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Curs: English - Intermediate

Modul: Present Perfect and Past Simple Tense

Unitate: Making Great First Impressions

Lets assume youre going to an interview and you want to make the
best first impression. Keep in mind that others form up to 90% of their
opinion about you in the first four minutes and that 60 to 80% of the
impact you will make is non-verbal.
Here are nine Golden Rules to getting it right first time in an interview:
1. In the Reception Area
Remove your outerwear and give it to the receptionist if possible.
Avoid entering an office with your arms full of clutter that can make
you fumble and look inept. Always stand in a reception area never
sit. Receptionists will insist you take a seat because when you do,
you're out of sight and they no longer have to deal with you. Stand
with Hand-in-Hand behind your back (confidence) and slowly rock back
and forth on your feet (confident, controlled). If you arrive more than
15 minutes early and beeline for the reception area, your interviewer
might feel rushed and you might appear desperate. If you arrive early,
go to the restroom to freshen up or have an espresso and muffin at a
nearby coffee shop. Ideally, you should check in five to 10 minutes
early, and always be courteous and professional to everyone you
meet, you never know how much influence the receptionist may have
on the hiring decision.
2. The Entry
Your entry tells others how you expect to be treated. When the
receptionist has given you the green light to enter, walk in without
hesitation. Do not stand in the doorway like a naughty schoolchild
waiting to see the headmaster. When you walk through the door of the
persons office, maintain the same speed. People who lack confidence
change gears and perform a small shuffle as they enter.
3. The Approach
Even if the person is on the phone, rummaging through a drawer or
tying his shoelaces, walk in directly and confidently with a smooth
motion. Put down your briefcase, folder or whatever is in your hands,

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Curs: English - Intermediate

Modul: Present Perfect and Past Simple Tense
Unitate: Making Great First Impressions

shake the persons hand and immediately take a seat. Let the other
person see that you are accustomed to walking confidently into offices
and that you don't expect to be kept waiting. People who walk slowly
or take long strides convey that they have plenty of time on their
hands, are not interested in what they are doing or have nothing else
to do. This is fine for retired millionaires and those who live in Florida
and Queensland, but not for anyone who wants to convey power,
authority or capability. Influential people and those who command
attention walk briskly at a medium pace.
4. The Handshake
Your grip speaks volumes. Offer a limp hand and your partner will
think you're hesitant or meek. Give a bone-crunching squeeze and you
can appear overly enthusiastic or domineering -- and it hurts! Keep
your palm straight and return the pressure you receive. Let the other
person decide when to end the handshake. Step to the left of a
rectangular desk as you approach to avoid being given a Palm-Down
handshake. Never shake directly across a desk. Use a persons name
twice in the first 15 seconds and never talk for more than 30 seconds
at a time.
5. When You Sit
If you are compelled to sit in a low chair directly facing the other
person, turn it away 45 degrees from the person to avoid being stuck
in the reprimand position. If you cant angle the chair, angle your body
6. Seating Areas
If youre invited to sit in an informal area of the persons office, such as
at an informal coffee table, this is a positive sign because 95% of
business rejections are delivered from behind a desk. Never sit on a
low sofa that sinks so low it makes you look like a giant pair of legs
topped by a small head - if necessary, sit upright on the edge so you
can control your body language and gestures, and angle your body to
45 degrees away from the person. Avoid crossing your legs and don't

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Curs: English - Intermediate

Modul: Present Perfect and Past Simple Tense
Unitate: Making Great First Impressions

adopt a casual pose, even if your interviewer does. Even if you're

nervous, try not to fidget. Don't play with your jewellery, twirl your hair
and try to maintain eye contact with the interviewer.
7. Your Gestures
People who are calm, collected and in control of their emotions use
clear, uncomplicated, deliberate movements. Keep in mind that
Eastern Europeans gesture more from the elbow down than
Westerners, and Southern Europeans gesture more with their entire
arms and shoulders. Don't use artificial gestures to supposedly
heighten the importance of the issue. It will merely come off as
theatrical. People very often dont know what to do with their hands.
Its the best to let your hands lie loosely on your lap or place them on
the armrests of your chair. Dont fold your arms across your body
because it can be interpreted as a defensive move.
8. Distance
Respect the other persons personal space, which will be largest in the
opening minutes of the meeting. If you move too close, the person will
respond by sitting back or using repetitive gestures such as drumming
the fingers. As a rule, you can move closer to familiar people but
further back from new ones. Men generally move closer to women
they work with while women generally move further back when they
work with men. Work closer to those of similar age and further back
from significantly older or younger ones.
9. Your Exit
Pack your things calmly and deliberately - not in a frenzy - shake
hands if possible, turn and walk out. If the door was closed when you
entered, close it behind you as you leave. People always watch you
from behind as you leave so, if youre a man, make sure you have
shined the back of your shoes. This is an area many men neglect and
women are critical of this.
When a woman decides to leave she will point her foot towards the

