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[DW’s Note: We’ve placed this here for archival purposes… this is a first draft
that was significantly improved in many subsequent rewrites. If this interests
Online Store you, check out Divine Cosmos, where you can order a copy of the finished

Here we are in the twenty-first century with a world in upheaval — terrorists,

anthrax, plagues, financial uncertainty and political unrest — a world not so
Subscriptions different from the world that Edgar Cayce prophetically described many years
ago, perhaps less an earthquake or two. Is it possible that Cayce has actually
Contact Us reincarnated and walks among us today? Edgar Cayce was born in 1877 and
departed this plane in 1945. He left a legacy that has changed the lives of
millions of people who are dedicated to spiritual awakening. We live our mortal
lives in this physical universe with our miniscule conscious awareness, but
Edgar Cayce all but proved to us that we live on after death.
Anyone who has studied some of the hundreds of books written about Cayce
and his readings can’t help but give serious consideration to the perpetual
existence of our essence and of our ultimate return, clothed in a new body
somewhere down the road. And each time we reincarnate, once again the
memory of all our previous lives is hidden from our waking consciousness as
we enter into another round of earthbound experience. Cayce gave us a
multitude of clues as to how this process works, as well as the meaning of
karma and the importance of service to others, among many, many other
metaphysical topics.

I am one of the people who were greatly influenced by the Cayce material. I
grew up without a very strong spiritual foundation but with a thirst for truth.
Cayce planted the first seeds of doubt to my agnosticism and eventually I
came to have some sense of my place in the Universe and my connection with
the Creator. And although I have always given Cayce his due and felt gratitude
for his work, the question always lingered as to “Why Cayce?” With all the
billions of persons who have come and gone on this planet, why did Cayce
have this special gift of omniscience in his dream state?

I never really expected to get an answer to that question, but here I am 30

years later and it looks like the answer has fallen into my lap. I’ve come to
conclusions that I’ve never heard anyone else reveal, but I don’t believe that
anyone else has had the amazing set of clues that have come to me at their
disposal. This is a story of epic proportions and it has led me to have a greater
understanding of the meaning of life, the manner in which Creation works,
who God is, why we are here, and where we are going. It involves pieces from

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Divine Cosmos - Preface:

disassociated sources that dovetail together and complete a vast cosmic

puzzle. One major piece of this puzzle is David Wilcock.

I discovered Wilcock’s website in the later part of 2000. The site had
thousands of pages, somewhat disorganized, but extremely fascinating.
(Thankfully, its organization is increasing over time.) Since November 10,
1996, Wilcock had used established remote-viewing protocols that he then
modified in order to accurately produce verbal statements from an entity that
eventually identified itself as “Ra.” [The protocols of remote viewing are
designed to greatly reduce, if not eliminate, the possibility of the conscious
mind interfering with the stream of psychic data.]

Transcriptions of a number of these “readings” have been posted on his site

since its February 1999 inception. I found that these readings displayed a huge
breadth of wisdom, and occasionally had documented very accurate
predictions of the future well in advance. These future predictions were most
apt to occur in three types of cases:

1. Events that impacted Wilcock’s personal life. Wilcock typically had

a one to three-month gap between the time that he dictated his dreams
and readings on audiocassettes to the time when he would transcribe
them. Regardless of how long he had waited before transcribing these
cassettes, in some cases over six months, the data would speak to the
specific events he was then experiencing, sometimes even right in the
room as the words were being typed. One notable example occurred
when a dream was describing a building where the top floor was shaped
like a UFO, with round windows. As he typed these words into the
computer from a three-month-old recording while listening on
headphones, his friend Sabrina walked into the room and started telling
him about a man who had shown her a picture of that exact same
building. Wilcock did not remember the dream, had never shared this
dream data with her in the past, and the man who showed her the
picture had only been in town that exact day.
2. Events that impacted those Wilcock knew or did readings for.
One could not coerce Wilcock’s readings to make future predictions, but
the strong majority of Wilcock’s clients would receive some form of
accurate information that confirmed the validity of the source. One client
awoke from a dream wherein he had experienced difficulty in setting up
a camera tripod. He went to the mailbox, found Wilcock’s reading
cassette, went back inside, unwrapped the package and put it in the
tape machine. As the reading began, he heard the words, “I am Ra. The
tripod represents…”
3. Events that had a strong effect on mass consciousness, such as
the death of famous figures, specific earth changes and political
developments such as the Bush / Gore election crisis and the September
11th attacks. The exact name, nature and location of the events were
not always spelled out, but in all cases there is redundant evidence that
the event was well understood before it actually arrived.

Unlike many others working in this field, Wilcock was very candid in revealing
personal information, including those times when Ra would take the role of
Wilcock’s wise advisor and spiritual guide, congratulating him for a job well

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done and chastising him when he did not meet up to certain expectations.
Wilcock was also offering readings to people, for a fee, which would enable Ra
to speak directly to the issues of the individual.

Another section of Wilcock’s site included a selection of online books that he

had written which were offered freely to anyone who wished to download
them. One book, “Wanderer Awakening,” was autobiographical in nature and
detailed the many mysterious circumstances in his life prior to when the
readings began. The “Convergence” series represented Wilcock’s efforts to
form a unified model of the Cosmos, compiling and coordinating many
anomalous scientific breakthroughs and astronomical observations to give
scientific validation for the existence of God, and of an aetheric energy field
that creates and upholds all physical matter.

Furthermore, in the now three-part Convergence series he presented solid

evidence that our planet is in the midst of a dimensional shift that will
culminate sometime surrounding the oft-cited year 2012, a date that is also
expressed in the Mayan Calendar. [We’ll be hearing more about this as we

And then there’s the section of his site called “Edgar Cayce/Website Overview”.
In this area, Wilcock presents evidence to support the notion that he is the
reincarnation of Edgar Cayce. My first impulse was that it was “preposterous”,
but as I began surveying the information, noting the extreme similarities in
facial appearance, natal astrology, character, purpose and psychic ability, not
to mention the reincarnation of several people close to them who also had
facial and character similarities, it started to make sense. Cayce has often been
considered “the most documented psychic of all time.”

Similarly, Wilcock had documented written transcripts for every dream he

experienced, on a daily basis since 1993, with all his readings transcribed
and added to the mix since 1996. This alone is a massive personal
commitment to one’s own psychic work, outside of the enormous scientific
efforts being made. Only a small percentage of these dream transcripts have
been posted online, due to their often intensely personal content as well as the
fact that there are well over 5000 pages of transcribed material to sift through.

I was prompted to review some of my old Edgar Cayce books and the more I
researched them, the more parallels emerged. However, Wilcock’s readings
were decidedly different from Cayce’s readings. Wilcock didn’t overtly claim to
have the ability to give the kind of precise medical advice that Cayce gave, and
Wilcock didn’t refer to past lives very often. And personally, I had never been
attracted to channeled works, ETs and the like.

Yet, in these readings there was a celestial wisdom that, to my discerning,

could not have come from Wilcock’s own waking consciousness. My curiosity
was provoked and I needed to find the truth. I scheduled myself for a reading
from Wilcock and interviewed him later for “The Spirit of Ma’at” — the web
magazine founded by spiritual teacher Drunvalo Melchizedek. This book is the
result of my quest.

As I researched Wilcock, I found that no less than Uri Geller, the world famous
psychic and spoon-bender, had also discovered Wilcock and was sufficiently
impressed to put up a testimonial on his web site — www.uri-geller.com:

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Return of the prophet — Uri Geller

The greatest psychic of the last century was believed by many to

be Edgar Cayce, who dictated medical cures for thousands he had
never met.

Already in this new century one man claims to possess similar

powers. His prophetic dreams and visions appear to reveal a
remarkable gift. But the weirdest factor of all is … this man is
Edgar Cayce.
Even in the UFOlogy community, where extreme weirdness is the norm,
the claims of David Wilcock are arousing skepticism and wariness. But
this 27-year-old vegan, a promising sci-fi writer in the mid-Nineties,
predicted the Japanese nuclear meltdown [an accident in early 2000] and
the loss of the NASA Mars probes.

His site is packed with warnings such as: “Stock market crash! The
Archangel Michael told me, ‘The stocks will be devalued so much as to
appear to be utter nonsense.’” The Archangel is specific - the Dow will
plummet to 2880.30.

It is not just Wilcock’s dreams that tell him he is Cayce reborn. It is his
mirror: his jaw is slightly less undershot, and his earlobes are bigger, but
otherwise Ed and Dave could be twins.

Cayce, who died in 1945, announced he would return in 1998. Wilcock

says he first connected his own dreams with Cayce’s trances in November

Luckily, there is enough fascinating, contentious material on the website to

ensure you don’t have to part with a cent.

Bit by bit, the pieces fit together… and in this book I share with you the steps I went
through and the conclusions I arrived at in my mission to discover if David Wilcock is, in
fact, the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce. In my research, I’ve drawn not only upon the
information from the Wilcock site, but also from a number of Edgar Cayce books, and an
individual named Carla Rueckert, who also was a channel for Ra (the same Ra that
Wilcock allegedly channels) from the period 1981 to 1985. I found amazing
concordances that linked all these different sources together. The implications of this
intertwining storyline are staggering… much more far-reaching than I could have ever
imagined. And they provide explanations for such previously inexplicable phenomena as
cycles in the Sun’s activity, the speeded up pace of world events, and changing weather

Wilcock’s second volume in the Convergence series, Free Energy, Anti-Gravity and
Extraterrestrial Science, presents a solid theoretical framework that explains how to build
technologies that could dramatically help the Earth, including the elimination of all
conventional fossil-fuel energy sources and the advent of anti-gravity technology, which
would abruptly transform humanity into an interstellar species. It then builds upon these
concepts to help explain the critical connection between consciousness, spirituality and

Finally, Wilcock’s most recent work, The Divine Cosmos, ambitiously overturns many
assumptions of science that have outlasted their usefulness, and replaced them with a
miraculous model that proves how and why our entire Solar System is now showing
measurable signs of a massive increase in its energetic charge. In putting this new

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cosmology together, Wilcock has essentially solved the “Unified Field” theory and more;
solid evidence is shown that the true energetic nature of the atom is identical to what we
see at all other levels of size, including moons, planets, Solar systems, galaxies, living
cells and even the large-scale structure of the Universe itself. In doing so, Wilcock has
resuscitated the ancient, presumably Atlantean science of “sacred geometry,” again
putting it at the forefront of human awareness.

I invite you to engage your own scrutinizing abilities as I unfold my revelations. I don’t
present any of this as truth. But if there is truth here, it will be revealed to most of us
during our own lifetimes, and perhaps this book will better prepare us for what might be
to come and how to cope with it, from both a survival and a spiritual perspective.

Wynn Free

Copyright © Divine Cosmos

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Divine Cosmos - Chapter 01: Setting the Stage

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Chapter 01:
Setting the Stage
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Each of us is involved in solving a great cosmic puzzle. Who are we? Why are
we here? Why does God allow our world and our lives to be so topsy-turvy and
unpredictable? Why is love so elusive? Why is there so much injustice? Why do
innocent people die? Is a person eternal… and if so, where were we before we
were born? Where do we go when we die? And why doesn’t one remember?
Subscriptions And if we do exist forever, why do we fear death?

We go through our lives so occupied with our day-to-day routines and

Contact Us responsibilities that most of the time we don’t pay attention to these deeper
questions until something jolts us out of our unconsciousness, and we are
forced to fit another piece into the puzzle. Pieces of the puzzle usually arrive in
strange, unexpected ways. Something comes that makes us truly happy for a
Help while; a new job, a new love, or a new child. We become needed by
something in life, and that need creates a new value for ourselves, a new
understanding. Another piece of the puzzle falls into place. Someone crosses
our path who seems happier than most. They have a lingering smile that the
sorrows of the world just won’t wear off.

Someone, like a Mother Teresa, lives an exemplary life different from the rest
of us, and we wonder what could motivate her. Someone close to us passes
on, or the World Trade Center collapses, and we are faced with contemplating
our own mortality. We read something that inspires us, by an author who
seems to understand the innate workings of our beings and our souls better
than we do. Our intuitions are able to recognize truth even when our conscious
minds are oblivious to it.

And then we have the anomaly of a life like Edgar Cayce. As we all struggle
with finding meaning and understanding, as we desperately search for pieces
of our puzzle, we are suddenly presented with an example of a man who has
omniscience, but only in his sleep! This is a man who can know and
diagnose what ails someone else while they are thousands of miles away… a
man who can potentially have a correct answer for any possible question… a
man who can see into the past lives of any who ask. And yet, he is also a man
who, in his waking state, is not unlike you or I, a man who has his own
weaknesses, confusions and challenges.

With the hundreds of books written about the Edgar Cayce readings and the
millions of people who read them, Cayce helped many of us fit a new piece
into our puzzles. In spite of the blank state of our memory banks, Cayce gave
those who became familiar with his work the confidence to believe that they

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Divine Cosmos - Chapter 01: Setting the Stage

have lived before, and that life would go on after the body’s demise. But the
question remains: why Cayce?

With all the billions of people who have passed through this planet, why was
Cayce able to have this awareness, albeit if only in his sleep, as the rest of us
walk around in our somnambulistic waking trances? These are questions that I
hope to answer as this book progresses.

And here’s another point. We are presented with so much information in our
lives, how can we know what to believe? In discerning the truth of something,
we have at least three tools at our disposal:

1. Personal Validation. If I should tell you that there is a sale going on

at the supermarket and you go there and buy some groceries at a
discounted cost, you will have personally validated my story.
2. Credibility of the source. How reliable has the source been in
providing dependable data in the past?
3. Intuitive recognition. Sometimes things just feel right. Something
rings true. Later on, one may have a personal experience that validates
the initial intuitive recognition, which had originally been accepted on

In telling the story of the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce, I’ll be drawing on a

number of sources for credibility. If it weren’t for all the amazing parallels
between so many totally disconnected puzzle pieces, I myself would have a
hard time believing this. So I ask you to suspend your own beliefs and
judgments until you complete the entire book, and then see if it all fits
together for yourself. The implications will go far beyond the reincarnation of
Edgar Cayce; we are talking about a course of events that, if indeed true, will
affect every life form on our planet over the next decade.

It is increasingly evident as of this year, 2002, that the world is changing at

breakneck speed, with political unrest, geophysical unrest, terrorist activity,
financial instability, solar flares, and plagues such as AIDS running rampant.
The predictions of Edgar Cayce painted a very similar portrait of these times
some 70 years ago. Simultaneously, we can observe a continuing increase of
spiritual awareness, empathetic connection, and reaching out by common
people everywhere for peace, tolerance, and love.

Indeed, the world is getting smaller every day. The Internet is breaking down
barriers, and communication and news is happening at a global level. In some
sense, we, mankind, are writing our own story. And with this speeding up of
world events and communication, perhaps we can begin to grasp for the first
time how our minds interact with each other and impact what we might have
previously perceived as totally unrelated phenomena.

Even science is proving that consciousness can effect what would seem to be
totally random and inanimate physical events. (See the chapter on the Global
Consciousness Project.) And Edgar Cayce made it very clear that there was a
direct connection between the natural disasters that might befall a given
geographic location and the collective state of consciousness shared by those
who lived there.

There are three primary sources for the information in this book:

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1. The readings of Edgar Cayce himself. Cayce gave quite a bit of

detail concerning his own past lives as well as two of his future lives.
Edgar Cayce established credibility due to his thousands of readings,
many of them with very verifiable diagnoses of his clients’ physical
conditions as well as predictions for the future. I will be drawing on this
data to see how well it reconciles with information from other sources.
2. The Ascension2000 website of David Wilcock. The circumstances
of his own life have led him, often “dragged kicking and screaming” with
great reluctance, to the conclusion that he is the reincarnation of Edgar
Cayce. He has drawn on information from his own psychic readings,
impossibly precise astrological correspondences, dream memories of his
life as Cayce and more. And of course, one cannot overlook his amazing
physical resemblance to Cayce. We will look at those all these indicators
with a fine-toothed comb and see how they match up with our other
sources of information. Indeed, as I stated in the previous chapter,
David has made a number of correct predictions, stemming from his
own dreams and readings.
3. The “tuned trance telepathy” channeling of Carla Rueckert and
associates. With the exception of the Cayce readings, channeled data
always seemed to rely on the faith of the reader rather than facts that
proved legitimacy, and would establish many premises that seemed
highly improbable even to those with open minds. But I suspended my
criticism as I read the Ra Material, formally known as The Law of One
series, brought through by the efforts of L/L Research (the team of Carla
Rueckert and her associates Dr. Don Elkins and Jim McCarty,) during the
period of 1981-1985. As I read these five books, I realized that I was
connecting with a source of wisdom that was more profound than
anything I had ever previously been exposed to.

The Law of One series presented an all-inclusive cosmic perspective of where

we come from, where we are going, and the meaning of life. And pieces of the
puzzle were revealed that dovetailed in an astonishing way with the stories of
Cayce and Wilcock. So as we begin, I’d ask you the reader to evaluate the
clues — the pieces of the puzzle that I will present — with an unbiased
mindset, and see if it all pulls together and makes sense for you.

Our story actually begins some 100,000 years ago as we learn about Ra,
through the work of Carla Rueckert and L/L Research. If you can suspend your
disbelief for a few moments, let’s get started unraveling this mystery of
mysteries, which will ultimately take us to the core of what life truly is in order
to fetch the answers.

Copyright © Divine Cosmos

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Divine Cosmos - Chapter 02: Ra, Ra the Gang's All Here

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Chapter 02: Ra,

Ra the Gang's All
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Most of us, in our waking consciousness, are limited to the input of information
to our minds from our five senses: visual, auditory, taste, touch and smell.
Many people base their lives on the principles of entertainment and escapism,
continually seeking greater and greater fulfillment of these five basic
Subscriptions sensations. Religions teach that there is something more, that life is eternal,
and the physical world is but an illusion in which we learn lessons. They usually
Contact Us ask for us to accept on faith that there’s a God, that there are angels, and that
we shall experience an afterlife.

Occasionally, someone presents themselves as having the gift to pierce the

veil, wherein they are actually able to perceive events on the “other side”, or
Help demonstrate the ability to communicate with a consciousness that exists in
that realm. Perhaps as recently as ten years ago, the general public would
have been very skeptical of this kind of ability. “Channeled” information still
needs to be subjected to the same scrutiny as any other information that
comes towards us, if not greater scrutiny. We still must use our sense of
discernment to determine its validity.

I would tend to pay attention to this kind of information if it fulfilled the criteria
for credibility as outlined in the previous chapter, i.e. accurate future
predictions, knowledge of previously hidden information, and perhaps the most
important one, an intuitive connection with one’s inner wisdom and spiritual

John Edwards is publicly demonstrating channeling to millions of people every

day on his TV show Crossing Over. He certainly appears to have knowledge of
hidden information as he tunes into to the deceased relatives and friends of his
audience participants, though controversy surrounds this issue. Edgar Cayce
obviously meets the criteria of a credible channeler. All the major bookstores
carry shelves of books written by people who channel entities who exist in
higher realms of consciousness, delivering best seller wisdom to their earthly
ambassadors — entities like Seth, Ramtha, Sanaya and DaBen.

Channeling is becoming much more mainstream, endorsed by such celebrities

as Shirley MacLaine and many others. During the period between 1981 and
1984, Carla Rueckert delivered some of the most amazing, profound and
intelligent channeled information ever brought forward that, thus far, has
remained very obscure to the general public. Nevertheless, this information
happens to be highly relevant to our story of the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce.

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Divine Cosmos - Chapter 02: Ra, Ra the Gang's All Here

Rueckert held meditation groups every Sunday. She had channeled information
consciously and telepathically for quite some time, connecting with various
discarnate entities. One Sunday, January 14, 1981, something different
happened; she lost consciousness and went into a deep trance. Three others
were present at the time, including her companion Don Elkins and their new
assistant Jim McCarty. It became established that Jim would meditate and hold
the light during the sessions and transcribe them afterwards, while Don would
pose questions. A being identified itself as Ra with the following greeting:

“RA: I am Ra. I have not spoken through this instrument before. We

had to wait until she was precisely tuned, as we send a narrow-band
vibration. We greet you in the light and love of our Infinite Creator.
We have been called to your group because you have a need for a
more advanced approach to what you call, seeking the truth. We
hope to offer you a somewhat different slant upon the information
which is always and ever the same.”

