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Transcription: Adam ta kochaky nakonad bozorg nashavad .
Literal Translation: If you want to be a master , obey a great man .
Application: To reach a high status you should start from a low position.

a: He who obeys learns to command

b: He that can not obey can not command.


c: One must be a servant before one can be a master.

Transcription: Kor az khoda che khahad? Do cheshme bina .
Literal Translation: A blind asks god to give him two seeing eyes .
Application: This saying is used when some one wishes to have something that is vitally

important for him and he is deprived of that


.a: The blind want nothing more than two seeing eyes

.b: It is as the cold water to a thirty soul

Transcription: Kur be kare khod binast .
Literal Translation: Blind is sighted in his own business .
.Application: Every body knows what is best for him to do


.a: The weaver knows where the shoe pinches


Every one is witty for his own2 purpose. :b

c: Every man knows his own business best.
. d: To the victors belong the spoil

Transcription: Khake koche baraye bade sovda khobast .
Literal Translation: The dust of the alley is good for melancholy .
Application: This is used for those who try to overcome their depression and
.melancholy by going from one house to another

:Ya koche gardi mishavad ya khanedari..Transcription
. Literal Translation: Either be a loiterer or be a house-keeper

Application : This saying is used for those women who waste their time outside .

house and can not do their house-keeping well

. Transcription: Kur ke mord badam cheshm mishavad
. Literal Translation: Afther death , the blind man becomes almond-eyed

Application: Usually when someone dies his relatives exaggerate a lot about his
. characteristics


a. Praise no man , until he is dead

. Transcription : Kur kur ra mijuyad ab govdal ra
Literal Translation ; a blind looks for another blind ,the water searches for a hole
.Application : Every body desires to socialize with his own kinds

: Equivalent
2 '4
a: Like444
will to like
.b: Birds of the same feather
fly together

. Transcription: Dar shahre Koran adame yek cheshm padeshah ast
. Literal Translation: In the town of the blind one who has a seeing eye is the king
Application: This is used for those that despite their imperfections and disfigurements
. are better than the others
552the minnows 155
.a: He is a Triton among
552 man is king
.b: In the country of the blind, the one-eyed

. Transcription: Koze be rahe ab mishekanad
.Literal Translation: Pitcher will be broken by water
Application: This is used about the susceptibility of human being against the ordinary
.event of life
:Equivalent 455
552 alter cases
.a: Circumstances
. b :The pitcher goes so often to the water that it 552
is broken at last
.c: The pitcher will go to the well once too often

.Transcription: Kuze nov a be khonak darad
.Literal Translation: A new pitcher has cool water
.Application: A new and fresh thing is more useful and desirable

.a: A new broom555
sweeps clean
.b: New servants are swift155
. c: The new love derives out
552 the old love

.Transcription: Koze gar az koze shekaste ab mikhorad
.Literal Translation: Potters drink water from a broken pitcher
Application: This used for those who have a profession, skill and make the others
.benefit but themselves are deprived of its advantages

255 goes bare foot
.a: The shoemaker's son always
.b: None is barer than the shoemaker's

.Transcription: Kose va rish pahn nemishavad
!Literal Translation: A shark with a thick beard
.Application: This saying is about the companionship of two opposite things

.a: Don't comb your head 552
if you are bald
. b: Be two opposite
things at once
.c: Contraries do not meet

.Transcription: Har ke be fekre khish ast kuse be fekre rish ast
.Literal Translation: Every body thinks of himself, the shark thinks of his beard
Application: This is used for those who think just about themselves and do not care the
.people's problems

.a: Each person desires what he552
deprived of
.b: Every man wishes the water to
his own mill

.Transcription: Kovli kovli ra mibinad chobash ra zamin miandazad
.Literal Translation: When a gypsy sees his own kind puts his crutch down
Application: Even the most wretched members of the society show respect toward
.each other
552 thieves
.a: There is honor among

.Transcription: koh be koh nemiresad adam be adam miresad
Literal Translation: It is not possible for a peak to meet another peak, but people will
.meet each other
.Application: The people who are far from each other may meet accidentally

. a: Friends may meet , but mountains
552never greet
. b: It is 555
small world
.c: Every fox must pay his skin at
the flayer's

.Transcription: Gav ba gav jang mikonad gosale az meyan miravad
.Literal Translation: two bulls are fighting ,the calf dies among them
Application: The quarrels of parents may endanger the happiness of children , and the
.conflicts of the powerful may hurt the weak

Transcription: Gave shakh zan ham yeki ra baraye khodash miguzarad
.ke be ou alaf dahad
.Literal Translation: Even a bull that gores has someone to feed him
Application: A bad-tempered person should not offend all his companions, maybe he
.will need them someday
555a rainy day 515
.a: Put by something for
.b: Honor a physician before thou hast 555
need of him

.Transcription: Gav ke pir shod gusaleash aziztar mishavad
.Literal Translation: When a cow becomes old, its calf becomes spoiled
Application: This saying that the kindness of parents to their children is more at old

.a: A new broom sweeps

.Transcription: Gavi ke be kohne khordan amokhte shod vel kon nist
.Literal Translation: The cow that is accustomed to eat debris can not give up its habit
.Application: The nutritional habits of people can not given up easily

. a: Habit is second
.b: Old habits die hard

.Transcription: Har ruz gav nemimirad ta kufte arzan shaved
Literal Translation: We do not kill a cow everyday ;you would not eat its meat without
Application: You can not find a chance to obtain something free of charge or receive it
.at no cost everyday

. a: Christmas comes but once
555 a year
.b: One can not expect nice things everyday

.Transcription: Geda ra jun be junesh koni gedast
.Literal Translation: Not even all the money of the world is enough for a beggar
Application: You can not change the nature of a greedy person even if you give him the
.entire world
.a: Beggar's purse is bottomless
.b: Once is a beggar, always is
a beggar
.c: Habits are at first cobwebs, at last
555 cables

.Transcription: Geda ra ke ru midahi sahebkhane mishavad
Literal Translation: You should not embolden a beggar; otherwise he will lord over
.Application: This is used for those who misuse the other's kindness
.a: Give one an rich and one will take a yard
.b: Beggars can not be

.Transcription: Geda geda ra nemitavanad bebinad

.Literal Translation: Beggars do not like to meet eachother
Application: there is always the feeling of jealousy among people who are of the same
.profession, but it is more among beggars
555 agree
.a: Two of a trade can never
251 451
.b: One beggar is woe that another by the door
555 go

Transcription: Az geda che yek nan begirand va che bedahand yeksan

Literal Translation: There is no difference that you give bread to a beggar or take it
.from him

Application: This is used when someone wants to show modesty ,and presents himself
.more humble than he really is

.a: A penny won't make me 555
or break me

.Transcription: Gedaye agar nangi nadarad barekati ham nadarad
.Literal Translation: Beggary if has no disgrace ,has no bounty too
Application: The beggary is an unblessed and dishonoring work because nobody can
.attain wealth and prestige by this work
555 of it is
.a: Poverty is not a shame ;but the being ashamed

.Transcription: Gedayee kare bi maye ast
.Literal Translation: Beggary needs no capital
.Application: This is used to make a beggar ashamed
.a: Beggar's bag is555

Transcription: Hich gerani bi hekmat nist va hich arzani bi ellat.
Literal Translation: For expensiveness there is a reason and for cheapness
.there is a cause
. Application: The goods are not expensive or cheap without a cause

.a: Good cheap is dear at the
555 long run
.b: Good and cheap is dear
251 555
.c: Best is best
555 cheap 451

