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From the book The Beloved part 2. Pune 1976

RELIGI! "# a ver$ %omple& phenomenon. It# %omple&"t$ ha# to be under#tood.
There are #even t$pe# o' rel"("on# "n the )orld. The '"r#t t$pe "# "(noran%e*or"ented.
Be%au#e people %annot tolerate the"r "(noran%e+ the$ h"de "t. Be%au#e "t "# d"''"%ult to
kno) that one doe# not kno)+ "t "# a(a"n#t the e(o+ people bel"eve. The"r bel"e' #$#tem#
'un%t"on to prote%t the"r e(o#. The$ are help'ul+ but "n the lon( ran(e the$ are ver$
harm'ul. In the be("nn"n( the$ #eem to be prote%t"n(+ but '"nall$ the$ are ver$
de#tru%t"ve. The ver$ or"entat"on "# "n "(noran%e.
Rel"("on "# l"(ht+ rel"("on "# under#tand"n(+ rel"("on "# a)arene##+ rel"("on "# authent"%"t$.
But a ma,or part o' human"t$ rema"n# "n the '"r#t t$pe o' rel"("on. It "# #"mpl$ to avo"d the
real"t$+ to avo"d the (ap that one 'eel# "n one-# o)n be"n(+ to avo"d the bla%k hole o'
The people o' the '"r#t t$pe are the 'anat"%#. The$ %annot even tolerate that there %an be
other #ort# o' rel"("on# "n the )orld. The"r rel"("on "# T.E rel"("on. Be%au#e the$ are #o
a'ra"d o' the"r "(noran%e+ "' there "# #ome other rel"("on al#o then the$ )"ll be%ome
#u#p"%"ou#+ then doubt )"ll ar"#e. Then the$ )"ll not be #o %erta"n. To (a"n %erta"nt$ the$
be%ome ver$ #tubborn+ madl$ #tubborn. The$ %annot read other#- #%r"pture#+ the$ %annot
l"#ten to other nuan%e# o' truth+ the$ %annot be tolerant to other revelat"on# o' God.
T.EIR revelat"on "# the onl$ revelat"on+ and the"r prophet "# the onl$ prophet. Ever$th"n(
el#e "# ab#olutel$ 'al#e. The#e people talk "n term# o' ab#olute+ )h"le a man o'
under#tand"n( "# al)a$# relat"ve.
The#e people have done (reat harm to rel"("on. Be%au#e o' the#e people+ rel"("on "t#el'
look# a l"ttle #tup"d. Remember not to be a v"%t"m o' th"# '"r#t #ort. /lmo#t n"net$ per%ent
o' human"t$ l"ve# "n th"# '"r#t #ort o' rel"("on+ and that "# "n no )a$ better than "rrel"("on.
0a$be "t "# )or#e ** be%au#e an "rrel"("ou# per#on "# not 'anat"%. /n "rrel"("ou# per#on "#
more open+ at lea#t read$ to l"#ten+ read$ to talk th"n(# out+ read$ to ar(ue+ read$ to #eek
and "n1u"re. But the '"r#t t$pe o' rel"("ou# per#on "# not even read$ to l"#ten.
2hen I )a# a #tudent "n the un"ver#"t$ I u#ed to #ta$ )"th one o' m$ pro'e##or#. ."#
mother )a# a ver$ devout ."ndu3 %ompletel$ unedu%ated+ but ver$ rel"("ou#.
ne da$ on a %old )"nter n"(ht+ '"re )a# burn"n( "n the room "n the '"repla%e+ and I )a#
read"n( RIG 4E5/. 6he %ame b$ the )a$ and #he a#ked+ 72hat are $ou read"n( #o late
"n the n"(ht87 9u#t to tea#e her+ I #a"d+ 7Th"# "# the :oran.7 6he ,umped over me+ took
a)a$ the RIG 4E5/ and thre) "t "n the '"repla%e and #a"d+ 7/re $ou a 0ohammedan8
.o) do $ou dare to br"n( the :oran "n m$ hou#e;7
!e&t da$ I told her #on+ m$ pro'e##or+ that+ 7<our mother "# a 0ohammedan7 ** be%au#e
th"# #ort o' th"n( ha# onl$ been kno)n to be done b$ 0ohammedan#.
0ohammedan# burnt one o' the (reate#t trea#ure# o' the )orld+ the l"brar$ o' /le&andr"a.
The l"brar$ )a# the (reate#t "n the an%"ent )orld. The '"re %ont"nued 'or almo#t #"&
month#+ the l"brar$ )a# #o b"(. It took #"& month# 'or "t to be burnt do)n %ompletel$. /nd
the man )ho burnt "t )a# a 0ohammedan+ =al"pha. ."# lo("% "# the lo("% o' the '"r#t t$pe
o' rel"("on. .e %ame )"th a :oran "n one hand and )"th a burn"n( tor%h "n the other+ and
he a#ked the l"brar"an+ 7I have a #"mple 1ue#t"on. In th"# b"( l"brar$+ m"ll"on# o' book# are
Tho#e book# %onta"ned all that human"t$ had learned up to that t"me+ and "t )a# reall$
more than )e kno) no). That l"brar$ %onta"ned ever$ "n'ormat"on about Lemur"a+
/tlant"#+ and all the #%r"pture# o' /tlant"#+ the %ont"nent that d"#appeared "nto the /tlant"%.
It )a# the an%"ent*mo#t l"brar$+ a (reat pre#erve. .ad "t #t"ll been+ human"t$ )ould have
been totall$ d"''erent ** be%au#e )e are red"#%over"n( man$ th"n(# )h"%h had alread$
been d"#%overed.
Th"# =al"pha #a"d+ 7I' th"# l"brar$ %onta"n# onl$ that )h"%h "# %onta"ned "n the :oran+ then
"t "# not needed3 "t "# #uper'luou#. I' "t %onta"n# more than "# %onta"ned "n the :oran+ then
"t "# )ron(. Then "t ha# to be de#tro$ed "mmed"atel$. E"ther )a$ "t ha# to be de#tro$ed. I'
"t %onta"n# the #ame a# the :oran+ then "t "# #uper'luou#. 2h$ mana(e #u%h a b"( l"brar$
unne%e##ar"l$8 The :oran "# enou(h. /nd "' $ou #a$ that "t %onta"n# man$ more th"n(#
than the :oran+ then tho#e th"n(# are bound to be )ron(+ be%au#e the :oran "# T.E
.old"n( the :oran "n one hand+ he #tarted the '"re )"th the other hand ** "n the name o'
the :oran. 0ohammed mu#t have %r"ed and )ept that da$ "n heaven+ be%au#e "n h"#
name+ the l"brar$ )a# be"n( burnt. Th"# "# the '"r#t t$pe o' rel"("on. /l)a$# rema"n alert+
be%au#e th"# #tubborn man e&"#t# "n ever$bod$.
I )a# read"n( ,u#t the other n"(ht....
The t)o old %od(er# had e1ual reputat"on# 'or be"n( #tubborn. 2hen the$ en%ountered
ea%h other "n #"tuat"on# )here one had to ("ve "n+ a th"rd part$ u#uall$ had to #ettle the
"##ue. ne da$ the old 'ello)#+ ea%h dr"v"n( a lar(e load o' ha$+ met on a narro) lane.
Both determ"ned not to ("ve an "n%h.
F"nall$ one #a"d to the other+ 7I am prepared to #ta$ here a# lon( a# $ou )ant to )a"t.7 .e
took out h"# ne)#paper and be(an to read. The other '"lled h"# p"pe and #moked
%ontentedl$. /'ter hal' an hour o' #"len%e he leaned 'or)ard and %alled out to h"#
ne"(hbor+ 72ould $ou m"nd lett"n( me read the paper )hen $ou are throu(h87

