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Flint Subdivision Railroad
Operating on
Eastern Standard Time cHtcAGo
Time Table
$atufNo. 60 rircr
!a& W6t!e Eq[rt€il r"a- au'o-.....-.--- o"!| flint $rldirision-- - 1.01Lt.. ESI
| | Soulh Eend . 12.01
Suldivision Ltl., GSI
rlbt tubiUvhldr ..!d t

aoltlBed ArliUykto&.-,...-........._.*_....,,--....4 lriit E toiltAr,FEBnUAnY

SDclrl lrdiuctloDr -....-..,,.... to 10 Superseding Time Table No. 6g
Lilt ol Strgoo!r....,,.....--....------..--------..*..-.._-..11
E:trds ft!! OrE 3d VtU.s! ('di!s!c-.._....__.._-..12

SDo.d llbL,,,,...-..

:v & ,
e t rac k,
ins, as indicated by time table
ding are, unless otherwise
-ar'( :ified, superior to trains of
South.Bend Subdivislon e or inferior class,running
Oporating on n the opposiie direction, in ac-
Csntral Standard Time c o r d a n c e w i t h R ul e 7 2 .

J, t. GUICIY, U, J, [00tt,
trmnl Xrrrgrr. ortrarl luldt |trd.
u, ll,Eoxorrs0r,
llttrilbtdc ,
1. Tho eqldteil tonage of slt trsin is al€t6lbin€d bt Dlltl' 8. Wl6! a! e!gi!6 oJ {lif.@i calacity tron ttde 3hoE
pltiDg th. !@bo! ot edft i! th€ irsi! by t!6 @! lsctot 3!il in tle tablo id us€d, tlo poIB! 6quetld to!!sg! rill b6 &Eiv.d
sddirg tbe tesnli to tLe tuE ot iho tss snil drt@b. si ly tatug tho rstrDg !t ihs lrgire wit! tbo clo64t pe!.e!-
tsgo eaFcittr dividilg t!i! ratilg bI itE p.tortag6 otEcity
SXAI4PLE: (1) 42 carB Tot3l gtos reorght 2100 bn. ol
a4d Dlliiplyilg tlo sllt ly tlo !€rcoltago ol c.IEqtt
csr I'scto! 10 r 42 4s-.--- 420 "
tlo €ngin6 !o bo ns6il.
xQnaTED 2520 "
AONA -........... . .....
(2) 84 .sB Totsl g!@ voighi 1680 tou EXAMPIE:-
Car l'&ctor 10 ! 8'l €!s-..... 840 " To trntl t!6 oquted r.tug ora 38% €rgir6:-
EQUATID 2520 "
IONS ...... ....... ...,, PtrnDdhoitntilg of 41% €!elno-.....2500lols
2. Tn6 cG fa.io! is ar euosE!.o fo! ftictioul etr !€$!' _-i-x 38--2317 oqut.d
Equaiod laijlg o! 38% 6rgi!e,.,...,,,r500
tsrce @iI n!i* or ditreroli subilivitiou secordbg to the
nliDg ged.. Ths lriDcilr€ bsing tbat on lov gasiliottd t!6
ficdoDrt nEisisnce is a !]ghor proPoltior of th€ toi&l !ai.' L ro d€l€rnine Fopor toldgo lot lusl€r, ilontJlehoad6! ot
Lober oagires, uniess 3p€cisl etilg i! giv6!, adtl to €qut6il
talco tlar or steepd g?sdielk. By s6 of t!6 ca! f.ctot tlo
is .o ailjBted tl*t t\€ t€siltarc€ is ilo 3.no lot 4ll ratidg of tle nr$ €rg14 95% ot tlo equaieil Btilg in otroct
oJ oqusl €qnatett io!!sgo' th€t}6r conP6od of ftry for eaa! cls* oI !€rper.
loadeE psdly rordod or 6n!tt ca$. 10. h Dsking lp t dins, voigw. oust l€ obtai!€{i bt i3k'
3. Esistlisheil t.tirys will i6 €ia4il6d bt 1% it bt 3o iloi.g itrs rsre ald aoDtetrtsfrob ihe warbill. wb.! tat€ woigtls ztu
!ol, availabi€, c0f v€is!tr oay b€ tak€D es trtrdor:-
srotL6r car.s! be lslilled ir tho trair,
4. No r€duction ir tohlag6 or accout ot weetl4 o! othet E:F€.! B€frig€rstor --. 40 Wooil trtab6 Bor------ 18
.o litioN will b6 naile ud4t sutborizod bt StrI,6rirtold€at
tl€igli 3€&ie!r!tot --. 30 Si€€l I'Bne 3or-----.. 20
Gsa€41 S.wi.o 100P00 gl€€l llamo 4trio,,..,,,,.,,..,25
or Chi€t Tlair Dispr!.!€r,
oaFcitt qorilobs --- 23 Siock.,,...,..,......---------- 1E
Eoppo! CaB,...,,,......,..,,....
23 llrt --..----..'.-------'.- 18
TOIINA(.! SEDUCTIONA Lod-lldo Godolar------ 20 20
Edt ConveFtiblr...,.....-.. 20

u. Ia coBputiry toDago, fuUy losiled @rs ol gtai\ .oal,

Nil Bib, lumb6r, prnpwood, ti€8, €tc. rlo!€ F6ight! ar€ &t gre.n
-A.lo!€ fleezilg (32'F. abov6) a
or lh6 F.ybill, dill be eo4iil€r€d s. canyitg tle aalksil
32' abov6 to 16' I'. tbovo
3 5% arrlilg caprcity ol tI6 @r.
(or brd rail)............-.... .......
15o abov€ io 10% 12, w!6D d€rd olgiled aF ilduiled ir a iran, fod tiEd
Z€ro to lO' b61ow...,,...,....,,,..,..,.. D 75% tlo crr factor tiU b6 sdil€it to tle .ctlal woiglt ot 6ach
11'b€lov to 20' b€]ow........ .... ! 20la

13. TLe lrtitrgs glve ia t!6 atilg t.blo .!o fo. tls Elilg
gailoj dc€ss todage viU b€ lgDill€il whor it tu to !e sol oui
5, New eDgi!€s or eneiles out ol .!op€ alter leceivirg slori of or licaeil u! beyord tle nliug C?ails.
d€ilium o! h€avy !€lairc wiu to lo&doil20% light or nEt out'
w&rd flip and 10% light or r€ium tdp Locoootivo Fo!@6u 14. men aa €ngiD. ie lDtl€ fo laldlo tI6 auihoriteil
Fill adrigo Trtir Di{,atche! aril Ys.rlna3t$ ir 3!ch ce66. Briry, s joilt n€$ag6, siga€d !t Colilacio! olil X!gi!€€!,
d€rvico nill b6 alloweil a will t€ sent to the ghi6i Dislatchor, sdvising tl6 r6iheiio!
6. Passolge! olello iD fterglt
aile atrd givi4 iho ftasor {or oma
furtlq r€iluctior ol ole lurih€d (100) to4.
?. Unl€ss special tatbgs aB giv€n, t reiluctior oJ 10% lron 15. YardDaBte$ sad Condueton will ie helal !6l,oai!1€
tI6 letilgs slown i! tatls wrll be 3lloteil fo. certattr 8!oci- lor !!6i! tBils b€iry load€il io fuD suthoriz€d rsting elen
ned Esnilesi lr€ight |lairs. tomag€ is aYaitaile.

NOTE- The €quated tonnagt of dy tr8h is deteradned bv ndtiDlving the n{hber of earBin the train
by the esr fsctoi dnil sdilinc this teult to the 6um of th€ tde and content$

I'ollowirg sfmbo]s oD .cnodde .heob o! timet ]16 inilicai6:-

Liltoairg r€1€!!oD6.
B Bulleiirs anil Tein Eeeuter a
o !
!' Ilag Sto!.
K Stardsra Clook,3ull.ti!!, zd rtair legtuio!. Y
L E!,

Fut{t st E0rYrsr0N
D I ?oBrr IruEoN....,.,. 3260
M F ....,,NrcEor,s......,..._... 2750
D F .............Nrc8or,s._..,._...
3350 3100
MI .............
tt sDoN_........ 2750

st BDtvtst0
DI .............!lIC!f
O1,S.......... 8750 3600 2172
M I ...._.,,
POAT EUIiON.,, 3400 2350 2750 ao
D T -'.,r--, ELSDON.....-.... 3750 3600 2900
M P 3100 2350 2tEO

2.100 1390 1100

DI .....,.,
vAfrPABAtSO ........'
rrtDoni Assisralcc i

TELEFHOI{E3 MarcelluB-E$t oDtt eastqril siililE on !oto.

WaleleFstatior BuitrliF
Port Elmn-Y.rdnasters' Ofic€, 32!d Sircet. cassololiFwest €nil sidi;q on !dte.
Calac-$atclmar h shantt M s b r q a ! a - t r a g h , - E o u s ; a . G o S b J 0 t J .\ o . r U e i n
Aiticr-Btatior lnilililg.
nbr-gtation Blildine. S o u r h B e D d - W a r . b D a ! ' s 6 b r D t t , l S r b A r r o e r ,e a s t e t r d
Bels.e-Olil locatior-CarDar's ShaDiy, pplosiio No. 4 €leerri.n
Switeh, Bout! side. U!io! Aiatio! oa Dlatform,
Norur !'1irFc€neral Yalilmastor'6 Oiice. Ag€nt's Odc€ ilelg!t troose.
Torret-OD pole ri siding. OliveN (iwo nil@ W€st) NJ,l & I. tower,
MnndJ-3oott at singlo trsdr spit.h, CruDrtov!--Siation 3!ndi!s.
DDrand-Gonerel Yrilmriter'a ()I!.0. Stillre]l Erst .nil Eiiline o! 1016.
Diahondj lllagnar's Shaliy. Ei!!sbo.r .Or te'oAarDb-Dol; 0-r srirrb leadiDg to
Yalilnasier's OEde.D,G.E.& M. Middle Yard,
MoricFwest end siding or !ol€. wat.t-*ar"i-*a- Bi{lins
- or Dolo.
Straftel'trg-In ilelot. Easkdlls-Iasi 6Ddsi,lins "iitrir-a
on Dote,
TrorlddgFlooth south siil6 of lnoh ai Crostorer. Vrllara'so Ersl eod W€stFiJd sidinq on pole.
In int€rlocking tower. BetFeor Valprmilo adl Seillor-
ra.sing Boour nast erd e&stward6iili!g. Nee. CdNer's ftoss'lc. rt Siqtral No. 548.
Booth W€lt er.l eestward siiling. At Clidorilts OrossiD!.;[ Sin;l No.533.
logan gtresi, Yerd Ofioe. N€s! Salt Cr€ek Bnds€, at 6i@al No. 516
Charloite-Boot[ c&lsovor w€st of frcig]rt IoN6. sedler-odpo16 Fest eld;istsai siditrs.
SeuenFEast €nil of lidirg otr})ola On l}ol€ @st elil €astward sidirs.
P€ ield-Stdtion Bnililirg. Aitswodt-Or polo sorth sid6 oein rileiopposil e de!o,.
Nicbols YarA Gonola1Yarildasierjd Ofice. Lott.riilFBooih at W&ter Tanh.
&ertor O! !o1€ otd iidinq_FasBeloe. locatior. Oriditl !rst crossove.o! -P. Dol€.
Pavitior-Booi! rest end - Siaiion. Mrylald -Eooth allia.ebr C. c. & Sr. r,. Tow€r.
KalanazoalAgotrtrsOEce. Etre, -8, & O. C.'t. Tover. Frpistt EousF.
vickslus-nast end easiralil siilinc- on!oie,
_ Xlne Island-ToB6r.
4haDb€rlabs-Or Fol€ at sidins. Mi. Greenvootl-?ole east old d6!ot.
t, M. MUNI{INeS, Oldaiilg l!4,@torj Dotrolt
. C, ?. IIOqKWOOD, Su!t. Tomilrls, Po* fiuo!
G. A. B&lGeS, Trai@astd Sout} letuI Ftrldtvislon &, C. SIIEI.ENSON, Tlatlsaste! flilt Snldivislon
3attlo cleak Duia!..t
cflrEF BrspareHERs
r. E. q,EtiAN r. E. Moa,A:t{, A5!i!ra!r
f. t. aoMItrEEs c. I. !4CN!TI W, t'. DllIpAEt O. W. gAy r, t EE!6AN
FLINT SUBDMSION- EasternStandartlTime
Eine Table No. 60 vgEs:fivy.6-R.D :ra-r1LlI\rs-
!fi 3o 47,

