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Page 1 Setting unclear

Panel 1 Close up on male hands.

I need a name.

Panel 2 Pull back a little to see a white male in a seated

position. Comfortable, like maybe on a folding chair.
Still can't see much of him. He is wearing jeans and
a t-shirt.

A name is your identity, your brand. It is how
people know you. Choosing your own public name is
the fastest way to tell the world who you are.

Panel 3 Close looking down at same hands over a muscular


To put your whole life into a word. Everything you
are and were, and everything you need THEM to know
about you. Who you are, what you're doing, what to
expect from you. To take all of that and put it in
one word is hard enough for anyone to do.

Panel 4 Guy looking straight into the camera.

It's even harder, though, because I don't know any
of that. How can I tell people who I am when I
don't know myself?

Page 2 In a parking garage, early evening. Kinetic and The

Monkey are climbing up through the middle parts. Kinetic
is the guy from the first page, but now he is in

Panel 1 Birds eye view, looking down past Monkey's hand which
is grasping a steel support cable. The shot looks
down past him at Kinetic who is climbing up below

....."self" is an illusion. That's why you're
frustrated. Because you're trying to know what
can't be known. There's nothing there to know.

Yeah, ok, that's not what I'm talking about. I'm
trying to...

Panel 2 Shot looking up past Kinetic at Monkey who climbs

dexterously ahead.


All modern troubles, really, come from that- from

seeking out something that was made up in your own
mind to begin with. Some people, that's all they

Panel 3 Looking up from below again, now we can see Monkey

arriving at the top floor. Daylight breaks through
above them.

They make up something that never existed and then
spend their lives wondering why they don't have

Panel 4 Monkey has arrived on the top floor, it is mid

afternoon. We are looking past him to the edge where
Kinetic is just arriving. Monkey is smugly
self-satisfied at arriving at this conclusion.

See? That's why everyone is so miserable nowadays.

Yeah, I'm sure that's why. What does any of that
have to do with anything we were talking about?

I don't know. What were we talking about?

Panel 5 Now they are both up there and walking toward the
edge. We can see the city around them. It is generic,
some new buildings, some old. Some big, some small.

I was asking you about names. I need to come up
with one.

What for? What's in a name.

Page 3 Conversation continues on the top of the parking


Panel 1 Kinetic explains as he walks.

Without one, it's just confusing.

To who? I know who you are. Other people will
figure it out.

Panel 2 They continue talking, and Monkey hops backward onto

the edge in a seated/squat position.

But that takes too long, that's why I need a good

name. I need it to be something that says right

away who I am and what I am there to do.


Panel 3 Kinetic continues talking, but Monkey cranes his head

around to watch what is going on below them.

Those moments of confusion are what I am there to
stop, man. Things are messed up enough already.

Yep. Yep.

Panel 4 Monkey now is looking hard at something on the street

below, maybe shielding his eyes with his hand so he
can see better.

People walk around scared and confused. They feel
like they aren't in control.

Panel 5 Monkey is now dropping/leaping off the edge toward

what he was looking at.

I need a name that when people hear it, they'll be
relieved. Like, "ok, BLANK is here."

I'll be right back.

Page 4 In Switzerland.

Panel 1 Two men sit in a modern bank office in Geneva

Switzerland. The room has an amazing view of the city
from a wall of giant windows. A large panel showing a
big clean shot of the crisp Swiss air and the design
of the buildings. Both men are totally class acts.
Sharp, modern, suits and the whole deal. The spy is
Batman TAS huge. He is mildly cyber....not sure how
yet. His name is Agent Harrier and he works for some
half secret European anti-crime agency. The banker is
handing over a small, ergonomically shaped, device.

Caption Geneva, Switzerland

Just sign here if you would, and this device will
scan your thumb print.

Ah, yes, we use very similar devices for identity
verification at The Agency.

Panel 2

A shot mostly of the Agent Harrier as he presses his

thumb onto the scanner pad of the high tech device.
The banker continues from off panel. Spy is holding
the device casually, like a coffee mug, so it is
roughly at chest level.

It would be a great comfort to my clients and my
staff to know that we are in such company with our
security measures.

Panel 3 Erlicher has turned his back and strolled toward the
window. He is looking out over the city, while
Harrier is actually concentrating on the device.

