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I ET T E K t


0 R M E R


Paul and Jferoia Nielsen

X 91s Sendal, Japan; or 17664 East Cypress. Oovina. Oalif.

OUR NEW LETTER HEADING We are proud of our new letterhead.

Kay we call your attention

to a few of the pictures in it. The farmers have left their homes in the village back at
the foot of the mountain to go out into the valley and toil the long hours of the day in
their rice fields. They have little time to do much else than toil in the rice fields.

Even noWj when weather permitsi they can be seen plowing the stubble fields so they will
be ready for spring. Rural people have very little social life, except, perhaps to bhat
with a neighbor in the field next to theirs during a few minutes of rest from their toils.
But to the preacher of the Gospel, who holds in his hands the"open Bible, there ,1b a call
from these who toil out in the valleysj there is a call from the luany villages out.across
the mountain . a call to go help them. It is not a call to help them plant or harvest

their rioe. They know more about that than we do. The call of the villages for us is to
help them kziow and love and use God's Word in their lives. Our call is to help them know
of eternal salvation through Christ. You folk at home answer the call o:^ the, villages^by
prayers andsupport to'us who go out into the valleys and to the village8\0ut across th
mountains. When you see this letterhead remember to pray and support those who labor in
the Gospel throughout these villages," Better still, pray every day for Japan. ,

IT HAS BEEN A LONG TIME We had to look baok in our file t be sure when we sent out the
last news letter, lOoes not eoeni possible that it was last September,. We have kept in

touch with you who have sent gifts for the work through personal letters. To others of
you we are sorry it has not been possible to send a news letter sooner. In November, when
we should have sent one, we did not have the money to buy the postage. The cost of.get
ting Z families located on the field hare has been great. It has drained all reserve

resources. Even this letter is being prepared with a prayer that gifts may com in so we
will not have to pinch the postage money quite so hard.

QPATCH UP Very briefly we will bring you up to date on the happenings since our last

^iewa letter, . The Tali^fuji' s stayed with us until about the middle of October, We searched'
:,n the northern part of. Sendai where we still hope to find a place for our permanent center3ut were 'Unsuccessful in locating a house for the Takafuji*s there. We were even tempted

rent a house in a poor section of town, as far as transportation went, so wecould get

^he work started but we could not feel this was the Lord's will.

men came up with a house in the area of our second choice.

Finally the real estate

It is in an area of the cl'ty

where a church is needed but not ideal for th center we have in mind for the future of

the work. The Takafujl's began holding services in their home the first Sunday in Nov.

There were only 5 Japanese" present for that first service besides the'Takafuji's. As a

result.of the special Ohristmae program there were 9 present for the New Years Day service.

None of these are Christians,

Last Lord's Day there were 17 present so the numbers are

increasing. Please be in prayer often for this new congregation that they may remain'
faithful in their present desire to learn about Christ. We believe seme will bec6me'=

atrong Christians,

L'DCGA, INDIANA CHURCH PLEDGES SUPPORT -- We are happy to announce that the Christian"

Church in Ladoga has been added to our family of living link churches. They have pledged
^^50 a month in living link 'support. We praise God for them for showing their- increased .
interest in this new work in northern Honshu.

We believe God will bless them and use us

to His glory because of this fellowship In the ministry of His Word. Pray with us that
there n&y be others from among you who receive this letter that will complete our living
link needs. We lack jlJO per month in living link. Also to have an adequate working

budget to do the evangelistic work there is to do here in this area, we heed an added $75

a month in service link. Who is there that will answer the call of the vfllages by sending

support that will take the Gospel to these villages? Please write us for further

detailed information.

?. 0. BOX 97
We are sorry you have had to'use our difficult Japanese address.so long
Nhen writing directly to us. Now that.the new post office building is finished and in
use, we now have the problem solved. Just'address usi Box 97> Sendai, Japan,

THE FIHf\NGIAL STATEMENT - One res.sor for aer.dfi^^.

