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Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag: FAQ/Walkthrough by sokkus

Version: 1.10 | Last Updated: 2014-01-21 | View/Download Original File Hosted by

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By Sokkus
Guide stats:
Time taken to write : 90+ hours
Word Count to date : 75,000+
Last Updated

: 25/11/2013

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Welcome to my guide for Ubisoft's latest entry into the Assassin's Creed
franchise - Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag! If you see any errors, have a
question, a tip or an alternate strategy for a section of the guide please head
to the contact section and flick me an email to let me know!
If you like what you see here, be sure to check out more of my guides, reviews
and podcasts at www.consoledomination.com and consider donating to my Paypal if
you are feeling a little generous!
Note: In its current state, the guide currently contains:
> Full wlakthrough of all story missions from start to finish
accomplishing all optional objective requirements for full
synchronisation on each.
> Completed Naval Contracts Guide.
> Completed Assassin's Contract Guides
> Complete Buried Treasures locaitons guide
> Completed Mayan stelae Guide
> Completed Hunting and Crafting Guide
> complete Fort Liberations Guide
> Legendary Ships locations and tips guide.
> Completed Achievement/Trophy unlocks guide
Join me on Facebook
I have started a facebook group for readers to keep track of the latest updates
to my guides, you can find it here:

Donate to my Noble Cause!\
After a few generous emails and suggestions from readers and because donations
seems to be a growing trend among other contemporary guide writers, I have
decided to put in the option to allow you to donate some money to me for
helping you out if you wish to do so.
Although I make these guides for free in my spare time, I probably don t
need to point out to gamers that purchasing games is an extremely expensive
hobby (games in Australia cost on average $90 - $120) and writing guides for
them can be a very long, incredibly difficult and thankless task at the best
of times, but one that is very challenging and occasionally rewarding.
Considering you could be paying upwards of $20+ for guides in a game shop,these
free and easily available guides make a cost-effective substitute. Whilst most
are happy to use and move on without a word I would move that a simple donation
is a great, easy way to say thanks if you feel that my guide has saved you some
time, money and frustration in some small way.
By no means feel obligated to donate just for viewing my guide, but if you are
feeling a little generous I certainly won t object! Any amount is appreciated
whether it be 10 cents or $10.
Thankyou for all that read this far, if you are interested in donating, my
Paypal address is listed below, if not, skip down to the table of contents
below and get stuck into the pirate's life on the high seas with Assassin's
Creed IV and plunder that world crazy!
Paypal ID:
Read my Review!
Want to know what I thought of Assassin's creed IV: Black Flag? Check out my
review here:

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------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: To fast travel to a section of the guide, copy the text code next to
the section of interest. Press CTRL +F and paste the code in there to
jump down to where you want to go in a flash!
/ Assassin's Creed 4 Campaign Walkthrough
1. Hints and Tips...................................... [HNTTP]
2. Campaign Walkthrough................................ [WLKTH]
Memory Sequence 01
A. Edward Kenway .............................. [ACT01A]
Present Day - Abstergo 01
Memory Sequence 02
A. Lively Havana .............................. [ACT02A]
B. ...And My Sugar? ........................... [ACT02B]
C. Mister Walpole, I Presume? ................. [ACT02C]
D. A Man They Call The Sage ................... [ACT02D]
E. Claiming what's Due ........................ [ACT02E]
F. The Treasure Fleet ......................... [ACT02F]
Memory Sequence 03
A. This Tyro Captain .......................... [ACT03A]
B. Now Hiring ................................. [ACT03B]
C. Prizes and Plunder ......................... [ACT03C]
D. Raise the Black Flag ....................... [ACT03D]
E. Sugarcane and Its Yields ................... [ACT03E]
F. Proper Defenses ............................ [ACT03F]
G. A Single Madman ............................ [ACT03G]
Present Day - Abstergo 02
Memory Sequence 04
A. This Old Cove .............................. [ACT04A]
B. Nothing is True... ......................... [ACT04B]

C. The Sage's Buried Secret ................... [ACT04C]
D. Overrun and Outnumbered .................... [ACT04D]
Memory Sequence 05
A. The Forts .................................. [ACT05A]
B. Traveling Salesman ......................... [ACT05B]
C. Unmanned ................................... [ACT05C]
Memory Sequence 06
A. Diving for Medicines ....................... [ACT06A]
B. Devil's Advocate ........................... [ACT06B]
C. The Seige of Charles-Towne ................. [ACT06C]
Present Day - Abstergo 03
Memory Sequence 07
A. We Demand a Parlay ......................... [ACT07A]
B. The Gunpowder Plot ......................... [ACT07B]
C. Commodore Eighty-Sixed ..................... [ACT07C]
D. The Fireship ............................... [ACT07D]
Memory Sequence 08
A. Do Not Go Quietly... ....................... [ACT08A]
B. Vainglorious Bastards ...................... [ACT08B]
C. Marooned ................................... [ACT08C]
Memory Sequence 09
A. Imagine My Surprise ........................ [ACT09A]
B. Trust is Earned ........................... [ACT09B]
Memory Sequence 10
A. Black Bart's Gambit ........................ [ACT10A]
B. Murder and Mayhem .......................... [ACT10B]
C. The Observatory ............................ [ACT10C]
Present Day - Abstergo 04
Memory Sequence 11
A. To Suffer Without Dying .................... [ACT11A]
B. Delerium ................................... [ACT11B]
C. ...Everything is Permitted ................. [ACT11C]

Memory Sequence 12
A. A Governer No More ......................... [ACT12A]
B. Royal Misfortune ........................... [ACT12B]
C. Tainted Blood .............................. [ACT12C]
D. Ever A Splinter ............................ [ACT12D]
Present Day - Abstergo 05
Memory Sequence 13
A. ...The End ................................. [ACT13A]
B. How Grand, Master Kenway! .................. [ACT13B]
/ Assassin's Creed 4 Side-Quest Walkthroughs \_____________[SDQSTS]
3. Templar Hunt Missions
Templar Hunt 01 - Opia Apito
A. The Taino Assassin ......................... [STH01A]
B. Templar Ships .............................. [STH01B]
C. Right-hand Man ............................. [STH01C]
D. The Trail of Lucia Marquez ................. [STH01D]
Templar Hunt 02 - Rhona Dinsmore
A. Bureau Under Attack ........................ [STH02A]
B. A Thief in the Market ...................... [STH02B]
C. Arms Race .................................. [STH02C]
D. Flint's End ................................ [STH02D]
Templar Hunt 03 - Anto
A. The Maroon Assassin ........................ [STH03A]
B. Recruiting Maroons ......................... [STH03B]
C. Under Attack ............................... [STH03C]
D. The Commander's Ruse ....................... [STH03D]
Templar Hunt 04 - Vance Travers
A. Oh Bother... ............................... [STH04A]
B. The Other Brother .......................... [STH04B]
C. Upton's Sorrow ............................. [STH04C]
D. Queen of Pirates, King of Fools ............ [STH04D]
4. Assassin Contract Missions

01. Contract 01 - The Plantation Master ........ [SAC01A]
02. Contract 02 - The Guard Post ............... [SAC002]
03. Contract 03 - The Slave Traders ............ [SAC003]
04. Contract 04 - The Judge .................... [SAC004]
05. Contract 05 - The Weapon Smugglers ......... [SAC005]
06. Contract 06 - The British Captain .......... [SAC006]
07. Contract 07 - Beach Bonfire ................ [SAC007]
08. Contract 08 - A Shipment of Powder ......... [SAC008]
09. Contract 09 - The Spanish Commander ........ [SAC009]
10. Contract 10 - Unlicensed Dealer ............ [SAC010]
11. Contract 11 - No More Taxes ................ [SAC011]
12. Contract 12 - A Botched Escape ............. [SAC012]
13. Contract 13 - The Pirate Captain ........... [SAC013]
14. Contract 14 - The Outlaws .................. [SAC014]
15. Contract 15 - Tomb Raiders ................. [SAC015]
16. Contract 16 - A Last Drink For The Road .... [SAC016]
17. Contract 17 - Castaway ..................... [SAC017]
18. Contract 18 - The Unworthy Brother ......... [SAC018]
19. Contract 19 - The Poachers ................. [SAC019]
20. Contract 20 - The Deserter ................. [SAC020]
21. Contract 21 - The Twin Dilemma ............. [SAC021]
22. Contract 22 - The Dreaded Pirate ........... [SAC022]
23. Contract 23 - The Expedition ............... [SAC023]
24. Contract 24 - The Slave Master ............. [SAC024]
25. Contract 25 - A Slaver's Business .......... [SAC025]
26. Contract 26 - The Informant ................ [SAC026]
27. Contract 27 - The Treasure Hunter .......... [SAC027]
28. Contract 28 - Shady Business ............... [SAC028]
29. Contract 29 - The Smuggler's Squat ......... [SAC029]
30. Contract 30 - The Outlaw's Cave ............ [SAC030]
5. Naval Contract Missions
01. Contract 01 - Eye for an Eye ............... [SNC01A]
02. Contract 02 - The Law of the Ocean ......... [SNC002]
03. Contract 03 - A Spanish Plague ............. [SNC003]
04. Contract 04 - Driftwood .................... [SNC004]
05. Contract 05 - Silk on the Waves ............ [SNC005]
06. Contract 06 - Contraband ................... [SNC006]
07. Contract 07 - Private Escort ............... [SNC007]
08. Contract 08 - Blind Justice ................ [SNC008]
09. Contract 09 - The Final Contract .......... [SNC009]
10. Contract 10 - The Realities of War ......... [SNC010]
11. Contract 11 - Hunter Gatherer .............. [SNC011]
12. Contract 12 - Papers, Please ............... [SNC012]
13. Contract 13 - Weathering the Storm ........ [SNC013]
14. Contract 14 - smuggler's Den ............... [SNC014]
15. Contract 15 - A Personal Matter ............ [SNC015]
6. Forts
Easy ......................... [SFR001]
01. Dry Tortuga
02. Eleuthera Easy ........................... [SFR002]
03. Gibara
Easy .............................. [SFR003]
04. Cabo de Cruz
Medium ...................... [SFR004]
05. Castillo de Jagua Medium ................. [SFR005]
06. Conttoyor Medium ......................... [SFR006]

07. Navassa
Medium ........................... [SFR007]
08. Punta Guarico
Medium ..................... [SFR008]
09. Charlotte Hard ........................... [SFR009]
10. Chinchorro - Hard .......................... [SFR010]
11. Serranilla
Hard .......................... [SFR011]
7. Shipwrecks
01. Kabah Ruins ................................ [SSW001]
02. Devil s Eye Caverns ........................ [SSW002]
03. La Concepcion Shipwreck .................... [SSW003]
04. The Blue Hole .............................. [SSW004]
05. San Ignacio Wreck .......................... [SSW005]
06. Antocha Shipwreck .......................... [SSW006]
07. The Black Trench ........................... [SSW007]
8. Smuggler's Dens
01. Ambergris Key .............................. [SSD001]
02. Anotto Bay ................................. [SSD002]
03. Jiguey ..................................... [SSD003]
04. Petite Caverne ............................. [SSD004]
05. San Juan ................................... [SSD005]
9. Mayan Stelae ...................................... [SMS000]
| 10. Treasure Maps and Buried Treasure ................. [SBT000]
| 11. Legendary Ships
01. El Impoluto ................................ [SLS001]
02. La Dama Negra .............................. [SLS002]
03. HMS Prince ................................. [SLS003]
04. The Brothers-In-Arms ....................... [SLS004]
| 12. Upgrading the Cove ................................ [SGI000]
| 13. Miscellaneous Side-Activities
01. Couriers ................................... [SMC001]
02. Pirate Rescue .............................. [SMC002]
03. Unlocking Taverns .......................... [SMC003]
04. Warehouse Raids ............................ [SMC004]
| 14. Abstergo Challenges
01. Assassin Challenges ........................ [SAC001]
02. Pirate Challenges .......................... [SAC002]
03. Explorer Challenges ........................ [SAC003]
04. Fighter Challenges ......................... [SAC004]
05. Hunter Challenges .......................... [SAC005]
06. Golden Boy Challenges ...................... [SAC006]
07. Simulation Challenges ...................... [SAC007]

/ Assassin's Creed IV Hunting & Upgrades \_________________________
| 14. Hunting & Harpooning
A. Hunting ..................................... [HNT00A]
B. Land Animal Locations ....................... [HNT00B]
C. Harpooning .................................. [HNT00C]
D. Marine Animal Locations ..................... [HNT00D]
| 15. Upgrades
A. Crafting .................................... [UPD001]
B. Edward Upgrades ............................. [UPD002]
C. Jackdaw Upgrades ............................ [UPD003]
/ Assassin's Creed 4 Collectibles Guide
| 16. Campaign Collectibles Rundown
16.01. Abstergo
A. Sticky Notes ............................ [CAB001]
B. Computers ............................... [CAB002]
16.02. Main Locations Collectible Locations Guide
A. Cape Bonavista .......................... [CML00A]
B. Great Inagua ............................ [CML00B]
C. Havana .................................. [CML00C]
D. Isla Providencia ........................ [CML00D]
E. Kingston Long Bay ....................... [CML00E]
F. Long Bay ................................ [CML00F]
G. Nassau .................................. [CML00G]
H. Principe ................................ [CML00H]
I. Tulum ................................... [CML00I]
16.03. Secondary Locations Collectible Locations Guide
A. Abaco Island ............................ [CSL00A]
B. Ambergris Key ........................... [CSL00B]
C. Andreas Island .......................... [CSL00C]
D. Anotto Bay .............................. [CSL00D]
E. Arroyos ................................. [CSL00E]
F. Cat Island .............................. [CSL00F]
G. Cayman Sound ............................ [CSL00G]
H. Corozal ................................. [CSL00H]
I. Crooked Island .......................... [CSL00I]
J. Cumberland Bay .......................... [CSL00J]
K. Florida ................................. [CSL00K]
L. Grand Cayman ............................ [CSL00L]
M. Ile a Vache ............................. [CSL00M]

N. Jiguey .................................. [CSL00N]
O. Mariguana Island ........................ [CSL00O]
P. Matanzas ................................ [CSL00P]
Q. Misteriosa .............................. [CSL00Q]
R. New Bone ................................ [CSL00R]
S. Petite Caverne .......................... [CSL00S]
T. Pinos Isle .............................. [CSL00T]
U. Salt Lagoon ............................. [CSL00U]
V. Salt Key Bank ........................... [CSL00V]
W. San Juan ................................ [CSL00W]
X. Santanillas ............................. [CSL00X]
Y. Tortuga ................................. [CSL00Y]
Z. Uncharted ............................... [CSL00Z]
16.04. Side Activity Collectible Locations Guide
A. Castillo de Jagua (Fort) ................ [CSA00A]
B. Charlotte (Fort) ........................ [CSA00B]
C. Chinchorro (Fort) ....................... [CSA00C]
D. Conttoyor (Fort) ........................ [CSA00D]
E. Cabo de Cruz (Fort) ..................... [CSA00E]
F. Dry Tortuga (Fort) ...................... [CSA00F]
G. Eleuthera (Fort) ........................ [CSA00G]
H. Gibara (Fort) ........................... [CSA00H]
I. Navassa (Fort) .......................... [CSA00I]
J. Punta Guarico (Fort) .................... [CSA00J]
K. Serranilla (Fort) ....................... [CSA00K]
L. Kabah Ruins ............................. [CSA00L]
M. Devil s Eye Caverns ..................... [CSA00M]
N. La Concepcion Shipwreck ................. [CSA00N]
O. The Blue Hole ........................... [CSA00O]
P. San Ignacio Wreck ....................... [CSA00P]
Q. Antocha Shipwreck ....................... [CSA00Q]
R. The Black Trench ........................ [CSA00R]
/ Assassin's Creed 4 100% Checklist
17. Assassin's Creed IV 100% Checklist ............... [SYCHGD]
/ Achievements/Trophies Guide
18. Assassin's Creed IV Achievement/Trophy Guide
A. Game Progression Achievements/Trophies ........ [ACMTR1]
B. Side-Quest Achievements/Trophies .............. [ACMTR2]
C. Combat Achievements/Trophies .................. [ACMTR3]
D. Miscellaneous Achievements/Trophies ........... [ACMTR4]
E. Completionist Achievements/Trophies ........... [ACMTR5]
F. Multiplayer Achievements/Trophies ............. [ACMTR6]

/ Assassin's Creed 4 Unlockables & Easter Eggs \____________________.
19. Unlockables ...................................... [UNLKBL]
20. Cheats ........................................... [CH3AT5]
21. Easter Eggs ...................................... [ESTRGG]
/ DLC Walkthroughs
22. Freedom Cry Mission Walkthroughs ................. [FCWLKT]
22.01 The Calm Before the Storm................... [ACFC01]
22.02 A Common Enemy ............................. [ACFC02]
22.03 Laying the First Brick ..................... [ACFC03]
22.03A Interlude - Liberation 01 .................. [ACFC3A]
22.04 A Ship of his Own .......................... [ACFC04]
22.04A Interlude - Liberation 02 .................. [ACFC4A]
22.05 Lifting the Veil ........................... [ACFC05]
22.06 A Scientific Inquiry ....................... [ACFC06]
22.06A Interlude - Liberation 03 .................. [ACFC6A]
22.07 Planting the Seeds ......................... [ACFC07]
22.08 Down with the Ship ......................... [ACFC08]
22.09 de Fayet's Last Stand ...................... [ACFC09]
23. Liberation Missions .............................. [ACFCSD]
24. Upgrades and Rewards ............................. [ACFCUR]
24.01 Liberation Rewards .......................... [ACFCLR]
24.02 Resistance Rewards .......................... [ACFCRR]
25. Collectible Locations Guide ...................... [ACFCCL]
26. AC4: Freedom Cry Achievement/Trophy Guide ........ [ACFCT1]
/ Miscellaneous
27. Contact........................................... [CONTCT]
28. About Me.......................................... [INTRDT]
28.01 Me
28.02 Donations
28.03 Console Domination

29. Special Thanks.................................... [STHNKS]
30. Version History................................... [VERHIS]
31. Legal ............................................ [LEGL01]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------>> Note: To fast travel to a section of the guide, copy the text code next to
the section of interest. Press CTRL +F and paste the code in there to
jump down to where you want to go in a flash!

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Welcome to my walkthrough for Ubisoft's latest epic action adventure title
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag. This guide will help you play through this
game from start to finish, completing all of the missions whilst fulfilling all
of those pesky mission parameters and optional objectives required for 100%
Note that whilst collectibles will appear during missions, I will not be
including them in the walkthrough unless for location descriptions. There is a
complete collectible locations guide below the main walkthrough.
To fast travel to a chapter, go to the table of contents and copy the code next
to the section of interest. Press CTRL +F and paste the code in there to jump
down to where you want to go in a flash.
A complete list of each side-mission, every type of collectible and their
locations as well as a complete side-quest and achievement/trophy guide can
also be located in the relevant spots below the walkthrough in the guide below.

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---------------------------------FIRST MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 01 - Edward Kenway
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. N/A: There are no optional objectives for this mission.
Part 1: Naval Combat
When we gain control of our main man for the first time, follow the waypoint
marker up to the back of the boat and interact with the steering wheel to take
control of the vessel. As we do this, the game will pop-up a quick tutorial
message on how to use the cannons on the side of the ship. Essentially, we need
to face the side of our ship where we wish to fire them. Easy! We can even use
the left trigger for a white aiming indicator to appear for assistance.
There are four gunships in the immediate area, so take this time to adjust to
the ship s controls, noting that you can speed up or slow down. It should be
noted that the slower you are piloting the ship, the more manoeuvrable it will
become. Once you have destroyed enough of the gunships, a brig will show up.
Perform the same broadside attacks on the brig until a scene plays out.
Part 2: Pursuit
Now that we are back in control, swim forward between the burning chunks of
ship ahead until you reach the green objective marker on the shore in the
distance. As you approach a cut-scene will commence.
Now that we are back on solid ground run up the hill in front of you and follow
the path around to the left. Cross the rope bridge and use the logs beyond it
to cross the small river. On the far side climb the wooden supports directly
in front of you up to the observation platform. Climb again, to the next
platform above. From here hop onto the log and follow the set platforming path
over to the platform at the top of the cliff. Climb the building here for a
viewpoint that we can synchronise to reveal part of the map.
Dive down into the palm fronds below and then follow the path, the camera
should pan over to the right to show you the assassin. Work your way over to
the stairs where the assassin went. Climb the wooden wall at the top of the
Once you reach the top, use the slanted platform in front to reach the top of
the house. From here, jump over to the viewpoint tower. Again, climb to the top
and synchronise. Now dive into the water below. Move downriver a short way and
the assassin will reveal himself again.
Afterwards, the game will get you to try free running. Get onto the bridge and
run off it into the tree at the end. Follow the assassin through the trees and

into the swampy area. At this point he will turn and fight you. Fight him off
and once he lies dead a scene will play.
Part 3: Rescue
Now that we have some new gear, it s time to find a way off the island. Move
forward and climb the long branch here sticking out from the top of the cliff
this is a viewpoint as well so synchronise it. Afterwards dive into the river
below. Use the slanted log to exit and at the end of this, dive down into the
vegetation at ground level below.
As you land, we ll be in a stalking zone bush. Move up and silently assassinate
the guard at the edge of the zone. Now turn to the left and use the bushes to
mask your approach to the blue objective marker. Wait for the commotion to die
down when a prisoner tries to escape and then move in when the guards return
to their positions. Kill them all and another scene will play out.
At this point we are free to explore the island. Do so if you wish
there is
a collectible guide for the area in the relevant section below the main
walkthrough if you are interested.
Part 4: Exploration
When you are ready to continue, swim out to the ship, climb aboard and interact
with the wheel. We now need to pilot the ship through the watercourse here
avoiding the temptation to crash the ship on every wall, rock and sandbar in
sight. To do this, use the mini-map to help plot your course and don t be
afraid to slow down to increase your manoeuvrability when it comes to the
tricky corners.
When you reach the open water, a cut-scene will play to end the mission.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: For completing this mission, you will earn the achievement/trophy Heroes
Aren t Born .

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We ll now be back in the real world in a first-person viewpoint. A woman in
front of us will check our vitals and ask you to look up and down to test your
ability to move the camera. Just look at the lights on the roof and the floor.
Now that we are done with that, follow her out the door. Continue across the
open area here and stop at the reception area. You ll be given a tablet. This
can be used to open doors, hack computers, store data that you have found and

it even has a map of the area for you. Handy!

Continue after the woman and enter the lift and press the button
17 . As you get off the elevator a scene will play.

fl2. Sample

Once the scene has completed, follow her over to your work station and interact
with the computer to return to the animus and end the mission.

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---------------------------------FIRST MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 01 - Lively Havana
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. Tackle the pickpocket during the chase sequence.
\ 02. Use smoke bombs to escape combat.
This mission will begin automatically upon re-entering the Animus.
Part 1: Escort
As you leave the docks, you will need to follow Stede through the streets.
After a short amount of time, he will point out a weapon shop and give you some
money to purchase a new set of blades. Go ahead and buy them.
Upon exiting the shop, Stede will point out a church nearby. Climb to the top
of this to reach the waypoint marker, synchronise the waypoint to progress the
mission and then perform a leap of faith to return to ground level.
Part 2: Pursuit
As you land, Stede will be set upon by a pickpocket. This fellow will then
appear as a red objective marker. Chase him down and tackle him (for the
optional objective). Kill him whilst he is down, or when he gets up and attack
you. Once he is dead, loot his corpse before returning to Stede.
Follow Stede into the nearby doorway for a scene.
Part 3: Fight

We ll now be in a bar fight. This acts as a bit of a primer or tutorial to the

game s hand to hand combat system (which can pretty much be applied to the
melee weapons too). Follow the on-screen tutorials to practice attacking,
blocking, throwing and countering. After a few run throughs, the game will let
loose and have you fight off against 5 assailants at once. Knock them all out
and a scene will play.
Part 4: Escape
As soon as you regain control, hit the range button to drop a smoke bomb (this
will complete the other optional objective). Whilst the guards in the doorway
in front of you are disoriented, sprint past them and into the city. We need
to exit the red circle on the map and find a place to hide (haystack, bench,
crowd etc.) outside of it to lose the interest of the guards.
Once the guards have given up looking for you, the mission will be complete.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 02 - ...And My Sugar?
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. Hire some dancers to distract guards.
\ 02. Stay out of combat for the duration of the mission.
Part 1: Tailing
As we begin this mission, we ll need to activate eagle vision to mark the two
guards who we need to follow. This tagging is a new feature of eagle vision in
Assassin s Creed IV, and will allow us to see the targets through walls and
they will appear highlighted in gold even when returning to normal vision mode.
The target will start walking off. The pair of guards we are interested in
tailing will move along a set path and stop at regular intervals to peek behind
to check to see that they aren t being followed. As such, we need to follow
from a distance, making sure to use the various haystacks, stalking zones and
groups of people to hide from them when they stop.
They will move along the waterfront and when they reach a small marketplace
will cut into an alley on the right. This entrance is guarded, so climb up to
the roof and work your way across the adjoined rooftops here whilst keeping
them in sight. There is a gunner on the high roof on the far left, so take him
out. Run across the rope here to the next building complex, clear out the
guard on the opposite side of the roof. The targets will pass through the
courtyard of the complex below and out the other side into a square.
Drop back down to ground level and tail them again. After a few moments they
will run off. Note that all though they are running, they will still make time
to stop and look behind occasionally
so keep your distance! Keep following
for a short while longer and an eavesdropping event will begin.

Part 2: Eavesdrop
We ll now have to stay within close proximity to the guards to listen to their
conversation without being detected. To do this, use the crowds around as cover
and ensure that you stay within the green circle representing the eavesdropping
zone. The pair of guards will walk a short distance forwards and stop in front
of the gallows. Hang out in the crowd here until the conversation is complete.
Part 3: Tailing
The game will now want you to tail the captain. This guy will descend the
stairs from the gallows and walk off towards the fort to the north. Follow him
and hire the group of dancers that you walk past for 150 Reales (this will give
us a moving hiding location!). He ll soon enter a restricted area (marked by a
red area on the mini-map). Use the dancers you hired to distract the guards
blocking the entrance, and then follow the captain inside. Sneak up on him and
pickpocket him or kill him and loot the body for a key. Exit the restricted
Part 4: Infiltrate
We ll now have to sneak into the fort. Note that to earn the second optional
task we need to get in and loot the target room without entering combat. To do
this, make your way over to the westernmost corner of the fort (denoted by a
viewpoint icon on the mini map). Hop into the haystack on the ground here and
assassinate the guard patrolling nearby from cover. Now use the handholds on
the side of the fort here to move along the wall and around the corner
Jump to the beam opposite the window ledge and follow the climbable path to the
top of the fort, but don t climb up yet
hang from the ledge. Wait for the
pair of guards ahead to split up. Once will walk over to the ledge above you,
ledge assassinate him. The other will patrol off to the right. Wait for him to
patrol back and he will also come and stand on the ledge above you. Deal with
him as you did the first.
Climb up onto the roof and turn left. Take cover behind the corner of some of
the crates here and whistle at the guard near the cannon. Perform a corner
takedown on him. Head over to the next stack of crates near the corner and from
cover, check out the next part of the roof.
There are two stationary guards up on the ledge to your left and another
further down and fortunately they will be fixated on the sea below the fort,
so will cause you no trouble unless you bother them first. However, there is a
fourth guard that will patrol up and down this length of the roof who we will
need to take care of. Note that there are two gunners on top of the target
building as well (so make sure they aren t looking when you make your move!).
Wait for the patrolling guard to walk towards the room and using the crates
here as cover, follow him. Take cover behind the stack of crates behind the
single guard on the ledge and perform a corner take down on the patroller as he
walks past.
Now make your way over to the glowing door and interact with it for a scene.
Afterwards, turn to the right and jump off the fort via the hole in the wall

here. Swim over to the objective marker and talk with Stede to complete the

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 03 - Mister Walpole, I Presume?
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. Complete Rogers' shooting challenge.
\ 02. Pickpocket all three templars during the mission.
To begin this mission, make your way over to the Governor s mansion in Havana
and approach the gate.
Part 1: Training
After being let into the compound, make your way forward and follow the set
path to the left up to the objective market located on the terrace. A brief
scene will play out.
Following the scene, you will now have a pair of pistols. A group of target
dummies will appear in the garden nearby. Use these dummies to test out your
new toys and get use to the pistol controls and how to use them.
Once the others stop shooting, you ll notice one of them flashing. Go and talk
to the other one Rogers. A challenge descriptor will appear over his head.
Complete the shooting challenge to complete the optional objective for doing
so. When you are ready to continue, go and speak with the other fellow.
Part 2: Training
Following the scene, you ll now have the good old Assassin s Creed staple
wrist mounted hidden blades. Walk with the two hosts through the garden until
you reach another open area where they will come to a stop. At this point they
will ask you to show them a number of different types of assassinations using
the hidden blades.
Although the two hosts request various assassination demonstrations, you can
pretty much just do as you like. Some of the options include:




whilst standing in a crowd.

from corner cover.
using an air assassination.
from a haystack.
whilst on the run.

Once you are done practicing, approach the hosts and speak with them to

Part 3: Escort
Again follow them along the road, through the training ground and up the stairs
to the main building. Cross the courtyard here and go down the stairs at the
end for a scene.
When you are back in control of Edward, you will be in a room with all three
men bent over a map spread on a table in the centre of the room. We have about
a minute of conversation before the mission ends, so quickly go and pickpocket
all three of the Templars here to complete the second optional objective for
the mission.
Once the scene has completed, the mission will be over.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 04 - A Man They Call The Sage
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. Tackle the target from above during the chase sequence.
\ 02. Use a pistol during combat.
Part 1: Escort
After the introductory cinematic, you will need to follow the group of Templars
and the prisoner as they talk about important plot-related stuff. After a
minute or so, the group will be ambushed. As you will have noticed the boss
Laureano Torres has a health bar in the top left corner of the screen. We
need to defend him.
During the ambush, 10-12 melee attackers will appear along with a pair of
gunners on the rooftop in the distance. Fight off the ground forces as they
appear whilst trying to keep the guy we are protecting from receiving too much
damage. As the fight progresses, we ll move slowly up the street towards the
gunners. When you reach the top of the stairs, pull out your gun and shoot both
of them (this will also complete an optional objective). Now, just defend your
party until a scene plays.
Part 2: Pursuit
Afterwards the prisoner will run off. We need to chase after him and tackle him
when you get close enough, but doing so from above will earn us an optional
objective. As such, stay as close as you can to the target but always try to
maintain a height advantage. After a short period of time you should catch up
with him and be able to tackle him.
Once you have re-captured the target, a scene will play out and the mission
will be completed.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 05 - Claiming what's Due
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. Assassinate three enemies from stalking zones.
\ 02. Stay out of combat for the duration of the mission.
Part 1: Infiltrate
Upon starting the mission, hop the fence in front and use the stalking zone and
the sugar cane field to move up towards the buildings ahead. When you reach
the end of the first sugarcane field, when it is safe to do so, cross the
street and enter the next field. Make your way over to the right hand side of
the building ahead. From here, use the stalking zones along the wall to move up
and out of line of sight.
Work your way along the wall behind the building to the south and enter the
stalking zone bush here. Peek around the corner towards some stairs. At this
point, activate eagle vision to locate the guard with the key. The good news
is that he will patrol close to your location, so as he comes close whistle to
him to attract him and assassinate him from cover. Loot the key form his
Cross the street into the sugarcane crop on the other side and make your way up
to the wall to the left of the stairs. Climb to the top of this and hang from
the ledge. Wait for the guard above to stop above you and use a ledge
assassination to put him out of business. Climb over the wall and enter the
stalking zone ahead.
Now use the bushes along the wall to the left to work your way towards the
objective marker. Make sure to kill any enemies on the edge of the stalking
zone with an assassination for the optional task (we need to kill three baddies
form stalking zones) if they come too close. When you can go no further along
the wall, climb the overturned cart here to access the wall above. Jump over
the ledge and immediately enter the bushes in front to avoid being spotted.
There are three guards below the tree in front of you and to the right. There
is also an open structure to the left with some crates alongside it on the side
closest to you. When all three guards are not looking (or you have whistled
them over and dealt with them one at a time), run over and use the crates to
access the roof of the building. Make your way to the end of the roof closest
to the green waypoint marker and use the path through the branches here to hop
over the next wall.
Drop down and approach the objective marker. Interact with the door here for a

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 06 - The Treasure Fleet

\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. Free all 23 pirates from captivity.
\ 02. Assassinate three guards from behind corners.
This mission begins automatically after the conclusion of the previous one.
Part 1: Escape
When you regain control, hit the button prompt that appears on-screen to free
yourself. Now it s time to go and recover some gear.
Run over to the first doorway in front, take cover behind the frame and whistle
at the guard in the next room. Perform a corner takedown on him as he
approaches. Enter the room and knock out the guy with his back turned to you.
Now use the shelves in the centre of the room as cover to make your way over to
the other side of the room. From the edge of the shelf, peek around the corner
and whistle the guard here over to you when he is within earshot. Take him down
from the corner too.
At this point, your mate will run up and take down the two guards through the
next doorway for you. Follow him into the room and take cover behind the wall
separating the hallway to the next room. Again, lure one of the guards over to
you by whistling and take him down from behind the corner. As you do this, your
friend will eliminate the other. Now that it is all clear, approach the
objective marker to recover your gear.
After a short scene, climb the nearby ladder to reach the deck of the ship.
Part 2: Rescue
This part of the mission is essentially a whole bunch of pirate rescue
mini-missions. These can be found throughout the major settlements in the game
world following this mission. To do these, you need to approach each icon on
the mini-map without being spotted, deal with the guards at these locations and
then interact with the prisoners to free them. We need to free eighteen
prisoners in total to complete the mission and there are a total of twentythree available. Note that for freeing all twenty three we will complete an
optional objective.
It is really self-explanatory, use the ships riggings to approach from above
out of sight, or sneak up using barrels and crates as cover to approach each
situation, kill the captors closest to the prisoners first, kill off any guards
who become alerted and then free the captives. Make your way between each of
the first three ships and save the pirates on the decks. On the final ship,
clear out the deck of the ship and use the hatch to enter the hold of the ship.
Once inside, move up to the wall directly in front of you and peek around the
corner. Whistle the guard over when he is in range and deal with him from the
corner. Move up and eliminate the two guards in the next room. Proceed sneakily
into the room with the Pirate Rescue icon and double assassinate the guards
here. Free the prisoners and climb the ladder nearby.
Now that we are back on deck, a new objective marker will have appeared. Make

your way over to the ship indicated and eliminate the captain aboard. Now
interact with the wheel here for a scene.
We ll now be in control of the ship and this sequence will introduce you to the
basics of controlling it. The coloured arrow on the mini-map indicates wind
direction and depending on the angle of your ship to the wind, you will speed
or slow down accordingly. Green indicates a good, fast position, yellow not so
much and red will slow you down considerably.
Note that there are a few small, hostile schooners around as you begin this
segment that you can sink if you wish, so let s practice our ship combat! In
general, when you are engaged in nautical combat, the aim is to manoeuvre your
ship so that its weapons are able to face your target. The front has
front-mounted canon, the side broadside cannons and at the rear you are able to
drop explosive barrels. When you want to use one of the weapons, look in the
direction it is located, hold the aim button, you will see a white flight path
appear on screen which indicates where the cannons will fire. Enemy ships
likewise have a similar system, although their attacking angles will appear as
colours on the water with yellow and red indicating where their weapons are
targeting. If you see your ship in the range of the red water, tell your men to
brace immediately to avoid taking too much damage or immediately manoeuvre out
of the area.
Once you have had your fun with those ships, our real goal is to reach the
green waypoint marker in the distance. Sail your way over to this. On your way
you will encounter a couple of rogue waves (indicated by a wave icon on the
mini-map). We need to hit these head on to avoid taking damage from them. We ll
also see a water spout (indicated by a yellow circular zone on the map). You
will want to avoid these at all costs as they will decimate your ship in
When you reach the waypoint, the mission will be complete.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: For completing this mission, you will earn the achievement/trophy Good
While it Lasted .

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---------------------------------FIRST MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 01 - This Tyro Captain
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. Shoot an iguana.
\ 02. Perform an air assassination on an ocelot.

This mission begins automatically after the conclusion of the previous one.
Part 1: Exploration
Now that we have our own ship, it s time to explore the big wide world! Check
out the world map and for the mission, we need to sail over to Abaco Island,
which is conveniently marked with a green waypoint marker for us. When you
reach the island, stop the ship off the coast, dive into the water and swim
over to the shore.
We ll now be tasked with tracking down, hunting and skinning some indigenous
fauna. Once we are ashore, we need to kill and skin two iguanas and two
ocelots. The iguanas can be found sunning themselves on the beach areas of the
island. Be sure to shoot one of them for the optional objective. Kill two of
them and then move inland to find some ocelots.
Ocelots are large cats reminiscent of panthers. They hang out near the trees
and other vegetation and move quite quickly and often in groups. They will
spook quite easily and run off if you get to close. One of our optional
objectives asks us to perform an air assassination on one of the ocelots. To
do this, find a tree or rock we can climb and wait for an ocelot to come
beneath you. Highlight it and hit the assassinate button to take it down.
Once you have skinned two of each animal, return to the ship and speak with
Adewale to complete the mission.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 02 - Now Hiring
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. Disarm and kill three guards with their own weapons.
\ 02. Shoot the rope to save the pirate captain.
Following the previous mission, check out the world map and sail over to the
objective marker at Nassau. Once you have arrived at the settlement, make your
way up to the tavern and interact with the Adewale who is highlighted with the
exclamation mark to begin the mission.
Part 1: Rescue
The entirity of this mission is essentially a whole bunch of pirate rescue
mini-missions. As is to be expected for completion of these tasks, you need to
approach each icon on the mini-map without being spotted, deal with the guards
at these locations and then interact with the prisoners to free them. We need
to free fifteen prisoners in total to complete this segment and there are four
sets of pirate captives available on the map.
Note that there is an objective to enter combat and disarm and kill three
guards. To do this, enter combat whilst unarmed, counter an enemy attack with a

disarm and Edward will grab the bad guys weapon. Kill him with the weapon to
have it count towards the optional objective. Drop the weapon when you are done
and repeat two more times.
Once you have freed fifteen pirates, a new pirate rescue icon will appear on
the mini-map at the gallows next to the fort. Quickly run over here as quickly
as possible. As you arrive at the gallows, hide in the stalking zone to the
left by the broken half-wall. From here, pull out your gun and shoot the rope
to save the pirate captain.
Shooting the rope from the stalking zone will alert the guards here and they
will come to investigate. Use this opportunity to double assassinate a pair of
them as they arrive. Now fight off and kill the remaining guards. When they are
all done for, go over and interact with the pirate on the gallows.
Following the brief scene return to the tavern to complete the mission.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 03 - Prized and Plunder
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. Use the swivel gun to kill three enemies.
\ 02. Plunder at least 20 Rum.
Part 1: Plundering
This mission is essentially an introduction to attacking and plundering on the
high seas. What we need to do is to pull out our spyglass using the button
prompt indicated on screen and zoom in and out to identify ships in the area.
When focused on a vessel, the spyglass will give you information about the
class of ship, what threat level they pose to the Jackdaw, the sorts of weapons
they have and any cargo they might be carrying.
Go for a bit of a sail around the area and use your looking glass on all the
ships you come across until you find a schooner. Once you have located one,
pilot the Jackdaw over to it and use your weapons to bring it down to low
health in order to incapacitate it. Once it is ready to be boarded, a green
beam of light will appear from the top of it. At this point, move in close and
hold down the button prompt to initiate a boarding sequence.
Once Edward lets go of the wheel, quickly head over to the railing nearby with
the swivel gun on it. Hop on the swivel gun and use it to target enemy sailors
on the deck of the damaged ship. Kill three of them with the swivel gun to
complete one of the mission s optional objectives. Next, clear out the
remaining enemies on the enemy ship to complete the boarding sequence. A scene
will play.
After the scene, the game will update your objective marker and ask you to
return to Salt Key. Note that to complete the other optional objective; you
will need to plunder at least 20 Rum. If the schooner that you looted initially
did not have any rum on it, you ll need to keep sailing around the area and
using the spyglass to find a ship with some rum on board. Plunder ships until

you have completed the objective.

Following your return to Salt key, dock and enter the town. Make your way over
to the Harbormaster and purchase the intermediate hull upgrade for 1000 Reales.
This will complete the mission.
Note that the next mission will start automatically.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 04 - Raise the Black Flag
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. Attack, board and plunder a hunter ship.
\ 02. Plunder at least 30 Sugar.
Part 1: Plundering
As with the previous mission, this memory sequence has us plundering vessels in
the nearby area. This time though, our target is metal. Unfortunately, this
resource is not carried in great numbers by merchant vessels, but is much more
common on military ships. The problem with this area is that there are lots of
merchants and little military presence.
To have the military appear in the area, we need to plunder a few of the
merchant ships in the area to build up your notoriety (indicated by the red
crossed swords above the ship health bar). Note that there is an optional
objective to loot at least 30 Sugar, so try targeting vessels carrying sugar
during this early stage to knock the objective over as soon as possible.
After boarding and plundering 2-3 merchants, a Brig or two will show up. It
should be noted that they are much more powerful than the merchant schooners
you have been targeting and have more advanced weapons and armour. As with the
other types of ships, getting it to low health will allow you to board it. Do
so to plunder all of that metal that it is stashing.
Continue to attack and plunder brigs until you have all the metal that you
require. At this point, the game wants you to return to Salt Key. Instead of
going right away, due to attacking the military vessels you will be well and
truly notorious. As such, there should be a hunter ship in the area (these are
marked by the red crossed sword icons). Track it down, incapacitate it and
plunder it to complete the second optional objective.
Return to Salt Key. Run over and speak to the local officer indicated on the
mini-map. Bribe him for 200 Reales and this will reduce your notoriety. Handy
for future reference!
After chatting with the officer, make your way back to the Jackdaw, enter the
captain s cabin and interact with the model ship on the desk to the right. This
acts like your own personal on-board Harbourmaster. We need to purchase the
broadside cannons ship upgrade from here to complete the mission.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 05 - Sugarcane and Its Yields
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. Sabotage the two alarm bells at the plantation.
\ 02. Stay out of combat for during the tail/eavesdrop sequences.
Following the previous missions, check out the world map and sail over to the
objective marker. When you arrive at the destination, hop off the boat and swim
to shore. Speak with James Kidd on Andreas Island to start the mission.
Part 1: Tailing
Once the mission has started, follow Kidd a short distance. Once the
conversation is finished, we need to go and identify an individual of interest.
If you look at the map, you will see that there is a green circle indicating
the area in which the target is located. Make your way over to this and
activate Eagle vision to find the golden target.
Once identified, the target will start walking off. As per usual, the person we
are tailing will move along a set path and stop at regular intervals to peek
behind to check to see that he isn t being followed. As such, we need to follow
him at a distance, making sure to use the stalking zones and groups of people
to hide from him when he stops.
When he goes past the tavern, he will turn to the left and enter a restricted
area (red zone on the map) with guards about. Wait for him to speak to the two
stationary guards here and they will all walk off together. At this point, move
up to the stalking zone next to the tavern. Wait for the patrolling guard ahead
to walk over to the guard on the right by the shack. When the pair of them are
together here, quickly run past the shack and enter a stalking zone on the
other side. Stay here for a few moments and the objectives will update.
At this point, the objective marker will appear back on the Jackdaw. Quickly
sprint back to the ship and interact with the wheel before the timer runs out.
Part 2: Tailing
Now that we are back behind the wheel of the ship, we need to tail the target s
ship. Soon after initiating the chase, the target ship enters a restricted area
on the map.
When he does this, you will notice that enemy ships in the area will have
yellow line-of-sight cones added to the mini-map and will become hostile if
they spot you in the area. As such, you will want to avoid sailing into these
unless you want to get caught up in a naval battle. Navigate using the minimap, following the target marker whilst weaving between islands and moving
around the hostile ships.
After a minute or two, a green objective marker will appear. Approach this and
as you arrive, dock the Jackdaw and run ashore. As you land, a timer will

appear and you will have to reach the target individual within 50 seconds.
Sprint along the beach and as you get close to him, enter the stalking zone
bush marked by the green waypoint to avoid detection.
Part 3: Eavesdrop
At this point, we need to eavesdrop
here. As the pair walk off, hop the
field as cover, follow them over to
will split up. Stick with the agent

on the agent s conversation with

fence to the right and using the
the building ahead. As they pass
as he approaches the base of the

the guard
this, they

After a short chat, he will continue along the road until he reaches a guard
next to an alarm bell. Keep moving between stalking zones, and be vigilant in
checking your mini-map to make sure the gunman in the tower is not looking your
way when you do. Once he is done with the guard at the bell, continue along the
road after him until he stops in front of a warehouse. This will end the
eavesdrop sequence.
Part 4: Infiltrate
Now we need to locate the warehouse key. Both times I complete this mission,
the guard holding the key was located to the southwest of the warehouse. To get
there, backtrack to the guard at the alarm bell and look around the corner to
the right after the building nearby with eagle vision active to spot the key
bearer. This should mark him on the mini-map and HUD for you.
Now that we can find him easily whenever we like, let s do that optional
objective that wants us to disable two alarm bells. Whilst we are here anyway,
kill the guard and sabotage the bell whilst the shooter in the tower is not
looking. Now return to the warehouse, climb up when it is safe to do so and
take down the shooter on the roof. Make your way to the edge of the roof
closest to the water and if you peek over the edge you should see a second
alarm bell. Perform an air assassination on the guard here and sabotage the
bell to complete the optional objective.
If you wait long enough, the guard with the warehouse key will enter the area
around the warehouse. Use the stalking zone to sneak up on him and then double
assassinate the key holder and his guard. Loot the key from the body, return to
the warehouse and open the door to complete the mission.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 06 - Proper Defenses
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. Use a single broadside attack to sink two enemy ships.
\ 02. Use the heavy shot to sink two ships.
Following the previous missions, check out the world map and sail over to the

objective marker at the Salt Lagoon. When you arrive at the destination, you
should enter Edward s cabin and upgrade the Jackdaw with the Heavy shot (we
need it for an optional objective during this mission). Now when you are ready,
hop off the boat and swim to shore. Speak with the pirates around the campfire
to start the mission.
Part 1: Identify
After the introductory cinematic return to the Jackdaw and interact with the
wheel to start sailing. If you look at the map, you will see that there is a
green circle indicating the area in which the target is located. Cruise all
the way over to this area and use your spyglass to locate the ship named El
Arca Del Maestro . It is located close to the northern end of the green zone
(At co-ordinates 864,698). As the green zone is located within a restricted
area, make sure that you steer clear of the cones of visions of enemy ships as
you go!
When you have identified the ship, you will notice that it has a very large
field of view, stay out of this! It is a very powerful ship and it will be able
to level your ship in no time. Once you have it in sight, we need to get around
behind it and follow it slowly whilst staying out of its yellow field of
vision. Occasionally, other ships will enter this safe area, so make sure you
manoeuvre around them as necessary.
Part 1: Naval Battle
Continue to follow the large ship until you are joined by some allies. After a
brief encounter, eight smaller Spanish ships will show up to the east. At this
point, ignore the galleon and sail out to meet them. During this fight, you
will have the opportunity to achieve the two optional objectives sinking two
ships with a single broadside attack and destroy two ships with the heavy shot.
They are all fairly weak ships, so you shouldn t have too much trouble, even
though you are outnumbered.
Once all of the ships have been destroyed, a scene will play to end the

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 07 - A Single Madman
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. Stay out of combat for the duration of the mission.
\ 02. Perform an air assassination on the Templar target.
Part 1: Infiltrate
After the introduction, dive into the water and swim over to the ruin on the
shore nearby. Use the various handholds and platforms to climb all the way to
the top.

Now that we are up, find the dirt trail leading from the top of the ruins
inland. Follow this around the corner and sneak up and assassinate the guard
patrolling along the path here. When you reach the end of the path, drop down
to the area below and sneak up on and double assassinate the pair of guards
nearby on the mini-map.
Continue towards the green objective marker. When you reach the ruined halfwall, wait for the guard patrolling the path by it to turn away and sneak up
and dispatch him. Keep going down the path until you reach the green waypoint
killing a further two guards patrolling the path as you go.
After you reach the green marker, follow the Cliffside path to the right. Hop
over the gap and use the rope bridge to climb up the other side. Follow the
linear path here down a short way until you come across some enemy guards
There will be two standing on the path in front, a third some distance away in
a stationary position and a fourth patrolling back and forwards between the
two positions. Take them all out from stalking zones, (starting with the
patroller to make things easier) or sneak by them. Continue past the thatch
house in the centre of the path and enter the stalking zone bushes to the
Ahead there is a gunman located on a platform in the tree in the centre of this
area and a brute and guard at ground level. Again, take out or sneak past the
ground-based enemies whilst the gunman in the centre is looking away from you.
A little further along the path is another pair of regular guards. Do what you
wish with them. Keep following the path until you reach a small village.
Part 2: Assassinate
Once you arrive at the village, enter the stalking zone bush near the exit. In
the distance you will see a ship docked. This is where our target is located.
Note that from this point on we are able to achieve the mission s two optional
objectives stay out of combat and to perform an air assassination on the
target. Wait for the guards ahead to look away and then run over to the bush to
the left of the building directly in front of the path.
When it is clear to do so, make a run for the nearest sugarcane field. Whistle
at the guy standing on the side of the field closest to the water and
assassinate him from cover when he comes to investigate. Deal with the
patroller here to the south as well if you wish to do so. Make your way to the
far end of the field. A guard patrols from here down to the buildings below.
Wait for him to start down and follow him. Duck into the stalking zone bushes
to the left of the small dirt road. Hang out here for a moment.
At this point, wait until no guards are looking your way and make your way over
to and follow the cliff wall to the west all the way until you reach the water.
At this point, you ll be fairly close to the back end of the ship. Swim out and
around the opposite side of the ship from the village, using the stealth swim
option if you get spotted.
Climb up the side of the ship near the bow and when you reach the top rail,
shimmy around and ledge assassinate the guard looking out from the back of the
ship. From your position on the ledge here, activate eagle vision to identify
the target.
Maintain your position here for a little longer, two regulars will patrol

across the back of the ship and then descend the stairs to the main deck. Your
assassination target will do the same. When all three have passed (and no-one
is looking your way) you have a brief window to move. Hop over the railing and
climb the mast until you reach the first cross beam. Now wait here until the
target makes another lap. When he passes below you, hit the attack button to
air assassinate him to complete the optional objective and the mission.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: For completing this mission, you will earn the achievement/trophy A
Pirate s Life For Me .

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/ ___ |/ /_/ (__ ) /_/ __/ / / /_/ / /_/ / / /_/ / __/
/_/ |_/_.___/____/\__/\___/_/ \__, /\____/ \____/____/
When we regain control, follow
Press the fl. 15 CCO option
through the door at the top of
left hand side of the room for

the woman through the office to the elevator.

to take it up to the top floor. Exit and walk
the stairs. Walk over to Olivier s desk on the
a conversation. Follow him around as he talks.

When the conversation ends, return to the elevator and hit the fl. 2
17 button. After getting off, follow the waypoint marker over to the
workstation indicated. You will be given level 1 security access. Enter the
room and use the computer inside.
We now have to complete a hacking mini-game. The screen displays a sphere with
various lines cut into its surface. The glowing point on the sphere is what we
are able to control. To hack the computer, we need to get the glowing point to
come to a stop on one of the green circular paths around either end and then
have it go around in an endless loop.
To solve it, use the following inputs:



This will activate a video. After you are done, exit the computer. Note that
following that one, we now are able to hack computers within the office (there
is an achievement/trophy
Ghost in the Machine for hacking 15 of them).
Return to the elevator and ride it down to the ground floor. Approach the
waypoint marker for a scene. When you are done here, return to your work
station and get back to work in the Animus.

Note: For completing this mission, you will earn the achievement/trophy
Routine Hacking .

____ __ __
/ ___/___ ____ ___ _____ ____ ________
/ __ \/ // /
\__ \/ _ \/ __ `/ / / / _ \/ __ \/ ___/ _ \ / / / / // /_
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/____/\___/\__, /\__,_/\___/_/ /_/\___/\___/ \____/ /_/
---------------------------------FIRST MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 01 - This Old Cove
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. N/A: There are no optional objectives for this mission.
This mission will begin automatically upon re-entering the Animus.
Part 1: Exploration
Have Edward follow Kidd away from the beach and along the dirt path we used in
the previous mission. Eventually he will lead you to an interesting looking,
glowing stone structure this is a Mayan Stelae, a type of collectible that
will be available after this mission. As you arrive at the statue a scene will
After the scene, activate eagle vision when prompted and then climb to the very
top of the statue. Once on top, a mini-game will begin. We will need to align
glowing lines and rings with objects in the environment. Once you have arranged
the lines in the correct locations, the game will take you out of eagle vision
and an artefact location will be displayed.
In this case, the circle needs to be placed on the tree stump and the two
squares aligned on top of the two square pillars.
Once you have done it correctly, the game will give you a new waypoint marker.
Go over and check it out and dig on the spot with the button prompt to find an
artefact. After another brief conversation, the game will take you to the world
map screen to show you the locations of all the other Mayan Stelae. When you
are ready exit the menu.
Now we need to follow Kidd again. Continue through the jungle until he leads
you into a man-made area. Climb the staircase in here to the top. A scene will
play. At this time, you will find some master assassin gear sitting behind a
series of locks on the wall; we already have the key to one of the locks. To
find the other four keys (and that sweet looking armour), we need to complete
the Templar Hunt side-missions: Opia Apito, Rhona Dinsmore, Anto and Vance
Travers. See the side-mission section of the guide for additional details.

After another brief conversation, the game will take you to the world map
screen to show you the locations of all the other Templar Hunt mission
locations. When you are ready exit the menu.
Exit the building and return to the docks. Check out the waypoint for a scene
to end the mission.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 02 - Nothing is True...
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. Knock out three assassins.
\ 02. Find and loot four treasure chests.
Following the previous mission, check out the world map and sail over to the
objective marker at the Tulum. When you arrive at the destination, the mission
will begin.
Note that this is a stealth-based mission and if you are detected, you will
desynchronise and have to start from the previous checkpoint again.
Part 1: Infiltrate
When we regain control, look behind the rock on the right for a chest (1/4).
Now climb the ruin to the left using the crack in the wall to reach the top. At
this point, make sure you select unarmed as your weapon as we are not allowed
to kill anybody during this mission.
Follow the top of the cliff to the left and enter the stalking zone bushes.
Wait for the pair of assassins to separate here and whistle one over and knock
them out. Repeat when the second assassin patrols back. Climb the viewpoint
here, synchronise and dive into the ocean (you should grab an Animus Fragment
on the way down). Swim down the coast to the south until you see the natural
rock arch on the coast.
Hop out here and knock out the enemy patrolling back and forth. Loot the
treasure chest (2/4) here. Head north from here and enter the stalking bush.
Wait for the nearby bad guys to turn away and run up the nearby hill on the
left to reach the waypoint marker. Continue along the set route until you reach
the next waypoint a little further along.
Wait for the enemy on the left to start walking away and climb the half wall
in front and hop into the tree. Follow the path along the tree branches here
to reach the large stone pillar to the north (there is an easy to spot animus
fragment on it). Jump down to the stalking zone on top of the structure here.
Again use the half wall here to access the tree in front and follow the
branches over to the left. Drop down when you reach the cliff face and run over
to the objective marker nearby. Quickly run down the path and around the
We ll exit into another open area. Move up and hide in the stalking zone in

front of the exit. Wait for the assassin in front to patrol to the left and
then back again. As she goes back, quickly run around the corner to the left,
go up the slope and climb the wall. Duck into the bushes here.
Follow the ledge to the right and hide in the next stalking zone. Wait for the
patrolling assassin to walk off and knock out the guy with his back to you at
the edge of the bushes. When the patroller returns, whistle to have him come
over and knock him out too. Move up to the next stalking zone and knock out
the assassin here too. Just beyond this set of bushes, you will find a chest
to loot (3/4).
Now from the previous stalking zone bushes, work your way to the east. Wait
for the assassin on the ledge ahead to patrol to the right and when she does,
run up and hide in the bushes behind her. Knock her out.
From here look to the east. Wait for the assassin on the next platform on the
left to walk to the right. At this point, jump down to the half wall below,
turn left and jump across and up to the ledge. Sprint over and enter the
stalking bush on your right. Give each of the two assassins here a turn at
being whistled at from the bushes and being knocked out. Now look towards the
objective marker across the gap in front. There is a gunner on this platform
that will see you quite easily if you make a move whilst he is looking. As soon
as he turns away, jump across the rooftops and up onto the platform and knock
him out.
Use the stalking zones to the right of the next set of stairs to circumvent
the enemies at the top and work your way over to the objective marker in front
of the temple in front. Before approaching our goal, run past the temple
entrance here to the left to find another ruin area. To the right of the large
structure here is a treasure chest (4/4) loot this to complete the optional
Now return to the objective marker and speak with Kidd here and a scene will
play to end the mission.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 03 - The Sage's Buried Secret
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. N/A: There are no optional objectives for this mission.
This mission begins automatically after the conclusion of the previous one.
Part 1: Exploration
Now that we are inside the temple, have Edward follow Kidd along the set route
until you reach a room where a bridge collapses. Turn to the left and use the
handholds on the wall here to traverse the gap to the far side and swing up
onto the glowing statue head on the wall to open the door below.
Drop down and continue through the door. Follow in Kidd s footsteps and

handholds as you are lead deeper into the temple. When you reach the large
water pool, dive down into it. Dive under the water and follow Kidd through the
underwater tunnels, being sure to surface at the same time and in the same
places as he does. When you reach the end, surface and a waypoint marker will
be added in the distance.
Make your way across the rocks in the water here and climb the ruin until you
reach the top. Make your way over to the temple in the distance and take the
stairs up to the platform at the top. Here we ll find a puzzle that we need to
Essentially there is a rotating circle on the floor made up of three sections
of differing colours. There is also three coloured blocks. The lever in the
centre of the room will rotate the floor, whilst the mechanisms on either side
of the room can pick blocks up or set them down by using the counter weighted
blocks mounted on the walls.
To solve it, we need to place the coloured cubes onto the section of the
circular tiles that matches. To do this, use the following steps:

Rotate right once.

Use the left counterweight to raise the red block.
Rotate right once.
Use the right counterweight to lower the green block.
Rotate left once.
Use the right counterweight to lift the blue block.
Rotate left once.
Use the right counterweight to lower the blue block.
Use the left counterweight to lower the red block.

Upon solving the puzzle, a scene will play and the mission will be complete.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 04 - Overrun and Outnumbered
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. Use sleep darts to incapacitate at least eight guards.
\ 02. Use a berserk dart on at least two guards.
This mission begins automatically after the conclusion of the previous one.
Part 1: Rescue
Upon starting this mission, you will be given a blowpipe. We can use this to
fire two different types of darts. Sleep darts will put enemies to sleep for a
short amount of time, whilst berserk darts will cause an afflicted enemy to
attack anyone (friend or foe) in their immediate area. We ll be using these
quite a bit over the course of the mission and both optional objectives are
tied into using it (use sleep darts on eight guards and use berserk darts on

This mission is essentially a whole bunch of pirate rescue mini-missions that

you find in the major settlements. You need to approach each load of casualties
without being spotted (sleep darts are great for this), deal with the guards
and interact with the prisoners to free them. We need to free fourteen
prisoners in total to complete the mission and there quite a few more than
It is really self-explanatory, use heights or stalking zones to approach each
situation, use sleep darts to deal with any gunners and any other guards that
you feel you need to, kill the captors and free the captives. Rinse and repeat.
You can even go into conflict mode next to hostages, as long as you deal with
the guards pointing their guns at them quickly.
Once you have freed fourteen of the prisoners, a scene will play to end the
mission and the memory sequence.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: For completing this mission, you will earn the achievement/trophy No
Apologies .