T.I6 #tubborn man e&"#t# "n ever$bod$+ and th"# "# the lo)e#t t$pe o' man. It e&"#t# "n
."ndu#+ "t e&"#t# "n 0ohammedan#+ "t e&"#t# "n =hr"#t"an#+ Buddh"#t#+ 9a"n# ** "t e&"#t# "n
/nd ever$bod$ ha# to be a)are not to (et %au(ht. nl$ then %an $ou r"#e to h"(her #ort#
o' rel"("on.
The problem )"th th"# '"r#t t$pe o' rel"("on "# that )e are almo#t al)a$# brou(ht up "n "t.
2e are %ond"t"oned "n "t+ #o "t be%ome# almo#t normal. It look# normal. / ."ndu "#
brou(ht up )"th the "dea that other# are )ron(. Even "' he "# tau(ht to be tolerant+ that
toleran%e "# o' one )ho kno)# to)ard# other# )ho don-t kno). / 9a"n "# /B6L>TEL<
brou(ht up )"th the bel"e' that onl$ he "# r"(ht3 other# are all "(norant+ #tumbl"n(+ (rop"n(
"n darkne##. Th"# %ond"t"on"n( %an be%ome #o deep that $ou ma$ 'or(et that th"# "# a
%ond"t"on"n(+ and that $ou have to (o above "t.
0ulla !a#rud"n )a# tell"n( a 'r"end h"# 'uture throu(h palm"#tr$. .e #a"d+ 7<ou )"ll be
poor and unhapp$ and m"#erable unt"l $ou are #"&t$.7
7Then )hat87 a#ked the man hope'ull$.
7B$ that t"me+7 #a"d !a#rud"n+ 7$ou )"ll be u#ed to "t.7
That-# the problem? one %an be%ome u#ed to a %erta"n %ond"t"on"n(+ and one %an #tart
th"nk"n( a# "' "t "# one-# nature+ or a# "' "t "# the truth. 6o one ha# to be ver$ alert and
)at%h'ul to '"nd th"# lo)e#t po##"b"l"t$ "n one#el' and not (et %au(ht "n "t.
6omet"me# )e (o on )ork"n( hard "n tran#'orm"n( our l"ve#+ and )e (o on bel"ev"n( "n
the '"r#t t$pe o' rel"("on. The revolut"on "# not po##"ble ** be%au#e $ou are tr$"n(
#ometh"n( )h"%h "# #o lo) that "t %annot be reall$ rel"("ou#. The '"r#t t$pe o' rel"("on "#
,u#t rel"("on "n name3 "t #hould not be %alled rel"("on.
ne man )a# #a$"n( to another+ 70$ #on*"n*la)+ the do%tor+ ha# been treat"n( a pat"ent
'or $ello) ,aund"%e 'or t)ent$ $ear#. .e ,u#t 'ound out the man )a# =h"ne#e.7
7/"n-t that #ometh"n(87 #a"d the other man.
72hat "# terr"ble "#+ he %ured h"m.7
T)ent$ $ear# treat"n( a man 'or $ello) ,aund"%e ** he ma$ be a =h"ne#e+ but ho) lon(
%an he prote%t h"m#el'8 I' %ont"nuou#l$ $ou )ork on $our#el' )"th a )ron( att"tude+ $our
nature #tart# $"eld"n(. <ou #tart 'un%t"on"n( the )a$ $ou )ant to 'un%t"on. <e#+ the hab"t
%an be%ome #e%ond nature. >n'ortunatel$+ #omet"me# "t be%ome# '"r#t nature+ and nature
"# %ompletel$ 'or(otten.
The %hara%ter"#t"% o' the '"r#t #ort o' rel"("on "# "m"tat"on. It "n#"#t# on "m"tat"on? "m"tate
Buddha+ "m"tate =hr"#t+ "m"tate 0ahav"r+ but "m"tate. Im"tate #omebod$. 5on-t be
$our#el'+ be #omebod$ el#e. /nd "' $ou are ver$ #tubborn $ou %an 'or%e $our#el' to be
#omebod$ el#e.
<ou )"ll never be #omebod$ el#e. 5eep do)n $ou %annot be. <ou )"ll rema"n $our#el'+
but $ou %an 'or%e #o mu%h that $ou almo#t #tart look"n( l"ke #omebod$ el#e.
Ea%h man "# born )"th a un"1ue "nd"v"dual"t$+ and ea%h man ha# a de#t"n$ o' h"# o)n.
Im"tat"on "# %r"me+ "t "# %r"m"nal. I' $ou tr$ to be%ome a Buddha+ $ou ma$ be%ome an
"m"tat"on Buddha. <ou ma$ look l"ke Buddha+ $ou ma$ )alk l"ke Buddha+ $ou ma$ talk
l"ke Buddha+ but $ou )"ll m"##. <ou )"ll m"## all that l"'e )a# read$ to del"ver to $ou.
Be%au#e Buddha happen# onl$ on%e. It "# not "n the nature o' th"n(# to repeat. God "# #o
%reat"ve that .e never repeat# an$th"n(. <ou %annot '"nd another human be"n( "n the
pre#ent+ "n the pa#t+ or "n the 'uture+ )ho "# (o"n( to re#emble $ou e&a%tl$. It ha# never
happened. 0an "# not a me%han"#m. .e "# not l"ke Ford %ar# on an a##embl$ l"ne3 $ou %an
produ%e m"ll"on# al"ke+ e&a%tl$ al"ke. 0an "# a #oul+ "# "nd"v"dual. Im"tat"on "# po"#onou#.
!ever "m"tate an$bod$+ other)"#e $ou )"ll be a v"%t"m o' the '"r#t #ort o' rel"("on+ )h"%h
"# not rel"("on at all.

