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Please support war veteran Norman Scarth. Until the age of 70 Norman [who was described by
Tony Benn as a WW2 War Hero] was proud to be British, but then came a succession of shocks as
he learned that corruption was endemic in the civil courts of Britain. He made a dramatic change of
career, becoming an observer, researcher and student of law at the University of Leeds, a
Parliamentary candidate, Human Rights activist; and author of a book Cause for Concern, which
denounces and names dishonest judges. His main point of his manifesto at the 1997 General
Election was his concern at the rapid increase in two sorts of crime [a] violent and murderous
attacks on the vulnerable and the old and [b] fraud in the legal system. Rampant and rife in the
courts, it flourishes unchecked and unreported. Norman successfully brought a much-needed
change in British law, single-handed, without any lawyer to ban secret hearings, via the ECtHR
incorporated into the 1998 Human Rights Act. [However British courts continue to conduct
hearings of public importance behind closed doors.] But instead of earning him respect and
recognition, Normans campaigning against such fraud earned him powerful enemies. Targeted by
corrupt lawyers and judges West Yorkshire Police were sent out to terrorise Norman, who lived
under siege for eleven months before riot police illegally forced an entry into his home and brutally
assaulted him. The Police maliciously prosecuted Norman for a minor injury to a bailiff. There was
no fair trial: there was perjury by officers, judicial obstruction of key defence witnesses and the
press were banned. Defamed by the corrupt judge as a dangerous man he was sentenced to 10
years. His appeal against conviction was obstructed by the legal establishment, the judiciary, the
Court Service and the Prison Service; and then permission to appeal was refused. His lawsuit
against West Yorkshire Police has also been obstructed by conspiracy and collusion. Normans
treatment in a succession of hellhole prisons has been inhumane - savage and brutal. None of it
justifiable. He has borne his incarceration with the dignity, determination and courage that few can
match. He is a frail old man who works tirelessly for many long hours, trying to expose an evil for
the sake of ALL OUR FREEDOMS.
Please read some or all of Normans writings [listed below.] OR, please read his book 'Cause For
Concern'. It is a real eye-opener and makes for some real riveting reading. If you intend to do
absolutely nothing to support Norman I would ask that you examine your conscience and please
realise that all it takes for evil to flourish is for good people to do NOTHING. YOU or someone you
love could be the next victim of crime or corruption. As Norman points out: Like the Germans at
the start of WW2 most of the British people today are happy to behave like ostriches or are too
cowardly to speak up. It was wonderful for the Germans then, but there was a heavy price to pay in
the end. There will be again." And he also quite rightly says that "anyone who does not make their
voices heard should not complain if they or theirs should end up in a gas chamber."
After several years of being detained in various prisons and lunatic asylums, Norman was finally
released, thanks to an honest psychiatrist who was not a puppet of the State. Since August 2007 he
ran his own blog http://normanscarth.blogspot.com/ until July 25th 2011 when he was again
incarcarated for 6 months. His crime? He had supposedly recorded a hearing in Bradford Crown
Court. See http://victims-unite.net/norman-scarth/ and
http://justicefornormanscarth.wordpress.com/credits/ for the details. See also http://victimsunite.net/2011/08/28/disgusting-the-most-frequent-judgement-on-norman-scarths-imprisonment for
some marvellous comments on the 'Free Norman' petition.
At his appeal against sentence on 9th September, Lord Justice Pickford admitted that Norman did
not record the hearing, as his 'device' was not capable of doing so! Norman was released

immediately. See http://victims-unite.net/2011/09/09/human-rights-activist-and-wwii-veterannorman-scarth-is-free-again/#more-3268 for the details.

With regards to the appeal judge, the mainstream media state: "Pitchford said Scarth suffered from
a delusional disorder and was a conspiracy theorist." The fact is Norman does not suffer any mental
disorder. He is the sane one, living in an insane world. How can anyone call a society sane when
you have children routinely being snatched by the State from loving, decent, law-abiding parents,
who pose no threat to their children whatsoever, on the one hand, whilst on the other hand you have
poor baby P [and countless more like him] being tortured and left to their awful fate by the State?
See the cases of Vicky Haigh, the Musa family and numerous other victims. This is just one
example of our sick society. If Norman is suffering paranoid delusions, then so am I and so are his
growing army of supporters. We will only be cured of our unhealthy afflictions when we have full
transparency and accountability in our Courts, and all Governments, all Government Agencies, the
Judiciary and all the mainstream media are purged of their Masonic infestation. We won't be cured
until all the greedy, vile, subhuman creatures that occupy positions of power are brought to book
and Freemasonry and all other Secret Societies cease to exist.
A HUGE thank you to all who support Norman, but people need to focus on his message first and
foremost. Norman stands for FREEDOM - TRUTH AND JUSTICE FOR ALL. He dedicates all
his time and he risks everything in his drive to restore our God-given rights. He'll not rest until the
job is done.
A message to all the antagonists who are busy hitting the blogosphere trying to spread
disinformation and slander: Norman was imprisoned [twice now] because of his very courageous,
very vocal and fearless determination to expose the endemic corruption in our courts and
Authorities. If any of you 'useful idiots' had any idea of what Norman actually does youd hold
your tongues and hang your heads in shame. He has spent the last 16+ years trying to get justice by
judicial due process and in the doing hes been uncovering widespread corruption and has been
attempting to clean up the courts. He also spends a great deal of his time helping other victims. He
is one of the nicest, most decent blokes you could find. He cannot stand injustice - to anyone, and
he will help anyone who faces injustice, he'd even help you if you were in need, although you
wouldn't deserve it. He is very intelligent and very well educated. He has spent years studying law
and knows more about it than most of the judges/lawyers who make a very fine living from it on the
legal aid gravy train. He actually gives them lessons in law! Norman, brilliant satirist that he is, is
doing a fantastic job exposing, ridiculing and shaming the legal mafia. He is a real nuisance to
them and God bless him for that one little old man threatening their very existence! No wonder
they wanted him locked away, hoping hed roll over and die. He is making smart moves around
the Masonic court chessboard that hes on and we, his pawns, are trying to make his job a little
easier. He could do with a few more foot soldiers. If we had a few more Norman Scarths in our
midst or if more people would do just a fraction of what he does, our evil society would be cured
almost overnight. Fact.
Norman is a great inspiration. Through his sheer grit and persistence [he wasn't bothered by the
usual Masonic manoeuvres - of sending him round in circles until he was dizzy and the usual delay
tactics] he has got the untouchables of the old boys' network in the judiciary, police etc in a bit of
a panic. He did, and continues to do, the right thing and he never gives up, no matter what the risk.
He deserves the greatest of respect. Good job he has a great sense of humour hed never have
survived this far without it.
Whilst we live in an unjust, insane, sick society it becomes the job of every able-bodied person to
join in the struggle and support the victims. An injustice to one is an injustice to all. If you're not
already a victim, you soon will be because we're already rapidly heading towards global tyrrany.

When all the freedom fighters are locked up/bumped off, who is left to help you fight your injustice
when it comes?
28 August 2011
Dear Sharon,
i have just read your website regarding Norman Scarth and i must say that i am sad to
hear that he is in Prison. It must be said that Norman himself would not be so sad because he knows
in his heart that he is doing what is right. He is doing this for all of us of course. He knows full
well that he has tried and tested the patience of the Judiciary and Police on many occasions in the
past too. Well. it would n't be Norman if he didn't, would it? He simply loves to do it too.
I must admit that i could see this coming and i believe i told him so too but Norman is Norman and
he will continue to do what he must despite all the odds. I must say that he is an extremely brave
man but with so many people in this country without any clue as to what is going on he stands
practically alone in the midst of 'Armies' of opponents.
I have written to Norman on many occasion and used to receive his emails regularly. Thats how i
guessed that something was wrong. They simply stopped coming. I do believe that he expected
them to arrest him too.
Please convey my kindest Regards and Best Wishes to Norman if you can and let him know that he
will be in my prayers as often as i can manage. It is typical that Norman gets 6 months while
people who have done far worse get away with murder and far, far less i sentences.
I hope and pray they they will let him out soon but meantime you can rest assured that he will be
letting everyone he comes in contact with know the full extent of the perfidy of our Police and
Judiciary as well as much, much more.
I am 62 now and will shortly be made redundant from my job as Caretaker /Janitor of 22 years
service but am glad to be doing so. It could not have come at a better time for me. Behind every
cloud there's a silver lining. I am certain sure that Norman will be enjoying himself now one way or
another but he does n't care for himself the way he should at his age.
It seems that his greatest wish is to go down fighting. I think we each and all do battle in whatever
fashion best suits us and i have tried my hardest to convince those people closest to me with regard
to what is happening to this country of ours but to little or no avail.
I see from some of your links that you too have heard about the takeover and betrayal of our
Country as well and know a great deal about it too. There are very big things going on in the World
now and we are all being carried along by a mighty river . It is amazing however how one person
can help to dam that river when he has others alongside him but it always take one to sacrifice
himself first before others will take notice.
How many more must be sacrificed before another head turns i wonder? For Norman it will all be
worth it if a good many others will awaken and turn against the tide as he has done.
Lets hope they do.
Kind Regards,

Norman was the one who ended up with a harsh 10 year prison sentence [imposed on him in April
2001.] Some people are suggesting he deserved it because he "tried to chop up a bailiff with a
chainsaw". That story was a complete fabrication. Norman was accused of lunging at a bailiff with
a chainsaw, which was in operation. The bailiff apparently pushed the chainsaw away. Who in
their right mind would do that? The court bailiff received cuts to his hand. BUT the only person
stitched up good and proper that day was Norman. See the following link for the Yorkshire
Evening Post 'news'paper article [see comments section] and some comments from Joe Public.
http://victims-unite.net/2011/08/25/norman-news-as-tweets-from-twitter/ Norman states, re the
"Order dated 2/4/2001, whereby Judge David Ronald 'Bent' Bentley banned the Press from
reporting my grotesque Kangaroo Court 'trial'. With no reporters present he made no attempt to
hide his hatred of me. Three times when I complained of his gross misconduct he had me literally
dragged & thrown back down to the cells. When there were no reporters present, how could there
be any Press Reports? Obviously, they printed only that which was fed to them by the
prosecution. Patrick Cullinane was one of very few of my supporters who were able to attend: he &
another were arrested in the Public Gallery & taken down to the cells."









Norman Scarth (born 1925): Survived bloody battle in World War II fighting for Democracy, Freedom, Justice & the Rule of
Law: Worked honestly & hard from then on. Very late in life became an observer, researcher, student & successful single-handed
reformer of law(FootNote [1] ): Hon. Sec. of the Litigants In Person Society; Founder Member of the ARTICLE 6 Group( [2] ):
(Home address: C/o Jack Scarth, 59, Gledhow Park Avenue, LEEDS LS7 4JL. Tel: 0113 262 0449)
Now Political Prisoner, Hepworth Ward, Newton Lodge Gulag, Regional Secure Unit, Ouchthorpe Lane,
Tel: (for patient) 01924 327 396.
to book a visit (24 hours notice) 01924 327 357.
THE MONSTROUS 1983 MENTAL HEALTH ACT (under which I am held here)
At my grotesque trial His Honour Judge David Ronald Bentley banned the press (that alone should set alarm
bells ringing), cancelled the legal aid already granted, refused me a McKenzie Friend (lay adviser) & refused to allow
me to produce evidence or call witnesses. He & barrister Timothy Capstick then fed gross distortions of the truth
([3]) to the (specially selected?) jury, & having got the conviction that Judge Bentley wanted, he described me as
obsessed & dangerous.
Obsessed? Yes, I admit it, but there are worthy & unworthy obsessions. 60 years ago I shared the obsession of
Winston Churchill (& most of the British people) that we should fight against the evil of Hitler.
William Wilberforce, Mahatma Gandhi, The Suffragettes, Nelson Mandela, Steve Biko, Ken Sara Wiwa, Martin
Luther King, Alecksandr Solzhenitsyn et al were obsessed. Were they dangerous? If so, to whom?
Having done my bit in helping to defeat Hitler, from the end of WW2 I returned to an earlier obsession
horses less worthy perhaps, but it was my work, my hobby & my life. Aspects of that life (included in this
document) indicate whether I am violent, dangerous - or suffering from mental illness. Read on.
Increasingly, from about 25 years ago I developed a new obsession (if you wish to call it that), & about 7 years
ago another. They were the main points of my Manifesto when I stood as an Independent Old Age Pensioner
at the 1997 General Election. See para. 50 for that Manifesto. It is tragic that the British people do not share my
Instead, the bulk of the people are obsessed by TV soaps East Enders, The Lottery, The Foreign Holiday,
Sport & the desperately exciting doings of Celebrities, as fed to them by the media. They are unworthy
There was great obstruction & delay to my appeal against conviction, against sentence, & my application for bail
pending appeal. Substantial grounds for all these had been submitted in writing by me. Eventually, my appeal
against sentence was listed to be heard on 31st July 2002. In the meantime there had been very strange conduct by
the Court of Appeal. They granted Legal Aid for the appeal which I had never asked for (many have great difficulty
getting legal aid).
By this time Mark Barlow had become my barrister (the strange story of how that came about is told
elsewhere). Our first contact had been a brief exchange of letters some eight months before, following which there
was no contact whatsoever. We had never met, he knew nothing about me, about the case or relevant law.
He DID know that my life expectation (already short) was diminishing even faster in a succession of Hell Hole
prisons([4]). Nevertheless, without any reference to me, & he took it upon himself to take my appeal out of the list.
The Court of Appeal told me of this. I wrote back immediately asking that it be re-listed, & stating that I no longer
wished to be represented by Mark Barlow. Eventually my application for bail pending appeal was heard on 18 th
October 2002. It happened without me being told a word about it but Barlow was present!!
10) I learned afterwards that the application was before Mr. Justice Rougier, who adjourned the hearing, saying that
he feared I was obsessed, & was anxious to have a psychiatrists report on that. During the Profumo Call Girl
scandal, Mandy Rice-Davies famously coined the phrase, He would say that wouldnt he? It could be said of
Rougier, considering that HE was one of the judges I named & denounced in my 1997 General Election Manifesto, &
my book, Cause for Concern. Wouldnt he just love to have me declared as suffering from paranoid delusions!
Article 6 of the 1998 Human Rights Act requires that any hearing should be before an independent & impartial
tribunal. Judge Rougier could hardly be impartial.
11) Neither he nor anyone else should NEED a psychiatrists Report! Forced to take action in the High Court against
a man who had seriously defamed me, there was lodged in the High Court a bundle of documents which included
testimonials from Cabinet Ministers, members of the Royal Family & other eminent & worthy people, about 40 in all,
plus part of my Manifesto when I stood for Parliament at the 1997 General Election as an Independent Old Age
Pensioner. It records virtually my whole life (& character) from the age of 17. I immodestly submit that it is a

record of which any could be proud. I have given much to this nation - & have much more to give if I am allowed
to give it!
12) The testimonials relate to my general character, & also to my skill as a Horse Whisperer (as popularly known).
The latter are particularly relevant, in that they show that I am able to reform difficult & dangerous horses with
kindness & humanity. Could such a man be either a vicious criminal or a homicidal maniac, as those with a vested
interest have labelled me?
13) The court bundle of documents can be examined, but for convenience I quote extracts. Read them & decide if I
deserve to die in prison, or need to be assessed in a Gulag hospital, then forcibly pumped full of drugs before
release. OR are the motives of those who put me here suspect??
--------------14) Chronologically, Document NS46 is the first, from when I was 18:, a copy of The Yorkshire Evening Post,
January 1st 1944: Leeds Sailors helped to sink the Scharnhorst shows a photo of me, & gives my name as one
of them. That is history to all but a few now, but the horrors of the infamous Arctic Russian Convoys, & of that battle
were real life to me. I was proud to have played my part, but deeply regret the deaths of many of my brave young
shipmates, & many more equally brave German sailors.
15) Next, NS37, are several letters & certificates from the General Secretary & Chief Executive of the National Light
Horse Breeding Society (Patron HM the Queen, President HM he Queen Mother).
The first is a letter dated 13th February 1961 I think you have won the Henry Tudor Challenge Cup with Irish
Dance you must be there to accept the cup from our Royal President. I was closely involved with that society for
44 years.
A letter dated 15th April 1991, Please be assured that this Society, & myself in particular greatly appreciate all that
you have done for us over a very considerable number of years. No one can ever say whatever criticism you have put
forward has not been constructive, & on numerous occasions suggestions that you have made have been used to
improve existing formulae. Long may you continue to be an active & enthusiastic supporter.
18th January 1996: I have known Norman Scarth for nearly 40 years during which time he has been associated with
this Societys Premium Stallion Scheme . In all my dealings with Mr. Scarth I have found him to be honest,
trustworthy & a man of the highest moral integrity. There follow copies of seven certificates presented to me by HM
the Queen Mother, Princess Anne & other eminent people. The Report of the AGM, 5th May 1982 refers to my
record breaking success in the Henry Tudor Cup Competition. A magazine known as the Horsemans Bible
published a letter from a Council Member of the Society, Norman Scarth is one of the most respected stallion
owners, & his opinion is of the utmost importance. This is notable in that he was responding to a letter of mine
which had been critical of him.
Back to NS2, an advert of mine in which I say, Any horse can be loaded, single handed, happily & cheerfully,
in 90 seconds when he has been taught!! Who will teach him? I will. How long will it take? Often as little as half
an hour, 4 or 5 days at most AND ALL DONE WITHOUT WHIPS OR BEATINGS. These of course are my own
words, but the testimonials which follow confirm that they are fully justified.
17) NS3, 7/11/81, from Mr. & Mrs D. Whitehead, Bradford; A few extracts from the long letter of thanks are,
lots of fun & made many friends all over the country all of which was due to the good work you did with Poppy.
the middle of October we set off again for Petersfield, a journey of about 280 miles. Our thanks again for your
help, it was certainly the best monies worth weve had . Douglas wont forget when he receives his trophy that
if it wasnt for your help, he would not have won it again this year. You can be sure we always recommend you
when we hear of people having problems boxing their horses.
18) NS4, 23/10/87, from Glynis Coates, Pudsey; Just a note to thank you for sorting out our problem. Blue seems to
be fine now & may I add a lot better mannered. When he plays up I just mention your name. Hope to see you in the
future under a less traumatic situation. Thanks again.
19) NS5, 7/3/98, from Mrs. G. Dunn, Todmorden; a friend introduced (Norman Scarth) as a man who could help
me with a home bred filly who steadfastly refused to load into a trailer. Although I have extensive experience over 50
years, have bred Welsh ponies & cobs for 25 years, & currently serve on the Ponies of Britain (UK) official panel of
judges, this filly had me completely beaten for three years. his only aid was a halter with an exceptionally long
shank; he did not carry a whip. The filly was asked to load & responded with her usual stubbornness. Within an
hour she loaded at his request, & unloaded, several times, finally standing quite quietly in the trailer. She acquiesced
rather than submitted to his experience use of psychology. Under Mr. Scarths guidance I to have achieved this
success. He paid two more visits to satisfy himself that both the mare & I understood what was required of her. I
subsequently travelled her, single-handedly, to 2-3 shows finally, some months later to Britains premier Welsh
Cob Sale. In the darkness of that early October morning she loaded as sweetly as anyone could wish, & I was
gratified that she caught the eye of a buyer from Germany. I have not forgotten what I learned from the
20) NS6, May 1994, from Mr. & Mrs. ONeill, Keighley; In Sept. 1992 we had a 16.2 hh middleweight mare
Missy who was causing us problems when trying to load her. After trying for six months to box her & getting

nowhere a friend suggested we get in touch with Mr. Scarth. This we did. He first did his preliminary training, &
then took her to the horse box ramp. She resisted rather violently a couple of times, & then leaped up the ramp.
From then onwards she would load single handed without any trouble whatsoever. The whole process that day took
an hour at most (including chatting time). If she ever does try it on now we simply remind her of Mr. Scarths
training & she literally races you up the ramp. You have to see it to believe it. The charge was 100 but has been
well worth it for the pleasure we have had since. I would recommend Mr. Scarth to anyone having trouble. Finally
we would say that this was accomplished without whips or beatings, or brutality, & though the mare herself brought a
certain liveliness to the proceedings (after all we had been having problems) at the end of it all she was in no way
distressed, was quite relaxed, & regarded Mr. Scarth as a friend. Signed, Gratefully, David & Margaret ONeill.
21) NS7, 5/8/97, from Diane Bayles, Riddlsden: Please find enc. cheque for your fee. I am very happy with the
result, & will have no qualms about recommending you to my friends. So confident am I that he will now load
with relative ease, we have entered a long distance ride in & around Whitby . Thank you once again, to be sure,
you are the miracle man.
22) NS8, 4/3/98, from Barbara Cox, Keighley; (extracts from a long letter), Henry proved impossible to box, he
reared & kicked, & pulled away & was generally out of control. He was a danger to himself & others. Mr.
Scarth explained his methods to us, & assured us that Henry would box satisfactorily. At first Henry was
confused & wary, but did after a short while respond to Mr. Scarths commands. At no time was Henry hurt or
abused as we would not have allowed this under any circumstances . After Mr. Scarth had successfully
boxed Henry several times, he taught us & our daughter to do it also. We did experience some problem the
following week at a show, but Mr. Scarth came when we called him & repeated the teaching to us. we have been
very pleased with the result of Mr. Scarths teaching, which has significantly improved our confidence with Henry.
considering how impossible Henry was to box & the dangerousness of his behaviour, & the improvement we
have maintained we can say (the fee) was not excessive, considering the skill involved. Mr. Scarth fulfilled his
promise to enable us to box our horse with the minimum of fuss & bother, & with increased confidence & skill.
23) NS9, 1/7/94, from Peter Craven MBE, Leeds; I thought you might be interested to hear of my success after
hearing your lecture on Loading a horse in 90 seconds . The day after attending one of your lectures I
successfully loaded four times in less than ten minutes a 16.2 heavyweight four-year-old which I had been trying to
train to load for 18 months. The next day we tried again & he walked in as thought he had been travelling all
his life . Your method certainly worked for me & my horse & I wanted to express my thanks for passing it on to
24) NS10, c1994, from Mrs. V. Curtis, Scarborough; My daughter & I have had horses for some years now, but one
of them, a two year old thoroughbred filly became very difficult when we tried to load her. I became quite
frightened. She was also becoming difficult to handle generally. Mr. Scarth gave her a preliminary
schooling session, at which stage I became quite concerned for his safety, but he carried on unperturbed. After a
time he took her to the trailer & proceeded to load her with no problems at all. (He) unloaded & loaded her
several times, with the filly gaining confidence at every stage . My daughter & myself both loaded her with no
difficulty, which I didnt believe was possible. Since then her general behaviour has improved tremendously &
though still boisterous my 16 year old daughter has no problem handling her.
NS11, 8/10/94, from Mrs. Frances Ginn, Scarborough; In 1993 we had an Appaloosa gelding. A strong cob
type 14.2hh. He was perfect for our requirements, except that he was very difficult to load into out trailer. He
escaped from my daughter several times, & we became very frustrated & worried. We did solicit the aid of a very
strong young man who was used to horses. He managed to escape from him also, after dragging him on the
ground & bruising him rather badly. Mr. Scarth took the horse in hand for us. The end result is that we now have a
horse that can be loaded single handed by my lightweight teenage daughter without any problems whatsoever. We
came in daily contact with Mr. Scarth for 18 months, & never found him to be other than courteous, friendly &
26) NS12, 7/3/98, from Mr. & Mrs. M.J.Harper, Halifax; We have used Norman on two occasions to train problem
horses to load, & have been delighted with the results. If we had not known Norman our showing career would
have been over long ago. The 150 we spent on the Section D (cob) was well worth it. Even at double it would
have been a bargain. Our door is always open to Norman & hope he carries on helping other horse owners for
many a year to come.
27) NS13, c1998, from Miss P.Lupton, Bradford; to say thank you for your time & experience on Tuesday night.
I am extremely grateful as it was a bit of a nightmare watching her struggle to the point of injury. Keep in touch.
28) NS14, 10/3/98, from Miss D.S.Mayo-Bagnell, Clamp Hill, Middlesex; Prior to your teaching it had taken some
3 hours to load my horse at a competition venue at Milton Keynes Equestrian Centre . Your methods were
unknown to me, & I did not know what to expect. My horse & I were certainly educated by you. The result of
training was immediate. I have no trouble loading her at any venue now. One could not criticise your fee, 200.
Many thanks for making my life that more enjoyable for myself & my helper & trainer etc. I do not know what I
would have done without you .
29) NS15, 5/3/98, from Nicholas J. Medhurst, Bath; My wife & I owned two horses which were dangerous to load
due to rushing back & rearing. Within a matter of hours Norman had trained both animals to board a lorry quietly.









The following day he had them walking on, & standing in position in the lorry without being led! His techniques
are not cruel or harmful to the animal although he does put himself personally a little at risk We are delighted with
both the result & also the invaluable knowledge that Norman shared with us.
NS16, 4/3/98, from Miss A.Oliver, Bradford; I had a (big) mare (who would) rear up at me she was
endangering me. She wasnt very trusting especially with men, so I needed someone who was kind & patient &
wouldnt smack her. We were told at no time would she be smacked or prodded. He spent nearly a whole
afternoon with us putting my mare back into the stable to rest, drink & think about what she had learned. At no
time did she become sweaty & worked up. He gained her confidence 100%, without cruelty or bribery, & took
herself in & out of the box & trailer by the end of the day. I learned how to handle her whilst loading & not to be
nervous with her. I was totally amazed by what he could do. I really thought no-one could ever box my mare
. The good behaviour started to lapse after a few shows I called Norman & he came back straight away (&)
saw what the problem was. This second visit was free of charge. Its now been two years since he came we
dont give boxing a second thought. Ive recommended him to many people.
NS17, 3/5/94, from Ouse & Derwent Training Group, York; On Monday 31 st January 1994 we invited Mr.
Scarth to speak. In spite of dreadful weather & poor road conditions, 68 people attended this meeting, coming
from as far afield as the North East coast & the borders of North Yorkshire/Lancashire. Our normal attendance
is approximately 30 people. People found the meeting to be extremely interesting & entertaining . They
found his advice most useful .
NS18, 19/1094, from Spraymain Ltd, Filey; In 1993 I booked several mares to go to stud to Mr. Scarths
stallions, one of which had always been very difficult to load, & when sent to stud previously had been sent home
without being covered, as being too dangerous. we took up Mr. Scarths offer to come himself to collect her.
in less than an hour he was able to load this mare, single-handed, in wide open spaces, without the use of any
gates, fences, ropes or other devices, & with no fuss or bother, without the use of any whip or stick. the mare
has remained easy to load by any competent horse person from that day on. Norman Scarth has also given the
writer & his staff much valuable advice & tuition in the general handling & catching of difficult horse, & we would
recommend his services to any concerned horse owner.
NS19, 20/9/94, from Caroline Bower, South Devon; I am writing to express my thanks for your invaluable help
in the loading problem I had with my 6 year old thoroughbred mare. on most occasions it took 4 of us about 2
hours to winch her in. This was dangerous, exhausting & entirely unsatisfactory. I turned to you in
desperation . After following your detailed written instructions we were successful in loading her with ease .
As a vet who spent 6 years in equine practice, & also having 30 years experience with horses, I was astounded &
humbled to find a technique which was so fundamentally different from anything I had used or heard of before.
Thank you for your help including the follow-up phone calls, & interest displayed in our progress.
NS21 & NS22 are sequences of photos which have astonished many horse people.
NS30, 27/1/82? from Peacock Farm, Ripon; Do you remember us bringing Black Bess (to stud, because) she
was very lame & you sent her back sound!.
NS31, 29/1/96, from C. Boothman, Kirkcudbright; I have known (Norman Scarth) since 1950, & as an ex
Racehorse Trainer & Stalllion owner have had quite a few business dealings with him. I have always found him to
be honest, straight forward & a person who would rather do someone a favour than a dirty trick. I can most
certainly vouch for his integrity & would say that double dealing is extremely alien to his nature. I have no
hesitation in vouching for his complete honesty.
NS32, 5/2/96, from D. A. D. Brydon MRCVS, Scarborough; I have known Norman Scarth for nearly 40 years.
First when I was a practising veterinary surgeon, he was a valued client I regarded him as a very competent stallion
owner, who managed his stud with the greatest efficiency. In addition I know him to be a man of the highest
NS33, 27/1/96, from Mrs. D.Cope, Harrogate; I have known Norman Scarth & his late wife in excess of 25
years. I have had many dealings with him, both financial & otherwise, & at all times have found him a very
genuine, sound, & generous business man. At times when I have had an emergency, a telephone call was sufficient
to rally his help. Norman Scarth is a man I would trust with any of my animals, as no doubt his mates trusted him
during his service years.
NS34, 19/11/80, from Mariane Freeman, Halifsx; Very many thanks for all your invaluable help & assistance.
NS36, 28/1/96, from Members of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons J.M.Green, L.J.Greaves,
G.W.Thomson & D.S.Green, Keighley; Members of this practice have known & traded with Mr. Scarth now for
about 34 years, during which we have formed the highest opinion of him in all aspects of our relationship. As a
Stud owner & Stallion man he is second to none. His record over the past almost fifty years stands in the annals of
the Hunters Improvement Society for all to see. owners sent mare from all over Britain to Ravenroyd, such was
the reputation of Mr. Scarth. He has always been willing to pass on his expertise to anyone willing to learn, & we
freely admit that we have all benefited from working with him over the years. As a client we hold him in high
esteem. giving us a reliable history of any illness or disorder we are called to treat. He rejoices with us in
success, & is generous when our efforts are not so rewarding. As a friend we are proud to number Mr. Scarth
among those who we would be able to call on should we find ourselves in trouble. His willingness to help others &







integrity in all his undertakings mark him out as one who could be truly called a Gentleman, & we freely offer
this testimonial to him .
NS39, 1/2/96, from Mrs. V.Morris, Otley; What is going on, & what can we do? Having known you for many
years, your integrity & honesty, the last things anyone could question.
NS40, 1993, from Rising Sun Farm, Filey; Many thanks for your helpfulness & services during 1993.
NS41, 16/11/84, from Marlene, Surrey; I would like to thank you for all your help, nothing ever seems to be too
much trouble.
NS42, 19/2/96, from James Burnhill & Sons Ltd, Cleckheaton; I have known & traded with Norman Scarth
for 20 years During this time I found (him) to be a hard working & honest pig farmer, who always met his
obligations. When he retired we lost a valued customer.
NS43, 13/2/96, from F.M.Lister & Son, Otley; I have known Norman Scarth for about thirty years & have
worked in a professional capacity for him. I believe him to be sound, reliable & honest & have never found
him anything but open & honourable in his dealings with me, or with others.
NS44, 13/2/96, from Otley Cattle Market Auction Ltd.; I have known Mr. Scarth for more than 20 years
He traded with the company both as a buyer & seller of goods, & was a first class customer I have found
him to be completely honourable, trustworthy, honest & reliable at all times.
NS45, March 1971, article from Yorkshire Post; Problem horse astonishes all.
NS75, 1/9/98, from Geoffrey Hoon MP, Minister of State, Lord Chancellors Dept.; At present, rules of court
require that certain types of hearing must be heard in chambers, & others in open court. Where the forum is
discretionary, it is a matter for the judge to decide. My department is considering these rules in the light of the
recent decision of the European Court of Human Rights in the case of Scarth v United Kingdom, & in preparation
for the implementation of the Human Rights Bill. (The change was indeed included in the 1998 Human Rights
Act. It is rare, if not unique, for a small farmer who left school at 13 to achieve so much, single handed without a
lawyer. The change is much disliked by the legal professionals).
NS75a, 8/7/99, The Times Law Report; Lord Chancellor is urged to reconsider court fee relief. (This related to
my seeking Judicial Review of the misconduct of Leeds Courthouse staff in the defamation case to which this
bundle relates).
------------------NS84, 22/4/97; Norman Scarth, [Manifesto] GENERAL ELECTION CANDIDATE IN CHESTERFIELD,
NON-PARTY OLD AGE PENSIONER (INDEPENDENT OAP). I am 71, fought in World war 2, on Russian
Convoys & in the battle with the Scharnhorst. worked hard ever since, mostly as a small farmer & horseman.
Now become a low level law student & writer (of sorts). My sole income is my old age pension of 63 per week. I
drew the last 500 from my bank for the election deposit. SUCH FOOLISHNESS! WHY? I am greatly
concerned about VIOLENT CRIME AGAINST THE DEFENCELESS, & the swindling & robbery that goes
with it. Particularly that against old age pensioners. Almost unknown at one time, it is commonplace now, &
increasing daily. I AM DISMAYED that none of our politicians take interest or action. They wring their hands,
say isnt it awful, & do nothing. That is my major concern, & my main platform. There IS action that could be
taken to combat it, & other crime as well. It would be effective & cheap. New thinking is needed. New thinking is
also needed elsewhere. ROAD SAFETY: Driving standards (mine included!) could be improved dramatically
with the stroke of a pen, at no cost. LAWYERS & JUDGES: From the days of my youth I had believed them
worthy of respect. I have recently discovered that many of them are not. I have documentary proof, & will publish
a book in the very near future. [I did. It was called CAUSE FOR CONCERN( [5] )]. I can ill afford to lose
that deposit. Your odd vote might save it for me. You will not be pestered by my supporters, I havent got any.
Some of you will read this leaflet (I cant afford many), & thats about it. GREAT BRITAIN IN THE NINETIES.
At Sunday school 60 odd years ago, I learned that there were two kinds of people (apart from robbers of course).
There were the Pharisees who, on seeing the robbers victim in the gutter, would pass by on the other side of the
road. Then there were the Samaritans, good people, who would cross the road to the victim, tend his wounds &
succour him. Nowadays its different. There are still the Pharisees & the Samaritans. But now there is a
third kind. They too will cross the road to the victim, but they dont go over to succour him. No, they go over to
put the boot in - - Just for the sheer pleasure of doing so! Its the new National Sport. PUT THE BOOT INTO
THE VICTIM. 76 year old pensioner Ted Newbery successfully defended himself against a burglar. The
Crown Prosecution Service decided to put the boot in not to the burglar but to Mr. Newbery! They charged him
with Wounding with intent to cause GBH. Had he been found guilty he could have been sentenced to life
imprisonment! Thanks to a good jury with a sense of justice & common sense, Mr. Newbery was acquitted (he
should have been awarded a medal). But the law hadnt finished with him yet. Foiled by the jury, they found a
judge, Mr. Justice Rougier, willing to put the boot in. He did so, by ordering the victim to pay 4,000 to the
burglar! And the new National Motto DONT HAVE A GO.. What a nation of wimps we are! Neville
Chamberlain acquired the reputation of being a weak Prime Minister, & an appeaser a wimp in todays terms.
Even so, when Hitler attacked Poland he didnt say dont have a go. He DID have go, & so did the rest of us! The
reward? To read in the papers, day after day after day, headlines like those which follow (in the Manifesto I give a
long list, a selection here): Third attack in a year on 87 yr old disabled pensioner. Two 80 yr old woman

pensioners attacked & mugged in same area within 2 days. One needs hip operation. 90 yr old couple, one
blind, one deaf, robbed twice in 4 weeks in their own home. Woman of 98, almost blind, partly deaf, attacked by
intruder. 92 yr old woman killed in her own home. 83 yr old man robbed & savagely beaten in own home.
86 yr old blind pensioner hurled to the ground, bag, purse & white stick stolen. Petty burglar murdered widow
of 98. 18 yr old attacks & robs 2 sisters, 84 & 88 yrs old, kills one. Earlier on the same day he had been arrested
in another pensioners home. Claimed he was 13, bailed into care. Went off & violently robbed elderly man, then
went on to commit the murder. Since the age of 12 he had with gratuitous violence attacked & robbed at least
60 victims. 83 yr old man, feeding the pigeons, robbed & killed. Killer gets 3 yrs probation.
19 yr old with history of burglary, joy riding, arson, criminal damage & assault had cost Wandsworth Social
Services 500,000 over 8 yrs. Killed father of 3 by stabbing. Walks free from court. Not Guilty (of anything).
Pensioner beaten to death. 5 youths charged with murder of disabled OAP. Teenager arrested for murder of
one legged almost blind pensioner, who had cancer & diabetes. Had previously suffered a series of burglaries.
83 yr old woman dies after attack & robbery at home. Couple in their 70s & paralysed son found battered to
death in their own home. 98 yr old woman killed by 2 woman burglars. And so it goes on, week in week out.
People under 40 accept it as an unfortunate part of life. Those of us who are older when these sort of crimes
were virtually unheard of.
Why have I taken on the stupid & impossible task of standing for
Parliament? I am anxious to Do My Bit (a wartime phrase) to try & arrest the frighteningly speedy decline of
this once honourable nation. The present day wimps, coward, brainwashed sheep & whiners are no match for the
villains, thugs & scoundrels who, along with the shysters, con men, self-seekers, word twisters & manipulators of
thought, have taken over the country. There are men & women of integrity & courage. Are there enough to reverse
the trend? Let us hope so.
-----------------51) (The reasons why I chose to stand against eminent politician Tony Benn in his safe seat, Chesterfield, were in the
full Manifesto, but not in the court bundle. I give them now). Never having set foot in the town in my life before,
on the morning nominations closed I travelled there by coach & knocked on doors till I found ten local voters to
nominate me, then to the Council Office to put down my 500 deposit knowing I would lose it. Why?
52) In 1984 2 striking miners dropped a concrete block from a bridge, killing a taxi driver. They were caught &
convicted of murder. Tony Benn said loudly (on TV, radio & in Parliament [see Hansard]), These men are not
criminals, they should not be in prison. Very quickly there was an appeal, the conviction reduced to manslaughter,
& they were soon out of prison. Since then, dropping concrete blocks from bridges has become a National
Sport! Though I was not able to challenge Benn for 13 years, I stood against him because I believe that such crime
IS murder - be it by 2 striking miners, 2 housewives or 2 Archbishops!
53) Before he knew my reasons for standing against him, Benn & I shared a platform at a meeting. He described me
as a War Hero (knowing I was no real threat to him he could afford to be generous). He knows I have killed noone. He has seen a transcript of tape recordings of the seriously criminal attack on me by a mob-handed police
gang on 8th August 1999 11 months BEFORE the crime I am supposed to have committed. Why does he not
say of me, This man is not a criminal, he should not be in prison? This Gulag hospital is a very sinister prison
To get to the bottom of this, try asking West Yorkshire Police - & the British Government - about the incident of
8 August, & what information was held about me (a completely law abiding old age pensioner) on the police
computer at that time. Complainants at the time, which included a City Councillor & The Royal Naval (Veterans)
Association were told to go away & mind their own business. To their eternal discredit, they meekly did so.
Enquirers now will undoubtedly be told the same but that should speak more than a million words.
55) They should also ask about High Court Case LS 190 197, (Leeds District Registry), N.Scarth v G.Moore, my
claim against the Chief Constable of West Yorkshire for 1,000,000 damages, which can bring the horrific truth to
light. It is still supposedly going ahead but (in the hope that my death will intervene) is being subjected to shocking
-------------- -- 56) To go back to crime against the vulnerable & the old. It is tragic that the dodgy decision of a football referee can
cause riot, and/or debate for decades, yet the brutal murder of an old person is forgotten within days. Little did I think
as I stood for Parliament, that 2 years later I would myself be a victim of brutal crime by the State itself yet the
British people turn a blind eye, fearful that they could be next.
57) As Pastor Martin Neimuller said of the Nazis in Germany, They came for the Trade Unionists, but I was not a
Trade Unionist, so I did nothing. They came for the Communists, but I was not a Communists, so did nothing. They
came for the Jews, but I was not a Jew, so did nothing. They came for the Catholics, but I was a Protestant, so did
nothing. Then they came for me. By that time there was nobody left to do anything for anybody.
58) Yes, at my trial I was convicted of a crime (like Timothy John Evans, Mahmood Marchant, Stefan Kisko, Steven
Downing , Robert Brown, the Birmingham 6, the Guildford 4, & other innocent victims), but now 77 years of age,

approaching 2 years in prison (the equivalent of a 4 year sentence), have I now paid my debt to Society? The
contra-question is: How has the British Nation repaid the debt it undoubtedly owes to me? It has done so with
brutality & savagery beyond belief.
LEST WE FORGET! Do I have to demean myself to remind you that every decent person in the land owes a
debt to those who fought against Hitler (as I did)? Some owe their lives; any of the Jewish faith particularly would
have died in a gas chamber but for those like me. The poppies you wear on Armistice Day purport to acknowledge
that debt. Hitlers bombers, U-boats & the Scharnhorst tried to destroy me. Are you going to allow Judge Bentley to
succeed where they failed? This is certainly no place for an old man who has given much to (& taken little from) this
Norman Scarth
(aka Winston Smith)
6,985 words, inc. footnotes

