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Instructions for Intel Cilk Installation

The following instructions have been verified only on a 64-bit Ubuntu 14.04LTS system. If you are using some other
infrastructure, then the installation sequence may be different.
Tools :
Intel C++ Compiler + ComposerXE , cilkview and cilkscreen utilities provided by Intel Cilkplus SDK
STEP 1 (Getting a License):
Go to :
Click on Student tab and download Intel Parallel Studio XE 2015 Professional Edition for C++ Linux. This requires
you to register with iitb.ac.in email address. Once you are registered, you will get license information through email.
The license is probably valid for one year from the day of download.
STEP 2 (Downloading the Tools):
Since the files are huge, we have made local copies of that available on the intranet on You can use scp to
copy the files to your local machine:
$ scp student@* .
When you are prompted for password, use student as the password.
STEP 3 (Installing Intel Parallel Studio):
3.1 If you are on a Debian-based system (like Ubuntu), install alien using
$ sudo apt-get install alien
3.2 Go to the directory where the l_ccompxe_2015.0.090.tgz is downloaded and untar
it and start installation
$ tar xvf l_ccompxe_2015.0.090.tgz
$ cd l_ccompxe_2015.0.090
$ sudo ./install.sh
3.3 You can choose to install either system-wide (preferred) or just for the user who downloaded it.
3.4 When prompted, type accept in the LICENSE and choose the activate using serial number mode. (Use the serial
number you got through email)
3.5 You will be prompted to go through normal installation or custom installation. Pick custom installation and one of
the choices will be for 32-bit or 64-bit architecture. Choose 64-bit and un-choose the 32-bit option.
3.6 Let the installation finish.
3.7 When installation finishes, you may wish to add the following to your ~/.bashrc so that you
can use the icpc compiler
#Towards the end of your ~/.bashrc, add the following line:
source /path/to/install/directory/bin/compilervars.sh intel64
If you are on a 32-bit machine, use ia32 instead of intel64.
Step 4 (Checking the Installation):
Just run icpc and see what it reports.

$ icpc --version
This should produce an output similar to
icpc (ICC) 15.0.0 20140723
Copyright (C) 1985-2014 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Step 5 (Installing Cilk Utils):
5.1 Untar the tarball named cilktools-linux-004225.tgz
$ tar zxvf cilktools-004225.tgz
5.2 Add cilk utilities to your path by adding the following line as the last line in ~/.bashrc
#/.bashrc, add the following line towards the end.
export PATH=/path/to/cilkutil/bin/:$PATH
Step 6 (Running a Sample Cilk Program):
Using .cpp as an extension instead of .cilk is the new de-facto standard.
NOTE: It is recommended that you open a new terminal or source ~/.bashrc so that your
$PATH is up-to-date.
You can find a whole bunch of examples in
6.1 Copy all the files in the cilk_samples directory to your local directory. Also, copy cilktime.h that you got in Step 2
to the directory in which the samples are copied.
6.2 In the .cpp files that you have copied, you have to change all lines containing
#include <cilktime.h>
#include "cilktime.h"
6.3 Compile them using make. For example, to build qsort, you can run make qsort.
$ make qsort
6.4 Run by typing
$ ./qsort

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