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Green HR: Integration of environmental Management into

Human Resource Management

Latika Khera Jagriti Chhabra

The impact of our daily activities on the environment and the desire to go green has expanded from
just individuals to organization. Growing global environmental concerns and the development of
international environmental standard are creating the need for businesses to adopt formal
environmental strategies.
Green HR is the use of Human Resource Management policies to promote the sustainable use of
resources within business organizations and, more generally, promotes the cause of environmental
sustainability. Due to the responsibility of the present generations, HR managers are to create
awareness amongst the youngsters and among the people working for the organization about the
Green HRM.
Researchers argued that employees must be inspired, empowered and environmentally aware of
greening in order to carry out green management initiatives. There is a growing need for strategic
green HRM the integration of environmental management into HRM. The main purpose of this study
is to explore constructs of green HRM.
The practice of green HR should be translated in to the following HR processes, such as recruitment,
training, compensation, training and development etc.

The impact of our daily activities on the environment and the desire to go green has expanded
from just individuals to organizations. Now days, many organizations are volunteering to
operate in a more environmentally responsible way, therefore in the near future; being
green could become the norm. There is a growing need for the integration of environmental
management into Human Resource (HR) and it is called Green HR.
According to Mandip (2012), Green HR is the use of Human Resource Management policies
to promote the sustainable use of resources within business organizations and, more
generally, promotes the cause of environmental sustainability.
Due to the responsibility of the present generations, HR managers are to create awareness
amongst the youngsters and among the people working for the organization about the Green
Implementation of corporate green management initiatives requires a high level of technical
and management skills among employees due to the facts that the company will develop

innovation-focused environmental initiatives and programmes that have a significant impact

on the sustainable competitive of the firms.
The modern day HR Manager has devised a novel employee engagement initiative that helps
company to achieve environmental sustainability. Green HR could very well imply using
every employee interface to promote sustainable practices and increase employee awareness.
It reflects the way an organization chooses to drive and increase employee commitments and
awareness on the issue of sustainability.
Eco- consciousness or colour GREEN is rapidly emerging in every dimension of our lives
and workplace. Green HR is one which involves the following two essential elements Environmental friendly HR practices and
The preservation of Knowledge Capital. HR of an organization plays a major role in making
environmental responsibility a part of the mission statement of the organization.
The kinds of action taken within green HRM initiatives include educating employees about
climate change and other environmental issues, training in working methods that reduce the
use of energy and other resources, promoting and inculcating more sustainable means of
travel to work and auditing of employee benefits to eliminate those that are not
Moreover, The Greening of HR Survey by Buck Consultants (2009) examines the types of
environmentally friendly "green" initiatives that companies are utilizing involving their
workforce and human resource practices. The results confirm that companies are
incorporating and working toward integrating a number of green practices. Over half of the
companies surveyed have incorporated environmental management into business operations
and have a formal green program in place or plan to implement one in the next 12 months.
From the surveys above indicated the important role of HR processes play in translating
Green HR policy into practice.
Finally, Green HR can be defined as environmentally friendly HR initiatives resulting in
greater efficiencies, lower costs and better employee engagement. HR plays a key role as it
creates awareness amongst employees and builds engagement, which in turn helps the
organizations to operate in an environmentally sustainable fashion.