Actually, Mr. Ehrlicher, I believe that this
device is more advanced than the ones we currently


Panel 4 Agent Harrier activates his technology interface

powers. As he continues talking, he is still not
watching the banker. His thumb, where it touches the
scanner, glows bright blue. His eyes glow the same

Yes, Banks have always led the way with security.

Panel 5 Now we see what is really going on with this guy.

Another large shot of the room. We see it as normal,
but we also see the flow of information from the
handheld device and reaching out to all the networked
technology in the room. It begins with just a trickle
from the device to a docking station on the table.
This could be shown as a flow of blue symbols,
pulses, or waves...maybe even creeping lines and

After all, you protect people's money while I only
protect their lives.

Panel 6 Now the focus flips. The real world is now just the
ghostly back drop of the information world. The desk
computer is the central hub, with threads radiating
out to the hand-held device, the banker's phone
(which is a secondary hub in itself), cables running
through the walls and ceiling,

Indeed, Agent Harrier, we highly value our
client's privacy, but not when those clients are

using our discretion as a shield from the law.

Panel 7 The spy is now almost completely in this cyber world.

There is only the faintest ghost of his physical
presence. What we do see clearly are his eyes
floating in a 3D world of rows and columns of

You will find, I am sure, that no shield can
deflect the cause of justice....

Panel 8 Very similar to the previous panel, but now many of

the groups of numbers which were prominent in the
previous panel have faded and been "locked" with a
symbolic "X" or something. This is the spy freezing
bank accounts. All the is essential is that we see
that he is altering data. Both voices are just
floating in space.

...when it is driven by the actions of good men
like yourself.

My actions are simply what my duty demands of me.

Page 5 Dial 999

Panel 1 The spy is even further submerged in the digital

world. The environment is similar to the previous
panels, but now it streaks past the eyes. Similar
"x"s or whatever are there as well, but still
streaking past.

Shall we share a drink, then, to justice and duty.

I am afraid I must decline. My duties are just

Panel 2 Our view rests on one of the Xed out number columns
as the spy eyes streak away into the distance. A big
clear (more clear than any other symbol in this
environment) number 9 is super-imposed over the "X".

.....If, as they say, there is no rest for the

Panel 3 Now a total of three 9s, all stacked up, and all
being blocked by that X from getting at that locked
column of numbers.

(very faint now)

then there is indeed less for those of us who

would pursue them.

(strong, from off panel)
Damn it!

Panel 4 A very close shot of finger over the 9 key on an ATM

key pad. This is Maxwell's finger.


Come on. DAMN IT!

Panel 5 Pull back to see a bit of Maxwell and a bit of the

machine. It is a dirty little ATM machine at a
lottery/cigarette store near a casino. The screen
says "FUNDS UNAVAILABLE". He is open palm slamming
the side of the machine.

Not now, damn you.

Panel 6 Big panel down the right hand side of the page. A
full shot of Maxwell. A skinny white dude with
stubble for hair, a sharp goatee, some brow
piercings, and a tattoo that says "MURDER" across his
neck. He wears a wife-beater and has many intricate
and fearsome looking tattoos. Mostly demonic looking
things and realistic looking guns.

Caption Rapid City

(off panel)
Hey! Go easy on the machine, will ya?

Fuckin' rock bottom.

Page 6 At Justin's lab

Panel 1 Kinetic slamming his gauntlets down on a workshop

table. Tiny tools and components go flying. The Tech
Guy is recoiling is surprise.

I came to you for help! I came to you!


Panel 2 Kinetic already feeling dumb for his out burst.


Look.....I just need these things to work. When we

talked before, i felt you understood. I
mean....that is why I am so frustrated. It felt
like we were on the same page.

Panel 3 Kinetic now starts to plead a little bit. He just

wants it to make sense.

I can get by on my own without these...but I
thought you wanted to help.

Dude...what's wrong?

Panel 4 Kinetic now gesturing toward the gauntlets on the

table. Justin has picked one of them up.

They...they're slow now. They don't respond. And
now I need to switch functions or something from
'shape' to 'project'. I just....

Panel 5 Kinetic pleading again.

I just don't know why you would do that. I don't
know why you would think that would help me.

Panel 6 Tech guy is tasking some pity on Kinetic.

Ok, ok...let's just figure this out. No more

Page 7 Kinetic waits for Tech Guy to do his adjustments.