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/____/\___/\__, /\__,_/\___/_/ /_/\___/\___/ \____/_____/
Before proceeding with this sequence's missions, you are going to want to
upgrade the Jackdaw again. Whilst it is possible to do the next few missions
without doing so, grabbing a couple of upgrades at this point will make things
a little easier, and allow us to earn an optional objective on an upcoming
I'd recommend purchasing at least the following upgrades:
> Hull Armour level 2
> Mortars level 1

---------------------------------FIRST MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 01 - The Forts
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. Use a mortar attack to damage the fort's defences.
\ 02. Use a running assassination to kill the fort's captain.
Part 1: Naval Battle

The objective of this mission is to destroy the armed forts defences, before
entering the fort and taking out the leaders. To begin with we need to crack
open the fort itself.
The fort s defences consist of two cannon towers overlooking the water, each
marked with a red objective marker. Hitting them with attacks will display a
health bar so that you can track how much damage you have caused. In addition
to the towers, the fort will launch mortars into the ocean in a bid to hit you.
Remember that mortars and enemy attacks will appear as colours on the water
with yellow and red indicating where their weapons are targeting. If you see
your ship in the range of the red water, tell your men to brace immediately to
avoid taking too much damage or immediately manoeuvre out of the area.
To take down the fort, use a mortar if you have one to damage the defences for
the optional objective. Afterwards, I d recommend sailing back and forth in
front of the fort, using your broadside attacks and heavy shots to deal damage
over a larger area. Then use the swivel gun to pop the weak spots when they
become visible.
Once all of the defences have been destroyed, a green waypoint marker will
appear next to the fort allowing you to dock.
Part 2: Assassinate
Climb the stairs until you reach the blocked gate. Climb the broken wall to
the right of the gate and drop down the other side. Clear out the immediate
area of enemies and climb the makeshift ramp on the right of the area. Continue
through the archway here into another small courtyard. Quickly sprint over and
kill the officer here with a running assassination for the second optional
Once the officer is down, scale the building at the back of the courtyard until
you reach the roof. Run over and enter the door marked with the green
objective marker. This will liberate the fort and complete the mission.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 02 - Traveling Salesman
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. Kill four enemy gunners.
\ 02. Kill at least five guards stunned by smoke bombs.
Part 1: Tailing
From the start of the mission we ll be tailing a pair of targets. Immediately
throw on eagle vision and tag them to make tracking them a little easier.
Follow them around the back of the market stalls and hide in the crowd until
they climb the stairs. Hop up the wall to the left of the stairway, cruise
down the grass strip to the left of the house and enter cover in the bush next

to the large stone arches in the centre of the square.

Follow them down the stairs and take cover behind the corner on the building
to the left of the road when they stop for a moment. When they move on, use
the rope lift on the side of the building they were standing next to reach the
roof. Kill the gunner here and follow the targets using the treetop path
ahead. When you reach the far roof, kill the gunner here as well. When they go
through a fenced area with guards blocking the entrance, drop down to ground
level and work your way along the outside of the fence and around the corner.
Hide in the stalking bushes on the opposite side of the dirt road here and
follow them until they come to a stop again.
After a brief exchange, the targets will walk back past our current location
and enter a restricted area with guards blocking the entrance. Climb the
ladder to the right to access the rooftop here. From this location you can
watch them for a short while without losing them. Continue along the rooftops,
following the targets. Kill the gunner on top of the third building. Leap to
the building across the street from here and again when the targets take a
right turn.
You ll end up on the roof of a building in front of the guarded gate to a
farm-like area. The targets will come to a stop in the centre of this. We
need to eavesdrop on them, so perform a leap of faith down into the haystack
below and hop through the gap in the fence to start.
Part 2: Eavesdrop
After going through the gap in the fence, enter the stalking bush. As you enter
the fence, the targets will start walking off. When it is safe to do so, move
up to the haystack nearby and climb inside. Assassinate the guy beside it. Next
run up between the buildings where the targets went and get into the bush here.
Assassinate the guard in front.
Follow them around to the right and when they take the next left turn, wait a
few moments and then enter the door of the building on the corner to the left
of the road they just turned down. This will put you up in a tree on the far
side. Hop across the next few buildings until you reach the end of the block
just before the cemetery area. At this point, turn to the right, run across
the rope and assassinate the shooter on the roof here. By this point, the
targets will have moved into the cemetery. Use the wooden beam protruding from
the roof here to dive into the haystack on the other side of the fence.
Assassinate the guard in front, then hop out and work your way from stalking
bush to stalking bush, climbing the hill after the targets when no one is
looking. Kill any guards that hang out near your hiding spots. When they reach
the top of the hill the conversation will end.
Part 3: Fight
As soon as the scene ends, you will be in a combat situation. It is at this
time that you are able to earn the second optional objective. We need to kill
five guards whilst they are temporarily stunned by smoke bombs. As such, equip
them, drop them and kill the guards when they drop their guard. Easy! Keep
fighting until you have eliminated all of the guards.

Part 4: Pursuit
Upon the conclusion of the fight, Kidd will run off. Our new goal is to stop
him. To do this, follow directly behind him, going where he goes
you ll get
stunned by smoke bombs a couple of times, but eventually you will catch up to
him again. When you are in range, tackle him to end the mission.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 03 - Unmanned
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. Use a berserk dart on at least two brute guards.
\ 02. Use sleep darts to incapacitate at least two gunners.
Part 1: Infiltrate
We ll start on top of a giant windmill overlooking an estate and its grounds.
Perform a leap of faith down to the haystack below. Our first objective is to
disable the three alarm bells in the fields in front of the residence at the
far end.
Note that during this first section, alerting and entering combat with guards
is possible and you will not fail the mission. As such it is entirely possible
to enter the area, murder everyone in sight and then go and disable the alarm
bells. It is just a little easier with the stealthy approach. As such, let s
do it that way.
Make your way up the hill nearby and approach the closest bell. Hop the fence
and enter the sugarcane field here. From the cover of the field, whistle to
and assassinate from the cover of the field the guards patrolling down the left
and right of the field and a third guard who patrols to and from the bell. Pull
out your blowpipe and equip the berserk darts. Look to the right of the bell
for a lit torch close by, you should see a brute patrolling back and forth who
will stop close to this on his rounds. Hit him with a berserk dart. You ll also
want to use a sleep dart on the gunner in the watch tower to the left.
Whilst the brute is under the influence of the dart, enemies will be drawn to
him. Use this as a distraction to run up and sabotage the alarm bell. Quickly
sneak over and hide in the cane field beneath the watchtower. Lure any enemies
nearby to you with whistles and subdue them quietly. Now we are going to work
our way over to the bell to the west.
Look at your mini-map and when no guards are looking, run across the street to
the left of the guard tower. Enter one of the bushes here. From this location,
you should be able to see the second alarm bell in the centre of an open area
ahead. We want to reach the bush next to the wall of the building closest to
the alarm bell. Sneak over and hop into this when it is safe to do so.
Assassinate the guy just in front of the bush. Now whistle to the guard
patrolling past on the dirt road to the right, and the other who patrols to and
from the bell. Assassinate them both.

Now as before, hit the guard up in the tower to the left with a sleep dart and
then hit another in the area with a berserk dart. Use the distraction to
disable the alarm bell. Afterwards continue to the west until you reach a
stream. Work your way up the stream using the bushes as cover until you reach
the guard tower where we just put the guard to sleep previously. Follow the
stream to the right, still using the stalking zone bushes as cover until you
get to the bridge.
Cross the stream to the left of the bridge to avoid detection, turn right when
you reach the opposite bank and quickly run over to the bush near the end of
the bridge. Form here we should be able to spot the final alarm bell. Look at
the mini-map and when no guards are looking, hop the fence and enter the sugar
cane field. Proceed to the end of the field closest to the bell and use your
whistle to attract any enemies close to the field over to you.
From the safety of the field, pull out your blowpipe again and select your
berserker darts. See the hay cart by the bell? There is a brute leaning up
against it on the opposite side from where we are. Fortunately we can shoot
him in the leg visible below the cart. Doing so will draw in enemies as per
usual. During the commotion run over and sabotage the bell.
Now that all three bells are out of commission, sneak back to the bridge we
passed a few moments ago. Now make your way up to the objective marker nearby
for a scene.
Part 2: Assassinate
Enter the now open gate and hide in the shrubs just inside. Wait for the brute
to climb down the stairs and walk off to the left (if you haven t used your
berserker darts on two brutes yet, here s an opportunity to do so). Either wait
for the aforementioned brute to walk off and for the enemies on the upper path
of the building ahead to patrol away from the front of the building and then
quickly run over and climb to the roof, or berserk dart the brute and let him
distract the guards whilst you scale the building.
When you reach the roof, sneak over and take out the gunners on both the left
and the right hand sides. Now that it is relatively safe, look down to the
back yard. Note the stone gazebo in the centre. Our target is in here.
From the left hand side of the roof, dive down into the haystack below. Use the
stalking zone in front of this to work your way over to the gazebo. Make your
way inside and assassinate him for a scene.
Afterwards we need to escape the area. Leave the restricted zone on the map,
break line of sight with your pursuers and get into a hiding spot to become
anonymous. When this has happened, make your way over to the green waypoint
marker to complete the mission.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: For completing this mission, you will earn the achievement/trophy Death
of a Salesman.

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/ __ \/ ___/

\__ \/ _ \/ __ `/ / / / _ \/ __ \/ ___/ _ \ / / / / __ \
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/____/\___/\__, /\__,_/\___/_/ /_/\___/\___/ \____/\____/
After the introduction scene, we ll need to follow Blackbeard and co. through
the streets of Nassau whilst they discuss a plan of attack. After a couple of
minutes, you ll be free to head off.
To begin the next segment of the mission however we ll need to head to either
Edward s cabin on the jackdaw or to a Harbormaster and purchase the Diving
Bell upgrade. This will allow us to explore underwater shipwrecks. The diving
bell costs 5000 Reales, so if you do not have enough, some options to help earn
some would include: selling any Sugar and Rum you have previously plundered,
find and open some treasure chests, attack the easy forts and board a couple
more ships until you have enough to purchase it.
Once the bell has been purchased, the first mission s start marker will appear.

---------------------------------FIRST MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 01 - Diving for Medicines
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. Find and loot three treasure chests.
\ 02. Avoid being attacked by a shark.
Approach Blackbeard s ship
The Queen Anne s Revenge in the ocean by the San
Ignatio shipwreck just to the east of the Dry Tortuga fort to begin the
sequence. Once the scene to start the mission is done, sail to the San Ignatio
Wreck, dock and use the diving bell to reach the seabed below.
Part 1: Exploration
This mission is an introduction to diving at shipwrecks and upon its
completion, we will be able to approach, dive and explore all of the shipwrecks
located across the Caribbean. Whilst we are underwater, we have an air meter
in the centre of the screen to represent remaining air supplies. If you look at
the mini-map, you should also be able to make out small, balloon-shaped icons.
These are barrels that we can approach to replenish our oxygen level.
There are four chests in the starting area and we ll have to loot three of them
during this mission to fulfil the requirements for one of the optional
objectives. As such, let s get it over with ASAP! There is one just to the
north of where the bell lands on the sea bed, another just behind the jellyfish
in the remnants of part of the ship to the northwest of the first air barrel
and another just to the north of this inside another section of the ship s
When you have grabbed three of the chests, approach the glowing hatch on the
main deck of the ship and interact with it to access the inside of the ship.

Loot the chest located inside.

Following the scene, make your way through the newly formed tunnel until you
reach the air pocket. Surface to replenish your air supply. Afterwards,
continue through the tunnel. You ll reach a cave with a strong current that
will interrupt your swimming and propel you all over the place. At this point,
try not to fight it too much, but work your way towards the northern side of
the area. Find the small exit leading outside.
As you leave the indoor area, use the air barrel in front to resupply your
oxygen. We ll now see sharks about. Note that there is an optional objective
at this point to complete the mission without being attacked by one of the
sharks. To do this, we can use the seaweed on the sea floor as a stalking zone
and the various wrecks about as hiding places to avoid detection.
Enter the wreck just to your right. Inside you ll find an Animus Fragment.
Move through to the back end of this. Outside you should spot another chest
directly in front. Ignore this one for the moment and swim to the right to
find another wreck. On a rock platform in front of it just behind the seaweed
you ll find a chest. Open this and return to the chest we ignored a few moments
ago and open that too.
As we were swimming back to the ignored chest, you will have spotted the
Animus fragment in the distance. Swim over to grab that and duck into the
wreck to its left to find the final chest in the area (this contains a Plan
Elite Hull Upgrade for the jackdaw).
Now we ll be quite low on health, so exit the wreck and head for the diving
bell marked with the green objective marker. When you arrive at the bell,
interact with it for a scene to complete the mission.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 02 - Devil's Advocate
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. Rescue at least five survivors from the sea.
\ 02. Kill at least three guards stunned by a smoke bomb.
Before proceeding with this mission, you are going to want to upgrade the
Jackdaw again. Whilst it is possible to do the next few missions without doing
so, upgrading at this point will make things much easier, and a little less
frustrating. As this is the case, you should definitely look at having at
least the following upgrades:

Hull Armour Level 2

Broadside Cannons Level 2
Round Shot Strength Level 2
Swivel Strength Level 2

When you are ready to proceed, sail over to the objective marker on the world
map to the south of Nassau. Approach the marker for a scene to start the

Part 1: Investigate
The first part of the mission asks us to track down and locate Blackbeard s
ship. If you look at the map, you will see that there is a green circle
indicating the area in which it is located. As with the previous mission like
this, the green zone is located within a restricted area, so ensure that you
steer clear of the cones of visions of enemy ships as you go! Whilst you can
attack and board ships here if you please, doing so will make things much more
difficult than they need to be as if you attack a single ship, more will show
up in support to attack you.
Navigate all the way over to the green zone and use your spyglass to locate
the ship named The Queen Anne s Revenge . It is located in the south-eastern
portion of the green zone docked off Mariguana Island (map co-ordinates
880,544). Note that there is an optional objective to rescue five survivors
from the water, so keep an eye out for the icons on the mini-map and grab them
when you see them.
When you have identified the ship, you will see that it is docked. Slow down
and hop off the ship here and swim to shore.
Part 2: Defend
Help Blackbeard and his crew defeat the enemy soldiers. As soon as you can
during the fighting, make sure that you drop a smoke bomb and kill three guards
whilst they are incapacitated by the smoke bombs effect. This will complete the
second optional objective for the mission. Now just clear the beach out of any
remaining bad guys.
Once the island is clear, a man-o-war ship will appear in the waters offshore.
Follow Blackbeard and his crew onto the Queen Anne s Revenge, make your way up
to the wheel and interact with it to take control of the ship.
Part 3: Naval Battle
Head over and attack the man-o-war. The enemy vessel is equipped with mortars
and has some very powerful triple firing heavy-shot cannons on its broadside,
so you will want to steer around the incoming mortar shells whilst avoiding
spending too much time with its sides facing you. Fortunately, Blackbeard s
ship has some powerful broadside cannons as well, so use these to good effect
as you whittle down the man-o-war s health. When its health is low enough to
board, a scene will play.
Part 4: Assassinate
When you regain control, you will be up in the rigging of Blackbeard s ship.
Ahead you will see a gunner on the mast of the other ship. Quickly pull out
your gun/sleeping darts and shoot him. Hop across to the other ship s boom to
the right of your platform and run across it to reach the deck of the enemy
ship. By the time you arrive, the captain of the ship (marked with the red
objective marker) should be on the main deck. From the boom we are on, it
should be easy enough to highlight him and perform an air assassination. If

not, drop down and take him out.

Either way, once the captain is dead, the mission will be complete.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 03 - The Seige of Charles-Towne
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. Use sleep darts to incapacitate three crocodiles.
\ 02. Skin a crocodile.
Part 1: Tailing
As we begin the mission, we ll need to follow the gunboat in the water ahead.
We need to stay far enough back that we remain out of its yellow field of
vision. During this section, we will also have to move slowly as there are a
lot of small islands and rocks about and we need to avoid them whilst tailing
the ship. Additionally, there will be watchtowers, marked by green circles on
the map. Again, we will want to steer clear of these as we move through the
Sail to the left of the first tower and then sail follow the water around to
the right. We ll encounter another watch tower. Again, move to the left of this
and hug the land as you move up. Ensure that you slow right down to squeeze
through the small gap between the shore and the far end of the towers field of
vision. Continue to follow the left hand shore past the next watchtower. As you
approach the fourth watch tower, Edward will be prompted to hop out of the
Jump across to the buildings nearby and head left. Work your way across the
platforms and poles here until you reach the structure with the alarm bell.
Climb to the top ledge of this ahead. From here, look below and dive into the
Assassinate the first man next to the haystack and wait for a few moments.There
is a guard who will cut laps around the area. When he approaches the haystack,
whistle to draw him over and assassinate him from hiding as well. Now approach
the two stacks of crates/barrels set out in lines either side of the alarm
bell. Look at the mini-map and when no guards are looking, run between them
and sabotage the bell. Quickly run back out from the bell area again to avoid
You ll notice that the Jackdaw has moved up, so head over and jump back onto
your ship again. Get back behind the wheel.
As soon as you are back in control of the ship, sail it down the first entrance
that you see on your right. Follow the river until you enter the yellow zone on
the mini-map. At this point the Jackdaw will let Edward out again. That s
right - It s time to tail the gunboat on foot.

Part 2: Tailing
Note that in addition to following the boat on foot at this point, this is also
the only sequence during the mission in which we are able to complete the two
optional objectives. These are to use sleep darts on three crocodiles, and to
skin a crocodile. So be sure to have your blowpipe handy during the next little
When you are ready to get started, follow the dock to the end and the game will
show you the gunboat in the distance. When the camera pans back to Edward, turn
to the right and go down the small wooden walkway here. There is a crocodile in
the water at this point, so hit it with a sleep dart and skin it. Continue
across the water and enter the broken hull of the wrecked ship here. Climb the
back wall and shimmy across to the right.
When you reach the hole in the hull, hop up on
outside the ship here to swing over to the log
there are another two crocodiles in the water.
darts to complete the optional objectives. Hop
and enter the stalking zone bushes here.

the beam and use the branch

on the water. At this point,
Hit both of them with sleeping
to the far side of the river

You ll see a guard with his back to you ahead (and another a little further
on). To the left of him, resting against a wall is a stack of crates. Run over
and climb these and up to a ledge above them. Hop across the beams to the left.
Exit via the stone archway here and wait a moment. Once the rowboat has passed,
hop across the stone pillar ahead to reach the stone wall.
Climb to the top of this and follow it to the end. Jump to the building ahead.
Don t climb up, instead whilst hanging from the ledge, shimmy all the way to
the right. Climb up when you can go no further and jump to the wooden pillar
ahead. Work your way across the beams and chandelier until you reach the beams
on the far wall. Shimmy right again and jump through the gap. Drop down to the
ground below.
Move up towards the alarm bell and hide in one of the bushes nearby,
stack of crates to the right leading to an upper platform, we ll use
a second. The rowboat will make a brief stop at the guard post here.
the guard gets taken by the crocodile and use the opportunity to run
climb the crates to the next level.

note the
those in
Wait until
up and

Again wait for the boat to be on its way and then jump over to the stone wall.
Use the branches here to reach the far bank of the river. As you land, enter
the stalking zone bushes and wait. The rowboat should dock up ahead and the
inhabitants will get out. We ll now have to eavesdrop on their conversation.
Part 3: Eavesdrop
Run over to the stone wall closest to the riverbank on your right. As you
approach, the eavesdropping sequence will begin. Wait for the two guys to walk
past the gap between the two walls here and duck in after them. Follow behind
them at a distance, using the crates as cover. When they reach the end of the
docks, a scene will play.
Part 4: Pursuit
Afterwards, the target will run off. Follow him along the set path along the

docks here. Run up the ramp to

and use the posts in the water
when you see the next group of
right. This will put you above
him here and either target and
your pistol (the second option

the left of the first gate, slide down the ramp

to return to the chase. After returning to land,
guards blocking the path, run up the ram to the
the target over the marketplace. Catch up with
air assassinate him from above or shoot him with
is much easier) to end the chase.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: For completing this mission, you will earn the achievement/trophy Mixing
up the Medicines .

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After the previous mission, we ll be kicked out of the animus for another dose
of real world action. Follow the woman over to the elevator and hit the fl.
15 CCO button to ride it up to the top level. Upon exiting the elevator, the
woman will get called into the office by herself, leaving us alone to twiddle
our thumbs. Fortunately that voice over the radio has some plans for us.
To the right of the reception desk is an open doorway. Go through this and
follow the hallway to the end. Go down the stairs and approach the door. You ll
now be granted Level 2 security clearance. When you are able, go inside and
then open the Level 2 door just to the right.
Approach the security console to try out a hacking mini game. This mini-game
features a number at the top of the page and three sets of four numbers at the
bottom of the screen. We essentially need to select numbers from each of the
four groups at the bottom, so that when multiplied together in order, they
equal the number at the top of the page.
To solve this puzzle use the following steps:
> Set the first group of numbers to 5 .
> Set the second group of numbers to 2 .
> Set the third group of numbers to 7 .
This will complete the security measure. Now all we need to do is sit back and
watch the surveillance footage for a few moments. Afterwards exit the security
camera room.
Now follow the hallway all the way to the end until you reach an open window.
Wait here for a few moments and a window washing platform will park itself
here. Hop aboard and ride it up to the platform above. Exit to the left and
enter Olivier s office. Approach his computer and interact with it for another
hacking mini-game.
This hacking sequence involves piloting a little blue dot across the moving
lines to the right to reach the far side. The blue dot can only move between

grey or white lines as it traverses the grid. Touching red lines will destroy
the dot and you will have to begin again. There are no real hints or tips to
accompany this one, just be patient and try not to rush. Eventually you ll be
able to get it across to complete the hack.
After the hack, wait for the receptionist to leave her post and then exit the
office. Return to the elevator and ride it down to the ground floor. Approach
the waypoint marker for a scene. When you are done here, return to your work
station and get back to work in the Animus.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: For completing this mission, you will earn the achievement/trophy
Getting Weird Around Here .

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---------------------------------FIRST MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 01 - We Demand a Parlay
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. Sabotage the alarm bell.
\ 02. Kill three guards using a ledge assassination.
Head over and chat with the woman amongst the crowd of citizens gathered by
the beach to start the mission.
Part 1: Tailing
After the scene, look over towards the waypoint markers and activate eagle
vision to tag them. Now climb up the building next to your current position and
follow the targets as they move up the street from the rooftops. Kill the
gunner on the raised roof here and then jump down into the open square at the
end of the street. Hop into the well in the centre of the area.
After a brief stop, the group, which is now a little larger will set off again.
As to be expected, the targets will move along a set path and stop at regular
intervals to peek behind to check to see that they aren t being followed. As
such, we need to follow from a distance, using either the rooftops about or
making sure to use the various haystacks, stalking zones and groups of people
to hide from them when they stop.
They will work their way from the tavern up to the fort and will stop outside

the door by the gallows (where we shot the rope to save the pirate earlier).
After a few moments, they will enter the fort and close the door. It s time to
sneak inside!
Part 2: Infiltrate
When our objectives are updates, we ll now be tasked with infiltrating the
fort. Run over to the gallows and look behind them. There is a tree branch
conveniently placed parallel to the wall of the fort. Follow the path along the
wall using the small ledges and trees until you can go no further. At this
point, you should be able to climb the wall.
Follow the fairly obvious climbing path up the side of the fort until you reach
a window-like ledge. There is a guard inside. Wait until he is close to you
and perform a ledge assassination on him (we need three of these for the
optional objective). Step on the small wooden beam protruding from this ledge
and use it to jump to the next. From here, climb the wall again until you reach
the top. Stay hanging from the edge for the moment. A guard should patrol over
and stop directly above you. Make sure you ledge assassinate him as well. Now
rather than climbing up, shimmy around the edge of the roof to the left. Wait
for the other guard up here to patrol above you and perform a ledge takedown
on him as well. This should complete your first optional objective.
Climb up onto the guard tower here. At this point, a green waypoint marker
should appear. That is our next target. Find the crumbling wall at the top of
the tower here and walk over to it. At the base of the wall is a pair of
soldiers. Drop down and double assassinate them. Head down the stairs here and
as you reach the bottom, dive into the haystack just below. Assassinate the guy
leaning on this.
From the haystack have a quick look around. There is a gunner on the roof
directly above the objective marker, and another to your left on the wall above
the alarm bell. We ll need to put them to sleep when we make our move in a
moment. Wait for the pair of patrolling guards to move past the hay stack to
the right. Once they have moved on, hop out and use a sleep dart on the gunner
to the left. Run over and sabotage the bell 9this will complete the second
optional objective). Now return to the haystack and enter the stalking zone
bush between it and the objective marker.
Now that we are safe, put the guard on the roof above the waypoint marker to
sleep with a sleep dart. When it is clear, run over and loot the map indicated
by the green marker to complete the mission.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 02 - The Gunpowder Plot
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. Kill four guards in a single kill streak.
\ 02. Use blowpipe darts on ten guards.

Part 1: Infiltrate
This part of the mission is essentially a series of four, sneak in and loot
mini-missions. Once the mission has begun look at the map. There are four
restricted areas here now, each of which has an objective marker indicating a
gunpowder store that we want to pinch.
The goal at each of these locations is simply to either sneak in and steal the
glowing crates, or alternatively walk in in full sight, murder all of the
enemies in sight and then loot the container as easy as you please. Note that
there are two optional objectives for this mission and one is focused on
straight up combat (kill four guards in a single kill streak), whilst the other
favours a more stealthy approach (use 10 blowpipe darts on guards).
Remember that using berserk darts on brutes is a good way to create
distractions and that sleep darts on gunners are great for being stealthy. Also
note that looting enemy bodies will often yield darts for your blowpipe in
addition to bullets, so if you are the sneaky type, that is definitely worth
Each of the four locations is relatively easy to figure out and loot, just be
sure to complete those pesky optional objectives before you loot the final
barrel if you want full synchronisation.
Once all four barrels of powder have been looted the mission will be complete.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 03 - Commodore Eighty-Sixed
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. Assassinate three enemies from stalking zones.
\ 02. Perform an air assassination on the Templar target.
Part 1: Tailing
After starting the mission, we ll need to trail the pair of guards nearby. As
per usual, hit eagle vision to tag them. Follow them form a distance along the
first length of the dirt path and hire the dancers here for 150 Reales so that
we have a moving hiding spot. Wait for the soldiers to move past the guards
blocking the road. When they do, use the dancers to distract the guards and
continue through.
Make your way up the road until you see the gunner on the roof of the building
on the left of the street. Climb the roof and take him down quickly. Use the
path through the trees here to reach the next rooftop. Hop onto the next set
of branches to your right and follow it to the end and perform a leap of faith
into the haystack below. Use the stalking bushes to continue after the targets.
As they start moving down the hill to go to the beach area, follow the cliff
to the right of the road whilst keeping an eye on them. Use the stalking bushes
scattered around near the ledge here, avoiding or killing any guards that get
in the way. Once you reach the end of the cliff, perform a leap of faith down

to the haystack below.

Hop out and enter the stalking zone bushes to the right of the tents in the
encampment here and continue after the targets up the small hill until they
stop. This will end the tailing sequence.
Part 2: Assassinate
Once the main objective has been updated, the good news is that we are now able
to be detected without risk of failing the mission. There is an optional
objective at this point that asks us to assassinate three enemies from stalking
zone bushes. There are plenty of enemies available in this area, so sneak up
and kill the obvious enemy by himself near the stalking zones and then lure
some other guards over to hiding places to take them down as well. Once you
have killed three of them in this fashion, you will fulfil the requirements for
the optional objective.
Now that we have sorted out first optional objective it is time to proceed with
the primary goal
assassinating the Templar target. It is worth noting that
the second optional task for this mission requires that we assassinate him
using an air assassination attack.
To do this, use the trees, rocks and other debris in the water to make your way
out to the ship in the bay. The target will patrol in a square pattern from the
back of the boat, up to the centre, across and back to the rear end of the
vessel again. I started by climbing up and clearing out the front of the ship
of the two enemies here quietly. Next climb the rigging on one of the sides of
the mast here.
Once up on the higher platforms, work your way over to the front of the ship
(you can get rid of the gunner in the centre if you like, he can be a little
troublesome). After you arrive at the front of the ship, drop down to the
lowest boom on the mast. From here, wait for the target to pass below you,
target him and perform your air assassination to complete the optional task and
the sequence.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 04 - The Fireship
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. Use mortar attacks to sink three ships.
\ 02. Use fire barrels to sink a ship.
Part 1: Naval Battle
For the first part of this memory we will need to escort the friendly ship
nearby and defend it from attacks. We ll be fighting a large number of gunships
so be sure to stock up on mortars and heavy shots before you get started. As
the gunships are fairly weak and not too hard to deal with, the biggest risk in
this section is losing track of the ship we are escorting and either moving too

far from it and desynchronising or letting it get too far away whilst being
attacked and having it sunk.
To begin, three gunships will appear on the horizon and move in to attack.
Midway through this fight, another three gunships will also show up from the
north. Gunships are the weakest enemies you will encounter in the mission, so
try using your mortars to take all three of them down from a distance (this
will also fulfil the first optional task for the mission).If you are less
interested in full synchronisation, if you have a chance to line up 2-3 of them
at once, broadsiding them is also a viable option. Either way, they should not
put up too much of a challenge.
As the friendly ship changes its course and starts heading west, mortars will
start raining down from ships in the distance, so avoid the coloured water as
you follow the ship. After passing a small island on the left, a further four
gunships will come to engage our buddy. As this attack occurs in a fairly
confined area, it is perfect to attempt sinking a ship using fire barrels for
the second optional objective. To do this, let a gunship get behind you and
slow your speed down. When they are almost onto you drop the barrels to hit
them and they should sink as a result.
Soon after this point, an objective marker will appear in the water. Sail over
to this for a scene.
Afterwards all we need to do is sail through the area previously blocked by
the blockade and avoid enemy ships and their fire as we sail over to the green
objective marker ahead, past the remaining ships to the north. We ll have to
avoid mortar fire and a few broadsides, so be sure to keep an eye on the water
and manoeuvre around the attacks as best you can.
Once you are passed the ships, the tricky part is over and it is a fairly
straight shot to the marker. When you arrive the mission will be complete.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: For completing this mission, you will earn the achievement/trophy The
Hammer Falls .

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/____/\___/\__, /\__,_/\___/_/ /_/\___/\___/ \____/\____/
Before proceeding with this mission, you are going to want to upgrade the
jackdaw again. Whilst it is possible to do the next few missions without doing
so, it will be extremely difficult and very, very frustrating. You should have
at least the following upgrades to make things easier before continuing:
> Hull Armour level 3
> Ram strength Level 1
> Round Shot Strength Level 2

---------------------------------FIRST MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 01 - Do Not Go Quietly...
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. Kill four guards during the eavesdrop sequence.
\ 02. Incapacitate the man-o-war using a heavy shot attack.
Part 1: Tailing
Following the scene, we ll need to start tailing a target. Immediately activate
your eagle vision to tag the target. Follow him through the camp here, using
the groups of people scattered about as cover as you walk after him. He ll
walk up a dirt path out of the camp and into a restricted area.
Use the stalking zone bushes here to move up and sit in the bush just outside
the gate. Note that from this point on we ll have an opportunity to complete
the first optional objective kill four guards. Whilst in the bush, a guard
will come through the gate to investigate. Whistle him over and assassinate
him from the bush. We ll now have to eavesdrop on the target as he works his
way through the next few areas.
Part 2: Eavesdrop
Head over and hop through the gap in the fence to the left of the open gate and
enter the bushes on the far side. Wait for the target to walk off and run up
and take cover behind the crates in the middle of the area. Sprint up and
assassinate the guard who patrols around here before continuing over and
climbing the wall to the right of the stairs. Perform a ledge assassination on
the guard standing on the balcony above you.
You will see the two bad guys enter a doorway. To the left of this is a second
doorway with a bush in the doorway. Head in here and grab and assassinate the
guard standing next to the bush to complete the optional objective. Sprint to
the opposite side of the room from the bush we are hiding in to reach another
shrub opposite. Enter the shrub filled hallway to the right of this and follow
it all the way to the end. Assassinate the guard by the stalking zone here as
Go through the archway to the left of the arch that the targets go through and
climb to the top of the wall. Drop down to the stalking zone to the right.
Run over to the stairs that the targets climb and follow through the bushes on
the left of the stairs. At the top a scene will play.
Part 3: Escape
When we regain control, all hell has just broken loose. Hop down to the town
below and follow the relatively set path across the rooftops, avoiding the fire
as you go. Hop across the ship masts and booms to reach the Jackdaw in the
harbour and interact with the wheel to start sailing.

Part 4: Naval Battle
Now that we are back in control of the Jackdaw, make your way out into the open
water. Here we ll be greeted by a hostile man-o-war vessel. This is quite
difficult as the ship has a high amount of armour, highly damaging broadside,
chase cannon and mortar attacks. As per usual with these tricky fights, we want
to circle our foe, dodging the mortar fire and bracing when we get in the range
of the man-o-war s broadsides. Use your heavy shots and broadside attacks to
hit the man-o-war and then shoot the weak spots with the swivel gun when they
appear. When the man-o-war is at very low health, ensure that you try and hit
it with a heavy shot to incapacitate it to complete the second optional
When the man-o-war is incapacitated, sail over and board it.
We ll now have to do a standard boarding manoeuvre. Before jumping across to
the other deck, hop on the swivel gun and attempt to shoot the three powder
reserve barrels that are marked with the red objective markers. Kill off as
many enemies on the deck as well until the swivel gun runs dry. Afterwards
swing over to the opposite deck, Climb the riggings and take down the two
scouts on the platforms high up in the masts. Once they are dead, return to the
deck and kill off enemy forces until a scene plays.
Part 5: Escape
When you regain control, swim over to
now have to escape the zone. As with
we ll have to avoid mortar fire and a
on the water and manoeuvre around the

the Jackdaw and get behind the wheel. We

the previous sequence s final mission,
few broadsides, so be sure to keep an eye
attacks and the enemy ships as best you

Once you are passed the ships, just sail straight out into the ocean until the
mission is complete.
----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 02 - Vainglorious Bastards
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. Damage the target ship with an upgraded ram.
\ 02. Use the fort's defences to destroy an enemy ship.
Note that this mission is tough, but is easier if you have upgraded the Jackdaw
to at least the specifications listed in the Sequence 8 intro above. It will
also be much easier to complete if you have previously captured the Cabo de
Cruz fort.
Part 1: Locate

The first part of the mission asks us to track down and locate the slave ship.
If you look at the map, you will see that there is a green circle indicating
the area in which it is located. As with the previous mission like this, the
green zone is located within a restricted area, so ensure that you steer clear
of the cones of visions of enemy ships as you go! Fortunately, you have a
friendly ship with you this time and it will eventually lead you to the target
ship. Just keep after it and use the spyglass to identify each ship as you go
until you find it.
For ease of locating it, it is at the far end of the green circle to the east,
at the co-ordinates (474, 424).
Part 2: Pursuit
When we get close to it, the ship will sail off. The friendly ship that is with
us will give chase and they will sail side by side, shooting at each other.
Hold back and follow them from a distance as to not be hit by any cross fire,
but feel free to use your weapons to attack the target ship (there s a pretty
difficult battle coming up and if you can do a bit of damage to the ship now,
it will reduce the length of the battle). The slave ship and our friend will go
at it until they exit from the small island chain and into an open area.
At this point, sail over and bump into the friendly ship for a short cut-scene.
Our objectives will now be updated.
Part 3: Naval Battle
We are now in open water which means we have a bit of room to move around. The
bad news is that there is a fort nearby (Cabo de Cruz), which will attack you
with its defences and mortars in a bid to sink you. Additionally, there are
another two brigs in the area in addition to the slave ship. Our goal is to
incapacitate and board the slaver s ship.
The fort s defences consist of cannon towers overlooking the water, and cannon
walls that will launch broadside-like strikes against your ship. In addition
to the towers, the fort will launch mortars into the ocean in a bid to hit you.
Remember that mortars and enemy attacks will appear as colours on the water
with yellow and red indicating where their weapons are targeting. If you see
your ship in the range of the red water, tell your men to brace immediately to
avoid taking too much damage or immediately manoeuvre out of the area.
To complete the first of the two optional objectives we need to damage the
target ship with an upgraded ram (I hope you purchased it earlier as I
suggested!) by simply running into it. The second objective is a little
trickier, as we need to damage one of the other ships in the area quite badly
and then instead of finishing it off, lure it into following us past the fort
and have it get caught up in the fort s cannon and mortar fire so that it
sinks. Note that if you have previously captured the Cabo de Cruz fort, it
will target enemy forces instead of you during the battle.
Either way, once you have whittled the target ship down to minimal health,
board it. Kill 15 soldiers on deck and climb the riggings to take out the two
gunners in the platforms at the top to complete the mission.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 03 - Marooned
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. Find, kill and skin three animals.
\ 02. perform an air assassination on the target.
Part 1: Pursuit
As we begin cross the beach and find the dirt path leading inland that is
marked by the crumbling ruins. Follow this path as it goes, and soon after
crossing the first patch of water, you ll be attacked by a black jaguar. Fend
it off and then chase it down and kill it, skin it (there is an optional
objective to skin three animals and this is our first). Continue until you
reach an opening in front of a large ruined temple.
Cross the river here to reach the main building. Now we need to climb all the
way over to where our friend was just before. As you reach the viewpoint here,
the game will show him running off down the river. As such, synchronise the
viewpoint and dive down into the river below to follow him downstream.
Use the log and the path through the treetops to avoid the crocodile in the
small pool of water below and when you reach the far side, move forward until
you see a cut-scene.
Part 2: Assassinate
After the scene, the target will sit on a bridge and alternate between shooting
at you and throwing grenades. Between shots, you want to move between the
sections of ruined walls in the area between us and the target to use as
cover. Our ultimate aim is to reach the ramp leading out of the water at the
far left of the area. Climb this and our target will run off.
Part 3: Pursuit
Use the now collapsed log as a ramp to climb up to the ledge on the far side
of the area. Continue along the dirt path here to the left and use the bent
over tree at the end as a bridge to access the treetop path. Follow this to the
left. Stop and hang out in the branch just before the hunting platform. Just
below this in the distance you ll see a black jaguar, which will come in your
direction. When it passes below, perform an air assassination on it and skin
Run over to where the black jaguar came from and cross the log bridge here. At
the end, turn right and go down the hill to find another jaguar. Fight it off
and then chase and kill it. Skin it to complete the optional objective. Work
your way across the ruins at the bottom of the hill and follow the dirt path
beyond them until you reach another open temple area. The game will show you
your target once more that this point.

Part 4: Assassinate
Similar to the previous encounter with this target, he ll hang out on top of
the temple in the distance and alternate between shooting at you and throwing
grenades. Between shots, you want to move between the sections of ruined walls
in the area between us and the target to use as cover. We want to reach the
base of the wall beneath him and then follow it to the right, go around the
corner, still hugging the wall and climb the broken piece of stone archway in
the centre of the water.
From the top of the archway, jump to the platform on the side of the building
that our target is located on and scale the main part of the building to the
very top. Synchronise the viewpoint here if you like and then highlight the
target and perform an air assassination on him to complete the second optional
objective and the mission.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: For completing this mission, you will earn the achievement/trophy
Adrift .

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---------------------------------FIRST MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 01 - Imagine My Surprise
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. Kill four brute enemies.
\ 02. Sabotage two alarm bells.
Part 1: Infiltrate
After the intro, move up the street a short distance and enter the plantation
through the broken wall. Hide in the sugarcane field and move to the far end.
Wait for the brute to patrol close to you and then whistle him over to you.
Eliminate him from cover (note that we have to kill four of these guys for an
optional objective). Do the same lure and assassinate manoeuvre for the next
patrolling guard.

Now when it is safe to do so, move up and sabotage the first alarm bell here.
Continue into the bushes on the far side of the bell. Kil the patrolling guard
here when he comes into range. Then make your way over to the bushes next to
the building. Follow them around the corner and stop in the bushes just before
the street. Wait for the group of three patrolling guards to start walking
back to the right and then cross the street and run into the sugarcane field.
There is a second bell to your right. Use whistles and the cover here to
eliminate the three guards that patrol around it and then sabotage it when you
are able.
Return to the sugarcane field just this side of the road we crossed earlier.
From the chimney of the house here, run across the small open grassy area to
the bush on the hill opposite. From here turn left to see a brute with his
back to a bush. Sneak down into this and assassinate him from cover. From
here, look north and you ll see another stalking zone with another brute
patrolling around it. Wait here for a few moments as there is a pair of
patrolling guards that periodically enter the area. Once you see them walk off
and no-one else is looking, move up to the next stalking zone.
From here, assassinate the brute when he walks past and then move up to the
bush at the base of the house ahead. When it is safe to do so, run over to
the stalking zone bush in front of the fenced off area with the civilians
raking inside. From here if you turn to the right you should spot our targets.
Activate Eagle vision to tag them.
Part 2: Tailing
Now we will need to follow the two targets back the way we came. Be sure to
use eagle vision to tag them and follow them at a distance, making use of the
stalking zones. As they start down the road through the centre of the area
towards the exit, run over to the right hand side and use the sugarcane fields
and the hole in the wall to leave the compound after them. Stick in the bush
just near the hole in the wall until they go down the street to the left.
As they go, use the buildings as cover and peek out from corners to keep them
in sight as you continue after them. They will hang a left soon enough and
walk through a circular restricted area and out the other side where they will
stop briefly. To avoid unnecessary trouble, head around the side of the
building to the south of the restricted area and peek from around the corner
of the fence to keep an eye on them until they move on.
Follow them using the various stalking zones here until they reach the next,
larger restricted area.
The main entrance is guarded, so go and hop through the gap in the fence to
the right. You ll end up in a stalking zone bush inside the secure compound.
Assassinate the brute with his back to you from the bushes here (this should
complete the optional objective of killing four brutes). Now look back at the
targets who are chatting with a new friend at the gate.
Part 3: Eavesdrop
After a few moments, the group with your targets will walk off. Follow after
them hugging the left hand wall and staying out of sight behind crates until

you can safely reach the stalking zone bushes ahead. At this point, the group
will enter a building here. We ll stay outside for the moment though.
Assassinate the guy with his back to you at the edge of the bush and move up
to the next stalking zone and repeat.
Now climb up to the open window above to the left of the door our targets went
through. Sprint across the upper level and assassinate the gunner at the far
end. Jump out the window into the tree and climb to the top. Perform a leap of
faith into the haystack below.
Now quickly walk a short distance down the street after our targets and then
cut in through the open fence on our left. Run over to the eastern wall of the
large building and wait for the eavesdrop circle to move south a little
further. When the zone incorporates the haystack near the fence to the south,
jump in to hide. After a few moments a scene will play.
Part 4: Escape
After the scene has run its course, sprint out of the barn, hop one of the
fences and escape the area. Find a hiding spot and when it is all clear, the
sequence will be completed.
----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 02 - Trust is Earned
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. Find and rescue two pirate captives.
\ 02. Perform a double assassination on the two Templar targets.
Following the previous memory, make your way to the very eastern side of the
map and approach the exclamation point marker to travel to Principe to begin
the mission.
Part 1: Naval Battle
As we approach the target area, there will be a number of enemy ships lying in
wait for us. They will emerge from behind the rocky landmarks in front of the
landing zone. There is a brig and four gunships and we need to sink all five
of them before the game will allow us to continue. Use the rocky areas as
cover to get angles on enemy ships and block incoming fire (if you are good
Once all five of them have been dealt with, a green objective marker will
appear in the shallows off the beach nearby, go and park the ship here, and
swim ashore.
Part 2: Rescue

Find the path leading inland from the back left hand side of the beach. Use
the stalking zones to move around the corner here. There are two sets of two
guards in this area. Wait for the first group to go and stop with the second.
When they are all together, shoot the powder barrels at their feet to kill all
four at once. Use the bent over tree nearby to get up and over the top of the
wooden gate ahead. Drop down on the far side.
After the scene, continue up the dirt path nearby and enter the first stalking
zone bush you encounter. Wait for the patrolling brute to get close to you and
lure him over with a whistle and assassinate him from the bush. Now move to
the bushes on the right and then up to the fence in front. Sneak over and
assassinate the guy at the gate. Slip inside and enter the stalking zone
bushes along the left hand wall.
Wait until there are no patrols in the area and run over and dive into the
haystack. Assassinate the guy leaning against it. Now wait for the pair of
guards to patrol into the area from the north. Once they do their thing here
and then start to head back north again, hop out of the hay and follow them.
Perform a double assassination on them and then go through the gate at the top
of the hill. Enter the stalking zone bushes just to the left inside.
Kill the dude with his back to you. From here you ll see the first of two
pirates we need to rescue. There are two gunners aiming at the pirate, a
regular guard watching them in a stationary position and a captain patrolling
up and down the stairs in the distance behind them. On top of the tower there
is another gunner. Wait for the captain to climb the stairs, when he does, use
a sleep dart on the gunner on the tower and run across to the shrubs behind
the guards next to the pirate. Assassinate the regular and then double
assassinate the pair of gunners. Free the pirate and deal with the captain if
he notices you.
Exit the gate we came in from and follow the path to the left. Stay as far
left as you can and you should be able to work your way along the top of the
cliff here without being spotted. Duck in and enter the shrub just beyond the
first mud brick house you see on the right.
Assassinate the guy with his back to you when the other close guard patrols
away and when the patroller returns whistle him over to the bush and do the
same to him. Sneak over and kill the stationary soldier at the top of the
cliff to the left. Climb the small ledge in front of him to enter another
From this bush here, look further along the cliff. You ll see a tent ahead.
Just behind this are another two gunners with the second group of pirates we
need to recue for the optional objective. If you wait a moment, you ll see
that there is a guard that patrols from behind the fence to the campfire ahead
and to your right in the open. Either stalk and assassinate him, or put him to
sleep and then sneak up and double assassinate the gunners. Free the
Now it s time to get back to the real objective of the mission, assassinating
the pair of Templars.
Part 3: Assassinate
From the second group of pirates, you will notice that there is a lower ledge
just below. If you drop down here and walk back to the right, you will do so
at the base of the fence and outside of it (no enemies to avoid
huzzah!). As

you move along the ledge, observe the area below. You want to find the
haystack at the base of the cliff and perform a leap of faith into it.
Note: for my strategy to earn the optional objective of double assassinating
the Templar targets you need to be really quick and it may take a few attempts
to get the hang of, but it works!
From the haystack, hop out to the right and enter the stalking zone bushes
here. Assassinate the guy with his back to you. Wait for the big patrol to
walk off and quickly run across the road and hide in the bush to the right of
the house at the base of the guard tower. Turn to your right and use a
sleeping dart to knock out the patrolling guard and then sprint straight
ahead, keeping the wall of the house to your left as you go. Enter the stalking
zone bush at the base of the tree just beyond the house.
From this bush, you should be able to see the two targets. They will walk past
you and come together briefly as they pass the table in the clearing just in
front of you. Take this opportunity to run up behind them and double
assassinate them.
After the death scene, walk down to the beach nearby to hear our friend s
little speech. Once it is completed the memory and the sequence will be over.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: For completing this mission, you will earn the achievement/trophy A
New Hope .

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---------------------------------FIRST MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 01 - Black Bart's Gambit
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. Stay out of combat for the duration of the mission.
\ 02. Use a rope swing assassination to kill the target.
Following the previous sequence, there will be a fairly lengthy cut-scene.
Once this ends, hop into the Jackdaw and sail it over to the golden exclamation
mark icon on the south western side of the map. Approach the ship anchored
here to start the mission.

Part 1: Navigate
Behind the wheel of the ship, steer it forward and take the first left. Pilot
it along the set route through the narrow passage between the rocky cliffs.
Take it slowly as the wind in this location can be strong and change directions
suddenly which will put you into a wall if you do not take care.
Eventually you will reach some ships anchored in the area. Pull out your
spyglass and look at the closest one to find our target. We ll pull up beside
it. At this point we need to steal its flag. To do this, dive into the water
and swim around to the back of the Portuguese ship. Use stealth swim to stay
out of sight of the soldiers aboard the ship.
Once we reach the other side, climb the rigging all the way to the top of the
mast indicated by the green objective marker. Interact with the flag here. Now
dive off the mast here into the water below whilst holding down the stealth
swim button to stay out of sight. Swim back towards the Jackdaw and when you
exit the red zone feel free to surface. Return to the Jackdaw s wheel to
Now we need to proceed further down the set route through the water, sail
between and avoid the enemy ships until we reach the green zone on the map.
Continue along until the game shows us a ship ahead unloading cargo.
Part 2: Infiltrate
At this point, we want to dive into the water and stealth swim over to the
right hand side of the shore. Note the bushes at the edge of the water and
up against the rocky cliff wall behind them. Enter the shrubs closest to the
shore and turn left. See the brute further up the beach? Hit him with a berserk
dart. This will draw in all the patrolling guards. Whilst they are occupied,
run to the rock face ahead and follow the wall to the left.
At the end, you ll see a pair of guards below, double assassinate them and
quickly run through the tunnel here and as you exit to the open area
immediately hide in the stalking zone bushes to the left. Wait for the
patrollers along the beach to walk towards the guard tower in the distance and
then run over and jump into the water. Swim parallel to the shore, being sure
to use stealth swim immediately if you are spotted. When in line with the
guard tower, swim to shore and hide in the bush beneath it.
From here whistle over the two guys in the camp below the tower and dispatch
them in the bushes. Watch the mini map and wait until the gunner is looking
out to the water. At this point quickly run over to the chest and loot it
before returning below the tower again.
Wait for the Jackdaw to sail around the corner and stop nearby and when it is
safe to do so, swim out and board it.
Part 3: Navigate
Again we ll need to pilot the ship along the waterway a short distance until
you bump into a fleet of anchored ships. At this point, we need to slow right
down and manoeuvre our way through the stationary (and one or two moving)
vessels until we reach the red restricted area. At this time a short scene

will play.
Part 4: Infiltrate
Dive off the ship and swim over to the cliff wall to the right of the shore
where the guards are patrolling. Linger at the edge of the restricted area.
From here, watch the two man patrol that reaches the section of the beach
closest to you. When they turn away, swim to the edge of the beach and enter
the shrubs nearby. Next to this patch of stalking zone, you ll see a large
slanted tree leading in the direction of the first guard tower. When no-one is
looking, follow this up and into the treetop path. Jump to the guard tower and
double assassinate the watchmen here.
Now drop down from the guard tower on the side closest to the water and again
swim parallel to the shore until you see a large shipwreck on the right. Climb
up onto this and use a sleep dart on the lone guard patrolling along the coast
from our current location to a spot between us and the second guard tower.
When he s down, use the bowsprit of the wrecked ship to leap to the ledge
above. Run over and enter the stalking zone beneath the tower. When nobody is
looking, climb the ladder up to the guard tower platform. Assassinate the lone
watchman here.
At this point, another target will appear on the ship below with a red
objective marker. Also note the shining rope on the right hand side of the
guard tower facing the ship. Wait for the target to be in line with this and
then swing on the rope over to the ship, press the assassination button
continually and if timed right, you should assassinate him from the rope swing
for the second optional objective.
A cut-scene will bring in the next section of the level.
Part 5: Naval Battle
Now we have a brand new ship that is quite powerful and we ll get to test it
out now against a few enemy ships. The first group consists of four frigates.
Drop some mortars on them as they approach and then use your heavy shot and
broadside attacks to dish out the damage when they get in close. They should
pose no real threat.
The second battle however is a little trickier as there is a pair of man o
War ships that will attack you next. Again, slow your speed down and use the
mortars on them as they approach. Use as many mortars as possible on them and
if you play your cards right, when they arrive they should have much reduced
health. At this point, the usual heavy shots/broadsides should do the trick.
Another group of ships including a gun ship, a hunter and a couple of brigs
will follow you as you leave the area. Deal with them as you see fit, they
should not pose much of a threat after the man o wars and mortars will pretty
much destroy any of these ships instantly if you can nail them with it.
Once all the enemy ships have been dealt with, rendezvous with the friendlies
piloting the Jackdaw nearby marked with the green objective marker to complete
the mission.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 02 - Murder and Mayhem
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. Stay out of combat whilst locating the Templar target's ship.
\ 02. Perform an air assassination on the Templar target.
Part 1: Locate
The first part of the mission asks us to track down and locate the Benjamin
a target ship. If you look at the map, you will see that there is a green
circle indicating the area in which it is located so sail your way over to this
location. As with the previous mission like this, the green zone is located
within a restricted area, so ensure that you steer clear of the cones of
visions of enemy ships as you go! There is an optional objective to stay out
of combat whilst finding our target, so be sure to steer clear of enemy
vessels if you want to earn it.
If you look at the map, you ll see a red restricted area just outside the
northwest corner of the green investigation circle. This is our ultimate
destination (well the target ship is slightly off the coast at co-ordinates:
242,236). We essentially need to follow the coast of the large island to its
south all the way around until we reach the target area, use the spyglass to
identify the target ship. If you managed to do all that without getting
spotted along the way, you will have completed the optional objective.
Part 2: Naval Battle
Once we have identified the ship, any enemy vessels in the immediate area will
automatically become hostile and attack
usually a frigate in addition to the
target ship (which is a schooner). Deal with both ships using your usual
combination of heavy shots/broadsides and mortar bombardment to deal some
heavy damage where possible. After the target vessel has been damaged
sufficiently, a cut-scene will play.
Part 3: Assassinate
Once we regain control, we ll be on an island that is absolutely teeming with
our target s soldiers. Thankfully there is no mission constraint in place that
tells us we cannot get spotted or engage in combat. You will see the red
objective marker indicating our target s location above a ruin to the south.
If you look to the left of this, you ll see a second, separate set of ruins.
This second set of ruins is our entry point to the target s location.
Work your way over to the ruins directly east of the target s location using
stealth or open combat as you see fit. Keep scaling the ruins until you reach
the very top and eliminate the gunner here. When you reach the top of the ruins
here it is important to lose/kill any hostiles and become anonymous so that we
can approach the target s location undetected.

When you are good to go, use the branch in the southwest corner of this ruin
to use the treetop path over to the target s platform. As you arrive,
immediately head through the crack in the wall of the ruin ahead and hide in
the stalking zone. Move slightly to the right and look to the west, you ll see
a pair of guards beneath a stone archway. They will stay there in a stationary
position and there is a third patrolling around this area. Use the sleep darts
on all three of these enemies and then run over and knock them out.
Now locate the tall pillars on the western part of this area and use them to
jump across to the main structure where our target is located. Climb to the
very top of this and from the ledge at the top, look down and target the
Templar. Hit the assassinate button to perform an air assassination on him to
complete the optional objective and the mission.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 03 - The Observatory
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. Incapacitate all guardians whilst unarmed.
\ 02. Incapacitate five guardians from stalking zones.
Part 1: Infiltrate
Before we do anything else, set your weapon to unarmed. There is an optional
objective to complete the mission whilst eliminating all our competition
This mission is fairly simple. We ll be working through a number of jungle
zones marked by green circles on the map. In each of these zones, you will
find a number of guardians (the tribal local inhabitants). We need to find and
knock out or incapacitate all of them before proceeding to the next section.
Most of the time the guardians will be hidden in tees and stalking zones, so
we can use Eagle vision to locate them. The second optional objective asks us
to incapacitate five guardians from stalking zones, so keep that in mind as we
Make your way up the path to the first zone. There are three guardians here,
all in stalking zones. There is one the centre of the open area below and
another in a series of bushes to his left. The third (and our first target) is
on the ledge to our right.
Follow the stalking zone along the wall to the right. When you reach the end
of the bushes run over to the next stalking zone ahead with the first guardian
in it. Sneak up on him and knock him out. From here, look down into the
clearing below with eagle vision to identify the target here. Use the rock
ledge nearby to drop down behind him. Sneak up and take him down from within
the stalking zone. Now sneak over and take down the final guardian near the
Follow the stream uphill until you reach the waterfall. This is the beginning
of the second zone. Enter the main part of the zone to the left of the

waterfall and look for a large rock on top of a cliff that can be used to
access a wooden watch platform. Form the platform use eagle vision to identify
the three guardians in the bushes below (there is on either side of the stream
and another over to the east). Once you have spotted them, jump over to the
second wooden lookout platform on the left using the wooden poles and drop
down behind the guardian here. Take him down.
Backtrack up the river and climb the tree here to get back up to the top of
the cliff. Hop to the second wooden lookout platform again and then use the
branch nearby to get behind the second guardian Repeat the process by dropping
down from a branch into the shrubs behind him. Knock him out too. Now follow
this stalking zone to the end and quickly run up and enter the stalking zone
behind the final guardian to the left. Knock him out as well.
Now head up the river to the third zone.
Again, you ll want to get up into the treetop paths and the wooden lookout
platforms to get a vantage point over the area. Note that your first guardian
will be on one of these platforms so hop over and deal with him as soon as
possible before he notices you. After he is done, again use your eagle vision
to identify the targets and use the various platforms/tree branches etc., to
drop down behind each of them and incapacitate them.
By now you should have completed the optional objective for incapacitating
five enemies form stalking zones, if so, from now on, feel free to enter into
open combat wherever you like
just ensure that you have your fists equipped
at all times for the other optional objective and do not shoot anyone! If you
haven t got the stalking zone task done just yet, you ll have one more
opportunity a little later.
For now, we need to clear out a cave. There are 10-12 guardians in here.
Unlike the jungle sections, these guys are not hiding and instead will be
lurking about in the water running down the centre of the ground floor of the
cave, on the ledges around the top of the room overlooking the water and in
some of the side-tunnels all in plain sight. As you eliminate the guardians,
the search area will narrow, showing you where to look for any additional
enemies. Once you have cleared this area, move on to the next objective
We are back in a jungle setting once more. Follow the path that leads up to
the right at the back of the first area. There is a guardian in the shrubs
here. Cross the bridge made from the fallen tree and take out the guardian
in the stalking zone on the far side. Now follow the path around until you
reach a clearing in front of an odd black stone building.
There are three more guardians here to incapacitate. There is one patrolling
back and forth on the block of stone directly in front of you as you enter the
area, a second is patrolling a higher platform of the building on the left and
a final guardian in the stalking zone behind the building on the left.
Once all three of these guys have been knocked out, follow your allies over
to the door to the main building.
Part 2: Explore
Pick up the chest and follow your friend through the building, walk with them
until you reach a circular room with a glowing panel at the far end. Place the
chest below this as instructed. After a bit of chit-chat, a cut-scene will

Part 3: Escape
When we regain control, we ll be in the water. Turn around and climb the block
here. Keep climbing the blocks here until we reach the circular platform with
the glowing panel we visited just before. With your back to the panel, look
to the left. Climb the stairs there and use the pillar to access the balcony
above and to the left. Climb the right hand wall here and shimmy all the way
to the right. When you can go no further, climb up and jump backwards to the
handholds behind you.
Shimmy across to the left until you reach a small platform. From here run and
jump to the handhold ahead. Climb this to the top and follow the cave here all
the way to the end. As you emerge, you ll slide down a slope and into the water
Swim over to the beach populated by people nearby for a scene to end the
mission and the sequence.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: For completing this mission, you will earn the achievement/trophy My
Elusive Fortune .

____ __ __
/ | / /_ _____/ /____ _________ _____
/ __ \/ // /
/ /| | / __ \/ ___/ __/ _ \/ ___/ __ `/ __ \ / / / / // /_
/ ___ |/ /_/ (__ ) /_/ __/ / / /_/ / /_/ / / /_/ /__ __/
/_/ |_/_.___/____/\__/\___/_/ \__, /\____/ \____/ /_/
After the previous mission, we ll find ourselves back in the real world and
interestingly, we have been moved to another location during the time we have
been using the Animus. After a brief conversation with our friend over the
television, we ll be able to move about. Before long, a familiar voice will
come in over our ear piece and give us a new objective.
Exit the room and work your way down the hallway to the left and at the
crossroad, follow the path straight until you reach the security room. Run up
and interact with the computer here to hack it. Doing so will fire up a new
wavelength hacking mini-game. Remember the last time we did one of these? It
features a number at the top of the page and sets of four numbers at the
bottom of the screen. This time however, there are four sets of numbers rather
than three, making it a little trickier.
As before, we need to select numbers from each of the four groups at the
bottom, so that when multiplied together in order, they equal the number at
the top of the page.
To solve this puzzle use the following steps:




first group of numbers to 7 .

second group of numbers to 3 .
third group of numbers to 5 .
fourth group of numbers to 7 .

This will complete the security measure. Now all we need to do is sit back and
watch the surveillance footage for a few moments. Afterwards exit the security
camera room.
Return to the crossroads and turn to the left. Follow the corridor around
until you reach the server room. Again, make your way up to the computer at
the far end of the room and interact with it when you are able to do so.
Another wavelength hacking mini-game! As before, we need to select numbers
from each of the four groups at the bottom, so that when multiplied together
in order, they equal the number at the top of the page.
To solve this puzzle use the following steps:



first group of numbers to 7 .

second group of numbers to 3 .
third group of numbers to 7 .
fourth group of numbers to 7 .

This will remove the first security screen. Unfortunately there is another
security measure in place and as such, we ll have to go ahead and participate
in another mini-game.
This hacking sequence is similar to the mini-game we encountered in our
previous foray into the real world and involves moving a blue dot across the
moving lines to the right to reach the far side. Avoid the red lines and reach
the far end to complete the hack. Note that this one is slightly trickier than
the previous one and the red lines move faster. Try your best to be patient as
if you rush, more often than not, you ll hit a red line and have to start
Once you have successfully completed the second hack a video will play. Exit
from the computer menu for a story scene. Once it is over, return to your room
and interact with the Animus to continue with Edward s story.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: For completing this mission, you will earn the achievement/trophy Bunker
Buddies .

