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You are required to make use of steps in Adobe Photoshop TOOL. Step by step
guide TOOL must be accompanied by pictures.

1. Lasso Tool
2. Polygonal Lasso Tool
3. Magnetic Lasso Tool
4. Crop Tool
5. Healing Brush Tool
6. Patch Tool
7. Red Eye Tool
8. Clone Stamp Tool
9. Background Eraser Tool
10.Magic Eraser Tool
14.Sponge Tool
15.Pen Tool

Lasso tool is used to make a selection in the free form. Lasso tool rarely are used
to make selection. Because the proceeds will not be neat, especially when using
the mouse. To get as many rigorous results requires care and patience.
Before Process of Lasso Tool

Process of Lasso Tool

After Process of Lasso Tool

2. Polygonal Lasso Tool

The Polygonal Lasso Tool will only draw straight lines, which makes it an ideal
choice for images with many straight lines.Unlike the regular Lasso Tool, the
user must connect the end point to the starting point just like regular lasso tool.
Before Process of Polygonal Lasso Tool

Process of Polygonal Lasso Tool

After process of Polygonal Lasso Tool

3. Magnetic Lasso Tool

Magnetic Lasso Tool is considered the smart tool. It can do the same as other
two, but it can also detect the edges of an image once the user selects a starting
point.It detects by examining the color pixels as the cursor move over the
desired area. A pixel is the smallest element of image. Closing the selection is
the same as other two, which should display the marching ants once the
selection is closed.
Before Process of Magnetic Lasso Tool

Process of Magnetic Lasso Tool

After Process of Magnetic Lasso Tool

4. Crop Tool
The crop tool can be used to select a particular area of an image and discard the
portions outside of the chosen section. This tool assists in creating a focus point
on an image and excluding unnecessary or excess space.Cropping allows
enhancement of a photos composition while decreasing the file size. The "crop"
tool is in the tools palette, which is located on the right side of the document.
Before Process of Crop Tool

Process of Crop Tool

After process of Crop Tool

5. Healing Brush Tool

The Healing Brush Tool retouches image using sampled pixels or pattern.
Before process of Healing Brush Tool

Process Of Healing Brush Tool

After process of healing Brush Tool

6. Patch Tool
Patch Tool is use to repair larger areas, such as a big scratch or a large
area of skin.
Before Process of Patch Tool

Process of Patch Tool

After Process of Patch Tool

7. Red Eye Tool

Happens when the light from the camera flash reflects off the subject's
retina. It can make for a disturbingly demonic image.
Before Process of Red Eye Tool

Process of red Eye Tool

After Process of Red eye Tool

8. Clone Stamp Tool

The Photoshop clone stamp tool allows you to copy one area of an image
and copy it onto another area.
Before Process of Clone Stamp Tool

Process Of Clone Stamp Tool

After Process of Clone Stamp Tool

9. Background Eraser Tool

Backgrounde Eraser Tool is use to erase the background of the picture we
edit.So, we can get the picture without the background.
Before Process of Background Eraser Tool

Process of Background Eraser Tool

After Process of Background Eraser Tool

10. Magic Eraser Tool

Provides you with a quick and easy way to change a picture's background
or other color area with just a few clicks.
Before process of Magic Eraser Tool.

Process of Magic Eraser Tool

After Process of Magic Eraser Tool

11. Blur
The Blur/Sharpen tool uses the current brush to locally blur or sharpen
your image. Blurring with it can be useful if some element of your image
stands out too much, and you would like to soften it. If you want to blur a
whole layer, or a large part of one, you will probably be better off using
one of the Blur Filters. The direction of a brushstroke has no effect: if you
want directional blurring, use the Smudge tool.
Before of process Blur Tool

Process of Blur tool

After Process Of Blur Tool

The dodge tool in Photoshop CS6 helps brighten trouble spots in your
Before Process of Dodge Tool

Process of Dodge Tool

After Process of Dodge Tool

13. Burn Tool

The Dodge or Burn tool uses the current brush to lighten or darken the
colors in your image. The mode will determine which type of pixels are
Before Process Burn Tool

Process Of Burn Tool

After Process of Burn Tool

14. Sponge Tool

The Sponge tool is a retouching tool used to alter the saturation of a
portion of an image. It is reminiscent of the sponges used
by watercolor artists to soften (or even remove) a color that has already
been lain on the canvas.
Before Process of Sponge Tool

Process of Sponge Tool

After Process of Sponge Tool

15.Pen Tool
The Pen Tool is frequently used in the creation of smooth-edged
selections, but is not a type of selection tool.
Before Process of Pen Tool

Process of Pen Tool

After Process of Pen Tool

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