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Strategy can be defined as game plan that management has for positioning the organization in its
chosen arena competing effectively, pleasing customers and having a good score card. Public
institutions are always formulating and implementing new strategies so as to remain relevant in
this competitive and dynamic world, but there are always various challenges that come up due to
some given forces, which have to be solved in way that is most appropriate
Question: consider strategic challenges facing Kenyan public institution. What are forces at
work and how are firm responding to the challenges.
Technological advancement
Technological changes is the change in the way in which process are carried out for example the
shift from manual to automated process, the proposed online procurement which is set to replace
the existing manual procurement as a way of streamlining and reducing loophole in the
procurement process. The driving force toward this has been the need to move from the tedious
repetitive wasteful manual process to an efficient flexible
The solution to challenges of implementing technological changes is continuous training and
proper preparation of employees so as to accept the changes. Another solution is increased
funding to cater for cost of technological implementation.
It is whereby the organization comes up policies and ways in which it can be able to reach out to
the international market by meeting the required set standards. The driving force has been the
growing need for increasing the market share and improvement of service standards. The
challenges encountered in implementing it is that it has stringent standards and can be expensive
to uphold those standards
The challenges can be dealt by ISO certification to meet international standards and adoption of
total quality management to improve on service offered.
Human resource challenge
The challenges faced from human resource in strategy implementation include resistance to
change by the workforce, inability of the workforce to handle the changes, also HIV and AIDS
which causes a high employee turnover. There has also been issue of non-existent workers in the
public sector who reduces productivity. the driving force behind this are need to reduce wage bill
and for increased flexibility by the employee so as to incorporate changes.
The challenges can be solved through employee involvement in decision making, continued
training and motivating them on need to accept changes. Ghost workers have been handled
through biometric registration of employees
Infrastructural challenges
Public institution in many time are unable to implement some of the strategy due to
infrastructural challenges.

Infrastructural challenges is brought in about by lack of amenities for example in public schools
lack of classrooms electricity or even labs this may hinder it from implementing both long and
short term strategy.
Solution to this is the government to increase funding and the institution or organization to look
for foreign funding through grants or donations
There has been a lot of debate on the matter of devolving some of the public sectors to the
county level or leaving it under the national government, those in favor of devolving insisting
that services offered would improve while those against insisting that county level may not be
able to properly handle or it may be too sensitive. The need to devolve has been brought in by
the need for better service and fair distribution of public resources.
Solution to this is public institution seeking proper interpretation of the constitution to aid in
decision concerning which sector can be devolved and how to do so. The institution also to avoid
involving itself in the politics of national and county level and concentrate on its core agenda
which is to serve Kenyans
Financial constraints
Public institution usually relies on the government to fund its projects which sometimes is not
able to fully meet them, thus leaving the public institution unable to carry on the project. This
therefore poses a strategic challenge as there has to be sufficient funds for full implementation of
strategic projects. Sometime challenges arises from misappropriation of public funds
Solutions to this is for the government to increase funds allocation and look for collaboration in
funding some of flagship projects. Public institution can also avoid financial challenges through
accountability in usage of public fund
Security issues
Kenya in the recent past has been facing constant security threat from militia group which has
led to many public institution heavily investing on security measures which is a deviation from
their core functions and also an additional cost
Public institution can be able to solve this through upgrading their security measures such as
encryption of sensitive information to avoid hacking or being surpassed.
Social corporate responsibilities
Public institution such as a university usually gives back to the community or society through
such thing as employment through this it is able to make the community be proud and feel that it
is their own, but with the emerging issue of outsourcing non-core fuction from third parties bulk
of the employment opportunity to the community is lost thus becoming a challenge.
Solution to this is carrying out projects in the surrounding community that will directly benefit
the community and instill back their faith and pride.

Beaurocracy in decision making
A major challenge faced by public institutions in strategy formulation and implementation is
high degree of beaurocracy where by decision has to follow many unnecessary steps and stages
making decision making both slow and hard,
Solution to this is decentralizing the decision making and streamlining the organization structure
such that there is smooth flow of command and also ensuring that the institutions are managed
by qualified personnel who are quick in decision making
Environmental concern
Public institution has been in constant challenge in formulating strategies to cater for
environmental issues such as waste management and handling surplus and obsolete material. The
forces behind it has been the need to go green so as to address global warming
This can be addressed through implementation of Public procurement and disposal act 2005-
2008 to address waste management, surplus and obsolete material
Poor leadership
Some of the public institution have faced poor leadership due to being headed by
underperforming and unsuitable leaders who may not be able to formulate or implement
strategies that address the current issues facing the institution.
Solution to this is by appointing qualified individual to manage the institution and also
continuously training them to be able to make relevant decision and formulate relevant strategies.
Poor communication
Communication is very important in any organization as it directly impact on performance of the
organization, communication is a challenge in public sector where there is no well set out
channel of communication this would lead to difficulties in implementing strategies.
It is solved by laying down proper channel of communication
Corruption in the public sector has been compare to a cancer and it has led to misuse of public
fund for personal gain, it has also lead to poor implementation of strategies
Solution to this is vetting of public office holder to ensure accountability. Close and independent
monitoring by the Kenya anticorruption personnel.

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