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How to Feed a Bobwhite Quail

Purchase several feeders that are a variety of heights, As your young quail grow they will need a larger
feeder, the feeder's trough where the bird eats should be level with their breast.
Purchase feed that is specially designed for game birds. The feed can be found at most farm supply
stores or grain co-ops. When you purchase the grain make sure that the grain isn't dusty, moldy, or full of
debris. make sure you store the grain somewhere that it won't get wet in a rodent proof container. Quail
chicks that are less then four weeks old should be fed a game bird mix that is at least 28% protein. Young
birds that are between 4-6 weeks old should be fed a 24% protein mix. Bobwhite quails that are more
then 6 weeks old will do very well on 18% protein.
Plan on feeding your quail daily. Bobwhite quail won't eat grain that is stale. Also make sure that your
feeder is placed well away from the waterer, your quail won't eat the food if it gets wet and moldy.
Make sure that your birds always have access to clean, fresh water. At least once a week you should
remove your waterers from the quail pen and sanitize the water, while cleaning the waterers make sure
that they haven't started to leak.
Supplement your Bobwhite quail's diet with items like tomatoes, cabbage, turnips, barely and oats.
Bobwhite quails that get additional items in their feed are less likely to peck at their friends.

Build a Quail Flight Pen

Design a simple flight pen as a long, narrow building with a shed roof, enclosed sides and entrances at
both ends.
Attach the flight pen to the quail coop bird entrance. A 15-foot wide and 30-foot long pen can hold up to
300 birds. Build a door at the end opposite the coop.
Pour a concrete footer, several inches wide, 12 inches deep and the length of the pen. Place rebar every
10 feet to slip the PVC side pipes over. Make two lines of stakes, 15 feet apart. Slip the pipes over the
Connect the two sides with a third PVC pipe creating a Quonset style frame. Along the bottom 3 feet of
the frame, attach 1-inch wire mesh, buried 6 inches into the ground and up the three sides.
Attach poultry screen for the 3 feet above the mesh. Place game bird netting over the top and attach.
Install a door on the opposite end of the coop for easy entry.

Store the eggs with the small pointed end down. If eggs are held more than 3 or 4
days before setting, turn them at least twice daily. Tilt to an opposite slant each
time to an approximate 45 angle to prevent yolk from sticking to the shell

Guide for Incubator Settings

Period of incubation
23 days
Incubator temperature (at set)
99.75 - 100F
(at set)
84 - 86F wet bulb
(at pip)
90 - 94F wet bulb
Brooding Schedule Guide By Age
24 hours before removal from hatcher

Turn on all brooders, set at 98-100F, and check temperature of each

brooder at edge of hover and 3 inches above litter or wire. Leave
brooders on.
Place fresh water in jars around each side and just outside hover so that
water will be warmed by brooders. If wide troughs are used, place
marbles or clean stones in trough to prevent drowning.
Place brooder guards around brooder, feed, and water.

2 hours before removal from hatcher


Place egg flats, paper towels, or corrugated cardboard near waterers.

Place starter feed on these. Remember, do not use slick paper or slick
cardboard for feed trays: birds will become spraddle legged on slick
Check temperature of brooders.

At hatch

Cull weak and crippled birds. Debeak lightly if cannibalism has been a
past problem.

1-7 days

Check brooders daily and nightly to observe birds and see if they're
comfortable. Birds at this age cannot stand wide variation of
Keep waterers filled and cleaned.

Remove paper or flats containing feed each evening to prevent collection

of droppings from creating a problem. Place fresh feed on fresh paper

On the third day move brooder guard so it is 4-5 feet larger in diameter
than hover.

Weather permitting, brooder guard may be removed by the fifth day.

Place additional larger waterers and feed troughs in pens on the fifth
day. Some eliminate this step by initially placing all waterers and feeders
used throughout brooding.

7-14 days

Reduce brooder temperature to 95F on the seventh day.

Begin removing small waterers, one each day, until only larger type
remain. Do not allow small waterers to remain empty; instead remove
the small waterers.

Remove feed flats, one each day, until only larger feed troughs remain.
Allow the birds to venture farther from the heat, but use common sense
in relation to weather conditions.

Confine birds to brooder area at night, but do not confine under brooder.

Clean jar or pail waterers at each refill. Clean watering troughs daily.

Keep fresh feed before birds; remove dusty and powdery feed daily.

14-21 days

Reduce brooder temperature to 90F on 14th day.

Keep feed and water before birds at all times.

Allow birds to go into runs on warm days and provide heat so they will
have it if needed. Do not confine birds as closely to brooder at night.

Continue to clean waterers and to remove dusty powdery feed from


21 days and after



Reduce brooder temperature to 85F on the 21st day and continue to

reduce the temperature 5F each week of brooding thereafter. Several 13 degree temperature decreases are preferable to a single large decrease.
This reduces the possibility for chilling, especially when weather
conditions worsen.
Continue sanitary procedures.
Do not fail to keep water and feed available at several areas within each

5-6 weeks

Transfer to grow-out pens.

Cull and lightly debeak as you transfer.

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