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Principles Of Programming
-Functional Programming

Imperative programming: modify variables to

write algorithms
Functional programming: evaluate
expressions / functions

Close to 'math' notation

All is function, function is all

f(x) = cos x sin x

Note: juxtaposition (no '()', context decides)
No global variables
No 'heap' to allocate things in

High level

No low level implementation details

Principles Of Programming Languages

Principles Of Programming Languages


Lambda Calculus

Compute result based on function arguments only

No side effects allowed and not allowed to read global

state, nor state of other functions

Makes programs easier to understand (for

Most FP languages do not even have local variables..

Define functions using parameters, body

Macro-like function evaluation

Functions may not have side-effects

When/how/much a function is called: not important

Referential Transparency
Can replace function call by function result always

is always true for functional languages, not so for imperative languages

Principles Of Programming Languages

No calling convention needed: simple variable substitution enough

Functions can have arguments

( x. x + 2) 4


4 + 2 =>

Functions can be passed to other functions

f(x) + f(x) == 2 * f(x)

x. x + 2
Means that functions can be evaluated multiple times


Alpha rename = rename unbound variables

( x. x + 2) ( y. y * y) 4

Functions may have multiple parameters

( x y. x * y + 2) (4+3) == ( y. (4+3) * y + 2)
Principles Of Programming Languages



Do you really need global variables ?

No: can use arguments to maintain state

No: read-only globals *still* allowed

But what about data-structures (arrays, lists,

etc) ?

In general: create copies of each call-argument

Of course: performance losses

Use diff/patch

int tmp;

int foo(int a) {
tmp = tmp + a * 3;
return tmp + 5;

(int, int) foo(int a, int state) {

return (state + a * 3 + 5),
(state + a * 3)

Each modification creates a 'diff' over a read-only input



Create a copy only upon modification

void sum(int []sub, int index, int []array) {

for i = index * N .. (index+1) * N
sub[i] += array[i]

int[] sum(int index, int[]array) {

int [] s = new int[N];
int k = 0;
for i = index * N .. (index+1) * N
s[k++] = array[i];
return s;

Principles Of Programming Languages

Principles Of Programming Languages


How to do Input/Output ?

They are the ultimate side-effect !

Example: Miranda

Temporarily break referential transparency

Model I/O using monads (later)
Functions that do I/O (recursively) have an I/O return type
that is managed specially
Use lazy-evaluation (later)

Functions have both a prototype and a body

fahrenheit_to_celcius :: num -> num

fahrenheit_to_celcius f = ((f 32) * 5) / 9

|| Type: 1 number results in 1 number

|| Code

Pure vs Inpure

'pure' functional --> all functions are referential


Impure --> some still imperative / imperative can

infect functional functions
Principles Of Programming Languages

Principles Of Programming Languages


Type Inference


// Math notation

fac(x) =

1, iff x = 0
x * fac(x 1), otherwise

|| Miranda
fac :: num -> num
fac x = 1, if x = 0
fac x = x * fac (x 1), otherwise

The process of finding the type of an


(* pascal *)
function fac(n : integer) : integer;
var i, r: integer;
r := 1;
for i := n downto 1 do
r := r * i;
fac := r;

If it fails, programmer has to type it explicitly

Haskell uses it, PHP, C# too (a little bit)

{- Haskell: note type-inference -}

fac n = if n == 0 then 1 else n * fac (n-1)
{- or: -}
fac 0 = 1
fac n = n * fac ( n 1 )

// C# type-inference
class A {
static LinkedList<char> fill(int n) { .. }

static void Main() {

var X = fill(123);

Principles Of Programming Languages

Principles Of Programming Languages



Lists: most important data-structure in

functional languages
Recursively defined/iterable

Contains zero, one, many items of the same type




[1 .. 10]

Define a list using a function for the item values


List Comprehensions

[x | x <- [1 .. 10] ; x mod 2 = 1]

|| [1,3,5,7,9]
Read '<-' as for set-inclusion, ';' as 'and'

Haskell (mod is a function):

Or force 'infix' function application

[ i | i <- [1..10], ((mod i 2) == 1) ]

[ i | i <- [1..10], ((i `mod` 2) == 1) ]


{- 0,5,10,15,20 -}

Haskell note: functions/params should start

with lower-case, types with upper case: Func x is wrong, func x is OK
Principles Of Programming Languages