For the next 4 years there was a continuing dialogue between Don Elkins’
questions and Ra as being channeled by Carla. And this is where our story of
the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce really starts. Most of the information in this
chapter is as per Ra, sometimes paraphrased in my own words with the
accordance of Carla Rueckert, who has reviewed it. I recommend that if this
material resonates with you, you may want to read the original channeled text
as referred to in the footnotes. When I have quoted from Ra directly, the
quote is in caps and bold.

For the first time in any recent history, in response to Don Elkins’ questions, Ra
explains in great detail the inner workings of our universe… the specific ways
that creation evolves from nothing into something and back to nothing. Ra
describes the different phases or cycles of creation and how those on a higher
evolutionary track must assist those who are behind in order to maintain their
own momentum and growth. Ra exists now in what is described as the sixth
density, “that density where one perceives the sacramental nature of
all things.”

As Ra evolves through the seventh density it is readying itself to reunite with

the Creator, such that “At the 7th level or dimension, we shall, if our
humble efforts are sufficient, become one with all, thus having no
memory, no identity, no past or future, but existing in the all.” Ra
claims to be radiating love energy through 90% of all of Creation, and they
work specifically with earthlings via dreamwork interactions, (clue: start
thinking about Edgar Cayce), inspirations, and channelers. In the density
where Ra exists, one lifetime is equivalent to hundreds of thousands of years,
so Ra has been involved with the history of Earth for a very long time.

According to Ra, there is an “Octave” of eight major densities of aetheric

energy in the Universe, which most modern scientists would think of as eight
“dimensions.” The densities themselves are composed of living, intelligent
energy, and they correspond to planes of existence that all Creation must
ultimately pass through. Of course, “all Creation” includes you and I as well.
Each density has a particular grade or quality of consciousness associated with
it, which all entities must attain before they can graduate to the next density.

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Divine Cosmos - Chapter 02: Ra, Ra the Gang's All Here

We on earth are involved in the “third density” part of our evolution. The
lesson or quality attached to the third density is self-awareness, and the lesson
of the fourth density is the experience of love and the unity of all life. Until we
have the beginnings of the experience of unity (not a belief but an experience)
we must keep re-embodying, in the process referred to as reincarnation, within
the third density world.

Some extra context is useful for us at this point. In Ra’s cosmology, the One
Infinite Creator originally separated itself into many parts, which eventually
became galaxies such as our Milky Way. Ra would always use the term “Logos”
instead of “galaxy” when discussing any galactic body such as our own. The
term “Logos” is very revealing, since it was originally used in Greek versions of
the Bible, and was later translated into the term “Word.” Hence, we now read
in the book of Genesis, “In the beginning was the Word. And the Word
was God; and the Word was with God.”
In Ra’s cosmology, this apparently paradoxical statement makes sense. Each
Logos is a perfect part of the One Creator, but it also has its own “personality”
and identity as a conscious being. Each Logos then creates a basic outline for
“archetypes” of soul evolution that all of its members will follow. These
archetypes are experiences that every soul in the galaxy will experience at
some time in their development, all of which are designed to lead them
towards a greater seeking of Oneness.

Ra refers to the many millions of stars in a galaxy as “sub-Logoi,” meaning

that they also are spiritually united with the Galaxy. Stars are conscious entities
that are aware of the entire Octave of densities, and they also have some
degree of “personality” and free will in terms of how they carry out the
Galaxy’s plan of soul evolution.

This allows them to “set up the game” by in turn designing planetary systems,
which must progressively evolve through the Octave of densities. The Solar
Logos sets up exact timelines for when each planet will progress through each
density; and thus as the Cayce Readings once said, “Each planet has its
marching orders from the Divine [i.e. the Solar Logos]; only humanity
has the free will to defy the will of God [the Solar Logos.]”
So, the One Creator separates into galaxies, and the galaxies have some
control over how life, such as the stars, evolves within them. Stars in turn have
some control over how planets evolve within their energy fields. Also, each
planet has a certain degree of free will in terms of how it will follow the
guidelines of its parent star and galaxy. This means that each planet has some
say-so in how intelligent life such as ourselves will evolve. (Ra sometimes
refers to us as “sub-sub-Logoi” along these same lines, indicating the Oneness
of the energy fields of our souls with those of the planet, Sun and Galaxy.)

Throughout our own Galactic Logos and several of its close neighbors, the
human bodily form has been chosen as the vehicle for conscious life to express
itself on any given planet, hence “The Logos (God) created humans
(Man) in Its own image.” The Sun and Earth have both had some control
over the exact nature of human DNA and the bodies that have now been
formed as a result.

Wilcock’s research, when combined with Ra’s original statements, shows us

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how the Galactic Logos is able to program itself to create a certain type of
lifeform. In my article with Wilcock entitled “A Scientific Blueprint for
Ascension,” he makes it clear that the DNA molecule is actually “gathered
together” from the basic elements on a given planet by a spiraling, intelligent
energy that permeates the entire galaxy.

Russian scientists have discovered and measured this spiraling energy field in
the laboratory, and it is frequently referred to as “torsion (i.e. twisting,
spiraling) radiation,” with qualities that make it very different from
electromagnetic radiation. Torsion radiation has been shown to be excessively
responsive to consciousness, far more so than electromagnetic energy, and it
has very healing and spiritually-enlightening effects when exposed to an

Furthermore, the work of Garaiev and Poponin showed that the DNA molecule
will attract light (photons) into itself, causing the light to spiral through the
molecule instead of traveling in a typical straight-line path. Garaiev’s big
discovery, now known as the “DNA Phantom Effect,” is that once the DNA
molecule itself is removed from the chamber, the light will continue
to spiral, all by itself, held by some invisible force field.
This “invisible force field” is created by the spiraling torsion wave that had
originally gathered the DNA around itself. Even more importantly, the research
of Yu. V. Tszyan Kanchzen showed that the spiraling energy forming the
DNA could be transferred from one organism to another.
In this experiment, a duck was bombarded with high-intensity torsion waves,
which were then redirected into a separate chamber with a hen in it. In as little
as five days, the hen would begin to look like a duck, including the growth of
webbing between its normally naked toes.

Thus, our DNA is only like a computer chip, with different sections that can
either be “on” or “off.” The torsion-wave pattern of the soul actually programs
the DNA, much like how the operating system and software tells the chips in
your computer how to run. One can certainly buy two of the exact same
computers, but by loading different operating systems and software, they will
“look” very different on the screen and have very different functions once you
turn them on.

As a human soul reincarnates from lifetime to lifetime, its torsion-wave

“energetic signature” will alter the DNA inherited from the parents to create
similarities in facial appearance, personality and body characteristics, such as
the shape of the hands and the ears, among other things.

The research efforts of Joseph Myers, P.E. (Professional Engineer) [www.

reincarnation2002.com] and Dr. Walter Semkiw [www.johnadams.net]
have extensively validated these connections through demonstrating the
reincarnation of many famous people in history. This also gives new meanings
to the old sayings about how married couples will look more like each other
the longer they are together; as they continue to be exposed to each other
over time, their soul vibrations intermingle with each other at the DNA level.

So, to review, Wilcock states that this spiraling “torsion” energy is actually
more “real” than the DNA molecule itself, as it already exists in the fabric of

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space and time itself before any physical life emerges on a given planet. Over
time, the gentle, organized spiraling pressures of “torsion waves” on physical
matter will naturally gather the available elements on a given planet into the
basic building blocks for life, such as amino acids, which will eventually form
into “de-oxy-ribo-nucleic acid,” or DNA.

Interestingly, one of the original scientists who discovered the DNA molecule,
Prof. Crick, has proven that the DNA molecule is far, far too complex to have
evolved by random chance, and this Wilcock / Ra model gives us a solid

The next key is that a Galaxy will have different zones of energy density that
will divide it up like a pie when seen from the north or south galactic pole.
Then, as a star drifts through the Galaxy, it will pass through the different
densities in very exact intervals of time. This “density shift”, as Ra calls it, also
creates more intelligent and complex torsion waves, which in turn transforms
the DNA structures on each planet. This causes higher-evolved forms to rapidly
replace the older forms of life.

Ample evidence of this is seen in our fossil record, as evolution is not seen to
be a gradual process but rather occurs in sudden jolts, which are known as
“punctuated equilibrium” to mainstream scientists. Similarly, as human beings,
we have still never found the “missing link” that could support the Darwinian
model of gradual evolution; for some reason unknown to mainstream science,
about 75-100,000 years ago the human organism had a massive increase in
the size of its brain and the elegance and usefulness of its body. According to
Ra, this was brought about by spontaneous DNA evolution, caused by our Sun
passing into an area of higher energy in the galaxy.

So, when this energetic “upgrade” occurred in our own history, the cycle of
third-density life began on Earth. One basic cosmic law is that third-density
experiences for any given planet occur in “major cycles” of approximately
25,000 years each. This 25,000-year length of time corresponds to how long it
takes a star to pass through a given band of energy as it orbits the Galactic
Center, and Wilcock’s scientific research has given extensive proof to validate
this concept.

At the end of each major cycle, the highest possible grade of vibration is
reached for third-density, and at this time entities can graduate into higher
densities via a process Ra refers to as “Harvest” if they are ready to do so. The
normal period allotted for an entity to graduate from the third density is up to
three “major cycles” of 25,000 years each. After three “major cycles,” a planet
automatically moves into the fourth-density by the simple physics of vibration,
whether the inhabitants are ready or not. A third-density body could not live on
the planet, as its DNA would no longer be supported by the torsion waves in
the area. Higher-density lifeforms exist on most of the other planets in the
Solar System, though these planetary conditions are quite inhospitable to
human beings.

Of course, each major cycle of experience for a given entity, such as a human
being, will include many separate lifetimes, i.e. physical incarnations. If a third-
density planet has reached the end of a cycle and is about to shift into fourth-
density, then those inhabitants who are not ready to graduate will end up
reincarnating on a different third-density planet.

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This does not happen “by accident” or simple conscious intention, but rather
involves an intelligently-guided transfer of the souls themselves and of the
appropriate genetic material for the creation of physical bodies that will match
up with the souls. This “planet-hopping” process is managed by groups of
interplanetary cosmic beings such as Ra, and as star systems are continually
moving into different zones of energy throughout the Galaxy, there is always
work to be done. From the reference point of Earth, these beings are referred
to as angels, celestial beings, ET’s, or perhaps the Lords of Karma.

A group of these beings that calls itself “The Confederation of Planets in

Service of the One Infinite Creator” governs a large section of our Galaxy that
we now inhabit, and they are collectively responsible for managing the transfer
and evolution of souls from planet to planet.

Typically, those who evolved together on a certain planet are kept together
when moved to a new planet; so if a certain percentage of entities in third-
density did not make graduation after three major cycles, then they would be
moved to another planet as a group. However, the members of this
Confederation saw that there were several groups of third density “cycle
repeaters” that were too small in number to justify terra-forming an entire
planet just for them.

Therefore, Earth was chosen as a unique experiment, wherein “cycle

repeaters” from many different planetary populations would be combined
together under one roof. It is very uncommon for a planet to have as much
racial diversity as we do on Earth; for example, just within the Caucasian races
there are broad differences in appearance that can be seen between Slavic,
Mediterranean and Western European peoples. The same would be true in the
Asian races between Chinese, Filipinos and Japanese, as three of the clearest

The reason for all of this genetic diversity is that these souls have come here
from different planets; the Chinese people, for example, are said to come from
a planetary system surrounding the star Deneb. Thus, their souls originated
from stars and planets that had slightly different “personalities” in terms of
how the DNA was structured to form the appearance of the human being.
These basic differences cannot and should not be erased, since according to
Cayce they are all aspects of the inner character and harmony of the soul.

Ra explains that this great “experiment” went awry, in the sense that not a
single entity graduated after the end of our first major cycle some 50,000
years ago. Normally, it is expected that 10 to 20 percent of the people would
make it after the first cycle. At the end of our second major cycle some 25,000
years ago, only 120 entities were ready for graduation, and they chose to stay
behind and help out the others. Normally, over 60 percent of the people
graduate after the second major cycle on a third-density planet, leaving the
small remaining percentage of people to learn about the importance of love
before the end of the third and final cycle.

By the end of the second major cycle on Earth, it became alarmingly clear that
the “experiment” of combining all the cycle repeaters together was not
working⦠great spiritual suffering was occurring, and a dramatic form of
assistance was required in order to try to turn things around. As a result,
massive numbers of entities from fourth, fifth and especially sixth density,

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including those from Ra group itself, volunteered to take on human

incarnations in order to try to help out. Ra refers to these souls as
“Wanderers,” and if you feel yourself remembering all of these statements as if
you had already known them before, then you might be one of the nearly 100
million “ET souls” who now walk the face of the earth.

The process of eventually recognizing oneself as being a Wanderer is not very

easy or acceptable to most others, but it can answer many nagging questions
as to why life on Earth seems so horribly disharmonious and out of balance.
Contrary to popular belief, Wanderers are not necessarily expected to “do”
anything or to “save the world” by their own efforts; by simply remaining in a
physical body and preferably maintaining a joyful state of mind, they are
having a tremendously beneficial energetic effect on the mass consciousness
of humanity. This in turn can dramatically increase the number of souls who
will qualify for graduation.

Earth is actually the fourth planet in our Solar System to host third-density
lifeforms. At some point, millions of years ago, Venus was the first planet to be
populated with life forms similar to human beings on Earth. The inhabitants
were going through their third to fourth density transition and were being
assisted by a higher group. “We were aided by 6th density entities
during our own 3rd density experiences. Being extremely less warlike
than humans we found this teaching to be of help. We had not
developed the interrelationships of your money system and power.

We were a more philosophical 3rd density planet than your ownâ ¦”

About 17 percent of those third-density inhabitants of Venus graduated or
“ascended,” and went on to evolve through the fourth, fifth, and sixth
densities. Ascension is another name for the process that beings go through as
they change densities. As the Venusians ascended through the densities and
got closer to the experience of original creation, they also started to lose their
separateness. This group of ascended Venusians now exists in the sixth density
as Ra, who describes itself as a “social memory complex, a large group of
completely integrated souls - or “group soul” for short”.

The second planet to host third-density humans was known as “Maldek,” which
in turn exploded in a freak worldwide nuclear catastrophe brought about by
war. Normally such events are not permitted to occur, since they violate the
free will of many innocent beings throughout the entire planetary system, but
not even the “Guardians” are perfect.

In this case, the nuclear conflagration occurred very spontaneously and

unexpectedly, and the planet’s explosion in turn created fragments that formed
comets and the Asteroid Belt. [Wilcock’s readings assure us that extraordinary
measures are now being taken to insure that this will not happen again, and
this is why many UFO whistleblowers have come forward with accounts of
UFOs powering down nuclear missile silos.]

The inhabitants of Maldek went into a “social memory complex knot or

tangle of fear” that lasted for more than 200 thousand years before it could
be broken. As a group, they then decided to take on a series of incarnations in
bodies with drastic physical limitations, which would create “karmic alleviation”
by preventing them from having the ability to create any advanced civilization
capable of self-destruction. These were the first entities to people the Earth,

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and we have fossil records of their “clunky” bodies as the Neanderthals.

The third and final planet to host third-density humanoids before the Earth was
Mars, wherein ample evidence of an advanced civilization still rests, including
pyramids and monuments with precise geometric relationships to each other
and to the planet itself, as seen through the work of Richard C. Hoagland’s
Enterprise Mission among others.
The Martians were going along fairly well until they too had a worldwide
catastrophe; in this case they did not destroy the planet itself, but rather blew
off their atmosphere, creating the parched, desolate wasteland that we now
see. The souls and genetic material of the Martians were moved forward some
125,000 years in time for placement on Earth at the beginning of its first third-
density cycle about 75,000 years ago. Prior to that time, only second density
life existed on Earth. “The second density is the density of the higher
plant life and animal life which exists without the upward drive
towards the infinite.” At this time, Ra existed on the sixth density, the level
of “compassionate wisdom” and was beginning its service to Earth as it
assisted in the genetic “packaging” and transmigration of the Martians.

“Don Elkins: I assume you’re saying that the guardians transferred

the Martian race here after the race had died, in the physical sense,
on Mars.

RA: This is correct.”

Aside from helping with the Martian transmigration, there have been quite a
few other circumstances where Ra has intervened in Earth’s history:

RA: The 1st attempt to aid your peoples occurred about 75,000 years
ago. [Helped Martians come to Earth]. Next, help was given to those
of Mu about 58,000 years ago. Next, help was offered to Atlantis
about 18,000 years ago. The next attempt was to help the Egyptians
[and to some in South America] about 11,000 years ago. About 3500
years later [7500 years ago] help was offered again to some in South
America. There were a few attempts to aid those in Egypt about 2300
years ago by others in the Confederation. The remaining part of this
cycle we have never gone from your 5th dimension.

The Ra intervention that is most important to our story (remember, this book
is called “The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce”) is the involvement with the
Egyptians 10,500 years ago. There’s quite a bit of specific information about
this that I include verbatim from the Ra readings below, starting out where Ra
describes the actual manifestation of a body in Egypt:

I am part of the social memory complex that voyaged outward from a planet in
your solar system, the one you call Venus. We are a race old in your measures.
When we were at the 6th dimension our physical beings were what you call
golden. We were tall and somewhat delicate. The covering of our physical
body complex had a golden luster. In this form we decided to come among
your peoples. Your peoples were much unlike us in physical appearance. Thus
we did not mix well with the population and were obviously other than they.
Our visit was relatively short. This was when we built the pyramids. When we
chose this mission among your peoples, we would have been
perceived as light had we arrived on earth in our natural form.

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“We now feel a great responsibility of helping remove certain

distortions that have been given to the law of One. We, as social
memory complex or group soul, made contact with a race on your
planet which you call Egyptians. We spoke to one who heard and
understood (we will find out later that this was Ra-Ta, a high priest and a
previous incarnation of Cayce), and was in a position to decree the law of
One. However the priests and the peoples of that era quickly
distorted our message, robbing it of the compassion with which unity
is informed.” (And therefore, Ra feels a sense of responsibility in healing the
way their message was misrepresented and passed on.)

During this period of involvement in Egypt, Ra built the pyramids as a healing

chamber by the levitation of stone:

RA: The larger pyramids were built by our ability using the forces of
One. RA: Imagine the activity within all that is created. The energy,
though finite, is quite large. This energy is intelligent. It is
hierarchical. Just as you have a hierarchy of vehicles, or bodies, so
does each atom of such a material as rock.


YOUR CULTURE. One can speak to more well-tuned higher bodies, be
they rock or human. With this connection is made, a request may be
given. The intelligence of infinite rock-ness communicates to its
physical vehicle or body, and that splitting and moving which is
desired is then carried out.

Don Elkins: Was this was done mentally by one individual?

RA: There is a distinction between individual power through the Law of One
and the power available through the combined understanding of the Law of
One by a group soul. One individual, purified of all flaws, could indeed move a
mountain. However, in the case of mass understanding of unity, each
individual may contain an acceptable amount of distortion and yet the mass
mind could move mountains. There are those among your people at this time
whose purity is already one with intelligent infinity.

Don Elkins: Why not create it as a whole instead of with blocks?

We did not want to be worshipped as builders of a miraculous pyramid. Thus it

appears to be made, not thought.


RA: The concept of initiation demands the centering of the being

upon the seeking of the Creator. The initiation in the Queen’s
chamber [of the Great Pyramid] involved the abandoning of self to
such desire to know the Creator in full that the purified instreaming
light is drawn in balanced fashion through all energy centers, or
chakras, meeting in the inner eye chakra and opening the gate to
intelligent infinity. Then true life is experienced, or, as your people
call it, resurrection.

I’ll jump ahead here to an excerpt from the Cayce readings regarding the
creation of the pyramids:

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“The Great Pyramid was built as a hall of initiation, the “House Initiate” for
those dedicating themselves to special services in the secrets of the mystery
religion of Egypt. It was erected by the application of those universal laws and
forces of nature which causes iron to float in air. The Pyramid was thus built by
levitation, abetted by song and chanting.”

Later, I will go into much more detail taken from the Cayce readings about Ra-
Ta, the Egyptian priest who was a prior incarnation of Cayce. However, this is
an amazing parallel that connects Ra and Cayce, concerning the creation of the
pyramids by the levitation of stone. More parallels will unfold in the next
chapter as we go deeper into the life of Ra-Ta, and we will see later how well
Wilcock fulfils Cayce’s prediction of Ra-Ta’s return in 1998.

Immediately, some readers will say, “So what? All that proves is that Rueckert
studied the Cayce material.” Notably, Carla was completely unconscious during
the Ra sessions and did not remember anything that had transpired once she
came back, which had never occurred in any of her previous 20 years of
channeling experience.

