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Presena de beta iii nas clulas de kulchitsky

sugere sua origem subventricular do SNC

The differential cellular expression of class III beta-tubulin isotype (betaIII) is reviewed
in the context of human embryological development and neoplasia. As compared to
somatic organs and tissues, betaIII is abundant in the central and peripheral nervous
systems (CNS and PNS) where it is prominently expressed during fetal and postnatal
development. As exemplified in cerebellar and sympathoadrenal neurogenesis, the
distribution of betaIII is neuron-associated, exhibiting distinct temporospatial gradients
according to the regional neuroepithelia of origin. However, transient expression of this
protein is also present in the subventricular zones of the CNS comprising putative
neuronal- and/or glial precursor cells, as well as in Kulchitsky neuroendocrine cells of
the fetal respiratory epithelium.
Autor: Katsetos

CD; Herman MM; Mrk SJ

Cels de kulchitsky e a hiptese de surgimento

de carcinides brnquicos a partir delas
Bronchial carcinoids are uncommon, slow growing, low-grade malignant neoplasms
comprising 1-2% of all primary lung cancers. They are thought to arise from
neuroendocrine/Kulchitsky's cells of bronchial epithelium. Histological features range
from low-grade typical to more aggressive atypical carcinoids. Clinically they may be
asymptomatic, present with nonresolving recurrent pneumonitis, hemoptysis, or with
paraneoplastic syndromes. Central bronchial carcinoids are more common than the
peripheral type and are seen as endobronchial nodule or hilar/perihilar mass closely
related to the adjacent bronchus. Chest X-ray may not show the central lesion due to
its smaller size as is in our case. Contrast-enhanced computerized tomography (CECT)
remains a highly sensitive examination which shows an intensely enhancing small
rounded endobronchial nodule. We present a case of recurrent pneumonitis and
hemoptysis in a young patient who showed features of typical central bronchial
carcinoid in CECT and later confirmed with histopathological examination (HPE).
Autor: Bora

MK; Vithiavathi S

Hiptese sobre a relao entre as clulas e

carcinomas de laringe
A case of combined small cell and squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx in a male
patient in the sixth decade of life is reported. The etiopathogenesis of this combined
tumor remains unclear; however, a number of hypotheses were proposed in the past
including the pivotal role of Kulchitsky, squamous cells and the glandular cells. The
gene mutations may also play an important role in laryngeal carcinogenesis. This
unusual type of laryngeal combined carcinoma has previously been reported worldwide
in only 17 cases. This is an extremely rare tumor the histological nature of which

makes the diagnosis more complicated than in other types of laryngeal cancers. The
diagnosis of this carcinoma is based on light microscopy and should be supported by
immunohistochemical studies. In our case, the tumor was growing in the left pyriform
sinus. Metastatic neck lymph nodes were found on the left side, but no distant
metastases were observed. Microscopic sections revealed a combined tumor
composed of small cell carcinoma neuroendocrine type and non-keratinizing squamous
cell carcinoma. Positive reaction to p16, bcl-2, thyroid transcription factor 1,
synaptophysin and chromogranin A in the small cell neuroendocrine type carcinoma
component was observed. The cells from squamous cell carcinoma component
showed positive reaction to p63, high-molecular-weight cytokeratin and cytokeratin 5/6.
Autor: Kolodziej

P; Ostasiewicz P; Zilkowski P

Estudo contraria a hiptese primria de que

pequenos carcinomas de clulas da bexiga
provem de clulas de kulchitsky
Among the many sites for primary small cell cancer is the genitourinary system. The majority
of cases have been observed in the bladder and prostate. Small cell carcinoma accounts for
less than 1% of all bladder tumors. Definitive predisposing factors are unknown; however,
small cell carcinoma of the bladder has been associated with cigarette smoking, long-standing
cystitis, bladder calculus, and augmented cystoplasty. Contrary to the early theory of
derivation from Kulchitsky cells, it is now believed that small cell carcinoma of the bladder
originates from the totipotent stem cells present in the submucosa of the bladder wall. A
number of chromosomal aberrations have been reported in small cell cancer of the bladder.
There are no specific clinical features that differentiate these patients from transitional cell
carcinoma of the bladder; however, some patients may have associated paraneoplastic
conditions. Diagnosis is established by cystoscopic-assisted biopsy. Like small cell carcinoma of
the lung, small cell carcinoma of the bladder has a propensity for early metastases. There is no
standard therapy for small cell carcinoma of the bladder and the prognosis is poor; however,
patients treated with cisplatin-based chemotherapy regimens seem to have a better prognosis.
[Au] Autor: Shahab

As clulas e sua relao com tumor

The diagnosis of neuroendocrine (NE) lung tumor is dependent on a number of observations:
organoid structure, dense core granules, and various molecular components, including
chromogranin A, neurosecretory enolase, synaptophysin, neural cell adhesion molecules, and
others. None of these is specific for lung tumors. The Kulchitsky cell, which has these
characteristics, forms a carcinoid, which exemplifies the NE tumor. It is euploid, has few
mitoses, no necrosis and a 5- to 10-year survival of over 90%. When carcinoids show malignant
characteristics, i.e., increased mitoses and necrosis, they have been labeled atypical and have a

survival of 50%. Because all other non-small cell lung tumors, especially large cell tumors, may
show one or more of these things because of the inherent heterogeneity of lung tumors, the
term NE has been applied to them without real evidence that this affects survival with or
without chemotherapy. This is expensive and without clinical significance.
Autor: Yesner

Lung tissue samples from 35 human fetuses (8 to 25 weeks gestation) and 18 newborn infants
(25 to 41 weeks gestation who survived less than 28 days) were examined by light and
transmission electron microscopy for the presence of Kulchitsky-like cells and for the peptide
hormones IR bombesin and IR calcitonin. K-like cells were found in developing intrapulmonary
conducting airways from bronchi through alveolar ducts, appearing both as single cells and in
large clusters. IR bombesin was rarely found in bronchioles of fetuses in the first trimester, but
by the second trimester K-like cells were readily identified in bronchioles, and a few were seen
in alveolar ducts and bronchi. They were especially numerous in infants dying with postrespirator lung disease. IR calcitonin was not found until 20 weeks' gestation, and was also
most common in post-respirator lung disease. The role of these hormones in the fetal and
neonatal lung is at present unknown.
Autor: Stahlman

M; Grey ME; Kasselberg AG

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