Literature Review
W.S. Renwick Douglas, Maguire2 Stuart (2013) The researcher made a study for the integration of
the largely separate literatures of environmental management (EM) and human resource
management (HRM) research. GHRM has potential to contribute positively to both employee wellbeing and improved organizational performance
Margeritha Meily,Susanthi Susanthi (2013) The researcher made studied how the practices of green
HR should be translate in to the HR processes, such as recruitment, training, compensation and etc.
Being greener needs integration of environmental management into human resource management
Kumari Pallavi (2012) Researcher discussed about the HR policies and practices can improve the
environmental performance of organization. Specific HR philosophies, policies and/or practices that
support or inhibit change around environmental issue The Role of the HR professional in
environmental management. Companies should use different and innovative ideas to motivate
employees to be eco-friendly.
Dutta Sumantha (2012) The research paper tells about HRM practices and initiatives to educate
employees about green human resource. Environmental friendly HR initiatives resulting in greater
efficiencies, lower costs and create an atmosphere of better employee engagement, which in turn
helps organizations to operate in environmentally sustainable fashion.
Cherian Jacob and Jolly Jacob (2012) Research paper tells about how green management principles
can be implemented effectively amongst the workforce of the organisation. GHRM has potential to
contribute positively to both employee well-being and improved organizational performance
Shaikh M.W (2012) An attempt is made to spread the awareness amongst the industries, across the
country on Green HR, thereby helping the organizations and its people, to understand the
environmental related issues and reduce environmental problems, hazards and pollutions. HR has a
role in the pursuit of greener business practices, a role to save planet earth and recruit new
employees and enforce greener working practices and change environmentally unfriendly behaviours.
HR has significant opportunity to contribute the green movement and motivate employee / people to
work for greener business
Mandip Gill (2011) the researcher examined the nature and extent of green HR initiatives AND
examines the HR role proposes a process model of HR issues involved in green HRM. The future of
Green HRM appears promising for all the stakeholders and practitioners and to establish the
usefulness of linking employee involvement and participation in environmental programmes
Sudin Suhaimi (2011) The main purpose of this study is to explore constructs of green HRM. This
paper proposes a development of a new model of strategic green HRM by reviewing the literature on
HR aspects of environmental management.

Murari Krishna ,Bhandari Meenu (2011) The paper tells about what are the various initiatives through
which HR can help an organization in preserving its environmental sustainability Companies should
continue to reduce their paper usage and help to make the world a cleaner and safer place.

1. To understand the ways through which HR can help an organization in preserving its environment.
2. To comprehend the ways through which green HR can be implemented at various HR process that
is recruitment, training and development etc.
3. To study some of the green business initiative of five different companies.

Research Methodology
The research design chosen for the study (descriptive design) is conclusive.
Systematic search methodology by identifying articles related to green HR practices by using the
following key words: Green management, green HR, training and development, recruitment, rewards
and feedback.
Following this 10 articles related to the keyword search were identified.

Conceptual Framework
Human resource management is the process of an organization's workforce or human resources. It is
responsible for the attraction, selection, training, assessment, and rewarding of employees, while also
overseeing organizational leadership and culture and ensuring compliance with employment and
labour laws. Green human resources refer to using every employee interface to promote sustainable
practices and increase employee awareness and commitments on the issues of sustainability. It
involves undertaking environment-friendly HR initiatives resulting in greater efficiencies, lower costs
and better employee engagement and retention which in turn, help organizations to reduce employee
carbon footprints.

Green Initiatives
In the past, sound economic performance of the firm was expected to guarantee corporate success
by companies and its shareholders, but now it is no longer valid; economic and financial outcomes
need to be accompanied by minimization of ecological footprints and increased attention to social and
environmental aspects. Therefore, the new strategic issue, corporate environmentalism or green
management emerged in and became popular.

