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Chapter-10 Vmsamsha (D-20) Charts

10.1 Meanng & Usage

1. Vmsamsha shows the fu gamut of sprtuaty and eevaton n conscousness of the natve. Ths chart
devotes to the sprtua pursuts attaned by the natve n prevous brths and whch he s key to pursue n
ths fetme. D-20 fas n second cyce of Vargas, whch deas wth conscous menta pane. Here the natve
may consder hs exstence as dstnct from hs physca body.
2. When we expunge mutpes of 12 from any Varga, we know how to deneate matters reated to t.
Hence D-20-12=8 or Scorpo or 8 house and ts trnes, 4th and 12th (houses of Moksha) s ntmatey
reated to the utmate need of attanng Moksha or freedom from repeated cyces of brths & deaths.
Through 8th house, one fears death and through D-20, one avods death by sprtua Sadhana. Thus we
can see how the reatons between Sadhana, guru Moksha are a served through Vmsamsha.
3. Hence Vmsamsha or D-20 s used to assess sprtua progress, regous actvtes, worshp, Sadhana
etc. of the natve. Vmsamsha s one twenteth part of a sgn or here a zodac sgn s dvded nto 20 equa
parts of 1-30' each.
10.2 Constructon, Detes & Karakas
1. 1. )nn Lagna/panets, a nopannLx snakax, cn1an o1 Oana;
pnn nenopannLx snakoa, cn1an o1 C1penLua anepep
pnn paonnLx snakoa, cn1an o1 ILaa, kak a 1an:
Degrees upto Movabe
Sgn 1, 4, 7
& 10
Fxed Sgn
2,5, 8 &
Dua Sgn 3,
6, 9, & 12
1/13 1-30' / 19-
Ares Sagttarus Leo
2/14 3-00'/ 21-
Taurus Caprcorn Vrgo
3/15 4-30'/ 22-
Gemn Aquarus Lbra
4/16 6-00'/ 24-
Cancer Psces Scorpo
5/17 7-30'/ 25-
Leo Ares Sagttarus
6/18 9-00'/ 27-
Vrgo Taurus Caprcorn
7/19 10-30'/ 28-
Lbra Gemn Aquarus
8/20 12-00'/ 30-
Scorpo Cancer Psces
9 13-30' Sagttarus Leo Ares
10 15-00' Caprcorn Vrgo Taurus
11 16-30' Aquarus Lbra Gemn
12 18-00' Psces Scorpo Cancer
2. As per Parashar, the presdng detes of the 20 Vmsamshas are Kaa, Gaur, |aya, Lakshm, V|aya,
Vma, Sat, Tara, |waamukh, Sweta, Lata, Bagamukh, Pratyangr, Sach, Raudr, Bhawan, Varad, |aya,
Trpura and Sumukh n odd sgns. In even sgns, these detes areMegha, Chnnas, Psachn, Dhumavat,
Matang, Baa, Bhadra, Aruna, Ana, Pngaa, Chuchchuk, Ghora, Vaarah, Sta, Bhuvnesesvar, Bharav,
Manga and Apra|ta respectvey. Pease note that a the 40 detes are femae goddesses. These detes
denotes the Ishta- devta of the natve f the nata ord of 1st, 5th or 9th or Atmakaraka fas n such specc
part of D-20. One may rectfy the brth tme of the natve f he has a known ncnaton towards any of the
above dety.
Panets n trne to D-20 Lagna denote the dety the natve s ncne to worshp as we as hs mantra.
3. Venus s Karaka for adoraton to any dety n 5th , Saturn s Karaka for tantra, mystcsm & renuncaton
(8th&12th house) |upter s Karaka for ethca conduct (2nd house) and for guru, regous practce &
mantra rectaton (9th house). Sun s Karaka for sou (Lagna) and Ketu for medtaton, surrender to God
and moksha (12th house).
