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Data- unprocessed items vs.

Info- has meaning
Software- give instructions
*everything in computer has to be binary (digital) composed of 2 with 1s and 0s
*computer- organized data to make better decisions
*modem- transfers something over telephone lines
*analog-Measuring or representing data by means of one or more physical
properties that can express any value along a continuous scale.For example, the
position of the hands of a clock is an analog representation of time.
Input- keyboard(enter data)
Output-printer, monitor, speakers (receive data)
System Unit- connected to circuit board connected to the motherboard
-the motherboard is composed of the CPU/processor (basic instructions for
the comp and memory)
-Storage media- ex. usb, hard disk, memory card
-Storage device- transfers items from storage to memory
network= online and allows different computers to share resources/data
Internet= complete network
Web site= connection of web pages
exs. micro blog- twitter; blog- informal website; podcast
web application- allows people connect with any computer online
Web 2.0= social networking site
Software/programs needs Hardware, Operating system like Mac or Windows and
Applications to run
Window operating system= Wintel
Gui- graphic user interface, makes computers more user friendly, easier to use)
internet started by dod through a grant- spread out computers and make them
communicate (ARPANET)
Know these names:
Kleinrock- packet switching (break things up to little packets its easier to
travel)(packets can go through server)
Berners- Lee- developed world wide web, http protocol, html, he could have
patented it but he didnt, he didnt want discrimination between people which
allowed it to grow fast

IP- not enough addresses; numbers associated with a domain name

DNS- purpose is to keep all the IP addresses updated
what is uiowa top level domain: .edu
first designate protocol then path and then web page
browser renders html code
start at request then have a program to take place which occurs on a webserver
which changes to a db command and then goes to db server db go to web sersvr and
then finally return it to client computer
graphic formats.KNOW: recognize formats like JPEG
GIF- will work on a browser without a plug in
traditionally sold as packaged software
custom- organization would buy source to custom
web ap- amazon connect to device through internet
open source- gave away to the public predominant
shareware-free for a trial
freeware- actually free
public- property rights expire
know the file extensions. (htm,html-browser,expression web / pdf-acrobat reader /
xlsx excel / mdbx access)
system software- interface between the user the application software and the
computers hardware
malware- a program that acts without a users knowledge and deliberately alters the
computers operations
object orientated system but paradigm is different (not like word or excel)
(I think access??)
record- we are an instance in the iowa database
field something you are tracking
Microsoft Access Low End
Sequel Server Mid Range
MySQL Mid Range
DB2 Mid To High Range
Oracle High End
Mysql is freeware

Enterprise Resource & Planning (ERP)

SAP provide most
Rastor or Pixel based Graphics editing
Adobe Photoshop
rastor based also known as paint and pixel whereas others like CAD are vector
based (mathematical) KNOW
Web Page Multimedia Authoring
Adobe dreamweaver
Microsoft expression web
Microsoft sharepoint
-manage a bunch of pages with a single site
Tablet Revolution
- all the profit was in hardware now hardware and software is where profit is at (HP
still a leader but other is really high)
-Lenovo is looking to push HP out of the top
system board- the chip is most important
creation of the computer chip
hardest thing to create
make a crystal heat silcon to crystal
sliced into wafer
buff/ Lapper
etch (photocyncology)
Erithmetic logic unit (ALU)
alu loads the data from the input registers then the control unit tells the alu what
operation to perform
recognize the machine cycle
everything is done by the cpu but the esxecute

parallel processing is different then multi/duel core!(parallel processing uses

multiple processors simultaneously to execute a single program or task///so like
multiple computers)
in order to parallel process- everything in the computer has to be smart enough to
do it
computers can only recongize high or low voltage therefore has to be in binary
byte=8 bits
Random Access Memory- main memory which can be read from the processor and
other devices
Memory Module- small circuit board
dont know the difference between L1...
KNOw cache cpu is smart enough to realize the steps you are taking so just puts in
which resides in memory
firmware- permanently written data
ROM holds instructions(firmware)
remember adapter card- cpu doesnt have to be bothered with like ASCII or writing
to the desk; focus on particular segment and offload to the cpu
word size- storage goes through the bus; want same amount of bits to be the word

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