.d: A good bargain is a pick-purse

.Transcription : Gorbe ra dare hejle bayad kosht
.Literal Translation: The cat should be killed in front of the bridal suite
Application: To bring someone on your own dominion , you should behave powerfully
.at the first visit

.a: Take a shrew (wife) down in her wedding
.b: Crush the evil 555
thing at birth
.c: A word before is worth
two after

Transcription: Gorbe ra har tovr biandazand ruye char dast va pa payin
Literal Translation: Throw a cat which way you will, but it will come down on all
Application: An artful and sharp-witted person is not susceptible because of his nature
.,and however you treat him he will survive

a: He is like a cat, fling him which way you will ,and he will light on his
52, .legs

.Transcription: Gorbe haft bar jaye bachehayash ra avaz miconad
.Literal Translation: A cat changes the place of its kittens for seven times
Application: Maybe for this reason that the owner of the cat assigns a place for it,but the
.cat should find a place instinctively and this makes its place several times

. a: It is best to be on451
the safe side

.Transcription: Az tabe la alaji be gorbe goftam khanum baji
.Literal Translation: I become forced to call the cat my elder sister
Application: Sometimes you're forced by the circumstances to do something that you


.a: Call the bear "uncle" until you're safe across the bridge

.Transcription: Gorbe haft jan darad
.Literal Translation: Cats have seven lives
.Application: This animal will be hurt by people , but it will survive of these injuries

. a: Cat have555
nine lives

.Transcription: Be doaye gorbe syah baran nemiayad
.Literal Translation: Black cat is praying ,but it will not rain
Application: The relation of black cat with prayer maybe is of the relation of an evil.doer and worship that would not be accepted
555 cursing
.a: Cattle do not die from the crow's
.b: Dog's prayer does not go up251
to Heaven

Transcription: Ruzye gorbe daste zane
.shelakhte ast
.Literal Translation: The bread of a cat is in the hand of slovenly woman
Application: This is used when one's incompetence make the others misuse the

.a: Cats eat what hussies

.Transcription: Har che sarfe koni gorbe barad
.Literal Translation: Whatever you don't eat, the cat eats
Application: How much you don't spend your property or wealth and save it ,will
.become the self-seeker's share

.a: He who saves for tomorrow saves
555for the eat

.Transcription:Hich gorbeei mahze rezaye khoda mosh nemigirad
.Literal Translation: No cat chases a mouse for the sake of God
Application: Some people serve the others or do goodness not for the consent of God
.,but just for their own advantage151
.Equivalent: Nothing happens
555 for nothing

.Transcription: Har gerduyi gerd ast amma har gerdi gerdo nist
.Literal Translation: Walnuts are round but everything that is round is not a walnut
.Application: This is used when two things are apparently alike, but inwardly different
:Equivalent 5
.a: All that glitters551
is not gold
.b: Never judge by555

. c: All are not thieves that dog bark at

.Transcription: Adame goresne iman nadarad
.Literal Translation: Hungry man has no faith

.Application: poor person does not believe to any religious and moral principles

: Equivalent
.a: A hungry man is an angry man
.b: Necessity knows
no law
.c: Hungry bellies have no ears

.Transcription: Adame goresne sang ra ham mikhorad
.Literal Translation: Hungry man eats even the stone

Application: When someone is hungry does not care the quality of the food and all foods
.taste savory to him

.a: Hunger finds no fault with the cookery
.b: Hunger never
saw1 bad bread

.c: Hunger is the best sauce

.Transcription: Adame goresne nan khab mibinad
.Literal Translation: Hunger dreams of bread
Application: People who are deprived of something vital and necessary always waste
.their time dreaming about2that

.Equivalent: A cat dreams of mice

.Transcription:Gorg ke be galle oftad vay be yekedaran

Translation: When a wolf attacks a folk this is bad for one who has one sheep
Application: When a family that have only one child face bad event or dies , this will be
.an irretrievable and disastrous problem for them

.Equivalent: The weakest go to the wall

Transcription: Gerehi ke ba dast baz mishavad ba dandan nabayad baz

Literal Translation: Never open a knot with your teeth when you can undo it with your

Application: To solve a problem one should always use an easy way, but not resort to
.difficult solutions

:Equivalent 1
.a: Gentle means are the best
b: Never take a stone to break an egg, when you can do it with the back of
.your knife
.c: You got the door, why take the wall to jump over

.Transcription: Gerye kardan ham dele khosh mikhahad
.Literal Translation: Even to cry one should be in a good mood
.Application: To do everything or to express any feeling one should have desire or motive

4 the cure
.Equivalent: Nothing is easy to the unwilling must give


.Transcription: Gaz nakarde pare makon

.Literal Translation: First measure then cut

.Application: One should not do anything without assessing it


.a: Do not cut without measuring

.b: Look before you leap 1
.c: Think on the end before you begin
2 , cut once
.d: Measure twice
Transcription: Gol ke be divar mizani agar band nashavad radash

Literal Translation: When you stick the mud on the wall even though it does not
.remain the mud stain will be there
.Application: Accusation on everybody have
2 bad affects and results even though baseless
.Equivalent: Fling dirt enough and some will stick

.Transcription: Gol ba khar ast
.Literal Translation: No flower is without thorn
.Application: Always in life sorrow and happiness come together

.a: There is no rose without a thorn
.b: Every advantage has its disadvantage
.c: There is no garden without weeds

.Transcription: Gole bi eyb Khodast

.Literal Translation: God is the only flawless flower

.Application: Nobody is perfect, but God

.a: Among men who is faultless


.b: Nothing is perfect but God

.Transcription: Az yek gol bahar nemishavad
.Literal Translation: The spring wont come by one flower
.Application: When one thing is good its not mean that all members of group are good

.a: One swallow makes no summer
.b: One flower makes
1 no garden

.Transcription: Har gol boyi darad
.Literal Translation: Every flower has its own smell
.Application: Every one has its own characteristics that make him different from others

.Equivalent: Every man has his price

.Transcription: Gonjeshk chist ke kale pacheash bashad

Translation: How much is the meat of a sparrow

.Application: When the original is lowly and inferior its secondary is also inferior
.Equivalent: You can have no more of a cat but her skin

.Transcription: Gonjeshke naghd beh az tavuse nesye

Literal Translation: Its better to pay in cash for a sparrow bought, than to purchase a
.peacock in credit
Application: This means that in transactions every buying or selling in cash even if low.priced is better than in credit

.a: Better a sparrow in the hand than a pigeon on the roof


.b: Certainty is better than hope 56

.c: A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

.Transcription: Gonjeshke yek poli yahoo nemikhanad

Translation: Sparrow which cost one money does not sing O, God
.Application: This means that how much you spend, you gain
.a: Good cheap is dear at the long run
.b: Many have been ruined by buying good penny worth
.c: As the work, so
46 the money

.Transcription: Gandom hame ja va nane gandom ja be ja
.Literal Translation: Wheat is available in every place, but the wheat-bread is not
Application: This saying is used when there are a lots of facilities to have an easy life ,
.but people do not know how to use them

.Transcription: Hich kas tuye gure kasi nemikhabad

Translation: Nobody will be buried in others grave

.Application: No one will be punished for the guilt of somebody else
5,4its own gill
.Equivalent: Every herring must hang by

