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Abstract Submission Form

[re]apropriating the city

September / October 2012
Tirana Architecture Week 2012
Tirana-Durres Highway, Km. 5
1051 Tirana, Albania
Phone: +355.(0)4.2407420
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ABSTRACT (up to 400 words):

Short Bio
(up to 150 words)

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For your submission to appear in one of our proceedings publication, please format your final paper in line with template provided and downloadable from TAW web site
Milica Pajki; Predrag Markovi
Mileevska 26; Gandijeva 120
m.pajkic@yahoo.com; markovic_predrag@hotmail.com
+ 381 64 117 63 30; +381 60 317 47 07
Abandoned architecture: Ghost spaces in Belgrade
This research will deal with transformations of devalued and devastated spaces within the city,and possible methods of their integration in
newly formed urban fabric of Belgrade.Recent studies in architectural discourse,influenced by globalization,information and capital indicate
appearance of different urban paradoxes and programmatic mutations.
These corrupted areas of Belgrade are useful for research because of multiple changes of concepts during their development and construction.
Primarily,following of Le Corbusiers directives of an ideal city and his leftist beliefs suited to political circumstances in Social Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia and indirectly implied creation of citys modern paradigm,destined to be challenged.
Numerous political,economic,social,ethnic and cultural changes in territories of former Yugoslavia directly influenced primordial discrepancy
between planned,built and unfinished spaces.This is the point where we can notice a direct relationship of these layers with the formation of
ghost spaces. This term can also be related to the concept of non-places that was defined by Marc Aug as a space without people,memories
and identity and that is precisely the fate that characterizes selected projects in Belgrade.
The paper questions theoretical assumptions and theses within the theory of postmodernism, through analysis of reference literature in this
field and by mapping concepts of ghost spaces and non-places.These two concepts are recognized as the points where one can determine the
transformational development of selected spaces and objects in Belgrade under the influences of emerging environmental conditions. The
central part of the paper will address and analyze case studies of identified, neglected places of industry, transport,commercial and exhibition
facilities. These non-places have become the black points of the city,because of their lack of content and applications they dont achieve urban
roles for which they were destined.Thanks to the positive regenaration example of the pear facility in Belgrade,paper stands the thesis that by
appropriate space interventions these ghost spaces could be transformed,activated and re-programmed due to new time and its urban
The study should help mapping the notion of ghost spaces and non-places,their conflicting links to the urban fabric,and to identify,classify,
analyze,explain, and finally,position these concepts in different aspects of the modern architectural theories.The ultimate goal is to mark these
places and objects, to state their potentials for re-programing, and finally, to indicate methods for their revival.
Milica Pajki,Scholar of Ministry of Education and Science, Government of the Republic of Serbia,born 1985 in Belgrade,
Bachelor degree in 2007. and Masters degree in 2009. at Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade University. Currently PhD
student and teaching associate at Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade University.
Predrag Markovi, born 1985. in Belgrade. Obtained Bachelor degree in 2007. and Masters degree in 2009. at the Faculty of
Architecture, Belgrade University. Currently PhD student and teaching associate at Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade
Universty. In April 2011., held a lecture with title ''Post-globalization architecture'' at Fragile Conference in Brussels.
ghost spaces,non-places,architecture theory

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