30th December 2002 (1984 +


SUPPLEMENT, Thursday 2nd January 2003:

Never having had contact with prisons, prison officers or the criminal fraternity during my long life, I
believed (as we are constantly told by the media) that prisons were Holiday Camps. Sent to one such place
for the first time at the age of 75, I was to find out that they are anything but. The biggest shock was to find
that most of the prisoners are much better human beings than those with the keys.
The Hell Hole I was in before coming here was Stocken Prison, near Rutland, & today I received
letters from fellow prisoners there. They are very flattering, & I am proud to quote from them (though I
withhold the names of the writers at present):
I only knew you for a short time but those few months opened up my eyes to what a fine &
fascinating man you are. You are a shining example of what was great about Britain. Unfortunately for my
kids & myself, your spirit is lacking in the 21st century specimens. Although I believe that I possess a little
of that bulldog nature, sadly I am of the minority, as you are. It really sickened me to see a man such as you
are having to endure this place.
What amazed me more than anything else Norman is that you excelled in whatever the government
of this country didnt want you to succeed in.
What Im trying to say is thank you for fighting (for) this country, not just from 1939-45, but all the way to
2003. It remains a sad fact that from 1945 onwards you realised that the enemy was within this country, & no
longer overseas. (Not strictly accurate: In fact my pride in Britain remained strong until the age of 70, & it
was a great shock when I began to learn just how corrupt the country had become in the 50 years following
Your experiences throughout life made you the staunch man I witnessed storming through this
prison, & believe me Norman, this prison is a quieter & less eventful environment without you unleashing
your unique Kamikaze methods on the Turnkeys. I can still see you going on one & it makes me smile every
time. They never knew what hit them did they Pal?
A true gentleman you remain, so I hope you are as happy as you can be where you find yourself
now. I am still hoping that you get dealt a better hand soon. God knows you deserve it. I would like to say
from the bottom of my heart that I have never met a man who inspired me as much as you did. No matter
what happens in the future Norman, I know you will be waiting for the skies to turn a little bluer, & you can
say just like the great George Formby before you, Turned out nice again.
You are a living legend & dont ever forget it mate. Your fighting spirit reminds me of Douglas
Baders. If being a real Englishman is to be like you, then count me in. There is no justice left, just us! &
thats all that counts. Nobody here has forgotten you, & I wish I could have done more for you when you
were here. Stay strong & keep smiling mate. let me know what is happening in your eventful life.
Peace & Empathy.
From a letter from another prisoner:
Norman, Ive met some people in my time but you are the most determined & gutsy individual I have
ever come across, its no wonder we won the war with men like you risking their lives for Queen &
Country! The problem these days is that the sacrifices your generation made is all forgotten. I think that is a
disgrace & shame on the nation! I hope the New Year brings you heaps of good fortune because its no
less than you deserve. Norman, there is quite a few blokes in here who have got a lot of respect for you,

& they know 100% that you are perfectly sane. (But of course, they havent got university degrees - so how
would they know?!?!) Norman, you was born a fighter, so fight, never give up.
There are some who would sneer at testimonials from convicts, & though there are undoubtedly some who
deserve to be locked up, I now realise there are many who do not, the ones who put them there being the ones who
should be behind bars. On November 14th the press told that Robert Brown, a victim of corrupt police, was freed after
25 years. He could have been released on parole 10 years ago, but refused because he regarded acceptance of it as an
admission of guilt. A very brave & honourable man.
It is no disgrace to be in prison (or a secure mental hospital). I am proud to follow in the footsteps of such as Robert
Brown, Mahatma Gandhi, the Suffragettes, Alecksandr Solzhenitsyn, Andreii Sakharov, Pastor Martin Neimuller,
Nelson Mandela, Steve Biko, Ken Sara Wiwa, Martin Luther King, Mohammed Ali & others, some who survived, many
who did not.
Henry David Thoreau (1817-62); Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is in


Badly let down by my own British people (all but a tiny handful), I did at least have supporters from abroad, via the Internet (that of
course was reason for my incarceration - to isolate me). Some of their comments below. One from an Englishman in Switzerland,
one from Canada, one from Finland, others from USA. More flattering than I deserve, but reading them now is an antidote to the
monstrous lies fed to the jury, & gives me hope that my good name may be restored after my death.
(a) You write Thank you for your support. On the contrary it is for me to thank you for being in the forefront of this battle, for
bringing hope to the oppressed & not least, for demonstrating that that our country is still home to decency & honour. My thanks & the thanks of England - are to you Norman.
(b) I am once again deeply impressed by your courage & intellect. You are a shining example of how citizens ought to conduct
themselves when facing a malevolent justice system. I pray that you achieve justice, the alternative is anarchy.
Do keep in mind that your current service to your nation surpasses all your deeds in World War II. May God grant you the
energy to keep their feet to the fire.
(d) Your Statement is the most cogent Ive ever seen. Every word rings with truth, & an impressively measured sense of moral
outrage. The clarity places Englands justice system in the dock re. one of its own (it never did provide justice for the Irish).
(e) Abundant life & vigour to you Norman. You are still in Democracys front line. Yours is the immediate concern, & we hope
that people there are rallying to support you. (It is to the disgrace of the British people that they are not).
You are at the cutting edge of English history. May your vindication be prompt & peaceful.
(g) May your integrity rekindle any embers of the same still alive within the Bleak House practitioners who have so betrayed you
& their nation to date.
(h) N.Scarth is a masterful writer. He is able to put pen on paper exceedingly acute observations of specific official illegality.
My deepest condolence; less for you than for your nation. The only true defeat would be to become like your neighbours. It
does seem that England is finished; it is certainly not a fit home for people of integrity like you. What an enormous tragedy.
Your integrity continues to surpass all expectations.
Ive become an admirer of Mr. Scarth within the past year; & know that he is responding to his corrupt political environment.
Corrupt cops; corrupt judges; corrupt politicians, & a news media that is in bed with everything that is corrupt. He faces a
monolith that is more evil by far than our own failing (American) system.
You are performing a historic service to your country & democracy. The Governments crimes against you ultimately
honour you. The criminals obviously fear Englands true patriots. To the illustrious names of Fred Holroyd,; Colin Wallace; John
Stalker; & Gareth Pierce, now must be added that of Norman Scarth, a lifelong hero.
(m) From a letter written by Professor J. Peter Maher, 4725, N. Lincoln Avenue, CHICAGO, IL. 60625 2010: The world has long
been propagandised to believe in the fairness of British justice, but if cases like yours should be reported, millions would be
amazed to find that a British citizen has been so unjustly, vilely & brutally treated by an English court & the English police. I shall
circulate information about your case among my acquaintances, who are dedicated to human rights, in many countries. You
served your country valiantly in World War II. Your case matches any sham justice that the USSR ever practised in
persecuting its own people.
You still doubt we live in George Orwells 1984??? Read on:
On 22nd July 1999 The European Court of Human Rights declared I was a victim of a violation of Article 6 (the right to a fair hearing),

case 33745/96. Though it concerned only a small civil case, it had already brought a change in British law, much hated by lawyers &
judges. This success made my new (more important) application 48911?/99 much feared by them.
JUST 17 DAYS LATER (8th August 1999), I was alone at home. Without even the PRETENCE of a lawful excuse there
came to the door SEVEN West Yorkshire police who threatened to smash the door down. When I defied them they radioed for backup with riot shields & a battering ram. They did not use the latter, but instead laid siege to the house for three hours before backing
off saying, We have decided this is not a police matter (it never was) but well be back! Those words - & much more are on
tape! The intention was to seize the evidence I held, & to silence me by fear, a heart attack or a stroke. It would have been death
from natural causes.
In the weeks & months which followed I dare not leave the house, fearing they would break in during my absence and/or
find some excuse to arrest me outside (deaths in custody are not rare). My calls for help were faxed to EVERY watchdog body in
the land. ALL were totally ignored. I had been disappeared ceased to exist (except to be destroyed). There has been a
massive, nation-wide cover-up of that police crime. My attackers were unaccountable, untouchable, with licence to commit ANY
crime against me with impunity.
Eventually, I sent a desperate call for help by e-mail to 122 Members of Parliament. It would be waiting for them when
their offices opened Monday 10/7/2000(?). Not a word till 6pm. A telephone call from the House of Commons. Police Constable
David Walsh PC418) spoke: You have been sending e-mails to MPs. If you send any more we will have to come knocking on your
Even as he spoke, there DID come a knocking on the door. It was two smirking, sneering plain-clothes Special Branch
police: If you send any more e-mails to MPs we will come & take your computer away, saying they had the right to do so under
some European Regulation. Four days later there was an anonymous telephone call from a man with a Southern accent, Is it you
sending these e-mails? If you send any more we will come & duff you up.
Somebody has to fight against this evil: Seems that fate has decided it should be me, & that I should fight almost alone.
So be it. My heartfelt thanks to the tiny few who do support me.

Dear Chris,

Friday 3rd January 2003

(The document I sent to you as LifeHistory I have now re-titled as TESTIMONIALS).

Sorry to increase the deluge of paper, but I am proud of the new testimonials (page 7), (despite the source from which
they came!), & accordingly send them as additions to the dossier you already have.
I think it possible that if Dr. Borelli has been able to read it ( [6]), especially my Election Manifesto, he may
feel able to make a diagnosis without the need to travel all the way to England, though I would be delighted if he chose
to do so. So all-powerful are those I have offended, & so spineless the rest of the people, I certainly need all the help I
can get.
I have already indicated my fear that my condemnation of the whole of the British legal profession may lead
him to suspect that I am indeed paranoid. My criticism of doctors (his own profession) could increase that suspicion, so
I endeavour to clarify.
Fortunate to have enjoyed good health, I have had much more contact with the veterinary profession
than the medical. I have always had the greatest respect for both (see NS32 & NS36 of LifeHistory), &
certainly not inclined to criticise either if they failed to work miracles, or a first diagnosis turned out to be
less than 100% accurate.
However, the doctors here have horrified me. Like lawyers & judges, their main qualification is arrogance. I
have already described the conduct of Drs. Quinn & Pick in NewtonL-8Dec02 & NewtonL-15Dec02, which I hope you
may have had time to read. I would not trust either with a white mouse.
Called in by Dr. Quinn, on 31st December 2002 a Professor Curran came to see me. Apparently he is an
expert in psychiatric illness in the elderly. Thinking he was going to interview me, he was surprised when I gave him the
TESTIMONIALS document to take away & read. I suggested he would need to provide better to be qualified to assess
At the end I included words from my book Cause for Concern:
The present day wimps, cowards, brainwashed sheep & whiners are no match for the villains, thugs & scoundrels who,
along with the shysters, con-men, self seekers, word twisters & manipulators of thought, have taken over the country.
There are men & \women of integrity & courage. Are there enough to reverse the trend?
I also added another question, Is there anyone in this place with the guts to speak the truth?
Whether the answer to either will be Yes or No remains to be seen.

When first taking on this mission, I said, The worse they treat me the better, in that it was more & more evidence of
how great the need, but never could I have imagined the depths to which they would sink, nor the extent to which the
people would join in, or turn a blind eye.
Whatever the final result, I will be eternally grateful to you, the Masefields, Ann Mallaby & Richard Mahoney, the only
people in Britain (apart from my brother) not turning a blind eye.

[1] Via the European Court of Human Rights, Scarth v UK Govt., Case No. 33745/96.

The ARTICLE 6 GROUP: Committed to exposing criminal misuse of law in British courts.


The distortions of the truth were so gross they were complete falsehoods.

[4] It was Director General Martin Narey no less, who condemned his own Prison Service for a litany of failure & moral neglect, & spoke of Hell
Hole prisons. I was astonished that NO prison staff (from Governors downwards) have ever HEARD of (much less abide by) The United Nations
Standard MINIMUM Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners. They appear to have licence to commit any crime against prisoners, with impunity.
The Complaints Procedure is a sick joke. The same goes for this hospital
[5] In the foreword to CAUSE FOR CONCERN, I wrote, We have all been reared to believe that lawyers, particularly judges, are
people of the highest intellect & integrity. I have recently come across much evidence to the contrary. This book is written to expose
those lawyer & judges who are incompetent, ignorant of the law, arrogant, dishonest, without integrity or conscience, & who abuse
the power given to them. With lawyer Blair the new Prime Minister, a Cabinet, Government & Parliament controlled by lawyers, it
was perhaps not wise to continue with my mission but I did!
The book also told how in 1994, when called as an expert witness I was able to expose a conspiracy to commit perjury by powerful people, thereby
securing the acquittal of the victim of the perjury, who had been maliciously charged with 10 criminal offences. Though I had no axe to grind myself,
I was concerned at the serious crime of perjury, & pressed for action to be taken, but was given the run-a-round. No action was taken


From: Norman Scarth (born 1925): For lifelong record, & current address, see end.
To: Mr. Adrian Turner, Joint Executive Secretary, Professional Conduct & Complaints Committee,
Northumberland House, 303/306, High Holborn, LONDON WC1V 7JZ
Wednesday 26th March
Tel: 020 7440 4000.
Fax: 020 7 7440 4000

I acknowledge receipt of the bundle of documents accompanying your letter of 11 March

2003. I started to read through Mark Barlows letter of 10 March 2003. Asking a group of
lawyers to condemn one of their own, perhaps it is unwise of me ([1]) to remind you that lawyers are


noted for being economical with the truth, the phrase infamously coined by Attorney General Sir Robert
Armstrong to excuse his own lying.
However, Barlows letter is a different league altogether. His hubris caused him to introduce the
complete irrelevancy of a historic case he was involved in. So blatant is his economy, his arrogance &
his contempt for me, the letter had me reeling with shock, & I was not able to read further. Even now, I
have still not been able to bring myself to do more than skim through the remainder of the documents.
However, reading Mr. Barlows letter again, I have been able to identify two points that scream out for
In his letter to me of 24th November 2001 he said, Knowing what HHJ Bentley is like, I was
concerned for your plight. That prompts the question what IS Judge Bentley like? Perhaps he would
tell us?

Writing of me, he says, He wrote to Counsel and which (sic) I replied to. It became apparent at a

very early stage that Norman Scarth was unwell .

At this very early stage stage all the
contact between us had been two letters from me & one from him. For convenience I give again the text of
my two letters to him.
My letter of 5th November 2001: A supporter of mine tells me you could be interested in my case. I am
delighted to hear it - somebody should be! perhaps I should tell you that I have in the past been a Litigant In
Person. My experience is that anyone who has ever been a LIP will never find a lawyer to represent him
afterwards except to stitch him up! Are you an exception?
The solicitor who was supposed to be preparing my defence for my trial tried to run away, did not do a stroke of
work, & then did abandon me five minutes after the trial had started, leaving me alone at the mercy of His Honour
Judge Bentley. Whatever about my guilt or innocence, his gross misconduct of the trial was enough that my
conviction should be quashed. The savage sentence proved his hatred for the LIP, me in particular. Now in
prison after a law-abiding life of 76 years, I am shocked at conditions. They are sophisticated modern day Belsens
. If you are still interested please dont delay: My life expectation is very short under these conditions.


His letter of 24th Nov. invited me to give him more information, which I did, as below.
6) My letter, 27th November 2001: I can drown you in information it is a horror story beyond
belief. I made application for leave to appeal against conviction, also for bail pending determination of
the appeal. Permission was refused when it went before a single judge on the papers. The renewal of
that application to the full appeal court has now been put in. I am waiting to hear. The fact that you have
responded to an L.I.P. at all suggests you are not entirely put off by my past record. Perhaps I should
apologize in advance for any disparaging references to your own profession. My experiences have not
been good, & diplomacy is not my strong point! If the WHOLE of the truth were to come out it would
blow the reputation of Britain sky high. That will never be allowed to happen, so to give me a measure of
justice, while still preserving the reputation of the judiciary (& the nation), I hope that my conviction
might be quashed on technical grounds of which there are plenty!! If you know a solicitor who
WOULD do his best for an ex-LIP, I would be happy to make contact. In the meantime, I would be
grateful for any suggestions. (You may feel that I am suffering from delusions of grandeur if I say that
taking this case on could make you or break you probably the latter!!
I am bewildered. Perhaps he would tell us exactly which words in those two letters made it so clear to
him that I was unwell? Was it because I told him that I had been an L.I.P. in the past? Was it because I
suggested that the judiciary were not the paragons of virtue we had always been told? Perhaps Mr.
Barlows revelations of what Judge Bentley is like will support my suggestion?
8) My skimming through the rest of the documents indicates that there are literally scores of other points
that need to be brought to your attention, but one little old man (challenging a member of one of the most
powerful organizations in the land), can only do so much.
So that must do for now, but if I am allowed to live long enough, & can resist the attempts of drug
crazy Dr. Quinn to turn me into a zombie, I will deal with those points fairly soon.
From: Norman Scarth (born 1925)
Survived bloody battle in World War II fighting for Democracy, Freedom, Justice & the Rule of Law:
Worked honestly & hard for 60 years: Late in life became an observer, researcher, student & successful
single-handed reformer of law: Hon. Sec. of the Litigants In Person Society;
Founder Member of the ARTICLE 6 Group [2]:

Now Political Prisoner Patient, Newton Lodge Gulag, Ouchthorpe Lane,

Tel. (for patient) 01924 327 396
(to book a visit) [24 hours notice] 01924 327 357
THE MONSTROUS 1983 MENTAL HEALTH ACT (by which I am held here)
MUST have been copied from an original by Hitler or Stalin !!!

To describe this place as a hospital is a sick joke

It is a cross between a Nazi experimentation hospital & a vivisection laboratory.

I note sneering comments about my adding Witness Statements to documents. I do so because the truth
WILL come out one day, & in order that the documents can be used after my death. I do so again.
The Facts in this Witness Statement are True (E&OE)

Norman Scarth (aka Winston Smith) 26th

March. 2003 (1984 + 19!)

PS: I trust it will not be long before you decide that Mark Barlow should be suspended pending the result of your
investigation of my complaint.

[1] Neither wisdom nor diplomacy have ever been my strong points, & despite my less than favourable comments on
your own profession, I hope you will be as concerned as I am that there should be amongst you one such obviously
rotten apple. The horrific results of Mr. Barlows misconduct are indicated in paragraph 9 onwards. There is a
punishment worse than the gallows. This is it. Powerful you may be, but if it can happen to me, it can happen to

[2] The Article 6 Group: Committed to fighting criminal misuse of law in British courts
We hope the Bar Council is too, & invite you to join the Article 6 group

There are so many gross errors in the official transcript, I am forced to use very plain language correcting it. Not only is
it worthless, but could do great harm to me.
Criminal Appeal Office Ref. Nos. 2001/02818/Y3 & 2002/00269/Y3
Sheffield Crown Court Ref. No. T20010001
From: Norman Scarth, (for lifelong record & current address, see elsewhere)
Corrections, clarification & comment on the 33 page TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS
before His Honour Judge Goldsack QC (The Honorary Recorder of Sheffield),
Sheffield Crown Court, Friday 7th March 2003, approx. 2 to 4 pm.

Court address: 50, West Bar, SHEFFIELD S38 P4

Tel: 0114 281 2400 Fax: 0114 281 2425
Regina v Norman Scarth
(Transcript by Margaret Wort & Co., Edial Farm, Edial, Burntwood, WALSALL WS7 0HZ.
Official Court Reporters).
Page numbers (missing on original transcript) added by N.Scarth
Relevant paragraphs are marked with * in margin of transcript.
Mr. A. HATTON appeared on behalf of the prosecution. NORMAN SCARTH appeared in IN PERSON (sic)
Page 2; B. The cap was my White Beret worn by Russian Convoy Men. inaudible should be, a badge of honour at
least as great as your wig. I was also wearing my WW II medals.
Page 4; B. Group (inaudible) Gratis

should be Ruth Bunday

G; I had to correct Judge Judge Goldsack several times.

Page 5: B; That official Appeal Court Record also shows that Mr. Barlow was sitting as VICE PRESIDENT OF
THE COURT OF APPEAL, CRIMINAL DIVISION!!! An absolute nonsense! How can anyone believe anything on
the court record when it contains such nonsense! I have a massive dossier of the same sort of gross incompetence
going back six years. About 1998 I sent to Lords Woolf & Irvine a dossier of such emanating from Leeds Courthouse including one Court Order with about 14 mistakes on it. I sent a similar dossier in 2000. That of course, is why I am
here to prevent me publishing more!
Page 6: C; inaudible may have been
Your impartiality is in question, much more than in the Hoffman/Pinochet case.

F; inaudible should be

Page 7: C; the Court of Appeal then heard your appeal against sentence. COMPLETELY UNTRUE! The Court
of Appeal were determined NOT to hear or consider one single word of my grounds for appeal - at least a score of
cast iron points of law. They were determined to hear ONLY Barlows monstrous application. See para. EF.
H; inaudible should be Dr. Barrington Barber. Ludgate should be
G; Judge. Goldsack, You will appreciate Mr. Scarth, that, at the
moment, I can only go on the basis of the documents I have seen.
He will not have seen ANY document with anything to my credit! The fact that the Appeal Court did not send the
reports of Dr. Barrington Barber & Lesley Shackleton, indicates they were determined Judge Goldsack would not have
a single word in my favour before him! I HOPE HE IS AS DISTURBED ABOUT THAT AS I AM!
Page 8: A; inaudible should be I have nothing to add, except to reiterate the point that Mr. Norman Scarth is NOT
suffering from any mental disorder.
Page 12: A; Bellgate should be Dovegate.

G; I can assure you I have read a great deal about that incident, but
that is not what I am here to decide today. Exactly: that incident, on 8th August 1999, will never be
investigated! It was an attempt on my life by no less than SEVEN police ELEVEN MONTHS BEFORE the crime
I am supposed to have committed. There has been a nation-wide cover up of that police crime. Judge Goldsack
continues that cover-up. What he SHOULD do is order an IMMEDIATE investigation into that crime.
Page 14: H; he has fixed beliefs which distress him. The most damaging of Quinns monstrous lies. Far from
being distressed, I count myself privileged to have been given the opportunity to challenge fraud in the legal system
(as euphemistically described by Paul Boateng MP). Or such is my delusion. If so, then Cabinet Minister Boateng is
equally deluded. Conflict with almost everyone he meets? See the reports of Dr. Barrington Barber & Lesley
Shackleton, & TESTIMONIALS covering 60 years of my life from the age of 17.

Page 15: A; It was June 2001 that Ness recommended I be in hospital rather than prison. The much better
communication here, & easy reach of supporters, would have been much better for me at that time. But no for the
most diabolical reasons they moved me further & further away from home in a succession of Hell Hole
D; Care? Mental torture, physical brutality, provocation & oppression
he calls it CARE!!
E; Quinn & Curran are currently under official investigation by
the General Medical Council Fitness to Practice Directorate.
Page 16: D; THE ULTIMATE IS DEATH! What a brave man is Dr. Quinn that he is prepared to risk death
(mine not his!)
Restraint? The Goose Neck for example. The Home Office says this Approved Method of Restraint will cause pain
& thus disable the patient. I have experienced this Home Office Approved Method in prison & Newton Lodge
each time on a trumped up excuse!
Page 19: G; To his credit, at least Judge Goldsack stresses IF. Winning a case in the European Court of Human
Rights & causing an important change in British law to be incorporated into the 1998 Human Rights Act doing so
single-handed - suggests I am at least as capable as the Official Solicitor!

Page 21: G; The first inaudible should be veterinary surgeons. 3rd inaudible should be I would not trust you
with a white mouse. 4th inaudible should be I wouldnt trust you to dock piglets or puppy dogs tails. I did not say
that to be offensive (though Quinn was allowed to be extremely offensive about me). Given (quite improperly) only a
minute to look at his report, I was struggling to ask structured questions. It was fact that I had asked for those words to
be recorded at Newton Lodge. It is fact that veterinary students are of higher calibre than medical students, have longer
training, & such being the case, the end result is better. Having had close working relationships with vets for 60 years,
& having lectured to vets & students, I am well able to recognise ability or lack of it. That experience enables me to
recognise ability or lack of it in doctors. Lucky to have had good health during my long life, I have had minimal
contact with them previously, but have always had the greatest respect for the profession until coming to this evil
Page 22: A; Having only had time to skim through Quinns report, Judge Goldsack stopped me from developing
questions that would bring the truth out of him.
B; Today is not the time to have a running
argument? SURELY, courts are supposed to find out the truth, & an essential part of it is to have each of the parties
challenging the other, each putting forward their argument. Judge Goldsack listened intently to all Quinns lies, but
stopped me from proving them to be lies.
Page 23: C; Judge Goldsack should have said, I have to sentence you because you have been convicted of an
extremely serious offence of
D: inaudible should be Timothy John Evans, Mahmood Marchant, Stefan Kisko, Robert Brown & others were all
convicted though completely innocent. Some were hung. Again, Judge Goldsack should have said on the basis
that you have been found guilty.
F/G; forged
documents should be COURT documents. A MOST MISLEADING ERROR.
Page 24: D; acute scratches, should be needed a few stitches in the back of his hand - when he & a mob handed
gang had smashed into my then home.
Page 25: G; Earlier, he had said there were only two options, back to hospital or prison. Not until this very late
stage did he mention bail - giving me no time to present grounds for bail - & he had obviously not received them from
the Appeal Court.
Page 26: B; How the nation have we paid, should be How the nation has repaid the much greater debt it
undoubtedly owes to me is another
C; the British will not even notice if they come, should be When Fascism (or worse) comes to Britain, the British will
not even notice. It DIDcome, & they did not notice.
its rising in Nazi Germany should be
AS in Nazi
Germany, all too many are happy to be part of it.
many notes distorted to the truth should be many gross
distortions of the truth were fed to the jury.
Page 27: B; (inaudible) the Lord Chancellor spoke to the Commons should be I have a letter from Geoffrey Hoon
MP, then the Lord Chancellors spokesman in the Commons telling how my Strasbourg case was to be incorporated
into the 1998 Human Rights
who are now doctors should be Doctor Shipman & lesser miscreants in the medical profession.

Page 28: A; TO 8thAugust 99, should be FROM 8th August 99). This is a most important error!
B; a new law (inaudible) should be a new law, specially invented by Rose LJ for
C; not for my own thing should be not for my own sake - but for this
E; There is evidence outside , which I will read
to you as Im (inaudible). This is a meaningless version of what I said. It should be There is evidence outside which
will prove my innocence, or at least strong grounds for mitigation. It is not available to me while incarcerated.

Page 29: A; One (psychiatrist) being Dr. Quinn. This is monstrous. I had never met or heard of Dr. Quinn till I
arrived at Newton Lodge AFTER the Appeal Court hearing. Whether this nonsense came from the Appeal Court I
know not.
F; I was anxious to have as up-to-date information as I could from Dr. Quinn. There
you have it! Judge Goldsack is anxious to have as many lies as possible from murderous quack doctor Quinn but is
desperate to avoid hearing the truth from me. Being a LIP I am not a human being - only an object to be discussed &
played with by those who, having university degrees, believe themselves to be Gods, on a different plane to those who
have not.
Page 31: G; the danger that the trial judge determined he posed. The danger that I present is not to the public, but
to those like Bentley - because of the massive amount of evidence I have of their corruption! Which is why he
banned the press from my trial, then sentenced me to die in prison for a first offence! It is he who is the danger to
the public not me!

Page 33: B; I did not say Did I have a part ?

Rights Act.

What I said was I DID have a part in the shaping of the Human

G; Why was this said to Mr. Hatton after I had left the court????? He will simply repeat the same monstrous lies
that were fed to the jury - & will CERTAINLY tell Judge Goldsack nothing in my favour. My grounds for appeal
against sentence, & grounds for bail pending sentence - & the 60 years of testimonials - will be of infinitely greater help
to the judge than anything from the prosecution.

Enclosed are Reports from Dr. Barrington Barber & Lesley Shackleton, in direct contradiction of drug crazy, drugging
pushing Dr. Quinn. See also my document Nazi Hospitals, & Shipman2. I am quite serious in saying that Quinn is
worse than Dr Harold Shipman. Impossible it will be said. Just as was said about Shipman himself.

The facts in this Witness Statement are true (E & OE)

Scarth 31st March 20






From NORMAN SCARTH (born 1925), Founder Member of THE ARTICLE 6 GROUP.
3rd Sept. 2003
In the High Court of Justice, Queen's Bench Division, Leeds District Registry.
re. Norman Scarth v Graham Moore (ex Chief Constable of West Yorkshire).
case LS 190 197

A Claim for 1,000,000 (plus punitive & exemplary damages) for

potentially lethal assaults by W.Y.Police on 8th August 1999 & 20th July
2000, false imprisonment, perjury & other misconduct.
This document is my 'Request for Disclosure' of information & documents, by the solicitor for West
Yorkshire Police,
and by The Leeds District Registry of the High Court & Leeds County Courts themselves. They are
included in the one document to make it more comprehensive, & hopefully give better understanding of
the general picture, especially to those who read it after my death, which cannot be too far away.
Today is the anniversary of the outbreak of World War II during which many gave their lives to prevent
the imposition of a Police State. Tragically, they died in vain. Britain is a Police State, comparable to
Hitler's Germany or Stalinist Russia, though here it is well hidden, & the victims fewer - as yet!
In this case there is collusion (tacit or otherwise) between police, courts & the Prison Service to deny me
access to documents, records & evidence. In making these requests for disclosure I am forced to rely on
WF1 3QP.
Tel: 01924 292 187,
Fax: 292 196
F.O.A. Mr. Michael
S. Percival.
Your letter of 15 August 2003, & 'DEFENCE' document received.
1.) Were I not inured to such feelings, I would be shocked at the bare faced effrontery & shamelessness of the
DEFENCE document, which ADMITS that horrific crime was committed against me by W.Y. Police & others,
but says, "... no reasonable grounds for bringing this claim & ought to be struck out", - & "... the Claimant has
suffered no recoverable loss or damage...".
2). It indicates that you are supremely confident that the judiciary will confirm that our police are as untouchable
& unaccountable as were Hitler's 'Gestapo'. I AM surprised that you miss out the usual parrot phrase from
lawyers when facing a Litigant In Person, "This action is frivolous, vexatious & an abuse of process of law".
3). I ask for 'Disclosure' of information & documents as below, & trust you will not cause more deliberate delay
than has occurred already, by forcing me to seek an Order for disclosure.
(a). Please disclose: The F.W.I.N. number, & information held about me on the Forces Wide Intelligence
Network (& other police records) since I was a Parliamentary Candidate in 1997, particularly that immediately
prior to the terror attack & siege of 8th AUGUST 1999, the 11 months following (during which I suffered
unlawful but effective 'house arrest', imprisoned by justifiable fear), & currently. Also any changes, with the
(b). The names of the 6 officers who were with Acting Inspector McGee early in the siege, & the 2 others who
came shortly before it ended.
(c). The names of the officers, one a (Ch)Inspector who made another 'surprise' visit on 15/8/99 - when a written
response to my faxed letter would have been more appropriate.
(d). The reason why Kenneth Neil Roberts was not charged with giving false information to the police, &
wasting police time.
(e). Please supply copies of letters to the Chief Constable & Chapeltown Police Station in the days, weeks &
months following 8/8/99, from myself, Leeds Councillor Mrs. Amanda Carter, Mesdames E. Adshead, Diane
Mitchell, the Royal Naval Association & others, & copies of replies to each.

(f). Copies of document (with a copy of the frontispiece of the book 'PRINCIPLED POLICING') faxed by me to
every Police Station in Leeds during that time. The name of the Inspector from Pudsey Division who responded
by telephone.

page 2 of 2
(g). The names of the 2 plain clothes (Special Branch?) police from Weetwood Division who came to 59
Gledhow Park Grove at about 6 p.m. Monday 10th(?) July 2000, & the purpose of their visit. What instructions
had they received from police at the House of Commons, &/or MI5?
(h). Now to the 'INCIDENT' OF 20TH JULY 2000: At the Stansted aircraft hi-jacking in February 2000 (&
similar incidents) 'trained negotiators' were called in. Essex Police were warmly praised by the Prime Minister,
Home Secretary, Lord Lieutenant, High Sheriff et al, because their 'professionalism' had enabled it to be ended
with no harm to anyone. In that case the hi-jackers were armed with guns & bombs, & had hostages. Why did
W.Y. Police not show the same professionalism (& humanity) - instead of brutality & thuggery - when tackling
one solitary, law abiding World War II veteran on 20th July 2000?
( i ). Why did W.Y. Police push 2 comparatively innocent bailiffs in front of them to do their dirty work?
( j ). How many police, fire service, ambulance & other personnel were present or on standby, & for what
purpose? What weapons were carried or available to the police on 8/8/99 & 20/7/2000?
(k). One question is not obviously connected to the matters above, but could be more relevant than appears at
first sight: In December 1994 I was called as an 'expert witness' in Bingley Magistrates' Court. I was able to
prove that there had been very serious perjury, & conspiracy to commit perjury by prosecution witnesses. The
victim of the malicious prosecution was acquitted. With no personal axe to grind I was aghast at having
witnessed such perjury (far worse than that of Jonathan Aitken or Jeffrey Archer), but appeared to be alone in
my concern. I pressed various authorities on the matter, but was given the run-around for several months,
eventually receiving a letter from Inspector Hennigan, Keighley Division, saying that no action was to be taken,
the acquittal of the victim of the perjury having resolved the matter. Is turning a blind eye to perjury by
prosecution witnesses common with W.Y. Police?
----------------------------To: The Leeds District Registry of the High Court & Leeds County Courts: 'Request for Disclosure'.
PREFACE: In the weeks & months which followed the attack & siege of 8th AUGUST 1999, K.N.Roberts
committed perjury & his solicitor John Lyndon Richards deceived the court to obtain a Possession Order (LS 89
55 334). This was quashed on appeal to Chancery Judge Behrens. I myself made a Claim (N.Scarth v
K.N.Roberts, case ?
), & sought an Order for the committal of K.N.Roberts & J.L.Richards for the
perjury & deception of the court. In the course of those actions copies of transcripts of tape recordings of the
attack & siege were lodged with the High Court & County Court. They would be seen by most of the
following: District Judges, Lobb, Lord & others; The Honourable Judges Behrens, Grenfell & Robert Taylor;
Court Manageress Linda Mayhew (?), Michael Ganfield & Scott Smith.
Also a copy of my letter dated 20 Sept 1999 in Case number LS 89 55 334 (marked FAO HH Judge Robert
Taylor). I have part of it, but not all.
------------------------- -- I look forward to an early reply from the solicitor for W.Y.Police, & from Leeds Combined Court Centre. I
cannot survive much longer in this evil place.
Yours, with little no hope of either Justice OR Mercy in the courts or prisons
of Police State Britain (the land of which I was so proud for so long).
The regimes of Hitler, Stalin, Sadaam Hussein et al would silence ALL dissidents & political opposition.
So does Lawyer Blair's regime.