If you were to meet her yourself, you would see that she obviously is not a
person who is prone to lie about anything. I had a conversation with Carla
Rueckert and asked her about her own awareness of Edgar Cayce to see if
there was any possibility that she had picked up this information through a
previous familiarity with the Cayce Readings.

She was not aware that the Cayce Readings had said anything about the time
period of the creation of the pyramids and the levitation of the rocks, nor of
how precisely Cayce’s dates fit those of Ra, as of the time that I had asked her
the question. Her exposure to Cayce was mostly related to his alternative
medical remedies, and we must remember that there are well over 300 books
that have been written regarding the different points in the Cayce readings.
Carla became deeply involved in channeling and researching her own material
when she was still very young.

It is also important to mention here that Wilcock’s research has established

that the Law of One / Ra series has every bit as much scientific credibility as
the Cayce Readings, far outside the scope of one person to produce by their
imagination alone.

Much of Wilcock’s mission in this life has been to continuously provide greater
and greater amounts of scientific evidence to back up statements made in the
Law of One / Ra series. In most cases, the proof simply did not exist at the
time that the original series was conducted from 1981-1985, and it is highly
unlikely that Carla Rueckert could have outfoxed the inquiring mind of a Ph.D.
theoretical physicist in promoting such a far-reaching, internally consistent and
specific cosmology.

Furthermore, Wilcock’s research has revealed answers to many unsolved

physics questions that had boggled the minds of the original L/L Research
team, such as the meaning of the term “the spiraling line of light.” Ra often
would correctly use words that no one in L/L Research had ever heard of,
which would require an unabridged dictionary to verify. Furthermore, in Book
Five of the Law of One series, Ra also displayed the ability to perform “medical
readings” that are very similar to Cayce’s, using technical medical terms to give

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an exact diagnosis of Carla’s condition and supplying suggestions for


Summary of important points:

1. Ra is a group soul or social memory complex. Ra had a third

density existence as the population of the planet Venus, which

2. Ra exists on the sixth density now, almost one with the

Creator. Ra is in service to earth people in their evolution to
higher density just as a higher density being assisted the
population of Venus in its upward flow of evolution.

3. Most of Ra’s participation has been through psychic and dream

interaction with Earthlings, although in 10,500 B.C. Ra manifested
a body in Egypt to assist a priest who had an affinity with the
“Law of One” (who was Cayce in a previous incarnation). Ra also
built the pyramids during this period by levitation of rock. Cayce
also said that the pyramids were built by levitation 10,500 B.C.

4. Ra’s participation in Egypt, and the creation of the pyramids did

not work out as planned. Others abused what Ra had created and
used it for self-serving purposes. As a result of creating distortions
in the evolutionary track of earth, Ra has had to (or chosen to)
hang in with us and make reparations.

Ra manifested a body in Egypt different from a human body, tall,

delicate, and with a golden luster.

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Divine Cosmos - Chapter 03: The Story of Ra-Ta

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Chapter 03: The

Story of Ra-Ta
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The story of the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce is really involved with the solving
of a mystery. Ra has been leaving a track of time-stamped clues throughout
our history, and the uncovering of these clues is one of the things that helps to
solve this mystery and to give credibility to the story. So, for the next clue, we
need to understand the history of Ra-Ta as revealed in the spiritual framework
Subscriptions of the Edgar Cayce Readings.

I will also draw on the hypnotic past-life regression, performed by renowned

Contact Us author and researcher Jess Stearn, of a person who the Cayce Readings said
had lived during the period of Ra-Ta. This information was presented in
Stearn’s 1993 book called “Intimates Forever”. (Jess Stearn also wrote perhaps
the single most popular book about Cayce, entitled “The Sleeping Prophet.)
Help Before we discuss Ra-Ta, it will be important for certain readers to be assured
that Cayce’s readings did not put the Ra group nor his own previous
incarnation as Ra-Ta at the “top of the pyramid” in the spiritual sense. In the
last chapter we saw how Ra used the word “Logos” to describe the personality
of our Galaxy as a conscious being. In the Cayce Readings, it is stated that the
Logos decided to take on personal Earth incarnations from the very beginning
of our third-density cycle of experience. [This could well be due to the
immense problems that had already occurred with Mars and Maldek.]

The original incarnation of the Logos was known as “Amilius,” who became the
prototype for “Adam” in the book of Genesis. After many very historic spiritual
incarnations including Melchizedek, Elijah and Moses, the final incarnation of
the Logos on earth came about in the life of Jesus, who called himself “the last
Adam.” Once Jesus completed his personal initiation, he began saying “I am
the Logos,” which again is now translated to “I am the Word.” The Cayce
readings also say that Jesus was the first person to complete this process of
self-transformation, and that others would follow a similar path at the end of
the cycle.

So, it is well known to Cayce scholars that the Logos is of central importance in
directing human civilization on Earth; but certainly, one entity cannot be
expected to manage all the responsibility by itself without having first
differentiated itself into many different beings at different levels of density. The
process of guarding, spiritually supporting and transferring souls from one
planet to another requires a great deal of staffing, with contacts both in higher
realms as well as on the planets themselves.

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And thus, in a little-known prayer discovered by an associate of Wilcock’s, the

Cayce Readings refer to the names “Ra” and “Ra-Ta” separately, indicating
that they are two different entities, both of whom are responsible for such
administrative tasks. Most A.R.E. members often overlook this point, yet it is
perhaps the most direct clue in all of the Cayce Readings that his source was
well aware of the Ra group.

According to the Cayce readings, Ra Ta was an early incarnation of Cayce in

Egypt at 10,500 BC, and the context from Rueckert / LL Research’s work
makes it clear that Ra had provided direct assistance to Ra-Ta at that time.
The following story, derived from the Cayce Readings, is predominantly
summarized from the book by W.H. Church entitled “Many Happy Returns, The
Past Lives of Edgar Cayce” and the book by Mark Lehner entitled “The
Egyptian Heritage.” Between these two books, all essential points of the story
can be reconstructed.

Ra-Ta started his life by being born in a less-civilized area, ruled by the tribe of
“Zu,” (perhaps the ancient Sumerians) somewhere between the Caspian Sea
and the Caucasian Mountains. The Cayce Readings tell us that Ra-Ta was a
very unusual child, in that he had pale white skin and blue eyes in an area
where the others did not look this way. His mother explained that the “gods
(think ETs) from that area” had engendered her pregnancy, hence making Ra-
Ta an ET-human hybrid. Even though she was the daughter of the leader of
the Zu / Sumerian tribe, the tribal elders were very spooked by the bizarre
birth and appearance of Ra-Ta, as well as the problem that she did not have a
husband, which was frowned upon in their culture.

Therefore, the elders ordered her and Ra-Ta to be banished from the land with
a group of assistants to protect them. Over time, they made their way to the
slopes of what is now Mount Ararat in Turkey. During this time period, the
civilization of Atlantis had just begun spreading out into other areas from the
central land of “Poseidia” in the area of what is now Cuba and Florida. The
Turkish area that Ra-Ta and his mother came to had only recently started to
have diplomatic relations with the Atlanteans, and thus was still behind the
times in the technological sense.

As Ra-Ta grew up, it became clear that he had prophetic abilities and could
channel very accurate psychic information. At 21 years of age he had a
prophetic dream that a worldwide cataclysm would occur in the not-too-distant
future. Most of the island continent of “Poseidia” was going to be inundated,
and his own area would also suffer cataclysms. His intuition and scientific
research on the Global Grid of “energy lines” combined to suggest that Egypt
would be the safest place to go for weathering out these Earth Changes, since
it was situated at the center of the Grid. (This has now been scientifically
verified through studies of the Becker-Hagens grid, as reported in Wilcock’s
Convergence series.)
When the Earth’s poles shifted, Egypt would be the balance-point for their
movement. Ra-Ta communicated this prophecy to the King’s son Arart, and a
pioneering group of 900 people led by Arart with Ra Ta as their spiritual leader
made the journey from Turkey to Egypt.

After a long and arduous journey, they arrived in the Egyptian city of Luz.
Initially there was mistrust and scrutiny, but eventually the Egyptians accepted

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the Atlanteans and exalted them. Arart was proclaimed King and Ra-Ta was
accepted as their high priest. Over a period of time, spiritual and moral reforms
were instituted by Ra-Ta and he became beloved by the people. He built
temples for self-healing and transformation, and was able to perform many
miraculous acts.

By this time, many other Atlanteans had been receiving visions of the coming
inundation, and were emigrating away from the island continent of Poseidia in
the Atlantic in droves. As part of what was “really a very busy life,” [294-148],
Ra-Ta began using an Atlantean anti-gravitational craft to travel abroad and
interact with the Atlanteans and other cultures over 10-year periods of time.
During these travels, he learned much more about Atlantean science and
technology, which included many very advanced concepts about how science
and spirit fit together.

Furthermore, the Atlanteans wished to create a storehouse of their

accumulated knowledge and wisdom so that it would not perish, and they also
understood that Egypt would be one of three safest places for a copy of their
records to be stored. Similar records were being prepared in Posiedia itself at
the Temple of Ilta, and another location in the Yucatan area of Mesoamerica.
Since Ra-Ta was the ambassador and spiritual leader of Egypt, negotiations
were conducted with the Atlanteans about how to proceed in the process of
storing and preserving the records.

Earlier in his spiritual ministry in Egypt, Ra Ta had instituted a moral code that
included loyalty in marriage and communal living. Prior to Ra Ta, the custom
was for men and women to be segregated and only come together in a special
conjugal chamber for intimate encounters. After the third 10-year period in
which he had been traveling abroad, he returned to Egypt and was horrified by
what he had discovered: in the relatively short time since he had gone, his
sacred temples had been converted into sexual playgrounds.

A great turmoil ensued as he rushed to condemn these actions, and certain

individuals became very angry with him and started plotting a way to bring
about his removal from power. As they observed him, they became aware that
he was extremely fond of a young woman who danced in the temples named
Isris. They were then able to cleverly trick and coerce Isris into seducing Ra-

Once Ra-Ta took the bait, the illicit affair was revealed, and the conspirators
then pointed accusing fingers of how he had broken his own spiritual principles
of monogamous marriage. To make matters worse, Isris was a favorite of
Arart’s son “Araaraart,” who had become the new King. Jealousy and the
desire for revenge can certainly go a long way, and in this case it led to the
banishment of Ra-Ta and 231 followers who decided to go with him. They
ended up in what now is called Ethiopia and what was then called Nubia. Ra
Ta reflected with regret on the monumental consequences of his dalliance.

But wherever Ra Ta lived he carried his blessings with him, and the
banishment only helped to further his soul evolution:

“With the entering into the Nubian land, there came such a change that there
were the better conditions at every term that may be applied to human
experience… As the priest in this creative period entered more and more into

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Divine Cosmos - Chapter 03: The Story of Ra-Ta

the closer relationships with the Creative Forces. Greater were the abilities of
the entity or body Ra Ta to be able to make or bring about the material
manifestations of that relationship… hence, the peace that was enjoyed by all
those throughout the land…”

During his banishment, Ra-Ta met with an earlier human incarnation of the
Logos known as Hermes, who later was honorably referred to as “Thothermes
Trismestigus,” meaning “Thrice Greatest Hermes.” The Egyptians lauded him
as “the scribe of the Gods” or “lord of divine words”. Hermes’ life is “shrouded
in mystery” according to Church. He seemed to show up apparently “out of
nowhere”. He had prophetic dreams and could look “forward and backward” in
time, but he was low profile and self-effacing.

Hermes and Ra Ta were closely associated, and Cayce referred to Hermes as

“the heart and the tongue of Ra.” Here, we must remember that Ra-Ta’s name
was eventually shortened to just “Ra.” Therefore, this quote appears to mean
that Hermes had as much of an influence on Ra-Ta as the sixth-density Ra
group did.

The historical figure of Hermes is still heavily revered by the secret societies of
today’s world, as can be seen by entering the National Museum of Art in
Washington, DC, whereupon you soon walk into a giant three-story-high
marble room ringed with magnificent black pillars and a huge statue of Hermes
in the center. Most people do not think much about this connection, since
Hermes was the patron of the arts in Greek mythology. Cayce was a
Freemason himself, and thus it must have been a great surprise to his Masonic
cohorts that his readings had indicated that Hermes was in fact an earlier
incarnation of Jesus!

Meanwhile things were falling apart back in Egypt for King Araaraat. There was
discontent amongst the people and uprisings without the calming vibration of
Ra-Ta, even though he had often been out of town. Law and order was falling
apart and the Atlanteans’ hopes and dreams for the future of Egypt were

The King was having regrets over his banishment of Ra Ta. After nine years,
the King finally rescinded the banishment decree and Ra Ta was allowed to
return. In fact, this led to the King ending up as being just a figurehead while
Ra Ta was exalted, but the King allowed this willingly, to permit the divine
purpose inspired by Ra Ta to be reinstigated.

So peace and harmony reined once more in Egypt. Ra-Ta went on to live an
unusually long life, which the Cayce Readings attribute to him spending a great
deal of time within a pyramid in order to harness the rejuvenative energies
that it produces. Church supposes that Hermes helped Ra reverse his aging
trend as well.

It was during this period of the return from banishment that the pyramids
were constructed. Cayce gave Hermes credit as the architect, while Ra Ta, now
known as Ra, was the second most significant collaborator. By some esoteric
means, the stones were levitated and set in place.

Jess Stearn, author of The Sleeping Prophet, released a book in 1993 called
Edgar Cayce’s Mysteries of Reincarnation â“ Intimates Forever. There are
some references in this book that bring new information to light regarding Ra-

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Stearn decided to find someone who had lived in the time of Ra Ta and had
gotten a reading from Cayce. His subject was Anne Grey Holbein, a friend of
Cayce’s during this life as well as a close associate in his Ra Ta incarnation.
Stearn’s plan was to hypnotize and regress her back to the time of Ra-Ta and
get an eyewitness account of what happened. What follows is excerpted from
that regression:

“He was Ra then. He shortened his name to one syllable. It mated his
energy to the sun.”
She then talks of Ra establishing of schools and building temples. As Cayce
scholars already know, many of the people of that time had animal
characteristics like tails or feathers, thus giving birth to the many mythological
records of half-human, half-animal beings such as mermaids and minotaurs.

Ra-Ta and associates would treat these people at the Temple of Sacrifice and
the Temple Beautiful to remove their animal appendages and enhance their
state of consciousness. She goes on to discuss the banishment and eventual
return of Ra back to Egypt, even more powerful and charismatic than before:

“He had a magnetic power, enhanced by a striking appearance. He seemed to

give off a golden aura… They say he never slept, and he never appeared tired.
Though he had been around longer than anyone could remember, he looked
ageless. He was like a man in his prime.”

She also talks of Ra’s building of the pyramids:

“He was able to move the great stones of the pyramids as if they were made
of cork. He talked to the stones. He would point and say, “I want you there”
and the stone moved there… The thought of death never bothered him, he
never spoke of it.”

Then one day Ra was gone. No body, no ashes, no funeral:

“The older people said not to fret about it. His energy would always be with

The Cayce Readings asserted that Ra used the recently constructed Great
Pyramid to ascend at the end of his life, thus leaving nothing behind. So there
we have it - an eyewitness account, through regression, of Ra’s physical
manifestation in Egypt.

Although it is not completely clear how Ra-Ta reverted to Ra or the precise

contribution of Hermes, everything else correlates with Carla Rueckert’s
channeling of Ra perfectly, from the description of the body, to the unusual
disappearance of the body, to the elders’ claims that his “energy will always be
with us.” I repeat a description Ra made of itself from the Rueckert
channeling: “We exist as light and love and radiate through 90% of the
Universe.” And interestingly, within minutes of the first-ever session between
LL Research Group and Ra, they said,

“We as a group, or what you would call a social memory complex, made
contact with a race of your planetary kind which you call Egyptians… We spoke
to one who heard and understood and was in a position to decree the Law of

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Divine Cosmos - Chapter 03: The Story of Ra-Ta

One. However, the priests and peoples of that era quickly distorted our
message, robbing it of the, shall we say, compassion with which unity is
informed by its very nature.”

It is clear that such distortions had already started to take place during the 30
years where Ra-Ta had been traveling abroad, and now the words of Ra
through Rueckert suggest that the situation dramatically worsened soon after
he departed from the physical plane.

I would suggest that the lack of clarity in the Cayce readings as to the
distinction between Ra-Ta and Ra was due to Cayce’s fundamental Christianity.
To acknowledge that an ethereal being had created a body and was
performing all these miracles would give Ra a Godlike status, which would
have violated Cayce’s basic Christian precepts. For what little the readings did
say, they were very careful not to overly aggrandize Ra’s importance:

“Ye say, then, such an entity was a god! No. No â“ ye only say that because
there is the misunderstanding of what were the characters or types of spiritual
evolution as related to physical evolution in the earth at that period.” [281-43]

I would hypothesize that Ra-Ta was channeling Ra even back in Turkey,

issuing many correct prophecies, and this in turn gave Ra-Ta the credibility to
have 900 of his associates follow him to Egypt when he warned of coming
Earth Changes. Perhaps Ra-Ta passed on and Ra manifested in his place.

Whatever happened, this eyewitness hypnotic regression of Anne Tolbein was

published nine years after Rueckert channeled the Law of One series, which
certainly has not enjoyed widespread popularity. At one point in the past,
someone submitted the Ra transcripts to the A.R.E.’s Board of Directors, but it
was quickly rejected.

I would also suggest the possibility that Ra continued their work with Edgar
Cayce, and was the intermediary that brought Cayce his dream information,
since it fits the profile of how Ra works with people as stated in the Law of
One series. Ra did not inform Wilcock that he was Edgar Cayce’s reincarnation
until an entire year after he had perfected his channeling, including having
issued scores of accurate, documented future prophecies.

In this first reading that revealed the Cayce connection, which shocked Wilcock
to his core, there was a strong suggestion that Ra had also been working very
closely with Cayce. This can be seen in the following excerpt from that
reading: (a greater portion of this reading is included in Chapter 11):

Ra: Be it known that you are not as configured this time for medical readings
and for individual one-on-one counseling. This is one of the involvements that
we have wished to change…”

This reading makes it quite clear that Ra could change the “configuration” of
Cayce and Wilcock’s connections to the Infinite. Ra couldn’t identify itself to
Cayce because of Cayce’s fundamental Christian beliefs. And later we will see
that the Ra group is working with the embodiment of David Wilcock once
again, by taking a on similar role that it had with the Atlanteans when, as Ra-
Ta, he gave the warning for coming inundation and had his small group
accompany him to Egypt.

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Divine Cosmos - Chapter 03: The Story of Ra-Ta

In this incarnation, Wilcock is helping to herald the dimensional shift that is

taking place in this time period on Planet Earth. All of these points come into
perfect harmony when we see that Ra has identified itself as Wilcock’s own
Higher Self, which is a sixth-density entity that guides and watches over the
various incarnations of the soul. Even though Cayce was said to be accessing
the Akashic Records, a universal storehouse of wisdom, to do his readings, he
would have needed to work through his Higher Self in order to do so.

Summary of important points:

1. The description of Ra’s physical appearance in Egypt by Anne Holbein

was almost exactly the same as Ra’s own description of himself in the
Rueckert channelings.
2. There was a strong connection between Ra-Ta, a prior incarnation of
Cayce and Ra. In the Cayce readings they were referred to as one in the
same, but this was likely due to a potential violation of Cayce’s Christian
fundamentalism if the precise truth was revealed.
3. According to the Cayce readings, Ra demonstrated miraculous healing
powers as well as living longer than anyone else. Ra never died. He just
4. Ra-Ta had enough credibility with the Atlanteans to cause hundreds of
them to leave Atlantis on a very arduous journey to Egypt because of his
prediction of a coming inundation. He had to have a track record of
previous correct predictions in order to develop this kind of credibility. I
would suggest that he was probably channeling Ra. There is an implied
connection between Ra and Cayce.

Cayce did make a prophecy that the Priest, Ra-Ta, would return in 1998. The
person who seems to make the best case for fulfilling that prophecy is David

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Chapter 03: The

Story of Ra-Ta
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The story of the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce is really involved with the solving
of a mystery. Ra has been leaving a track of time-stamped clues throughout
our history, and the uncovering of these clues is one of the things that helps to
solve this mystery and to give credibility to the story. So, for the next clue, we
need to understand the history of Ra-Ta as revealed in the spiritual framework
Subscriptions of the Edgar Cayce Readings.