/ ___/___ ____ ___ _____ ____ ________
< < /
\__ \/ _ \/ __ `/ / / / _ \/ __ \/ ___/ _ \
/ // /
___/ / __/ /_/ / /_/ / __/ / / / /__/ __/ / // /
/____/\___/\__, /\__,_/\___/_/ /_/\___/\___/ /_//_/

---------------------------------FIRST MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 01 - To Suffer Without Dying
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. Sabotage three alarm bells.
\ 02. Visit two old friends whilst in the prison.
We ll begin this mission trapped in a cage hanging above the ground. At this
point, we can hit any button to create noise to draw the attention of the
guards here. Continue to do this until a scene plays.
Part 1: Infiltrate
Note that you will not fail the mission if you just run in and kill everyone
on sight if that s what you want to do, but in the interest of playing like a
stealthy person, I have written the guide on how to do it without being
As you begin, check out the crates just to the left. Run up these and hop
across to the trees, follow the treetop pathway over the wall. Dive into the
haystack below. Wait here for a few moments and a guard will patrol over to
you, grab him and assassinate him from the hiding spot when he comes into
range. Keep an eye on your mini-map and when no-one is looking, pop out and
sabotage the bell (bell 1 of 3 sabotaged). Immediately sprint across the
street and enter the bushes at the base of the wall to the right before you
are spotted.
Work your way along the wall, making sure to keep tabs on the enemies so that
they are not looking when you move between bushes. When you reach the wooden
fence, follow it away from the wall and sit in the bush closest to the well.
Wait here for a moment and when the patrolling guard comes in close to your
position, whistle him into the bush and assassinate him.
Now look over towards the well. Wait for the patrolling enemy to turn away
from you and then run over and jump into it. Pull the guard with his back to
you into the well for a silent kill. Hang from the well until the patrolling
guard makes his next pass. When he returns back the other way, hop out and
sabotage the bell (bell 2 of 3 sabotaged). Enter the bushes to the left. The
next time the patroller walks by, whistle him over and take him down from
Watch your mini map. Across from the visible guard with his back to the bushes
ahead of you is another guard patrolling back and forward between buildings.
Wait until he is facing away from the other guard and then move up to the next
bush against the right hand wall. Sneak up and assassinate the stationary
guard. Continue along the wall until you reach the corner.
Quickly duck around the corner and interact with the flashing cage here to
visit with an old friend (Friend 1 of2 visited). Return to the corner. Now
wait for all of the guards to look away from your position. When this happens,
we are going to run across the small street directly to our left and jump into
the bush on the opposite side. Assassinate the nearby guard when no-one else
is looking before moving up to the next bush next to the bell when it is safe

to do so. Whistle the patrolling guard over and dispatch him from cover.
Watch the guards from the
distance with his eyes on
away from you, ignore the
the left. Assassinate the

direction we came from as one will patrol a short

the bell and then go back again. When he is facing
bell and hop into the haystack near the half wall on
guy leaning against it.

From the cart, you can make out a gunner above the gate ahead, additionally
there is a stationary guard to the left who will constantly have his eyes on
the bell. When it s safe, quickly sprint back to the previous bush. From here
use sleep darts on the gunner above the gate and the stationary guard to the
left. Wait the patrolling guard I previously mentioned to look away and hop
out to sabotage the third bell (bell 3 of 3 sabotaged). Continue into the
bushes opposite.
At this point, you should be able to see the gate. Use a couple of berserk
darts on enemies in the nearby area to draw the guards away and quickly run up
and through. Enter the stalking zone to the left as you enter the prison. Move
up until you are opposite the green objective marker indicating the door and
again use your berserk darts on an enemy or two in the courtyard here to cause
a distraction. Whilst the guards are all preoccupied, quickly run over and
enter the prison proper
Part 2: Rescue
Now that we are inside the prison proper, it s time to track down and rescue
our friends.
Follow the hallway to the far end and continue around the corner to the right.
Assassinate the guard here with his back to you. There is a pair of guards
further into this room patrolling about and another standing stationary in the
centre. Watch your mini-map to see where they are looking. When you are sure
it is safe to do so, run over and hop into the haystack in the centre of the
floor. Assassinate the guard within range of the haystack and then wait for
the patrollers to walk away from you. When they do, run up and double
assassinate them from behind.
Now activate your eagle vision and examine the cells. One of them has a red
coloured person in it. Run over and interact with the door for a brief
conversation (Friend 2 of2 visited).
Make your way over to the hallway in the northeast corner of the room. Hang
out behind the door frame for a few moments and a guard will patrol into the
hallway ahead. Wait for him to walk away and quickly run up and take him down
from behind. Do the same to the other guard in this corridor.
Continue round the corner and double assassinate the two guards at the
entrance to the room ahead standing with their backs to you. Now sneak over
to the far end of the room and you ll spy another pair of guards with their
backs to you looking into cells. Assassinate one, and your friend from the
start of the mission should take care of the other. Interact with the cell
door on the left for a scene.
Part 3: Escape
Following the scene, walk through the open door to the left and continue down

the corridor. Keep going until you get outside. From here it should be a
straight shot over to the green waypoint marker in the distance. So run over
there as quickly as you can. If you get detected by guards along the way, put
the object that you are carrying down, eliminate the hostiles, then pick up
the object again and continue.
As you reach the marker a scene will play to complete the mission.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 02 - Delerium
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. N/A: There are no optional objectives for this mission.
This mission begins automatically after the conclusion of the previous one.
Part 1: Exploration
Note that the game will appear to go to a loading screen, with the blue Animus
glitches and fragments all over the place. This is in fact, not a loading
screen but the start of the next mission. Don t do what I did and sit there
looking at the screen for several minutes thinking that my game had stopped
Move towards the bright light in the distance. After a short distance a
cut-scene will commence.
Afterwards, follow the target from the scene to the opposite end of the room.
Hit the button prompt that appears on screen.
The environment will shift and we ll be somewhere else. Again, move forward
and follow the target until he stops moving.
Again the screen will shift. Now you are underwater. Swim all the way up to
the surface. Climb out via the stairs to enter a small marketplace style area.
Our target will split into three at this point and walk to three different
one will go directly right from the top of the stairs, the second
will turn left and follow the path back to the corner behind the stairs whilst
the third will stand in front of the archway directly in front of the stairs.
Find and assassinate all three.
The environment will change one final time. You are on the deck of your ship
and behind the wheel. Pilot the ship over and crash it into the island lit up
by the glowing white lights in the distance.
After the ensuing scene, the memory will be complete.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________

] Memory 03 - ...Everything is Permitted
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. Use rope darts to hang two guards.
\ 02. Use rope darts to pull three guards off their feet.
After the previous mission, you ll get an objective marker on the western side
of the world map at Tulum. Sail over here and reach the marker to begin the
To start with, we just need to walk with the friendly NPC with the blue
objective marker above his head. As you reach the large temple building, a
scene will play. Afterwards you will have access to rope darts. These are
handy as you can use them to pull people off balance for an easy assassination,
or hit them with darts from up in a tree and then hold back on the stick to
hang them for an easy kill. Handy!
Part 1: Fight
This next section is a series of fights as we move through the jungle towards
the beach. Note that there is an optional objective to both hang two enemies
with rope darts and to pull three of them off their feet, as such look out for
opportunities to knock these off as soon as possible.
Head through the first few green objective markers until you reach one that is
located above some hostiles in a tree. Use a rope dart to hang your first
soldier here. Kill the rest at ground level. Continue around the next corner
and use a rope dart to pull one of these soldiers, kill him when you are done.
Follow your friend up the branch and into the nearby tree, after a jump or two
there will be a mess of enemies below. At this point use a rope dart to hang
your second enemy. Now that you are at ground level, defend yourself against
the 6-7 enemy soldiers and if you get the chance try to use rope darts to
finish off the rope dart pull objective. Once all of the soldiers are dead or
dying continue along the path until you reach the beach.
Part 2: Fight
As we reach the beach, there is a full on Spanish invasion going down. To
complete the mission, we need to kill 20 of the enemies on the beach and in
the ships out in the bay and the captain who is also on the ship out in the
bay. Stay on the beach and be sure to use your rope darts to fulfil those
optional objectives if you haven t done them yet.
Once you have killed around 15 enemies, make your way over to the ship with
the captain on board (he ll have a conveniently placed red objective marker
for us). Stealth swim around to the back of the ship and climb on board. Run
over and hit the group of gunners with the captain with a smoke bomb and
finish them all off whilst they are stunned. Finish off any remaining enemies
until you have reached the quota.
As soon as you have killed 20 enemies and the captain the mission will be

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: For completing this mission, you will earn the achievement/trophy Been
Down so Long .

/ ___/___ ____ ___ _____ ____ ________
< /__ \
\__ \/ _ \/ __ `/ / / / _ \/ __ \/ ___/ _ \
/ /__/ /
___/ / __/ /_/ / /_/ / __/ / / / /__/ __/ / // __/
/____/\___/\__, /\__,_/\___/_/ /_/\___/\___/ /_//____/
---------------------------------FIRST MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 01 - A Governor No More
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. Kill the tailing target from a haystack.
\ 02. Assassinate the Templar target from a bench.
Part 1: Locate
From the start of the mission, head over to the green circle indicating the
search area on the map. When you arrive, go to the back of the marketplace,
close to the water and use eagle vision to identify the target here.
Part 2: Tailing
As the diplomat walks off, use eagle vision to tag him. Afterwards, enter the
open fence to the right of where the target was initially. Run to the fence
that goes parallel to the street that the target walks upon and follow him
from the inside. As he turns onto the next street, go through the gap in the
fence, cross the street and go through the gap in the fence here a little over
to the right.
Tail him as he walks through the compound and as he exits the
for a few moments. We ll stay inside the fenced compound here
the western side. Hop the fence and run towards the viewpoint
map. Across the street directly to the north of this you will
a ladder. Climb this and use the northern part of the roof to
hay bale below.

gate, he ll stop
and run over to
marker on the
see a house with
dive into the

Now wait for the diplomat to arrive. He will stop briefly in front of the hay
bale. When he does, quickly assassinate him to complete the first optional

A short cut-scene will play.
Part 3: Assassinate
When you regain control, Edward will be all pimped out in his new digs. Move
forward and up the stairs to reach the green waypoint marker in the distance.
As you reach the waypoint marker, hit eagle vision to mark your target
he s
the fellow giving the speech in the centre of the square. Note that whilst no
guards will be hostile, the target will recognise you if you stay in his line
of sight for too long. As such, as soon as you have tagged him, move forward
slightly and at the end of the building on the left, enter the small sheltered
area. Take a seat on the bench here to watch the speech uninterrupted.
Note that there is an optional objective here to kill the target from a bench.
Conveniently, the bench I have got you sitting in is one that he will pass by.
As such, simply remain in this bench until he starts making the rounds
following his speech. As he passes by, hit the assassinate button to kill him.
Part 4: Escape
After the scene has run its course, hop over the wall into the water and escape
the area. Find a hiding spot and when it is all clear, a new waypoint marker
will appear. Head over here and speak with your buddies to end the sequence.
----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 02 - Royal Misfortune
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. Kill eight guards by destroying powder barrels.
\ 02. Use a rope dart to kill the assassination target.
To begin this mission, sail over to Principe on the eastern side of the world
map and approach the golden exclamation point here.
Part 1: Locate
After beginning the mission, dive off the boat and swim in a direct line from
the front of the Jackdaw to shore. There is an optional objective at this
point to kill eight enemies using the powder kegs lying around. As you reach
the shore you should see a large barrel on the side of the dirt road to the
right, just next to the house here. At this point, we re not worried about
being detected and we just want to knock over the optional objective as quickly
as possible.
To do this, run past the keg and up the dirt path behind it until you find the

big patrol, alerting as many guards as you can in the process. Then, lead them
all back to the keg. Wait until there is a good number surrounding it and then
shoot it to blow them up. You should be able to easily get 8+ kills in one
shot if enough enemies were close enough. If you still require more, there are
plenty of other barrels scattered throughout the settlement to the north. So
just repeat the process of luring guards to and then shooting barrels until
you have met the quota for the optional task.
Once you have completed the objective, return to the southern part of the area
and either lose any hostile enemies on you, or kill them all.
When you are good to continue, go up the dirt ramp heading northwest. Now if
you followed my advice earlier and drew the big patrol here down to get blown
up by the barrels, it should be smooth sailing (excuse the pun) with no
enemies in sight until you reach the gate in the road.
At the gate, hide behind the corner and lure the guy just inside over with a
whistle. Perform a corner takedown on him and then head inside. Enter the
stalking zone on the left of the street. Work your way behind the hut to the
left. Now watch your mini-map and then race across the open area to the
haystack below the wooden wall to the northwest when no one is looking. Again
when nobody is looking, hop out of the haystack, climb the wooden supports to
the top of the wall and enter the stalking zone behind the short fence.
Move to the right and whistle one of the two guards standing in front of the
tents over to you. Assassinate him from the bush. Now sprint past the tents on
the opposite side from where the guards are standing and enter the bush on the
far side. From here sneak out and kill the other guard.
From just in front of the tents here, you should be able to make out an open
gate to the north, with a ship anchored behind it. If you turn on eagle vision
at this point whilst looking through the gate, you will identify your target.
However, as soon as you have spotted him he will run off and sail away whilst
he sicks his guards on you. Either ignore them entirely or hit them with a
smoke bomb and perform a leap of faith off the same tree branches the target
used to escape. We ll land in the water below. The Jackdaw will pull up
shortly after. Climb aboard and get behind the wheel.
Part 2: Pursuit
We ll now have to chase down the target s ship. After a short distance, it
will create a blockage, forcing you out to the right around the rocky structure
here. From this point on we just need to avoid the incoming fire as best we
can whilst keeping the target within range. You can attempt to hit him with
your forward cannons, but it may not always be possible and they won t do a
whole lot of damage anyway.
As you follow him out into the bay, be sure to use the swivel gun to destroy
the multitude of fire barrels that are left in your path and do your best to
manoeuvre around his mortars. Once you reach the open water, a battle will
Part 3: Naval Battle
As you reach the open water, you will be joined by four frigates which will

immediately engage our target. Hold back for a short time to have them duke it
out a little. Eventually you will be drawn into the fight by the target. I ve
noticed that the Spanish and British ships will not engage you in combat
during this fight unless you attack them first. This means it is essentially
five on one. When attacking the target with your heavy shots/broadsides make
absolutely sure that you do not hit one of the other ships or they will all
turn on you and make things a lot more difficult.
When you have reduced the target ship s health to a low enough level, move in
close to it and hold down the button to initiate the boarding procedure.
Part 4: Assassinate
During the boarding, use one of the lifts on the Jackdaw s decks to reach one
of the platforms up on the masts and use this to jump across to the mast of
the target ship. Whilst above the deck of the enemy ship, equip a rope dart,
highlight our assassination target and hit him with the rope dart. Hold down
the button and walk backwards off the boom to hang him.
This will complete the optional objective and the mission.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 03 - Tainted Blood
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. Stay out of combat during the infiltration section of the mission. |
\ 02. Use two guards as human shields.
Part 1: Identify
From the start of the mission, work your way over to the green circle on the
map indicating the investigation area. You ll notice that it is in and around
the large church in the centre of town. Work your way to the eastern wall of
the compound and work your way along the rooftops just outside the wall. Kill
the gunner on the rooftop here as you go. When you see the fountain in the
church s garden area, use your Eagle vision to peek at the group of soldiers
to its left. You ve found your target.
Part 2: Tailing
Hide out of view for a few moments and the entourage will start off. Backtrack
across the rooftops along the wall, keeping the targets in sight. Climb the
ladder at the end of the row of rooftops and turn to the left on top. Stay on
the rooftops and follow the group around the next corner. After a short while
they will stop and kill some people in the street. Hold back here for a second
and wait for them to start moving again.
Hop over to the right hand side of the street now and follow them again. There

is a gunner on the first raised section of the roof here, so either put him to
sleep or sneak up and assassinate him quietly. From this platform look further
ahead to see another gunner on a rooftop on the right of the street ahead. Put
him to sleep. Making sure you keep your eye on the target, move over and
assassinate the sleeping guard. Continue to follow the guards along the
rooftop and when you reach the final roof, there is one more enemy to deal
with on the main rooftop and a final gunner on the lower roof to the right at
the far end.
At this point, observe the group below. Your target will enter the fort.
Part 3: Infiltrate
Note that at this point the first secondary objective to remain out of combat
On the rooftop where we are located, run over to the left hand corner of the
rooftop closest to the fort, we ll see a small beam sticking out below. Drop
down to this and use it to hop into the tree nearby, use the branches to reach
the wall of the fort. Climb all the way to the top. Hang from the ledge here
until the guard moves away. When this happens, quickly jump up and assassinate
Now we are in a slightly open area with ramparts on either side - going to the
left and right if you look at the centre of the area and of course they each
have a guard patrolling them. We can t deal with both at once, so put one to
sleep when he comes into range (I chose the left one) and stalk and kill the
guard patrolling to the right. Go and kill the sleeping guard.
Now from about halfway down the right hand wall overlooking the central
courtyard you ll find a stack of crates. Stand next to these so that any
remaining enemies further on the right will not see you and look into the
courtyard below. Wait for the target to come near you and as soon as he is in
range perform an air assassination on him for a cut-scene.
If you managed to make it through that part without any guards engaging you in
combat, you ll complete the optional objective at this point.
Part 4: Fight
We ll now have to fight a boss like battle against a fairly tough, armoured
enemy. He has a health bar that will appear in the top left corner of the
screen. Note that your swords or hidden blade will not damage him. Instead,
you will have to shoot him with your pistols. Fun! The worst part is that if
you have the stock standard pistols, you ll not have enough ammo to take him
down without scavenging for more.
This fight is also an opportunity for you to earn the second optional
objective use two enemies as a human shield. During the fight with the main
boss-man, you ll be attacked by 3-4 guards in the courtyard here. Try to focus
on countering and throwing them without damaging them until you have managed
to successfully earn the optional objective. If you end up killing them, find
the stairs and run up to the ramparts to alert more enemies. Keep going until
you have your two human shield kills. Once that is done, kill them all off so
that you can focus on the main threat.

As mentioned before, our main target is only vulnerable to bullets. As such,

keep unloading into him whilst dodging his axe attacks when he gets in close.
I found the easiest way was to cut laps around the battlements at the top of
the area. Shooting him twice, hitting the shoot button once more to start a
reload and then run off. When the reload is done, turn and fire off two shots
again. Rinse and repeat, easy!
If you run out of ammo (and it s pretty much inevitable) some ammo crates
around the area will be brought to your attention
they have green objective
markers. Get away from the boss and interact with them to refill your ammo.
Unfortunately, I was only able to do this once and it seems that they are a
little buggy as they want you to be anonymous which is pretty much impossible
in this situation. As such, if you can break line of sight with your aggressor,
go and loot the bodies of the fallen guards to restock.
Once you have shot him up enough a scene will play.
Part 5: Escape
After the scene has run its course, hop over the wall into the water and
escape the area. Find a hiding spot and when it is all clear, a new waypoint
marker will appear. Head over here and speak with your buddies. As you do the
sequence will be completed.
----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 04 - Ever A Splinter
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. Free all seven guardian hostages.
\ 02. Use the Observatory's defences to kill four guards.
After the previous mission, check out the world map and sail over to the
objective marker outside of Long bay to begin the mission.
Part 1: Explore
After the introduction, hop off the ship and swim to shore. Work your way up
to the green waypoint marker and follow the dirt path inland. Continue along
the path until you reach the open area below on the right. At this point, the
game will pan the camera over to show you some guards in the area below.
At the end of the path is a raised rocky outcropping that we can use to jump
to a tree branch. Follow the path through the trees here and continue up the
river until you reach the next green waypoint marker. Now continue to do the
same for the next couple of green waypoint markers. You can use the paths
through the trees or follow the ground route to continue through each
successive area until you reach the restricted area on the mini-map.
Part 2: Rescue

At this point, we are able
the enemies about, however
objective for the mission
of these prisoners and all

to continue through to the next area whilst ignoring

if we do this, we ll miss out on the first optional
freeing guardian captives. There are three groups
are found within the next short segment of the

Just to the left of the cave in which you ll find the first objective marker
in the restricted area there is a small burning village across a shallow lake.
Sneak over here, then creep up and dispatch the guards before interacting with
the guardians to free them.
Return across the water and go to the objective marker. Follow the path to the
top and when you reach the ledge look down below to see the second group of
captives. Wait for the patrolling guard to walk off before dropping down and
dealing with the gunners. Chase down the patroller to kill him too and then
free the hostages.
Drop down to the floor of the main area and make your way towards the
objective marker. When you see a large log above creating a raised bridge,
keep an eye on the right hand wall for some exposed wooden supports. Climb up
to the top of the cliff here. Now hang from the ledge and look to the left.
Wait for the patrolling guard to walk into sight, walk over and eliminate him
quietly. Now walk into the cave where he emerged from, sneak up and double
assassinate the gunners in here. Turn and eliminate the final patrolling guard
nearby. Now we can free the final group of guardians.
Exit the cave to the main area and follow the objective markers until you
reach the observatory. Go through the open door to find yourself inside.
Part 3: Explore
After the first guard is vaporised in front of your eyes, you will now have
been introduced to the power of the observatory. Essentially white light is
bad! Avoid at all costs or you will be sent back to the previous checkpoint.
The first part of the Observatory s interior is a platforming section. Move up
to the cliff and climb the blocks that appear. Jump across to the rectangular
platform with the guards at the far end when it is safe to do so. Dispatch the
hostiles here and then leap across the small gap to the vertical platforms on
the left hand side of the room.
Climb these moving vertical blocks using the handholds available and the
platforms that move up and down. When you reach the top of these blocks, leap
across to the stone beam in the centre of the room and use this to access to
the platform with the doorway opposite the entrance to the room.
Part 4: Fight
Continue through the hallway until we reach a circular platform. There will be
a number of guards here waiting for us. On a raised platform on the opposite
side of a cliff is our main target. Unfortunately we can t do much about him
just yet.
If you look down at the platform we are on, you should also notice the grooves
on the floor dividing the platform into three. During this fight, the grooves

on the floor will light up shortly before encasing an entire segment of the
floor with the white death light. We ll want to avoid that! As such, keep one
eye on the floor during the fight to prevent any premature trips back to the
previous checkpoint.
In this room, you should also note that this fight is the only time in the
entire mission where you are able to complete the second optional objective
killing four enemies using the Observatory s defences. To do this, wait for
the white light to appear, then counter an enemy attack with a throw. Direct
them into the light to kill them instantly. Repeat four times to complete the
Part 5: Assassinate
Once the enemies in the immediate area have been cleared out, it s time for a
little platforming action. Hop across to the series of raised rocky blocks to
the left of the fight platform and use these to reach the tall pillar in the
centre of the room. Climb to the top of this and leap across to the far wall.
Manoeuvre down and underneath the platform with our target on it and climb up
the wall of the far side watch out for the white light which activates
When you reach the top of the room, you will be on a pillar overlooking the
platform with the target. Target him and perform an air assassination to
complete the sequence.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: For completing this mission, you will earn the achievement/trophy Been
Down So Long... .

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This mission begins immediately following the end of sequence 12 in the Animus.
For the first few minutes, we ll be watching a cut-scene. When it ends you ll
find yourself in another room.
Get up when instructed to do so and feel free to wander around the room whilst
the lady in here with you monologues at you. When she is done, you ll now be
able to watch the latest trailer for your pirate adventure.
Leave the office and you ll be contacted via your headset. Listen to the
conversation and then return to your Animus when you are ready to complete the

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: For completing this mission, you will earn the achievement/trophy It s
All Good .
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] Memory 01 - ...The End
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. N/A: There are no optional objectives for this mission.
This mission begins directly after re-entering the Animus after the fifth
Abstergo sequence. It is essentially a cut-scene to tie up a few loose ends
and end Edward Kenway s narrative within the game. Sit back, relax and take it
all in.
----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 02 - How Grand, Master Kenway!
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. N/A: There are no optional objectives for this mission.
This sequence also begins directly after the previous one and acts as a
companion to the start of the game s credits. As they roll, Edward will have a
discussion with an interesting new character as they sail into the sunset.
Once the screen blacks out, be sure to stick around for another cut-scene!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: For completing this mission, you will earn the achievement/trophy Saw
That One Coming .

------------------------------------THE END!----------------------------------Congratulations, you have just completed Assassin's Creed IV's lengthy main

campaign! Now its time to go back and enjoy the beautifully realised and
recreated Caribbean game world. There are plenty of side-missions to complete,
hundreds of collectibles to find, forts to take over, animals to hunt and
your cove at great Inagua to upgrade. Fortunately, this guide is equipped with
all the information you need to do all of that. So what are you waiting for?
Get stuck into it!
If you have enjoyed using the guide and are on GameFAQs, why not scroll to the
very top of the page, hit the recommend button and give me a brief bit of
feedback? It is much appreciated!
Alternatively, consider making a donation to my Paypal account
(Sokkus[at]hotmail[dot]com), sending me a brief email or visiting the site that
I write for (www.consoledomination.com) to check out some of my other reviews
and previews!
Again, I hope you enjoyed the guide and I look forward to see you again in my
next FAQ!

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| Side-quest & Optional Content Guide |
In addition to the lengthy main campaign missions, there are several types of
additional side-missions to keep you occupied whilst taking a break from the
main plot or during exploration once the credits have rolled.
We need to find, attack and liberate all 11 forts, track down and complete all
four of the Templar hunt side-quest chains, pimp out our cove at great Inagua,
complete 30 assassination contracts, 15 naval contracts, solve the mystery of
the mayan stelae stones and fulfil the requirements for all of the Abstergo
...Thats a lot of content, so we had better get started!
As there are so many different types of side-quests and there is an abundance
of content written below, for quicker navigation, please use the shortcuts


Templar Hunt 01 - Opia Apito ......................

Templar Hunt 02 - Rhona Dinsmore ..................
Templar Hunt 03 - Anto ............................
Templar Hunt 04 - Vance Travers ...................
Assassin Contracts ................................
Naval Contracts ...................................
Fort Liberation ...................................
Shipwrecks ........................................
Smuggler's Dens ...................................
Mayan Stelae ......................................
Buried Treasures ..................................
Miscellaneous Side-Activities .....................
Abstergo Challenges ...............................


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There are four Templar hunt side-mission chains in the game and they can be
undertaken at any time after sequence 4A This Old Cove . Every one of these
four chains involves a small, four-memory sequence with Edward assisting a
different assassin through a brief side-narrative and upon completion of each,
you will earn a Templar Key.
There are five of these to collect in total. Earning all five Templar Keys will
allow you to unlock the Templar Armour which is located in the mansion
overlooking the cove in Great Inagua.
Templar Hunt Rewards:
> Collecting all 5 keys allows you to unlock the templar armour.
> Completing the first of the four chains will unlock the
achievement/trophy 'Help a Brother Out'.
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Opia s short side-story, unlike the other Templar hunt missions, takes place
over a number of different locations. As such, it is probably advisable to
travel to each of the following places (Cayman Sound, Grand Cayman, Pinos Isle)
first to activate fast travel points to reduce travel time. When you are good
to go, travel to Grand Cayman and speak with her at the Assassin s symbol
] The Taino Assassin
\ Start Location: Cayman Sound
The first mission for Opia focuses on hunting. Essentially you need to beat
her by acquiring more pelts than she does within the time limit specified.
Once the mission starts, green investigation zones will appear on the map.
We need to run over to these to find prey to hunt. Whilst inside the zones,
activate eagle vision to have animals appear bright red. When you k now where
they are, simply shoot them from afar are sneak up and assassinate them before
You will have to repeat this process another 2-3 times, so keep at it! Whilst
you hunt, note that Opia is also hunting animals so don t be surprised if she
occasionally runs in and steals your kills from under your nose. If this
happens, don t fret, just head to the next location immediately to get the
jump on her.
Once you have killed and skinned enough animals, you will be ambushed by a
white jaguar. Quickly hit the in-screen button prompts to shake it off, then
pull out your pistol and shoot it as it runs away (or chase it down and
assassinate it).
Killing the white jaguar will complete the first memory.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Templar Ships
\ Start Location: Grand Cayman
After the previous chapter, we ll have to sail over to Grand Cayman. When you
arrive, you ll find Opia on the docks. Speak with her to begin the next
After beginning the mission, follow her as she walks along the dock. When she
stops a green objective marker will appear in the distance. Head over here and
as you arrive you ll notice a green zone on the map. Enter this and use eagle

vision to locate your next target.

There are three persons of interest here and we ll need to eavesdrop on them
as they proceed a short distance along the wooden walkways. Follow behind the
group at a safe distance (but still within the confines of the green
eavesdropping area of course!) and move between the conveniently positioned
groups of people along the set path to mingle and become invisible when the
targets stop and look around.
When they split up, follow the guy marked with the orange objective marker and
pickpocket him to complete the memory.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Right-hand Man
\ Start Location: Grand Cayman
Again we ll be on Grand Cayman for this sequence and again it will begin with
Edward having to follow Opia at a leisurely pace along a short set path.
Eventually she will come to a door and advise you to hide. As such hop into
the stack of palm fronds nearby and watch.
The guy we wanted to speak to will run off. Sprint after him until you reach
the docks and he will escape on a boat. Quickly run over and board the Jackdaw
and sail after him. As you chase the hostile vessel be ready to shoot the
barrels that it drops behind.
When you catch up with the other ship, attack it and initiate a boarding
sequence. During this, kill the target to complete the mission.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] The Trail of Lucia Marquez
\ Start Location: Pinos Isle
After the previous chapter, we ll have to sail over to Pinos Isle. When you
arrive, you ll find Opia at the assassin icon in the shallows at the very
southwest corner of the map. Speak with her to begin the next mission.
As we begin, we ll need to tail the guard ahead down the beach a short way and
then up the dirt path to the left that climbs the nearby hill past one set of
ruins before entering a second ruin area. There is no shortage of stalking
zone shrubs along the path that he takes you through, so you should have no
trouble staying behind him and out of sight. He will stop three times, but as
long as you keep to the bushes, he won t have a clue that you are there.
When he enters the second set of ruins, your objectives will update and you ll
be permitted to kill him as well as the group of four guards on the lower
section of the temple below. There are several powder kegs and barrels around
the location of the guard group, so feel free to shoot those first to thin out

the numbers before attacking.

Once the marked guards have all been killed, quickly hide in a shrub nearby if
you are able (if not, it s all good but perhaps a little more difficult). A
second group of enemies will rush down to attack you from the stairs to the
north east. Again, shoot the barrels along the path if there are some left
to drop a few of the bad guys before they can reach you. Kill off any
After dispatching the second group, our target will appear nearby indicated
with a red objective marker. Quickly chase her down and shoot/assassinate her
to complete the mission and Opia s Templar hunt side-mission.

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Rhona is an assassin in residence in Havana. Her side-missions consist of four
short memory sequences that will take place entirely within the city s
confines, so there is no excessive travel involved. To make things even
quicker, you can climb and synchronise all of the viewpoints to get around
in a much more effcient matter via fast travel.
] Bureau Under Attack
\ Start Location: Havana
You will find Rhona at the Assassin s bureau in the south of Havana. Approach
her to begin the first memory.
This memory is a short, simple one and is all about defending our friend and
keeping her health bar from emptying. Essentially you will have to fend off
four waves of enemies, each consisting of complements of between six to nine
enemies. There are three entry points to the bureau and during each of the
first three waves two enemies will enter from each entrance. The fourth and
final wave mixes things up a bit and has three enemies enter from each access
It s not all grim though, as there is a quicker way to fight off the enemies.
Between waves, you are able to grab powder kegs and drop them by an entrance.
Shoot the barrel when a group of enemies moves past it during the next attack
phase and you ll clean a third of them out without a fight!
Following the fourth wave, the memory will be completed.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] A Thief in the Market
\ Start Location: Havana
After the introduction, you need to head to the north and find the market area
indicated by the large green circle on the map.
Once you arrive, enter the green zone and turn on eagle vision. Look around
until you spot the pickpocket target that we are after. As you do, the target
will run off. Chase him down and tackle/assassinate/kill him. Loot or
pickpocket him whilst he is down to complete the mission.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Arms Race
\ Start Location: Havana
This mission is a series of three, sneak/fight your way into a restricted area
and blow up target barrel mini-missions. Once the mission has begun look at
the Havana map. You will see that there are there are three new restricted
areas here now, each of which has a green objective marker associated
indicating a gunpowder store that we need to destroy.
The goal at each of these locations is simply to detonate the glowing crates;
you can do this by sneaking in using your stealth techniques, or alternatively
walk in in full sight, murder all of the enemies in sight and then shoot the
barrels as easy as you please.
The quickest and easiest way I found to do this mission is to make your way to
each location via the streets, then when you are just outside of the restricted
zones, climb to the roof. Put any gunners that you encounter out of commission
as you move towards the green objective marker, then drop down next to the
barrels, shoot them to blow them up and then quickly return to the rooves to
Repeat the process for all three zones and once all three of the target
barrels of powder have been blown up, the mission will be complete.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Flint's End
\ Start Location: Havana
The final of Rhona s Templar hunt missions is a fairly brief one. To begin
with, we need to follow Rhona through the streets for a short while until just

you reach the docks. At this point, a large group of enemies will be on the
map ahead of you. Including the assassination target.
Allow Rhona to move up by herself and engage them from cover. If you move up
to help her she will immediately start losing health and die very quickly.
Instead, we need to let her distract the guards whilst we sneak in from behind.
As such, when she moves up, stay back and dive over the wall into the water
Swim down the left hand side of the boat here and when you reach the back,
turn to the right and stealth swim over to the wall below the dock. Climb up
at the closest point to the assassination target marker (the red circle on
the map), hop over the wall and perform a sprinting assassination on the bad
After the scene has run its course, hop over the wall into the water and
escape the area. Find a hiding spot and when it is all clear the mission will
be complete.

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Anto resides in the game s second major city Kingston. His side-mission
consists of four short memory sequences, and as with Rhona s Templar hunt
mission, his tasks will all take place within the city itself. To speed up
getting around during the various missions, it is always a good idea to
synchronise all of the viewpoints so that you can fast travel across the zone.
] The Maroon Assassin
\ Start Location: Kingston
You will find Anto for the first time in the south central part of the
Kingston city area. Approach him to begin the first memory.
Once the mission begins, run straight down the street until we find a pair of
guards marked with objective markers. We want to eavesdrop on these fellows.
Trail them down the street, remaining relatively close and using the corners
of the buildings and crates on the sides of the street as cover to remain
hidden for when they turn around. When they reach the tavern the eavesdropping
sequence will end.
At this point, a second orange marker will appear on your map to the northeast.
Head over here to find another pair of guards that we will need to eavesdrop
on. Fortunately, this area is quite heavily populated, so you can use the

crowds as well as crates as cover whilst you follow the targets to make things
even easier, you can hire some dancers on the way and follow them out in the
After a short distance, the guards will split up and run in different
directions. Choose one and chase him down and tackle him to complete the

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Recruiting Maroons
\ Start Location: Kingston
This mission is essentially a whole bunch of those pirate rescue mini-missions
that you may have seen and attempted scattered across the main cities during
your travels. To complete these tasks, you need to approach each group of
captives (marked as blue circles on the mini-map) without being spotted, deal
with the guards at these locations and then interact with the prisoners to
free them. As a bonus, Anto will come along for the ride, so be sure to stay
in close proximity to him or you risk desynchronising.
The first captive is being
approach, follow the fence
here. From the top perform
on the captive below. Free

held at gunpoint in a fenced compound. As you

around to the right and climb the small building
an air assassination on the two guards with guns
the captive and leave the compound.

The second captive you come across will be walking down the street with a five
guard escort. Run up and sprint assassinate two guards from behind with a
double assassination and then finish off the survivors. Finally free the
The final captive, like the first is in a fenced off restricted zone. Approach
from the south and climb onto the hut to the right of the guarded entrance.
From here, air assassinate the guard with the prisoner on the inside of the
compound and then free the prisoner to end the mission.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Under Attack
\ Start Location: Kingston
This memory is a short, simple one and it is all about preventing Anto from
dying during combat. If you have done Rhona s Bureau Under Attack Templar
hunt mission, this one is extremely similar.
Essentially you will have to fend off four waves of enemies, each consisting
of complements of between six to nine enemies. There are three entry points
to the bureau and during each of the three waves, three enemies will enter
from each direction.

Between waves, the game gives you an opportunity to make the next segment a
little easier. You are given 30 seconds before the next attack during which
you are able to run over to where the enemies come from and take a group of
them down before the next assault begins if you so wish. Anto will do this
by himself, so you ll already be facing a reduced amount. As such, if you are
not feeling adventurous, you can stay put and take them all on at once, it s
entirely up to you.
Following the third wave, the memory will be completed.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] The Commander's Ruse
\ Start Location: Kingston
As you begin this mission, we will need to tail the target marked with the
orange objective marker a short way down the street. Hit Eagle vision to tag
him and follow. He will walk straight past a group of dancers, so hire them
and follow behind him at a slow pace, using the dancer group as cover.
Continue to follow the guards until they enter the restricted area compound.
Now that the tailing sequence is over, we need to infiltrate the compound,
locate the target and assassinate him. If you take a quick look at your map
you will notice that there are three green circles in the compound indicating
potential locations of the assassination target.
Each time I played this mission, the target appeared in the same place the
north-eastern corner of the restricted area. Run over to this area outside of
the wall and enter the open (and strangely unguarded) gate on the eastern
wall close to the northern most point of the restricted area. At this point,
get into cover behind the corner so that you look inside the compound and
activate eagle vision to identify the target.
Now from cover, equip your pistol and line up a headshot on the assassination
target. Shoot him for a scene.
After the scene has run its course, exit the compound and escape the area.
Find a hiding spot and when it is all clear the mission will be complete.

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Vance is the local assassin in the pirate settlement of Nassau. His quests,
like the others before it take place over four short memory sequences that
take place within the city limits. Again, I advise that you synchronise all
viewpoints in the area before starting the chain to have quicker travel times
and have the map uncovered.
] Oh Bother...
\ Start Location: Nassau
The first mission can be started by speaking with the assassin in central
Once the mission begins, run across the nearby marketplace and find the persons
of interest marked with the orange objective markers. We want to eavesdrop on
these fellows. Follow them down the street to the west of the market using the
crowds, benches and market stalls as cover from detection. When they head west
away from the market and down the hill, hop up on the rooftops to the right of
the road and tail them from above. When they enter a small alleyway the
tailing section will be complete.
Head over to the far side of the roof overlooking the open area below and use
eagle vision to identify the new target. Use the tree at the northern end of
the roof and follow its branches to the end. From here, look below and wait
for the target to pass beneath us. When he does, highlight him and perform an
air assassination to end the mission.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] The Other Brother
\ Start Location: Nassau
As we begin this second memory, we will need to follow our friend for a short
distance whilst he drops some backstory on us. When he stops, enter the
stalking zone marked with the green objective marker nearby.
After a few moments, we need to start tailing the two persons of interest here.
Quickly tag them from the bush. During the next tailing sequence, the targets
will stop periodically during which point a thief will show up and try to
pickpocket our friend. We need to kill the thieves stealthily as being
detected will cause desynchronisation, as will allowing the thief to steal
from our buddy.
The first place the conversation will stop is at the marketplace a short
distance from the bush we are hiding in. Quickly hop the fence to the left and
run to the far north-western corner of the marketplace. Hide behind the last
stall to the left. The thief will stand next to this briefly during his
passage across the market, so perform a corner assassination on him at this
The tailing targets will then start moving again. They will stop to the east

of some gallows. At this point, run over and take cover behind the front of
the gallows at the western side (just behind the guards). Corner assassinate
the second thief here.
Hire the dancers just in front of the gallows and follow the targets down the
next street. Enter the second alleyway to the left and kill the thief as he
appears. Afterwards quickly return to the street before you are spotted near
the body.
Return to the tailing targets nearby. After a short exchange they will split
up. Continue to follow the fellow marked with the objective marker. After he
goes around the corner to the left, take cover behind the wall of the building
he just walked past and then when he moves on follow him a little further
until an eavesdrop begins.
Use the crowds here and the well in the centre of the area to stay out of
sight whilst the conversation plays out.
After the conversation a timer will appear and an objective marker will appear
nearby. Sprint over to the green zone marked by the objective marker as
quickly as possible. When you reach the main street, turn on eagle vision and
look to the north to identify your assassination target. Now move up and kill
him within the time limit to complete the mission.
----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Upton's Sorrow
\ Start Location: Nassau
Immediately after beginning the mission you will find yourself in the midst
of a bar fight. Fight off your attackers whilst also attempting to keep your
friend safe from harm. You ll need to incapacitate around 8-10 hostile patrons
before the fight ends.
After the bar fight, you will need to escort your friend through the streets
of Nassau for a little while whilst keeping him out of harm s way. After a
minute or so, you will come across a group of dancers. Walk over to them and
pay them so that our friend will continue moving.
He will stop again as we make our way down a fairly main street. At this point
you will be attacked by three guards. Again do your best to keep them away
from our escort and eliminate them.
After another brief conversation the memory will be complete.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Queen of Pirates, King of Fools
\ Start Location: Nassau
Upon starting this mission, we will need to find the assassination target who

is hiding somewhere in the swamp area marked by the giant green circle on the
map. To save time, his location is at co-ordinates (634,784). To approach
this, I advise following the swamp to the south from the start point and using
the treetop paths or follow the edge of the swamp all the way around until
you reach a large log bridge leading to the camp at the co-ordinates listed.
Instead of crossing the bridge, enter the stalking zone to the left. Wait
until the guy loading the boat on the opposite side of the river turns away
and run over and hide in the stalking zone there. Kill him when her patrols
back again. Run up the hill and hide to the left of the crates, lean out from
behind the corner here with eagle vision on to identify the target.
Sneak over and stab him, or shoot the barrel of gunpowder at his feet, or even
shoot him in the head if you like. Whatever you choose to do to kill him, once
the deed is done a scene will play.
Following the scene, chase down and shoot/assassinate the next target for
another cut-scene.
After the scene has run its course, exit the restricted zone. Find a hiding
spot and when it is all clear the mission will be complete.

/ | ______________ ___________(_)___
/ /| | / ___/ ___/ __ `/ ___/ ___/ / __ \
/ ___ |(__ |__ ) /_/ (__ |__ ) / / / /
/_/ |_/____/____/\__,_/____/____/_/_/ /_/
There are 30 assassin contracts in Assassin s Creed IV: Black Flag and all of
them have you hunting down and killing a specific target in a series of
different locations. For each assassination contract you fulfil, you will earn
1000 Reales, with some of the trickier contracts giving a bonus of an
additional 500 Reales if the assassination is carried out without the player
entering combat beforehand.
Assassin contracts are first introduced during memory sequence five and
following this, they can be accessed and initiated from pigeon coops marked
with a skull icon located all across the Caribbean.
Hints and Tips:
> Staying out of combat refers to doing so before attacking the target.
Defending yourself afterwards will not affect the rewards.
> The easiest way to kill each target without entering combat is to
identify them and then shoot them with a headshot from a stalking zone
or outside of the restricted area they reside in.

Assassin Contract Rewards:

> For completing all of the assassin contracts you will unlock the pistol
> For completing half of the assassin contracts you will earn the
Assassin s stealth outfit.
Assassin Contract Shortcuts:
As 30 is a lot of missions and I am aware that due to the sandbox nature of
the title, players can start just about anywhere, below I have listed some
shorcuts to allow you to quickly jump down to the Assassin Contract mission
that you are interested in locating:



The Plantation Master ........

The Guard Post ...............
The Slave Traders ............
The Judge ....................
The Weapon Smugglers .........
The British Captain ..........
Beach Bonfire ................
A Shipment of Powder .........
The Spanish Commander ........
Unlicensed Dealer ............
No More Taxes ................
A Botched Escape .............
The Pirate Captain ...........
The Outlaws ..................
Tomb Raiders .................
A Last Drink For The Road ....
Castaway .....................
The Unworthy Brother .........
The Poachers .................
The Deserter .................
The Twin Dilemma .............
The Dreaded Pirate ...........
The Expedition ...............
The Slave Master .............
A Slaver's Business ..........
The Informant ................
The Treasure Hunter ..........
Shady Business ...............
The Smuggler's Squat .........
The Outlaw's Cave ............


] Contract 01 - The Plantation Master
\ Rewards:
\ Start Location:
\ > 1000 Reales.
\ > Kingston
\ > +500 Reales for staying out of combat. \

After accepting the contract, a skull marker (which indicates our

assassination target s whereabouts) will appear on the map within a rectangular
restricted area zone surrounding the small plantation directly to our north.
Make your way over to the restricted zone and climb onto the roof of the house
across the street directly south of the plantation. From here, we can look over
the plantations walls and turn on eagle vision to identify our target.
Drop down from the roof and enter the sugarcane fields here. Use whistles to
lure the three patrolling guards into the fields and assassinate them one at a
Afterwards, go and climb the stone wall to
you are in line with your target. When you
wall and perform a sprint assassination on
can see you coming. This will complete the

the plantation. Shimmy along until

are ready, quickly leap over the
him to have him die before anyone

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Contract 02 The Guard Post
\ Rewards:
\ Start Location:
\ > 1000 Reales.
\ > Kingston
\ > +500 Reales for staying out of combat. \
After accepting the contract, if you look at the map, you will notice that
there is a brand new circular restricted area over to the northwest with a red
skull indicating the assassination target. This is in a raised rocky area
overlooking part of the town below. Once you begin the contract, head over to
the target location.
Approach the restricted zone from the street running past it on the west. From
here you can scramble up a few rocky ledges and enter the guard post. Hide
behind the crates at the top of your passage up and peek out from behind the
corner. Whistle and perform a corner takedown on the closest guard. Next, move
into the stalking zone and repeat with the other guards in the area.
From here, you should be able to spot a dirt path leading south, slightly
uphill to your right. Activate eagle vision whilst looking up the path and you
should identify your target. When you deem it safe to do so, sprint up the
dirt slope and assassinate him to finalise the contract.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Contract 03 The Slave Traders
\ Rewards:
\ Start Location:
\ > 1000 Reales.
\ > Kingston
\ > +500 Reales for staying out of combat. \

After accepting the contract, if you look at the map,

there is a brand new restricted area over to the east
indicating the assassination target within the area.
contract, head directly to the east from the starting
the target zone.

you will notice that

with a red skull
Once you begin the
location until you reach

Hit the patrolling gunner on the roof and the guard on the roof to his left
opposite with sleeping darts. Afterwards, climb onto the roof with the sleeping
gunner on it and take him down quietly. Move to the western side of this
rooftop and look in the grassy area below. Use Eagle Vision to tag your
target. As soon as you have him marked, highlight him ad perform an air
assassination on him to complete the contract.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Contract 04
The Judge
\ Rewards:
\ Start Location:
\ > 1000 Reales.
\ > Kingston
Upon accepting this contract, a red skull will appear on the map in the
southern area of the Kingston map near the prison. Either fast travel or swim
down here.
We now need to enter the green investigation circle area that appears on the
map and use Eagle vision to identify the target. He is the man shouting and
banging on the door. Once you have identified him, he will run off. Simply
chase after him and shoot or tackle and assassinate him to end the contract.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Contract 05 The Weapon Smugglers
\ Rewards:
\ Start Location:
\ > 1000 Reales.
\ > Kingston
\ > +500 Reales for staying out of combat. \
After accepting the contract, the skull marker will appear on the map within
a rectangular restricted area zone slightly to the north east of your current
Run to the viewpoint marker to the north and on the eastern side of the church
building, hop up onto the wall. Fortunately this wall runs parallel to the
restricted area and form here if we activate eagle vision; you should be able
to tag the assassination target without entering the red zone.
When you are good to go, put the guard on the roof to your right to sleep and
quickly run across the street and assassinate the guard at ground level. Enter
the stalking zone behind him. Wait for the target to walk close to your
position, then sprint out and assassinate him to end the mission.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Contract 06
The British Captain
\ Rewards:
\ Start Location:
\ > 1000 Reales.
\ > Kingston
\ > +500 Reales for staying out of combat. \
After accepting the contract, the skull marker will appear on the map within
a rectangular restricted area zone on the waterfront directly north of the
Jackdaw s icon on the map.
Head down to the waterfront and approach the assassination target marker from
the street along the eastern side. Once you have identified the target, use
the crowds to approach him and enter the stalking zone just to his east. Move
to the edge of the bushes closest to the target and then sprint out and
assassinate him before anyone has a chance to spot you.
This will complete the contract.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Contract 07
Beach Bonfire
\ Rewards:
\ Start Location:
\ > 1000 Reales.
\ > Havana
\ > +500 Reales for staying out of combat. \
After accepting the contract, the assassination contract skull marker will
appear on the map within a fairly large circular restricted area at the beach
in the far south of the Havana map.
Head to the beach and circle around the restricted area so that you are to the
southeast of the red circle. From here, look into the restricted area with
eagle vision to identify the target. Now pull out your pistol and get a
headshot on the target from outside the restricted zone to complete the
mission without being spotted.
When he is dead, the contract will be completed.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Contract 08 A Shipment of Powder
\ Rewards:
\ Start Location:

\ > 1000 Reales.

\ > Havana
\ > +500 Reales for staying out of combat. \
After accepting the contract, if you check your map you will see that the
assassination contract skull has appeared on the docks, just to the south of
the Jackdaw s position on the eastern side of the map.
Make your way over here and climb onto the roof of the harbourmaster s shop
just outside the restricted area. Use eagle vision here to identify the target.
He will be the guard patrolling up and down the stairs to the left at the very
far send of the dock.
Dive into the water and swim around to the far end of the dock to where the
target patrols (use stealth swim immediately if you get spotted). Wait for him
to patrol down in front of the boat moored here and then quickly hop out of
the water and hit him with a sprint assassination before anyone sees you
For killing him, you will have completed the mission.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Contract 09 The Spanish Commander
\ Rewards:
\ Start Location:
\ > 1000 Reales.
\ > Havana
\ > +500 Reales for staying out of combat. \
After accepting the contract, the assassination contract skull marker will
appear on the map within a rectangular restricted area zone in a square
courtyard of the building directly southwest of our current position.
Head to the target area and climb up to the roof. From the rooftops here,
we ll be able to peek into the restricted area in the courtyard below. The
target will be patrolling up and down the western wall of the courtyard. Use
the treetop path in the centre of the courtyard or the stalking zones below to
move in close and assassinate him when he comes into range.
When he is dead, the contract will be completed.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Contract 10
Unlicensed Dealer
\ Rewards:
\ Start Location:
\ > 1000 Reales.
\ > Havana
\ > +500 Reales for staying out of combat. \
After accepting the contract, the assassination contract skull marker will

appear on the map within a square-shaped restricted area zone in a small market
square directly northeast of our current position.
Run over to the target area and approach it from the south. Hire some dancers
here to lure the guards away from the guard position at the south entrance. As
they leave, move inside and quickly climb the wooden beam between the cannons
to your right. From the end of this, jump into the trees nearby.
Use eagle vision to identify your target and when he walks below you, perform
an air assassination on him to fulfil the contract.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Contract 11
No More Taxes
\ Rewards:
\ Start Location:
\ > 1000 Reales.
\ > Havana
\ > +500 Reales for staying out of combat. \
After accepting the contract, the assassination contract skull marker will
appear on the map within a rectangular restricted area zone in a small market
square directly north of our current poison.
Climb the ladder to the left of the assassination contract pigeon pen and
cross the rope strung between this roof and the roof of the building to the
north. Use a sleep dart on the patroller on the roof, or sneak up and kill
him. From the rooftops here, we ll be able to peek into the restricted area in
the courtyard below.
Turn on eagle vision to identify the target
he should be the fellow beneath
the shelter at the north of the area. Drop down into the courtyard and use the
crowd and the stalking bushes to move in close to the target. From here either
shoot him or burst out of the bushes and sprint assassinate him without being
Killing him either way will complete the mission.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Contract 12 A Botched Escape
\ Rewards:
\ Start Location:
\ > 1000 Reales.
\ > Havana
After accepting the contract, the assassination contract skull marker will
appear on the map within a circular restricted area near the city wall over to
the west of our position.
As you approach the target s position, you ll see a group of guard nearby
asking questions about our target s location. Enter the green zone and

activate Eagle vision to locate the target in the stalking zone nearby.
Once you have identified him, he will run off. Simply chase after him and
shoot or tackle and assassinate him to end the contract.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Contract 13
The Pirate Captain
\ Rewards:
\ Start Location:
\ > 1000 Reales.
\ > Nassau
\ > +500 Reales for staying out of combat. \
After accepting the contract, the assassination contract skull marker will
appear on the map within a large, circular restricted area zone located in the
grassy, open area just outside town to the north of the swamp area.
Run over to the target area and approach it from the east. Find the slanted
stone that will get us up into the trees just at the eastern edge of the
restricted zone. Run up and use this to access the trees when there is nobody
looking (or if you have assassinated/put the nearby guards to sleep). From
here, follow the branches to the west. When you have a good view of the area,
enter eagle vision mode to identify the target.
Climb out along the branches until you are sitting directly over the
assassination target s patrol route and drop down on him for an air
assassination when he walks beneath you.
This will fulfil the contract.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Contract 14 The Outlaws
\ Rewards:
\ Start Location:
\ > 1000 Reales.
\ > Nassau
\ > +500 Reales for staying out of combat. \
After accepting the contract, the assassination contract skull marker will
appear on the map over at the large estate house just to the west of the swamp
area. This has the westernmost viewpoint marker on it.
Run over to the target area and put the guard at the front door to sleep.
Climb the ladder to the right of the door all the way to the roof. Assassinate/
sleep dart the patrolling guard on the roof here and then climb up to the
viewpoint. From this location, switch on eagle vision to identify the target
in the area below.
He will patrol from the back steps of the house, down a short dirt path and
then come back. When he reaches the steps of the house, highlight him and

perform an air assassination on him from the viewpoint to complete the


----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Contract 15
Tomb Raiders
\ Rewards:
\ Start Location:
\ > 1000 Reales.
\ > Arroyos
\ > +500 Reales for staying out of combat. \
After accepting the contract, the target will appear at Pinos Isle. Travel to
this location and either enter the straight between the two larger islands
here and look out for some half sunken ruins along the northern islands shore.
You can either scale the ruins built into the cliff here, or alternatively
move a little further down the channel to the south to find a beach we can
access the mission area from.
Either way, work your way inland. You ll see that the centre of activity
appears to be that large pyramid/temple structure in the distance. Sneak your
way over here using the ruins and stalking zones as cover and being sure to
sleep dart the gunners as you approach.
Our target is in a tunnel beneath the pyramid/temple structure, so work your
way down there and peek inside with eagle junction to locate him. Next, use a
combination of sleep darts and corner assassinations to clear the area.
Finally assassinate the target to end the contract.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Contract 16
A Last Drink for the Road
\ Rewards:
\ Start Location:
\ > 1000 Reales.
\ > Arroyos
After accepting the contract, if you look at the map whilst in the Arroyos
zone, you will notice that there are two small, restricted areas: one at the
marketplace in the centre of town and the other at the dock. Once you begin
the contract, move to the marketplace and use Eagle Vision to tag your target.
A brief conversation between the target and a merchant will ensue before the
target runs off and gets on his ship. Run over and jump on the Jackdaw as fast
as you can, get behind the wheel and begin your pursuit so that he is unable
to escape.
Chase him down, destroy his ship and then board it. Kill him to complete the
contract. Feel free to finish boarding the ship afterwards!

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Contract 17
\ Rewards:
\ Start Location:
\ > 1000 Reales.
\ > New Bone
\ > +500 Reales for staying out of combat. \
Upon accepting this contract, a red skull will appear on the map in the centre
of Cayman Sound, an island to the northwest of our current location. Sail over
here and when you arrive, park in the shallow water and swim across to shore.
You ll notice a green investigate circle in the map. Our target is located
within this. Unfortunately the area is swarming with enemies that you will
need to avoid if you want to earn that extra 500R. The target himself can be
found just to the northwest of the viewpoint. Work your way over to him using
the abundance of stalking zones.
When you have identified him, either shoot him from a shrubbery or race out
and sprint assassinate him to kill him before any other enemies know you are
there. This will fulfil the contract.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Contract 18
The Unworthy Brother
\ Rewards:
\ Start Location:
\ > 1000 Reales.
\ > Corozal
This contract has us taking on the fort at Chinchorro. Now if you have already
taken over the fort previously, a restricted area will appear inside the
fort s walls. If you have not yet taken over the fort, now is about as good a
time as any to do so. Check out the guide here: [SFR010] for a guide to taking
the fort down!
Once you arrive, the target will be hiding somewhere in the green zone. Enter
the area and use Eagle Vision to identify him. For me he was patrolling behind
the cage in the grass covered courtyard on the south side of the fort at the
second level. Once he has been identified, assassinate him to fulfil the
requirements for the contract.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Contract 19
The Poachers
\ Rewards:
\ Start Location:
\ > 1000 Reales.
\ > Crooked Island

\ > +500 Reales for staying out of combat. \

Upon accepting this contract, a red skull will appear on the map over at
Mariguana Island to the east of our current position. A large red, circular
restricted area will also now be present in the area. Sail over here and dock.
We now need to enter the restricted area and use Eagle vision to identify the
target. Both times I played this mission I was able to fast travel to the
island. From here I could use Eagle vision to find him at the settlement, just
to the west of where we docked on the wooden walkway that runs directly
beneath the islands only viewpoint.
Once identified, run over and stab his face off to complete the contract.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Contract 20
The Deserter
\ Rewards:
\ Start Location:
\ > 1000 Reales.
\ > Crooked Island
Upon accepting this contract, a red skull will appear on the map in the centre
of Salt Lagoon, an island to the northwest of our current location. Sail over
here and when you arrive, park in the shallow water and swim across to shore.
You ll notice a green investigate circle in the map. Our target is located
within this. Fortunately it s only a very small circle and there is only one
person on the island, so it shouldn t be too difficult to locate him.
Once you have found him, run up and assassinate him to fulfil the contract.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Contract 21
The Twin Dilemma
\ Rewards:
\ Start Location:
\ > 1000 Reales.
\ > Grand Cayman
After accepting the contract, if you look at the map whilst in the Grand
Cayman area, you will notice that there is a small, restricted area in the
northeast corner of the settlement. Once you begin the contract, there will
be two assassination targets located inside this restricted area.
You can easily sneak in from the north over to the top of the buildings and
perform an air assassination on the first target that ll be standing in the
centre of the area directly below you.
Doing this however, will spook the other target nearby and he will run off.
Follow across town and down the docks. Once you have him cornered, assassinate

This will complete the contract.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Contract 22
The Dreaded Pirate
\ Rewards:
\ Start Location:
\ > 1000 Reales.
\ > New Bone
\ > +500 Reales for staying out of combat. \
Upon accepting this contract, a red skull will appear on the map in the centre
of Misteriosa in the southeast corner of the world map. A large red, circular
restricted area will also now be present in the area. Sail over here and dock.
We now need to enter the restricted area and use Eagle vision to identify the
target. If you have been here previously and used the viewpoint to synchronise
the map, you can fast travel to the viewpoint itself, which is pretty much in
the direct centre of the restricted area. From here you can easily use your
Eagle vision to identify the target that patrols almost directly beneath the
If not, you will have to come in overland on foot. Either way you ll find the
target patrolling in and around an area of ruins just to the northwest of the
viewpoint. Once identified, climb the ruins to the east near the viewpoint and
air assassinate him without being spotted to complete the contract.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Contract 23
The Expedition
\ Rewards:
\ Start Location:
\ > 1000 Reales.
\ > Ile a Vache
\ > +500 Reales for staying out of combat. \
Upon accepting this contract, a red skull will appear on the map in the centre
of Cumberland Bay which is a fair sailing distance to our north west. A large
red, circular restricted area will have made itself welcome the area. Sail
over to the island and dock/swim ashore.
We now need to enter the restricted area and use Eagle vision to identify the
target. If you have been here previously and used the viewpoint to synchronise
the map, do not fast travel to the viewpoint if you want the bonus 500 Reales
as there is a gunner standing right beside it and he will spot you as soon as
you appear before you can do anything.
As such, we ll need to come in overland on foot. Either way you ll find the
target patrolling in and around some ledges just north of the viewpoint. Once
identified, sneak up and dispatch him as you see fit.

