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OUMH 1203


MatriC number : 630124115253001
I/C number : 630124115253
Telephone number : 019-9530046
Email : Jamilmatali@yahoo.com




1.Children learn best by observing the behavior of adults and copying it. Do you agree or
disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
As a teacher in a primary school, I always find it amusing to learn that my pupils have their own
idiosyncrasies and tantrums aside from their politeness and mischievous act. In the waking of
the development of this society, children tend to learn everything fast. In each period of their
lives, they learn in different ways. It is true that children learn best by observing the behavior of
adults and copying it. Kids gain knowledge best by watching conducts of adults and replicating it
is a contentious one
The behavior of the adults has a significant role in shaping the childrens behaviour. After
the baby is born the first and the nearest adults are his/her parents. Then the little baby starts his
learning by observing and copying how the adult talks and moves. Along with the childrens
growth, teachers and parents will influence them much more such as logical thinking, making
decision, cooperation with others etc.
First, starting from new born to 5 years old, children have the habit of copying the grownups. They talk just like the people who they happen to see often in their lives. They also follow
the gestures that the adults do every time the adults are around them. They see these as the way
to get the adults attention and also to get what they want. Secondly, the children knows only the
language that is used and do not know any languages from birth. After about 3 years copying and
listening to other people, they are able to talk and understand automatically. Their abilities of
aping are very fast. What else can they do other than sleep, eat, cry and learn new things around
them while they are in the process of growing. The next point is that children are not a fast
language learner but also good in imitating the behavior of adults or their parents. For an
instance, they will recite prayer before meal or folding clothes during the weekends if their
parents have those habits.
After passing the infant periods, the roles of the adults decrease. So, at the age of over
ten, children begin to get acquainted with different environments. They will improve their
thought themselves in educational environment. They will have friends, have chances to study
with good methods and they communicate much more with their friends at school than with
adults. That is why, this time they tend to learn and arrange the knowledge as logical as possible,

observing and copying are also helpful. At this point too, adults need to support them by guiding
them. Eventually, they will know how to pick and choose what is good and suitable for them.
They will achieve knowledge and learn lessons from their friends, teachers and parents.
In summary, I must say that I strongly believe that children learn best by observing the
behavior of adults and copying it. I am also sure that they would gain more by studying from
their friends at school and select what is good for them.

3.The destruction of the worlds forests is inevitable as our need for land and food grows.
Do you agree?
Every day, babies are born into the world. As soon they are born, they are entitled to get
the education, medication and all the necessities. And it also happens that less people die and
more people live to a ripe old age than in years gone by. This means, our need for land and food
is growing along with the increasing population.
Every day, the forests are chopped to give space for houses or maybe just for wood.
There are about four billion trees cut down every year. That means that there are about ten
million trees that are cut down every day. At this rate, the destruction of the worlds
forests is inevitable. The forest plays an important role in regulating the climates and providing
habitat for many species on earth. The global rate of forest destruction increased since 1980s.
There would be no forests remaining by sometime between the years 2040 and 2060 as the World
Resources Institute estimated that deforestation is averaged 16.9 million hectares annually If the
green natural resources is destroyed, we will face many serious consequences such as global
warming, disaster or even extinction. And it is happening now.
The habitat of the native people who live in the forest will be threatened if we keep on
destructing the rain forests other than having climate changes and animal extinction. They are
becoming exposed to new diseases with the advancement of our tractors and bulldozers into their
lands. Moreover, the removal of trees can result in soil erosion and water pollution, endangering
all those that live and work in the area. The loss of native tribes and many of the unique plants
and animals that live in the deforested areas also may threaten our ability to treat illnesses and
diseases. We may be wiping out the cures to every disease in our rush to build roads and homes
through these forests. Many native tribes have medicine men with great knowledge of the
medicinal values of particular plant species within the tropical forests. Nowadays, there are at
least one-quarter of Western pharmaceuticals based on ingredients from the rain forest. How
many more drugs could we create from this limited resource? We may never know if we continue
to allow the rain forest destruction.
Maybe we can slow the destruction of the forests by making smarter decisions. A few
suggestions and ideas that should be carried out such as eco-forestry where only carefully

selected trees are cut down and are transported with minimal damage to the area; the forest
ecosystem is preserved while commercial timber extraction is still permitted. Another solution
for deforestation is by doing green business. It focuses on recycled paper and wood products,
wood alternatives and environmentally responsible consumerism. Later we could have land use
planning that advocates environmental friendly development techniques, such as reduction of
urban and suburban sprawl. The last but not the least is to have community forestry where
concerned citizens come together to manage and participate in keeping their local forests viable
and sustainable.
It is surely inevitable to cut down the trees as to cope with the need of the necessities I do
agree. But it is also foreseeable that we must carry the responsibility in preserving the forests as
humans derive pleasures from trees and forests. The above suggested solution on preventing

deforestation and saving the environment are very necessary to be followed. Saving trees means
lesser disasters and lesser pollution, both of which are beneficial for the survival of the human
race. Ultimately, it is individual human effort and an undaunted strives to change things on part
of each one of us that will profit the desired results in this direction.

