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Flow assurance problems are on its way to vanishing as Halbouty Energy

continually presents advantageous technology up on the forefront. ParaFlow, a solution

that disseminates crude build up due to wax, is only the first opening to a door of vast
possibilities. A waxy deposit that forms due to external conditions, paraffin, presents a
difficult task for many oil and gas companies. As the deposit accumulates, sludge fills up
space in the tanks that is not only unsalable but takes space from salable oil. ParaFlow
acts as a solvent and allows the wax crystals to separate from one another and mutates the
shapes of the crystals so the cyclic tendency of wax attachment ceases. In conjunction to
ParaFlow, Halbouty Energy also offers FlowRox. FlowRox allows companies to predict
production stops from pipe constriction.
In the oilfield, buildup of deposits known as scale causes companies damages that
estimate up to millions of dollars annually. Under supersaturated conditions, certain salts
can precipitate and attach itself onto the inside diameter of pipelines. In prior research,
the expenses to treat a single well and placing it back into production parallels to the cost
to treat an entire field. The buildup deceases the inner pipe diameter and therefore
restricts flow rate. The insoluble material makes it difficult for companies to prepare for
the downtime that the company will soon have to address. It may even damage fully
functioning equipment. With an increased reliability on gas production, scale will
become a greater setback. Any signs of onsite scale production would be useful for
industries because they will know what to expect in the upcoming weeks. These flow
assurance problems can be predicted with FlowRox. FlowRox can aid engineers in
preparing for the imminent downtime and salvaging equipment before the eventual
FlowRox was first introduced to the mining and mineral industries but Halbouty
Energy will revolutionize this technology to be presented in the oil and gas field.
FlowRox provides consumers with information that can present major savings. FlowRox
Scaling Watch measures the inner diameter of the pipe for inorganic deposits. It gives in
real time the volume image of the pipe. Not only this, but FlowRox provides a free
volume index trend. The free volume index allows customers to know how much
uninhibited space there is in the pipe as well as space occupied by scale. This technology
carries ECT (electrical capacitance tomography) pipe sensors that transfers information to
an electrical cabinet. The cabinet then projects visualizations on a computer. The image
gives the user more flexibility as to how to treat the deposits as well as predict when the
next major deposit will form. Companies can use this technology to maximize their
uptime, as there are no unforeseen shutdowns.
Currently, companies have looked to Teflon to counteract the mineral deposits;
however, consumers have found that these coatings wear off with increase usage and
time. FlowRox will project this information as it gives the reader when scale deposits
start to form and at what rate the diameter is narrowing at. FlowRox actually provides the
consumer knowledge as to which coatings serve them most efficiently. An image of the
pipe cross-section and the measurements from FlowRox proves to be an asset.
Tomographic cross-section shows the pipe as a circle. Increasing the width of the circle
shows the thickening due to scale. A deepening of the color on the outer edge circle
shows indication of the density of the deposits. Industries can actively reduce production

interruptions by 10%. Laboratory demonstrations show that the sensor can feel as little as
one millimeter of build-up. This profound technology is a gateway for oil and gas
industries to completely experience their plant with a novel level of perception.
Sudden shutdowns can lead companies to terminate the plant for many days. The
industry would then find the necessity to clean out the entire system, stopping all current
production. Because companies are not able to accurately predict the time of the
shutdown, they will not be as well prepared. Many procedures go into regaining the
production process of oil. Chemical techniques, mechanical methods, fluid-jetting
approaches, etc. have gone into this arduous process. Imagine if the company knows
exactly when the pipelines will be too constricted to function. Engineers can vigorously
prepare for the procedure and possibly prevent the oil wells from shutting down.
FlowRox is ready for commercial use, as it has been proven to aid current
industries. It is a global network, reaching out to more than 50 countries. Now, it is
available to oil and gas industries. Both Halbouty Energys ParaFlow and FlowRox both
have one thing in common. They allow for pipeline wells to function in a more efficient
manner. ParaFlow inhibits critical wax build-up. FlowRox allows early prediction of
blockage so adverse conditions may counteract the accumulation and delivers technical
information so shutdowns can be further prevented. With the competitive environment,
Halbouty Energy does not fail to deliver. Oil and gas companies will benefit in the long
run as flow assurance problems diminishes with each innovation Halbouty Energy
presents. There are so many possibilities that can improve the downstream and upstream
of oil and gas industries. Halbouty Energy quantum leaps this possibility as they continue
to provide companies a vision of a problematic free future.

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