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Project Idea Template

Full title of the project idea Efficiency of public investment in professional
trainer for young people and unemployed
Acronym PIYPU
Lead institution(s) Universit Politecnica delle Marche
Total Grant request (k) 1700k
Total Project value (k) 2200k
Expected duration (months) 12
Contact person: name and email address Andrea Malatesta/ malamorro@hotmail.it

IMPORTANT: Please remove the italicized instructions in the document. The max. page number is 7!

The idea that inspired this project is to understand if public investment in training gives people
searching for a job, better opportunities to find it. Its a responsibility of the states, help people
unemployed to find a job. So the states invest a lot of money in active labor market policies,
including training programs. They might help unemployed workers to improve their skills, and
become more attractive for the labor world. A lot of economists ,however, are not very optimistic
about the benefits of many of these programs. If in some cases they induces a better match
between a worker and a job, in other cases they are not efficient and lastly a waste of resources.
Especially in some European states, where this kind of programs were introduced later, the
efficiency of training program appears very low. The purpose of the project is to evaluate the
impact of those policies in some European states and make a comparison between the various
programs. The most efficient will taken as the benchmark. With this study we will be able to say
what are the strengths and the weaknesses of a training program, for make the future programs
more efficient and give to young people and unemployed worker better opportunities to find a new
job. The action should help to set-up a cooperation mechanism between the various European
agencies to tackle the risk of social exclusion of vulnerable group, as the call wanted.
Descrivere gli obiettivi specifici del progetto, che dovrebbe essere chiaro, misurabili, realistici e
realizzabili entro la durata del progetto. Gli obiettivi devono essere coerenti con lo sfruttamento
atteso e l'impatto del progetto.
Descrivere e spiegare il concetto generale alla base del progetto. Descrivere le idee principali,
modelli o ipotesi coinvolti. Identificare eventuali considerazioni trans-disciplinari; Descrivere il
posizionamento del progetto ad esempio dove si trova nello spettro da 'idea all'applicazione' o da
'laboratorio di mercato'. Descrivere e spiegare il complessivo approccio e metodologia, distintivo,
come appropriato, attivit indicate nella sezione pertinente del programma di lavoro, ad esempio
per ricerca, dimostrazione, pilotaggio, primo mercato replica, ecc.
The project we proposed aims to evaluate the impact of training programs on unemployment
problem. In particular we want to analyze how these programs could help the long term
unemployed and the young people, who are unable to find their first job, that are particularly
sensitive categories.
It is generally acknowledged that the State has, among its responsibilities, to solve the problem of
unemployment. Especially when this problem becomes bigger and bigger, as in the years that
we're experiencing. Scientists identify two types of policies that the state can activate in these

cases: passive labour policies and active ones. The first are essentially monetary benefits for the
unemployed. They consist in unemployment benefits and allowances. However these policies does
not seem to solve the problem. Are certainly helpful in the short run to cushion the hardship of the
unemployed but do not seem to be able to create new opportunities. Since the 90 's, the
academics have focused on active labour policies. they are all interventions that are directly
affecting the labour market by creating new employment or better matching for the workers. Such
policies are far more ambitious than the previous ones, but are also much more difficult. It is much
more likely that there are a waste of resources in the actual application.
One of the main tools in the active labour policies are the training programs. The aim of these
programs is to train young people job seekers and unemployed people, giving them the tools and
the skills they need. Through this training, it should be filled the gap between what employers seek
and what the workers can do. In conclusion, should improve the match between demand and offer
of work by improving the labor market and making it more efficient.
Describe how your project will contribute to: the expected impacts set out in the work programme,
under the relevant topic. Describe any barriers/obstacles, and any framework conditions (such as
regulation and standards), that may determine whether and to what extent the expected impacts
will be achieved.

Please provide a short summary of the outputs and deliverables that you anticipate from the
project. The use of table is suitable.

Please indicate which partners are involved; who the lead(s) is (are); and what the different
partners bring to the project.
Participant n Partner (short name) Partner full name Country

Partner (Institution, contact, mail) Contribution to project (capability, existing projects/products, role)

Please give a very concise account of how the projects timeline and expected key milestones.

Please indicate the amount of required EU funding and co-funding over the life of the project.

Distribution of eligible project costs across partners
staff other direct
subcontract Indirect (25%) total
Partner #1
Partner #2
Partner #3
Partner #...

Distribution of project costs across years
Partner #1
Partner #2
Partner #3
Partner #...

Distribution of project costs across workpackage
Partner #1
Partner #2
Partner #3
Partner #...

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