with ourselves, and with you, our supporterij, that we would srend o^jt a finaclal statement

every 6 months to those who had sent giftxi for tho vorJi during that 6 month period
will gladly send a statement to anyone" else upon request#

through December

1955 were 42i^97c''H9o


The total receipts from July 1

Expendj ~ures for thafp^riod were

With the deficit of $12650 on June

deficit on Decembev Jij 195-5
to mail tie ups in December, this atatenictt does not show some $200 of regular December
receipts* Also about $5^0 of tVie expenditures are tho cost of searching for a, place last
summer and for moving 2 families tc Sendi^l

increase in these next 6 months

Thus this deficit vIjI not continue to

Please pray and give that th.U- do.Cicit may be removed*

We will only expand the work from here on ee wo have budget to ccvor


Ifeny people in Japan have the idea that
the regular Lord's Day worship services are for Christians only and that they should come
only to a special service of some sort- The first special sorvice of-the church hero was

at Christmas time#

Mr.*. Takafuji prepared a Hcflpt for a. filmstrip gf the Christmas Story,

Then with the help of background music and the girls'who'have .boer/comj.-ng to'^services

regularly to speak the various speeches of the .sorij)t.j .we .mad.e s. ..tupc recording to

Rccompahy the fllmstripc


Since the niijnbers were fre, this made i'i possible.for the girls .

to be in the program arid still be a part of the'audiance. on tHo. obcasiono I-iany friends

and relaiiyea "Of tViOse who come'to the regular -services .were.-there, Vxt. Takafuji made
good use of the opportunity to tell.them About the purpose of.the church in..yhe community,
Perhapp.the following shows best the progress that is .being,'xaadg. .The fifst'p.art of
December a couple of"the-girls who work-in a taylor shop-brcugiit .another .gii^l to service
with them. It was. the first time she had ever.boon- in a, Christian eervi.ce of any kindr
W learned 'she" lives out i'n the country and c.omes from: a. very - poor, farailyc Her father is.
a crippie from" arthritis. There are small children in.the homo, Xhie girl had reoentiy

ccme to town to find work'to- help the family .pay bil ls by:, the .end of the year (ilfaditibn
and oustom teao.hes' the'hew -year must start fresh with n<:^.'debts to have the. blessing of the
gods). She found vrork in the taylor shop and the g-irle invited, her to.servic.el From, the

very first service 'of the church an offeriijg has been taicen oach Lord'"s"-Day, ^ In speakir^
of its purpose,. Mr. Takafuji always eays .it in for avangelismj,. for poor families,' .and to '
help the needy in time of disaster.#

The chuvcli folk, decided to. hojp this family 'SO their

now year could start off a little happier,

church folk to visit the home.

I went with Mr Takafuji and 2'. of the'other

We took somo food, ciothoSi. and -a gift of money,


action of the church shows that it is sharing its material bles&ings albngtwith its.,

epiritual .blessings, 'On New Years morning Mr# Takafuji was able to further teach the girl'
of the pobr . family more* about Christianity, Sho-wae the first to. arrivo for 'se^rice
after thanking the Takafuji's in the very polite v?ay of the Japanesoj- she asked them if
they hod. been to the shrine yet (Shinto and .Buddhism both .teac.h a visit to the shrine must,
bo done at new years time to ha-v'e a successful and happy now year), Mr. Takafuji ex
plained that Christians do not do this .but pray to Qod daily and by sorving Him, are
bio.Haed., .Yes, there is imich teaching to do

195^ ^XCSSIONARY'HANDBOOK To have a more personaliaed acquaintand'e vlT't'ij thie more than'..'

450 direct support m'Bsionaries of Christian .Churches ar>d .Qhur.chea .of Christ,"'the *195^
MISSIONARY-HAWDBOOlC'is a big help. The Handbook contains airmil reports'direct from the
fields along with some historical data on each- field The Handbock "r^s grown from 14

pagee in 195^ to'a planned 60 pages in the 195^ issue.. It.is a'quich aource for finding
the "wh.o", "where" and "what" of direct support missionso Order.your copy how from
David--H., Henry, l75"*~^-5th A-venue East, Eugene, Otegon,

Advanoo; order pric.e is only lIoOC,.

PAMI.LY DPIHI'SS We had a simple but very enjoyable Christmas, krrsy .frio'nds gave ut the
trimings for a chrletmas dinner. Turkeys solJ. hero for oxa.Gtiy.half of what they cos-t in
Tokyo so we had a'small turkery,' I fixed a real Am.erico.Ti christma.s'dinner. We had the
Takafuji'8 over ,to eat with' us, ' We all -did righ.t .well.cy it They declared - to the 'churc-hfolk that evening that Maroia was ancexcellant cookt, The children are doing .very *well-in

oc'noolj better than ever before.