Panel 1 Shot from Tech Guy's table looking past the gauntlet
that is being worked on over to Kinetic who sits in
an ergonomic office chair looking bored.

So lemme...lemme...ok the basic functionality is
sound, right?

Yeah. It works, it just needs...

You need a more intuitive interface. It needs to
do what you need it to do. Right?

Panel 2 A big shot from Kinetic's side of the room, looking

back at Justin. There are lots of computers and
energy testing equipment around. This a long panel of
Kinetic waiting for Tech to talk, but Justin is
focused on the job.


how about.....

Panel 3 Close on Justin as he looks up from his work.

Oh, I know what I was gonna say. How about "Killer


Panel 4 Shot from across the lab, just big enough to include
both of them.

For your name. You're still looking for your name,
right? So that's it. Killer App.

No. That's dumb.

Panel 5 Another close on Justin, who is actually looking up

from his work for the first time. He splays his hands
out like he is creating a marquis in the air in front
of him.

Come on. KILLER APP!

Page 8 He tests the gauntlets with Flamethrower and Sidekick.

They are inside a large warehouse/practice space.

Panel 1 A huge panel of Flamethrower looking all cool and

attacking Kinetic with a big flame fist. He has his
gauntlets and shields low and is squeaking out of her
grasp like a wet bar of soap. Dust and debris flies


Panel 2 The super battle continues in the extreme foreground,

but all it really does is frame a shot of Sidekick
and Justin standing on the sidelines watching the
action. Sidekick is beaming with pride and holding a
half empty bottle of Dr. Pepper (Maybe Mr. Pibb).
Justin is happy with the excitement.


Give 'im hell, baby!

Panel 3 Kinetic swings an energized fist high, Flamethrower

ducks low and flame-blocks it. She should look strong
and sexy. Maybe breaking a little sweat.

Page 9 The action on this page is mostly energy/flame punches

being thrown and blocked. Flamethrower has more power
and mobility, but Kinetic has stronger defense. The
opening sequence of panels brings the two combatants
closer and closer to each other. Is possible, the camera
should pull in so close that you can't quite tell what
is going on.

Panel 1 Flamethrower swings a fist, but Kinetic is digging in

and deflecting it with a shield off his left

Panel 2 She is 'open' so he steps in with a punch from his

right. She has a flame shield to block it, but she is
still rocked back.

Panel 3 He follows through with a nice left, really

staggering her back into a weaker position, only a
flame cushion keeps her from falling on the floor.

Panel 4 He presses the advantage and moves forward on her.

Panel 5 Tight on her hands, she forms a flame ball between

them, Harooken style.

Page 10 The fight is over.

Panel 1 Big panel of her doing a two-fisted blast at him from

her now crouching position. She is blasting him
square in the chest. He has enough of a shield to
defend himself, but he goes flying. Sidekick has his
arms thrown up and he is cheering for his girl.



Panel 2 Shot framed by Flamethrower's legs, looking across

the warehouse at nothing.

Panel 3 Same shot, but this time Kinetic is dropping in to

frame, he is only just now landing from her blast.

Panel 4 Similar angle as the previous shots, but now pushed

in far enough (past Flamethrower) to see Kinetic
well. He is climbing to his feet, his gauntlets are
powering down but still glowing.


Ohh, guess you got me there, huh.

Page 11 Fight aftermath

Panel 1 The four of them are converging over near the doors
where Sidekick and Tech Guy were watching. Sidekick
cannot contain his excitement. He approaches Kinetic,
gesturing wildly.

Awww, dude! She GOT YOU!

Yeah, Sidekick, I know.


Panel 2 Tech guy starts checking the gauntlets. Sidekick

tauntingly acts out the fight. Flamethrower is just
standing there watching the guys.

How was that? I mean other than....

Yeah, they were fine...They were great. I could
really just FEEL it more. Thanks.

Yeah! You could feel your ASS GETTING KICKED!

Panel 3 Sidekick now approaches Flamethrower.

Awww, baby! You did so good.

You surprised?

Naw, it's just cool watching you do it.

Panel 4 Side and Flame in the foreground with the other two
in the background. Tech Guy is still checking out a
gauntlet while Kinetic looks over at Sidekick and
Flamethrower. Sidekick enthusiastically goes in for a
kiss, Flamethrower smilingly demures.

No. Sweaty, gross.

Page 12 Early afternoon.