I will also draw on the hypnotic past-life regression, performed by renowned

Contact Us author and researcher Jess Stearn, of a person who the Cayce Readings said
had lived during the period of Ra-Ta. This information was presented in
Stearn’s 1993 book called “Intimates Forever”. (Jess Stearn also wrote perhaps
the single most popular book about Cayce, entitled “The Sleeping Prophet.)
Help Before we discuss Ra-Ta, it will be important for certain readers to be assured
that Cayce’s readings did not put the Ra group nor his own previous
incarnation as Ra-Ta at the “top of the pyramid” in the spiritual sense. In the
last chapter we saw how Ra used the word “Logos” to describe the personality
of our Galaxy as a conscious being. In the Cayce Readings, it is stated that the
Logos decided to take on personal Earth incarnations from the very beginning
of our third-density cycle of experience. [This could well be due to the
immense problems that had already occurred with Mars and Maldek.]

The original incarnation of the Logos was known as “Amilius,” who became the
prototype for “Adam” in the book of Genesis. After many very historic spiritual
incarnations including Melchizedek, Elijah and Moses, the final incarnation of
the Logos on earth came about in the life of Jesus, who called himself “the last
Adam.” Once Jesus completed his personal initiation, he began saying “I am
the Logos,” which again is now translated to “I am the Word.” The Cayce
readings also say that Jesus was the first person to complete this process of
self-transformation, and that others would follow a similar path at the end of
the cycle.

So, it is well known to Cayce scholars that the Logos is of central importance in
directing human civilization on Earth; but certainly, one entity cannot be
expected to manage all the responsibility by itself without having first
differentiated itself into many different beings at different levels of density. The
process of guarding, spiritually supporting and transferring souls from one
planet to another requires a great deal of staffing, with contacts both in higher
realms as well as on the planets themselves.

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Divine Cosmos - Chapter 03: The Story of Ra-Ta

And thus, in a little-known prayer discovered by an associate of Wilcock’s, the

Cayce Readings refer to the names “Ra” and “Ra-Ta” separately, indicating
that they are two different entities, both of whom are responsible for such
administrative tasks. Most A.R.E. members often overlook this point, yet it is
perhaps the most direct clue in all of the Cayce Readings that his source was
well aware of the Ra group.

According to the Cayce readings, Ra Ta was an early incarnation of Cayce in

Egypt at 10,500 BC, and the context from Rueckert / LL Research’s work
makes it clear that Ra had provided direct assistance to Ra-Ta at that time.
The following story, derived from the Cayce Readings, is predominantly
summarized from the book by W.H. Church entitled “Many Happy Returns, The
Past Lives of Edgar Cayce” and the book by Mark Lehner entitled “The
Egyptian Heritage.” Between these two books, all essential points of the story
can be reconstructed.

Ra-Ta started his life by being born in a less-civilized area, ruled by the tribe of
“Zu,” (perhaps the ancient Sumerians) somewhere between the Caspian Sea
and the Caucasian Mountains. The Cayce Readings tell us that Ra-Ta was a
very unusual child, in that he had pale white skin and blue eyes in an area
where the others did not look this way. His mother explained that the “gods
(think ETs) from that area” had engendered her pregnancy, hence making Ra-
Ta an ET-human hybrid. Even though she was the daughter of the leader of
the Zu / Sumerian tribe, the tribal elders were very spooked by the bizarre
birth and appearance of Ra-Ta, as well as the problem that she did not have a
husband, which was frowned upon in their culture.

Therefore, the elders ordered her and Ra-Ta to be banished from the land with
a group of assistants to protect them. Over time, they made their way to the
slopes of what is now Mount Ararat in Turkey. During this time period, the
civilization of Atlantis had just begun spreading out into other areas from the
central land of “Poseidia” in the area of what is now Cuba and Florida. The
Turkish area that Ra-Ta and his mother came to had only recently started to
have diplomatic relations with the Atlanteans, and thus was still behind the
times in the technological sense.

As Ra-Ta grew up, it became clear that he had prophetic abilities and could
channel very accurate psychic information. At 21 years of age he had a
prophetic dream that a worldwide cataclysm would occur in the not-too-distant
future. Most of the island continent of “Poseidia” was going to be inundated,
and his own area would also suffer cataclysms. His intuition and scientific
research on the Global Grid of “energy lines” combined to suggest that Egypt
would be the safest place to go for weathering out these Earth Changes, since
it was situated at the center of the Grid. (This has now been scientifically
verified through studies of the Becker-Hagens grid, as reported in Wilcock’s
Convergence series.)
When the Earth’s poles shifted, Egypt would be the balance-point for their
movement. Ra-Ta communicated this prophecy to the King’s son Arart, and a
pioneering group of 900 people led by Arart with Ra Ta as their spiritual leader
made the journey from Turkey to Egypt.

After a long and arduous journey, they arrived in the Egyptian city of Luz.
Initially there was mistrust and scrutiny, but eventually the Egyptians accepted

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Divine Cosmos - Chapter 03: The Story of Ra-Ta

the Atlanteans and exalted them. Arart was proclaimed King and Ra-Ta was
accepted as their high priest. Over a period of time, spiritual and moral reforms
were instituted by Ra-Ta and he became beloved by the people. He built
temples for self-healing and transformation, and was able to perform many
miraculous acts.

By this time, many other Atlanteans had been receiving visions of the coming
inundation, and were emigrating away from the island continent of Poseidia in
the Atlantic in droves. As part of what was “really a very busy life,” [294-148],
Ra-Ta began using an Atlantean anti-gravitational craft to travel abroad and
interact with the Atlanteans and other cultures over 10-year periods of time.
During these travels, he learned much more about Atlantean science and
technology, which included many very advanced concepts about how science
and spirit fit together.

Furthermore, the Atlanteans wished to create a storehouse of their

accumulated knowledge and wisdom so that it would not perish, and they also
understood that Egypt would be one of three safest places for a copy of their
records to be stored. Similar records were being prepared in Posiedia itself at
the Temple of Ilta, and another location in the Yucatan area of Mesoamerica.
Since Ra-Ta was the ambassador and spiritual leader of Egypt, negotiations
were conducted with the Atlanteans about how to proceed in the process of
storing and preserving the records.

Earlier in his spiritual ministry in Egypt, Ra Ta had instituted a moral code that
included loyalty in marriage and communal living. Prior to Ra Ta, the custom
was for men and women to be segregated and only come together in a special
conjugal chamber for intimate encounters. After the third 10-year period in
which he had been traveling abroad, he returned to Egypt and was horrified by
what he had discovered: in the relatively short time since he had gone, his
sacred temples had been converted into sexual playgrounds.

A great turmoil ensued as he rushed to condemn these actions, and certain

individuals became very angry with him and started plotting a way to bring
about his removal from power. As they observed him, they became aware that
he was extremely fond of a young woman who danced in the temples named
Isris. They were then able to cleverly trick and coerce Isris into seducing Ra-

Once Ra-Ta took the bait, the illicit affair was revealed, and the conspirators
then pointed accusing fingers of how he had broken his own spiritual principles
of monogamous marriage. To make matters worse, Isris was a favorite of
Arart’s son “Araaraart,” who had become the new King. Jealousy and the
desire for revenge can certainly go a long way, and in this case it led to the
banishment of Ra-Ta and 231 followers who decided to go with him. They
ended up in what now is called Ethiopia and what was then called Nubia. Ra
Ta reflected with regret on the monumental consequences of his dalliance.

But wherever Ra Ta lived he carried his blessings with him, and the
banishment only helped to further his soul evolution:

“With the entering into the Nubian land, there came such a change that there
were the better conditions at every term that may be applied to human
experience… As the priest in this creative period entered more and more into

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Divine Cosmos - Chapter 03: The Story of Ra-Ta

the closer relationships with the Creative Forces. Greater were the abilities of
the entity or body Ra Ta to be able to make or bring about the material
manifestations of that relationship… hence, the peace that was enjoyed by all
those throughout the land…”

During his banishment, Ra-Ta met with an earlier human incarnation of the
Logos known as Hermes, who later was honorably referred to as “Thothermes
Trismestigus,” meaning “Thrice Greatest Hermes.” The Egyptians lauded him
as “the scribe of the Gods” or “lord of divine words”. Hermes’ life is “shrouded
in mystery” according to Church. He seemed to show up apparently “out of
nowhere”. He had prophetic dreams and could look “forward and backward” in
time, but he was low profile and self-effacing.

Hermes and Ra Ta were closely associated, and Cayce referred to Hermes as

“the heart and the tongue of Ra.” Here, we must remember that Ra-Ta’s name
was eventually shortened to just “Ra.” Therefore, this quote appears to mean
that Hermes had as much of an influence on Ra-Ta as the sixth-density Ra
group did.

The historical figure of Hermes is still heavily revered by the secret societies of
today’s world, as can be seen by entering the National Museum of Art in
Washington, DC, whereupon you soon walk into a giant three-story-high
marble room ringed with magnificent black pillars and a huge statue of Hermes
in the center. Most people do not think much about this connection, since
Hermes was the patron of the arts in Greek mythology. Cayce was a
Freemason himself, and thus it must have been a great surprise to his Masonic
cohorts that his readings had indicated that Hermes was in fact an earlier
incarnation of Jesus!

Meanwhile things were falling apart back in Egypt for King Araaraat. There was
discontent amongst the people and uprisings without the calming vibration of
Ra-Ta, even though he had often been out of town. Law and order was falling
apart and the Atlanteans’ hopes and dreams for the future of Egypt were

The King was having regrets over his banishment of Ra Ta. After nine years,
the King finally rescinded the banishment decree and Ra Ta was allowed to
return. In fact, this led to the King ending up as being just a figurehead while
Ra Ta was exalted, but the King allowed this willingly, to permit the divine
purpose inspired by Ra Ta to be reinstigated.

So peace and harmony reined once more in Egypt. Ra-Ta went on to live an
unusually long life, which the Cayce Readings attribute to him spending a great
deal of time within a pyramid in order to harness the rejuvenative energies
that it produces. Church supposes that Hermes helped Ra reverse his aging
trend as well.

It was during this period of the return from banishment that the pyramids
were constructed. Cayce gave Hermes credit as the architect, while Ra Ta, now
known as Ra, was the second most significant collaborator. By some esoteric
means, the stones were levitated and set in place.

Jess Stearn, author of The Sleeping Prophet, released a book in 1993 called
Edgar Cayce’s Mysteries of Reincarnation â“ Intimates Forever. There are
some references in this book that bring new information to light regarding Ra-

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Divine Cosmos - Chapter 03: The Story of Ra-Ta


Stearn decided to find someone who had lived in the time of Ra Ta and had
gotten a reading from Cayce. His subject was Anne Grey Holbein, a friend of
Cayce’s during this life as well as a close associate in his Ra Ta incarnation.
Stearn’s plan was to hypnotize and regress her back to the time of Ra-Ta and
get an eyewitness account of what happened. What follows is excerpted from
that regression:

“He was Ra then. He shortened his name to one syllable. It mated his
energy to the sun.”
She then talks of Ra establishing of schools and building temples. As Cayce
scholars already know, many of the people of that time had animal
characteristics like tails or feathers, thus giving birth to the many mythological
records of half-human, half-animal beings such as mermaids and minotaurs.

Ra-Ta and associates would treat these people at the Temple of Sacrifice and
the Temple Beautiful to remove their animal appendages and enhance their
state of consciousness. She goes on to discuss the banishment and eventual
return of Ra back to Egypt, even more powerful and charismatic than before:

“He had a magnetic power, enhanced by a striking appearance. He seemed to

give off a golden aura… They say he never slept, and he never appeared tired.
Though he had been around longer than anyone could remember, he looked
ageless. He was like a man in his prime.”

She also talks of Ra’s building of the pyramids:

“He was able to move the great stones of the pyramids as if they were made
of cork. He talked to the stones. He would point and say, “I want you there”
and the stone moved there… The thought of death never bothered him, he
never spoke of it.”

Then one day Ra was gone. No body, no ashes, no funeral:

“The older people said not to fret about it. His energy would always be with

The Cayce Readings asserted that Ra used the recently constructed Great
Pyramid to ascend at the end of his life, thus leaving nothing behind. So there
we have it - an eyewitness account, through regression, of Ra’s physical
manifestation in Egypt.

Although it is not completely clear how Ra-Ta reverted to Ra or the precise

contribution of Hermes, everything else correlates with Carla Rueckert’s
channeling of Ra perfectly, from the description of the body, to the unusual
disappearance of the body, to the elders’ claims that his “energy will always be
with us.” I repeat a description Ra made of itself from the Rueckert
channeling: “We exist as light and love and radiate through 90% of the
Universe.” And interestingly, within minutes of the first-ever session between
LL Research Group and Ra, they said,

“We as a group, or what you would call a social memory complex, made
contact with a race of your planetary kind which you call Egyptians… We spoke
to one who heard and understood and was in a position to decree the Law of

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Divine Cosmos - Chapter 03: The Story of Ra-Ta

One. However, the priests and peoples of that era quickly distorted our
message, robbing it of the, shall we say, compassion with which unity is
informed by its very nature.”

It is clear that such distortions had already started to take place during the 30
years where Ra-Ta had been traveling abroad, and now the words of Ra
through Rueckert suggest that the situation dramatically worsened soon after
he departed from the physical plane.

I would suggest that the lack of clarity in the Cayce readings as to the
distinction between Ra-Ta and Ra was due to Cayce’s fundamental Christianity.
To acknowledge that an ethereal being had created a body and was
performing all these miracles would give Ra a Godlike status, which would
have violated Cayce’s basic Christian precepts. For what little the readings did
say, they were very careful not to overly aggrandize Ra’s importance:

“Ye say, then, such an entity was a god! No. No â“ ye only say that because
there is the misunderstanding of what were the characters or types of spiritual
evolution as related to physical evolution in the earth at that period.” [281-43]

I would hypothesize that Ra-Ta was channeling Ra even back in Turkey,

issuing many correct prophecies, and this in turn gave Ra-Ta the credibility to
have 900 of his associates follow him to Egypt when he warned of coming
Earth Changes. Perhaps Ra-Ta passed on and Ra manifested in his place.

Whatever happened, this eyewitness hypnotic regression of Anne Tolbein was

published nine years after Rueckert channeled the Law of One series, which
certainly has not enjoyed widespread popularity. At one point in the past,
someone submitted the Ra transcripts to the A.R.E.’s Board of Directors, but it
was quickly rejected.

I would also suggest the possibility that Ra continued their work with Edgar
Cayce, and was the intermediary that brought Cayce his dream information,
since it fits the profile of how Ra works with people as stated in the Law of
One series. Ra did not inform Wilcock that he was Edgar Cayce’s reincarnation
until an entire year after he had perfected his channeling, including having
issued scores of accurate, documented future prophecies.

In this first reading that revealed the Cayce connection, which shocked Wilcock
to his core, there was a strong suggestion that Ra had also been working very
closely with Cayce. This can be seen in the following excerpt from that
reading: (a greater portion of this reading is included in Chapter 11):

Ra: Be it known that you are not as configured this time for medical readings
and for individual one-on-one counseling. This is one of the involvements that
we have wished to change…”

This reading makes it quite clear that Ra could change the “configuration” of
Cayce and Wilcock’s connections to the Infinite. Ra couldn’t identify itself to
Cayce because of Cayce’s fundamental Christian beliefs. And later we will see
that the Ra group is working with the embodiment of David Wilcock once
again, by taking a on similar role that it had with the Atlanteans when, as Ra-
Ta, he gave the warning for coming inundation and had his small group
accompany him to Egypt.

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In this incarnation, Wilcock is helping to herald the dimensional shift that is

taking place in this time period on Planet Earth. All of these points come into
perfect harmony when we see that Ra has identified itself as Wilcock’s own
Higher Self, which is a sixth-density entity that guides and watches over the
various incarnations of the soul. Even though Cayce was said to be accessing
the Akashic Records, a universal storehouse of wisdom, to do his readings, he
would have needed to work through his Higher Self in order to do so.

Summary of important points:

1. The description of Ra’s physical appearance in Egypt by Anne Holbein

was almost exactly the same as Ra’s own description of himself in the
Rueckert channelings.
2. There was a strong connection between Ra-Ta, a prior incarnation of
Cayce and Ra. In the Cayce readings they were referred to as one in the
same, but this was likely due to a potential violation of Cayce’s Christian
fundamentalism if the precise truth was revealed.
3. According to the Cayce readings, Ra demonstrated miraculous healing
powers as well as living longer than anyone else. Ra never died. He just
4. Ra-Ta had enough credibility with the Atlanteans to cause hundreds of
them to leave Atlantis on a very arduous journey to Egypt because of his
prediction of a coming inundation. He had to have a track record of
previous correct predictions in order to develop this kind of credibility. I
would suggest that he was probably channeling Ra. There is an implied
connection between Ra and Cayce.

Cayce did make a prophecy that the Priest, Ra-Ta, would return in 1998. The
person who seems to make the best case for fulfilling that prophecy is David

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Before I go into the Wilcock fulfillment of the Cayce prophecy, I felt it
important to insert this chapter on the historical background of the Great
Pyramid and Egyptian mythology, and to then evaluate how it interfaces with
the information from Cayce and Rueckert, since the information presented is
Subscriptions somewhat at odds with the traditional historical perspective of that period. To
review, according to the combined information from the channelings of
Contact Us Rueckert and Cayce, Ra and Hermes built the pyramids by the “levitation of
stone” 10,500 years ago.

Historically, it is believed that the Great Pyramid was built in approximately

3000 BC, by the Egyptian Pharaoh Khufu. The Association for Research and
Help Enlightenment, or A.R.E, (the foundation established to perpetuate the Cayce
body of data,) actually did a carbon-14 test on the pyramid to determine its
age in an attempt to reconcile this discrepancy between the age as indicated
by Cayce and the age according to conventional history. The result of this test
seemed to validate the historical age, but as I researched this further I found
an interesting article, posted June 21, 2001 on the BBC’s Internet site, which I
quote below:

“A complete rewrite of the history of modern humans

could be needed after a breakthrough in archaeological
dating techniques.

British and American scientists have found radio carbon

dating, used to give a rough guide to the age of an object,
can be wrong by thousands of years.

It means humans may have been on earth for a lot longer

than previously thought and accepted versions of early
history could need a radical rethink.

Experts have known for years that carbon dating is

inexact but until researchers from Bristol and Harvard
completed their study no one knew by how much.”

So therefore, the carbon-14 test on the pyramid is in no way

conclusive, and the historical date of the creation of the pyramid
cannot be validated from such a study.

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In the third century BC, Plato wrote about having been told that
Atlanteans had invaded Egypt nine thousand years prior, or
11,000 years from today, which would be pretty close the 10,500-
year date assigned by Cayce. This also fits in with the Cayce story
of the exodus from Atlantis by Ra-Ta and his group, and of the
occupation of Egypt. This is the only direct reference in known
recorded history to the existence of Atlantis.

Also, according to an article by Robert Sheer, water marks were found on the
sides of the Great Pyramid at a level 400 feet higher than the Nile river is
today, and deposits of sea salt inside the Pyramid corroborate the theory that
it and the Sphinx must have been built before the time of the melting of the
last great Ice Age, about 12,000 years ago.

According to Zecharia Sitchin in his book Stairway to Heaven, the common

view that the Pyramids of Giza were actually tombs for pharaohs could not be
supported. No pharaoh’s body has ever been found in the Great Pyramid.
Sitchin took note of the fact that there were no hieroglyphics on the inner walls
of the pyramids. He hypothesized that his was because they were built prior to
the written language of the Egyptians. Conventional archeologists date the
Great Pyramid by a series of painted red “quarry marks” that were found in
passages above the King’s Chamber.

Yet, these “quarry marks” were all written at the only appropriate angle for the
arm of a person who had broken into these very narrow “relief chambers” in
the same way that Col. Howard Vyse had just done, at the time they were
found. Compelling evidence suggests that Vyse deliberately hoaxed the quarry
marks, attributing the building of the pyramid to the pharaoh Khufu, since
workers’ morale was very low, his funding was almost completely exhausted
and no substantial archeological discoveries had yet been made.

Furthermore, there were several mistakes in the way that the quarry marks
were written that were identical to the mistakes in Budge’s seminal work of the
time for decoding the Egyptian hieroglyphics. Vyse had a copy of Budge’s
book, and thus all evidence suggests that it was a deliberate forgery, since
Vyse created a message that combined hieroglyphics from different periods of
Egyptian history that were separated by hundreds of years.