.Transcription: Ta gusale gav shaved dele madaresh ab shaved

.Literal Translation: The cow will be mad, until its calf becomes a cow
.Application: Parents should bear a lot of difficulties until their children become great

a: Children when they are little make parents fools, when they are great make

2 .them mad

.b: Till the cows come home4

.c: While the grass grows, the cow starves

.Transcription: Gusfand be fekre jan ast ghassab be fekre donbe
.Literal Translation: The sheep thinks of his life, the butcher thinks of its fat
.Application: Everybody thinks of his advantages

.Equivalent: One thing thinks the horse, and another he that saddles him

.Transcription: Gush bashad gushvare besyar ast
.Literal Translation: You should have ears; otherwise there are a lot of earrings
.Application: When you have lots of time to live, it is possible to gather wealth
.Equivalent: Health is better than wealth

.Transcription: Gushvare aziz ast gush aziztar ast
.Literal Translation: Earring is dear, but ear is dearest
.Application: This means that life is more important than the wealth
1 is my skin
.Equivalent: Near is my shirt, but nearer

.Transcription:Gush aziz ast gushvarash ham aziz ast
.Literal Translation: When ear is dear, the earring is dear too
.Application: When a person is dear to you , his belongings are usually dear

.a: He , who loves tree, loves the branch
.b: Love me, 5,4
love my dog

.Transcription: Gosht ra az nakhun nemitavan joda kard
.Literal Translation: Never can you separate the meat from the nail
.Application: Nobody can cause separation between relatives

.a: Put on thy hand between the bark and the tree
4 than water
.b: Blood is thicker
.c: We are bound to our bodies like an oyster to its shell

.Transcription: Gusht ra bayad az beghale gav borid
.Literal Translation: You should cut the meat from the leg of a cow
.Application: Profits must be seized from the rich, not from the poor
.Equivalent: a: It is unjust to exploit
the poor

.Transcription: Jayee ke gusht nist choghondar pahlavan ast
.Literal Translation: When there is no meat, the best is the best food
Application: When your favorite person or your desirable thing is not available, you
.should be contented of a lower person or thing
.a: When the cat is away the mice will play
.b: They that have no other meat, bread and butter are glad to eat

.Transcription: Laf dar ghorbat , avaz dar bazaar mesgaran
.Literal Translation: Boast in another country, and sing in the bazaar of coppersmiths
Application: When someone is away from his homeland, he can bluff because nobody
.would suspect him
.a: Travelers2 tell fine tales
.b: long way, long lies1

.c: Great braggarts are little doers

. )( )(
.Transcription: Lala naresad be khanedari luli naresad be asb savari
Literal Translation: God forbid that a servant becomes master and a gypsy rides on a

Application: This means that the wretched ones would better stay in their low position
.and not reach a good status

.Equivalent: Set a beggar on horseback, and he will ride to the devil

.Transcription: agar lor be bazar naravad bazaar migandad
Literal Translation: If a simple-minded person does not go shopping, the market will
.Application: This is used when someone buys shoddy goods with a high price

.a: This more moors, the better market 1
.b: If fools went to market, bad wares would not be sold

.Transcription: loghme be andazeye dahanat bardar
.Literal Translation: Dont bite off bigger than your mouth
Application: This is used for ambitious person and it means that one should not accept a
.responsibility more than what he can do
.a: Dont bite off more than you can
5 chew

.b: Stretch your legs according to your coverlet

.c: Take no more on than youre able to bear
.d: Dont live above your means

Transcription: Loghme shekam ra sir nakonad amma mohabat ra ziyade
.Literal Translation: A bite may not satiate you , but would increase the kindness

Application: This means that donation and gifts someone though few and little make
.kindness alive between people

.a: Small gifts keep friendship

.b: Small presents keep up friendship

.Transcription: Leili ra be cheshme majnun bayad did
.Literal Translation: One should see Leila with Majnoons eyes
Application: This means that one should appraise the beloved from the view point of the

a: If Jacks in love, hes no judge of Jills beauty
1 beholder
.b: Beauty in the eye of the
.c: To the eye of the owner, the horse becomes fatter

.Transcription: Az mast ke bar mast

.Literal Translation: We ourselves cause some bad events

Application: Sometimes bad events that happen to a nation are caused by their own

.a: Every man is his own worst enemy
.b: Accusing the times is but excusing
.c: We are often shot with our own feathers
.d: every man is the architect of his own fortune

Transcription: Madar bacheash ra be khabe shirin nemitavanad
.Literal Translation: A bad mother does not like her child to sleep well
.Application: This is used when someone is even jealous of his own relatives

.a: Leave well
.b: Let sleeping dogs lie


.Transcription: Madar be esme bache mikhorad ghand va koluche

.Literal Translation: Instead of child mother eats cookie
.Application: Sometimes even the person that you dont suspect them may betray you

.Equivalent: Nurses put one bite in the childs mouth, and two in their own

.Transcription: Madar ra del misuzad day era daman
.Literal Translation: Mothers heart would hurt, but nannys skirt would burn
. Application: Your real compassionate is one who really loves you
.a: The proof of the home is the nursery
.b: The mothers love is the
best of all

.Transcription: Madar ashegh biar ast
.Literal Translation: Mother is a lazy lover
.Application: The lazy lover is one who tolerates his beloveds bad-temper
.Equivalent: A mothers love4 never ages

.Transcription: Madar ke nist ba zane pedar bayad sakht
Literal Translation: When you are motherless, try to get on with another despite his
.a: Half a loaf is better than

.b: If you cant beat them, join them

.Transcription: Che madari ke az daye mehrabantar nabashad
.Literal Translation: No nurse is kinder than mother

Application: This means that natural and instinctive kindness is not comparable with the
.love which has benefits for lover

..a: No one is more Catholic than a Pope
.b: No one is more royalist1 than a king

Transcription: Mar az pune badesh meyad dame surakhesh sabz

.Literal Translation: Snake hate the mint; it grow in front of their holes
Application: This is used when someone hates another, but meets him by accident or

.a: Everything goes to him who does not want it

.b: A bad penny turns up every where

Transcription: Mar pust begzarad khoy nemigozarad
.Literal Translation: Snake may molt, but their nature would never change
.Application: Wicked person never change their bad characteristics
.a: The leopard cannot change his spots
.b: The wolf may lose his teeth, but never his nature
.c: What is taken in with the milk, only goes with
the soul

.Transcription: Mar ta rast nashavad be surakh naravad
.Literal Translation: Snake should be straight then go to their holes
.Application: A person should behave justly among his family members
:Equivalent 5
.a: Honesty is the best
.b: Cheating play never thrives
4 his own
.c: The devil looks after


Transcription: Mar khake har zamini ra khord be range an khak


Literal Translation: The color of snake will change to the color of the earth which he
.lives in
.Application: This is used when someone wants to express his gratitude to his patron
4 the spring
.Equivalent: When you drink from the stream, remember

.Transcription: Mar ke pir shod ghurbaghe savaresh mishavad
.Literal Translation: When a snake becomes old, frog will dominate him
Application: This is used when someone goes beyond his authority or limits and does
.not respect elders

.a: Little birds pick at the dead lion
.b: When the eagle is dead , the crows pick out his eyes

.Transcription: Mar morde nagazad
.Literal Translation: Dead snake would not sting
Application: This is used when you get rid of someone who used to annoy you and now
.is dead

:Equivalent 5
.a: Dead men tell no tales
2 bite not
.b: dead dogs
4 dont bite
.c: dead man

.Transcription: Mar gazide az risnane syah va sefid mitarsad
.Literal Translation: Snake bitten is afraid of a black-white rope
.Application: When someone has a bad experience, he does not like it to be repeated

.a: A burnt child dreads
the fire
.b: A man once bitten by a snake will jump at the sight of a rope in the path