Second type
Then there "# the #e%ond t$pe. The #e%ond t$pe "# 'ear*or"ented.
0an I6 a'ra"d+ the )orld I6 a #tran(e )orld+ and man )ant# to be #e%ure+ #a'e. In
%h"ldhood the 'ather prote%t#+ the mother prote%t#. But there are man$ people+ m"ll"on# o'
them+ )ho never (ro) be$ond the"r %h"ldhood#. The$ rema"n #tu%k #ome)here+ and the$
#t"ll need a 'ather and a mother. .en%e God "# %alled the Father or the 0other. The$ need
a d"v"ne Father to prote%t them3 the$ are not mature enou(h to be on the"r o)n. The$ need
#ome #e%ur"t$.
ne p#$%holo("#t+ 2"nn"%ott+ ha# been )ork"n( )"th a part"%ular problem )"th #mall
%h"ldren 'or man$ $ear#+ and he ha# d"#%overed man$ beaut"'ul th"n(#. The$ are pert"nent.

<ou ma$ have )at%hed #mall %h"ldren )"th the"r tedd$ bear+ or the"r to$+ the"r #pe%"al to$+
or the"r blanket+ or #ometh"n( that ha# a #pe%"al per#onal"t$ to the %h"ld. The tedd$
bear...$ou %annot repla%e the tedd$ bear. <ou ma$ #a$ that $ou %an '"nd a better one+ but
that doe#n-t matter. There "# a love relat"on#h"p bet)een the %h"ld and .I6 tedd$ bear. ."#
tedd$ bear "# un"1ue3 $ou %annot repla%e "t. It be%ome# d"rt$+ "t be%ome# #mell$+ rotten+
but the %h"ld (oe# on %arr$"n( "t. <ou %annot '"nd a ne) one+ a 're#h one. Even parent#
have to tolerate "t. Even the$ have to re#pe%t+ be%au#e a %h"ld 'eel# o''ended. I' the
parent# are (o"n( to travel+ the$ have to tolerate the tedd$ bear al#o3 the$ have to treat "t
almo#t a# a member o' the 'am"l$. The$ kno) th"# "# 'ool"#h+ but 'or the %h"ld "t ha#
2hat #"(n"'"%an%e doe# the tedd$ bear have 'or the %h"ld8 It "# ob,e%t"ve "n a )a$. It "#
there+ out#"de the %h"ld3 "t "# part o' real"t$. =erta"nl$ "t "# not ,u#t "ma("nat"on+ "t "# not
,u#t #ub,e%t"ve3 "t "# not a dream+ "t "# there. But "t "# not totall$ there3 man$ o' the %h"ld-#
dream# are "nvolved "n "t. It "# ob,e%t+ ob,e%t"ve+ but mu%h #ub,e%t"v"t$ "# "nvolved "n "t.
For the %h"ld "t "# almo#t al"ve. The %h"ld ha# pro,e%ted man$ th"n(# onto the tedd$ bear.
.e talk# to the tedd$ bear+ #omet"me# he be%ome# an(r$ and thro)# "t a)a$+ then #a$#-I
am #orr$- and take# "t ba%k. It ha# a per#onal"t$+ almo#t human. 2"thout the tedd$ bear he
%annot (o to #leep. .old"n(+ hu(("n(+ he (oe# to #leep3 he 'eel# #e%ure. 2"th the tedd$
bear the )orld "# oka$+ ever$th"n( "# oka$. 2"thout the tedd$ bear he "# #uddenl$ alone.
6o the tedd$ bear e&"#t# "n a totall$ ne) d"men#"on )h"%h "# ne"ther #ub,e%t"ve nor
ob,e%t"ve. 2"nn"%ott %all# "t -the tran#"tor$ realm-? a l"ttle ob,e%t"ve and a l"ttle #ub,e%t"ve.
0an$ %h"ldren (ro) ph$#"%all$+ but the$ never (ro) #p"r"tuall$+ and the$ need tedd$
bear# all the"r l"ve#. <our "ma(e# o' God "n the temple are noth"n( but tedd$ bear#.
6o )hen a ."ndu (oe# "nto the ."ndu temple+ he #ee# #ometh"n( )h"%h a 0ohammedan
%annot #ee. The 0ohammedan %an onl$ #ee a #tone #tatue. The ."ndu #ee# #ometh"n(
)h"%h nobod$ el#e %an #ee3 "t "# h"# tedd$ bear. It "# ob,e%t"vel$ there+ but not totall$
ob,e%t"ve. 0u%h #ub,e%t"v"t$ o' the )or#h"pper "# pro,e%ted on "t3 t 'un%t"on# a# a #%reen.
<ou (o to a 9a"n temple. <ou ma$ be a ."ndu+ but "n a 9a"n temple $ou )"ll not 'eel an$
reveren%e ar"#"n( "n $ou. 6omet"me# $ou ma$ even 'eel a l"ttle o''ended+ be%au#e
0ahav"r+ h"# #tatue+ "# nude+ naked. <ou ma$ 'eel a l"ttle o''ended. <ou ma$ l"ke to (o out
a# #oon a# po##"ble3 $ou ma$ not 'eel an$ re#pe%t. But then there %ome# a 9a"n )"th
tremendou# re#pe%t3 "t "# h"# tedd$ bear+ and he 'eel# ver$ prote%ted.
6o )henever $ou are "n 'ear+ $ou #tart remember"n( God. <our God "# a b$*produ%t o'
$our 'ear. 2hen $ou are 'eel"n( (ood+ una'ra"d+ $ou don-t bother. There "# no need.

T.E #e%ond t$pe o' rel"("on "# 'ear*or"ented. It "# ver$ "ll.
It "# almo#t neurot"% ** be%au#e matur"t$ onl$ %ome# to $ou )hen $ou real"@e that $ou
/RE alone+ and $ou have to be alone+ and $ou have to 'a%e the real"t$ a# "t "#. The#e
tran#"tor$ tedd$ bear# are ,u#t o' $our "ma("nat"on3 the$ are not (o"n( to help. I'
#ometh"n( "# (o"n( to happen+ "t "# (o"n( to happen3 the tedd$ bear %annot prote%t $ou. I'
death "# (o"n( to happen+ "t "# (o"n( to happen. <ou (o on %all"n( to God+ but prote%t"on
%annot %ome to $ou. <ou are %all"n( nobod$+ $ou are #"mpl$ %all"n( out o' 'ear. 0a$be
%all"n( loudl$ ("ve# $ou a %erta"n %oura(e.
0a$be pra$"n(...pra$er ("ve# $ou a %erta"n %oura(e+ but there "# no God to re#pond to "t.
There "# nobod$ )ho "# (o"n( to re#pond to $our pra$er. But "' $ou have an "dea that
#omebod$ "# there to re#pond to $our pra$er+ $ou ma$ 'eel a l"ttle rel"eved+ rela&ed.
n%e I #a) 0ulla !a#rud"n pra$"n( ver$ devoutl$. 2hen he had '"n"#hed h"# !/0/9+ I
a#ked h"m+ 70ulla+ there mu#t be #ome problem3 $ou )ere pra$"n( #o deepl$. Plea#e
an#)er m$ one 1ue#t"on? "# $our pra$er ever an#)ered87
.e #a"d+ 7<e#+ one )a$ or the other.7
But "' the pra$er "# an#)ered one )a$ or the other+ )hat "# the po"nt o' "t8 <e#+ #omet"me#
"t %o"n%"de# )"th 'a%t#+ #omet"me# "t doe# not %o"n%"de )"th the 'a%t#+ but $our pra$er
make# no d"''eren%e to the 'a%t#. It ma$ make a l"ttle d"''eren%e "n $our m"nd+ but "t
make# no d"''eren%e "n real"t$.
The 'ear*or"ented rel"("on "# the rel"("on o' -don-t-? don-t do th"#+ don-t do that ** be%au#e
'ear "# ne(at"ve. The Ten =ommandment# are all 'ear*or"ented ** don-t do th"#+ don-t do
that ** a# "' rel"("on "# noth"n( but avo"d"n( ** don-t do th"#+ don-t do that ** %lo#"n( one#el'
"n #a'et$ and #e%ur"t$+ never tak"n( an$ r"#k+ never mov"n( on the dan(erou# path+ "n 'a%t
not allo)"n( $our#el' to be al"ve. 9u#t a# the '"r#t t$pe o' rel"("on "# #tup"d+ 'anat"%+ the
#e%ond t$pe o' rel"("on "# ne(at"ve. It ("ve# a %erta"n #t"''ne##+ up*t"(htne##. It "# %h"ld"#h.
It "# a #ear%h 'or #e%ur"t$ )h"%h "# no)here po##"ble+ be%au#e l"'e e&"#t# a# "n#e%ur"t$. God
e&"#t# a# "n#e%ur"t$+ dan(er+ and r"#k.