Principles Of Programming Languages


List access mostly recursive

Miranda: head/tail


=> [1]
=> [2,3]

Miranda: 'cons'



|| Miranda:
length x = 0
, if x = []
length x = 1 + length (tl x), otherwise

=> [1]
=> [1,2,3]

some languages have shortcut operations for

efficiency: length/concat/reverse/sort

|| Or
length x = # x

{- Haskell -}
listLength x = if x==[] then 0 else 1+ListLength tail
{- or use the builtin length operator -}
listLength x = length(x)

Provide an interface to an imperative library

Principles Of Programming Languages

Principles Of Programming Languages



|| Miranda
concatenate x y = y, if x = []
concatenate x y = (hd x) : concatenate (tl x) y, otherwise

Can we build lists without using the builtin list

type in a functional language ?

{- Haskell -}
concatenate x y = if x == [] then y else ((head x) :
concatenate (tail x) y )


We lose efficiency by creating copies of lists,

etc. BUT:

No hassle with

{- or: -}

concatenate x y = x ++ y

Principles Of Programming Languages

Next-element-ptr, previous-element-ptr
malloc/new, free/delete

Internally there's a garbage collector that frees

unused lists/list-nodes
Principles Of Programming Languages

Polymorphic functions

Polymorphic functions

Function that accepts different actual

argument types

What is the type of a parameter in a

polymorphic function ?

Different from overloaded function which has N

different instances for every of N different
possible actual argument types

Miranda: 'type variables'

|| Miranda
pair x y = [x, y]
|| .. can be used like:
pair 1 2
pair True False
pair [1] [2]

// C++: overloading
list pair(int a, int b);
list pair(bool a, bool b);
list pair(list a, list b);

Use this to enforce that which things in the parameter

list should have equal types
Type inference can do this BUT error given late where
now we can give error early: 'strong static checking'

|| Miranda
pair :: -> ( -> [] ) || read as: (,)->[], see 'currying' later on
pair x y = [x, y]

// OR C++ polymorphic/template function:

template<typename T>
list<T> pair(T a, T b);

pair True 1

|| error: detected as type(True) != type(1)

Principles Of Programming Languages

Principles Of Programming Languages

Higher Order Functions

In functional languages, functions can be

passed around

Function with a function argument = higher

order function

|| Miranda:

Foldr, foldl

Performs list-reduction (fold-right/left)

|| Miranda (and *exactly* the same for Haskell)

sum x y = x + y
sumlist x = foldr sum 0 x

{- Haskell: -}

tripple x = x * 3
tripplelist x = map tripple x

tripple x = x * 3
tripplelist x = map tripple x

tripplelist [1,2,3]

tripplelist [1,2,3]

|| => [3,6,9]


|| sum(1 + sum(2 + sum(3 + 0))) ==> 6

sumlist [1, 2, 3]

{- [3,6,9] -}
|| alternatively using the + operator
sumlist x = foldr (+) 0 x

Principles Of Programming Languages

foldl (/) 1 [1,2,3] ==> 0.166666

|| ((1 / 1) / 2) / 3
foldr (/) 1 [1,2,3] ==> 1.5
|| 3 / 2 / 1 / 1

Principles Of Programming Languages



List reduction using boolean operators

'fold' multiple values into one

{- Haskell: -}

Call a function with only some of its


This delivers a partial function where the leftover parameters still need to be passed

partial parametrization


all even (map (2*) [1..5])

any odd [ x^2 | x<-[1..5] ]

Mult :: num -> (num -> num)

mult a b = a * b
tripple :: num -> num || remove first num-> from mult
tripple = mult 3 || mult partially instantiated

Principles Of Programming Languages

Principles Of Programming Languages

Lazy Evaluation

Applicative order reduction (eager evaluation)

Evaluate inner expressions first, move outward

Lazy Evaluation

mult (mult 2 3) (mult 3 4)

mult 6 12

May be very efficient (compared to eager


foo(val, car(), boat())

Car() and boat() can both take a lot of compute power

Only the result of one is used, the other ignored

Normal order reduction (lazy evaluation)

Evaluate outer expressions first, inner ones only when


mult (mult 2 3) (mult 3 4)

(mult 2 3) * (mult 3 4)
6 * 12
Principles Of Programming Languages

// C: both 'car' and 'boat' are

// completely evaluated
int foo(int test, int a, int b) {
if (test > 10)
return a;
return b;

