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r - ,2012 ^Ceirtya iiveo,;

Christ^:^ (xreetijDgs, Cb'-Laborers in Clarist;

-'.Oct. 4, 1961. .

Tour prayers, personal letters of. encouragement

financial t sup- -

port fpr; the Hawaiian. work are much appreciated. Your investments are
still bringing results for our Lord and Savior, I believe you have re-

ceived a special blessing for baing a ropeholder in this needful^work.

The last three months have been very eventful bnes. We rejoice^ that
God truly answers prayer.

Our VBS and Reyiyal were in progre sailthe first

two weeks of August, knd both were .successful. 118 enrolled in the VBS.
The average attendance was.-81.> I taught the Youth Class with an average
attendance of 12. For.Hawaii, the Revival was well attended. Two young
people accepted Christ. They contin-ue to be faithful and w,e- are happy to
see them growing in the Christian life. Last Sunday another young man

made the good confession, making a total pf fourteen added to Palolo Val
ley so far this year.

The third w3 of: August was Junior Camp at Sunset Beach with 33
Juniors attending..! taught two classes--The. Life of Christ, using Ylan-

nelgraph, and How to Make Use of Our Bible. Youth Canp was the fourth'- ^
week i7ith 58 present.

/ i;We/reopice-with the Kalihi Church. At last they have a permanent

placp >of worship. The 5^4,000 needed for the'down payment was obtained'
as two personal loans by the Stills. This 5$4,000 is to be paid in one
year . The .monthly payments on the. property arie :ii>170. If you wish to help
either Palolo or Kalihi, please designate your gifts. Or if you wish to

support me make your checks payable to Pearl Nicholson, I receive no sal

ary from either of the churches mentioned here nor from the Stills. Bro.

Still will send receipts from the churches for either Palolo or Kalihi.

There were many willing hands to help the Stills move to the Kalihi
property. Their living quarters consist of four rooms, all of v/hich are

used as class rooms on Sundays. The building has a large room which
looks like a chapel. It will comfortably seat 100. Our first service in

this newly acquired building was held on Sept. 3rd with ministers and
members from all our mission churches on Oahu talcing part. All our people
are happy about Kalihi.

We- have had two additions at Kalihi during September making a total

of five this year. One of these is a Uhiversity student. She was baptised
in the beautiful little river that flows by the church. The Adult Bible
Class which I teach is growing both in numbers and in interest. For this

am grateful.

On Labor Day we had our first convention of the Churches of Christ

and Christian Churches in Hawaii. It was held at Sunset Beach, and was

well attended and greatly enjoyed. I think that we will have a convention
each year from now on.

Bro. SBinpei Nishikawa, the Japanese minister from San Jose Bihle

College, who came to assist with the work at Balolo, intended to continue
as the minister there.' But since he is a Japanese national in this coun

try on a student visa he must take the full course of study at the Univer
sity. This means that the Stills and 1 must continue to work at Falolo
as well as Kalihi. Shinpei works with us, hut can take full responsibility
for only the Sunday evening service. PalOlo Valley needs a man who can
give full to time to the work. Pray that the right man may be found.
^ Under our new. arrangement^ I continue working with the Stills in
both fields, I go to kalihi. on Thursdays for choir practice and prayer-

meeting. On. Pri Jay, I ..attend prayer mee.ting at Palolo Valley. After the
services at P.alolp on Sunday mornings .1 go. with the .Stills to Kalihi;
we ho^d our services there, from 6:00 to 7!'^5*P^ N.. We hold a .regular ser

vice fi^st, and then have our Sunday Sphool, I try to give, two afternoons
each week to visting.in Kalihi. .The area is.very large. A majority of the
homes are Catholic. Porty-five percent of the people in Hawaii are Cath
olic or under the influence of Catholicism, Portythree percent are eith
er Buddhist or under the power of the Buddhist religion. In the twelve

percent left are the mormons, the members of the various denominations,
the Christians only and many who have no religious affiliation. There
are about one thdusand members of the" Christian Churches and Churches of

Please join us in prayer that we may be guided in trhia Icisk for our

Lord and Savior, and that souls may be won for Him in .^alolo Valley, in
Kalihi, and in all the other places where the gospel is beihg preached.

' Hay the Lord's vjork go forward where you are working, and may many
preoious souls be won for Christ is my prayer.
. :

With Christian Love,

'2612 - lUth Ave.

Honolu!u-16, Howali Pearl H. .Nicholson.


:Non-Profit Organization
U. S. Postage Paid


-ly-lD TeuLli Avenue,

Permit No. 558

Hpnolulu 10,Hawaii.


Honolulu, 16 HawaM


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