.Transcription: Lagad madyan be naryan dard nakonad

.Literal Translation: The kick of a mare is not painful for the male horse
.Application: Quarrels of wife and husband would never cause discomfort between them

.Transcription: Mar ke zakhmi shud bayad az surakh biron avard
.Literal Translation: An injured snake should be taken out from its hole
Application: When you hurt your enemy, you should not give him the chance to get

.Transcription: Male bad bikhe rishe sahebesh

.Literal Translation: Unlucky wealth is at the base of its owners beard

Application: this is used when someone sends back a low quality or undesirable goods
. to his owner

.a: Bad goods find no purchasers

.b: There is a black sheep in every flock
.c: A bad penny/money always 5come back

.Transcription: Mal ra be roye sahebesh mikharand
.Literal Translation: You should buy goods for its owners goodness
.Application: Usually buyers like to deal with the good-tempered
.Equivalent: A man without a smiling face must not open a shop

.Transcription: Male ali va asle ali
.Literal Translation: Alis wealth is just for him
.Application: Wealth, property and right of everyone will be sent back to him
.a: Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesars
1 will out
.b: In the long run truth


.Transcription: Mal gerd kardan asan ast va negah dashtan doshvar

.Literal Translation: It is easy to gain money, but it is not easy to protect it

Application: When someone is young he should gain money but at old ages that the
.power to gather money is little he should try to protect his wealth
.Equivalent: Wealth is easier gained2 than guided

.Transcription: Male morde aghabe morde miravad

.Literal Translation: The wealth would fallow its dead owner
Application: This means that the wealth of a dead person is a windfall property for his
.inheritor and would not last long and will not bring blessing
Equivalent: The father buys, the son builds , the grand child sells, and his son

.Transcription: Male moft az asal shirinter ast

.Literal Translation: Easy gained money is sweeter than honey

..Application: When you eat a food free of charge it tastes more delicious to you

.a: It is good beef that
1 costs nothing
.b: Stolen fruit is always sweeter
.c: Stolen sweets are always sweeter

.Transcription: Mal yek ja miravad iman hezar ja

.Literal Translation: Stolen wealth will go one place, but lost faith will go every place
.Application: When a wealth is stolen, its owner may suspect to everyone he knows

:Equivalent 4
.a: Search your conscience
.b: See both sides of the question

.Transcription: Mama avarde ra mordeshur mibarad
Literal Translation: He, who is born by a midwife , will leave this world by the washer
.of dead


Application: This means that the characteristics, behavior and manners of people are
.instinctive and would never change

.a: What is bred in the bone will not out of the flesh
4 must die
.b: He that is once born, once
.c: A time to be born and4a time to die

.Transcription: Mama ke dota shod sare bache kaj biron miayad
Literal Translation: When there are two midwives, the child will be born with a
.slanted head

Application: When two or more people have the same responsibility to do something,
.the result would not be good

.a: Where everyman is 5,4
master, the world goes to the wrack
.b: Too many cooks spoil the broth
.c: A village with two headman falls into ruin

.Transcription: Mah hamishe zire abr nemimanad
.Literal Translation: Moon would not hide behind clouds always
.Application: The truth will becomes manifest sooner or later
.a: Truth will out
.b: Face to face, the truth will come out
.c: Nothing comes sooner to light than that which has been long did

.Transcription: Har mahi khatar darad bad namiyash ra safar darad
.Literal Translation: Each month has its own danger, but Safar is the most infamous
Application: This means that everyone may has a fault, but one who is famous in
.something bad is the guiltiest in the peoples point of view

.Equivalent: All the months in the year curse a fair February

.Transcription: Mahye buzurg mahye kochk ra khord

. Literal Translation: The great fish eats the small one

.Application: The poor are victims of the powerful

.a: The great fish eats up the small

.b: Big fish 4eat little fish

.Transcription: Mahi be gandesh nemiarzad
.Literal Translation: A fish is not worth its spoilage
.Application: This is used when the disadvantages
of something is more than its benefits

. Equivalent: Money is sweet, but the bee stings

.Transcription: Mahi ra harvaght az ab begiri taze ast

.Literal Translation: Every time you angle a fish from water, it will be fresh
.Application: You dont need certain time and situation to do some works

:Equivalent 5,4
.a: It is never too late to mend
.b: Better late than never

.Transcription: Mahi mahi ra mikhorad mahikhar har do ra

Literal Translation: A fish would eat another; the icthyophagous would eat both of
.Application: There is always someone stronger than you

.a: The biter is sometimes bit
.b: Behind an able man there are always other noble men

.Transcription: Be maye fatir ast
.Literal Translation: Without yeast the bread will be unleavened
.Application: It means that without any capital or money one can not do anything

:Equivalent 2
.a: Nothing comes of nothing
.b: He who pays the piper, calls the tune
.c: You can not make omelet without breaking egg

.Transcription: Dar masal monagheshe nist
.Literal translation: In proverbs there is no dispute
Application: This is used to contrast and compare a situation or behavior to somebody
.or something, so there is no dispute in proverbs

.Equivalent: There is no disputing a proverb, a fool and the truth

.Transcription: Mohabat dar cheshm ast
.Literal Translation: Love is in eyes
Application: If you want to have the kindness of others or keep friendship between your
.friends, youd better meet them continually unless you may forget each other

.a: What the eye sees not, the heart rues not
5 forgotten
.b: Long absent, is soon

.Transcription: Mohabat do sar darad
.Literal Translation: Love has two sides
.Application: Love can not be one-sided
.Equivalent: A: Friendship can not be5 one-sided

.B: Love on one side, means misery on both sides

.C: Love is a two1 way street
.D: Love is the true reward of love

Transcription: Mard bayad nesfe sarash ra shane konad nesfash ra

Literal Translation: A man should comb half of his hair, and should not comb the
.other half

Application: this is used for those who are not an early bird and it means that a
.successful person should start his day at early morning

.Early to bed , early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise

.Transcription: Mordan ham hovsele mikhahad
.Literal Translation: Even for death one should be patient
Application: This is used when someone wants to show his unwillingness to do

.Equivalent: Nothing is easy to the unwilling

.Transcription: Ya mard bash ya nime mard ya hapal hapo
.Literal Translation: Either is a man, or a half-man or a negligent
Application: Give a definite answer to yourself and to others and let the people know
.how they should behave you

.Transcription: Adam khodesh bemired havadaresh namirad
.Literal Translation: It is better you die, but not your supporter
Application: This is used when someone wants to say the importance of his supporters
.and followers

.Equivalent: It is good to have some friends both in heaven and in hell

.Transcription: Adam do dafeh nemimirad
.Literal Translation: No one dies two times
Application: This is used when someone wants to embolden another to do something

.a: He that is one born once must die

2 but once
.b: A man can die


.Transcription: Baraye kasi bemir ke baraye to tab konad

.Literal Translation: Love someone to death, who loves you to craze
.Application: You should love someone who loves you too

.a: Love who loves you and respond to who calls you
b: Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his

.Transcription: namorde aza nagirid
.Literal Translation: First let me die, and then mourn
.Application: You should not think of bad events before the occurrence of them

.Transcription: Be morde ke rahm mikonand kafanesh ra me alayad
.Literal Translation: If you have pity on a dead, he will pollute his shroud
Application: This saying implies the necessity of supervision on the management of

..Transcription: Har ke mord az kiseye khodesh raft
.Literal Translation: One who died lost his own saving
Application: Dead man has no friend or compassionate and he would be forgotten very