The best practice for greening the business are be the use of computerized human resources
information systems, applicant tracking systems and online applications streamline hiring efforts. They
also reduce paper usage and costs. In addition, documents that authorize motor vehicle, background,
criminal checks and references can all be scanned and transmitted to third parties and reduce excess
paperwork. Open enrolment for employee benefits can be conducted online and signatures for legal
documents may be obtained electronically, eliminating excessive use of paper so the company
initiatives driven by human resources are blood drives, charitable contribution campaigns and
wellness programs are typically coordinated by human resources departments.
Green initiatives such as recycling campaigns, paper drives and educational programs can be driven
by HR personnel. This also contributes to cleaner air quality, not to mention saving time and money.
Customers are often more flexible than people might expect, especially when they are aware of
admirable green practices that appear responsible and forward thinking.
General Green office practices:
1. Use of light as little as possible: Artificial lighting accounts for 44 percent of the electricity use in
office buildings. Employees should make it a habit to turn off the lights when they are leaving any
room for 15 minutes or more and utilize natural light when you can. Organizations should also make a
policy to buy Energy Star-rated light bulbs and fixtures, which use at least two-thirds less energy than
regular lighting, and install timers or motion sensors that automatically shut off lights when theyre not
2. Maximize computer efficiency: Computers in the business sector unnecessarily waste electricity.
Employees should make a habit to turn off their computers when not needed.
3. Print smarter: The average Indian office worker goes through 10,000 sheets of copy paper a year.
Employees should make it a habit to print on both sides or use the back side of old documents for
faxes, scrap paper, or drafts. They should avoid colour printing and print in draft mode whenever
4. Use of Eco friendly paper: Organizations should make it a policy to buy chlorine-free paper with a
higher percentage of post-consumer recycled content. They should also consider switching to a
lighter stock of paper or alternatives made from bamboo, hemp, organic cotton, or kenaf. They should
use Recycle toner and ink cartridges and buy remanufactured ones.
5. Go paperless when possible: Employees should make it a habit to think before they print.
Organizations should make it a policy to post employee manuals and similar materials online, rather
than distribute print copies. Theyre easier to update in this way too. Going paperless - Encourage emailing.
6. Ramp up recycling: Organizations should make it a habit to recycle everything they collect. Just
about any kind of paper encountered in the office, including fax paper, envelopes, and junkmail,

should be recycled. So should be employees old cell phone, PDA, or pager etc. Eliminate
unnecessary photocopying and reuse packaging for shipping.
7. Eco Friendly fixtures: Organizations should make it a policy to purchase office supplies and
furniture made from recycled materials.
8. Watch what (and how) the employees eat: Organizations should make it a habit to bring their own
mug and dishware for the meals they eat at the office. They should also provide reusable dishes,
silverware, and glasses. They should switch to Fair Trade and organic coffee, tea, and buy as much
organic and local food as possible for parties and other events. Provide filtered drinking water to
reduce bottled-water waste.
9. Rethink the travel by top management: Some rental agencies now offer hybrids and other highmileage vehicles. Organizations should make it a policy to invest in videoconferencing and other
technological solutions that can reduce the amount of employees travel.
10. Reconsider the way by which employees commute: Organizations should make it a habit to
carpool, bike, or take transit to work, and/or telecommute when possible. They should also make it a
policy to encourage telecommuting and make it easy for employees to take alternative modes of
transportation by subsidizing commuter checks, offering bike parking, or organizing a carpool board.
11. Create a healthy office environment: Organizations should make it a habit to use nontoxic
cleaning products. They should go for the office premises brighten up with plants, which absorb
indoor pollution. They should also avoid gas toxic chemicals. Explore opportunities for implementing
alternative energy sources - Evaluate opportunities for using solar energy, bio-fuels, wind power and
other alternative energy sources.
12. Implement green manufacturing processes - Use energy-efficient equipment, and streamline
processes to use fewer steps and less materials and packaging.
13. Provide leadership and resources for going greening Assign a respected executive-level person
to head up going Green/Organizational Sustainability initiatives. Including going green in companys
mission statement and business plans.
14. Get employees involved - Create a team to lead the companys eco-efforts
15. Communicating about Going Green issues - Inform suppliers and customers about your efforts.
And get in touch with local regulatory agencies, many of which offer financial incentives to businesses
that implement green initiatives. Keep employees and shareholders/investors informed about going
green progress.
16. Buying green - Tell suppliers that youre interested in sustainable products and set specific goals
for buying recycled, refurbished, or used. Make the environment, and not just price, a factor when