T.E ke$ )ord 'or the 'ear*or"ented rel"("on "# 7hell-+ and o' %our#e+ repre##"on+
%ont"nuou# repre##"on? don-t do th"#. The #e%ond t$pe o' per#on "# al)a$# a'ra"d ** )hat to
eat+ )hat not to eat+ )hether to love a )oman or not to love a )oman+ )hether to make a
hou#e or not to make a hou#e. /nd )hat#oever $ou repre##+ $ou are never 'ree o' "t3 "n
'a%t+ the more and more $ou are "n "t# po)er. Be%au#e )hen $ou repre## a th"n( "t (oe#
deeper "nto $our un%on#%"ou#. It rea%he# to $our ver$ root# and po"#on# $our )hole be"n(.
I have heard....
/n old*t"mer )a# #ee"n( a mov"e 'or the '"r#t t"me. .e )a# kno)n to be a ver$ rel"("ou#
man+ a man )ho u#ed to do h"# pra$er re(ularl$+ 'ul'"ll all the dut"e#+ had never been
kno)n to (et "nvolved "n an$ #ort o' problemat"% #"tuat"on#. .e )a#+ "n #hort+ a ver$
#"mple man ** but not #o #"mple "n#"de. /t one po"nt "n the 'eature+ a bev$ o' #hapel$ ("rl#
da#hed a%ro## the #%reen. The$ %ro##ed a ra"lroad tra%k+ rea%hed a #)"mm"n( pool and
be(an to d"#robe 'or the plun(e. The$ had taken o'' the"r #hoe#+ #to%k"n(#+ #h"rt#+ #k"rt#+
and )ere be("nn"n( on...and a pa##"n( 're"(ht tra"n #ped a%ro## the #%reen and ob#%ured
the v"e). 2hen "t had pa##ed+ the ne&t #%ene #ho)ed the ("rl# 'rol"%k"n( "n the )ater.
The old*t"mer #a) the #ho) a(a"n and a(a"n and a(a"n. /t len(th an u#her tapped h"m on
the #houlder. 7/re $ou not ever (o"n( home87 he a#ked.
7h+ I re%kon not $et 'or a)h"le+7 #a"d the old*t"mer. 7ne o' the#e t"me# that darned tra"n
"# (o"n( to be late.7
5eep "n#"de $ou )"ll al)a$# %arr$ )hat#oever "# repre##ed. <ou ma$ 'ollo) the rel"("on
a# r"tual+ but "t )"ll never be%ome $our heart.
I have heard an ane%dote?
For %entur"e# European 9e)# )ere the v"%t"m# o' or(an"@ed per#e%ut"on+ %alled po(rom#.
The#e po(rom# took pla%e #o o'ten that 9e)# developed a #en#e o' humor about them.
In a #mall to)n "n Poland+ #old"er# broke "nto the hou#e o' #trovo#k" and h"# 'am"l$.
L"v"n( )"th h"m )ere h"# )"'e+ three dau(hter#+ t)o #on#+ and h"# ver$ a(ed and rel"("ou#
mother. 6he )a# kno)n around almo#t a# a #a"nt.
7L"ne up;7 #houted the #er(eant "n %har(e. 72e are (onna beat up all the men and rape all
the )omen;7
72a"t+7 pleaded #trovo#k". 7<ou %an )allop me and m$ #on#+ abu#e m$ )"'e and
dau(hter#+ but plea#e #"r+ I be( $ou+ don-t rape m$ mother. 6he "# #event$*'"ve $ear# old
and ver$ rel"("ou#.7
76hut up;7 $elled the old )oman. 7/ po(rom "# a po(rom;7
Remember+ repre##"on "# not a )a$ to)ard# 'reedom. Repre##"on "# )or#e than
e&pre##"on+ be%au#e throu(h e&pre##"on a per#on "# B>!5 to be%ome 'ree one da$ or
other. But throu(h repre##"on+ one al)a$# rema"n# ob#e##ed. nl$ l"'e ("ve# $ou 'reedom.
/ l"ved l"'e ("ve# $ou 'reedom+ an unl"ved l"'e rema"n# ver$ attra%t"ve+ and the m"nd (oe#
on roam"n( around )hat#oever $ou have repre##ed.
6mulov"t@+ a(ed e"(ht$*three and )"do)ed+ re'u#ed to be pla%ed "n ,u#t an$ 0"am" Bea%h
old*a(e home. 7I )on-t eat an$th"n(+7 he de%lared to h"# #on+ 7unle## "t "# #tr"%tl$ ko#her.7
The #on #ear%hed 'or )eek# and '"nall$ 'ound a pla%e that #erved meal# "n a%%ordan%e
)"th the 9e)"#h d"etar$ la)#. .e pla%ed h"# old 'ather "n the home+ #e%ure "n the
kno)led(e that h"# 'ather )ould be eat"n( onl$ ko#her 'ood.
Three da$# later he %ame 'or a v"#"t and learned that the old man had le't and %he%ked "nto
the Fonta"nbleau .otel. The bo$ ru#hed over to the hotel+ (ot a ke$+ )ent up#ta"r#+ opened
the door+ and there )a# h"# 'ather "n bed )"th a blonde. The$ )ere both #tark naked.
7Poppa+ ho) %ould $ou87 a#ked the be)"ldered bo$.
7But look+7 #a"d the old man+ 7I-m not eat"n(.7
People )ho l"ve throu(h r"tual# out o' 'ear ma$ avo"d one th"n(+ but the$ )"ll 'all "nto
another ** be%au#e the under#tand"n( "# not the"r o)n. It "# ,u#t 'ear*or"ented. It "# hell
the$ are a'ra"d o'.
/ real rel"("on ("ve# $ou 'earle##ne##? let that be the %r"ter"on. I' rel"("on ("ve# $ou 'ear+
then "t "# not reall$ rel"("on.