.Equivalent: Dead man has no friend

.Transcription: Morde ke raft gorestan baz nemigardad

.Literal Translation: When a dead goes to cemetery, he never return

.Application: In some cases for lost thing or person there is no way to back

.Equivalent: It is all up with him


.Transcription: Morde nemiravad be gor mibarandesh be zor

Literal Translation: When a dead would not go to grave, you should drag him away
.by force
.Application: This is used when the use of the force is justifiable

.Equivalent: Where drums beat, laws are silent

.Transcription: Morde shoy zamene behesht va dozakh nist
.Literal Translation: The washer of dead does not vouch for Heaven and Hell
Application: This is used when someone has no responsibility against the results of a

.Equivalent: As you saw, you will reap

.Transcription: Az mardi ta namardi yek ghadam ast
.Literal Translation: There is just one step from manhood to meanness
Application: This is used when someone acts wickedly despite what that was expected
.of him

.Equivalent: From fame to infamy is a beaten road

.Transcription: Morghe hamsaye ghaz ast
.Literal Translation: The neighbors hen is a goose
.Application: This proverb refers to the envy and jealousy

. a: The apples on the other side of the wall are sweetest

b: the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence

.Transcription: morgh hame gir hich gir ast
.Literal Translation: A bird that wants to catch everything will catch nothing
.Application: when someone becomes greedy he will lose every thing
.Equivalent: if you run after two hares you will catch

.Transcription: morghi ra ke dar havast nabayad be sikh keshid


.Literal Transcription: you should not skewer a bird which is flying

Application: you should not think of the advantages and benefits or something that does
.not belong you or has not started yet

.a: first catch your hare then cook him

.b: First 4catch your hare

Transcription: morghi ke anjir mikhorad nokash kaj ast
.Literal Translation: An oriole has a crooked beak
Application: Every body should have skills and especial talent to do some thing
.Equivalent: Let the cobbler 4stick to his last

.Transcription: Har ke yek morgh kamtar darad yek kish pish ast
Literal Translation: Every one who has one hen fewer than others is ahead in his
Application: Everybody who has fewer properties , children and woman has fewer

.Equivalent: Little wealth , Little core

.Transcription: Marg be anboh jashn ast
Literal Translation: moss death is feas.t
.Application: Bad events and disasters that bother all people are less distress and painful
.Equivalent: Company distress makes
sorrow less

.Transcription: Marg be faghir va ghani negah nemikonad
Literal Translation: death knows neither the poor nor the rich
.Application: This is used for those wealthy people that do not believe the death

.a: Death is the grand leveler
b: Death and grave makes no distinction
c: death makes equal the high and the low

Transcription: marg pir va javan



Literal Translation: Death knows neither young nor old .

.Application: This is used for those who die at youth
Equivalent: As soon goes the young lamb's skin to the market as the old
. ewes one

.Transcription: marg chare nadarad

.Literal Translation: Death is the only problem which has no solution

Application: every problem has a solution , but death
.a: Death is deaf and will hear5 no denial

.b: There is a remedy for all things but death

.Transcription: marg hag hast baraye hamsaye
.Literal Translation: Death is the neighbor 's right
Application: This is used for those who do not care the other 's problems
.and think that they never face a problem

.Equivalent:: All men think all men are mortal but themselves

Transcription: marg hagh hast miras ham hagh
.Literal Translation: Death and heritage are both rights
.Application: This means that the inheritance is a legitimate right
.Equivalent: All that lives must die


.Transcription: Marge khar arosye sag ast
Literal Translation: Donkey 's death is dog's wedding
Application: This is used when failure of someone makes another happy

a: One man 's meat is another man 's poison
.b: The life of the wolf is the death of the lamb

.Transcription: marg shotory ast ke dar har khane mikhabad
Literal Translation: Death is a camel which lies in front of everybody 's door
.Application: There is no difference for the rich or the poor
4 and everybody must die

.Equivalent: Death is the black camel that kneels before every door

.Transcription: Yek morid khar beh az yek dah shesh dang ast
.Literal Translation: An obedient follower is better than owning a land entirely
Application: The advantage & profit which caused by this kind of follower is
sometimes more than the advantage of a great land that you should take care of that all the

.Equivalent: Better as ass that carries me than a horse that throws me

.Transcription: Marg khabar kemikonad
.Literal Translation: Death does not make you award
.Application: Death may occure suddenly & unexpectedly
4 no calendar
.Equivalent: Death keeps


.Transcription: kari bokon ke babat mikard panbe miresht ghobat mikard
Literal Translation: Do the same thing as your father did. I mean as he was cording
.cotton and was making ghabat
.Application: This saying is used for those make themselves poor with overambitious

.a:: his money burns in7his pocket
.b: A fool and money are soon parted

.Transcription: Kari be saret biyaram ke be ghorbe begoyi agha amo

!Literal Translation: I put you in a difficult position that you say to a cat , Mr Uncle
. Application: This proverb is used when a person wants to threaten somebody

!a: Ill cook your goose
.b: He has cooked a pottage for you

. Transcription: Kari ke ghalam mikonad az shamshir sakhte nist
.Literal Translation: A pen does a work that a sword cannot do
Application: In running a countrys affairs both pen and sword are necessary but
.sometimes a pen works more effective than a sword

.a: The tongue is not steel,
2 7 yet
it cuts

.b: The pen is mightier than the sword


Transcription: kari ra keg org be sakhti anjam midahad robah be asani anjam
.Literal Translation: A work that a wolf does with difficulty , a fox does easily
.Application: This proverb says that tact and trict work better than the force in affairs

.a: If the lions skin can not , the foxs shall
.b: Either by might or by sleight
.c: Cunning surpasses

.Transcription: karist ke gozashte ast va saboyi ast shekaste ast

.Literal Translation: A work passed and a pitcher broke

.Application: this proverb saying that one should not rue for whats passed

.a: It is all over
.b: The die is cast
.c: Let bygones
be bygones
d: Thing done cannot be recalled 2
.e: It is too late to grieve when the chance is past

.Transcription: kari kard karestan


.Literal Translation: He did the best

Application: This saying is used when someone makes a fuss over something/of

.Equivalent: I set the Thames on fire

.Transcription: kare yek shahi va sannar nist

.Literal Translation: A penny and shahi cannot do much

.Application: With a little money , you can not do big works

.a: It is4a long strong
4 endless talk
.b: It is an

. Transcription: Kar yek martabe etefagh mioftad

. Literal Translation: An incident occures suddenly/once

.Application: To face cautiously affairs because incidents do not let you know

.a: The unexpected always happens
. b: Accidents will happen in the best regulated families
.c: It happen in an hour, that happens not in seven years

.Transcription: kari ke dokhtar bokonad , nakonad behtar ast

.Literal Translation: When a girl does a work, it better not


Application: This saying is used for someone who cannot do a work very good but he
.interferes with it

.a: Set/Put the cart before the horse
.b: to get hold of the wrong end of the stick


.Transcription: kari ke neko bod , nemodar bod

.Literal Translation: A good work will become visible

Application: This proverb is used when people consider well a work which its beginning
.is good and easy

.a: A good beginning makes a good ending
.b: coming events cast their shadows before
.c: a wet spring is a sign of dry weather for the harvest
4 of the year
.d: April and May are key
.e: A good beginning augurs well for an undertaking

.Transcription: Kari ke neko nashod , neko shod ke nashod

.Literal Translation: Its trivial if work does not proceed well

.Application: If you note whatever happens, it is your benefit from it
.a: Theres no great loss without some gain