2.13 1 . 6 3 _i_.L 11,o3

. . . . .c o o o E t L 6 . . _ _ . 2 26 2.O5 11.16
....... En;]EFrr....... 230 210 FiE 11.20
, , . . . . .o,a P A c . . . . . - . . 2 . 3 9 2.19 E ; t1.29
....trriftcrrv.... 2_4',7 s 2.21 511.37
3OO s 246 !iF 1511.63
3.11 2.57 H E 12.O5
3.16 3.O3 12.77

. . . , , . - .F. L t t r T . .- - - . . s 3 . 2 4 s 3 . 1 ? '"t192 .41 6

. , , , , .m
. u r D Y. . . . .
. SWAETZ CREEK. 3.34 3.21 12.64
. UFFtELD..,,.. 3.39 3.32 1.03
..,,-..DUllA||D,,..... 3.43 6 3_40 . 1 . lo a.oo !
" 1.35
. . . . .B A | | 8 O . S O F T . . . . . 3 . 4 9 3-46 142- s 4.26
. . . . .m. oFrtcE...... 3.66 3-62 t -49 5 A_60
. . . . ...P E I F Y . . . ... . 3 . 6 9 3_55 1.62 s 9_t5
...sHAFf*iuRc... 4 . O 4 3.69 1.57 3 9.36
.......HA€tFrr....... 4-t1 4.05 2.O4 3 9.55
...rRow!B.#tDcE... 4.70 3.10 s 10.20
......LAilslfac.,,. .. s 4 - 2 1 3 4 . 2 0 " 2 .20
2,36 s 10,45
...__.. ir r+rEoErT_,,..,, 4.33 4_26 249 11.06
. . .P o Y T F R V T L L E . . . 4.4r 4_34 2.61 11.30
,,,o'laRLOTTE.... 4-44 3 4 . 4 3 d 3.oa t2.20
. . , , . . , . o L t v E t , . . , . , , ,4-6'7 462 3 -1 a
.....,8ELLEVUE....,,6 . O 3 4.64 3.24 3 1.4o
,,rarcHoLaYAno.. 5 . 1 5 i.............
,.BATTLE OREE(-. 3.40

t7 35 l | lvtg

P. 259,79...-...-......westFald
Cra!o I'aio,,,,..,,.....,..,,,,..,,..,,..M. .a!d Sidilg.,,,..-....-....a caa
P. 267.01..............We!twartl
zartl Siiiing........-....,.,
17 ca$
n1b4......--'.-------'.-'.--.,,,.M. P. 283.23......--......Easiraril
aril Siilitrg........,.......
37 c.rs
Ilichigaa gotn o Siiliag...,...,, M. ?. 287.97..,,..,.,,...,
r.rd Eiding:--.........,,,,
30 ods
Attic.......,,,.,,,..'-------'.-,..M. P. 2C7.28,,,.......,,,,Westwrrd
rrrd Sidin&.,,...,....,,,.32 c.rs
Calac Pcrt 9i.1ing,,,,,..,..,...-..M, ?, 306,48-.........,,,,Eaeiwaid
aid S ing-,,....,,...,.,. 11 .ars
M, ?, ,28.86....,.,,..,,.Watvard
rard AidiDg..,.,...--...-.-r17cas (Ont of Service)
Tine lalle $0. 60 vv-lstlEvv.A.-txr E-ra.rNrEl-

3F r5 t7 477


2.60 4.25 4 2C 3 ?.06

3.O6 43A 43t s ?.4c)
4.43 4 41 s a.06
3.14 4.20

3.23 4.6r 4.60 5 9.OO

3-31 4.57 4-66 3 9.30
3.43 5.Oa 6-OA 310.30
t6.... 4.O3 E.2I 6.26 s11.46
, fltcl. 413 6.30 6.36 s1 2 . 1 0
4.26 6-40 6.4'I s I.oo
xrcxB;neer. I 4 ! , o 6.44 6.62 ... . .. I
t to
,oo.rs 3. " s s ... I 16
... souroHdPEi{D.. : I 4.3o 6 . 1 ? 13 6 6" 13
, ' , ] : A R n O L O8 t . . . E 4.36 6 . 4 e i 6 - 6 4 ..- .1..- . . I 117
. . . . . . o L r v E R 4 . , . . . . .4 3"1 6.49 6.69 1,to 6.46
.. cRUMSTOWTT ,.. 4.46 6.5',1 6.OA ?.oo
.d|| LL{ OlREEK,,.. 462 6.O4 5 ?.16
.....errL!-lfE(L..... 4 6 1 609 6.to 3 ?.30
3 'a,46
....KI|{CSBURY .... 6.O3
....wELhaBoRo-... 6 . O 7 6.29 3 4.1()
...uraroxrlnlL|-S,,. 5 . O A 6-19 6.30 s 4.20
. . - - .H A 6 K E L L 6 . . . . . . 5,15 6.26 6,3',7 r 8.40

6.24 6,36 6.49

- . , .L O T T a V | l L E . . . - 6.4't 310.20
'l.tr s 11-16
......cRrfirrH...... 6.51 6.67
o. t- rLs. oRoa'ltlc
'7-O2 'f.16
..MAYNiBD,l D...
..oAK chF3irr rLL... 3 71.46
7.O9 '1.23
..f HoRl{lgN.loT... 6.O3
't.!2 1.t6 s 12-30
. , . , , . . H A R V E Y . . , . , .6. . O 6
...r.uJi'3"^"o... 6.11 '1.16 "t.30 s l.oo

EVERCRE?En 7.23 1,36 ,s 1.9()
......As\EluR||....... . . . . . . . . .j . . . . . . . . . . .
......HAIf,oRD....... 6 . 2 7 7.29 .t.4t.,............
..cHroA$!rLAwN..3 6 . 3 0 7.31 7.44 .....-....
6.36 't,35 7.46 ........-..... 1.46

.. c. lt lY._|. JcT... 6.46 't.66

.,,47th. STREET.... s 6.4? s 7.44 3 ?.67...,....,...,.
..,,,.ct{tcaco . ,,., 7.OO aoo 4.10 .............
*; .".".''*
l 6 l5 t7 qI$ i 477
SOUTHBEND SUBDMSI0N-Central StanttarttTime
fime Table No. 60 EA,ST'VY.A,T.D TF..AI\TS-

6F!! 20 474

9.40 a.oo
k 9.44 s €-10
9.49 4.11
Er.sBoi..._... 9.56 a 1? 11.14 6.OO
..oHraacgtaw .. 9.67.
. . . . . .H A Y F 0 P R D . . . . . . 9 . 6 9 a.2l 1 1. 2 2
EVERCREEI{PAIK 10-o3 4.26 11.27 3 6.16
itt, cRE,EootWOOO
, , ,B L U E T T S L AD . . _ 1 0 . o 9 4,32 L1.34 3 6.40
. . _ . . .H. A B V E Y . . _ . . . . 1 0 . 1 3 11.39
. T H O R T T O I {J C T . . 10.16 a.3a 11.42
..oAK CaLEt{rtLL.,. s 7.30
..MAYdAnD,l D.,. 1 0 . 2 3
. . . , , . G R t F F t T. H
. , , . _ to.9a ! €.16
....lortXh l.E .... 10-39 430


r 1 . o oI 9.21 72.31 s1025
11.06 9.24 12.34 a 10 46
9.29 t2.39
11 . 1 1 i 9.33 12.43 ,r 11.20
11.17 9.3e 72.49 ' ' ' ' ' ' 'sl 1 1 . 6 0
\1,.22 9.42 12-53 f l2.go
| | .29 9.49 1.OO s 72.40
11.37 9.67 1.10 ; 1.OO

,aRxoLTD 8T. 11.3e 1 e.6e
' i * . l : so u,ljl oBEtr D oi
11.40 s 10-OO r 6 . IO
.r l*'*13 HICH STREET 1t.42 10.09 6.16
11.47 10.o7 |.24 6.40
11-6? 10.17 1.36 7.r6
319.06 1 0 . 2 6 5 7 -49 4.20
r t2.t9 1 0 . 3 9 ; ,.o6 9.30
12.30 10.60 2.17 10.30
3 12.36 t o . 6 6 3 ,.26 11.16

. . . , , .F A V t L t O | | . , , , . . 't 2.42
2.34 s 11.26
. . , , , . . , s o o t l s , . . . . .\.2 , 4 6 234 312.06
. , . . . .c. L t M A X . , , . . _ . 1 2 , 6 0 2.44 512.36
. . E A T T L EO F E E K , . l.06 3.05 312.66

20 6 476 474
No. 20 vill 3tol, *t 4?t! gh@t &nA Chioogo LAw! to €ntni! No, t7 wjll dop st Clicago l,i@ alil 4?t! gare€ato d€t.tin
reyotr@ pasde4€rs for Baitle Cr€ek antt East. rorenue ?asseng€rslrorn Battle cle€k a*l loirit nast
Nol14 siil stolr at Cassopolb fo dettai! rov.nD€ lassengers Nos. 4?5,4?6, 4?t ald 478 vill laliu6 Mril uil ErlreBs