2. Cornacno Parashar, npepcepa1enLc1aykuee oec1ao 20 Vmsamshas - Kaa, Gaur, |aya, IakuHn,
V|aya, Vma, Ca1n, Tapa, |waamukh, Cae1a, Lata, Bagamukh, Pratyangr, Sach, Raudr, Bhawan,
Varad, |aya, Tpnnypa n Sumukh a nee1nLx snakax. B e1nLx snakax a1o oec1ao - Megha, Chnnas,
Psachn, Dhumavat, Matang, Eana, Bhadra, Apyna, Anan, Pngaa, Chuchchuk, Ghora, Vaarah, Sta,
Bhuvnesesvar, Bharav, Manga n Apra|ta coo1ae1c1aenno. Hoanync1a, o1He1L1e, 1o ace a1n 40
oec1aa - ornnn enckoro nona. S1o oec1ao oosnaae1 Ishta-devta ypoenua, ecnn na1anLnLn
nopp 1-Lx, 5-Lx nnn 9-Lx nnn Atmakaraka napae1 a 1akne ac1n D-20. Mono ncnpaan1L apeHn
popennn ypoenua, ecnn nsaec1no ero noknonenne kakoHy-nno ns aLueykasannLx oec1a.
Hnane1L a 1pnne k D-20 Lagna oosnaak1 oec1ao, ko1opoHy ypoeneu - cknonen noknonn1Lcn,
1ak e kak ero Han1pa.
3. Benepa - Karaka pnn noknonenne nkoHy oec1ay a 5-oH,
Ca1ypn - Karaka pnn 1an1pL, Hnc1nunsHa (8) o1peennn (12 poH),
Knn1ep - Karaka pnn a1neckoro noaepennn (2 poH); + pnn rypy, pennrnosnon npak1nkn &
nan1Laannn Han1pL (9-Ln poH).
Connue - Karaka pnn pyun (Lagna) n
Ketu pnn Hepn1aunn, o1pan cen Eory n moksha (12-Ln poH).
10.3 Comments (Karya Bhava - qokycnLn poH, Karyesh - cnrnnqnka1op coL1nn a
1. Ecnn benec cansanL c 5-LHn n 11-LHn poHaHn a D-20, na1na nonyae1 Han1py sdhh, nnn
poc1nrae1 pyxoanLx cnn.
2. 2 (poH Nyam & a1neckoro noaepennn) n ero Ynpaan1enL ponno nHe1L benec annnnne, 1oL
ykasa1L na pyxoanoe npopanenne, nockonLky maecs specL nokasLaae1 oHan a onnke &
npe1ensnn pennrnn.
3. 3-nn poH ykasLaae1 na 1nenyk pao1y pnn 1oro, 1oL nonyn1L cnny ns-sa nan1Laannn
nHenn nnn Han1pL.
4. 10-Ln poH n ero Ynpaan1enL oosnaak1 KapHL na1naa a a1on nsnn. Cnepoaa1enLno 10-Ln
poH / Ynpaan1enL, 10-Ln a 10-Ln nnn 7-on poH n 10-Ln o1 10-oro Ynpaan1enn, ace aanL, 1oL
o1He1n1L pyxoanoe npopanenne / poc1nenne na1naa.
5. B D-20 Ynpaan1enn 1-Lx, 5-Lx n 9-Lx ykasLaae1 na npepen, kypa na1na Hoe1 L1L npopanny1 a
pyxoanoH cosnannn.
6. Hpn acnek1ax ykasanLx Ynpaan1enen n IynL / Iyna oosnaae1 Ynpaan1enn a IakuHn, Par|ata,
Papa, Dharma-karmadhpat nnn nora Parvarvra|ya - nannk1cn ocnoanLHn a pyxoanoH npopanennn.
7. Benepa, Saturn n Ketu, ecnn ao asanHnon 1ponne qopHnpye1 nory Tapasw.
8. Ecnn Knn1ep naxopn1cn a 9-oH poHe, n Moon, |upter & Lagna ace nop annnnneH Ca1ypna, na1na
o1kasLaae1cn o1 Hnpcknx ypoaonLc1ann.
9. B pnarpaHHax D-20 Hnornx can1Lx ec1L Hnoro nc1ouennLx nnane1. S1o oosnaae1, 1o y
seHnLx ypoaonLc1ann ne1 Hec1a a nx nsnn.
10. Arudh Lagna pnarpaHHL D-20 nokae1 ypoaenL pyxoanoro aknapa, npopanenne na1naa n kak
Hnpckne nkpn anpn1 ero.
11. HepaLn nHnynLc nosna1L Cen sanpepenaHn Ha1epnanLnoro anpen no 5-oHy poHy, oosnaae1
sadhana, nnnunnpoaanne, yennka, Han1py n Purvapunya, 9-Ln poH oosnaae1 rypy, )nkuy,
nan1Laanne Han1pL, onee aLcokne nccnepoaannn n npounyk nsnL sadhana; 8-on poH ykasLaae1
na nory, 1an1py, okkynL1nsH n Hnc1nky; n 12-Ln poH oosnaae1 Hepn1aunk, o1kas n moksha.