{- Haskell: either car OR boat evaluated,

not both.
foo test a b = if test > 10 then a else b

Principles Of Programming Languages

Lazy Evaluation

A language with eager evaluation = strict


Lazy-evaluation based I/O

I/O is a list of request/responses to the operating


Otherwise non-strict (of course)

Allows us to manipulate infinite sized structures

I/O is thus a request/response 'stream'

The I/O list has infinite length and grows with time


Only when done is actual I/O performed

[1..] || list of all positive integers

head [1..]
head (tail [1..])
head ( tail ( map tripple [1..] ) )

Principles Of Programming Languages

Principles Of Programming Languages

Lazy Evaluation

Rebinding unbound variables

Most of the time less efficient than eager


In an expression some languages allow

variables to be later specified

sumsum x = x + x
sumsum 4*5

|| Lazy
4*5 + 4*5
20 + 20
--------------------------2 mults + 2 adds

|| Eager
sumsum 20
20 + 20
------------------------1 mult + 1 add

(instead of everything beforehand)

-- Haskell
zoo a = b * 100
tmp = a * 2;
b = tmp * 2;

-- 'b' not declared here yet, only used!

*Peyton Jones: 1987: the impl. Of Functional Programming

see Graph Reduction: lazy evaluation with bookkeeping

Principles Of Programming Languages

Principles Of Programming Languages

Pattern Matching

Pattern Matching

Given a set of patterns, search for the 1st

match -> execute its action

Pattern = <expression>, <condition>

|| Haskell/Miranda: Declare pattern Cond <bool> x y

cond True x y = x
cond False x y = y
|| Usage
cond (5 > 6) car boat

f(n + 1) = .. allowed
f(n + m) = .. not allowed, ambiguous !

uniq [] = []
uniq (a:(a:x)) = uniq (a:x)
uniq (a:x) = a:uniq x
unique x = uniq(sort(x))
|| what does this do ?

fac 0 = 1
fac (n + 1) = (n + 1) * fac n

|| Miranda
quicksort [] = []
quicksort (x:rest) = quicksort [a | a <- rest; a <= x]
++ x
++ quicksort[a | a <- rest; a > x]
|| NOTE: ++ is list concatenation
|| NOTE: [a | a <- rest; a > x] is list comprehension:
|| return each element 'a' in rest, where a > x

{- Haskell: -}
quicksort [] = []
quicksort (x:rest) = quicksort([a | a <- rest, a <= x]) ++
[x] ++
quicksort([a | a <- rest, a > x])

len [] = 0
|| will only match if non-empty
|| as there must be atleast a head
len (a:b) = 1 + (len b)

Principles Of Programming Languages

Principles Of Programming Languages

Pattern Matching

Monads / Monoids

data Tree = Empty | Leaf [Char] | TreeNode Tree Tree

Idea: let a function return two typed values,

instead of just one

One is the real user data

One is the meta data

instance Show Tree where

show Empty = "<>"
show (Leaf x) = x
show (TreeNode x y) = " <" ++ show x ++ show y ++ "> "
zoo = do z <- [TreeNode (TreeNode (Leaf "aa") (Leaf "bb")) (Leaf "cc")]
return z;

Principles Of Programming Languages

For example:

Put error values

Put the global' variables you're used to in here


{int value, boolean infinite}

{int value, boolean not_a_number}

Principles Of Programming Languages



To support tuples of {data, meta}, we need to

Have a type-system of such tuples

Ability to create {data,meta} given only {data}

Ability to select {data} or {meta} from {data,meta}

data Maybe t = Just t | Nothing

Unit function

Given monad M (meta data) and type 't' (user

data), create monad type 'M t'

return x = Just x


(Just x) >>= f = f x

Given value 't' and monad M, have a monad

function 't -> M t'

Type def:



(just x) is obtained by applying 'f' defined as 'f x'

Nothing >>= f = Nothing

(Nothing) is obtained if by applying 'f' defined as Nothing

Called the 'unit function'

Operation (M t)(tM u)M u, which Haskell

represents by the infix operator >>=
Principles Of Programming Languages

Principles Of Programming Languages



Haskell monads have a simpler 'do' notation

identifier = 'do' (statement \n) expression \n

'do' thus allows statement sequencing

Using monads we can (almost) write

readable loops

module Main where

import Control.Monad.State
-- word separating tokens
whitespace = ['\n', '\t', ' ']

a = do x <- [1, 2, 3]
return (Just x)

type Counter = State Integer

--Returns the number of characters
wordCount :: String -> String

-- a results in [Just 1,Just 2,Just 3]