From: Norman Scarth (born 1925): Lucky to survive when my shipmates died around me in World
War 2,
fighting to keep Hitler's Gestapo from our shores. They died in vain.
Now Political Prisoner GV5409, HM Prison Wolds Gulag, BROUGH, East Yorkshire HU15 2JZ

To The Rt. Honourable David Blunkett MP, Secretary of State for the Home Dept.
September 2003.
50, Queen Anne's Gate, LONDON SW1H 9AT. Tel: 0870-3000. Fax: 0207 273 2065

Monday 29th

You being responsible for the Police, Prison Service & the fight against crime, I bring to your
Serious Crime by the Prison Service & others, obstructing the course of Justice being only one of

INTEGRITY OF THE JUDICIARY BE IMPUGNED" said the 'great' Lord Denning, in gross contempt
of his own judicial oath & that of the Queen. Those who promote or follow that precept are committing
crime. They include not only members of the present judiciary, but Home Secretaries, the Home Office, the
Prison Service (& ALL our puppet 'watchdogs' ).


They purport to act in the name of the Sovereign, & are thus (supposedly) bound by her Coronation
Oath (sworn before Almighty God) "To Deliver Justice with Mercy". Whatever about Justice, they have
shown as much Mercy to me as was shown to little Lesley Downey by Myra Hindley & Ian Brady. There
were only two of them: The whole of this brutal Police State are determined to destroy me(see document
'TheEnd23Sept03' & others)


After one & a half years of ill-treatment by 'barbaric' guards in a succession of 'Hell Hole' prisons
(vide Martin Narey & Sir David Ramsbotham) I was sent to the slightly more humane Newton Lodge
Secure Hospital, in the care of psychiatrist Dr. Patrick J.G.Quinn. From the witness box in Sheffield Crown
Court on 7/3/03, he told Judge Goldsack "Sending him back to prison could have CATASTROPHIC


What did judge Goldsack do? Sent me back to prison! Only a depraved monster could do that.
Who is the biggest criminal, him or me? The supposed immunity of judges does not allow them to pull out
a gun & shoot a defendant - nor should they be immune from punishment for less obvious crime. Acting in
breach of their judicial oath IS crime obtaining money (their salary) by false pretences being the least of
them - but I leave that for now.


Crime by the Prison Service: They are as hostile as the judiciary to any prisoner who claims
innocence, especially one who tries to prove it without a lawyer. They will use any criminal means to
obstruct, frustrate & delay him. 'Obstructing the Course of Justice' is a Common Law offence, subject to life
imprisonment. The Prison Complaints Procedure is an obscene farce, DESIGNED to drive the victim
to despair. Prisoners who use it are punished for doing so.


Crime by Police: Why did your predecessor Jack Straw ignore my desperate call for help after a
mob-handed gang of West Yorkshire Police (acting as a private army) tried to silence me by a terror attack ELEVEN MONTHS BEFORE the 'crime' I am supposed to have committed?


Why did Huddersfield & Bradford Magistrates' Courts block my attempts to start private
prosecutions against the police, when it is the right of everyone in the land to do so?


Why is the Appeal Court using fiendish means to delay my appeal against the savage sentence

imposed on me - the victim of crime, when I have already served more than many killers? (I have killed noone, attacked no-one).

Why have they not even acknowledged my Application for Bail Pending Appeal - submitted 1st
June 2003?

Why is the High Court deliberately delaying my action against the police for the attack, for false
imprisonment, malicious prosecution & perjury? There is to be a Case Management Conference in Leeds
on 31st October 2003. For a previous one on 14th July I had to spend 14 days in Armley Gaol, which is far
worse than even this evil place. I am terrified at the thought of going there again. The new book by Sir
David Ramsbotham confirms that my fear is justified! (see para20).
My official complaint about mistreatment there has been completely ignored - as always! My
application for Release On Temporary Licence to avoid that terror, to enable me to access vital evidence &
to attend the High Court hearing has been refused with monstrous lies & fiendish excuses, as has my request
for Category D - completely disregarding Prison Rules & Standing Orders.
Why are the lawyers of the Criminal Cases Review Commission doing absolutely nothing? Giving
the matter a Case Number two years ago, they ignored their own rules to drop it for a year or so, now sitting
on it until I die!
My blood will be equally on the hands of the British people who (like the Germans under Hitler)
allowed it to happen.
The answer to all those questions is that if the truth about this matter were to come out, it would bring
infinitely more disgrace to the nation than the death of Dr. David Kelly, & that the best way to ensure it
never does is to keep me in prison until my death, which at 77 cannot be far away. It is rapidly being
brought closer by maltreatment in these 'Hell Holes'.
I protest against this evil with the only means left to me, as used by Mahatma Gandhi & the
Suffragettes. Imperial Britain had enough respect for the Sovereign's Oath to release them when they were
close to death. Will Lawyer Blair's regime show the same mercy to me?
In The Gulag Archipelago, Alecksandr Solzhenitsyn quoted from KGB instructions to Soviet prisons,
"Suppress hunger strikes, ... or information about them. If forced to admit that someone is on hunger strike,
do not delay in informing (the public) of the (supposed) crimes of those on hunger strike". A reviewer of the
book wrote, "It is gripping because it shows how ordinary people can be turned into the planners or
executives of oppression, brutality & torture".
I send these documents with no expectation of meaningful response, but with the faint hope that the
truth may be on record after my death. A foolish hope. Those who can terrorize, brutalize, torment, torture
& destroy an old man who has given much to this nation are not likely to have compunction about
destroying the record!
With derisory access to a computer (as opposed to Dovegate Prison, where I had full access), I was
forced to continue by hand, as I was anxious to get the document in the post to the Home Secretary. Now
given full access to a computer (but not to a printer!), I type below that which was handwritten on the
Matching David Blaine, I am currently taking water only, plus vitamin pills, salt & a little sugar. I
will try to stay alive until the Case Management Conference on 31/10/03, & another one in another matter
on 11th November - Armistice Day ironically when the nation purports to pay homage to those who gave
their lives in World War 2, fighting against Hitler.
I was prepared to give my life then, & prepared to give it now. Let none dare call it suicide. It will be
murder by THIS Police State. Will the nation remember me as they wear their poppies?
STOP PRESS, 30/9/03: TV this morning tells of condemnation of British prisons by Sir David
Ramsbotham, sacked from his post as HM Chief Inspector of Prisons, for being too honest. His book
PRISONGATE comes out next week. Extracts in THE TIMES, 29/9/03 onwards.

You & every other politician compete in your determination to "Clamp Down On Crime". I agree! but let the clamp down be on those with power who abuse it, & the BIG criminals as well as the little ones!
(See my message to The Serious Fraud Office in my Coroner-14/12/01 document).
Until my incarceration I had believed (as we are constantly told by the media) that prisons were
Holiday Camps. They are certainly not fit places for an old man who has given as much to the nation as I
have much more than any of those who put me here & keep me here.

There are amendments to the original in this copy of the letter, & ADDITIONS, AS BELOW:

I hope you - & the nation are horrified at the exposure by Sir David Ramsbotham of criminality
in the Prison Service, & how not only prisoners suffer, but the few good officers. The despots (big & little)
in the Prison Service do harm not only to the prisoners & the good officers, but to the nation. They turn out
not reformed characters, but resentful ones. It COULD & SHOULD be different.
After a long lifetime of service to my country, in prison for the first time at the age of 75 (then), one
of the greatest shocks was to find that most of the prisoners are better human beings than many of those with
the keys.
For expansion of the points made in this letter, see documents Wolds13/9/03 || TheEnd23/9/03 || The
Disappeared24/9/03 | Bail1/6/03 || Coroner14/12/2001 || (enclosed with the original)
I enclose now a copy of document ChC-1-Oct03. The conduct described in it may or may not be technically
Contempt of Court, but it is certainly Misconduct in Public Office, a Common Law offence (see R. v
Dytham, 1974, CA All ER). About 1998 I made submissions to the Law Commission on that subject. A
member of the Law Commission (I cannot bring the name to mind at the moment) had an article published
in The Times, in which he said The level of culpability should be high before anyone is charged with the
offence. What about the Zero Tolerance which is promoted so strongly now?
I have a great deal of evidence of the criminality, & will send it - if I retain strength & a degree of sanity
long enough!
I paraphrase Martin Luther King: I fear not the words (& actions) of the wicked, but I DO fear the silence
of the (supposedly) honest. I fear there is no hope for me, but more importantly, there is none for
(amended 5/10/03) Norman Scarth. .

Cc: The Appeal Court, CCRC, the nation & the world.

1,745 words



Witness Statement attached to Application Notice in the High Court action,

Case No. LS190 197
Norman Scarth v Graham Moore.
Fee Exemption Form EX160 is enclosed, [2] but Judge Grenfell is already aware of my situation, & because of
the urgency I hope he will be able to deal with this Application without delay.
I hope the nation is horrified at the current revelations by Sir David Ramsbotham, ('retired' from
his post as HM Ch. Insp. of Prisons) at the terrible state of affairs in British prisons. The facts stated here
indicate that staff believe they are a law unto themselves. I hope the court will show that they are not. We here
much of the clampdown on crime &zero tolerance. I submit they should apply to those who abuse their
power. I ask for:
The immediate COMMITTAL TO PRISON of Wolds Prison Director David McDonnel & Unit
Manager Dean Langton, FOR CONTEMPT OF COURT.
They deliberately ignored the Notice dated 3rd June 2003, which required me to attend a hearing
on 25th June 2003. (R. v Dytham, CA 1974, ruled that failure to act can be as culpable is the commission of an
Prison Standing Order 4625, Para 4.5 specifically states that prisons can be held in Contempt if
they fail to deliver a prisoner to court when required to do so. An aggravating factor here is that their failure to
act was motivated by malice. It was also Obstructing the Course of Justice - not the first time by any means.
It is true that the Notice did not contain the word 'order' (a clerical error no doubt), but the
wishes of the court were abundantly clear to them. On 11th June my red-sealed copy of the order was shown to
Dean Langton, & a copy left with him, along with my application to the prison for Release On Temporary
Licence to attend the hearing, telling what the hearing was about, & emphasizing its importance. Also my
application that a Sentence Planning Review listed for 24th June (which could have affected the ROTL) be
brought forward.
My several written requests for confirmation that I would either be taken to the court or released
on temporary licence were completely ignored - as invariably happens to me (in gross contempt of Prison
On 24th June there was what purported to be a Sentence Planning Review (it wasn't). I asked
Dean Langton about my attendance at court the following day. "We know nothing about it" said he. I reminded
him that he had a copy of the Notice, & my ROTL application. "Well, we know nothing about it officially" he
retorted. I said there was nothing to stop me being taken the following day. "Can't do that" said he, "it has been
taken out of the list, & will have to be re-listed". So, he DID know about it 'officially'.
This is just the sort of thing that could have the consequences predicted by psychiatrist Dr,
Patrick J.G.Quinn. Having been under his care in Newton Lodge Secure Hospital, on 7 th March 2003 from the
witness box at Sheffield Crown Court he told HH Judge Goldsack sending him back to prison COULD HAVE
to prison, with total lack of humanity or respect for the Sovereigns oath - to deliver justice with mercy.
McDonnel & Langton did have me delivered to the court for the re-listed hearing on 14th July,
without being informed any more officially than the previous occasion, but that had caused nearly three weeks
delay. Delay in justice is the denial of justice. Time is a luxury I cannot afford at my age of 77. The delay has
caused me great distress.
I have every hope that this case will bring to light matters which were NOT heard at my criminal
trial, & thus bring my release from prison. I therefore ask that the court order McDonnel & Langton to pay
me compensation for the 20 days delay, at the appropriate rate, & for the distress.
Being told at the last minute that the hearing listed for 25/6/03 was not to take place, I was unable

to inform supporters. One of my lay legal advisers, Mr. Andrew Yiannides actually made the 400 mile round
trip from London, wasting his time & money. I therefore ask that the court order McDonnel & Langton to
pay him compensation. I do not know what Mr. Yiannides costs were, but I suggest a figure of 250 or so.
THE FACTS IN THIS WITNESS STATEMENT are true to the best of my knowledge & belief.
809 words.
October 2003

Signed: Norman Scarth,


After several adjournments there is to be hearing of this application for committal, in THE
HIGH COURT (LEEDS) ON 8th January 2004 at 10am. I doubt whether any other prisoner
has got so far! I cannot believe it will be allowed to go ahead - but perhaps someone has
developed a conscience?
Update, 16 Jan. 04. As predicted, on 8/1/04 Judge Grenfell did dismiss the Application for
Committal. See the dossier I sent to the Judicial Appointments Group V in 2001, include din
this envelope.
See document InFear-04-01-13 for more detail of the hearing, & Grenfell's

[1] URGENCY: Because of the serious & continuing criminality of barbaric prison staff (vide Sir David
Ramsbotham), I am protesting by the only means available to me (as used by Mahatma Gandhi & the
Suffragettes). I am matching David Blaine, by going 44 days with only water, plus vitamins, salt & sugar. How
long I can survive remains to be seen.
[2] Any doubts about my eligibility for fee exemption, please see The Times Law Report, 8/7/99, R. v Leeds
Combined Court Centre (ex parte N.Scarth)



SINGH-MEDALS 05.11.03:

Serving on Arctic Russian Convoys in WW2, I survived battle against Hitlers bombers, U-boats, & the
battleship Scharnhorst AS YOU KNOW, 56 years later, 8th August 1999, I also survived a potentially lethal
terror attack by a mob-handed gang of West Yorkshire Police - acting as a private army without even the
PRETENCE of a lawful excuse!


In the days & months which followed. EVERY watchdog in the land turned A BLIND EYE & DEAF
EAR TO MY DESPERATE CALLS FOR HELP! I had become one of the disappeared (as in Orwells
1984 & Pinochets Chile), - ceased to exist except to be destroyed! Their deliberate blindness gave
licence for ANY crime against me.


11 months later there was a second attack, when I received a brutal kicking, which put me first in
Bradford Royal Infirmary on intravenous antibiotics, then St. Lukes Hospital, from which I was kicked out
wearing carpet slippers! In despair at the total lack of response from other watchdogs, I asked you to put
down an Early Day Motion in Parliament. YOU DIDNT! Instead, you wrote a chummy letter to Dear
Graham - the Chief Constable the very man RESPONSIBLE (vicariously at least) for the attacks. He
wrote back an equally chummy letter Dear Marsha, .


YOU became party to the COVER-UP of that horrific police crime, and thus responsible for the even
more horrific crime since, including terror, malicious prosecution, perjury & conviction at a grossly improper
trial, followed by physical brutality & unrelenting mental torture in a succession of Hell Hole

prisons by barbaric guards(FN[1]). They are NOT Holiday Camps, as the brainwashed public
are constantly told by politicians & the media.

Your very mild criticism of prisons CONDONES the criminality of the monsters who run these
evil places! Sir David Ramsbotham was sacked from his post as HM Ch. Inspector of Prisons for
being honest. In his new book PRISONGATE, he tells of SOME of the crimes committed by
management & staff! Why are they never prosecuted for the serious crimes, the lesser ones
punished (rarely) with a slap on the wrist?


The gross ignorance, incompetence & inefficiency of the Prison Service (which must cost the
taxpayer many millions of s), is used as a weapon against their victims. Literate only in weasel
words & Orwellian Newspeak, paradoxically they are highly skilled in the practices described by
Euripides (480-406BC): They whom the Gods wish to destroy, they first drive mad, &
Alecksandr Solzhenitsyn, It is not necessary to use a rack or hot coals to drive the average human
being out of his mind. Suicides in prison? See Para. 13.


For 50 years after WW2 I worked honestly & hard, & was proud to be British. Not until the
age of 70 did I begin to learn with shock of fraud in the legal system (as described by Paul
Boateng MP). He promised to put an end to it, did nothing, & now holds high Cabinet Office. I
DID do something. Mindful of the words of Edmund Burke, In order that evil should triumph, it
is sufficient that good men do nothing, & remembering my brave young shipmates who had died
around me fighting the evil of Hitler, I could not turn my back.


Seeking to expose the fraudsters, I stood for Parliament in 1997, wrote the book CAUSE FOR
CONCERN & won a case in the European Court of Human Rights. It brought a much-needed
change in British law, incorporated into the 1998 Human Rights Act (confirmed by letter [1/9/98]
from Geoffrey Hoon MP, then Lord Irvines spokesman in The Commons).


This success could be unique, in that I achieved it single-handed (without a lawyer), that I left
school at 13 & have been a small farmer all my life, apart from wartime service in the Royal Navy.
My contribution to this nation (during WW2 - & more so now) is infinitely greater than the new
Master Race of lawyers, who have taken total control of the courts & the country.

10) The change I brought in British law is hated by them, & I am hated in
consequence. They, the media & The Establishment all follow the creed

of the great Lord Denning: Better that innocent men remain in prison
than that the integrity of the judiciary be impugned, said he, with total
contempt for his own judicial oath, AND that of the Queen -


- To Deliver Justice With Mercy.

There is as much chance of mercy for me as for a mouse in a snake pit!

11) In the Civil Appeal Court on 24th March 1999 I gave lessons in law & a beating to Lord Woolf
(then Master of the Rolls), Lord Justice Otton & LJ Ward. On 24th June 1999 I told them, Her
Majesty the Queen, whose courts these are, is badly served by the shysters who now infest the
judiciary. A newspaper half page colour spread was headlined, NORMAN ROUTS TOP
JUDGE. They did not lock me up for contempt of court, but just six weeks later came the
attack described in paragraph 1 & 2.
12) The diabolical treatment meted out to me is not only a measure of my success at exposing
fraud in the legal system, but the extent of it, going deeper, wider & higher than could be
COUNTRY, is that I am now to die in one or other of Her Majestys Gulag/Belsens! True,
they do not have gas chambers (yet) instead they drive many victims to take their own lives,
when it is described as suicide instead of the very nasty form of murder which it is. To
DELIBERATELY drive someone to insanity is a crime WORSE than murder. As a punishment it
is worse than the gallows. A bullet in the back of the head would be more humane!
14) All this, while the corrupt, sycophantic, brainwashed, & treacherous British people express hate
towards the victim, & the spineless turn their backs, fearful that they could be next. Proud to be
British for 70 years, my pride turned to shame as I learned that PERFIDIOUS ALBION was

From: Norman Scarth: Survived bloody battle in World War II fighting for
Democracy, Freedom, Justice & the Rule of Law: Worked honestly & hard
for 60 years: Late in life became an observer, researcher, student, &
successful single-handed reformer of law: Author of the book Cause for
Concern, exposing corruption in the courts. (see the words of Denning,
para. 11):
Parliamentary Candidate: Hon. Sec. of the Litigants In Person Society:
Member of The Article 6 Group: Committed to exposing criminal misuse of law in
British courts
Wake up Britain. Not for my sake, but for your own! YOU could be next! You are a dangerous
man said Judge David Ronald Bentley. Indeed I am, but dangerous to whom? I am dangerous
because I have a little skill with the pen, a little knowledge of the law, & a LOT of evidence of
FRAUD IN THE LEGAL SYSTEM which is why the fraudsters are determined I will never get
out alive! Lord Chief Justice Woolf said (Sunday Times 15/6/03) Killers should not be jailed for
life. I have killed nobody, attacked nobody yet that humane judge & his underlings are
determined that I will die in prison (see para. 11 & 12). It is my punishment for impugning the
integrity of the judiciary, but ALSO a warning to anyone one else who may be thinking to do the
There SHOULD be expression of outrage, shock & horror from the British people at what is being
done to me.


NOT for my sake (which matters not a jot);
NOT because I am a nice fella
(which I am not);
NOT because I did my bit in the fight against the evil of Hitler (which is true);
NOT because I worked honestly & hard for 50 years after harder than ever now (also
NOT because I won a case in The European Court of Human Rights without a lawyer
(which I did):
NOT because I brought a much-needed change in British law, single-handed (which I did);
NOT even because my treatment has been savage & brutal beyond belief (which it has);
but BECAUSE - in its treatment of me Britain has revealed itself as a sophisticated Police State,
without either Democracy, Freedom, the Rule of Law, Justice - OR ONE OUNCE OF MERCY!
Instead of the Rule of Law - we have the Rule of LAWYERS! Sadly, like the Germans in the
1930s, most of the British people are happy to live in 1984 or too cowardly to speak up!
It was wonderful for the Germans then, but there was a price to pay in the end. There will be again.
To: Gerry Sutcliffe MP, Terry Rooney MP & Marsha SINGH MP, Member of the House of
Commons Home Affairs Committee, Kirkgate, BRADFORD BD1 1SZ. T.01274 402 220. email
singhmp@parliament.uk .

Is there ONE of you with a conscience or a soul?

I paraphrase Martin Luther King:

I fear not the words & actions of the wicked, but I DO fear the silence of the
Do not take revenge my friends, but leave room for Gods
wrath, for it is written It is mine to avenge: I will repay says the Lord. He will surely
repay those who wear poppies & shed crocodile tears with such hypocrisy on
Remembrance Day, but by their silence are party to the torture & murder of one of
those they purport to honour.
The Bible says, ROMANS 12.19:

The sooner I join my brave young shipmates who died around me 60 years ago the better.

The nation refused to believe there could be a doctor like Harold Shipman. Protected by the
General Medical Council, he was able to do much more harm than he should have been able
to. There ARE Shipmans in the judiciary. They are much better protected than was
Signed by:
Norman Scarth (aka Winston Smith)
POLITICAL PRISONER GV5409, currently being tortured
on Death Row at Her Majestys Gulag/Belsen, Armley, LEEDS LS12 2TJ

This is only A TINY PART of the savagery of Shyster Blairs Police State. Matrix
Chambers was set up by wife Cheri - to fulfill her passion for Human Rights! Where are
they now?
TO CHARLES KENNEDY MP: Take this up & you WILL be the next Prime Minister
with a massive majority. Turn a blind eye like ALL our lawyer controlled watchdogs

Part of a letter dated 10 Nov 2003

To Mrs. Marisa Sarda (Associate of The ARTICLE 6 GROUP of Law Centres),
C/o. 65, Harefield Road, COVENTRY CV2 4BX. redlondonbus@hotmail.com ||
My brother got a reply (to the IDS document) from an office boy, with the usual, It is a strict Parliamentary convention (cop out!) that
MPs do not take up matters for people outside their own constituency.
The letter was NOT about me but about the horror of our sophisticated BRITISH Belsens! AND for all he knows, I could be from his
I notice your telephone number (02476 451 214) is on your letter to the Queen. I will try to ring.
My current address is: Political Prisoner GV5409, Death Row, HMP Wolds Gulag, BROUGH, E.Yorks, HU15 2JZ.
It has taken many thousands to destroy one little old man who was a threat to crooked judges, but more than that, it has taken the silence of
the treacherous British People. The treachery of many fellow victims has been worst of all. They include Andrew Yiannides & Geoffrey
Scriven, both of whom have spread poison about me.

Today (6/11/03) I received from my brother Jack a copy of your letter to him dated 27/10/03. To put you in the
picture: Though the document to I.D.S. & Charles Kennedy was read, agreed & sent by him, the idea &
wording was mine (in that Jack does not have the facilities to produce such a document). He also has
intermittent - but serious illness, when he is able to do very little. Your suggestions would be beyond him when


I REPEAT MY THANKS FOR ALL YOU HAVE DONE FOR ME (& for this nation). I admire your
courage, tenacity & energy. I know your suggestions & advice are well meant - but are suggestions any use to
a caged & defenceless animal? (which is what I am). Would suggestions have been any good to Terry Waite?
In some ways I am even worse off than him. At least people all over the world were aware of his plight, &
many millions were campaigning for his release. Had the worst happened, he would have been remembered
as a Hero. The whole world knows of the plight of Aung San Suu Qui in Burma. The world knows nothing
about me except the monstrous lies fed by Judge David Ronald Bentley to the specially selected jury,
repeated by the completely corrupt media.

PLEASE forgive me when I say there are serious errors of fact in your letter to Jack. You say that I
have been punished for attempted murder. Quite untrue! I was not even charged with that, much less
convicted. The conviction was for a WOUNDING offence. The minor injury (which needed only a few
stitches) was caused by the police NOT by me. Even if all the monstrous lies fed to the jury were true (they
were not) - it would NOT have been an offence under British law, my defence being absolute. Even if it HAD
been an offence, the crimes AGAINST me - & the grotesque trial - were a million times worse!


It is NOT suggestions or advice that I need but SUPPORT! - & that would mean tens of 1,000s of
people picketing the courts, prisons, & marching on Downing Street. That is the only way I could ever get out
alive, but IT WILL NOT HAPPEN so much under pressure are the victims, so corrupt, brainwashed,
spineless & treacherous are the rest of the British people!
PLEASE do not tell me to be nice to crooked judges & politicians. I could grovel & crawl on bare
knees for 1,000 miles, there would not be a shred of mercy from these depraved monsters. SOMEBODY has
to speak the truth about them, & Fate has decided it should be me! You criticize me for using the strongest
terms. None other will do. The nation ignored Churchill when he denounced Hitler but this nation had to
pay for it in the end. the German people paying even more dearly.
I was a destroyer man in WW2. When heavily outgunned & outnumbered (as I am) the tradition was to
go into close range at full speed, all guns blazing death or glory. On Boxing Day 1943 it was death for
1,867 very brave German sailors, & glory for us. I grieve now that their deaths, & the deaths of my own
young shipmates were all in vain. That which we fought against then is here now in Britain! I go in all guns
blazing now knowing it will continue to do me great harm, but only so that the truth may be on record after
my death.

From first beginning to learn of corruption in 1995, I travelled without payment to courts (mainly civil) all
over England, supporting other victims: Barrow in Furness; Lancaster; Manchester; Warrington; Stockport;
Durham; Scarborough; York; Hull; Leeds; Bradford; Otley; Dewsbury; Chesterfield; Ilkeston; Nottingham;

Leicester; Birmingham; Bristol & the Royal Courts of Corruption & Injustice - multiple visits to most of
them. I spent one day a week, in winter, alone outside Leeds Courthouse, handing out Suzon Forscey Moores
leaflets - instead of my own.


Of all those people for whom I travelled so far, & those with whom I spent hours on the telephone giving
advice, YOU are the ONLY one who has not deserted me completely in my own hour of need! Several have
spread poison about me, stabbed me in the back, and/or robbed me!

Please forgive me AGAIN for telling you that I have already done everything you suggest
[especially on page 2]. Your suggestions of tactics indicate that EVEN YOU with all that you have suffered
do not yet realise just HOW corrupt, brainwashed, gullible, spineless & depraved are most of the British
people! This, from me, a man proud to be British for 70 years!

Immediately after the mob-handed attack on 8th August 1999 you did say to me on the telephone, You
have no right to be in the house. I must make it clear that after the death of my friend, I had not the slightest
wish to remain in the house, (it was not convenient for me) but in law I had an absolute RIGHT to do so.
That right was confirmed later by Chancery Judge Behrens, who granted with costs my appeal against a
Possession Order obtained by perjury & deception. My ONLY reason for staying on was to bring to light the
horrific crime against me by the mob-handed gang of Gestapo police!


Your para. 1: Rub Labour MPs the wrong way & they will not give you support. Will they ever? See
my para. D.

K. Your para. 3: 2 million on the streets of London opposing the war on Iraq. You admit that the
Government completely ignored that protest. IF those 2 million had shown that Blair is just like Sadaam
Hussein, silencing political opponents by inflicting terror, brutality, imprisonment & torture. It COULD have
made a difference!

I have no delusions of grandeur, but it IS true that my single handed success in the ECHR, & the change
in British law occasioned thereby (incorporated into the 1998 Human Rights Act) was more than achieved by
any other British LIP. The change is much hated by lawyers & judges - & I am hated for it. The horror
inflicted on me since is the highest compliment they could pay me. Could it be that the reason for so many
LIPS deserting me is that they are jealous of that success? Hard to believe but where are they?

M. The fact that all but a tiny handful (literally) of the British people abandoned me told the monsters that
they had nothing to fear from those same British people.
Write to backbenchers with guts you say. I DID! Immediately after the attack of 8/8/99 my desperate
calls for help went to ALL the ones you mention, plus Tony Benn, Martin (anti-sleaze) Bell, Dennis Skinner,
& later to 200 others months BEFORE the crime I am supposed to have committed! Not a word from
any except Tony Benn (my opponent at the 1997 General Election): Im sure this can be sorted out with a
little common sense at local level. Would a little common sense at local level have sorted out Hitlers
Gestapo? Every day now we see him parading himself as the conscience of the Labour Party. I admire almost
everything he SAYS, but his silence over me proves that he is as corrupt as the rest but even MORE
hypocritical! Ask him why he does not say of me This man is not a criminal, he should not be in prison as
he said of 2 striking miners who had murdered a defenceless taxi-driver! They were out of prison in quick
O. After the second attack on me, I asked Marsha Singh (he WAS my MP) to put down an EDM. He didnt!
Instead, you wrote a chummy letter to Dear Graham, the Chief Constable the man responsible (vicariously
at least) for the attacks. He wrote back an equally chummy letter Dear Marsha. By his inaction & silence, he
was party to the COVER-UP of that horrific police crime, and to the even more horrific crime against me
since, including malicious prosecution & perjury, followed by incredible physical brutality & extreme mental
torture in our British Belsen prisons!

Your para. 5: Proof of brutality & torture. Will a dead body will be some sort of proof? Will the
British people care even then?

Q. Your para. 6, says I should not Criticize the Prison System. Should we not condemn evil? We did not
criticize Hitlers concentration camps until too late! Forget about me the crime committed against ALL
prisoners is of NATIONAL importance! (See Sir David Ramsbothams new book PRISONGATE!)
Witness to perjury?. I EXPOSED the perjury. With no personal axe to grind, I pressed for prosecution
of the powerful perjurers, but was insulted & given the run around. From then on I became a marked man!


Your para. 7: Try to get anger out of your system. Someone else has said that. Should we not express
anger about torturers & murderers like Brady & Hindley; madmen Blair & Bush & the depraved monsters
with wigs & robes?


Honest decent Christians who have consciences? The British Christians have neither consciences nor
soul. I contacted the Rev Gaston of Leeds, because he had been prosecuted for protesting about the war
against Iraq. I thought, Here is a man with conscience & courage. He came to my Chief Constable hearing
on 14/7/03, came to visit me in Armley Gaol, & to Wolds Prison - for 20 minutes. He promised to come
again. That was 2 months ago not a word since. He too has got frightened - or been warned off! (Late
note, 16/01/04: he has in fact been quite treacherous.)

Do not use strong language & call prisons extermination camps. What SHOULD we call them?
Holiday Camps as politicians & the media constantly tell the people? They do not have gas chambers yet
but they DO drive victims to take their own lives, then call it suicide instead of the very clever & very
nasty form of murder which it truly is! If an old man or woman, subjected to abuse by barbaric prison
guards, dies of a heart attack, it is NOT death from natural causes. That is what happened to Fred Hill, a
despatch rider in WW2, sent to prison by some sadistic judge or magistrate because he objected to being
forced to wear a crash helmet when on his moped.

See if you can persuade Norman to talk to all the priests who visit prisoners who can write letters
pleading Christian values. Marisa, you DO live in Fairyland! I have spoken to every Chaplain in the 11
prisons I have been in. They ALL ran away as fast as they could! The whole Prison Service HATES the
prisoner who claims to be a victim of injustice ESPECIALLY those who try to prove it without a lawyer!
ALL the Chaplains share that hatred as do nearly all the doctors (I have only met one who is fit to be a
doctor). At each of the Chapels I asked to read verses from the Bible relevant to ALL prisoners. Grudgingly
& suspiciously they allowed me to at first, but now the word has been passed round, & they will not allow me

W. Your paragraph 7.5: suggesting that my brother use Normans address book ask them to write letters of
support. On first learning of corruption in the courts, I started a case for defamation against the man who was
the trigger for the wrong done to me. Many people I had helped over the years wrote glowing testimonials
covering 60 years of my life from the age of 17. About 2 or 3 months ago I sent details of my present
circumstance to about 12 of them. I hoped for expressions of shock, horror & outrage. Not a single word of
response from any except for a woman in her 80s. Her first letter gave me a glimmer of hope, but a later
one purporting to give me advice said not a word of criticism of the monsters, but was really an attack
upon me!
7.6: people do not want to give up one day of their lives for things which do not affect them. THERE
YOU HAVE IT! They wear poppies purporting to honour those who gave their lives 60 years ago - & they
will not give one day! (see the words of Pastor Martin Neimuller in Nazi Germany). It DOES affect them & WILL affect their children! (See Para. F for what I did recently - apart from what I did in WW2 - & my
brave young shipmates who gave their lives then ).

8. The media. Dont upset them you say!. They ALL knew of the attack of 8/8/99 from the beginning
but the media moguls & press barons (more than any), are a major part of the corruption. 3 or 4 years ago
Chris Fogarty from Chicago wrote wonderful testimonials for my work exposing corruption in the courts.
One of them said something like, Corruption in Britain is far worse than in our own failing (American)
system. Corrupt government, corrupt politicians, corrupt cops - & a news media that is in bed with everything
corrupt. He is absolutely right. They feed the public pap & lies, expose what the want to but will NOT
expose a completely corrupt judiciary they like things the way they are!


It can be put simply: Hitler achieved power through Democracy. So did Blair. Would any of the things
you suggest have done any good in Hitlers Germany? Blairs regime in Britain is just as bad, but less honest,
the victims fewer as yet! The Germans had to pay heavy price in the end. It WILL happen here.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -

AA. You take me to task for writing of treachery by 99.9% the British people. That described here is only a tiny
part. There has been treachery by my sister & her 2 Masonic sons. Unbelievable treachery by Royal Navy
Veterans organisations of which I was a member: The Russian Convoy Club (Dewsbury Branch, who meet at
Eastborough Working Mens Club); The Royal Naval Association, Headingley, Leeds, being the two worst.
Others are The RNA who meet at East Leeds Ex-Servicemens Club(?);The North Russia Club, & NESA
(National Ex Servicemens Association), run by a man called Arthur Lane. He claims not to be concerned with
Ceremonial Parades etc., but only with those who have been let down by The State yet he sent a most

vicious Email about me; A captain from the Royal British Legion (a lovely man!?) came to see me when I
was in Dovegate Prison but not a word from him since!
BB. A man who calls himself John O publishes a regular newsletter about prisoners who are victims of
injustice yet he DELIBERATELY ignores me - & in fact sent me a most vicious letter. (Ann Mallaby has a
copy). Is this the price he pays for the 300,000 lottery grant he recently got for helping asylum seekers?
CC. A recent Report by the Prison Reform Trust says that elderly prisoners (above 60) should not be in prison,
but in secure nursing homes. I am 78 do they mean me?

Additional note to Edmund Quinn (ex RAF, friend of Marisa Sarda). 87, Church Lane, COVENTRY CV2 4AL.
My brother has not yet sent me a copy of your letter to him, but did read some of it out to me on the telephone. He tells me
you said I should follow Marisas advice. Brave & lovely lady though she is, I hope this letter will show that her suggestions
are nonsense. It is precisely because people are afraid to speak out that Britain (like Germany in the 1930s) is now a terrorist
Police State! Let those who want to sweet talk The Devil & his millions of disciples do so. Very late in life I was chosen to
speak the truth - & to be tortured & crucified for doing so.
Yes, Marisa has supported me, but she will tell you I have done much for her; travelled to The ROYAL COURTS OF
(corruption & in)JUSTICE many times, tape recorded several of her hearings, then spent hours transcribing them. It was in
fact me who found in the Practice Direction volume of the Rules of the Supreme Court the one which allows people to use
a tape recorder in court (with the permission of the judge). I think it was PD 274 or something like that. If Marisa could
find it & send me a few photo copies I would be grateful. It is precisely BECAUSE I was being effective that they have
targeted me with such venom.


I am aware (as you are) that for Summonses to be issued, it is only necessary (at this stage) to give the Statute
or Common Law description of the offence, with sufficient information to enable the Defendant to identify the
circumstances complained of. However, this being a most important matter (more for the nation than myself), I
start with a Preface:
In 1984 the United Nations laid down the
Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners (UNSMR), as the MINIMUM for civilised nations.

It is astonishing & horrifying that very few members of the Prison Service (from Governors downwards) have
even heard of those MINIMUM rules, much less read them - or abide by them! They are flouted regularly, to a
seriously criminal degree. Flouted equally are the European Convention on Human Rights & the 1998 Human
Rights Act. Those who do not themselves actively commit crime turn a blind eye to those who do, which is
itself crime.
Equally horrifying is the fact that the whole of the Prison Service are hostile to any prisoner who dares to claim
innocence - & especially so to one who seeks to prove it without a lawyer. They will obstruct him in the most
fiendish ways.
In this they match the legal professionals, by whom they are protected. Such discrimination as there may be
against Asians, Muslims, Blacks, Gypsies or Asylum Seekers in the courts is as nothing compared to that against
the L.I.P. As Honorary Secretary of the Litigants In Person Society I have much more experience than just my

Cells of despair: our treatment of young offenders is a criminal act.