This will complete the contract.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Contract 24
The Slave Master
\ Rewards:
\ Start Location:
\ > 1000 Reales.
\ > Ile a Vache
After accepting the contract, if you look at the map you ll find the skull
marker has appeared at Tortuga, close to the manor house in the northern part
of the plantation on the island. As this is a plantation area, as is to be
expected the entire place is a giant restricted area.
Once you have arrived at Tortuga, make your way to the northern part of the
map and climb to the top of the manor house. From here, use Eagle Vision to
look down into the courtyard behind it to the north to identify our target.
Now that you have your target, we can easily perform an air assassination on
him from the very edge of the rooftop to end the contract.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Contract 25 A Slaver s Business
\ Rewards:
\ Start Location:
\ > 1000 Reales.
\ > Andreas Island
After accepting the contract, if you look at the map whilst in the Andreas
Island zone, you will notice that there is a small, restricted area at the
dock on the eastern side of the map. Once you begin the contract, a ship will
come and dock here. The assassination target will be on board.
Fortunately, you do not have to remain undetected during this mission as it is
quite difficult. I swam out using stealth swim to get around the far side of
the ship from the island, then hopped aboard and killed everyone on deck.
Once the target himself has been killed you ll earn the reward and the
contract will be finished.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Contract 26
The Informant
\ Rewards:
\ Start Location:

\ > 1000 Reales.

\ > Salt Key Bank
This contract has us taking on the fort at Dry Tortuga. Now if you have already
taken over the fort previously, a restricted area will appear inside the
fort s walls. If you have not yet taken over the fort, now is about as good a
time as any to do so. Check out the guide here: [SFR001] for a guide to taking
the fort down!
Once you arrive, the target will be hiding somewhere in the green zone. Enter
the area and use Eagle Vision to identify him. For me he was hanging out in
the courtyard at the very top of the fort. Once he has been identified,
assassinate him to fulfil the requirements for the contract.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Contract 27
The Treasure Hunter
\ Rewards:
\ Start Location:
\ > 1000 Reales.
\ > Andreas Island
\ > +500 Reales for staying out of combat. \
Upon accepting this contract, a red skull will appear on the map in the centre
of Abaco Island in the north east corner of the world map. A large red,
circular restricted area will also now be present in the area. Sail over here
and dock.
We now need to enter the restricted area and use Eagle vision to identify the
target. If you have been here previously and used the viewpoint to synchronise
the map, you can fast travel to the viewpoint itself, which is pretty much in
the direct centre of the restricted area. From here you can easily use your
Eagle vision to identify the target.
If not, you will have to come in overland on foot. Either way you ll find the
target patrolling in and out of a tent with a campfire in front of it just to
the south of the viewpoint and approximately in line with the small island off
the coast to the west.
Once identified, run over and kill him to complete the contract.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Contract 28
Shady Business
\ Rewards:
\ Start Location:
\ > 1000 Reales.
\ > Salt Key Bank
Upon accepting this contract, a red skull will appear on the map off the coast
to the west of Salt Key bank. As we approach, a green search zone will appear
on the map and we need to use our spyglass to locate the target s vessel. I

found it at around the co-ordinates ( 410,649). It is a level 11 schooner.

Once identified, the ship will be marked with a red objective marker. Chase it
down and damage it so that you can board. Then initiate the boarding, find and
kill the target to complete the contract.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Contract 29
The Smuggler s Squat
\ Rewards:
\ Start Location:
\ > 1000 Reales.
\ > Grand Cayman
\ > +500 Reales for staying out of combat. \
Upon accepting this contract, a red skull will appear on the map off the coast
in Annoto Bay (just to the east of Long Bay). Sail over here and dock with the
shipwreck to dive underwater.
Once you are down, continue straight forward and enter the cave here. As you
enter you ll note that it looks kind of like a mine shaft. Continue forward
until you see a ladder, swim up to the top of this. Hang out here for a few
moments and wait for a shark to swim by. Follow this and continue to the end
of the hallway. Turn left here and then right when you reach the next wall to
find a ladder. Swim up the shaft here and quickly turn around to find a chest.
Now swim around the corner to find an air pocket. Surface here to replenish
your air supply.
Dive back down and follow the hallway to the end, turn left to find an Animus
Shard. Now follow the tunnel to the right. Swim up to the top of the ladder
here to exit on to dry land run around the corner and dive underwater again.
Now as you swim through the tunnels, hug the left hand wall and follow the
area through until you find another ladder. Surface above this to find a
smuggler s hideout.
Climb up onto the ledges above the water here and hang out for a moment. Use
eagle vision to find the assassination target. Now simply use the ledges to
take everyone down undetected using ledge takedowns and stealth swimming (we
need to be undetected for the 500 Reales bonus) or just march in and murder
the lot of them to complete the contract.
Now loot the area. There is a treasure chest just in front of the ladder on
the north side of the room and another by the top of the stairs leading into
the water on the south side of the room. On a walkway on the eastern side of
the room is a cadaver with a treasure map. In the water on the centre of the
area, if you dive below you ll find a tunnel. Follow this to the left and
surface when you are able to find an Animus shard.
When you have everything, climb the ladder on the north side of the room and
dive into the ocean below. Climb back onto the Jackdaw to finish up.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________

] Contract 30
The Outlaw s Cave
\ Rewards:
\ Start Location:
\ > 1000 Reales.
\ > Corozal
\ > +500 Reales for staying out of combat. \
Upon accepting this contract, a red skull will appear on the map on the coast
to the east of Ambergris Key. Sail over here and dock with the shipwreck to
dive underwater.
Leave the
reach the
room here
then dive

diving bell and make for the cave entrance in front of us. Avoid the
as much as possible and continue through the tunnel here until we
air pocket. Surface here. There is a chest at the bottom of the
so dive down and grab that, re surface to refill your air supply and
back under and take the next tunnel.

Follow this tunnel all the way to the end, steering clear of the jellyfish
that occupy the area as you go. When you reach the end of the tunnel, surface
and you will find an air pocket and a room with some ruins in it ahead. Peek
into the room and look up on the ruins to the right there are a pair of guards
here. Swim over to the wall beneath them and climb the pillar for an Animus
Drop back into the water and mosey on over to the stairs on the left hand side
of the ruin. Climb the broken pillar all the way to the top, being sure to
stay out of sight of the guards. . Wait for the patroller to walk off before
hopping up and assassinating the stationary guard. Hide behind the door frame
and corner assassinate the patroller when he comes back. When the patrolling
guard comes back, deal with him as you see fit.
Enter the tunnel and turn right at the end, pull up behind one of the pillars
near the corner and use eagle vision to identify the target. Hit him with a
knife or a sprinting assassination to complete the contract with the bonus.
Now that we are
Note that we no
reward from the
enemies in this

here, we may as well grab the rest of the loot from the area.
longer have to remain hidden as we have already collected our
contract upon killing our target. There are three groups of
room so do with them as you deem appropriate.

There are two chests, one on the north side and one on the south side. Around
halfway down the room, you ll find a hole in the wall high up on the central
structure. Climb up into this to find an Animus shard. In a small alcove
opposite the door we came in from is another pair of guards. Deal with them
and loot the corpse for a treasure map (Plan- Elite heavy Shot 307,195
With that, we ve finished off this smuggler s den/diving location. Find the
ramp leading out of the room, and dive into the water below. Head over to the
Jackdaw to continue.


_ __
/ | / /___ __ ______ _/ /
/ |/ / __ `/ | / / __ `/ /
/ /| / /_/ /| |/ / /_/ / /
/_/ |_/\__,_/ |___/\__,_/_/
There are 15 naval contracts in Assassin s Creed IV: Black Flag and all of
them have you performing various tasks in the Jackdaw. These objectives range
from destroying target ships, plundering various materials from enemy ships,
engaging in large scale naval battles and escorting friendlies.
Naval contracts become available once you completed the 'The Forts' mission in
Memory sequence 05. Additional missions will be unlocked as you liberate forts
throughout the Caribbean. The naval contracts appear on fort docks and are
marked by a circular skull icon.
Hints and Tips:
> Upon starting each contract, the game will give you a difficulty rating
you should upgrade your ship as much as possible before taking on the
higher difficutly missions.
> Upgrade your mortars and mortar storage. These are hands-down the most
deadly weapon in your arsenal and if utilised correctly can deal large
amounts of damage or sink most ships before they even get close to you.
Naval Contract Rewards:
> For completing all of the assassin contracts you will unlock the Golden
flintlock Pistols.
> For completing all of the Naval contracts, you will unlock the 'Sea
Legs' achievement/trophy.
Naval Contract Shortcuts:
As there are 15 missions and I am aware that due to the sandbox nature of
the title, players can start just about anywhere, below I have listed some
shorcuts to allow you to quickly jump down to the specific Contract mission
that you are interested in locating:



Eye for an Eye ...............

The Law of the Ocean .........
A Spanish Plague .............
Driftwood ....................
Silk on the Waves ............
Contraband ...................
Private Escort ...............
Blind Justice ................
The Final Contract ..........
The Realities of War .........





Hunter Gatherer ..............

Papers, Please ...............
Weathering the Storm ........
smuggler's Den ...............
A Personal Matter ............


] Contract 01 - Eye for an Eye
\ Rewards:
\ Difficulty:
\ Start Location:
\ > 1800 Reales.
\ > 3/5
\ > Castillo de Jagua
After beginning the contract, we ll first need to go and find the ship that we
need to destroy. If you look at your map, you ll see that there is a large,
green investigation zone to the southwest. Sail over here and pull out your
spyglass to identify the target ship (I found it at co-ordinates: 255,425).
As we approach, the ship will not become hostile until we attack, so take the
opportunity to get in very close and use the usual heavy shot/broadside
combination to dish out some hefty straight up damage. Afterwards continue to
whittle away its health until it is ready to board. At this point, you should
focus on destroying the gunboat that was escorting the target (if you haven t
Once the target vessel has been damaged sufficiently to have it incapacitated,
approach it and begin boarding. During boarding, we ll have to kill 15 of the
hostile ship?s crew members and 2 powder stores on the deck. Doing so will
complete the contract.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Contract 02 - The Law of the Ocean
\ Rewards:
\ Difficulty:
\ Start Location:
\ > 1800 Reales.
\ > 3/5
\ > Conttoyor
Once the mission begins, hop in the Jackdaw and sail over to the location on
the map marked by the green objective marker. As you arrive a short cut-scene
will play.
When you regain control, we ll see a brig and four gunships sail past. Quickly
use the mortar when you regain control to damage the gunship (and potentially
take out a gunship or two) before it gets in too close. Following that, move
in to engage them in battle using the usual circling and broadside/heavy shot
tactics to deal with the threats. Note that due to the narrow section of the
channel here, a well-placed broadside can easily damage or sink 2-3 of the
gunships at once. Try to focus on sinking the gunships first before turning
your attention to the brig.

Once the brig has been damaged sufficiently to have it incapacitated, approach
it and begin boarding. During boarding, we ll have to kill 10 of the crew
members. Doing so will complete the contract.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Contract 03 - A Spanish Plague
\ Rewards:
\ Difficulty:
\ Start Location:
\ > 1200 Reales.
\ > 1/5
\ > Eleuthera
This is a fairly simple and straightforward contract that does not require any
real advanced upgrades or too much skill behind the wheel of the Jackdaw as
you only need to take down three Spanish gunboats. The problem with this
mission is finding the Spanish gunboats to begin with as the game will not
place any objective markers for you on the map.
To do this, you want to cut large laps around the Eleuthera fort, using your
spyglass to look at every ship you come across and engage and destroy three
Spanish gunships.
Note that the first time I tried this contract I could find no Spanish ships
anywhere, instead there were nothing but British vessels around during 15
minutes of intense searching. At this point I exited to the main menu and
reloaded the save and lo and behold there were Spanish ships this time! As
such, if you have a similar problem, try re-loading to see if it helps you
Upon sinking the third ship, the contract will be finished.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Contract 04 Driftwood
\ Rewards:
\ Difficulty:
\ Start Location:
\ > 1800 Reales.
\ > 4/5
\ > Cabo de Cruz
This contract asks us to bring the merchant 60 Wood. If you have spare wood on
you upon commencement of the mission, you can hand it in right away to
complete the contract on the spot. If not, we ll need to do some plundering.
To prevent any unnecessary conflict, as you cruise around the nearby area,
pull out Edward s spyglass and zoom in and out to identify ships in the area.
When focused on a vessel, the spyglass will give you information about any
cargo they might be carrying. Find a ship that is transporting some wood,
attack it and board it to earn the materials. For 60 wood, you may need to
board multiple ships in order to accumulate a sufficient amount.
Once you have 60 wood, return to the contract giver on the dock in Cabo de
Cruz to complete the contract.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Contract 05 - Silk on the Waves
\ Rewards:
\ Difficulty:
\ Start Location:
\ > 1200 Reales.
\ > 2/5
\ > Gibara
As with the Driftwood contract (if you have done it already) this contract
asks us to bring the merchant contract giver some materials, in this case 20
silk. If you have spare silk on you upon commencement of the mission, you can
hand it in right away to complete the contract on the spot. If not, we ll have
to sail out into the nearby area to do some plundering.
To prevent any unnecessary conflict, as you cruise around the nearby area,
pull out Edward s spyglass and zoom in and out to identify ships in the area.
When focused on a vessel, the spyglass will give you information about any
cargo they might be carrying. Find a ship that is transporting some silk,
attack it and board it to earn the materials.
Once you have 20 silk return it to the contract giver on the dock in Gibara to
complete the contract.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Contract 06
\ Rewards:
\ Difficulty:
\ Start Location:
\ > 2400 Reales.
\ > 5/5
\ > Chinchorro
This is a fairly simple and straightforward contract we need to find, attack
and sink a Spanish frigate and two brigs. The problem with this mission is
finding the Spanish gunboats to begin with as the game will not place any
objective markers for you on the map.
To do this, similarly to the Spanish Plague mission earlier, you want to cut
large laps around the Chinchorro fort, using your spyglass to look at every
ship you come across and engage and destroy the quota of the target vessels
we are after.
Upon sinking all three ships, the contract will be finished.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Contract 07 - Private Escort
\ Rewards:
\ Difficulty:
\ Start Location:

\ > 2400 Reales.
\ > 5/5
\ > Dry Tortuga
After beginning the contract, we ll first need to go and find the ship that
we need to protect. If you look at your map, you ll see that there is a large,
green investigation zone to the northwest. Sail over here and pull out your
spyglass to identify the target ship (I found it at co-ordinates: 146, 780).
As we approach, the ship will be at around half health and be taking fire from
a pair of hostile gunboats. Sail in quick and use a broadside or chase cannons
to take them out as quickly as possible. As the second ship sinks, another
three will appear on the horizon to the north. Use mortars to target them as
they approach and when they get in close, use the usual heavy shot/broadside
combination to make short work of them.
Again, as we sink those hostile vessels another group will approach, this time
from the east. It consists of a pair of brigs and two schooners. Again, use
the mortars as they approach and try to eliminate the weaker schooners first
before focusing on the larger brigs.
Once this final group of ships has been dealt with the contract will be

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Contract 08 - Blind Justice
\ Rewards:
\ Difficulty:
\ Start Location:
\ > 1800 Reales.
\ > 4/5
\ > Navassa
After beginning the contract, we ll first need to go and find the ship that we
need to destroy. If you look at your map, you ll see that there is a large,
green investigation zone to the southeast. Sail over here and just to the
south of the larger island south of Ile a Vache, you ll find a group of three
brigs. (I found them at co-ordinates: 825,112). These are the ship s escort
and we need to eliminate them to draw the target ship out.
Attack these ships and they separate form one another and will sail along the
coast to the north. Follow them and take them down. Once they have been boarded
or sunk (you call), the target ship a big man o war will appear on the map
just to the south of the Ile a Vache (and just to the north of the island we
chased the three brigs around.
Sail over to meet it. Now the man o war can be a little tricky as it will not
only fire off mortars at you, that you ll need to avoid, but if you get in too
close it also has some very powerful broadside/heavy shot attacks. As such,
try to keep your distance a little and try to find an advantageous angle
whilst doing your best to stay out of range of its attacks.
Once the brig has been damaged sufficiently to have it incapacitated, approach
it and begin boarding. During boarding, we ll have to kill 20 of its crew
members and assassinate the captain. Doing so will complete the contract.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Contract 09
The Final Contract
\ Rewards:
\ Difficulty:
\ Start Location:
\ > 2400 Reales.
\ > 5/5
\ > Serranilla
Note: This is the final naval contract, nut for some reason it is labelled as
number 9. To accept this contract you must have finished all 14 other
naval contracts first.
Before starting, you will want to visit a harbourmaster and refill all of your
ammo especially the mortars and heavy shot!
After beginning the contract, we ll first need to go and find the ship that
we need to protect. If you look at your map, you ll see that there is a large,
green investigation zone to the north of the fort where we picked up the
mission from. Sail over here and pull out your spyglass to identify the target
ship (I found it at co-ordinates: 362,209).
As we approach, the ship will be at around 1/3 health and be taking fire from
a group of two schooners and two gunboats. Sail in quick, using mortars as you
approach and use a broadside or chase cannons to take them out as quickly as
possible when you arrive on scene. As the final ship of this group sinks,
another three (two brigs and a frigate) will appear on the horizon to the
northeast. Use mortars to target them as they approach (try to take down the
frigate as much as possible before it arrives) and when they get in close, use
the usual heavy shot/broadside combination to make short work of them.
Again, as we sink those hostile vessels another group will approach, this time
from the northeast. It consists of a pair of frigates and a man o War. Again,
use the mortars as they approach and try to damage the ships as much as
possible from a distance (if you are a good shot with the mortar you should be
able to take out one frigate and dish out a nice bit of damage on the man o
war as well) before they reach our ally.
Once this final group of ships has been dealt with the contract will be

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Contract 10
The Realities of War
\ Rewards:
\ Difficulty:
\ Start Location:
\ > 2400 Reales.
\ > 5/5
\ > Conttoyor
After beginning the contract, we ll first need to go and join up with our
allies who are waiting out in the open water to the north west of our current
location. They are marked by blue blips on the mini-map/world map so they
shouldn t be too hard to locate!

As we approach the friendlies, our objectives will be updated. We will now

have to take down a Spanish convoy. To begin with, follow your buddies to the
east. Here we ll encounter a pair of brigs. Assist your allies in taking these
down, ensuring that you watch your fire and try not to damage the friendly
Once these two have been destroyed, another two brigs and a man o War will
appear in the north. Sail over to meet them slowly, dropping mortars onto them
as you close the distance to them. A few well-placed mortars on the brigs will
have them just about incapacitated by the time you reach them, allowing you to
finish them off and focus on the man o war much quicker.
The man o war can be a little tricky as it will not only fire off mortars at
you, that you ll need to avoid, but if you get in too close it also has some
very powerful broadside/heavy shot attacks. As such, try to keep your distance
a little and try to find an advantageous angle whilst doing your best to stay
out of range of its attacks.
Once this second group of ships has been dealt with the contract will be

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Contract 11
Hunter Gatherer
\ Rewards:
\ Difficulty:
\ Start Location:
\ > 2400 Reales.
\ > 5/5
\ > Charlotte
Now this naval mission may well be the trickiest in the game. You will well
and truly need to upgrade your ship to level 5-7 armour (the more the better)
and upgrade all of your weapons to as high as you can go. The goal of this
mission is to destroy two hunter ships.
To get the hunter ships to appear, we need to find and attack ships in the
nearby area until our notoriety/wanted level rises. This can be tracked by the
red crossed sword icon above your health bar in the top left corner of the
screen. By attacking ships, this will slowly fill up and when it is full a
hunter ship will appear.
Trying to do this in the Charlotte fort s surrounding area is a death wish and
although it s not impossible, the fact that you ll be swarmed by groups of
frigates and a man o war or two the as soon as you try to initiate combat
here makes it more frustrating than challenging as each tim e you die, the
wanted level will reset to what it was when you began the contract and you ll
have to build it up again.
To make things a little easier, set a custom waypoint over near one of the
medium level forts nearby (Cabo de Cruz or Castillo de Jagua should do the
trick) and eliminate the ships around there. These ships are set at a lower
difficulty level, so you should have less trouble building up that notoriety
without it being re-set every time you desynchronise.
So once you have earned your wanted rating, engage, attack and sink two hunter
ships and the mission will be completed.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Contract 12 - Papers, Please
\ Rewards:
\ Difficulty:
\ Start Location:
\ > 2400 Reales.
\ > 5/5
\ > Charlotte
After beginning the contract, we ll first need to go and find the ship that we
need to destroy. If you look at your map, you ll see that there is a large,
green investigation zone to the northwest of our current location. Sail over
here and pull out your spyglass to identify the target ship (I found it at
co-ordinates: 430,340).
This ship is a man o war that has been heavily upgraded. It has lots of
armour and high level weapons equipped mortar, heavy shot, chase cannons
which will all cause a great deal of damage. Fortunately for us, it is a
pretty slow vessel so if you are able to keep your distance (try to stay just
at the max range for your broadside shots) and circle it for a little while
whilst avoiding the mortar fire and delivering mortars and broadsides to it
form range you should be able to damage it without too much trouble.
Once the target vessel has been damaged sufficiently to have it incapacitated,
approach it and sink it to complete the mission.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Contract 13 - Weathering the Storm
\ Rewards:
\ Difficulty:
\ Start Location:
\ > 1200 Reales.
\ > 1/5
\ > Punta Guarico
Once we have accepted the contract, re-board the jackdaw and sail for the
green investigation circle on the map marked with the green waypoint marker
to the southeast of the Punta Guarico fort.
Once we are within the green zone, we ll need to use our spyglass to locate
the target British fleet (I at the co-ordinates: 865,299). As you approach it,
a storm will pick up. At this point, you ll need to take down the fleet which
consists of three brigs and two gunboats.
Fortunately, to begin with they are all bunched together, making it a good
opportunity to drop mortars on them or position a broadside attack or two to
damage multiple ships at once. After the initial exchanges, they will break
away and you ll have to focus on them on a more individual basis. Thankfully,
due to the high seas, it is fairly easy as the British ships will not move
very quickly and the high waves will help block incoming enemy fire.
Upon sinking all five of the ships, the contract will be finished.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Contract 14
Smuggler s Den
\ Rewards:
\ Difficulty:
\ Start Location:
\ > 2400 Reales.
\ > 5/5
\ > Chinchorro
After beginning the contract, we ll first need to go and find the ships that
we need to destroy. If you look at your map, you ll see that there is a large,
green investigation zone just to the southwest of our current location in
and around the island of Corozal. Sail down and into the inlet as if you were
going to visit Corozal and you ll find the blockade.
The blockade is made up of two frigates, a man o was and two gunboats. Stop
outside of the inlet and rain mortars down on them. Turn away and sail slowly
away from them, whilst looking backwards and firing mortars. When you get the
message about sailing too far from the mission area, turn back and this time
approach the blockade. You will notice that they have lost interest and are
moving back to the inlet. As such, let s go get them!
Continue to drop mortars on the ships as you approach. When you arrive, most
of them should be destroyed or heavily damaged (depending on how accurate you
were with mortars). So it s a simple matter of mopping up any remaining
Board/sink all of the ships to complete the contract.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Contract 15
A Personal Matter
\ Rewards:
\ Difficulty:
\ Start Location:
\ > 1800 Reales.
\ > 4/5
\ > Navassa
After beginning the contract, we ll first need to go and find the ship that we
need to destroy. If you look at your map, you ll see that there is a large,
green investigation zone just to the east of our current location. Sail over
here and use the spyglass to identify the target vessel (I found it at
co-ordinates: 764,196). Make your way over and engage it.
It is a decently built frigate, with a fair bit of armour so can dish out a
little damage as well as take it. Use mortars as you approach to drain its
health a little and then use the standard combination of chase cannon/heavy
shot/broadside to damage it into submission. As you engage the ship, it will
cause another pair of frigates nearby to come and attack you. Again, mortars
and heavy shots will win the day!
Once the target frigate has been damaged sufficiently to have it incapacitated,
approach it and either board and destroy it or fire some of your weapons to
sink it if you are in a hurry.

Either way, once the ship has been sunk, the mission will be complete.

_ __
__ ______
/ | / /___ __ ______ _/ / / ____/___ _____/ /______
/ |/ / __ `/ | / / __ `/ / / /_ / __ \/ ___/ __/ ___/
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/_/ |_/\__,_/ |___/\__,_/_/ /_/
\____/_/ \__/____/
Forts play a big role in Assassin s Creed IV: Black Flag. Not only do they
provide some memorable take-over sequences, but once you have captured a fort
they also grant you access to the game s Naval Contract missions and additional
fast travel points. Additionally, and perhaps most importantly, capturing a
fort performs a similar function to synchronising a viewpoint in a city, but
instead of showing an area of a settlement, forts will reveal a large block of
the world map, showing all of the locations, treasures and collectibles in that
section of the world.
There are 11 forts in total in the game and the fort takeover missions can be
undertaken at any time after the start of sequence 5. They are classified by
the game itself as easy, medium or hard and they really do live up to their
Each of the fort takeovers occurs in essentially the same way with players
approaching via the sea, destroying the fort s defences and then docking,
entering the fort and killing specific targets inside. The number of defences
and targets inside will change depending on the level of difficulty.
> Liberating each fort will synchronise and uncover a portion of the world
> Liberating fotrs will allow Naval Contracts to appear.
> Liberating all forts will earn the achievement/trophy King of the
Castle .
] Dry Tortuga Easy
\ > 3 Defences to Destroy: 1 Cannon wall, 2 cannon Towers.
\ > 1 Officer to kill.

Once you have destroyed the fort s defences from the sea, it s time to take
over the fort itself. Dock in the area permitted and jump over to the beach.
Climb the stairs on the left until you reach a blocked gate. Climb the damaged
wall to the left of the gate up to the top. Here, turn to the left and climb
up again to reach a larger platform.
Use the scaffolding just to your right to reach the top of this building and
kill the officer and any other guards in the immediate area here. Afterwards,
head to the far end of this area and enter the door marked with the green
objective marker. Kill the enemy inside. This will liberate the fort.
] Eleuthera Easy
\ > 4 Defences to Destroy: 1 Cannon wall, 3 cannon Towers.
\ > 1 Officer to kill.
The naval side of this fort is a fairly simple matter of unleashing broadsides
and mortars into the walls over a couple of passes of the fort. Once it is all
clear, move in and dock in the area permitted.
Climb the stairs until you reach the blocked gate. Climb the damaged wall to
the left of the gate up to the top and drop down the other side. Turn to the
right and clear out the enemies in the immediate area. If you look up the
nearby stairs you will see an official looking building ahead with a red
objective marker. Make your way towards this.
When you reach the top of the stairs, make your way to the right. Climb the
cargo and barrels that have been stacked against the wall and use them to
access the higher platform. Once up, kill off any enemy soldiers before
climbing up the next wall to reach the next platform. Kill the target and his
bodyguard here.
Now drop down to the previous platform below and enter the door marked with
the green objective marker. Kill the enemy inside. This will liberate the
] Gibara
\ > 3 Defences to Destroy: 1 Cannon wall, 2 cannon Towers.
\ > 1 Officer to kill.
Again, the defences on this fort are quite laughable and a few decent mortar
shots mixed in with a broadside/heavy shot barrage or two will knock most of
them over in no time. When the defences have been dealt with, we want to sail
over and dock in the indicated by the green beam of light.
Hop out here and follow the path. Climb the stairs until you reach the blocked
gate. Climb this up to the top and drop down the other side. Turn to the right
and make tracks for the building ahead with the red objective marker killing
any enemies that try to block your path.

When you reach the building use wall run to climb up the door and grab the
wooden beam above. Enter the window here. Turn right and clear out the balcony
through the next doorway. Climb up the cages stacked against the wall and use
them to access the higher platform. Once up, climb up to the roof.
From the roof, move over to the paved area with the garden nearby and move to
the edge where the red objective marker is. Highlight the target and hit the
assassinate button to perform an air assassination. Afterwards, climb back up
and enter the door marked with the green objective marker. Kill the enemy
inside. This will liberate the fort.
] Cabo de Cruz
\ > 4 Defences to Destroy: 2 Cannon walls, 2 cannon Towers.
\ > 1 Officer to kill.
Now this fort s sea based defences are not that strong, however the conditions
on the water are a little tricky, making dodging that mortar fire and placing
accurate shots a little tricker. Each time I have attacked this fort I have
encountered a storm, very strong winds and a waterspout. If the same happens
to you, you need to adjust your position to ensure that you are not in the
path of a waterspout and that the wind won t blow you well off course into an
awkward position. Take shots at the fort when you can, but prioritise
Dock in the area permitted and follow the path. Climb the small set of stairs
here until you reach the collapsed section of burning wall. We can t pass here
so climb the wall to the left of this. Once you reach the top, two target
markers will appear. We have to kill the two fort commanders.
Move up to the ledge in front. In the courtyard below you will spot the first
target. Drop down and dispatch him. Clear out any other hostiles whose
attention you have attracted. Once it is safe to do so, climb the wall to the
left (east). Fight your way across the platform here and work your way uo the
stairs. Follow the path around to the right to find the second target with a
gunner on a cannon firing platform. Finish them both off.
Once you have eliminated both officers, use the rope from the cannon platform
where we killed the second officer to access the uppermost courtyard of the
central part of the building. Make your way over to and enter the door marked
with the green objective marker. Kill the enemy inside. This will liberate the

] Castillo de Jagua Medium
\ > 6 Defences to Destroy: 3 Cannon walls, 3 cannon Towers.
\ > 2 Officers to kill.
There s nothing too tricky about this fort s naval defences, there are just a
few more than what we are used to so far. That shouldn t affect your tactics
in any way, shape or form though as the mortars and heady shot/broadsides will

work wonders. We just might need to make an extra pass or two by the fort to
finish off any remaining defences.
After you are finished outside, it s time to get out of the boat and take
fort. Land in the area permitted and follow the path. Climb the small set
stairs here until you reach the collapsed section of burning wall. We can
pass here so climb the wall to the right of this. Once you reach the top,
target markers will appear. We have to kill the two fort commanders.


Run over and climb to the top of the large structure directly in front of you.
At the top, clear out any enemies in the vicinity, then head down the ramp to
reach a small courtyard. Kill the first commander here. Now hop over the wall
to the south and jump down to the platform below. Find the stairs leading down
to the next level below once more to find the second target near the water
here. Finish him off.
Once you have eliminated both commanders make your way over to and enter the
door marked with the green objective marker. Kill the enemy inside. This will
liberate the fort.

] Conttoyor Medium
\ > 7 Defences to Destroy: 3 Cannon walls, 4 cannon Towers.
\ > 2 Officers to kill.
As with Castillo de Jagua, there s nothing too tricky about this fort s naval
defences, there are just a few more than what we are used to so far. That
shouldn t affect your tactics in any way, shape or form though as the mortars
and heady shot/broadsides will work wonders. We just might need to make an
extra pass or two by the fort to finish off any remaining defences.
Dock in the area permitted and follow the path. Climb the stairs until you
reach the collapsed section of burning wall. We can t pass here so climb the
wall to the right of this. Once you reach the top, clear out any enemies
immediately in front of you. From this central area here we need to kill
three fort commanders. The first is up the slope to the right, so head over
there first to eliminate him and his two buddies. Return to where we reached
the central area.
If you turn to the left and look over the ledge you will see the second target
on a platform below, drop down and assassinate him. Kill his bodyguards if
they attack you and then climb back up the wall to the previous area. Once
you are back up, look to the east to spot a crane and some hanging cages. The
final target is on a platform below these. Run over and assassinate him as
well before returning to the central area once again.
After all three commanders have been dealt with, return to where we killed the
first target and enter the door marked with the green objective marker. Kill
the enemy inside. This will liberate the fort.
] Navassa Medium

\ > 9 Defences to Destroy: 4 Cannon walls, 5 cannon Towers.

\ > 3 Officers to kill.
In addition to having more defences in place than any other fort in the game,
the water surrounding Navassa is often populated by brigs and frigates that
will become hostile if you attack the fort. This results in a drawn out naval
battle with both ships and land based defences
messy! If you get drawn into
a situation like this, draw the ships offshore and away from the fort to
engage them without having to dodge constant mortar fire. Then when it is safe
to do so , resume your assault on the fort itself.
When you have dealt with the defences, head over to the green beam nearby to
dock. Climb the stairs until you reach the collapsed section of burning wall.
We can t pass here so climb the wall to the right of this. Once you reach the
top, clear out any enemies immediately in front of you. From this central area
here we need to kill three fort commanders. The first is up the slope to the
right, so head over there first to eliminate him and his two buddies. Return
to where we reached the central area.
If you turn to the left and look over the ledge you will see the second target
on a platform below, drop down and assassinate him. Kill his bodyguards if
they attack you and then climb back up the wall to the previous area. Once you
are back up, look to the east to spot a path down to a lower deck to the right
of the guard tower. The final target is on the platform at the bottom of the
stairs. Descend the stairs and run over and assassinate him before returning
to the central area once again.
After all three commanders have been dealt with, make your way down to the
door marked with the green objective marker at the base of the northern end
of the fort. Kill the enemy inside. This will liberate the fort.

] Punta Guarico Medium
Note: This fort is actually taken over during one of the story missions - 'The
Forts' in Sequence 05.As such, this will already have been unlocked for
] Charlotte Hard
\ > 4 Defences to Destroy: 2 Cannon walls, 2 cannon Towers.
\ > 2 Officers to kill.
4 defences, sounds simple right? The reason that this fort is classified as
hard is not due to the number of defences (which seem quite minimal when
considered to some others) but because of the ships in the immediate area.
There are often between 3-6 brigs in the area which will immediately turn and
head in your direction the second you are detected by the fort. So be sure to
draw any hostile ships away and destroy them, or lure them into the fort s
attacks to assist in incapacitating them before focusing on the fort.

Dock in the area permitted and follow the path. Climb the stairs until you
reach locked gate. Climb the wall to the right of this. Once you reach the
top, turn to the left and climb the short wall here. Kill the first officer
here and the two brutes who are with him. After he is dead, head to the end of
the platform to the right. From here you should see the second officer in the
courtyard down below. Drop down and take care of him.
Clear out the rest of the enemies in the courtyard and climb the wall to the
south. Continue straight ahead form here, climbing the two sets of stairs (and
killing anyone who gets in the way). When you reach the top, follow the path
around to the left and kill the officer on the grassy lookout area here.
Now that all three officers have been dealt with, open the door marked with
the green objective marker nearby. Kill the enemy inside. This will liberate
the fort.
] Chinchorro
\ > 5 Defences to Destroy: 2 Cannon walls, 3 cannon Towers.
\ > 3 Officers to kill.
As with the Serranilla fort, this fort can also be a little difficult, not due
to the defences of the fort itself, but due to environmental factors. Each
time I approach the his fort a storm would start up, as such the wind will
change suddenly and without warning, the rain will limit your visibility
somewhat and there is the constant threat of rogue waves coming from off
shore. Completing the naval section of this fort all about surviving the
elements whilst damaging the defences when you see an opportunity.
Dock in the area permitted and follow the path. Climb the winding ramp around
the outside of the destroyed cannon tower until you reach locked gate. Climb
the wall to the left of this. Once you reach the top, drop down into the
courtyard on the right to find two of the officers. One will run up the nearby
ramp and work his way up to a higher level of the fort. As such, deal with the
officer who stays put first and then go and follow the set path up the stairs
and back across the front of the fort to find and eliminate the second
The final officer can be found in a small grassy courtyard at the very top of
the fort in company with a couple of gunners. Kill them.
After dispatching all three of the officers, open the door marked with the
green objective marker nearby. Kill the enemy inside. This will liberate the
] Chinchorro Hard
\ > 7 Defences to Destroy: 3 Cannon walls, 4 cannon Towers.
\ > 3 Officers to kill.
This fort can be tricky because of the weather surrounding it. It is often
misty/foggy and can be hard to tell how close you are to shore. In addition

to the defences, there are also a number of hostile

area which will move to intercept if you attack the
either lure them away and engage them away from the
through the fort s attacks to help sink them before

frigates in the nearby

fort. Again it is best to
fort, or lure them back
focusing on the fort

Dock in the area permitted and follow the path. Climb the rubble between the
two burning section of wall. Drop down and follow the area around to the right
to find the first officer. Kill him and any enemies in the immediate area who
trouble you. Climb the set of stairs close by and turn left at the top. Follow
the set path at the base of the wall to the right and you should soon come
across the second officer. Eliminate him and then make your way up the small
ramp to the upper level nearby. Take the stairs on the left at the top to find
the final officer. Kill him.
Now that all three officers have been dealt with, open the door marked with
the green objective marker on the central tier of the fort nearby. Kill the
enemy inside. This will liberate the fort.

_____ __
/ ___// /_ (_)___ _
__________ _____/ /_______
\__ \/ __ \/ / __ \ | /| / / ___/ _ \/ ___/ //_/ ___/
___/ / / / / / /_/ / |/ |/ / / / __/ /__/ ,< (__ )
/____/_/ /_/_/ .___/|__/|__/_/ \___/\___/_/|_/____/
There are seven shipwrecks that can be explored around the Caribbean (well
nine if you include the smuggler s dens that also have underwater segments)
and each of them contains a large number of treasure chests with one of them
usually containing a design plan that can be used to unlock elite level
upgrades for the Jackdaw.
As these areas can be quite large and there are a large number of treasure
chests, it is entirely possible to come back multiple times to hunt down and
collect every last chest and Animus Fragment in each. For your convenience, I
have written walkthroughs that will take you through each shipwreck dive spot
in a single sitting whilst collecting all of those collectibles with ease.
> Each shipwreck contains a plan for an elite upgrade for the Jackdaw.
> Finding and exploring all seven of the available shipwrecks is a
requirement for a level three Abstergo Explorer challenge.
Shipwreck Shortcuts:
Below is a list of all the shipwrecks in the game in the order they appear in

the in-game progress tracker. Please use the link beside the wreck of interest
below to jump down to where you need to go:

Kabah Ruins ................................

Devil s Eye Caverns ........................
La Concepcion Shipwreck ....................
The Blue Hole ..............................
San Ignacio Wreck ..........................
Antocha Shipwreck ..........................
The Black Trench ...........................


] Kabah Ruins
\ > Collectibles: 8 Treasure Chests, 3 Animus Fragments.
\ > Elite Plan: Elite Round Shot.
From the start swim north and enter the ruins from above (to avoid the eel at
ground level) to grab the chest within. Swim back past the bell (and use it to
restore air if you need it) and head up to the top of the underwater temple.
At the top, there is an open door enter this for an Animus fragment. Swim down
to the entrance at the front of the temple and go through the door (and stick
to the right hand wall to avoid an eel). You will find a chest at the back of
the room. Exit the temple.
Swim down and to the right to find an air barrel. Ignore this for now and enter
the tunnel to its right. Grab the chest from behind the moray eel and then
follow the tunnel for a short distance until you find an air pocket. Surface
in here.
When you are good to go, dive down and continue into the next tunnel and turn
right. In this tunnel, if you see the screen shake a little, which happens
periodically, a strong water current will rush through shortly afterwards and
push you back to the start. To combat this, swim into the beams along the floor
to propel yourself up the tunnel quicker between currents. Follow the tunnel a
short distance and enter the alcove on the right to grab a chest. Again, wait
for the current to pass and then continue up the tunnel to the right, take the
next exit on the right to find an Animus Fragment and an air pocket to refill
your oxygen.
Backtrack through the tunnels we just came through and when you exit back
outside, use the air barrel we ignored earlier. Exit and swim over to the
shipwreck directly opposite the exit from the tunnel, below this is another
chest. Pop out the other side of this and use the air barrel here. Swim over
and take a shortcut over the rocks to the right of the temple nearby. After a
short swim, you ll find yourself above a channel path through some rocks.
Swim down to the seabed and follow the path until you see some wreckage on the
left. Check this out to find a chest inside. Exit and use the air barrel
outside and then continue to the southwest, past the hull of the ship pointing
upwards. Once you are past it, turn around and look inside for an Animus
Fragment. Use the air barrel here if you require it. Follow the small tunnel
around to the right to find another chest.

Exit the far side and continue until you reach the next air barrel. Use this
if you like. When you are ready, keep going along the path here until you see
another small temple-like structure on the left. Swim over and look in the
hole in the ruin behind this to find the final chest.
Now make your way all the way back to the diving bell. Interact with this to
return to the Jackdaw.

] Devil s Eye Caverns
\ > Collectibles: 8 Treasure Chests, 2 Animus Fragments.
\ > Elite Plan: Elite Swivel Guns.
From the start, you will see a pair of wrecked ships. There is a chest in each
of them. Quickly swim through the wreck on the right, grabbing the first chest
and dodging jellyfish as you go, then swim down through the gap in the top of
the wreck on the left for the second chest. Pop up and use the air barrel
From the air barrel, you will see an underwater cave entrance up ahead. After
refuelling your air, enter the tunnel and follow it to the right. Upon
entering the first room you ll see an Animus fragment behind a wall ahead, but
we can t grab it just yet. Follow the tunnel to the right until you reach the
next room. At this point, swim to the left to find the tunnel leading to the
Animus Fragment. Return to the previous room and continue through the tunnel
until you are back outside.
Use the air barrel here to refill and then look below it to find a ship hull
containing a chest (avoid the eel!). Follow the ship through and out the far
end. Swim up to the deck of the next wreck ahead and use the air barrel here
if you require it. Dodge the jellyfish and Interact with the glowing hatch on
the deck to open it and swim inside.
Grab the chest from the floor here and enter the next tunnel. Swim through
until you reach the first air pocket. Grab the chest on the ground here and
then surface to replenish your air. Dive back down and follow the jellyfish
tunnel behind the chest. As you go, keep your eyes peeled for a small alcove
on the left containing an Animus fragment. Once you have that, keep going
until you reach the next air pocket.
At this point, we can climb out of the water. Climb the ramp and loot the
pair of chests here. Afterwards, dive down the hole to reach the next water
source. Here immediately duck underwater and grab the chest here.
Enter the tunnel and you will be propelled forward by water currents. We have
limited control at this time, so do your best to dodge the obstacles in your
way. Eventually you will reach a tunnel on the far side of the area. Move
forward down the tunnel a short way to find an air pocket. Swim up to the
surface in here to regain some oxygen.
Afterwards continue through the tunnel a short way and you ll be back outside
near the diving bell. Interact with this to return to the Jackdaw.

] La Concepcion Shipwreck
\ > Collectibles: 7 Treasure Chests, 3 Animus Fragments.
\ > Elite Plan: Elite Ram.
Dive down and follow the path north. When it forks, take the left route and
stay close to the seabed and move through the seaweed to avoid being spotted
by the sharks patrolling above. As you move through the passage here, keep an
eye out for a pair of jellyfish on the sunken ship to the right. They are
hanging out by a hole that will allow us inside. Manoeuvre around the jellyfish
and go inside for a chest.
Exit back to the previous pathway and continue until you reach an opening with
an air barrel. Use this to replenish your air. Now continue to the north along
the sea floor using the kelp to keep out of sight of the sharks. When you
reach the air barrel, use it. Once you are done with the air barrel, enter the
shipwreck just to the right, avoid the jellyfish inside and open the chest.
Exit via the hole in the hull to the right of the chest.
Upon leaving the hull, turn left and swim down to reach the seaweed below.
When the sharks move away look up to the sunken ship in front and you ll see
an air barrel around half way up its side. Use this and then enter the window
behind it. Go past the first doorframe and immediately turn right. Look around
the corner here for an Animus Fragment. Turn around and enter the room
opposite the fragment for a chest. Exit via the open window to the right.
Turn to the left and follow the line of the ship until you see an air barrel
up on the deck to the right. Swim up and interact with this. Look just behind
the wall nearby between the two sets of stairways to find another chest. Swim
up the mast until you reach the second platform above, you ll find another
Animus Fragment here.
Return back down to the deck and follow it to the south. When you reach the
hole in the centre, swim inside and look in the room to the right for a chest.
Exit the area and swim up to the air barrel near the southern end of the ship.
From here, you ll see a shark patrolling back and forth and a chest just in a
hallway to the right. When the shark moves away, quickly swim into the doorway
and grab the chest.
Instead of going back out to meet the shark again, follow the hallway and take
the stairs at the end. From the top, turn left and look in the corner of the
end of the ship here for the final chest. Now swim over to the east of the
ship to find the final Animus Fragment.
Now quickly swim over and interact with the diving bell just to the south to
return to the Jackdaw.
] The Blue Hole
\ > Collectibles: 7 Treasure Chests, 3 Animus Fragments.
\ > Elite Plan: Elite cannons.
Swim to the north and over the top of the bowsprit of the sunken ship. As you

reach the deck, enter the doorway on the right to find a chest. Exit and
continue along the ship until you reach the air barrel. Ignore this for a
moment and follow the deck of the ship until you reach a gap where the ship
has snapped in half. Swim straight down this and find the section of ship
wedged between the rock cliffs below. Inside this you will find an animus
Fragment. Return to the air barrel and use this to get some air back.
Now swim north across the gap make to the north side of the ship. As you
arrive on deck, find the entrance nearby. As you enter, look down the hallway
to the left for a chest. Return to the deck and keep following it to the north
until you find two sets of stairways, look in the small alcove between these
to find another chest.
Now quickly swim to the left hand side of the ship, over the edge and follow
the hull down to the seafloor. Look out for a hole in the ship s hull as you
go. Enter here and grab the chest ahead, then check out the hallways to the
right for another Animus Fragment. When you have both, exit vai the same hole
in the side of the ship we entered form and follow it to the north until you
reach the next air barrel. Use this to replenish your O2.
Quickly duck into the small passage to the west to grab the chest here and
then follow the wall past the used air barrel to the north east. When you see
the sideways ship at the bottom of the seabed there swim over and look inside
for a chest.
Return outside and face south, you should see an Animus Fragment on top of a
section of rock directly ahead of you. Swim over here whilst avoiding the
shark as best you can. After grabbing the fragment, swim down to the floor
below and use the air barrel to get some air back.
Follow the path along the seabed here to the south, using the seaweed to hide
from the sharks as you go. When you see the path on the left, swim up and
over the eel you can see here and back to the floor on the other side. Open
the chest beneath the ship here and use the air barrel to replenish your air
Now swim back over and interact with the diving bell just to the south west
to return to the Jackdaw.
] San Ignacio Wreck
\ > Collectibles: 6 Treasure Chests, 3 Animus Fragments.
\ > Elite Plan: Elite Hull Armour.
Note: This shipwreck is actually explored and plundered during one of the story
missions - 'Diving for Medicines' in Sequence 06. Check out the guide
after this shortcut: [ACT06A].
] Antocha Shipwreck
\ > Collectibles: 7 Treasure Chests, 2 Animus Fragments.
\ > Elite Plan: Elite Mortars.

From the bell at the start of the dive, swim to the southwest and into the
upturned ship hull. Inside you ll find a chest. Continue out the far side of
the wreck and immediately turn to the left to see another, larger wreck in
front of you. Watch out for the eel and sharks as you swim the short distance
over to the entrance, go inside and grab the chest on the floor in here. Use
the air barrel just outside if you require it.
Now swim directly south until you find another air barrel. Ignore this for now
and enter the shipwreck behind it and avoid the pair of moray eels for an
Animus Fragment. Return and use the air barrel.
From here, swim up to the large wreck perched on the rock shelf above us. Swim
over the railing and look for a chest in the corner near the base of the first
mast. Keep following the deck of the ship to the north until you find the next
air barrel. After this, dive straight down into the gap between the two halves
of the ship and look beneath the debris on the sea floor for another chest.
Continue along the sea bed to the north until you reach another air barrel.
After using the air barrel, swim up to the northern half of the ship and enter
the open door in the hull. Dodge the spiky sea urchins on the pillars inside
and swim through the hull. When you reach the corner, grab the chest directly
in front of you, then turn and follow the passage all the way back to find
another chest. Now follow the passage all the way east and up the ramp at the
end. Open the chest at the top.
Now quickly turn around and swim through the opening ahead to find an air
barrel. Now swim to the second platform near the top of the still in-tact mast
to find the final Animus Fragment.
Now make your way all the way back to the diving bell. Interact with this to
return to the Jackdaw.
] The Black Trench
\ > Collectibles: 7 Treasure Chests, 2 Animus Fragments.
\ > Design Plan: Flower Sails.
Swim south from the diving bell and enter the shipwreck on the sea floor.
Avoid the urchins and jellyfish within and grab the chest. Follow the wreck
until the end and swim out the far side. Just across from the exit you ll see
yet another wreck, swim over and use the air barrel to your right and then
enter the hull of the wreck find a second chest.
From the chest, turn to the right to find a small ship corridor. Enter this
and swim over the first beam covered with urchins to find a chest. Change your
view to find the ramp nearby (it s on the roof!) and swim up to the upper
level of the hull. As you get up, immediately look behind you to find another
chest. From here, follow the path out through the door back outside, this time
on the deck of the ship.
Move outside and look in the open hatch just before the fallen mast to find
an Animus Fragment. Return outside and use the air barrel nearby. After using
this, swim across the gap to the next section of the ship. Find the air barrel
here and ignore it for the moment. Instead look in the right hand corner of
the room for a chest. Now go and use that air barrel.

From the barrel swim upwards and then down into the next section of the deck
to the north. Swim to the right and as you approach the hole in the hull, look
in the hallway to the right to find another chest. Grab this and swim out of
the hull. Swim past the air barrel immediately outside and enter the small
shipwreck to the east. Near the far end, you ll find an Animus fragment hiding
behind a support pillar.
Exit the far end of the smaller wreck, turn right and swim back the way you
came to use the air barrel we ignored just moments ago. After refilling your
air, follow the shipwreck to the north and once you reach the large rocky
passages, hug the left hand wall for a short distance until you see another
wreck lying up against the wall. Look in here for the final chest.
Now swim over to the east and interact with the diving bell to return to the

/ ___/____ ___ __ ______ _____ _/ /__ __________ / __ \___ ____ _____
\__ \/ __ `__ \/ / / / __ `/ __ `/ / _ \/ ___/ ___/ / / / / _ \/ __ \/ ___/
___/ / / / / / / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / / __/ / (__ ) / /_/ / __/ / / (__ )
/____/_/ /_/ /_/\__,_/\__, /\__, /_/\___/_/ /____/ /_____/\___/_/ /_/____/
There are five smuggler s dens hidden around the Caribbean islands and each of
them is populated by a few unfriendlies and several treasure chests which
contain a lot more in terms of money and materials/goods than the standard
chest or low level ship sailing about. Whilst they are not by any means
difficult, some of the dens that include underwater sections can be a little
disorienting. As such, I have written walkthroughs for grabbing all
collectibles through each of the smuggler s dens in the game.
> Finding and plundering all five smuggler s dens is a requirement for a
level three Abstergo Pirate challenge.
Below you ll find walkthroughs for each of the Smuggler s Dens in the game
sorted by Alphabetical order.
] Ambergris Key

\ > Collectibles: 3 Treasure Chests, 2 Animus Fragments, 1 Treasure Map
\ > Elite Plan: Elite Heavy Shot.
Sail over to the marker for Ambergris Key and dock with the shipwreck to dive
Leave the diving bell and make for the cave entrance in front of us. Avoid the
jellyfish as much as possible and continue through the tunnel here until we
reach the air pocket. Surface here. There is a chest at the bottom of the
room here so dive down and grab that, re-surface to refill your air supply
and then dive back under and take the next tunnel.
Follow this tunnel all the way to the end, steering clear of the jellyfish
that occupy the area as you go. When you reach the end of the tunnel, surface
and you will find an air pocket and a room with some ruins in it ahead. Peek
into the room and look up on the ruins to the right there are a pair of guards
here. Swim over to the wall beneath them and climb the pillar for an Animus
Drop back into the water and mosey on over to the stairs on the left hand side
of the ruin. Climb the broken pillar all the way to the top, being sure to
stay out of sight of the guards. . Wait for the patroller to walk off before
hopping up and assassinating the stationary guard. Hide behind the door frame
and corner assassinate the patroller when he comes back. When the patrolling
guard comes back, deal with him as you see fit.
Now that we are here in the smuggler s den, we may as well grab the loot from
the area. There are three groups of enemies in this room so do with them as
you deem appropriate.
There are two chests, one on the north side and one on the south side. Around
halfway down the room, you ll find a hole in the wall high up on the central
structure. Climb up into this to find an Animus Fragment. In a small alcove
opposite the door we came in from is another pair of guards. Deal with them
and loot the corpse for a treasure map (Plan- Elite heavy Shot 307,195
With that, we ve finished off this smuggler s den/diving location. Find the
ramp leading out of the room, and dive into the water below. Head over to the
Jackdaw to continue.
] Anotto Bay
\ > Collectibles: 3 Treasure Chests, 2 Animus Fragments, 1 Treasure Map
As with the previous Smuggler s Den at Ambergris key, this one is also located
underwater. Sail over to the Anotto Bay marker and dock with the shipwreck to
dive underwater.
Once you are down, continue straight forward and enter the cave here. As you
enter you ll note that it looks kind of like a mine shaft. Continue forward
until you see a ladder, swim up to the top of this. Hang out here for a few
moments and wait for a shark to swim by. Follow this and continue to the end
of the hallway. Turn left here and then right when you reach the next wall to

find a ladder. Swim up the shaft here and quickly turn around to find a chest.
Now swim around the corner to find an air pocket. Surface at this point to
replenish your air supply.
Dive back down and follow the hallway to the end, turn left to find an Animus
Shard. Now follow the tunnel to the right. Swim up to the top of the ladder
here to exit on to dry land run around the corner and dive underwater again.
Now as you swim through the tunnels, hug the left hand wall and follow the
area through until you find another ladder. Swim up to the surface at the
ladder to find the smuggler s hideout.
Climb up onto the ledges above the water here and hang out for a moment. Now
simply use the ledges to take everyone down undetected using ledge takedowns
and stealth swimming or just march in and murder the lot of them to velar the
Now loot the area. There is a treasure chest just in front of the ladder on
the north side of the room and another by the top of the stairs leading into
the water on the south side of the room. On a walkway on the eastern side of
the room is a cadaver with a treasure map. In the water on the centre of the
area, if you dive below you ll find a tunnel. Follow this to the left and
surface when you are able to find an Animus shard.
When you have everything, climb the ladder on the north side of the room and
dive into the ocean below. Climb back onto the Jackdaw to finish up.

] Jiguey
\ > Collectibles: 4 Treasure Chests, 2 Animus Fragments, 1 Message in a
Park outside in the
to the right of the
the cave. Follow it
in the roof letting

boat and swim over to the beach in front of the cave. Look
entrance for a message in a bottle (5). Run over and enter
through until you reach a large cavern with a natural hole
light in.

Climb the wooden platform immediately to your right and dispatch the gunner.
Drop down to the wooden walkway below and look out for the first ladder on
your left. Climb down here and look behind the wall at its base for an Animus
fragment. Climb back up the ladder and follow the walkway all the way left.
Kill the guard at the end. At this point, loot the nearby chest.
Drop down the ladder at the end of the walkway and eliminate the two smugglers
standing by the campfire in the camp directly ahead of you. Loot the chest up
against one of the tents here. Continue towards the wooden docking platform
beyond the camp. Eliminate the threebad guys here.
Once it is all clear, there is a third chest to loot on the ground level of
the docks hidden behind some crates. The final chest is on the higher level of
the docks that we can climb up to on the eastern wall. Drop down into the water
and swim below the platform that housed the final chest to find another Animus
Now that we have everything, we can exit the area.

] Petite Caverne
\ > Collectibles: 4 Treasure Chests, 2 Animus Fragments, 1 Treasure Map
Park outside in the boat and enter the cave. Follow the left hand wall until
you find yourself on some platforms. Hop across these until you see a gunner
up on an upper level platform ahead on the left. Work your way over to this
location and climb up to the platform with the gunner
be sure to grab the
Animus fragment as you climb.
Drop down from the platform here and dispatch the four guards nearby practicing
their shooting. There is a chest inside a tent in this main camp area. Climb
up onto the fence behind where the group of enemies were shooting and from
here, air assassinate the guy by the campfire below. Cross the bridge and kill
the guy around the corner to the left with a sprint assassination. Loot the
chest here.
Drop down to the dockside area below. Go over to the far west side of this
platform to find a cadaver with a treasure map (70, 405 - Tulum). Just east of
this is a third treasure chest. From this chest, look directly north, you
should see an Animus Fragment on a small wooden deck. Now dive into the water
and swim past the back of the ship to the north. Here you ll find a rowboat,
and in an alcove in the wall just to the west of it
the final chest.
Hop in the rowboat to return to the Jackdaw.
] San Juan
\ > Collectibles: 3 Treasure Chests, 2 Animus Fragments,
As with Ambergris Key, this smuggler location is marked by and entered using a
sunken ship. As such, sail over to the San Juan marker on the world map and
dock with the shipwreck to dive underwater.
Leave the diving bell and swim forward into the tunnel . As you work your way
through it, be careful to stay away from the walls due to an abundance of
urchins. Keep moving through the tunnel, and grab the Animus Fragment as you
go, and keep swimming until you reach the first air pocket. Surface in here to
replenish your air.
Follow the next tunnel until you reach a larger room at the end. Loot the chest
in here and then follow the next short set of tunnels until you surface in the
smuggler s cavern.
Swim over and climb the wooden structure on the right. Perform a ledge
assassination on the enemy at the top. Next, climb up and knock out the other
bad guy in front. Loot the chest here. Climb the wall to the right of his
position and climb up onto the ledge.
Walk out across the top of the room using the rope strung up here. When you
are around halfway across, look down to the right and perform an air

assassination on the guard by himself on the north side of the room. Loot the
chest he was guarding. Double assassinate the pair of enemies looking at the
wall to the left of the chest.
Climb the ladders all the way to the top and grab the Animus Fragment from the
small beam. Take care of the gunners here, run through the short cave and dive
into the water below. Swim over to the Jackdaw.

__ ___
_____ __
/ |/ /___ ___ ______ _____
/ ___// /____ / /___ ____
/ /|_/ / __ `/ / / / __ `/ __ \
\__ \/ __/ _ \/ / __ `/ _ \
/ / / / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / / / / ___/ / /_/ __/ / /_/ / __/
/_/ /_/\__,_/\__, /\__,_/_/ /_/ /____/\__/\___/_/\__,_/\___/
There are 16 glowing Mayan Stelae stones (think shiny rectangular stacks of
Lego) hidden across the Caribbean islands and upon discovering each of them,
we can climb to the top of them in order to undertake a small, shape aligning
mini-game which will reveal a treasure location nearby when completed. Each of
these locations houses a Mayan stone that we can dig up.
Once we have found and collected all 16 of the Mayan Stones, we can travel to
Tulum where there is a door inside the main temple (the doors either side of
the water at the base of the viewpoint in town will grant you entry to the
right location) that becomes accessible once all of the stones have been
gathered. Upon opening the door we will earn some rewards.
> For opening the door we will unlock the Mayan outfit. A costume that
deflects bullets and other metal projectiles.
> For opening the door, we'll also earn the achievement/trophy
Raider .


Mayan Stelae Locations:

The Mayan Stelae can be found in the following locations:
1. Great Inagua:
This Mayan Stelae is completed during an introduction to the stones in
the memory during sequence 05
This old Cove .

2. Cape Bonavista:
At the base of the large waterfall in the very north point of the map.
Align the white lines over the three rocks in the river nearby.
3. Long Bay:
Just to the left of the entrance to the Observatory, you ll find the
Mayan stone up on a small hill. Rotate the white silhouette so that the
squares line up with the in highlighted cubes below.
4. Tulum:
To the left of the temple entrance where we meet our contact whilst
sneaking onto the island in sequence 5 there is a large pyramid like
temple here. Climb to the top of this to find the statue. Rotate the
silhouette so that the circles line up with the pillars below.
5. Isla Providencia:
On top of the ruin on the southern side of the area that is just to the
southeast of the westernmost viewpoint on the map. Rotate the shapes
using eagle vision so that the three circles all sit atop one of the
glowing pillars below.
6. Isla Providencia:
On top of the ruin directly west of the taller ruin with the
northernmost viewpoint on it. Arrange the light beams during the eagle
vision sequence so that they align with the four glowing pillars
(ignore the haystack and the stalking zones).
7. Misteriosa:
On the upper ledge of the main temple facing over the water to the
south. It is directly east of the zone s only viewpoint. Alightn the
shape in eagle vision to the three rocks on the beach in the distance
8. Misteriosa:
On a small pedestal at the edge of the water on the far western side of
the map. Align the silhouette so that the L shapes are upside down
and the moons are on the bottom. Match them to the glowing segments on
the wall ahead.
9. Pinos Isle:
On top of the ruin on the eastern side of the area overlooking the
flooded ruins in the bay below. Rotate the holograms so that the
circles line up with the standing pillars and the rectangle aligns
with the fallen pillar on the ground to the left of them.