Karya Bhava
2 - Nyam & a1neckoe noaepenne
3 - Tnenan pao1a
5 - sadhana, nnnunnpoaanne, yennka, Han1py n Purvapunya (1 nHnynLc).
7 -
8 - Hora, 1an1pa, okkynL1nsH n Hnc1nka;
9 - Iypy, )nkua, nan1Laanne Han1pL, onee aLcokne nccnepoaannn n npounyk nsnL sadhana;
10 - KapHa na1naa a a1on nsnn
11 - poc1nenne sddh.
12 - Mepn1aunn, o1peenne n moksha.
Karyesh ( !"#" Karya Bhava$
Iyna -
Knn1ep - Iypy
Connue - )yua
10.4 Iustratons
%&' 35( )a*+r,sh-a .ara*ha-s /&r- a0 1(2323 -ear 4a56700a'
Ven 9:04 Rah
8a9-a 8a9-es
5: 8: 9: 10:
>&7se 1 5 9=10 ?=5 5/8
Venus Sat Mer/Moon Sat Sat/Ven
Mar |up Rahu/Mer Mo/|u |up/Su
@7/B5&rA Moon Ven Rahu/Moon Su/Ven Ven/|up
Sun 6:52
Asc 9:41
Ras Chart
Sun |up Asc
Sat Rah
Lagna Lagnesh Karya
Karyesh Karaka
Ras chart
House 1st 9th 9th/ 10th 2nd/
Sgn ord Saturn Venus Ven/ Mars |up/ Sat Mer/
Nak. Lord Rahu Rahu Rahu/ Sat Sat/Moo
Sub-ord |upter Mercury |up/ Ven Ven/ Ven Ket/Rah
House 1st 5th 9th/ 10th 8th/ 12th12th/
Sgn ord Mercur
Venus Sat/ |up Sat/ Ven Ven/
Anayss of Ras Chart
1. Iarna - a Becax (Benepa5)--C=D
2. Poc1 - Connue, Paxy, Ke1y; Pe1popap - Mepkypnn, Ca1ypn, Paxy, Ke1y;
3. Iarneu - Ca1ypn9 (Mepkypnn4)--E=D
4. Kapakn:
Knn1ep5 (Ca1ypn9)--F=G
Ke1y8 (Benepa5)--D=E
5. )oHa:
5 (Ca1ypn9) |F"#(3|Map|,6), Benepa(1,8|Ke1|)--F, Iyna(10)--E,
8 (Benepa5) |Ke1y--D=E|--H
10 (Iyna5) || --C=D
11 (Connue5) || --H=H
12 (Mepkypnn4) || --D=I
6. Tpnn
+ 1 (Benepa5)
+ 5 (Ca1ypn9)|F"# (3|Mapc|,6), Benepa(1,8|Ke1y|)--F, Iyna(10)--E,
Connue (11)-nMa|
+ 9 (MepkypnnP4) |Ca1ypnP (4,5)--E|
1. Lagna - Boponen a Nakshtra Rahu & Sub Knn1epa.
B coepnnennn Mepkypnn (R) 8-Ynpaan1enn a Nakshtra Rahu, 6-oro Ynpaan1enn Iyna a Nakshtra
Knn1epa n 7-oro Ynpaan1enn Connue (a nnskon c1enenn c Lagna & a Nakshtra Rahu). Lagna - aspected
Knn1epoH (R) 1ake a Nakshtra Knn1epa. TaknH opasoH annnnne Knn1epa n Rahu na Lagna
2. )narpaHHa nHee1 nn1L nnane1, aosaennnaan Mapc, Venus, Saturn, Rahu & Ketu n nn1L
pe1porpapnLx nnane1 - Mercury, |upter, Saturn, Rahu & Ketu. Lagna sanep1 Hepy paa aosaennennLn
panets-9* Ynpaan1enL Benepa & 10-Ln Ynpaan1enL Mapc. S1o ykasLaae1 na pesaLanno pasan1yk
pyuy n npnaepenua Eora.