We are grateful that" we nave almost enough to pay the'

second semester tuition when it is due the end of Jaeuarj'-s

Ohaptain Lewis A.- White, Whom

you folk in California know', is-stationed, about 40 rll.e.s., from

Ho has tried 4 tinea,'
wnen He hag had -bp come over -to Sendaj.., to find us, but phs "bCe-a'-unsuccessful.. We'hope'
tc: see him this month when he' is'to bring the message at a .missionary gathering#' Alao
there is. a chaplain from the "non-instrument" brethren stationed about 4 miles from us
He is not. as conservative as some and we are having fine- fel.lowship t-bgothero

Our hearts

were saddened this week to roooive word that Grandpa Nitlseo (Paul's father) laid' down -the
cares of this life on December yi^ He began the new year .in, .e "better land His toils
here, are completed, W -j.-ook to the time when we can-also jovrhoy t-o. that better -laaido

May this new year find us each day speaking for Christ by Word^ action and deed. Pray
for the unsaved millions in Japan.

The population' is novf inoro than 69 .tailiiohe-

Ycur missiqnarios



FflOM THE NIELSENS''"""k E Wfi l-T T T E R

Paul and Marcia Nielsen, Box 97, Sendai, Japan; or X7664 East Oypresa^ Oovlna. gIoT
April 1956

Have you ever lived in a house that is up for sale and wonder each day if this

is the day you will be told you have 2 months to find another house? As in any
small community, word gets around. The land lady of the Takafuji house asked where
we were going to move. She told us our house was sold and even knew the selling

price but our land lady hasn't said anything to us yet. tfeny occupation families
are moving but it appears rent rates will be much too high for some time yet. Some
house owners would rather rent to Japanese or live in a house themselves than rent

at a reasonable price. The problems of renting and the cost of heating a Japanese

house in winter has convinced us the cheapest thing is to build a mission home. We
are studying locations and costs now and will report it later. We covet your
prayers in this deoision.

The work of the church continues to be encouraging. Recently a young msm, who
attended the apeoial Christmas program, has been coining to regular services. Mr,

been doing some fine basic teaching to help the folk understand what

Christianity really is. One Saturday night two of the young women talked with Mr.
Takafuji until after midnight about becoming Christians, Mr. Takafuji was so
concerned that he could not sleep until after 5 a,m. Since that time they have had

a second inquiry session with him. Brethren^ we believe this sort of interest and

consecration prepares lives to do the will of Christ. During Iferch, Mr. Takafuji
taught a series of lessons on the reurreotion from Romans 8 and I Corinthians I5.

One Sunday after service some of them asked questions about Christian funerals and

cemetaries. Japanese Christians do have a problem about these things because all
cenetaries in rural areas are Shinto and Biiddhist controled. To obtain a burial

r-'i-v. .v.ans there must be a Buddhist funeral service. In the cities, some ohurohes

ooopera^e and buy a tract of land for Christian burials. Other churches are making
cripts for the cremated ashes of their members in a belfry sort of place over the

entrance of the church building. This nay seem strange to us but it is one solution
to the need for Christian burial places in a crow4d land like Japan, The church
here in Sendai la making progress and prayers are being answered. We thank God
for you because you help make the work possible.

Funds are still far below needs.

We had not realized the income tax problem here in Japan was receiving so much
publicity at home until some of you asked about' it in your letters. We got our 195^
paid last month and it has really left us scraping bottom. The future does not
look bright. The tax is to increase each year until in I96O it will be about

doubled. Up to now we have been allowed 50^ deduction. For now, all we can do is

The Lord knows the solution and we must rely on Him for the answer.

We do

thank you who have been praying about the natter.

Life surely has variety in experiences doesn't it? While searching for a house
to rent we have met a lot of people. Some of them, we wish we had met sooner so we

Mght have enjoyed a longer friendship. Some are moving to army posts in the area.
Others are moving to Tokyo, Otsu or Okinawa and others are returning home. When we

heard of a house to be vacated, we would call the people up, tell them our need,
and make an appointment to see the house. Most of them were very helpful and we

generally spent the evening having a real good visit and were treated to real
coffee. In general, -they had been in Japan just a short time and we were able to
answer many questions about Japan.

