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PNJA - Stylistyka

EXERCISE - Supply punctuation where necessary.
1. The Church which has always played a key role in that country is likely to oppose the idea.
The Church, which has always played a key role in that country, is likely to oppose the idea.
2. Music expresses their feelings he said and should not be treated as a means of earning money.
Music expresses their feelings, he said, and should not be treated as a means of earning money.
3. As Mr Jones the owner has demonstrated such a project would benefit everybody.
As Mr Jones, the owner, has demonstrated, such a project would benefit everybody.
4. Given the fact that malaria is a very dangerous disease the fight against mosquitoes must be given top
Given the fact that malaria is a very dangerous disease, the fight against mosquitoes must be given top
5. One subculture is especially remarkable I mean the followers of Krishna.
One subculture is especially remarkable - / : I mean the followers of Krishna.
6. Surprisingly enough nobody not even the clergymen who should be the first to criticise and ban such an
activity finds it morally corrupting to watch such films or to patronise such clubs.
Surprisingly enough, nobody, not even the clergymen, who should be the first to criticise and ban such an
activity, finds it morally corrupting to watch such films or to patronise such clubs.
7. Their pacifism was present in every aspect of their lives including music fashion and leisure in general.
Their pacifism was present in every aspect of their lives, including music, fashion, and leisure in general.
8. Michael Heseltine the Minister for Trade and Industry has openly criticised Mr Major.
Michael Heseltine, the Minister for Trade and Industry, has openly criticised Mr Major.
9. In not being ashamed of their nakedness which in fact is very natural for man and in establishing nudist
beaches naturists simply wish to express the vital relationship with and essential dependence on nature and
its laws without which human existence is inconceivable.
In not being ashamed of their nakedness, which in fact is very natural for man, and in establishing nudist
beaches, naturists simply wish to express the vital relationship with, and essential dependence on nature and
its laws, without which human existence is inconceivable.
10. The music they listened to hunting songs of exotic origin or guitar ballads was tuneful and harmonious.
The music they listened to, hunting songs of exotic origin or guitar ballads, was tuneful and harmonious.
The music they listened to - hunting songs of exotic origin or guitar ballads - was tuneful and harmonious.
11. Cakes that are fattening should not be eaten.
Cakes that are fattening should not be eaten.
12. He was willing to help anyone who asked for advice.
He was willing to help anyone who asked for advice.
13. He succeeded where so many would be conquerors had failed because he quickly took control of the
regions oil because he was able to harness religious sentiment to his own ends and above all because
Muslims felt that at last they had a splendid opportunity to work off their ancient grudges against the now
fragmented western world.
He succeeded *(,) where so many would-be conquerors had failed, because he quickly took control of the
regions oil, because he was able to harness religious sentiment to his own ends, and above all because
Muslims felt that at last they had a splendid opportunity to work off their ancient grudges against the nowfragmented western world.

PNJA - Stylistyka
14. Mrs Potter was not a good teacher she did not make us like her subject we were not interested in physics at
Mrs Potter was not a good teacher: she did not make us like her subject; we were not interested in physics at
15. The Americas of the sixteenth century when European settlers started to make their appearance were
remarkably disease free.
The Americas of the sixteenth century, when European settlers started to make their appearance, were
remarkably disease free.
16. The writers last words were one of us has got to go its either me or the wallpaper.
The writers last words were: One of us has got to go: its either me or the wallpaper.
17. Such students usually do not pay too much attention to learning they cheat in order to pass exams and
finally they become frustrated pessimistic teachers who are not able to forget their problems as they enter
the classroom.
Such students usually do not pay too much attention to learning; they cheat in order to pass exams; and
finally they become frustrated, pessimistic teachers who are not able to forget their problems as they enter
the classroom.
18. In my opinion there are several kinds of poor people those who are poor because they do not care much
about material goods those who are too lazy to work more and finally those who are industrious and work
from dawn to dusk but still cannot save enough money for a higher standard of living.
In my opinion there are several kinds of poor people: those who are poor because they do not care much
about material goods; those who are too lazy to work more; and finally those who are industrious and work
from dawn to dusk, but still cannot save enough money for a higher standard of living.
19. In this essay I am going to give some examples to support this view and at the same time answer to two
crucial questions firstly whether we have the right to pry into politicians private lives and secondly whether
those statesmen whose private lives do not conform to the same ethical standards as their conduct in public
deserve to be condemned.
In this essay I am going to give some examples to support this view, and at the same time answer to two
crucial questions: firstly, whether we have the right to pry into politicians private lives; and secondly,
whether those statesmen whose private lives do not conform to the same ethical standards as their conduct
in public deserve to be condemned.
20. Some labourers became unemployed some of them however succeed in making a living from agriculture.
Some labourers became unemployed; some of them, however, succeed in making a living from agriculture.

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