Sitchin believes that the pyramids were healing chambers, and according to
the Rueckert material, Ra also states that the Great Pyramid was a healing
chamber that was used to concentrate aetheric energy. At one point Napoleon
was said to have spent a night in the Great Pyramid. When he emerged, he
was reportedly “pale and dazed,” and when questioned about his experience
he replied, “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

The actual method of construction of the pyramids has historically been a bone
of contention and controversy even among conventional Egyptologists. The
technology to put together sixty-ton blocks of concrete with the precision that
is found in the pyramids just doesn’t exist, even today. On March 2, 1999 Fox
News presented a TV show exploring the mysteries of the Pyramid where Fadel
Gad, an Egyptologist, conjectured:

“Were the Egyptians thinking of UFOs at that time? Yes! A very

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sophisticated, highly intelligent species that had intercepted this

planet Earth and had caused the evolution and the exploration of
the human consciousness.”

And David Pratt, in an article on the pyramids, stated the following:

“The Pyramid is an unrivaled feat of engineering and

craftsmanship. It is aligned with the four cardinal points more
accurately than any contemporary structure, including the
Meridian Building at Greenwich Observatory in London. The 350-
foot-long descending passage is so straight that it deviates from a
central axis by less than a quarter of an inch from side to side and
only one tenth of an inch up and down — comparable with the
best laser-controlled drilling being done today.

The casing stones, some of which weighed over 16 tons, are so

perfectly shaped and squared that the mortar-filled joint between
them is just one-fiftieth of an inch — the thickness of a human
nail. Egyptologist Sir Flinders Petrie described such phenomenal
precision as “the finest opticians’ work;” work of this calibre is
beyond the capabilities of modern technology. The casing
stones show no tool marks and the corners are not even slightly

The granite coffer in the King’s Chamber is cut out of a solid block
of hard red granite — so precisely that its external volume is
exactly twice its internal volume. Engineer and master craftsman
Christopher Dunn rejects the theory that it could have been cut
and hollowed using bronze saws set with diamond cutting points,
because when pressure was applied, the diamonds would have
worked their way into the much softer copper, leaving the granite
virtually unscathed.

In his opinion, the evidence shows that the Egyptians would have
to have possessed ultra-modern tools, including tubular drills that
could cut granite 500 times faster than modern drills. But that is
not all. The Great Pyramid embodies an advanced knowledge of
geometry, geodesy (the science of earth measurement), and

Another interesting point is that the pyramids that were built for 5th dynasty
kings — supposedly just a few decades after those at Giza — were vastly
inferior in terms of size, materials, and workmanship. One would have to ask
why, if the Egyptians actually had the ability to build with the precision
demonstrated at Giza, would there have been such a startling loss of
construction skills in the pyramids built afterwards.

And then we must consider a series of geometrical proportions associated with

the Great Pyramid that indicate a precision of workmanship and a knowledge
of the Earth and the Solar System beyond any information should have been
available to the Egyptians. For example:

The base of the Great Pyramid x 43200 equals the equatorial

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circumference of Earth, with better than 1% accuracy

The height x 43200 equals the polar radius accurate to 0.2%

(Note: Whoever built the pyramids knew that Earth wasn’t a
perfect sphere, for there were different measures for the
equatorial and polar circumferences)

4320 is the number of years for Earth to move thru 2 zodiacal

signs, or one sixth of the precession of the equinoxes

The three main pyramids at Giza mimic the stars of Orion’s Belt in
size and arrangement, as they would have appeared in 10,450 BC

If the Nile is represented by the Milky Way, then the position of

the three Pyramids in relationship to the Nile reflects exactly the
position of Orion’s belt relative to the Milky Way during the time
of solstice in 10,500 BC

Each of the Pyramid’s four walls, when measured as a straight

line, are 9,131 inches long, for a total of 36,524 inches. The exact
length of the solar year is 365.24 days

The Great Pyramid’s perimeter/height ratio is exactly 2 pi. The pi

constant in mathematics was not discovered until much later

The Pyramid is located at the exact center of the Earth’s

landmass. Its East-West axis lies exactly on the longest land
parallel — passing through Africa, Asia, and America. The longest
land meridian, through Asia, Africa, Europe, and Antarctica, also
passes right through the Pyramid

The sides of the Pyramid are very slightly and evenly bowed in, or
concave. This effect was discovered around 1940 by a pilot taking
aerial photos. Today’s laser instruments show that all of these
perfectly cut and intentionally bowed blocks precisely duplicatethe
curvature of the earth.

I quoted from Zecharia Sitchin’s book “The Stairway to Heaven” earlier in

this chapter. In this book, Sitchin makes a very scholarly evaluation of a great
deal of evidence concerning Biblical and early Egyptian periods and comes to
the conclusion based on this evidence that the Egyptian Gods were not
mythical beings, but actually extraterrestrials with extraordinary powers. The
bottom line is that there are a great many reasons for why the normal
historical viewpoint regarding the construction of the pyramids makes less
sense than the story presented by Ra in the Rueckert channelings.

The Cayce Readings indicated that Ra and his female companion Isis were
later mythologized into gods by future generations of Egyptians. In my cursory
study of Egyptian history for this chapter I found that Ra the Sun God was
described by Michael C. Carlos of the Museum of Emory University thusly:

“All Ra had to do was think of a thing and it existed… Of course the

people needed a leader, so Ra took human form, and ruled Egypt
under the name of Pharaoh. His kingship was long and prosperous,
and lasted thousands of years.”

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And other historical references to Ra:

“Then Ra took on the shape of a man and became the first Pharaoh,
ruling over the whole country for thousands and thousands of years,
and giving such harvests that forever afterwards the Egyptians spoke
of the good things which happened in the time of Ra.

But the time was drawing near when he must leave the earth to reign
forever in the heavens, letting the younger gods rule in his place. For
dwelling in the form of a man, of a Pharaoh of Egypt, Ra was losing
his wisdom; yet he continued to reign, and no one could take his
power from him.”

“…He shone upon the earth from primeval time [in the form of] the
Disk, the prince of light and radiance. He giveth light and radiance.
He giveth light unto all peoples. He saileth over heaven and never
resteth, and on the morrow his vigour is stablished as before; having
become old [to-day], he becometh young again to-morrow. He
mastereth the bounds of eternity, he goeth roundabout heaven, and
entereth into the Tuat to illumine the two lands which he hath
created. A sun god, he was said to command the chariot that rode
across the sky during the day. A king, he was the patron of the
pharaoh. Ra is the most central god of the Egyptian pantheon…

“…Ra’s position in the pantheon is unusual. He is the only god, apart

from Osiris, who is definitely said to be not on the earth. Ra, it is said,
is an aging god, still powerful, but too old to deal with his children
any longer, so he has gone exclusively to the sky to watch over the

“The film is obviously suggesting that this is essentially what

happened in ancient Egypt: that Ra and the other gods were
extraterrestrials who made a profound impression on the pre-
dynastic Egyptians, who then memorialized a catalogue of religious
rituals based on these early experiences. These rituals then
eventually became solemn and sacred ceremonies carried out by the
priests and pharaohs for thousands of years afterwards. According to
at least one researcher, this scenario is uncannily close to the truth!”
And in conclusion we repeat the words of Ra as channeled by Rueckert:

We decided to come among your peoples. Your peoples were much

unlike us in physical appearance. Thus we did not mix well with the
population and were obviously other than they. Our visit was
relativelyshort. This was when we built the pyramids. When we chose
this mission among your peoples, we would have been perceived as
light had we arrived on earth in our natural form.

“We now feel a great responsibility of helping remove certain

distortions that have been given to the law of One. We, as social
memory complex or group soul, made contact with a race on your
planet which you call Egyptians. We spoke to one who heard and
understood (Ra Ta) and was in a position to decree the law of One.
However the priests and the peoples of that era quickly distorted our

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message, robbing it of the compassion with which unity is informed.”

And in the next chapter we will learn how Ra is still in communication with
mankind through the form of the one who once was Ra-Ta and has
reincarnated as none other than David Wilcock…

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Chapter Five: Prophecy Fulfilled

“Is it not fitting, then, that these (a reference to Ra Ta and his
Contact Us followers) must return? As this priest may develop himself to be in
that position, to be in that capacity as a liberator of the world in its
relationships to individuals in those periods to come, for he must
enter again in that period, or in 1998.” (from the Cayce readings)

Help So let’s finally move out of Egypt and into the 20th century. David Wilcock was
born on March 8, 1973 in Schenectady, New York. He grew up in a somewhat
liberal family with openness to psychic phenomena from the time he was a
young boy, compared to Cayce who had a rather narrow fundamentalist
Christian upbringing.

Wilcock’s childhood was filled with various paranormal phenomena, and he

begun reading full-length paperback books about ESP and Hypnosis when he
was only seven years old (see Figure 5.1) and performing mind-reading
psychic demonstrations for his classmates.

Figure 5.1 — Books that David Wilcock read between ages 7 and 8.
Curiously, Wilcock was inspired to put an American Lung Association Christmas
fund drive sticker from 1981 in Harold Sherman’s book “How to Make ESP
Work For You” (Figure 5.1), thus documenting that he was reading the book
by age 8 (Figure 5.2). Both his choice of reading materials, i.e. ESP and
hypnosis, and the fact that he put special, time-stamped attention on the
chapter of the ESP book related to healing ability, seems to show evidence of
subconscious past life memories as Edgar Cayce seeping to the fore.

Figure 5.2 — 1981 American Lung Assn. sticker that Wilcock put in “Healing
Power” chapter of “ESP” book at age 8.

By Junior High, Wilcock was giving accurate Tarot card readings, by his junior

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year of high school he was occasionally able to consciously control his dream
experiences, and he also wrote some metaphysically inspired fiction during this

After a breakthrough in 1993, when an ex-NASA scientist revealed to him

(through a friend) that UFOs were indeed real and that humanity had secretly
reverse-engineered the technology, he began an all-consuming interest in
studying UFOlogy and metaphysics, with as much of his free time as he could
generate. He also honed his musical abilities as a percussionist and composer
during this time with a minor in jazz studies.

Shortly after his college graduation in 1995, he came across the book “From
Elsewhere” by Dr. Scott Mandelker, which discussed the topic of ET souls or
“Wanderers.” Much of the material in this book regarding the characteristics of
Wanderers matched David’s personality traits perfectly, and thus he was
intrigued that Mandelker placed such emphasis on an obscure series of
channelings from a woman named Carla Rueckert called “The Ra Material” or
“The Law of One”, which were channeled from 1981-1985, and which we’ve
already referred to quite extensively in Chapter Two.

By January of 1996 he owned all of the Law of One books that were available
at the time, and began intensively studying the data, finding that he had quite
an affinity with it. In fact, he refers to it on his web site as the “penultimate
source of UFO wisdom”.

Four years of daily dream recording and analysis, followed by an intensive

study of the Law of One material, provided the final gateway that attuned his
mind for direct ET contact in November 1996 at age 20. He certainly had never
expected to receive anything like this, since his interests were more in
scientific research than in channeling, and the Law of One series was the first
channeled work that he had really taken seriously.

He describes his information-gathering method as somewhat akin to lucid

dreaming, where he is being spoken to in a dreamlike state by entities outside
of physical view, but remains conscious enough to speak while this is taking
place. Unlike Cayce, Wilcock didn’t have to fall into a deep sleep to bring his
information forward. His channeled source offered quite a bit of premonition-
type material, alerting him to the reality of Ascension and of changes that
would be occurring in the future. Occasionally he would make very accurate
predictions concerning his personal affairs, world events and politics.

As we have already stated, Wilcock had been channeling on a daily basis for an
entire year before being told that he was Edgar Cayce’s reincarnation in
November 1997. This alone had rocked him to his core, and in many senses he
very much had wished that it wasn’t true, since he was very science-minded
and he knew that it would expose him to extreme ridicule. Yet, since he held
the Ra Material in such high esteem, nearly 14 additional months would pass
before he would be directly informed of any connection between his work and
that of Ra.

Had he been given such information any earlier than this, he may have felt
slightly overwhelmed, since he was already aware of the Ra-Ta story and of
the fact that Ra had apparently worked with him during the Egyptian /
Atlantean period. Hence, on Jan 3, 1999, he was given the following

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information from his source, and you can almost hear his cry of disbelief as it
comes through:

Ra: The planet Venus was made as our starting point, designed to
open and unfurl an opportunity wherein the source body of a new
race could be had. The identity Ra is our identity. We are that social
memory complex that you have been striving for. We have desired to
speak through this instrument with a maximal desire of increased
accuracy and contact for some period of time. We now feel that it is
okay for you to be knowledgeable about the nature of the source. It
is not similar to the likes of Elvis Presley, where a superstar has died
and cannot return. As you are aware, we stated that we would be in
the fifth dimension, eagerly awaiting any further attempts at service
that we might make.

D: If this is indeed Ra, why then is it so difficult for me to be able to

go deep enough to get your unfiltered guidance? Why is it that I have
to do this consciously, when it seemed so impossible for Carla to have
done that?

Ra: The curvature of space and time is not yet something that you
understand, and yet we were capable of grossly manipulating its
distortions so as to produce a whole new affair. This new affair
centered around the notion of immaculate seniority, creating a
feeling within that is vibrationally compatible with those realms of
energy that are inherently all around you. Periodically speaking, we
find that we have the opportunity for an entity to come along who is
able to engender such a maximal desire to serve, and it is at this time
that we are then able to produce the greatest results.

It was believed at the time of said readings [namely the Ra Material

in 1981] that this situation would be the only ideal circumstance
through which contact could be made, but we have found that to be
an error. This also has proven to be a venue wherein we are able to
continue allowing ourselves to have the messages without needing
the elaborate process of deep unconscious trance work. Of course, as
you are aware, our messages are filtered somewhat, and thus the end
product is not always the same as what you see in said Ra Material.

However, do not doubt yourself in knowing that you have indeed

produced much comparable material with us, and that it also is a
representation of the blending of foci between our own level and
your own. It is through this melding of dimensions that we have been
able to take off some more of the scholarly edge that we possessed in
the Ra Material and instead turn it into a more completed form in the
here and now.”

It is also interesting to note that this announcement was within two weeks of
the anniversary date for when Ra began speaking through Carla Rueckert, on
Jan. 15, 1981. Furthermore, the time interval between these two dates is 18
years, and in physicist Ray Tomes’ research on the cycles of time, this is a
number that often separates events that are harmonically related to each

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Now that we know that Ra was working directly with Wilcock behind the
scenes, we need to back up in the timeline a bit. Wilcock was living in upstate
New York when he was asked by his channeled source to move to Virginia
Beach, Virginia in 1997. Virginia Beach happens to be where Edgar Cayce lived
for most of his life, and is also the location of the Association for Research and
Enlightenment (ARE) headquarters, dedicated to the preservation and
distribution of Cayce’s material.

Wilcock initially assumed that this request was given because Edgar Cayce
already marked Virginia Beach as a safe area in the event of world cataclysms.
After some degree of “friendly coercion” from his readings, Wilcock decided to
make the move. I’m now going to insert an unpublished section of the
interview I did with Wilcock for the Spirit of Ma’at magazine:

David Wilcock: “Now right before I had done that, within

less than two weeks before I moved, this friend of mine
called me up on the phone and said, “You’ve got to come
over to my house. You’ve got to see something.”

I didn’t want to go, but he said, “You really need to come over
and see this right now.” So it turns out that he was a member of
the ARE. I had attended a couple of “Search for God” study
groups at his house, which are based on Edgar Cayce’s channeled
material in his later years. So I walk inside, and he brings me to a
table, whereupon he slaps down this magazine with a white piece
of paper on top of it.

A square was cut out in the middle of the paper, and inside the
square is an image of a person’s face. As he slapped this
magazine down on the table, he said, “Who is this?” I looked at it
and said to myself, “Oh, my God! That’s my face,” but I obviously
knew it couldn’t be my own face for two reasons.

First of all, it was on a magazine cover, and I had never been

published, and second of all it was rendered in this sort of artistic
style where it was partly a photograph and partly done over with
colored pencil.

Inside my mind I said, “Obviously, that’s not me.” I then

continued by saying to myself, “Okay, well, he’s obviously an ARE
member. This is typical of the type of artwork that you would see
on the cover of the ARE’s Venture Inward magazine. Therefore,
this must be a picture of Edgar Cayce when he was young." So I
finally responded, “Well, that’s Edgar Cayce,” and he replied,
“Well, yeah, but who else is it and who else does it look like?” And
after a long pause, I said, "Wow, that’s pretty weird."

So it was when I came to Virginia Beach that people who were

working in the ARE in various capacities would come up to me
and be astonished at my physical resemblance to Edgar Cayce,
which is quite stunning, as anyone can see in the photograph. So
this type of event started to happen more and more.

Without going into all the details, let me just say that it

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eventually built up to a crescendo where I said to my

readings, “You’ve got to tell me. Is this true or not?
What’s going on?” I had to ask two or three times before I
really got the answer. When I did get the answer, they
said, “Well, we’re willing to tell you, but you have to
understand that with this answer comes great

It’s funny, because when you actually read that reading

where they are telling me, there is sort of an argument
going back and forth between us where I’m saying, “Man,
if this is true, then I’m in for some real rough times.
Nobody is going to accept this. Nobody is going to believe

I had always disliked hearing about people who had

claimed to be someone famous in their past lives, and
then tried to use that to give themselves some sort of
credibility to others in the metaphysical community. I was
already aware that Cayce had been through some very
grandiose past lives, including the Atlantean high priest
Ra-Ta, and that Ra-Ta was predicted to return in 1998.
Never in a million years could I have imagined that I
would be that person. On the one hand it was rather
exciting, but on the other hand it felt like a death

However, they basically told me that if I didn’t let people

know about this, and if I didn’t start publicizing my
private channeling work and try to get it out into the
world, such as by the Internet, then I was basically
committing the equivalent of a felony in the spiritual
realms. So all of a sudden I felt like I had all this
responsibility thrust on me, and I can’t really say that I
enjoyed it. What had always been my own novel little
secret had suddenly taken on Earth-shaking importance.

Now I wasn’t just David Wilcock, I was a reincarnated

historical figure whose previous work was known and
revered by millions of people worldwide. Though I was
indeed quite psychic and would receive all sorts of
information that I was not aware of until after I
transcribed my cassettes, Edgar Cayce was widely
considered to be “the most accurate psychic of all time”
outside of Nostradamus, and those were some very big
shoes to fill indeed.

This created the possibility that my own work, character,

purpose and destiny would be perpetually judged against
Cayce’s, instead of being accepted on its own merits. I felt
that I could already see the scornful faces and hear the
howls of protest as I followed up on my instructions to
publicize this information.

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If we are to evaluate whether David Wilcock is indeed the reincarnation of

Edgar Cayce, we must consider whether the preponderance of evidence would
lead a reasonable person to that conclusion. I discovered Wilcock’s website in
the latter part of 2000, and my first thought was that it was absolutely
impossible that he could be Cayce’s reincarnation.

Cayce was one of the great influences in my life, and it just seemed absurd
that he could be back, and that I had now discovered him. Yet, I was intrigued
by the extraordinary similarities between the side-by-side pictures comparing
Wilcock’s portrait to one of Cayce as a young man. I read a couple of Wilcock’s
channelings and perceived that great wisdom was contained therein. So, you
could say I was hooked. I began a serious study of Wilcock’s site, and soon
scheduled myself for a reading.

In studying Wilcock’s site, the first thing I noticed was that it was rather
disorganized. (At the time of this writing, it has started getting better.) And
when Wilcock posted the transcription of one of his readings, it would often be
interspersed with dream data from a lower level of his consciousness. I found
all of this hard to read and confusing because, from paragraph to paragraph,
there would be great jumps of consciousness as he vacillated back and forth
from his own personal dream to the channeled information. Nevertheless, I
continued my study, adopting a neutral attitude and having the faith that truth
would eventually surface if it was indeed there to be found.

I bought some Cayce books and read them vociferously, particularly the
information about Cayce’s own past lives. If Wilcock was in fact Cayce, then I
would expect to find many correspondences between Cayce’s psychic abilities,
personality quirks, and reoccurrence of past-life relationships in the present life
of Wilcock. The rest of the first part of this book will be reporting what I
actually found and let you, the reader, make your own assessments.

Cayce gave quite an extensive history of his own past lives in his readings. In
studying those lives (W.H. Church, Many Happy Returns) I found, to my
surprise, that they have not been consistently on a spiral upward to higher
consciousness, contrary to what one might expect. For example, in one life he
might exhibit a high degree of spiritual awareness and service, while in a later
life he might be a wastrel and womanizer. According to the Cayce Readings, as
we have already reviewed in chapter 3, Cayce was the high priest Ra-Ta in
Egypt, with many psychic and healing powers.