It is surprising the number who voltinteered the

information that they were remiss in church attendance because they liked simple
services and Gospel messages instead of services taken up with rituals.

We told

them to go hear Chaplain Ifenkin, who really delivers the goods. We have been
attending his Sunday night and Thursday night Bible classes and really get a
blessing from them.

It seems we have been tried much this winter and have decided

that perhaps much of it has been because we have been physically cold so much of the
time. We have had the usual blustery Iferch winds, and for a couple of days no^,
real spring like weather. We are grateful that, except for a few slight colds, we
have been well.

We are encouraged with the progress of the work and are anticipat

ing victories for Christ. P lease pray that the teaching may yield good fruit.





August 195^

Last April it was evident we would have to move. In May, there were a few
vacant houses but rents were too high for us to consider them* We had about given
up finding a house to rent and were looking for land to rent where we could build a
house. The last of June we learned the Seventh Day Adventist mission house was for
rent. They have a Nisei minister to car for their work here in Sendai so do not pla?.o
to have a missionary in the area for perhaps 2 to 4 years. Their missionaries in
Tokyo seemed happy to rent to us so we arranged with them to move in July 1. However,
when the SDA church folk here learned of it, they objected because the "anti instru

ment" brethren down near Tokyo had written a tract against seventh day worship. Since
we call ourselves OHUROH OP CHRIST, they supposed we were of the same group. We told
them we did not agree on their day of worship but neither do we believe that writing
tracts against them is the answer. After talking with their minister and he in turn
talking to the church folk, we moved in July 11. We do not feel that living next door
to another church group will affect our work since our work is centered in the
Takan^ji home where services are held. Perhaps thfere will be opportunity to teach
these people the way of the Lord more perfectly. We are happy to be here.

The other morning when Yoshiko san (the girl who helps with the house work)
was coming to work, a lady stopped her at the gate.

She said she had to work on

Sundays and could not go to church but gave Yoshiko san 10 yen (almost 5^)
her to put it in the church offering.
but she did not come.


Yoshiko san invited her to come to the house

To us, such action may seem strange but it shows the woman was

seeking something perhaps a peace of mind, or a spiritual blessing. There is stil;

a spiritual vacuum among the masses of Japan. God give us wisdom and strength to
show them Christ, who can fill their need.

This woman must have a spirit like the

woman with her mite that Jesus tells about in Mark 12.

We feel the church folk are learning to apjpreoiate the life of Christ in a

bettef way as they continue their study together. Here in the Orient, where age and
experience mean much in their class stystem, this congregation is an example and
pattern for others that will follow. Because they are the first of our churches here

in the Tohoku area, they will be looked to as an example.

They are sincere Seekers.

Wft ever keefi-them-^-inour prayers.A BIBLE CUSS IS STARTED

In June, when nany Security Force families Vere leaving the area, the chaplain^
came up short of teachers for their DVBS.
asked to teach.

Our children attended and Mrs. Nielsen was

Some of the Protestant Women's Guild ladies asked her to help them

find a teacher for a Bible class they sponsor for Japanese personel who work for the
army. There are now 11 young wpmen meeting each Tuesday night with M^. Takafu^i for
Bible study. One of them said Jfr. Takafuji is the best teacher she has ever had, in
school, church, or in Bible classes. Three of them have started attending our Sunda;^
services also. Some of these girls are from villages oyt around Sendai and we hope
to make contracts through them for holding services in their home villages. Only 2
of this class are Christians. Here is a fine opportunity for sowing Gospel seeds
that can spread far. Pray for them and for Mr. Takafuji, that he may lead them to

If a financial statement is not inserted with this NCGGETS, it is either be

cause we have made a mistake in our monthly accounts or because we have not deceived

a gift from you in the first 6 months of 195^* Please inform us of any discrepancy.
As-of .Tnly 1, IQf^, there was a deficit_oiLJll5^.22.

This has used up nut* reserve

fund and the rest has come out of our livng link salary.

This deficit makes us live

from day to day according to the gifts we receive in letters from you. The shortage
in living link support will create another crisis in September when it is time to pa-f
' school tuitions again. Can you send a special gift to help our children use the fir.
educational facilities they have the privilege of using? We believe God will supply
our needs through you, our brethren at home. Our budget lacks ^75 monthly pledged
service link and |o5 monthly living link support.