{-doCount returns a Counter which is an instance of the

Monad class. applying "0" to the Counter type initializes
the Monad's state and generates the result of evaluating the
string sent to doCount.

main = do putStr "hello"

putStr "world"

wordCount s = show $ execState (doCount s True) 0

Principles Of Programming Languages

doCount :: String -> Bool -> Counter Integer

doCount [] wasWs = do res <- getCount
return res
doCount (x:xs) wasWs
| not (elem x whitespace) && wasWs = do c <- incCount
el <- doCount xs False
return el
| not (elem x whitespace) && not wasWs = do c <- getCount
el <- doCount xs False
return el
| otherwise = do c <- getCount
el <- doCount xs True
return el
getCount :: Counter Integer
getCount = get
incCount :: Counter ()
incCount = modify (+1)
main = do interact wordCount
putStrLn ""

Principles Of Programming Languages


Example: Hamming Problem

Monads to maintain semi-global


Keep the state around in parameters

Example: Random number generation

Give all numbers 2i * 3j * 5k in increasing


-- problem: each call to randomNext requeres a new 'rand'

-otherwise we return the same value always !
randomNext:: Int -> Int
randomNext rand = newRand
newRand = 16807 * (12312312 `mod` 2836 * rand)

'1' is a hamming number (i=j=k=0)

A hamming number multiplied by 2,3, or 5 is also


Can't make a hamming number any other way





Principles Of Programming Languages

Principles Of Programming Languages

Example: Hamming Problem

Example: Lisp

|| Miranda: multiply elts of list 's' by 'f'

mul f s = [f *x | x <- s]


Case insensitive

Recursion + higher-order functions

|| return a list that starts with '1' followed by ..

ham = 1 : merge3 (mul 2 ham) (mul 3 ham) (mul 5 ham)
|| we multiplied the last hamming number by 2, 3, 5
|| now remove duplicates: Ex.: 10 = 2*5 AND 5*2
merge3 x y z = merge2 x (merge2 y z)
|| merge 2 sorted lists, removing duplicates as we go
merge2 (x:xs) (y:ys)
= (x:merge2 xs (y:ys)), if x < y
= (x:merge2 xs ys, if x = y
= (y:merge2 (x:xs) ys, if x > y

Principles Of Programming Languages

No type-system 8-{

Automatic memory management

Hard to read for mere humans (but easy for a


Prefix notation of expressions: * 3 4 ISO 3 * 4

;;Std/old-style Lisp
(define (fac x)
(cond ((= x 0) 1) (t (* x (fac (- x 1)))))
;;Common Lisp:
(defun factorial(x)
(if (< x 2) 1 (* x (factorial (- x 1)))))
Principles Of Programming Languages

Example: Common Lisp

(eval (/ (/ 1 34) 3))

(1 / 34) / 3

Prints 1/102, it thus keeps fractions internally

instead of floating point numbers !

Explicit cast from fraction to floating point

; get array element at (0, 0)

(aref a1 0 0)


; set array element (0, 0) to the string hi

(setf (aref a1 0 0) "hi")

` vs not `

- setq assigns to symbol
C: int a = ...
- setf assigns a value to a place
C: *a = ...

; set array element (0, 0) to the symbol abcdef

(setf (aref a1 0 0) (`abcdef))

(read), (write hi)

; create a two dimensional array

(setq a1 (make-array `(3,4)))

(eval (float (/ 1 3)))

Example: Common Lisp

` means pass the symbol, not ` means evaluate

Principles Of Programming Languages

Principles Of Programming Languages

Example: Common Lisp

Example: Common Lisp

Symbol properties:

(setq ht (make-hash-table))

Get foo's color

(setf (get `foo `color) `red)

(get `foo `color)


(gethash `a ht)

Set foo's color to RED

Problem: there's only one foo over the whole

program, naming conflicts occur easily !

