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To prohibit the use of facial recognition technology except by official government law
enforcement agencies by banning private use and establishing privacy safeguards.
Sponsored by Senator Russ, Senator Hazelwood, Representative Murphy, Representative
public access to facial recognition technology can lead to stalking, identity theft and
abuse of information by private companies.
privacy safeguards have not been updated for the developing Biometric Optical
Surveillance System, Next Generation Identification System and other facial recognition
systems used by the government
The FBI has not updated its 2008 Privacy Impact Assessment on facial recognition
Obtaining biometric data from a civilian without a just cause or reasonable cause for
suspicion violates the fourth amendment
Therefore be it enacted that:
private companies will be forbidden to use facial recognition technology
civilians will be forbidden to use facial recognition technology under any circumstance
unless required by their employment by an official government law enforcement agency
the use of facial recognition technology by official government law enforcement agencies
shall be regulated such that only the convicted criminals, suspects in an investigation and
missing persons may be in the governments facial recognition database
any pictures to be added to the database must be analyzed and verified to be that of a
criminal, a suspect in an investigation or a missing person
in the case of missing persons and suspects in investigations, once the individuals picture
is no longer useful to law enforcement agencies, it must be removed from the database
that law enforcement officers who access the database must prove that they had a just
cause for accessing it such as a reasonable cause for suspicion
The penalty for the possession of facial recognition technology by an individual not affiliated
with a company but for private personal use is a minimum $1,000 fine. Additional punishments
shall be determined by the court based on the severity of the offense.
The penalty for a private company using facial recognition technology is a minimum $5,000 fine
and other punishments shall be determined by the court based on the severity of the offense.
The punishment for misuse of facial recognition by a police officer or other employee of an
official government law enforcement agency is a minimum $1,500 fine and, based upon the
severity of the offense, consideration for demotion or termination of employment.

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