17. Detoxify - Many offices have toxic substances, such as used batteries and copier toner, on hand.
Talk to suppliers about alternatives to toxics, and make sure you properly dispose of the ones you
cant avoid using.
18. Conducting an energy audit - Most local utilities offer businesses free on-site consultations on how
they can reduce usage and save money. Frequent suggestions include: Improve insulation, install
timers to automatically turn off lights, use energy efficient light bulbs, keep temperatures at
comfortable ranges that are not excessively cool in the summer and warm in the winter.
19. Conducting annual- It is important to Survey employees to assess how well the organization is
doing with regard to implementing green business practices. The survey should request suggestions
for becoming a greener organization. This can be a separate survey focused on going green issues
only, or it can be added as part of an employee opinion/satisfaction survey. Conducting the surveys
annually will enable the organization to assess going green progress and provide information,
suggestions and insight for future actions.
Apart from general green office practices, here are some latest environmentally-friendly solutions for
you to stay Green in the HR functions.
i) Green Printing
Paper and toner consumption are both obvious causes for environmental problems, but reducing
printing and paper consumption is very hard especially for those corporations with huge numbers of
staff, each with their own habits and preferences. More printing naturally leads to increased in paper,
toner wastage and carbon dioxide emission.
The latest technology has offered a solution to solve this problem. PretonSaver is software which can
reduce paper demand by up to 20% and toner and ink demand by up to 50% without degrading the
output image quality. You can set the toner reduction rate by department, and it also helps you to
manage printing jobs by consolidating departmental print logs; you can even set printing page
allowance for those departments that doesnt require much printing. According to actual case
reference, a company with 1000 employees may reduce its toner consumption by around 350
cartridges per year and will reduce its carbon footprint by around 1.68 tons of Co2 annually.

ii) Green Design for Payroll and Taxation Forms

Technology is not the only solution to stay Green in your daily operation. There are some simple and
easy ways to be environmentally friendly, for example by just switching to Green design products like
sealer forms. Sealer forms, it is a form that can be folded into a self-contained envelope, so a single
piece of paper can both act as a form and an envelope, perfect way to prepare pay rolls and taxation
forms. Sealer Solution enables automatic individual information printing and form sealing in a secure
manner. Comparing with traditional payroll printing method by Dot Matrix, its speed can be as fast as
3400 pieces per hour while operating in a comparatively silent mode. It cannot only reduces the
manpower tremendously, but also enhance the indoor working environment in the HR Department.

iii) Green Manufacturing & Disposal of Staff ID Card

ID card issue is a familiar part of HR operation. Usually these cards are made of PVC, which is harder
to recycle and cause more pollution. PETG is a better material to produce plastic cards in terms of
ecology, it is 100% recyclable, does not produce any noxious fume, and creates less water and air
pollution. Moreover, when such cards that contain personal information need to be disposed, you can
make use of Disposal Service. This enables the waste plastic cards to be securely transferred for
recycling. The above solutions may provide you with some hints to reduce wastage and
environmental impacts in your daily HR operation, to be more economical and most importantly to
walk towards more ecological business operation.

Green HR through HR process

Recruitment and selection
Induction for new recruits is seen to be needed to ensure employee understand and approach their
corporate environmental culture. Therefore green environment issues must be integrated into the
recruitment process.

This involves monitoring the long-term competency requirements for the

company, providing new employees with information about sustainable development policies and
commitments, using recruitment procedures which support the equitable representation of applicants
and recruits in terms of gender, age, racial and ethnic groups, sexual orientation, disabled people and
other relevant groups. For this the companys job descriptions should reflect the sustainability agenda
and the companys website and other research tools available for candidate access clearly outline its
greening endeavours. Finally the interview questions should be tailored to flesh out potential
compatibility with the company's green goals. The common sections of job descriptions can be used
to specify a number of environmental aspects. The job title and chain of command must include
environmental reporting roles and health and safety tasks, which staff is exposed to harmful
substances/potential emissions. In fact becoming a green employer may improve employer branding
and be a useful way to attract potential employees.