10. Pinos Isle:

Just above a ruined wall directly to the south of the viewpoint in the
area. Rotate the glowing lines so that the rectangle covers the fallen
pillar. This should subsequently match up with the other five pillars
surrounding it to solve the puzzle.
11. Cat Island:
In a clearing near the beach in the very northwest corner of the map.
Arrange the silhouette so that the circles match up with the glowing
rocks and trees below.
12. Matanzas:
On the shore of the small lake in the very southeast corner of the map.
Arrange the silhouette so that the two smaller circles sit on the
rocks in the centre of the area, whilst the two larger circles fit over
the tree and the large rock.
13. New Bone:
In a clearing in the very northwest corner of the map. Arrange the
silhouette so that the four rectangles sit on the rocks directly below
your position, whilst the three circles fit over the trees.
14. Tortuga:
On the small cliff overlooking the beach in the northwest corner of the
restricted area. Rotate the image so that the three circles align with
the stones and the trees closest to you.
15. Santanillas
On top of a raised, rock shelf in the centre of the eastern part of the
main island. You can get up here using the slanted tree and treetop
pathway from the south west, just opposite the stairs to the eastern
ruin in the south of the map. Once you are atop the statue, arrange the
silhouette so that the three circles match up with the highlighted
stone pillars on the beach below.
16. Santanillas:
Sitting just in front of the natural stone archway in the north-western
part of the main island on the map. Align the silhouette so that the
three circles match up with the highlighted stone pillars in front of


__ ______
/ __ )__ _______(_)__ ____/ / /_ __/_______ ____ ________ __________
/ __ / / / / ___/ / _ \/ __ /
/ / / ___/ _ \/ __ `/ ___/ / / / ___/ _ \
/ /_/ / /_/ / / / / __/ /_/ /
/ / / / / __/ /_/ (__ ) /_/ / / / __/
/_____/\__,_/_/ /_/\___/\__,_/
/_/ /_/ \___/\__,_/____/\__,_/_/ \___/
With a pirate game, buried treasures were pretty much inevitable weren t they?
Well Assassin s Creed IV does not disappoint. Throughout the game world,
players can find a series of treasure maps on the bodies of fallen sailors.
The map gives players a set of co-ordinates which highlight the location s
icon on the world map as well as a diagram giving hints as to the treasure s
At this point, players need to travel to the location in question and
drawing on the treasure map to find the dig site. This is marked with
X on each map. Approaching the required location, an orange glow on
ground will indicate the actual location. Move over and interact with
dig up the treasure.

use the
a red
this to

In addition to large sums of Reales (3000

4000), many buried treasure chests
also contain elite plans for upgrades to the Jackdaw. So they are definitely
worth hunting down!
Below you ll find a list of locations where you will find each treasure map
along with how to track down the treasure and the reward on offer.

1. Cape Bonavista:
Map Location: The map is located on a cadaver on the eastern side of the
beach below the eastern viewpoint on the map.
Treasure Location: 179,593

Cape Bonavista.

Dig Site: In the cave at the northern end of the beach where we saved
the merchant in the prologue sequence of the game.
Reward: 1500 Reales
2. Great Inagua
Map Location: The map is located on a cadaver in a small Cliffside cave
overlooking the water to the east of the docks. You can
access this via the large fallen tree just to the west of
the tavern icon on the map. Follow the treetop paths to the
top of the cliff and follow the cave until you reach the
Treasure Location: 633, 784 - Nassau.
Dig Site: Just off a dirt trail leading between the large mansion on

the western side of the city and the swampy area further to
the west.
Reward: Plan

Grey Sails, 3000 Reales

3. Havana
Map Location: On a corpse amongst some shrubs to the north of the church
(but still within the church grounds) with the viewpoint
in central Havana.
Treasure Location: 240,607.


Dig Site: On the beach at the south of Havana, behind the bent over
tree just to the east of the end of the city s wall.
Reward: Plan

Queen Anne s Figurehead, 3000 Reales.

4. Isla Providencia
Map Location: In the jungle trail around halfway between the ruins with
the western viewpoint and the northern viewpoint, you will
cross a small river with a crocodile swimming around below.
Use a sleep dart on the crocodile and jump down to the
river. Move up until you reach the waterfall a short
distance ahead. The map is located on a cadaver on the bank
of the river just to the right of the waterfall.
Treasure Location: 525,253

Long Bay.

Dig Site: In a dirt patch, just south of the buildings along the beach
to the west of the north-eastern viewpoint on the Long Bay
Reward: 4000 Reales

5. Anotto Bay
Map Location: The map is located on a cadaver on the ground on the
eastern side of the restricted area once you have found the
Smuggler s Hideout.
Treasure Location: 992, 422 - Principe.
Dig Site: On a dirt patch at the edge of the cliff just to the right
of the pair of square mud brick towers on the far west of
the fortification on Principe. You ll find them on a ledge
looking over the landing zone on the beach.
Reward: 4000 Reales.

6. Misteriosa
Map Location: The map is located on a cadaver on the second highest ledge

of the main temple facing over the water to the south. It

is directly east of the zone s only viewpoint and just to
the west and down a level from the Mayan Stelae here.
Treasure Location: 623,172


Dig Site: A dirt patch between some crates on the far east of the
Kingston map. The rowboat icon on the eastern side of the
map is almost right next to the dig site.
Reward: Plan

Blackwood Wheel, 3000 Reales.

7. Pinos Isle
Map Location: The map is located on a cadaver on the ground before the
ruins in the centre of the north part of the map.
Treasure Location: 327,334 Cayman Sound.
Dig Site: Near the far north tip of the eastern peninsula on the map.
Just further north from the bent over trees and next to a
rock that kind of resembles an overturned rowboat.
Reward: 4000 Reales.
8. Tortuga
Map Location: The map is located on a cadaver next to the rowboat icon
along the beach to the north of the docks. It is about
halfway between the docks and the island to the north.
Treasure Location: 333,650 - Matanzas.
Dig Site: Follow the river at the south of the area all the way to the
east to find a shallow watery area. There is a Mayan stelae
stone here and another stone pillar nearby. Look behind them
in the alcove in the cliff wall for a dig site on the
Reward: Plan

Elite Mortar Storage, 3000 Reales.

9. Andreas Island
Map Location: The map is located on a cadaver on the ground beside the
washed up hull of a wrecked ship on the peninsula in the
southwest corner of the main island.
Treasure Location: 606,835

Abaco Island.

Dig site: On the north-eastern island between a group of three trees

directly in line with the back of the wrecked ship.
Reward: 4000 Reales.

10. Corozal
Map Location: The map is located on a cadaver on the small island just to
the west of the Harbourmaster icon on the map.
Treasure Location: 55,178

Ambergris Key.

Dig Site: After going diving at the wreck outside Ambergris Key,
follow the tunnel all the way through until you reach the
indoor pool that we can wade through. When you reach this
point, walk directly across the room and into the far left
corner to find a patch of dirt where we can dig for the
Reward: 4000 Reales.

11. Ile a Vache

Map Location: The map is located on a cadaver on the beach located at the
north east coast of the main island.
Treasure Location: 565,539


Dig Site: Inside the cave, by the palm tree on the edge of the water.
Reward: 4000 Reales.

12. Abaco Island

Map Location: The map is located on a cadaver propped up against a tree
on the beach in the southwest corner of the main island.
Treasure Location: 749,625

Salt Lagoon.

Dig Site: This one is at the base of the large rock structure in the
northwest corner of the island.
Reward: Plan

Serpent Figurehead, 3000 Reales.

13. Santanillas
Map Location: The map is located on a cadaver on the beach just next to
the shipwreck on the north-eastern island of the map.
Treasure Location: 479, 487

San Juan.

Dig Site: Make your way through the area until you reach the
smuggler s den. After taking care of the two enemies in the
first room, look on the floor to the right of the raised
tunnel leading to the next room. Here you ll find the dig
Reward: Plan

Elite Fire Barrels, 3000 Reales.

14. Salt Lagoon

Map Location: The map is located on a cadaver on the beach in the north
east corner of the island. You can t miss it!
Treasure Location: 442,118

New Bone.

Dig Site: In the dirt patch on near the edge of the cliff to the east
of the windmill (there is a viewpoint on this).
Reward: 4000 Reales

15. Cumberland Bay

Map Location: The map is located on a cadaver on the ground beside the
rowboat on the beach in the southeast corner of the main
Treasure Location: 335,469

Pinos Isle.

Dig Site: Just beside the main temple on Pinos Isle (the one with the
viewpoint). If you are looking at the temple straight on
from directly in front, the chest is located around the left
hand side.
Reward: Plan

Aquila s Wheel, 3000 Reales.

16. Mariguana Island

Map Location: The map is located on a cadaver propped up against a rock
wall just to the north of the rowboat icon in the southwest
of the map.
Treasure Location: 579,720

Andreas Island.

Dig Site: On the small island located at the very south of the zone.
Reward: Plan

Elite Harpoon, 3000 Reales.

17. Cayman Sound

Map Location: The map is located on a cadaver next to a chest in the
northeast section of the smaller island in the northeast of
the Cayman Sound area.
Treasure Location: 901, 263 Petit Caverne.
Dig Site: On a small, grassy raised ledge in the far south west corner
of the cavern.
Reward: Plan

Elite heavy Shot Storage, 3000 Reales.

18. Ambergris Key

Map Location: Once we reach the smuggler s den, this is in a small room
opposite the entrance on a cadaver that is being examined
by a pair of hostiles.
Treasure Location: 307,195


Dig Site: From the viewpoint turn around and head to the north. Go
past the small structure on top of the temple and locate the
pool behind it. Continue past the pool towards the statue
feeding the pool with water and look on the ground just to
the left of the stream to find the dig site.
Reward: Plan - Elite Heavy Shot, 3000 Reales.

19. Petite Caverne

Map Location: On the shiny cadaver in a small niche in the far western
corner of the dockside platform at the back of the cave.
Treasure Location: 70, 405 - Tulum.
Dig site: From the southernmost viewpoint, move south along the coast
until you find the shipwreck right up on the shore. Follow
this inland and investigate the base of the large tree
directly behind the wreckage for the dig site.
Reward: 4000 Reales
20. Kenway s Fleet Mission
Map Location: Continue to play through the Kenway s Fleet mini-game and
this will be rewarded to you after completing the
Scarlatina mission.
Treasure Location: 502, 44 Isla Providencia
Dig site: From the southern viewpoint on the map, swim across the
water to the peninsula directly south. You ll see a large
natural rock arch to the right. Look between the group of
three trees on the peninsula here for the dig spot.
Reward: Plan

Fire Barrel Storage, 3000 Reales.

21. Kenway s Fleet Mission

Great Reputation II
Map Location: Continue to play through the Kenway s Fleet mini-game and
this will be rewarded to you after completing the Great
Reputation II mission.
Treasure Location: 621,277 Anotto bay

Dig site: In the smugglers den in Anotto Bay, on the floor by the
ladder leading to the exit tunnel.
Reward: 4000 Reales.

22. Kenway s Fleet Mission

The Empty Cellar
Map Location: Continue to play through the Kenway s Fleet mini-game and
this will be rewarded to you after completing the The Empty
cellar mission.
Treasure Location: 679,381 Cumberland Bay
Dig site: You ll find this on the beach at the very northern portion
of the Cumberland Bay map.
Reward: 4000 Reales

_____ __
/ / ___ ____ ____ ____ ____/ /___ ________ __/ ___// /_ (_)___ _____
/ / / _ \/ __ `/ _ \/ __ \/ __ / __ `/ ___/ / / /\__ \/ __ \/ / __ \/ ___/
/ /___/ __/ /_/ / __/ / / / /_/ / /_/ / / / /_/ /___/ / / / / / /_/ (__ )
/_____/\___/\__, /\___/_/ /_/\__,_/\__,_/_/ \__, //____/_/ /_/_/ .___/____/
Once you have completed the final memory sequence in the game, and the credits
have rolled (or you have taken over the four corner forts), you ll find that
there are now four red ship icons on the world map. There is one of these
icons in each of the four corners of the map: north east, north west, south
east and south west. These icons represent optional boss encounters with
legendary ships with very high ship levels, massive armour and top notch
These four naval battles are the hardest challenge you will face during your
time with the jackdaw and as such, you should level up all of its upgrades as
much as possible before attempting to take down one of these monstrosities.
> Each of the legendary ship encounters will see 20,000 Reales deposited
into the ocean upon completion.

> Complete all four of the legendary ship battles to earn the
achievement/trophy Devil of the Caribbean .
Below you ll find short tactics guides to locating and taking down each of
the four legendary ships. Note that these guides/tactics are by no means the
only way to destroy these powerful enemies, but through trial and error (a
heck of a lot of error) these are the best ways that I found to deal with
If you have a good tactic, or a better way to deal with these ships, please
head down to the contact section and send me an email to let me know!
] El Impoluto
\ Rewards:
\ Start Location:
\ > 20,000 Reales.
\ > Northwest corner of the map.|
The El Impoluto is a level 75 Man o War located in the northwest corner of
the map and can be an ominous sight and a massively tricky encounter your first
time around. This vessel s two major strengths are its ram which can cause
devastating amounts of damage even on a fully upgraded hull and its broadside
attack which fires more cannons at once than you can count. As most of its
firepower lays in the front and sides of the vessel, the obvious safe spot is
in the water behind it.
Unfortunately the El Poluto is quite a manoeuvrable ship and can change its
direction and pick up speed extremely quickly. If you see the ship sail right
out of your range of attacks and then turn suddenly you know that it is about
to ram at you with speed. If you do see it coming, do not try to steer to
either side of it this invites the El Impoluto to slam directly into the
side of your vessel, which is pretty much an instant de-synchronisation.
Instead, try to turn all the way around so that your back is facing the
oncoming ship and slightly off-centre. This will cause a glancing blow rather
than a deadly one and you can hit it with a heavy shot or two as it comes up
your side. Due to its speed it will also end up in front of you.
Behind the ship is where you should attempt to spend most of the fight. From
here you should still be able to use most of your attacks but don t get carried
away as the major focus of your offensive efforts should be on dropping mortars
and using the chain shot. Every time it attempts to ram you, repeat the
process and then stick to its rear as long as you can.
Eventually, with a bit of luck, and a lot of practice you will be able to fell
this monster.
Once it has taken enough damage, it will drop a cargo crate containing
20,000 Reales.

] La Dama Negra

\ Rewards:
\ Start Location:
\ > 20,000 Reales.
\ > Southwest corner of the map.|
This legendary ship, like the others has a massive broadside attack, but its
most devastating ability is the invisible mortar shots that it fires. The
mortars will not appear on the water as the typical yellow/red silhouettes
that we are used to, instead you need to watch where the mortars are going to
avoid them.
As with the previous legendary ship, as most of its firepower lays in the
front and sides of the vessel, the obvious safe spot is in the water directly
behind it. You will want to manoeuvre your way up to the very back of the ship
and stay there. Here you will not be bothered by mortars and you have a clear
shot at ramming the back of the vessel, hitting it with chain shots and
launching your own mortars to damage it.
As long as you can maintain your position at the back of the ship, you will
have no trouble taking it down.
Once it has taken enough damage, it will drop a cargo crate containing 20,000
] HMS Prince
\ Rewards:
\ Start Location:
\ > 20,000 Reales.
\ > Southeast corner of the map.|
The HMS Prince is probably the easiest of all the legendary ship encounters.
However whilst you battle this ship, you will also have to deal with a thick
fog that can make visibility a little tricky at times. This legendary ship has
a propensity to chain spam its mortar attacks and hit you with its massively
damaging broadside attacks as well. Fortunately, if you can avoid these
attacks the difficulty of the encounter drops significantly.
The easiest way to defeat this ship was to try and take the mortars out of the
equation. That means trying to stay as close as you can to the rear of the
enemy vessel, either by constantly maintaining a position slightly off to the
side or following directly behind it. From here you should still be able to
use most of your attacks but the major focus of your offensive efforts should
be on dropping mortars and using the chain shot.
When the ship turns, which it will, use the opportunity to hit it with a few
heavy shots whilst you try to reposition yourself behind it again.
Once it has taken enough damage, it will drop a cargo crate containing 20,000
] The Brothers-In-Arms
\ Rewards:
\ Start Location:

\ > 2 X 10,000 Reales.
\ > Northeast corner of the map.|
What is worse than a single level 75 man o war with massive armour and
overpowered weapons? Why two of them at once of course. This legendary ship
encounter is by far the hardest in the game. Not only are both of these ships
more powerful than anything else you have encountered in the game (except
other legendary ships) on their own, you have to fight both of them together
and they work as a team.
The most important part of this fight is to stay as far away from the ships as
you can, dropping mortars on them from the maximum range possible and making
sure that you never, ever let them flank you. They have an extremely powerful
broadside attack and if both of them unleash it on you simultaneously you are
in serious trouble.
With fully upgraded mortars and broadside and full ammo, I was able to stay at
a distance and rain mortars down on whichever vessel was in range at the time.
By the time I was out of ammo, a few convenient passes with heavy shots and
swivel gun action on some weak spots saw the first vessel sink. Afterwards it
was just a matter of focusing on the second ship and whittling its health away
Once both ships have taken enough damage, each will drop a cargo crate
containing 10,000 Reales.

__ __
/ ____/___ _ _____
/ / / /___ ____ __________ _____/ /__ _____
/ / / __ \ | / / _ \ / / / / __ \/ __ `/ ___/ __ `/ __ / _ \/ ___/
/ /___/ /_/ / |/ / __/ / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / / / /_/ / /_/ / __(__ )
\____/\____/|___/\___/ \____/ .___/\__, /_/ \__,_/\__,_/\___/____/
Once we hit the start of Sequence 05, we ll have a base of operations at the
cove at Great Inagua. Here we can invest in various properties to make the
area a more useful location complete with General Store, Tavern and
harbourmaster shops.
Once we have been given the all clear to check it out, you can look around the
area for square icons with upward arrows on them. These indicate cove upgrades
that can be purchased.
The upgrades include the following:

500 Reales
700 Reales
3500 Reales
7000 Reales


Unlocks Harbourmaster shop.

Unlocks General Store.
Unlocks Tavern.
Allows you to hire drunk pirate groups for


15000 Reales
6000 Reales
18000 Reales
40000 Reales


Brothel Allows you to hire groups of dancers for free.
Manor Faade, no effect.
Manor Tower and Gardens, no effect.
Manor Guest House, no effect.

Once you have purchased all of the upgrades you will earn the achievement/
trophy FTFY .

S I D E - A C T I V I T I E S
__ ____
/ |/ (_)____________ / / /___ _____ ___ ____ __ _______
/ /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ _ \/ / / __ `/ __ \/ _ \/ __ \/ / / / ___/
/ / / / (__ ) /__/ __/ / / /_/ / / / / __/ /_/ / /_/ (__ )
/_/ /_/_/____/\___/\___/_/_/\__,_/_/ /_/\___/\____/\__,_/____/
] Couriers
The courier side-activities are ambient events that appear randomly when you
are wandering around in some of the larger cities
Havana, Kingston and
Nassau. They will appear as a golden chest marker on the mini-map and as you
approach them they will run off.
To complete the activity, you need to chase them down and tackle them. Loot
their bodies whilst they are down for a small sum of money which is in most
cases much greater than the average takings from pickpocketing.
] Pirate Rescue
Similar to the aforementioned courier missions, these activities will appear
randomly and for the most part, only in the larger cities (Kingston, Havana
and Nassau) and on a select few of the larger islands in the world map
(Principe, Cumberland Bay, Misteriosa, etc.). The side-activities themselves
consist of rescuing or helping a group of pirates who have found themselves
in trouble with the local authorities.

The pirate rescue side-activities are marked with a circular icon with a group
of three people on it. There are a number of different permutations to this
side-task and they include the following:
> Hanging

Saving a pirate from a hanging can be done by approaching and

interacting with him before he dies, or alternatively shooting
the rope.

> Prisoners

> Escorts

> Brawl

These pirates are on their knees being held at gunpoint.You

will need to sneak up and kill the two gunners holding their
weapons on the pirates before freeing them.
Guards will be escorting groups of prisoners through the
streets. Approach and kill the guards before rescuing the

A group of pirates and guards will be attacking each other.Enter

the fray and help the pirates kill the guards to free them.

Note that completing these missions will have the rescued pirates join your
crew if you have space available of the Jackdaw.
] Unlocking Taverns
Taverns allow us to recruit additional pirates for our crew, drink alcohol to
get a bit tipsy and try out some gambling-based mini- games to earn a bit of
extra money. There are nine taverns in the game and all except the tavern at
Nassau start as locked locations.
Taverns can be unlocked by approaching the icon on the map and interacting
with the bartender. As you do a small bar fight will break out and you will
have to fight off four men in hand-to-hand combat. Once you have beaten them
all up, the tavern will now be usable.
Unlocking all eight taverns will unlock the achievement/trophy

Barfly .

The taverns are marked by a jug icon on the area maps and can be found in the
following areas:

Andreas Island
Crooked Island
Grand Cayman
Ile a Vache
Kingston this marker does not always seem to appear on the map. The
tavern is located just to the northeast of the southern
warehouse marker.
> Salt Key bank

] Warehouse Raids
Warehouses are one of several miscellaneous side-activities that can be
undertaken in some of the major cities and on some select islands around the
world map. Pilfering supplies from a warehouse performs a similar function to
attacking and plundering ships with the jackdaw, but usually with a much larger
pay off in terms of Reales and quantities of materials/trade goods.
To complete a warehouse mission, players need to enter the restricted area
around the warehouse icon itself, use eagle vision to identify the guard
carrying the warehouse key and then either pick his pocket or kill him and
loot the body to acquire the key.
Once you have the key, make your way over to the building marked with the
warehouse icon and use the key on the glowing door.
The warehouse side-missions are marked with a square warehouse icon which will
be white when it is ready to be attempted and will be greyed out when it is
Warehouses can be found in the following locations:

New Bone
Kingston North
Cat Island
Havana South
Nassau - South

S I D E - A C T I V I T I E S

| / /_ _____/ /____ _________ _____
/ /| | / __ \/ ___/ __/ _ \/ ___/ __ `/ __ \
/ ___ |/ /_/ (__ ) /_/ __/ / / /_/ / /_/ /
/_/ |_/_.___/____/\__/\___/_/ \__, /\____/
/ ____/ /_ ____ _/ / /__ ____ ____ ____ _____
/ / / __ \/ __ `/ / / _ \/ __ \/ __ `/ _ \/ ___/
/ /___/ / / / /_/ / / / __/ / / / /_/ / __(__ )
\____/_/ /_/\__,_/_/_/\___/_/ /_/\__, /\___/____/


] Assassin Challenges
Level 1
> Synchronise 5 viewpoints.
> Perform 10 assassinations.
> Perform 10 air assassinations.
> Kill 10 enemies from hiding places.
> Complete three Assassin Contracts.
Level 2
> Dive into the water from a height of 45 metres.
> Climb for a total of 500 metres.
> Perform 5 double assassinations.
> Perform 10 escapes from combat by using blending or hiding.
> Poison 10 enemies with the blowpipe.
> Complete the first set of Assassin Contracts.
Level 3
> Hang 5 enemies using the rope dart.
> Swim for a total of 2 nautical miles.
> Have 10 enemies being killed by a berserk guard.
> Complete all Assassin Contracts
] Pirate Challenges
Level 1
> Purchase 3 boat upgrades.
> Sink a ship using the swivel gun.
> Capture 3 ships.
> Plunder 3 warehouses.
> Reset your wanted level by bribing a local officer.
> Drink 5 glasses of rum.
> Complete 3 Naval contracts.
> Plunder a smuggler s den.
Level 2
> Capture 5 forts.
> Defeat 5 ships you previously tagged
> Sink a ship by ramming it.
> Sink a level 3 hunter patrol.
> Unlock 5 taverns
> Sail a total distance of 100 nautical miles.
> Own 5 different figureheads.
Level 3
> Defeat 3 man o war ships.
> Plunder 3 warehouses without triggering a bell alarm.
> Defeat a legendary ship.
> Sail a total distance of 300 nautical miles.
> Plunder all smuggler s dens.
] Explorer Challenges

Level 1
> Collect 10 Animus Fragments
> Solve 3 Mayan Stelae puzzles.
> Explore 3 underwater shipwrecks.
> Loot 10 underwater chests.
> Collect a treasure map.
> Loot all underwater chests.
Level 2
> Collect 50 Animus fragments.
> Collect 5 song sheets.
> Collect 5 letters.
> Collect 5 manuscript pages
> Visit 15 different locations.
Level 3
> Collect all 200 Animus fragments.
> Survive 10 shark attacks
> Synchronise all viewpoints.
> Solve all Mayan Stelae puzzles.
> Explore all underwater shipwrecks.
] Fighter Challenges
Level 1
> Disarm 5 enemies.
> Achieve a 3-enemy kill streak.
> Kill 5 captains.
> Kill 5 enemies with a headshot.
> Kill 5 enemies affected by a smoke bomb within 10 seconds.
Level 2
> Achieve a 5-enemy kill streak.
> Kill an enemy with every Type of weapon.
> Kill 30 enemies with a headshot.
> Kill 4 enemies in a row using the gold pistols.
Level 3
> Achieve a 7-enemy kill streak.
> Disarm and kill 3 agile enemies with their own weapons.
> Kill 15 enemies with the rope dart.
] Hunter Challenges
Level 1
> Skin 5 animals.
> Pet 5 dogs.
> Kill 2 crocodiles.
> Kill 2 monkeys.
> Kill an ocelot with the hidden blade.
Level 2
> Skin 15 animals.
> Kill 10 enemies with the blow pipe.
> Kill 5 animals with a rope dart.

> Harpoon and kill 5 sea animals.

> Craft 5 hero upgrades.
Level 3
> Kill a white jaguar.
> Kill a red howler monkey.
> Craft all hero upgrades.
> Skin each type of animal.
> Harpoon and kill every type of sea creature.
] Golden Boy Challenges
Level 1
> Pickpocket 200 Reales.
> Loot 10 bodies.
> Possess 5000 Reales.
> Sell a total of 500 cargo to a harbourmaster.
> Hire 5 groups of dancers.
Level 2
> Free a trading route using Kenway s fleet.
> Complete 25 trading missions in Kenway s Fleet.
> Buy 5 hideout upgrades.
> Spend 50000 Reales
> Win each mini-game once.
> Acquire 10 ship models for your hideout collection.
Level 3
> Buy all hideout upgrades.
> Win 2000 Reales through mini-games.
> Possess 100,000 Reales.
> Unlock all Kenway s fleet destinations.
] Simulation Challenges
Level 1
> Get 25% total synchronisation.
> Share 3 social chest locations.
Level 2
> Share 3 Royal Convoy locations.
> Share 3 white whale locations.
> Get 50% total synchronisation.
Level 3
> Get 75% total synchronisation.
> Get 100% total synchronisation.

__ __
__ _
/ / / /_ ______ / /_(_)___ ____ _ ____ _____ ____/ /
/ /_/ / / / / __ \/ __/ / __ \/ __ `/ / __ `/ __ \/ __ /

/ __ / /_/ / / / / /_/ / / / / /_/ / / /_/ / / / / /_/ /

/_/ /_/\__,_/_/ /_/\__/_/_/ /_/\__, / \__,_/_/ /_/\__,_/
__ __
/ / / /___ __________ ____ ____ ____ (_)___ ____ _
/ /_/ / __ `/ ___/ __ \/ __ \/ __ \/ __ \/ / __ \/ __ `/
/ __ / /_/ / / / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / / / / / / / / /_/ /
/_/ /_/\__,_/_/ / .___/\____/\____/_/ /_/_/_/ /_/\__, /
Hunting has made a comeback from Assassin s Creed III and whilst the entire
process has been simplified somewhat (no traps or bait anymore) the impact it
has on the game has increased. To earn player upgrades for Edward, they need
to craft various pieces of equipment and the reagents required for these are
acquired from skinning animals that you have killed.
In addition to land-based hunting, Assassin s Creed IV: Black Flag now also
incorporates hunting of sea creatures in a harpooning mini-game. Below you ll
find a guide to both hunting and harpooning and locations for the best chance
to find certain animals.
Here are some shortcuts to help navigate the following section more easily:

Hunting .....................................
Land Animal Locations .......................
Harpooning ..................................
Marine Animal Locations .....................


] Hunting
Whilst on land, the hunting portion of Assassin s Creed IV: Black Flag plays
out essentially the same as Assassin s Creed III. The aim is to find animals,
sneak up on them and kill them before skinning their leather/hides. If an
animal sees you, it will flee leading you on a chase to catch and kill it. As
such, it is better to use ranged weapons or stealth tactics to get close to
them before making your move.
Some animals, such as jaguars, crocodiles and sharks are aggressive and will
attack you on sight. If this happens, press the on-screen button prompts as
quickly as possible to escape.
Tips & Tricks:
> If you look at the main/mini-maps you will see silhouettes of animals
that signify the approximate location of said species.
> Animals will appear as red in Eagle vision, allowing you to quickly
scan and find animals in your immediate area.
> It is possible to use sleep darts and pistols to take down animals from
a distance. Some animals, such as crocodiles can only be killed by
> Using treetop pathways and stalking zones to approach animals undetected
is recommended to make things a little quicker and easier.

> Crafting the hunter s outfit will reduce the distance you can get to
animals before they notice you.
] Land Animal Locations
There are 13 different types of land dwelling animals to be found and hunted
across the islands of the caribbean. Each island is home to a different range
of animals so you will have to explore far and wide if you want to track down
every last type of animal for those precious hides to facilitate crafting of
additional gear.
Below you'll find a handy table listing all 13 animal types and the islands on
which you can find them.
Animal Locations:
] Animal Name
| Location/s Found | Item/s Skinned | General Information [
| Capuchin Monkey|01. Misteriosa
|02. New Bone
| 1x Capuchin
| Found in trees. Use |
|03. Tulum
Monkey Pelt | Eagle Vision to spot|
| them.
| Crocodile
|01. Isla Providencia|
| Hostile.
|02. Long Bay
| 1x Crocodile | Located in swampy |
|03. Matanzas
| areas in or on the |
|04. Nassau
| bank of water. Can |
|05. Tulum
| only be killed by |
| ranged weapons.
| Deer
|01. Kingston
|02. Principe
| 1x Deer Hide | Ground dwelling type|
|03. Santanillas
| of animal. Easy to |
|04. Salt Lagoon
| find and kill.
| Howler Monkey |01. Cape Bonavista |
|02. Cat Island
| 1x Howler
| Found in trees. Use |
|03. Kingston
Monkey Skin | Eagle Vision to spot|
|04. Long Bay
| them.
|05. Principe
|06. Tortuga
| Howler Monkey |01. Isla Providencia| 1x Red Howler | Found in trees. Use |
| (Red)
Monkey Skin | Eagle Vision to spot|
| them.
| Huita
|01. Cayman Sound
| Ground dwelling type|
|02. Jiguey
| 1x Huita Hide | of animal. Easy to |
|03. Long Bay
| find and kill.

| Iguana
|01. Abaco Island
|02. Andreas Island | 1x Iguana
| Found on sandy beach|
| areas.
| Jaguar
|01. cape Bonavista |
| Hostile.
|02. Principe
| 1x Jaguar Pelt | Found at ground
|03. Tulum
| level in jungle
| areas.
| Jaguar (Black) |01. Isla Providencia| 1x Black Jaguar| Hostile.
|02. Tulum
| Found at ground
| level in jungle
| areas.
| Jaguar (white) |01. Great Inagua
| 1x White Jaguar| Hostile.
| Found at ground
| level in jungle
| areas.
| Ocelot
|01. Abaco Island
| Ground dwelling type|
|02. Andreas Island | 1x Ocelot Pelt | of animal. Easy to |
|03. Cumberland Bay |
| find and kill.
| Rabbit
|01. Corozal
| Ground dwelling type|
|02. Kingston
| 1x Rabbit Pelt | of animal. Easy to |
|03. Nassau
| find and kill.
| wild Pig
|01. Cape Bonavista |
| Ground dwelling type|
|02. Great Inagua
| 1x Wild Pig
| of animal. Easy to |
|03.Mariguana Island |
| find and kill.
|04. Nassau

] Harpooning
Harpooning sea creatures is an ambient hunting event that happens whilst you
are piloting the jackdaw. As you sail about, you will occasionally see a white
circular marker appear on the ocean nearby with a swarm of seagulls flapping
about overhead. This is where we are able to attempt our harpoon
As you approach a target location, similarly to boarding enemy ships, we need
to hold down the interact button to continue.
The activity takes place in a rowboat. You ll sit at the front with a harpoon.
Use the targeting button to bring up a reticule of sorts and when you see the
target animal, throw your harpoon at it. If you successfully hit the creature,
it will start dragging the boat. This is a great opportunity to pepper it with
additional harpoons.

After a short trip, the animal will break free and dive underwater. A few
moments later it will charge at the boat in an attempt to damage it. Hit it
with a harpoon before it can do so and repeat the dragging process.
Once the animal s health bar has been reduced to nothing, the hunt will be
complete. Easy!
] Marine Animal Locations
When you are ready to give it a try, you ll be able to find the marine based
animals in the following locations:
Below you'll find a handy table listing all 6 animal types and the general
areas in which you can find them.
Animal Locations:
] Animal Name
| Location/s Found
| Item/s Skinned
| Bull Shark
|01. Central North to North-western |
corner of the world map
| 1x Bull Shark Skin |
|02. Around the eastern end of Cuba. |
| Great White
|01. The far southern areas of the
| Shark
world map.
| 1x Great White Shark|
|02. Outhwestern corner of the world |
| Hammerhead
|01. Central North to North-eastern |
| Shark
corner of the world map
| 1x Hammerhead Shark |
| Humpback Whale |01. In the open water to the south of|
| 1x Humpback Whale |
|02. Around the islands south of the |
western most part of Cuba.
| Killer Whale |01. Around the islands south of the |
western most part of Cuba.
| 1x Killer Whale Skin|
|02. Along the southern coast of Cuba |
(near the Cabo de Cruz fort).
| White Whale
|01. Will appear randomly on the map |
as a flashing white and blue
| 1x White Whale Skin |
whale icon during community

______ _
/ ____/________ _/ __/ /_(_)___ ____ _ ____ _____ ____/ /
/ / / ___/ __ `/ /_/ __/ / __ \/ __ `/ / __ `/ __ \/ __ /
/ /___/ / / /_/ / __/ /_/ / / / / /_/ / / /_/ / / / / /_/ /
\____/_/ \__,_/_/ \__/_/_/ /_/\__, / \__,_/_/ /_/\__,_/
__ __
/ / / /___ ____ __________ _____/ /__ _____
/ / / / __ \/ __ `/ ___/ __ `/ __ / _ \/ ___/
/ /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / / / /_/ / /_/ / __(__ )
\____/ .___/\__, /_/ \__,_/\__,_/\___/____/
] Crafting
To supplement the game's sword and gunplay, players can now craft items to
assist them in a number of facets of gameplay by improving Edward s health,
increasing the effectiveness of the darts he carries, granting the ability to
carry additional pistols and have more ammunition on hand. To craft these
items, players must find the required reagents in the environment by hunting/
harpooning the appropriate animals and then use the crafting option in the
main menu to create the desired items.
Craftable items come in a few flavours and these include:

Health Upgrades
Ammo Capacity
Equipment Upgrades

Many of the more advanced recipes require you to track down and skin some rare
and elusive animals. For a guide to finding and hunting all of the animal
types in the game check out the hunting guide above.
Below you ll find a list of all the items that we can craft in the game,
organised by upgrades, outfits and projectiles. Beside each, there will be a
brief description of what the upgrade will do along with what reagents are
Equipment Upgrades:
] Crafted Item
| Bonuses Provided
| Reagents Required [

|Pistol Holster II | Allows Edward to carry an

| > 2 x Ocelot Pelt |
| additional pistol.
|Pistol Holster III | Allows Edward to carry an
| > 2 x Humpback Whale|
| additional pistol.
| Skin
|Pistol Holster IV | Allows Edward to carry an
| > 2 x Crocodile
| additional pistol.
| Leather
|Pistol Ammo Pouch I| Increases pistol ammo carrying | > 2 x Wild Pig Hide |
| capacity by an additional 10.
|Pistol Ammo PouchII| Increases pistol ammo carrying | > 2 x Hammerhead
| capacity by an additional 10.
| Shark Bone
|Berserk Dart I
| Increases duration of berserk
| > 2 x Bull Shark
| dart s effect by 20 seconds.
| Skin
|Berserk Dart II
| Increases duration of berserk
| > 2 x Capuchin
| dart s effect by 20 seconds.
| Monkey Pelt
|Sleep Dart I
| Increases duration of sleep
| > 2 x Black Jaguar |
| dart s effect by 20 seconds.
| Pelt
|Sleep Dart II
| Increases duration of sleep
| > 2 x Great White |
| dart s effect by 20 seconds.
| Shark Bone
|Dart Pouch I
| Increase berserk/sleep dart
| > 2 x Howler Monkey |
| capacity by an additional 5.
| Skin
|Dart Pouch II
| Increase berserk/sleep dart
| > 2 x Killer Whale |
| capacity by an additional 5.
| Skin
|Rope Dart Pouch I | Increases rope dart carrying
| > 2 x Black Jaguar |
| capacity by an additional 5.
| Pelt
|Rope Dart Pouch II | Increases rope dart carrying
| > 2 x Crocodile
| capacity by an additional 5.
| Leather
|Smoke Bomb Pouch I | Increases smoke bomb carrying
| > 2 x Huita Hide
| capacity by an additional 2.
|Smoke Bomb Pouch II| Increases smoke bomb carrying
| > 2 x Rabbit Pelt |
| capacity by an additional 2.
|Health Upgrade I | Increases base health by 25%.
| > 2 x Iguana Leather|

|Health Upgrade II | Increases base health by 25%.
| > 2 x Deer Hide
|Health Upgrade III | Increases base health by 25%.
| > 2 x Jaguar Pelt |
|Health Upgrade IV | Increases base health by 25%.
| > 2 x Great White |
| Shark Bone

Crafted Outfit Upgrades:

] Crafted Outfit
| Bonuses Provided
| Reagents Required [
|Feline Pelt Outfit | Cosmetic change only.
| > 1 x Ocelot Pelt |
| > 1 x Jaguar Pelt |
|Shark-Hunter Outfit| Cosmetic change only.
| > 1 x Bull Shark
| Skin
| > 1 x Hammerhead
| Shark Bone
|Whaler Outfit
| Cosmetic change only.
| > 3 x White Whale |
| Skin
|Hunter Outfit
| Outfit that reduces animal's
| > 1 x Red Howler
| range of detection.
| Monkey Skin
| > 1 x White Jaguar |
| Pelt

Crafted Projectiles:
] Crafted Outfit
| Reagents Required [
|Berserk Dart
| > 1 x Bone
|Rope Dart
| > 1 x Bone

|Sleep Dart
| > 1 x Bone

] Edward Upgrades
The game classifies Edward upgrades as weapons and outfits that can be
purchased. Considering I was able to finish the game without ever touching the
menu for this once, most of the things on offer seem highly cosmetic. Dig a
little deeper however and there are an array of interesting weapons and
outfits at your disposal to make sword and hand to hand combat much easier.
Below you ll find a list of all the Sword sets, guns and outfits available in
the game along with a brief description on how you can go about obtaining
Sword Sets:
] Weapon Name
| Stats: Speed/Combo/Damage | How to Acquire
|Officer s
|1x Speed/2x Combo/1x Damage| Default weapon. Equipped at|
| the start of the game.
|British Cutlasses |2x Speed/3x Combo/2x Damage| Purchase from the General |
| store for 800 Reales.
|Spanish Cup-Hilt |2x Speed/3x Combo/2x Damage| Purchase from the General |
| store for 1,200 Reales.
|French Dress Swords|3x Speed/3x Combo/1x Damage| Purchase from the General |
| store for 3,000 Reales.
|Espada Ancha
|2x Speed/3x Combo/3x Damage| Purchase from the General |
| store for 5,000 Reales.
|Privateer s
|3x Speed/3x Combo/3x Damage| Purchase from the General |
| store for 6,500 Reales.
|British Colonial |2x Speed/4x Combo/3x Damage| Purchase from the General |
| store for 8,000 Reales.
|Pirate Scimitars |2x Speed/3x Combo/5x Damage| Purchase from the General |
| store for 10,000 Reales. |

|French Court Swords|4x Speed/3x Combo/4x Damage| Purchase from the General |
| store for 12,500 Reales. |
|Officer s Rapiers |5x Speed/4x Combo/3x Damage| Purchase from the General |
| store for 14,000 Reales. |
|Pistol Swords
|5x Speed/4x Combo/3x Damage| Complete all 30 of the
| Assassin contracts.
|3x Speed/5x Combo/3x Damage| Find three social treasure |
| chests.
|Persian Scimitars |2x Speed/2x Combo/3x Damage| Complete a community
| challenge.
|The Blades of
|4x Speed/3x Combo/3x Damage| Unlock via UPlay.

Pistol sets:
] Weapon Name
| Stats: Damage/stun/Range | How to Acquire
|Common Flintlock |1x Damage/1x stun/3x Range | Default weapon. Equipped at|
| the start of the game.
|Pirate Blunderbuss |3x Damage/3x stun/1x Range | Purchase from the General |
| store for 800 Reales.
|Standard Wheellock |1x Damage/1x stun/5x Range | Purchase from the General |
| store for 2,500 Reales.
|Spanish Officer
|3x Damage/3x stun/3x Range | Purchase from the General |
| store for 7,000 Reales.
|3x Damage/5x stun/3x Range | Purchase from the General |
| store for 12,500 Reales. |
|Golden Flintlock |5x Damage/5x stun/3x Range | Complete all 30 naval
| contracts.

|Captain s wheellock|3x Damage/1x stun/3x Range | Complete a community
| challenge.

] Crafted Outfit
| Bonuses Provided
| How to Acquire
|Edward Kenway s
| N/A: Cosmetic change only.| Awarded at the end of
| campaign sequence 1.
|Brown Cloak
| N/A: Cosmetic change only.| Purchase from the General |
| store for 1500 Reales.
|Pirate Cloak
| N/A: Cosmetic change only.| Purchase from the General |
| store for 6000 Reales.
|Crimson Cloak
| N/A: Cosmetic change only.| Purchase from the General |
| store for 3000 Reales.
|Privateer Outfit | N/A: Cosmetic change only.| Purchase from the General |
| store for 5000 Reales.
|Pirate Captain
| N/A: Cosmetic change only.| Purchase from the General |
| store for 8000 Reales.
|Merchant Outfit
| N/A: Cosmetic change only.| Purchase from the General |
| store for 10,000 Reales. |
|Politician Outfit | N/A: Cosmetic change only.| Purchase from the General |
| store for 12,000 Reales. |
|Explorer Outfit
| N/A: Cosmetic change only.| Complete a community
| challenge.
|Governor's Outfit | N/A: Cosmetic change only.| Find a social treasure
| chest.
|Officer's Outfit | N/A: Cosmetic change only.| Earned in Kenway s Fleet |
| mini-game.

|Templar Armour
| Increases armour by 25%. | Complete all four Templar |
| hunt side-chains and unlock|
| the Templar door in the
| mansion on Great Inagua. |
|stealth Outfit
| Increases chances of
| Complete 50% of the
| remaining undetected.
| Assassin contracts.
|Mayan Outfit
| This outfit deflects metal| Collect all 16 Mayan stones|
| projectiles.
| from solving the Mayan
| Stelae puzzles and then
| open the door in the large |
| temple on Tulum.
|Edward the Legend | N/A: Cosmetic only.
| Unlock via UPlay.
|Feline Pelt Outfit | N/A: Cosmetic change only.| Outfit can be crafted.
|Shark-Hunter Outfit| N/A: Cosmetic change only.| Outfit can be crafted.
|Whaler Outfit
| N/A: Cosmetic change only.| Outfit can be crafted.
|Hunter Outfit
| Outfit that reduces animal| Outfit can be crafted.
| range of detection.
|Altair Outfit
| N/A: Cosmetic change only.| Have an Assassin s Creed |
| save on your hard drive. |
|Ezio Outfit
| N/A: Cosmetic change only.| Have an Assassin s Creed II|
| save on your hard drive. |
|Connor Outfit
| N/A: Cosmetic change only.| Have an Assassin s Creed |
| III save on your harddrive.|

] Jackdaw Upgrades
There are an abundance of upgrades that can be applied to the Jackdaw and
these fall into one of three categories
Combat, Storage and Harpooning.
Below you ll find tables outlining the upgrades available, what reagents are
required to purchase the upgrades.
It should be noted that using resources straight up will only get you so far

with upgrading. To upgrade the Jackdaw to its maximum level, you will have to
earn and unlock the elite plans by diving shipwrecks and hunting down buried
Each table shows the name of the upgrade, what classes of reagents are
required for each upgrade type and where to find the elite upgrade for that
particular section of the ship.
Jackdaw Weapon and Armour Upgrades:
] Jackdaw Upgrade | Reagents Required
| Notes
|Hull Armour | N/A: Equipped by default when you|
acquire the Jackdaw.
| N/A.
|Hull Armour | Cosmetic change only.
| You will need to
| acquire this upgrade|
| as an objective in |
| memory sequence 3-3.|
|Hull Armour | > 4,000 Reales
| > 100 Metal
| N/A.
| > 200 Wood
|Hull Armour | > 15,000 Reales
| > 200 Metal
| N/A.
| > 500 Wood
|Hull Armour | > 30,000 Reales
| > 400 Metal
| The elite recipe can|
| > 750 Wood
| be found at the San |
| > Elite Plan
| Ignacio Shipwreck. |
|Broadside Cannons -| N/A: Equipped by default when you|
acquire the Jackdaw.
| N/A.
|Broadside Cannons -| > 70 Metal
| You will need to
| acquire this upgrade|
| as an objective in |
| memory sequence 3-4.|
|Broadside Cannons -| > 2,000 Reales
| > 150 Metal
| N/A.
|Broadside Cannons -| > 4,000 Reales

| > 300 Metal
| N/A.
|Broadside Cannons -| > 8,000 Reales
| > 350 Metal
| N/A.
|Broadside Cannons -| > 12,000 Reales
| > 500 Metal
| N/A.
|Broadside Cannons -| > 20,000 Reales
| > 650 Metal
| The elite recipe can|
| > Elite Plan
| be found at the
| Blue Hole.
|Chase Cannons | N/A: Equipped by default when you|
acquire the Jackdaw.
| N/A.
|Chase Cannons | > 3,000 Reales
| > 60 wood
| N/A.
| > 100 Metal
|Ram strength | > 500 Reales
| > 25 wood
| N/A.
|Ram strength | > 2,000 Reales
| > 75 wood
| N/A.
|Ram strength | > 5,000 Reales
| > 250 wood
| N/A.
| > 150 Metal
|Ram strength | > 15,000 Reales
| > 600 wood
| The elite recipe can|
| > 200 Metal
| be found at the La |
| > Elite Plan
| Concepcion Shipwreck|
|Round Shot Strength| N/A: Equipped by default when you|
acquire the Jackdaw.
| N/A.
|Round Shot Strength| > 900 Reales
| N/A.
|Round Shot Strength| > 4,000 Reales
| N/A.

|Round Shot Strength| > 12,000 Reales

| N/A.
|Round Shot Strength| > 35,000 Reales
| > Elite Plan
| The elite recipe can|
| be found at the
| Kabah Ruins.
|Chain Shot Strength| N/A: Equipped by default when you|
acquire the Jackdaw.
| N/A.
|Chain Shot Strength| > 2,500 Reales
| N/A.
|Chain Shot Strength| > 6,000 Reales
| N/A.
|Mortar | > 800 Reales
| N/A.
|Mortar | > 3,500 Reales
| > 200 Metal
| N/A.
|Mortar | > 8,000 Reales
| > 300 Metal
| N/A.
|Mortar | > 25,000 Reales
| > 650 Metal
| The elite recipe can|
| > Elite Plan
| be found at the
| Antocha Shipwreck. |
|Swivel Strength - | N/A: Equipped by default when you|
acquire the Jackdaw.
| N/A.
|Swivel Strength - | > 700 Reales
| > 25 Metal
| N/A.
|Swivel Strength - | > 5,000 Reales
| > 200 Metal
| N/A.
|Swivel Strength - | > 15,000 Reales
| > 400 Metal
| The elite recipe can|
| > Elite Plan
| be found at the
| Devil's Eye Caverns.|

|Heavy Shot | > 900 Reales
| N/A.
|Heavy Shot | > 6,000 Reales
| N/A.
|Heavy Shot | > 25,000 Reales
| > Elite Plan
| The elite recipe can|
| be found in a buried|
| chest on Misteriosa.|
|Fire Barrel | N/A: Equipped by default when you|
acquire the Jackdaw.
| N/A.
|Fire Barrel | > 3,000 Reales
| N/A.
|Fire Barrel | > 8,000 Reales
| > Elite Plan
| The elite recipe can|
| be found in a buried|
| chest on Misteriosa.|
|Diving Bell
| > 5,000 Reales
| You will need to
| acquire this upgrade|
| as an objective in |
| memory sequence 6-1.|

Jackdaw Storage Upgrades:

] Jackdaw Upgrade | Reagents Required
| Notes
|Heavy Shot Storage | N/A: Equipped by default when you|
acquire the Jackdaw.
| N/A.
|Heavy Shot Storage | > 500 Reales
| N/A.
|Heavy Shot Storage | > 1,500 Reales
| N/A.

|Heavy Shot Storage | > 4,000 Reales
| The elite recipe can|
| > Elite Plan
| be found in a buried|
| chest in Petite
| Caverne.
|Mortar Storage
| N/A: Equipped by default when you|
acquire the Jackdaw.
| N/A.
|Mortar Storage
| > 800 Reales
| N/A.
|Mortar Storage
| > 2,000 Reales
| N/A.
|Mortar Storage
| > 5,000 Reales
| The elite recipe can|
| > Elite Plan
| be found in a buried|
| chest on Matanzas. |
|Fire Barrel Storage| N/A: Equipped by default when you|
acquire the Jackdaw.
| N/A.
|Fire Barrel Storage| > 500 Reales
| N/A.
|Fire Barrel Storage| > 1,500 Reales
| N/A.
|Fire Barrel Storage| > 4,000 Reales
| The elite recipe can|
| > Elite Plan
| be found in a buried|
| chest on Isla
| Providencia.
| N/A: Equipped by default when you|
|Crew s Quarters
acquire the Jackdaw.
| N/A.
|Crew s Quarters
| > 800 Reales
| > 50 Cloth
| N/A.
|Crew s Quarters
| > 3,500 Reales
| > 350 cloth
| N/A.
|Cargo Storage
| N/A: Equipped by default when you|

acquire the Jackdaw.
| N/A.
|Cargo Storage
| > 2,000 Reales
| N/A.
|Cargo Storage
| > 6,000 Reales
| N/A.
Jackdaw Harpooning Upgrades:
] Jackdaw Upgrade | Reagents Required
| Notes
|Rowboat Armour
| N/A: Equipped by default when you|
acquire the Jackdaw.
| N/A.
|Rowboat Armour
| > 600 Reales
| > 50 Wood
| N/A.
|Rowboat Armour
| > 1,800 Reales
| N/A.
| > 200 Wood
|Harpoon Strength | N/A: Equipped by default when you|
acquire the Jackdaw.
| N/A.
|Harpoon Strength | > 1,000 Reales
| N/A.
|Harpoon Strength | > 4,000 Reales
| The elite recipe can|
| > Elite Plan
| be found in a buried|
| chest on Andreas
| Island.
|Harpoon Storage
| N/A: Equipped by default when you|
acquire the Jackdaw.
| N/A.
|Harpoon Storage
| > 500 Reales
| N/A.
|Harpoon Storage
| > 1,500 Reales
| N/A.


__ _ __
/ ____/___ / / /__ _____/ /_(_) /_ / /__ _____
/ / / __ \/ / / _ \/ ___/ __/ / __ \/ / _ \/ ___/
/ /___/ /_/ / / / __/ /__/ /_/ / /_/ / / __(__ )
| Campaign Collectible Locations |
There is a plethora of Collectibles littered throughout the massive game world
in both the main colonies/settlements, secondary locations, shipwrecks and on
the scores of little islands scattered about the Caribbean. Additionally, there
are collectibles found in the Abstergo Entertainment building during the 'real
world' sequences. So there is a lot to find!
The collectibles come in a number of different forms. This collectible
locations guide will give you a brief description of each type of collectible,
a brief intro on how and what they are used for and then a complete list of all
of the different collectibles in the game sorted by the game's major and
secondary locations. I have included a brief description for the location of
each collectible to assist you in finding them.
The different collectibles include:
Abstergo Entertainment
> Sticky Notes
> Hackable computers

Animus - The Caribbean

> 30 Shanties (Song Sheets)
The Shanties, or Song Sheets appear as glowing pages of paper on the
ground and are the type of collectible in Assassin's Creed IV that are
most reminiscent of the Almanac Pages in Assassin's Creed III. If you
haven't played that, well the gist of these collectibles is that they will
not sit in one spot, but as you approach them, they will fly away and
force you to chase them down and catch them, usually across some difficult
to traverse terrain and to use all of your free running prowess in the

The shanties can be used to teach the crew of the jackdaw additional
songs to sing whilst you sail the world map. Collecting all of these is
also a requirement to complete the game at 100% synchronisation.
> 200 Animus Fragments
These collectibles are small glowing pyramid-shaped objects that can
usually be found in high up, hard to reach places, or floating off the
side of structures. They are the most numerous collectible in the game
and can be found in all of the main settlements, secondary areas and
various places across uncharted portions of the world map accessible by
sailing. 95% of these require some form of climbing or free-running to
acquire. Collecting all 200 of these is a requirement for one of the
Abstergo challenges. They are also required to achieve 100%
synchronisation in the game.
> 20 Messages in Bottles
The messages in bottles are often found on beaches near the water and
contain a series of journal entries that together form a story which makes
for a good read. They appear a s small green bottles and are found all
over the world map with the majority being located in the game's primary
and secondary locations. There are also three located on uncharted bits
of land on the world map. Collecting all of these is also a requirement to
complete the game at 100% synchronisation.
> 20 Manuscripts
The manuscripts when picked up will give you some new documents to look
at from the main menu and are often related to famous texts or works of
the time. They are usually found in restricted areas in chests guarded by
2-4 enemy soldiers and are located primarily in the main cities, with one
or two located at smaller secondary locations. Collecting all of these is
required to earn 100% synchronisation in each area and overall.
> 22 Treasure Maps
Treasure maps can be looted from cadavers located around the game's
populated (and occasionally not so populated) areas. Looting the cadaver
will give you a treasure map with a drawing of the location of a treasure
and and some co-ordinates at which to find it. Picking the maps up will
add a document to your database.Note that collecting all of these as well
as finding and uncovering all of the game's buried treasuures are
requirements for 100% synchronisation.
> 200 Treasure Chests
In addition to the Animus shards, there are also an abundance of treasure
chests scattered across the Caribbean. They appear as your stock, standard
chest and can be opened by approaching them and using the interact button
when the prompt appears to do so. These often contain various sums of
Reales and reagents. They are not only found all over the populous areas
of the game world, but also in the abandoned ruins and on unchaterted
islands in the middle of the ocean as well. Collecting all of these is

also a requirement to complete the game at 100% synchronisation.

Here are some shorcuts to allow you to quickly jump down to the collectible/s
that you are interested in locating:
> A. Sticky Notes ............................ [CAB001]
> B. Computers ............................... [CAB002]
Main Locations Collectible Locations Guide
> A. Cape Bonavista ..........................
> B. Great Inagua ............................
> C. Havana ..................................
> D. Isla Providencia ........................
> E. Kingston Long Bay .......................
> F. Long Bay ................................
> G. Nassau ..................................
> H. Principe ................................
> I. Tulum ...................................


Secondary Locations Collectible Locations

> A. Abaco Island ............................
> B. Ambergris Key ...........................
> C. Andreas Island ..........................
> D. Anotto Bay ..............................
> E. Arroyos .................................
> F. Cat Island ..............................
> G. Cayman Sound ............................
> H. Corozal .................................
> I. Crooked Island ..........................
> J. Cumberland Bay ..........................
> K. Florida .................................
> L. Grand Cayman ............................
> M. Ile a Vache .............................
> N. Jiguey ..................................
> O. Mariguana Island ........................
> P. Matanzas ................................
> Q. Misteriosa ..............................
> R. New Bone ................................
> S. Petite Caverne ..........................
> T. Pinos Isle ..............................
> U. Salt Lagoon .............................
> V. Salt Key Bank ...........................
> W. San Juan ................................
> X. Santanillas .............................
> Y. Tortuga .................................
> Z. Uncharted ...............................


Due to a bit of data loss and some general stupidity on my behalf, despite
going and 100%ing the game twice, I have forgotten to write down several
collectible locations, specifically at Long Bay, Misteriosa, San Ignacio and
Gibara. I'm currently in the process of doing a 3rd playthrough so these should
be completed in the near future.

Full collectibles guide for all locations coming soon!


| / /_ _____/ /____ _________ _____
/ /| | / __ \/ ___/ __/ _ \/ ___/ __ `/ __ \
/ ___ |/ /_/ (__ ) /_/ __/ / / /_/ / /_/ /
/_/ |_/_.___/____/\__/\___/_/ \__, /\____/

Coming Soon!
> A. Sticky Notes ............................ [CAB001]
> B. Computers ............................... [CAB002]
__ ___
__ _
/ |/ /___ _(_)___
/ / ____ _________ _/ /_(_)___ ____ _____
/ /|_/ / __ `/ / __ \ / / / __ \/ ___/ __ `/ __/ / __ \/ __ \/ ___/
/ / / / /_/ / / / / / / /___/ /_/ / /__/ /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / / / (__ )
/_/ /_/\__,_/_/_/ /_/ /_____/\____/\___/\__,_/\__/_/\____/_/ /_/____/
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag's main areas consist of each of the three major
settlements - Nassau, Kingston and Havana as well as other locations that you
visit that have some significance to the game's plot. Here you'll find a
section for each location along with a location description for each
collectible hidden in that location.
Note that climbing and synchronising viewpoints will reveal all of the various
collectibles on the mini-map, so you should definitely consider doing so prior
to starting your hunt!
The following are the main locations as specified by the in-game percentage
completion tracker. Please use the associated shortcut to jump down to the
location of interest.


Cape Bonavista ..........................

Great Inagua ............................
Havana ..................................
Isla Providencia ........................
Kingston Long Bay .......................
Long Bay ................................
Nassau ..................................
Principe ................................


> I. Tulum ................................... [CML00I]

--------------------------------FIRST LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Cape Bonavista
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 4 x Animus Fragments.
\ 1 x Message in Bottle|
\ (179, 583)
\ 16 x Treasure Chests.
\ 1 x Treasure Map
\ 1 x Shanty (Song Sheet) \
\ 1 x Mayan Stelae
Animus Fragments (4)
01.Above a tree just to the north of the southern viewpoint. Use the beam
creating a bridge from the wooden platform beneath the viewpoint to
access the tree path.
02.Floating near a large tree stump located in the middle of the large
ledge overlooking the small settlement by the middle viewpoint. This is
near the river that becomes the waterfall below.
03.At the end of the tree branch above a pool of water at the far eastern
end of the upper pathway along the north of the map.
04.From the eastern viewpoint, follow the top of the cliff to the right
until you find another small beam with palm fronds below. Dive down
using this, around halfway to the ground you ll pick up the Animus
Treasure Chests (16)
01.From the southernmost viewpoint, look along the cliff to the north.
there is a branch sticking out. Use this to dive into the water below.
Once you are down, there is a chest on the beach to the left.
02.From the southernmost viewpoint, look along the cliff to the north.
there is a branch sticking out. Use this to dive into the water below.
Turn around and follow the cliff wall behind you to the left. There is
a chest at the base of the cliff.
03.Dive from the southern viewpoint down into the palm fronds below. Hop
out and find the wooden platform nearby. Drop down from here to the
area below and you ll find a chest here.
04.At the top of a hill to the north west of the south viewpoint. Follow
the dirt path up here.
05.Behind a tree overlooking the beach to the west. This is directly north
of the south viewpoint.
06.Behind a rock on the bank of a river to the south of the middle

07.In a small cave to the north west of the middle viewpoint.

08.At the base of a tree at the vantage point overlooking the small
settlement by the middle viewpoint. This is near the river that becomes
the waterfall below.to the northeast.
09.On a higher ledge directly north of the waterfall near the middle
10.Behind a tent on the upper area to the northeast of the middle
11.Behind the tree with the shanty on the eastern side of the upper area
to the northeast of the middle viewpoint.
12.At the base of the large waterfall in the very north point of the map.
13.There are two chests in a cave behind a waterfall in the lower area
about halfway between the middle and the eastern viewpoints.
14.See location 13.
15.After diving into the pool from the eastern viewpoint, climb up behind
the waterfall nearby for a chest in a small cave.
16.Behind the stack of crates in the southwest corner of the beach near
the eastern viewpoint.
Shanties (1)
01.In a tree on the eastern side of the the upper area to the northeast of
the middle viewpoint.
Message in Bottle (1)
01.From the southernmost viewpoint, look along the cliff to the north.
There is a branch sticking out. Use this to dive into the water below.
Swim past the wrecked ships and over to the beach to the north. Here
you ll find the message.
Treasure Map (1)
01.The map is located on a cadaver on the eastern side of the beach below
the eastern viewpoint on the map.
Note: This treasure is located at Cape Bonavista (179,593).
Mayan Stelae (1)
01.At the base of the large waterfall in the very north point of the map.
Align the white lines over the three rocks in the river nearby.