Earlier, on The TV Frost Programme 22/7/01, he spoke of barbaric prison officers!
For their own strange reasons, politicians & The Media are constantly telling the public that British prisons are
Holiday Camps. Sir David Ramsbothams new book PRISONGATE tells otherwise with horrific
revelations of the criminality of the Prison Service.
Extracts were in The Times, T2, from 2 nd October
2003 onwards.
Front page, box headline:

It is FAR worse than even he describes! All political parties compete in their aims to Clamp Down on Crime.
Why are the big criminals in the Prison Service never prosecuted only the lesser ones receiving a very rare
slap on the wrist? The book was reviewed by his predecessor as HM Ch. Insp. of Prisons, Sir Stephen Tumim,
each of them sacked for being too honest!
In 2001, Martin Narey (then Director General of the Prison Service) condemned his own service for a litany of
failure & moral neglect in Hell Hole prisons! Prison staff only need use the word Security no matter how
farcically - then make their own rules & laws. The Complaints Procedure is an obscene farce, designed &
used to drive the victim to despair, often to take their own lives, when it is described as suicide, rather than the
very nasty form of murder which it is.
Such censure as occasionally comes from inquests or the European Court of Human Rights are only the tip of
the iceberg. The ECtHR ruled that the deaths of Mark Keenan at Exeter Prison, & Mavis McGlinchey at ???
resulted from violations of Article 3 (Torture & Inhuman or Degrading Treatment), but no action has been taken
against those who inflicted it.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - I, Norman Scarth (address below), hereby LAY INFORMATION against Stacey Tasker, Governor of Leeds
Prison, Armley, LEEDS LS12 2TJ, as below:
INFORMATION ONE: that from 24/10/03 up to date she, along with others under her control, did commit
against Norman Scarth the Common Law offence of Obstructing & Perverting the Course of Justice,
INFORMATION TWO: that during the same period (& previously), she & others did inflict terror, oppression,
starvation & extreme mental torture on Norman Scarth (an old man of 78), contrary to Statute law.
INFORMATION THREE: that personally or vicariously, she did commit the Common Law offence of
Misconduct in Public Office by failing to investigate an official complaint of assault (an attack with a fire
hose) on Norman Scarth, which took place on or about 16/7/03. (Regina v Dytham, CA, 1974, ruled that
omission (failure to act) can be as culpable as the commission of an offence).
Norman Scarth (born 1925). After a long lifetime of honourable service to my King, my Queen & my Country,
I am currently a prisoner at Her Majestys Prison Leeds, Armley, LEEDS LS12 2TJ
The facts in these INFORMATIONS are true to the best of my knowledge & belief. Signed:
Norman Scarth 3rd Dec. 2003
Note: I do not make frivolous or wild accusations. My case in the ECtHR (33745/96) brought a much needed
change in British law, incorporated into the 1998 Human Rights Act (confirmed by a letter to Jacqui Lait MP
dated 1/9/98 from Geoffrey Hoon MP, then Lord Chancellor Irvines spokesman in The Commons). Tony Blair
& Jack Straw both condemned the Walk On By Society (those who turn a blind eye to crime). It is not only
my right, but my duty (& yours)to bring these matters to light.


o Ward Hadaway solicitors, Sandgate House, 102, Quayside, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3DX.

T.0191 204 4000. F.4001



Your Ref.

Further & better particulars.

Also to Leeds Courthouse, for the personal attention of HH Judge Grenfell, AS DIRECTED BY HIM


Please read my two letters to the Home Secretary, HoSec29Sept03 &

HoSec30Oct03 (enclosed) before reading this. They challenge the preposterous claim

by the judiciary that they have licence to commit crime with impunity, as proclaimed
by the great Lord Denning in Sirros v Moore, CA, 1974(?), Though (a judge) be
motivated by the utmost greed, envy, malice & all uncharitableness, he is not liable to
any action. Those letters to Home Secretary Blunkett have (of course), been
completely ignored by him, the man who wore a poppy as he promised We will get of
airy-fairy Human Rights (rights for which millions of men, including my own brave
young shipmates, gave their lives).

In responding to your letter of 6/11/03 I use plain language. Legalese, weasel words & Orwellian
Newspeak are not appropriate.


I hope the nation is horrified at the revelations in the new book PRISONGATE of the criminality of
the Prison Service. Written by Sir David Ramsbotham, 'retired' from his post as HM Ch. Insp. of Prisons
for telling the truth, he tells only a tiny part.


You refer to my difficulties. That is the understatement of the millennium. The hatred of lawyers
& judges for the Litigant In Person (& the depths to which they will sink to indulge it) is comparable to
that of Hitler, Himmler, Goebbels, Heydrich et al, for the Jews. Being Hon. Sec. of the Litigants In
Person Society, I have much more experience than just my own. Prison Service staff have the same
hatred, act as pimps for lawyers & (like the police), know they have licence to commit any crime against
the LIP.


You also write of unfairness to Professor Curran. Let he & you suffer the unfairness inflicted on
me by this lawyer controlled Police State before you dare complain. After 60 years of honourable
service to my King, my Queen & my Country, I suffered the terror of crude assassination attempts (by
unaccountable, untouchable British Gestapo) 11 months house arrest (imprisoned by justifiable fear);
physical brutality that put me in hospital; malicious prosecution; perjury at a grotesque trial; & - for a
first offence at the age of 75 (then) - a ten year sentence (not six) imposed by a psychopathic Judge
David Ronald Bentley. This has been followed by incredible physical brutality, unrelenting mental
torture, starvation & sleep deprivation in a succession of sophisticated British Belsens (it was the British
who invented concentration camps).


Let Professor Curran give his professional opinion of the mental state of Judge Bentley, & of
Goldsack, whose malevolence is described in paras. 3 & 4 of HoSec29Sept03. You heard Judge
Grenfell say, I do not have the jurisdiction when I asked him to do something. Yet he admitted that he
had struck out my claim against Yorkshire Post Newspapers (LS 190 173) three months AFTER
judgment in my favour. YOU know, I know, & HE knows, that no judge in the land has jurisdiction to
do that!


By failing to make the Order for equality of arms (for which I have been asking for more than a
year), he condones, encourages (& thus becomes party to) the crimes against me, including obstructing
the course of justice, & extreme mental torture, both subject to life imprisonment. He made the sadistic
joke that I could write the documents by hand. He might as well have said a slate & piece of chalk. He
did indicate that he would contact the prison, to ensure that I was allowed to print documents from the
laptop computer allowed me. It is worthless without being able to print. So, what HAS happened?


Since arrival back from court on 11/11/03 (Armistice Day!) I have been kept in almost total isolation,
other prisoners not allowed to speak to me through the locked door. The tiny amount of food I request is
denied me if (at the age of 78) I do not get out of my cell quick enough to collect it. The most monstrous
lies & fiendish excuses are used to prevent me producing or printing documents. I am not allowed to
visit the library for leisure or legal research, or visit the chapel.


Family visits have been blocked, conferences with lay/legal advisers denied, telephone calls
severely restricted. Promised a week ago that I would be allowed a printer in my cell, it has not
happened. Showing the deadline date (4/12/03) on your letter to Senior Officer Gale, he promised that I
would be allowed access to a printer on Monday 1/12/03. Whether that will happen remains to be seen.
Whether I will be able to construct & print the documents & catch the post remains to be seen. Whether
I can retain a shred of sanity under such diabolical treatment is doubtful.

10) Courts & Prison Service combine to drive the hated LIP victim to despair, to mental breakdown, often

to take their own lives, when it is described as suicide instead of the very nasty form of murder which it
truly is.

11) I must say that up to your appointment of specialist counsel Jacob Dean, Ward Hadaway have acted
professionally, & treated me with respect. It is fact that lawyers are despised all over the world, &
Deans document shows why. Not content with defending your client, he launches on me the lawyers
equivalent of Sadaam Husseins poison gas attacks, adding his own sneers to those of Professor

12) You say that I have not followed the Civil Procedure Rules. Difficult. My own very expensive CD of
the CPR is stored on my own computer, which is here in this prison, but I am denied access to it!

13) You state that I have failed to provide further & better particulars. The computer was with me at
Newton Lodge & I did produce on it a document (Ref. NewL-10Feb03) which detailed & corrected the
false statements by Professor Curran. Copies of that document were delivered to J.Gardner (General
Manager) & Jacqui Beaument (Corporate Affairs Manager), both of NEWTON LODGE HOSPITAL
TRUST; also to John Wiggin (Acting General Manager) & Yvonne French (Mental Health Act
Fieldhead, Wakefield WF1 3SP. A copy was also sent to the GENERAL MEDICAL COUNCIL. I
cannot believe that one or other of them did not provide a copy to Professor Curran. It DID provide
further & better particulars.

14) That document too is on my own computer (stored in this prison), & it would be a simple matter to
produce another copy to send to you but, as stated above, I am denied access to it. Instead I must
summon up my flagging strength, forced to work through the night (as I am doing now), doing the work
again, trying to meet your deadline at an age when I should be enjoying a well-earned retirement!

15) Professor Currans Report (7/1/03) could win a prize as a work of fiction. It is not surprising that he
ignored my requests for a copy (also ignoring my several requests for the return of the Testimonials
document I loaned him).
It is diabolical that I should have to waste my precious time refuting his monstrous lies, garbage &
jargon, larded with pompous arrogance & impertinence. I list below some of the more blatant
falsehoods in his Report:

He was not willing to tell me anything about his past . FACT: The Testimonials document
quotes from about 51 testimonials, chronicling 60 years of my life from the age of 17. I told him that if
he doubted the provenance of the quotes, copies of the originals were available for his inspection.
Though he appeared to be reading the document in the Ward Office, his Report indicates that not one
word penetrated his brain.


apart from the fact that he had a constant battle with the medical profession . FACT:
Monstrously untrue. Fortunate to have had good health, I have had minimal contact with doctors for
myself, with no complaints whatsoever, & nothing but admiration for the GPs, hospital doctors & nurses
who have treated my parents & relatives over the years.


he believes that all doctors are corrupt. FACT: See above.


I was subjected to a monologue about the system trying to keep me quiet. FACT: I never
complain about the system. On the contrary, the one point I constantly make is that apologists for the
few scoundrels who are caught out, excuse & absolve them by blaming all faults on the system.


On mental examination (for perhaps 8 minutes) his hair was uncombed & slightly unkempt & he had
a slightly eccentric appearance. He was wearing sandals without socks. FACT: What has that to do
with anything? What would he have made of Mahatma Gandhi? Anyone who is not a sheep is labeled


He told me there was no-one at Newton Lodge who who was fit to assess me, & I interpreted
this to mean of the appropriate intellectual calibre. FACT: ALL his interpretations are wildly
inaccurate especially this one. See below.


his ideas were clearly grandiose his beliefs about his own superior intellect . Fact: I

have no delusions of grandeur about my own intellect. I left school at 13, & apart from fighting against
the evil of Hitler, have been a small farmer most of my life. Though I would never have done so up till
8th August 1999, where I now DO claim superiority is in conscience, integrity, courage & my
contribution to this nation far superior to that of Curran.

He told me that he had not made decision about my ability. FACT: His only true statement. I
hoped for the best from him, but it was soon obvious that his arrogance was a cover for his
incompetence. Even so, I was prepared to give him a chance.


He was extremely preoccupied with his rights, & the rights of other people, & bringing about
change. FACT: What on earth is wrong with that? Was it not true of Mahatma Gandhi, the
Suffragettes, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, et al? The preoccupations which Curran accuses me
of are certainly more worthy than those of his chums, who are preoccupied only with pumping me full of
drugs by force.


I reviewed him on 31st December 2002. I also had an opportunity to read his medical notes &
discuss his progress with members of staff. FACT: I have reviewed a cow in a field better when
passing on a train, but he was able to produce two pages of garbage from his imaginative science.


he was extremely negative & derogatory about the medical profession. FACT: See b) & c)
above, & see later.


some of his ideas would just meet the criteria for delusional beliefs. FACT: While at
Newton Lodge I kept asking for a copy of a page from the medical textbook Diagnostic Statistical
Manual (DSM-V). It was promised, but never received, so I am forced to rely on memory. It says
words to the effect that Anyone who seeks a remedy for an injustice in the courts of Britain is suffering
from paranoid delusions. Honest it does! I couldnt have put it better myself! By that criteria, until
the age of 70 I DID suffer from delusional beliefs! .


He does not like rules. FACT: Nobody in the land is more committed to the most important rule
- the Rule of Law! My commitment is in memory of my brave young shipmates who were maimed,
dead & dying around me by the score 60 years ago, when we fighting to preserve the Rule of Law, along
with Freedom, Justice & Democracy. They died in vain, all are gone from modern Britain. We now
have the Rule of Law-yers. They have achieved absolute power, & will destroy anyone (big or small)
they see as a threat to that power.


It is when I see the rules, & the law, flouted so contemptuously by those who run our courts, prisons
& secure hospitals, that I become extremely cantankerous & irritable as the culprits have
described me. It is not only my right, but my duty to denounce such crime.


Re. b), c) & k): constant battle with the medical profession, he believes that all doctors are
corrupt, extremely negative & derogatory about the medical profession. As stated, I never had
anything but respect for the medical profession until arriving at Newton Lodge! I had heard it said that
psychiatry was the refuge of those without the skills needed for the more demanding medical disciplines,
able to do little more than remember the jargon, & to give uppers & downers alternatively.


My constant battle did not start until very late in life, it was not a battle, but a search to find an
honest lawyer (until the age of 70 I believed, as I had been taught all my life, that our judges & our legal
system were the finest in the world): It was not against the medical profession, but against the
fraudsters in the legal system. They DO exist ask Paul Boateng MP!


In a letter dated 3/7/95 (when he was Legal Affairs Spokesman for the Labour Party, then in
opposition) he wrote, We will put an end to fraud in the legal system. He forgot his promise, did
nothing, & now holds high Cabinet Office. I DID do something - & am to die in prison while the
fraudsters continue their wicked ways!


Malice? Why should anyone tells such lies, apart from malice & why against me? Initially he may
only have been anxious to give support to a professional colleague, but the fact that I did not grovel on
our first meeting undoubtedly upset him, & he determined to get his own back! It is possible to
condemn with faint praise. It is also possible to condone with faint criticism, & Professor Currans
advice to Dr. Quinn (not to use force to inject me) was in such faint terms as to be positive
encouragement. Dr. Quinn accepted it as such, as shown by the words in one of his Reports, repeated
from the witness box in Sheffield Crown Court. To give The Devil his due, Dr. Quinn (whether from

good or bad motives) DID try to save me from the psychopaths who run our prisons. See paras. 3 & 4 of
document Hosec29Sept03.
THE FACTS IN THIS WITNESS STATEMENT are true to the best of my recollection, knowledge &

Signed: Norman Scarth,

Nov. 2003


In The Gulag Archipelago, Alecksandr Solzhenytsin wrote: Im dragging it out into the light of
day all on my own. Of course there are hundreds like me who could drag it out too. Well, it didnt
fall to them, it fell to me. And I am doing the work of a hundred men, & thats all there is to it.
God (or Fate, or whoever) has chosen me to do the work of ten thousand men. I suppose it is an
honour but I wish He had chosen someone else!
Since incarceration, by superhuman effort I have managed to start the actions listed below. There
are far too many, but any one of them can bring horrific truth to light:
Appeals against conviction & against sentence: Crim. Appeal Ct. R v N.Scarth, Ref.
2001/2818/Y3 & 2002/00269Y3/A0 ||||
Application. to Set Aside unlawful judgment of 4/4/03.
Appeal against unlawfully re-imposed sentence: 2003/02978/Y3 |||||
Bail Application 2003/02978/Y3
CCRC, R v Scarth 00582/2001, & 00414/2003 ||||
High Court (Admin Court, RCJ), The Queen v Bradford Justices (ex parte N.Scarth)
CO/3653/2001, |||| & The Queen v Premier Custodial Group (ex parte N.Scarth), CO/3236/2001.
High Court (Leeds D.R.), N.Scarth v Premier Custodial Group, LS 154 664. ||||
N.Scarth v Graham Moore (ex Ch. Con. of W.Yorks) LS 190 197. ||||
N.Scarth v Yorkshire Post Newspapers Ltd. LS 190 173. My 100,000 libel Claim. Judgment in
my favour 5/9/01 but Claim struck out three months AFTER judgment !!!! Appeal Court
judge pretended judgment did not exist! My attempts to Petition the House of Lords over this
brought correspondence with their Judicial Office (from 20 Jan 03). There own documents are
proof that the skullduggery goes right to the top.
Dossier re. Grenfell & Leeds Courthouse staff sent to Lord Chancellors Judicial Appointments
Group. Div V. re. the above. It was given a Ref. No. C99/282/10.
LATE NOTE, 6th January 2004. I found the tel. no. & rang: Was Judicial Appointments
Group, now Judicial Correspondence Group. Tel: 020 7217 4847. Mr. H. Hochfelder confirmed
they had documents from me on 12/6/01, 26/09/01 (The dossier C99/282/10) & 1/10/01. He
promised to send me copies. Copy of C/282/10 did arrive, but not the other two. I rang Mr.
Hochfelfers number (0207 217 4805 Fax 4875). Mr. Michael Coyne said he would leave a note
for Mr. Hochfelder.

N.Scarth v Kenneth Neil Roberts, LS 190 350. ||||

N.Scarth v A.Blair, LS 154 665: Petition to have Blairs 2001 election declared nul &
void, because a candidate intending to stand against him (me), & eligible to do so (in spite
of being in prison at the time) was prevented from so doing. At the second of two
hearings Judge Wolstenholme(?) struck out the petition. The hearings were very civilized,
but completely unlawful, in gross violation of Article 6 of the ECHR. The judges
position, promotion or sacking depended on Lord Chancellor Irvine, & HIS position
depended entirely on Tony Blair. The case was cast iron, & I would have taken it further,
but one little old man can only do so much. George W. Bush is President by bad
arithmetic, & Blair is PM by skullduggery as great as anything in Zimbabwe.
N.Scarth v S.Curran LS 390 259 the Professor of psychiatry who says Im crackers! I
dont object to that but he also told lies about me!
European Court of Human Right, PP 14120/2001.
During a break in my trial, a dossier (including the press banning notice) was sent to
Lord Chancellor Irvine, asking him to send an incognito observer. He didnt. It was also
sent to about 60 MPs, Baroness (Betty) Boothroyd, & Baroness Gould of Potternewton
(where I was reared) but ignored by all.

To all Litigants In Person.

I have a copy of a letter from Lord Chancellor Irvine (signedDerry) to Austin Mitchell MP,
8 August 1997, (re. Mrs. E.M.Gaskell Syms). It includes the words:
I should explain that it can be possible to arrange to listen to the courts tape of a hearing, if
a person is unsure of the accuracy of the transcript.
I 1998 I was in the process of appealing against a judgment against me in a civil action, went
to Leeds Combined Court Centre & asked to listen to the tape. Counter woman expressed
shock Youre not allowed to that said she. I told her she was wrong, so she brought her
superior, who also said it was not allowed. I told her I had a letter from the Lord Chancellor
saying I could, so she told me I must bring it. I did so but it took eight months before I was
allowed to do so, HH Judge Robert Taylor having giving permission. By which time the
appeal hearing had been & gone.
However, I still wanted to hear it, so on 3 Feb 99 (I think) went to the courthouse. A young
man (who had been an hotel worker till six months before) took me into a room to run the
tape. I intended to record it on that while listening. He would not allow me to do so, &
called called his superior, Scott Smith, a giant of a man., who confirmed the refusal.
On other occasions I had been able to show staff that I knew more of the law than they did, &
security staff were always hovering threateningly whenever I was in the building, so I always
tried to have a companion with me. On this occasion it was another old age pensioner.
Scott Smith said Youve got permission to listen to the tape, but you havent got permission
to have someone with you! At which time another man, three security guards & three police
officers arrived! My inoffensive companion had said not a word, but it was obvious they

intended to use force to remove him, so he left quietly.

That left me in the room with nine hostile people, making me fear that I might fall down the
steps or something like that. That was the atmosphere while I was listening. Already a
marked man, this made it obvious.
My written complaints about the oppressive treatment were answered with weasel words.
Earlier I had made official written complaint about Scott Smith falsifying a court document
a serious criminal offence. That too, had been answered with weasel words.

The United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of

Prisoners (1984) (UNSMR), were laid down as the MINIMUM for civilised
See end for response to this Complaint
THIS Complaint is against only one prison officer, but that which lies behind it is of vital importance (more for
the nation than myself), so I start with a Preface:
It is astonishing & horrifying that very few members of the Prison Service (from Governors downwards) has
even heard of those MINIMUM rules, much less read them - or abide by them! They are flouted regularly, to a
seriously criminal degree. Flouted equally are the European Convention on Human Rights & the 1998 Human
Rights Act. Those who do not themselves actively commit crime turn a blind eye to those who do, which is
itself crime.
Equally horrifying is the fact that the whole of the Prison Service are hostile to any prisoner who dares to claim
innocence - & especially so to one who seeks to prove it without a lawyer. They will obstruct him in the most
fiendish ways.
In this they match (& are protected by) the legal professionals. Such discrimination as there may be in the
courts against Asians, Muslims, Blacks, Gypsies or Asylum Seekers is as nothing compared to that against the
L.I.P. As Honorary Secretary of the Litigants In Person Society I have much more experience than just my
For their own strange reasons, politicians & the media are constantly telling the public that British prisons are
Holiday Camps.
Earlier, on The TV Frost Programme 22/7/01, he spoke of barbaric prison officers!
Cells of despair: our treatment of young offenders is a criminal act.
Sir David Ramsbothams new book PRISONGATE tells otherwise with horrific revelations of the criminality
of the Prison Service.
Extracts were in The Times, T2, from 2 nd October 2003 onwards.
Front page, box headline:
It is FAR worse than even he describes! All political parties compete in their aims to Clamp Down on Crime.
Why are the big criminals in the Prison Service never prosecuted only the lesser ones receiving a very rare
slap on the wrist? Whatever happened to Zero Tolerance, currently promoted so strongly? Sir Davids book
was reviewed by his predecessor as HM Ch. Insp. of Prisons, Sir Stephen Tumim, each of them sacked for being
too honest!
In 2001, Martin Narey (then Director General of the Prison Service) condemned his own service for a litany of
failure & moral neglect in Hell Hole prisons! Prison staff only need use the word Security no matter how
farcically - then make their own rules & laws. The Complaints Procedure is an obscene farce, designed &
used to drive the victim to despair, often to take their own lives, when it is described as suicide, rather than the
very nasty form of murder which it is.
Such censure as occasionally comes from inquests or the European Court of Human Rights reveals only the tip
of the iceberg. The ECtHR ruled that the deaths of Mark Keenan at Exeter Prison, & Mavis McGlinchey at

???? resulted from violations of Article 3 (Torture & Inhuman or Degrading Treatment), but no action has been
taken against those who inflicted it.
It is a fact of life that there are millions of psychopaths (blatant or latent) in the world. Without their
enthusiastic support, Hitler, Stalin, Idi Amin, Pol Pot et al, could not have done as they did. In his book 1984
George Orwell tried to warn Britain that they exist in equal numbers here.
Looking for power over others, it would be surprising if they were not attracted to the Prison Service. Sadly, the
service does little to keep them out, or to curb their abuse of power when they are in (vide Ramsbotham, Tumim
& Narey).
THIS REQUEST/COMPLAINT: Norman Scarth (born 1925). After a long lifetime of honourable service to
my King, my Queen & my Country, I am currently a prisoner at Her Majestys Prison Leeds, Armley, LEEDS
LS12 2TJ. The Rules require that consideration shall be given to my age, temperament & record. They also
require that personal shall have humanity, integrity, an adequate standard of education & intelligence &
conduct themselves & perform their duties so as to influence the prisoners for good by their example & to
command respect. Officer X.XXXX gives me to understand that he is my Personal Officer. He has none of
the qualities as above, is sadistic & oppressive, flouting the Rules, doing everything he can to obstruct me,
provoke me, deny me what little food I ask for, &/or drive me to despair. He is a most vicious psychopath. I
ask that some other officer be appointed as my Personal Officer. What action should be taken against
X.XXXX is another matter.
Note: I do not make frivolous or wild accusations. My case in the ECtHR (33745/96) brought a much needed
change in British law, incorporated into the 1998 Human Rights Act (confirmed by a letter to Jacqui Lait MP
dated 1/9/98 from Geoffrey Hoon MP, then Lord Chancellor Irvines spokesman in The Commons). Tony Blair
& Jack Straw both condemned the Walk On By Society (those who turn a blind eye to crime). It is not only
my right, but my duty (& yours) to bring these matters to light.
STOP PRESS: As a LIP, access to a computer, printer, copier etc. is my lawful right. Belatedly given a laptop computer,
very limited access to a printer on Education has been stopped, every fiendish excuse being used. First it was said that
someone did not like what I was printing. ALL my documents are legal, strictly confidential - & for anyone to read them is
unlawful! Then it was said that I was disruptive a monstrous lie. I have a great backlog of work to catch up on, & do not
have time to be disruptive. Today, Tues. 2/12/03, the cat has been let out of the bag. The reason given now is that they do
not want me to be seen with the laptop, as other prisoners are asking why they cannot have one. IN OTHER WORDS,
innocent) PRISONERS!!!
(Added in writing): Ignorance, incompetence & inefficiency of staff is not only tolerated, but used as a weapon against
prisoners, but this is pure malice. Just one more example of of the flouting of the UNSMR. There is much more, which I
will detail if I live long enough under the torture inflicted on me here!
Written on front of Pink Form COMP 2: You act in the name of the Queen, & are supposedly bound by her oath, TO
DELIVER JUSTICE WITH MERCY. I have as much chance of Mercy as a mouse in a snake pit, but live in hope.

The Complaints Procedure is an obscene farce, designed & used to drive the victim to despair, often to take their own lives,
when it is described as suicide - instead of the clever form of murder which it truly is. Adolf Eichman was described as a
desk murderer. He was eventually hung for it.
(Written on back of Pink Form, under What would you like to see done about your complaint?) That after reading this,
you will prove that you have a conscience, courage & a soul: That you will join me in the fight against Lawyer Blairs
terrorist Police State: That you will allow me RELEASE ON TEMPORARY LICENCE to enable me to progress High
Court action LS 190 197 to expose the GESTAPO POLICE who tried to assassinate me on 8 th August 1999 11 months
BEFORE the crime I am supposed to have committed. It could also expose those who ORDERED the assassination.
Expressing hope as above indicates that I am as stupid as anyone who hoped for mercy from Hitler or Stalin.

This Complaint was placed in the complaints box 03-12-03 (3 Dec. 03), in 3 confidential
envelopes. Copies to. Governing Governor Stacey Tasker; the Area Manager; & the
Chairman of the Board Of Visitors. Without doubt that is why they stopped my printing.
(16th January 2004. Not a word from either, nor to my Complaint from July 2003, when I
was attacked with a fire hose by jeering sneering officers. That Complaint was

SUPPOSEDLY being dealt with by Senior Officer Vine & Deputy Governor Thomas
Cranmer (?).

To AGE CONCERN, 188A, Woodhouse Lane, LEEDS LS2 9DX;

F.A.O. Carol Wardman & Ray Ellis, 05.12.03:

About 6 weeks ago my brother told me that you were taking an interest in the physical
brutality & extreme mental torture being inflicted on a WW2 veteran in a succession of
sophisticated British Belsens. [1] It gave me a tiny glimmer of hope - that you would write
immediately saying, Hold on were coming, that you would launch a nationwide campaign to
rescue me from such brutality, & that you would send me frequent reports on the progress of the


I use the plainest language, in the hope that you may redeem yourselves, NOT for the six
weeks delay, but for turning a blind eye to evil for six years! If my plain words cause you to turn
your backs now, then so be it.


The unannounced visit yesterday from your Ray Ellis extinguished that glimmer of
hope. Till then I foolishly thought you could well be doing as described above, but that your
letters, like others (in & out) were being stopped. The complete lack of shock, horror or outrage
from Mr. Ellis confirmed what I know only too well - that our supposed watchdogs are trained
not to bark at this ruthless Police State. Please prove me wrong.


It was about 1996/97 that I called in your office with evidence that dishonest District
Judges had conspired to rob me of every penny of my Old Age Pension including my OAPs 10
Christmas bonus. You were not interested.


Concern for the Aged? I showed mine when I stood as an Independent Old Age
Pensioner at the 1997 General Election, putting down my last 500 as deposit - knowing I would
lose it. The main point of my manifesto was my concern at the LACK of concern by regular
politicians at the rapid increase in two sorts of crime: (a) violent & murderous attacks on the
vulnerable & the old, & (b) crime by the rotten apples in the judiciary - of which I had newly
become aware. [2]


My book CAUSE FOR CONCERN (published later the same year) dealt with both, &
contained evidence of the latter. I campaigned alone, with no support from yourselves or any
other body.


In memory of my brave young shipmates who died around me 60 years ago, I made it
my mission in life to expose the rotten apples. Surprisingly (in view of my limited experience), I
was beginning to be successful. I intended to stand against Lawyer Blair at the 2001 Election,
with that as my main platform. The order went out Silence him one way or another!


On the 8th August 1999 I was the victim of a crude/clever [3] assassination attempt by
mob-handed Gestapo police eleven months BEFORE the crime I am supposed to have
committed! [4]


There has been a nationwide cover-up of that police crime. In the days & months which
followed, my desperate calls for help went out by fax to EVERY watchdog in the land
INCLUDING YOURSELVES! Not a word of response from any of you. Though my physical
presence remained, I had effectively become one of the disappeared as in Orwells 1984,
Argentina under The Generals, & Pinochets Chile. Your collective silence gave my attackers
licence to commit any crime against me.
It took eleven months to cook up a supposedly lawful excuse to do so, when I received a
brutal kicking that put me in hospital, yet it was me the victim - that ended up in the dock, my
witnesses, my evidence & the press banned.


Monstrous lies were fed to the (specially selected) jury, & for a first offence at the age
of 75 (then); Judge David Ronald Bentley imposed a sentence of TEN YEARS! You do not need
a lab report to know when an egg is rotten the stench is unmistakable. Equally the stench of
corruption from that one fact alone. There is however, MUCH more!


25 November 2002 the savage sentence was quashed COMPLETELY by the Appeal
Court, but I was carted off to a lunatic asylum (just as happened in Soviet Russia), where I
remained for four months, under the care of Dr. Patrick J.G.Quinn. When quashing the sentence,
Lord Justice Rose invented a new law specially for me, whereby I could be taken back to
Sheffield Crown Court. From the witness box on 4/4/03 Dr. Quinn told Judge Goldsack,
Sending him back to prison could have catastrophic consequences on his mental health.
What did Goldsack do? Sent me back to prison. Only a depraved monster could do that! Could
there be any apples more rotten than Bentley & Goldsack?


The General Medical Council threatened the one brave doctor who tried to report Dr.
Harold Shipman. In consequence, he was able to kill many more people. There are Shipmans in
the judiciary. They are much better protected by colleagues, lackeys, thugs & sycophants than
was the infamous doctor.


With no thought for their own lives, Grace Darling & her lighthouse keeper father rowed
into stormy seas to rescue the survivors of the SS Forfarshire. Will you now launch the good ship
AGE CONCERN with the same urgency & courage as was shown by them? Pensioners will
take to the streets with placards - We want more money! Will they take to the streets to save my


From Norman Scarth (born 1925 - the oldest prisoner in England?). In World War 2, fighting to
keep Hitler's Gestapo & concentration camps from our shores, I was lucky to survive when my
shipmates died around me. They died in vain. BOTH ARE HERE NOW.
After a long lifetime of honourable service to my King, my Queen & my Country,
deserted by all but a tiny handful of the British people,
I am now Political Prisoner GV5409, suffering physical brutality & extreme mental torture
in a succession of sophisticated BRITISH Belsens, the latest being
Her Majestys Prison Leeds, Armley Gulag, LEEDS LS12 2TJ,

Perfidious Albion was never more so.

[1] Belsens? Remember, it was the British who invented concentration camps.
[2] Until the age of 70 I was proud to be British, proud to have played my part in the fight against the evil of
Hitler. I believed (as we were constantly told) that British judges were the finest in the world. There came a

succession of shocks as I learned that many were dishonest.

[3] Crude only because it failed. Had it succeeded it would have been very clever Death from natural
[4] Only now, 14 years later, are we learning of the part the police & the army played in the assassination of
honest lawyer Patrick Finucane in Northern Ireland.


25 November 2002 the savage sentence was quashed COMPLETELY by the Appeal
Court, but I was carted off to a lunatic asylum (just as happened in Soviet Russia), where I
remained for four months, under the care of Dr. Patrick J.G.Quinn. When quashing the sentence,
Lord Justice Rose invented a new law specially for me, whereby I could be taken back to
Sheffield Crown Court. From the witness box on 4/4/03 Dr. Quinn told Judge Goldsack,
Sending him back to prison could have catastrophic consequences on his mental health.
What did Goldsack do? Sent me back to prison. Only a depraved monster could do that! Could
there be any apples more rotten than Bentley & Goldsack?
The General Medical Council threatened the one brave doctor who tried to report Dr.
Harold Shipman. In consequence, he was able to kill many more people. There are Shipmans in
the judiciary. They are much better protected by colleagues, lackeys, thugs & sycophants than
was the infamous doctor.


With no thought for their own lives, Grace Darling & her lighthouse keeper father rowed
into stormy seas to rescue the survivors of the SS Forfarshire. Will you now launch the good ship
AGE CONCERN with the same urgency & courage as was shown by them? Pensioners will
take to the streets with placards - We want more money! Will they take to the streets to save my


From Norman Scarth (born 1925 - the oldest prisoner in England?). In World War 2, fighting to
keep Hitler's Gestapo & concentration camps from our shores, I was lucky to survive when my
shipmates died around me. They died in vain. BOTH ARE HERE NOW.
After a long lifetime of honourable service to my King, my Queen & my Country,
deserted by all but a tiny handful of the British people,
I am now Political Prisoner GV5409, suffering physical brutality & extreme mental torture
in a succession of sophisticated BRITISH Belsens, the latest being
Her Majestys Prison Leeds, Armley Gulag, LEEDS LS12 2TJ,

Perfidious Albion was never more so.

[1] Belsens? Remember, it was the British who invented concentration camps.
[2] Until the age of 70 I was proud to be British, proud to have played my part in the fight against the evil of
Hitler. I believed (as we were constantly told) that British judges were the finest in the world. There came a
succession of shocks as I learned that many were dishonest.
[3] Crude only because it failed. Had it succeeded it would have been very clever Death from natural
[4] Only now, 14 years later, are we learning of the part the police & the army played in the assassination of
honest lawyer Patrick Finucane in Northern Ireland.

PAROLE 16.12.03:
First a Preface by N.Scarth: Following the visit in Armley Gaol by Wolds Probation Officer Peter
Lowden, 16/12/03, I looked at the blank Assessment document given to me by PO Ray Crompton before
I left Wolds. He had asked me to answer questions 11, 12, 13, 14, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 32 & 33 only.
However, because the document starts from totally false premises, is full of jargon, & to assist those
others who will be trying to complete the assessment (with not the slightest interest in the REAL truth
as opposed to the monstrous lies & half truths fed to them), I do answer some of the other questions
(my words in italics). There is cast iron proof of everything I say, but is it necessary? One does not
need a Lab. Report to know whether an egg is rotten the stench is unmistakeable. Equally so the
stench of corruption.
I also urge everyone to read the new book PRISONGATE, by Sir David Ramsbotham in which he
exposes criminality & inhumanity in the Prison Service. Like his predecessor, Sir Stephen
Tumim, he was sacked from being HM Chief Inspector of Prisons for telling the truth.
It is shocking that very few in the Service (from Personnel Recruiters & Governors downwards) have
even heard of much less abide by - the United Nations Standard MINIMUM Rules for the Treatment
of Prisoners (UNSMR) (1984). They are breached every day of the week, to a seriously criminal
Shocking also that ignorance, incompetence & inefficiency of management & staff (costing millions of s
of taxpayers money) is not only tolerated, but used as a weapon against the caged victim. Many staff
are barely literate, but well rehearsed in Orwellian Newspeak. They have a hatred for a prisoner who
has the ability to put a few words together - a special hatred for one who claims to be a victim of
injustice, & even more so for one who tries to prove it without a lawyer!
IF you bother to read this document, & IF you have an ounce of conscience you will pre-empt your
official decision, join me in the fight against crime by this Police State, & demand my immediate release,
leading a march on Downing Street if necessary. However, it will need a great deal of courage as well
as conscience, & there is very little of either in modern Britain.
Note to Report Writer: This assessment should cover the period that the prisoner has been in Prison Service
custody for this sentence or should update a previous parole assessment written for this sentence. A copy of
the Sentence Plan & Parole Initial Profile, Initial Sentence Plan & Sentence Plan Review Reports should be
included in the dossier & referred to where appropriate.
HM Prison/YOI:


Prison Number: GV 5409.

Prisoners Name:
Parole Review No.

Date of last Prison Parole Assessment:

Period this assessment covers:

Norman Scarth.