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Curs: English - Intermediate

Modul: Present Perfect and Past Simple Tense
Unitate: Making Great First Impressions

door and begin to adjust the back of her clothing and hair so that she
makes a good rear-view impression as she departs. Hidden cameras
show that, if you're a woman, others study your rear as you depart
whether you like it or not. When you get to the door turn around slowly
and smile. It's far better that they recall your smiling face than your
rear end.

Nouns (substantive):
ladder scar
correlation corelaie,
legtur mprumutat
reception recepie
outerwear mbrcminte
clutter haos, dezordine
fumble mutare
hesitation ezitare

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Verbs (verbe):
reveal - a descoperi
assume - a presupune
clutter a face dezordine
fumble a fi
maintain a menine
shuffle a amesteca
rummage a scotoci
stride a merge cu pas


Curs: English - Intermediate

Modul: Present Perfect and Past Simple Tense
Unitate: Making Great First Impressions

lack neajuns
gear unelte, haine,
shuffle a trage piciorul
stride pas mare
pace pas, ritm, vitez
palm palm
reprimand critic
ploy truc
frenzy comportament
armrest cotier

convey a transmite, a
informa, a exprima, a
lsa impresia
drum with fingers a
bate cu degete
shine a cura
neglect a neglija
depart a pleca
make a beeline for - a
merge direct ctre
fidget a se frmnta
twirl a se nvrti
heighten - a intensifica
Adjectives and adverbs Prepositions and
(adjective i adverbe):
(prepoziii i conjuncii):
inept nepotrivit, absurd whereas deoarece, dat
smooth calm, linitit
fiind faptul
briskly repede
compelled obligat
collected colectat
limp moale, lsat
hesitant nehotrt
meek blnd
supposedly - presupus

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Curs: English - Intermediate

Modul: Present Perfect and Past Simple Tense
Unitate: Making Great First Impressions

1. Stabilii care propoziie este corect. Even if the person is
on the phone you should come in because:
a) there are other people waiting
b) the other person should see you are accustomed to
walking confidently into offices
c) you were told to come in
2. Stabilii dac urmtoarele expresii sunt corecte (TRUE) sau
Ponueni odgovori: TRUE, FALSE
When the receptionist gives you a sign to come in, wait a
few seconds and then come into the office. ________
Always stand in a reception area never sit. ________
People who walk slowly or take long strides don`t leave a
good impression. ________
If a person is on the phone, don`t interrupt him/her, wait at
the doorway. ________
3. Stabilii dac urmtoarele expresii sunt corecte (TRUE) sau
Ponueni odgovori: TRUE, FALSE
Let the other person decide when to end the handshake.
People always watch you from behind. Pay attention to your
shoes. ________
Never shake directly across a desk. ________
Use a person`s name twice in the first 15 seconds and never
talk for more than 30 seconds at a time. ________

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Curs: English - Intermediate

Modul: Present Perfect and Past Simple Tense
Unitate: Making Great First Impressions

People who lack confidence perform a small shuffle as they

enter the office. That`s good. ________
4. Gsii rspunsul corect: Why do receptionists insist you
`take a seat`?
a) Because that`s a policy of the company
b) Because you`re out of sight. They don`t have to deal with
you any longer
c) Because the boss insists on that
5. Gsii rspunsul corect: Why it isn`t good to change speed
when you walk into the office:
a) Because only people who lack confidence do that
b) Because you look clumsy
c) Because the receptionist told you not to do that
6. Stabilii care propoziie este corect. When the interview is
over, you shouldn`t pack your things in a hurry because:
a) you`ll look insecure
b) the receptionist will pack everything
c) other applicants need your stuff

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Curs: English - Intermediate

Modul: Present Perfect and Past Simple Tense
Unitate: Making Great First Impressions

1. Stabilii care propoziie este corect. Even if the person is

on the phone you should come in because:
2. Stabilii dac urmtoarele expresii sunt corecte (TRUE) sau
3. Stabilii dac urmtoarele expresii sunt corecte (TRUE) sau
4. Gsii rspunsul corect: Why do receptionists insist you
`take a seat`?
5. Gsii rspunsul corect: Why it isn`t good to change speed
when you walk into the office:
6. Stabilii care propoziie este corect. When the interview is
over, you shouldn`t pack your things in a hurry because:

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