Panel 1 Maxwell is wearing a fat kid's hoodie and walking

down the side of a fairly busy street. He has it
zipped up, just to keep warm, not really trying to

cover his neck tattoo. It is covered a bit, but not

intentionally hidden. There is a city bus coming up
behind him. He is near a sign for a bus stop. He
turns and puts a hand out to signal the bus. It is
still very early. Gray pre-dawn.

Panel 2 He has turned to face the street. the shot is from a

low angle, about eye level with his waist. We see his
right hand in his hoodie pocket as the bus pulls up
in the background.

Panel 3 Shot from Maxwell's POV as he looks down at what he

fished out of the pocket. Keys, a lighter, and some
change. We can see bottom of the bus door behind his
hand. We can see flames and bullets tattooed on his

Panel 4 Maxwell feeding change in to the slot.

That's all I got.

Well, that ain't enough, man.

What are you talking about...come on.

Just siddown.

Panel 5 Max steps to a seat while the bus pulls away. He is

wobbling and zipping his hoodie up all the way.

Panel 6 He sits and pulls the hood up.

Panel 7 A wide panel all across the bottom of the page.

Maxwell is at the far right with his hooded head
slumping. The rest of the panel is the bus and the
view would have out the window if he were awake.

Page 13 Talking about life with his girlfriend. It is the middle

of the night and Kinetic is with his girlfriend,
Annemarie. Her place is the middle floor of a big old
house which has been converted in to apartments. Lots of
old wood molding, high ceilings, hard-wood floors, but
quite small.

Panel 1 They are in Annemarie's bed room. Looks like they

have just had sex. He's got pajama pants on and is
standing at the foot of the bed.

I'm getting some water. You want anything?

Yeah. No, no...I'll get it. I'm getting up anyway.


Panel 2 He sits on the bed, leaning against the wall watching

TV, he has a bottle of water, 1/2 empty in his hand.
He does not seem very interested in what is on TV.

Panel 3 She climbs into bed beside him, lifting the covers
and giving him a kiss on the cheek.



Panel 4 She is snuggled down resting her head on his arm. She
is seems rather content. Her eyes are on the TV, but
he is looking down at her. He smiles a bit because
she looks so happy.

What's this?

I don't know. Some movie. John Malkovitch was just
in the other scene.

Oh. "In The Line of Fire".

Panel 5 Similar shot. She is very content, he is quite

discontent. She is watching the movie, but he really

Panel 6 Very similar shot again. This time she has grown
concerned with his silence.

Hey...is everything alright

Page 14 They talk about his life.

Panel 1 Closer on Kinetic as he answers her. He can't look at

her, so he is just looking down.

Yeah....no. I just feel like....I feel like I
don't have a life.

Panel 2 She sits up a bit to talk to him, but she is also

leaning down to try to meet his gaze. A smaller panel
mostly focused on her.

Brian, are you crazy? How can you say you don't
have a life? You have THE life.

Now a larger panel that is completely focused on her

a she tries to explain to him how good he has it. She
feels bad for him and is trying to be nice.

Look, You have amazing sex with your hot
girlfriend, you have superhuman powers, you have a
job that gives you enough money to live and enough
freedom to go out and kick ass, and you have cool
friends who are helping you every step of the way
on this hero thing.

Panel 4 She is reaching out to touch his arm, reassuringly,

and also to make sure she has his attention and he is
really listening. He is still looking down, but
considering what she is saying.

Isn't that EXACTLY everything you have always

Yeah. It is. You're right. I HAVE the life...

Panel 5 She cuts him off enthusiastically an gestures at him

with both hands, she is trying to be a bit cute. His
existence is evidence that she is right.

Here you are!

Panel 6 He finally looks up at her to make his real point.

They are both in this shot, fairly close, maybe
looking over her shoulder at his face, he looks
sincere, and kind of sad.

I guess I just don't feel like I control it.

What do you mean? Did something happen today?

No. But that's the problem, isn't it?

Page 15 Kinetic begins to open up.

Panel 1 He starts to stand up out of the bed, she is moving

to the edge to stay engaged as they talk. He is not
trying to get away from her, he just wants to move a

I don't know what you mean.


I mean that I spent all day just.... nothing.


Panel 2 He stands near the bed and turns to talk to her. He

is frustrated by the subject matter, but also by the
growing idea that she does not quite understand.
Pretty large panel.