No. 0 si! rloa up at lllilo! to ft.eive railloed mail. (slamazoo W^y fteiglt witl leav€ Nicho]s Yail 445 . F';
No. 15 will ltop si Chlcrgo !aw! to doirair ps$6Dg€B- rotnrniag, l6ave Ealemszoo 5,00 p. nr., dativ, €:.olt Btrrilet

-{iBrorih-...--.....,...M, P. 45,2o-EsslFr.il Siiti!g..--.-..91 crts
Po!!..........-.,-,.----,M.I'. 12?,25-faltwstit Siiting...-, ... I carg
M. P.
w'sk6l€d,,.,........--.... 131.46-Easttail siaiDg ... " 24 car9
Chanb€rlai!!.......... . P. 140.20-Ee.tr!til Siililg-..., ,13 cr!8

Adiliiional oastsaril color ligli siguls or singl. lr&k
- tnslrucrions Goremiog rhc Movemenr of
NP 53.8 aril ldl 54.3 liU lo ttanilad 8!to ztic sigrah' ag
TraiDa by Signsl Indication Berweeu ilcsc.ib€d in Rll€s 501 and 513, TI€s€ two siglars are equipled
Valparsiso aod S€dIoY with grade sigml tlil trlins will b€ gol'€med !v 1rrl' 504-
WEatifArD.-gig! twoatu cotor liglt intorloctitrg sig-
!al.locst€il 500l6ot oast ot €lil ol {lotrU€ ir4ck tr vallddi8o, OPERATION OF APRING SWITCIIES
oo""tot ^o"u-"ot" r.o- -etwe!i! nlai! tBck to sirglo tack'
Low oolo! ngbt .ie!41 loclted ollotiis ligl Bigul gor'rta lnd of douue if,ack, VarP6&iro.
movomoits fton 6sstwa.d naitr hack to siDgl€ iDck. Eud of dolltle hack, gedleY.
EAatWA&Ir-EigL tro_sru cobr rigLi irt€.locking lignal' lst end of !a66ins hack, sotuov.
loestoil 500 fo6t wsf of eril ol ilorbl. tEck at S6dleL go!€n! l'he norn'tl lositior ol ihe itouble trdek sling swircl ai
rqov.nelt. !.on oa.twsil hain htrok to silgl€ trtc!. Lov
VlllaniBo is lor €zstFnd morcnerN
color light sigMl locst6al ollosit€ Ligh 3ignsl govorft nov6_
The ao1nal lositiotr of the dolb]e ftaok spring rwitch rt
m6nts Jron rdiEArd nai! tr.ck to stlgi! tBct.
SedieXis lor w€strard iolonert,
Diuc.tior ol glg! ttlS[ab:-
The rordal lositior of tI€ llJring lwikn at east etrd of
Top liglt 8160r, bottom liglt r€d.. -. .,..Pioc!6d
lassilg iractr it Seilley is Jor moin track noronenr.
Top ligli yollot, lottoi liglt reit--... ..Proc€€ilwit! caution,
I|trlo 601 d. lNOIlirES, WIIII OR, !'ITEOST CAaE, stouEtl wbiro
trailiry throlgh sldng svitches in to!@l losition ulst noi
Both Uglts !oil-,...,,....,... -.. ...............,.......4TO? AIiID DO NOT t4lie slsch or make rev€rso notemeri mtil swiich is lrolertl
liderl. Sldry switch Dnst le olJeratedmaually for a]l shrft-
&iu@iloa ot Low At8!tb:-
INeINES, WITE o& \trIlEOUI CABS, wi rot eleleil
thifiX-nve (35) niles ler lou passing Urrotgh Urss€ switches.
... .... ..Ptoco€il with c.ution
.,..9TO! AND DO NoT
....-..... ......------.-., .....-...........
Roit.-.-... Erstw.rd ilains or €ngiles oc.upyilg 3idi4 tt sodley oust
PIOCEED IINTIL 8IGNAI, CEANOBS, O1 ON seeuro pernission fron operator at Yaba.atuo b€fore occupy-
oeDxSs I'Bdl[ DIaPArCm&.
wlor t!€so dglsh sro i! o!€tstio! botw€er VabsrairD After passirg lrodo siglz]t at Vaharaigo and Sodloy, t ti!8
and soillct lrsir rocidt€r .!d tomilal cleolanco (r,om B) will b€ goy€r&it by signale ulder &!ld 501 !!iI513 alil inili
will bs ililco i!u.d at Vsl!&tuilo atil 8odl6l. WLer siepalg @tiorB ol trll intorn€iliato sigMl3 nust !6 shictly ob.€rY€d'
aro ilop.ntive, tbins EiU tre gov€ od !y silglo tr.ch nl4, ss foloE.n? Doyonents witt l. p€nitt€d urde! tignal iftli
1ia6 tsbl6 .clodir* b.ing €feetie6. 'b6 faillto of t4d iLs
r6toliDg ol stlsrs to s€tvice Eust bo atrtlonzeil bv lrri!
A l l l r a i i s € t r t o r i r y t b i s s i b g l o t B . k n o s ! c o E P l € t od o v . _
oril€.. A1l tni!! will rslect tle tlsin otiior Bignal st vrl_
nonr hrongL io ilouble arsck, olc€pt 6eiit! oovon€rtd will
i'arsiso .s r6qui.oa by n o 220. b6 Frnittod, sUowilg noyomeDtd froB oa€ n&ir tEck io
Tbo o!gt!€n.r or colita.aor of a! otstda.il [tsitr at S€iUov, otnor naia track st botl dotrbl6!r&ck 3Fiich@ tltor r@€iailg
llot drdilg a c1€s o! approsc! inilieafion, will connulicat€ peetuio! frotn oleraior at valpaBilo.
st ord€ Eii! op€*tor ai VallaBtuo.
Autonstic tow color liglt Eigltl 659, Ioealod itrst €ast o{ Dblatqhers' t6tellor6 l@t€il as to|!ow8: Valprraiso, in
C€hF€t Str€6t, l.sllEroso, is w€sfwsril ilistaDt 8igul, !3 d€loL Sodlst in !oot! olpsite e$tvard high siS!.1. Tols-
ilos.dleit in Bnlo! 504 a&I 505. pb0!6 ri 86dl€y rbo ro!!o.ts Lo oporsror trt VslpraiBo.
gIqNA! IIIDIOATION hroill6 pe€sDs6rrab.2€ait[erd," soel cEs Eust-boplscod
betl eb€ail ol cabo@6,Wletr tb€ Da.leDslr cah qr.v ua!b€!-
TLo Eoyse€rt oJ trails b6tw€o! C.&W,L Juaotior. Ilti.oir. sers, ftor mdl bo placod i! rcar;f eabios€ otr rsaoi !.aitr.
.!d Port Eorotr Mj.Liaa!, is soqomed be Eur6 25i to 257.
irdusiso, co\ori!g tb.-Do!@;at !:IA!iIxTI;IITO DEAX| ENe1l[ES.-UDlss instncteit ro co!-
oa hadr bJ siglal inilics: thrt ia novirs d@d elsiles i! iEi! sh€! io llasjt. ttsv
drg.rr! lsed Lo gre€ 'tr.iicalioo sro tl€ 1r4i! ord€r siSrsls trs @u8t !€ bar{0€d sirtr tho Dilor eod .[€sd ad rus! bo ;lac€ir
dEpraysd ar siatrom. rt lqsl 6e6 csr8 IroE tb. a€ia €!eiE6, !l Doro tb.! o!; d€od
6trgilo i! tBir, !b6t Dusr,b€ sepa;red by rt toas! 6ve rsts,
. EA+{D!g{q PII.E DBIVEES, tTc.-Pito drivers, sr€ad
sloesn' .ad ouar Buch D4ebio€ry,Illittsil o! a frciebl tlsir.
Dusi bt phood at losr 6v€ .aB shBd ot crboos€,s-he! lraiti
AU lrains ousl recoivo cl€atu!46 calit s! ilitb!.Larioo ss iB bardlilg s3 Dsry as ir€ caB, ol[q tbaE !h6o r€I€red to,
trutto"itt lor no\oDotrl; sllo kais Luming at, or sisrtilg lJo..d'!g.rra .bould i! all .asd be liacoil tr€n to .aboos€,
sirr!o!. 0!ri r4eie. clsurft6 ced a3
tLLhorily for noe€DeDt. Aulholiiy for tbo issosrco ot ct@r- ITAMDIINC'WBEqEnIOC&AnIEA,-Slood -!oL of iEins!a!d,
soco .ard. Dst bs sieotr br th6 Trsi! DilDstclor. oloer, liDg m*liog 6s!s rtrd ildtrstdrl 0!dp. ro€rce€d tnirtv
sh6a noa$ or comouli.arhtr riih Trsi! Iiisps!.b;r _card, l.i,o oil$ p€r Iou 16tv€d Port EuoD rod Cticaao: rvelr!-tvi
fail€d. ot,.EtoB bay cloar irsim bt rl€srarce !!oeid- Dil$ !.r lour oeor all othor parrs oI iho lino:,e! hit* bo!
'!g lhej bsvo !o i!.oop eto tidD ordoB tor tmir io rhi.b hour Ele! i! o! reariDg BQibgs; aod s stow€i oro oI sD;ed
isstroil, wr:tilg tb6r6or tbo wo.ds .tWir6 fsiloro, ftoisbt wh€! iE lb6 jldgD€Dt oI rbo irii! ald €lgbe cew a .1680r
Lr.id Eceiyirg clearaeo card. ofl6drtWtrc ra uo,,no6! r4Eeoi rpoed u nocs384rt.
.l€ar l,hs tt!€ oI 6ml..las! trab. itr l,bo eDo diroorro! !r Dor
AIB BEAE!8.-AiI bBLs rust b6 iu soryice w[il6 !wtto]t.
Rds 86, Op6.ar,orsEust tro! ilsuo tror colJo.rors uJ €!qii6 iog oecul'i€dIr$€!g!r
n s n a c . o p t ,a . l o r r a o 4 o c A r d h ! ! [ 6 d r W i r o f . U u ! € ' , s r ; u l h - €quipo!bi, also $bilo .Eir,.hilg oquip.
u,sur otr or otr oc.upr€d prss€lgor €quiprort or b@tj.
otiit for 6 trai! or elgibo to srsri 4 r€turo ooveb€!! lrob
etry rrlermodrare stario! €:c€pr floo it3 aEtloried rumins Seitch russ nad yarLl srgin€s ousr lavoair couDl6drld sil
loitrt, Opsniors sill r€porr proEptlt to tbo Dilpsteb€! assoo; brak$ iD sorvico sh.! hakiDs rutrs b6rs@! ErA4
s3 conDuoi@tio! 's rs(o.6J th6 rloarilg of atrt rBi!. at Boforo couplilg obto cors o! ! rrafk shicb is ijowr srsJe
rotrdetors wiu s€6 iba[ srmci€lt bh[€! oro loi to D!-€v6!a
t"Ut"..* o. co!,loctor musr !l(ldtako to baDdlo .! car6 e€rt'lg rFat Bbile ooupungs sr6 beilg @it€. tir ord6r
"o Ritb or v'lroul ea, or.r rDy oirrlio! ot this Divisioa ro avord rtrJUrJlo phors or daEAgo Lo proporty, cobductoB
ultil b€ bas loarDsd lbo r;ad, tocaii;! ad oso of 6iErsls, mu E€€ rbar ac 13couli€d ood i! opeBl,io! sbilo sitclios
pas.J u Moinaliotr o! CBrd Truk OpehrilA not6, atrd at po'Dt. Bbor€ dos! Arrd€ is a6ver6. Cars rot asrv no;
?rovid€il lihdor vit! e copJ oI cnuoDi t-ino irblc lholo allacb€il to rho €lgib6 nusr haro hsod bk&es &'t.o is