---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Great Inagua
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 5 x Animus Fragments.
\ 1 x Message in Bottle|
\ (845, 568)
\ 10 x Treasure Chests.
\ 1 X Treasure Map
\ 2 x Shanty (Song Sheet) \
\ 1 x Mayan Stelae
Animus Fragment (5)
01.On one of the platforms as you climb the large ruin area built into and
on top of the cliff face in the south western portion of the map.
02.On a hunting platform in a tree just before the broken bridge leading
to the small rocky platforms in front of the enormous waterfall. You
will need to use the trees to access this platform.
03.From the waterfall (and heading towards the cove) follow the path
through the jungle and you should see this up on a rocky ledge to the
left of the set pathway.
04.On a hunting platform above the jungle area with the huts that is a
short distance along the dirt path from the main cove.
05.On the ground at the top of a flight of stairs to the west of the water
wheel that is directly east of the cliff top manor.
Treasure Chest (10)
01.On the ground in the office area on the main floor of the manor.This is
the room with the locked Templar door.
02.Exit the treasure room in the basement of the manor via the tunnel
leading south. As you move along the set path once you reach the jungle,
keep an eye out to spot a chest on your left.
03.Exit the treasure room in the basement of the manor via the tunnel
leading south. As you move along the set path to the left, slide down
the ramp into the water below. Climb out on the far side to find the
chest near some small ruins.
04.On the ground to the east of the water wheel directly east of the cliff
top manor.
05.In a small side-area hidden away behind vines to the southwest of the
group of huts along the set path through the jungle that are closest to
the main settlement on Great Inagua.
06.On the small, raised rocky platform in front of the large waterfall in
the far northwest corner of the map.

07.On the ground in a small side area in the southwest corner of the
jungle section (just inland from the ruins on the cliff southern end of
the map).
08.In a small balcony area near the top of the large ruin area built into
and on top of the cliff face in the south western portion of the map.
09.Off the south-east coast of the main area you will find a small island
with a wrecked ship in the shallows nearby. Use the bowsprit of the
ship to jump across to a ruin built into the cliff here. Climb it to
the top to find two chests.
10.See location 9.
Song Sheet (2)
01.On the ground in the southwest corner of the jungle section (just
inland from the ruins on the cliff southern end of the map).
02.Exit the treasure room in the basement of the manor via the tunnel
leading south. As you move along the set path once you reach the jungle,
when you reach the ruins, climb the wall on the right. It is on the
ledge here up in the tree.
Message in Bottle (1)
01.On the small island off the south-eastern coast.
Treasure Map (1)
01.The map is located on a cadaver in a small Cliffside cave overlooking
the water to the east of the docks. You can access this via the large
fallen tree just to the west of the tavern icon on the map. Follow the
treetop paths to the top of the cliff and follow the cave until you
reach the body.
Note: This treasure is located on Nassau (633, 784).

---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Havana
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 15 x Animus Fragments.
\ 1 x Treasure Map
\ (240, 607)
\ 20 x Treasure Chests.
\ 6 x Manuscripts
\ 7 x Shanty (Song Sheet) \

Animus Fragments (15)

01.On the northeast wall of the fort in the north-east corner of the map.
Find a path around the outside of the walls and you ll find it hanging
from a beam.
02.Near the southern corner of the fort in the north east corner of the
map. Jump from one of the beams suspending the cages on the docks to
the shard floating above the water below.
03.On a flagpole in a courtyard to the southwest of the small rectangular
restricted area, just to the west of the fort in the north east corner
of the map.
04.On the opposite side of the church steeple from the viewpoint in the
middle of the western side of the map.
05.On the same building that the northernmost viewpoint on the map is. It
can be found on top of a cross on the lower roof pointing north.
06.On top of the cross at the very top of the roof of the large church
with the viewpoint in the centre of the northern part of the city.
07.Floating next to a stain glass window high up on the western wall of
the large church with the viewpoint in the centre of the northern part
of the city. Climb to the roof and drop down from the roof to grab this
08.On the second group of buildings directly to the west of the large
church with the viewpoint in the centre of the northern part of the
city. It is floating in the air between a balcony and a rope strung
between two rooftops. Jump from the balcony to grab it.
09.Floating off the wall on the north side of the building with the
viewpoint just to the northwest of the Jackdaw icon on the map.
10.On a wooden pole between two sections of the dock area just to the
north and slightly west of the Jackdaw icon on the map.
11.Hanging just beyond the branches of the tree on the dockside directly
south of the general store to the northwest of the Jackdaw s location.
12.On a crane sticking out from a rooftop directly north of the small
restricted area to the northwest of the south eastern viewpoint on the
13.At the end of a branch at the top of a tree in a courtyard directly
east of the southernmost viewpoint on the map.
14.Floating next to the wall, just below the rooftop to the west of the
viewpoint in the restricted area in the south-western corner of Havana.
15.On top of the archway on the southern side of the main courtyard of
the large building in the restricted area in the southwest corner of
the city.
Treasure Chests (20)

01.At the easternmost point of the fort (the diamond-shaped restricted

area on the north east of the map). You ll find a path down the outside
of the wall across a few beams. Take the rope around the corner and
you ll be deposited on a windowsill. Enter the open window to find a
chest within.
02.At the northern corner of the fort, as you are climbing the walls, you
will find an open window. Inside is another chest.
03.In the small rectangular restricted area, just to the west of the fort
in the north east corner of the map.
04.In the central courtyard of the next upside down L-shaped group of
buildings to the west of the small rectangular restricted area, just to
the west of the fort.
05.On the roof of the building just northeast of the red restricted area
in the centre of the northern part of the city.
06.On top of the building across the street directly south east of the
northernmost viewpoint.
07.On the balcony of a courtyard within the group of buildings directly
south of the red restricted area in the centre of the northern part of
the city. This is protected by four guards who you ll have to dispose
of to loot.
08.Around halfway up the roof on the eastern side of the large church with
the viewpoint in the centre of the northern part of the city.
09.On a rooftop just to the southwest of the the large church with the
viewpoint in the centre of the northern part of the city.
10.In the courtyard of the U-shaped set of buildings just north of the
westernmost viewpoint on the map.
11.On the rooftops of the second group of buildings directly to the east
of the westernmost viewpoint.
12.On the deck of a boat in the harbour just to the northwest of the
Jackdaw icon on the map.
13.On the rooftops of the set of buildings directly west of the viewpoint
just northwest of the Jackdaw icon on the map.
14.In a small courtyard just to the west of the harbourmaster closest to
the Jackdaw s icon on the map.
15.At ground level, beneath an awning of a courtyard in the small
restricted area to the northwest of the south eastern viewpoint on the
16.By a stack of crates in the north-western portion of the warehouse s
restricted zone.
17.Beneath a cover in a small, walled-in backyard area directly east of
the general store to the northeast of the viewpoint farthest to the
south on the map.
18.In a small, walled-in backyard area directly northeast of the

easternmost corner of the large restricted area in the south-western

portion of the map.
19.Behind a pillar under cover on the northern side of the main courtyard
of the large building in the restricted area in the southwest corner of
the city.
20.Beneath a thatch-rooved shelter in the centre of the southern portion
of the large restricted area in the southwest of Havana. We will have
walked through here during a memory in sequence 01.
Shanties (7)
01.On the western roof of the small rectangular restricted area, just to
the west of the fort in the north east corner of the map.
02.Floating on a rope strung between two rooftops directly south of the
red restricted area, just to the west of the northernmost viewpoint.
03.Hovering on a rope between two rooftops above the general store to the
northeast of the westernmost viewpoint on the map.
04.On some wooden poles ticking up out of the water in the harbour just to
the northwest of the Jackdaw icon on the map.
05.Floating above a rope strung between the rooftops of the set of
buildings directly west of the viewpoint just northwest of the Jackdaw
icon on the map and those across the street.
06.In mid-air between rooftops further south along the road behind the
07.On the roof of a thatch-roof building on the western side of the canal
directly east of the southernmost viewpoint on the map.
Manuscripts (6)
01.In a chest located inside the red restricted area in the centre of the
northern part of the city. This is just across the road to the east of
a viewpoint.
02.In a chest located on the ground in the courtyard at the centre of the
red restricted area, just to the west of the northernmost viewpoint.
03.In a chest located on the ground in the courtyard inside the red
restricted area, directly south of the westernmost viewpoint.
04.In a chest located on the ground in the courtyard inside the red
restricted area, to the northeast of the viewpoint just northwest of
the Jackdaw icon on the map.
05.At ground level, beneath an awning of a courtyard in the small
restricted area to the northeast of the southernmost viewpoint on the
06.At the westernmost corner of the fort, as you are climbing the walls,

you will find an open window. Inside is another chest.

Treasure Map (1)
01.On a corpse amongst some shrubs to the north of the church (but still
within the church grounds) with the viewpoint in central Havana.
Note: This treasure is located at Havana (240,607).
---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Isla Providencia
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 5 x Animus Fragments.
\ 1 x Message in Bottle|
\ (502, 044)
\ 9 x Treasure Chests.
\ 1 x Treasure Map
\ 2 x Mayan stelae
Animus Fragment (5)
01.After leaving the south-eastern beach via the path leading inland, look
for a log overhead acting as a bridge. Hop up onto this and follow it
to the left. There is a pair of treasure chests in the ruins here and
an animus fragment in the tree above.
02.After leaving the south-eastern beach via the path leading inland, look
for a log overhead acting as a bridge. Continue below this and after a
short while of sticking to the path, you should see this fragment up in
a tree.
03.In the area of ruins surrounding the western viewpoint on the map.Climb
up to the second level of the ruins on the southern side of the area.
From here jump into the nearby tree and follow the path to the end of
its branch for the fragment.
04.In the jungle trail around halfway between the ruins with the western
viewpoint and the northern viewpoint, you will cross a small river with
a crocodile swimming around. Drop down from the log bridge onto the
wooden pole in the water here with the shard on top.
05.To the south of the viewpoint in the northern section of the map, drop
down to the platform below (where the palm fronds are for a leap of
faith). There is a small opening in the ruins here. Go in the door and
out the far side. As you exit, you ll see the fragment above ant to the
left in a tree.
Treasure Chest (9)
01.On the ground beside a wrecked ship at the base of the south-eastern of
the three viewpoints.

02.On the ground next to some wreckage along the beach to the northeast of
the viewpoint on the southeast corner of the map.
03.After leaving the south-eastern beach via the path leading inland, look
for a log overhead acting as a bridge. Hop up onto this and follow it
to the left. There is a pair of treasure chests in the ruins here and
an animus fragment.
04.See location 3.
05.In the area of ruins surrounding the western viewpoint on the map.Climb
up to the top on the southern side. At the top of the ruin here, you ll
find a chest.
06.In the area of ruins surrounding the western viewpoint on the map. This
is on a small ledge on the north of the area. Climb up to the rocky
ledge before the waterfall in the ruins to the south and turn around to
see a small set of ledges and a tree that will take you to the
07.In the jungle trail around halfway between the ruins with the western
viewpoint and the northern viewpoint, you will cross a small river with
a crocodile swimming around below. Upon reaching the far side, turn to
the right and follow the trail up the slope. When you see the ruin
ahead, climb up on top of this to find the chest.
08.To the south of the viewpoint in the northern section of the map, drop
down to the platform below (where the palm fronds are for a leap of
faith). There is a small opening in the ruins here. Go in the door and
turn right to find a room with a pair of chests in it.
09.See location 8.
Message in Bottle (1)
01.On a rocky ledge at the end of the beach to the northeast of the
viewpoint on the southeast corner of the map.
1 x Treasure Map (1)
01.In the jungle trail around halfway between the ruins with the western
viewpoint and the northern viewpoint, you will cross a small river with
a crocodile swimming around below. Use a sleep dart on the crocodile
and jump down to the river. Move up until you reach the waterfall a
short distance ahead. The map is located on a cadaver on the bank of
the river just to the right of the waterfall.
Note: This treasure is located at Long Bay (525,253).

---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Kingston
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:

\ 13 x Animus Fragments.
\ 6 x Manuscripts
\ (623, 172)
\ 18 x Treasure Chests.
\ 6 x Shanties
Animus Fragments (13)
01.On a chimney on the westernmost part of the roof of the large manor in
the red restricted are on the right hand side of the Kingston map. Once
atop the chimney, hold down the run button and jump to grab it.
02.Floating above the first road back from the water, directly north of
the Jackdaw marker on the map. Grab it by jumping between the rooves
03.Floating outside the northern wall of the open, derelict warehouse just
to the east of the easternmost general store icon on the map. Climb to
the map and drop down to grab the roof ledge above the fragment to pick
it up.
04.To the north of the building with dancers for hire that is just
northwest of the general store icon that is halfway up the eastern side
of the map.
05.Floating out from a building along the road directly east of the
northernmost general store icon on the map. Climb up the north face of
this building and whilst holding the wall, jump backwards to grab the
06.Just to the southwest of the northernmost harbourmaster on the map
you ll find this one floating between a house and a haystack. Climb to
the roof and perform a leap of faith into the haystack to grab it on
the way down.
07.In a tree directly east of the northernmost harbourmaster on the map.
Climb to the top branch, then drop down to hang from the branch and
start swinging. Swing and jump to the fragment.
08.Follow the street to the south from the north-eastern viewpoint icon
and eventually you ll see this one floating above the road. Leap
between the rooftops here to nab it.
09.Hanging off the southern wall of the building directly south of the
centremost viewpoint.
10.In a tree behind some houses just southwest of the centremost general
store icon on the map. Use the rope strung from the nearby building to
access the trees.
11.Hanging off the southern wall of the centremost viewpoint on the map.
Drop down to grab the ledge of the roof, shimmy above the fragment and
let go to grab it on the way down.
12.Floating above the street slightly to the northwest of the
harbourmaster in the southern section of Kingston (near the prison).You
can access this via the ruined building and the trees nearby.
13.Jump from the hanging cages near the beach on the southern part of the

prison area.
Treasure Chests (18)
01.From the plantation area portion of the large restricted zone on the
western side of the map, approach the manor to find the gate. It will
be locked. If you follow the wall to the left and go around the corner,
you ll find the chest here.
02.Enter the gate and move towards the manor. You will notice some open
windows high up on the front of the building, just below the viewpoint.
Enter one of the windows to find the chest.
03.Go around to the U shaped section of the manor in the red restricted
zone on the western side of the map. In the northern arm of the U ,
climb to the second floor balcony to find an open doorway. Head inside
to find this chest.
04.Inside a barn to the north of an alarm bell in the farming compound
section of the large restricted zone on the western side of the
Kingston map. This is directly east of the viewpoint icon on the map
in this area.
05.Inside the fenced area of a house just to the south of the viewpoint
just to the east of the large restricted area in the west of the map.
06.Hop into and follow the small stream south from the large restricted
compound on the west of the map. This is in a small cave along the
riverbank to the east.
07.Follow the cliff at the western side of the map north from the large
restricted area on the western side of the map. It is located at the
base of the cliff behinds some rocks.
08.On top of a large rocky outcrop in the small, circular restricted area
to the southwest of the northern warehouse marker on the map. You can
climb to the top of the rocks via the road to the west.
09.In a small cave in the cliff face behind a stalking zone in the
northwest corner of the map.
10.On the ground, in a corner behind some barrels to the south of the
farmhouse in the north-western part of the large restricted area to
the west of the northernmost viewpoint on the map. This is almost
directly north of the northern warehouse icon.
11.Inside a fenced compound near the base of the northern wall. This
compound is across the street to the east of the northernmost viewpoint
on the map.
12.Inside a barn to the west of an alarm bell in the farming compound just
to the north of the northern most general store and harbourmaster on
the very east side of the map.
13.In a small cave in the cliff face in the north east corner of the map.
14.On the southern beach of the northern section of Kingston. This is just
to the east of the warehouse icon closest to the water.

15.In a small shack guarded by a pair of brutes behind a building two

streets northeast of the closest harbourmaster icon to the Jackdaw on
the map.
16.Beneath a stack of crates giving access to a rooftop to the southwest
of the centremost general store icon on the map.
17.In a small shack on the northern side of a building just to the east
of the church with the viewpoint marker in the centre of Kingston.
18.On a small sandbar in the bay between the two sides of Kingston. It is
directly to the east of the small island just north of south Kingston
on the map.
Shanties (6)
01.Floating above a wooden pole above the first road back from the water,
north of the Jackdaw marker on the map. The shanty is located just to
the northeast of the harbourmaster icon closest to the Jackdaw.
02.From the south-eastern viewpoint head across the rooves to the north,
you should be able to spot this one in a tree.
03.On a rope strung between a house and a tree above the street leading
west from the general store and harbourmaster icons halfway up the
eastern side of the map.
04.Follow the street south from the northernmost general store marker on
the map and you should be able to find this one on a rooftop to the
05.On a beam sticking out just below the roof of a building along the
street to the west of the central general store icon.
06.Follow the street south from the centremost viewpoint marker on the map
and you should be able to find this one on a rooftop to the right.
Manuscripts (6)
01.A chest on the higher level of the prison. It is in behind the building
in the northernmost corner of the prison.
02.A chest on a boat sticking out of the northern side of the restricted
zone surrounding Kingston s prison.
03.In the small restricted area on the eastern end of southern Kingston
(near the prison). This is directly south of the fast travel icon on
the map in this restricted area.
04.On the deck of the westernmost ship in Kingston s harbour.
05.Under a small shelter protected by two brutes and a captain along the
beach in the south eastern portion of the north part of Kingston.
06.Exit the large restricted area on the western side of the northern
portion of Kingston and follow the street to the south. You ll come
across a group of enemies here guarding the chest containing this

---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Long Bay
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 5 x Animus Fragments.
\ 1 x Message in Bottle|
\ (525, 253)
\ 8 x Treasure Chests.
\ 1 x Mayan stelae
Animus Fragment (5)
01.As you enter the jungle form the beach, you should see a large stone
at the top of a cliff to your left. Use this to jump to the branch
below. Follow this to the left and jump over to the platform beneath
the higher branch. Climb onto this branch and follow it to the end for
the fragment.
02.On some wooden poles out in the water to the north of the north-eastern
03.Hanging out beyond the end of a high branch in the centre of the final
jungle area.
Treasure Chest (8)
01.By the rowboat icon on the beach in the very southwest corner of the
02.To the north east along the beach from the northern rowboat icon.
03.As you enter the jungle form the beach, you should see a large stone at
the top of a cliff to your left. Use this to jump to the branch below.
Follow this to the left and jump over to the platform beneath the
higher branch (it is leading to an animus shard). Climb the small hill
and look in the small camp to the left for the chest.
04.After making your way past the waterfall, keep an eye out for a higher
ledge on the right. Climb up here and in the small camp area you ll
find a chest.
05.As you enter the cave area, move forward and drop down to the ground
level, turn to the right and enter the small cave here for a chest.
06.On the upper level of the cave almost directly opposite from where you
enter you ll find a campfire. Behind this is as series of small ledges
that we can climb to find a small camp with a chest.
07.On the upper level of the cave area, in a room at the end of a tunnel

with hostages during the sequence 12 mission

Ever a Splinter .

08.As you enter the final jungle area, hug the right hand wall. Use the
series of wooden look out platforms here to get above the waterfall to
the north. Follow the stream to the end to find a chest.
Message in Bottle (1)
01.As you move along the ground floor in the cave area, keep an eye out
for an opening on the left. Inside you ll find the collectible.
Mayan Stelae (1)
01.Just to the left of the entrance to the Observatory, you ll find the
Mayan stone up on a small hill. Rotate the white silhouette so that
the squares line up with the highlighted cubes below.

---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Nassau
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 13 x Animus Fragments.
\ 5 x Manuscripts
\ (633, 784)
\ 22 x Treasure Chests.
\ 5 x Shanty (Song Sheet) \
Animus Fragments (13)
01.At the very top of the largest mast of the large ship to the west of
the Jackdaw in the bay.
02.Around the north/north-western walls of the fort (the large restricted
area in the northeast corner of the map). There are branches, poles
and handholds allowing you access.
03.Just outside the eastern wall of the fort (the large restricted area
in the northeast corner of the map). There are several narrow grassy
platforms. Above the gap directly above a portion of water flowing
inland is a small beam with the fragment on it.
04.Hanging below a wooden crane suspended from the top of the walls of the
fort on the lower western side of the restricted area. Dive from the
crane into the haystack below to grab the fragment as you fall.
05.On the very top of the mast constituting the viewpoint that is directly
south of the fort.
06.Floating above the pole sticking up from the top of the church with the
viewpoint in the very centre of the map.
07.At the very top of a tree between a pair of buildings across the town

square directly to the north of the tavern icon on the map.

08.Floating above a mast at the northern end of the tavern. You can access
this via the tavern s roof.
09.On top of a wooden crane directly to the east of the tavern icon on the
10.Between a pair of tree branches joining over a gorge directly west of
the south-eastern viewpoint on the map.
11.On top of the chimney of the warehouse building within the restricted
area in southern Nassau.
12.On a tree branch in the centre of the swamp area.
13.On a tree branch just north of the swamp area.
Treasure Chest (22)
01.In a tent along the beach to the east of the landing zone for the
02.Continue east from the tent above and swim across to a small cave
carved into the cliff ahead directly below the fort (the large
restricted area in the northeast corner of the map)to find the next
03.On the deck of a small ship anchored in the bay to the east of the
04.On the wooden veranda of the house overlooking the water to the west of
the landing zone for the Jackdaw.
05.On the deck of the large ship to the west of the Jackdaw in the bay.
06.Follow the northern beach all the way to the west until you can go no
further to find another chest by a campfire.
07.Underneath the building across the town square directly to the north
of the tavern icon on the map.
08.Underneath the building directly west of the tavern icon on the map.
09.In the tunnel running below the viewpoint to the southeast of the
tavern. You can access the tunnel near the cane sugar fields on the
lower area to the southwest of the viewpoint.
10.Beneath a building just across the next main road to the southwest of
the viewpoint closest to the tavern.
11.Beneath a small shelter in the northern point of the courtyard inside
the fort (the large restricted area in the northeast corner of the
12.Underneath a building directly west of the eastern viewpoint around
halfway down the map.
13.Behind some tents just to the southeast of the viewpoint around halfway

down the eastern side of the map. Just to the north of the small
restricted area.
14.Inside a tent, just north of the south-eastern viewpoint on the map.
15.Inside a tent behind the British guards practicing their sword work on
the beach to the south of the south-eastern viewpoint on the map.
16.On a small, rocky island off the coast at the very south of the map.
17.Inside a room around halfway up the viewpoint tower just to the
northwest of the warehouse icon.
18.In the very southwest corner of the map on a small beach beneath a
natural stone archway off the coast.
19.Behind some stalking zone foliage just to the south of the swamp area.
20.On a ledge above the camp on the far western side of the swamp area.You
will need to climb the trees and jump across to the ledge.
21.On a raised ledge on the far western side of the map just north of the
swamp area. You will need to climb the trees nearby and use the treetop
pathways to jump across to the ledge.
22.Beneath a natural rocky shelter just to the northeast of the swamp
area. This is also almost directly in line to the north of the
viewpoint at the mansion overlooking the swamp on the map.
Shanties (5)
01.On the roof of the house across the road to the east of the central
viewpoint marker.
02.On the rooftop of the building across the town square directly to the
north of the tavern icon on the map.
03.On the ground in the centre of the main street directly south of the
Jackdaw icon on the map.
04.On the ground in the centre of a group of tents just to the southwest
of viewpoint around halfway down the eastern side of the map.
05.On the ground on the northern shore of the swamp area.
Manuscripts (5)
01.In a chest at the top of the back stairs (western side) of the large
house just to the east of the swamp. The most western viewpoint on the
map is almost directly above it.
02.In a cave directly below the eastern wall of the fort. You will have
to swim in to reach this.
03.In a chest under a tent within the circular restricted area just to
the south of the viewpoint around halfway down the eastern side of the

04.In a chest in a small cave at sea level below the cliff to the
southeast of the south-eastern viewpoint on the map.
05.On the beach within the circular restricted area just to the south of
the viewpoint just to the north of the warehouse on the southern end of
the map.

---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Principe
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 5 x Animus Fragments.
\ (992, 422)
\ 6 x Treasure Chests.
\ N/A.
Animus Fragments (5)
01.A little way south from the beach, in the trees we need to jump over
the large spiked wooden gate.
02.On a branch sticking out from the top of the cliff overlooking the bay
where we enter the area. This is within the confines of the fenced
base. You ll have to perform a leap of faith into the water below to
grab it.
03.In between the top of a guard tower and a tree branch in the base in
the easternmost section of the map.
04.Hanging off the ledge of a cliff. Jump from the square mud brick
rooftop below the pirate flag into the ocean below to reach it.
05.At the end of a bent over tree overlooking the water to the west of the
docked ship in the south-eastern corner of the map.
Treasure Chest (6)
01.On the beach where you land. Just to the east of the viewpoint and just
north of the boat icon to return to the ship.
02.South of the beach, use the trees to get over the large spiked wooden
fence. As you drop down the other side you ll find a camp. The chest
is here.
03.After climbing the hill once you have jumped the gate, follow the
spiked fence ahead all the way to the right to find a cave with a chest
04.In between a pair of clay buildings on top of a cliff overlooking the
beach where you access the area.
05.In the guard tower to the north of the gate in the south-eastern part
of the base.

06.Behind the house just to the north of the alarm bell icon on the
easternmost section of the map.

---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Tulum
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 5 x Animus Fragments.
\ (070, 405)
\ 7 x Treasure Chests.
\ N/A.
\ 1 x Mayan stelae
Animus Fragments (5)
01.Dive from the southernmost viewpoint into the water below and you will
grab it as you fall.
02.In the centre of a tree branch acting as a bridge between two raised
stone platforms in the centre of the Tulum village, just below the
guard tower. This is just to the east of the northernmost viewpoint on
the map.
03.Perform a leap of faith from the northernmost viewpoint to gather this
on the way down.
04.In the jungle area to the south of the main village on a log over a
small pond. Watch out for the jaguars!
05.In the treetop pathways of the jungle area in the southwest corner of
the map. You ll come through here during the story mission 4-2 Nothing
is True .
Treasure Chest (7)
01.Behind a rock along the beach to the east of the southern viewpoint.
02.On the beach behind the natural rock arch formation on the very
southern point of the map.
03.On the northernmost point of the upper ledge to the west of the waterfilled area with the crocodiles. We needed to sneak through here on
one of the earlier missions.
04.To the left of the temple entrance where we meet our contact after
sneaking into the island in sequence 5. There is a large pyramid like
temple here, if you look to the right of this, you ll find the chest.
05.In a small side area off to the right as you climb the stairs to the
north of the main village area that hug the cliff wall and go from the
ground floor to the temple with the waterfalls in front.
06.Inside the main building of the temple to the east of the northern

07.In a small ruin just to the south of the Mayan Outfit icon on the map.
Mayan Stelae (1)
01.To the left of the temple entrance where we meet our contact after
sneaking into the island in sequence 5. There is a large pyramid like
temple here. Climb to the top of this to find the statue. Rotate the
silhouette so that the circles line up with the pillars below.

/ __| ___ __ ___ _ _ __| |__ _ _ _ _ _
/_\ _ _ ___ __ _ ___
\__ \/ -_) _/ _ \ ' \/ _` / _` | '_| || | / _ \| '_/ -_) _` (_-<
|___/\___\__\___/_||_\__,_\__,_|_| \_, | /_/ \_\_| \___\__,_/__/
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag's secondary zones consist the remaining minor
settlements as well as other larger sets of ruins, plantations and smuggler's
den locations. Here you'll find a section for each location along with a
location description for each collectible hidden in that location.
Note that climbing and synchronising viewpoints will reveal all of the various
collectibles on the mini-map, so you should definitely consider doing so prior
to starting your hunt!
The following are the secondary locations as specified by the in-game
percentage completion tracker. Please use the associated shortcut to jump down
to the location of interest.


Abaco Island ............................

Ambergris Key ...........................
Andreas Island ..........................
Anotto Bay ..............................
Arroyos .................................
Cat Island ..............................
Cayman Sound ............................
Corozal .................................
Crooked Island ..........................
Cumberland Bay ..........................
Florida .................................
Grand Cayman ............................
Ile a Vache .............................
Jiguey ..................................
Mariguana Island ........................
Matanzas ................................
Misteriosa ..............................
New Bone ................................
Petite Caverne ..........................




Pinos Isle ..............................

Salt Lagoon .............................
Salt Key Bank ...........................
San Juan ................................
Santanillas .............................
Tortuga .................................
Uncharted ...............................


--------------------------------FIRST LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Abaco Island
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 3 x Animus Fragments.
\ 1 x Message in Bottle|
\ (606, 835)
\ 1 x Treasure Chests.
\ 1 x Treasure Map
Animus Fragments (3)
01.In almost the exact centre of the south part of the main island, you ll
find this one up in a treetop pathway.
02.Floating high up in the trees on the eastern side of the island (just
to the north of the rowboat icon in the centre of the map. To access
this, climb the tree with the large rock at its base to the northeast
of the fragment, climb to the very top and jump to it from the branch
03.Again, you ll find the final Animus fragment floating high up in the
trees on the centre of the north part of the main island -just to the
southwest of the larger island to the north. To access this, climb the
bent over tree located to the northeast of the fragment, hop to the
tree on the left at the end, climb to the top and then jump over to
grab it.
Treasure Chest (1)
01.On the ground just to the north of the only viewpoint on the island.
Treasure Map (1)
01.The map is located on a cadaver propped up against a tree on the beach
in the southwest corner of the main island.
Note: This treasure is located at Salt Lagoon (749,625).
Message in Bottle (1)
01.On the small Island, just off the coast to the west of the southern
part of the main island.

---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Ambergris Key
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 5 x Animus Fragments.
\ 1 x Treasure Map
\ (055, 178)
\ 6 x Treasure Chests.
Animus Fragments (2)
01.When you reach the end of the swimming segment, this is on a pillar
about halfway up the ruins on the right hand side of the room.
02.In the large square room at the top of the ruins in the smuggler s den
area of the map. Around halfway down the room, you ll find a hole in
the wall high up on the central structure. Climb up into this to find
an Animus Fragment.
Treasure Chest (3)
01.On the floor under the water directly below the first room with an air
pocket in the cave.
02.There are two chests in the large square room at the top of the ruins
in the smuggler s den area of the map, one on the north side and one
on the south side.
03.See location 2.
Treasure Map (1)
01.In a small alcove opposite the door we enter the smuggler s den area
from is a pair of guards. Deal with them and loot the corpse for a
treasure map.
Note: This treasure is located at Misteriosa (307,195).
---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Andreas Island
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 2 x Animus Fragments.
\ 1 x Message in Bottle|
\ (579, 720)
\ 5 x Treasure Chests.
\ 1 x Treasure Map
\ 1 x Manuscript
Animus Fragments (2)

01.Floating in the air between the large rocky outcrop in the centre of
the island and a tree to its east. Jump between the two to snag the
02.On the tip of a sunken ship s hull which can be found off the coast,
just to the north of the harbourmaster icon.
Treasure Chest (5)
01.On the ground inside the washed up hull of a wrecked ship on the
peninsula in the southwest corner of the main island. There are two
chests here.
02.See location 1.
03.Beside the small market stall just south of the island s only view
04.Along the coast directly east of the Harbourmaster icon on the map.
There are two chests at this location.
05.See location 4.
Treasure Map (1)
01.The map is located on a cadaver on the ground beside the washed up
hull of a wrecked ship on the peninsula in the southwest corner of the
main island.
Note: This treasure is located at Abaco Island (606,835).
Message in Bottle (1)
01.Follow the eastern shore directly north from the tavern and you should
find this, just before the coast cuts inland.
Manuscripts (1)
01.In the red restricted area on the eastern coast.
---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Anotto Bay
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 2 x Animus Fragments.
\ 1 x Treasure Map
\ (621, 277)
\ 3 x Treasure Chests.
Animus Fragments (2)
01.After the first air pocket, dive back down and follow the hallway to
the end, turn left to find an Animus Shard.

02.In the smuggler s den in the water in the centre of the area, if you
dive below you ll find a tunnel below the north side of the room.Follow
this to the left and surface when you are able to find an Animus shard.
Treasure Chest (3)
01.From the start of the dive, continue straight forward and enter the
cave here. Continue forward until you see a ladder, swim up to the top
of this. Hang out here for a few moments and wait for a shark to swim
by. Follow this and continue to the end of the hallway. Turn left here
and then right when you reach the next wall to find a ladder. Swim up
the shaft here and quickly turn around to find a chest.
02.In the smuggler s den there is a treasure chest just in front of the
ladder on the north side of the room.
03.In the smuggler s den there is another chest by the top of the stairs
leading into the water on the south side of the room.
Treasure Map (1)
01.The map is located on a cadaver on the ground on the eastern side of
the restricted area once you have found the Smuggler s Hideout.
Note: This treasure is located at Principe (992, 422).
---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Arroyos
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 2 x Animus Fragments.
\ (192, 563)
\ 3 x Treasure Chests.
\ N/A.
\ 1 x Shanty
Animus Fragments (3)
01.If you dock your ship, you should see this on a wooden pole sticking
out of the water off to the left as you head towards town.
02.On a wooden pillar sticking out of the water in the very northwest
corner of the map.
03.On a wooden pillar sticking out of the water in the very northeast
corner of the map (just to the northwest of the maps only Viewpoint).
Treasure Chest (5)
01.On the lower wooden walkway directly behind the Harbourmaster shop.
02.On the lower wooden walkway to the northwest (to the left if looking

from the docks) of the Harbourmaster shop.

03.On the lower deck behind the building directly north of the map s only
04.On the lower deck below a building directly north of the map s only
05.On the island directly east of the viewpoint.
Shanties (1)
01.On the rope strung between the two buildings that crosses the river
high up at the south of the map.
---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Cat Island
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 2 x Animus Fragments.
\ (742, 695)
\ 3 x Treasure Chests.
\ N/A.
\ 1 x Shanty
\ 1 x Mayan Stelae
Animus Fragments (2)
01.Climb to the top of the warehouse and find the beam sticking out from
the roof to the east. Run to the end of this and dive into the haystack
below. You ll grab the Animus shard on the way down.
02.In a tree near the guard tower in the centre of the restricted area.
Treasure Chest (5)
01.Against the northern wall of the warehouse close to the alarm bell.
02.Against the western wall of the warehouse.
03.Inside the building directly below the map s only viewpoint.
04.Next to some cannons in the courtyard behind the large manor house
found in the southwest corner of the map.
05.In the small shack by the soldier training area just to the west of the
manor house in the southwest corner of the map.
Shanties (1)
01.Sitting in a tree in the south-eastern section of the map. Access the
trees via the slanted stone nearby and follow it through the treetop

Mayan Stelae (1)
01.In a clearing near the beach in the very northwest corner of the map.
Arrange the silhouette so that the circles match up with the glowing
rocks and trees below.

---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Cayman Sound
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 3 x Animus Fragments.
\ 1 x Message in Bottle|
\ (327, 334)
\ 3 x Treasure Chests.
\ 1 x Treasure Map
Animus Fragments (3)
01.On the very top of the broken mast acting as the sole viewpoint on the
02.On top of the large, raised rocky outcrop in the southern part of the
easternmost side of the island. You can climb up here via a tree stump
and a path through some trees on the beach on the southern side of the
rocky structure. On the small ledge here is a chest. Just past this is
a leap of faith point which we can use to grab an Animus Fragment as
03.At the end of a treetop path in the northwest of the island. The tree
route is accessible from a fallen log on the beach to the north near a
large rock.
Treasure Chest (3)
01.On the beach just to the south of the viewpoint, close to the rowboat
that lets us quicktravel back to the Jackdaw.
02.On top of the large, raised rocky outcrop in the southern part of the
easternmost side of the island. You can climb up here via a tree stump
and a path through some trees on the beach on the southern side of the
rocky structure. On the small ledge here is the chest. Just past this
is a leap of faith point which we can use to grab an Animus Fragment
as well.
03.On a beach next to a cadaver in the northeast section of the smaller
island in the northeast of the Cayman Sound area.
Treasure Map (1)
01.The map is located on a the cadaver next to a chest in the northeast
section of the smaller island in the northeast of the Cayman Sound

Note: This treasure is located at Petite Caverne (901, 263).

Message in Bottle (1)
01.On the beach in the southwest corner of the island.
---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Corozal
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 2 x Animus Fragments.
\ 1 x Message in Bottle|
\ (042, 268)
\ 4 x Treasure Chests.
\ 1 x Treasure Map
\ 1 x Manuscript
Animus Fragments (2)
01.On top of the tavern in the western part of the map.
02.At the end of a tree branch that can be used to cross between sections
of the island across the water. This is just along the coast to the
north of the viewpoint.
Treasure Chest (4)
01.On the beach to the south and west of the viewpoint.
02.On the small island off the coast to the east of the main island.
03.There are two chests on the beach at the northern point of the main
04.See description 3.
Treasure Map (1)
01.The map is located on a cadaver on the small island just to the west of
the Harbourmaster icon on the map.
Note: This treasure is located at Ambergris Key (055, 178).
Message in Bottle (1)
01.On the beach directly south of the tavern.
Manuscripts (1)
01.Inside the chest within the red, restricted zone just to the east of
the map s only viewpoint.

---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Crooked Island
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 3 x Animus Fragments.
\ 1 x Message in Bottle|
\ (807, 541)
\ 6 x Treasure Chests.
Animus Fragments (3)
01.On a small wooden beam running along the eastern side of the building
just to the north east of the tavern.
02.Sitting atop a rope strung between the two buildings closest to the
rowboat icon on the eastern side of the map.
03.Between a roof and a beam over the water in the southwest corner of the
Treasure Chest (6)
01.On a raised wooden platform directly beneath the General Store.
02.Next to the rowboat icon along the beach in the north west corner of
the map.
03.At the back of a camp site, near a cooking fire in the very centre of
the map at the most northern point.
04.On a raised balcony area on the north facing side of the building just
to the north east of the tavern.
05.Halfway down the large

shaped dock on the eastern side of the

06.On the beach, behind a rock just to the north of the large
dock on the eastern side of the settlement.


Message in Bottle (1)
01.On the tiny island in the southeast corner of the map.
---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Cumberland Bay
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 2 x Animus Fragments.
\ 1 x Message in Bottle|
\ (679, 381)
\ 3 x Treasure Chests.
\ 1 x Treasure Map

Animus Fragments (2)
01.You will get this fragment after climbing to the top of the viewpoint
on the island and performing a leap of faith into the water below.
02.In a tree on the small island directly south of the rowboat at the
southern end of the main island.
Treasure Chest (3)
01.On the ground beside the rowboat in the centre of the main island.
02.On a small ledge behind a wall of vines directly south of the
westernmost part of the water in the centre of the main island.
03.On a small rocky ledge directly south of the water source in the centre
of the island. The chest itself is slightly to the southwest of the
animal marker on the map.
Treasure Map (1)
01.The map is located on a cadaver on the ground beside the rowboat on the
beach in the southeast corner of the main island.
Note: This treasure is located at Pinos Isle (335, 469).
Message in Bottle (1)
01.On the small sand island in the south-western corner of the area map.
---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Florida
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 2 x Animus Fragments.
\ 1 x Message in Bottle|
\ (409, 815)
\ 1 x Treasure Map
Animus Fragments (2)
01.At the very top of the broken mast with the viewpoint on it.
02.At the end of the bowsprit of a wrecked ship near the centre of the
Treasure Chest (1)
01.Hidden in with some rocks on the small peninsula at the very northern

point of the map.

Message in Bottle (1)
01.On the beach just to the northwest of the viewpoint.
---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Grand Cayman
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 3 x Animus Fragments.
\ (397, 324)
\ 6 x Treasure Chests.
\ N/A.
\ 1 x Shanty
Animus Fragments (3)
01.On a forked wooden pole in the water between the two docks.
02.On one of the beams sticking out facing to the north of the building
directly north of the tavern icon on the map.
03.In a tree just to the west of the area s only viewpoint. Climb to the
top of the tree to find the fragment.
Treasure Chest (6)
01.Under the wooden walkway just to the west and across the water from the
harbourmaster icon on the map.
02.On the ground beneath the tavern icon.
03.On the ground beneath the wooden platform holding up the next building
to the west of the tavern.
04.At ground level in a wooden fenced in area accessible from the western
part of town. This is directly north of the general store icon on the
map and directly west of the Jackdaw icon.
05.On a small balcony on the outside of the building across the water to
the northeast of the general store.
06.Find the stream leading inland in the southwest corner of the map.
Follow this all the way to the end to find a chest.
Shanties (1)
01.On a beam between the two building across the water to the northeast
of the general store.
---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION---------------------------------

] Ile a Vache
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 2 x Animus Fragments.
\ 1 x Message in Bottle|
\ (843, 140)
\ 4 x Treasure Chests.
\ 1 x Manuscript
Animus Fragments (2)
01.On the bent over tree on the beach slightly to the south of the
island s only viewpoint.
02.On top of the tavern in the centre of the map.
Treasure Chest (4)
01.On the beach next to a rock just to the southwest of the base of the
viewpoint tower.
02.On the ground beside the rowboat on the northern tip of the main
03.There are two chests on the small island off the southwest coast of
the main piece of land.
04.See description 3.
Treasure Map (1)
01.The map is located on a cadaver on the beach located at the north east
coast of the main island.
Note: This treasure is located at Jiguey (565,539).
Manuscripts (1)
01.Inside the chest within the red, restricted zone along the coast to the
south of the harbourmaster icon on the map.
---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Jiguey
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 2 x Animus Fragments.
\ 1 x Message in Bottle|
\ (565, 539)
\ 4 x Treasure Chests.
Animus Fragments (2)

01.Behind a wall beneath the wooden platform to the right as you enter
the cavern with the hole in the roof.
02.Swim below higher wooden platform level of the docks that we can climb
up to on the eastern wall to find another Animus fragment beneath.
Treasure Chest (4)
01.At the far end of the wooden platform on the right as you enter the
main cavern area.
02.Sitting against a tent by the campfire near the back of the cavern on
the right hand side.
03.On the ground level of the dock area hidden behind some crates.
04.On the higher wooden platform level of the docks that we can climb up
to on the eastern wall.
Message in Bottle (1)
01.On the small beach to the right of the Jiguey cave entrance.
---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Mariguana Island
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 2 x Animus Fragments.
\ 1 x Message in Bottle|
\ (880, 544)
\ 4 x Treasure Chests.
Animus Fragments (2)
01.In the south part of the island, just off the coast you ll see a series
of wooden sticks leading to a tree growing out of the water. The Animus
Fragment is in this.
Treasure Chest (4)
01.If you fast travel to Mariguana Island, as soon as you dock and head
up the pier, climb the first wooden ramp to the left that you see.There
is a chest at the top.
02.If you fast travel to Mariguana Island, as soon as you dock and head
up the pier, look on the ground beneath the tower just past the first
wooden ramp you see to the left for the chest.
03.In a small passage through the large rocky area just to the north of
the rowboat icon in the southwest of the map.

04.Around the corner just after the naturally formed rock archway just to
the east of the dock area.
Treasure Map (1)
01.The map is located on a cadaver propped up against a rock wall just to
the north of the rowboat icon in the southwest of the map.
Note: This treasure is located at Andreas Island (579,720).

---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Matanzas
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 3 x Animus Fragments.
\ 1 x Message in Bottle|
\ (333, 650)
\ 4 x Treasure Chests.
\ 1 x Mayan Stelae
Animus Fragments (3)
01.Find the trail on the eastern side of the area just outside of the
restricted area. You ll come to a camp of sorts with a fire going.There
is a path leading to the left from this location. Follow this to the
end to find a cliff overlooking a beach below. Dive off this into the
palm fronds below to grab the Animus fragment on the way down.
02.From the previous Animus Fragment, look for a fallen tree near the base
of the cliff. We can use this to access a path through the trees. At
the end of this you ll find the second fragment.
03.From the guard tower to the north of the viewpoint hop into the tree
containing the fragment nearby.
Treasure Chest (4)
01.Behind the house on the ridge overlooking the water on the far west of
the zone.
02.Find the trail on the eastern side of the area just outside of the
restricted area. You ll come to a camp of sorts with a fire going. The
chest is just next to this.
03.On the ground in the ruins behind the water wheel and viewpoint.
04.In amongst some stalking zone bushes on the far side of the small lake
from the plantation in the southwest corner of the map. Watch out for
the crocodiles!
Message in Bottle (1)

01.On the beach to the west of the docking area.
Mayan Stelae (1)
01.On the shore of the small lake in the very southeast corner of the
map. Arrange the silhouette so that the two smaller circles sit on the
rocks in the centre of the area, whilst the two larger circles fit over
the tree and the large rock.
---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Misteriosa
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 2 x Animus Fragments.
\ 1 x Message in Bottle|
\ (307, 195)
\ 6 x Treasure Chests.
\ 1 x Treasure Map
\ 2 x Mayan Stelae
Animus Fragments (2)
02.On a tree branch sticking out from the top of the temple wall out over
the water at the easternmost part of the temple area.
Treasure Chest (6)
01.On the ledge to the right of the large tree branch sticking out from
the top of the temple wall out over the water at the easternmost part
of the temple area.
02.In amongst some ruins on the top level of the temple in the north east
corner of the map.
03.Halfway up a wall facing the water to the southwest on the western side
of the island.
Message in Bottle (1)
01.On a small peninsula in the very northeast corner of the map.
Treasure Map (1)
01.The map is located on a cadaver on the second highest ledge of the main
temple facing over the water to the south. It is directly east of the
zone s only viewpoint and just to the west and down a level from the
Mayan Stelae here.

Note: This treasure is located at Kingston (623,172).

Mayan Stelae (2)
01.On the upper ledge of the main temple facing over the water to the
south. It is directly east of the zone s only viewpoint. Align the
shape in eagle vision to the three rocks on the beach in the distance
02.On a small pedestal at the edge of the water on the far western side
of the map. Align the silhouette so that the L shapes are upside
down and the moons are on the bottom. Match them to the glowing
segments on the wall ahead.
---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] New Bone
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 3 x Animus Fragments.
\ (442, 118)
\ 5 x Treasure Chests.
\ N/A.
\ 1 x Mayan Stelae
Animus Fragments (3)
01.On top of a flag pole in the front garden of the manor house in the
very southwest corner of the restricted area. Use the trees along the
low wall to the left to climb up and jump across to it from the
02.Just north of the warehouse icon on the map is a tree growing out of a
cliff. The Animus fragment is at the end of one of its branches.
03.From the viewpoint at the top of the windmill, jump to one of the
windmill blades as it passes this fragment to grab it.
Treasure Chest (5)
01. On the ground behind the manor house in the very southwest corner of
the restricted area.
02.On the ground against the eastern wall of the warehouse.
03.Between a pair of cannons in the cannon battery, on top of the cliff
to the east of the warehouse icon overlooking the beach.
04.Next to the furthest cannon to the east in the cannon battery area, on
top of the cliff to the east of the warehouse icon overlooking the
05.On the small island off the coast just to the north of the warehouse.

Mayan Stelae (1)
01.In a clearing in the very northwest corner of the map. Arrange the
silhouette so that the four rectangles sit on the rocks directly below
your position, whilst the three circles fit over the trees.
---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Petite Caverne
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 2 x Animus Fragments.
\ 1 x Treasure Map
\ (901, 263)
\ 4 x Treasure Chests.
Animus Fragments (2)
01.As you enter the cave, climb the wall on the left when you reach the
main area. The fragment is halfway up.
02.On a small wooden deck behind the ship at the back of the cavern.
Treasure Chest (4)
01.Inside a tent in the camp behind the soldiers practicing their shooting
on the left hand side of the cave as you enter.
02.On one of the platforms near the small wooden bridges at the back of
the cavern.
03.To the east of the cadaver with the treasure map on the far western
side of the dockside area.
04.Swim past the back of the ship to the north. Here you ll find a
rowboat, and in an alcove in the wall just to the west of it
final chest.
Treasure Map (1)
01.On a cadaver on the far western side of the dockside area.
Note: This treasure is located at Tulum (070, 405).
---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Pinos Isle
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 3 x Animus Fragments.
\ 1 x Treasure Map
\ (335, 469)
\ 5 x Treasure Chests.

\ 1 x Mayan Stelae

Animus Fragments (3)
01.At the end of a tree branch just to the left of the Mayan Stelae statue
on the eastern side of the map on the ruin overlooking the flooded
ruins in the bay below.
02.On a log forming a bridge between two ruined walls just to the east of
the only viewpoint on the map.
03.Directly southeast of the viewpoint in the area is another large temple
building. From the viewpoint go straight through it and out the other
side. As you exit, turn slightly to the right and you should make out
some more ruins in the distance. This animus fragment is in the
treetops. You can access the treetop path by climbing the ruin to its
right and jumping backwards from the ledge at the top into one of the
nearby trees.
Treasure Chest (6)
01.There are two chests in a small room on a higher level of the ruins in
the centre of the northern area of the map. This is the first one.
02.See location 1.
03.At the base of the southern end of the large ruin on the eastern side
of the area. This is just behind (to the west of) the flooded ruins in
the bay.
04.Directly southeast of the viewpoint in the area is another large temple
building. From the viewpoint go straight through it and out the other
side. As you exit, immediately turn to the left and climb the hill.
You ll find the chest in the ruins here.
05.Directly southeast of the viewpoint in the area is another large temple
building. From the viewpoint go straight through it and out the other
side. Turn slightly to the right to see some additional ruins in the
distance. Look inside the doorway of the southern ruin here for the
Treasure Map (1)
01.The map is located on a cadaver on the ground before the ruins in the
centre of the north part of the map.
Note: This treasure is located at Cayman Sound (327,334).
Mayan Stelae (2)
01.On top of the ruin on the eastern side of the area overlooking the
flooded ruins in the bay below. Rotate the holograms so that the
circles line up with the standing pillars and the rectangle aligns with

the fallen pillar on the ground to the left of them.

02.Just above a ruined wall directly to the south of the viewpoint in the
area. Rotate the glowing lines so that the rectangle covers the fallen
pillar. This should subsequently match up with the other five pillars
surrounding it to solve the puzzle.
---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Salt Lagoon
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 2 x Animus Fragments.
\ 1 x Treasure Map
\ (749, 625)
\ 3 x Treasure Chests.
Animus Fragments (2)
01.Floating in the air just to the north of the rowboat icon on the
western side of the map. Climb the tree to its east and jump from the
top of it to claim the fragment.
02.Floating above the beach directly south of the row boat icon on the
eastern side of the map. Use the partially collapsed tree to get up
high enough and leap from its branches to reach the fragment.
Treasure Chest (3)
01.On the ground behind the rowboat icon on the western side of the
02.Beneath the large, natural stone archway located in the centre of the
island, just to the east of the row boat icon on the west of the map.
03.On top of a cliff along the coast just to the southwest of the
Treasure Map (1)
01.The map is located on a cadaver on the beach in the north east corner
of the island. You can t miss it!
Note: This treasure is located at New Bone (442, 118).
---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Salt Key Bank
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 3 x Animus Fragments.
\ 1 x Message in Bottle|
\ (495, 634)
\ 6 x Treasure Chests.

\ 1 x Shanty

Animus Fragments (3)
01.On a rope strung between two houses in the south of the main township
and on the western side of the river.
02.On a support behind a house directly north of the General store in the
western side of the town.
03.On top of a wooden pillar in the river water south of the main town.
You can jump down from the walkway above, or use the other poles in
the water here to access it.
Treasure Chest (6)
01.In the back of the cave on the south of the beach to the east of the
docking area.
02.Against the base of a cliff on the hillside to the southeast of the
viewpoint and just to the east of the tavern.
03.In a small fenced in area directly beneath the tavern.
04.If you follow the river all the way inland, at the end you ll find a
small area piece of land. The chest is at the back of this.
05.On a walkway sticking out of the cliff on the eastern side above the
river. This is just a little further on from the Animus shard on the
wooden poles here.
06.On a section of shore at the base of the cliff just to the west of the
docking area.
Shanties (1)
01.On the rope strung between the two buildings that crosses the river
high up at the south of the map.
Message in Bottle (1)
01.On a section of shore at the base of the cliff just to the west of the
docking area right next to a treasure chest.
---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] San Juan
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 2 x Animus Fragments.
\ (479, 487)
\ 3 x Treasure Chests.
\ N/A.

Animus Fragments (2)
01.You ll see this along the left hand wall as you swim down the tunnel
before you reach the first air pocket.
02.In the large, circular room that constitutes the main smuggler s den
area. Climb the ladders to the exit all the way to the top and grab
the Animus Fragment from the small beam.
Treasure Chest (3)
01.In the next larger room in the underwater tunnel following the air
02.On the wooden platform directly in front of you as you surface in the
smuggler s den area.
03.On the floor of the large, circular room that constitutes the main
smuggler s den area.
---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Santanillas
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 3 x Animus Fragments.
\ 1 x Message in Bottle|
\ (217, 250)
\ 5 x Treasure Chests.
\ 1 x Treasure Map
\ 2 x Mayan Stelae
Animus Fragments (3)
01.Dive from the very top of the intact mast into the ocean to grab the
fragment on the way down. This is located just north of the northeastern island on the map.
02.Floating next to the top of a
on the north east of the main
get up to the high tree stump
the palm fronds to grab it as

tree north of the large rock structure

island. Use the slanted tree nearby to
and then perform a leap of faith into
you fall.

03.Hanging beside a tree just to the west of the rowboat icon in the
centre of the map. You can access the tree via the stone pillars
Treasure Chest (5)
01.On the beach next to the wrecked ship on the north-eastern island on
the map.
02.There are two treasure chests in a water filled cave beneath the
eastern of the two temples in the south of the map.

03.See location 2.
04.There are two treasure chests in a room directly below the large
staircase on the westernmost of the two temples at the southern end of
the map.
05.See location 4.
Message in Bottle (1)
01.On the western beach of the island in the north-western corner of the
Treasure Map (1)
01.The map is located on a cadaver on the beach just next to the shipwreck
on the north-eastern island of the map.
Note: This treasure is located at San Juan (479, 487).
Mayan Stelae (2)
01.On top of a raised, rock shelf in the centre of the eastern part of the
main island. You can get up here using the slanted tree and treetop
pathway from the south west, just opposite the stairs to the eastern
ruin in the south of the map. Once you are atop the statue, arrange the
silhouette so that the three circles match up with the highlighted
stone pillars on the beach below.
02.Sitting just in front of the natural stone archway in the north-western
part of the main island on the map. Align the silhouette so that the
three circles match up with the highlighted stone pillars in front of
---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Tortuga
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 2 x Animus Fragments.
\ 1 x Message in Bottle|
\ (882, 370)
\ 7 x Treasure Chests.
\ 1 x Treasure Map
\ 1 x Mayan Stelae
Animus Fragments (2)
01.Dive from the ledge on the viewpoint into the haystack below to grab
the Animus Fragment on the way down.
02.In the trees at the very south of the area. You can access the treetop
path using the tree with the large rock at its base just to the left
of the archway leading into the compound directly opposite the docks.

Treasure Chest (7)
01.On the cliff overlooking the water just north of the docking area and
east of the areas only viewpoint.
02.In a room about halfway up the viewpoint tower.
03.Between a pair of cannons looking out towards the water located at the
base of the viewpoint tower.
04.On the ground near the alarm bell just to the west of the warehouse
05.On the floor behind the building directly west of the warehouse and
just south of the alarm bell.
06.Inside a small shack close to the edge of the restricted zone directly
west of the viewpoint tower.
07.On the second floor balcony facing east on the northernmost building
on the map.
Message in Bottle (1)
01.On the small island to the north, just off the coast of the main area.
Treasure Map (1)
01.The map is located on a cadaver next to the rowboat icon along the
beach to the north of the docks. It is about halfway between the docks
and the island to the north.
Note: This treasure is located at Matanzas (333, 650).
Mayan Stelae (1)
01.On the small cliff overlooking the beach in the northwest corner of
the restricted area. Rotate the image so that the three circles align
with the stones and the trees closest to you.
---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Uncharted
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 30 x Animus Fragments.
\ 3 x Message in Bottle|
\ Various
\ 46 x Treasure Chests.
Animus Fragments (30)


On a small rocky/sand island to the northwest of Abaco

Island. The fragment is floating near a tree and you will
need to jump from this to reach it.


On a small grassy section that sits at sea level near the

centre of the south of the long island to the north of
Abaco Island. The fragment is floating near a tree and you
will need to jump from this to reach it.


On a beach section on the western side of the large island

in the far north section of the map.


On a sand island directly southeast of the exit/entrance

to Nassau. You ll need to jump from a rock to a tree (or
vice-versa) to grab it.


On a small island directly west of the Antocha Shipwreck

marker on the map.


Floating off the side of a bent over tree on a beach on the

eastern side of the island directly to the west of Salt


On a sandy island just to the northwest of Mariguana



On a beach on the eastern side of an island to the north

east of Salt Lagoon. You ll need to jump from the rock on
top of the small hill to nab this one.


On the beach on the eastern end of an island directly north

of the Jiguey marker on the map.


On a beach around halfway along the coast between the

Gibara fort and Jiguey.


On a sand island directly north of Salt Key Bank floating

between some rock structures.


Floating off the side of a bent over tree on a beach on the

southern side of the island directly to the west of Nassau.


Floating off the side of a bent over tree hanging over the
water on the southern side of the island directly to the
west of Florida.


On a beach section on the eastern side of the large island

in the far north section of the map.


Hanging off a tree on the eastern side of a small sandy

island to the south of the San Ignacio Wreck.


Hanging off a tree on the western side of a small sandy

island to the south of the Dry Tortuga fort.

17.(167,504) - Floating off the side of a bent over tree on a small sandy
island southwest of Arroyos.

Floating off the side of a bent over tree hanging over the
water on the southern side of the island directly to the

east of Tulum.

On the beach on the very tip of the western peninsula of

the island with the Pinos Isle marker on it. This is just
northwest of the Black Trench icon on the map.


On a small beach along the coast to the east of the Annoto

Bay location marker on the world map.


On an island in the large open ocean area around halfway

between the Navassa and Punta Guarico forts.


On a small island just to the southeast of the Punta

Guarico fort. The fragment is floating near a tree and you
will need to jump from this to reach it.


On a beach on the large landmass north and to the east of

the Ile a Vache marker on the map. This is directly east
of the marker.


Located on a beach area along the coast to the west of the

entrance/exit to Kingston.


On a small beach area on the western side of the large

island with the Isla Providencia marker on it. It is
flanked by a pair of bent over trees that you will need to
jump between.


On the bowsprit of a wrecked ship at the small sandy

island to the southwest of the Grand Cayman icon on the
world map.


On an island in the large open ocean area around halfway

between the Cayman Sound and Santanillas location markers
on the world map.


On a small island directly southwest of the La Concepcion

wreck marker on the map. Also directly west of the
Santanillas location marker.


On the small beach area at the far end of the inlet north
of the Corozal marker on the map.


On a small island just to the north east of the Ambergris

Key marker on the map.

Treasure Chest (46)
01.(637,947) On a small sand/rock island directly north of Abaco Island.

On a small rocky island on the other side of the island

chain to the northeast of Abaco island.


On the small beach area at the southern end of the island

chain directly east of Abaco Island.


On a beach section on the eastern side of the large island

in the far north section of the map.


On a small island about halfway between the icons marking

Abaco Island and Florida on the map.


On a small beach on the northern tip of a large island to

the west of Nassau and southwest of Abaco Island.


On a sand island directly east of the exit/entrance to



On a beach section on the western side of an island

directly south of the entrance/exit to Nassau.


On a sand/rock island around halfway between the Antocha

Shipwreck and Cat Island icons on the world map.


On an island around halfway between the Salt Lagoon and

Mariguana Island icons on the world map.


On the small sandy island directly east of the exit/

entrance to Great Inagua.


On a small island directly south of Salt Lagoon and just

to the northwest of Crooked Island.


On a sandy island directly northeast of the Gibara fort.


On a sandy island directly north of the Gibara fort.


On the coast of the main island directly south of the

island with Salt Key bank on it.

16.(497,730) - On a sand island directly north of Salt Key Bank.


on a small rocky island to the southeast of Florida.


On an island around halfway between the Dry Tortuga Fort

and the San Ignacio wreck icons on the world map.


On a small sandy island around halfway between the Salt

Key Bank and San Ignacio Wreck markers on the world map.