4. Technology is making communication easier in todays world, but at the expense of

personal contact as many people choose to work at home in front of a computer screen.
What dangers are there for a society which depends on computer screens rather than faceto-face contact for its main means communication?
A very common situation at a restaurant nowadays where you can see teenagers, adults,
members of a family sit together but do not talk to each other. What are they doing? You ask. All
of them are staring at their own smart phones, attentively. Most of them are so into Whatsapp,
Telegram, Line, Instagram, Facebook and games. No one turns their heads up until the food
comes. Then, they will start talking. If one needs to seek help, regardless of general knowledge
or whatever questions that come into their minds, the answer, at any moment, is a few keystrokes
and fractions of a second away While these advancements have brought new aspects of health,
freedom and enjoyment, there are also disadvantages to a society so completely reliant upon
Technology (from Greek , techne, art, skill, cunning of hand; and -, -logia)
is the making, modification, usage, and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts,
systems, and methods of organization, in order to solve a problem, improve a pre-existing
solution to a problem, achieve a goal, handle an applied input/output relation or perform a
specific function. It can also refer to the collection of such tools, including machinery,
modifications, arrangements and procedures
Authors Miller McPherson and Lynn Smith-Lovin, in "Social Isolation in America:
Changes in Core Discussion Networks Over Two Decades," write that, while modern technology
has made it possible to connect more frequently, email and text messaging do not lend
themselves to intimate revelations or in-depth conversations. These are things that may be
necessary to combat loneliness and isolation. Less and less people try to make the effort of
socialising in the real world compared to on the internet. They are completely dependent on
computers for communication. One can already see some negative outcomes from our
wanderings down this path.
Now, the dependency on technology has taken its toll. The new generation Y has poor
command in literacy skills. They may be able to read and write well enough to communicate, but
are poor in spelling, using proper punctuation, or proper grammar. Just take a look at the essay

written by some of the pupils who get confused by using the SMS lingo in their writing. For
example ASAP (as soon as possible), GTG (got to go), LOL (laugh out loud) and many more.
These are the people who will miss out on face-to-face contact and thus their social skills will
decline. It is possible that after some time of having limited human contact, that we will not
master the art of reading body language. This could cause all sorts of misunderstandings and
problems. Therefore, they will have trust issue towards others. They might appear to be less
warm and friendly. In the end, it would lead to an array of health issue such as vitamin
deficiencies because they just do not care of their well being anymore and depression from lack
of sunlight, obesity from a lack of movement.
In conclusion, it is harsh to say that the technology brings more harm than goodness
when it actually has changed our lives and perceptions to a better state. So, the government and
the society should play their parts in curbing the negative impact technology has brought. The
government should set new rules regarding the usage of technology while the society should be
more alert and aware of the consequences of their own act. Together, we could get the best of
technology that was invented by our great-great grandparents.

6. Why community service is important in todays world?

It is easy to feel disconnected, as many parents juggle work, school, kids, and activity after
activity. But some simple things can bring a family closer playing a game, going for a hike, or
cooking a meal together.
One of the most satisfying, fun, and productive ways to unite is volunteering for community
service projects. Volunteerism also sets a good example for your kids and helps the community.
Why must we lend a helping hand when we ourselves have a lot of problems, busy with
everyday work at the office and also the never ending house chores? Community service actually
has somehow a healing touch to the soul. Among the goodness of community service is that it
can make you feel good. Satisfaction and pride that come after are important reasons to
volunteer. When you contribute your time and effort to an organization or a cause you feel
strongly about, the feeling of fulfillment can be endless.
Community service can also strengthen our community. Organizations and agencies that
welcome volunteers are providing important services at low or no cost to those who need them.
When a community is doing well as a whole, its individuals are better off, too.
By committing oneself to community service, eventually, without realizing it, one can
strengthen their family. If the head of the family starts to be involved in it, the other members
would be involved too sooner or later. Volunteerism is a great way for families to have fun and
feel closer to each other. In a way, community service brings people together by doing the charity
work together. In some cases, many people say they just cannot pledge themselves to community
service due to lack of time after fulfilling work and family commitments. If that's the case, try
rethinking some of your free time as a family. It is not like you should devote most of your free
time volunteering. You could select just one or two projects a year and make them a family
tradition such as making and donating gift baskets to care facilities for the elderly around the
Community service can also do wonders to children. It can teach them a sense of
responsibility. By volunteering, kids and teens learn what it means to make and keep a
commitment. They learn how to be on time for a job, do their best, and be proud of the results.
Basically, they will learn to be responsible for the well-being of our communities. They will also