l sreial attoltlo!
atul Suoral &€gubtlou
i! cslrod to Bul. 03 ot tb. Opdat,lg Bulss
go?6htns stor,I,ils st !oE-i!ter-
lo.r€mre tbsm itr csr6 air i. bBt€.ttiod€r for slt roason

t locxod .r66lag; Mlcliga4 I{dl&a ald ltulolr Bt3r. tovs

trx a Bovele !€nalty fd onltoy€s! .!sho etotrt. tLts r.EutG
Bstw€o! C. & W. l. Jtrtrcl,io! sDd Port Eoro!. &ul€.50t tu
Ttri! DtuI8tch6.!'Ofieo Yard O6e6 ael Bould SPEED RESTRICTIONS
O. & W. L B. L....,...Chicaso Eou€o..-....,.,...Nicbo1! Yard
T6l€g"spL OEco sdal TBi6 baldiog dosil locoootied wil !o! €ros6d 25 &IsB
Bouil 8o8e...........,..E]!dor psr hour wilb d€ad roed loconotiv€! ard rS nit.s rer lout
T€l€grap} O6-ce...BltroIllsld sil,b it@A Bvitcb eositres silh sDsUor F[eetr. 35b0 el's
Tor€grap! Ofi c.,....-,..-..Jli!t srit"b otrgi!@ rotoiDg rode. roa losof r€sulatioDs.
qol6F*p} Ofic.-.....-.....8o16ry
tei6da;h oxdc6 -........-brivd Easrwar,l rraiDs, rhea usiDA w6stwrr<I track Iron Retrro!
reLaarap! @c.....rgredoo Iarit Ofrc6 atit Roulrl
8ouo........-,.....Tunol Yerit to B3i,tl€ Croek, qill not €:cdd 25 Dil6s pd hour srou.d lho
euv6, accord & olev,lio
Ox6.6..:............ratito oEeL T€logEph Ofi e€,...?ort Euror
.Ptrcll€g r$!'!g t6oder 6mL, tro! oquippod rirt !iro! or
wrrnoul i6sdrDg inck., DUsr Dot €r.€od td6Dty.6eo Dil€.
A']IIJ FllB!-OlAaS !&AINA ri rosistoi si !o!i Huro!,
Ba,tto C!o5k dd ChiBsd
gFitc!_ergiles, ligbt, 15 nil@ plr botrr ovor joilt
The Olpraro. at T0p!AL Bol€sJ, Durstrd, Oliv€m aod . rracr
b€twe! Eigh eil ArDold Streets,Bouth B€!,1.
lilsilo!. aoil tbe Ysrd Mr8tsr el Ni.hols ysr'1, wiU resislet
nEneUss trals t)r mesago flon th6 !tN! Tw€.ty.6e6 bil€! por bou o. westwsrd track oe€! ssircn
Diipstale!.- l6adilg froo old Daitr tra.k to olsvrfio! lSlh Strosii Tbirtr
Al;L IXOIPI IIESI-CEI\S8 fE.AIIIF Filt r€sister at mu@ po! hour srouDd con6 wh& Iearing or €lt€t'irs JoiDi
Tuu6l Ydd, Nichol. Yard atrd Etsdo& Ifuek3 at Eigl rDd Atlold Srroors, gourh B.tril.
^.I}ri!s OrigiratiDg dd T€hirsrilg ,t 3ol!ay, Dumtr.l sDd . Tlirly oil€. per hou oD boih ttecks .londl cury. Etsdo!
euv€E f,tr r6gr.i6. ar uos6 pouf.,
fda6rz@ 8trlilivirior t!&iE t6ri!t6! !t Ealan&zoo aat
?aYiltoL por hotrr 0!6! briilg€.
BI'ULEqN BOOES !rc locrtod at D.srloh Sf!tio!. Chi.
crEo; ToiesrsDh O6ce ald Eoulil Souso. Elsdo!: TolomDb
odca, vslprrtboi TorograDhodc6. Oliv;s: Totossoh dd;€.
aalauazoo;.Di.lalr[M' 06@ ald Etrgir€no!C rdom. slli B€tw€€! Paeijob Aaleoazoo atr ongir6, sn! or wiL[oo!
SJreol,,Bsltlo Cr€oiL Yaiil OE_.o strd_nouDd_Eous, Nichols "!d ald otr 3rraish! t$cL;duBr lot sc..d
yddi Lorograph Oflieo ild ltoubd itooso, Dur.trit; Yarit. 1!F! rouhg pilol. dBt
rnrnt DU-6 3! !our; approa,bilg strd ronDditrg.urr@, 6fte€!
oast€rB'OEco. I'li!!: '9,rd Olbc6 sbil Bould Eou!€.leisae:
Yard O6e6 ord Botrld Irouse, Tnuol Yrrd; Tet€grsi,l OEio; tracf,.to8t lol orrood tqelly miles o! hour; s!pr@.biDg.!d
roudrlg curv€r! ien Drl€! ar hobi
Waa cbd .tgarb so tlovn rnor8 0!6 lauway cro$63 DOUBLX TRACK
Eo$or st gna., tralu nui lot dcesd lchorld6 ,p66il !!itl
tle ontiro t sla !a6 lBss€d i!6 ctosrirg t€gBrilled ol whoih€! 3.two@ o. & w'. t, it{rilttoE a$rl5€dl.n
t!6 crosling i. htoiocksd or lo!-iltsrlockd Thdo in8itu!_ Botroon V!:bNtai6o and ?ort E!N!.
lioa 6up@6ilo tI6 thiril l,44grsph ot lulo 98 i! out Book
ol Opola4ilg B{let &d Aoa€rar logdatiou.
ooaiteiol5 rrd o{tu@E! mr5t lot D.@lt t!d!.s to !. !u
et e 6rc6sslvs !ei6 o! q,6.it d€€6niula 8tstl66, 6oud db!! 3ETSIIN aADLIY A.I{D VAt ?A3-AIi'O.-(Bo govoEoil
crrtm, or tlrorlgb Jacuo! 8t&tio!s ,naa larg6 yEd!. bt eiglsl Inilioetio! ar dlod i! Bp@iel Insttuclio$, !ag. 0).
3Arl&E OBE€E StAflO$.--|'U irdaB 3nil tdil o!gr!€3 BIrIVEEN EALAMA.ZOO -A.ND PAV!!IoN,- (Bo g!Y-
uu.t rpl[oach ctosdov.ls wdt ot Mda Ekoet srd ea8t oJ lln €u.d by Silgl6 Trrdk Bul@).
Bt.6et uilo! corttol, !r€i'&$d ro stoP tl .wii3Ls ar. lot
pro!6dt .6i or i! tBck is oa.upi6il.

NIOEOIA AlaD ELSDON.-Corittiioe sa !N! inst.titch

olgind slil troiglt 'Idns fiequ€li]t do$ or o..!pt tno E3i! JOINT TRACT
trtrck, Atl clgils wiih o! Fit[out .srs oust tlproaoh tlil 'W.
O, & I. trUNOrIOl( uil OEIOAOO.-Colducton rtril
lass tlrongh tn66 Yslils witL t!4i! @dor coltro! Plolar€a llnsia6n$ ol this Conpary, tefor€ frnlilg otr 116 tnck3 of
to stop vltlir tlo tlistaqco !n dlic! nai! aracL iR kiowtr to
tn€ C, & w. L B. Ii. Dnst Fovldo il€@.lver with & copt of
bo .loa4 This vill in !o way .rcu6o iloso in cnsrgo ol stile]
lgaiNt otL€r trsint rn its Crrneri Tine Tsbio 4!il Book ol &ut6J ard I. goYor!6d
€agins or tmi$ !!on lrotecting
sccordaNo wti! R!Io.,
aOVIE BEND.-Botw6o! EiC[ Bteot anit Amold Str6l,
'IBirs wirl opoBts oyer joirt Glslil tuk Wodtsh sntt N€w
York Co rsr ngihosd Trsok. XD16, Aimoisbtos sld apdal
Illttuctioq of N6r York C€nlr3l lsitrcad will govofr.

YARD LIIIITS EAllMAzbo.-Bolw6s! ?svitio! JurctioD and crosov€!

at MiU Sirqgi oldatsd johtly mtl C. K- & s.
Yard Limit Boards are Located as IolIowB EArjL EltBlEf, BAffl;E O&IEE- - MioLigan Coltral
easf ol B.ll trsiu and olgireB oI tlei! B.tilo Crs6L Divisior op.rato oror
!"LADON.-O. & W. L Jrtutlo! srd 1,030 f6.t
ure Dqia trcks or Esll Stlsot botw€€a ih6i! cornoctior iui
BailFst Crossitrgal, guYfotd.
Fo6t of M&i! Str€ot, snil tleir .onnootio! jul @sl ol llm
B],I'E ISI.AND, EAEYEY, IEO&ITXON'TDTOfTOIiI.-7,167 St!6oi Tnis movoaoll is lrotetoil ht h6yon€r locatod at
loet rsi oi L E. B. Cro$lng. Michigatr Coltnl Tow6r
3,580 l6et q.t ot O. & E l Orosing.
(}BI'ErTE-0,839 I€ct 6&t, sDil l?5 t ot r6.a oI Depol