.b: There is nothing either good or bad , but thinking makes it so


?Transcription: kari ke nemikoni chera migoyi

?Literal Translation: why do you say to do what you cannot do

Application: This proverb is used for individuals who do not keep their promises/

.a: First think, then speak
.b: If you can not bite never show your teeth
.c: Discretion is the better
of valour

. Transcription: vai be kari ke nakhahad khoda

.Literal Translation: The tasks will be accomplished if god wishes

.Application: This proverb is saying that nothing will go ahead without Gods will

:Equivalent 4 7
.a: No use striving against
.b: These thing are sent to try us
.c: All must be as God will

. ,
.Transcription: Hark as be yek kar be hame kar, hark as be hame kar be hich kar

Literal Translation: Anyone who does a single occupation, he will be master in it but
.one who does many works will be the master of none
Application: This proverb says that anyone who has a hand in most occupations cannot
.do neither well

.a: Jack all and master of none
.b: Dont have too many irons in the fire
.c: He that does most at once, does7least
.d: He who begin many things, finishes but few
.e: jack of all arts is 4of no trade


.Transcription: Hark as an derod aghebat kar ke kesht

.Literal Translation: Everyone will harvest what he has sown

.Application: Each person faces the results of his deeds
.a: What so ever a man soweth, that shall he also reap
7 you reap
.b: As you sow, so shall

.Transcription: Har kasi ra bahre kari sakhtand

.Literal Translation:Each person is used for a special task

.Application: This proverb is used for someone who is interfering in any tasks

.a: Horses for4courses
.b: Everybody to this job
.c:Every man as his business lies

.Transcription: Har ke bitadbir kari kard samani nayaft

.Literal Translation: Each person does a work without thinking will not prosper
Application: This proverb says that without thinking , tasks does not have a favorable

.a: To get hold of the wrong
of the stick
.b: The bull must be taken by the horns
.Transcription: Oshter ra be karde chobin nakoshand

.Literal Translation: You can not kill a camel with wooden knife
.Application: This proverb says that any job needs its own tools
?a: What is a workman without his tools


.b: No flying without wings

.Transcription: Agar kardash bezani khonesh dar nemiayad

. Literal Translation: If you strike him with a knife , he would not bleed
.Application: This proverb is used when someone is very 4angry
.Equivalent: If you stick a knife to his body , it would not bleed

.Transcription: Agar karde moft peyda konad shekame khod ra pare mikonad

.Literal translation: He will cut his stomach open if he finds a free knife
Application: This saying is used for someone who does things without recklessly
.because he does not respect himself
.a: An excess is used4 wastefully
.b: Give a man enough rope and he will hang himself

.Transcription: Kard be ostekhan residan

.Literal Translation: The knife has reached to bone

Application: This proverb is used when someone is not unable to tolerate something
:Equivalent 4

.a: He is on his beam-ends

4 impatient
.b: He grows

.Transcription: Kard daste khodesh ra nemiborad

.Literal Translation: A Knife doesnt cut its own handle

.Application: This proverb says that nobody deceives and hurts his relatives
2 4
.a: Dog does not eat dog 2 7 4
.b: The devil is good/kind to his own
.c: Honour among

Transcription: Kardash be ma
.Literal Translation: His knife is too blunt to hurt us
.Application: This proverb is about a person who can not hurt someone else

.Equivalent: The knife is too blunt for words

.Transcription: Kardash naboridan

.Literal Translation: His knife doesnt cut

Application: This proverb is used for someone who has no influence


.Transcription: Mesle karde ashpazkhane ast

.Literal Translation: He is like a kitchen knife

.Application: This saying is about someone who can do everything
.Equivalent: He has a knack of every art

.Transcription: Mesle kard va panir

.Literal Translation: To be as knife and cheese

Application: This proverb is used when two person who are hostile and incompatible to
.each other
. a: To be at daggers drown with
4 someone
.b: They will never go in
double harness
.c: They hate each other like poison

.d: They will never go in double harness


.Transcription: Ash dar kase dashtan
.Literal Translation: To have pottage into the bowl
.Application: This proverb is used for someone who earns money
.Transcription: Ash ra khordan va kase ra shekastan

.Literal Translation: To eat someone s pottage and break his bowl

.Application: This proverb is used for someone reply badly anothers kindness

.a: Dont bite the hand that feeds him
.b: He eat the soup and breaks the dish

.Transcription: Az dige khali kase por nashavad

.Literal Translation: A bowl is not filled from empty pot

Application: This proverb says that from someone who does not have knowledge you
.can not learn anything

.a: Nothing comes
of nothing
.b: Where nothing is, nothing can be had
7 the blind
.c: The blind leading
.d: If the blind lead the blind both shall fall into the ditch

.Transcription: Toye kaseye kasi gozashtan

.Literal Translation: To put in someones bowl


Application: This proverb is about someone who shows suitable reactions to others


.Transcription: Cheshm bar kase va kiseye mardom dashtan

Literal Translation: To stare at others purse and bowl / to expect others purse and

Application: This proverb is about an individual who intended to abuse others


.Equivalent: Covet not which belongs to others

.Transcription: Daste khodam kaseye khodam
.Literal Translation: My own hand, my own bowl
Application: This proverb says that each person who has financial independence uses
.this proverb

.Equivalent: He that has money has what he wants

.Transcription: Dasteshan dar yek kase bodan

.Literal Translation: To have their hands in one bowl

.Application: This proverb is about persons who are partner in receiving a bribe

.Transcription: Kaseye aval gard va ghobar darad
.Literal Translation: The first bowl has dust
Application: This proverb says that at first let the others do then you use their
.experience in doing affairs

.a: The first blow is half the battle
7 2 is hard
.b: Every beginning
.Transcription: Kasehee ke dar an sag sar konad baraye abkhorie sag khob ast

.Literal Translation: The bowl a dog uses, fits dogs drinking- cup

.a: Like will to like
.b: He who eats the meat, let him pick the bone

.Transcription: Kase jayi ravad ke baz arad ghadah

.Literal Translation: A bowl goes where it brings back a pot

.Application: This proverb says that when you receive a gift you must give a better gift

.a: One good
.b: Love begets love
c: Love is the reward of Love4
d: He throw out a sprat to catch a herring

.Transcription: Kase che konam dar dast dashtan


.Literal Translation: To carry the bowl of what shall I do in hand

Application: This proverb use for someone who has become needy or helpless and is
.constantly complaining from his luck

.a: Fall between the devil and the deep blue sea
? b: To carry the pot of O what shall I do

() .
.Transcription: Kase chini ke seda mikonad

khod sefate hkish ada konad

Literal Translation: When a chines bowl makes noise it shows its characteristic
.Application: This proverb says that a man is known by his conversation
.a: Such as tree is, such is the fruit
.b: The tree is known
by its fruit
.c: The bird is known by his note, the man 7by his word

.Transcription: Kaseye sarnegonet ra sar bala makon

.Literal Translation: Dont show your downfalls bowl

Application: This proverb says not to speak about your financial situation and life lest
.for the people not to heap invective upon you

.a: Spit not against heaven, it will fall back
in thy face
.b: Who throws mud on another soils his own mud
7 in public
.c: Dont wash your dirty linen

.Transcription: Kase koze ra sare kasi shekastan

.Literal Translation: To break the pitcher and pot on someones head

.Application: This proverb is used for someone who lays his blame on someone else
7 5