3. Ca1ypn Lagnesh aosaennen a 9-oH poHe pennrnn & rypy n aspected 11-LH Ynpaan1eneH
)ynn1epoH ns 5-Lx, oosnaakunx narocnoaennn pesaLanno pasan1Lx rypy a ero pyxoanoH
none1e. 9-Ln Ynpaan1enL Benepa aosaennen a 2-oH poHe aspected Karaka Ketu, 1aknH opasoH
panLnenuee nop1aeppenne 1oro e caHoro.
4. Ynpaan1enn snaka, Nakshtra & Sub 10-oro poHa ace aosaennena. S1o sann1o Karaka Ketu a ero
coc1aennoH poHe. 10-Ln Ynpaan1enL Mapc aosaennen a 12-oH n 7-oH poHe (10-Ln ns 10-oro), xo1n
ne sann1Ln, no aspected benecs 7-LH Ynpaan1eneH Sun, Moon & Mercury. 10-Ln o1 10-oro
Ynpaan1enn Mapca 9-Ln poH, sann1Ln aLcoknH Ca1ypnoH Lagnesh aspected Knn1epoH. S1o
oosnaae1, 1o ero PennrnosnLHn penc1annHn, on c1an aennknH nnpepoH n ocnoaa1eneH cek1L.
5. B rpynne Dasvarga Ca1ypn Lagnesh naxopn1cn a aosaennnaannn, Mootrkone nnn 3nake Own a
Ras D-3, D-7, D-9, D-10 & D-60. TaknH opasoH ero ce1 6, ko1opLn noHeuae1 ero a rpynny
Parvatamsha. B D-20 1ake aosaennen Ca1ypn Lagnesh. B rpynne Shodasvarga ce1 Ca1ypna - 10
noHeuennn ero a rpynne Uchcheshrava. Connue Karaka pnn pyun naxopn1cn a opnnakoao aLcokon
rpynne. S1o ykasLaae1 na aLcokoe coc1onnne pyxoanoro npopanennn na1naoH.
1. Lagna s Aquarus n Nakshtra of Rahu & Sub of |upter. It s occuped by 5-8* ord Mercury (R) n
Nakshtra of Rahu, 6th ord Moon n Nakshtra of |upter and 7th ord Sun (n cose degree wth Lagna & n
Nakshtra of Rahu). Lagna s aspected by |upter (R) aso n Nakshtra of |upter. Thus nuence of |upter and
Rahu on Lagna s evdent.
2. The chart has ve exated panets-Mars, Venus, Saturn, Rahu & Ketu and ve retrograde panets-
Mercury, |upter, Saturn, Rahu & Ketu. The Lagna s hemmed between two exated panets-9* ord Venus &
10th Lord Mars. Ths ndcates hghy evoved sou and devotee of God.
3. Lagnesh Saturn s exated n 9th house of regon & guru and aspected by 2-11th ord |upter from 5th,
denotng bessngs of hghy evoved gurus n hs sprtua |ourney. 9th ord Venus s exated n 2nd house
aspected by the Karaka Ketu, thus further conrmng the same.
4. The ords of sgn, Nakshtra & Sub of 10th house are a exated. It s occuped by Karaka Ketu n hs
own house. 10th ord Mars s exated n 12th and 7th house (10th from 10th) though not occuped but s
aspected by benecs 7th ord Sun, Moon & Mercury. 10th from 10th ord Mars s 9th house occuped by
exated Lagnesh Saturn aspected by |upter. Ths denotes that by hs Regous acts, he became a great
eader and founder of a sect.
5. In Dasvarga group Lagnesh Saturn s n exataton, Mootrkone or Own Sgn n Ras D-3, D-7, D-9, D-10
& D- 60. Thus hs score s 6, whch puts hm n Parvatamsha group. In D-20 aso Lagnesh Saturn s exated.
In Shodasvarga group, Saturn's score s 10 puttng hm n Uchcheshrava group. Sun the Karaka for sou s
n equay hgh group. Ths ndcates the hgh state of sprtua advancement by the natve.
