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The international organizations came to be right after World War II which had left te

countries in a very difficult situation and it was the appropriate time for the
goverments to come to an agreement and make places where they could discuss and
prevent wars.
The porpuses of these organizations were:
Provide spaces where they could solve any kind of problems.
Create strategies with dialog and coordination.
To my criteria the most important organizations are the ones that were made to
control and solve enconomical problems such as the World Bank, the International
Monetary Fund (IMF), and the World Trade Organization (WTO). The WTO
emerged out of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in 1995
Created after de first world conference about economic problems celebrated in New
Hampshire, USA on July 1994.
Some of its purposes are:
To promote international monetary cooperation Provide policy advice and
technical assistance to help countries build and keep their economies stronger.
Make short and medium term loans and helps countries design policy programs
to solve balance of payments problems .
Facilitate the expansion of international trade.
To achieve balanced economic growth and high level of employment in member

World Bank
It was also created after the first world conference along with the IMF. It's a financial
institution whose purposes include assisting the development of its member
nations territories, promoting private foreign investment and promoting longrange balance growth in international trade.
This two institutions have a couple of things in common as they both deal with their
member countries one at a time. They have little influence with industrial
countries but can affect developing countries during times of economic crisis and
when those countries a looking for additional foreign exchange resources.
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
Covers international trade in goods. The workings of the GATT agreement are
the responsibility of the Council for Trade in Goodwhich is made up of
representatives from all World Trade Organization member countries. The Goods
Council has 10 committees dealing with specific subjects.
In conclusion, this organizations were basically made to have the right control of the
economic situation around the world. It's important that this kind of institutions exist
because they creat space where the different countries can talk and come to an
agreement when they face differents kind of problems. I think this type of

organizations are the most relevant because now a days everything revolves around
money and having places that controls it make everything easier.

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