Third type

The th"rd t$pe o' rel"("on "# out o' (reed.
It "# a -do- rel"("on. 9u#t a# the 'ear*or"ented "# a -don-t- rel"("on+ the (reed*or"ented "# a -do-
rel"("on? do th"#. /nd ,u#t a# the 'ear*or"ented rel"("on ha# the ke$ )ord -hell-+ the rel"("on
o' (reed ha# the ke$ )ord -heaven-. Ever$th"n( "# to be done "n #u%h a )a$ that the )orld
** the other )orld ** "# %ompletel$ #e%ure and $our happ"ne## be$ond death "# (uaranteed.
-5o- rel"("on or (reed rel"("on "# 'ormal+ r"tual"#t"%+ amb"t"ou#+ de#"re*or"ented. It "# 'ull o'
de#"re#. 6ee the 0ohammedan %on%ept o' parad"#e+ or the =hr"#t"an %on%ept o' parad"#e+
or the ."ndu %on%ept o' parad"#e. 5e(ree# ma$ be d"''erent+ but th"# "# a ver$ #tran(e
th"n(? all that the#e people #a$ one ha# to den$ one#el' "n th"# l"'e+ the$ (o on prov"d"n( "n
heaven "n (reat 1uant"t"e#. <ou are to be %el"bate here ,u#t to a%h"eve heaven )here
beaut"'ul /P6/R/6+ al)a$# $oun(+ #tu%k at the a(e o' #"&teen+ are ava"lable.
0ohammedan# #a$+ 75on-t take an$ al%ohol"% bevera(e. But "n heaven+ r"ver# o' )"ne;
!o need to be )orr"ed.7
But th"# #eem# to be ab#urd. I' #ometh"n( "# )ron(+ "t "# )ron(. .o) %an "t be%ome (ood
and r"(ht "n heaven8 Then mar :ha$am "# r"(ht. .e #a$#+ 7I' "n heaven r"ver# o' )"ne
are ava"lable then let u# pra%t"%e here+ be%au#e "' )e (o unpra%t"%ed+ "t )"ll be d"''"%ult to
l"ve "n parad"#e. 6o let th"# l"'e be a l"ttle rehear#al+ #o that )e have the ta#te+ and )e have
the %apa%"t$.7 Then mar :ha$am #eem# to be more lo("%al. In 'a%t+ he "# ,ok"n( a(a"n#t
the 0ohammedan %on%ept o' parad"#e. It "# 'ool"#h3 the )hole %on%ept "# 'ool"#h. But
people be%ome rel"("ou# out o' (reed.
ne th"n( "# %erta"n? that )hat#oever $ou a%%umulate here )"ll be taken a)a$3 death )"ll
take "t a)a$. 6o the (reed$ per#on )ant# to a%%umulate #ometh"n( )h"%h %annot be taken
b$ death. But the a%%umulat"n( "dea+ the de#"re to a%%umulate+ rema"n# there. !o) he
a%%umulate# v"rtue. 4"rtue "# the %o"n o' the other )orld. .e (oe# on a%%umulat"n( v"rtue
#o he %an l"ve "n the other )orld 'orever and 'orever+ "n lu#t.
Th"# t$pe o' man "# ba#"%all$ )orldl$. ."# other )orld "# noth"n( but a pro,e%t"on o' th"#
)orld. .e )"ll do be%au#e he ha# de#"re#+ and he ha# amb"t"on+ and he ha# a po)er*lu#t+
but h"# do"n( )"ll not be o' the heart. It )"ll be a #ort o' man"pulat"on.
0ulla !a#rud"n and h"# $oun( #on )ere dr"v"n( "n the %ountr$ one )"nter. It )a#
#no)"n(3 the"r bullo%k*%art broke do)n. The$ '"nall$ rea%hed a 'arm*hou#e and )ere
)el%omed 'or the n"(ht. The hou#e )a# %old and the att"% "n )h"%h the$ )ere "nv"ted to
#pend the n"(ht )a# l"ke an "%ebo&. 6tr"pp"n( to h"# under)ear+ the 0ulla ,umped "nto a
'eatherbed and pulled the blanket# over h"# head. The $oun( man )a# #l"(htl$
7E&%u#e me+ 5ad+7 he #a"d. 75on-t $ou th"nk )e ou(ht to #a$ our pra$er# be'ore (o"n( to
The 0ulla #tu%k one e$e out 'rom under the %over#. 76on+7 he #a"d+ 7I keep pra$ed up
ahead 'or #"tuat"on# ,u#t l"ke th"# one.7
Then th"n(# are ,u#t on the #ur'a%e. Greed and 'ear and "(noran%e are ,u#t on the
The#e are three #ort# o' rel"("on# ** and the$ are all m"&ed to(ether. <ou %annot '"nd a
per#on )ho "# ab#olutel$+ purel$ o' the '"r#t t$pe or the #e%ond t$pe or the th"rd t$pe.
2herever (reed "#+ there "# 'ear3 )herever 'ear "#+ there "# (reed3 and )herever (reed and
'ear e&"#t+ there "# "(noran%e ** be%au#e the$ %annot e&"#t )"thout them. 6o I am not
talk"n( about pure t$pe#. I am %la##"'$"n( #"mpl$ #o that $ou %an under#tand )ell.
ther)"#e the$ are all m"&ed.
The#e three are the lo)e#t t$pe# o' rel"("on. The$ #hould not be %alled rel"("on#.