Establishment where current term ahs been served. Add comments if any transfers had been made for
reasons which might be relevant to suitability to suitability for parole (e.g. reclassification following
escape attempt) & indicate what category the prisoner is.
Establishment: WOLDS.
Prisoner Category: Cat. C. ALL Prison Rules,
Standing Orders, the Security Manual, common sense & common humanity say that as (one of?) the
oldest prisoner(s) in England, if in prison at all, it should be Cat. D (see last paragraph at 2).

Date of Arrival:

Reasons for change:


What is the prisoners attitude towards staff has he or she accepted & co-operated with authority?

Asked by the Appeal Court to report on me, Dr Barrington Barber of Dovegate Prison wrote, He is a
frail, likeable man. I refer you to his book, which makes fascinating reading (horrific would have
been a better adjective).
In her Report, Lesley Shackleton, Curriculum Manager of Dovegate Prison College wrote, Norman
Scarth has been attending education since his arrival at HMP Dovegate. Norman has chosen to come
to education every day (am & pm) & also attends the evening programme for recreational activity
each evening. Although he is not working towards any accreditation he has developed his computing
skills considerably. Norman makes full use of the facilities in education, particularly IT He also
makes good use of the library facilities, in particular the full range of legal texts available. He works
Several education staff came specially to give me a going away present when I was suddenly being
moved to Stocken Prison. Supposedly better, staff were much nastier - though not as bad as Armley
Gaol, where I am now.
During my first10 days at HMP Wolds I said to ALL the staff I met, Compared to other prisons, this
place is Heaven - & you are angels. Flowery language, but I even put it in writing, & was thanked for
doing so! I AM respectful to anyone who treats me with respect. ALL reception staff, & most Wing
staff will say the same as Lesley Shackleton (above).
However, I do protest strongly when crime is committed against me (as happened later at Wolds). It is
not only my right, but my duty to do so! Undoubtedly, those who are committing crime will write bad
reports on me, & label me as difficult.
EVEN SO, Prison Rules, Standing Orders & the Security Manual specifically state that being a difficult
prisoner does not necessarily make him more likely to escape or re-offend, & should not affect
categorization, parole, or Release on Licence, Temporary or otherwise (those who refused me Category
D used my attitude to staff as an excuse.)
How does the prisoner relate to other prisoners?
Virtually all the prisoners treat me with respect; many as a Hero. From my point of view, finding myself in
prison for the first time at the age of 75 (then), my fears about being locked up with vicious criminals were
relieved as I found that most prisoners are far better human beings than many with the keys. I have made
some very good friends among prisoners.
Number of offences against prison discipline occasioning punishment by the Governor (including
during time on remand where appropriate).
One of my protests about crime against me was treated as an infringement. In fact, the conduct of the
Governor-Controller, (turning a blind eye to shocking brutality against me) was itself crime.
Number of occasions where Additional Days have been awarded: None though are not Additional
Days now unlawful?

Total Additional Days awarded:



Number of offences committed in custody dealt with by the courts:


Number & length of additional custodial sentences awarded by the courts for the offences committed
in custody:
Brief description of the most serious offences committed in custody (e.g. those involving violence,
drugs or absconding), at what point in the sentence were they committed & indicating any patterns or
possible causes of misbehaviour:
10) If the prisoner as been granted any form of temporary release, please give details (i.e.: when & or what
purpose, did the prisoner comply with the conditions of release & return on time?
My application for ROTL to (a) progress & attend High Court actions which will bring to light crime by the
most ruthless bunch of gangsters in the land, & (b) to care for my 76 year old only brother during his
bouts of deep & serious depression, have been ignored as have virtually ALL my applications in gross
contempt of Prison Rules whatever about humanity
or mercy.

11) What is the prisoners present marital status?

78 year old widower.

12) What is the prisoners relationship with members of his or her family (including efforts to strengthen
relationships where appropriate)?
My only brother & I have been on the best of terms all our lives, but see (10 b) above.
13) What ties, if any, does the prisoner have with persons outside the family circle?
Fellow Human Rights activists/watchers in Britain & abroad are horrified at the gross abuses inflicted on
me, & are doing their best to waken this fast asleep nation. Knowing that this Parole Assessment is a
grotesque pantomime, my only hope is that they will restore my good name after my death.
Good name in man or woman is the very jewel of their soul. He who steals my purse steals trash, twas
mine, now his, tis something, tis nothing, & has made slaves of thousands. But he that filches from me my
good name, takes that which not enriches him, but leaves me poor indeed. (Iago, in Othello).
Shysters have taken my purse, little though it held. They have taken my liberty, & soon my life. I give them
all proudly in what is a worthy cause, but I do grieve that the evil ones have taken from me my good name
earned over 78 years!
14) Have any current or potential welfare problems been identified?
The only welfare problems are the unrelenting mental torture, & unbelievable physical brutality inflicted
upon me by the sadistic despots within the Prison Service (there are more than a few). After one & a half
years of ill-treatment by 'barbaric' guards in a succession of 'Hell Hole' prisons (vide Sir David
Ramsbotham & Martin Narey), the savage sentence was quashed completely, & I was sent to the more
humane Newton Lodge Secure Hospital, in the care of psychiatrist Dr. Patrick J.G.Quinn. From the witness
box in Sheffield Crown Court on 4/4/03, he told Judge Goldsack "Sending him back to prison could have
Goldsack, & with the greatest malice he DID send me back to prison. Only a psychopath could do that!
Prison staff especially at Armley - are doing their absolute best to make Dr. Quinns predictions come
15) Please give details & duration of work on which prisoner has been employed during this sentence.
How has the prisoner worked during his or her time in custody (e.g. work effort & degree of supervision
Effort? For 9 months at Dovegate I was on Education, morning, afternoon, evening, Saturday & Sunday
mornings, improving my computer skills & legal knowledge, to aid me in the fight against crime. Apart
from that, during the whole of my time in prison, I have been working 18 hours a day, harder than any
human being should have to, much less an old man of 78, when I should be enjoying a well earned
retirement. I do so in the foolish hope that I may help to restore Democracy & the Rule of Law to Britain.
Supervision? None necessary but I have met the most fiendish obstruction! The Prison Service is
terrified of the truth especially the printed truth!
16) What are the prisoners stated plans for employment on release, & is this linked with work during this
sentence? The answer to the last question is YES.
My plans? To continue the mission stated in my manifesto when I stood for Parliament in 1997: To arrest
the horrifying increase in two sorts of crime in Britain (a) Violent & murderous attacks on the vulnerable &
the old, & (b)Fraud In The Legal System (now endemic in the courts). Both worthy objectives, surely?
but the second one has earned me very powerful enemies! (I put down my last 500 as deposit to stand,
knowing I would lose it. Would Parole Board members do as much?)
In a letter dated 3rd July 1995, Paul Boateng MP, Legal Affairs spokesman for the Labour Party (then in
opposition), wrote, We will put an end to fraud in the legal system (so it DOES exist!) After he came to
power I wrote to him pointing out that a system is incapable of committing fraud, that fraud is crime,
committed by criminals WITHIN the legal system, & sent him examples, with evidence. He did not reply.
Boateng forgot his promise, did nothing, & now holds high Cabinet Office. I DID do something, & am to
die in prison, put here by the fraudsters I set out to expose - while the news media deny the public
knowledge of it!

Those WOULD be my plans if I did get out alive, but you know as well as I do that it will never happen,
which makes this Parole Assessment an obscene farce (see 19, below). In the unlikely event that I DO get
out alive, the fraudsters will ensure there is an unfortunate road accident or something similar. The only
thing that will save me from that is if the British people wake up to what is going on in the nation.
17) What classes, courses, vocational training or private study (including the library) have been available
to the prisoner during the period of this report? What has been undertaken, & what has been achieved?
This is the most obscene question of all. See question 2. Apart from Dovegate, ALL my applications for
work, classes, education, library etc. are completely ignored, or answered with monstrous lies & fiendish
excuses ESPECIALLY at Armley, where I am banged up 23 hours a day, threatened, insulted,
provoked, goaded, terrorised & taunted by staff.
18) Does the prisoner use time in class or training course to the best advantage? What is the prisoners
general conduct in class? See above, & Lesley Shackletons words at question 2.
19) What use is the prisoner likely to make use of the educational/training skills acquired in prison upon
I would LIKE to try to make Britain a better place for the law abiding, the old, the vulnerable, - & yes, for
prisoners, to the benefit of all. The Prison Service does harm not only to the prisoner victims, & the good
officers (see PRISONGATE), but to the nation, releasing not reformed characters, but resentful &
embittered ones. It COULD & SHOULD be different.
Sadly for the nation, that will not be allowed to happen; the fraudsters who put me here like things the way
they are (see first & last paragraphs of 16)
20) Taking into account available facilities, what are the prisoners main leisure interest & physical
education activities & interests (in association or in cell)?
Another grossly obscene question (see 17, about Armley). Leisure? My attempts to reduce crime, & restore
the Rule of Law to Britain (see 16), take up my every waken moment!
21) Have there been any opportunities for the prisoner to be involved in community activities (outside or
inside prison)? If so, what has been achieved?
Achieved? The most fiendish crime is being used to prevent me bringing another vital change in British law
- such as I have done already. Via the ECtHR (case 33745/96), it was incorporated into the 1998 Human
Rights Act (see letter of 1/9/98 to Jacqui Lait MP from Geoffrey Hoon MP (then Lord Chancellor Irvines
spokesman in The Commons). I did this single-handed. One might have thought this would bring respect
from the legal professionals. Sadly, no. The change is much hated by them, & I am hated for it.
22) Has the prisoner attempted to use his time in prison constructively?
Nobody in the land, prisoner or not, has tried to do more!
23) Does the prisoner accept responsibility for the offence?
MOST CERTAINLY I DO - but the crimes against me (before that offence, & since), were (& are), a
million times worse! Even if I were a monster (I am not), the grotesque trial (my witnesses, my evidence
& the press banned) was sufficient for the conviction to be quashed. A TEN YEAR sentence (more than
double my life expectation), on a World War 2 veteran with an honourable record of service to my King, my
Queen, & my country - for a first offence at the age of 75 (then). Such savagery SHOULD have set alarm
bells ringing - but our puppet watchdogs were deliberately deaf.
Others who have done MUCH more harm have received probation, community service, suspended
sentences, three months, six months etc. Even killers have been out in less than two years. Those who
deliberately killed two completely innocent men (Harry Stanley & James Ashley) only had to say we were
in fear at the time to escape scot-free, without a stain on their characters! The sadistic sentence on me
proves the hatred of Judge Bentley, apart from the lies he fed to the jury (see 25). If there is a monster, it is
he, not I. Sadly, he is not the only one (see Goldsack, 14). WHY should they hate me? An extract from my
book CAUSE FOR CONCERN is enclosed. Please read it.
24) What explanation is given by the prisoner of the reasons for his criminal behaviour?

Trying to expose crime a million times worse - & thus prevent more of it to

IF the Parole Board wants to know more of the REAL truth, let them attend Leeds Courthouse at 10am, 8th January
2004, for a hearing of High Court action LS 190 197, N.Scarth v G.Moore. It is my Claim for 1,000,000 damages for
the attack on 8th August 1999, & other crime by W. Yorkshire Police. Deliberately delayed for more than two years
already, there will undoubtedly be more. I am mortal, & it cannot be long before I suffer a heart attack, a stroke,
enfeeblement, or death, one or the other rapidly being brought closer by treatment in prison, ensuring the case will
never be finished, & the crime remain covered up for ever.

What is the prisoners attitude towards the victim, if any, of his or her offence?
I regret that the victim suffered an injury. I regret that he was gullible enough to allow the real villains to
push him forward to break into my home to attack me. I also regret that Judge Bentley told the jury that he
was permanently disabled, when the consultant who treated him said under oath from the witness box that
such little stiffness as remained from a comparatively minor injury would soon disappear (see the
transcript). That was only one example of Judge Bentleys lying.
The real villains?
They were members of the same gang that tried to assassinate me eleven months before because I was
being successful at exposing fraudsters in the legal system!
I feel much more sorrow for my part in sending 1,867 very brave German sailors to the bottom of the
Arctic Ocean 60 years ago this Christmas. We picked up a handful of survivors. I grieve especially for
those who were still calling for help from the black of the winter Arctic night as (obeying orders) we steamed
away, leaving those men to certain death in the icy waters. Far from being punished, we got medals for
that, & a Heros welcome as we steamed into Scapa Flow harbour on New Years Day 1944. It is perhaps
Rough Justice that my own desperate calls for help (ever since the attack of 8 th August 1999) are also being
ignored. We had an excuse. Hove to, searchlight on, U-boats all around, staying a moment too long could
have ensured we joined those unfortunate men. Those who have ignored my calls for help have no
26) What courses or programmes are appropriate to tackle the prisoners offending behaviour? Please
give details of any courses or programmes that have been available (e.g. alcohol, drugs, sex offender
Nonsensical jargon, padding & garbage. Having committed my first offence at the age of 75, I will be 150
before I am tempted to commit another, & then only if another gang smash into my home to attack me!
27) Which courses or programmes has the prisoner attended, what degree of participation has he or she
made, & how much benefit has been derived from them?
This is preposterous. I have been blocked from attending courses or programmes.
28) Has it been established that such courses or programmes identified in question 26 will be available on
On release? Grovel as I may, the fraudsters who put me here are determined I will never be released.
29) Does the prisoner intend to continue with such courses or programmes, or undertake those identified
as necessary but not available in prison?
As above.
30) What, in your view, is the likelihood of the prisoner co-operating with supervision while on licence &
avoid re-offending before the sentence fully expires?
As above. Of course, I might re-offend by writing another book, winning another case in the ECtHR, or
bringing another much needed change in British law! Whatever about my guilt, those are the REAL
reasons for my incarceration.
31) What do you consider to be the possible effect of a continued stay in custody?
Prison doctors are among those who have never even heard of the UNSMR (see Preface).

Paragraph 25(2) says: The Medical Officer shall report to the Governor whenever he considers that a
prisoners physical or mental health has been, or will be, injuriously affected by continued imprisonment, or
any aspect of imprisonment.
NOTHING is more likely to do harm to an old man of 78 than physical brutality & unrelenting mental
torture such as I have suffered in prison! Even in humane Wolds Prison, as a special treat for my 78th
birthday I was brutally dragged to the Punishment Block for daring to complain about serious crime
against me! Dr. Stevens knows about para. 25(2), because I told him. Why does he ignore it?
See the words of Dr. Quinn (at 14). They warrant repetition. From the witness box on 4th April 2003, he
told Judge Goldsack, Sending him back to prison could have catastrophic consequences on his mental
health. Goldsack (a psychopath surely?) DID send me back to prison, where management & staff are
doing their best to make Dr. Quinns predictions come true!
They whom the Gods wish to destroy, they first drive mad said Euripides (480-406 BC). It is not
necessary to use the rack or hot coals to drive the ordinary human being out of his mind said Alecksandr
Solzhenitsyn. That is a crime worse than murder, a punishment worse than the gallows. A bullet in the
back of the head would be more humane.
The self proclaimed Gods who put me here (just as bad as those who had power in Hitlers Germany but
less honest), are not only determined that I will never get out alive, but that I will suffer torment & torture
while I live a warning to others who might think to impugn the integrity of the judiciary as I had been
doing! So far, my mental strength (suffering paranoid delusions though I may be ?), has proved stronger
than could be expected of a human being, but it cannot hold up much longer.
32) Where does the prisoner state he or she intends to live if granted parole? (Give address & brief details
about type of accommodation).
You play with me, cat & mouse style, giving hope of escape to the poor creature, but never intending to
release him - & you would be kicked out of the house by your Masters if you did! (I hope you can recognise
an analogy).
33) Please give any other relevant information you feel the Parole Board should have when reaching a
Information? Reaching a decision? The Parole Board have got their orders from the same people who
ordered the attempt to silence me on 8th August 1999.
Below is an extract from my letter of 29 Sept. 03 to Home Secretary Blunkett - he who was still wearing a
poppy as he said, We will get rid of airy-fairy Human Rights rights for which millions of men died,
including my own brave young shipmates! Needless to say, there has been no reply - not even
acknowledgement from an office boy.
I am one of the disappeared, just as in
Orwells 1984, Argentina under Galtiari, or Pinochets Chile. Only my physical presence remains but
for how much longer?
--------------- ----------------------- --------Among the outrageous words from the 'great' Lord Denning (in gross contempt of his own judicial oath & that of the
Those who promote or follow that precept are committing crime. They
include not only present members of the judiciary, but Home Secretaries, Home Office, Prison Service, Parole Board &
ALL our puppet 'watchdogs'.
They purport to act in the name of the Sovereign, & are thus (supposedly) bound by her Coronation Oath (sworn before
Almighty God) "To Deliver Justice with Mercy". Whatever about Justice, they have shown as much Mercy to me as
was shown to Lesley Downey by Myra Hindley & Ian Brady. There were only two of them: Lesley was a defenceless
little girl. I am a caged & defenceless old man. The whole of this brutal, lawyer controlled Police State are determined
to destroy me. Why? In my 1997 manifesto, my book, my pamphlets, etc, I HAD been impugning the (supposed)
integrity of the judiciary with evidence! I had set out to expose fraud in the legal system - & was being successful !.
--------------------------The diabolical treatment meted out to me is the highest compliment they could pay me, proving they are
terrified of the truth. It is no disgrace to be in prison. I am proud that God has decided that I should
follow in the footsteps of Mahatma Gandhi, the Suffragettes, Nelson Mandela, Steve Biko, Pastor Martin

Neimuller, Deitrich Bonhoffer, Alecksandr Solzhenitsin, Andrei Sacharov, Martin Luther King,
Mohammed Ali, Fred Hill, & so many others, some who survived, many who did not. Those with power
in Britain have proved they are totally without mercy, & I will be proud to die in prison, but it will be as
great a disgrace as ever was on the people of Perfidious Albion.
Perhaps the Parole Board will say, Nothing to do with us, not our remit. Tony Blair & Jack Straw both
condemned the Walk on by Society, the attitude which allows crime & depravity to flourish. This IS to do with
anyone who claims to be a human being! Those who can turn their backs on an old man being brutalised & tortured
both outside & inside prison could equally turn their backs on children suffering the same.
Stop Press: (I learn about the type of person employed by the Probation Service): Tues. 16 Dec. 03.
Banged up 23 hours a day in that evil place Armley Gaol. Doctors orders are that I keep my feet up
whenever possible, & about 11.20am I was sitting up (with difficulty) in my cramped bunk doing legal
work. There came a shout through the peephole. I went to the door. A face said she was Liz (turns out
she was Elizabeth Ralcewicz, Senior Probation Officer). She reminded me that we had met once before,
at an unremarkable meeting to decide whether I should be on suicide watch. I have a message for you
from Ann Malloby (one of my legal advisers). She wants you to ring her, & Liz pushed under the door
a Memo to Prisoner Scarfe (sic). I said they would not let me out to ring anyone. Nothing I can do.
said she. Officer Portrey was outside, & could have opened the door for us to speak. I asked Ralcovicz
if we were forced to shout at each other through the door as though I were a caged animal? Her reply You are acting like a caged animal!!!!). This, to a man old enough to be her grandfather (my
contribution to this nation being a million times greater than hers), from a woman who was seeing me
(for only the second time ever) through the peephole, working quietly on my bunk.
She is a
disgrace to her profession, quite unfit to have power over ANY human being. It is terrifying that she
should be a senior officer. Later I complained to Senior Prison Officer Fawley & PO Portrey, who both
condemned her conduct. Mr. Fawley promised he would take the matter up officially, & write to me at
Wolds. Can I expect mercy - never mind justice - from a service which employs such a person?
Norman Scarth (aka Winston Smith), 2am, 19 th December 2003 (1984 plus 19)
Now back at HMP Wolds, where some of the staff have a little humanity,
compared to the professional sadists at Armley Gaol.
Report completed by:
Name (caps):



Countersigned (by Governor V level or above):



Name (caps):
5,066 words.

Grade (sic)

I repeat: There is cast iron proof of all I say, but it should not be necessary. One does not need a Lab. Report to know
when an egg is rotten. The stench is unmistakable. Equally so the stench of corruption (see the conduct of Judges
Bentley & Goldsack).
(The brainwashed British people have some sort of excuse for their ignorance of what is going on, but you are insiders,
& must know.)
IF you have taken the trouble to read this, & IF you have an ounce of conscience you will pre-empt
your official decision, join me in the fight against crime by this Police State, & demand my immediate
release, leading a march on Downing Street if necessary. However, it will need a great deal of courage as
well as conscience, & they are scarce in modern Britain. A word of warning though: If it can happen to me,
it can happen to anyone. You (or yours) could be next. I also remind you that life was wonderful for those
who were part of Nazi Germany, but it did not end happily for them. There was a price to pay. There will
be again.
This poppy wearing nation purports to honour those who died from torture & starvation in Japanese POW camps. It is a
mark of the hypocrisy (& depravity) of Lawyer Blairs regime that, having survived bloody battle in World War 2, served
my King, my Queen & my country all my long life, I am to die in a sophisticated British Belsen for blowing the whistle
on fraud (corruption) in the legal system!
See my documents WW2 & GB2003B; BoatengLetter; HoonLetter; Norman ousts top judge(YEP);

Killers should not have to serve life(Woolf, The Times); my book Cause for Concern, & extracts from
David Ramsbothams book PRISONGATE.






THE ARTICLE 6 GROUP: Committed to exposing criminal misuse of law in British
In the High Court of Justice, Queens Bench Division, Leeds District Registry, re. Norman
Scarth v Graham Moore [ex Chief Constable of West Yorkshire]. Case LS 190 197
A Claim for 1,000,000 [plus punitive & exemplary damages] for potentially lethal
assaults by W. Yorks Police on 8th August 1999 and 20th July 2000, false imprisonment,
malicious prosecution, perjury & other misconduct.
From NORMAN SCARTH [b 1925 - d 2004], Founder Member of THE ARTICLE 6
GROUP. Now POLITICAL PRISONER GV5409. Currently on death row, HM
Prison, Armley Belsen, LEEDS LS12 2TJ, or at HMP Wolds Gulag, BROUGH, E
Yorkshire HU15 2JZ
To: Leeds Metropolitan Councilor Amanda Carter, 15 Clark Street, Calverley,
Pudsey, LEEDS LS 28 5NH. Tel: [0113] 256 0701. Fax: 236 3693.
Tuesday 24th February 2004
Dear Amanda,
It is more than four years since we were last in touch, when you showed courage,
integrity & humanity, by writing a letter to Superintendent Frank Farmer at Chapeltown
Police Station expressing shock at the attack on me on 8th August 1999. [That letter, &
your address, has only newly come into my hands again.]
You were a new Councilor, honest, with integrity, & had reacted as such a person
should. Soon after, you wrote or rang in something of a panic, saying that you did not
want to be involved further. I think I understood your reasons: You were fairly newly
married to an experienced councillor, leader of the Conservative group on Leeds
Council. I suspect he recognized that you were getting into deep water, & warned you to
back off.
He was right; the water was very deep, & very murky, probably much more than
your husband realized. The regimes of Hitler, Stalin, Saddam Hussein et al would silence
ALL dissidents & REAL political opposition. So does Lawyer Blairs regime. Having
stood against Tony Benn in 1997, I intended to stand against Blair in 2001 - & would
have made a difference!
The attack was a crude assassination attempt by Gestapo police, crude only
because it failed. If successful it would have been very clever Death from Natural
I respected your wishes, & did not involve you further. However, it has got AT
LEAST a million times worse. A second attack 11 months later also failed though it did
put me in hospital. I was the one prosecuted, & after a grotesque Kangaroo Court trial in
2001 given a ten year sentence at the age of 75 [then] for a first offence.
In a succession of Blunkett & Blairs Holiday Camp prisons [16 moves so far] I

have suffered physical brutality, mental torture beyond belief, jeers, sneers, insults,
starvation & provocation from the psychopaths with the keys. I am now in Armley Gaol
for the fourth time, virtually in solitary confinement: banged up 23 hours a day, no
book, no newspaper, no TV, no access to library, education, church or chapel, other
prisoners punished if they try to speak to me through the door, my telephone credit &
prison a/c money confiscated by the prison.
Armley is a cross between Camp X-Ray & a Japanese POW camp. I DO NOT
EXAGGERATE. Nor do I when I say the staff are clones of Myra Hindley, Ian Brady &
Ian Huntley. They were stopped when caught, but these have licence to torment, torture
& murder. They have got orders to keep me here to break me - & they are specialists!
During the short periods when I AM allowed out, I am harried & hurried like a twenty
year old in a boot camp, the cell door opened then slammed shut before I have hardly
got through it with a violent push to help.
The truth is that Britain is a Police State just as much as Nazi Germany, apartheid
South Africa, Idi Amins Uganda, Mugabes Zimbabwe or Saddam Husseins Iraq.
Though the victims are fewer [as yet], in some respects it is worse here. Each of the
above had a degree of honesty, declaring their aims. Hitlers were to exterminate the
Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, mentally disabled, & that anyone not of the Aryan race
would have no rights.
The Blair/Howard/Kennedy regime hides behind a nauseating pretence of
Democracy, Human Rights & the Rule of Law. We have neither. In 1997 I stood for
Parliament against Tony Benn. My effect on the result was greater than the official results
suggest. Chesterfield was one of only four constituencies where the massive swing to
Labour was reversed. I intended to stand against Blair in 2001, & WOULD have made a
difference. My single-handed success in the ECtHR [33745/96] brought an important
change in British law, so the order went out Silence him. They havent succeeded yet,
but after three years of fiendish brutality & incredible mental torture, the end cannot be far
60 years ago I was prepared to give my life fighting against the evil of Hitler,
lucky to survive then. I am prepared to give it now, fighting against those just as evil. On
a starvation diet for 3 years, I have been at Armley since 27 Jan. 04, taking nothing but
water, sugar [energy], salt [electrolyte] & vinegar [mouth freshener.]
This High court action can ring horrific truth to light. It has been deliberately delayed for
three years, in the hope that I will die before it does. The case is to start on 28th May
2004, & if still alive by then [unlikely] I would like to call you as a witness. I realize this
will fill you with trepidation, but please see www.petitiononline.com/nscarth/petition &
contact John Stratford, 01274 618 194. You & your husband may then realize that my
death in prison will accelerate the end that comes to all such regimes, as it did to Nazi
Germany. It is almost certainly too late for me, but it WILL come. If it can happen to
me, it can happen to you - & yours!! Remember the words of Pastor Martin Neimuller.


HQ, Laburnum Road, Wakefield WF1 3QP. Tel: 01924 292 187, Fax: 292 196.
F.O.A. Mr. Michael S. Percival.

Cc: HH Judge S.P. Grenfell, at The courthouse, 1 Oxford Row, Leeds, for his PERSONAL
attention as per his directions.

THE ARTICLE 6 GROUP: Committed to exposing criminal misuse of law in British
Ref. ChC-040227
From NORMAN SCARTH [born 1925], Founder Member of THE ARTICLE 6
Currently on death row at HMP Wolds Gulag, BROUGH, E. Yorkshire HU15
27th Feb. 2004.
In the High Court of Justice, Queens Bench Division, Leeds District Registry, re
Norman Scarth v Graham Moore [ex Chief Constable of West Yorkshire.]
Case LS 190 197, now unlawfully transferred to the County Court, as case
A Claim for 1,000,000 [plus punitive & exemplary damages] for potentially lethal
assaults by W.Y. Police on 8th August 1999 & 20th July 2000, false imprisonment,
perjury & other misconduct.
I acknowledge receipt of 2 letters from Mr. Percival, both posted 2nd class to HMP Wolds,
both reached me at HMP Leeds 21/2/04. One dated 13/2/04, with enc. [pocket book
entry], the other dated 16/2/04.
I deal with the one dated 16/2/04, which says, Further to my letter of 13/2/04, you are
now in breach of paragraph 6[a] of the Court Order made on 8th January 2004. Please
note that unless I have received your disclosure statement & copies of documents on or
before Monday, 23rd February 2004, I shall issue an urgent application to stay the
I use the plainest language to respond, no other will do. Mr. Percival is either
depraved, or a complete idiot. He writes as though I am sitting in an office, with a staff of
10, instead of a captured, caged, defenceless, tormented & tortured animal, in Armley
Gaol, Leeds, run by psychopaths. Banged up 23 a day, no book, no newspaper or TV,
no Education, no library [for legal or leisure], no church or chapel, no idea what is to be
done with me, no chair, table or ledge on which to use my laptop for my legal work. No
access to a printer, which makes the laptop computer an instrument of torture, comparable
to giving a starving man a tin of food, but no tin opener.
My telephone calls, including those to my legal advisers have been blocked. The
50 or so in my prison account has been confiscated, so I am not able to buy stamps, &
even if the blocking of telecalls ends, will not be able to make any when the little money
already in my telephone account is used up. My reading glasses are broken, new ones
prescribed have been in this prison two months, but denied me.
Other prisoners are punished if they try to speak to me through the door, I am not
allowed to come out & collect such food as I may want [usually boiling water, vinegar,
sugar & salt only.] Having been invited out to do so on one occasion, when I tried to I

was thrown violently back in my cell by four officers. Prisoners suffer frequent moves for
no purpose other than to disorientate them, & I have had 16 so far. Though I should be
back at HMP Wolds [category C, & should be Cat. D if at all] they are keeping me at
Leeds to break me they are specialists.
Armley Gaol is a cross between Camp X-Ray & a Japanese POW camp. Cynthia
Jarratt was attacked by police & died of a heart attack, causing the Broadwater Farm
Riots. W.Y. Police having failed to do the same to me since the first attack on 8th August
1999, the job has been passed to the Prison service, but there will be no riots when they
finally succeed, me being just a white Old Age Pensioner, a World War 2 Hero. My
position is little different to John McCarthy, Brian Keenan & Terry Waite in Beirut, the
electricians who were beheaded in Chechnya, the backpackers beheaded in Afghanistan,
or Daniel Pearl, more recently murdered in Pakistan.
They are desperate that other prisoners will not know I am on hunger strike. In
this they follow a KGB Directive to the soviet Gulags, quoted by Solzhenitsyn in The
gulag Archipelago, Suppress hunger strikes, or information about them. If forced to
admit, waste no time in telling [the public] of the crimes committed by the hunger
striker. You will see in the press & TV about other hunger strikers but not about me!
Trying to have a normal discussion with officers about my glasses, telephone calls,
cash account, printing legal documents etc., I was again thrown back in the cell by four of
them, injuring my back. Later, a message came, The nurse wants to see you. I climbed
up the stairs & when she asked how I was, told her not so good after the brutality.
Though I did not realise it, Dr. Akhtar[?], an Asian woman was at the back of the room.
She called out, He can walk, hes OK, & to me, Get out! That was her
Still banged up 23 hours a day, still not knowing why I m not back at Wolds,
most of my vital legal documents are denied me, some at Wolds, a few here at Armley
with me, others here but locked up & denied me. Not for the first time, I quote the words
of Euripides, They whom the gods wish to destroy they fist drive mad. These are not
Gods, but Devils. From the witness box on 4/4/03 psychiatrist Dr. Quinn told Judge
Goldsack, Sending him back to prison could have catastrophic consequences on his
mental health.
Goldsack proved himself a psychopath by doing exactly that. To deliberately drive
someone to insanity is a crime worse than murder. With Goldsack, the Prison Service &
Judge Grenfell working together towards that end, it cannot be long before Dr Quinns
prediction comes true, & such little sanity I still retain will disappear.
You will recall that apart from disclosure from you, I also asked for disclosure
from Leeds Combined Court Centre itself. They have much evidence in their possession,
but have contemptuously ignored my request, proving yet again that they lawyers hatred
for the Litigant In Person equals that of the Nazis for the Jews.
I would say that my blood will be on the hands of all of you, my death on your
consciences, but regrettably, lawyers have neither conscience nor soul. One condition of
entering the profession is that they must first sell their souls to The Devil.
For the record, I make the following points: Having received from you a copy of the
letter from Councillor Amanda Carter, I would like to call her as a witness. Other
witnesses required: ALL police present on 8/8/99; WPC in witness box at my trial who
refused police record info; Councillor Lorna Cohen; Neil Taggart, Chairman of Police
Authority; Kenneth Neil Roberts; Solicitor J.L. Richards; Colleen?; Irish John;
Neighbours at 61 G.P. Grove; those at 65? [cat people] & various others, inc. young

couple living opposite; woman with Polish name on same side; Man on roof [see
below]; Amnesty International man G.P. Grove.
Points for continuation:
Also disclosure of original documents relating to Committal of Roberts & Richards for
perjury & deception of the court, & copy which was crudely falsified [by either Scott
Smith or Michael Ganfield?] Circa Nov Dec 1999. Further disclosure required:
Tape recording of my 999 call on 8/8/99; Copies of all communications with PCA;
Copies of faxed communication with councillor Lorna Cohen @ Civic Hall [Circa
Sept 1999]; Copy of letter to Roberts family at Cockermouth [Circa autumn 1999];
Letter from solicitor J.L. Richards circa Sept. 1999 warning of bailiffs in two days; All
documents relating to my successful appeal against Possession Order. The appeal,
with costs to me was granted by Chancery Judge Behrens [Circa Oct 1999]; Name of
man on roof opposite on 20 July 2000 NOT the one whose name was given by


From Norman Scarth, one of the Disappeared, 1st March 2004, whereabouts uncertain.
Working night & day already fighting back against those ruthless, merciless &
lawless gangsters in wigs & robes, I have been forced to use time I can ill afford, & burn
MORE midnight oil writing these 4,256 words to rebut wicked lies written about me by
those who claim to be fellow victims. I hope that some of the words will be published as
my Right to Reply, particularly the 1,400 in paras. 15-30, rebutting the slur that I have
never helped anyone, & the 520 words in paras. 37-43.
It is particular torment when the words may never be printed anyway. For the
Prison Service to provide a laptop computer for the equality of arms to which LIP
prisoners are entitled by law might appear to be a good thing, but it is in fact one of the
diabolical ways they frustrate that entitlement. Working day & night typing documents,
as now, they find every fiendish excuse to prevent me printing them which is like giving
a starving man a tin of food but no tin opener!
Most of we victims of corruption are grateful that James Todd publishes VOMIT & so we should be. Occasionally there are [mostly minor] errors in his facts it would be
surprising if there were not. Most of us are damaged mentally [to a minor or major
extent] by the trauma inflicted on us it would be surprising [again] if we were not.
James tends to attack those he purports to be helping, if they respectfully submit
corrections. I have suffered for daring to do so. Regretfully, I am bound to say that the
Right to Reply, which he purports to offer, is nothing of the kind. He will use HIS
words to publish the reply, sometimes compounding the error! Rather hurt by this, I
tend to excuse it as the result of the suffering inflicted on him over a long period of years.
Speaking to him on the telephone some years ago I said in jest, Both of us have reached
the age when our brains are puddled. His reaction was to say seriously that it was true in
his case.
He has a special dislike for those who fail to declare as he does; that Freemasonry

is responsible for ALL the ills in the world, from chilblains to starvation in Africa. I
certainly do not challenge that, but he will use any stick to beat those who do not
constantly repeat his dogma. In my case he condemns me because I quote the wonderful
words of great people from the past, those who put things so much better than I can. Must
we forget the wisdom of such people?
Earlier this year a supporter sent me copies of Vomit that I had not seen before,
from around the time of my trial. I only had time to read quickly through half, before
being separated from them by the skulduggery of transferring me to Armley Gaol. Having
suffered great trauma since then, I do not remember the detail, but do not recall being
upset by any of it. I did make a brief note of Vomit 18/1 in which James accuses me of
being stupid at my trial. He & me both! On first learning of the corruption in the courts,
the sensible thing to have done would have been to cut my losses & run! My stupidity is
a legacy from my time as a destroyer man in WW2. The tradition when taking on a more
powerful enemy is to go in at close range at full speed, all guns blazing which is what I
do now. Stupid? Yes, I plead guilty.
However, the same supporter has now sent me recent Vomits. Though I excuse
earlier attacks from James on the grounds as above, his treacherous, monstrous &
poisonous lies are beyond all excuse. For anyone to attack a captured, caged, defenceless,
starved, tormented & tortured living creature, animal or human, is surely the depths of
depravity. For a fellow victim to do so exceeds that from the bewigged psychopaths, &
the sadistic despots [big & little] who run our prisons. Nothing could be more calculated
to cause a person to take his/her own life.
In vomit UK 08/04 he says that I do not suspect Freemasonry [certainly I do, see
above], going on to say, Norman is angry because he did not win the court action when
he sued for 200. How typically Scarth. James got this wrong because the Daily Mail
got it wrong I did not LOSE the Claim for 200, but WON it! A minor error, of no
significance. It was marvellous that the Daily Mail published John Stratfords letter at all,
the last sentence of which said, All this going on not in Saddam Husseins Iraq, but Tony
Blairs supposedly democratic Britain. Marvellous that John was able to get the letter
published. I wrote to him thanking him from the bottom of my heart for doing so. So
much for the falling out between John & I.
However, James Todd had to use his imagination to add, Norman is angry
[Why should I be angry, when I won?] & How typically Scarth [a nasty sneer against a
fellow victim, but again, not of vital importance.] Much worse was to follow. Todd says,
One can never be sure of [Normans] facts. How dare he, when his own are so often
wrong! Every word I write is backed up by cast iron proof in court documents! Apart
from which, my very presence here is surely proof that my every word is true! Were I
spouting nonsense they would not have sentenced me to be tortured & to die in prison.
They havent done it to James Todd.
He goes on to say, If you want to help Norman, tell him to stop antagonising his
jailers. Usually, even in Armley prison, there is one decent prison officer or doctor. They
cant help Norman if he abuses everyone with whom he comes in contact. We know of
not one case where Norman has tried to help others. Every word is poison, but the
last sentence is pure cyanide.
Dovegate prison was asked by the Appeal Court to provide Reports on me. Lesley
Shackleton, Curriculum Manager of the Prison College wrote a glowing Report, the last
sentence of which said, Norman works quietly, & is always respectful to staff &
prisoners alike. Education staff were marvellous to me. Cant remember all their names,
but when I was suddenly moved, Margaret, Yvonne & Dee made a special visit to bring

me a going away present.