On a beach along the coast of the main island between

Matanzas and Salt key Bank.


Located on a small island to the northwest of the entrance/

exit to Cape Bonavista.


On a beach at the northern end of the landmass on the

western side of the map. Just to the south of the
Conttoyor fort.


On the beach on the eastern side of the large island off

the coast to the northeast of Tulum. This is also directly
west of the Black Trench icon on the map.


On a beach along the coast of the main island between the

Castillo de Jagua fort and Arroyos.


On a rocky section of a small island located roughly

halfway between the Castillo de Jagua fort and San Juan map


On a small deserted island to the southeast of the Black

Trench map icon.


On the small sandy island located at the co-ordinates

listed. Directly north of the island with the Grand Cayman
and Cayman Sound location markers on it.


On the small sandy island just to the northwest of the

Devil s Eye Caverns map location marker.


On a rocky section of a small island located roughly

halfway between the Grand Cayman and Devil s Eye Cavern
map markers.


Located at the beach at the south-western tip of the medium

sized island located directly north of Annoto Bay.


On a rocky section of a small island located roughly

halfway between the Punta Guarico fort and Tortuga map


On a small beach along the coast to the east of the Tortuga

location marker and just southwest of the Principe icon
on the world map.


On the beach on the very northern tip of the western

peninsula of the island directly east of the Navassa fort.

34.(699,155) - On a small beach along the coast to the south of the

Navassa fort location marker. It is also directly west of
the Kabah Ruins marker on the world map.

On the beach along the western coast of the island directly

east of the Navassa fort. This is just south east of the
fort icon on the world map.


on a small beach along the coast of the large landmass to

the northwest of Ile a Vache, just to the east of the
largest peninsula on the south.

37.(771,098) - Sitting on a small sand island directly south of the Kabah

Ruins marker on the world map.

On a sand island directly south of the exit/entrance to



On a sand island southwest of the exit/entrance to

Kingston. Also directly to the east of the New Bone marker
on the map.

40.(421,217) - On a small beach area on the large island directly north of

the Blue Hole location marker.
41.(771,098) - Sitting on a small sand island directly northeast of the
Serranilla fort marker on the world map.

On an island in the large open ocean area around halfway

between the Cayman Sound and Chinchorro fort location

markers on the world map.


On a small beach area along the coast of the larger island

directly west of the La Concepcion Wreck marker on the
world map.


On a sandy island to the southwest of Santanillas.

45.(238,169) - On a beach area at the south-western tip of the large

island to the southeast of Santanillas and to the west of

On a beach area adjoined to a large island in the southwest

corner of the map.

Message in Bottle (3)
01.(669,830) On the small beach area at the southern end of the island
chain directly east of Abaco Island.

On the beach along the western coast of the island directly

east of the Navassa fort. This is just south east of the
fort icon on the world map.


On a beach area adjoined to a large island in the southwest

corner of the map.

_____ _
/ ___/(_)___/ /__
/_ __/___ ______/ /__ / | ________ ____ ______
\__ \/ / __ / _ \______/ / / __ `/ ___/ //_/ / /| | / ___/ _ \/ __ `/ ___/
___/ / / /_/ / __/_____/ / / /_/ (__ ) ,<
/ ___ |/ / / __/ /_/ (__ )
/_/ \__,_/____/_/|_| /_/ |_/_/ \___/\__,_/____/
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag's side-task areas consist of the various ship
wrecks that you can explore and the forts that need to be taken over in order
to reveal the world map.
Note that taking over a fort will reveal all of the various collectibles on the
mini-map, both in the fort and on the area of the world map surrounding it.
The following are the side-task locations as specified by the in-game
percentage completion tracker. Please use the associated shortcut to jump down
to the location of interest.
> A. Castillo de Jagua (Fort) ................ [CSA00A]
> B. Charlotte (Fort) ........................ [CSA00B]
> C. Chinchorro (Fort) ....................... [CSA00C]



Conttoyor (Fort) ........................

Cabo de Cruz (Fort) .....................
Dry Tortuga (Fort) ......................
Eleuthera (Fort) ........................
Gibara (Fort) ...........................
Navassa (Fort) ..........................
Punta Guarico (Fort) ....................
Serranilla (Fort) .......................
Kabah Ruins .............................
Devil s Eye Caverns .....................
La Concepcion Shipwreck .................
The Blue Hole ...........................
San Ignacio Wreck .......................
Antocha Shipwreck .......................
The Black Trench ........................


---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Castillo de Jagua (Fort)
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 2 x Animus Fragments.
\ (356, 559)
\ 2 x Treasure Chests.
\ N/A.
Animus Fragments (2)
01.Atop a stack of crates behind the cannons in the very southeast portion
of the map.
02.Floating above a rope strung between two buildings in the north east
corner of the map on the top level of the fort.
Treasure Chest (2)
01.In a corner on the far west side of the second level of the fort.
02.In a corner on the far west side of the third level of the fort.
---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Charlotte (Fort)
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 2 x Animus Fragments.
\ (470, 272)
\ 2 x Treasure Chests.
\ N/A.
Animus Fragments (2)
01.As you enter the main gate of the fort (coming from the dock), look up
to the main structure on the right. You ll see an Animus fragment on
either side. The first is on a wooden crane on the next platform up on

the left.
02.As you enter the main gate of the fort (coming from the dock), look up
to the main structure on the right. You ll see an Animus fragment on
either side. The second is on a wooden beam sticking out of the main
structure on the right.
Treasure Chest (2)
01.Inside the second level of the main structure.
02.Once you have taken over the fort, look in the room where you killed
the fort commander to end the takeover. In here you will find a chest.
---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Chinchorro (Fort)
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 2 x Animus Fragments.
\ (124, 357)
\ 2 x Treasure Chests.
\ N/A.
Animus Fragments (2)
01.On top of one of the suspended cages in the main courtyard of the fort
closest to the dock area.
02.Hanging below a metal beam in the very southwest corner of the fort.
Treasure Chest (2)
01.Once you have taken over the fort, look in the room where you killed
the fort commander to end the takeover. In here you will find two
02.See location 1.
---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Conttoyor (Fort)
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 2 x Animus Fragments.
\ (102, 547)
\ 2 x Treasure Chests.
\ N/A.
Animus Fragments (2)
01.If you enter the fort via the docks, once you climb to the top of the

wall near the gate, you should see a guard tower left. Look just to
the right of his and you should see a series of bars hanging out from
its walls. Use these to swing around the corner and you ll find the
02.On top of one of the suspended cages on the eastern side of the fort
Treasure Chest (2)
01.In an alcove next to a ramp just behind the hanging cages on the
eastern side of the map.
02.Behind a stalking zone bush in the far northeast corner of the main
courtyard below the battlements.
---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Cabo de Cruz (Fort)
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 2 x Animus Fragments.
\ (556, 390)
\ 2 x Treasure Chests.
\ N/A.
Animus Fragments (2)
01.On top of one of the suspended cages in the courtyard on the
westernmost area of the fort.
02.Once you have entered the gate, climb up on top of the wall above the
gate and follow it to the east. Climb up to the next platform to find
a chest. Look around the corner of the building here to the south to
find a beam with an Animus Fragment on it.
Treasure Chest (2)
01.Once you have entered the gate, climb up on top of the wall above the
gate and follow it to the east. Climb up to the next platform to find
the chest.
02.Behind a tree on the southern side of the large grassy area in the
south of the fort.
---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Dry Tortuga (Fort)
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 2 x Animus Fragments.
\ (254, 749)
\ 2 x Treasure Chests.
\ N/A.

Animus Fragments (2)
01.As soon as you come into the fort via the gate (from the docks), look
up and to your left to find this fragment floating above a wooden
crane. Climb up and grab it!
02.Atop another crane, this time on the platform outside of the room where
we killed the commander to complete the takeover.
Treasure Chest (2)
01.As soon as you come into the fort via the gate (from the docks), look
behind the building on your right for the chest.
02.Tucked away in a corner on the very top level of the fort in the
southeast corner.
---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Eleuthera (Fort)
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 2 x Animus Fragments.
\ (726, 784)
\ 2 x Treasure Chests.
\ N/A.
Animus Fragments (2)
01.As soon as you come into the fort via the gate (from the docks), look
up directly in front of you and you should see this one suspended
above a wooden beam sticking out from the building in front.
02.Find the wooden scaffolding on the far west side of the second level
of the fort. Climb to the top of this and look to the main building to
find a series of bars sticking out. Follow the bars around the corner
to find the fragment.
Treasure Chest (2)
01.Sitting below a tree on the far north western side of the second level
of the fort.
02.On the platform directly above the door that we entered to kill the
fort commander to complete the fort takeover.
---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Gibara (Fort)

\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 2 x Animus Fragments.
\ (657, 521)
\ 2 x Treasure Chests.
\ N/A.
Animus Fragments (2)
02.On a beam sticking out from the rooftop above the second level of the
fort in the southwest corner of the map.
Treasure Chest (2)
01.As soon as you come into the fort via the gate (from the docks), follow
the left hand wall along until you find the chest.
02.Around the corner (near a stalking zone bush) from the door we entered
to kill the fort commander to complete the fort liberation.
---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Navassa (Fort)
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 2 x Animus Fragments.
\ (728, 219)
\ 2 x Treasure Chests.
\ N/A.
Animus Fragments (2)
01.If you enter the fort via the docks. Once you climb to the top of the
wall near the gate, you should see it above a rope strung between a
pair of rooftops on the right.
02.On a wooden crane sticking out above the cannon tower in the northeast
corner of the fort map.
Treasure Chest (2)
01.If you enter the fort via the docks, once you climb to the top of the
wall near the gate, you should see a wooden scaffolding to the left.
Hug the left hand wall and run beneath this and follow the ledge around
the corner to find the chest there.
02.Atop the second highest tower in the fort (the one without the bell).
---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Punta Guarico (Fort)

\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 2 x Animus Fragments.
\ (776, 399)
\ 2 x Treasure Chests.
\ N/A.
Animus Fragments (2)
01.After going through the gate (coming from the docks), climb the wall
with the locked iron gate directly in front of you. At the top, use
the rope lift on the left to reach the next high up area and you ll
find the fragment on a beam overlooking the gate entrance we came in
02.After going through the gate (coming from the docks), climb the wall
with the locked iron gate directly in front of you. At the top, look
to the right and hop through the gap in the wall. Follow the short
path here to find the fragment inside the remnants of a fallen roof.
Treasure Chest (2)
01.As soon as you enter the gate to the fort, you ll see a locked iron
door. Look on the ground along the wall to the right of this for the
02.In the courtyard on the upper section in the eastern area of the map.
---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Serranilla (Fort)
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 2 x Animus Fragments.
\ (370, 140)
\ 2 x Treasure Chests.
\ N/A.
Animus Fragments (2)
01.On top of the crossbar of the gallows near the top of the fort.
02.On a small beam inside the crumbling cannon tower facing the water to
the east.
Treasure Chest (2)
01.After docking at Serranilla, climb the wall to the right of the gate
up until you reach the grassy area. Climb the next wall directly in
front of you until you reach the top. Her you ll find a chest on the
02.On the ground close to a fallen roof making a makeshift staircase just
behind the south-eastern cannon tower.

---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Kabah Ruins (Shipwreck)
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 3 x Animus Fragments.
\ (769, 145)
\ 8 x Treasure Chests.
\ N/A.
Note: In the shipwreck exploration section of the guide above, there is a
walkthrough for this area documenting the locations of all the
collectibles so that you can grab them all in a single run-through.
Animus Fragments (3)
01.Swim to the top of the underwater temple near the start. At the top,
there is an open door enter this for an Animus fragment.
02.In the second air pocket room in the underwater tunnel area.
03.In a smaller temple-like structure. Swim over and look in the hole in
the ruin behind this to find the final chest.
Treasure Chest (8)
01.In the ruins just north of the start area.
02.Swim down to the entrance at the front of the temple and go through the
doorway here. You will find a chest at the back of the room.
03.Near the entrance to the cave area just beside the main temple ruin.
04.In a small alcove on the right between the two air pocket rooms in the
underwater tunnel area.
05.Inside the shipwreck directly opposite the exit to the underwater
06.Behind some wreckage on the left side of the channel through the rocks
to the southeast of the start area.
07.Continue along the channel mentioned in location 6 to the southwest,
past the hull of the wrecked ship pointing upwards. Once you are past
it, turn around and look inside for an Animus Fragment.
08.Follow the small tunnel nearby to location 7 around to the right to
find another chest.
---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Devil's Eye Caverns (Shipwreck)

\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 2 x Animus Fragments.
\ (487, 357)
\ 8 x Treasure Chests.
\ N/A.
Note: In the shipwreck exploration section of the guide above, there is a
walkthrough for this area documenting the locations of all the
collectibles so that you can grab them all in a single run-through.
Animus Fragments (2)
01.Upon entering the first room in the tunnel you ll see an Animus
fragment behind a wall ahead, but we can t grab it just yet. Follow
the tunnel to the right until you reach the next room. At this point,
swim to the left to find the tunnel leading to the Animus Fragment.
02.After the air pocket, enter the next tunnel and as you go, keep your
eyes peeled for a small alcove on the left containing an Animus
Treasure Chest (8)
01.From the start, you will see a pair of wrecked ships. There is a chest
in each of them.
02.See location 1.
03.After exiting the first tunnel back to the larger open area, look in
the wreck below the exit for a chest.
04.Follow the wreck mentioned in location 3 s deck until you find a
glowing hatch. Interact with this. Grab the chest from the floor
05.In the first air pocket area around halfway through the second tunnel
06.In the second air pocket of the second underwater tunnel you will be
able to climb out of the water onto a platform with two chests.
07.See location 6.
08.Dive into the next tunnel following the second air pocket and
immediately dive to the bottom to find the final chest.
---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] La Concepcion (Shipwreck)
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 3 x Animus Fragments.
\ (181, 296)
\ 8 x Treasure Chests.
\ N/A.

Note: In the shipwreck exploration section of the guide above, there is a

walkthrough for this area documenting the locations of all the
collectibles so that you can grab them all in a single run-through.
Animus Fragments (3)
01.Inside the first section of the large sunken ship. Enter via the
window near the first air barrel.
02.Swim to a platform near the top of the intact mast on the large sunken
ship to find a fragment.
03.Floating off to the east of the large shipwreck.
Treasure Chest (7)
01.Follow the path north from the start. When it forks, take the left
route. Keep an eye out for the sunken ship on the right. Inside you
will find the chest.
02.Continue along the path mentioned in location 1 until you reach another
shipwreck on the right. Inside you ll find a chest.
03.Keep going from location 2 until you reach the large sunken ship. Enter
via the window near the first air barrel.
04.On the deck of the large sunken ship. Look just behind the wall between
the two sets of stairways at the back of the deck to find another
05.Follow the deck of the sunken ship south. When you reach the hole in
the centre, swim inside and look in the room to the right for a chest.
06.Swim up to the air barrel near the southern end of the ship. From here,
you ll see a shark patrolling back and forth and a chest just in a
hallway to the right. When the shark moves away, quickly swim into the
doorway and grab the chest.
07.From location 6 follow the hallway and take the stairs at the end. From
the top, turn left and look in the corner of the end of the ship here
for the final chest.

---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] The Blue Hole (Shipwreck)
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 3 x Animus Fragments.
\ (471, 170)
\ 7 x Treasure Chests.
\ N/A.
Note: In the shipwreck exploration section of the guide above, there is a
walkthrough for this area documenting the locations of all the
collectibles so that you can grab them all in a single run-through.

Animus Fragments (3)
01.Follow the deck of the ship north of the start point until you reach a
gap where the ship has snapped in half. Swim straight down this and
find the section of ship wedged between the rock cliffs below. Inside
this you will find an animus Fragment.
02.From the back of the ship quickly swim to the left hand side of the
ship, over the edge and follow the hull down to the seafloor. Look out
for a hole in the ship s hull as you go. Enter here and find the
fragment inside.
03.When you see the sideways ship at the bottom of the seabed, north of
the main ship swim over and look inside for a chest. Exit and you
should be able to see an Animus Fragment on top of a section of rock
directly ahead of you.
Treasure Chest (7)
01.From the start, swim to the north and over the top of the bowsprit of
the sunken ship. As you reach the deck, enter the doorway on the right
to find a chest.
02.Swim across the gap between the two segments of the broken ship until
you reach the north point. As you arrive on deck, find the entrance
nearby. As you enter, look down the hallway to the left for a chest.
03.On the northern end of the deck of the large sunken ship. Look just
behind the wall between the two sets of stairways at the back of the
deck to find another chest.
04.From the back of the ship quickly swim to the left hand side of the
ship, over the edge and follow the hull down to the seafloor. Look out
for a hole in the ship s hull as yougo. Enter here and grab the chest
05.To the north of the ship, find the next air barrel. Quickly duck into
the small passage to the west of this to grab a chest.
06.From location 5, follow the wall past the used air barrel to the north
east. When you see the sideways ship at the bottom of the seabed there
swim over and look inside for a chest.
07.Continue along the seabed here to the south, using the seaweed to hide
from the sharks as you go. When you see the path on the left, swim up
and over the eel you can see here and back to the floor on the other
side. Open the chest beneath the ship here.
---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] San Ignacio Wreck (Shipwreck)
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 3 x Animus Fragments.

(379, 770)
\ 6 x Treasure Chests.
\ N/A.

Note: In the shipwreck exploration section of the guide above, there is a

walkthrough for this area documenting the locations of all the
collectibles so that you can grab them all in a single run-through.
Animus Fragments (3)
01.Enter the wreck immediately to the left as you exit the tunnel into
the second open area.
02.From location 1, exit this wreck and continue to the left to find
another fragment.
Treasure Chest (7)
01.The first chest is just to the north of where the bell lands on the
sea bed.
02.Behind the jellyfish in the remnants of part of the ship to the
northwest of the first air barrel.
03.Just to the north of location 2, inside another section of the ship s
04.In the first area, approach the glowing hatch on the main deck of the
ship and interact with it to access the inside of the ship. Loot the
chest located inside.
05.On a rock beside the wreck to your right after you leave the tunnel.
06.Behind the wreck immediately to the left as you exit the tunnel into
the second open area.
07.Further to the left from location 6 is another shipwreck, duck in here
to find the chest.
---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Antocha Shipwreck (Shipwreck)
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 2 x Animus Fragments.
\ (630, 660)
\ 7 x Treasure Chests.
\ N/A.
Note: In the shipwreck exploration section of the guide above, there is a
walkthrough for this area documenting the locations of all the
collectibles so that you can grab them all in a single run-through.
Animus Fragments (2)

01.Directly south of the location of chest 2, in another small shipwreck.
02.Now swim to the second platform near the top of the still in-tact mast
at the northern end of the ship to find an final Animus Fragment.
Treasure Chest (7)
01.From the bell at the start of the dive, swim to the southwest and into
the upturned ship hull. Inside you ll find a chest.
02.From location 1, continue out the far side of the wreck and immediately
turn to the left to see another, larger wreck in front of you. Go
inside and grab the chest on the floor in here.
03.On the deck of the very large ship, next to the first mast (the one on
the southern end).
04.Swim along the deck to the north from location 3 and dive straight down
into the gap between the two halves of the ship and look beneath the
debris on the sea floor for another chest.
05.Around a corner inside the open door of the northern section of the
large shipwreck.
06.Inside a room within the northern shipwreck soon after location 5.
07.From location 6, follow the passage all the way east and up the ramp at
the end. Open the chest at the top.
---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] The Black Trench (Shipwreck)
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 2 x Animus Fragments.
\ (215, 449)
\ 7 x Treasure Chests.
\ N/A.
Note: In the shipwreck exploration section of the guide above, there is a
walkthrough for this area documenting the locations of all the
collectibles so that you can grab them all in a single run-through.
Animus Fragments (2)
01.On the deck of the large wreck, look in the open hatch just before the
fallen mast to find an Animus Fragment.
02.Upon exiting through a hole in the hull at the far end of the large
shipwreck, swim past the air barrel immediately outside and enter the
small shipwreck to the east. Near the far end, you ll find an Animus
fragment hiding behind a support pillar.
Treasure Chest (7)

01.Swim south from the diving bell and enter the shipwreck on the sea
floor. Avoid the urchins and jellyfish within and grab the chest.
02.Just across from the exit to the ship in location 1 you ll see yet
another wreck, swim and enter the hull of the wreck find the second
03.From location 2, turn to the right to find a small ship corridor. Enter
this and swim over the first beam covered with urchins to find a chest.
04.After grabbing the third chest, change your view to find the ramp
nearby (it s on the roof!) and swim up to the upper level of the hull.
As you get up, immediately look behind you to find another chest.
05.Swim across the gap between the two sections of the ship until you
reach the second section of deck. Find the air barrel here and ignore
it for the moment. Instead look in the right hand corner of the room
for a chest.
06.From location 5, swim upwards and then down into the next section of
the deck to the north. Swim to the right and as you approach the hole
in the hull, look in the hallway to the right to find another chest.
07.Follow the shipwreck to the north and once you reach the large rocky
passages, hug the left hand wall for a short distance until you see
another wreck lying up against the wall. Look in here for the final

_______ ____
__ ___
< / __ \/ __ \ / ____/ /_ ___ _____/ /__/ (_)____/ /_
/ / / / / / / / / / / __ \/ _ \/ ___/ //_/ / / ___/ __/
/ / /_/ / /_/ / / /___/ / / / __/ /__/ ,< / / (__ ) /_
/_/\____/\____/ \____/_/ /_/\___/\___/_/|_/_/_/____/\__/
| 100% Completion Checklist
For your convenience, here's a checklist for all of the requirements necessary
for earning 100% synchronisation. Mark them off as you earn full
synchronisation in each of the locations and objectives to make things a little
easier to remember what you have left to do!
|[] Campaign Missions 100% Sync \______________________________________.
| [] Sequence 1
[] Sequence 6

Edward Kenway
Diving for Medicines
Devil's Advocate
| [] sequence 2
The Seige of Charles-Towne []|
Lively Havana
...And My Sugar?
[] [] Sequence 7
Mister Walpole, I Presume []
We Demand a Parlay
A Man They call the Sage
The Gunpowder Plot
Claiming What's Due
Commodore Eighty-Sixed
The Treasure Fleet
The Fireship
| [] Sequence 3
[] Sequence 8
This Tyro Captain
Do Not Go Quietly...
Now Hiring
Vainglorious Bastards
Prizes and Plunder
Raise the Black Flag
Sugarcane and its Yields
[] [] Sequence 9
Proper Defenses
Imagine My Surprise
A Single Madman
Trust is Earned
| [] Sequence 4
[] Sequence 10
This Old COve
Black Bart's Gambit
Nothing is True...
Murder and Mayhem
The Sage's Buried Secret
The Observatory
Overrun and Outnumbered
[] Sequence 11
| [] Sequence 5
To Suffer Without Dying
The Forts
Traveling Salesman
...Everything is Permitted []|
[] Sequence 12
A Governer No More
Royal Misfortune
Tainted Blood
Ever a Splinter
[] Sequence 13 - Epilogue
...The End
How Grand, Master Kenway
|[] Side Missions 100% Sync \__________________________________________
| [] Templar Hunt 01 - Opia
[] Assassin Contracts
The Taino Assassin
01.The Plantation Master
Templar Ships
02.The Guard Post
Right-Hand Man
03.The Slave Traders
The Trail of Lucia Marquez []
04.The Judge
05.The Weapon Smugglers
| [] Templar Hunt 02 - Rhona
06.The British Captain
Bureau Under Attack
07.Beach Bonfire
A Thief in the Market
08.A Shipment of Powder
Arms Race
09.The Spanish Commander
Flint's End
10.Unlicensed Dealer
11.No More Taxes
| [] Templar Hunt 03 - Anto
12.A Botched Escape
The Maroon Assassin
13.The Pirate Captain
Recruiting Maroons
14.The Outlaws
Under Attack
15.Tomb Raiders
The Commander's Ruse
16.A Last Drink For The Road[]|

| [] Templar Hunt 04 - Vance
18.The Unworthy Brother
Oh Bother...
19.The Poachers
The other Brother
20.The Deserter
Upton's Sorrow
21.The Twin Dilemma
Queen ofPirates,King ofFools[]
22.The Dreaded Pirate
23.The Expedition
| [] Naval Contracts
24.The Slave Master
01.Eye for an Eye
25.A Slaver's Business
02.The Law of the Ocean
26.The Informant
03.A Spanish Plague
27.The Treasure Hunter
28.Shady Business
05.Silk on the Waves
29.The Smuggler's Squat
30.The Outlaw's Cave
07.Private Escort
08.Blind Justice
[] [] Fort Liberation
09.The Final Contract
Dry Tortuga
10.The Realities of War
11.Hunter Gatherer
12.Papers, Please
Cabo de Cruz
13.Weathering the Storm
Castillo de Jagua
14.smuggler's Den
15.A Personal Matter
Punta Guarico
| [] Legenadry ship Battles
El Impoluto
La Dama Negra
HMS Prince
The Brothers-In-Arms
[] [] All collectibles Found
Major Locations
| [] All 16 Mayan Stelae Solved
Secondary Locations
Side-Activity Locations
| [] All 22 Buried Treasures Found
| [] All Viewpoints Synchronised
[] All 8 Taverns Unlocked


| _____/ /_ (_)__ _ _____ ____ ___ ___ ____ / /______
/ /| |/ ___/ __ \/ / _ \ | / / _ \/ __ `__ \/ _ \/ __ \/ __/ ___/
/ ___ / /__/ / / / / __/ |/ / __/ / / / / / __/ / / / /_(__ )
/_/ |_\___/_/ /_/_/\___/|___/\___/_/ /_/ /_/\___/_/ /_/\__/____/
__ ______
____ _____ ____/ / /_ __/________ ____ / /_ (_)__ _____
/ __ `/ __ \/ __ /
/ / / ___/ __ \/ __ \/ __ \/ / _ \/ ___/
/ /_/ / / / / /_/ /
/ / / / / /_/ / /_/ / / / / / __(__ )
\__,_/_/ /_/\__,_/
/_/ /_/ \____/ .___/_/ /_/_/\___/____/
| Achievements/Trophies Unlock Guide |

Assassin's Creed IV has a total of 50 achievements and 51 trophies. These are
awarded for experiencing the single player campaign, checking out some of the
game's many side-missions, nabbing all of the collectibles, playing your fair
share the multiplayer mode and undergoing some additional miscellaneous tasks.
Below you'll find a categorised list of the achievements/trophies in the game
and how you can unlock each one.
As there is a bit of information to scroll through, please use the below
shortcuts listed to the right of each category to navigate the below section
more quickly. I have listed the relevant achievements/trophies below each
Game Progression Achievements/Trophies
- Heroes Aren't Born
- Adrift
- Good While It Lasted
- A New Hope
- A Pirate's Life For Me
- My Elusive Fortune
- Routine Hacking
- Bunker Buddies
- No Apologies
- Been Down So Long...
- Death Of A Salesman
- Just Like Starting Over
- Mixing Up The Medicines
- It's All Good
- Getting Weird Around Here
- Saw That One Coming...
- The Hammer Falls
Side-Quest Achievements/Trophies
- Help A Brother Out
- Barfly
- King Of The Castle
- Excavator
- Sea Legs
- Vault Raider
- Devil Of The Caribbean
- Seven Deadly Seas
- Ghost In The Machine
Combat Achievements/Trophies
- Silence, Fool!
- Thug Life
- Roped In
- All Aboard!
- Wild West Indies
Miscellaneous Achievements/Trophies
- Business And Pleasure
- Redingote Up!
- Cannon Fodder
- Killer Killer
- Mer-man
- Sharing Is Caring
- Siren Song
- Hungover

Completionist Achievements/Trophies
- Cartographer
- Owned
- By The Book
- Employee of the Month
- Destroyer
- Prizes, Plunder and Adventure! |
(PS3/4 only)
Multiplayer Achievements/Trophies
- Committed To The Cause
- Lab Technician
- All Rounder
- Master Of The Caribbean
- Personal Bag Of Tricks

Game Progression Achievements/Trophies
The following 17 achievements/trophies will all come with story progression,
so as long as you finish the game these should be pretty much un-missable. As
these contain plot elements, I have left off the descriptions to avoid
potential spoilers.
Here's a list of said achievements/trophies in order of appearance:
___________________________ ______________________________________________
] Achievement/Trophy Name []
Description & Unlock Guide
| Heroes Aren't Born
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| Complete memory sequence 1.
| Good While It Lasted
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| Complete memory sequence 2.
| A Pirate's Life For Me
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| Complete memory sequence 3.
| Routine Hacking
| How to unlock:

| ==============
| Complete present day mission 2.
| No Apologies
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| Complete memory sequence 4.
| Death Of A Salesman
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| Complete memory sequence 5.
| Mixing Up The Medicines
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| Complete memory sequence 6.
| Getting Weird Around Here | How to unlock:
| ==============
| Complete present day mission 3.
| The Hammer Falls
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| Complete memory sequence 7.
| Adrift
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| Complete memory sequence 8.
| A New Hope
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| Complete memory sequence 9.
| My Elusive Fortune
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| Complete memory sequence 10.
| Bunker Buddies
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| Complete present day mission 4.
| Been Down So Long...
| How to unlock:

| ==============
| Complete memory sequence 11.
| Just Like Starting Over
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| Complete memory sequence 12.
| It's All Good
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| Complete present day mission 4.
| Saw That One Coming...
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| Complete memory sequence 13.

Side-Quest Achievements/Trophies
There are 10 achievements/trophies tied into the side-missions available in
Assassin's Creed IV, likely to force those achievement/trophy hunters out there
to experience everything the game has to offer. Each of them are fairly selfexplanatory and can be obtained by following the relevant sections in the above
Here are a list of the achievements/trophies that fall into this category and
what needs to be done to unlock each of them:
___________________________ ______________________________________________
] Achievement/Trophy Name []
Description & Unlock Guide
| Help A Brother Out
| Description:
| ============
| Complete a Templar Hunt sequence.
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| Complete one of the four Templar Hunt side- |
| missions available in the game. There is one |
| chain located in each of the major cities
| (Havana, Kingston, Nassau) and another that |
| can be started from the settlement on Grand |
| Cayman. For a complete walkthrough to each of|
| these quest chains, please check out the
| guide above - [STH000].

| King Of The Castle
| Description:
| ============
| Capture all forts.
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| There are 11 forts in the game and to capture|
| each, you must first approach with the
| Jackdaw, use the ships weaponry to destroy |
| the fort s naval defences before docking with|
| the fort, infiltrating and killing the marked|
| officers and commander in charge. These can |
| be quite tricky towards the southern fringes |
| of the map, so please use the guide above for|
| tips on how to approach and conquer each
| fort. Here's a link: [SFR000]
|Sea Legs
| Description:
| ============
| Complete all naval contracts.
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| There are 15 naval contracts in the game and |
| they each start at one of the game s forts. |
| In order to undertake each naval contract,you|
| must first take over or liberate each fort on|
| the world map. Once liberated, the contract |
| missions will appear marked on the map as a |
| circular marker with a skull inside. Several |
| of these naval contracts can be very
| difficult unless you have upgraded your
| Jackdaw significantly, so for a few hints and|
| tips and a general walkthrough for each,
| please see the Naval Contract guide above.For|
| your conveninece, heres a link: [SNC001]
| Vault Raider
| Description:
| ============
| Unlock the secret door in Tulum.
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| This achievement/trophy is tied into the
| Mayan Stelae that you find across the game |
| world. We need to discover, interact with and|
| solve the rotation puzzle of each Stelae to |
| uncover a mayan stone. There are 16 of these |
| scattered across the Caribbean and they can |
| be found in the following locations:

| > 1 x stone at Cape Bonavista.
| > 1 x stone at Cat Island.
| > 1 x stone at Great Inagua.
| > 2 x stone at Isla Providencia.
| > 1 x stone at Long Bay.
| > 1 x stone at Matanzas.
| > 2 x stone at Misteriosa.
| > 1 x stone at New Bone.
| > 2 x stone at Pinos Isle.
| > 2 x stone at Santanillas.
| > 1 x stone at Tortuga.
| > 1 x stone at Tulum.
| For a more in-depth location guide to finding|
| each along with the solution to each of the |
| rotation puzzles, please check out the Mayan |
| Stelae guide above - [SMS000].
| Once you have collected all 16 of these,enter|
| the large temple in Tulum (via the entrances |
| either side of the waterfall in the town) and|
| follow the passages all the way until you
| reach a dead end. If you have all 16 Mayan |
| stones, there will be a flashing section of |
| wall here that we can interact with. Do so |
| and head inside, interact with the set of
| armour in here for the achievement/trophy to |
| unlock.
| Seven Deadly Seas
| Description:
| ============
| Explore all underwater shipwrecks.
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| How to unlock: Once you have purchased the |
| diving bell for the Jackdaw during memory
| sequence 6-1, you will then be able to
| explore the shipwrecks scattered about the |
| Caribbean. There are nine such shipwrecks and|
| they appear as icons on the world map. The |
| places that count as shipwrecks include:
| > Anotto Bay
| > Antocha Wreck
| > Ambergris Key
| > Black Trench
| > Devil's Eye Caverns
| > Kabah Ruins
| > San Ignacio
| > San Juan
| > The Blue Hole
| Exploring all nine of these areas will unlock|
| the achievement/trophy.

| Barfly
| Description:
| ============
| Unlock all taverns.
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| How to unlock: Taverns appear at 9 different |
| locations throughout the game world and can |
| be unlocked by approaching the icon on the |
| map and interacting with the bartender.As you|
| do a small bar fight will break out and you |
| will have to fight off four men in hand-to- |
| hand combat. Once you have beaten them all |
| up, the tavern will now be usable.
| The taverns can be found in the following
| areas:
| > Andreas Island
| > Arroyos
| > Corozal
| > Crooked Island
| > Grand Cayman
| > Ile a Vache
this marker does not always
| > Kingston
seem to appear on the map. The |
tavern is located just to the |
northeast of the southern
warehouse marker on the map. |
| > Nassau Already unlocked.
| > Salt Key bank
| Once all taverns have been unlocked, the
| achievement/trophy will be yours!
| Excavator
| Description:
| ============
| Find a buried treasure.
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| There are 22 buried treasures hidden in
| Assassin s Creed IV: Black Flag and they can |
| be located by first obtaining a map from a |
| cadaver, then using the co-ordinates on the |
| map to find the specified location and
| finally using the drawing on the map to
| locate the treasure, which is marked with an |
| x . Upon digging up your first treasure, you|
| will earn the achievement/trophy.
| For a full guide including locations of every|
| cadaver and specific directions as to how to |
| locate each buried treasure, please use the |
| guide above - [SBT000].

| Description:
| ============
| Complete a Templar Hunt sequence.
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| Once you have completed memory sequence 4-1 |
| This Old cove you will now be proud owner |
| of the small town cove on Great Inagua.
| Following this mission, you ll see a number |
| of arrow icons appear on the map. Approaching|
| and interacting with these icons will allow |
| you to upgrade the base.
| The upgrades include the following:
| > Harbourmaster - 500 Reales.
| > General Store - 700 Reales.
| > Tavern - 3500 Reales.
| > Campfire - 7000 Reales.
| > Brothel - 15000 Reales.
| > Manor Faade - 6000 Reales.
| > Manor Tower - 18000 Reales.
| > Manor Guest House - 40000 Reales.
| Once you have purchased all of the upgrades |
| you will earn the achievement/trophy FTFY . |
| Devil Of The Caribbean
| Description:
| ============
| Defeat all 4 legendary ships.
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| Once you have completed the final memory
| sequence in the game, and the credits have |
| rolled (or you have taken over the four
| corner forts), you ll find that there are now|
| four red ship icons on the world map. There |
| is one of these icons in each of the four
| corners of the map: north east, north west, |
| south east and south west. These icons
| represent optional boss encounters with
| legendary ships with very high ship levels, |
| massive armour and top notch weapons.
| These four naval battles are the hardest
| challenge you will face during your time with|
| the jackdaw and as such, you should level up |
| all of its upgrades as much as possible
| before attempting to take down one of these |
| monstrosities.

| Please check out the short tactics guides to |
| locating and taking down each of the four
| legendary ships above to make things a little|
| easier.
| Once you have taken down all four legendary |
| ships, the achievement/trophy for doing so |
| will unlock.
| Ghost In The Machine
| Description:
| ============
| Hack 15 computers in Abstergo Entertainment. |
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| Once you have progressed the story far
| enough, you will be forced back to the
| Abstergo Entertainment building in the real |
| world. During your second visit, you will be |
| tutored in how to hack computers. Upon
| completion of this section, it will be
| revealed that you can hack other employees |
| computers as well if you wish to do so. We |
| need to do this 15 times for the achievement/|
| trophy to unlock.
| There are 33 computers in total throughout |
| the three floors of the building that we can |
| access and we require level 3 security
| clearance (given to us during the fourth
| visit to the real world to find them all).For|
| locations and solutions to all of the hacking|
| puzzles, please check the hacking locations |
| guide above - [CAB002].

Combat Achievements/Trophies
There are 5 achievements/trophies tied into the games combat system and
performing various tasks whilst in combat. Here's a list of said achievements/
trophies and how to accomplish each:
___________________________ ______________________________________________
] Achievement/Trophy Name []
Description & Unlock Guide
| Silence, Fool!
| Description:
| ============
| Kill a guard ringing a bell.

| How to unlock:
| ==============
| There are always going to be times when you |
| are spotted whilst trying to be sneaky and |
| those alarm bells appear quite regularly,
| especially in the plantations and other types|
| of restricted areas that the game has you
| frequenting. All you need to do to earn this |
| achievement/trophy is to be spotted and then |
| allow a guard to run for a bell. When he
| starts ringing it, either run over and
| quickly assassinate him or shoot him to
| unlock it.
| Roped In
| Description:
| ============
| Perform 5 air assassinations from a swinging |
| rope.
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| Whilst boarding other vessels, run up and hit|
| a glowing rope with speed to swing across to |
| the other deck. Mash the assassinate button |
| as you fly across the gap and if there is an |
| enemy below you, you should successfully
| assassinate him. Repeat until you have 5 rope|
| assassinations to unlock this achievement/ |
| trophy.
| Wild West Indies
| Description:
| ============
| Kill 4 enemies in a row using multi-pistols. |
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| To do this, we need to first craft three
| additional holsters so that Edward can hold |
| onto four pistols at one time. To do this, we|
| need to track down and acquire the following |
| ingredients:
1x ocelot Hide
| > Pistol Holster II
(completed during
memory sequence 3-1).|
| > Pistol Holster III 2 x Humpback Whale |
| > Pistol Holster IV
2 x Crocodile Leather|
| Once you have unlocked all four pistol slots,|
| simply approach a group of enemies (boarding |
| is especially good due to the confined space)|
| and mash the shoot button four times. The

| multi-pistol attack should kill four
| individual enemies and the achievement/trophy|
| will unlock.
| Thug Life
| Description:
| ============
| Plunder 30 ships.
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| Simply attack, board and plunder 30 ships to |
| complete this achievement/trophy.
| All Aboard!
| Description:
| ============
| Board a ship without losing any crew members.|
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| To do this we need to board and plunder
| another vessel without any of our crew
| members dying in the process. I found the
| easiest away to do this was to attack a
| smaller vessel such as a schooner. Doing such|
| will only task you with killing 5 enemy
| combatants and you should be able to do that |
| with a few well-placed swivel gun shots
| before too many of your mates swing across to|
| the other deck.

Miscellaneous Achievements/Trophies
These achievements/trophies are a little bit random as I was unable to pool
them together into another category. They revolve around cumulative goals such
as recruiting crew members, swimming and earning money, sharing locations with
friends and checking out some of the hunting/harpooning on offer.
Without further ado, here are the miscellaneous achievements/trophies offered
in Assassin's Creed IV and a bit of information on how you can unlock each of
___________________________ ______________________________________________
] Achievement/Trophy Name []
Description & Unlock Guide
| Business And Pleasure
| Description:

| ============
| Earn 50,000 Reales.
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| Simply accumulate 50,000 Reales. This is
| cumulative and all adds up as you progress |
| through the game.Completing memory sequences,|
| plundering ships, unlocking treasure chests, |
| gambling at taverns and completing Assassin |
| or Naval contracts will all provide a good |
| monetary boost towards achieving this goal. |
| Providing you do a little exploring and
| complete some of the optional content, you |
| should get this before the end of the game. |
| Cannon Fodder
| Description:
| ============
| Recruit 500 crew members.
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| You are able to recruit crewmembers either by|
| hiring them en masse from an unlocked tavern,|
| by picking up stranded sailors at sea or by |
| helping pirates who are in trouble with
| guards in some of the more built up areas. As|
| you board ships, you will inevitably lose
| crew members, so keep refilling your crew
| until this one unlocks.
| Mer-man
| Description:
| ============
| Swim a total of 1 nautical mile (nmi).
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| Simply swim for 1 nautical mile. This is a |
| cumulative effort and should unlock before |
| the end of the game.
| Siren Song
| Description:
| ============
| Rescue pirate hostages by distracting enemies|
| with "dancers."
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| When you come across a group of pirates being|
| held prisoner in one of the larger city

| areas, hire some dancing girls and have them |
| distract the guards. Whilst they are busy, |
| sneak by them and rescue the prisoners to
| unlock the achievement/trophy.
| If you have a full crew, these side-tasks
| will not appear readily. If this is the case,|
| you can load up memory sequence 3-2 Now
| Hiring and complete it there.
| Redingote Up!
| Description:
| ============
| Craft the Hunter outfit.
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| This achievement/trophy requires a bit of
| hunting. The Hunter s Outfit requires a red |
| howler monkey skin and a white jaguar s pelt.|
| These can be acquired by tracking down and |
| killing the animals and then skinning them. |
| They can be found in the following locations:|
| > Red Howler Monkey Isla Providencia.
| > White Jaguar
Great Inagua, or complete |
the 1st mission of Opia s Templar Hunt
sequence on Cayman Sound.
| Once you have acquired one of each, you can |
| craft this for the crafting section of the |
| main menu.
| Killer Killer
| Description:
| ============
| Harpoon a killer whale.
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| Track down and kill a Killer Whale. For more |
| information on harpooning and animal
| locations, please check the harpoon hunting |
| guide above - [HNT000].
| Sharing Is Caring
| Description:
| ============
| Share each discovery type with friends once. |
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| As you explore the various areas of the game,|
| you will often come across social events, or |

| social chests. These appear as flashing blue |
| and white symbols on the map.
| The events include:
| > Social treasure chests
| > White Whales
| > Royal Fleet
| Once you have found each of these once, the |
| achievement/trophy will unlock.
| Hungover
| Description:
| ============
| Wake up in a haystack.
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| At the tavern in Nassau, you will see a
| flashing bottle of rum on the far right side |
| of the bar. Walk up to and interact with this|
| to drink it (it costs 5 Reales). Repeat an |
| additional four times and the screen will
| black out. When the picture returns, you ll |
| be in a haystack and the achievement/trophy |
| will unlock.
| Note that I tried this in Kingston and it did|
| not work, so the other taverns may not have |
| the same effect. As such, go and try Nassau |
| first!

Completionist Achievements/Trophies
As the title suggests, these 5 achievements/trophies are all about completing
various attributes of the game to 100%. This includes visiting all of the
available areas, completing all main mission constraints to 100%
synchronisation, purchasing all upgrades for your ship and completing various
in-game tasks to finalise specific locations or to achieve Abstergo Challenges.
Here is a list of the relevant achievements/trophies that fall into this
category and a brief guide as to how to unlock each of them.
___________________________ ______________________________________________
] Achievement/Trophy Name []
Description & Unlock Guide
| Cartographer
| Description:
| ============

| Visit every location of the game.
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| There are a total of 70 explorable areas in |
| the game, each of which is marked by an icon|
| on the world map. These areas include cities,|
| ruins, small settlements, shipwrecks, forts, |
| smuggler s dens etc., etc. If there is an
| icon on the map, you ll need to check it out!|
| We need to approach and enter each of these |
| areas as to unlock a fast travel point. Once |
| you have done this for each location, the
| achievement/trophy will unlock.
| By The Book
| Description:
| ============
| Complete 100% of main mission constraints. |
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| To earn this achievement/trophy we need to |
| complete each and every mission with 100%
| synchronisation. This is done by completing |
| the mission along with both optional
| objectives associated with it. If you have |
| followed the above walkthrough you should
| have this one in the bag!
| Destroyer
| Description:
| ============
| Fully upgrade the Jackdaw.
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| We can access the Jackdaw Upgrade system from|
| the cabin of the jackdaw itself or via
| harbourmaster shops in the game world.We will|
| need to purchase all of the upgrades in the |
| in-game list for the Jackdaw in order to
| unlock the achievement/trophy. This becomes a|
| little trickier when it comes to the elite |
| upgrades as the engineering plans for these |
| specific items must be found in hidden
| treasure chests in either shipwrecks or in |
| buried locations.
| > San Ignacio (Shipwreck)
Elite Hull Armour
| > Devil s Eye Caverns (Shipwreck)
- Elite Swivel Strength
| > The Blue Hole (Shipwreck)
Elite Broadside Cannons

| > San Juan (Shipwreck)
Elite Fire Barrel Strength
| > Isla Providencia (Buried Treasure)
- Elite Fire Barrel Storage
| > La Concepcion Wreck (Shipwreck)
- Elite Ram Strength
| > Kabah Ruins (Shipwreck)
Elite Round Shot
| > Antocha Wreck (Shipwreck)
- Elite Mortar
| > Misteriosa (Buried Treasure)
Elite Heavy Shot
| > Petite Caverne (Buried Treasure)
- Elite Heavy Shot storage
| > Andreas Island (Buried Treasure)
Elite Harpoon
| Once you have acquired the plan for the elite|
| upgrade, it can be purchased from the
| Jackdaw s cabin. Once all upgrades have been |
| purchased, the achievement/trophy will
| unlock.
| Owned
| Description:
| ============
| Complete every activity in a single location.|
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| To do this we need to 100% complete a
| location on the map. Whilst we are in a
| location, you can press the RB/R2 buttons to |
| bring up a checklist of activities to be
| undertaken at that location. These can
| include collectibles, viewpoints and Assassin|
| /Naval contracts. Completing all of these at |
| a single location will fulfil the
| requirements for the achievement/trophy.
| Employee Of The Month
| Description:
| ============
| Complete 25 Abstergo challenges.
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| If you look in the main menu you will find a |
| section named Abstergo Challenges. Look
| inside and complete 25 of the 100 challenges |
| listed to earn the achievement/trophy. For a |
| more in-depth look at the challenges and some|
| hints and tips on how to accomplish each,
| please check out the challenges guide above |
| for tips on how to complete each - [SAC000]. |

| Prizes, Plunder, and
| Description:
| Adventure! (PS3/4 Only)
| ============
| Win every trophy.
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| As per the usual with the PS3/4 Platinum
| Trophies. Unlock all of the other trophies |
| and this one will unlock afterwards.
Multiplayer Achievements/Trophies
The multiplayer achievements/trophies in
are fairly simple (with the exception of
Completing all the achievements/trophies
your character, try out all of the modes
experience to reach the rank of 55.

Assassin s creed IV for the most part

a couple of time-consuming ones).
essentially requires you to customise
and accumulate a certain amount of

Here's a list of the multiplayer achievements/trophies and how to unlock each:

___________________________ ______________________________________________
] Achievement/Trophy Name []
Description & Unlock Guide
| Committed To The Cause
| Description:
| ============
| Reach level 55 in Multiplayer.
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| Self-explanatory! Reach level 55 in the
| multiplayer aspect of Assassin's Creed IV. |
| All Rounder
| Description:
| ============
| Play on every game mode, and use every
| ability & ranged weapon once in Multiplayer. |
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| To earn this achievement/trophy you need to |
| play each game mode and level up enough to |
| unlock each ability and ranged weapon. After |
| unlocking everything, you need to use each |
| unlocked ability/weapon at least once to
| unlock this one.

| You will need to complete one game of each of|
| the game s eight game types. These include: |
| > Artefact Assault
| > Assassinate
| > Deathmatch
| > Domination
| > Manhunt
| > Wanted
| > Wolfpack: Discovery
| > Wolfpack: Unleashed
| You will need to unlock and use the following|
| abilities. These are listed below in order of|
| unlock:
| > Level 0 Disguise
| > Level 0 Money Bomb
| > Level 6 Decoy
| > Level 6 Time Phase
| > Level 12
| > Level 12 Morph
| > Level 18 Bodyguard
| > Level 18 Tripwire Bomb
| > Level 26 Booby Trap
| > Level 26 Glimmer
| > Level 34 Animus Shield
| > Level 34 Wipe
| > Level 42 Poison
| > Level 42 Teleport
| > Level 48 Smoke Bomb
| You will need to unlock and use the following|
| weapons. These are listed below in order of |
| unlock:
| > Level 0 - Disruption
| > Level 12 Knives
| > Level 28 - Sabotage
| > Level 38 - Pistol
| > Level 48 - Poison Dart
| Personal Bag Of Tricks
| Description:
| ============
| Finish a game session with an ability set
| that you customized in Multiplayer.
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| In the character screen for multiplayer,
| there is an option labelled Abilities enter|
| this menu and swap some abilities around. You|
| do not even need to unlock abilities to do |
| this, simply re-arrange the two default
| abilities before entering your first game and|

| it will unlock upon completing the session. |
| Lab Technician
| Description:
| ============
| Play and complete a game session of Game Lab |
| in the Multiplayer Public playlist.
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| Simply join or create a Game Lab match and |
| stay in game until it is completed. There is |
| no need to win, simply to finish. The
| achievement/trophy will unlock once the game |
| is complete.
| Master Of The Caribbean
| Description:
| ============
| Complete the Discovery Mode of Wolfpack in |
| Multiplayer.
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| Complete the discovery mode of wolfpack mode |
| in multiplayer. This requires completion of |
| eight missions.
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| Cheats & Effects |
There are a number of cheats that can be unlocked by completing various
numbers of Abstergo challenges. Every 10 or so challenges that are completed
will unlock the next cheat. There are 100 challenges in total split into a
number of different categories. For a more in-depth look at the challenges and
some hints and tips on how to accomplish each please check out the challenges
guide above - [SAC000].

Once you have unlocked some cheats, you can activate them via the cheats
option inside the Abstergo Challenges menu. Not that whilst these are
activated, you will not be able to earn achievements/trophies and will be
unable to save the game.
Here is a list of the cheats in the game, their effect/s and how many Abstergo
challenges are required to be completed before they are unlocked.
] Challenges | Name of Cheat
| Cheat Effect/s
| Celestial Navigation
| Locks the day-and-night cycle to a |
| single setting. Can choose between: |
| > Always Dawn
> Always Day
| > Always sunset > Always Night |
| Arrr Matey!
| This cheat fills Edward s speech
| with clichs from pop culture pirate|
| lore.
| No Quarter
| This cheat activates hardcore mode. |
| Neither Edward nor the jackdaw will |
| regenerate health.
|Scourge of the Seven Seas| This cheat brings Edward Kenway s |
| wanted level to full and keeps it |
| there. Have fun with the hunters! |
| Loaded to the Gunwhale | This cheat makes Edward perpetually |
| drunk.
| Poseidon s Will
| This cheat locks the ocean wave
| intensity. Can choose between:
| > No Waves
> Epic Waves.
| Dead Men Tell No Tales | This cheat activates god mode.Edward|
| and the Jackdaw will never take
| damage.
| Shiver Me Timbers
| This cheat morphs all enemies into |
| Rabbids.
| Armed to the Teeth
| This cheat gives both Edward and the|
| Jackdaw unlimited ammo.
| Deceased Crew
| This cheat transforms all of your |

| crew members into a Skeleton Crew. |
| Pirates of the Caribbean style!

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| Easter Egg Locations |
There a number of Easter eggs, in-jokes and other amusing bits and pieces
hidden throughout Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag. There are eggs hidden both
in the 'real world' Abstergo offices and also throughout the Caribbean inside
the Animus.
Note: This list is by no means exhaustive, these are just the Easter Eggs/Odd
things that I noticed as I played through the game or that others have
let me know about. If you know of any other Easter Eggs, or interesting/
amusing bits and pieces, please let me know!
Here is a list of the campaign Easter Eggs that I am aware of:
The Fate of Desmond
During one of your first visits back to the 'real world' you will be tasked
with hacking one of your co-worker's computer terminals. Doing so will cause a
video that shows a bit of information about what has happened to Desmond Miles
following the ending to Assassin s Creed III.
Watch Dogs Reference
During time spent in the 'real world', you'll often hear other employees
talking. At one point you will hear some of the employees talking about a
security firm named Blume in Chicago. THis happens to be a company mentioned in
the upcoming ubisoft title - Watch_Dogs.
Far Cry 3 Reference

Once you have come across an ocelot in the game, you will unlock a database
entry for it that can be accessed from the main menu. If you read this, there
is a note that reads We may have to consider putting tigers and cassowaries
in these jungles too. Referencing some of the more annoying life in Ubisoft's
Far Cry 3, also set in a tropical island setting.
Secret of Monkey Island Reference
The first assassination contract that you are able to accept in Nassau is for a
pirate named Mancomb Seepgood. This also happens to be the name of one of the
pirates in the point and click adventure game - The Secret of Monkey Island.
Assassin's creed II: Ezio Reference
In memory sequence 12-01 'A Governor No More' you need to tail an Italian
diplomat before killing him and taking his outfit. As you follow him, you may
notice that he has Roger Craig Smith's voice (the voice actor for Ezio in
Assassin's Creed II, Revelations and Brotherhood). He makes mention about how
poor Kingston's architecture is and how he misses his home, Florence.

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| Downloadable Content Walkthroughs |
In addition to the lengthy single player campain and its swathe of optional
side-missions and collectibles, the boffins over at Ubisoft have been good
enough to provide us with some additional downloadable content to further
expand on our piratey adventure. There has been a single piece of narrativedriven single player content released for Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag to
date (here's hoping for more) and you can find a complete walkthrough to it

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Welcome to my walkthrough for Ubisoft's latest add on to the epic action
adventure title Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag - Freedom Cry. This guide will
help you play through this DLC from start to finish, completing all of the
missions whilst fulfilling all of those pesky mission parameters and optional
objectives required for 100% synchronisation.
Note that whilst collectibles will appear during missions, I will not be
including them in the walkthrough unless for location descriptions. There is a
complete collectible locations guide below the main walkthrough.
To fast travel to a chapter, go to the table of contents and copy the code next
to the section of interest. Press CTRL +F and paste the code in there to jump
down to where you want to go in a flash.
A complete list of each type of liberation mission, every type of collectible
and their locations as well as a complete achievement/trophy guide can
also be located in the relevant spots below the walkthrough in the guide below.
As there is a lot of info to scroll through below, please use the following
shortcuts to navigate your way through quicker!
/ Assassin's Creed IV: Freedom Cry Walkthrough
1. Campaign Mission Walkthroughs ..................... [FCWLKT]
1.01 The Calm Before the Storm................... [ACFC01]
1.02 A Common Enemy ............................. [ACFC02]
1.03 Laying the First Brick ..................... [ACFC03]
1.03A Interlude - Liberation 01 .................. [ACFC3A]
1.04 A Ship of his Own .......................... [ACFC04]
1.04A Interlude - Liberation 02 .................. [ACFC4A]
1.05 Lifting the Veil ........................... [ACFC05]
1.06 A Scientific Inquiry ....................... [ACFC06]

1.06A Interlude - Liberation 03 .................. [ACFC6A]
1.07 Planting the Seeds ......................... [ACFC07]
1.08 Down with the Ship ......................... [ACFC08]
1.09 de Fayet's Last Stand ...................... [ACFC09]
2. Liberation Missions ............................... [ACFCSD]
2.01 Auctions .................................... [ACFCS1]
2.02 Escapes ..................................... [ACFCS2]
2.03 Injuries .................................... [ACFCS3]
2.04 Jail ........................................ [ACFCS4]
2.05 Plantations ................................. [ACFCS5]
2.06 Punishment .................................. [ACFCS6]
2.07 Slave Convoys ............................... [ACFCS7]
2.08 Slave Ships ................................. [ACFCS8]
3. Upgrades and Rewards .............................. [ACFCUR]
3.01 Liberation Rewards .......................... [ACFCLR]
3.02 Resistance Rewards .......................... [ACFCRR]
4. Collectible Locations Guide ...................... [ACFCCL]
4.01. Port-Au-Prince ............................. [CFC00A]
4.02 Cumberland Bay .............................. [CFC00B]
4.03 Isla Faro ................................... [CFC00C]
4.04 Isla Paramo ................................. [CFC00D]
4.05 Isle-du-Fey ................................. [CFC00E]
4.06 Fort Lully .................................. [CFC00F]
4.07 Fort Matias ................................. [CFC00G]
4.08 Maroon Hideout .............................. [CFC00H]
4.09 Martok Island ............................... [CFC00I]
4.10 Montez ...................................... [CFC00J]
4.11 Scafell Island .............................. [CFC00K]
4.12 Shipwreck ................................... [CFC00L]
4.13 Tortuga ..................................... [CFC00M]
4.14 Wellington .................................. [CFC00N]
5. AC4: Freedom Cry Achievement/Trophy Guide ......... [ACFCT1]
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---------------------------------FIRST MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 01 - The Calm Before the Storm
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. Locate the target ship using the spyglass.
\ 02. Use a mortar to surprise the Templar fleet.
Part 1: Naval Battle
As we begin, we ll be sailing towards a group of ships in the distance. We
need to sink these. From a distance, pull out your spyglass and use it to look
at the largest of the four ships ahead. This is the Admiral s ship and
identifying it with the spyglass will complete the first objective.
As you approach, use a mortar to initiate combat. This will fulfil the second
of the two optional objectives. Focus on the large ship as you move in and
continue to unleash mortars as you approach. As you arrive, veer off to one of
the sides and use your heavy shot/broadside attacks on the admiral s ship
until it is disabled. Afterwards, take down the three escort vessels.
Fortuitously, they are quite weak so they won t take much to destroy.
Once all of the opposition ships have been destroyed, a scene will play and a
dive spot will appear nearby. Sail over to this and dock to initiate a dive
Part 2: Dive
From the diving bell swim directly to the northeast to find a chest beneath
the second air barrel that you come across. Loot this and use the air barrel
to refill your lungs. Swim back towards the diving bell and take a left when
you are able towards the sunken ship. Use the seaweed on the ocean bed to
avoid detection by the sharks swimming about.
As you arrive at the ship, just in front you ll find a chest to loot. Do so
and then use a nearby air barrel if you require it. Now we need to swim
upwards towards the deck of the shipwreck. Before you arrive however, enter
the hole allowing you inside the hull. Swim to the southernmost room to find
the chest with the objective inside.
Once you have looted it, turn to the right and you ll notice a hole in the wall
and a green objective marker indicating the diving bell in the distance. Swim
over there, using the seaweed to avoid sharks where necessary and when you
arrive, interact with it to return to the surface.

Part 3: Escape
Following the story sequence, an objective marker will appear in the distance.
Sail towards this. As you do a large number of ships will appear and converge
on your position. Continue to sail towards the marker, but try to take down
the vessel that comes at you from the right as it will ram you if you let it
get close.
Once you reach the storm, you ll need to keep an eye on the mini-map for both
water spouts and rogue waves. Just to jog your memory, you want to avoid the
water spouts by navigating around them and we can nullify the damaging rogue
waves by piloting the ship directly into them front on. We simply need to
make it through these obstacles until we reach the marker in the distance. I
counted two of each before I arrived, so it shouldn t be too difficult!

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 02 - A Common Enemy
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. N/A: There are no optional objectives for this mission.
Part 1: Chase
Following the introductory scene, we ll be on foot and have a nice big machete
as a weapon. As we begin, you ll see a man marked with a red target marker
running away from you along a dirt trail. Chase after him and kill him when
you catch up with him for a scene.
At this point you will unlock the achievement/trophy

Liberation Day .