.a: Dont rock the

4 boat
.b: They upset his applecart
c: To lay the blame on him

.Transcription: Kase gedayee be dast gereftan

. Literal Translation: To hold(carry) beggarys bowl

.Application: This saying is about a man whose craft is begging

.Equivalent: To go cap in hand

.Transcription: Kaseye garmtar az ash

.Literal Translation: A bowl hotter than the pottage in it

Application: This proverb is about is about individuals show great concern for others
.more than themselves

.a: To be more catholic than Pope
.b: He talks like a Dutch

. ,
.Transcription: Kaseye hamsaye shakam ra sir nemikonad , mohabat ra ziyad mikonad

Literal Translation: The neighbour s bowl doesnt satisfy the stomach but increases
.Application: This proverb says that small gifts make strong friendship

7 4
.a: Small presents keep up friendship
.b: Small gifts keep friendship a live

.Transcription: Yek kase kardan
.Literal Translation: To consolidate something together in a bowl
.Application: This proverb says assemble whatever related to eachother


.Transcription: Az gore kafer siyahtar

.Literal Translation: Darker than unbelievers grave

(*)Equivalent: The night very dark

. !
.Transcription: Elahi! omide hich kaferi ra naomid makon

.Literal Translation: O dont despair any unbelievers hope

.Application: This proverb is used for someone who7pays for others
.Equivalent: If I were not for hope , the heart would break

. ,
.Transcription: Chon kafere darvish , na donya na din

. Literal Translation: As fakir/ indigent unbeliever, not have world no religion

(*).Equivalent: It has no material or spiritual advantage
.Transcription: Khoda hich kaferi ra koredar nakonad

.Literal Translation: O God doesnt give child to any irreligious

.Application: This proverb is saying that its not easy to raise kids

.a: He that hath wife and children hath given hostages
to fortune
.b: The rich get richer and the poor get babies
() .

.Transcription: Kafer ast ankas ke rahmi bar gereftarash nabashad

.Literal Translation: A person is unbeliever if he doesnt sympathize with his prisoners
.Application: This proverb says that Muslims should have pity for prisoners

.Transcription: Kafar be jahanam nemiravad keshan keshan mibarandash

.Literal Translation: An unbeliever doesnt go , they drag him to hell

Application: This proverb is about a lazy man who does his duties by force
7 dog obey
.Equivalent: It is the raise stick that makes the

.Transcription: Kafare eshgh ei sanam gonah nadarad

.Literal Translation: O Sanam , unbeliever to love doesnt have sin

,Application: This proverb says that whoever commits an error by force
.God forgives him

.Equivalent: Necessity knows no Low

.Transcription: Kafer nemat basane kafere din ast

.Literal Translation: Ungrateful is as irreligious

.Application: ingratitude and unthankful ness is the same as sin
.a: To bite the hand that feeds
.b: Take the goods God provides you


.Transcription: Kafer hame ra be kishe khod pendarad

.Literal Translation: An unbeliever considers others as being unbelievers

Application: This proverb is about individuals who always compare themselves with the

.a: He that commits a fault thinks everyone speaks of it
7 men mad
.b: Every mad man think all others
.c: He measures other peoples corn with his own bushel

.Transcription: Kaheli kaferi ast

.Literal Translation: Laziness is infidelity

Application: This proverb says that Laziness and idleness is a state of being a

.a: Idleness is the mother
of all vice
4 workshop
.b: An idle brain is the devils
4 workmen
.c: Idle men are the devils
. ,
.Transcription: Ma ke kaferim , kafertar

.Literal Translation: We are heresy; let us more fall into heresy

Application: This proverb is used when someone wants to show his heedlessness about
.failure and scandal

.a: As well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb
.b: In for a penny , in 4for a pound
.c: It is all 4up with4him
.d: A miss is as good as a mile

. ,
.Transcription: Mosalman nashnavad ,kafer nabinad

.Literal Translation: The Moslem doesnt hear , the unbeliever doesnt see
Application: This proverb is used when the intensity of disaster and tragedy is so great
.that its difficult to see or4 forsee

.Equivalent: It is as bad as all that


?Transcription: Ya mosalman bash ya kafer , dorangi ta be kei

.Literal Translation: Be Moslem or unbeliever , how long double_dealing

.Application: This proverb is about someone who is two faced
.a: Cry wine and sell vinegar
.b: He is two faced
.c: Run with the hare and hunt with the hounds

.Transcription: Kala be dozd sepordan

.Literal Translation: To entrust ones goods to a thief

.Application: This proverb is used for someone who entrusts his wealth to traitor

.a: To set the fox to watch
the geese
.b: It is a foolish sheep that makes the wolf his confessor
4 cabbage
.c: He set the goat to watch the

.Transcription: Kalaye kasan va jange moshan

.Literal Translation: Mouses fighting for the others goods and belongings
Application: This proverb is about thieves who are quarreling and fighting together for
.stolen properties

.Equivalent: Two dogs fight for a bone, and a third runs away with it

.Transcription: Rasti kon be manzel naresad kaj rafter

.Literal Translation: Be honest ! a deviator can never reach his home

.Application: This proverb says that an unsteady load never reaches its destination

:Equivalent 4
.a: Truth is Gods4 daughter
.b: Honesty is the best policy


!Transcription: Az to kah az man rah

.Literal Translation: Straw of you and way of me

Application: This proverb says that you should pay enough wage until people do your
.work well

:Equivalent 7
.a: No penny, no paternoster
.b: He who pays the piper may call the tune

. ,
.Transcription: Asbe chobi agar rah nemiravad, kah va jov ham nemikhorad

.Literal Translation: If wooden horse doesnt walk , it doesnt eat straw and barley

:Equivalent 4
.a: As the work , as the pay
4 no piper
.b: No paper,
.c: No work4, no money
.d: A going foot is aye getting
.e: No mill
, no meal

.Transcription: Ostekhan ra pishe khar va kah ra jelo sag rikhtan

.Literal Translation: To place straw before a dog , and a bone before an ass
.Application: This proverb is used when you offer a work to an unskilled worker
.Equivalent: To offer wrong thing to wrong

. ,
.Transcription: Agar kah az khodet nist , kahdan az khodet ast

.Literal Translation: If the hay is not yours , the hayloft is

.Application: This proverb is about a person who overeats when the food is free
.a: Double charge will drive a cannon8

.b: Abstain from gluttony in someones hospitality

.Transcription: Kah bede kala bede yek chizi ham bala bedeh

.Literal Translation: Give straw and goods and still give more
.Application: This proverb is used when in every respect infringe to someones right
.Equivalent: Two gulps and a half are still7due to him

.Transcription: Kah be bad daddan

.Literal Translation: To waste straw

.Application: This proverb is about individuals who speak without thinking

.Equivalent: First think and then speak

.Transcription: Kah dame khane kasi dod kardan

.Literal Translation: To smoke straw in front of ones house

Application: In past times when creditor wanted to disgrace his debtor he fired straw in
.front of debtors house for to receives his money/ debt

Transcription: Kah ra dar cheshme digaran mibinad va tir ra dar cheshme khod

Literal Translation: One can see a straw in anothers eye but he can not see a in his
.own eye


.Application: This proverb is about people who are blind about their defects

.a: You can see a mote in anothers eye but cannot see a beam in your own
.b: Men are blind in their7 own cause
.c: The hunchback sees not his own hump but that of his4 neighbour

.Transcription: Kah ra koh kardan

.Literal Translation: Making mountain out of molehills

Application: It is used when a person exaggerates about trivial happenings and problems
.of life