VA!PAAAI!O.-I,826 Je6t dolt sl(t 6,690 looi !a!t oI ?43_

DISI&IOI.-1,677 f.6! FBt ot Ooar Dock ai
aOUTE ltlf,D
Olivq !, rtrd 3,065 f6et oadt ot 18i! stteot.
tALA.!llAlZOO.-?,86? lool RouiL ol .titd 3i ?stilto! &t. flint Subdivi6ioD
loDl ctEATIol (Old !4ab u&) !oP!AE slBlEL-
BAITItE OBIIE DISI&IOI (Ii{rdt).--5,393 fost wdt oJ Pers Malquotis (Poil lluor &ail Noiahvtut€D Divbion)
t6ailsl1 Sbeot CrdBilg. - Orossilg - Not htorlockoilt !o d€Dib; goy€mod by
qEEIE (E3$t).-14,121 teot @!t ot Ts.s6i. Lowd Bisde doprdB€d,allow GEril Trurk tr&b!
Michigln CottBl CloNing r@! ldicligt! Avoau6,
IoBI cEArIol (olit !4&i! Iihe) BLIoE &lv!& BBIDeI
I,l|t{Sn[O.-1t,427 f@i west ol ,ogar gtroet Briflg6' &d
(ct l,W.)-Croy€n€il ly S6n&photu tocatoil aloui 6vo h!r.
opposit€ €astr8lil loms tigasr, Trcrbridga
ilreil (500) f6ot No*! dit South oI B!4go. A€nalloro Atu
'IIBAND.-6,828 f€61 vdt, ald 9r0r8 lsot @.i ol Pa*etrgd Bisrdrug no.iro at indldts r'saoP." Ninoty (90) it6
lrcm lorizontal irdicaioB 'iPROCIED." NiClt i!di_
cation, Boa llglt Stop; q!@r Ugnt, Pecooil Araild *ill
FLEiIT,-11,37' leoi 6st ol B6l63y Yalil Ofi.e, siil 0,036 foet lot €'.6€iI iE! (10) nil€! p€r hou ov6r ihis bfilgt.
Fst of pssrong6r sistion l.tili (Dontl6 Tracl Uain Lie),
poBr EuBoN-;LAqE BwEIB B&tDcE-p, rd. sr.-
?,8r0 ls.t e&st, .nil 1,898 leot ffit of saadz ql€ok Deloi
(Donb16 Trsok Uaia I-itro). Ertiro oiil shglo tr&k botre6a Govoruil by oolor Uglt Big@rs, lttnihrd iniorroo&i!9.
MuDrIy dit 3sl.ay vis Non! I'lili i! rithiD Ystil Lthit€, sDgirs; o! EuEt obs€no f.!s[ blidgo i! i! prcp€t po8i-
tlo!. Trsis Fill lot s:.oeil lix Eil.! po! Lou! ovs. thi!
FO&T EIIBO$-6,100 t.6t roti ol rapF! Towd. briilge.
PoBT EOBON,-W€8! gumDilr brertdtod. Jnr(ttd rii[ wllitrg]BoBo, -Balll@d. & Oblo fgbic.go Di,i!io!) .ter
B t . r t s i r T J o t r g lc o m p o o l ; O i d M a i ! L t n o ! o C o u r ! 8 t f t e t
P6!o Msrquott6(Iaorcsd. Diyirto!)crolciDg, ht6riock6d_
TA.PPAI.-P6'6 [4u q16r'€ .rossile: Lf6r]orked.
J00 tioo qirb Mt..t6m6ns Su+dhiri0b; lo!€.toctod, nAl5+r:.'a.-,raimeo. ibdilDslous & t oEisyir6 (!4icbjglr
Oitt DiviaioD) Crossjngj I!ro;toc:&€d,
Jtrnction ritn (C. trd G. T. Jct.'t Ord Maia Li!6 to lort
Gr.tiot- FO^BI WAT|II Iort Wortro lt
uDrcago (uar! lrLtro)
Itqs{Y OITy.-JLb.rioq rith C0.s .itt Subdi!trioD. crosBinsi lqtertockod,
N'6F.Yo.k, Ohh.go O Sr. Lorir (Ust! !,!€r flus3,trts;
LA:PEE!^-M1d'ie!tr aobtml (B.r Oiry Dilidiob/ crossiogi .

rlitNl. (r,38 milss 6$i of). Ilint Bstt BaitFsy Cro*iogj

o+gTTr,E.. . Eri€ Rtrir.oad(oUBgo Dt,r!io!., .m.srrsj

NO_x,rE lrINT (2 mil* easr ot).-I'li!t Belr nsitwBt ^Elain, Joli6! & E-mttrb .[ta'. T,tE€ tr;,1 Sorih Chipsgo
OrdsirA; lnterlocked. I!t€rlo.!6d.
- Mi.higtrtr Cetrrral /toli€! D'ytr'd) .ross'!A; l!Lo-to.l,.d,
NOEIE !]JDrI.-Porc M.rqlerto ,Totorto Dit-tsio0 qrossibgJ, JLbcr,ioDrift c, & o. R, E. \chicagi, Dtrisiotr),
Lloroard b/ color'ig!- sigretst i€d -.to!r gr*n lro.€fo.
DUB,A$D, - Atrr ArDtr &t. dossitrg g!ro, rot:ffdtNkp,t; 0.1-& S. OB,oasINc,-C[j.rgo, ttrdiooa & gotrt]€ru "rossrlg;
4erau3. rtuoe{ baod srg4t.
O n o d . R a p i d sa u b d i v : s i o !c r c s i o -g g
_ s L € tt r o ! t u € r l o . k l d ; MAnIAlIt,-P,
bo d€mils, Piorcod lard liaal. O, O. & at. L, A, B, /Logalspod Dt,isto,);
, S a g i n a F _ s u b l r e i s : o"n- o u u l o ge o * U " . o o W J € s r L U ,n o !
ibtoilo.lr€di Do dorsits. Pmc;cn lsrd dhar. MATNAIU) I r{ mUo Fd! otjr qbt.aAo. hdisspolis&tauis.
*.lF"8,',Xi;;l;::',Y1",!:*F.tn'-n;lirrsDividior) eillo (Chi.sgb & Lalay"!k; Diviliorj ;rosritrci tDrorlo.ke;.
fEOB.NION 'IXNOTIOIV. - O & E, t. (Chirsgo Divbtotr,
LA{arNO. -Mi'h:gaD OorEal (AagiDaF !ieisiotr) crorsibe. cradsins; IDt€rlochen.
IDrdlo.i6d. NoB Yo-( c6Dr;l lio"s (Lusins Divtstotrl
oi@8irA; Intdrlock.d. IIAEVEY.. B. & O, C. T, R. n. cros.ilcr l.r6rloctod.
J ' 0 . o 1 1 ' l I I n o i i . o t r a l n , 8 . , n - ;o o r a i l s ,
oEAR].OTTE. .M i.biCan C6oiral Raitro.d rOrabd Ralids
D i s j E i o t r lc r o s s i n s ;h t e z l o c k o d . (% nir. rst).-l H. B. cro,.irg; Iaie'.
Ju4tio! Fith B, & O. C, T. l. t_
Junctio!wii! o. &l &P_8,R,
Ju&ttoa vi'' . E, B.
South Berld Subdivision
ASE:BItEN,-\tsl dL ,.ai.!go & A!. r,ouis D'yt.io!) C,os!
N t r o . E O ] J Ac A l D 1 % r n , t 6 w 6 s t ) . M i o h i g a ! r ^ p D k a t ( \ 4 s r n ibgj itrterlock64j tro d€r!i]..
LiD€) crossirs; Idi€rrocled.
IIAy!OE:D,-B6|! S.llr.t ot cti.!go (\o,.i!gr ilr..to.k.d,
BATILE-OEEEE.-E'U Srr€ot. MichjgaD Oentral (Bst €
Crost Divilio!) crosinC pas;bgor ljiinC, 'tgba stg.

BATTI;E ORE.EX.-N. c. B, B, (A lssrb Di\isiuu .rosuc. Ilalamazoo Subdivision

I D i l " e p s l o l P L s d o g o rS l r i o u : g o \ i i r o ,o b J 4 i u : 0 , , d s r i '
r 'eLly oo".r " I or n,-. o' l!j .', . LA!A-!AAZoO, -\oq 'Vor!
ColLral Libos (Oraftl -RlDidd
l r i s l l v l u r l r cI d e r ,n b u n } t . C n . R . o n t r . , u i v ' s i o ! ) r r o s i o g , 1 , 6 5 0f . o i € 0 s ! o t p r s . o l i o r s l s l i o ! : l o l
a'op boards tae€ I@! tootsd Elst trnd Wost of.Mlch:sor . ! t o r r o c k o d : b o d o r a i ! : q o c o r o € i tb v t a l e € i v e t r i . & l i r o s i -
.'o.fral E. n. (De.l,rjc) .16!l' g o" EuEt€, co, ldJ. " tion dloqs Grtrtrd Tn;klrajns re j;roce;d,
q !b Chi.sgo- Kq eM2oo & Ssgiuap,s! psyiliotr
PAVIInO1..-Juciior Fiit Kalanazoo arbdilisto!, .r'1.JuE.tio!
Ijost €a8i of Lak6 Slrcelr; loiDl Lmk fto;! Lhis Doill
lo rrolsoccr 3i Miils SirFrr, (6Bt stree! F@r of Bbotrd
VIOESBIIIG,-P€IDa. L:nos ([4irhimtr Dirtsioqr 6rossus: bo0s6,, xoal ir,,bs ro b6 rin€r co!lrol Eh6!,ppfo!.hi!!
giJf,-;: aDdLr;o.sitorrs.€r6h,oar
' op"-.: ard pmsir! o_vcrjoi0r rm6k. o:ptrlilg !o jrd iiio us6 b;
"111,fl::'-' -Uicbig.n r'6ornt rMsr Liro) sost o! p.rlergs, !i.ijo!,
aqEOOLCBA!T,-N6F Yor! Coltnt Lir6 (erslit &liild
Dirisior) crcssirs; Inrdlocilc.l: no denils_ .tu$j13j Intc!lork€,1.
JuDcntor Eitl Ponmy'v.nis r. E (Idiohkstr Diyjdion).
oAagolotr.Is,., Uirlrgsn Confral /A ir Li 06 .oisj.tor) ctoss

i!trISEATArr.4".- Jubatio! rith Nee lort OoDihl Lt!., WARNIIIG

( rdr€n uvsroDr,
^ Imploye8 nil, Dot rldo o! top of c6ft Fh6! passtlg trlito!
OUTVEEa. -N, y. C. Or@sijs; dot ibrorto.kod: !o dsrits.
g o v o r 0 e dt y . o l o r l i g h t r i g @ l s j o . a t o J : ! s t s o u t ho t O . T , n . EngiromoDr Trainnon snd YelitDo
tra.ks trdq. djanon,l clo8sirg, srb w.m6d !o! to rid6
ob lo? or €'d€ oI orCib.s o. atu p' liog t"brctrA! alj itrlo€t,
Jurtion sith Toillsbu }Jonhom, jusr 6art ot tMdElta subsay or u'i€r ary o\€rboad bnds6 or Etorc 1t js kr()M
JuD.ltotr toftr. IadDg poia! io orstwsrit mrh rre"r rotr such s!ru'ruro rill Dot rloar a m0tr oli toD o.t €r: lboe ar. also
warrod oot ro doo oD rld0 ol eDgiDoo! 6. !as6i;g hieh rrirrh
8tatrd3, qot6i .oruoa8i Brrt, ctnts o! otb6r ob.rtu.i,ioe
OI,MRS (9 htl$ w*t of),- k8oh,i,o to dosor lbnr 0 !€L !o loare! Bil, !!it Fhor.F
, N6w Jor.€t Indiars & Iilitroid crossiryi Iat€rlocLod. prBclibg or pnasitrg oed dr lhmagt !t@ bndgd
STItitrWtIiIr. -lr. Y, O. e AL.L. R" fi. ,Ln,fia@poiis Dl{i,io,) on doubl. lrack a llaqm6n sent oqt in .dvanc. fru.r
ctosibs; Irtdlo.kod, not b. r.oall€d but Fick6d up.