Dr. Barrington-Barber [the ONLY decent doctor I have met in any prison] had
borrowed my book Cause for Concern, & in his Report wrote, He is a frail likeable
man. I urge you to read his book, & attached documents, which make fascinating
reading [horrific would have been a better word]. Dr. Barber told me he was trying to
have me moved to a more humane establishment, & was shocked at the obstruction he
was meeting! [He still has my book, which I do not mind, as long as someone is reading
James suggests there may be one decent prison officer in Armley. Yes, there are
two or three who are not psychopaths, but they admit they only work there to pay the
mortgage, & are fearful of repercussions if they dare to blow the whistle on their
colleagues who commit serious crime against prisoners me in particular. I suspect it is
worse [in that respect] than during his time in Armley. Drug courier Sandra Gregory
spent four years in prison in Thailand, & four years in Britain. Now at Oxford University,
in her book Forget You Have a Daughter she says that prisons in Britain are worse
psychologically than in Bangkok. [See Euripides!]
Arriving at Wolds Prison in April 2003 I was in trepidation at what staff would be
like. Within half an hour I said, Compared to other prisons, this place is Heaven & you
are Angels. During the next ten days I repeated it to all staff with whom I came in
contact, & even put it in writing to Director Dave McDonnell, receiving a thank you letter
in return [I was later to find that not ALL staff at Wolds are Angels.] Yes, I do follow
the destroyer tradition where appropriate SOMEBODY has to but I treat with respect
anyone who treats me with respect. When serious crime is committed against me [or
others, see below] I protest. When they drive a skewer in my brain, I scream with pain
so they do it again!
Now to that most wicked lie, that I have never helped anyone. Certainly until
the age of 70 I was as selfish as the next man, but it was then my eyes were opened. Part
Two of my book C for C [of which Todd had a copy in 1997] was titled Perjury by
People with Perjury. It tells the story of a small businesswoman in Bingley Magistrates
Court in 1994, charged [for the most ulterior motives] with ten criminal offences. Called
only as an expert witness I was able to prove that there had been conspiracy to commit
perjury by three powerful prosecution witnesses, & the victim of the perjury was rightly
James, you & Andrew Yiannides are not the best of friends, but if you doubt the
story above contact him. He will tell you of the Daily Mirror journalist who also gave
evidence at that trial, & told Andrew of her admiration for me. I am not proud of
everything in my life, but I am proud that I was able to save Margaret Harvey from a great
With no personal axe to grind, I was aghast that I appeared to be alone in my
concern at having witnessed most serious perjury. Pushing various authorities to take
action, I was given the run-around & nothing was done. Without doubt, that was the time
I earned the first black mark against my name.
Learning more of corruption in the courts, I made it my mission in life to try to
rescue the fair lady Justice, raped daily by those in wigs & robes. It would hardly do me
much good, at my time of life, but I felt that God, or Fate or whoever, had chosen me to
fight on behalf of those unable to do so.
By that time I had learned that anyone who had anything a house, a home, a
husband, a wife, a family, a job, a business, or a career was likely to lose the lot if they
dared to challenge those who abuse their power. Robbed by crooked judges, I had none of

those things. Paradoxically, it made me more powerful, my decks were cleared for
action. They could take nothing from me but my liberty or my life. They have taken the
former, & are close to taking the latter. I give both gladly, in what IS a worthy cause.
Having made it my mission in life to expose the corruption, I travelled to courts all
over England, supporting other victims, without payment [some would pay my coach
fare]. Courts I visited, some several times, were Barrow-in-Furness [Wendy Armistead]:
Lancaster [Mrs ?]: Warrington, Manchester & Stockport [Geoffrey Scriven, Eva & Gerry
Adshead]; Durham [Maurice Kellet]: Scarborough: York: Otley: Keighley [John ?];
Bingley [Margaret Harvey, see above]: Leeds [Lee Foley; John Lee; Also Simon Stewart,
a young man who used to work for me, facing a charge of death by dangerous driving,
when it was the bad design of the coupling of his articulated vehicle that was at fault. I
did a lot of travelling for his defence team gathering technical information. He was
acquitted]: Bradford, Batley, Chesterfield [Gerry & Eva]: Ilkeston [Brian Robertson]:
Nottingham [John Kenneth Brown]: Leicester [Paul Talbot-Jenkins, see later]:
Birmingham [Marisa Sarda]; Bristol [Robert Ashman. The only LIP there, I spent a week,
costing me 300, & gave him valuable information]. Also, the Royal Courts of Justice
many times [G Scriven; Gerry & Eva; Patrick Cullinane; Marisa; Felicia?; Gedel?
Ebert; J .K.Brown; the Keighley man John?, a great fighter against Barclays Bank, name
on the tip of my tongue, since died.]
Court staff will react with horror if you try to take a tape recorder into court,
telling you it is contempt. I had discovered the Practice Direction which says that
litigants [& even members of the public] CAN use a tape recorder, if one asks the judge
for permission. I did so many times, sometimes in my own cases, sometimes when acting
as McKenzie Friend. Sometimes permission was refused, sometimes granted. It was
granted when I was acting as McKenzie for J.K.Brown & Marisa Sarda, in each case
spending many hours at home transcribing the tapes.
Notably, in the Civil Appeal Court I was seeking Judicial Review of criminal
misconduct by Leeds Courthouse staff [see page spread in the Yorkshire Evening Post
25/6/99 & The Times Law Report 8/7/99]. Lord Woolf MR [playing Mr. Nice Guy] not
only granted permission, but had my second recorder on the bench in front of him HE
pressing the buttons! I set another precedent then, by transcribing the tape in the official
format, & sending a copy to Lord Woolf. He signed it as an official court record! Andrew
Yiannides has a copy. My presence - & my name were being noted.
Now Lord Chief Justice, Woolf has the reputation of being a humane judge. The
Sunday Times, 15/6/03, quoted him as saying Killers should not serve life. I have killed
nobody, attacked nobody, but Lord Woolf & his underlings are determined I will never get
out alive.
Sept 1998 I became a geriatric law student at the University of Leeds under
Professor Clive Walker, Human Rights Specialist. 17 members of the European
Commission on Human Rights had just declared unanimously that I was a victim of a
violation of Article 6. This made me the star student. The case was still to go to before
the Court for rubber-stamping, & Professor Walker offered to come to Strasbourg with me
as my lay adviser. At the time he thought it was some technical legal point, but cooled
off quickly when he realised it was part of my mission to expose corrupt judges. Other
staff members had suggested I give a lecture to students, but they too quickly cooled off.
I also became honorary Secretary of the Litigants In Person Society, spending
many unpaid hours doing research for them, & giving advice on the telephone.
I published much on the Internet in support of Albert Dryden & seem to recall [I
may be wrong] that it was me who drew him to your attention, photocopying many pages

of his handwritten story to send to you. I made three round trips of 200 miles each to visit
him in prison.
Professor Walker was one of those who received a desperate call for help from me
after the attack of 8th August 1999. He ran away as fast as he could then [& has ignored
letters from me & others since]. That was when my last illusion was shattered. Having
learned that all litigation lawyers were corrupt, I still had the foolish notion that academic
lawyers would retain their integrity. Silly me. All their funding comes from big business.
The professors interest in Human Rights is very much academic rather than practical!
In fact, having completed my first year of study, my mission was well known, & I was no
longer the star student. Walker & others had been trying to ease me out of the university.
Since my incarceration, all but three of those for whom I travelled so far & did so
much have deserted me some have even stabbed me in the back!
See other documents for my manifesto when I stood for Parliament in 1997,
putting down my last 500 as deposit, knowing I would lose it. How many others would
do as much?
A letter to Jacqui Lait MP dated 1/9/98 from Geoffrey Hoon MP, then Lord
chancellor Irvines spokesman in The Commons said, My Dept. is considering these
rules [that hearings In Chambers are held in secret] in the light of a recent decision in
the ECHR in the case of Scarth v United Kingdom & in preparation for the
implementation of the Human Rights Bill. It WAS incorporated into the 1998 Human
Rights Act. Thanks to me, hearings In Chambers are now open to the public, of great
advantage to EVERY victim of our corrupt courts though of little value to me! It must
be unique for a little old man who left school at 13, a small farmer all my life [apart from
wartime service in the RN] to bring such a vital change in British Law single handed!
They are determined I will never bring another!
One thing bewilders me: I was delighted to receive a copy of
www.petitiononline.com/nscarth/petition & the flattering comments on it. Paul TalbertJenkins had added his name. Yet with the recent Vomit sent to me the same man competes
with James Todd to disparage me with sneers & lies. At a meeting in Leeds [with an
opposing solicitor I think], I had acted as McKenzie for him, & travelled 120 miles to do
so again at a court hearing in Leicester. I do not recall ever seeing anything from him
supporting me, & have certainly not received a word from him since my incarceration.
He says now, Norman does rise to the occasion & try to be a martyr. Quoting will upset
James, but Sir Thomas Moore did say, One should not choose to be a martyr, but
martyrdom has been thrust about me. The same for me. Until the age of 70 I was
blissfully enjoying a happy semi-retirement, living only for horses & farming. You can be
sure that those who turn the word martyr into a sneer would never become one.
PT-J goes on to say, We [notice the WE!!] had him in Stocken Prison for a
while just down the road a couple of miles from us. It is one of the best prisons in the
country & run by the Home Office, but he didnt want the help & sympathy that was
offered to him by the prison warders & prison visitors. Funny, I didnt notice the
help & sympathy but I did notice the vicious crime committed against me! PT-J
admitted that his wife works in the prison!!! What people will do for money!!! Why
doesnt she blow the whistle on the serious crime against prisoners apart from that
against me? My brother & friends being so far away, PT-J being so near, why didnt he
visit, to give me a little hope?
Upset at leaving Dovegate [Cat B] where I was getting on so well, I was told that
Stocken, being Category C, would be much better. In fact, staff were INFINITELY
worse, monsters almost as bad as those at Armley! I have given detail elsewhere, so

wont now. PT-J goes on to say, He was transferred back to Leeds to Newton Lodge
Hospital in Nov. 2002 as an OAP to be near his brother. He seems to know a lot. The
REAL reason why I was transferred to Newton Lodge was because doctors there had
been given the nod to destroy my brain with drugs even before they had assessed me
just as in Stalinist Russia even though psychiatrist Dr. Patrick Quinn admitted in writing
that they could be fatal. I was saved from that fate because good nurses refused to be
party to it, & an American psychiatrist stated he was willing to travel at his own expense
to challenge. They actually wanted to start forcible treatment before he arrived!
PT-J again, If he had behaved himself his sentence would have been spent & he
would be out of prison in April this year. Behaved myself? For 78 years I have done so.
He is of course quite right on one point. Had I behaved myself [by his standards], &
they had succeeded in pumping me full of drugs, I would have been out of prison, either
in a box or as a befuddled zombie! Sentence spent? Where did he get this information?
My sentence does not end until 2011 when I will be 85 if I should live so long under
treatment DESIGNED to drive me to insanity &/or take my own life. PT-J continues, If
he continues to buck the system in prison he only is the author of his own misfortunes.
The system? Better a bad system run by good people, than a good system run by bad
people. We have a bad system run by very bad people!
One example of how much he knows: in his penultimate sentence he says,
Armley is a privately run prison. It is NOT privately run, but a State Prison, the
same as Stocken. He implies that State prisons [his wife on the payroll of the Devils
Disciples who run them!] are better than private ones when the reverse is the truth [see
my remarks about Wolds, para 14]. Were my own shipmates who died fighting Hitler,
those in Belsen, Auschwitz, the Soviet Gulags, or slaughtered by Pol Pot Authors of their
own misfortunes by bucking the system?
I could crawl on my knees for a thousand miles to please the monsters who run
this system it would not do me the slightest bit of good protected as the monsters are
by sycophants & traitors such as PT-J. In his last sentence he says, I have every
sympathy for him. If this is an example of his sympathy, God help me if he were
malicious! Let those who want to sweet talk & suck up to the psychopaths & sadists do
so, but dont expect me to. Better to live & die with honour, rather than as a grovelling,
snivelling coward.
Back to James Todd: I shake my head in disbelief at your words. 12/2/2004 you
say to Sharon, . we know [Armley] is a Hell Hole, but you are not helping Norman by
publishing how badly he is being treated. Politicians & the news media are constantly
telling the brainwashed public that prisons are Holiday Camps. Why are you of all
people so desperate to hide the truth? In a 1933 Concordat, The Pope agreed not to
complain about Hitlers treatments of the Jews, & Hitler promised to go easy on
Catholics. Who is your Concordat with James?
You go on to say, He engages in confrontation at all times & the screws react
accordingly. See the words of Lesley Shackleton, Dr Barrington-Barber, & my written
praise of staff at Wolds [check with Director Dave McDonnell if you wish]. Puzzling that
Education staff at Dovegate were marvellous, warders variable: At Wolds most of the
warders are human [Angels as I wrote!], as are the librarians.
Other Education staff gloried in committing serious crime against me. As a special
treat for my 78th birthday they had me dragged brutally to the Punishment Block [only
three screws this time, not six as at Dovegate]. Whatever the excuse, there was no excuse
for such treatment. It was actually because I dared to complain about the serious crime.
The next sentence from you James makes me wonder if you are schizophrenic.

This is not to say that Normans treatment has not been outrageously inhuman & that he
should not have been convicted. So why do you attack me, rather than the outrageously
inhuman ones? You say, If he had concentrated it takes two hands to operate a chain
Colin Peters tried to say exactly that, but Judge Bentley would not allow anything
that was in my favour! Nor would the Appeal court [though it quashed the savage
sentence completely in November 2002], nor would Sheffield Crown Court when it
unlawfully re-imposed the sentence in April 2003! Anyway, whatever I did or did not do
on 20th July 2000, it was NOT a crime in British law [see my document Infear]. Even if
it had been a crime, my trial was a million times worse!
Norman likes the heady opium publicity [&] How did he arrive at the figure of
1,000,000? you sneer. What would you suggest - 2.50? It is impossible to comment
on your words of 17th Feb. 2004, they are totally devoid of sense. At the very end you
say, All email in my inbox referring to Norman Scarth will be deleted unread.
From 8th August 1999, the British State, Government, Parliament, Establishment,
News Media, Watchdogs [?] et al decided that I should become one of the disappeared,
an un-person, as in Orwells 1984, Argentina under The Generals & Pinochets Chile,
that I should cease to exist - except to be destroyed. So, I have now been disappeared by
Vomit. I rather feel that being deleted unread will not prevent James Todd from using
his vivid imagination to write about me.
PS: I have already been disappeared by John O [OSullivan I think] who
publishes the news letter Miscarriages of Justice UK [MOJUK, Tel: 0121 554
6947]. Could it be a condition of the 300,000 Lottery Grant he got for supporting
Asylum Seekers?

Working night & day on laptop producing legal documents but not allowed
to print at Armley great joy when given half hour notice of move back to
Wolds. The laptop came with me from Wolds, & by ALL the Rules & Laws
SHOULD have come back with me. On the point of leaving Armley Dispatch,
the laptop [which HAD been in a sealed bag] was brought to me by Senior
Officer Winklebotham [the name given to me by other officers], who told me
that he had orders to confiscate it.
Hoping to print at Wolds I was reeling with shock, & told him it was serious
TORTURE, both subject to life imprisonment.
IF taken from a prisoner for ANY reason, he should be allowed to remove all
confidential legal documents from the hard drive, & store them on floppy disc,
to be retained by the prisoner. To refuse to allow me to do so was in gross
violation of the House of Lords ruling in the Brady case [circa 2001].
Fortunately, I DID have some documents on floppy, including this First
Draft, otherwise I would have been in complete despair.
Yesterday evening I was able to go to the library at Wolds but [would you
believe it!] the desk top computer there was not working, so I was unable to
revise! However, I was able to print the document to which these are End
Notes, & send it un-revised. Apologies for any errors


Re-united with the early Vomits [see para. 6], I have been up most of the
night reading them, & find there are 50 or more references to me ALL
favourable, apart from a couple of mild criticisms. In www.vomit.cc/fortysix
he says of me, A man among pygmies.
Supportive of me while free, now when I am defenceless James Todd attacks
me, contradicting his own earlier words to do so! He blames Freemasonry for
everything. Is this an example?
Library computer now working. Continuation: Thursday 4th March 2004
[See para. 10 & 15]. We know of not one case where Norman has tried to
help others. In www.vomit.cc/81999 James Todd says, He has travelled
thousands of miles to expose the corruption in UK law & has supported
many other victims. WHY does he say otherwise now?
[Para. 11]. 50 years separated Dee Sharp & myself, but I fell in love with
her when she said of me, He is the nicest man I have ever known. Perhaps I
was dreaming? You could ring those named at Dovegate & check.
[Para. 22]. The first edition headline to the YEP story said, NORMAN
OUSTS [meant routs] TOP JUDGE. It was altered in later editions [D
Notice Committee?] Just 6 weeks later came the first crude assassination
attempt by Gestapo police.
[Para. 15]. Perjury by People with Perjury SHOULD be Perjury by
People with Power.
[Para. 33]. Though false, it was surely an offence under the DATA
PROTECTION ACT for PT-Js wife to give him that information? Equally
surely, she will be marked for promotion for doing so?
[Para. 41]. The sentence [10 years, not six], for a first offence, was 100
times worse than the trial.
Having now been able to read more of Vomit, from 262001 up to date, I see
many more supportive references to me [it would be pedantic to correct the
minor errors]. WHY oh WHY has he changed sides?
[Para. 42]. Norman likes the heady opium of publicity says James
[hardly; I am not even aware of it, kept almost incommunicado, as I am]. Yet
in Vomit of 17 Feb. 2004 he says Publicity is the only weapon we have.
Response [if any], to publicity is the ONLY thing that will save my life. Why
is he determined to deny it to me?
10. John Os Newsletter is about victims of injustice in prisons. While free, I
actively supported many of his calls for help, writing to Prison Governors etc.
He put out an email message about the Mark Barnsley Supporters Club, who
had marched into the CPS offices in Sheffield with banners & leaflets etc., in
working hours, all staff present. Sixteen were charged with burglary with
intent of all things! The first hearing was in Hull Magistrates Court.
I felt these were people with courage, who deserved support. Not learning of it
till the evening before, I could not find out the time of the hearing, so was up at
5 am. In Bradford, & caught 3 coaches to Hull. Apart from the 16, I was the
only one there. Four of them thanked me for attending. A date was set, but I
think the charges were dropped later. Mark Barnsley is now free, but my
letters to him & his supporters have been ignored. John O knows all about me,
but publishes not a word, not even to include my name on the long list of

hostages in his newsletters. All I DID get from him was an insulting letter
accusing me of sending him shit, & the same when I telephoned him.
What now Mr. Todd? Having pointed out as respectfully as I can the errors &
contradictions in your reports & comments, will there be a degree of contrition
from you, or more insults?
I hope Mr. Billy Burns will be able to see this. Again I am forced to stop,
hoping to catch the post.

PAROLE 03.03.04:

LETTER TO SFM 30.03.04:


HM Prison Wolds.
18th April 2004
Page 1 of .
The Prison Service Complaints Procedure is an obscene farce, designed & used to drive the victim to despair,
often to take their own lives, when it is described as 'suicide', instead of State Murder, which it is.
I make this complaint not with any hope of response, but only so that the truth will be on record after my
(1). Only sadists of genius could devise such fiendish ways to turn the provision (& snatching away) of a laptop
computer into a way of inflicting mental torture on the oldest prisoner fn [1] in England (a World War 2
veteran), at the same time deliberately causing a rapid worsening of my eyesight (suffering from cataracts as I
(2). The 16 court actions I am involved in (FAR too many for one old man, alone), can prove my innocence.
MUCH more importantly, they could also help to restore Democracy, Justice & the Rule of Law to Britain,
which is why I drive myself to the limit, working harder than ANY human being should have to - much less one
of 78!
(3). On the other side, those who have seized power in Police State Britain are determined I will never get out
of prison alive & sane, in case I write another book, stand for Parliament again (as I did in 1997) or bring
ANOTHER momentous change in British law (via the European Court of Human Rights, case 33745/96,
incorporated into the 1998 Human Rights Act!)
(4). To return to the present complaint: It was indeed marvellous when on 1/10/03 I was belatedly allowed a
laptop in my possession, thus able to use it for an hour at time throughout the twenty four, resting my eyes from
the screen in between.
(5). However, to allow the computer, but denying me access to a printer is torture, comparable to giving a
starving man a tin of food - but no tin opener! [2]
(6). This is far from all: During several periods in HMP Leeds (Armley Gaol), working night & day, I produced
about 100 confidential legal documents. Though stored on the computer, I was not allowed to print there. Told
at half hour notice that I would be going back to Wolds, I was delighted, expecting to have at least limited
access to a printer there (as previously).
(7). However, on the point of leaving Armley, the laptop was confiscated by the psychopaths who run that brutal
place, unlawfully taken from one of the sealed bags which were to accompany me.
(8). After several weeks, the laptop did follow me back to Wolds Prison. Though less brutal than Leeds,
Machiavellian torture has continued. fn [3] .
(9). It was decided I could not have the laptop itself, but I was allowed to transfer the files to floppy discs, thus
allowing me access to the documents - IN THEORY!
(10). There are many computers in Wolds (in 'Education' & elsewhere), but I have been allowed access only to
the most ancient one (afternoons only, so that I miss the post with my urgent legal documents). Now we come to
the genius of the torturers. The ancient computer & my floppy discs are not compatible! Yes, I am able to hand
over my floppy discs for the completed documents on them to be printed, & yes, I am able to .produce new
documents on the ancient computer.
(11). BUT - many of those on the floppies are drafts, needing revision or amendment, or to be used as the basis
for new documents. Much of it would be very simple, needing only a few minutes, but I am forced to retype the
1,000s of words completely, taking ten times as long - working ten times as hard!
(12). My limited access to the ancient computer forces me to stare at the screen for three hours at a time, with a
worsening of my eyesight. As said, the most ruthless bunch of gangsters in the land are determined I will never
get out of prison alive & sane. The Prison Service do their part, doing their best to drive me to physical &
mental breakdown, overwork & lack of sleep being a very effective way of doing so.
(13). Such treatment would be bad enough on anyone: On a man of 78, my already short expectation of life
being rapidly reduced by treatment in prison, it is diabolical.

(14). At Dovegate Prison in 2001-2 , I was belatedly allowed to 'Education', morning, afternoon & evening
Monday to Friday, plus Saturday & Sunday mornings. There I had access to computers, printers, copier,
scanners, fax facilities, library, etc. & sharing legal knowledge with other L.I.P. prisoners - all that was
necessary for the 'equality of arms' to which the L.I.P. is entitled by law. I was classed as being on Open
Learning (as were others), & thus received wages of 10 per week.
(15). One particularly spiteful action by Wolds Director Dave McDonnel: Ten days after arrival at Wolds I was
placed on Education. Two days later I was suddenly taken off, moved to another Wing, told only "(At your age)
you have earned the right not to work" , thus losing wages, receiving only about 3 'retirement pay'. This,
after fighting for my King & Country in World War 2, & working honestly & hard for 60 year - harder than
ever now!
(16). This is only a small part of the criminal maltreatment inflicted on me by the Prison Service, & takes no
account of the collusion between the judiciary, the Court Service, the police, the Probation Service, the Parole
Board & the Criminal Cases Review Commission, all agents of this ruthless, lawless & merciless Police State.
Why? See last sentence of footnote 1.
(17). Perhaps I am paranoid, suffering from persecution mania, as psychiatrists have said? My savage sentence
having been quashed completely on the 25th November 2002, I was kept in a 'Secure Mental Hospital' (as
happened to dissidents in Soviet Russia) until April 2003. If I am indeed dangerous [as labelled in a Soviet
style Kangaroo Court], the public would have been quite safe from me if I were to remain at the secure hospital,
as psychiatrist Dr. Patrick G.J.Quinn wanted. I too would have been happy [second best happy!] to remain there
the rest of my life rather than suffer sadistic brutality & mental torture in prison.
[18] Taken to Sheffield Crown Court, psychiatrist Dr. Patrick J.G.Quinn spoke from the witness box, telling
Judge Goldsack, "Sending him back to prison could have catastrophic consequences on his mental health".
Judge Goldsack was delighted at the thought, & sent me back to prison confident in the ability of the Prison
Service to bring about the 'catastrophic consequences' predicted by Dr. Quinn! Am I suffering from persecution
mania - or is Judge Goldsack a psychopath? (see Euripides).
(19). See the 1999 documents which accompany my response to the Refusal of Parole by that Board. I quote
only one sentence from their refusal: They say, "This is Mr. Scarth's first experience of custody & he has
understandably found the experience traumatic".
(19A). So, with only one very doubtful blot on my long, law abiding & honourable record, they are determined
the trauma shall continue! What sort of creatures could be party to the continuing trauma of physical brutality,
mental torture, torment & starvation of a World War 2 veteran - then wear poppies on 11th Nov?
(20). All those named in paragraph 16 purport to act in the name of the Queen, & thus are bound by her
Coronation Oath (sworn before Almighty God), "To Deliver Justice with Mercy". They are without shame,
conscience, mercy, humanity or soul. With NO chance of Justice, I have as much chance of Mercy from these
people as a mouse in a snakepit! 'Perfidious Albion'? Never more so than now!

The Complaint Form asks "What would you like to see done about your complaint?"
(a) The most important thing is that the British people shall learn from history, wake up, & see that Lawyer
Blair's Britain is a ruthless, lawless, murderous & merciless Police State, just as bad as Germany under Hitler,
though the victims are fewer (as yet! Though it was marvellous for the Germans in the 1930s, there was a heavy
price to pay in the 1940s. There will be again. ALL the people, good & bad, should take the Yellow Brick
(b) The UN-Holy Trinity which makes up Lawyer Blair's evil regime should go in search of a conscience.
(c). The depraved, corrupt judiciary should cease the pretence that they are Gods, suppress their hatred of those
who dare to suggest otherwise, throw away their arrogance, & search for a little humility.
(d)). Our completely corrupt propaganda machine, politicians, news media & supposedly 'independent', lawyer
controlled watchdogs', (especially Amnesty International, 'Justice', 'Liberty' et al), shall cease their grovelling
worship of those in (c); cease their cover-up of horrific crime by the Police State, do the job they pretend to do,
& go in search of truth.

(e). The millions of lackeys, thugs, puppets & sychophants on the payroll of (b), (c) & (d) shall cease to
propagate the monstrous lies of their masters (to which they add their own), learn to read, write & understand
English (instead of using weasel words & Orwellian Newspeak), then go in search of a little humanity:
(f). The millions brainwashed by those in (b), (c), (d) & (e) into believing that we live in a Democracy, shall go
in search of a new brain.
(g). The millions of ordinary people too scared to speak up should recognise the horror awaiting their children
as those drunk with power bring revolution (&/or) World War. They should then go in search of courage
enough to speak up NOW - & hopefully reduce the likelihood of one or the other. As said above, there WILL
be price to pay. Good & bad, innocent & guilty, actively wicked or just silent, all will suffer.
(h). To 'encourage' those without a conscience to find one, Lawyer Blair should be indicted before an
International Court for the massacre of innocent men, women & children in Iraq; for ordering the assassination
of a political opponent (myself) in Britain. That having failed, he then ordered that I be convicted in a Kangaroo
Court, then suffer terror, physical & mental torture in a succession of sophisticated British Belsen prisons. Only
a very small part of it is in this document.
(i). That three of those carrying out the orders be included in the indictment: namely S.P.Grenfell, a Leeds
Circuit Judge (acting a a High Court Judge), Director of Wolds Prison 'Dave' McDonnel, & Education manager
Patricia Wilcox.
(j). That there shall be set up a TRUTH COMMISSION, on the lines of that set up by Archbishop Tutu in South
Perhaps the country may then become something like that for which my shipmates & myself believed we were
fighting all those years ago. All of those who are part of the Police State, Government, Parliament, news media,
'Independent watchdogs', et al, knew of the potentially lethal terror attack on me on 8th August 1999 (11 months
before my supposed crime), & that I am to die here because I was being successful at exposing crooked judges.
More than a punishment for me, it is a warning of what will happen to others who seek to do the same.
Hitler was at least honest about his intentions (as was the apartheid regime in South Africa, & Robert Mugabe
now). The Blair regime hides behind a nauseating pretence of 'Democracy', concern for 'Human Rights' & the
'Rule of Law'.
See my document WW2, & others. See especially my document 'Parole' about the unbelievable depravity of
that Board!
Proud to be British for 70 years, with shock, shame & sorrow I have been forced to conclude that 95% of the
British people are completely corrupt, completely brainwashed, deliberately blind & deaf, or craven cowards.
You do not need a Lab. Report to tell when an egg is bad, nor do you need detail to recognise corruption. In
each case the stench is unmistakable. However, there is a MASS of proof in this case. It is in the multitude of
court (& prison) documents which show how gross ignorance, incompetence & inefficiency (feigned or actual)
are used as weapons against the victims, those who dare to challenge the evil ones by speaking or writing the
This document is drafted under enormous difficulties & pressure. Apologies for repetition or other faults, but I
don't have time to sleep, barely time to breath, much less edit!


see Euripides again].
From Norman Scarth, Political Prisoner GV 5409, HM Prison Wold Gulag, BROUGH, HU15 2JZ, East
Yorkshire, England.
See www.petitiononline.com/nscarth/petition

[1] The Times 13/3/04 does tell of a new prisoner older than me: Audrey Hingston, 81, stabbed her sick husband to death
as he lay in bed, then gave a 'heartbreaking' performance on TV, blamed it on 'burglars' - giving a description of two men
she knew! She was sentenced to two years in prison, will be free after one year. I have killed nobody, attacked nobody, yet
I am to die in prison - because I exposed crooked judges in my 1997 General Election manifesto, & in my book 'Cause for

Concern' - with evidence!

[2] The provision of a laptop computer may appear to be a way of giving the L.I.P. prisoner the 'equality of arms' to which
he is entitled under law. In fact it is designed & used by the Prison Service as a very clever way to frustrate the intention of
the law!
[3] Both at HMP Leeds & Wolds, one particular cat & mouse torture was the promise that I would be provided with a printer
in my cell, to use with the laptop, but it never happened. I have my own outside, which could have been brought in. Or, I
offered to buy a new one from the catalogue company we are supposedly allowed to use, via the prison, but was told it was
not necessary, told again that the Prison Service would supply one.

N Scarth doc. Ref:IP-04-04-23

To: The Independent Police Complaints Commission, 90, High Holborn,
Tel: 0845 3002 002. Fax: 0207 404 0431. Fax for complaints: 0207 242 4695
23rd April 2004
I write in the hope that you may prove MORE independent - & less corrupt
than your predecessors, The Police Complaints Authority.
On Sunday afternoon 8th August 1999 I was sitting at home, alone, a completely
law abiding Old Age Pensioner, a World War 2 veteran of 73, doing no wrong in any
shape or form.
There came to the door no less than SEVEN police [nine in all] demanding entry without even the PRETENCE of a lawful excuse! They were acting as a private
army! I knew they were breaking the law, & though in terror & shock, I told them so.
Their answer? So What! Few men of my age would not have had a heart attack or
They radioed for a battering ram & riot shields, but did not use them, as concerned
neighbours were watching. Instead, they laid siege to the hose for three hours, finally
backing off saying We have decided this is not a police matter just as I had been
telling them from the start!
In fact there wasnt even a matter, police or otherwise! However, they also said
Well be back! repeated several times, in very threatening matter. I had tape
recordings of those words - & much else beside!
After the threats I did not dare go to bed for 48 hours, & faxed desperate calls for
help to every watchdog in the land INCLUDING the PCA with not even a word to
acknowledge receipt. A copy of one of them is enclosed, also a copy of a letter from
Councillor Amanda Carter.
I then sent a transcript of the tape recording of the attack & siege, & soon
afterwards another transcript with my comments inserted to aid understanding. I believe I
also sent another copy of the latter after a week or so.
The Welfare Officer of the Royal Naval [veterans] Association also wrote, but
never a single word from the PCA to them or me. It would appear they were in collusion
with West Yorkshire Police, & just as Fascist.
The consequences of the failure of eth PCA have been horrific. They were
effectively giving licence to W Y Police to renew the attack. I only dared leave the house
three times during the next eleven months, imprisoned by fear - & I am NOT a timid
man. My fears were proved well justified on 20th July 2000 when they renewed the

attack. This time they DID smash the door in, & gave me a brutal kicking which put me
in hospital. No action whatsoever was taken against my attackers, but I was stitched up
for a supposed crime, perjury used to obtain a conviction.
My lifelong law abiding record is second to none [though it does have one very
doubtful blot on it now.] I served my King & Country in world War 2, lucky to survive
bloody battle on the terrible Russian Convoys, brave men [of both sides] dying around me
in large numbers. This was followed by 60 years of honest hard work [harder than ever
now.] My single-handed success in the European Court of Human Rights [33745/96]
brought a much needed change in British law [incorporated into the 1998 Human Rights
My reward for than is that I am now, as [one of] the oldest prisoner[s] in Britain,
suffering incredible physical brutality, unrelenting mental torture, sneers, jeers, goading,
provocation & starvation in a succession of British Belsens until I die in one of them. I
will be proud to do so but it will be to the eternal shame of the poppy wearing
British people if they aloow it to happen!
In her Coronation Oath the Queen swore before Almighty God To Deliver Justice
with Mercy. All those who have the power of life or death over me are supposed to act
in her name, & thus are bound by that oath. If I cannot have justice, can I not at least have
mercy? Imperial Britain could be brutal, with flogging, hanging & the massacre of
hundreds of innocent men, women & children at Amritsar, but still had enough respect for
that oath to release Mahatma Gandhi & the Suffragettes from prison when they were close
to death.
Will the Blair regime show the same mercy to me? I fear not. My General
Election Manifesto of 1997, my book Cause for Concern, & especially the change in
British law brought about by me must have upset them.
I would be grateful if you would be kind enough to send to me copies of the
correspondence from myself [& the RNA] to the PCA especially the transcripts of the
tape recordings, as soon as possible [I cannot survive much longer under this treatment.]
Whether you do anything beyond that is a matter for your own consciences.
From Norman Scarth, Political Prisoner GV 5409, HM Prison Wolds Gulag,
BROUGH, HU15 2JZ, East Yorkshire, England. See






NS doc. Ref. Hol-04-06-02 Wed 2nd June 2004

PETITION to The House of Lords.

From Norman Scarth, World War 2 Hero,

Currently Victim GV 5409 in;
Her Majestys Prison Wolds Gulag,
East Yorkshire, England
[born 1925, succumbed to torture 2004]
To The Principal Clark, THE JUDICIAL OFFICE of
Tel: 020 7219 3111. Fax: 7219 2476. www.parliament.uk
Dear Sir,
Today, Friday 4th June 2004 I posted to you two copies of a Petition, ref. [Hol-04-6-02]
You may or may not have received them by now. Working under enormous pressure,
meeting great obstruction from Prison Managers, I may have neglected to include the
Judgments which are the subject of the Petition. I send them now, & apologise for any
I also take the opportunity to repeat in type the words I was forced to write by hand on the
back of page one of the Petition.
This Petition is about Terrorism, Torture, & murder by THE STATE, along with
corruption in the courts. I am THE expert on that subject! It DOES exist see letter from
Paul Boateng dated 3rd July 1995 [when he was legal spokesman for the Labour Party,
then in opposition.] He wrote, We will put and end to fraud in the legal system.
Regrettably, he did nothing, & now holds high Cabinet Office. I DID do something, &
am to die in prison!
All are INFINITELY more important than any shortcoming in this document, its
presentation, or procedure. [I am unable to print on both sides, as you instruct.]
Should any such shortcomings be used as an excuse to dismiss the Petition, the House of
Lords will be complicit in those crimes, & their cover-up.
It will prove that Britain is a Police State, just as bad as Hitlers, lawyers being the new
Master race, the preservation of their power being much more important than the death
of innocent victims. I trust you will prove otherwise.
If I live & retain strength long enough, I will try to send more of the mass of evidence I
One example is the document enclosed, marked [12] WILL SOMEBODY HELP ME
PLEASE? There came not help, but brutality & depravity beyond belief!

I attach a copy of the Petition as sent, but now stapled all down one side [as you instruct],
in case you use the lack of 2 staples in the original as an excuse to throw it out. There is
also an added sentence at the end, & I ask you to replace the original with this one.

In submitting this Petition, I respectfully remind you that you act in the name of the
Queen, & thus are bound by her Coronation Oath [sworn before Almighty God], TO
Following the potentially lethal attack on me by a private army in blue uniforms on 8th
August 1999 [eleven months BEFORE the crime of which I stand convicted], not an
ounce of mercy has been shown to me. From that day, I became one of The
Disappeared, as in Orwells 1984, Argentina under the Generals, or in Pinochets Chile.
I ceased to exist, except to be destroyed, a task which is almost completed.
Perhaps the House of Lords will save me?