Much later, in eighteenth and nineteenth-century America, Cayce reincarnated

two different times as a man named John Bainbridge, who was a gambler,
rambler and womanizer. His desire for escapist behavior was so strong that
once he drowned the first time, he felt compelled to return and do it all again,
even taking the same name. However, at the end of his second incarnation he
gave the last of his food to a starving child, thus saving the child while
sacrificing his own life. According to the Cayce Readings, such a selfless act of
love alleviated a great deal of the karma that he had accumulated as

And finally, he incarnated as Cayce, the premier psychic/mystic in the history

of the Western World. In each lifetime Cayce seemed to have a different role
to fulfill or different karma to work out. But even in the John Bainbridge life, he
used his amazing psychic ability to beat his gambling partners. Apparently he

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was able to know what cards the other players at the table were holding.
Cayce even gave a demonstration of this same mind reading ability with
playing cards to his son Hugh Lynn Cayce. Even more impressively, Bainbridge
could teleport the pea from one shell to another in case someone beat him at
his own shell game, but Cayce did not demonstrate this ability.

In his readings, Cayce did predict that he would return in 1998, which is the
excerpt that opened this chapter. Many Cayce devotees have interpreted this
to mean that Cayce would be reborn in 1998. However, Cayce didn’t say that
he would be reborn: he said that Ra-Ta would return. Wilcock was told in his
own trance reading at the end of November 1997 that he was an incarnation
of Cayce. And 1998 was the year in which Wilcock introduced himself (but was
not taken seriously,) to the ARE (the organization founded by Cayce to
perpetuate the information in his readings.)

So with this in mind, we shouldn’t expect Wilcock to be a carbon copy of

Cayce. He’s in a different period of time, and is fulfilling a different mission.
But in the greater perspective, his present mission is completely congruent
with the mission of Cayce, albeit with a different form of expression. His soul
had already proven that psychic ability was real, and by his high degree of
accuracy it also made the compelling suggestion that the Earth was gearing up
for a massive energetic transformation beginning in 1998.

However, the fruits of this work were shot down by the scientific mainstream,
who would monotonously chant that such phenomena are “impossible”
because they would “violate the laws of physics.” It is no surprise, then, that
Cayce would return in a form that would allow him to completely rewrite these
physics laws, using known scientific data that was published by Ph.D.-level
researchers, to create a Unified model of the cosmos that validated all of his
work as Cayce. Remember that Cayce didn’t even come close to finishing high
school due to his responsibilities to take care of the family farm, whereas
Wilcock incarnated with a Ph.D. physicist grandfather and a highly intellectually
driven family.

Interestingly enough, after four years of being aware of this connection,

Wilcock has still not been overly concerned with convincing anyone that he is
the return of Cayce. Instead, he has been very busy with creating a body of
work that stands on its own in the face of scientific scrutiny. His website has
gotten over 200,000 unique hits at the time of this writing. He’s written five
online books.

And without mentioning his famous predecessor, he’s had several speaking
engagements, most notably including more than one appearance on Art Bell’s
Coast to Coast radio program, with an estimated two to four million listeners
on the nights that he had appeared. He is also the Research Director for a
national seminar tour with Dr. Scott Mandelker called “The Time of Global
Shift,” which gives a vivid multimedia presentation that outlines the energetic
changes happening to our planet and Solar System at the present time, and
shows how they relate to ancient prophecies and the UFO phenomenon.

So, let us now give a quick overview of what David Wilcock is doing that
causes so much interest in his work. First of all he is psychic. He claims to be
in communication with an entity from another dimension that identifies itself as
Ra. Wilcock receives Ra’s communications when he is in a semi-conscious

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trance, which he then records and transcribes. This has been occurring since
1996, and many of these “Ra” readings are posted on Wilcock’s web site.

One of the roles that Ra has assumed with Wilcock is that of a teacher and
inspirer. Many of the earlier posted readings deal with Ra’s assisting and
supporting Wilcock in transcending what you might call his lower-self patterns,
such as his early college history with drug use and a preoccupation with sex.
Some of those transcriptions read like a wise father counseling his son.

You must remember that these readings began when Wilcock was barely out
of adolescence. We all are familiar with Cayce as an older and wiser being. It
might seem incongruous to imagine the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce battling
the inner demons of drugs and sex, but you’ll see how the pieces fit together
as we progress, keeping in mind that the decadent previous lifetime of Cayce
— John Bainbridge — was fairly recent.

Another very significant point of data is seen when we compare the positions
of the planets at the time of Cayce’s birth to the positions of the planets at the
time of Wilcock’s birth. Wilcock has still not found any astrologer who has ever
produced a more compelling case for reincarnation based on astrological
connections. Both Cayce and Wilcock were born in the Year of the Ox of the
Chinese Zodiac, which alone can only occur once every 12 years.

Furthermore, the positions of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars at the
time of Wilcock’s birth are literally almost identical to their positions at the time
of Cayce’s birth. All of the outer planets have some unique and very tight
angular relationship to each other, such as 30, 60 or 90 degrees. Astrologer
Brian Mc Naughton has independently concluded that there could not possibly
have been a more favorable period for Cayce to reincarnate in a 127-year
period than at the exact date of Wilcock’s birth, March 8, 1973. Once we factor
in the similarities in facial appearance with the astrology, the probabilities of all
this being pure chance are… well, astronomical.

Wilcock also does readings for others via his source. He will do up to a
maximum of about four readings per week if he has the energy, but unlike
Cayce, Wilcock’s readings do not dwell on health issues or past lives; they
mainly address issues of how the being can better connect with their soul, and
fulfill their life purpose. As a recipient of one of these readings, I can attest to
the high degree of wisdom that was imparted, and if Ra’s intrinsic
understanding of my own fundamental life issues.

In studying Cayce’s own readings concerning his future lives, I came across
the following two predictions:

Cayce: “He saw himself back in Virginia Beach.” (From a Cayce

reading given in Church’s book, regarding his own future incarnation.)

Wilcock would end up being very strongly asked by his readings to move to
Virginia Beach before he was consciously aware of the Cayce connection. This
move was prophesied in the readings almost from the very first day, and
Wilcock was only just beginning to suspect a possible connection when he
arrived in Virginia Beach. His readings predicted the exact name of the street
(Great Neck) he would be living on back in July of that year, and the move
wasn’t made until October.

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They also gave him the German phrase “Scarstahldig” that same July, which
turned out to mean “A group of German steel helmets.” (Wilcock has
never studied German.) Amazingly, the other tenant living with the woman
who Wilcock first moved in with in Virginia Beach was a collector of German
steel helmets! Furthermore, this man had not even heard about the property
yet when the reading was done in July. Just two months after Wilcock met this
man, the man found out that his entire helmet collection had been stolen out
of its place in storage.

Cayce: “Surrounded by many of those who had been with him at that
earlier time…” (Again, from Cayce’s reading regarding his future

Cayce predicted that when he would return in 1998, he would be surrounded

by many of his earlier associations. Wilcock believes that he has validated this,
as he recognized many relationships within his circle as being repeats of
previous associates. Oftentimes, his readings had dropped strong hints of
these connections before he ever realized what he was being told. In some
cases he was able to compare photographs of those in his present life with
past life relationships, and he found shocking facial similarities, as seen in
Figures 5.3 and 5.4.

Chris R and Jude G are the two oldest and closest friends of David’s that he
still is in contact with, so these were not just random choices. (As we covered
in a previous chapter, Dr. Walter Semkiw has recently completed a study that
suggests that there is a facial similarity between one’s present appearance and
one’s appearance in the past life.) Wilcock believes that he has identified the
reoccurrence of such Cayce comrades as Morton and Edwin Blumenthal, David
Kahn, Dr. Wesley Harrington, and Leslie Cayce (Edgar’s father.)

Figure 5.3 — Morton Blumenthal / Christopher R.

Figure 5.4 — Edwin Blumenthal / Jude G.

Summary of Important Points:

1. The pieces start to come together. A higher dimensional being — Ra —

is dedicated to the service of the Earth. Ra made their first appearance
75,000 years ago, and worked (speculation) with Edgar Cayce’s prior
incarnation Ra-Ta in Egypt 10,500 years ago. There are indications that
Ra was the channel that made it possible for Cayce to retrieve such
awesome information in his dreams. Ra was received and channeled by
Carla Rueckert from 1981-1985 where a lot of parallel and correlative
data was brought forward to the Cayce readings.
2. A young man, named David Wilcock, who looks almost exactly like a
young Edgar Cayce, is demonstrating psychic and precognitive powers
and is informed psychically that his source is Ra and that he is the
reincarnation of Edgar Cayce.
3. Wilcock fulfils Cayce’s prophecy of the return of Ra-Ta in 1998. He also
fulfils the other conditions of living in Virginia Beach and of having his
old Cayce associates return to his sphere in this present lifetime.

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Wilcock's Best
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Those who have studied Edgar Cayce’s work in detail know that he had a
Subscriptions prominent past life as a priest in Atlantis known as Ra-Ta, who was responsible
for transferring the knowledge and records of Atlantis to Egypt, as well as
Contact Us helping to design and construct the Great Pyramid. And, as Dr. Chet Snow
writes in his 1989 book, Mass Dreams of the Future,

In a 1934 reading, [number 294-151,] [Edgar Cayce] predicted his own next
incarnation here on Earth for 1998. At that time he will return as a “world
Help liberator,” helping those still-unenlightened souls to understand the meaning of
the New Age, which will include the Second Coming of Christ. In this way he
will play a role similar to one he described he had once known in Egypt as the
priest Ra-Ta.


David’s great-grandfather Frederick Wilcock had a Ph.D. from Harvard

University in engineering and a Master’s degree in law from Brooklyn Law
School, and was the chief architect, engineer and legal advisor responsible for
the design and construction of the New York City subway system under the
East River:

From: http://www2.brooklaw.edu/faculty/lharvey/Chapter1/

“The 1910 [Brooklyn Law School] Classbook allows a somewhat

deeper glimpse into the diverse backgrounds and personalities of the
students… Frederick (“Fredy”) Wilcock, born in England in 1873, had
graduated Harvard and was a civil engineer and senior assistant for
the Public Service Commission on the construction of the [New York
City] subway under the East River.”
[It is very interesting to point out that Ra-Ta was directly responsible for
extensive tunneling beneath the Giza plateau in Egypt, which is only just
beginning to be discovered and acknowledged by the mainstream. Giza was to
Ra-Ta’s period as New York is to our period. Wilcock did not learn of his great-
grandfather’s achievements until his own grandfather was two months from his
death, saying it was a “family secret” that he did not want to brag about. Truth

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is, Frederick died when Donald F. was 12, and he always felt overshadowed by
his father’s accomplishments.]

David’s grandfather Donald F. Wilcock also had a Ph.D. in engineering and had
many patents, including a bulletproof turret design that is now featured on
almost every helicopter, in the area where the wings join with the body. He
also designed computer programs in Fortran for various engineering problems.

He was highly skeptical of David’s findings but began considering them more
seriously in the last year of his life, saying, “You know, if you’re right
about all this, you definitely deserve a Nobel Prize…” Dr. Wilcock
encouraged David to expand his solar-system findings out to a larger
perspective, which can now be seen in Divine Cosmos.

David’s father Donald E. Wilcock chose the field of journalism, and outside of a
wide diversity of publishing endeavors including magazines and newspapers,
he has written a popular book, “Damn Right I’ve Got the Blues,” which shows
how rock and roll music was inspired by the American blues music of the early
20th century, and quite prominently by the guitar work of Buddy Guy when he
was still a young man.

His “Northeast Blues Society” has its own publication, which he writes and
designs, and is responsible for booking and hosting very well-attended
concerts on a regular basis. He has literally interviewed thousands of the
world’s most famous musicians throughout his career, and David had extensive
celebrity exposure while growing up, as he was taken backstage at concerts
about once a month.

Both David’s grandmother and grandfather on his mother’s side were

schoolteachers and devout Christians.

David’s mother Marta Waterman is a piano and voice teacher and professional
musician who performs in New York, Florida and Europe. She amassed quite a
library of metaphysical texts, which David began consulting at a very young
age, and is directly responsible for David’s perfect pitch and musical talent, as
well as teaching him spiritual principles.

David’s brother Michael Wilcock is a talented artist, musician and teacher, with
a B.A. from Syracuse University. Recently he experienced direct ET contact
through a ball of light that entered into his room, expanded into a seven-foot
wide ascending vortex on the ceiling and then told him, “The Ascension that
your brother is writing about will not happen all at once… it is a gradual
process, complete with feelings like those you are now experiencing.” 12 hours
after this happened, Wilcock had a daylight UFO sighting and said, “Now all I
need is to have a ball of light (ET intelligence) come into my room.” He did not
know what had happened to Michael just half a day earlier.


When David was an infant, his mother could not leave the apartment for even
a moment without him crying, even if he had been asleep.

David grew very restless and agitated in his crib any time that Watergate
information came on TV.

From about age 2 and onward, David had epic UFO and Atlantis-related

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dreams and would wake in despair, longing to be back.

David also had spontaneous flashbacks of grandiose, multi-dimensional

experiences as a small child, triggered by things such as certain houses,
certain objects and toys, certain places, riding in a bus, etc. These triggers put
him into profound altered states where he knew that he was here to perform a
high-profile spiritual mission on the planet. The experiences usually lasted
about a minute and a half or two minutes, and after they ended David had a
hard time understanding what they meant with his rational mind.

At age 5, David has a fully conscious out-of-body experience where he traveled

feet first out of his room and down the staircase, about a foot beneath the
ceiling, before feeling afraid and coming back into his body.

David felt as though he would have been taken somewhere important had he
not felt fear and thus had a powerful longing for “one more chance.”

David’s mother was into metaphysics, having already read “Nature of Personal
Reality” by Jane Roberts channeling as “Seth” and the entire Carlos Castenada
series of books. She was convinced that David could learn to do OBEs
consciously if he really wanted to.

David’s desire to induce another OBE led him to read his first adult-length
metaphysical book at age 7, “How to Make ESP Work For You” by Harold

Within the first week of reading the book, David remote-influenced his friend
Eric to wake up in the middle of the night and think of gold as his first thought.
Eric reported bolting awake in the pitch blackness of the night, feeling a strong
presence in the room. The first thing he thought of was his watch, which was
gold. David had no idea that Eric used a watch, not a clock, as a timepiece,
since he had never visited Eric’s bedroom in waking life. He confirmed all these
details at lunchtime before telling Eric about what he had done.

David got a team of friends together who would go around the corner of the
kindergarten building and guess a number 1-10. David had 100% accuracy in
getting the numbers correctly. This experiment was only conducted once as
the other boys were spooked by it.

David had the undying conviction that he could put a jump-rope under his feet
and then pull up very hard on either side and he would levitate. He spent
hours trying to do this in the driveway or on the playground, since it worked
effortlessly in his dreams.

Three or four times a year, David would awaken in the night to a massive
internal pressure centered around the ears and the front of his head that felt
like a thundering, screaming noise. At the same time, he would experience
hallucinations where everything that he saw in three dimensions was rendered
on a grid made of luminous light. Sometimes the grids would change shape if
he directed his thought at a certain area.

Invariably he would try to make the experiences stop by trying to scream

louder than the “noise” inside his head. His mother would hold him and send
him healing, nurturing energy through singing for 10-15 minutes in order to
make the visions stop. This experience happened the same way roughly 20

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different times as a child.

David gave a classroom demonstration of his psychic ability in second grade

using a handmade deck of cards that had numbers, words and images on them
depending on the card. He did manage to get a few accurate “hits” but not as
many as he would have liked. The teacher was happy to have him do it.

The second and third books that David read at age 7 were both about
Hypnosis. David felt that Hypnosis and psychic ability were somehow strongly
connected. He brought these books to school with paper covered over them
for free-reading time while the other children continued reading 22-point font
picture books.

David was able to fix numerous appliances that went bad in the house simply
by taking them apart, studying them and making changes. His first success
was to fix the dryer, and his abilities enhanced when he learned to use a
soldering iron.

David was convinced that other people could hear his thoughts as well as he
could hear theirs, and thus he would work very hard not to think negative
thoughts about anyone if they should arise.

At age 8, David overheard his brother talking in his sleep and felt that
important information would be conveyed. He tried to set up a tape recorder to
catch these fragments on voice-activation and had some measure of success.
He felt that in this state, Michael could potentially answer any question he was
asked, although they only slept in the same room while on vacation so he was
never able to “catch” it at the right time.

Also at age 8, David took a walkie-talkie and set it next to his father’s ear with
the volume knob set to 1 while his father napped on the couch in the living
room. He then went upstairs and broadcast messages about how delicious a
sausage and mushroom pizza would be through the walkie-talkie at a soft
volume. He then came back downstairs, whereupon his father then woke up
from his slumber and said, “OK boys, how about we go get a sausage and
mushroom pizza?” This confirmed scientifically to David and his brother that
hypnosis and the power of suggestion really did work.

David continued to reread Sherman’s ESP book over and over again. In winter
of 1981, still at age 8, David affixed an American Lung Association Christmas
stamp above the chapter heading “Your Healing Power,” in reference to the
use of ESP for healing. This, of course, was what Cayce had done with his
ability in the past life. David did not think at the time of how it would prove
that he had read the book while still young.

David developed a technique that he called “pulsing” to send a high degree of

psychic energy to a person at once. One day he was tormented by a bully on a
bicycle while he was walking home from school. As the bully was riding away,
David pulsed him with vicious anger energy, and the bully immediately
capsized on his bike into a ditch, then quickly getting back on his bicycle again,
more embarrassed than hurt.

David went home and cried and apologized to God for misusing his abilities,
and never “pulsed” anyone for negative reasons again. [7/1/02: Upon further
reflection this turned out not to be entirely true. A few years later, circa 5th

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grade, David was walking down a busy sidewalk on a summer vacation to Cape
Cod, Massachusetts with his parents. A man in his young 20s was riding his
bike much too quickly through the crowd, creating a near-guaranteed
likelihood that he would hurt someone.

For just a split second, David connected into the man’s eyes with great anger
and the man immediately capsized and fell off of his bicycle, sliding some eight
feet on the sidewalk, not hurting anyone except himself. David spent a long
time talking this event out with his parents, and concluded that it was
somehow an activation of the man’s own karma for the strong possibility of
bringing serious injury or death to a small child at the rate he was going.
David’s father, always the skeptic, believed there was no connection between
the two events.]

David was able to repeatedly come home at the exact minute that his mother
asked him to after going out on bicycle trips, without ever wearing a watch or
checking Sun positions. His friends would be very surprised when it would be
exactly 5:00, say, on the clock when they walked into the house. This was the
norm, not the exception. On other occasions, when his mother wanted him
home but had not specified a time, she would walk out to the end of the
driveway and “Send” to him, as she called it. Both he and his brother would
feel these calls and come home within five minutes.

David could throw sticks up into the air and then decide on a direction to make
them point in as they fell, which they would then do very reliably. He broke the
stick on one side so that it formed a clear arrow and would need to have that
exact 360-degree orientation in order for the experiment to work.

On several occasions David and his brother were able to use psychic ability
together in order to create rain or to start wind blowing.

David was enrolled in the Pyramid Program for Gifted Children in school, and
did independent projects in chemistry, astronomy, stargazing, computer
programming, crystals and multimedia planetarium presentations all before the
sixth grade.

Although he was an A student in every other subject, David refused to

memorize multiplication and division tables, as he had the strong feeling that
you always needed to recalculate them each time. This of course is a memory
of having a multi-dimensional existence, where the laws of mathematics were
malleable depending on the coordinates of time, space and dimensional
frequency that the entity was in. Though this caused him no end of trouble in
timed math tests from third to sixth grade, he scored extremely well on the
COGAT tests and was placed in honors math, English and science throughout
Jr. High and High school.

David took the SAT in 7th grade and scored 580 verbal, 610 math, putting him
ahead of more than 95% of high school seniors.

David experienced many accurate psychic results using Ouija boards, palmistry
and Tarot readings beginning in 7th grade, based on his studies. By 9th grade
he discontinued any use of the Ouija board due to its potential for abuse and
focused his efforts on studying the Tarot, which consistently provided fantastic
accuracy and insight.

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David read a book entitled “Body Language” in 7th grade that had a massive
impact on his life. The book described how the subconscious communicates a
person’s true feelings through their body language. He immediately began
recognizing how frequently this would give information about people’s
emotions and he learned many new things about interpersonal and group
dynamics. This also led him to want to become a psychology major in college.

David’s diet was poor and he became overweight beginning in 6th and 7th
grade after his parents’ divorce. His favorite food at the time was pork hot
dogs. Cayce also had a weakness for pork.