Anayss of Vmsamsha Chart
1. Iarna - ao ILae (Connue5)--I=H
|Ca1ypn (6,7) --G, Paxy--G, Ke1y--G|
2. Poc1 - Connue, Iyna, Mapc; Pe1popap - Mepkypnn, Ca1ypn, Paxy, Ke1y;
3. Iarneu - Connue5 (Knn1ep11)--I=G
4. Kapakn:
Knn1ep11 (Mepkypnn10)--F=H
Ke1y1 (Connue5)--G=H
5. )oHa:
5 (Knn1ep11) |Iyna(12)--I, Connue(1)--I|--F
8 (Knn1ep11) |Benepa(10)--C|--H
10 (Benepa8) |Mepkypnn(11)--D| --C=D
11 (Mepkypnn10) |Knn1ep(5,8)--F| --H=H
12 (Connue5) || --D=I
6. Tpnn
+ 1 (Connue5) |Ca1ypn (6,7) --G, Paxy--G, Ke1y--G|--C
Ke 12:48 SaR
Su 00:06
Mo 18:21
|u 28:28
Ve 23:28
)as, 4har0
Ma 22:51 Ra 12:48 As 06:31
Ve 19:22
|u 29:19
ASC 10:13
Ra 16:05
Ke 16:05
SaR 23:59
Mo 07:00
Su 01:50
Ma 05:54
+ 5 (Knn1ep11) |Iyna(12)--I, Connue(1)--I|--F
+ 9 (Mapc4) || - --E
+ 4 (Mapc4) |Mapc (4,7)--H|--D
+ 8 (Knn1ep11) |Benepa(10)--C|--H
+12 (Connue5) || --D=I
Lagna - )eHnnn (5-Ln npnsnak poHa D-) sann1Ln 11-LH Ynpaan1eneH MapcoH (10-Ln Ynpaan1enL D-
) ykasanne na npopanenne n poc1 npepannoc1n.
2. Lagnesh Mepkypnn (5-8 Ynpaan1enen D-) naxopn1cn a 5-oH poHe aspected 8-9 Ynpaan1ennHn
Ca1epnoH (Lagnesh D-) ns 8-oro n 3-LnH Ynpaan1eneH, aosaennnaan Connue ns 11-oro. KoHnnaunn
poHoa 1, 5, 8, 9 & 11 nepepae1 pyxoanoe pasan1ne pyun n oec1aennoro naenc1aa.
3. 9-Ln poH sann1 2-LH Ynpaan1eneH MynoH n 5-LH Ynpaan1eneH Benepon. 8-9 Ynpaan1enen
Ca1epna (Lagnesh D-) naxopn1cn a 8-oH, cansannoH c Rahu-Ketu aspected 7-10 Ynpaan1ennHn
)ynn1epoH. S1o1 Ca1ypn acnek1L 10-an & 5-an npepannoc1L ykasannn poHa n sdhh ornnn Kaann.
4. 10-Ln poH ne sann1, no nanne1cn aspected 9-LH Ynpaan1eneH Ca1epnoH, ko1opLn nanne1cn
aspected 10-LH Ynpaan1eneH )ynn1epoH. O1nouenne Hepy 9-LHn & 10-LHn poHaHn penae1 oenL
pennrnosnoro n pyxoanoro nnpepa no popennk.
5. Connue Karka pnn pyun naxopn1cn a ero Mootrkone, nopnncLaae1 aspected MepkypneH
Anayss of Vmsamsha Chart
1. Lagna s Gemn (5th house sgn of D-) occuped by 11th ord Mars (10th ord of D-) ndcatng
progress and growth n devoton.
2. Lagnesh Mercury (5-8 ord of D-) s n 5th house aspected by 8-9 ord Saturn (Lagnesh of D-) from 8th
and by 3rd ord exated Sun from 11th. The combnaton of houses 1, 5, 8, 9 & 11 mparts sprtua
deveopment of sou and dvne bss.
3. 9th house s occuped by 2nd ord Moon and 5th ord Venus. 8-9 ord Saturn (Lagnesh of D-) s n 8th
assocated wth Rahu-Ketu aspected by 7-10 ord |upter. Ths Saturn aspects 10th & 5th house ndcatng
devoton and sdhh of goddess Kaa.
4. 10th house s not occuped but s aspected by 9th ord Saturn who s aspected by 10th ord |upter.
Reaton between 9th & 10th houses makes natve hghy regous and sprtua eader.
5. Sun the Karka for sou s n hs Mootrkone sgn aspected by Lagnesh Mercury.
No. 36: Swam Prabhupad of ISKON born on 1-9-1896 at 3:45PM at Cacutta.
