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India Home Health Care Services

This is an agency located in two cities Chennai and Bangalore

Following are the salient features of the services they provide
1. They currently provide services in two cities Chennai
and Bangalore .
Contact nos Chennai !"" "#$%""$&
Bangalore !'!"1(1"1!!
). They don*t run a healthcare home for old age persons .
#. They only provide nurses for home service . These nurses
may +e male or female depending on the gender of the
patient .
". ,urses provided are in two categories
-egistered nurse
.ssociate nurse
$. -egistered nurses are e/perienced +etween # ' years .
They loo0 after the patient*s hygiene 1 sleep 1 cleaning and
food giving . They are trained to give I2- in3ections on
doctor*s orders .
&. .ssociate nurses are usually freshers having e/perience
of 1) years . They too loo0 after patients hygiene 1food
and cleaning . They can give medicine only orally on
doctors orders .
IHHCS provides nurses in three time durations
1! hrs from ' 4% am till & 4( pm
1) hrs from ' am ' pm
)" hrs from 'am till 'pm 1 two nurses alternately .
,urses cater only to the patient and perform no household
duties . They are lia+le for mandatory leaves .
C5ST ST-6CT6-7
For a 1! hr daily service 1 cost is -s %$! per day
For a 1) hr daily service 1 cost is -s 11!! per day
For a )" hr daily service 1 cost is -s 1%$! per day
,o documents needed to avail the service . Healthcare e/perts
also visit patient to chec0 . ,o further costs are levied .
H7.8THC.-7 .T H597
Following are the services provided
1. They provided medical attendant services .
). They are +ased in ,oida and cover areas :elhi1 ,C- 1
;aipur and Chandigarh .
Contact no. 1'!!1!)"))" <toll free=
#. They provide medical nurse male or female 1 depending
on gender of patient .
". They provide e/perienced nurses .
$. They also provide IC6 unit setup at home
&. Healthcare at Home are a+le to provide hospital setup at
home .
C5ST ST-6CT6-7
For a ' hr daily service 1 cost is -s 1!!! per day
For a 1) hr daily service 1 cost is -s 1$!! per day
For a )" hr daily service 1 cost is -s #!!! per day
In case of IC6 S7T6> 1
:aily cost for a nurse is -s "$!! per day plus e?uipment cost .
9edical attendant is fully trained to handle emergencies and can
provide first aid to patients .

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