David gave in to peer pressure at age 15 and began using marijuana

sporadically, which continued until he quit “cold turkey” at age 19. He
experienced very intense psychedelic states where he visibly detected
geometric patterns of Light, experienced “instantaneous knowledge” about
cosmology and astrophysics, had deep and profound realizations about the
scandals in government and the damage that was being done to the
environment, had a strong sense that an unbelievable energetic shift was
coming to the Earth, and audibly heard phenomena that would later become
useful in his channeling work.

When David was 16, he went on a strict diet and rigorously lost 85 pounds in
nine months, never gaining any of it back afterwards.

At age 16 David read “Lucid Dreaming” and “Exploring the World of Lucid
Dreaming” by Dr. Stephen LaBerge. He was quickly able to use the “Mnemonic
Induction of Lucid Dreaming” or MILD technique to gain access to fully-
conscious dream states where he could levitate, fly, travel through solid
objects, perform astounding feats, change his entire surroundings at the snap
of a finger, temporarily fulfill his biggest wishes and talk to higher beings while
aware that he was out-of-body. Some of these dreams brought him to the
main deck of an ET spacecraft.

During this same time period, David asked his friend Jude to administer a
dangerous hyperventilation technique that cuts off oxygen to the brain. The
technique was only supposed to be done for seven seconds, but David wanted
Jude to do fifteen.

David’s body collapsed and he was unconscious for about ten or fifteen
seconds. However, his own experience was of moving into a completely
different lifetime in an clay hut by a river. He had an experience of 24 years of
subjective time, reviewing the most important points of that life in linear
sequence. At the time of death in that life, he saw his face, which looked
similar to his current face but with the nose and lips of an African man.

This was the first time that he remembered who he was in the experience.
Later his readings confirmed that he was moved into a past-life review so that
he would not see his body lying there in an OBE and be afraid that he had
died. The ensuing panic might have endangered his return to his body, which
was in tremendous pain and dizziness. The lifetime was in early Sumer and
does not appear to have been covered by the Cayce Readings.

David read “The Secrets of Shamanism” and became aware of how seemingly
random events could actually be communicating messages in a symbolic
language, once properly understood.

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At age 16, David experienced his first “ear blast,” (actually a sudden,
overwhelming energetic pressure in the frontal lobes of the brain, caused by
energetic activation,) exactly as the clock turned 3:33. This still happens to him
about every other month on average. The experience is completely de-
personalizing, with massive kundalini energy shooting up the spine. Historic
Catholic accounts of “flying saints” reported that they would get this exact
same sensation before they were able to levitate, but David has never
demonstrated such ability.

At age 17 David wrote the first of three short science fiction novellas where
some of his experiences were processed and written down in an amusing and
readable fashion.

From early childhood through until the beginning of college, David would
occasionally have experiences of walking and talking while asleep. His parents
recalled one occasion where he walked into the bathroom in a trance as a
young boy and was very insistent that he had to find the “telephone books” —
a metaphor for contacting the Higher Self.

David sat up in bed on several occasions during his first year of college and
would talk directly to his roommate while still asleep, going on about “the
water” on one occasion — another metaphor for spiritual energy. David recalls
many occasions where he would wake up, take a shower, pack his bookbag,
eat breakfast and leave the side door to go to school, only to realize that it was
pitch-black outside. Only then would he realize that he had been in trance the
entire time and did not register the times that he was seeing on the clocks.

During a trance induced by high-potency marijuana in college, David was able

to play Yahtzee with his suitemates and roll sixes over and over again. The
minimum number was three, often four or even all five dice being sixes. This
happened at least 10 times in a row. The whole time he was doing this he was
impersonating a Southern accent and had a playful attitude about it. Once he
got it started, he couldn’t get the dice to roll any other way, even if he wanted
to get other numbers to stay competitive in the game.

An incredible constellation of synchronicity led David to quit using marijuana

on September 21, 1992, just after his sophomore year of college had begun.
Just days after quitting, David spontaneously wrote a 22-page essay about
Earth being a giant Experiment where each person was learning lessons
through free will while being monitored by “Experimenters” who were higher

He was now convinced that such beings had to exist. He also began writing
down his dreams in as much detail as possible every morning, hardly ever
missing a single morning — a practice that has continued through to this day
with only one major interruption in late 1993 to mid-1994. There are now well
over 5000 pages worth of transcribed dreams and psychic readings.

On Thanksgiving break in 1992, David slept over at his friend Jude’s house.
David had a dreamlike waking vision of being chased by a monstrous fat
person that represented his own unhealed issues created from when he was
overweight. In the dream he had a gun and could shoot the man chasing him
and stop the battle, but didn’t want to do it, instead choosing to continue

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Jude stirred in his bed, completely asleep, and said, “Shoot him… Just shoot
him. Two bullets.” David had said nothing out loud to indicate what his vision
had been. David eventually realized that Jude was the reincarnation of Edwin
Blumenthal, whom the readings said had the potential for great psychic gifts.

In December 1992, David spent time with his old marijuana friends and told
them that he quit smoking because he felt that he was here for a prominent,
public role as a spiritual leader. They doubted him so violently that he
eventually stormed out of their house. At the intersection of their street and
his, David held out his hands to either side Jesus-style, looked at a spot in the
sky and said, “I don’t care what anyone thinks. I know that I am here on a
very important spiritual mission, and I will perform it.” As soon as he said this,
a shooting star went directly across his field of view and he had a tremendous
“kundalini” experience that went from his feet on through the top of his head,
leaving him shivering in ecstasy.

In April 1993, David’s friend Ray revealed that his physics professor had
worked for NASA in the 60s and early 70s and that it was “common knowledge
in the higher echelons” that extraterrestrial spacecraft had crashed on Earth
and that the technology had been reverse-engineered to produce fiber optics,
LED lights, Teflon, Velcro, Kevlar, infrared night vision, lasers and computer

Other technologies that were found included room-temperature ceramic

superconductors, compounds engineered directly at the molecular level,
superior nanotechnology achievements, anti-gravity and near-light-speed
propulsion and free energy generation. Three main types of ET were found
inside the craft, the tallest of which was almost indistinguishable from normal
human beings. The knowledge was to be unveiled to the public gradually in
order to avoid fear, never by bold official pronouncement “on the front page of
the New York Times.”

The “NASA Disclosure” event profoundly changed David’s entire life. He

decided that since the UFO phenomenon was in fact real, there was no better
use of his time than to engage in a massive study of it. David began reading
five books at a time, finishing one or two a week, which continued from mid-
1993 to mid-1996, at which time he began switching over to extensive Internet
research. He also cemented his resolve to completely stop watching TV, which
had begun in 1991 after starting college.

In fall 1993, David’s friend Ray revealed to him the work of Richard Hoagland
on the Monuments of Mars. David subsequently bought the book and was
utterly fascinated to see geometric alignments that were discovered between
the Martian Monuments, the Giza plateau of pyramids in Egypt and certain
crop circle formations such as Barbury Castle 1991.

These alignments all described the notion of a tetrahedron, a four-sided

pyramid made of equilateral triangles, being placed inside of a sphere. One tip
of the tetrahedron would be at the North or South pole, and the other three
tips would emerge at 19.5 degrees above or below the Equator of the sphere.
Hoagland then showed how energy upwellings occurred at this 19.5-degree
point upon the Sun and almost all other planets in the Solar System.

These upwellings included giant volcanoes on solid planets and cloud bands

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and cyclonic storms on gas planets, such as Jupiter’s Great Red Spot and
Neptune’s Great Dark Spot. David spent untold numbers of hours trying to
figure out how a planet could have forces ruling over it in the form of a
geometric object. This, of course, was knowledge that he already had applied
in his past life as Ra-Ta, the Atlantean-Egyptian priest, and would ultimately
become the cornerstone for his own scientific research.

Shortly after finding Hoagland’s work, David found “The Great Pyramid
Decoded” by Peter Lemesurier. This book also had a profound effect on him as
he realized the full scope of technology and knowledge in design that was
implemented in the Pyramid’s construction. It also detailed how a language of
mathematical symbolism was used to create a timeline for major events in
human civilization, which had already shown extreme accuracy in the past,
such as in the birth of Jesus and the timing of world wars, and continued on
into the future, prophesying major spiritual changes ahead.

David began experiencing “numerical synchronicity” almost constantly. He

would look at a clock just as it turned to 3:33, 4:44, 11:11, 12:12, et cetera,
with no knowledge of what time it would be. This happened at least once or
twice a day, and would always seem to be a favorable response to a spiritually-
inclined thought that David had just had. After college, it also appeared
regularly on license plates, in register tapes from the health food store and on
the odometer of his car while driving.

In his senior college year, David began dating a Japanese girl named Yumi,
who woke up in trance on several occasions and gave him messages. Two of
these messages involved telling him that he was “Shining” while he was
reading books such as “Aliens Among Us” by Ruth Montgomery.

The most interesting message was when she woke up, apparently stroking
something in her hands and said “Kon no waraji ro katandakedo.” David
quickly wrote it down and then repeated it back to her in the morning. It
translated to “Look at these new warajis (sandals) I just bought.” The problem
was that warajis are ancient Japanese sandals that haven’t been around for
over 700 years!

In December 1994, Yumi went back to Japan over winter break, and showed
David’s picture to a very trusted and highly accurate Shinto priestess and
psychic. The woman immediately said, “This man will be very famous.
Spiritual leader. Famous spiritual leader.” David was obviously very
surprised to hear this.

Within a week of David hearing this feedback from the Shinto priestess, he and
Yumi attended a concert that featured a female Siberian shamanic throat-
singer. The woman could sing a low, growling voice and high-pitched shrieks
at the same time, and make her voice sound like it was coming from any area
of the auditorium.

David closed his eyes and started to meditate in the front row. At the end of a
long, deep exhale, he felt a massive clamping pressure on his chest, as if he
had been punched, and could not breathe. Suddenly he was catapulted into a
visionary trance, wherein he saw a luminous sphere of light, colored white,
yellow, orange and red in decreasing intensity from the center. Within this
space he felt that he had the answers to all potential questions that could ever

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be asked, and he wondered what he should try to take out of this area.

Finally he was allowed to gasp for breath, whereupon he discovered that the
woman was standing on the edge of the stage right in front of him, staring at
him. As he opened his eyes, she nodded her head and smiled knowingly.
Cayce also reported seeing an orb of light when he accessed the “Akashic

David and Yumi separated after college graduation in June 1995, as she
returned to Japan. David quickly moved back to his college town after
graduation, as almost every dream he had while he was with his family
featured that area. He then found the book “We The Arcturians” by Dr. Norma
Milanovich and it was the first time that he took any of the “channeled”
material seriously.

He was very surprised when the Arcturians advised a strict diet of no meat, no
dairy, no white flour, no refined sugar and no preservatives, but he
nevertheless began doing it, which took about two years to really ground in as
habit. He had already been heading in that direction, having given up dairy
and meat a year earlier.

In November 1995, David was fired from a job working in a mental ward
because he was “too friendly to the patients.” Immediately afterwards he
found the book “From Elsewhere” by Dr. Scott Mandelker, which set forth the
notion of people having extraterrestrial souls.

David was highly skeptical until he read the 12-part questionnaire at the back
of the book, which began with, “You might be an ET soul if the following
questions apply to you.” No living person had ever understood David’s inner
psyche as much as this questionnaire had done — so he bought the book,
which seemed to have a noticeable tingle in his hands as he held it.

At the same time, David saw the book “The Mayan Factor” by Jose Arguelles.
He opened directly to a page that featured a symbol that he had sculpted into
a pin in jewelry class in high school. The meaning given to the symbol, CIB,
according to Arguelles, was “Ability to Contact and Communicate with Higher

Two days after David began reading Dr. Mandelker’s book, he conducted an
automatic writing session with his friend Jude to see if, in fact, he was a
Wanderer. Once a deep trance was attained, David’s non-writing hand sprang
to life while holding the pencil, making a series of very quick movements
without any conscious thought. Immediately afterwards, David and Jude
turned on the lights.

The words said “Christ Cometh” and gave a Bible quote, EC 40 57, which
turned out to be Ecclesiastes 2:22-3:13 expressed in the number of verses
counted since the beginning. “EC” was also how Cayce’s readings would refer
to him by name on many occasions. The entire passage began and ended
perfectly in tune with the fact that David had just lost a job. David had
nowhere near enough Biblical knowledge to have picked this out on his own.

In January 1996, David again prayed for an answer about whether he was an
ET soul or not, and went to bed before his roommate ever came home. The
next morning, his roommate Eric was awakened by an anomalous early-

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morning phone call while David happened to be out starting his car to warm it
up before work, which he never normally did.

When David came back into the house, he was very surprised to see Eric
awake, and Eric told him that he just had a dream where a man came out of a
UFO, spoke on Earth Changes and Ascension and not to be afraid, that “they”
were humanity’s brothers and sisters. Most of the people panicked and ran.
The man eventually threw his arm around David’s shoulders and said, “It is
very important that you know that he is one of us.” Eric had no
knowledge of David’s prayer the night before.

The best example of synchronicity happened twice in 1996. Both times he had
gone to the health food store and had a synchronistic price emerge, such as
$9.99 when he wanted not to exceed ten dollars but had not actively tallied
the prices of the vegetables and grains he selected. Both times he drove home
“the back way,” and he experienced a combination of a triple-digit clock
synchronicity, such as 4:44, along with a triple or quadruple-digit lineup on his
odometer, such as 125555.

Most impressively, both of these moments occurred at the exact same

intersection on the way home, just two obscure country streets in the middle
of nowhere. David considered that he may be able to have a rendezvous with
UFO beings if he went back to that intersection at a certain time during the
night, but never had the courage or motivation to pursue it.

Throughout 1996, David had an increasing number of extremely vivid dreams

that indicated that the extraterrestrial beings appearing in his dreams wanted
to communicate with him somehow. He did not achieve success doing this until
November 10, 1996.

At the end of David’s very first reading, the source suggested that David travel
to the Mesoamerican pyramids through an out-of-body experience. As David
was reading this the second time through and came to that spot, the phone
rang. It was a man he had met at a UFO conference inviting him to a seminar
on “how to induce an out-of-body experience” that was occurring that same

Much of the information in David’s early readings was highly cryptic,

metaphorical and symbolic in its use of words. Much of it seemed to be garbled
speech, but it was also communicating some very highly metaphysical
concepts. Clues were being given right from the very first session that David
was Cayce’s return, though he did not figure this out for an entire year.

One of the most blatant clues was “This is a rehearsal for our interaction near
Williamsburg (Virginia.)” Other clues were when the source said “I was born
in…” and then attempted to give a series of dates, clustering around “1877”
which was the year of Cayce’s birth.

The very first session also said, “One of our women Theresa, a sibling,
inoperative. The Christian, psychically.” Five days later, Mother Theresa
had a heart attack, and the reading implied that the heart attack was due to
extreme success which had made Theresa “psychically inoperative.”

Early along the readings warned David that his “road rage” was a serious
problem that he needed to correct — or else. Nevertheless, it continued

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happening. Finally a car accident was “designed” and prophesied by the

readings in advance, in a coded form. The key phrase, spoken on a Tuesday,
said, “My gift to the world will be a 3 1/2 by 11 sheet of paper. Expect
it on Friday… 90 minutes till 10:00.”
At 8:30 am that Friday, David had an accident on a slippery road while driving
to a training seminar for his new job. The officer wrote David a ticket on a
yellow 3 1/2 by 11 sheet of paper, with the time of the accident listed as 8:30.

Within less than a week of this event, David had several dreams of a fire, only
to wake up and realize that indeed the house across the street from him was
burning. This came at a time when David was feeling profound inspiration from
his own readings and from the book “Seth Speaks” by Jane Roberts, which
explained every new experience that David was going through.

Eric was told in an early reading, “You will be happy to know that your
student loans for New Paltz have come in.” This was strange, because
Eric had graduated from New Paltz the previous December and was now going
to Albany for a graduate program. Over a month later, New Paltz found an
uncashed student loan check for Eric for $900 and phoned his mother about it
before sending it. Apparently the envelope had slipped down inside a file
cabinet and was discovered when the cabinet was moved.

David received nearly 30 different pieces of data regarding Princess Di’s death
before it occurred, in dreams and readings. David was not able to put it all
together in advance, despite the overwhelming amount of specific information
that was given. David’s data confirmed that it was an assassination due to her
pregnancy with a Muslim man, blending the royal blood, and her overall
rebellion against authority.

Expert guidance was given to David for each job that he held, regarding how
to handle the environment, what he was supposed to learn from it and how
long he would end up staying.

Early in 1997, David finalized his separation from Yumi on the phone long
distance, which was extremely difficult and very emotionally brutal. Shortly
thereafter in a reading, he heard Japanese-sounding syllables and dictated
them into his tape recorder, not expecting them to mean anything. “Yatsu wo
ogoshi — no good. Mo yame koroshi.” Upon transcription, the Japanese
translated into, “Threatening him is no good. Now stop murdering.”

David had nowhere near enough speaking ability in Japanese to have come up
with this on his own. He realized that this confirmed his suspicions, pieced
together from dreams and visions, that Yumi had been a domineering husband
to him as a wife in a past life, and that he had murdered the husband feeling
no other way out, only to plunge off a bridge and die soon afterwards out of
guilt. The vision also confirmed that the husband was killed by poisoning his
soy sauce. Yumi flew back to the US one last time anyway and stayed with
friends, and she and David resolved their differences peacefully and lovingly.

Early in 1997, David received many different visions and readings describing
aspects of the upcoming Heaven’s Gate mass suicide, including the
involvement with the alleged companion object to the Hale-Bopp comet. David
also kept hearing two words that he interpreted as “Marvin Gate” while
receiving this data, the readings giving the hint of “Heaven’s Gate” in a

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metaphorical form. Marvin Gaye, of course, was murdered by his own father,
as Applewhite convinced his followers to kill themselves.

In Spring 1997, David joined an Edgar Cayce “Search for God” study group. He
felt a strong pull towards Virginia Beach and the A.R.E., hoping possibly to
attend Atlantic University. The group was led by Skip Weatherford, an early
pioneer in psychic research and hypnotherapist. David showed an uncanny
ability to interpret and understand passages in the textbook when no one else
did. Surprisingly, Weatherford lived only five minutes driving distance from
David’s house on country roads, even though it was one of only two local
centers for the A.R.E. in the entire Northeast.

Weatherford hypnotized David privately soon after meeting him. On the very
first session, David reached down and touched the crystals he always used to
channel while Skip plugged in a heater on the wall next to David. At the exact
moment that David’s hand hit the crystals, a 3-inch-long spark of blue
electricity shot out of the wire to the heater that Skip was plugging in. Skip had
never experienced this problem before or since and could find nothing wrong
with the heater or wire thereafter.

During the reading, the forces apologized for their effects on electromagnetic
equipment. Weatherford began asking questions telepathically and the
readings answered the questions precisely, and told Skip of their awareness of
what was going on.

After the reading, David wanted to show Weatherford a new crop formation
online that was in the shape of the Kabala. As Weatherford tried to dial AOL to
see it, all the power in his house went out. It stayed out for exactly one hour
and then came back on. David had left soon after it went out and was
strangely pulled over on the short drive home and written a speeding ticket.
This was the readings’ way of saying to David, “Don’t get too proud.”

David had a vision where he saw himself lying in bed doing a reading, with the
words “EDGAR CAYCE: THE SLEEPING PROPHET” written above his body in all
capital letters. David saw it only as a metaphor, telling him that his work was

By the readings’ step by step guidance, David ended up landing a good job at
Mohonk Mountain House, a very high-class Victorian resort hotel. He was
quickly promoted from Front Desk to Reservations and loved his job and the
historic atmosphere.

Eric began doing readings similar to what David’s earliest had sounded like,
using the same technique. He would wake up while he could still remember his
dream vividly and would write down any stray fragments of speech that
emerged in his mind, without analyzing or interpreting any of the data. The
source called itself “Michael” and spoke in very Christian terms.

David had a bizarre German-sounding phrase come in during the month of

July: “Scarstahldig.” Eric confirmed that it was German, and it translated into
“A group of German steel helmets.” David had also received the words
“Great Neck” a few days earlier without knowing why. He would learn the
implications of these statements in October. He also had a vivid out of body
experience where he drove down a road that was lined with trees on either
side. This turned out to be a vision of Shore Drive as one heads in to Atlantic

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Avenue from the North, where the A.R.E. building is.

David felt strongly that he would move to Virginia Beach. This was then
confirmed in an out of body experience where he met a woman with gray hair
and blue eyes who told him, “You know you have to move, don’t you.”