Ras Chart
Mer Mon
Lagna Lagnesh Karya
Karyesh Karaka
Ras chart
House 1st 10th 9th/ 10th 9 / 9 8th/ 8th
Sgn ord Saturn Venus Ven/ Mars Mercury Sun
Nak. Lord Sun |upter Sun/ Rahu Moon/Su
Sub-ord Venus Saturn Ven/ |up Mar/ |up Venus
House 1st 11th 9th/ 10th 6th/ 9th 4 th/
Sgn ord Venus Sun Merc/Moon |up/
Anayss of Ras Chart
1. Lagna s Caprcorn n Nakshtra of 8th ord Sun but Sub of ogkaraka Venus. It s nether
occuped nor aspected, hence strong. Lagnesh Saturn s exated n 10th house aspected by Rahu
(n sgn of Saturn & Nakshtra of |upter) from 2nd house ndcatng nobe and vrtuous actons n
foregn ands.
2. 2nd house of ethca conduct and Nyam s occuped by Rahu whch s we under contro due
to aspect of |upter and Sun. 2nd ord Saturn s exated n 9th from t (10th house).
3. 9th house s occuped by ts ord exated Mercury wth 5-10 ord Venus (dspostor of exated
Lagnesh) and s hemmed between exated Lagnesh Saturn & Ketu ndcatng renuncaton and
great sprtua progress. xated Mercury shows hs great devoton to Lord Krshna (an Avtar of
4. The karakas |upter (3-12 ord) & Ketu are assocated wth 8th ord n 8th house and aspect
12th house, Mootrkone sgn of |upter. Ths denotes natve's quest for reazaton of God and
Moksha and hs actvtes abroad.
5. 10th house s occuped by exated Saturn (Nakshtra & Sub of 12th ord |upter) aspected by
Rahu (under nuence of Saturn, |upter & Sun) ndcatng hs regous actvtes abroad.
6. 10th from 10th .e. 7th house s not occuped but s aspected by Lagnesh exated Saturn. 7th
ord Moon s exated n 5th (house of Purva Punya) wth Mars. It was the derences wth hs wfe
whch ed hm nto sanyas.
Anayss of Vmsamsha Chart
1. Lagna s Lbra (10th house sgn of D-) nether occuped nor aspected by any panet, hence
strong. Lagnesh Venus (Nakshtra of Venus & Sub of |upter) s n 11th house n sgn of 9th ord
Sun wthout recevng any aspect, ndcatng deep sprtua ncnaton.
2. 2nd house s occuped by ts ord Mars and 11th ord Sun (both ery panets) showng great
enthusasm & aggressveness n hs preachng among hghy materastc western cuture. Ths
Mars aso aspects both the trnes-5&90h'
3. 5th house s not occuped by any panet but s aspected by Lagnesh Venus from 11th and
2nd ord Mars from 2nd. 5th ord Saturn s n 9th wth 10th ord Moon. Ths shows hs great
devoton to God and he ed a new path to acheve the Supreme.
4. 9th house s occuped by 10th ord Moon and 4-5 ord Saturn (Lagnesh of D-). 9th ord
Mercury (aso 9th ord of D-) s n 6th house of mystc Psces wthout any aspect. Ths conrms
the natve to be a phosopher and devotee.
5. 10th house s not occuped but ts ord s paced n 9th. 10th house s aspected by both the
Karakas- |upter & Ketu- from 4th house. Ths ndcates the great sprtua progress made by the
Resut- The perod of exated Saturn gave hm recognton as a sprtua eader and exated 9th
ord Mercury gave hm word wde fame and gory.
No.37: Osho- Acharya Ra|neesh born on 11-12-1931 at 5:45PM at Narsngpur (M.P.)
Ras Chart |upR
Sat Mer Sun
Mar Ven
Lagna Lagnesh Karya
Karyesh Karaka
Ras chart
House 1st 8th 9th/10th 8 3rd/5th
Sgn ord Venus |upter Saturn |upter Mon/Me
Nak. Lord Mars Venus Mars/|up Sun Mer/
Sub-ord Saturn Rahu Sat /Moon Mars Sat/Ven
House 1st 5th 9th/10th 5th/7th 5th/8th
Sgn ord Moon Mars |up /Mars Mars/
Anayss of Ras Chart
1. Lagna s at the |uncton of Taurus &Gemn n Nakshtra of 7-12 ord Mars denotng natve's
popuarty even among foregners. It s aspected by 4th ord Sun (n Nakshtra of 2- 5th ord
Mercury &Sub of Rahu) and by Moksha Karaka Ketu from 5th house.