All Train service Ernployees will provide them&lvee with copy of "New Form 8914, Ingtrucliors
to All Train Service Enoployees Relative to Operation anil Care of Train Equipment'"

csrefol rrr.b mosl b€ kopr st sll tinet for approarti!g

PORT EI'BON divorled trdD.. Wb6tr trset o! t siDsl€ tra.'<, traios oay le
eilecloil fion oitler ilitetiori
l. Port Etrrotr Ysrd U.nl0!.re dedD6d38 rororirg all tdcl'
vilhib tho T€rniral sDd ddiqtat€d ht Yrrd liDil bo*til! lo Rnle 22 is an€td€il aB foUows:-
.r;€it 6100 fe6t wcs! o{ TardD on 1[; Flirr Sobdrvilio! aDit
8330 fe€i \{esl of Tappstr o; tbo lltL q6D6!. 8!bdiel8io!. W b e u l w o o . m o r o e q q i o F sa r o r o u p l e d t b d , l i s p l o J i n !
risoas tor a followitrg 36;tiotr, e..h ptraine viu disPl.y th€
2. All obDloe.ot ir chrteo ot €!si!.. dil tdiB willi! lti.
teritoF nu'bo cov€m€d bv Bld s. d.6!€d ir Book of
OpoEtiiB Bxt€s co-veritrgih6 operation ol tlrds
Rul6 403 ir nodin€il a. follows:-
3. A1l tBiB .lil €nsir€s nu.i ie lld€r coa!.ol aploaclilg
32LlS!r€ol {OId Yard dtree) alil sitchd le.riing to pa$6rgrr E$iwrril tniN bsr Durl uo clmr ol siDsle tra.t al Vsl'
trscts, Pori Euro! (2{rb Str€6t) sld b6 govedeil bv .igrrl. p a r a i s oa
, nd F"slward t;aios ;at lou up c'iar o{ ioint t€'k
from ;vitcbt€trdor locatod 3l ttfto loitrt8. ;t olivdB rbetr tbe sto! sicnal i3 dis!,lated.
a, Tmio! srd .trqia€. ousl rodoco 3po6d to t€! Dile! p.r
hotr. Fh6! noeirc q€ttwsril oeo! Tr!ft Sheot atrd o! ua!i_ &tr16620 L noilided a. folois:-
ward Eo!€D.trt,;!sitr€s vitb ot wilhoui.sE musLStOl trot
nor6 t!3tr 6lty roil€ss tba! lbirtt loei ttoo .rosiog trtri lo case oJ siEbal fsilure st Flinl B"lt Crossitrg,"obdu'tor 'r
iher novemoli oe€r crcssiis prot€ct€d hJ a h€mter ol tb' o @ i @ F a n o G [ . o m m u t r i " a l e r i t b l o w o r m s t ro v € t t c l P l b o t r o
;r6d. Itoeenents ov€t Pitre.(t;ove AePnua\Sfo.o Attc€t aod L o c i i € di ! b o o ! b t r p i r d i e n o b d . A f l c r r e . o i v i D s i n J o r . i a t i o t r
i""il e"oue (olil mtin li!e, I'i. Gmtiot) also GB'd niv€r flom towonan that interlocking !]strt is liled lor i!sn, t.ain
Ay6Ne, mnst b; protoetoil by . menber oi tho crev. nat proce6il.
5. TEck bstw€e! cotrb€ctio! wilb P€ro Marqu€tt. Railwav Alais brousht fo a sroD}etitrd s precedins Lrrin nust erre
sou[h ot Courr Btreet(court Al.oet vsrilj ald Tboma! Atrkt t€sdli!ht, dib"Dpd utr'il lruin ah€ad is itr mot'oD, ttainmen
i ioini truck rs bols6it rbe Per€ Marqudttoatrd oraDd Tru& sal€ly-or cstoose alil sigrsls layo b€o! oxehaug€d.
R;tsar! 3trd riu h6 rcslect€d t. yatd tEck.
TBils roritrs lbrougb Jerd linirs oh otl€r l,bsDth€i'
6, Trairs aod €lgitros bust bo utrd.t roltrol tb€tr 'lnroa'h' rBsi!tred tra.L frU bo lotors"d be rnt,reD in'lru"Liob3 over
in' ioitrt tmek ffiacb rt fool of Thob$ gtre€l oE nov€nents l h o ; i s l a t D r c o l t b e t 4 a d m s d € r ,i b o w i l l b € h o l d r € l p o s i t l e
r,o_girl r.on ft, O*tiot Notral positio! ot i,hi. swil't i. for for [h; s.foty,of surh Doves. EngiromPn ]r.ndli0g 3u'h l,rrinF
Poro Malq!.ito hor€nert.
'?. A talc€t i. lortted abour 300I€et eall ol Militart Str.st Otr Doub16 T r a c t , y r r d e o g i b e q' u u i t r g a g a i D r tt l o c L i j " b r
fof lbo eoilmeot of P.ro Marq!€Cte s.d qratrd TRrk trnjn ol ttuF. sill proti-it sr'\-roves rgninst otl.r tmits a0J
o e € r d i a ; o t r d . r o 6 s i o ga t t h i s p o i n t
" " a " . c f t " . "orralel
Tsrcor-is *.*1" to Gyatr TTnk track. aB "Proceed'- :
: .ro-ssor al riqhl atrglcBto Orald f trt tradr. qs "8iotr
R t r l €4 ! a n d s a . o t r Lpl 3 r a s r r p b R u l p 4 3 , B o o k o I O p o ' 0 l i d g
Itul€. Fill bo etroctivo;tr Ea)rDszoo ArbdiYi.io!
N o c a r o r d s a d € D A i r oD t r s l ,b J t l a c e d o o o r r o u l s r i d i o ;
Fithotrt proieclior oipermissio! of Aop€rirteDitoot or Trai!_

GXI[EBAL Ar, all public hightry clossiner pror€ctld bJ dast ljg[t

sislsls it'wbi.h a iev€*€ ssit.h novebeDt is beiog mad.. e
manh€r ol l!€ lBitr ereF musl id €!.rv ilslEnco pro4ed0 th€
Or botb sidss oI all oeerhcad bnds€s otr fbis dickior tbsl rnovonent and dag tle doiting.
sill n.t.lear r m! oo too of a bor aat, tou tti€s or EetuiDg
sifDols, coBisl,ils or piPios of 10l'6 s6p"ld€d froD . wire Tlo followitrg codo oI sigral. lo bo used i! conn€otiotrwit[
h;v€ b;d loc.feA: thd id€a b€irllo tat€ tbe 'op€s stril€ a
msn w[oss iluty rdquir€s hiE ro b.-oo! toP of aaB i! 3o6ridt
lino to 6trsbls"him to 6it dom o! car b;for. conitrg to 8trd
w[i]€ Dsssios ulder tbo ove_!€sil bndgc, tbot€bt avoid'og tOT JOITRNAIS.-By dti: gold loB€ sitb tuEt 6Dger aD
idury by loaBotr ol 3FiLitrg lto bridgo. lhumb of rishi brDd atrd DointJom tonard tm.L eiil lert
ba!d. By ;ig!i: SEilg hDp iD sDall ePrti.rl rit-clo, laaP
Sone 1tsim6! bave iieil to!o. togetler &tl tlrov! tl6n to bs h6li itr iahd by tte surrd wilss arouDd rbs glotc.
trD oror Fir€s so t[rt lho ropo nonld rlcar a Da! otr to! of a ghi. gtol' 3ig_
.;r, t!€r€br 6rl'osiDs otb6! ;d?loy6s to im@tr6Dt-darser. ID oolllitcrlolt DRAGcttl{o.-Bt ilay or
lulur" oDploy€€3g!ill,t of r€oovirg or i! t€ nl,io!3lll d Ep ra''
inc ih6i6 mDs- €lceDl to roDatr or rotr€o srDq vur D€ o-s'
niss€d frob tb; s€tvic€ or ttir coDl'!trr' coldu.loh will bo oA!, DOOIi SSI1\IGINe OB A3ottE TO lAtL OtF.-
rpDo4 su.! .0sei bi Fi16, sko lotiJt tte
slDected 1o oroDotlr'Tqiotast.r By day: Raise ard los€r nsbt hatrd fuil lPDgl,! ol todt
su;sdDt€ld;lt or be wiro wb€te teu |3l€' or t6*ly. By dgbt: Armo ligDi virb hald laDP. In .ilditiot
@iDilg siglals are Fquir€d. or shsre lhoy aro Dot i! ?toPP!
IEAEE lltottNg-By alayr SLoYo balit in sliiling
Tle r@ltnoizoit so of notor cars, v6locileits, batrd anil noyemed oti fDm hodt By lrgtt: Samo 3ignal to to ev6!
pEL caB i! forbiitiler.

Whoa oD.atBil wlorc i!6ro is mor6 tla! o& din ttaek AIiL CliEA.R. Bt .lay: Esis" hald 4trd lold it utat'ourt.
inodd b6-m; in t!6 ili!6ctror of ttstEe: .t tls 8.no tlo6 a Ay !is!t: Quick, ebsrp "All Bignt" !ig!d.