As a result of the suggestion in our recent CALL OF THE VILLAGES folder, a

lady in North Towne Avenue Church, Pomona, California started ^ "25 club" for the

work here. Also, the Christian Church in Ladoga, Indiana increased their pledged
living link support from ^^0 to $40 a month. We do thank God for these folk and foi

each of you who help the work here. Perhaps you too, can start a "CALL OF THE
VILLAGES 25 CLUB" (25 people giving 25j^ for service link support) or, why not start .
NIELSEN 25CLUB" (25 people giving 25jz( a week for Nielsen family support). Please
pray about these needs and then talk about them. "Prayer changes things".



Through a oootaot .-ade by to. JJielsen and Mr. Takafujl, the

Chamber of Oommeroe building in Furukawa has been rented to conduct
a 3ible class each Thursday night. The one year old church in Sendai
Sponsors this work even to paying the rent on the building. The rent

amounts to
a week but it is almost half the weefcly offerings of
the Sendai church. The Sendai church meets in Mr. Takafuji's home.
Furukawa is 29 miles north of Sendai. it is a farming town with
a population of JO.OOO. Three surrounding villages are in the process

of encorporating with it and the population will then be some 5O.OOO.

About 500 Junior high and.high school boys and girls ride bycicles or
walk into town each day to attend school.

Two weeks before we rented the Chamber of Commerce building, we

held street meetings on Thursday nights. We announced the services

with the Jeep and P. A. system. Mostly children came to these meetings.
IVe announced the first meeting in the Chamber of Commerce building by
inserting JOOO mimeographed announcements in the daily newspaper. 21
young people and adults attended the first meeting. Please pray with
us that one day a Hew Testament church may be established there.

Funds are needed to make these weekly trips to Furukawa and other
places as the Lord leads. We need to provide teachigg aids in tracts
and Bible filmstrips. At present there are no funds for these needs.
Send gifts to Paul Nielsen, Box 97, Sendai, Japan.


\f:o Rii'd! l-ir

In .\"itJu->n H n.sl.u lapan


The drawing above pictures many of the conditions and places dealt with in THE

The farmers have left their homes in the village back at

the foot of the mountain. They arc out in the valley toiling the long hours of the day in
their rice fields. The preacher of the Gospel, who holds in his hands the open Bible, hears
a call from these rural areas; there is a call from the many villages out across the mountain.

The call does not come from the people, because they know not what to ask for now. The
call is a God-given call. The call of the villages requires each of us to help these people
know eternal salvation through Christ. For the missionary, it is a call to help them know
and love and use God's Word in their lives.

This call of the villages reaches across che

ocean to you folk at home. You answer this call when you pray and support us as we
go out into the valleys and to the villages out across the mountains.
This new rural evangelistic work is located in Scndai in the northern part of Honshu,

which is the central of the 3 main islands of Japan. Sendai is the chief of cities north of
Tokyo, being the center for education, commerce and industry in northern Honshu. It
is an idea! center from which to do rural evangelistic work in the mining, fishing and
agricultural villages all around Sendai. In most of these vilages the complete Gospel
has never been taught.

Sciulai is a growing city of over HSO.OOO

A terraced hillsiile near SciKlai


M. P). Madden, veteran missionary to Japan, did
some work in Scndai some 50 years a^'o. The present

work, bevan in September 1953 upon the arrival of the

Nielsen and Takafuji families. Services were started in
the Takafuji home in November.
at tile first service,

There were 6 preseiit

i-'.v Christmas time the number liad

increased to 8.

People in rural areas have the idea that Sunday

worship services are for Christians only. The\- feel tiu'\'
should attend on]\" special services when special invitation
is made. Highest attendance was at the special Easter

The Takafuji's ii^e upstairs : li e

church mee;s tlownstuirs,

Sunehu' night service when 77 children and 15 adults were

present. The average attendance at regular services, since
January first, is 10. There have been no baptisms yet
and there is much patient teaching te) do.
Perhaps the following best illustrates the present
work of the congregation.
folk to(jk some food,

clothes and a gift of monev to a

poor family.
Recently the employees of a near by
taylor shop had a picnic on Sunday. Two of the girls
wlio work there have been very faithful in churcli
attendance and have asked many (piestions about becom
ing Christians. They decided they sliould come to church

attended the first .ser\ i

November 1955.

instead of going on tlic picnic.