David had another OBE where he went to the Akashic Records, seen in this
case as an endless hallway lined with library books on either side. David went
directly to a section on Edgar Cayce and was astonished to find the incredible
amount of information that was available there. His astonishment was so great
that he snapped back into his body.

Eric received a reading in German that went well beyond his capacity to speak
the language. Translated, it said, “Everyone is leaving the lady’s house. A
toast to the working fireplace.” Their landlady soon tried to get David to
sign a one-year lease, thus forcing him to make a decision and leave. (Eric
moved into a different apartment and left less than 9 months later.) The rooms
that David sold for Mohonk on the phone all had working fireplaces, and David
was very disappointed to discover that he would receive a seasonal layoff in
the middle of October.

Less than two weeks before leaving New York State, Weatherford called David
and said, “You need to come over to my house, right now.” David
arrived and Weatherford had a magazine with a piece of white paper over it,
with a square hole cut out of the paper. Inside the hole was a colored pencil
rendering of Edgar Cayce’s face from the cover of A.R.E.’s Venture Inward
magazine. “Now who is that?” Weatherford said. David answered “Edgar
Cayce”, although he had never seen a picture of Cayce from that age. “Yeah,
but who else does it look like?” Weatherford asked. David acknowledged that it
was extremely similar to his own face, but refused to believe it meant anything.

David used the A.R.E.’s volunteer housing list to find his first rental in Virginia
Beach with Linda Cornett. Linda’s house ended up being off of Old Great Neck
Road, which was directly off of Great Neck Road. Amazingly, the other man
subletting at the time, Dennis, was a collector of German steel helmets. On the
second day, David remembered his reading having said “Great Neck,” and he
grabbed the book of transcripts and sat at the sofa to try to see if there were
other examples of prophecy.

Before he even had a chance to look at his transcripts, his eyes went to the
bookshelf where he saw a book entitled, “The History of the German Steel
Helmet: 1921-1945.” Dennis hadn’t even looked at the house until August
and did not move in until September, though the German phrase had come
through in July. In December he learned that his entire collection of helmets
had been stolen out of storage from his hometown.

Across the street from Linda was a relatively high-ranking A.R.E. employee. He
heard about David and wanted to meet him right away, and was astonished at
the facial resemblance. He later had his boss meet with he and David at the
Nawab Indian food restaurant, and at the end of the dinner the boss told
David that he “nearly fell over backwards” when he first saw the
resemblance of David’s face to Cayce. David still wasn’t willing to fully believe
that there was an Edgar Cayce connection at this point.

The owner of a major business devoted to Cayce’s work saw David, and

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without knowing anything about him, said to his friend, “My God, he looks
just like Edgar Cayce!” Later, this man asked for a reading from David to
establish “proof,” and was angered when the reading chastised him for illicit
sexual activity. He did not support David’s case after this.

David confronted his readings about the reincarnation issue on November 27,
1997, and they confirmed that it was true, and “with this knowledge comes
responsibility — great responsibility.” They told him that he was “not as
configured this time for medical readings” and should devote his time to
“teaching universal concepts to the masses.” David had a hard time
believing what they told him and was slightly argumentative as the reading
came in.

Soon after this, David began having specific dreams that detailed various
aspects of Cayce’s life, and he gradually accepted his reincarnation as fact.

David received the name of a well-known local psychic in a reading, as well as

the exact name of her son, which was an unusual name, and a warning that he
may try to use drugs. His friend arranged a meeting with the woman, who
seemed threatened by the whole thing and said David couldn’t be Edgar
Cayce’s return because he occasionally used profanity while speaking and
“Edgar never would have done that.” More likely, she was afraid of losing her
clientele if Edgar Cayce had indeed returned to Virginia Beach. David stopped
using any profanity after this, a habit that he had learned from his father.

Throughout all of these experiences, David was working miserable temp-jobs,

and did not become self-employed doing readings for others until July 1998.

A friend of David’s arranged for him to meet Edgar Evans Cayce, the surviving
youngest son of Edgar Cayce, in January 1998. Edgar Evans was extremely
rude, and hardly ever looked David in the eye. He would ask David a
complicated question, start getting a solid answer and then abruptly cut David
off after one or two sentences before he ever had a chance to express his
answer, then asking another entirely different question. At the end of the
ordeal, Edgar Evans said that though he still didn’t believe it, he agreed that
David’s case was far superior to any other person he had met who claimed to
be Edgar Cayce. They have never spoken again.

David attended a Search for God study group in Virginia Beach that Charles
Thomas Cayce, the head of the A.R.E., would occasionally attend. David
presented Charles Thomas with a packet of prophecy information, including
the idea that the Arab-Israeli conflict would grow into a “great war” and that
Earth Changes would continue intensifying.

David later presented the A.R.E. with a reading that indicated that if the A.R.E.
did not take a more active stance in promoting the existence of Atlantis and
the Hall of Records, then negative forces in the Egyptian government would
insure that the discoveries and information available would never get to the
public. None of the suggestions were taken and the A.R.E. made no attempt to
contact him.

One day that January, David decided to cast a comparison chart between the
time of Edgar Cayce’s birth and that of his own. He was shocked to see the
similarity between the two charts. All of the inner planets were in almost the
exact same positions on the two charts, and the outer planets were in near-

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perfect aspects to each other such as square, trine and sextile.

He later realized that both he and Cayce were born in the Year of the Ox in the
Chinese Zodiac, and that the vertices or “balance points” of the two charts
were in a perfect 180-degree opposition.

In February 1998, David deliberately avoided taking any new temp jobs for
three weeks and put together his first edition of his book entitled
“Convergence.” The book compiled David’s years of scientific research into
Atlantis, the Global Grid, Ascension and extraterrestrials. It was published on
the Great Dreams website in March 1998 and received wonderful public

David realized that his ex-housemate Eric was the reincarnation of Edgar’s
closest friend, David Kahn. He would later discover that his college friend Chris
had been Morton Blumenthal, Edgar’s chief financial backer. Morton’s brother
Edwin had reincarnated as David’s high school friend Jude. Edgar’s original
estranged business partner Dr. Wesley Ketchum reincarnated as David’s
brother Michael, even wearing the same style glasses.

Edgar’s father came back as David’s father, who wore the same mustache and
would only buy clothes at the “Squire Shop.” Cayce’s father was known to
everyone as “The Squire.” Edgar’s wife Gertrude reincarnated as David’s
female friend Angelica. In all of these cases there are stunning facial and
character similarities, as well as bold hints from the readings that pointed out
their relationships.

Edgar and Morton had a major falling-out after the Crash of 1929, after which
Morton pulled the plug on funding the Cayce Hospital. Chris, Morton’s
reincarnation, had come to live with David in Virginia Beach on 70th street, just
three blocks from the A.R.E., whose offices are in the hospital. Just before
David was to visit the hospital for the first time again in this life, in order to
formally present his case to the A.R.E., he and Chris had the most major fight
of their entire friendship.

After David presented his case incorporating pictures, astrology charts and
many of the psychic stories listed above, the A.R.E. worker given his case said
that he did not look like Edgar Cayce, the astrology “meant nothing” and “lots
of people come in here from all over the country with great sounding psychic
stories like yours and they’re all convinced that they’re Edgar Cayce.”

David also presented the man with a manuscript copy of Convergence, his first
effort to put together his scientific material regarding Atlantis, the Great
Pyramid, the Global Grid and a scientific method for validating the idea that the
Earth is undergoing an energetic transformation, backed up by new, unique
research from the Edgar Cayce readings and other sources. The man soon
read the manuscript and said it was “nothing special” and that he didn’t believe
any of it.

Later, through the grapevine, David found out that he had been judged harshly
for his marijuana use and the opinion was, “If he is Edgar Cayce, he’s too
young, nervous and inexperienced to be of any use to us, and his
former drug use makes him too politically sensitive to be revealed to
our members.” Instead, the A.R.E. worker got David selling candy bars at the

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concession stand for the A.R.E.’s production of the “Man of La Mancha” play.

This was the man’s way of “introducing David to the public.” Shocked and
discouraged at the way he was being treated, David broke off all contact with
the man after the play had ended, and only rarely has visited the A.R.E. since
then. Joseph Myers confirmed in late 2001 that the A.R.E.’s Board of Directors
still has a standing policy in effect to completely ignore David, avoiding either
positive or negative press about him and hiding his existence from their 20,000

On July 1, 1998, David received data from dreams, visions and readings that
New York might be attacked by a portable nuclear bomb on August 17, 1998.
Extreme detail was given about the astrological configurations on that
particular day, which turned out to be remarkably correct. His psychic
description of the man involved clearly indicates in hindsight that it was Bin

He was told that he needed to take action on this prophecy as it would disrupt
the entire world’s spiritual progress if it actually happened. David called the FBI
with all the details, and they began maniacally tapping his phone less than a
week later. David is still under surveillance to this day, where if he says certain
keywords he will hear an audible click, indicating that he is being recorded.

Less than two weeks after David received this data, Bin Laden bombed US
embassy buildings in two foreign countries, thus beginning to confirm the
accuracy of the prophecy.

Amazingly, August 17 turned out to be the exact day that Clinton first
admitted his affair with Monica Lewinsky to the world — in New York.
Grand Central Station had been shut down due to “terrorist threats.” Two days
later, Clinton bombed Sudan and Afghanistan, due to the previous embassy
bombings and in retaliation for an “undisclosed major terrorist strike
planned against the United States, confirmed by multiple sources.”
In the same July 1, 1998 reading discussing this issue, David received a
prophecy that said, “World Trade Center bombing in 1993 really shook
things up. Next time it will be a far more serious issue, if the planners
have their way.” Data regarding these synchronicities was published on the
Great Dreams website.

David began a business doing psychic readings in mid-July 1998. Literally

within a week, he had enough clients to support himself financially. He charged
60 dollars a client at the time.

David’s third client would not talk to him or tell him anything about herself
when she came in, so David just started the reading without any chit-chat.
David’s reading went into great, specific detail about the problems she was
having with her health and with her marriage, and what to do about them.
When he came out of trance, she was in tears.

By early 1999, David was able to follow the guidance of his readings and
establish a webpage online, http://ascension2000.com, where he featured his
scientific research, articles, readings and dream interpretations. The site
quickly grew in popularity.

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David realized that he was having dreams about his clients on the mornings
before he was to do their readings. The dreams had extraordinary detail about
what the clients’ issues were. This led David to begin offering “Dream
Readings” off of his webpage, where the client would get to talk to David on
the phone for at least an hour in an “intake” conversation, followed by David
getting a dream for the person and then doing a psychic reading on audiotape,
and a 15-minute follow-up conversation after the reading was received. His
initial rate was 80 dollars, then 100, finally 150. He made enough money from
this to eke out a living.

Without exception, every dream reading that David performed for his clients
had remarkable accuracy and picked out many pieces of data that he had not
been told consciously.

One man was flying out to California to apply for a new job and wanted to
know if it was a good idea. David’s dream went into extremely specific detail,
including the structure and mirrored appearance of the building, its position
next to a body of water with a small footbridge, the yellow backhoe seen
outside the building, what the woman interviewing the man looked, sounded
and acted like, what food would be offered to the man, what the office looked
like, what the bathroom looked like and the fact that he would walk through a
party on the way out.

At the end of the dream, a monster came out of the lake that looked like a
combination between Godzilla and a hippopotamus, and destroyed the building
entirely. The man was so shocked at how accurately David’s dream came true
that he was very concerned about the destruction prophecy and booked a
flight out of California just hours after he left the interview in haste. The
business he was applying to ended up collapsing in the dot-com crash of 2000-

Another dream-reading client contacted David and told him of her frequent
UFO experiences, which often happened at night and were of a very intense
nature, featuring pulsating sounds and light outside her bedroom window,
extraterrestrial presences coming into the room and giving her messages and
the like. The night that David did the dream reading for her, she had another
of her experiences.

A UFO appeared outside the window with bright light and pulsating noise, and
a robed man of light who looked like David appeared before her. This was the
first time that a human being had appeared before her in such a vision, and
she was convinced that it was David as his Atlantean incarnation of Ra-Ta. The
man said to her, “Remember the giant cathedral,” and she wrote it down. She
burst into tears on the phone the next day as David went into detail about his
dream for her, where he was trapped inside of a giant cathedral. She had said
nothing to David before he started describing his dream to her.

David had another client who was told in a dream reading that she had been a
Mayan priestess in her past life. Her husband was unwilling to perform human
sacrifice rituals and thus was killed. After he died, they astrally projected
themselves into the bodies of dolphins and whales in order to enjoy each
other’s company, but it still wasn’t enough for the man who longed to be back
with her.

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After getting the tape, she called him up and reported a dream from two years
ago where she was frolicking in the ocean as a whale with another whale
named “Elelaka.” She ended up leaving the water and turning back into a
human, which caused “Elelaka” to be sad. She responded to his protests by
saying that “I have to go take care of the children.” No dream analysts had
been able to figure out exactly what this dream was supposed to mean, but
David’s bizarre past-life account explained it perfectly.

In another dream reading case, David’s client Marshall Dudley awoke with a
dream where he had trouble setting up a tripod. Still remembering his dream,
he then went out, found the tape from David in the mailbox and listened to it.
David’s dream also featured a person having difficulty setting up a tripod.

As soon as the reading began, after one standard opening statement it began
by saying, “The tripod represents…” et cetera. Marshall was so impressed with
this that he paid for David to fly out to Knoxville, Tennessee to do a lecture
and workshop at Pellisippi State University, Goins Auditorium. It was David’s
first out-of-state lecture and was very well attended.

In January 1999 David befriended Dr. Hideo Izumoto, a Shinto teacher and
acupuncturist, whose angelic guidance informed him that David was Edgar
Cayce’s reincarnation. David had never told Hideo anything about such a
connection, and was glad that a psychic had independently verified his
reincarnation without front-loading.

David had a dream where a maladaptive fragment of his personality was to be

“killed” by having a person wearing a clown wig blast him with a bright light.
As he woke up and dictated the section about the strange attack, still feeling
some residual fear from the dream, a clown wig on the shelf in his closet
spontaneously jumped off the shelf and fell to the floor, causing David great
fright at first and then great wonderment. This was the most dramatic of an
ongoing series of telekinetic events — which always occurred in a way that left
open the possibility that they were “coincidences.”

In another example, David had a dream where his old marijuana friend had
can-openers for hands and was very sad. David told him that he could still pick
things up by putting his hands together. The friend was so excited that he
slammed the two can openers together very hard.

At the exact second that the can openers came together, David was awakened
by a smashing noise in his room. The clip-on light next to his bed had fallen off
of the windowsill, symbolizing “the death of the light.” Three days later David
learned that his friend Chris had engaged in a very illicit action at that exact
time on Friday night. Chris eventually rehabilitated from alcoholism in early
2000, based on David’s ongoing counseling.

In July of 1999, David received two cryptic sentences that said, “The vice
president considers this his own authorship, while not realizing that
he is completely naked. The interim period decides the next victor.”
The quote was published in two different places on the Internet.

Over a year and a half later, David realized that this was a prophecy of the
election crisis of 2000, where Gore thought he could “author” a win for himself
in the Presidential election by ordering recounts in Florida. The reading implied
that he never had a chance to win, as political elements in Florida were on

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Bush’s side, thus leaving Gore “completely naked.”

In 1999, David’s companion Sabrina stopped him while he was transcribing his
dreams and readings to tell him a story. At this point David was about three
months backlogged in transcription. She had visited the A.R.E. over the
weekend and met a man who showed her pictures of a building where the top
floor had been designed to look like a UFO. David continued transcribing right
after Sabrina told him this, and less than a minute later the dream was
describing a building where the top floor was designed to look like a UFO.

David called Sabrina into the room and played her the tape immediately, and
they were both astonished. This is but one example of many, where David’s
transcriptions would refer to events that had just unfolded in his life,
regardless of when the actual dreams or readings were done. Again, every
time David sat down to transcribe this would occur — it was the norm, not the

in January 2000, world-famous psychic Uri Geller also confirmed that David
was Edgar Cayce’s reincarnation and publicized it on his website.

Also in January 2000, David discovered “The Wilcock Constant,” a single

number that is a common denominator for every planetary and solar orbit in
the entire Galaxy, down to the second. He was literally “on fire” with
excitement about this, and just 24 hours later, the house only 15 feet from his
own next door burned down. Cayce also had several occasions where his
houses burned down — one occurred when he was sleeping on a couch, and
the couch appeared to be the cause of the fire.

In May 2000, David moved into his current residence. An acquaintance of his
needed a place to stay and David ended up hosting him longer than he felt
was appropriate. David finally confronted the man and told him that he needed
to leave. The day after the man left, a giant tree came down in David’s yard
over the exact spot that the man’s car had been parked, which the man was
spending most of each day working on. Had he not left 24 hours before, the
car would have been completely ruined. David’s landlord has still not replaced
the shed that was ruined by this tree fall, which did not even occur in a
hurricane, just a rather strong rainstorm.

In late 2000 and early 2001, David had a series of dreams that equated plane
crashes with sudden economic collapse. These were published along with
readings that warned of an economic crash by summer of 2002 that would be
precipitated by “a series of unforeseen catastrophic difficulties” in America. An
amazing series of symbolic experiences, psychic data and readings clustered
around the September 11th date for the WTC / Pentagon terrorist attack,
showing clear prophetic knowledge of the event in advance, which David has
preserved in four articles on his website.

Throughout the summer of 2001, David had dreams of houses catching on fire
and burning down. After September 11, he received a massive burst of
inspiration that led to the creation of The Divine Cosmos as a new book to
package his latest research findings. Within two days of this exciting
breakthrough, the house right down the street from him burned down, as had
now occurred on two previous occasions when David got really excited.

As of February 2002, David is still supported solely on public donations and is

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finalizing his scientific work by completing “The Divine Cosmos,” his third and
final book in a trilogy that discusses the concept; the first two being “The
Shift of the Ages” of 2000 and “Convergence: The Physics of
Ascension” of 2001. [David began doing client readings again in March 2002.]
David’s second book was inspired by a rejection letter of the first book from a
major publishing company. He eventually followed the suggestions and
rewrote the first book. He had a dream where he was referred to as “the
father of anti-gravity,” and was surprised as he knew nothing about it. What
he uncovered when he began looking into it in late 1999 became so substantial
that it has now triggered the two additional books, and David has presented a
complete scientific basis to explain how technologies involving anti-gravity
propulsion and limitless “free energy” from the vacuum are already within
humanity’s reach.

In December, 2000, David was hired by Dr. Scott Mandelker as the Research
Director for the grant-sponsored Time of Global Shift multimedia seminar tour,
which presented the core message of David’s scientific research to cities
throughout the US, featuring a slideshow with new images every 10 to 15
seconds to go along with the lecture.

In January 2001, David discovered the work of Dr. Alexey Dmitriev, who
convincingly demonstrated a scientific case that the entire Solar System is
showing a continual increase in its energetic charge. This proved to be the final
piece of information that proved that David’s core hypothesis was correct —
humanity, the Earth and the Solar System itself are on the brink of a sudden
burst of evolution, triggered by the Solar System’s transit into an area of
higher energy in the galaxy.

In April, 2001, David appeared twice within two weeks on the Art Bell
international radio program, with an estimated listening audience of 2-4 million
people. On the second occasion of April 31, several of his East Coast friends
“just happened” to wake up early in the morning and tune into the show
without knowing in advance that David was on.

In January 2002, David posted his first complete prophecy article, detailing
possible future events and their timelines. Time will tell whether or not they
come true. More articles have been released since then, as well as Part One of
Divine Cosmos, which had consumed almost all of David’s time and attention
over the previous half-year.

On the exact day that we released this book for the first time, David’s new DSL
service for the Internet also began. Since David originally connected to the
Internet at 2.2Kbps in 1995, this certainly represents a “raising of vibration” in
its own right, pushing the connection speed from 26.4Kbps to 1.544Mbps.

“We believe the Earth today is on the verge of a critical

transformation in both its physical form and energy body — a shift which
has been long-predicted throughout the world.

“We believe humanity is at the end of a major cycle of human soul evolution,
and that we now stand before a radically new phase of planetary life —
literally, a renaissance of civilization.

“And yet, we each have the freedom to decide if we will join in this

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momentous event — for despite the grandeur of the moment, we believe the
keys to participation are quite simple…

“Each of us holds the keys, as they are but elements of our own true nature:
basic human kindness, open heart and mind, and the desire to build a loving
world society. And thus, it is a special time on Earth, a time of global shift.”

Copyright © Divine Cosmos

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