learn that one person can make a difference. It will make them feel that they are important
enough to have an impact on someone or something else. A child learns that sometimes it's good
to sacrifice by volunteering. By simply cleaning up a beach tells kids that there are other
important things going around besides their own world. Children who are involved with
volunteering at early age can be tolerable to others because they are involved with people who
come from different background. Alternatively, they will gain knowledge outside the classroom
by involving themselves in community service. They got to taste the real world when all these
while, they know everything only from the book.
So now, why wait to do charity? Everything starts in the family. Whatever you choose to
do, volunteering and community service can benefit both the community and your family. Get
involved today!

7. Tourism is becoming increasingly important as a source of revenue for many countries

but its advantages should not be overlooked. What are some of the disadvantages of

According to the OXFORD Dictionary, the word tourism means the commercial
organization and operation of holidays and visits to places of interest. The word itself is always
associated with holidays. It can bring excitement to many people as it is the source of relaxation
and happiness. As a Malaysian, I can see that tourism brings wealth to my country by having the
foreign currency exchange every time the tourists visit Malaysia. The government has also put a
lot of effort in making sure that the country is always ready and appears attractive to the tourists
all around the world by having Visit Malaysia every other year.
All over the world, nations are trying their best to showcase their respective countries
to attract visitors because they believe that with more tourist, more money will come in. I
certainly believe that tourism can bring revenue to my dearest country as it offers job vacancy to
Malaysian. Tourism will generate more income for the country and will have economic benefits
even for the locals in areas that have more tourists visiting. Investments will come in due to the
high demand of services and to take advantage of the arrival of visitors. In turn, the government
will earn money from the revenues collected from the business establishments. The advantages
of tourism would make everyone to only think of the kaching factor when in return, the result
of having the outsiders who know nothing about our culture is quite intriguing.
However, the very much debated about the disadvantage of tourism is the effect it
brings to the natural environment beauty. As more and more tourists coming in especially to the
islands, they are not aware that they are polluting the water with the sunscreen lotion they wear
every time they dive into the water. Some of the tourists will never consider taking precaution
whenever they go into the water. The content in the lotion kills the breathtakingly beautiful coral
reefs underneath the water. The chemical in the sunscreen lotion such as Oxybenzone,
Butylparabe and Octinoxate are said to cause complete coral bleaching even at very low
concentrations. What else can be boasted if we have dead or unattractive corals? Another affect
tourism brings in is pollution to the places where many people go because of the poor
management in garbage disposal. The more the tourists come, the more they would litter. It is
due to the increasing volume of wastes and of people who are unaware of their own act by failing
to properly dispose their wastes.
Another disadvantage of tourism is the negative cultural assimilation by the local. The
tourists that come in will bring their own diversity culture and norms. The increasing litter,

graffiti, vandalism and noise - tourists do not always respect traditional cultures, which is sad but
true. As for the locals, some of them would find it quite disturbing but some would try to adapt
them into their lives. Taking example of the Malay who live in most islands, some of them
without feeling the guilt and shameful, would guzzle down alcoholic drinks when everyone
know that it is sinful to do so. The increasing social degradation among the youngsters is
becoming very much heart wrenching.
Some of the consequences of exceeding the environmental capacity include strain on
already scarce resources such as water, energy, food and natural habitat areas. In addition,
unchecked tourism development may lead to soil erosion, increased pollution and waste,
discharges into the sea and waterways, increased pressure on endangered species of animals and
plants, and heightened vulnerability to deforestation, as well as loss of biodiversity.
In conclusion, a flourishing tourism has it economical advantages for the country and
its citizens. Its ill effects, however, can lead to the destruction of the environment that was once a
beautiful and profit-generating attraction. It is time that the government think of the perfect
solution to overcome the side impact tourism brings.


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