.Equivalent: (dont) make a mountain out of a molehills

.Transcription: Kahe zard ham tahe kahdan nemimanad

.Literal Translation: Even yellow straw wont remain on the bottom of straw_rick
.Application: This proverb says that every bad thing has supporter

.a: Keep a thing seven years and youll always find a use for it
.b: Dont pour out the dirty water before you4 have clean
.c: Keep a thing z gears and youll always find4 a use for it
.Transcription: Kah ham baresh nemikonand

.Literal Translation: Even they dont load straw to him

Application: This proverb says that when a person is so inexperienced that even small
.responsibilities isnt entrusted to him

.(*)Equivalent: He is ignored

.Transcription: Kasi ra az kahe kafshe kamtar kardan


.Literal translation: To look at someone as if he is fewer than KAFSHE straw

Application: This proverb is about humiliating and insulting to somebody and to
.dishonor him

.a: To throw pebbles into someones kitchen_garden
.b: To give someone
a dig

.Transcription: Az pashe goshte kababi khastan
.Literal Translation: Demanding kebab meat from mosquito
.Application: This proverb is about individuals who have unreasonable presumption

! ,
.Transcription: Az kababet nakhordim , az dodesh kor shodim

Literal translation: We didnt eat your kebab/roaster but we became blind from its
.Application: This proverb says that if you dont want to help others, dont damage them

.Equivalent: It is an ill wind that blows nobody any good

. ,
.Transcription: Poldar kabab, bipol dode kabab
.Literal Translation: The rich eat kebab, the poor smoke of kebab
.Application: This proverb says that yearning is for a poor and a rich
7 4
.Equivalent: The rich feast, the poor fast; the dogs dine, the poor pine

.Transcription: Khastam savab konam kabab shodam

.Literal Translation: I wanted to do good but I became roasted

Application: This proverb is used for individuals who intend to do good but they put to

.a: He went to get bread but lost his7 moustache
.b: Save a thief from the gallows and he will hate you

.Transcription: Aziz karde hasan kababi

.Literal Translation: To be the darling of Hasan kababi

.Application: It is used when a child is the idol of his parents

.Equivalent: Apple of ones eye

.Transcription: Kabab az rane khod khordan
.Literal Translation: To eat roasting from yours thigh
.Application: This proverb is used when someone steals from his family and partners
.a: To take from ones right side to give to the left
.b: To eat roast meat from ones7 own thight

.Transcription: Madineh gofti kardi kababam

.Literal translation: You mentioned Medina and there by enflamed me

.Application: It is used when bitter memories is remembered by someones words

.a: Leave me to4my sorrows
4 my grief
.b: Dont reawaken

. ) (
.Transcription: Kabbadeash ra nemishavad keshid

:Literal Translation
.Application: This proverb is about an individual who is very proud as a peacock

.Equivalent: To claim competence for a position

.Transcription: Kabkash khoros mikhanad


.Literal Translation: His partridge sings like a cock

.Application: This proverb is used for someone who is very cheerful

.a: He is cock_a hoop
.b: To leap for joy
c: He is on top of the ladder
4 the wave
..d: He rides

.Transcription: Kabotare haram

.Literal Translation: To be the pigeon of the shrine

.a: It is no good hen that cackles in your house and lays in anothers
.b: To be immune from danger

.Transcription: Kabotare do borje

.Literal Translation: To be a dove of two dove_cotes tower

.Application: It is used for a two faced person

.a: To serve two different masters

.Transcription: Kabotar miravad dane jam mikonad kalagh mikhorad

.Literal Translation: A dove gathers grains but a crow eats them

.Application: It is about someone who takes trouble but another utilize benefits
.a: One beats the bush , and another reaps
4,7 reaps
.b: One man sows and another

. )(

.Transcription: Paye katte ( pasto) khamir kardan

.Literal Translation: To pulp in front of storeroom

.Application: It is about individuals who have many wealth and spend regardlessly

7 like water
.a: To spend money
.b: His money burns in his pocket

.Transcription: Palan kaj bodan

.Literal Translation: His pack_saddle is away

.Application: This proverb is used for someone who is not honest

4 easy virtue
.a: She is a wanton of
.b: She is loos7 in the hilts
.c: She is7 light_skirts

.Transcription: Chera beshkanad ke kaj josh bokhorad
.Literal Translation: Why should he break that it welded badly
Application: This proverb says that why should a wise man do something that he would
?regret afterwards

.Equivalent: Better to be safe than sorry

.Transcription: Aros nemitavanest beraghsad migoft otagh kaj ast

.Literal Translation: A bribe who can not dance says that room is not straight
.Application: It is used when someone is unable to do something and justifies it

.a: A bad workman always blames his tools
.b: A bad shearer never had a 4good stickle


.Transcription: Adam kachal beshavad khit nashavad

.Literal Translation: It is better to become bald than to be baffled
Application: This proverb is about a person who want to mock others but himself
.Was be gabe

.Equivalent: Cock a snook at

Transcription: Be kachal goftand chera zolf nemigozari goft az ghertigari khosham

Literal Translation: A bald man was asked why he didnt grow hair _ he said I dislike


.Equivalent: Fie upon hens! quoth the fox, because he could not reach them

.Transcription:Ta kachal kolah gis begzarad arosi tamam shode ast

.Literal Translation: Until bald wear hairpiece , the ceremony has finished
.Application: This proverb is used for slow_working and dawdler person
.a: Delays are dangerous
.b: Some would play a tune before you can tune your fiddle

.Transcription: Kachal ar tabib bodi sare khod dava nemodi
.Literal Translation: If a bald man were doctor , he would heal his own head first
.Application: This proverb says that a fool cannot help another fool

. )(
.Transcription: Kachal ham khodayee darad

.Literal Translation: A bald man has God too


Application: The God is God for all beings and God deprived any servent from his

.Equivalent: The nest of the blind bird is made by God

.Transcription: Kachalish be avazesh

.Literal Translation: His voice/song instead of his bald

.Application: This proverb says that every thing has a defect as well as virtue

. /
.Transcription: Kache pare / lagh

.Literal Translation: To have a tongue

.Application: It s about an impolite person who curse very much

.a: He has a loose
.b: A lot of trite(trivialities)

.Transcription: Ba kadkhoda besaz deh ra bechap

.Literal Translation: Conspire with the headman and pillage the village
.Application: This proverb says that every evil act is possible with collusion
.Equivalent: He runs with the hare and hunts4with the fox

.Transcription: Tork ra be deh rah nemidadand soraghe khane kadkhoda ra migereft

Literal Translation: Turkey was not allowed to enter a village and yet asked for the
.headman s house
Application:when the other people belittle a person but himself believes that he
deserves more

.Transcription: Khers dar bishe kadkhoda bashad

.Literal Translation: Bear is king in woods


Application: This proverb says that where there is no laws and order , the man of power
.is a strong man

.Equivalent: Where the cats are away, the mice
will play

.Transcription: Goshe sheitan kar

.Literal Translation: Satans ear go deaf

.Application: This proverb says that be hope that nothing unpleasant happens

.a: Touch
4 wood
.b: Knock on wood 7
.c: Lets keep our fingers crossed
.Transcription: Khare man az korregi dom nadasht

.Literal Translation: My ass never had a tail from the time it was a foal
.Application: This proverb is used when the subsidiary is more than main subject

.a: I have no pretension to
being with
.b: Something must be left to chance

.Transcription: Korre az madar bozorgtar

.Literal Translation: A colt that is bigger than its mother

.Application: This proverb is used when to have a boastful claim over the elders

.a: The game is not worth the candle
.b: To lose the ship for a half penny worth of it


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