Structures / Records

(defstruct struct1 color size shape)

(setq obj1 (make-struct1 :size 'small :color 'green

:shape 'round)
Principles Of Programming Languages

Get the value associated with key 'a'

(setf (gethash `a ht) `b)

Create hashtable and assign a pointer to ht

Assign symbol 'b' to hash-entry associated with 'a'


(first '(2 4 8)) ; 2

(rest '(2 4 8)) ; (4, 8)

(cons 1 (cons 2 `(3 4))) ; (1,2,3,4)

(member 2 `(4, 3, 7, 2, 1, 6)) ; (2, 1, 6)

Principles Of Programming Languages

Example: OCaML

ML = Meta Language


Pattern matching


let <ident> <params*> = <expression> ;;

Defines a function with name 'ident'

Params are variables that can be used in 'expression'

Ocaml = either


Objective (Categorically Abstract Machine Language)

Objective (Concurrent Abstract Meta Language)

() not used in calls/parameter declarations

Automatic type-inference is used to find the types of

both expression and params

Uses different operators for floating point and integer


Adds object-orientation to ML

F# by Microsoft is Ocaml for DotNet platform..

<op> = integer operation

<op>. = floating point operation

# let y a b c = a * b * c;;
val y : int -> int -> int -> int = <fun>
# let z a b c = a *. b *. c;;
val z : float -> float -> float -> float = <fun>

# y 1 2 3;;
- : int = 6
# z 1.0 2.0 3.0 ;;
- : float = 6.

Principles Of Programming Languages

Principles Of Programming Languages



Recursive functions need to be marked as such:

let x a b c = ..

let rec x a b c

Datatypes = {int, float, bool, char, string, tuple,

array, list, records, variants, objects}

We can create partial functions (currying)

We can pass functions around (higher order
# let compose f g = function x -> f(g(x));;
val compose : ('a -> 'b) -> ('c -> 'a) -> 'c -> 'b =
# let square x = x *. x;;
val square : float -> float = <fun>

# let rec fib n =

if n < 2 then 1 else fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);;
val fib : int -> int = <fun>
# fib 4;;
- : int = 5

# let cos2 = compose square cos;;

val cos2 : float -> float = <fun>
# let not x = x == false;;
val not : bool -> bool = <fun>
# not true;;
- : bool = false
# let data = "helloworld";;
val data : string = "helloworld"

Principles Of Programming Languages

# let deriv f dx = function x -> (f(x +. dx) -. f(x)) /. dx;;

val deriv : (float -> float) -> float -> float -> float = <fun>
# let sin' = deriv sin 1e-6;;
val sin' : float -> float = <fun>
# sin' pi;;
- : float = -0.999998732663419765
Principles Of Programming Languages



Lists are built using the empty list and appending


Empty list = []

Append operator = '::'

List entry seperator = ';'

Note: can't append, only prepend, list must be

uniformly typed
# let l = ["a"; "b"];;
val l : string list = ["a"; "b"]
# let k = l :: ["c"] ;;
This expression has type string but is here used with type string list
# let k = l :: "c";;
This expression has type string but is here used with type string list list
# let k = "c" :: l ;;
val k : string list = ["c"; "a"; "b"]

Data structure manipulation via pattern matching

A match statement is like a case statement

Note polymorphism: sort works on strings-list and

integer list !

# let rec map f l = match l with

[] -> []
| hd::tl -> f hd :: map f tl ;;
val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list = <fun>
# let l = [1;2;3] ;;
val l : int list = [1; 2; 3]
# let double x = x * 2;;
val double : int -> int = <fun>
# map double l ;;
- : int list = [2; 4; 6]

# let rec insert elt lst =

match lst with
-> [elt]
| head :: tail -> if elt <= head then elt :: lst
else head :: insert elt tail;;
val insert : 'a -> 'a list -> 'a list = <fun>
# let rec insertionsort lst =
match lst with
-> []
| head :: tail -> insert head (insertionsort tail);;
val sort : 'a list -> 'a list = <fun>
# let l = ["is"; "a"; "tale"; "told"; "etc."];;
val l : string list = ["is"; "a"; "tale"; "told"; "etc."]
# sort(l);;
- : string list = ["a"; "etc."; "is"; "tale"; "told"]

Principles Of Programming Languages

Principles Of Programming Languages



User defined records and variants (aka

enumeration type)

Ocaml also has imperative programming primitives

In 'pure' functional programs, you can't express

for/while as the loop iterator is of the form

# type sign = Positive | Negative;;

type sign = Positive | Negative
# let sign_int n = if n >= 0 then Positive else Negative;;
val sign_int : int -> sign = <fun>
# sign_int 3;;
- : sign = Positive


# type complex = {rat:float; irat:float};;

type complex = { rat : float; irat : float; }
-- ocaml finds return type by looking at 'rat' and irat fields
# let complexmult a b = {rat = a.rat *. b.rat;
irat = a.irat *. b.irat } ;;
val complexmult : complex -> complex -> complex = <fun>
# complexmult {rat=1.0; irat=2.0} {rat=3.0; irat=4.0};;
- : complex = {rat = 3.; irat = 8.}
Principles Of Programming Languages

Which is not a correct math formula !