The forth type
Then there "# the 'ourth t$pe? the rel"("on o' lo("%+ %al%ulat"on+ %leverne##.
It "# -do- plu# -don-t- rel"("on? )orldl$+ mater"al"#t"%+ opportun"#t"%+ "ntelle%tual+ theoret"%al+
#%r"ptural+ trad"t"onal. Th"# "# the rel"("on o' the P>!5IT6+ the learned #%holar )ho tr"e#
to prove God throu(h lo("%+ )ho th"nk# that the m$#ter"e# o' l"'e %an be under#tood
throu(h the head.
Th"# t$pe o' rel"("on %reate# theolo($. It "# not reall$ rel"("on but ,u#t a ver$ 'a"nt %arbon
%op$ o' "t. But all the %hur%he# are ba#ed on "t. 2hen a Buddha e&"#t# "n the )orld+ or a
0ohammed+ or a :r"#hna+ or a =hr"#t+ then pund"t# and #%holar# and learned people+
"ntelle%tuall$ %lever and %unn"n( people+ (ather to(ether around them. The$ #tart )ork"n(
hard? 72hat doe# 9e#u# mean87 The$ #tart %reat"n( a theolo($+ a %reed+ a do(ma+ a
%hur%h. The$ are ver$ #u%%e##'ul people be%au#e the$ are ver$ lo("%al people. The$
%annot ("ve $ou God+ the$ %annot ("ve $ou truth+ but the$ ("ve $ou (reat or(an"@at"on#.
The$ ("ve $ou the =athol"% =hur%h+ the Prote#tant =hur%h. The$ ("ve $ou (reat
theolo("e#+ ,u#t %leverne##e#+ noth"n( o' the real e&per"en%e3 ,u#t "ntelle%tual+ head*
or"ented. The"r )hole ed"'"%e "# a# "' one "# mak"n( a hou#e o' %ard#? a #mall bree@e and
the hou#e "# (one. The"r )hole ed"'"%e "# #u%h+ a# "' one "# tr$"n( to #a"l "n a boat o' paper.
It look# l"ke a real boat+ the 'orm "# o' a boat+ but "t "# a paper boat. It "# doomed+ "t "#
alread$ doomed. Lo("% "# a paper boat. /nd l"'e %annot be under#tood throu(h lo("%.
I have heard about one /mer"%an?
/ ver$ )ealth$ /mer"%an )a# %onv"n%ed that an atom"% )ar )a# ,u#t around the %orner+
and determ"ned that he )ould #urv"ve "t. .e bou(ht an a%re o' land "n the m"ddle o' the
/r"@ona de#ert and emplo$ed a labor 'or%e to bu"ld h"m a home '"ve m"le# under(round.
It )a# to be en%a#ed "n lead '"'t$ $ard# th"%k+ and e1u"pped )"th "t# o)n po)er plant
)h"%h )ould #uppl$ #u''"%"ent ele%tr"%"t$ to ("ve h"m l"(ht+ heat+ and pur"'"ed a"r 'or at
lea#t ten $ear#. Fro@en 'ood+ )ater+ %"(ar#+ al%ohol"% re're#hment+ 'or the #ame per"od o'
t"me had to be prov"ded+ to(ether )"th ever$ %on%e"vable a"d to lu&ur"ou# l"v"n(. The ,ob
)a# %ompleted "n three $ear# at a %o#t o' '"ve hundred thou#and m"ll"on dollar#.
The proud o)ner )ent to the de#ert to "n#pe%t "t+ and a red Ind"an #hot h"m "n the ba%k
)"th an arro).
That-# ho) l"'e "#? $ou make all the arran(ement# and ,u#t one arro) "# enou(h to '"n"#h
$ou. 0an "# ver$ 'ra("le. .o) %an man-# lo("% under#tand real"t$8 0an "# #o l"m"ted+ h"#
under#tand"n( "# #o #hort*#"(hted. !o+ there "# no )a$ throu(h lo("%. Throu(h lo("% a
ph"lo#oph$ "# born+ but not real rel"("on.

T.E6E 'our are ord"nar"l$ kno)n a# rel"("on.

The fifth type
The '"'th+ #"&th and #eventh are the real rel"("on#. The '"'th "# the rel"("on ba#ed on
"ntell"(en%e3 not on lo("%+ not on "ntelle%t+ but on "ntell"(en%e. /nd there "# a lot o'
d"''eren%e bet)een "ntelle%t and "ntell"(en%e.
Intelle%t "# lo("%al3 "ntell"(en%e "# parado&"%al. Intelle%t "# anal$t"%al3 "ntell"(en%e "#
#$nthet"%al. Intelle%t d"v"de#+ %ut# "nto p"e%e# to under#tand a th"n(. 6%"en%e "# ba#ed on
"ntelle%t+ d"##e%t"on+ d"v"#"on+ anal$#"#. Intell"(en%e ,o"n# th"n(# to(ether+ make# a )hole
out o' part# ** be%au#e th"# "# one o' the (reate#t under#tand"n(#? that the part e&"#t#
throu(h the )hole+ not v"%e ver#a. /nd the )hole "# not ,u#t the #um o' the part#+ "t "#
more than the #um.
For e&ample+ $ou %an have a ro#e 'lo)er+ and $ou %an (o to a #%"ent"#t+ to a lo("%"an. <ou
%an a#k h"m+ 7I )ant to under#tand th"# ro#e 'lo)er73 )hat )"ll he do8 .e )"ll d"##e%t "t+
he )"ll #eparate all the element# that are mak"n( "t a 'lo)er. 2hen $ou (o ne&t $ou )"ll
'"nd the 'lo)er (one. In#tead o' the 'lo)er there )"ll be a 'e) labelled bottle#. The
element# have been #eparated+ but one th"n( "# %erta"n ** there )"ll not be an$ bottle on
)h"%h )"ll be the label -beaut$-.
Beaut$ "# not matter and beaut$ doe# not belon( to part#. n%e $ou d"##e%t a 'lo)er+ on%e
the )holene## o' the 'lo)er "# (one+ beaut$ "# al#o (one. Beaut$ belon(# to the )hole+ "t
"# the (ra%e that %ome# to the )hole. It "# more than the #um. Then onl$ part# are there.
<ou %an d"##e%t a man3 the moment $ou d"##e%t+ l"'e d"#appear#. Then $ou kno) onl$ a
dead bod$+ a %orp#e. <ou %an '"nd out ho) mu%h alum"n"um "# there and ho) mu%h "ron
and ho) mu%h )ater Ae"(ht$ per%ent or #ometh"n(B3 $ou %an '"nd the )hole me%han"#m
the lun(#+ the k"dne$#+ ever$th"n( ** but one th"n( "# not there? l"'e. ne th"n( "# not there
that )a# the mo#t valuable. ne th"n( "# not there that )e )anted to under#tand reall$+
and ever$th"n( el#e "# there.