I talked to Monkey about finding a name. Nothing.
I went to Justin's and he tweaked my gauntlets,
then we went with Sidekick and them to test them
out, and I don't know...

That's not "nothing".

Yes it is. It's all prep work that isn't getting
me anywhere at all.

Panel 3 Close on Annemarie. Now she is getting frustrated,

but she is still mostly concerned with him.

Don't be stupid, you need to prepare. People who
don't prepare get killed.

To actually prepare, yes. But this is just
spinning my wheels. It's getting me nothing.

Panel 4 Looking back at Kinetic. He holds his hands up as an

example and they glow slightly with his energy
powers. They are not as clean or controlled as when
he has his gauntlets on.

Look at me. I have these powers. But what am I
doing now? Nothing.


Panel 5 Looking from behind Kinetic back at Annemarie. She is

sitting on the edge of the bed, she is pissed, but
she looks pretty sexy when she is pissed.

Yeah, being here with me. "nothing". Thanks.

Page 16 A different kind of fight.

Panel 1 Big panel. She is now walking away from him, putting
on a big hoodie


That's not what I meant. Come on.

Maybe if I got a laser and tried to kill
you...maybe then I'd be worth your time.

Panel 2 She is at the door, he is pathetic.

Come on, you know that is not what I meant.

I'm just...I'm just sick of it.

Panel 3 Close on her at the door. She doesn't really look

pissed, just frustrated and disappointed.

You wanna go? Go.

Panel 4 She has now gone out the open door, he is alone in
the room, we can see the city lights out the window
behind him.

Panel 5 Frame pushes in tighter on him and that window.

Page 17 On patrol.

Panel 1 Over the city at night. Kinetic can use his kinetic
energy gauntlets to throw himself through the air. He
is doing this to bounce over some low rooftops. A
large, active panel, to contrast the cramped previous

Panel 2 Hitting the street and bouncing. He is near the river

in a little shopping district. There are a few cars
and a few people leaving clubs and catching cabs.
Some are pointing, but he is just moving along.

Panel 3 He comes to rest on an old cement and iron bridge

over the river. It is peaceful and still. His energy
signature is reflected in the water.

Panel 4 Similar shot, but now we are pulled back to see that
Maxwell Murder is standing at the end of the bridge,
lurking in the shadow of one of the large posts at
one end of the bridge. He is looking at Kinetic and
aiming two fingers at him like a gun. His tattoos are

Panel 5 Looking down the "barrel" of his fingers. One of the

glowing bullet tattoos has moved and is now resting
in "the chamber" pointing at Kinetic.

Panel 6 Max de-gunning his hand, the magic bullet shapes

disappear into a swirl. He looks disappointed.

That's a tree falling in a forest....

Panel 7 Maxwell walking away from the bridge, and his lurk
spot, down the sidewalk. We can see Kinetic on the
bridge in the far background.

Doesn't make a sound. Doesn't make a dime. And it
damn sure doesn't make a reputation.

Panel 8 Closer on Kinetic, but still far enough away that you
can see a full shot of him and some of the bridge
fixtures. He has his phone in his hand and is
texting. Inset image of his phone screen.

Caption To: Monkey / Text: You out?

Caption New text. / From: Monkey / Yeah. Wanna team-up?

Meet @ library.

Page 18 Kinetic meets up with Monkey. This whole page is one big
panel divided into segments. It is a shot from the roof
of the library looking down to the river. The panels are
widescreen aspect ratio. The top one shows the river and
the horizon, the last panel shows the roof in the
foreground with Monkey standing on it. He is tall and
stretches all the way back up to the top panel, it looks
like he is watching Kinetic the whole time. The terrain
is like a college campus, lots of trees and old
buildings not built on a rigid street plan.

Panel 1 Long thin panel looking over the part of the city
between the river and the library. We see a few spark
trails of Kinetic's energy signature.

Panel 2 Further down the page means closer to the

library...we can see more of the energy trail and
mark its travel more clearly.

Panel 3 Closer and clearer.

Panel 4 Panel four has the roof and the edge of the roof and
Monkey's feet in it. Monkey is standing to the left,
on the right side if the panel is where we expect
Kinetic to land. Instead of seeing Kinetic there, we
see his energy streak crest over the edge of the
building bu shoot of at a tight enough angle so as to
not go back into the previous panels.

Page 19 On the library roof.