Preference in selection should be given to

candidates who are Green aware, which becomes a part of the HR acquisition policy. Therefore, it
can be concluded by being green employer, it will help and increase employee motivation,
engagement and attitude of green.
Performance management system

Using performance management in green HR presents the challenges of how to measure

environmental performance standards and indicators in performance management at all department
levels and gaining useful data on the environmental performance of managers.
Firms like Tata Group of Companies have installed corporate-wide environmental performance
standards (which cover on-site use, waste management, environmental audits, and the reduction of
waste) to measure environmental performance standards, and developing green information systems
and audits (to gain useful data on managerial environmental performance

Performance management systems can also be successfully initiated in an organization is by tying

the performance evaluations to the job descriptions the specific green goals and tasks. Electronic HR
system (e-HR) can be introduced to be able to help management and employees track their own
carbon. The roles of managers in achieving green outcomes included in appraisals such as
familiarization, and encourage green HR learning, are needed. Managers can ask employees to bring
specific green ideas. These ideas can be brainstormed together to include them into the objectives for
the upcoming year. Attaining these objectives would be the basis of performance evaluation and link
to payment and reward.

Training and development

In the process of employee training and development programmers, it should include social and
environmental issues at all levels. Green orientation programs for the newly hired employees should
be an integral part of the training and development process. The training itself should inform the
employees about the green procedures and policies including the vision/mission statement of the
company, the sustainability oriented benefits, company-wide initiatives like reducing greenhouse
gases, creating green products etc.
Environment- related aspects of safety, energy efficiency, waste management and recycling can
become the focal points of green training. Managers should rely more on online course material and
case studies rather than on printed handouts, thus further reducing use of paper.
Moreover, green teams can be established in each department, producing general awareness and
specific training in environmental management, and to assess the training required in environmental
management, a training needs analysis can be done in terms of assessing what environmental
knowledge and skills staff.

Employee involvement and participation

Employee involvement is creating an environment in which people have an impact on decisions and
actions that affect their jobs. By encouraging employee involvement and participation will create
entrepreneurs within the organization who are socially or ecologically oriented. Therefore, employees
need to be involved in formulating environmental strategy, so that they can create and expand the
knowledge needed to market green products.
Employee involvement teams can not only bring about a change in how work processes are
performed, but also improve worker health and safety too. For example, American Airlines claim their
flight attendants recycle over 616,000 pounds of aluminium cans, earning at least $40,000 to
them in one year (May & Flannery, in Renwick, 2008) employees need to be involved in formulating
environmental strategy, so that they can create and expand the knowledge needed to market green
products. Organizations are encouraging employees to think of ideas to reduce carbon emissions and
save energy other ways in which employees can be encouraged are to pursue green commuting
habits like allowing flexible work weeks, establishing a car pool-program, offering free or discounted

free transportation passes, adding car sharing as a employee benefit and setting up transportation
savings account.
Pay and reward system
Compensation should be link to motivate the changing behaviours of employee green performance. A
benefit package and variable pay element can be added to the compensation system for rewarding
employee, because the organizations will get the benefit from rewarding waste reduction practices.
For example, DuPont has an Environmental Respect Awards program which recognizes employee
environmental achievements. Compensation packages should be customized to reward green skills
acquisition and achievements by employees. Monetary- based, nonmonetary based and recognitionbased rewards can be used for green achievements of employees. Monetary-based rewards for
contributions in environment management can be allocated in the forms of salary increase, cash
incentives and bonuses while non-monetary rewards may include sabbaticals, special leave and gifts
to employees and their family members. Recognition-based awards can highlight green contributions
of employees through wide publicity and public praise and appreciation of green efforts by CEO or top
management executives In general, such organizations are seen to need to develop reward systems
to produce desirable behaviors in EM, and doing so requires effective employment of both incentives
and disincentives19. Disincentives include negative reinforcements like suspensions, criticisms and
warnings and may be needed to get employees to make environmental improvements, e.g. if
employees engage in lapses in the handling of hazardous waste. Organizations may wish to engage
in giving employees positive rewards in terms of verbal feedback from supervisors, as such informal
verbal and written feedback which might help motivate employees towards environmental
Corporate culture and green culture