2. Lagnesh Venus (n Nakshtra of Venus &Sub of Rahu) s n 8th house assocated wth 2-5 ord
Mercury, 7-12th ord Mars, 3rd ord Moon & 9-10 ord Saturn. It gves ncnaton for regon
&Phosophy on one hand and sex & sprtuaty on the other. It s conrmed as ther depostor
|upter s exated n 3rd house. Remember 8th house s part of powerfu Moksha Trkone.
Postonng of 5 panets n 8th caused hs death n foregn far away from hs natve pace.
3. 2nd house s vacant but s aspected by ts ord Mercury (n Nakshtra & Sub of Lagnesh Venus)
assocated wth Mars, Moon, Venus & ogkaraka Saturn from 8th house). It made natve an
eoquent and powerfu orator.
4. 9th house s vacant but s aspected by Moksha Karaka Ketu and exated |upter. Its ord
ogkaraka Saturn (n Nakshtra of Sun &Sub of Mars) ndcates hs nuence and authorty over a
arge number of dscpes.
5. 10th house s aso vacant but s aspected by ts ord Saturn. 10th to 10th .e. 7th house s
occuped by 4th ord Sun aspected by exated |upter and by Rahu.
6. Natve had a strong Moon Lagna, as Moon s assocated wth ve more panets. Combnaton
of Moon, Mars &Venus makes a natve thnk of ove & sex. But assocaton of exated |upter &
ogkaraka Saturn enabed the natve to gve a new dmenson towards sprtuaty.
Anayss of Vmsamsa Chart
1. Lagna s Cancer (3rd house sgn of D-) aspected by 5-10 ord exated Mars from 7th and by
Lagnesh Moon & |upter
from 5th house of Poorva Punya. It conrms hs sprtua progress.
2. Lagnesh Moon s n 5 house wth |upter mutuay aspectng 2nd ord Sun (n mutua
exchange wth Venus, Lagnesh of D-) from 11th house.
Ths made the natve fortunate and weathy wth power of eoquence.
3. 9* house s occuped by 7-8 ord Saturn (9-10* ord of D- 1) and s aspected by 6-9* ord
|upter. The Saturn beng 8th ord and dspostor of Rahu-Ketu ndcates obstaces and crtcsm
by enemes n regous & sprtua pursuts
4. 10th house s occuped by 3-12 ord Mercury (2-5 ord of D-) and s aspected by ts ord
exated Mars from 7 house (10 from 10) but s hemmed between 8 ord Saturn & 2nd ord Sun.
Ths ndcates deep phosophca knowedge and the power to convnce others.
5. In Mar 1953, durng the perod of Moon-Venus (Lagnesh of D-20 & D-) the natve had a
thrng experence of some sprtua power enterng hs body. Snce then the body &sou exsted
as separate enttes.
No. 38: Satya Sa Baba of Puttapart born on 23-11-1926 at 5:30AM at 14N10 and 7743.
Ras Chart
Sat Sun
Mar |up Mer
Lagna Lagnesh Karya
Karyesh Karaka
Ras chart
House 1st 2nd 9th/ 10th 2/9th 4th/ 3rd
Sgn ord Venus Mars Merc/Moon Mars/Mer
Sat/ |up
Nak. Lord |upter Saturn |up/ Merc Sat/
Sub-ord Mercur
Rahu Sat/ Moon Mar/Moo
House 1st 9th 9th/ 10th 9th /5th 3rd/
Sgn ord Sun Mars Mars/ Ven Mars/|up Ven/
Anayss of Ras Chart
1. Lagna s Lbra n Nakshtra of 3rd ord |upter & Sub of 9-12 ord Mercury. Lagna s vacant but
aspected by 2-7 ord Mars from ts Mootrkone sgn and by functona benec Rahu (n own
Nakshtra & Sub of Lagnesh Venus) beng n a trne wth a Kendra ord .
2. Lagnesh Venus s n nmca sgn of Mars, totay combust and aspected by ts dspostor Mars
from 7 house but strengthened by assocaton of 4-5 ord Saturn and 9-12 ord Mercury. Ths
makes natve regous, sprtua and an eoquent speaker.
3. Rahu n own Nakshtra s posted n 9th of dua sgn Gemn cosey con|unct wth 10th ord
Moon (n Nakshtra of Rahu but n own Sub) gvng natve name fame and weath. 9th ord
Mercury s n 2nd assocated wth Lagnesh Venus, 11th ord Sun and yogkaraka Saturn
conrmng regous and sprtua progress by the natve.