Panel 1 Monkey, in background, wheels into a much more

monkey-like position to watch Kinetic land in the


What's up....uh...Dude?

Just out there doin' it.

Yeah? You got a name yet?

Panel 2 Kinetic and Monkey start to walk/climb across the

rook of the library to a higher point. It is a
modern, artistically built, building. So it is a lot
of fun to climb.

No. Not yet. I haven't really had time to even
think about it since I talked to you.

Better come up with something soon, if you don't,
something else will just stick and you won't have
any control over it.

Panel 3 They reach the summit. Monkey does not rest, and is
already reaching out to climb the antenna thing.

That might be easier.

Oh, for sure, but then you give over control of
your public perception...what if they decided to
call you "Farm Hand" or...or "Ball Sniffer"?

Why would anyone call me that?

People are very mean if you give them the chance,
and when you leave that "Hello my name is" tag
blank, you are just begging for it.

Panel 4 Monkey has climbed the highest antenna/post/lightning

rod or whatever. He is sideways or upside down.

Ok, how did you settle on "Monkey"?

It's actually "Incredible Monkey: Bounding Hero of

Ok, so where did you get that from?


Monkey clinging to the side of the post with his feet

and knees, and gesturing to himself as he states the

...I have monkey powers.

Page 20 They continue to discuss the name as they move from the
top of the library over to the community center and

Panel 1 Artists discretion about how this movement takes

place. They are talking, so it should not be TOO
crazy, but they are moving.

Ok, fine, well I have kinetic powers, and I can't
very well call myself "Kinetic".


Yeah, I need something with some weight to it.
Like....why is this so hard?

Panel 2 Monkey has stopped while Kinetic has continued a few

feet past him and is looking back at him.



See? It works already!

Panel 3 Monkey is stepping/climbing up to perch on a nearby

wall or structure.

I said "Kinetic" and you said "What?". You
answered to it already, Kinetic.

I said "what" because I didn't know what you were
talking about.

Panel 4 Monkey uses his hands to make a marquis in the air.


Panel 5 They are moving again. Kinetic is walking, and Monkey

is scaling some pipes or wires or something.

It's good. It is. But I want one that MEANS

It DOES mean something. It means movement, action.
Kinetic. Kinetic energy.

Page 21 The conversation continues.

Panel 1 They move across roofs still. Monkey moves up higher

and Kinetic bounds and climbs to follow him.

And that IS your power, right? Kinetic energy?

Right, but that's ALL it means. It doesn't tell
who I am or what I'm about. I want people to hear
the name and know that I am there to help.

Panel 2 They pause atop a wall or tower or something

architectural. Kinetic gestures to himself, Monkey
pauses to listen to him. A close up, or just heavily
focused on Kinetic, he is being self-centered.

I could be "Kinetic" and be a bad guy....or part
of a break dance crew.

Panel 3 A pull back from the close up to show both Kinetic

and Monkey, a medium shot of both of them.

So you want a rep, but you don't want to earn it.

No, not like that.

Panel 4 Pull back a little further to a full shot of both of

them standing up on this high ledge. Monkey is half
turned away like he is making this his parting

You're right. The name is neutral. It's got
nothing on it until you get out there and put
something on it. It's an empty vessel waiting to
be filled. But that's on YOU, buddy.

Page 22 The decision is made.

Panel 1 Monkey leaps off into the ether. He is stepping up

and leaving that as a challenge for his friend.
Kinetic is reaching for the belt pouch where he keeps
his phone. It is beeping.

You think you can step up?

Panel 2 Kinetic looks at his phone as Monkey bounds away

below him. There is an inset or a caption box of what
is on Kinetic's phone.

Caption New text / From: Annemarie / Sorry I yelled at

you. Coming back over tonight?

Panel 3 Kinetic, still holding his phone, is watching Monkey

bounding and bouncing away.

Panel 4 Kinetic is standing there texting, but the shot pulls

back to show a lot of the city and night sky around
him. Inset or caption of what he is writing.

Caption To: Annemarie / Text: Yeah. I picked a name. I

will tell you when I get there.

Page 23 Kinetic.

Panel 1 Splash page of him leaping off of that building and

doing a cool bounce flip thing up into the
foreground. You can see the city behind him. His
energy trails are coming off of his gloves and
trailing behind his and all over the place.

Caption KINETIC.

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