(Fltlt suliuvtlio!-lastom aisntiald rb6)
(Solth Bend tuldtvido!-Oertlll Aladdad rb6,
'Irair O.der
Oiico! (f) a& op6r p4 honh ilaily, €rcolt- - - 8 30 a. n. ro 5.30 o. n. dailr orc€p! SurdaJ
qoode]ls........-..,...., 9 .1*-
?,.!5.. n. ro 4..15p. n, il ty elcopt Surday 5 . u ua . n . t o 5 . 0 0I m . d a i r , e ! , e p r s D l d a ,
DntDett ...............-. 8.30 a. n. io 5.s0 i. n. darli orcoir Enndsi b ai s, m. to 3.d5 p. m. uail, olcepr gu!d!, '
cape-.-,................ 8.00 a. m. io 5.00i,. E. daiti €r.eir sundai S . o l l s . . . . . . . . . . .7. . 0 0e . r , t o 7 . O O ; ,m , d a i t ,
Lnlar Ciif,-.''-., Dxilr ef,Lqt lD@- rron
s.hoor.!ari...... oop o s*d'v "*ept
{,00 p. D, 6Lod.y lo 8.00 u. D, [40!oat
D s e i . o n . . , . , , , , . . . .?. .,.0. 0 a . m , t o , . O l p . m . d r i y o r " o p r S i a r a y
M a r c 1 1 u s . , , . . .S. ...l.r.r.. - . r o S . + S . , a * i t ; Su!dny
a. rn, io 7.00;, m. dail; Elwsdsburs..... 7.00a. n. to 3.ooi,. o. daii, "or.i,r " " € p rSuod,i
aqariz oro6t,. .., 0 30 a. d. to 3.30 ;. m, dail'y eroeot Suroov
B a F r o l . . . . . . . . . . . .7. . 4 5r . u . r o r . 1 5 ; r . r . o ' i r i o ( " i r s L 1 , i a ; u - r o r e o k . . . . . . .1. . 0 0 : .m . , o a . o op . D . d s i t t d c € i i s u t r d s ;
l t o i r : € . . . . . . . . . . . . .3. . n
. .0.a . n . t o 3 . 0 0; . f , i r i t ; o r . e i , LI r 0 o a i
from 8.00 a, n. to nidlisli
.f""?"",i",f,ii; il,,g;
-ork C16D...,....,,.., it ii i33II il,l;;J::;13:#"t
PeEy,.-,.,.,............. 7.45 a. d, to 4.45 !. L ittriliercert Srndaa 8,001. m. .o 6.00p. m,
'IIrr0y................ dsily S""d";
[as]cri,.,...,,,,.,,..,... ","oi,r
?,30 a. m, to 4.30 i,, m. dailr €r€eii Sudai
Millett.-...............?.30 !. n. to a.30 ir. n. ilail' ercoi,i sudoi 'Ee€rsler.e,Ik s . 0 0: . . . ! o 5 . o op . D . , l s i t l ," , " o p r s u o a o i .
6.00s. a. io :t.00n. b. daitj, **bt s""d,i
PorteN le.-...-...... e.00 r. h. ro 6.00 i. n. daili.6xo6i,r s!!ds' iNo truia ord6r siomr-


l . l t r a s d i s r ' r s : ! p r o e i d i r s D € d i c ! t 1 6 l i e t! o r o o r o n s i n
j . r € d , , h o C o t r n . n r i , s s i D v r ' 6 q h u m a 0L f i i r b . o ; s i u e r o t i o n _ 4 . W l € ' e r h 6 i o j u r i s sa l e o f s l c b c [ r r a . t 6 r s ! ! o . o q d r o b o s .
prrar ksrtDo0t, this sboltd bo snatrs€d to! br tbo fii€trrl. or
lnil d$ir6 for fhe goleral welfare of tlo leNice, blt ary ibe MudciDd antrorftiei
suoh .ction is not to be roAerdedaB o rdnission o; eyidorc; s..Wn*"
.f li^hilifw , o | i t i $ , i ' r s i m: ol o s s i b l ot o r 6 r a b f n e l d ! o r [ r u r i . i p a l A u .
r, D sucb as c a s e so . c u ? n s : o t h o o i s h ! o r ; r u r a t
9. I! lerforufto of tlis hunr iadtrr iluty i! casesof in- disLrid 8.,tlo f'hicl TmislorLario! OGcer oo dtrii ba, aratrg€
. : u r t r o p 6 , s o Do 6 l h F r r L sD p a 8 s o r A o rosr p d ! . o t p e s w 0 i j s ! p o t r p€rson Lo bs l1kctr bJ traib to r!6 DeatpsrF€!.
l,bo r ' 0 ' p s D t B I r r p d s e s ,J b oa s s i q t a n . FiB io !"'irtrircd ro rpr- e r u l b o s p i h l T d s , b . r s p s s t l . o n . c r o 6 d ,i r c l u d i t r El b e E o ! .
.]€iic t6t aid oolt. FisLa'tl Dpaa duc! D€dlc8t ard sErci4rl t r l , l A u t l o l i ' : " E , E/ ob ro u t db € s , i e t 6 d o r i h s i i ( u r s l a " t r c o s u n d s r
serlcos a3 are khom to reuevo tho iro€iu4t€ il&lger o! 3oI- q _ h i r la p p l i c a t i o ! r d D t s s : o t irs b e i o Bh . d . , a t r d! s r t i . u l a f t
fedle oI the irj{red !eso:! dd to Ea,ko it !af6 @d confor- of tlis slould 0pledr oD the @snslty relorf.
'atJle fo!sdc!
lo_so!'o be roDovod lrou t!€ Codpaby s prco- 6, !hs itrstnc!io@ of rbs TraDslortrrio! Otr.6r should b6
i q s . U 0 l r r o o , i r . J 1 . q a 0 , 6 6d h o L . di t m e a 0 ' b o o e r f o r d a r . e grven io Fri(jog. or br iplpgrrlrb iI lo.esssry, so rbaf a .oDj
s rg:.a
"ars s p ' l i o s f orpa0l L r a - r o d so r € t l b o r a ! 6 s u r g r a ' d r p l r s ' 0 g ss, u " h ost,rconlalt l b p m e d i . 0 la a a o u n t !l o r f n t { i d o r s u . h o r b € : !
r o s , p r a , T b € f D - ! b e ! o i s D o , a lo f L h o i r . mcdi"al bni'es as r.ay b€ authodzed. for rhe iDtorm*iior oI
. u r c . j ! "' fEboi !q m 6 r n s t F i t h t t 6 T i o r s p o / ; d o D O 6 . € i u b of ou qli€f Surgoon ard Gonoral Oaims Ag€nL
n 'it. odjcer is hsLDlh rte t-oi6I D:soairbsr of rho
nictrict 7, EmplotmB of iho CoDpsDy, Fhorho! autboizpd to do !o
or bol, sboD ca-liogfor tb€ eorv,c€E of a phy.icia!. shoulil
3 . 1 ' l o e o p o J p o so l r b 6 _ C o m p , t riym r c d i s t € l J b r D o i D g r h o notif) Brid p!ysi":!D .lal lbe.al is for 6nr.iiit on]i, whi.b
er€IfeEorlIo106 e i u b o Li b c l L J os " n i , " s r 6 t r J 6 r o d
s u b s € q u e Dt ot { h 6 d & l d F s .
is given in cl,argo ol ftiord! or tho Mulicilal Air$onii$- ins or 1lo Comprny'i Femisos @ {.li.Ce!r tterero.

D& B. W. SIOCEWELT,, Chi€f Srrlgeon,301 Stroh sr ruls, Detroit

OIic.9o..,,.............-........Dr. a. J. Kester, Distdct Surgoon Vt!3burs,,....................D". J. P. Cild dc, Lo.st Su!bon

7s2 Sont! Stlt€ Sireet tralaDroo,,...,,,........ nosB0.A,li;s,Disrricigurgpotr
(.tiaar,,................... . Jora fiob€'!, L;cal Surgdor
Chi0a9o,,,,,,,,..,,...,,.,..,,....Di Joln A. Aai6, Local Snlgeon
732 Sontl gtai6 Ailoet Bsltl€ O_ret........... .... A. E. Ma.cre€or, Dislrlct AurgcoD
Cb .ago ..,,,,,....,,,,........... D'. B. D, K€arn€y, Lo.rl AurscuD
B&tro Creok.,,,..,.,......... " g. B, Winslow, Locst gu!g!o!
Aaftb Cre6L..,..----..- ', R. D. Sleignt, Oculist
i 3152 \{, 63ra Sheer
c b i r a g o . . . . . , . . . , . . . . . , , . . . ,E
. . t. zDer d, rL a M o t I € , O . ! t , s L BBIUo r'reo!............,.... WiUrod Hausboy, Oculist
3l Notth Stato Streot c b 3 - o l t € . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .,.' . .V
. .. J . B i . k o r d , L o c a l S u r g € o D
LansinC....,,.......,.,..,,,,.,.. , , J. E Mcltrtyr€, Distri.i
Bh€_tulanil..'-.,,....,...,,,Dinart J. W- ?loryer, Loosr Sulg.or SugeoD
Du.aniI.....................,,,..., , . 9icto! !. Lilil€!, Local
2413Bnn Oah Ave. Aurg;or
IIaney..,.,,,,..,,,.,....,-....-..,, {l:"|-------,--,. c. E. o,Nqir,DisrdcrBuryeoa
8. X, I\aser, Iristrict Sursoon
.{ Ir, A, Malnsrono, Districr Sugeor
. . . -s.E.iatrds!, Dts' ri.r suie?o!
L 1,i ............................
D n , B m s i 6 , L o e a tS d r q o o l
V41prratuo..................... .! e, E. Storerr trooal Sugcon _ _____ . Esdy z€mmon Lo.st s"urseon - F
!"r*,,,,'- ,{ Carl O. Jack!o[, toc!1Su€sr
Souur Bond.....-...........,. r. Tlon.s A, Oheyr Disrdct Surseor Imlrt City.,,............,....,
MbhiFaka.,;.....,...-.....-., W. N. Duvar!,ocal SDseon Oq,ac.--..--..............-.{, J, I|. Walt4Iacst guseo!
Pod Euon,,,,........-...... .i T. E. Coop€r,DiBrdcr Au.gso!
O$Bo!olb.......-...,--........ ,. n. II. zverg€1, !ocat Sulgeox (, D.
qdo------.. w Pafte4o!, local surgoo!
ScloolcDff.,---.......--' 'i M, N, lolrtrwortl, Disrrici Augcon loif
P o r f E u o n . . . . . . . .... . . RobF.lO , , F r a s o ! ,O r u l k !

ir.T-E{oIs, In accordrnoo witl tho Illinois qonnerco cob_ conrt day nah€ a furtld ..!t€!c. tb.t i! aofanli ol tlo
nissior oriler No. 123,tho lolloFing r!l€! slall ie obseF€il: !,synort ol s!c! fno and costd vitli! 3 timo no bo fled
by src! con , i!€ poro! !o convicioil slaD le imllilored
in the couty jeil or citt lri8or tnt'rl 3uch fD. 3nd oo!t3
bo paid, fo! a tor rot orc€oililg Bi:ty (L8td.