Corporate culture is one of the basic requirements for business in searching for excellence. A good,
well known company always has some common corporate culture. A companys life-force is to keep
to its corporate culture.
Corporate culture fulfils four functions (Kreiner and Kinicki, 2004; 85). First, corporate culture gives
members an organization identity. Second, corporate culture facilitates collective commitment. Third,
corporate culture promotes social system stability. Social system stability reflects the extent to which
.the work environment is perceived as positive and reinforcing, and conflict and change are managed
effectively. Forth, shape behaviour by helping members make sense of their surroundings.
The nature of corporate culture that exists in a company is going to decide the degree to which the
desired results from the employees are obtained. As discussion before, there is a growing need for
organizations to be more greener. Therefore, the integration of environmental management into
corporate culture to be more greener is a must.
Green culture means green values and peoples recognitions and evaluation about green
environmental value. Under the guidance of green values, subjects observe and understand things,
analyze and grasp objects, solve problems and formulate strategies. As entire guideline of green

culture, the formation of green values is based on various elements such as green knowledge, green
habits and so on and reflects specific spirits of times.

Different companies following green practices
ITC Limited
ITC is one of India's foremost private sector companies with a strong commitment to the triple bottom
line. It has been a frontrunner in adopting eco responsible processes, much ahead of legislation
setting benchmarks for the industry to follow. Some of the green practices followed by ITC are
Sustainable Initiatives at ITC Green Products- Premium Business Paper: For the first time in India ITC
has launched an environment friendly multipurpose paper "Paperkraft Premium Business Paper", for
office and home use using a new technology 'Ozone Treated Elemental Chlorine Free Technology'
replacing Elemental Chlorine which was conventionally used in the bleaching process during paper
manufacture. Biodegradable Paper and Paper Board Laminates: As a first again ITC PSPD has
introduced a new series of paper and paperboard laminates with applications in Flexible Packaging,
Folding Cartons and Disposables.
Reducing the Carbon Footprint- The carbon emission in ITC PSPD at 1.6t/ t of board is the lowest in
the country but its commitment towards maximizing the usage of energy generated from renewable
sources has led to the installation of the "Green" Boiler designed to use internally generated bio-mass
like bark, chip dust etc. By using bio-fuels in place of coal the carbon dioxide emission is reduced
Conservation of Energy: Some of the technologies used by all the units to conserve energy are:
Usage of VFD (Variable Frequency Drive), for flow control, instead of valves, AC drives in place of DC
motors, Replace old equipments like pump with more energy efficient ones, Make the inside surface
of pump casings smoother by coating, Upgrade steam & condensate system, Installation of solar
water heating and lighting system, Replacement of incandescent lamps with high efficiency
The focus on improving the operational efficiencies combined with up-gradation of technology have
led ITC to be the only company in the world, of its size and diversity, to achieve the milestones of
being carbon positive, water positive and achieving almost 100% solid waste recycling.

The "Three Leaves" rating awarded by Centre for Science and Environment, Green Tech
Environment Excellence award, "Golden Peacock" award and "Solid Waste Recycling Positive",
Excellent Water Efficient Unit awards to name a few are testimonies to these efforts and

Punjab National Bank

Punjab National Bank is an Indian financial services company based in New Delhi, India. PNB is the
third largest bank in India in terms of asset size.

As one of the leading financial institutions, PNB recognizes that the health of the economy rests on
the health of the planet. Their goal is to make a positive contribution to sustainability by integrating
environmental principles into our business model. Bank is fully committed to the protection of
environment. Green Initiatives taken by the Bank included promotion of rainwater harvesting, reduced
use of paper by using email for inter-office communications, reduced power consumption through
various energy conservation measures and conducting tree plantation drives.PNB believes that by
taking action today, we can improve the quality of life for generations to come.
Various activities undertaken by PNB to protect environment are as follows:

A separate audit sheet to assess the implementation and impact of the green initiatives has been
evolved. With growing concerns about climate change, Bank has taken various steps for reducing
emissions and energy consumption. The Bank has begun conducting Electricity Audit of offices as an
energy conservation initiative.
Bank is also emphasizing on green buildings and earnestly encouraging simple Green practices such
as opting for energy efficient lights, printing on both sides of paper, purchasing composite fax
machines which can perform multiple functions, immediate repair/redressal of water leakage, use of
master censor /master switches for light, fans etc, wherever possible.

