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Answer: 1

Management has been come into existence when the people started to work in
the form of groups. The history reveals that grouping is done on the basis of
capabilities to perform. The evidence found that principles of management were
applied on that days too but in informal way. In the late nineteen century
industrial revolution emphasized on the development of the formal management
theory because after industrial revolution the organizational structure became
complex. Radical changes came into the management process. In that era many
pioneers made their contributions in the field of management to make it simple.
Before that era people used the opinion to make decisions rather that accurate
and investigated knowledge. Professor Charles Babbage made his contribution
by introducing the mathematical techniques for accurate decision making.
Robert Ownes the father of personnel management emphasized to improve the
working conditions of the workers.Henory Robinson town suggested that the
management should have the combined skills of engineering &economics to
succefully manage the workers.
The contribution of this pre-scientific phase had not great impact on the
management thought. The initiation of management science actually occurred in
the classical phase with the contribution of Fredrick Winslow Taylor, Henory
Fayol and Max weber. In this era traditional way of management were
challenged and replaced with scientific methods. They focused on scientific
approach towards organization. Taylor emphasized the one best way to perform
a task. He focused on operational efficiency .some scholars criticize on his
study arguing that he considers the man as machine and disregarded the human
elements. Frank and Lillian Gilberth helped in this regard. They devise a
method to eliminate the wasteful motion .He suggested that the way which
involves fewest body motion is the best one and proposed the training and
promotion of the workers.Henory Gantt provided the Gantt chart to compare the
actual and planed performance.
Henory Fayol the father of management argued that the whole business
operation can be divided into six activities. He provided the fourteen principles
of management. By applying these principles all the activities can be performed.
He also provided the five functions of management which carried out all the six
activities. Ax Weber proposed the beaurocratic model which prescribed the
organizational hierarchy on the basis of functional specialization. It was a rigid

model and applied only in that situation where the change is not anticipated or
rate of change is predetermined. It ignores the human element s at all.
Then neo classical era is started in which great emphasis given on individual
and group relation. Professor Elton Mayo recognizes as the father of human
relation. He argued workers productivity not only depend upon the working
conditions of them but also on their satisfaction level and relationship with other
coworkers. He proposed that this feeling of being important is more important
for the workers. He called the organization as a social system and emphasized
on cooperative attitude which could be developed with the effective two-way
They criticize on this as behavioral approach overemphasizes on psychological
aspects. And assumed that all organizational problems can be solved with the
human relations. Modern theory said that man and machine are equally
important to increase the productivity .It considered an organization as an
adoptive system which has to change according the situations. Modern theory
has two approaches; systematic approach said that organization is consisted of
sub system that are integrated and interdependent on each other .the defect in
one sub system has an impact on overall organization while contingency
approach emphasize on the relationship between organization and its
environment .contingency approach also suggested that there is no one best way
to perform any task it has to change according to the situation.
Answer: 2
Manager basic objective is to secure the economic return of the organization
through the five functions of the management (planning, organizing,
coordinating, leading and controlling) this primary objective cannot be attained
without securing the cooperation and positive response from the people. Now
the question is that who will solve this problem? Management is the art of
getting things done through and with people in formally organized group. It is a
group activity to achieve targeted objectives. Getting suitable workers for
specific position to execute the work is the function of the management. On
one hand it brings the competent people in the workplace who sure their
positive response and on the other hand it extract work from them in an
integrated and coordinated manner by using management techniques to achieve
that primary objective of the organization. It mobilizes the physical, human and
financial resources to achieve the desired objectives with the help of ongoing

process through personnel of the organization in dynamic business environment.

In every discipline where the group activity is involved, management is the one
who secure their performance by planning, coordinating .directing and
controlling the organized groups by applying principles of management as
guideline and by using scientific techniques.
Answer: 3
To answer the question that the management is either a science or an art we
have to consider the criteria of both .To be a science or an art it has to fulfill the
respected criterias. As a science management does not fulfill all the criterias of
science because to be a science it has to reproduced the same results again and
again in the same conditions but it does not work so.Secondly there is no one
individual institution who regularize this. There is no obligation to have a
standard level of education to become a manager of an enterprise. On the other
hand it followed the certain criteria like systematized body of knowledge and
application of scientific method for observation so we can say that management
like other social sciences is an inexact science.
To be an art the management fulfilled all the respective criterias. Art is the
application of science and management too apply the science to get the work
done by the people. Selection and training of the workers by using scientific
techniques. Secondly in an art practice is made to reach the level of perfection
and it is also done I the management in the form of continuous improvements in
ongoing process.
In short we can say that management is oldest art and youngest inexact
science.it is changing its nature from art to science but yet it is not an exact
science like other natural sciences.

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