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Information for Authors

1 General information Journal of Geographical

Sciences is an international academic journal that
publishes papers of the highest quality in physical
geography, natural resources, environmental
sciences, geographic information sciences,
remote sensing and cartography. Manuscripts
come from different parts of the world.
2 Format and style Contributions should be
typed on A4 paper using Times New Roman
typeface in Word format, normally not exceeding
15,000 words.
3 Abstract and key words The text should be
preceded by an abstract of 200-300 words, which
should be followed by 3-7 key words on a
separate line.
4 Title and text The title should be concise.
Three levels of headings and subheadings can be
used as 1, 1.1, 1.1.1, all flush to the left margin.
Use the metric system for measurements.
5 Figures
Figures should be numbered
consecutively as Figure 1, Figure 2, etc. and
keyed in the text. They should be ready for
publication at publication scale, and no more than
14 cm in width and 21 cm in height. Use Times
New Roman with 8 pt type for captions. Legends
should be set in the figures. Color maps are
6 Tables
Tables should be numbered
consecutively, titled and keyed in the text. The
significance of the tables should be briefly
explained in the text.
7 References References should be arranged in
alphabetical and chronological order of author's
surname in the text and at the end of the paper.
The form of citation should be as follows:
1) Articles: Author's surname, initials, year
of publication. Title of article with the first letter in
capitals. Title of journal in italics, volume number,
issue number, page numbers.
2) Paper in proceedings: Author's surname,
initials, year of publication. Title of paper. Editor

name. Title of proceedings, place of publication:

name of publisher, inclusive pages.
3) Books: Author's surname, initials, year
of publication. Title of book with first letter
beginning with capitals. Place of publication:
name of publisher, inclusive pages.
8 Submission Manuscripts may be submitted as
E-mail attachments in DOC file format. Figures
should be sent as separate attachments in TIF
format. The manuscript should be submitted by
E-mail to: jgs@igsnrr.ac.cn
Geographical Sciences
11 A, Datun Road, Beijing 100101,
abstracted/indexed in the following:
Abstracts Journal of All-Russian Institute of
Scientific and Technical Information (VINITI);
American Geographical Society Collection);
Chinese Science and Technology Papers Citation
Database (CSTPCD);
Chinese Science Citation Database (CSCD)
Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA)
JSTs bibliographic databases


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