!o) even #%"ent"#t# are be%om"n( alert that )hen $ou take blood out o' a man-#
blood#tream and $ou e&am"ne "t+ "t "# no lon(er the #ame blood. In#"de the blood#tream o'
the man "t )a# al"ve+ throbb"n( )"th l"'e. !o) "t "# ,u#t a %orp#e. It %annot be the #ame
be%au#e the (e#talt ha# %han(ed. <ou %an take the %olor o' the ro#e 'lo)er 'rom "t+ but "# "t
the #ame %olor8 It look# the #ame but "t %annot be the #ame. 2here "# that 'ra("lene##8
2here "# that al"vene##+ that throb o' l"'e8 2hen "t )a# "n the ro#e 'lo)er "t )a# "n a
totall$ d"''erent arran(ement and l"'e )a# pre#ent. It )a# 'ull o' pre#en%e3 God )a# there
beat"n( "n "t# heart. Taken out+ the part "# there but $ou %annot #a$ the part "# the #ame. It
%annot be be%au#e the part e&"#t# "n the )hole.
Intelle%t d"##e%t#+ anal$@e#. It "# the "n#trument o' #%"en%e. Intell"(en%e "# the "n#trument
o' rel"("on3 "t ,o"n# to(ether. .en%e+ the (reate#t #%"en%e o' #p"r"tual"t$ )e have %alled
<o(a. <o(a mean# the methodolo($ to ,o"n. <o(a mean# to put th"n(# to(ether. God "# the
(reate#t total"t$+ all th"n(# to(ether. God "# not a per#on+ God "# a pre#en%e+ the pre#en%e
)hen the total "# 'un%t"on"n( "n a (reat harmon$ ** the tree# and the b"rd# and the earth
and the #tar# and the moon and the #un and the r"ver# and the o%ean ** all to(ether. That
to(etherne## "# God. I' $ou d"##e%t+ $ou )"ll never '"nd God. 5"##e%t a man3 $ou %annot
'"nd the pre#en%e that )a# mak"n( h"m al"ve. 5"##e%t the )orld3 $ou %annot '"nd the
pre#en%e that "# God.
Intell"(en%e "# the method to ,o"n th"n(# to(ether. /n "ntell"(ent per#on "# ver$
#$nthet"%al. .e al)a$# look# 'or a h"(her )hole+ be%au#e the mean"n( "# al)a$# "n the
h"(her )hole. .e al)a$# look# 'or #ometh"n( h"(her "n )h"%h the lo)er "# d"##olved and
'un%t"on# a# a part+ 'un%t"on# a# a note "n the harmon$ o' the )hole+ ("ve# "t# o)n
%ontr"but"on to the or%he#tra o' the )hole but "# not #eparate 'rom "t. Intell"(en%e move#
up)ard#+ "ntelle%t move# do)n)ard#. Intelle%t (oe# to the %au#e.
Plea#e 'ollo) "t3 the po"nt "# del"%ate.
Intelle%t (oe# to the %au#e3 "ntell"(en%e (oe# to the (oal. Intell"(en%e move# "nto the
'uture+ "ntelle%t move# "n the pa#t. Intelle%t redu%e# ever$th"n( to the lo)e#t denom"nator.
I' $ou a#k )hat love "#+ "ntelle%t )"ll #a$ "t "# noth"n( but #e& ** the lo)e#t denom"nator. I'
$ou a#k )hat pra$er "#+ the "ntelle%t )"ll #a$ "t "# noth"n( but repre##ed #e&.
/#k "ntell"(en%e )hat #e& "#+ and "ntell"(en%e )"ll #a$ "t "# noth"n( but the #eed o' pra$er.
It "# the potent"al love. Intelle%t redu%e# to the lo)e#t3 "t redu%e# ever$th"n( to the lo)e#t.
/#k "ntelle%t )hat a lotu# "#+ and "t )"ll #a$ "t "# noth"n(+ ,u#t an "llu#"on3 the real"t$ "# the
mud ** be%au#e the lotu# %ome# out o' the mud and a(a"n 'all# ba%k "nto the mud. The
mud "# the real+ the lotu# "# ,u#t an "llu#"on. 0ud rema"n#+ the lotu# %ome# and (oe#.
/#k "ntell"(en%e )hat mud "#+ and "ntell"(en%e )"ll #a$+ 7It "# the potent"al"t$ o' be"n( a
lotu#.7 Then mud d"#appear# and m"ll"on# o' lotu#e# 'lo)er.
Intell"(en%e (oe# to the h"(her and h"(her and the h"(her+ and the )hole e''ort "# to rea%h
to the ult"mate+ to the p"nna%le o' e&"#ten%e. Be%au#e th"n(# %an be e&pla"ned onl$
throu(h the h"(her+ not throu(h the lo)er. <ou don-t e&pla"n throu(h the lo)er+ $ou
e&pla"n a)a$. /nd )hen the lo)er be%ome# too "mportant+ all beaut$ "# lo#t+ all truth+ all
(ood. Ever$th"n( that ha# an$ #"(n"'"%an%e "# lo#t. Then $ou #tart %r$"n(+ 72here "#
mean"n( "n l"'e87
In the 2e#t+ #%"en%e de#tro$ed ever$ value and redu%ed ever$th"n( to matter. !o)
ever$bod$ "# )orr"ed about )hat "# the mean"n( o' l"'e+ be%au#e mean"n( e&"#t# "n the
h"(her )hole. 6ee+ $ou are alone3 $ou 'eel+ 72hat "# the mean"n( o' l"'e87 Then $ou 'all
"n love )"th a )oman3 a %erta"n mean"n( ar"#e#. !o) t)o have be%ome one ** a l"ttle
h"(her. / #"n(le man "# a l"ttle. Lo)er than a %ouple. / %ouple "# a l"ttle h"(her. T)o
th"n(# have ,o"ned to(ether. T)o oppo#"te 'or%e# have m"n(led+ the 'em"n"ne and the male
ener("e#. !o) "t "# more o' a %"r%le.
That-# )h$ "n Ind"a )e have the %on%ept o' /R5./!/RI6.2/R. 6h"va "# pa"nted a#
hal' )oman and hal' man. The %on%ept o' /R5./!/RI6.2/R #a$# that man "# hal'+
and )oman "# hal'. 2hen a man and )oman meet "n deep love+ a h"(her real"t$ ar"#e#?
%erta"nl$ (reater+ more %omple&+ be%au#e t)o ener("e# are meet"n(.
Then a %h"ld "# born3 no) there "# a 'am"l$ ** more mean"n(. !o) the 'ather 'eel# a
mean"n( "n h"# l"'e? the %h"ld ha# to be brou(ht up. .e love# the %h"ld+ he )ork# hard+ but
)ork "# no) no lon(er )ork. .e "# )ork"n( 'or h"# %h"ld+ 'or h"# beloved+ 'or h"# home.
.e )ork#+ but the hardne## o' the )ork ha# d"#appeared. .e "# not dra(("n( "t. T"red o'
the )hole da$+ he %ome# home dan%"n(. 6ee"n( the #m"le on h"# %h"ld-# 'a%e+ he "#
tremendou#l$ happ$. / 'am"l$ "# a h"(her un"t than the %ouple+ and #o on and #o 'orth.
/nd God "# noth"n( but the %ommun"on o' all+ the (reate#t 'am"l$ o' all.
That-# )h$ I (o on %all"n( the#e oran(e people m$ 'am"l$. I )ould l"ke $ou to d"#appear
"n the )hole. I )ould l"ke $ou to be #o ab#orbed "n the )hole that $ou rema"n "nd"v"dual+
but $ou be%ome part o' a (reater un"t$+ b"((er than $ou. 0ean"n( ar"#e# I00E5I/TEL<
)henever $ou be%ome part o' a (reater un"t$.
2hen a poet )r"te# a poem+ mean"n( ar"#e# ** be%au#e the poet "# not alone3 he ha#
%reated #ometh"n(. 2hen a dan%er dan%e#+ mean"n( ar"#e#. 2hen a mother ("ve# b"rth to
a %h"ld+ mean"n( ar"#e#. Le't alone+ %ut 'rom ever$th"n( el#e+ "#olated l"ke an "#land+ $ou
are mean"n(le##. 9o"ned to(ether $ou are mean"n('ul. The b"((er the )hole+ the b"((er "#
the mean"n(. That-# )h$ I #a$ God "# the b"((e#t %on%e"vable )hole+ and )"thout God
$ou %annot atta"n to the h"(he#t mean"n(. God "# not a per#on3 God "# not #"tt"n(
#ome)here. Tho#e "dea# are ,u#t #tup"d. God "# the total pre#en%e o' e&"#ten%e+ the be"n(+
the ver$ (round o' be"n(.