However: always using recursion = slow !!

# let add_vect v1 v2 =
let len = min (Array.length v1) (Array.length v2) in
let res = Array.create len 0.0 in
for i = 0 to len - 1 do
res.(i) <- v1.(i) +. v2.(i)
val add_vect : float array -> float array -> float array = <fun>
# add_vect [| 1.0; 2.0 |] [| 3.0; 4.0 |];;
- : float array = [|4.; 6.|]
Principles Of Programming Languages


Modules are used to package functions / records /

types, syntax =


Parameterized types are via ADT usage

module <ident> = struct <decls> end;;

Modules are named and accessed over their name

Module type <ident> = sig .. end ;;

Abstract data type (ADT) support by not specifying

module internal types

Only their name is mentioned

module mylist = struct

type list = Empty | list * node
let empty = Empty
let myAdd l n = ...

Generic X<A> is thus a functor X(A)

Modules have a separate specification part

Functors: a function mapping one data structure to

Java's list<A> is thus a functor list(A), with 'list' a function

#type comparison = Less | Equal | Greater;;

#module type ORDERED_TYPE =

type t
val compare: t -> t -> comparison

module type mylist = sig

type list;
let empty: list
let myAdd : list -> int -> list

#module Set =
functor (Elt: ORDERED_TYPE) ->
type element = Elt.t
type set = element list
let empty = []
let rec add x s =
match s with
[] -> [x]
| hd::tl ->
match Elt.compare x hd with
-> s
(* x is already
| Less
-> x :: s
(* x is smaller
| Greater -> hd :: add x tl
let rec member x s =
match s with
[] -> false
| hd::tl ->
match Elt.compare x hd with
-> true
(* x belongs to
| Less
-> false
(* x is smaller
| Greater -> member x tl

Principles Of Programming Languages

s *)
than all elements of s *)

Principles Of Programming Languages


in s *)
than all elements of s *)


Classes are structures with functions

Ocaml does not have classic constructors

With 'new' we can instantiate an object

Use a function that returns an initialized object

With the '#' operator we access objects

self/this must be given a name to access it

This is the '.' is Java or the '->' in C++

# class point =
val mutable x = 0 -- declared mutable so its value can change
-- otherwise this would be a 'final' or 'const'
method get_x = x
method move d = x <- x + d

# class point = fun x_init ->

val mutable x = x_init
method get_x = x
method move d = x <- x + d
-- a point is a function that needs an int to
-- create a real point
# new point;;
- : int -> point = <fun>
# (new point 3)#get_x;;
- : int = 3

# let p = new point;;

val p : point = <obj>

Principles Of Programming Languages

# class printable_point x_init =

object (s) name this 's'
val mutable x = x_init
method get_x = x
method move d = x <- x + d
-- here we access 'this' via 's'
method print = print_int s#get_x

Principles Of Programming Languages


Multiple inheritance model


Multiple method/field definitions: discard all but last

Optionally functional objects

Abstract methods must be marked 'virtual'

Whenever an instance variable is changed: create a

copy of the object

the class must be marked virtual too

Like Java's abstract methods and classes

class virtual abstract_point x_init =

object (self)
method virtual get_x : int
method get_offset = self#get_x - x_init
method virtual move : int -> unit

Write method body using {< ... >}

class point x_init =

inherit abstract_point x_init
val mutable x = x_init
method get_x = x
method move d = x <- x + d

Principles Of Programming Languages

Next week: logic programming

Principles Of Programming Languages

Instead of {} as normal

Very slow, BUT we gain back functional-transparency!

When inheriting: a 'copying' method stays copying in

class functional_point y =
val x = y
method get_x = x
method move d = {< x = x + d >}

Principles Of Programming Languages

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