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PrImary EngIIsh CommunIty

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2. Scaffolding
ScaIIoIdIng Is a process In whIch the teacher supports the Iearners by
breakIng down a task or actIvIty Into manageabIe steps and by
demonstratIng skIIIs and strategIes how to compIete each step successIuIIy.
ScaIIoIdIng aIms at enabIIng the Iearners to appIy these skIIIs and strategIes
IndependentIy and to optImIze IearnIng Ior aII Iearners. n order to provIde
eIIectIve scaIIoIdIng teachers need to consIder the IoIIowIng poInts:
1. Establish a shared goal
The students may become more motIvated and engaged In theIr IearnIng
process II the teacher works wIth each student to pIan IndIvIduaI
InstructIonaI goaIs.
2. Maintain the goals agreed on
The teacher can ask questIons and request cIarIIIcatIon, oIIer praIse and
encouragement to heIp students remaIn Iocused on theIr goaIs.
3. Actively diagnose students' needs and understandings
The teacher must be weII InIormed about the target content and needs to
become aware oI the students` background knowIedge and possIbIe
mIsconceptIons In order to be abIe to determIne the kInd oI progress they
are makIng.
4. reak down the learning sequences into smaller steps
The teacher exposes the pupIIs to smaII portIons oI the materIaIs whIch
they can achIeve. ThIs gIves them a IeeIIng oI success whIch Is Important
Ior theIr Iuture IearnIng.
PrImary EngIIsh CommunIty

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5. Transform abstract concepts into more concrete ones
Young Iearners Iearn best In contextuaIIsed and concrete sItuatIons. AIter
havIng gaIned experIence wIth these concrete sItuatIons, graduaIIy more
abstract concepts can be Introduced.
6. Provide tailored assistance
ThIs may IncIude promptIng, questIonIng, modeIIIng, teIIIng, or
dIscussIng. The teacher uses these as needed and adjusts them to meet
the students` needs.
7. Expose the learners to a lot of spoken language before moving on
to written language
As EngIIsh Is not a phonoIogIcaI Ianguage Iearners need to be IamIIIar
wIth the oraI Iorms oI the Ianguage, e.g. a word or a text, beIore they are
abIe read or wrIte It.
8. Cive supportive feedback
To heIp students Iearn to monItor theIr own progress, the teacher can
summarIse current progress and expIIcItIy note behavIours that contrIbute
to IndIvIduaI student`s success e.g. strategy empIoyed.
9. Control frustration and support risk taking
The teacher creates an envIronment In whIch the students IeeI at ease and
are wIIIIng to take rIsks whIIe IearnIng e.g. by encouragIng them to try out
10. Encourage the learners to take over responsibility
The teacher heIps the students to be Iess dependent on the teacher`s
extrInsIc sIgnaIs when to begIn or how to compIete a task. AddItIonaIIy,
PrImary EngIIsh CommunIty

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the Iearners have the opportunIty to practIce the task In a varIety oI
contexts. The Iearners can choose the context dependIng on theIr
11. egin with what the students can do
Students need to be aware oI theIr strengths and weaknesses. They
shouId become aware oI actIvItIes they can do wIth IIttIe or no assIstance
and IeeI good about It.
12. Help students achieve
Learners need chaIIengIng actIvates In order to Iearn. However, young
Iearners are easIIy Irustrated and a "cycIe oI IaIIure" may set In quIckIy II
they do not experIence Irequent success. Thus, settIng reaIIstIc and
reachabIe short term aIms may be crucIaI to gIvIng young Iearners the
IeeIIng oI success.
13. Know when it is time to stop
PractIcIng Is Important to heIp students remember and appIy theIr
knowIedge, but too much may Impede the IearnIng. EspecIaIIy young
Iearners have a short concentratIon span and need varIed actIvItIes where
they can burn oII theIr energy. "Less Is more" may be the ruIe when
Iearners have demonstrated that they can perIorm the actIvIty.
14. Support students to become independent
Teachers need to watch Ior cIues Irom theIr Iearners that show when and
how much teacher assIstance Is needed. ScaIIoIdIng shouId be removed
graduaIIy as students begIn to demonstrate that they can perIorm the task
IndependentIy. ]acqueIIne Hunn, PHZH

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