G5 e&"#t# )herever there "# un"on3 )herever there "# <o(a+ God %ome# "nto e&"#ten%e.
<ou are )alk"n( alone3 God "# 'a#t a#leep. Then #uddenl$ $ou #ee #omebod$ and $ou
#m"le3 God "# a)akened+ the other ha# %ome "n. <our #m"le "# not "#olated+ "t "# a br"d(e.
<ou have thro)n a br"d(e to)ard# the other. The other ha# al#o #m"led+ there ha# been a
re#pon#e. Bet)een $ou both ar"#e# that #pa%e I %all God ** a l"ttle throb. 2hen $ou %ome
to the tree and $ou #"t b$ the #"de o' the tree+ %ompletel$ obl"v"ou# to the e&"#ten%e o' the
tree+ God "# 'a#t a#leep. Then #uddenl$ $ou look at the tree+ and an up#ur(e o' 'eel"n( 'or
the tree and God ha# ar"#en.
2herever there "# love+ God "#3 )herever there "# re#pon#e+ God "#. God "# the #pa%e3 "t
e&"#t# )herever un"on e&"#t#. That-# )h$ I #a$ love "# the pure#t po##"b"l"t$ o' God+
be%au#e "t "# the #ubtle#t un"on o' ener("e#.
.en%e the "n#"#ten%e o' the Baul# that love "# God. For(et God+ love )"ll do. But never
'or(et love+ be%au#e God alone )on-t do.
Intell"(en%e "# d"#%r"m"nat"on+ under#tand"n(. Truth "# the ke$ )ord+ #at. The man )ho
move# throu(h "ntell"(en%e move# to)ard# 6/T+ truth.
."(her than "ntell"(en%e "# the #"&th t$pe o' rel"("on. I %all "t the rel"("on o' med"tat"on.
0ed"tat"on "# a)arene##+ #pontane"t$+ )hat the Baul# %all 6/./9/ 0/!>6.+ the
#pontaneou# man. Freedom ** "t "# non*trad"t"onal+ "t "# rad"%al+ revolut"onar$+ "nd"v"dual.
The ke$ )ord "# =.IT+ %on#%"ou#ne##. Intell"(en%e "# #t"ll the h"(he#t 'orm o' "ntelle%t+
"ntell"(en%e "# the pure#t 'orm o' "ntelle%t. The ladder "# the #ame. Intelle%t "# (o"n(
do)n)ard# on the #ame ladder+ "ntell"(en%e "# (o"n( up)ard#+ but the ladder "# the #ame.
In med"tat"on the ladder "# thro)n. !o)+ no more movement on the #ame ladder+ ne"ther
up)ard# nor do)n)ard#. !o)+ no more movement+ but a #tate o' no*movement "n#"de+ a
dro)n"n( "nto one#el'+ a #"nk"n( "n.
Intelle%t "# other*or"ented3 "ntell"(en%e "# al#o other*or"ented. Intelle%t %ut# the other+
"ntell"(en%e ,o"n# the other+ but both are other*or"ented. 6o "' $ou under#tand r"(htl$+ the
'"r#t 'our t$pe# o' rel"("on I don-t %all rel"("on. The$ are p#eudo*rel"("on#. Real rel"("on
#tart# )"th the '"'th t$pe+ and that "# the lo)e#t+ but RE/L.
The sith type
The #"&th t$pe o' rel"("on "# that o' med"tat"on+ %on#%"ou#ne##+ =.IT. ne #"mpl$ move#
"nto one#el'. /ll d"re%t"on# are dropped+ all d"men#"on# dropped. ne #"mpl$ tr"e# to be
one#el'+ one #"mpl$ tr"e# ,u#t to be. That "# )here Cen e&"#t#+ "n the #"&th t$pe o' rel"("on.
The ver$ )ord -Cen- mean# 5.</!/+ med"tat"on.
The se!enth type
Then %ome# the h"(he#t t$pe o' rel"("on+ the #eventh? the rel"("on o' e%#ta#$+ 6/0/5.I.
9u#t a# the '"'th t$pe ha# the ke$ )ord 6/T+ truth+ and the #"&th t$pe+ the rel"("on o'
med"tat"on+ ha# the ke$ )ord =.IT+ %on#%"ou#ne##+ the #eventh. the h"(he#t+ ha#
/!/!5+ bl"##+ e%#ta#$. That "# the ke$ )ord? 6/T*=.IT*/!/!5/+ truth+
%on#%"ou#ne##+ e%#ta#$.
The Baul# belon( to the #eventh t$pe ** ,o$+ %elebrat"on+ #on(+ dan%e+ e%#ta#$ ** /!/!5.
The$ make med"tat"on tremendou#l$ ,o$'ul ** be%au#e a per#on %an be med"tat"ve and %an
be%ome #ad. / per#on %an be med"tat"ve and %an be%ome ver$ #"lent and ma$ m"## bl"##.
Be%au#e med"tat"on %an make $ou #"lent+ ab#olutel$ #t"ll+ but unle## dan%e happen# "n "t+
#ometh"n( "# m"##"n(. Pea%e "# (ood+ pea%e "# ver$ beaut"'ul+ but #ometh"n( "# la%k"n( "n
"t3 bl"## "# la%k"n(. 2hen pea%e #tart# dan%"n( "t "# bl"##. 2hen pea%e be%ome# a%t"ve+
over'lo)"n(+ "t "# bl"##. 2hen bl"## "# en%lo#ed "n a #eed "t "# pea%e. /nd )hen the #eed
ha# #prouted+ not onl$ that+ but the tree ha# bloomed and the 'lo)er# have %ome and the
#eed ha# be%ome a bloom+ then "t "# 6/0/5.I. That "# the h"(he#t t$pe o' rel"("on.

Pea%e ha# to dan%e
and #"len%e ha# to #"n(.
/nd unle## $our "nnermo#t real"@at"on
be%ome# a lau(hter+
#ometh"n( "# #t"ll la%k"n(.
6ometh"n( #t"ll ha# to be done.

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