4. 10th house s vacant but s aspected by |upter (Nakshtra of Mars & own Sub) from 4th and
by Mars (Nakshtra of Ketu & Sub of Mercury). 10th ord Moon s n 9th n mutua aspect of Ketu
(Nakshtra of Venus & Sub of Sun) ndcatng regous and sprtua nature of the natve.
5. Karakas Ketu and |upter are n 3rd and 4th house aspectng 9th and 10th house respectvey.
|upter s aspected by ts dspostor yogkaraka Saturn and Ketu s hemmed between ts dspostor
|upter and Saturn. Ths denotes sprtua progress by the natve.
Anayss of Vmsamsha Chart
1. Lagna s Leo (11th house sgn of D-) occuped by 12th ord Moon (10th ord of D-) n frendy
sgn of Sun. Lagnesh Sun s exated n 9th house assocated wth 10th ord Venus (Lagnesh of D-)
n mutua aspect wth 5-8 ord |upter. Ths makes natve very popuar and sprtuay advanced
2. 2nd house has exated Mercury n mutua aspect wth 7th ord Saturn makng natve an
eoquent speaker wth knowedge of occut as we as of many anguages. In D-, Mercury as 9th
ord s assocated wth Sun (Lagnesh of D- 20). Venus (Lagnesh of D-) and Saturn denotng
sprtua achevements.
3. 9th house has exated Lagnesh and 3-10th ord Venus aspected by 5th ord |upter from 3rd
house. 9th ord Mars s n mutua aspect wth 7th ord Saturn (5th ord of D-) posted n 8th house
and wth Rahu-Ketu posted n 11th house. Ths denotes sprtua and occut achevements of a
hgh order.
4. 10th house s vacant but s aspected by 7th ord Saturn from 8th house gvng natve occut
powers. 10th ord Venus s n 9th house wth exated Lagnesh aspected by 5th ord |upter
makng natve a regous and sprtua person.
5. Rahu-Ketu are n 11th house n mutua aspect wth 5th ord |upter n 3rd and wth 9th ord
Mars n 5th house ndcatng great sprtua achevements.
10.5 Summary
1. D-20 chart shows sprtua progress and growth of the natve.
2. The trne and trne ords under benec nuence gve mmense success n regon,
phosophy and sprtuasm.
3. Reaton among Lagna, 9th (house of regon) and 10th (house of Karma) makes the natve a
regous eader of everastng fame.
4. Reaton of 11th ord wth Lagna/ 9th ord mparts sprtua growth and deveopment of sou to
attan dvne bss.
5. The depth and purty of one's devoton may be seen from 5th and 9th houses.
6. The sprtua path of one's guru and thus the dscpe neage may be seen through 9th house
of D-20 as we as through ts Karkas Sun and |upter.
7. It may be prudent to consut Navamsha n addton to Ras and Vmsamsha charts to see the
advancement n sprtua conscousness acheved by the natve.
1. D-20 chart shows sprtua progress and growth of the natve.
TpnnL )oHoa n Ynpaan1enen nop annnnneH benec pak1 orpoHnLn ycnex a pennrnn,
qnnocoqnn n cnnpn1nsHe.
2. O1nouenne Lagna, 9-oro (poH pennrnn), 10-oe (poH KapHL) penae1 na1na nsaec1nLH
pennrnosnLH nnpepoH.
3. O1nouenne 11-oro Ynpaan1enn c 9-LH Ynpaan1eneH Lagna/nepepae1 pyxoanLn poc1 n
pasan1ne pyun, 1oL poc1nrny1L oec1aennoro naenc1aa.
4. Inynna n nc1o1a npepannoc1n Hory1 L1L saHeenL no 5-LH n 9-LH poHaH.
5. )yxoanLn ny1L rypy n 1aknH opasoH nnnnn npneHc1aennoc1n yennka Hoe1 L1L
saHeen epes 9-Ln poH D-20 1ak e kak epes ero Connue Karkas n Knn1ep.
6. Moe1 L1L naropasyHno koncynL1npoaa1Lcn c Navamsha a pononnenne k pnarpaHHaH
Ras n Vmsamsha, 1oL anpe1L npopanenne a pyxoanoH cosnannn, poc1nrny1oH na1naoH.

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