I ask that the matter be expedited. At the age of 78, my life expectation is already short.
It is rapidly being shortened even more by the physical brutality & mental torture inflicted
on me in prison. They are NOT Holiday Camps, as politicians & the news media
constantly tell the public! They are certainly not fit places for a World War 2 Veteran
whose record of service to my king, my Queen & my Country during the whole of my life
[from the age of 17 onwards] is exceeded by few. I can stand it no longer, & seek escape
by the only means available to me, as used by Mahatma Gandhi & the Suffragettes. They
were released when close to death. Will the same mercy by shown to me?

I also request an extension of time in making the Application. See end for reasons.


currently at Her Majestys Prison Wolds Gulag, BROUGH, HU15 2JZ, East Yorkshire,
& the European Convention for the Prevention of Torture & Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment of Prisoners. 1987
Regina V Norman Scarth

[Criminal Appeal Ref. No 2001/02818/Y3; 2002/00269/Y3, &

I refer you to the front page of the Criminal Appeal Court JUDGMENT of
Monday 25th November 2002 [As Approved by the Court.]
It states that Mr. Barlow was sitting as Vice President of the Court of Appeal,
Criminal Division.
It ALSO states that Mr M Barlow appeared on behalf of the APPELLANT. A
silly mistake? Perhaps so, where it states that Mr Barlow was Vice President of the Court,
but SURELY such a vital document APPROVED BY THE COURT should not
contain silly mistakes? That alone must call into question the competence of the court - &
the accuracy of the remainder of the Judgment.
However, there is much worse. It was NOT a silly mistake where is states that Mr
Barlow was acting for the Appellant [me].
Please see the judgment dated Monday 11th November 2002. Again is says on the
front page, Mr M Barlow appeared on behalf of the APPELLANT.
To go back a bit: I had prepared my own grounds for appeal [cast iron, with a
multitude of them] against conviction & sentence, & the application for leave to appeal
was listed to be heard on 31 July 2002.
Many months before, Mark Barlow had tricked me into appointing him, saying,
Knowing what Judge Bentley [the trial judge] is like, I am concerned for your fate.
[Perhaps he should expound on exactly WHAT Judge Bentley is like?]
That was all from Barlow: No further communication, by letter, telephone, or
conference. The ONLY thing he did at short notice, without any reference to me, was to
ask the Appeal Court to put the application back to another date. At the age of 76 [then]
time is not on my side, & it was serious misconduct to delay my Application. I wrote to
the Appeal Court saying I no longer wanted Barlow [or any other lawyer] to represent me,
repeating it several times in writing during the months which followed.
The delayed hearing took place on 11th November 2002, - Armistice day,
ironically when thousands were marching past the Cenotaph in memory of those who
fought in WW2. Not a soul in court to see what was being done to me!
Mark Barlow was in court, & claimed to be acting for me. I told the court, Under
no circumstances do I want to be represented by that man. Lord Justice Rose, threatened
that if I said another word, he would have me dragged back to the cells.
At the end of the hearing he asked me if I understood. It appears I was only to be
allowed to say yes or no, & when I tried to say more he DID have me dragged back to the
Paragraph 2 of the Judgment of 11th Nov. says Mr Barlow, has indicated that
he cannot advance arguments in support of that renewed application [for leave to appeal
against conviction]. So, my cast iron grounds for appeal against conviction & sentence
were never EVER heard! That was monstrous.
It was the grossest possible violation of article 6 of the 1998 Human Rights act &
the European Convention on Human Rights, both of which require that for a hearing to be
Fair, a person is entitled to defend himself in person, or through legal assistance of his
own choosing, & that hearings be before an independent & impartial tribunal.
None could have been LESS impartial than LJ Rose, unless it be Judge Bentley at
my original trial, where he banned the press, my witnesses & my evidence. He too had
me dragged back down to the cells [three times] when I protested. It was also in breach of
Articles 3 [mental torture], & Article 5. A breach of Article 2 has not yet occurred, but it

is imminent.
Such discrimination as there may be in the courts against Asians, Blacks, Muslims,
Asylum Seekers or other minorities, is as nothing compared to that against the L.I.P. As
Honorary Secretary of the Litigant In Persons Society, travelling to courts all over
England, I have much more experience than just my own.
The rest of the written judgement of 11 Nov. was as ridiculous as the front page of
the document of 25 Nov. LJ Rose purported to read out just a few of my grounds for
appeal, but they were grossly distorted by him [sometimes the opposite of what I put
forward], & deliberately leaving out the cast iron grounds.
That document [25 Nov.] says at paragraph 9, Furthermore, so far as the future
representation of this defendant is concerned, we order that a transcript of this judgement
shall be supplied to the Crown Court, in order that the Crown Court can consider the
making of an appropriate representation order as & when the matter again comes before
the Crown Court. I had specifically said that I did not want to be represented by ANY
lawyer particularly after the Mark Barlow experience!
Paragraph 10 says, So far as the matter being dealt with by the Crown Court is
concerned, we order that the sentence in this case will be reviewed by the Recorder of
Sheffield, Judge Goldsack
So, having received only the garbled Judgment, from an appeal hearing which
was in gross violation of article 6 of the 1998 HRA [which I had a part in drafting!
1998 Human Rights act see letter from Geoffrey Hoon MP, dated 1/9/98, when he was
Lord Chancellor Irvines spokesman in the Commons], & the ECHR, Judge Goldsack was
to see NONE of my grounds for appeal against my unbelievably savage sentence! He of
course was equally savage.
After psychiatrist Dr. Patrick J G Quinn had told him from the witness box,
Sending him back to prison could have catastrophic consequences upon his mental
health, he did exactly that! LITTLE MERCY THERE! He was of course hoping that
I would be driven insane [to ensure I did not publish another book or stand for Parliament
again [as I had done in 1997], or bring another important change in British law, via the
ECtHR], knowing that prison staff are experts. Obviously Dr. Quinn knew it too, which is
why he spoke as he did, hoping to save me from such treatment.
To deliberately cause someone to be driven to insanity [as Judge Goldsack was
seeking to do] is a crime worse than murder. As a punishment, it is worse than the
Though this Application concerns the impartiality [or otherwise] of the court, &
the impropriety of Mark Barlow being forced upon me, it also concerns the accuracy of
court records. Mention should be made of the official transcript of one of the hearings
before Judge Goldsack. It quoted me as saying, A bundle of forged documents. In fact
I had said, A bundle of COURT documents! This was just one of about a score of
equally ridiculous mistakes in that transcript.
Re Permission to Apply to the House of Lord: My request to the Appeal Court for
permission, has been neither granted nor refused, just ignored. Regrettably once more,
this is common practice, a weapon regularly used against the L.I.P. This must count as a
I trust the faulty Judgment documents, & forcing Mark Barlow on to me are on
their own sufficient for this Petition to go forward, but there is MUCH more. Your
Practice Directions [4.1] say, Supporting documents will only be accepted under
exceptional circumstances. Never were there MORE exceptional circumstances! They
start with the attempted assassinations of a completely law abiding old man by Gestapo

Police in 1999 & 2000, followed by the nationwide cover-up of that police crime,
conviction & imprisonment being part of the cover-up. However, time is not on my side,
& I may not survive to send all the supporting documents, so send only 5.
Reasons for extension of time: [a] Regrettably, there has been misconduct, &/or
incompetence by the Appeal Court itself, keeping from me for several months the
judgments enclosed: [b] Regrettably again, the Prison Service are hostile to the prisoner
who claims to be the victim of injustice, especially to the prisoner who seeks to prove it
without a lawyer. Perhaps it is because they are anxious not to lose the 35,000 income
that each prisoner brings, but whatever, they do their best to frustrate his appeal [or other
court actions] by frequent moves, for no other purpose than to disorientate the victim. I
have suffered 19 moves during my three years of incarceration, ten moves in the last year,
during which they have separated me from many of my court documents. They also use
the most devious means to deny the LIP prisoner the Equality of Arms to which he is
entitled under law.
They also use quite FIENDISH means to drive the victim to mental breakdown.
The large number of so-called suicides in prison is evidence of this.
The facts in this WITNESS STATEMENT are true to the best of my knowledge & belief
Signed: Norman Scarth
Current address: Norman Scarth, Victim GV 5409, HM Prison
Wolds Gulag, BROUGH, HU15 2JZ, East Yorkshire, England.
Enc: Pages numbered [11]; [12] & [13] only came to me a few months ago, from the West
Yorkshire Police solicitor, responding to my request for disclosure for my High Court
action against the Chief Constable. That action has been DELIBERATELY delayed for
three years, in the hope that my death would prevent the matter ever coming to light.
Document number [12] Will somebody help me please? is the most important,
supported by [11], [13] & others, including [1] & [2]. [2] showed photos of injuries
inflicted on me at the 2nd attack. They are all the proof one needs of the murderous attack
on a completely law abiding old man, without even the PRETENCE of a lawful excuse!
There came not help but brutality & depravity beyond belief! from the police, the
courts & the Prisons Service with total silence from ALL our supposed Watchdogs!



Ref. Gangsters, 20/7/04

TERRIBLE things are happening in Britain,
But the government, supposed Opposition Parties, &


Are determined you will not know!
This Democratic country is just like Hitlers Germany though the
victims are fewer as yet!
One victim is Norman Scarth; World War 2 Hero; small farmer & horse breeder;
Parliamentary Candidate; author & single-handed law-reformer.
Until the age of 70, he was proud to be British, believing [as we were constantly told]
that our judges were the finest in the world.
He then discovered [by chance] that there were many rotten apples among them. In
memory of his shipmates who had died around him 60 years ago, he could not turn
his back, & made it his mission in life to expose the corruption. He learned it was
FAR worse than could have been imagined!
He was being successful in his mission, & intended to stand against Lawyer Blair at
the 2001 General election.


ATEMPTS TO SILENCE HIM. You will learn NOTHING of them from our
news media any more than you would have done in Nazi Germany!
Though the second attack put him in hospital, he survived.
His attackers have licence to continue their evil work but 78 year old Norman,
stitched up for a NON EXISTANT crime is now in his fourth year of physical
brutality & mental torture in a succession of Blunkett & Blairs sophisticated British
Belsen prison.s
[IF he ever gets out alive & sane, there will be an unfortunate accident!]
Why do 99.9% of the British people turn a blind eye to such horror?
Even those he believed were friends completely ignored his desperate calls for help!
To save this brave man from further brutality - & from death PLEASE ACT
NOW! Ignore this & his blood will be on your hands!
He is now Prisoner GV5409, HM Prison Wolds Gulag, BROUGH, HU15 2JZ, East Yorkshire, England.

We tiny handful of supporters are urgently in need of

help &/or funds.
Please contact: Tony [Leeds] 0113 271 4590 || John [Dorset] 01308 485 412
John@blandamase.fsnet.co.uk || Ann [Edinburgh] Tel/fax 0131 449 4543 [Mobile 0770
840 6152] email mallaby@ecosse.net || Sharon [N. Wales] 01492 535200,
Sharon@kilby18.freeserve.co.uk || Eric [Bradford] 01535 27 35 83 || Jack, 0113 262 0449
[currently unwell] || Duncan [Gourock] 01475 637 229


Committed to exposing criminal misuse of law in British courts.
World War 2, The Cause, The End, & the Seizing of ABSOLUTE POWER by the new 'Master Race' in
NORMAN SCARTH (born 1925). Survived bloody battle in WW 2, fighting for Democracy, Freedom,
Justice & the Rule of Law. Late in life became a geriatric observer, researcher, student, & single-handed
reformer of law; Parliamentary Candidate, author of the book 'Cause for Concern'; Hon. Sec. of the
Litigants In Person Society & Founder Member of the Article 6 Group.
Having served my King, my Queen & my Country all my long life, at 78 I am now
Victim GV 5409, in my fourth year of physical brutality, mental torture & starvation
in a succession of Her Britannic Majesty's sophisticated British Belsens.
Proud to be British until the age of 70, proud to have 'done my bit' in the fight against Hitler,
believing that our judges were 'the finest in the world', there came a succession of shocks as I learned
that 'fraud in the legal system' (vide Paul Boateng MP) fn [1] is rampant in our courts. (Fraud?
Corruption describes it better.)
Edmund Burke (1729-1797) said, "In order that evil should triumph it is sufficient for good men to do
nothing". I would not claim to be a 'good man' (my conscience tells me otherwise), but remembering my
brave young shipmates who had died around me 60 years ago, I could not turn my back, & made it my
mission in life to expose the corruption. The diabolical treatment meted out to me is not only a measure
of my success, but the depth, height & extent of the corruption.
(1). World War 2 came about because one man sought to impose the rule of a 'Master Race' on the rest
of mankind. He used force & failed. In the euphoria that followed victory, we forgot the
dictum of John Philpott Curran (1750-1817), "The condition on which God hath given Liberty
to man is that of eternal vigilance". And so, a new 'Master Race' (not the one Hitler envisaged)
achieved by stealth that which Hitler failed to do by force.
(2). They are lawyers, rated world-wide as the least worthy of the professions. In Britain, the worst of
them become judges. My eight year search for an honest one has been in vain. On the
contrary, their carelessness (born of arrogance) has provided me with masses of evidence that
in Britain they are MORE than corrupt - they are depraved, consumed by a hatred of the
litigant In Person ([2]) which equals that of the Hitler, Himmler & Heydrich for the Jews!
They used poison gas to destroy their victims (it was at least quick). The poisonous lies used
by the judiciary take longer.
(3). They have seized unto themselves a Divine Right (previously of Kings), & will destroy anyone they
say see as a threat to their power. I was just a noisy old man, a no-hoper Parliamentary
Candidate, travelling to courts all over England, supporting victims of injustice in the civil
courts, & was no threat to them.
(4). This changed after my single-handed success in the European Court of Human Rights (33745/96)
brought a vital change in British law, incorporated into the 1998 Human Rights Act. The
change is much hated by lawyers & judges, & I am much hated for it. I was no longer a noisy
old buffoon.
(5). I stood against Tony Benn at the 1997 General Election as an INDEPENDENT OLD AGE
PENSIONER. My effect on the result was much greater than the official result indicated.
Though Benn won (as expected) Chesterfield was one of only four towns in the country where
the massive swing to Labour was reversed. Benn saw that he could be ousted next time, & did
not contest in 2001. The seat was indeed taken by the Lib-Dem. I had showed the way.

(6). I had intended to stand against Tony Blair in Sedgefield at the 2001 election, & WOULD have
made a difference!
(7). On 8th August 1999 (without even the pretence of a lawful excuse) I was the victim of a potentially
lethal terror attack by a mob-handed gang of Lawyer Blair's Secret Police - untouchable &
unaccountable! The intention was to silence me by fear, a heart attack or a stroke. It would
have been 'death from natural causes'.
(8). In the hours, days, weeks, & months which followed, my desperate calls for help were faxed to the
Home Office; 'Opposition'; ALL the Press, TV & Radio (our supposedly 'free & independent'
News Media); Amnesty International; 'Justice'; 'Liberty' & EVERY 'watchdog' in the land including 200 MPs! Not a word of acknowledgement even - from any!
(9). Their total silence gave licence for a second attack 11 months later. Though it did put me in
hospital, again I survived. So, I was stitched up for a NON-EXISTENT CRIME footnote [3],
& after a grotesque Kangaroo Court 'trial', given a TEN YEAR SENTENCE - for a first
'offence' - at the age of 75 (then!) Now 78 (the oldest man in prison), I am in my fourth year of
semi- starvation, with physical & mental torture beyond belief in a succession of Blunkett &
Blair's brutal BRITISH Belsen prisons! My constitution MUST be stronger than any man in
England, but I cannot stand such treatment much longer.
(10). "Better that innocent me should remain in prison, than that the integrity of the judiciary be
impugned" said the 'great' Lord Denning, a creed followed by ALL judges. I HAD been
impugning that (supposed) 'integrity' - with masses of evidence! Having stitched me up, they
are determined I will never get out of prison alive & sane. The savage treatment is not only
punishment for me, but a warning to others who may seek to impugn that 'integrity'. See the
words of Thomas Jefferson about British Judges after his new nation had become free of them!
(11). Bishop Benigne Bassnet (1627-1704) described Britain as 'Perfidious Albion'. Mohammed Ali
said "The white man is The Devil". Proud to be British, I was shocked, hurt & affronted at the
time, from a man much admired in Britain. With shame & sorrow, I am forced to admit he was
close to the truth. Devilish? Perfidious? Treacherous? Sadistic? Depraved? There are no
words in the language to adequately describe British judges, their lackeys, thugs, puppets &
(12). They are all on the payroll of this ruthless, lawless & merciless Police State in one way or another.
What of the rest? 99.9% of them are either completely brainwashed by the puerile pap (laced
with poison) fed to them by those who control the Propaganda Industry - or they are completely
spineless. Amongst the few who claimed to be supporters &/or fellow victims, some have
proved treacherous, almost certainly planted by the evil ones.
(13). Where are those supposed 'watchdogs'? They ALL know of the attack of 8/8/99 (many knew
within days) - but NONE will expose crooked judges.
(14). What about Tony Benn (see para. 5). He is currently parading all over the country promoting
himself as the conscience of the Labour Party. He knew of this horror from the start, & knows
I have committed no crime. Is his silence the price he paid for the rapid promotion of his son
Hilary to the Cabinet? Or does he really hate me for reminding him of his wicked words of
1984 - which he hoped were forgotten?
(15). In the Gulag Archipelago Alecksandr Solzhenitsyn wrote "Of course there are hundreds like me
who could drag this out into the light of day, but it didn't fall to them, it fell to me. And I am
doing the work of a 100 men, & that's all there is to it". I am doing the work of 10,000. I 'did
my bit' in WW 2, along with most of the British people - who had courage at that time. I am
doing much MORE than my bit now - but doing so almost alone!

(16). TREACHERY: My 'shipmates' of the Russian Convoy Club & the Royal Naval Association
fought against the evil of Hitler, as I did. They & their wives are of the generation now
suffering from murderous attacks by vicious & cowardly thugs (see my election manifesto).
THAT THEY - OF ALL PEOPLE - should have been so treacherous is beyond belief.
(17). After my Election Manifesto & my book 'Cause for Concern' (with evidence of dishonest judges), I
began to feel my life could be in danger, & told them so at branch meetings. What was the
response to my S.O.S.?
(18). Ken Burkenshaw, Chairman of the RCC kicked me out We dont want troublemakers in here.
There was no vote, & the forty or so members present said not a word. footnote [4]
(19). The RNA DID express concern, & after the attack of 8/8/99 the Welfare Officer (Roy Tinsley?)
wrote letters of protest to Chief Constable Graham Moore; Neil Taggart, Councillor Chairman
of the County Police Authority; The Police Complaints Authority; & my MP Fabian Hamilton,
saying to me, If we dont get meaningful responses we will raise Hell. The reply from the
Chief Constable said effectively, Go away & mind your own business. They meekly did so.
The letters to the other three were contemptuously ignored. The RNA did NOT raise Hell.
(20). A Royal British Legion Welfare Officer (Capt. ?, a lovely man) came to see me at Dovegate
Prison in 2002(?). Not a word since. They parade, wear poppies & shed crocodile tears on
Nov. 11th, but suck up to those with power, & are determined not to rock the boat to rescue a
victim of the new 'Master Race' - as bad as the Nazis but less honest!
(21). The tragedy is NOT that Britain is now a '1984' Police State, but that 60% of the British people are
happy to be part of it. 99.9% of the rest are either completely spineless, or completely stoned
on the 'Opium of the Masses' (to borrow from Karl Marx), with an insatiable appetite for the
peurile pap (laced with poison) fed to them by the Propaganda Ministry which masquerades as
a 'free' News Medial.
(22). That Ministry (an essential part of the Police State) treat judges as Gods, & lead the populace in
worship. They are not Gods - but Devils!
(23). I have been on a starvation diet for the whole of my incarceration, several periods on full hunger
strike, with not the slightest concern from staff, custodial, medical or nursing. I have been
eating only enough to stay alive to put the truth on record. There are volumes more to tell, but
I am close to exhaustion. I 'did my bit' in WW2, alongside many others. I am doing much
more than my bit now - but doing so almost alone. Time to pass the baton to someone else, &
join my brave young shipmates who died around me 60 years ago. Having had a wonderful life
for 50 years after the war (until learning 'there is something rotten in the State of Denmark
Britain'), my sacrifice will be small compared to theirs.
(24). Next Sunday, 8th August, is the 5th anniversary of that first attack on me by War Criminal Blair's
Secret Police. I cannot stand more torture in these evil places, but have no wish to live
amongst the treacherous British people anyway. I have taken nothing but water, sugar & salt
since Sunday 1st August August 2004. I ask for two things. One is a free pardon after my
death. The second - MUCH more important - that at least 10 crooked judges be put behind
bars - 'pour encouragez les autres'!

See "http://www.petitiononline.com/nscarth/petition".

[1] In a letter dated 3/7/95 Paul Boateng MP, Legal Affairs Spokesman for the Labour Party (then in opposition)
wrote; "We will put an end to waste, delay, excessive costs & fraud in the legal system. Coincidentally, it was in
the same year that I began to learn of this type of crime. Lawyer Boateng forgot his promise, did nothing, & now
holds high Cabinet Office. I DID do something, & am now to die in prison, put her by the fraudsters I set out to


Litigant In Person (a 'LIP').

[3] Even if all the mostrous lies fed to the jury were true (they were not); even if I were the most vicious criminal in
Britain (I am not), the 'crime' of which I stand convicted is NOT an offence in British law!

[4]. The RCC branch meeting is at Eastborough Working Mens Club, Battye Street, Dewsbury The
treachery is not only against me, but against shipmates, theirs & mine, who gave their lives fighting
against the very same evil which is here now in Britain. The RNA (Headingley Branch) can be
contacted via The Royal British Legion, 471, Stanningley Road, LEEDS LS13 4AR. TEL: 0113 256



'DEPRAVITY', et al.
I have written elsewhere of the depravity of ALL those who are part of this ruthless, lawless & merciless Police
State -which includes ALL our supposed 'watchdogs': The News Media, MPs, Amnesty International, 'Justice',
'Liberty', & Co. But what of the rest of the British people? With sadness, shame & sorrow I am forced to
conclude that 99.9% of them are rotten to the core - or is it me?
From first becoming aware of corruption in the civil courts (I knew nothing of the criminal courts at that time) I
learned there were many victims apart from myself , though one never learns of it from the news media. The
press barons & media moguls are a major part of the Police State, as selective as Joseph Goebbels in deciding
what the public shall know.
Having made it my mission in life to expose the corruption (Litigants In Person being the favourite prey), I
travelled to courts all over England, supporting other LIP victims: Barrow in Furness (Wendy Armistead);
Lancaster (Mrs.?); Warrington, Manchester, Stockport, Chesterfield (Jerry & Eva Adshead, & Geoffrey Scriven);
Durham (Maurice Kellet); Scarborough, York, Otley, Leeds (Lew Foley), Bradford, Batley, Ilkeston; Nottingham
& Birmingham (John Kenneth Brown); Leicester (Paul Talbot-Jenkins); Bristol (Robert Ashman, spending a
whole week there, costing me 300 ), & the Royal Courts of Justice in the Strand many times (Scriven, Adsheads,

Patrick Cullinane, Marisa Sarda, Felicia Daniels, Gedel Ebert, J.K.Brown & John Jeffries). My presence & my
name were being noticed.
Becoming a geriatric law student at the University of Leeds (under Professor Clive Walker, Human Rights
Specialist), I also became Hon. Sec of the Litigants In Person Society, spending many hours doing research for
them, & giving advice on the telephone.
Since my incarceration, all but two of those for whom I travelled so far & did so much have deserted me
completely. Some have stabbed me in the back, none more viciously than Geoffrey Scriven (he had become
President of the Litigant In Person Society on my motion!) P.T.Jenkins & James Todd run him a close second.
At my 'trial' I had a dossier of 40 or so testimonials to my character, covering virtually the whole of my life from the
age of 18. Some were quite glowing (better than I deserve!). An example is the one from four Members of the
Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons J.M.Green, L.J.Greaves, G.W.Thomson & D.S.Green, Keighley,
Aireworth Veterinary Clinic, Aireworth Road, KEIGHLEY BD21 4DJ, 01535 602 988;

Members of this practice have known & traded with Mr. Scarth now for about 34 years, during which we have
formed the highest opinion of him in all aspects of our relationship. ... His record over the past almost fifty
years stands in the annals of the Hunters Improvement Society for all to see. owners sent mares from all
over Britain to Ravenroyd, such was the reputation of Mr. Scarth. As a friend we are proud to number
Mr. Scarth among those who we would be able to call on should we find ourselves in trouble. His
willingness to help others & integrity in all his undertakings mark him out as one who could be truly
called a Gentleman, & we freely offer this testimonial to him .
I was allowed to produce none of the testimonials at my grotesque Kangaroo Court 'trial', nor my witnesses - in
gross contempt of the law! After more than two years of physical & mental torture in a succession of British
Belsen prisons, I sent desperate calls for help to the vets as above, & others who had written similar testimonials,
listed below:
Glynis & Andrew Coates, Troydale Garage, Pudsey, LEEDS LS28 9LD. **
Mrs. Gladys Dunn, Rake Hey Farm, TODMORDEN, Lancs, OL14 8DG **
David & Margaret ONeill; , The Briggs, Providence Lane, Oakworth, KEIGHLEY, W.Yorks, 01535 642 145 **
Peter Craven, OBE, Whinside Cottage, Blackmoor Lane, Bardsey, LEEDS LS17 9DZ 01937 573 931 **
Mrs. Frances Gunn, 3, Thornville Avenue, Newby, SCARBOROUGH YO12 6PN **
Caroline Bower, East Worthole, Ermington, South Devon, PL21 9JU Tel/Fax: 01752 893 051. Tel 897 090.**
D. A.D. Brydon, Thirley Beck Farm, Harwood Dale Road, SCARBOROUGH YO13 0DW, 01723 870 346 **
Roger, Andrew & Stephen Burnhill, Northgate Mills, CLECKHEATON BD19 3HX.
F.M.Lister (Mervyn & Willie),

01274 872 424-4-5 **

Manor Square, OTLEY LS21 1QR, 01943 462 265, FAX 850 682 **

G.&P. Emsley, Cumboots Dairy Farm, Scalby, SCARBOROUGH, YO13 0PQ **

Neighbours who had not written testimonials, but who also received my desperate call for help were:
Brian & Jill Chippendale, Longreach, 3, Waterside, BINGLEY BD16 2SN Tel/Fax 01274 564 848, mobile 07966
194 735. brian.chip@nevisuk.net **
Paul E. Patchett, Ravenroyd, BINGLEY BD16 2DL. Tel: 01274 510 5 20. Fax: 569 059 **

I believed those above were all my friends, & HOPED for expressions of shock, horror & outrage, telling me they
were petitioning Government & MPs, organising mass protests etc. (perhaps even digging up Test Match
wickets, like Peter Hain!)
Except for one: Mrs. Dorothy Cope, Beckside Stud, Beckwithshaw, HARROGATE HG3 1QU. 01423 560 919.
Her testimonial had been almost as glowing as the one above. Though there was no expression of shock,
horror or outrage, she did write to say she was considering what to do. She being well over 80, I felt guilty
at having burdened her with knowledge of the horror which is Britain today, but her letter gave me a
glimmer of hope. However, a later letter doused that glimmer completely! Under the pretext of giving me
'advice', she launched a vicious attack upon ME - the victim, with most monstrous lies.

What's wrong with the British people, that they can turn a blind eye to such horror, & a deaf ear to the cries of the
victim? Are they saying I deserve to suffer & to die in prison?
George Orwell wrote: "If you want a picture of the future,
imagine a boot stamping on the human face forever - & remember it IS forever!"
From: NORMAN SCARTH (born 1925). Survived bloody battle in WW 2, fighting for Democracy, Freedom,
Justice & the Rule of Law. Late in life became a geriatric observer, researcher, student, & single-handed reformer
of law; Parliamentary Candidate, author of the book 'Cause for Concern' (with evidence of corrupt judges); Hon.
Sec. of the Litigants In Person Society & Founder Member of the Article 6 Group (Committed to exposing criminal
misuse of law in British Courts).
Having served my King, my Queen & my Country all my long life, at 78 (the oldest man in prison) I am now
Victim GV 5409, in my fourth year of physical brutality, mental torture & starvation
in a succession of Her Britannic Majesty's sophisticated British Belsens, soon to die in one of them,
thanks to the cowardice & treachery of the British people, who allow it to happen.
Currently at HM Prison Wolds Gulag, BROUGH, HU15 2JZ, East Yorkshire, England.
For the 3 & a half years of my incarceration, I have been on a starvation diet, taking nothing but sugar,
water & salt since 1st August 2004, with not the slightest concern from staff: custodial, medical or nursing. Let
none dare say "It is your choice". I fight against evil with the only weapon I have - my life! All those who
work for The State are (supposedly) bound by the Queen's Coronation Oath, sworn before Almighty God "To
Deliver Justice with Mercy". I seek to find whether War Criminal Blair or any of his evil regime have one ounce of
mercy between them. SOME HOPE!
"Be you never so high, the law is above you". Thomas Fuller (Born 1608, died 1661)
"Be you never so low, the lawyer is below you". Norman Scarth (born 1925, died 2004?).
Tortured & murdered by Blair, while the British people turned a blind eye. My blood will be on their
Martin Luther King (I paraphrase): "I fear not the words & actions of the
wicked, but I DO fear the silence of the supposedly honest, but spineless!"

On first learning of corruption in the civil courts, I said "The worse they treat me the better - in that it would be
more evidence. Little did I imagine how evil that worst would be, nor how callous &/or spineless or 'too busy'
would be the rest of the British people!

This is only a tiny part of the full horror. YOU could be next!
Enc: 'Battered OAP', 'Axe Killer' cuttings, with my annotations.

O: Dr. Azrini Wahidin, School of Social Policy, Sociology & Social Research,
Cornwallis Building, University of Kent at CANTERBURY, Kent CT2 7NF.
Tel: +441227 824 277. Fax 827 005/824 014.
Duncan Shields sent me copies of email letters he had sent to Gary Fitzgerald of 'Action on Elder Abuse'; which
he had sent to 'BGOP' (Better Government for Older People), & finally to you, with copies of your emails to
him. He urged me to give you time to prove yourself.
I was surprised at his naivet in thinking that ANYONE on the payroll of this ruthless, lawless & merciless
Police State would do anything to rescue me from torture & murder by the psychopaths who run our prisons,
acting on the orders of the monsters in wigs & robes who put me here, themselves part of War Criminal Blair's
evil regime, but I did as he asked.

Your email of 19/05/04 to Duncan Shields said "I'll write to Norman sometime this week, explaining who I am
etc. Azrini". Three months have gone by, with not a word from either Gary Fitzgerald, BGOP or
yourself. Proof (if any were needed) of the cowardice of the treacherous British people, who turn a blind eye to
torture & murder by The State, just as the German people did under Hitler.


To The Registrar, The European Court of Human Rights & Fundamental Freedoms, Council of
Europe, F-67075 STRASBOURG, CEDEX France. Tel: (0)3 88 41 20 18. Fax: (0)3 88 41 27 30.
Internet: www.echr.coe.int
I have received your 2 page letter from The Registrar, dated 19 August 2004, along with application form. This was in response to my letter ref. ECHR 13Aug 04. It tells the
essence of the case in few words. I ask that you read it again before reading the detail which follows. (Because my brain makes too many mistakes when writing by hand, I have
written the bare minimum on the Application Form itself, & expand the details in this document, which is in the same format).
PREFACE. This is much more important than one individual case, MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THAN MY OWN FATE! Proud to be British for 70 years, it is with shame,
sadness & sorrow that I inform you that Britain has become a ruthless, lawless & merciless Police State, with total contempt for it's own laws, International Conventions,
common humanity or natural justice. Only a nauseating pretence remains.
Drafted under great difficulty, this document may need additions & amendments, but at the age of 78 (the oldest man in prison), I may not survive long enough. So, I send it as it
is, hopefully with more to follow.
A. THE APPLICANT: 1. Surname: SCARTH. 2. First name: NORMAN. Male. 3. Nationality: BRITISH.
4. Profession: Retired farmer, now full time exposer of corruption. 5. Date & place of birth: 9th October 1925. England.
6. Permanent address: In some English prison or other, until I die in one of them. 7. Tel. No. -----------.
8. Present address (if different from 6). Currently Political Prisoner GV 5409, Her Majesty's Prison Wolds Gulag, BROUGH, HU15 2JZ, East Yorkshire, England. 9.
Representative: None . 10, 11, & 12: Not applicable.
(a). For more than five years I have suffered continuing terror, physical brutality & unrelenting mental torture from the United Kingdom Government, up to & including the
present day, in gross, blatant, deliberate & continuing violations of the European Convention of Human Rights & Fundamental Freedoms:
(b). The violations have been able to continue so long because, following the desperate call for help in my document "WILL SOMEBODY HELP ME PLEASE?" (9th August
1999) (copy enclosed), I became one of 'The Disappeared' - as in George Orwell's '1984'. I became an 'unperson', ceased to exist - except to be destroyed, which task
is almost completed. There came not help, but brutality & depravity beyond belief! It has continued ever since, & is STILL continuing!
(c). There are many more facts than I have time to detail here, but in truth, little detail is needed, any more than one needs a Laboratory Report to know whether an egg is bad.
The stench is unmistakable. Equally so is the stench of corruption. One fact alone should be enough: - the savagery of the sentence imposed on me at my grotesque
Kangaroo Court 'trial' (the Press, my witnesses & my evidence banned),. It indicates pure malice, from Judge Bentley, & those who have followed since. To
understand the malice, please read my document, 'WW2; The Cause, the End, & the Seizing of ABSOLUTE POWER by a new 'Master Race', which will follow in
a day or two (I do not want to distract you from reading V,19).

(l). Prison Service management, like the courts, use fiendish means to block, frustrate or delay his appeal, or other court actions which can bring the truth to light. Deliberate
delay to anyone is deplorable, to someone of my age it is diabolical, the purpose being to delay until my death, to ensure the serious crime against my by this Police
State will never come to light.
(m). The Prison Service has total contempt for the their own rules, the law of the land, & the UNITED NATION STANDARD MINIMUM RULES FOR THE TREATMENT OF
PRISONERS. Serious breaches of those rules occur every day, to a criminal degree. Not surprising, in that few prison officers, from Governors downwards, have
even heard of the UNSMR - much less abide by them!
(n). Those rules are excellent in many ways, but there are glaring omissions. They assume that EVERY prisoner is a criminal, when there are all too many in Britain who are
completely innocent. Some are convicted because of mistakes by the police, the Crown Prosecutions Service, or the courts, but many of the 'mistakes' are deliberate!

(r). At his point I am forced to be critical of the European Court of Human Rights itself. Foolish of me, when I am hoping you might save me from further torment &
torture, & hopefully save my life, but it MUST be said. I can only hope that your integrity will overide any desire you may have to retaliate against my criticism by
declaring my case inadmissible!
(s). So - WHO JUDGES THE JUDGES? Regrettably, the ECtHR will not do so. It appears that the ECtHR follows the diabolical creed of Lord Denning as staunchly as do our
own courts. Your own '40 Year Survey' showed that (apart from the odd Court Martial) not one case complaining of the 'bias' of a British judge has even reached the
Court, much less been decided. I personally know at least 20 LIPs who tried to complain on those grounds (& there must be hundreds), but ALL were blocked & kept
out by the British lawyers who acted as gatekeepers for the discredited & now defunct Commission.
(t). Success as a LIP in my earlier case (33745/96) does not disprove it, but in fact gave me much to confirm it. Karen Reid (one of the 'gatekeepers') even refused my request for
an Application Form - taking it upon herself to tell me the case had no chance! Many would give up at that stage, but I asked a lawyer to write on my behalf. He
admitted he had no experience with ECtHR cases, & had to borrow my books, but he did write, using the same words as me. He got the form by return, & my
eventual success proved Karen Reid's gratuitous opinion to be wrong..