.-\t New "\'ears time the church

Thus the church is learning to share its material blessings

as well as its spiritual blessings.

The work thus far has been centered in this one congregation. We are planing
to visit several farming and fishing villages this summer.
By next fall, the Lord
willing, we want to liave regular services conducted in several of these rural areas.

Services are hckl in this rcom

I'liese attend services regularly


Paul and Marcia Nielsen went to Tokyo, Jajian as

missionaries, in 1940. War clouds made them return
to America 7 months later.
Duint; the war, while

students in Pacific Hihle Seniinar\-, thev jxistored in

Colton and tlien Elsinore, California. In 1948 they retu
rned to Japan and for 5 years worked in the Osaka area,
teachinji in Osaka Bible Seminary" and doing e\'angelistic
work. After furhntgh and a years language study in
Tok\'o, they wen to Sendai in sptcmber 1955.
I'aiil aiui ^f irciii, Xiel.fen, Taiila
Rusioll &


Mr. and Mrs. Takao Takafuji, native evangelists,

are co-workers in this new work.

The Nielsen's first

became acquainted with them wlien they ivi-re students

in Osaka Bible Seminary. In his second year of school.
Mr. Takafuji Ix-came ill with Tuberculosis. After his
recovery, he, with his wife, proved themselves faithful

ministers of the Word in the Kvoto church.

Tiiey are

continuing faithfully in this new work in Sendai.

It is

a blessina to be co-workers witli them.

W .Mrs. Tiikao Takafuji and

(hiugliter, M?.ri.

The .snecial Easter night servie.

"ilic B.S. group, led by -Mrs, Takafuji.


The purpose of this folder is more than to tell you of the challenging work of THE

This is a plea for support to do the work.

The present

deficit makes future progress in this new work very difficult, '^'our prayers and your
gifts and offerings are needed now to make this work financially possible.
immediate need.s are :


SIOO mouthlv to complete the Nielsen's living link support.


$ 75 monthly in pledged service link support.

Service link support is used to

print tracts and lesson material and for Jeep travel costs as we go out to these
villages where Christ is not known.

A SUGGESTION Can you give 25^ a week for one of the above projects ? Can you
get 25 others to do the same? Start a Call Of The Villages club in
your Bible School class, youth organization, women's group or among
the members of the congregation. Please pray about these needs,
then talk about them. "Prayer changes things."
A Call Of The Villages 25 Club (25 people giving 25^ a week) can supply 1/3 of the needed
service link support. Three Call Of The Villages 25 clubs can fill the need for service link
and take the saving Gospel of Christ to many of the villages in this rural area of Japan.

A Nielsen 50 Club (50 people giving 50^ a week) can complete the Nielsen's living ilnk
support. Four Nielsen 25 clubs can supply this needed support.

We will gladly add you name^AoTHE CfALL OF THE VILLAGES mailing

list, upon your recpiest. Write-i^Paui-Ni^ien, Box 97, Sendai, Japan ; or 17864

East Cypress, Covina. Californm^^

The Call Of The Villages

mailed from

Box 968, joliet, Illinois

39 C. F. R. 34. 65 (e)
United States

Permit 77

Non-profit Organization

Wc just arrived but the

2 monlli (.id Furukawa Bible

children were waiting.

class meets Tlnirsdays

Mr. Talcafiiji announcing a

street meeting

The building where the

Furukawa Bible class meet



-phc gall of the villages send thsir sincere and

heartfelt greetings at this 195^ Ohriatrxts reason.

Ifey the true meaning of this joyous season bring
peace to niany hearts in a disturbed world,
These pictures

give the history of the v/^rk of

TOHOKU RmL EVANGELISM in its first year.

Sendai church celebrated its first anviivero-ry on

the first Sunday in November,

Please pray that in

this coming year God may prosper the work through

Mr. and'Mrs. Talcafuji and


each of us.


Paul and Marcia Nielsen

Russell, Paula & Martha

Singspiration and food on

This is the way we study

5 Mo. old Camp Sendai B.C.

Sendai church 1st Anniv.

and discuss work together

for Japanese personel


I The Nielsen's began 2nd

year in Sendai last Sept.

of the Sendai church

Folk in worship service.

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