Part 2: Tailing
For the moment at least we have a little bit of free-roam action to enjoy. Our
ultimate goal is to reach the green objective marker, but feel free to have a
look around and synchronise a waypoint or two. As we approach the objective
marker, it will expand into a green search area. The guy we need to locate is
in the north-western most part of the green zone, just next to the slave
auction. You ll need to use Eagle Vision to tag him.
Follow the target along the street to the east using the crowds, building
corners and occasional piece of foliage as cover. He ll only stop once as you
go, so as long as you keep your distance and don t cause too much of a
disturbance, you can follow him without too much trouble. After he crosses the
river, he will enter a nearby building. Follow him inside.
Part 3: Eavesdrop

As you enter, the targets will be on the staircase to your left. We need to
listen to their conversation. Move over and stand with the group of patrons at
the foot of the stairs to begin the sequence. Once started, the pair will cut
a lap of the brothel bar area, making 3 stops along the way. Follow them
around the room, whilst staying within the green circle. Use the standing
patrons as cover for the first two stops and then the table with the girl and
two men along the right hand wall at the final stop.
Once the eavesdrop has been completed, approach the glowing woman. Interact
with her for a scene to end the memory.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 03 - Laying the First Brick
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. Push an overseer into the water.
\ 02. Perform an air assassination from a height of at least 10m.
Following the previous mission s completion, we will again have the option for
a bit of free-roaming action on our hands if we choose to do so. Ultimately,
we need to make our way over to the green search area within the restricted
area at the plantation to the east.
Part 1: Infiltration
Once we enter the gate to the plantation, continue along the road for a short
distance until you spot a building on your left. Make your way behind this and
follow the narrow passage until you reach a shrub at the top of a wall at the
end. Activate eagle vision here and look into the cane field below to spot our
target. When it is safe to do so, hop the wall, stay in the cover of the field
and speak to her.
Having spoken to the contact, a new objective marker will appear on the map.
When the nearby guard is looking away, hop the fence near the target and
continue along the left hand side of the area using the bushes and buildings
as cover to avoid being spotted by the various guards. After passing behind
the second building, you will be close to a small, less populated dirt path
leading linking this with another plantation area to the south. Wait for the
guards to look away and run along the path to the new area. Hide in the first
cane field.
Again, when no-one is looking leave the field and follow the dirt path to the
northeast until you reach the green beam indicating the objective in a small
clearing. Approach this for a scene.
Part 2: Attack
We will find ourselves in a new location now and are given the objective of

killing all the overseers in the area. There are 14 hostiles and we ll need to
clear them out to progress. Note that this section is the point at which the
two optional objectives are able to be achieved. We ll be sneaky to start with
so that we can earn the assassination from above objective.
Run across the rope bridge here and enter the bush at the end. Assassinate the
guy nearby. Look off to the left and you ll see a raised platform with one
guard on top and another patrolling from there, down to your level and then
back up again. Whistle the patroller over when you get a chance and eliminate
him. Head up the stairs now and kill the guard at the top. From here, look
back to the area below. There are another two guards standing before a bush
ahead talking. Approach them from behind and double assassinate them.
From this bush, if you look opposite of the stairs we just came from, you
should see the top of a small wooden crane. Climb up on top of this and from
here air assassinate the guard on the dock below. This will complete the first
Now that the sneakiness is no longer necessary, we need to get some guards
alerted to our presence to get the second objective done. Get spotted by one
of the remaining guards on the docks and stand near the edge of some water.
Wait for combat to begin and when you get a chance, grab a guard and throw him
into the water nearby for the objective.
Once both objectives have been met, simply kill the remaining enemies. After
killing the final overseer, approach the glowing man and interact with him for
a scene.
Part 3: Chase
Following the scene, we ll need to chase the fellows in the boat. Immediately
run over and use the rope lift nearby, race across the platform and hop over
to the beam sticking out of the cliff face. Climb the wall on the next platform
and then run along the fairly straightforward platforming path until you arrive
outside. Quickly hop across the wooden poles to reach the island and run to
the top of the hill here for a scene to end the mission proper.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 3A - Interlude: Liberation 01
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. N/A: There are no optional objectives for this mission.
Once the scene ending the previous mission is complete, you ll still be in the
Maroon hideout. You will have a quick tutorial flash up in regards to
liberation tasks and how they can help you. Following this, head over to the
nearby objective marker and buy some blunderbuss ammunition. Once you have
completed this task, you will be able to return to Port-au-Prince via the green
objective marker at the exit.

You ll now also receive a quick crash course in the blunderbuss (think bad-ass
shotgun). Following the pop-ups use the blunderbuss to aim at and eliminate
the four guards ahead. We re now free to do as we please again.
Note that the next mission will not unlock until we have recruited 20 maroons
by completing liberation side-missions. You should have a couple of recruits
in your back pocket already, but if not, no matter we are still going to have
to do some liberating at this point. To liberate maroons we can do a number of
things including:
Attack a plantation and kill all of its guards,
Save a fleeing slave from pursuers,
Free slaves from cages by looting the key from a guard,
Free slaves from a slave auction by either buying them for 500 Reales or
by killing all of the guards,
Free slaves being escorted through the streets,
Free slaves from punishment,
Carry injured slaves to a safe location.
Note: for more information regarding liberation missions, some locations to
find each, and how to complete them, please look at the side-quest guide below.
Link here: [ACFCLM].
Note that liberating citizens will not always yield the same number of Maroons,
so you will likely need to accomplish a number of these tasks to continue. As
we are already at the plantation, you may as well deal with the side-mission.
Now depending on whether it is daytime or night time, you will have a different
Day Time
We need to sneak around the grounds and taking out 20 of the guards, if
this is your first attempt at a plantation, keep in mind that as you take
out guards you want to stay undetected. If you are spotted, the guards
will start killing slaves and reducing the total number that you can
rescue. Eliminating the set number of guards undetected will earn you 30
slaves and 10 maroons.
Night Time
If it is currently night time when you enter the plantation zone you will
need to find and loot a key from a target guard (usually located near the
manor house) inside the green investigation zone. Once we have his key, we
then need to make our way over to three marked doors and unlock them to
complete the side-mission. Doing so will earn you 30 slaves and 10
Either way you go about it, once you are finished, head back to town and
complete any other tasks you feel like until you reach your quota
I would
recommend freeing at least 50 slaves in total (not maroons) to make the next
liberation sequence a little shorter.
Either way, once you have recruited the desired number of Maroons, the next
sequence will be unlocked.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION---------------------------------

] Memory 04 - A Ship of his Own
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. Distract 4 guards with firecrackers.
\ 02. Use dancing girls to distract the guards.
Once you have freed 20 Maroons, this quest marker will become active and is
located on a rooftop in the main city area of Port-au-Prince.
Part 1: Infiltrate
From the beginning, the game will pop-up a few screens explaining your newest
firecrackers. When you are able, drop some firecrackers into the
alley below and note pair of guards who come to investigate (note that there
will be only one guard if you reload the checkpoint). When you are able to
move again, turn around and jump across to the roof of the building behind you.
Make your way over to the right (western side of the roof) and jump onto the
branch. Follow the treetop path until you are above a set of stairs with some
guards at the top. Look towards the base of the stairs and drop some fireworks
here) this is a great place to earn the optional objective for drawing four
guards with firecrackers) and whilst the guards are distracted, follow the
branch you are on all the way west and hop into the hay stack near the end.
Now we can either stay at ground level and work our way slowly over towards the
objective markers using the shrubs and other hiding places, or we can eliminate
the gunner on the roof further to the west and then use the rooftops to
approach the target marker. The latter option is much easier as you can use the
rope lift directly below the gunner to gain easy access to the roof to
assassinate him, or pull him to you by sitting in his line of sight for a few
seconds, then hiding.
The objective marker is highlighting a guard tower. As you approach, you ll
want to pull out your sleep darts and hit the gunner on top of it with one of
those. At the base of the building facing the tower to the south you will find
a group of dancing girls (there is another group to the north east of the tower
as well if you mess up the optional objective the first time!).
Hire the first group and walk with them to the west. There is a sheltered
storage area with a red marker indicating a powder keg. As you approach the
shelter, have the dancing girls distract the guards here to complete the second
optional objective. Now quickly grab the flashing keg, run over and drop it
beneath the guard tower and shoot it to blow it up (don t worry about being
detected once the second optional objective has been completed as nothing will
Part 2: Infiltrate
Once the guard tower is alight, we want to quickly run to the end of the dock
nearby and dive into the water. Swim to the far side of the ship (away from

the shore) and use the stealth swim for as long as possible to stay out of
sight and to shake off alerted guards.
Climb up the rigging near the front of the ship and climb up to the first
platform on the mast. You will probably be spotted by a gunner in the mast to
your left, but keep climbing until you reach the platform. Assassinate the
guard here and use your blow pipe to sleep the gunner on the other mast. Now
simply climb to the green hologram at the very top of the mast you are climbing
for a scene.
This will complete the mission.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 4A - Interlude: Liberation 02
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. N/A: There are no optional objectives for this mission.
Once the scene ending the previous mission is complete, you ll now be in
control of your very own ship. Note that the next mission will not unlock
until we have attacked a slave ship and liberated its inhabitants and freed a
total of 150 slaves by completing liberation side-missions. You should have at
least 40 (or 50 if you did as I suggested earlier) freed slaves by now, so
it s just a matter of grinding out the rest!
Fortunately, slave ships contain up to 100 slaves that we can free!
Unfortunately they are usually being escorted by groups of 2-3 frigates and
brigs. As we need to liberate one of these bad boys to continue, follow the
ship icon on the mini-map until you find it. As you approach, let loose with
your mortars on the escorts and then finish them off with some broadside/heavy
shots. Destroying these will allow you to board the slave ship. As per usual,
kill the set number of crew to free the slaves on board.
Afterwards, set sail to explore, or head back to town and complete any other
liberation tasks you feel like until you reach the requisite number. Once you
have recruited the desired number of Maroons, the next sequence will be

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 05 - Lifting the Veil
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. Kill the overseer who led the slaves.
\ 02. Free the slaves from the barracks.

Once you have freed 150 total slaves (and liberated a slave ship), this quest
marker will become active and is located back at the brothel we visited
earlier in the southeast part of the main city area of Port-au-Prince.
Part 1: Follow
From the start of the mission, follow your friend who is marked with the blue
objective marker. She ll give you a rolling breakdown of what you ll need to
do for the rest of the mission. After a short walk a scene will play. Once this
is done, follow the group of slaves in front of you in through the open gate
and into the restricted area containing our target.
Place the crate near the green objective marker and then follow the other NPC
marked with the blue indicator until you reach a stable area. Move over to the
green hologram a scene will play.
Part 2: Infiltrate
When we regain control, it will be night time and there will be guards
patrolling about. At this point, we need to sneak into the mansion in the
centre of the grounds. We are also able to complete the first optional
objective at this point
killing the overseer who marched you in here
From the start, look around the corner and wait for the guard here to patrol
off. Enter the bushes when he is away and then whistle him over and assassinate
him when he returns. Now turn on Eagle Vision and look along the wall until
you see the gate.
The golden target here is our assassination target for the optional objective.
Now we want to work our way along the wall using the foliage provided and wait
in the bush beneath the tree closest to the gate. Wait for the pair of guards
here to separate and then quickly sprint across the dirt road and perform a
running assassination on the golden target. Continue into the bush in the
corner of the wall ahead.
Follow the perimeter wall to the south and climb the smaller wall adjacent to
the shack here and hang from the ledge. Wait for the guard in front to face
towards the mansion and climb over and hide in the bushes behind him to take
him down. Continue to the north, using the bushes as cover until you reach
another wall. This one will have guard leaning up against it.
Look at the mini-map and wait until the other guards are far enough away and
then whistle the leaning guard over and dispatch him. Run across the dirt road
and climb the wall of the mansion up to the balcony. Look in the window to
spot our target.

Part 3: Eavesdrop
Once we see the target, the eavesdrop sequence will begin. Quickly hop over
the railing to the left and follow the targets through the house, being sure

to stay between the windows to avoid detection whilst also staying inside the
green circle. Once the targets move to the centre of the house out of range,
our objectives will update.
Climb up to the top of the roof and make your way to the south side of the
mansion. Dive into the hay stack marked with the green objective marker.
Assassinate the guard standing nearby if necessary.
When you are clear, run over to the base of the mansion and enter the stalking
zone beneath the deck with the targets on it. The eavesdropping sequence will
start up once again. As they move, hug the wall at the base of the deck and
follow them around the corner using the shrubs provided. Keep going with them
until you reach the steps blocking your path in front. At this point, the
eavesdrop sequence will be complete.
Part 4: Escape
Now that the conversation is over, the game prompts us to return to the
brothel. Before we do that however, we can earn the second optional objective
freeing the slaves from the barracks. To do this, we need to sneak back over
to where we started the last part of the mission (working your way back up the
perimeter wall works well!) and kill the three guards now hanging out there.
Be sure to kill them quickly however as once they are aware of your presence
they will start killing the slaves.
Once you have done that, climb up on top of the slave barracks building on the
perimeter fence and climb through the hole in the iron spikes atop it to
escape the restricted area. Now make your way back to the brothel to complete
the mission.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 06 - A Scientific Inquiry
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. Complete all 5 of the investigations.
\ 02. Complete all of your investigations without killing anyone.
The mission start marker will once again appear over our contact at the
brothel. So when you are ready to continue, head back inside and speak with
her to start the mission.
Part 1: Eavesdrop
Head over to the warehouse near the docks. The targets are inside. The best
way to get at them stealthily though is climbing up through the gap in the wall
on the south side of the building which you can do by approaching just to the
left of the southern doorway and using the crate next to it as cover from the
guards at the entrance to climb the wall. Eliminate the guy patrolling on the

second floor of the warehouse.

Take cover behind the wooden wall directly above the targets and listen to
their conversation. Once it is over, the screen will go black and our
objectives will update.
Part 2: Investigate
Following the conversation, five magnifying glass markers will appear on the
map, these are investigations we need to complete to finish the mission. We
need to complete at least three of them to progress, it should be noted however
that we need to complete all five to earn the first optional objective and we
cannot kill anyone during the investigations to earn the second optional
objective. Note that the not killing anybody objective appears to extend to
knocking people out whilst unarmed and doing so will void the objective for
you. So try not to!
Below are listed the five investigations and how to complete each. To find out
which is which, go to the map and hover your cursor over the marker to see
the labels for each.
1. Courier

The courier is located on the deck of the ship at the end

of the dock west of the warehouse. As you approach his
location, he will run or swim off. Follow him, tackle him
and loot him when he is on the ground to complete the

2. Carrier

The carrier is located around 100 metres to the east of the

warehouse where the eavesdropping took place. As we arrive
in the green investigation circle, the game will prompt you
to turn on Eagle Vision to spot the target. He ll be the
guard arm wrestling. He ll get up and walk away. Simply
follow after him and pick pocket him when you get the
chance to finish the investigation.

3. Scientist

This investigation starts at a green hologram objective

marker located just to the west of the slave auction in the
central city area of Port-au-Prince. This requires you to
eavesdrop a pair of scientists. Use the fences here to
begin with and then climb the building when you cannot use
the fences any further. Utilise the treetop path here to
continue following them onto the next set of rooves. Drop
down to the ground when you can no longer use the rooftops
and use the citizens hanging around and shrubs to continue
following them until their conversation ends.

4. Fisherman

The fisherman is located along the beach to the south of

the warehouse where we eavesdropped on the conversation
earlier. He asks you to steal the key to a slave pen. Once
you have talked to him, an orange objective icon will
appear on the map to the northeast. Find the target and
pickpocket him when you are able. Unlock the nearby slave
pen (if you approach from behind, you can drop down and
open the door without the guards spotting you). Return to
the fisherman to complete the investigation.

5. Messenger

Located leaning up against a building just to the east to

the restricted area in the southern part of the

Port-au-Prince city area. As you get close, the game asks

you to target him with Eagle Vision, so do so. As you
approach he will run off, so chase him down and tackle him
to complete the investigation.
Once you have completed the target number of investigations, return to the
brothel and speak with your contact inside to end the mission.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 6A - Interlude: Liberation 03
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. N/A: There are no optional objectives for this mission.
Note that the next mission will not unlock until we have attacked and
liberated the wellington plantation which is located out in the Caribbean. As
such, fast travel to the Maroon s Hideout and exit the cave here to reach your
ship outside. Get behind the wheel and get sailing! Note that this is a good
time to enter the captain s cabin and upgrade the ship a little.
I would recommend upgrading to at least the following:


round shot
heavy shot

Check out your map and set a course for the Wellington plantation which should
be a brief journey to the southwest of your current location (at co-ordinates
205,148). As you approach, you will notice a level 60 man-o-war ship sitting
just outside of it. Yep, you are going to have to attack that and destroy it.
As you approach, let it cop a few of your mortars and then continue to drop
shells on it as it heads in your direction. Once it is in range of your other
weapons, finish it off with some broadside/heavy shots. Destroying these will
allow you to dock with the Wellington Plantation zone via the highlighted
section of water nearby.
Now that we are at the plantation, go and liberate it. If you have freed a
plantation before, you just need to repeat the normal procedure depending on
the time of day.
Day Time
We need to sneak around the grounds and taking out 20 of the guards, if
this is your first attempt at a plantation, keep in mind that as you take
out guards you want to stay undetected. If you are spotted, the guards
will start killing slaves and reducing the total number that you can
rescue. Eliminating the set number of guards undetected will earn you 30
slaves and 10 maroons.
Night Time

If it is currently night time when you enter the plantation zone you will
need to find and loot a key from a target guard (usually located near the
manor house) inside the green investigation zone. Once we have his key, we
then need to make our way over to three marked doors and unlock them to
complete the side-mission. Doing so will earn you 30 slaves and 10
Once you have cleared out the plantation, climb the windmill and synchronise
the vantage point to unlock a fast-travel option (if you want).
Afterwards, set sail to explore, or head back to town and complete any other
liberation tasks you feel like until you are good to go. Then make your way
back to Port-au-Prince and when you are ready to continue, head back to the
brothel, go on inside and speak with our friend (she is behind a door on the
second floor this time) to start the next mission.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 07 - Planting the Seeds
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. Sink all six schooners before sinking the brig.
\ 02. Destroy the priate flotilla in less than six minutes.
Once you have liberated the Wellington plantation in the Caribbean, this quest
marker will become active and is located back at the brothel we visited
earlier in the southeast part of the main city area of Port-au-Prince. Head
inside and climb the stairs to the second floor to find her.
Part 1: Tailing
Following the introductory story sequence, you ll notice a green search area
on the map. The guy we need to locate is located just southwest and across the
dirt street from the slave auction, close to the small outdoor storage shelter.
Stick on your Eagle Vision to locate him.
Once you have located the target, he will start walking off. Quickly highlight
him with your Eagle Vision once more and continue after him. As per usual,
you ll want to keep your distance and use the various pieces of cover (people,
bushes and buildings) to stay out of sight when he stops and looks around. You
will also need to steer clear of the wardens about and the restricted areas if
When he walks past the slave auction stage, you ll notice that there are
guards about and he wanders through some restricted areas at this point.
avoid the restricted areas, you can climb up onto the grassy ledge above
auction stage and continue along the top of the wall here straight ahead
you exit back onto the streets (there should be a large staircase to the

a few

Our target will meet with a friend at the base of the stairs, so stay in cover
until they begin moving again.
Target both of them and follow them into the restricted area to watch them go
into the small undercover area just south of the large warehouse by the docks.
After a few moments your objectives will be updated.
Part 2: Infiltrate
We ll now see a green objective marker beneath the open storage area that our
targets walked into. We need to get inside undetected and interact with the
glowing sheet of paper. The easiest way to do this that I found was to climb
onto the roof of the building across the street to the east of the shelter and
perform a running jump from the roofs corner to land in the bushes at the
northwest corner of the target area.
From here, you can stealth assassinate the guard nearby with his back to the
shrub and whistle over any single patrollers that wander past your posiion.
Keep your eye on the mini-map and when no guards are looking, enter the
undercover area (if you get spotted here, quickly use some crates as cover
before they see you long enough to warrant an investigation), approach the
manifest and swap it.
Now just escape the area for a scene to complete this section of the mission.
Part 3: Naval Battle
After the scene, we ll now need to protect a ship (marked with the blue
objective marker) whilst it is attacked by a number of enemy vessels. Note that
this is the section of the mission in which we can earn the two optional
objectives. As you are doing this however, a storm will pick up, so keep on
the lookout for the occasional rogue wave during the next few minutes!
There are 7 enemy ships in total. As we approach, the ship will losing health
and be taking fire from a six schooners and a brig. Our first optional
objective asks us to destroy all six schooners before sinking the brig. As such
use your mortars from a distance as you work your way towards them to take out
as many as possible before sailing in quick and using a combination of
broadside and chase cannons to take them out hastily.
Once you have taken down all of the schooners, turn your attention to the brig.
If you have upgraded a little, this should not be too much of a challenge for
you, as long as you can prevent the escort from taking too much damage.
After the brig has been dealt with the mission will be complete.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 08 - Down with the Ship
\ Optional Objectives:

\ 01. Take less than 50% damage during the naval battle.
\ 02. Liberate at least 15 slaves.
Before we start this mission, it is a good idea to restock your ship s ammo
supplies (especially mortars, if you use them as much as I do!).
To begin this mission, we ll once again head inside the brothel in
Port-au-Prince. This time, we want to step into the green mission start
hologram at the base of the stairs.
After the introductory cinematic you ll be behind the wheel of the Experto
Creed. If you look at the map, you will see that there is a green circle
indicating a slave ship named Bourbon . It is located at co-ordinates
(171,349) just south of the marker for Cumberland Bay on the world map.
Part 1: Naval Battle
As you approach the location, you will note that it is being escorted by 3
frigates. Use your spyglass to mark the slave ship (so you know what not to
attack!) and then pepper the escorting frigates with mortars from a distance
until they come to greet you. At this point, cut big laps and hit them with
your heavy/round shot attacks until you have sunk two of them.
When two of the three have been defeated a short scene will play and it will
show the third starting to attack the slave ship. Quickly make your way over
to its location, hitting it with mortars as you approach (to save time) and
then finish it off with a broadside or two.
The game will prompt you to go over and board the slave ship. So go and do it!
Part 2: Rescue
Once you have boarded the ship, you ll need to head over and interact with the
hatch beneath the green hologram near the rear of the vessel s deck.
You ll be in a cabin that is flooded and burning at the same time. Huzzah! You
will see numerous slaves tied to beds throughout. We need to run up to the
glowing pillars by each group of slaves and interact with it. At this point
you will have to follow the on-screen button prompts to release them.
Unfortunately we only have a limited amount of time here, so we need to free
as many as possible within the timeframe. I counted seven groups of slaves in
total, but you will only need to rescue five of the seven groups to complete
the second optional objective.
After the time is up, a scene will play.
Part 3: Escape
Following the scene, you will find yourself underwater. Time to escape! Swim
through the open doorway in front of you and interact with the glowing hatch
on the floor. Descend through the hatch and turn to trace the green objective

marker, swim to the right of the support in the centre, and swim along whilst
hugging the right hand wall to avoid the moving cargo. When you reach the end,
follow the passage around to the left and swim up the open hatch that is marked
for you.
After a brief scene, Ade will surface for us. Climb up the wall to the left
and when you are able, back eject to the wall opposite. Continue to climb all
the way to the top using the handholds and fairly obvious platforming pathway
that is laid out for you.
As you arrive at the objective marker another scene will play to end the

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Memory 09 - de Fayet's Last Stand
\ Optional Objectives:
\ 01. Kill 5 guards with the blunderbuss.
\ 02. kill the assassination target with the branding iron.
To begin the ninth and final mission for the DLC, you will need to make your
way to the Maroon Hideout either by going through the secret hatch on the
ground next to the stairs in the brothel, or by fast traveling to the icon on
the world map. Once inside, run over and talk to our buddy who is marked with
the exclamation mark to begin.
Part 1: Assassinate
Make your way over to the Governor s mansion which is conveniently indicated
by the green objective marker. As you approach it will become a wide, green
investigation area. Stand outside of the open gate with the guards blocking the
path at the south of the mansion. Stand in front of them and use Eagle vision
to look into the grounds of the courtyard beyond. This should trigger a scene
and identify the target for you.
Now pull out your blunderbuss and shoot the four guards at the gate. This will
alert the target to your presence and he will run out the gate, past you and
down towards the waterfront. You re your blunderbuss out and shoot a guard or
two that follow him to earn the first optional objective (but be sure not to
hit the target!). Now turn and follow him, doing your best to avoid the guards
that attempt to tackle you from behind and block your path. As with any chase
sequence, try to stay within 50 metres of him at all times or you are likely
to desynchronise!
Now comes the tricky part. The target will run to a small guard training area
along the south of the city area and it is unfortunately full of guards. Add
to that the fact that you just came running through the streets with half of
the guards in the city after you and you have a difficult fight ahead! Now, you
also need to keep in mind that to earn the second optional objective, we need
to kill the target with the branding iron
this means we will need to counter

and disarm the target before killing him. As such, make sure you are unarmed
before you take him on.
Fortunately there are a few things we can do to make it easier. If you pull
out the blunderbuss, you can circle around until you gather the enemies into a
nice group and then let loose (just make sure the target does not get hit). IF
you do this 2-3 times, this will thin them out nicely, allowing you to easily
counter and kill the remaining guards.
Ensure at this point that you disarm and kill the target with the branding
iron and as he dies, a scene will play to complete the mission and the DLC.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: For completing this mission whilst killing the target with the iron you
will earn the achievement/trophy His Own Medicine .
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: For completing this mission, you will earn the achievement/trophy His
Word Was Perhaps .
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Congratulations, you have just completed Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag's DLC
Freedom Cry!
If you have enjoyed using the guide and are on GameFAQs, why not scroll to the
very top of the page, hit the recommend button and give me a brief bit of
feedback? It is much appreciated!
Alternatively, consider making a donation to my Paypal account
(Sokkus[at]hotmail[dot]com), sending me a brief email or visiting the site that
I write for (www.consoledomination.com) to check out some of my other reviews
and previews!
Again, I hope you enjoyed the guide and I look forward to see you again in my
next FAQ!

S I D E - A C T I V I T I E S
_ __
__ _
/ / (_) /_ ___ _________ _/ /_(_)___ ____
/ / / / __ \/ _ \/ ___/ __ `/ __/ / __ \/ __ \
/ /___/ / /_/ / __/ / / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / / / /
/_____/_/_.___/\___/_/ \__,_/\__/_/\____/_/ /_/
Just like the vanilla Assassin's Creed IV experience, in addition to the main
campaign missions, there are several types of additional side-missions to keep
you occupied whilst taking a break from the main plot or during exploration
once the credits have rolled. In the case of Freedom Cry, these are all pooled
under the banner of liberation side-missions in which you find and assist
random slaves in and around port-au-prince and the Caribbean.

It should be noted that all liberation missions bar the Slave Ships and
plantations can be found within the confines of the City area of
Port-au-Prince (and even then, there are three plantations in the greater
Port-au-Prince area). Slave ships can be attempted after you acquire the ship,
as can the three plantations located in the Caribbean sea.
for quicker navigation, please use the shortcuts here:

Auctions ...................................
Escapes ....................................
Injuries ...................................
Jail .......................................
Plantations ................................
Punishment .................................
Slave Convoys ..............................
Slave Ships ................................


] Auctions
\ Rewards: Maroons x 3, Slaves x 2
In several locations throughout Port-au-Prince you will find slave auctions.
These comprise a number of slaves tied up in a line, with an auctioneer and a
number of guards located nearby. There are two ways to resolve these slave
auction side-tasks.
1. Firstly we can approach the auctioneer and interact with him to purchase
the slaves for 500 Reales.
2. Alternatively, we can kill the auctioneer and all the nearby guards,
and then interacting with the slaves to free them.
Here are some of the mission locations:
1. In the northeast corner of the city area of Port-au-Prince, just west of
the Governer's mansion.
2. Just north of and directly across the road from the building with the
viewpoint in the city area of Port-au-prince.
] Escapes
\ Rewards: Maroons x 1, Slaves x 0
As you walk around the main city area of Port-au-Prince, you will every so
often get a prompt to fto save a freeing slave from a pursuer. Do do this, we
need to simply find the slave on the mini-map and then identify and kill his
the guard that is chasing after him. As long as you kill the guard before he
catches up with the slave, you will complete the task.

Here are some of the mission locations:

1. Just northwest of the brothel where you recieve the majority of your
missions. This is marked by a Maroon Store icon on the map, close to the
Est-bourbon plantation.
2. Close to the southern boundry of the map, almost directly south of the
viewpoint in the city section of Port-au-prince.
3. In the very northeast corner of the city area, close to the path leading
to the Brousse du Nord-Est plantation area of Port-au-Prince, just
northwest of the Governer's mansion.

] Injuries
\ Rewards: Maroons x 2, Slaves x 3
In Port-au-Prince there are a number of locations where you will find injured
slaves sitting on the ground. To complete the liberation task associated with
these guys, we need to pick them up and carry them to an objective marker that
appears once you are holding them, avoiding guards and jailers along the way.
As you arrive, you will complete the task.
Here are some of the mission locations:
1. At the very southern end of the city portion of Port-au-Prince, almost
directly south of the viewpoint in this area.
2. Just to the west of the Maroon Store icon on the map closest to the
Brousse du Nord-Est plantation, north east of the Port-au-Prince city
3. In the very northeast corner of the city area, close to the path leading
to the Brousse du Nord-Est plantation area of Port-au-Prince, just
northwest of the Governer's mansion.
] Jail
\ Rewards: Maroons x 2, Slaves x 2
There are a number of cages scattered around Port-au-Prince which are often
containing slaves. We can free them by finding a nearby guard in possession of
a key. Usually when you arrive at one such cage, an orange objective marker
will appear on the map to identify the location of the target guard. Obtain
the key from him and use it on the cage to complete the task.
Note that most of these cages have a restricted area around them, so you will
either have to be sneaky, or kill all the enemies in the zone and return to
anonymous to interact with the cage.

Here are some of the mission locations:

1. Just north of the viewpoint in the city area of Port-au-prince.
2. In the northeast corner of the city area of Port-au-Prince, just west of
the auction close to the entrance to the Governer's mansion.

] Plantations
\ Rewards: Maroons x 10, Slaves x 30
Plantations are one of the biggest additions to the game in Freedom Cry and
they act as ad-lib infiltration missions that you can attempt at any time,
providing the target plantation is not abandoned.
Now depending on whether it is daytime or night time, you will have a different
Day Time
We need to sneak around the grounds and taking out 20 of the guards, if
this is your first attempt at a plantation, keep in mind that as you take
out guards you want to stay undetected. If you are spotted, the guards
will start killing slaves and reducing the total number that you can
rescue. Eliminating the set number of guards undetected will earn you 30
slaves and 10 maroons.
Night Time
If it is currently night time when you enter the plantation zone you will
need to find and loot a key from a target guard (usually located near the
manor house) inside the green investigation zone. Once we have his key, we
then need to make our way over to three marked doors and unlock them to
complete the side-mission. Doing so will earn you 30 slaves and 10
Here are some of the mission locations:
There are six plantations in the DLC. Three are located in the Port-au-Prince
area and there are a further 3 around the caribbean that you will need to sail


Brousse du Nord-Est (North Eastern Port-au-Prince)

Est-Bourbon (South-Eastern Port-au-Prince)
Lagon Nord (Northern Port-au-Prince)


] Punishment
\ Rewards: Maroons x 2, Slaves x 0
This particular side-quest can be found in Port-au-Prince. When you see the
event, there will be a pair of slaves tied to a wall with a guard beating on
them. Two other guards are usually standing guard nearby. To complete the task,
kill all three guards and interact with the slaves. Easy!
Here are some of the mission locations:
1. On the path linking the main Port-au-prince city area with the
Lagon-Nord plantation to the north.
2. In the yard of the building just to the east of the warehouse to the
north of the dock area.
3. At the base of the building with the viewpoint in the city section of
] Slave Convoys
\ Rewards: Maroons x 2, Slaves x 1
In the city portion of Port-au-Prince, you will occasionally see slaves being
escorted through the streets by a number of guards. A yellow circle appears
around them on the mini-map, so if you step inside it you will be detected and
the guards will start killing the slaves. We need to assassinate all of the
escort guards before they kill any slaves to complete the task.
Here are some of the mission locations:
1. Walking along the main street from north to south just to the east of
the dock area.
2. Walking along the main street from north to south just to the west of
the dock area.
] Slave Ships
\ Rewards: Maroons x 10, Slaves x 90
Slave ships contain up to 100 slaves that we can free! Unfortunately though
they are usually being escorted by groups of 2-3 frigates and brigs. As we need
to liberate one of these bad boys to continue, follow the ship icon on the
mini-map until you find it. As you approach, let loose with your mortars on the
escorts and then finish them off with some broadside/heavy shots. Destroying
these will allow you to board the slave ship. As per usual, kill the set number
of crew to free the slaves on board.

Here are some of the mission locations:

Unfortunately there are no set locations for the slave ships, however when you
identify them on the world map, an icon will appear to give you their location.
Then its a simple matter of sailing over and taking its convoy down.

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/ / / /___ ____ __________ _____/ /__ _____
/ / / / __ \/ __ `/ ___/ __ `/ __ / _ \/ ___/ __/ /_
/ /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / / / /_/ / /_/ / __(__ ) /_ __/
\____/ .___/\__, /_/ \__,_/\__,_/\___/____/
/ __ \___ _
______ __________/ /____
/ /_/ / _ \ | /| / / __ `/ ___/ __ / ___/
/ _, _/ __/ |/ |/ / /_/ / / / /_/ (__ )
/_/ |_|\___/|__/|__/\__,_/_/ \__,_/____/
| Upgrades, Rewards and Bonus Effects |
There are a number of rewards that can be unlocked by completing various
numbers of liberation tasks, corresponding to the accumulated number of slaves
that you free or maroons you recruit. There are 10 rewards to unlock for each.
Liberation rewards refer to those unlocked by freeing slaves, resistance
rewards are earned by recruiting maroons. For a more in-depth look at the tasks
and some hints and tips on how to accomplish each please check out the side
mission guide above [ACFCSD].
Once you have unlocked some rewards, you can either purchase them via a shop
in the case of weapons or item/ammo pouch upgrades or they will passively come
into effect in the case of additional resistance fighters and crew members.
Here is a list of the rewards in the game, and how many slaves/maroons are
required to be completed before they are unlocked.
Please use the shortcut to reach the table that you desire:
> Liberation Rewards ......................... [ACFCLR]
> Resistance Rewards ......................... [ACFCRR]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Liberation Rewards [ACFCLR]:

Liberation Reward
| Slaves Required | Reward Effect/unlock
|Rope Dart Pouch I
| > 25 Slaves
| > Carry +5 Rope Darts.
|Smoke Bomb Pouch I
| > 50 Slaves
| > Carry +5 Smoke bombs.
|Dart Pouch I
| > 75 Slaves
| > Carry +5 Sleep/Berserk Darts|
|Experto Crede Appearance | > 100 Slaves
| > New Sails, Wheel and figure |
| head unlocked.
|Ironclad Ram
| > 125 Slaves
| > Ram upgrade available from |
| Harbourmaster/Captains Cabin|
|Blunderbuss Ammo Pouch I | > 150 Slaves
| > Carry +4 small lead shot. |
|Firecracker Bag I
| > 200 Slaves
| > Carry +4 Firecrackers.
|Steel-forged Machete
| > 300 Slaves
| > Upgraded melee weapon.
|Portable Cannon
| > 400 Slaves
| > Upgraded blunderbuss-type |
| weapon.
|Special Reward
| > 500 Slaves
| > Abstergo Credits for MP mode|
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Resistance Rewards [ACFCRR]:
Liberation Reward
| Slaves Required | Reward Effect/unlock
|Core Crew Members
| > 20 Maroons
| > Recruited maroons become the|
| crew for the Experto Crede. |
|Resistance Fighters I
| > 25 Maroons
| > Groups of maroons will now |
| appear at plantations to
| help in combat.
|Plantation Raid Bonus I | > 30 Maroons
| > You will earn some Reales |
| upon successfully raiding a |
| plantation.

|Ammunition Rebate
| > 35 Maroons
| > Ammo costs 50% less if
| purchased from the Maroon |
| stores.
|Resistance Fighters II
| > 40 Maroons
| > Groups of maroons will now |
| appear at plantations to
| help in combat.
|Additional Crew Members | > 45 Maroons
| > Additional maroons join the |
| crew of the Experto Crede. |
|Plantation Raid Bonus II | > 50 Maroons
| > You will earn more Reales |
| upon successfully raiding a |
| plantation.
|Full Crew Members
| > 55 Maroons
| > More maroons join the crew |
| of the Experto Crede to have|
| it reach maximum capcity. |
|Resistance Fighters III | > 60 Maroons
| > Groups of maroons will now |
| appear at plantations to
| help in combat.
|Free Ammunition
| > 70 Maroons
| > Ammunition is now free when |
| purchased from Maroon stores|
__ _ __
/ ____/___ / / /__ _____/ /_(_) /_ / /__ _____
/ / / __ \/ / / _ \/ ___/ __/ / __ \/ / _ \/ ___/
/ /___/ /_/ / / / __/ /__/ /_/ / /_/ / / __(__ )
| Freedom Cry Collectible Locations |
There is a plethora of Collectibles littered throughout the DLC's game world
in Port-au-Prince itself as well as secondary locations such as shipwrecks,
plantations and on one or two of the little islands scattered about the

Caribbean zone.
The collectibles come in a couple of flavours. This collectible locations guide
will give you a brief description of each type of collectible, a brief intro on
how and what they are used for and then a complete list of all of the different
collectibles in the game sorted by the locations available. I have included a
brief description for the location of each collectible to assist you in finding
Note that climbing and synchronising viewpoints will reveal all of the various
collectibles on the mini-map, so you should definitely consider doing so prior
to starting your hunt!
The different collectibles include:
> 63 Treasure Chests
There are an abundance of treasure chests scattered across the Caribbean.
They appear as your stock, standard chest and can be opened by approaching
them and using the interact button when the prompt appears to do so. These
often contain various sums of Reales and reagents. They are not only found
all over Port-au-Prince but also in the abandoned ruins, shipwreck dive
sites and on uncharted islands in the middle of the ocean as well.
Fortunately, collecting all of these is not required to complete the DLC
at 100% synchronisation.
> 5 Secrets
There are a good number of secrets hidden around the caribbean island
locations that you can visit in the free-roaming naval area. Unlike the
secrets in the main game, these secrets are incredibly useful and provide
players with new weapons and upgrades to make Adewale even more of a force
to be reckoned with.
Fortunately, collecting all of these is not required to complete the DLC
at 100% synchronisation.

__ _
/ / ____ _________ _/ /_(_)___ ____ _____
/ / / __ \/ ___/ __ `/ __/ / __ \/ __ \/ ___/
/ /___/ /_/ / /__/ /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / / / (__ )
/_____/\____/\___/\__,_/\__/_/\____/_/ /_/____/
Freedom Cry's locations consist of each of the major population centre of
Port-au-Prince as well as three plantations in the caribbean - Montez, Tortuga
and Wellington and several other locations marked with a location marker on the
naval world map. Here you'll find a section for each location along with a
location description for each collectible hidden in that location.
Note that climbing and synchronising viewpoints in the larger zones will reveal

all of the various collectibles on the mini-map and also add a fast travel
point, so you should definitely consider doing so prior to starting your hunt!
The following are the main locations as found on the world map. Please use the
associated shortcut to jump down to the location of interest.


Port-Au-Prince ..........................
Cumberland Bay ..........................
Isla Faro ...............................
Isla Paramo .............................
Isle-du-Fey .............................
Fort Lully ..............................
Fort Matias .............................
Maroon Hideout ..........................
Martok Island ...........................
Montez ..................................
Scafell Island ..........................
Shipwreck ...............................
Tortuga .................................
Wellington ..............................


--------------------------------FIRST LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Port-Au-Prince
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 30 x Treasure Chest
\ N/A No secrets
Treasure Chests (30)
01. On a small beach area, close to a campfire and an overturned rowboat
in the very south west corner of the map.
02. In a small open shed along the southern section of the map. It is
located almost directly south of the view point in the main city
portion of Port-Au-Prince.
03. On a raised ledge accessible via a wooden stump. This can be found
along a small dirt path at the southern end of the map and to the west
of the brothel where we receive all of our missions from.
04. Located at the base of the building with the viewpoint in the city
portion of Port-au-Prince.
05. On the roof of the second building to the west of the viewpoint in the
city portion of Port-au-Prince.
06. At the northern end of the restricted area along the beach to the
south of the docking area. Note this is fairly heavily guarded, so go
in blunderbuss ready to make things easier.
07. Behind a building directly north east of the viewpoint in the city
part of Port-au-Prince.
08. At the Governor s mansion, enter via the front gate, climb the stairs

to the mansion itself and turn to the right at the top to find the
09. In the garden area behind the mansion, near the gazebo in the
easternmost corner of the square restricted area around the Governor s
10. On the roof of the building directly east of the rowboat icon (the one
for fast travel back to the ship).
11. In the narrow passageway between the building described in location 10
and the next building to the east.
12. On a rooftop around halfway between the northernmost point of the
restricted area surrounding the Governor s mansion and the dock.
13. Inside the warehouse just to the northeast of the dock.
14. On a raised grassy platform at the northernmost part of
in Port-au-Prince. You can access it via a fallen tree,
quick dash through the treetop pathway. The fallen tree
just to the east of the warehouse described in location

the city area

and then a
is located

15. Behind the manor house in the southwest corner of the Est-Bourbon
plantation area (South-East Port-au-Prince).
16. Between some stalking zone shrubs in the centre section along the
southernmost wall of the Est-Bourbon plantation area (South-East
17. Behind the small building directly south east of the Est-Bourbon
plantation viewpoint. Also directly north east of the small cow pen.
18. On a small grassy knoll directly east of the Est- Bourbon plantation
19. On the ground beneath the guard tower north of the Est- Bourbon
plantation viewpoint.
20. On a rocky ledge o the left of the path on the way between
Port-au-Prince s city area and the Brousse du Nord-Est plantation area
(north-east Port-au-Prince). You can use the stone steps to reach it.
21. Beneath a tree in the northwest corner of the Brousse du Nord-Est
plantation area.
22. On a small grassy ledge along the northern wall of the Brousse du
Nord-Est plantation area. It is directly north of the viewpoint in
this area.
23. Sitting against the back wall of the manor house in the eastern part
of the Brousse du Nord-Est plantation area.
24. Against the building opposite the guard tower to the northwest of the
viewpoint in the Brousse du Nord-Est plantation area. This is almost
directly below the plantation liberation mission map marker.
25. Beneath the roof of an open storage area along the southern wall of
the Brousse du Nord-Est plantation area. It is directly south of the
viewpoint in this area.

26. Beneath the roof of an open storage building in the south east corner
of the Lagon Nord plantation area (north Port-au-Prince). It is
directly south-east of the viewpoint in this area.
27. Against the wall of the first building directly south of the viewpoint
in the Lagon Nord plantation area.
28. Against the wall of the first building directly north of the viewpoint
in the Lagon Nord plantation area.
29. In the garden area to the south of the manor house located on the
western side of the Lagon Nord plantation area.
30. On a grassy ledge in the northwest region of the Against the Lagon
Nord plantation area.

---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Cumberland Bay
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 3 x Treasure Chest
\ 1 x Blunderbuss
Secrets (1)
Precision Shooter
01. On a beach area on the north shore of the water running into the
centre of the island in the centre of a small camp guarded by three
soldiers. This appears as a flashing blunderbuss sitting atop a pile
of wooden planks. This is also right next to a treasure chest.
Treasure Chests (3)
01. On a beach area on the north shore of the water running into the
centre of the island in the centre of a small camp guarded by three
02. Just to the south and across the water from location 1. In a small
cave-like area, accessible by climbing a set of rocks and hidden by
some trees and vines.
03. On the beach in the north-western corner of the map by an overturned
row boat. There are two guards standing nearby.

---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Isla Faro
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:

\ 1 x Treasure Chest
\ N/A No secrets
Treasure Chests (1)
01. in the centre of the beach, close to the overturned rowboat.

---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Isla Paramo
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 1 x Treasure Chest
\ N/A No secrets
Treasure Chests (1)
01. Beneath the rotting ship hull that is found washed up on the beach at
the specified co-ordinates.

---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Isle-du-Fey
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 1 x Treasure Chest
\ N/A No secrets
Treasure Chests (1)
01. in the centre of the beach, close to the overturned rowboat.

---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Fort Lully
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 3 x Treasure Chest
\ N/A No secrets
Treasure Chests (3)
01. If you fast travel to this location, you will find yourself to the

west of the destroyed fort on the Experto Creed on the western side of
the area adjacent to a dock area. If you swim over and follow the dock
until you reach the shore, you will see the chest on the beach.
02. From chest location 1, look around the left of the main structure
directly in front of you at the end of the dock. The chest will be on
the ground up against the wall here.
03. On a beach on the eastern side of the Fort Tully area. You will have
to sail around there and swim over to it. This one will not appear on
the mini map until you are quite close to it.

---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Fort Matias
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 3 x Treasure Chest
\ 1 x Machete
Secrets (1)
Golden Machete
01. On a small beach at the south-eastern corner of the map. This is
further to the east of the Experto creed s docking area. It appears as
a shining machete sticking out of the sand.
Treasure Chests (3)
01. Dock at the pier at the southern end of the fort and get out. There
are two chests just over the short wall directly behind the dock here.
02. See location 1.
03. On a small beach near an overturned rowboat, just to the east of the
docking area for the Experto Creed.

---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Maroon Hideout
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 1 x Treasure Chest
\ 1 x Machete
Secret (1) Iron Clad Machete
01. In the outdoor section of the map on the eastern end of the largest

Treasure Chests (1)
01. In the outdoor section of the map up the hill on the beach just to the
south of the large cave entrance to the maroon Hideout area.

---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Martok Island
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 1 x Treasure Chest
\ N/A No secrets
Treasure Chests (1)
01. Between some shrubs on the northern end of the small beach located at
these co-ordinates.

---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Montez
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 5 x Treasure Chest
\ N/A No secrets
Treasure Chests (5)
01. On the small beach area at the base of the cliff to the east of the
docking area. This is close to the rowboat you can use to fast travel
back to the ship.
02. Tucked up against a pillar on the southern wall of the manor house
located in the eastern portion of the map. This is on top of the cliff
described in location 1.
03. Along the road to the west of the viewpoint.
04. On a small, raised grassy area off the dirt track in the very
northwest area of the map.
05. On a raised rocky outcrop to the northwest of the docking area and
along the dirt path to the south of location 4.

---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION---------------------------------

] Scafell Island
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ N/A No collectibles
\ 1 x Ammo Pouch
Secrets (1)
Ammo Pouch Upgrade
01. This location is on the beach in the southeast corner of the island.
Interact with the body next to the beached whale to grab it.

---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Shipwreck
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 4 x Treasure Chest
\ 1 x Figurehead
Secrets (1) Jackdaw Figurehead
01. From the starting spot, take the underwater tunnel to the north and
follow it all the way to the end. When you exit the far side you will
see a sunken ship. Swim over to the front of the ship and look on the
seabed below it to find the figurehead.
Treasure Chests (4)
01. Directly below the diving bell when you enter the area.
02. Beneath the fallen mast just to the south of the diving bell location.
03. Directly north of the diving bell you will find a small cave. Follow
this to the far end (and use an air barrel
you ll need it!). The
chest is just behind the air barrels at the exit to the cave.
04. When you exit the far side of the cave you will see a sunken ship.
Swim over to the front of the ship and look on the seabed below it to
find the final chest.

---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Tortuga
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 5 x Treasure Chest
\ N/A No secrets

Treasure Chests (5)
01. Behind a short wall along the eastern coast of the area, juts to the
north of the docking area.
02. Behind a small building directly west of the docking area. This is
almost directly below the Plantation icon on the map.
03. Inside the small shack directly west of the windmill acting as the
single viewpoint for the map.
04. In the garden to the north of the manor house at the northern tip of
the main map area.
05. On the small island off the north of the main map area.

---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION--------------------------------____________________________________________________________________________
] Wellington
\ Co-ordinates
\ Collectibles:
\ Secrets:
\ 5 x Treasure Chest
\ N/A No secrets
Treasure Chests (5)
01. Before some shrubs at the top of a small hill overlooking the ocean,
just along the coast to the southeast of the docking area.
02. On the ground, up against the wall of the windmill (the only vantage
point in the area).
03. At the end of a small dock in the centre of the southernmost coast of
the map.
04. Between some bundled piles of cut sugarcane in the southwest corner of
the map.
05. On the second floor balcony area of the manor house located in the
northwest corner of the area map.



| _____/ /_ (_)__ _ _____ ____ ___ ___ ____ / /______
/ /| |/ ___/ __ \/ / _ \ | / / _ \/ __ `__ \/ _ \/ __ \/ __/ ___/
/ ___ / /__/ / / / / __/ |/ / __/ / / / / / __/ / / / /_(__ )
/_/ |_\___/_/ /_/_/\___/|___/\___/_/ /_/ /_/\___/_/ /_/\__/____/
__ ______
____ _____ ____/ / /_ __/________ ____ / /_ (_)__ _____
/ __ `/ __ \/ __ /
/ / / ___/ __ \/ __ \/ __ \/ / _ \/ ___/
/ /_/ / / / / /_/ /
/ / / / / /_/ / /_/ / / / / / __(__ )
\__,_/_/ /_/\__,_/
/_/ /_/ \____/ .___/_/ /_/_/\___/____/
Freedom Cry DLC
| Achievements/Trophies Unlock Guide |

AC4's Freedom Cry DLC has a total of 6 achievements and 6 trophies. These are
awarded for experiencing the single player campaign, checking out some of the
game's many liberation side-missions and playing around with some of the new
gadgets. Below you'll find a list of the achievements/trophies in the game
and how you can unlock each one.
Freedom Cry Achievements/Trophies
There are 6 achievements/trophies tied into the games combat system and
performing various tasks whilst in combat. Here's a list of said achievements/
trophies and how to accomplish each:
___________________________ ______________________________________________
] Achievement/Trophy Name []
Description & Unlock Guide
| His Word Was Perhaps
| Description:
| ============
| Freedom Cry - Completed all missions.
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| Complete all nine DLC memory sequences and |
| you will unlock this achievement/trophy.
| His Own Medicine
| Description:
| ============
| Complete the second optional mission
| objective in the final memory.
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| To do this, we need to simply kill the target|
| with the branding iron that he is holding

| during most of the mission. To do so, get him|
| into a combat situation whilst being unarmed,|
| counter and disarm him to acquire the brand |
| and then just attack him until you can finish|
| him off. Doing so will unlock this one.
| His Full Attention
| Description:
| ============
| Freedom Cry - Achieve 100% synchronization. |
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| Fortunately achieving 100% sync in Freedom |
| Cry is much easier than the full game as all |
| you need to do is complete all of the
| optional mission objectives on each mission |
| to earn it. To do so, simply follow the
| walkthroughs above!
| Liberation Day
| Description:
| ============
| Free your first slave.
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| Liberating slaves will take up a fair bit of |
| time, to begin with though, you will have to |
| save a fleeing slave at the start of the
| second memory from a pursuer. Doing so will |
| unlock the achievement/trophy.
| Seeds of Independence
| Description:
| ============
| Liberate 500 slaves.
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| To liberate slaves we can do a number of side|
| missions around Port-Au-Prince and the other,|
| smaller caribbean locations. These include: |
| > Attacking a plantation and killing all of |
its guards.
| > Save a fleeing slave from pursuers.
| > Free slaves from cages by looting the key |
from a guard.
| > Free slaves from a slave auction by either|
buying them for 500 Reales or by killing |
all of the guards.
| > Free slaves being escorted through the

| > Free slaves from punishment.
| > Carry injured slaves to a safe location. |
| > Board a slave ship.
| Once you have undertaken enough of these to |
| accumulate 500 slaves in total, you will
| unlock this achievement/trophy.
| Firepower
| Description:
| ============
| Kill 5 guards at once with a blunderbuss.
| How to unlock:
| ==============
| To do as the description says, you will need |
| to rope in a good number of guards by
| triggering an alert. Then pull out the
| blunderbus and circle around them to get them|
| to stack up and group together, then fire
| away! A great place to do this is during the |
| fight in the assassination mission in the
| final memory as you will have 10-15 guards |
| wanting to take you at once. There is a good |
| spread ont he weapon so as long as you can |
| see more thn 5 guards when you unleash, it |
| should have the desired effect!

------------------------------------------------------------------------------__ ____
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/ /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ _ \/ / / __ `/ __ \/ _ \/ __ \/ / / / ___/
/ / / / (__ ) /__/ __/ / / /_/ / / / / __/ /_/ / /_/ (__ )
/_/ /_/_/____/\___/\___/_/_/\__,_/_/ /_/\___/\____/\__,_/____/
Contact Me


If you feel the need to contact me, there are a couple of ways you can go
about doing this. You can reach me at:

Please include "AC4" in the subject line.

Alternatively, you can check out my facebook page and ask a question and I'll
try to get back to you as soon as I can:

About Me


Im 28, Australian and live with my lovely wife. I have been thrice
named as the world sexiest hugging machine. I work full time and study at
University full time as well. I write game guides as a hobby in what little
spare time I have and have thouroughly enjoyed writing each and every one.
Please head over to the website I write for - www.consoledomination.com to
check out some of my guides, previews and reviews.
If you enjoyed using this guide, or it has helped you along and you are on
GameFAQs, Please hit the recommend button at the top of the page!
Please feel free to send me an email with any suggestions or corrections and
check out some of my other guides:
Complete FAQ/Walkthroughs:

Assassin's Creed III FAQ/Walkthrough

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag FAQ/Walkthrough
Bioshock Infinite FAQ/Walkthrough
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 FAQ/Walkthrough
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 FAQ/Walkthrough
Call of Duty: World at War FAQ/Walkthrough
Dante's Inferno FAQ/Walkthrough
Darksiders FAQ/Walkthrough
Darksiders 2 FAQ/Walkthrough
Dead Space 2 FAQ/Walkthrough
Dead Space 3 FAQ/Walkthrough
Deadlight FAQ/Walkthrough
Dishonored FAQ/Walkthrough
Farcry 3 FAQ/Walkthrough
Farcry 3: Blood Dragon FAQ/Walkthrough
Fable 2 FAQ/Walkthrough
Gears of War 2 FAQ/Walkthrough
Gears of War: Judgment FAQ/Walkthrough


Grand Theft Auto V FAQ/Walkthrough

Halo 3: ODST FAQ/Walkthrough
Halo 4 FAQ/Walkthrough
Homefront FAQ/Walkthrough
LIMBO FAQ/Walkthrough
Mass Effect 2 FAQ/Walkthrough
Medal of Honor: Warfighter FAQ/Walkthrough
Metro: Last Light FAQ/Walkthrough
Resident Evil 5 FAQ/Walkthrough
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed FAQ/Walkthrough

DLC content and other guides:


AC3: Tyranny of King Washington - The Infamy (DLC) FAQ/Walkthrough

AC3: Tyranny of King Washington - The Betrayal (DLC) FAQ/Walkthrough
AC3: Tyranny of King Washington - The Redemption (DLC) FAQ/Walkthrough
Bioshock Infinite Achievements/Trophies Guide
Bioshock Infinite Collectibles Guide
Darksiders 2: The Abyssal Forge (DLC) FAQ/Walkthrough
Darksiders 2: Argul's Tomb (DLC) FAQ/Walkthrough
Darksiders 2: The Demon Lord Belial (DLC) FAQ/Walkthrough
Dead Space 2: Severed (DLC) FAQ/Walkthrough
Dead Space 3: Awakened (DLC) FAQ/Walkthrough
Dishonored: The Knife of Dunwall (DLC) FAQ/Walkthrough
Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary Edition Skull Guide
Halo 2 Skull Guide
Halo 3 Skull Guide

or as mentioned before, check out more of my guides and reviews at:

Thanks for reading!

After a few generous emails and suggestions from readers and because donations
seems to be a growing trend among other contemporary guide writers, I have
decided to put in the option to allow you to donate some money to me for
helping you out if you wish to do so.
Although I make these guides for free in my spare time, I probably don t
need to point out to gamers that purchasing games is an extremely expensive
hobby (games in Australia cost on average $90 - $120) and writing guides for
them can be a very long, incredibly difficult and thankless task at the best
of times, but one that is very challenging and occasionally rewarding.
Considering you could be paying upwards of $20+ for guides in a game shop,these
free and easily available guides make a cost-effective substitute. Whilst most
are happy to use and move on without a word I would move that a simple donation
is a great, easy way to say thanks if you feel that my guide has saved you some

time, money and frustration in some small way.

By no means feel obligated to donate just for viewing my guide, but if you are
feeling a little generous I certainly won t object! Any amount is appreciated
whether it be 10 cents or $10.
Thankyou far all that read this far, if you are interested in donating, my
Paypal address is listed below, if not, why not send me an email or join my
Facebook page and give me a shout out!
Paypal ID;

Console Domination
Console Domination is an Australian video gaming website founded and staffed
by true-blue Aussie gamers united in the love of gaming. The site is all about
games, games and more games with a specific focus on current generation
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stay up to date with the latest trailers and provide daily updates on industry
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I would like to thank the following people/entities:
- GameFAQs for always being there when I needed help and for accepting my FAQ.
- Ubisoft for yet another decent Assassin's Creed game. Keep them coming!
- My fiancee Kumiko, who has been incredibly patient and understanding.

- And everybody who has taken the time to read my FAQs so far.
- Hypnofunk for general spelling and other stuff.
- MolestedBalloon for most of the Easter eggs listed to date.
- Oroken DuMonger for the 'Assassin's Creed II: Ezio' Easter Egg and for more
detailed information about various Jackdaw upgrades that I overlooked. Check
out his guide on the Assassin's creed IV wiki at GameFAQs.
Version History


Date Submitted: 10/12/13
Version 1.00
Guide currently contains:
> Walkthrough for the entire campaign from start to finish (with all
optional side-quest accomplished for 100% synchronisation).
> Walkthrough for all four Templar Hunt side-mission chains.
> Walkthrough for all Naval Contracts.
> Walkthrough for all assassin Contracts.
> Walkthrough for all shipwrecks.
> Walkthrough for capturing every fort.
> Added Legendary ship guide.
> Locations guide for all Mayan Stelae.
> Locations guide for all buried treasure.
> Achievement/trophy guide.
> Hunting and Crafting Guide
> 100% Checklist
> Cheats
+ Added Easter Egg section
+ Added collectible locations guide
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date Submitted: 25/11/13
Version 0.99
Guide currently contains:
> Walkthrough for the
optional side-quest
> Walkthrough for all
> Walkthrough for all
> Walkthrough for all

entire campaign from start to finish (with all

accomplished for 100% synchronisation).
four Templar Hunt side-mission chains.
Naval Contracts.
assassin Contracts.


Walkthrough for all shipwrecks.

Walkthrough for capturing every fort.
Added Legendary ship guide.
Locations guide for all Mayan Stelae.
Locations guide for all buried treasure.
Skeleton in place for the rest of the guide to be filled in.


a complete achievements/trophies unlock Guide.

a Hunting and Crafting Guide
complete 100% checklist
List of Cheats

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date Submitted: 11/11/13

Version 0.95

currently contains:
Walkthrough for the entire campaign from start to finish.
Walkthrough for all four Templar Hunt side-mission chains.
Walkthrough for all Naval Contracts.
Walkthrough for all assassin Contracts.
Walkthrough for all shipwrecks.
Walkthrough for capturing every fort.
Added Legendary ship guide.
Locations guide for all Mayan Stelae.
Locations guide for all buried treasure.
Skeleton in place for the rest of the guide to be filled in.

+ Fixed up walkthrough for 'Travelling Salesman' to meet the optional objective

first time through.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date Submitted: 11/11/13
Version 0.95

currently contains:
Walkthrough for the entire campaign from start to finish.
Walkthrough for all Naval Contracts.
Walkthrough for all assassin Contracts.
Walkthrough for all shipwrecks.
Walkthrough for capturing every fort.
Skeleton in place for the rest of the guide to be filled in.

+ Fixed up walkthrough for 'Nothing is True...' to meet the optional objective

first time through.
+ Fixed up 'diving for Medicine' walkthrough to include all chests.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date Submitted: 08/11/13

Version 0.8
Guide currently contains:
> Walkthrough for the entire campaign from start to finish.
> Skeleton in place for the rest of the guide to be filled in.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date Submitted: 04/11/13
Version 0.4
Guide currently contains:
> walkthrough for 75% of the campaign.
> Skeleton in place for the rest of the guide to be filled in.

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/_____/\___/\__, /\__,_/_/ /____/\__/\__,_/_/ /_/
This guide has been written by Paul Williams aka Sokkus.
This document may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for
personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise
distributed publicly without advance written permission. Unless permitted,
under no circumstances are my guides to be changed, altered or edited in
any way. Use of this guide on any other website or as a part of any public
display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.
All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.
If you do wish to use my guide on another website, please ask me for permission
Sites allowed/Not allowed to use my guide:
_____________________________ ______________________________
Sites Permitted
\/ Sites NOT permitted

|____________________________ _____________________________|
| > GameFAQs.com
|| > Cheatcc.com
| > ConsoleDomination.com ||
| > Gamerguides.com
| > Supercheats.com
| > Neoseeker.com
If you see this guide displayed on a site not listed or on one that has been
prohibited, please let me know via an email to sokkus[at]hotmail[dot]com.
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag: FAQ/Walkthrough by sokkus
Version: 1.10 | Last Updated: 2014-01-21 | View/Download Original File Hosted by
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