ar#&%5 Career A#$a%)eme%! S)heme CAS, for !ea)hers of De5ree
Le$e( Te)h%&)a( I%s!&!u!&o%s.
&$, Issue re5ar#&%5 5ra%!&%5 s!a5%a!&o% &%)reme%!s !o !he !ea)hers of AICTE a66ro$e#
!e)h%&)a( &%s!&!u!&o%s.
The E7e)u!&$e Comm&!!ee #e)&#e# !ha! !he AICTE 8&(( fo((o8 !he same ru(es a%#
re5u(a!&o%s- 8h&)h are 'e&%5 fo((o8e# '" UGC &% s&m&(ar !"6e of )ases. AICTE ma" !a4e
%e)essar" a)!&o% a))or#&%5(".
Th&s &s &ssue# '" !he a66ro$a( of !he Com6e!e%! Au!hor&!".
&ours fait"fully
().*.Nares" +u#ar,
-!iser (FD,
Co6" !o ?
.. A(( !he D&re)!ors of Te)h%&)a( E#u)a!&o% of A(( S!a!e Go$!s.2 U%&o% Terr&!or&es 9 for )&r)u(a!&o%
amo%5s! a(( D&re)!ors2Pr&%)&6a(s of #e5ree2 #&6(oma (e$e( Te)h%&)a( I%s!&!u!&o%s.
+. Pr&%)&6a(s of a(( Na!&o%a( I%s!&!u!es of Te)h%o(o5&es.
:. A(( V&)e-Cha%)e((ors of U%&$ers&!&es2 Deeme# U%&$ers&!&es
;. Se)re!ar"2A##&!&o%a( Se)re!ar"2 U%&o% Pu'(&) Ser$&)e Comm&ss&o% UPSC,
*. A(( Ce%!ra((" fu%#e# Te)h%&)a( I%s!&!u!&o%s.
<. A(( Re5&o%a( Off&)ers of AICTE a! Ko(4a!a- =um'a&- Ka%6ur- Che%%a&- Cha%#&5arh- Bho6a( a%#
1. The De6u!" Se)re!ar" T,- De6!.of Se)o%#ar" a%# H&5her E#u)a!&o%- =&%&s!r" of HRD Go$!.of
I%#&a- Shas!r& Bha$a%- Ne8 De(h&.
I%#&ra Ga%#h& S6or!s Com6(e7- I.P.Es!a!e- Ne8 De(h& 9 ..> >>+
Pho%e D&re)!, ? >..-+::/+*.1-+::/+*0.-+::/+*<+ EPAB@, +::/+*<:-<*21:-1*
Te(efa7 9 >..-+::/+*<+-+::/+**; E-ma&( ? %areshA5o8#aB$s%(.%e!
- / -

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