(u). Only by persistence (& paying out 100 to the lawyer!) was I able to get past the obstruction, & eventually become successful, bringing a much needed change in British
law. Though successful in that one important part, the Commission completely ignored the most important part - serious misconduct by judges. They invited me to
send any new evidence, & I did send some which was cast iron, but the Commission completely ignored that too, following the practice of our own courts when
challenged on that which is unanswerable!
(v). In April 1999 I put forward another complaint. It was declared admissible, & given the case No. 48911/99(?) (or 49811/99?). Blocking this new - & much more important
case - was undoubtedly one of the reasons for the potentially lethal terror attack of 8th August 1999. It failed to silence me completely, but - suffering unofficial,
unlawful, but very effective House Arrest (imprisoned by fear) - I was not able to concentrate on this new case, unable to counter the obstruction coming from a
different direction
(w). It came from J.S.Phillips (I think that was the name) in Strasbourg, who was trying to have the case struck out. When I spoke to him on the telephone, telling him of the
terror attack, he showed not the slightest concern.. When I said that my success in 33745/96, indicated that I do not make frivolous complaints, his voice had note of
triumph as he said "Ah, but you only won part of it!"
(x). The oldest man in an English prison, soon to be 79, I may not survive long enough, or retain strength enough to complete this Application, particularly being obstructed,
frustrated & delayed by the Prison Service. Accordingly I will send it in instalments - THOUGH HOPING THAT THE INFORMATION SO FAR MIGHT BE
15. ARTICLES 1; 2, (imminent), 3; 6; 13,14, 17,18, 34 & 53 of the Convention, & Article 3 of The First Protocol. Furthermore, in consequence of those violations I have
suffered violations of Article 5; 7; 8; 10 & 11 of the Convention itself; Article 1, 3 & 5 of The First Protocol; Article 2 of Protocol 4; Article 2 of Protocol 7; Article 1
of Protocol 12.
Relevant Arguments? Because my life expectation is so very short, I do not have time to list the relevant arguments. I hope they are self evident. If I survive, I will try to list them
in a later instalment.
IV. STATEMENT RELATIVE TO ARTICLE 35 SS 1 OF THE CONVENTION. Final decision (date, court or authority & nature of decision).
16. Order of the Court of Criminal Appeal, 22/1/2004, refusing my appeal against sentence.
The Appeal Court did not tell me that the 'hearing' was to take place, nor that it had taken place. Not until 20 July 2004 did I see the Order, when a copy was sent to me by
the Judicial Office of the House of Lords with their letter dated 19 July 2004.
17. Other decisions (list in chronological order, giving date, court or authority & nature of decision for each of them).
As stated already, the far too many transfers (designed to disorientate me), disorientate me), gave the Prison Service opportunity to steal many of my documents. My life
expectation being very short, I do not have time to try to recover them & list them all. They started with my conviction on 27 April 2001, at a grotesque Kangaroo
Court 'trial', until the latest one, as in 16 (above).
18. Is there any other appeal or other remedy available to you which you have not used? I have TRIED to use several, but have been ignored or rebuffed. See VI (20).
The Prison service is using most fiendish ways to block, frustrate & delay this Application to the ECtHR, as they have all my other attempts to prove my innocence, or at
least to obtain mercy - if not justice! Even if I WERE guilty of crime, the attack on me on 8/8/99 was a thousand times worse, & the savagery of the sentence a MILLION times
worse - especially compared to sentences on others who have done far worse than I stand convicted of!
IF the lives of all those who fought to bring the European Convention on Human Rights into being mean anything to you, it is vital that you act according to Article 38 (1a), &
immediately investigate this five years of horror. Hopefully you might save me from further torture, & possibly save my life. If not, I ask that the Court continue the case after my
death, & hopefully prevent Britain becoming even MORE of a Police State than it is already.
If you DO act according to Article 38(1a), I will be only too glad to review the belief I have formed since my success in case 33745/96, that the ECtHR was created by lawyers
for the benefit of lawyers, the victim - alive or dead - being only the necessary vehicle for their activities, the LIP being an interloper, a trespasser. Having been
successful once (bringing a much needed change in British law), there appears to be determination that I will not succeed again!
If you do NOT act according to Article 38 (1a), you will prove yourselves to be totally without shame, conscience, mercy or soul, little different to that previous Master Race
which used Belsen, Dachau, Auschwitz to silence their victims. It was wonderful for the German people who were not victims at that time, but there WAS a price to
pay in the end. There will be again!
Since the first attempt on my life, I have sent desperate calls for help to the much praised Mary Robinson, United Nations Commissioner on Human Rights, to her successor, to
the President of the Council of Ministers of Europe, Amnesty International, & to every other body I could think of. Not even acknowledgement from any! Following
my incarceration, I also sent desperate calls for help to THE EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR THE PREVENTION OF TORTURE & INHUMAN OR DEGRADING
TREATMENT. See my documents ECPT-26Feb02 & ECPT-4Mar02, copies of which were also sent to you at that time, but completely ignored by you. The response
which finally came from Hanne Juncher of the ECPT could well have been written by Lewis Caroll, to follow on from ALICE IN WONDERLAND! I will send another
copy to you in the next few days.
That is apart from my desperate calls for help to ALL those in Britain who purport to be our 'watchdogs'. There has been not a single word of acknowledgement from them
either. They all claim to be independent, but the news media in particular are as essential to this Police State as was the Propaganda Ministry of Josef Goebbels in
Nazi Germany. Controlled by the Press & Broadcasting Advisory Committee (the 'D'-Notice Committee) they will allow the public to know only that which The State
wants them to know.
That is what it is like when you become one of 'The Disappeared' (as in George Orwell's '1984'). That is what happened to me from 8th August 1999. I became an
'unperson', I ceased to exist - except to be destroyed. Thanks to my strong constitution, the task is taking longer than expected - but thanks to the silence of
yourselves & others, it is close to completion!

Their are volumes more to tell than in this document, & masses of evidence, but that must wait for now. If you block this Application, you will soon have MORE evidence - the
corpse of a man who fought to preserve Democracy, Justice, Mercy, & the Rule of Law in World War 2, & died trying to restore those precious things to Britain, the
land of which I was so proud for so long!
Signed by Norman Scarth, Victim GV5409 Her Majesty's Prison, Wolds Gulag, BROUGH HU15 2JZ, East Yorkshire, England.
Enclosed are documents "WILL SOMEBODY HELP ME PLEASE?" (9/8/99); Letter on behalf of the Chief Constable (9/8/99), & letter from Councillor Carter (11/8/99). Others
mentioned in this document will be sent within a day or so. As stated, I do not wish to distract you from the urgent action I ask for under Article 38 (1a) - investigation by you!
TO BE CONTINUED, if I retain strength enough.
3,934 words.

Continuation of Scarth v UK Government, ECtHR File No. 30078/04

This is instalment 2, commenced 13th September 2004
Wed. 15th 2004.
Block this application, & not only my blood will be on your hands, but the blood of all those who will die in the widespread horror which will
surely come when the people finally realise they are persecuted by a regime just as evil as that of Hitler.
There IS a crime worse than murder, a punishment worse than the gallows, as described by Euripides, (480 BC - 408BC). "They whom the
Gods wish to destroy, they first drive mad". Those who claim to be Gods (they certainly have the arrogance) have been trying for five years to
do just that to me, ably supported by their lackeys, thugs, puppets & sycophants. Perhaps they have succeeded? Perhaps these are the
rantings of a lunatic? (see later!)
I say again: There are STILL volumes more to tell than in this document, & masses of evidence, but management at Wolds Prison are still
using fiendish means to drive me mad. I am exhausted, & must recover strength before sending more detail, & more evidence, so this must do
for now.
Signed by Norman Scarth, Victim GV5409 Her Majesty's Prison, Wolds Gulag, BROUGH HU15 2JZ, East Yorkshire, England.
Continuation of Scarth v UK Government, ECtHR File No. 30078/04

Below is a typed copy.

(1). with a blameless life behind me, sent to prison for the first time in my life at the age of 75, I was of course worried at being locked up with
thugs, thieves, sadists, psychopaths & murderers. There was a double shock (good & bad) to find that most of the prisoners are better than
those with the keys.
(2). Management are especially nasty. Those officers who have a spark of humanity are never promoted, & admit they dare not speak out
about criminal misconduct by their superiors, for fear of repercussions. Though the Public Interest Disclosure Act may protect others, they
know it will not protect them.
(2a). 80% of prisoners not only show me respect, but treat me as a hero. One particularly vicious person at Wolds Prison is Education
manageress Patricia Wilcox (in contrast to Education staff at Dovegate prison, who were marvellous). (That was the reason I was moved
from there so suddenly!)
(3). As a special treat for my 78th Birthday, Wilcox had me brutally dragged to the Punishment Block - because I dared to complain about
her serious crime against me: 'Obstructing the Course of Justice' was one, 'Mental Torture' another, BOTH subject to life
imprisonment. More about the still continuing mental torture later.
(4). As a LITIGANT IN PERSON (without a lawyer), it is my absolute right under British law, & Article 6 of the ECHR to 'EQUALITY OF
ARMS', the minimum being access to a computer, printer, copier etc.
(5). After many months, she did belatedly & grudgingly put a stone age computer in the library, allowing me restricted access (though there
are many modern ones elsewhere in Education (to which other prisoners DO have access). It is not compatible with the floppy discs on which
are stored a great many of my part completed legal documents, so that I am forced to type thousands of words all over again. Will I live long
(6). She then finds every fiendish excuse to prevent me printing - the latest being that there is no paper in the prison!!!
(7). So, I have been forced to use the blank side of once used paper. Also forced to use the smallest font, straining my ancient eyes, with
cataracts worsening.
(7a). Overcoming much obstruction I obtained paper from outside, but now they claim to have run out of toner!!! (hence the poor quality of
the handwritten copy)
(8). As said, I have many prisoner friends, but there are of course some who are vicious, the type who attack old folks outside.
(9). Two of that type have been made orderlies in the library. They think they own the place, & took it upon themselves to say I was not to use
the computer, even when it was not in use!

(10). They launched a most vicious verbal assault on me, bullying of the worst kind, with sneers, jeers, insults & threats of violence,
deliberately trying to provoke me, so that I would be the one in trouble, & they could adopt an air of sweet innocence!
(11). I dare not risk this, & to avoid a repetition said I would keep away from the library (& thus the computer). At this they shook hands &
celebrated their victory with great glee, knowing they are protected by Wilcox.
(12). She of course, & all those others who are doing their best to drive me to mental breakdown (see the words of Dr. Quinn, later), know
that they are protected by the same powerful people who protect those who launched the potentially lethal attack on me on 8th August 1999 eleven months before my supposed 'crime'.
(13). Every prison is plastered with notices "BULLYING WILL NOT BE TOLERATED" - (except when it is against Norman Scarth - when it
will not only be tolerated - but encouraged!)
(14). For a few months in 2003 there was the PRETENCE of 'equality of arms', when they provided me with a laptop computer in my cell but used every fiendish means to deny me access to a printer - which is like giving a starving man a tin of food - but no tin opener! They then
illegally confiscated the laptop anyway!!
(15). At Shepton Mallet Prison ALL prisoners can have a computer (laptop or desktop) & a printer in their cells, whether they a entitled to
'equality of arms' or not.
(16). It is especially sadistic to deny me, when there is a new consignment of computers in the prison - ONE OF THEM EARMARKED FOR
ME - but I am not allowed to have it!
(17). This is because the new 'Master Race' which now controls Britain is terrified of the truth, & are desperate to prevent me publishing it!
(18). Again I say, there are volumes more to tell, masses of evidence of dishonesty by the judiciary - AND by the ECtHR, but it must wait
until I gather strength
(19). I look to the ECtHR to act URGENTLY to save me from further torture & save my life. Will you do so? In the interests of efficient
communication, I ask that you acknowledge receipt by return, quoting my references. Time is running out fast for me!

This is instalment 4, commenced 26th September 2004


I would be grateful if you could confirm whether or no you did receive it.
(1). Wolds Prison is more humane than many, the ordinary Wing Officers here do have a degree of humanity. However, the psychopathic management are specialists in mental
torture, though they still keep physical brutality in reserve, as when Education Manageress Patricia Wilcox had me brutally dragged to the punishment block as a
special treat for my 78th Birthday - because I dared to complain about her serious crime against me!
(2). Strange: Education staff at Dovegate were marvellous - which was the main reason I was moved from there so suddenly. Most of them here are monsters!
(3). Being a Litigant In Person (without a lawyer), I am (supposedly) entitled to 'equality of arms' under British law, but there being no law in Britain for the LIP I look to the
ECtHR, Article 6, (Nuemeister v Austria being one precedent case). For true equality I would need a staff as large as the Lord Chancellor's D
ept. & the Home Office, being under attack from both those bodies. However, I do the best I can, single handed.
(4). I am allowed to use only this stone age computer (when there are scores of modern ones available). They use the most fiendish excuses to restrict & delay my access even to
this computer. Equally fiendish excuses are used to block or delay me printing the documents I do manage to type! That is like giving a starving man a tin of food but no tin-opener!. This stone age model is incompatible with my floppy discs, & the masses of part completed legal documents I have stored on them. This forces me
to type it all out again, thus forcing me to work frantically, ten times harder than ANY human being should have to - much less one close to 79 years of age!
(5). The latest unbelievable excuse to stop me printing (& copying) is to say there is no paper in the prison!!!!! So, I am forced to use the blank side of second hand paper (as
now), & use a very small font, straining my ancient eyes to do so, cataracts worsening all the time! It is one of the ways in which gross incompetence & inefficiency
(feigned or actual) is used to delay me, which is 'Obstructing the Course of Justice', a very serious crime, subject to life imprisonment, & an element of mental
torture, also subject to life imprisonment. They have no fear of repercussions, knowing they are well protected by the judiciary. (With

great difficulty I
have now overcome obstruction & managed to obtain paper from outside, thus able to type in a more readable

(7). It is a FACT that all over the world lawyers are rated lowest of the professions. Attorney General Sir Robert
Armstrong infamously coined the phrase "economical with the truth" to excuse his own lying. The profession
makes vast amounts of money from their skilful 'economy'.
m]. Exhausted now, I must stop, & hope there is enough here to cause you to act, & show the Mercy you are sworn to
deliver. If not, I will try to recover my strength. It will take great effort to rebut the multitude of diabolical lies from Lord
Justice Scott Baker, Mr. Justice McKinnon, HH Honour Judge Gordon & LJ Rose. The one glaring truth which was left out
by them (& at my 'trial'') was the terror attack on me on 8th August 1999 by lawyer Blair's Secret Police - ELEVEN
MONTHS BEFORE the 'crime' of which I stand convicted.

The facts in this document are true to the best of my knowledge & belief. Norman.Scarth.
NS Ref. ECHR- 24 Sep. 04
but it could well be!

Added afterthought: I now feel it SHOULD be part of the Application, as INSTALMENT FIVE.
I give below the text of a letter from the ECtHR dated 14Sept 04, acknowledging receipt of my Application, which was
posted 6 Sept 04. I was delighted to receive such a speedy response - until I saw it was from J.S.Phillips. His letter
"... If you wish to complain about your conviction, you should let us know what it related to : !0 years
(my sentence) is a long time, & the courts must have thought that you had done something. You should
submit a copy of the judgement of the Court of Appeal & judgements 9or other records) from the court
If, as seems to be the case, you were convicted on 27 April 2001 (& again on 4 April 2003) &
did not appeal against conviction (the order of 22 Jan 2004 does not refer to any appeal against
conviction) the Court could probably not deal with a complaint about the conviction because of the
rule on exhaustion of domestic remedies &/or the 6 months rule. Yours faithfully, for the Registrar,
J.S.Phillips, Head of Division"
My reply, 24 Sept 04, (which the Court already has) was hand-written, my being denied access to a computer at the
time. Below is a typed copy:
(1). This letter is typical of the tactics used by Strasbourg lawyers to block or delay the hated Litigant In Person. It
appears that Phillips has read barely a word of my original letter or Application.
Learning very late in life that British lawyers (the new 'Master Race') are completely corrupt, the judiciary as
depraved as Hitler's Master Race, I made it my mission in life to expose them - with lots of evidence!
(2). That was the reason for the crude/clever assassination attempt of 8 August 1999 (1[1] ), on the orders of Blair,
Irvine, Woolf & Co. Then 11 months of unofficial, unlawful, but very effective 'House Arrest', imprisoned by
fear until 20 July 2000, when a second gang of attackers smashed into my home, giving me a brutal kicking
that put me in hospital.
Phillips KNEW of the first attack, because I made a desperate call for help to him by telephone in the days
which followed. See (t), (u), (v) & (w), page 2 of my typed Application.
(3). At the time Phillips was a member of the discredited & now defunct Commission. On the telephone he did say to
me " I would not have tried to block your 33745/96 case (eventually successful) as hard as did Karen Reid".
Yet he himself blocked the later, more important case, 48911(?)/99, & is now delaying this until my collapse
from the overwork he forces on me by his nonsensical letter.

1[1] Crude only because it failed. If successful it would have been very clever - 'death

from natural causes'.

hopefully someone who will act swiftly enough to save my life.

(5). Having survived the first & second attacks (the culprits being unaccounable & untouchable) a NON-EXISTENT
'crime' was invented against me, conviction at a grotesque Kangaroo Court 'trial', & for a first 'offence' at the
age of 75 (then) a TEN YEAR SENTENCE, when others have been given Probation, Community Service,
Suspended sentences etc.
(6). I am now in my 4th year of physical brutality & mental torture in a succession of sophisticated British 'Belsens',
& cannot survive much longer.
(7). You now have the document "WILL SOMEBODY HELP ME PLEASE? (with supporting documents), which are
cast iron evidence of the attack of 8 August 1999 (apart from Phillips's knowledge of it). (There came not
help, but brutality & savagery beyond belief.) That document alone, along with the savagery of the sentence is
surely enough to start an immediate investigation under Article 38(1a).
I hope the person who takes over from Phillips will do so, & not find some nit-picking 'rule' to say it can't be
(11). The world knows nothing whatsoever about me, the British News Media being as much a part of this Police
State as was Josef Goebbels in Nazi Germany
(12). It is a FACT that all over the world, lawyers are rated the least worthy of the professions. I hope you will prove
they do not deserve that ranking.
(13). Phillips says "... the courts must have thought you did something". THEY WERE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT! I DID
do something - I set out to expose lawyers & judges who were 'economical with the truth' - & was being
Norman Scarth, Victim No. GV 5409, HMP Wolds Gulag, BROUGH, E. Yorkshire, England.

(4). As already stated, the violations complained of started on 8th August 1999, & have continued without let up right to the present day.
Though I am able to type this at the moment, Wolds Prison Management [acting on orders from higher up!] are using most fiendish
& ingenious ways to frustrate, block & delay this Application, knowing that my life depends on it. They block &/or restrict my access
to the computer, & to print or copy such documents as I am able to produce. THAT is extreme mental torture. Let none dare
minimise it.
(5). Bad enough when I am seeking relief from the physical brutality, mental torture & starvation inflicted on me in a succession of
sophisticated British 'Belsen' prisons (now in my fourth year).
(6). Far worse when I am also seeking to restore Democracy, Justice & the Rule of Law to this ruthless, lawless & merciless Police State,
hoping to prevent the excesses becoming worse the number of victims increasing. That will inevitably be followed (sooner or later)
by retribution, as it came to Nazi Germany - & could be FAR worse - bearing in mind modern weapons!
(7). Again I say there are volumes more to tell, & masses of evidence of misconduct by people with power, far too much for one little old man,
alone, so I take a short cut to the decision of the Court of Appeal on 22nd January 2001. As you already know, I was never informed
that the hearing was to take place, nor that it HAD taken place, until The Judicial Office of the House of Lords sent me a copy of the
order on 19 July 2004 [see 8.c]. of Instalment 4, page 7)] so, what ever improper attempts may be made to declare any part of this
application 'outside the 6 months limit', you cannot do so on this.
(8). I have said many times how gross ignorance, incompetence & inefficiency of the courts (feigned or actual) are used as weapons against
the hated Litigant In Person. Never more so than the Appeal Court 'hearing' which purported to take place before Lord Justice Scott
Baker, Mr. Justice McKinnon & HH Judge Gordon on 22nd January 2004. The judgement provides cast iron evidence of ignorance
of the law which is beyond belief! There is also a great deal of 'economy with the truth' in the judgement, which I could list & prove
(if I live long enough), but I concentrate on the words which prove ignorance of the law by their Lordships.
(9). Par. 23 (3) (sic) of the Judgement says, 'The Applicant alleges a breach of Article 14 (discrimination)'. He puts it this way: "All lawyers,

all judges & all court staff hate all Litigants In Person. I am hated ten fold.".
(10). It takes their Lordships about 300 words to say "We have seen no proof of this". What BETTER proof could there be than the treatment
of me? IF they have seen no proof it is because they had kept their eyes tightly shut! (They admit it in the judgement!)
(Nor have they read Lord Woolf's ACCESS TO JUSTICE (Interim Report, 1995) [see 8.h] of Instalment 4, page 7, in which he describes
mistreatment of LIPs by the courts)

(11). There are indeed masses of proof, which I will try to list later, BUT In such a case the law of the land says that 'PROOF' IS NOT NECESSARY! Even if I
were a serial killer, a mass murderer & torturer, as was General Auguste Pinochet, I should be allowed my
freedom - AS HE WAS!

(16). Additional to hand-written faxed document: Whatever discrimination there may be in the courts against Asians, Blacks, Gypsies, Asylum
Seekers et al, it is as nothing compared to the hostility to the LIP! As Honorary Secretary of the Litigants In Person Society, I have
much more experience than just my own.

(21). It stinks to High Heaven ON ITS OWN! Compared to sentences on others, the stench is that of mustard gas! On the day of my 'crime',
the second bunch of assassins smashed into my home to attack me. One of them suffered a minor injury to the back of his hand (it
was NOT caused by me, but forget that for now). Those who have inflicted injuries similar to those suffered by my attacker have
been given Community Service, Probation, Suspended Sentences, 3 months, 6 months etc. Even vicious killers have been free in less
than two years (see Press Reports sent as exhibits).
(22). A recent case is in the Daily Mail, 2nd September 2004: A man smashed into his estranged wife in his car, causing injuries which
needed leg amputation. He was given an 18 month SUSPENDED sentence! I was given TEN YEARS for a minor injury suffered by
one of a gang who smashed into my home to attack me!
(23). Does anyone need more than those two cases to prove the 'bias' of the judiciary against me? Both Bentley & the Appeal judges said he
was being 'lenient' with his ten year sentence - because of my record in World War 2. Without that, he would surely have ordered
disembowelment! You would not have thought it possible, but the hatred showed by Judge Goldsack (who reimposed the sentence)
was even WORSE than that of Bentley (see later).
(24). If the above is not enough, then it is God help me, God help Britain, God help Europe - & God help the world!
(25). In her Coronation Oath the Queen (like all her forbears) swore before Almighty God "TO DELIVER JUSTICE WITH MERCY". All
those in the service of The State act in the name of the Queen - especially Judiciary, Government, Parliament & the Prison Service,
& are thus bound by that Oath. Imperial Britain could be brutal, with hangings, floggings, treadmills & the massacre of hundreds of
innocents at Amritsar.
(26). Even so, they still had enough respect for that oath to release Mahatma Gandhi & the Suffragettes from prison when they were close to
death from fasting. The oldest man in prison, I have been on a starvation diet for three & a half years, several periods of fasting
completely, with not the slightest concern from staff, custodial, medical or nursing.
(27). I seek to find whether there is one ounce of mercy from Lawyer Blair's regime. I fear not. Having criticised his profession, they have as
much mercy for me as a mouse would find in a snake pit!
(28). A copy of the decision of the ECtHR, in case 63716/00, Sawoniuk v UK is before me now. Signed by S.Dolle Registrar & J.-P. Costa,
President, on page 16 it says "The Home Secretary also has exceptional powers (outwith considerations of tariff & parole) to
release prisoners on compassionate grounds".
(29). COMPASSION? From David 'Himmler' Blunket? He who appeared on TV on 13 November 2001 (TWO DAYS AFTER ARMISTICE
DAY!) still wearing a poppy as he said "We will get rid of 'airy-fairy' Human Rights"? Rights for which I fought & many thousands
died, including my own brave young shipmates! Only the gullible believe we still have them.
(30). Justice? Mercy? Compassion? Human Rights? Only the brainwashed believe that any of them are available from those who have

seized Absolute Power in Britain See my document World War 2 (Please confirm whether you have received it or not)
(31). What about the ECtHR? Are Justice, Mercy, Compassion or Human Rights available there? Will they condemn those who (like Blunkett)
show such contempt for all those things? Will they for the first time in their existence (2[3]) criticise a British judge for acting in
contempt of the law of the land, contempt of his own Judicial Oath, & that of the Queen? All the political parties in Britain compete
with each other in their promises to invent more laws, so they can build more prisons, & put more people in them - just as did
(32). "Clamp down on crime" is the cry from all of them. What about War Criminal Blair - & his accomplices? "The law will imprison he who
steals the goose from of the Common, but allows the greater felon loose, who steals the Common from the goose".
(33). Those two most dangerous madmen, Blair & Bush are free to push the world to disaster. I am at the very forefront of the fight against
crime - suffering torture until I die in prison. See para. 3, & the torture of delay from you.

In this box are extracts from George Orwell's book '1984', here now only because I am anxious not lose them. Later I will
show the frightening similarity between them & the 'Rules' of the ECtHR.
Winston Smith was starting his Diary:
"He wondered for whom he was writing. For posterity? For the future? For generations to come? What was the
point, when it would only ever be read by the Thought Police. After that, not a charred scrap of paper would remain, to
show he had ever existed".
Later, towards the end of the book. "O'Brien to Winston Smith: "In this place there are no martyrdoms. ... . ... You
must stop imagining that posterity will vindicate you, Winston. Posterity will never hear of you. You will be lifted straight
That which follows was hand-written on the copy which was posted to the ECtHR on 7 Oct 2004. It is self explanatory. The end is varied
from the handwritten words added to the copy of Instalment 6 as originally sent to theECtHR.
2 am. 7th October 2004: TO THE REGISTRAR. MOST URGENT.
Wolds prison Management are INCREASING their fiendish attempts to drive me - the oldest man in prison - to insanity. It is a crime
WORSE than murder.
Thinking there might be a lessening of the verbal assaults & provocation from the 2 vicious prisoners mentioned in Instalment 3
(q.v.) (Sherman Mallenson & Richard Foxton), after my Official Complaint to Assistant Librarian Jean Maw & Wing Custody Officer Miike
Kithen (see below) I have again been attending the library, with very limited access to the stone-age computer.
Yes, the 2 prisoners have been less offensive, but it would appear they (or someone) have been quietly encouraged to torment me
surreptitiously!. Working busily in the library yesterday evening, the time came to leave. I found that a bag containing all my material to
continue this application (effectively my 'life support machine') had been stolen from where I had left it - just behind me. I was in shock &
The Assistant Librarian in charge was Julie Lacey, with whom I have always been on the best of terms. She kept on insisting I must
have left it on the Wing, urging me to go back there. Eventually I convinced her that I had been using material from the bag that very
At that, she went to one particular bookshelf, reached behind, & pulled out the bag! Obviously I was relieved to get the vital material
back, but I have not been able to sleep since, not knowing when there will be some other dirty trick.
I ask you to take urgent action to save me from further torture, & save my sanity. Should you fail to do so, you will be complicit in
this most heinous crime.

2[3] See ECtHR '40 year Survey', Instalment 1 of this Application, page 2, par.(s).

(The words in the box below are varied from the handwritten words added to Instalment 6 as sent to the ECtHR). Making my Official
Complaint to Mike Kitchen about the most vicious verbal assault on me by prisoners Sherman Mallenson & Richard Foxton (see Instalment 3
(8 to13), Mr. Kitchen said "Are you sure you want to go on with this? It could do you a lot of harm".
So much for the emphatically declared anti-bullying policy of the Prison Service! (Not mentioned earlier is that Sherman Mallenson made as
though to jump over the counter, shouting "I will kill you, you fucking old cunt". Jean Maw was present at the time. He & Foxton were
shouting at her not to allow me to use the computer. (I have always been astonished that the three women library staff take not the slightest
notice of the foul obscenities shouted around the library by prisoners generally.)
So much for the Complaints Procedure in general! It is an obscene farce, designed & used to drive the victim to despair, mental
breakdown, often to take their own lives, when it is described as 'suicide' - instead of State Murder which it is! No death penalty in Britain?
Don't you believe it! The gallows would be more humane. I DO mean that!
My complaint HAS done me great harm, as above, but the horror has got worse!

Re: "It could do you harm ...". Librarian Penny Clarke & Assistant Julie Lacey have been marvellous in the past. I have thanked them many
times for their help, friendship, kindness & humanity. Penny Clarke particularly has made it clear she knows that my presence here is a great
injustice, knows also that Wilcox is a monster, but dare not speak up.
prison service! A lie is the intention to deceive - whatever the form of words. Leaving OUT the truth can be the most vicious lie of all!
Following my official complaint, it was me - the VICTIM - who was locked out of the library & the computer. Protesting about this, Wilcox
organised that I should again be brutally dragged to the punishment block - by 6 officers. This was not ON my 79th birthday - but 2 days
From arrival I was suffering wildly dizzy spells if I tried to move my on the bunk. This continued for 2 days, with little concern from doctors
who evebtually saw me. Take a couple of "paracetamols for your headache" said one of them. I told him it was not a 'headache' - but close to
unconscieness! However, he did say "No dragging" when a psycopathic woman officer was preparing to drag me back to the Wing!
The wild dizzy spells have now lessened to frequent feelings of general dizzyness. David 'Himmler' Blunkett: Where are you with you
The European Convention on Human Rights purported to follow the United Nations Universal Declaration on Human Rights, but the 'Small
Print' inserted by the British lawyers who drafted the former made it very different (see Instalment 2).
After par.33 of Instalment 6, I quote from Orwell's '1984', indicating that I would show the frightening - (nay TERRIFYING) - similarity with
words from a ECtHR document received by me. As stated, many of my documents have been stolen from me by the prison service, & I am not
able to quote the File No., but I do have this extract. Time to include it now, in case I am unable to continue.
"I write to inform you that on 27th March 2002

JOHNO 13.09.04:

From Norman Scarth:

A man who calls himself John O [OSullivan, I think], publishes a weekly newsletter MOJUK [Miscarriages of
Justice UK], in which he prints [without casting any doubt] the stories of men & women in [prison who claim to
be innocent [no doubt they are]. He will publish nothing of me not even in his list of 20 or so hostages at the
end, asking that people should write supportive letters to give them hope. He as also insulted me in a letter & on
the phone, accusing me of lying though he still sends an occasional note, asking me to let him know the latest!
Why should he publish the stories of others, but not mine?
It was in Mojuk that I read the story of Jake Mawhinney & his son, both serving life for murder in Long

Lartin Prison, both claiming to be innocent. I wrote to Jake, he wrote back, & below are the last two paragraphs of
Jakes letter of 28/8/2004.
I wrote to John O asking why he did not publish your name in his leaflet. He appears to have the greatest respect
for you, & says you are a prolific campaigner of [against] injustice. He had only kind words to say about you.
However, he did explain that he felt you had been convicted through the due process of law, & although you
were aggrieved at how that came about, you were not totally innocent. It is a Travesty of Justice, as to how
someone of your age can be treated in such a manner but not necessarily a Miscarriage of Justice.
He had only kind words to say about you then goes on to print most poisonous lies!
you had been convicted through the due process of law he says. So why the newsletter at all, when that
applies to ALL those whose stories he publishes, including Jake & his son?
you were not totally innocent. [How on earth does he know?] There speaks the 300,000 grant that John O
got from the lottery for supporting Asylum Seekers! Without doubt, the massive grant was on condition he did not
mention me! It is a Travesty of Justice, but not a Miscarriage of Justice. Travesty or Miscarriage whats
the difference?
I am grateful that Jake wrote to John O, but am puzzled by Jakes letter to me. Is he simply quoting the
words of John O, for my information, or has he swallowed those poisonous words?
This, coming after James Todd who used to praise me highly in his newsletter VOMIT. He now
publishes lies & sneers about me saying that emails about me would be deleted unread. He is taking space
needed for more deserving cases said Todd.
Then the treachery of John Stratford, a most persuasive man. November 2003 he arrived on the scene as
though he were St George & the 7th Cavalry rolled into one, promising Ill have you out within weeks. I
warned him against optimism, telling him we were fighting very powerful people, but I was grateful for his
enthusiasm. A few months later I spoke to him on the telephone, asking him to let me have copies of scores of
wonderful letters of support, & telephone numbers of people who had contacted him, anxious to make contact with
me. He told me he had told me he had sent them to this lawyer who was going to get me out within weeks, but
had not kept copies for himself or me! It was like sending the plans for D-Day direct to Hitler! He then said that
he would do no more for me, that I was on my own, & slammed the receiver down on me. Later he confessed to
Tony that he had not sent the letters to the solicitor, but that his son Kurt, a successful businessman, had destroyed
them all, & every other word about me!
Now, the knife in the stomach from Duncan Shields: He put up a wonderful website Petition about me in
January, giving me a great lift, saying You are number one priority for 2004. He said, Ring me any time you
feel the need for a chat. In May he started to turn hostile, & on 5 Sept. said, Dont ring me any more! He
accused me of being a member of the British National Party. Quite untrue but if it were true, are they any
worse than the evil gangsters who run the country?
I am a captured, caged & defenceless animal, at the mercy of monsters. Bad enough that they should
attack me, but it is enough to drive someone to insanity when those who claim to be supporters, &/or fellow
victims join in! Those above are not the only ones. From first learning of the corruption in the civil courts, I
travelled all over the country supporting other victims, taking no payment.
One was Geoffrey Scriven: I travelled to Manchester, Warrington, Stockport & the Royal Courts of
[In]Justice many times as his lay legal adviser. It was he who first quoted my war record in court [I had never
done so.] After the attack of 8th August I was under unlawful, unofficial but very effective House Arrest,
imprisoned by justifiable fear [I am not a timid man.] About October 1999, there was a meeting at my home of the
area co-ordinators of the Litigants In Person society. Because Geoffrey Scriven [who was not even a member at
the time] was at risk of being imprisoned for contempt of court [or something similar], I put forward a motion that

he be made President of LIPS. It was agreed & he has been President ever since.
Though he had been helpful to me in the past, soon after my arrest he made vicious attacks on me,
poisoning the minds of many of my supporters, including [I think, Chris Fogarty.] Why, oh why, oh why should
he do this? I now learn that he himself was imprisoned recently, but has now been released.
Am I really the nastiest man in England, deserving to die in prison? If so, the sooner the better!

The meeting in Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, LONDON EC1 on 9th October is
Miscarriages of Justice Day. It is also my 79th Birthday. I am the oldest man in prison.
To Whom It May Concern, especially BRUCE KENT,
11 Venetia Road, LONDON N4 1EJ.
& C/o. CND, 162 Holloway Road, N& 8DQ. Tel; 020 7700 2393.
Re. '1984' Britain!
Far from a criminal, I am at the very forefront of the fight against crime.
See my 1997 General Election Manifesto, & my book 'CAUSE FOR CONCERN'

Why is lawyers Blair's regime so determined I will never get out of prison alive?
Until the age of 70, I was proud to be British, proud to have done my bit in WW2, brave men (of
both sides) dying in large numbers around me. I believed our judges were 'the finest in the world'. It
was a great shock to learn there were many rotten apples among them. Making it my mission in life
to expose them, I was beginning to be successful.
On 8th AUGUST 1999 (see ECtHR 3rd Party intervention documents) I was attacked by a mobhanded gang of Lawyer Blair's Secret Police, unaccountable, untouchable - without even the
PRETENCE of a lawful excuse!
I survived, but from that day I became one of 'THE DISAPPEARED', as in George Orwell's '1984',
Argentina under The Generals, or Pinochet's Chile.
During the FIVE YEARS since, my desperate calls for help to EVERY watchdog in the land, (as well
as others with influence) have been completely ignored!
If you even ACKNOWLEDGE this, you will be the first ever to do so!
The tragedy is not that we live in '1984' but that the people are happy about it!
From 8/8/99, I ceased to exist - except to be destroyed. The task is taking longer than the evil ones
expected - but is almost completed!
I would be grateful if you (& as many more as possible) could add your name(s) to the '3rd Party Intervention'
documents enclosed, & post, fax or email to the European Court of Human Rights.

Anyone who does NOT, or does not attend the 9th Oct meeting (or make their voices heard in other ways) should not
complain if they or theirs should end up in a gas chamber!
Norman Scarth, Victim No. GV5409, HM Prison Wolds Gulag, BROUGH HU15 2 JZ. Easr Yorkshire, England.
For more contact
Sharon (N.Wales) 01492 535 200. email Sharon@kilby18.freeserve.co.uk
John (Dorset) 01308 485 412. email john@blandamase.fsnet.co.uk
Ann(Edinburgh) 0131 449 4543. Mobile 0770 840 6152. Eric(Bradford) 01535 27 35 82.
Tony (Leeds) 0113 271 4590. Mobile 0799 087 1942. Richard (London) 0207 978 6089.
Jack (Leeds) 0113 262 0449.


6 Belgrave Road
Colwyn Bay
North Wales
12th October 04
To The Registrar
The European Court of Human Rights & fundamental freedoms
The Council of Europe
Re Political prisoner Norman Scarth
I am writing to ask you to intervene urgently in the case of Norman Scarth. He has sent you ample documentation
concerning his situation and the abuses he is suffering at the hands of the Prison service. The latest is that he has
been dragged to the punishment block and is in solitary confinement he is not even allowed any paper, a pen, stamps
or envelopes. This outrageous treatment against a frail old man, whose only crime is to courageously expose
criminality at the highest levels within the UK Authorities, judiciary and public services, must not be allowed to
Yours faithfully,
Sharon Kilby.





16 Belgrave Road
Colwyn Bay
LL20 8EY
12th January 2005
Home Secretary
Home Office
Direct Communications Unit
7th Floor
50 Queen Annes Gate
London SW1H 9AT
Dear Mr Clark,
I am writing with some urgency regarding prisoner Norman Scarth GV5409 who is currently being held at the
Hospital Wing, HMP Garth, Ulnes Walton Lane, Leyland, Preston, LANCS PR26 8NE. PLEASE would you put in a
recommendation that he be released early on compassionate grounds as he is in poor health. He is nearly 80 years old
and is now suffering from bronchitis. Since he is due for release in April of this year anyway, it is not too much to
ask that his release date be brought forward.
Please give this your serious consideration.
Thanking you,
Sharon Kilby [friend of Norman Scarth.]

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