rulll:I.-Sneines hBt loi bo tsckd or .ds pEh6it oYet

(s) Eneir€s Dust lot bo lackeil nor c*6 pNled ove! $ail€ clo$ings withir eitt limih erc6pt viUt 3 n6B!€r ol
t[e Eew o! r€ar ol t€!.1d or foreDo3t ctr to lltg tll ctoss_
eDd€ c?osEirg in B{itcling noYdn€rts Fiini! ndioipoli_
' ing! orcept those plot@toil by dagmD o! otn.! 5igna13.
ties lrl€ss . nenbor of iLe crew oleraiilg mcl eDgia€ or
tDin either ides l.r,e &!ile. or foronost ca! ir losition to
WnidlUtrg wiilin city limiis is plolibifta slc€pt wle!
obsefle I danger Btra to lssisl in stolling t!.it, il &ces_
nsce$ft to avoiit a! acoid€nt
satt o! a0t!aIr'dsg! tl6 dosting iI dossitrg is trnprotecton
I'Iyirg switches or kichiq caB oyer ro&d oroBtilg! witnitr
city linits id lronibiteil.
BT,II! IaLAlrD. WhisUirg wiihin ilo lidiis of tho Cilv ol
BlDe lsla{d, exdept that vnic! nay be nec€ls.rv to ltevont Engires or eaB hust roi bs l€ft blockiDg .!y 3tr€et or
injuiy to lesons; dansgo to lrope.ty or Equil€d nv rawr withitr s diltrnco of l€ss tha! t@ f€et fron inq iinit8 o!
l^s b€e! polilited by oriliranco. Crty linits ol }1!€ IslaDd anX stftot !o! a pelioil oJ ov€r tYo mimteB.
extend fion 139th Strset (alolt o!€ lau milo east ol Rock
Israld briilge) to 127t! Stre€t (ntst dossilg easl of lick cl6€ts m!!i !e loeLed wlile vitlir tlo city
Jard). violaiiols ol tlis ordimlce sro lnniBbablc bv
ol not less thar $r0 rot non tbat $200.
Ttr€ penslty for violsting aay oI tlo .boY€ oditula itr
i'l;tri id not to €rcooil a dDo of one nulitr€il dolla*, or noi to
SOUTE 3ElID.-WilhiD tho oily linits, ox.6!t whero tbo&
cr,oed o aslt datq iD jail or both al,tb€ did$oti;n of rh"
i. gr.do s€parxtion, all etgind vith of witlio{t cas, tlo
-eniino bel frult lo telt lirging ?orsons violltirg ordi_
nanco snbjeci to nno noi ei€eeding $100.00
PoBr SIIBON.-II aecord.ac€ wirh Port Enro! Cnty Oili
BAtrL! CBEEt.-Wiuril ino €ity linit. the engitro wbiltle nance, tho folloving will t€ obs.rr€tl: No €mlloye. wiu
Dust rot ne sourilod for the pnrp6e of siglolirg' to Dtk€ canse, o. auov tns stoam whistlo ol any .lgino to te
' up tninti or in any oih€! cases t!&r tloEo whr'rr th€ ltffi louded wihlin th€ City linits' nnl$s r6quir€d t'y !aw, or to.
of Micligra prffdito tld d€sigleie as reqli.ing ibe u6 lroy€rl .c€id€rt. Tlo lenaltt fo! violatilg is a 3r. Doi to
ol sncl whisll€. Pe4or viotttidg orili@lc6 .lbject to a erceeil 0!6 Ltrnil&il dorl.rs, or troi to o&€oil tlrse monll
nno not exceeding $50.00aail cost of Pos€€liion, tlil tl6

-{! organizstion oI Yaril nnlloJ.cs lEs b€en ilaugu&t€d Iarilmasies, Assistant Yddnasters, 1t.h Dislaton6r.,
at ench t€milal for th6 enilglislilg of nres, udng va Ley€rner anit Switch Tende$ nBt s@ urai ail 6ne1rc3 alo
engt!€s eqnilled with dle €:tiqrisling alpa.atns. lrool'Uy rctieyed of tle work ia which eagag€il eril giYen the
riglt.of-wry ov€! sU mndtrg tDcts anil sFitc!€s in o.il6 tJst
G€rorll .larD for cruing eagiaes or oihet assistancowill thoy Day r€lotr th6 nro wit! tle le$! lo$iblo itelay
coDsisi of 4 sndceBsionof slon l1€sts on tL€ whisUe, to b€
folloved br a rudler o! vljsUas sloving locatio! of frei AI yail €mdoX€eB arc reqnn6il toJoniliaiiz€ i!€m3elY€6 *itL
ure alarn &om s*itchers to be rePeateilDtil op€ntor rs slre tn€ working of trre sllsrtus,code of nte sig@l.,limifs o: €acl
s.h€ n&s beet trole.lY head, district, anil to lnite lor tle prot€etio! of eonlary pro9erty

nngir€nen alil tBinn€t, !!on ar alarn of nro, vill ai onco Tno air€aiion o! nro o!€ralio6 will b€ i! cLargo of co!_
prelar€ tir cut 1oo6eflon trair on thicl tlev are workirg' ndt ducto! of 6sr ls ng AE spparaift; .t nr€ vhero eitler tI.
cleadng the Daitr m.l la,ld€r tracks strd dossover switches Sulewilor ol I'ir6 Proieetion o! Chi€f of I'ie Brigade is lreF
ard lloceed lronlily to poini oJ nre. ed, nro ol)gaiiob will bo lnil€r tieir g€!4al ilir€ctior.
Miles Mlles

0 mnr. 36 sec. 100.00 1 rnin. 30 see. 40.00 2 mitr. 24 see. 25.00 | 3 nxin. 18 sec. 18.18
9?.30 1 " 3 1" 24.83 3 ,, 19.. 18.09
0 " 3 8 " 94.74 1 " 3 2 " 18.00
0 , , 3 9 . , 92.31 2 1 . 4 9n 3 " 27', 1?.91
0 " 4 0 " 90.00 1'. 31" 38.30 2.. z8 ., 17.82
8?.80 7 " 3 5 " 37.892" 29" 24.16|B " 23 " 17.73
0 " 4 2 " 85.71 1 ', 36 ,. 37.50 : :0 .,
0 " 4 3 " 83.72 1 " 3 7 " 37.71 )12 " s\ " 23.84 | 3 '. 25 ., 17.56
0 " 4 4 " 81.82 r , . 3 8 ' . 36.?3 2 ', 3: ,. 17.48
0 " 4 5 " E0.00 1 ' , 3 9 . , 86.36 : ,, 33 ,, 1?.39
0 " 4 6 " 78.26 1 ,, 40 ,, t6.00 2 ', 34., 23.38 l3 ,' 28 ,, 17.31
0 "
4 7" 76.60 1 ,, 41 ,, 35.64 lt 2 ,' 35 ,, 77.22
0 48 " ?5.00 7 " 1 2 " 35.29 ll 2 '. 36 ,, 17.14
73.47 1 " 4 8 " 31.9512 " 37 " 17.06
?2.00 7,, 41,, 3r.622" 38" 16.98
0 " 5 1" 70.59 r " 4 5 " 34.29 2" 39.' 16.90
0 " 5 2 " 69.23 1 " 4 6 " 33.C62" 40', 22.50I ; ,, 3+ ., 16.82
o " 5 3 " 67.92 33.6+ : '. 41 ., 16.74
0 " 5 4 " 66.67 1 " 4 8 " 33.33 2 ', 4: ,, 2 2 . 2 2t 3 ' , 36 .' 16.67
0 , , 5 5 , , 65.45 7 " 1 9" 33.03 29.08 ll 3 " 37 ,, 16_59
0 ' , 5 6 ' , 64.29 1 " 5 0 . , 22.732" tt.' 21.95 3 .. 33 ,, 16.51
0 " 5 7 , , 68.16 1 . . 5 1 . , 32.13!" 15' 21.82 16.44
0 " 5 8 " 62.07 I " 52 ', 32.74 : ., 46 .' 2 1 . 6 9l 3 ,, 41,i', 16.36
0 , , 5 9 . , 61.02 1 " 5 , 3" 31.86 2" 17 " : 1 . 5 Cl r " 41 " 16.29
1 " 0 " 60.00 31.58l: ., 48 ., 2 1 . 4 3| 3 " 42" 16.22
1 " t " 59.02 1 . , 5 5 , , 8 1 . 3 0r " 4t.. 1 1 . 3 0t 3 " 4:l ,' 16.14
1 , . 58.06 1 " 56 .' 31.03 il 2 " 50 ,. 2 1 . 7 8| 3 " 44 " 16.07
I " 57.74 1 ." 57 " 30,7t- 112 " s\ " 2 1 . A 5) 3 " 45 " 16.00
56.25 1 ' , 5 8 , , 80.51 ll 2 " 52 " 2 0 . c 3l 3 " 40., 15.93
1 " 5 ., 55.38 1 ' , 5 9 . , 30.25 ll : " 53 .' 2 0 . 8 1| 3 " 47 ' 15.86
1 " 6 .' 54.55 2 " 0 , , 75.19
53.73 29.15 ll 2 " 5s ,' 75.72
I " 52.94 29.51 ll 2 " 56 " 15.65
1 " 9 " 52.17 !9.27 ll 2 " 51 '. 1 0 . 3 4t 3 ,, 51 ', 15.58
I " 1 0 ' r 51.43 20.:: l3 , 52 ., 75.52
I " 11 'r 50.?0 28.80 ll r " 59 " 2 0 . 1 1l 3 " 53 ', 15.45
12,. 50.00 2 " 6 ,' 2857 ll 3 " o " 15.38
I 13 ,, 49.31 2 , , 7 , , 15.32
,, 14 ', .,
1 48.65 2 " 1 9 . 7 8l i 56 ,.
1 " 15 .l 48.00 2 " 9 ,, 1 5 . 6 1| 3 ". . 57 " 15.19
1 16,, 47.87 2 " 1 0 " 1 9 . 5 7l 3 58 ,' 15.13
7 " 7 7" 2 " 1 7 " 1 9 . 4 6t 3 .. 59 .,
., 15.06
1 1.8 ,, 2 " 1 2 " 2 7 . 2 7) ) 3 " 6 .. 1 9 . 3 5l 4
1 , , \ 9 . , 45.57 27.07 ll 3 " 7 " 19.25 ) 4 .'" o,,
77 "
r7 " 20 " 15.00 26.87 ll 3 " 8 ,, 1 9 . 1 5| 4
" 36 " 13.00
41.44 2 " 7 5 " 2 6 . 6 71 3 " 9'. 19.05 ll 5" 0 " 12.00
43.90 2 " 7 6 " 2 6 . 4 73 " 10., 11.00
43.37 18.85 I 6 .. 10.00
1 " 2 4 " 42.86 26.09 ll 3 " 12 18.75 | 6 ., 40 ,,
" 9.00
42.35 25.90 ll 3 "-' 13 .. 1 8 . 6 5l 7 " 30 " 8.00
1 " 2 6 , ' 41.86 25.71 3 11 ', 18.56 ll 8 .. 34 ., 7.00
41.38 z " 2 1" 25.58 6.00
' 16 ., 18.37 112 ,,
40.91 25.35 3 0 ,, 5.00.
40.45 25.77 )) 3 " 77 " 18.27

' t h"qn



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