National Life Group

National Life Group is a diversified family of financial services companies that offer a comprehensive
portfolio of life insurance, annuity and investment products to help individuals, families and
businesses pursue their financial goals. A 160-year-old financial services company licensed in all 50
states and the District of Columbia, has advanced its environmental program by moving to paperless
HR and payroll with UltiPro. Ultimate software, a leading provider of end-to-end strategic human
resources, payroll, and talent management solutions, Ultimate Software markets its award-winning
UltiPro products as on-demand services through its software-as-a-service (SaaS) offering.
With a corporate goal to go green, National Life has adopted a number of conservation-minded
business practices, including installing solar panels and automatic lighting at its headquarters to
conserve energy. The company began to focus on environmentally friendly initiatives in 2004.
At National Life Group, the whole HR process is done through UltiPro, HR receives and reviews
candidates information directly through the UltiPro Web portal. If applicants credentials match job
requirements, HR can forward the electronic resumes to the hiring manager for further screening.
After a candidate is interviewed and selected, the new hires data moves automatically into the
employee database. All communication is electronic and the mountains of paper have disappeared.

By automating the recruitment process through UltiPro, National Life has also improved the security of
confidential information and ensured that both internal and external communications are consistent.
Additionally, National Life is using UltiPros self-service and secure Web portal to give employees
access to their HR and payroll details. The convenience of the Web, combined with automatic
deposits, has created a paperless payroll for almost all of the organizations 1,600 employees and
retirees. Employees contribute to our environmental objectives by accessing their pay cheque and
benefits details, as well as business forms, links to providers HR news, online Using UltiPro, everyone
becomes involved in our push to be green.
National Life has annual audits. The information collected through UltiPro Recruitment makes it easy
to meet audit requirements, while further reducing paper consumption. Before, data was collected by
multiple methods. Now the HR team collects data through a single source and compiles it in one
The company also decreases waste through online registration for training and development.
Employees can view and select training programs using the Web, resulting in fewer paper forms and
less interdepartmental mail.

Bank of America
The Bank of America Corporation is an American multinational banking and financial services
corporation headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina. It is the second largest bank holding company
in the United States by assets.
Bank of America is proving with eco-friendly operations that can coexist with business growth.
According to their corporate website, the company reduced paper use by 32% from 2000-2005,
despite a 24% growth in their customer base. Bank of America also runs an internal recycling
program that recycles 30,000 tons of paper each year, good for saving roughly 200,000 trees for each
year of the programs operation.
The company also offers employees a $3,000 cash back rewards for buying hybrid vehicles.

State Bank of India

State Bank of India is a multinational banking and financial services company based in India. It is a
government-owned corporation.

The Bank had launched 'Green Channel Counter'(GCC) facility on State Bank Day (01.07.2010), at 57
select branches of the Bank spread across the country. This was an innovative step taken by the
Bank towards changing the traditional way of paper based banking in a limited way, to card based

Green Banking focusing on reduction in paper usage as well as saving transaction time. This is a
pioneering concept which would save both paper and time resources.
At the dawn of State Bank Day 2011 (01.07.2011), and on the First Anniversary of the launch of GCC,
this facility has been made available at 5000+ branches across the Country. During this journey of
one year the Green Channel Counter facility has earned many accolades. At the IBA Banking
Technology Awards 2010, SBI won the Best Customer Initiative Award for the Green Channel
Counter. In addition, this has lead to the saving of enough papers to avoid felling of approximately 5

The focus on improving the operational efficiencies combined with up-gradation of technology and
following green HR practices these companies have achieved the milestones of being carbon
The future of Green HRM appears promising for all the stakeholders of HRM. The employers and
practitioners can establish the usefulness of linking employee involvement and participation in
environmental management programmes to improved organizational environmental performance, like
with a specific focus on encouraging green practices and help green management evolve and
To conclude one can say that HR has a role in the pursuit of greener business practices, a role to
save planet earth and recruit new employees and enforce greener working practices and change
environmentally unfriendly behaviours. HR has significant opportunity to contribute the green
movement and motivate employee / people to work for greener business.









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